OREGON MIST. 1HVEB EVERT FHIDAY MORHISS -by- BEEGLE 4 DAVIS. akecrlptl.si Hates. One eopy one year la aalTanoe..... One iy 1 mumha Sitie pf..-,..- -ii m . 60 - Advertising ratal made Knows a poo application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. C.aaty Olllnn. iuflra.. ........... Clerk Sheriff TtMwnr Bur, of School. ....Joseph B. Boaa. Rainier .....Judn WMd. ViRiomi J. N. Rice, ClaMkante ...E. M. Wharton. B. Helena J. O. Watts, Boappooa .Martin While. Quiucy Surveyor Coraeer. .......... Commissioners j ; ...W. N. Mewrve, Pelena ..St. A. P. McLaren. Rainier ..... A. Frakee, Soaitpooaa ...... ...N. 0. Fteraon, Mist T. HELENS. OREeH,HAT II Thx First National bank of Hillsboro baa closed Dp iu business and two of its principal (ockholders bave started private bank. Tbe national bank basinets does not seem to be so profit able as some people would make be lieve. " Tin intelligence that Gomes with fait army is moving on Havana shows that Weyler knew what be was about when be started to fortify that eity the other day on the land side. It shows, too, that Oomei is as skeptical as Wey ler aboat the truth of Weyler's story that "tbe war is oyer." There is very little encouragement here for Spain to grant her reforms to Cuba. The Cubans will not accept them, and the expenditure of statesmanship made in framing them is all wasted. ICkxbeks elected to the last legisla tors, but who refuted to qualify, pre sent a pitiable spectacle writing let ters to Washington -deploring the fact that Oregon has but one senator when aba should have two, now that a sin gle republican vote might affect the whole country. They should have thought of these things last winter, when, bad they done die duty they were elected to perform, Oregon would now nave two representatives in the United States senate, and the republi can party an additional vote when it is sorely seeded. Fossil Journal Tubkiy will gain nothing by the war except a little prestige, and this ' will be very little, considering her great preponderance over Greece in population, resources and fighting force. he will not be allowed to bold any territory hitherto belonging to Greece. , he is just aa much of an i N t. ana oerconuuueu existence will depend npori the suffer ance of the big powers, as it has done be has three very strong1 friends Germany, Austria and Russia among tbe powers, and this probably gives her a lease of life for a few decades longer. On reason why most of the great nations are either openly or secretly pleased at Turkey's success is that many of their citizens bold Turkish stocks and bonds. .. These persons would be peculiarly injured by Turk ish defeat, for that would lower the Value of their holdings. Tbe class Jl?bich buy railroad and government securities is a very important element of tbe population of every great nation of tbe modern day. In the present conflict most of this element is on the aide of Turkey, because Greece has few railroads, its government loans have not been large, and its general credit is low. In a very direct and mpbaUo degree the financiers open and shut the gates of tbe temple of Janus these days. Mb, Cobbbtt says that . because a few men held up the legislature and thereby prevented tbe election of a senator be should be permitted to rep resent (?) the state in tbe United States senate. He forgot to state, however, just who it was that held up the legislature ; neither did he decide Just what part he took in the holdup. His part in the holdup will be ex plained before the senate committee, and the gentleman may then be heard and also given an opportunity to add np the column of figures indicative of bow much it cost him to bring about the legislative farce of last winter; whether U'Ben's $80 was the maxi mum or minimum price paid per head for "cattle, sheep and goats" in job lots. Thi governor says it would be use- less to re-convene tbe legislature for tbe reason that the same men who were there, yet not there, last winter could not be expected to do better if called together now. Of course the gevernor must offer some excuse for not calling a special session, and in the absence of tbe real reason this ex cuse is forced upon the people. Tbe fsct of the matter is, a different condi' tion would confront tbe legislature if called together now. Last winter the bouse failed to organize because enough members-elect refused to take tbe oath of office and therefore the ser geant at-arms could not compel their attendance, as they were not members, not having subscribed to tbe oath. But it will be remembered that after the expiration of the forty days these bold-outs all took the oath of office and are now qualified members snd their attendance could be compelled in case of an extra session. It might not be out of place to sugjest that the reason the governor does not call so extra session is the fear that it would take the senatorial appointive power oat of his excellency's hands, and dis continue Mr. Corbett's sojourn at the national capital. . ARE TBS CONDITIONS CHANGING? Generally speaking, tbe outlook for better times is not in the lesst discour aging. When we are daily called upon to review reports from other parts of tbe state regarding crop possibilities being far ahead of anticipation, we are encouraged. When reports come to ns from up east of the mountains that wool has increased in price, we have an inward feeling of gratification. When from tbe same sec lion of coun try comes the news that thsre will be an acreage of wheat not exceeded for many years, we are again pleased; when we know that prices for this product are so much better than have prevailed for two or three years our in' ward feeling of hope is strengthened; when cattle-raisers report such an in creased demand for beef, at a good, stiff figure, that the demand cannot be supplied; when sheep-raisers have a market, at an increased figure in price, for every aaimal they- choose to sell ; when reports from Willamette valley points are to the effect that an im mense aoreage of wheat will be har vested ; that thousands of acres of hops are growing, and of which most of the crop has been contracted for at an ad vanced price whioh certainly must be gratifying to the producer; when fruit prospects are abundantly encouraging ; when the principal lumber manufac turers of the upper const are a nnit in declaring that the demand for their prod act is brisker; when the demand for shingles is better; when dairy prod ucts find ready sale at good prices; when we consider the fact that this section of country has been subjected to a greet shortage in tbe hay and oat product, caused by the long, severe winter and lack of encouragement to produce on account of little demand and low prices for the past three years, coupled with the fact that many farm ers had to boy,thus causing still greater pinching conditions on the tarns, in stead of having the products to dis pose of, and that the shortage will be handsomely overcome and hither prices likely to prevail ; that logging camps are being started ; that shingle mills are being built ; that cord wood is scare, and although it cannot be said to be increased is price, the de mand is becoming stiffer ; and a geu eraTTeeBngTmdng people Thai U pays better to work than to tramp from one neighbor to another prating destruc tion and bankruptcy, all indicate a brighter future. Of course, right at the present time there is one draw back to this glowing picture, but one and that is the fact that many of our lowland farmers are being hurtled from their farms by the riaine; waters of the Columbia, which, too, is a de cided menace to our great fishing in dustry. Yet, upon a conservative, un biased view of the situation through out the state it mast be confessed that the outlook for the future bears every evidence of returning good times. Tbe process is slow, we acklowledge, but show us, please, one instance where, from such a spell of nausea as our state has been afflicted with for the past four years, that tbe process of re covery has not been slow. There are several causes for tbe return of better times, and tbe above-cited conditions are only tbe outgrowth of one not the least, either and that is tbe fact that we shall soon again be doing busi ness on the American plan. We are abont to get out from under tbe shadow of free trade, and adopt a protective policy. That is what's been the mat ter with tbe country for the past three or four years. Thx Dalles Chronicle has the follow ing pointed paragraph touching upon Harvey Scott's visit to Washington, which is timely : "H. W. Scott is now in Washington for the purpose of urg ing the seating of H. W. Corbett It is quite proper that tbe chief train wrecker should be on hand to look af ter tbe plunder. Tbe gang patterned after the farmer who discovered the boy in tbe apple tree. They first threw grass, J. Tbornburn Boss and Wallace McCamant, then dirt, Tony Noltner, and now they are trying the effect of a pebble in Harvey Scott He can tell tbe senate that be and others in veigled a decrepit old man to open his purse and squander bis money in tbe pursuit of tbe will-'o-tbe-wisp hon or, in the foul swamp of politics. If his statements are not heeded by the senate let the Corbett gang send on its other leaders. Let it forward Joe Simon and Jonathan Bourne, TJ'Bsn, Berkley, Bilyeu and all that host of noble patriots who disgraced civiliza tion at Salem. Let the senate, in its capacity as a jury, look upon the faces of the witnesses, and then seat Cor bett if it can." "It le tke Best mm Earth. Tbst is what Edwards & Parker, merch ants, of Plains, Ga., say of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, for rheumatism, lame back, deep-seated and muscular pains. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. VIED. Cahfbsm.. In Portland, on Tuesday, May 11, wui, airs, jonn wampwiu, oi vernoma. IN TUB OinCUIT COURT. THURSDAY, MAT 13. M. Btsbeevs. Webster estate; decree of foreclosure. North American Trust Co. vs Thos. Q. Davidson at. at; order of oonflrniatlon of sheriff's sale. Stats of Oregon vs Frank Lonkey ; grand jury returned not a true bill. Stats of Oregon vs Eversol; not a true but. SATURDAY, MAY 15. Stats of Oregon vs T. B. Vail; not a trus bill. Matter of assignment of 0. Bureau; 0o. A. Hall appointed as referee to Had the amount ot money due and in the hands of assignee. Stats ot Oregon vs Jonathan Pruett; da fendanl arraigned and entered a plea ot "not guilty. Set tor trial October 18. 1887. Monday, mat 17. State ot Oregon vs Victor Wlsel ; Jury trial, verdict of "guilty as charged hi the Indictment." TUESDAY, MAT 18. W. A. Bailey vs W. J. Bice et a); default and Judgment. Vn. Druck vs N. A. Musgrove; motion tosetaaide default, and by the court al lowed, and defendant allowed to answer by striking oat usury defense. GBAUD JCRT BBPOBT. In the Ci-cuit Court of Oregon, tn and for the County of Columbia. To the Hon. T, A. HcBride, Judge: We, the undersigned grand jury, for the May term, 1897, of the above named court submit this our final report, and respect fully represent to the court as follows: That we have Investigated all charges of crime which have been presented to ui. We have returned four true bills and three not true bills, and inquired into other matters which have been brought to our attention. The condition of tbe county jail has been condemned so many times by the grand jury that we are satisfied that condemna tion by ns would not cause its condition to be improved. We have found the books of the sheriff, treasurer and county clerk well kept and in good condition. And now, having completed our labors, respectfully ask to be discharged. Jobit A. Ebglisu, Foreman, Clakkncb Adiki, J. F. Timokst, Jossth D. Lawn, 0. H. Baioos, . T. M. Bsabcb, William Adams. TatumA Bowen vs James Muckle, jr.; evidence introduced, case argued and sub mitted to jury and they retire to consider their verdict, and on May 19th returned a verdict in favor of the defendant Plaintiff allowed until May 28 to more for new triat WEDNESDAY, MAT 19. Westvs Baxter; motion overruled and judgment for premises in favor of West. Davison vs Webster; order allowing plaintiff to Sis aa amended complaint. Harry 8yverson vs Martin White; Jury of ten drawn and duly sworn, both parties agreeing to try the case with a jury of ten, and proceeded to try the Issues. Case now en trial. ' " - ' ' Jfteal Estate Transfers. James Adams to William Adams, Iota 9 and 10, see 6, 1 7 n, r 5 w. Hnry Blake to James McGregor, SI acres in sees 35 and 86, 1 7 n, r 3 w ; tt. W. A. Craft to Qeorge W. Walt, e) of aeii and neji of tm, sec 22, 1 4 n, r 2 w; t417. Q. T. Foster to Hattie Foster, nX of nwX and other land in sees 19 and 20. 1 6 n r5w;$t. - G. 8. Foster to Mrs. B. L. Biggs, lot 6, blk 9, OoWe; 125. B. H. King to William Dodson, 19 acres in see 23, 1 8 n, r 8 w ; 250. Henry Kosenfeld to William B, Ellis; power ef attorney. J. H. Wood and wife to Adotph Olsoa and wife, wX of nwX. sec IS and t of tH, see 14, 1 7 n, r 3 w ; tlOW. United States to J. V. Lewis. wj of nwjj sec 18 and eX of neji, sec 13, 1 4 n, r 4 and 4wj patent. United States to Olaf Tunberg, lot 2, sec 30, 1 6 n, r 6 w; patent. . Crop and Weather Report. The weather has been ideal for the growth of vegetation. The ground was becoming too dry, and the rain was most opportune. Clover Is in bloom, and haying will begin in some sections before the close of tbe month. The bay crop promises to be un usually heavy. Fall and winter sown grain was never more promising; grain sown since April 1st Is np, and growing finely. Seeding is all done except in the northern portion of the Willamette valley, where some oats are yet being sown, and in a few sections wbere com is yet being planted. Corn planted since the 1st of tbe month is op, and has a good color. Tbe weather has been remarkably favorable for the growth of com. Potato planting is about finished, except In portions of the coast counties, Early planted potatoes are being cultivated, Gardens are all showing rapid growth, and pen are plentiful in the maiket. Straw berries are ripening rapidly, especially in Wheels, Cjaliry SKST Tool ' STYLES! Ladies', Gentlemen's i Taadan. The Lightest Bunnlng Wheels on Earth. THE ELDREDGE sweekAVZXsee THE BELVIDERE. ws always Mais Sees seal Mrefclaeel Why SfctsMal we Sake Seed Wheels! National Sewing Machine Co., ii9 Broadway, Factory) v new totk. BetvMere, Ills, j? Mw York. the southern counties. Gooseberries and currants are tn the markets. The condi tion of fruit is really bard to determine. Some correspondents report that the cherry orop will be short, but that apples, piunos, pears, etc., will be a heavy cep; others re port that the frost of the 8th last, injured prunes, but nothing else, It is thought that as a rule, and the sscuon as a whole, that the fruit crop will be heavy. In some portions Italian prunes have been some what injured by tbe frost, in others ths cherries, tn others the winter apples; but there ia no general injury to any single var iety of fu t, except possibly, to Italian prunes. Other varieties ot prases appear to be uninjured. RIAHHIt.U. LiNDoaRM-Oawiu. At the parlors ef the Oriental hotel in tins city, on 1 upiust morning, May 18, 1W7, by Justice J. a. Hall, Mr. Charles G. Liiidgren and Mist Minerva Orwig, both ot MUt. CASTORIA For Infanta snd Children. Tk Ita lian, ttfuiars M 4U ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. 1ST OTtOS IS HKRKHY OIVKV THAT A. 9. Anm and 8. U. Klatnar, copartner,, do ing butlneaa aa ''Aarya & KUIner," hay made au aaaigameut to ma ol all lhair property for the tMnnt of all thlr eradltura and that 1 have duly qualified by executlut and nuns me oonci miuireu or law, ana amumeu ui auuvw oi aura r r ii .r n v inn i i .ratiiuin ui mu A. r. Anm and 8. 11. Kleiner, copartners, dolns bue- IneM aa "Anrra Jk Kiiluer." are htirebr required to praeent their duly rer! fled claim,, with proper vOucnera to me at my woin tn naimvr, vuium bla county. State ot Oregon, within three momna irom ine oaw or inia mmve. Dated this Xlst day oi May, van. 1. B. DOAX. Aaalenee of "Anrra 4 Klatner." Insolvent debtora. BriljlS FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned administrator ot the estate ef Merrit Pomeroy, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Columbia county. State of Oregon, his final account and petition for final settlement ot said te state, ana mat toe junge oi taia court nas appointed Monday, the Uth day of May, 1WI, at S o'clock P. M., and the courtroom of said court, in St. Helens, in said county and state, as the time and place for hearing and settling the said account and petition tor final discharge, at which time and place aay person interested In said estate may appear and file written objections to the al lowance ot said account aud the granting oi saia petition. EDMOND C. GItTNER. Aministrator of ths estate of Merrit Pom eroy, deceased. a23iu21 SUMMONS. In the County Court of tha State of Oregon for uoiumoia county. Michel Flatter, plaintiff, vs. Pauline T. Bonnlck, lames Bonnlck and Goom R. Hawkina. defendanta. To George R. Hawkina, one ol the above-named aeieotiann: IM TUB NAMK OFTHB STATB OF OREGON, You are required to appear and answer the complaint filed awainat you in tbe above entitled action on the Sin day ol July, 1807, said day be ing the Ant day ol tbe next regular term of said Court, and If you fail so to appear and aruwer, for want thereof laid plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for lodgment as prayed for In said complaint, to wn: For lodgment agalnat the above-named defendant lor tha eum ol 140 00, with Internet thereon from January 12th Itan. at the rate ol eight oer cent ner Tear, anil the further aum of S3O00 as attorneys fee In aaid action and the coals and diahursements therein. This summons Is ptibliihed by order of tha Bon. J. B. Doan, Judge of said Court, dated April 28, 1887., O. W. COLE, etfJU Attorney lot Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. rTICE W HEREBY GIVES THAT XI the undersigned has, by the County Court of tbegtsteof Oregon, for the County of Columbia, been duly appointed executrix of the estate of Jacob Beusch, deceased, and that all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby no tilled and reo. aired to present the same. duly verilied and with proper vouchers, to the underlined executrix, at her residence on Sooth Beaver, Columbia county. Ore gon, within -six months from tbe date of this notice. Dated May 8d, wn. MARY BKC8CH. Executrix of tbe estate of Jacob Beuscb, deceased. ro7j4 TBEASUKEtt'S HOTICE. ConitTT Treasurer's 0ffic, ) St. Heleks, Or., May 14. 1897., TVJOTICE is hereby given that all unpaid Xv County Warrants of said county, which bare been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to August 28, 1804. will be paid oporKpresent ation at this office. Interest will not be al lowed after this date. E. M. WHARTON. mUjU Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. Children Cry for Pitcher' Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. !uet Value Received EVERY TIME AT TaT' A T e 4 ii e As jrerrj Ss 4 HOULTON, OREGON. fflariSjrTay ay suy y y y y yi WANTED FAITHFUL MEM OR WOMEN" to travel for rasoonatble aaiabltahad houaa la Oregon. Salary 1780 and axpenaea. Ppeltloa nennaneni. Reference. Enclose aalf- -equra stamped envelops. The National, Stag Insur ance mag., unicage. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. WHITE COLLAR LINE O. R.&N. C0., PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. BAILEY GATZEET Leaves Portland daily exceot Sunday Aider street .V A. M., Ash street 7 A. M. Leaves Astoria dally 7 P.M. T. J. POTTEE 0. B.'A K. CO. Leaves Portland dally Alder street 7:48 P. M. Ah atreet 8 P. M. i Haturdav Alder street t-M P.M., Ash street 10 P.M. Tickets of the two Companies good on both boats. 0. B. 0COTT, President. K. A. BEELEY, Agent WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN to travel for responsible established hoaae 1b Oregon. Salary 1780 and ezpaniea. PpatUea permanent. Relersncs. Booloae self-addreasad stamped envelope. Tbe Natteaal, Star Insar euo Bldf., Chicago. TBBASVIIKH'a NOTICE. Coiwty Tbeasurer'i Omen, Bt, Helens, Or., May 7, IBU7. Notice Is hereby given that all unpaid County Warrant ol said county, w 'luh have been presented aud enuorsou Paid for Want of Funds," prior to July U, 18M, will be paid upon presentation at tliia nfllna. Interest will not be allowed after this date. K. M. WHARTON, ni7j Treasurer of Columbia uouniy, wr, 4 Your ' Honey's Worth 4 i i i Every Time t 4 At ijol man's r Store. . All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to any point on the river at tbe Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half la FARM PRODUCE. Address sll orders to H. B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. mm UMo TO THE OITE8 THE CHOICE Ol ' Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAT Or Sookane, Minneapolis & Si. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY OF DENVER, OMAHA, & KAHSAS CUT LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCKAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVKttY 0 DAYS For San Francisco. For Full Detail Call on or Address W. H.HCELBURT, General Freight and Pass. Agt., Portland. B. IBeNellli Pres. an manager. ORIENTAL HOTEL A. a BLAXEBLEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. The table Is supplied with tbe beat the market affords. Everything elean. A share ol your pat ronage la solicited. ST. HKLKNr). OHKUtiN PROFESSIONAL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Will practice In alt eonrta nf Oregon or Wsah Ington. Front pt attention given to conveyanc ing and notary's business. Q. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, BT. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abatrar Books, Notary Public, Commis sioner of Deeds for Washington, and an exper ienced oollector In connection with office. 8. D. DENNIS, Attorney ani Counselor at Law. Gbnebal Law Practice, Collections, Foreclosures, Mechanics' liens, etc. Will practice In all tha courts ot Oregon and Wsshiuglen. Tatlob Buildimo, - - 8t. Hiliks, 0a. J)R. EDWIN K0B, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon )R. H. R. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon. JR. 1. B. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanle, Columbia county, Or. N. MEHEKVE, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DELEN A, OREGON. . County Snrveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. WANTEDFAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN to travel lor responsible eatabllshsd home in Oregon Salary S7H0 aud expeuaea. Poll (Ion eermatMTit. Keferenoa. Enelnae aslf-addraad stamped envelope. The National, Star Insur ance lildg., Chicago. TTTTANTEl) FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN VV to travel for reanonilble established house ta Oregon, Salary 7io and eipeaaei. Poiltloa permanent. Reference. Snoloae self-addressed stamped I envelope, the national. Star ance Dldg., Cfaloago, Lumber Groceries, Clothing DART & ST. HELENS, OREGON, Complete Stock of RubbeLQoods SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, ST. HELENSMEAT MARKED M Kinds ofjfesh Meats, Hams, Bacon andJanT Meats by Wholesale m. t . n ci i , At Special Rate. JatTlCS If. SllCIUOtl, MAIN BTItWIOT. t I BT. HKMNH, OUKdON, Clatskanie Drug Store New and Select Stock. Patent Medicines and . Druggist's Notions. Stationery, School Books. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded f s1 1 I1 f sA1 A ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... ) Our tables will at all times be found dclicaoius the TERMS REASONABLE The hotel hsvine boon newly refurnished we are trepartd to give satis faction is sll our patrons, uu solicit your imtronugo. , i J. George, Proprietor, St. Helens, Or. 5 - syajaiaupauyaysaiiuauauysjsi You Can't A Make Q sfff Whftej Plume from a A A c Crow's TU, nor good J aaiaS;W Elcycto from CsMtlngs. 0 Q VYX Th- MONARCH 0 lj Look V( Under the d"V Enamel! V We want bright ! ! I? A O buslnes men ( , :r ' P Q . . to represent us ' aaLi O 5 JV J everywhere. Ud d j MONARCH CYCLE CO., d P jfA Chlcaito New York London. P PORTLAND AND .CLATSKANIE STEAMER O. W. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. Comraenclnor Anril ll 1H(H will ln ppiu,i f..t wi.i.,..ir. .imai VupmUr. Thnrsday and 8un(ly evenlns at ft o'ulork. Htsturnlna-lAiavos Clatskanle. (tide prf; "J. .S),c?,n,ljy' Wdiiostlay and Friday evenlnits at 6 o'cliiok. Will pass Oak Po it about 7: Btella 7 : tfi ; Mayger 7:25; Itulniitr 8:20,- Kalama 9:lftj Bt. Helens 10:80. Arrive In Portland 1:30 A.M. ftIIAVH THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & aiat1 STR JOSEPH KBLLOGG . FOR PORTLANE v? Vr?61"? Mo"dy. Wednesdays, snd Fridays at 5 o'clock a. m. Leave Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m. lioots and Shoes MUCKLE Hay and Grain. DR.J.E. HALL, Proprietor. t ssfV sarV JSrV aV aafW ,A A ss ssflsj .sa sets, ,ff supplied with tlio boat ouiblus and market sffuros. FOR REGULAR BOARDERS sjyry sjV VHP WW W VrW"1 j ne corn puny reaerves the right tn ctiango time witiiout nun THANKI'OHTATIum COHFANV. COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER rffasBsJsMsBss vw'i'Tfl)).rJ