Imam Patiikt OoMMrmD. John Blnn waa brought up from Olatska. oielaot Monday by Conittbla Haines and esamlned before Ju4i Doo by Dra. Oliif and Bom nd committed to tba asylum. Rigft, according to bit own etory, bad been ia the Mylum until few weeke ago, when ha went to Clatskanle and obtained work on the railroad. While at work ha felt off wagon and eerlously injured hia ltit Tar Ha ii taken to tha eav- luoi Monday evening by Constable Koblnson aoa u. w. oiaaesiey. Vaar Laioi Balmo. What ia be J.eved to be tha largeat aalmon aver captured In tha Columbia river was de livared at Elmore cannery Saturday. Ita actual measurement from tip to tip was four feet five and one hall iuchea, and ita largeat circumference three feet, and girth cloaa to tha tail being fully one foot. It weighed eighty-one and one halt pounda. Tha head, whan covered from tha body, weighed eight and one half pounda. When packed ' the flab fl'lea Ave and one-quarter doaen one pound onus. Bcuir rot Ahbbicabb, Oongreaa baa appropriated $50,000 for the relief of destitute Americana la Cuba. The long drawn-out war oii tha laland haa been the meaoe of tbouaanda of people abandoning their plantationa and aeeking refuge in the larger cltlea by order of the Spaniab governor general Theaa people have loit all their prop erty and are peanileee and homeleea, ao tnat relief from tha United State government waa absolutely neoeatary to auatain human lite. Tha preaident aigned the relief bill Monday and the appropriation ia now available for the purpose for which It waa intended. Boafpoosb iv Evidmcb, Soma Portland gentlemen who have been fishing on tha Boappooe elate that deer are being hunted with bounda down there. Thia ia remarkable, especially at thia eeaeoa whan bunt ing deer le not allowed at all. Per bapa the bounda were out hunting. on tbelr own hook, to get something to eat, and the men who were out were only trying to protect tha deer from the bounda. There are large depoeitc of iron ore on the Scappooae, and Mr. Frank Payne haa put up a mill there for grinding thia ore to make mineral paint. There ia ore enough there to make paint enough to paint the whole country red, or almost any other color, Monday'a Oregonian. A Djbtt Oarrn A gang of about 60 Mexican gypeiea arrived herein wagona laat evening, and encamped in the grove. Southern Oregon papers elate that they were guilty of all man ner of petty depredations aa they oaaaed through that Dart of the etata. These so-called gypeiea are 'doing" the town today, the aqua we aneaking around everywhere offering to tell fortune, and picking op all the loose ardclee possible. A gentleman who haa traveled eatene vely in tha south em eouuUee, telle ua that thia band of wand ere re are really Fetagoniene, and that the- aoeak very Utile Bpanieb The city marshal notified them to move oo without delay, and they left tola afternoon. Boeeburg ttevtew. Tin's Limb Burid- Judge Day (daon recently employed Willi Tripp to trim the tree around bla residence, and amone? them waa the balm en which the two Vineona were banged Ausuat 10. 1898. save tha Ellensborg Capital It developed the fact that tha tree ia in a thriving condition with the exception of the two limb that held the rope, ana wey arc a dead aa Ceaaar. It will be remembered that father and era were euspended from two of the lower limbs, each about an Inch and a quarter in diem our, and nearly exactly opposite, one on the eaat and one on the weat aide of the tree, ao close together that the face of the dead men almost touoned each other after the work waa dona. Now, the life ia out of those two limb, while the rest of the tree ia growing like it companion. Rati Warn Now Ob?. The Southern Pacific Company a few daya ago re duced the fare from San Francisco to Portland by rail from 121 to 119 first olaaa and from 114 to f 12 second class. The O. B. A N. Company immediately met thia cut by reducing the fare by eteamer to 910 cabin and 5 ateerege. Immediately following thia announce ment tha Southern Paciflo made a second out, placing the first claea fare at 915 and second clan 910. The O. B. A N. mat thia out and went them ne better by further reducing the fare by steamer first and second das to 98 and H respectively. Laat year during the rate war tha ateamera were carrying passengers at 95 and 92 60 and claim tbey made money owing to the increased amount of travel. The rats will, no doubt, be out to this figure it the railroad company make any further redaction. Since the foregoing waa put in type the news baa gone out tbat the Southern Pa cine haa made another reduction. Thle time tha fare by rail haa been reduoed to 910 and 97.50 first and eeoond olaaa retpeotively. Tm Qbavi Eobbu Cauoht. The quartette Magone, Long, Bsc lor and Montgomery who stole the body of the lata W. 8. Ladd from Biverview cemetery at Portland laat week, have teen captured ana are now in an Multnomah county Jail awaiting tbe aotion of the Brand iurv with bail fixed at 95000 each, which none of them were able to furnish. Mont gomery gave the whole plan away and explained the details of the rob bery and what part each one took in it. According to bia atory the scheme originated with Maeona. who formu lated tbe plan and superintended its execution. Long aad Bcctor were hired, so hia atory goer, for -150 each, it being represented to them that the body to be taken waa that of a pauper and waa for a medioal college. Ma gone and Montgomery expected there would be a big reward offered tor tne recovery of the remain at once and thereby tbey would make a stake. It waa the Intention of the robbers to ateal the body of tbe late 0. H. Lewis also, but before thia bad been accom plished the detectives were ao hot on "their track for the first offense tbat Montgomery sot scared and "squealed with tha result that tbey are all now in tne Multnomah county Jail. PERSONAL, AMD LOUAli. 0. H. Plggott waa in Balniar Mon day last. Mr. J. Q. Muckl waa in Portland Monday last. Mr. J. II. Sheldon Tisited in Port land thia week. Mis Amy George spent last Satur day in thia city. Jamaa Sheldon did buaiueaa In tbe metropolis Uat Tuesday. George Parry, of Houlton, waa on our streets last Tuesday morning. , Judge Poan waa attending to pro bate matter in thia olty last Monday. Descriptive pamphlet of thia county tor sale at thia oittoa, only 10 centa each. .'- t Mr. 0. H. Piggott and children vis ited in Portland Monday and Tuesday of this week. Ice oreara and cake will be aerved at Masouio hall Saturday afternoon and evening. Adam and Cutbbert Stump, ot Soap poose, were in town last Monday at tending to business matter. Tha rlr at thia nluM waa verv rough laat Saturday morning, caused by the strong northerly winds. niatnnt Atlnrnav ClMtoa want to AalorU RnnitK nicht ta ha on hand at tha opening of court Monday morn ing. . flanrM flanrlff. nf UTnnriianil. who baa a little daughter here under tbe treatment of Dr. Cliff, waa in thia city last Monday. Tha riur at Tha Dallas stands 401 tuL ahnva lna water mark. This is about 20 feet below tbe mark of 1894 at that place. Ur and Ura. W. V. Timmona have lVurt anartmanta in iha Tavlor build ing, having engaged a nice suite of rooms tnere. Tbe low boata pay no attention to the revetment on tbe opposite aide of the river at thia place, ana low logs right over tbe top of it. A croquet f round ia being cleared off at the back part of town, on tbe Houlton road. It may be expected to see croquet an up-to-date game in tbe near future. ' A doctor In Berlin haa successfully sewed op a man's heart, after ha had been subbed. If these doctor keep ou, tbey will make it impossible tor anyone but themselves to kill a man. Mr. C. 0. Mover, ot Carieo valley, hae been so afflicted with a severe cold for a week or more that it was necessary for him to atop work in the Stanwood camp tor several daya. Joe Eversol left laat Saturday for Portland and other points in search of employment. Joe haa been here for about five yeara and ia a good, faithful worker at whatever be undertake. Tha road to Nehalem, through the Milton creek valtey ia not yet thorough ly dried out. There oeeda be consid erable sunshine in tbat locality yet before the roads can be aald to be in prime condition for pleasant and prof itable nae. : Strawberries end cream were aerved at Maaooio ball on Thursday evening ot laat week by the Ladies.Guild of tbe Episcopal church. Two dishes tor 16 centa apiece waa the price, and quite a number availed themselves ol the opportunity. . Q. D. Gilaon, 8. A. Miles, Sheriff Kice.Q. A. 8aoford, Jamea Muokle, Miss Lottie Hall, Mrs. Hall and sev eral persons from - Houlton, whose oamea oould not be learned, were pas sengers tor Portland on the early morning boat last Saturday. Clsud Gatch, mayor of Salem, was, at the session of tbe grand lodge ol Odd Fellows held in Portland laat week, elected grand master for tha enauing year. Mr. Gatch ia a representative busineee man ot Salem, being cashier of one ot the principal banks ot the capital city. l.itira VnRrM. aftar adlonrnlnK annrt kiM laat Wide-, want to Hills- boro to hold an adjourned term there on Saturday. On Sunday night he ...... j - jj i want in aetnria to noia aa auiuaruau term, beginning Monday morning, wbicn ne tnougni wouia occupy mm oourt'a lime for about tour daya. ttanlnn Villtn. Iha Wall ltnOWB at tomey and Bound money democrat, ot Portland haa haan annotated a SDacial mmmIuIimw Ia tait A 1 sulfa and re port to oongreaa upon the agricultural r . . . . . . . - Villi.. resources or, mat territory, jar. juuw waa the choioe of the Oregon delega tion in oongreaa for thia appointment. Tha stock ol the Must-rove and Guild nlaoea on Sauvie'a island were moved to tbe mainland last Saturday and taken to Bunker hill, where tbey will remain until tha water recedes. They were brought over to this city en the El wood, there being a oargo oi ia head, most ot them being dairy cow. HT. I. TT. Imlmir. of the firm of Im boff i Miner, the monument dealers, of Portland, waa in town xuesuay last. u. Tmhntr until rananur. waa en- l h.ialnaaa In Aatnria. hill re moved to Portland, where he purchased tne plant Ol anoiuer uriu auu win hereafter conduct a bnsineaa in that .u vr. Vrnhnff haa dnna a lama V 1 . M. ... - amount ot business in Columbia oonnty and ia considered tborougniy rename. Lindley Meeker, the auperviaor of it.i. mmA diatrint. haa been dolnar some splendid work on our thoroughfares of late. .Especially can wis oe aaiu ui the road from Houlton towards this city, and along the Soappoose road. Where formerly there were he worst mudholes the place are now filled with gravel taken from the bed of Mil ton creek. Too modi work cannot be done on the roads nf Columbia county In explanation, we have been re quested to atate tbat after the cere 2,Mlaa in tha hall in this citv Satur- day evening, ice oreara will be sold at Maaooio hall, tne proceeds 10 oe uu- nated to tbe Meinoaiat cnurcn. huwb lit AhaFffn I).., work have DreDfti'td III Vse " sn excellent and appropriate pro gramme, and the ceremonies will do credit to the occasion. All war veter ans in the surrounding country are saruestly requested to be present. The entire pubiio is aiso invueu. A happier and more enoouragiag condition of affaire may be expected to maintain now among the lowland farming element Inasmuch as tha ria ing waters of the Columbia have quite reached ita aenith, ao it ia hoped. Should this be the case there will yet remsin suffloisnt time for tbe farmer to put In crop and reap a moderate yield. Not only will tbla be one fea ture In their favor, but there will be many other condition to take into consideration whioh will encourage and financially strengthen them, inso far aa price or tbelr product will un doubtedly remain firm, and a much better demand prevail throughout the remainder of the summer and fall. There ia yet considerable activity in the logging: business ou Milton creek. Tbe Stanwood camp ia in- full opera tion with a fair aixed force of men, and many thousand feet of splendid log, are being launched Into the creek dally from that camp. Mr. Stanwood Is cutting the timber off tne large bill on tbe north side of Milton creek, nesr tbe Muckle camp, and hia means of launching the log is by an immense chute, nearly 2500 feet in length. It Is aald by partiea who have seen the loga on their tranait to tbe water, that they travel tbe diatance in about nine seconds. Oxen are used to haul the loga to the chute. The expected run of salmon did not occur yesterday, although more than the recent average number of run was received. The water is still very muddy at the light abip, which indicates that tha freihet hss not subsided, and eia fishermen think that thisia what holda baok the fish. When tbe frs-het sub side there will be plenty of fish. The only fear ia that there will be ao many in a bunch tha canneries cannot take care of them, although tbey are in much better condition to do ao than they were last year, aa there ia not ao much gear on the river. Saturday'a Aatorian. Tha Weatfield, Ind..News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place i "Frank MoA voy, for many years in tbe employ ot tne u., N. A. A C. By., here, says: 'I have used Chamberlain's Oolic, Obolera and Diarrhoea Bemedy for ten years or longer m never without It in my family. I consider it -the very beet remedy of the kind manufactured. I take pleasure in recommending it." It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For aala by Dr. Edwin Boss. Over 91000 worth ot vegetable ar rived from San Francisco on tbe laat steamer. These vegetables could just aa well be raised in Clatsop county aa not. Tbe money cent oat of Astoria tor vegetables is never returned, ssye the Astoria Herald. Why oould not Columbia oonnty supply some of the garden and farm produce for Astoria San Francisco. A lannt ttiMMiffh tha ennntrv at thia aaaann nf tha vaar iamrlainl a aonrea nt arnat ntaaanra ta thnaa who hava been confined to their places of buai ueaa during tba long winter montna. Nature has done her part in making maadnwa. orchards, fielda and forest attractive, and at this season every spot in tne oountry is a lovea one. Tha iarantv-flfth annual reunion of tha Oraann Pinnear Association will take place in tbe exposition building In roruano on June ao. ine annual andress will be delivered by Hob. Jnhn R IfnRrida. wha eama to Oreeon in 1846, and the opening prayer by Kev. J. B. unmn, wno crossed toe plains in 1B3V. Mr. J. W Tav. an attorney who haa been practicing in Albany, will be in Bt. Helens In a lew oaya ano assoct- .1. himaatf arith Ur. W. D. Dillard in (ha nrantina of law. Mr. Day waa here some time ago looking over the field, and aa a result ol bis visit naa con cluded to permanently locate bere. A naw sidewalk has been constructed in frnnt nf tha Jamna If uekla and Van- 8cbny ver property on Columbia street, n mucu nesoea sua appreciated im provement. The new walk cooneote with tha one recently laid in front of the Meeker property. Tarantv.tam naraona left thia citv OS one eteamer laat Saturday morning Inr Portland. It ia not an uncommon thing for from eight te twelve to leave on tbe early morning boat, and quite as many more, probably, on tne eiier- noon eteamer. It ia aaid a teat will be made of the rural delivery of mail in Marion county. An nfflnial from tha noatoffice deoart- ment at Washington haa been ordered to Salem for the purpoee of making tbe experiment. It cannot be denied that red cedar shingles are In demaad. All the mill ara mnninff. with shinsrlas hard to aL an tha dealers generally report. saya tbe rugel oouno iiuinoerman. The Ladies Columbia County Vet eran Aid 8oolety, of Vernonia, have arranged a programme to take place there next 8unday. Begular memor ial exercises will ne neio. Tha littla nhlldran nf Vt. A. Rwaffer. Bt Kelso, were poisoned one day last week by eating macaroni ano cneeee, but all are reported recovering, aaya the Kelso Journal. Mr. James Muokla haa been in Port land aeveral daya thia week soaling imra anlJ tn nut of the mills there. Logs are now worth from 93 to 93.50 per tnouaand. 8. A. Milea adorned hia property on the south aide of St. Helens street with a neat picket fence recently, aad the same la neatly paintea. Mrs. E. C. Gray, of Whatcom county, Wash., is the guest of her son, M. 0. Gray, of thia city. Mra. Gray will spend several day here. Attorney W. F.Timmon and 8. D. Dennis have formed a partnership for the praotice of law. They are located in the Taylor building. An adjourned terra of circuit oourt will be held here today, at whioh time a number of equity cases will be beard by Judge MoBride. The steamboats ara having soma dif ficulty in getting wood, most of the wharves along tha river being under water. Professor Charles Hall, of tha Rain ier school, waa a passenger up for Portland laat Saturday morning. John Scott ia Buffering from aa at tack of lung trouble. Th MrT and Oregonian one year for 12.00 in advance. Bev. Philbrook will conduct services in this city next Sunday evening. Get neat Job printing done at thia office. Price lower than the lowest. Work on the Congregational church will probably begin in the very near future. ,. Bemember the memorial exercises to be held in thia city tomorrow (Sat urday) evening. Bev. George B. VsnWater. of St. David's church, Portland, preached in this city Wednesday evening. Bev. M. Bnrlingame'a family arrived here Wednesday night, and will take up their resideuce at Houlton. Mr. J. G. Palmer arrived in this city yesterday. Since leaving bere be baa spent several daya in epokaoe. Tha wood flume has been In oper ation bere for several days. Tbe Wik etrom wharf ia convenient for the boats in high water. Mr. Q. A. Hall returned from Rain ier yesterday morning, where be bad been for a few daya in charge of bia brotber'a school at that place. Captain Thomas Crang of tbe White Collar Line was married last Wednes day at Forest Grove to Mrs. Jessie M. Allen of Port Townsead, Wash. Congressman Thomas H. Tongue waa aeriously injured in a atreet car accident in Washington one day last week. He waa taken to tbe hospital for treatment. General Gomes, commander-in-chief ot the Cuban insurgents, ia arranging to come to this country to personally interview President MoKinley in re gard to the Cuban question. It will be necessary to put a few extra braces in the new Episcopal church bere to prevent it spreading, It ia also tbe intention to build an ad dition to the main building to be need aa a vestry and for tbe ladies' guild. Under an act paased by the last congress, a person who defacea a gold or ailver coin is liable to a fine of two thousand dollars and five yeara im prisonment. This is a law with which comparatively few are familiar but wbicn all should fully understand. The first amendment proposed to the Dingier tariff bill in the senate, offered by Vest, waa defeated Wednes day by a decisive vote of 34 to 20. There were two democrats, one ailver republican and two populists who voted with tbe republicans. This make the outlook for the passage of tbe bill by tbe senate more favorable than at any time aince the measnre waa framed. Tell me, ye winged wind that round my pathway roar, do you not know some spot where wives clean house no more: some lone, sequestered, leaiy dale, some island ocean grit, where life is not one eeaeelesa war with cobwebs and with dirt; where only nature's car pet spreads beneath tbe tired feet, and whither man ia ne'er compelled ita tire some folds to beatT Tbe light breeze fondled my face, and said, "Beat on there'! no such place. . The mininar town of Sylvanite, Idaho, ia aaid to produce a gold brick of the value of I3&UU each week, fiewa comes from all parts of Oregon, Idaho, Washington and British Columbia of an increased output of rich ore thia season. Tbe . busineaa depression lor the past few yeara haa driven a great number of people into tbe mining in dustry and the result hss been greater activity in mining than waa ever known in tbe Northwest before. The general merchandise store of N. A. Perry, at Houlton, baa been removed to a position fronting the south, and aa soon aa tba work can be accomplished the large building re cently occupied, by A. H. Tarbell, aa a store, will be removed to where Mr. Perry's store formerly stood, and abut ting on tbe other building. Xbua tba two buildings will be used for the same purpose, and Mr. Perry will have an increased amount of room for tha eonduot of hia fast growing business. The weather bureau Wednesday issued the following river bulletin "The Snake and Columbia, above Pasco, have risen slightly, and the Co lumbia from Umatilla westward has fallen. The Willamette haa fallen slightly. The alight rise in the upper river is due to the warmth of last Sunday. Tbe current very oool weather over the Columbia river basin will produce a marked tall in tbe river from Thursday above Paaoo and from Saturday below the Cascades. The fall at Portland will be about two feet by Sunday or Monday noon. A Bra Drivb. A Corvallis dispatch saya : There ia much activity here in gathering cattle for the big drive that will leave Eugene about Jnne 1, for the East. Simma s Co. are buying 2400 head, of which 300 are to be shipped by tail. Tbe rest, all year lings and 2-year-olds, are to be driven through to Wyoming. It is expected that the drive will reach Wyoming in September. It cceta 4 a head to ship, and the drivers figure that the band can be driven for aa a bead. A Dakobbocs Voy aos. The old steamer H. O. Grady haa been pur chased by San Franoisco partiea and will be taken to the Saoramento river where she will be used as a fruit boat. No stern-wheel steamer has ever made the voyage from the Columbia river to Ban Franoisco, and it ia considered an extra hazardous trip, especially for so frail a boat as tbe Urady. Many steamers have been taken from the Columbia river to Puget Sound suc cessfully, but tbe trip le Ban Fran oisco ia entirely different. The Grady waa built 19 yeara ago and waa then oalled "Traveler." A tew years later she waa remodeled somewhat and her name chanced to "City ot Frankfort." Some three yeara ago a new hull waa built for the old craft and her mame changed to "H, O. Grady." She hss, at different timea run on the Astoria route, but was never a financial suc cess sinoe the early days of tbe old Traveler, and it ahe ever reachea San Franoisco tha salt water voyage may have purged her of the hoodoo whioh haa followed the old hulk aU these year. Honor tbe Brave Dead. Memorial services will be held st tbe Opera house tomorrow (Saturday) erenlng. begioniagat o'clock, at which time an interesting and entertaining programme. consisting of songs, reultsUona, addresses, etc, will be rendered. Memorial day oora- ing on Sunday this yesr makes it necesssry to change its observance to Saturday. No mall amount of labor baa been expended on the following splendid programme which all are Invited to witness : Bon-"BttU Cry of Freedom". . . .Led b Choir Prayer.. ., .Rev. w. b. niaeaireu Boa "On, Ob, On, Tbe Bora Came March- in,"... Ledbrcneir Bedtatioe "The Honored Dead" ,.. , Mm WlnnleWay Address...'. Hot. 0. E. rhtlbreok Son-"M arching Through Georgia" -v uo or i-noir KecitaUon "The Blue and the Orey" .., .,. ,...Mi Annie George Addraw .Hod. T. i. Cleeton fklo-"The Uat BoU Cal " Mlw Longaore Address.. Mr. W. F. Tlmmoru Address Her. W. L BlackveU Song "Tenting oa tbe Old Camp Ground" .....Ladle' quartette Radiation "The Picket Oaard".MUutaTnder Address Mr. A. Dayfe. Song "Tramp. Tramp, Tramp". ..Led by Choir Bcuatlon-"The Challenge".. ..Mlai Longacre ong-"Ameriea" Led by Choir BcnedletloD Bar. O. K. Philbrook STATE! NEWS NOTES. At Dallas last Sunday a number of per sons were poisoned by sating ice cream, but no deaths occurred. Millard Perclral, Hriug four mile from Independence, was shot ia tbe ana by a supposed burglar laat Monday. John P. Iriah has besn invited to deliver an addrese on "Money" before the Chau tauqua assembly at Oregon City in July. The governor has appointed J. B. V. But ler, John I. Daly and K. O. Fentland as re gents of ths Monmouth Kormal school for a term of six years. The Metbodiat camp meeting will begin at Cenby, Oregon, on June 18th and close on the 28th. Family admission for the season, $1; Individual season ticket, 60c; single admisslen. 10c. Last Wednesday morning fire broke out in the Odd Fellows building at Grant Pass, totally destroying tbe building and also ths goods belonging to two etores lo-'l ealed in th lower story. Ferdinand Hartrampf, a 19-year-old boy living near Forest Grove, carelessly ex ploded a dynamite cap last Sunday. Both of his bsnds were Injured, the left so badly that it was necessary to ampntats ths ends of the thumb and forefinger. Isaac Hale, a fishermen, while sailing near the mouth ot the Colombia Monday was struck on the bead by ihs boat's boom and knocked overboard. Bia body never came to tbe surface after it struck the water. Thlt makes the fifth casuality of this kind this season. writ of injunction hss been sued out in Judge Fullerton's court at Engene to pre vent the county treasurer of Lane county from paying over tbe full amoant of the state taxes. The county court Drat made an order that the treasurer should not pay the atate tax and that official refused to obey tbe oourt'a order, whereupon the in junction proceedings were had, sad the circuit court will be asked to decide tbe matter. Real Estate Transfers. John Cadarette and wife to Norman Merrill, neX of neX. sec U.tSn.rJw, quitclaim; $1. . Frank Dow and wire to Kverdmg Far- rell, lots S, 4, 6 and 6, sec 21, tSn, rlw; 1.00. X. B. Elliott and wife to Astoria Railroad company, right of way ; $10. George F. Moeck and wife to V. J Switser, tote 7 and 8 bik 87, lots 9 snd 10 blk 39, lots Sand 8blk 82, Moeck's addition to Rainier; 1775. F. Patterson, trustee, to G. W. Patterson and Derid Patterson. n)j of nwK. swX of awK and nwX of swX. sec23,t7n,r4 w; U.00. James Qninn and wife to the public, oonnty road; 85. I la Site Baas sua 3rta.w That Is what Edwards Parker, merch ants, of Plains, Ga., say of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, for rheumatism, lame baok, deep-eeated and muscular pains. Bold by Br. Edwin Boss. A Loho-Fbxt Wait Supplied. A well-known citiien, who is of philac thropio turn of mind and ia also pos sessed ot considerable ingenuity and mechanical skill, and who is very fond of shad, ia engaged in perfecting a machine for extracting tbe bones from shad. Tbeae fine fisb are now plentiful in the Columbia, but oa ao- count of tne number ot nonce tney contain, are not so extensively used ... . a a .a aa tbey deserve to be. Hia idea is tbat if the bones oould ne extracted from the ahad or the abad from the bones, the fish could be made np into patties or a new style of fish balls, and, in this way, would rapidly grow in favor, and these valuable fish be more extensively utilised. The ma chine, it is understood, will be some thing in the way ot a carding ma chine, or between that and a oax hetcbeL The finished product will be in great favor with persona who have poor teeth. Commercial lob printing neatly and quiCKiy odd at suia ouiuw. 1 1 f flO XAHltlKO. WaitACB-Doroiit. At the residence of the Driae a parents, at vaiiey, uu dhuiu.,, Chaxlea' J. Wallace and Miss Mary JEL TV A lupuiiis. absolutely: PurOa Celebrated for Ita great leavening atrenirth and hoalthfulneas. Assures the food against alum aad all forma ot adul teration ooromoQ to the oheap breads. BOTAI. BAK1KS roWBSB CO., HSW ToaK. aaan (gji.jjui-J '."'I.'." LIMIIM..I.I JvVefietoUePreparationlbr As similating deTood and Reg ula Uijg rhtS tornado aixLBowm of yjessaTvdHtontaias neither Opnja7,Morphin0 tot MLrcial, MOT NAB C OTIC. VflaMTV- &55EaV. AnofVct Remedy for Conslioa- tioa. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Worms .umvtiisions.revensnr tss and LOSS OF SLEEE TacSiasle Signature of 1STEW "YOHK. I -j T EXACT CO WOT WHA PPM. pay ay ayjysjsi ay ay Jst)ia:y aj CASH GROCERY I wish to announce to the public that I have anew StOCk Of a-saa. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CLEAN AND FRESH Which I have just opened in tbe building recently occupied by .new- A all Jtr W.lbtna IT.warv artipln ia ahanlnlnltf fraaf. and ail D-nndn Will ha 'f if found to be iust as represented. . Li - - k A portion of the public patronage ia asked for, and your money's 1 W worth ciiRrantAed. Call and h convinced. worth guaranteed. Call irid be convinced. J SHT1. I-IEaLiESr3, OIRElC3-Orr. j ft- waT" TaBaW amBaV --ar rWsr issr lAr j- -j -jjftf & rW rsW -lafcr TsW -fT Ttr ' Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of AaAA.siAA.!S aaWtfArftlJWrVrMisaaaakAA4 DRUGS, i TOILET I ARTICLES WVWWWrVvWvVV School An Unusually well-selected Stock J1 J Ika Tn T CUB, tftUU bLIO ACD A FINE LINE OF Fin38i Perfamea tuid Soups....... - .......raLieUb JaOUlCiUSJBl THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS MOFF & UINAR, MANDFACTTJEKR Ot Monuments MARBLS aaa enaNiTf ARD ALL XINDB Ot CBMKTBBY WORK ITALIAN MARBLB A B-SCIALTY. 321 L Morrison St.,Portland, Or FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. an am br Young America -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH LeaTeBt. Helens Arrive at Portland Lean Portland... ....... Arrive at St. Helens. 6:30 A M 10:00 A M ..... 2:30 P M . K P M Will Carry Nothing; but Fassengers ana l ast c reigna. JAMES GOOD, MASTER TRATTHE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE' -OF 7, IS 01T THE WRAPPER OP EVERT - ! .i BOTTLE OTP 211 Oaateria is est fat eaube settles aalv. II is sat sell ia bilk. Seat allow anyone te sell roa earthing slat oa tba plea er pmnJao tbat it la "jest as gee" saa wm aaswer eejie. pose." -8e Oat yea set 0-A-8-I-O--ti. jrayBTSi yJi yy ay mf-V-W "IIH .... H i i i i i i i i .VtAaAsAaWaj4aAaJati w w ia,f''r'We' vvvvvVvvvvv T Supplies of Writing Tablets, Fens, Feu- J I, ai am (tin Vf n vlryvf M uvJ VU 11V3 aaBw. FANCY STATIONERY PRB8CBIPTION8 CAREFUIXY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. 4 -THE BANQUET SALOON CL0NINGER&C00PEE, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices (or the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS - Besides other popular brands, are kept na.on.lw n.i h.nH tst .linillv till itlftrAAfed trade at this very popular saloon. THK FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE W ISKY IS KEPT AY EB BAMdUBT. iiucnxE bho3. HABUraCTOlKES or Dimension Lumber, Floorir., : Eustlo, 8heathins. Casinfte, and a complete stock ol eveiy variety ot Rongh and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OK HAND. . AT THB OLD STAND. ST, HELEN ORBJOi mil M" eST,W ' K ' - - " a SB J mr J- .a aSeaaUSBB 1