The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 14, 1897, Image 3

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    wat m MoHY.The mn who
ti" prlM offered by an Kiilleh
mm! lor uVUal JcOnltion o money
FniU thui" "Ao article whioh may
ci is m -ajrw-.
vervwlmre exoeP HTen, en ft provl.lir lot .vrythin, ex
cept hpplneas."
Mad Aihwkmbot. Anrye 4
Klstner. ol Baimer, have made en u
afinment to J. B. l"n ' b,ne,H
J '.U IB cr.,litor.. The W. : r
sources are estimated ftt 17700, wMh
1 ibititie" of 15000. J. B. Dan, hi h
hail hi. bond lU,.;m
.715.000, and the settling up of the
Jim's business will be begun el once.
ri' elimination began hre Wml.ies
Sav at 1 o'clock with fifteen appllcanta
ntaient. They were I. B. Shoemaker,
.on Bede Erickaon, Allie Lyme, Flora
Bloueh, HolMPple, Id Mor
SinXeh Wilson, A. J. Smith, W. H
Ooffln7B''u0l SunnyUnd, K. J. Zlm
merer end Omar Bpencer,
rtATBDlt Witt The locel dr.
uistfo elnb played thedrm,"A Fish
rmsn's Liick,"to ft large audience al
ficeppoose lust Friday evening. The
momberi of the company were t their
best, end Hie performance was ren
tlored In pleasing style, considering the
fact that they were bumpered for
room. The receipts were $27 70, end
each member of the company if do
sirous of ihftnking the people of Soap
poose for their kindness.
For OY8Tna, Gov. Lord hue re
reived letter from John J. Brlee.
United States commissioner cf flh
and fisheries, t Washington, DC
Informing him that the commission
takee greet lutereit in the propoecd
invnitiieiion of the waters of Oregon,
. mimiiM to their adaptability to
Eastern oyetere, end haa ftiithoriied
Prof. Washburn, of the etete univera
ity ftt Eugene, to carry on tlie Inquir
ies, federal government defraying
Wnx Ihsiji Bonos. The county
court of Cowli'a oouuty, Wh., haa
decided to iteue bona to r-quiaate iu
indfhledneu. which ftmountft to $C2,-
000. Including interest. The bonde, it
ii thought, Cfta be eold lit per, bearing
A nr nnt Interest and run twenty
year. A Tacome Arm, i ift eaid, hae
offered to take the eeouritiea on tbeet
terme, which will eave the county one
fourth the interest now paid, betides
saving to individual holderi of war
rant, an enormous diaoouat, for the
time being, at least.
A Pretty Race. The first team
boat race witnessed here for many
raonths waa between the datsert and
Lurliue Wednesday. Both ateamera
came alongelde the dock together, the
Lurline being on the inaiue, ana on
leaving got away about half a length
ahead, but the Qattcrt euccceded in
passing ber by the time they reached
Warrior Rock about a mile above
town, when they paaeed from view.
Theee two ateamera make a very
rrettv race, though the UaUert ia
conceded to be the (eater boat of the
two. ' -
Orkook Paid th Bat. Salem
Journal: The book known aa "The
Early Indian Ware, of Oregon," com
piled by Mra. Victor and puhliahed bj
the atute, and for aale at actual coat of
printing and compilation, doea not
oem to aell very fait. The aotoal
enmi nf mittine 2000 copiee out exactly
amounted to 13 per copy, or 16000,
and few people deaire the book to auch
an extent aa to pay the price. It la a
wU written book and well bound, and
a valuable acquisition to any library,
but writing and publiehing history
works by the itate ia eiponiive busi
ness, '
Artiax EnTxuTAiimawT, Monday
evening of this week the Houlton aa
eembly of United Artiaana gave an en
tertainment, to which the public re
ponded to an invilation to be preaent.
An excellent literary programme waa
rendered, frequently intenpersed with
well eelected vocal eeleotione, which
ware rendered in a charming manner.
Miia Frankie Way and Mra. O. M.
Piggott, with their aoft, blending voioee,
aeaisteJ by Mr. and Mra. Flank, ren
dered the vocal eeleationa well, and
added greatly to the evening'a enter
taioment. Quite a number from here
attended, and all felt amply rewarded
for their trip. The Hootton ArliaaDi
are enihunaatio, and In time will have
a atrong and proaperoui aeaembly.
Them abb Maby Kind. A newe
paper without enemica ia acaroely de
aerving of frlenda. The vUcloue and
lawleu never like ft bold, fearleaa newe
paper, and every aelf reipectlng pub
fiiher ibould be proud of their enmity.
Tli.ra are other newspaper fws, how
ever, who are far more troublesome,
nt nnnacauentlv. more to be (eared.
irir.i ivl foremoat ia the man who
nwam a nAwanater an honeal debt and
will not pay it. The man who wanta
tnahana the oolioy o( a newspaper
and ia not allowed to do ao, ia a aure
enemy. But the meaneit enemy of
all la the mn who the newspaper haa
befriended, and who deimeratoty oon
demna the aheet after aeouring from
it all the assistance be posioiy can
Th nawananer can. to some extent,
rannnnt an onea and avowed enemy.
but an ingrate, under any oircum-
atanceea, ia beneath contempt.
Liqhtbhip Lauhchbd. Lait Satur
day the ltghtihip Umatilla Reef wai
launched in Portland from the Wolfe
& Zwiuker ihip yard. The veaiel will
be Disced on Umatilla reef for the
Guidance ul marlnura. Her dluien
aiom are aa fullnwi : Length over all,
125 feet; beam 28 feet tf incbea; dia
plaoement, 589 tone. She will be
equipped with a aingle condenxiug en
gine, capable of developing 300 horse
power, driven by a 12x13 corrugated,
tubular boiler. Both engine and
boiler were built by Wolfe AZwickor.
The propeller ia 7 feet 7 incbea in di
ameter, and will drive the boat at a
apeed of nine knota, which ia designed
just to hold her head against a atorm.
tihe will be equipped with a complet
electrical phtnt, which will furnieh
light lor the two lights ftt her mast
heads. She will alo have a d whii
tie and bell. , The aqeipment of the
boat will be modern and uuniplete in
every particular. s
County court adiourned last Satur
day aitoruoou.
Jimei Muckle was in the metrorjo-
lia Wedneiday.
Bert Milli.of Vernonla. waa ia town
Tueiday evening. , ,
W. D. Donnell. of Deer Island, wai
In town Wedneiday lait.
T. O. Watt, of Reuben, waa in the
County iat Wednesday last.
Harry West, of Scappome, waa a
couuty teat visitor Tueiday.
Martiu Both, of Rainier, waa In the
city on buiineia Tuesday lait.
Joieoh Coulter, of Vernonla, spent
ft day or two in town thia week.
Miia Lnnicacre.of the Warren school
was Id Portland last Sunday.
Miis Mary Burke, of Rainier, was
in Portland Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. A. Divli vliited relatives in
Portland a day or two thia week.
Mr. 0. E. Hall, of Raluier, apeut
Sunday iu thia city with relativea.
W, II. Wehrnng, merchant of Hilli
boro, waa in Ibis city Wednesday.
Miis Mabel Way returned home
front Portland lait Tueiday eveuiug,
Dr. E. Rose waa attending to buii
uesi niatteri in Portland Tuuadiy luil.
A". P. Anryi, of Rainier, waa attend
ing to buaiuese luallen in St. Helen
lait Saturday,
Dr. Saylor, of Portland, waa attend
ing to court maltera la. thia city ou
W. II. Dolman waa attending to bus
iness matters in Portlaud leal Wednes
day afternoon.
Mr. Alvan Shcpard, teacher of the
Paris avhool, baa received bia state
Rev. Plowman will preach next Sun
day at Yankton at 11 o'clock and at
Warren at 8 p. iu.
Smith Kistner, of Rainier, was In
town laat Saturday attendiug to im
portant busineaa mattera.
Rav. Phllbrook will Dreach at Houl
ton next Sunday at 11 o'clock and at
St. Helena in the evening,
The Oregon National Guard will go
into camp at Uood Uiver ibis year,
which will be about Jane.
Mr. and Mra. J. H. Sheldon and
Miss Tillie Muckle were viaiting ia
Portland Tuesday afternoon.
Final settlement waa had in the es
tate of William Adama, deceaaed, be
fore Judge Doao last Monday.
Mr. Holcomb, grand father of, Mrs.
W. B. Dillard, spent lait Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Dillard in thia city.
Miis Mary Burke, after visiting in
this city for a couple of weeks, re-1
turned to Raiuler laat Sund ay evening.
The fishermen are catching quite a
number of ihad at preient, which they
are uiually able to diapoao of for cash.
Clay Clark's team run away at Houl
ton a few days ago and scattered his
wagon along the road for eome dis
tance. . ,
Attorney Bauer, of the firm of Bauer
A Oreene, Portland, waa attendiug to
circuit court maltera in thia city laat
Miaa Jenoie Myers, of Clalikanie,
oame down from Portland Tueiday
evening on the El wood and ia vinting
with Mr. and Mra. Cloeton.
Mr. John W. Guilt, of Portland, will
hold aervlee in Christ Episcopal church
in tbia oily next Sunday afternoon at
l:30'olock. Everybody Is invited.
John McDonald, who first had the
management of the Pacific Foatal tel
egraph office ia thia citv, waa shaking
handt with friends hero laat Monday.
It ia thought the battleship Oregon
will be brought up the Columbia to
Portland in a abort time. The big
ship will be out of the dry dock ia a
few days. ... .. -
Tha Hula dauehter of W. P. MoClay,
of Columbia City, who waa reported
quite aick laat week, and who waa
taken to tne nonpiiai in ronunu, w
rapidly recovering.
The grand lodge Knlghta of Pylhiaa
ol Waahinilon meow in annual aee-
Inn at Vancouver next Tuesday. Su
i.n,ma Chancellor Colrove will oe
present at thia session.
Mra. J. O. Watts, of Soappeose, waa
in thia elty Wedueaday morning, bav
ins hrotiffht Mr. Walta down in the
buggy to attend to hie oflloial datiea
at the teacnera examination.
Ed Watti, first officer on the Young
America, has been resting thia week.
Ed ia complaining of having that tired
feeling with which ao many are affile
tea at tuis season oi toe year,
Tha thnrantrhfaree hereabouts are
I. nrima condition for driving and
oyoling, nnd a large number of people
are taking advantage oi ina '""
opportunities to enjoy inemseivea,
u H Orchard, well known here, is
putting iu a system of water worka at
Uanhfiald. Coos county. He haa also
obtained orders for about eleven miles
of pipe which be manufaotares a m
lamook. Mr. Frank VanDnynand Miaa Joaie
n..,-. ni Portland, took lunoheoo
with Mr. and Mra. Jamea Muokle of
thia city laat Sunday, having made the
lournev from Portland here on their
Word waa received here by telegram
early Monday morning that Mrs. John
Campbell, of Vernonia, waa very aick
in Portland, ana nor ueiu w
ntid at any moment. Nothing
further in regard to the
beea learned. ,
r.i.t.i Al Robinson made a trip
.hn.,t 65 milea on horseback laat
r..j-...ia Ha left here in the morn
" 'a ..! milea above Ver
1HK ""u . .1
...,i l.x k tha aame evening. Al
aye hia hone waa aa freah aa a daiiy
when he got uo
T...I t. T.. WeArthur. of Pertland
died last Monday. Judge McArthur
has beeu a prominent member of the
. nnnlnud and aerved
5. U.'l BiSm T'di.irlot attorney for
ai . , , j, ai I.,,,..
Oregon i uring vieTou .
The Weitfleld, Ind .Newa prlnla the
following in regard to an old resident
of that place ; "Frank McAvoy, for
many yean in the employ of tlieL,
N. A. i 0. By., here, layi: 'I have
used Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy for ten vesri or
longer am never without it in my
family, . I chniider it the very beat
remedy of the kind manufactured. I
take'pleainre In recommending it.' "
It ia a ipeciflo for all bnwel diiordera.
For iale by Dr. Edwin Roil.
The following attorneys from abroad
were in attendance at the opening of
circuit court Tuciduy moruine; : Judge
Caplei, Judge Ward, Judge Moreland,
Charles J. Suhiiabel, Mr. Willfami. Mr.
Oarrigui, Ueorge E. Davii, of Port
1i ml, W. H. Conyers, of Clatiknnie,
llarriaon Allen, of Aitoria, W. J. Rice,
of Riiinier, The local bar was repre
onti d by Dill riot Attorney Cleeton,
W, B. Dillard, O. W. Cole, S. D. Den
uii and W. F. Timmom.
Thii office acknowledge! the receipt
of an invitation to be preient at the
marriage ceremony of Mr. Dorr Eden
Keaaey, of thia county, and Miis Net
tie Mapril Guild, at the home of the
bride's parents in MuMinnville, on
Wednesday evening of this week
Both the contracting partlee are well
and favorably known in thia county,
hqiI have a boat of (rieuda who join in
wiahiug thorn aucreai and happiness.
There are liars, and there are othen,
aaya an exchange. Oue of the latter
class writea from Mexico under recent
date that hailatonea weighing three
pou mil (ell there during a severe
atorm thii apring. That man will
probably not ait very near the Ibrone.
and indeed he may be very thankful
if he reaches heaven at all after tell
ing auch an awful lie.
Last week's Mist failed to record
the death of Jackson Peacher, which
occurred on Friday, April 30. De
ceased wai SO yean old and came to
Oregon from Iowa in 1853. The in
terrment took place at Odd Fellows
cemetery under the auipicea of St.
Helena lodge No. 32, A. F. k A. M., of
which order deceased had been a
member for many yean.
Every room in and about the court
house haa been in uae for several days,
and when Superintendent Watte ar
rived iu town Wednesday he found it
necessary to secure other quarters in
which lo conduct the examination of
teachecs. The lower hall in the Ma-
aonio building was kindly offered lo
him, ao the work haa been going on
Local fishermen are anxiously watch
ing the conditions of water and weath
er that they may be soon favored with
an opportunity to go to work. It ia
certainly unfortunate that there has
been auch a disastrous obstacle to the
fishing industry thia season. How
ever, there may be an excellent run
of fiih later in the season.
The Distriot Lodge of Columbia
district No. SO. I. O. O. T.. will oon-
vene at Warreu ou May 19. There
will be delegates and visitors from the
varioua subordinate lodgea ot the
county preaent. Some of the grand
lodee oflloera are expected to be in
attendance. A publio meeting will be
held in the evening, to which all are
The largest blneback ever brought
to market in this city was aeon at the
butcher shop here last Sunday morn
inc. It waa caukht behind the break
water, on trie opposite ems ot me
river, by Mr. Graham, and weighed
exactly ten pounda. The average sixe
of bluubacks ia five pounds, so thia one
waa considered a wouder by our local
It ia nearly time to revive the base
ball, buy a football, or make a tenia
court, or a croquet around. The most
oleasant part of the year ia haatily
apeeding past, and If there ia to be any
auch pastimes arranged for our sum
mer emoyment some action neeaa oe
taken at onoe.
The sports of thia oity have recently
purchased a pair of bonne gloves ana
are indulging in the practice of the
manly art. we nave not yet oeea in
formed who the "Fitzsimmons" of the
town is, but presume of course, that
there are many aspirants for those
Superintendent Gardner, of the
Boys and Girla Aid Society, waa in
town Wednesday, having in charge
two of hia warda who were witnesses
before the grand Jury. They were
Walter Bradley and Uollie Harris.
President McKinley haa appointed
Harold Bewail, son of the democratic
vice presidential candidate, aa minis
ter to Hawaii, and the new minister
has left for bia post of duty.
Eliirth Corbett. father of ex-Senator, and for many yeara one of
Portlands most prominent business
men, died last Wednesday at the age
of 72 yeara.
Fox Stbauxo A Bbbp. George W.
Kellev. who claimed to be a butoher,
alter loafing around St. Helena for
aome time, giving the pogillatioally in
clined an ocoasioual pointer with the
boxing gloves, and not the leaat oi an
bnardine: at the Turpin nouse, rorgei
Una- to aettle bia bill before leaving,
waa arrested one day last week in Eaat
Portland and taken to Vancouver,
where he waa oharged with stealing a
beef from one Flyn. near BidgeHeld
Wash. Kellev claimed while here
that he waa going to start a butoher
ahop, and went ao far aa to get bia
blocks ready, but tbia waa thought at
the time only a acheme to strengthen
hia credit at the boarding bouse. One i
evening be oame to town with a beef
all dressed, from across the river,
whioh he chipped to Portland on the
Shaver, telling the nightwatohman
here there would be another beef con
signed to him, come over on the El
wood the next morning, and giving
him inatruotiona lo put it in the atable.
Thia waa the laat aeen of thia butoher
about these parts, and the Turpin
house is several dollars loser. Kelley
had a hearing in the justice court at
Vanoouver and pleaded guilty, upon
whioh plea he was held to await the de
cree of the superior court.
"It Is tha Bast Earth."
That Is what Edwards & Parker, merch
ants, of Plains, Ga., say of Chamberlain 'i
Pain Balm, for rheumatism, lame baok,
dsep-ssatsd and musoular pilni. 8old by
Dr. Zdwin Ron.
Circuit court ronvsnsd In regular session
Tuesday, May II. Present, Hon. Thomsi
A. MoBrlrle, Judges T. 1. Cleeton, district
attorney; Jtnlson Weed, clerk; J. N. Bice,
sheriff. Dun proclamation having ben
made the followlna proceedings wen had:
The Jurors were ail reported except
aiupbell and Andreas, no service having
been had on the latter and the former was
shunt on account of sickness.
The following were drawn as a grand
ury: John Rogllib, foreman. C. II. Brigx,
Joseph D. Lswla. William A'lams, J. If.
Tliiioney, D. T. M. Ilearcc, Clarence Adams.
Mutter of appointment ot grand Jury
and court bailiff; L. h. Decker was ap
pointed bul lff of the court and 0 W.
Blakwley bailiff of the grand Jury. Eucb
being" duty sworn entered upon tlielrre-
pec live ditties.
Andrsar Anderson. Win. Iloli'apple, H.
. Fowler, O. D. Olarrison, C. L. Ayrea,
. L. Warren, jurors, were excused for .the
E. W. 0nyers vs Oarens; dlrulerl.
Hubin vs Anrys & Kltner; dismissed.
West vs Baxter; ordered stricken from
the flli-s. Bet for trial May 14.
A. McCnuley vs T. E. Mills; motion to
set said overruled.
Burns vs Cole; decn-e.
William Druck vs N. A. Musgrove ; de
murrer overruled, defendant given until
Monday, May 17 lo make a showing.
Burkhart vs Musgrove; given until Fri
day, May 14 to answer. .
KverUIng & Farrvll vs K. House et al.
order of confirmation.
Conway vs Bryant; taken under advise
ment. .
Hill vs Barr; demarrer 'overruled, set for
trial may 19.
Dolman vs Howard; dismissed.
Richardson vs Helena Frants; dismissed.
J. Horstvs Helena Frants; dUmbued.
Btslts vsTunberg; dismissed.
C. Richardson vs V. D. Hcnricl; demur
rer overruled and five days given to reply
W. A. Bailey vs W. J. Rice et al; on de
murrer overruled ana deiennant given
until Hay IT to answer.
William Melllngcr vs F. A. Zillyltt, mo
tion to strike out pirta of reply overruled.
J. C. Bice vs John Palm; default and
H. Byverson vs Martin Whi'e; set for
trial May 18.
Tatum A Bowen vi James Muckls; set
for trial May 18. -
Mellioger vs Zillgitt; set for trial May 28
Tha petit Jury was excused until next
0. H. Davidson vs Win. Blackford; mo
tion tor Judgment on pleading allowed fn
the sum of $51.
Esbarg'Oanst Cigar Co. vs Henry Brann-
Ing; default and Judgment and attached
property ordered sold.
R, IbSabinva Anrys alstner; demurrer
overruled and order of Judgment.
Beard of school land commissioners vs
Henry Rubert; default and Judgment.
Robert Balfour vs M. FUk, order cf con
Crop and Weather Report.
The weather conditions have been very
favorable to the growth of vegetation and
to farm work. The frasts Saturday morn
ing were not heavy enough to do any dam
age. The crops hav been planted except
corn, lata potatoes and buckwheat, and
these will be finished dnring the current
week. The rsin was of the greatest benefit,
for it softened the earth and accelerated the
growth of vegetation. Oats sown In Febru
ary measure from six to ten incbes in
height. Barley is beading out. Fall and
winter sown oats and wbeat have excellent
growth and stand. The correspondents re
pert, without exception, the unusually One
grain prospects. Wheat and oats late sown
bave growth above the ground. Early
planted potatoes have vines six inches high.
Clover and timothy are very beavy, but of
slow growth. .The first cutting of alfslfa
will soon begin. Gooseberries and cur
ranta are large enough to use. Wild straw
berries are ripening, and cultivated straw
berries are being marketed from about The
Dalles aad Rose burs. The Dalles M 200
miles or more north of Roeeburg, but had
the first box of ripe strawberries this year
on the 3d inst The fruit on neariy all var
ieties of trees baa set. Same correspond
ents report a dropping of cherries and Ital
ian prunes; this is reported principally
from Columbia, Multnomah, Washington
and Yamhill counties. Fruit-growers
tlmate that if only one-tenth ot the fruit
maturei, then the trees will be heavily
laden. It ii expected that considerable
pruning by band will be necessary. Hops
are making good growth; they are from
eight to tan feet in height The pasturage
haa greatly improved and stock la rapidly
fattening. Sheepsbearing Is In progress.
The general opinion among the correspond
ents is that the present conditions ladioats
an excellent harvest of grain, fruit, hops,
vegetables and all agricultural products.
Klvor Forecast.
The following was issued by tha weather
bureau Wednesday:
The Bnake and Clearwater will begin to
rise Thursday and will continue for tour er
more days. The Columbia above Pasco will
continue to rise; the rise from Thursday
will be rapid. The Columbia from Uma
tilla to the Cascadee will rise ftm Friday;
west ot the Cascades from Saturday. The
Willamette at Portland will begin to rise
Saturday. The rise at Portland will he
from Saturday, four or more feet by Wed'
nesdsy next. The tail to Saturday .will be
about two or three ieet. The Willamette
next Wednesday morning will be about 2S
feet, possibly 23 feet. The warm wsather
will cause a decided rise in the upper rivers
from Friday to Monday.
Card of Thanks. v
We, the undersigned, wish to return
tbanks to oar friends and neighbors who so
kindly put forth a helping baud In our re
cent bereavement
Johit Parnate,
W. 1'RiNOi.a and wire,
J. G. PaiROLBAHOwira
Handy for Kbfkrincb. Thia
office haa printed and in a few daya
will have ready for distribution
pamphlet of 32 pagea descriptive of
Columbia county. While only par
tioular localities are extensively dealt
witb. the auhject matter applioa to the
entire county, and in point oi lutorua
ation. auch aa ia detired by home
seekers, tar excels any issue of the
kind ever published iu reference to
this oounly. Persons having friends
in the Eiiet or other parts ot the
country oau save themselves much
writing by sending them a copy of
this pamphlet, which, no doubt, oon
tains all the information desired, oopiea
ot which may be had al thia offloe
within a few days.
John Black made
i yiilt to Portland last
week. ;
Mr. Oatllan, of Apiary, was a caller at J.
W. Hoels' Monday.
John Parker Is opening up a logging
caiup at bis place.
R. T. Bosls attended the teachers' exam
ination this week.
Mr. S. A. Miles, of 8f. Helens, was in this
vicinity lait Saturday.
Mrs. Anna McAdem, who was taken to
the hospital, is improving.
3. W. Bosls made a shipment of char
coal to Brook Held last week. :
Mr. Thomas Eerman, of Hudson, was
seen in this vicinity last Monday.
Mrs. Mary Lillard, who lias been suffer
ing with the measles, Is able to be about
The Mayger Co's store is receiving a
new coat of paint. Mr. Mason Is doing the
The weather Is still cool.
Willie Moyer will enter school this week.
J. China returned from Yankton last
J Bonncll was out io his plnce last
week looking after fruit trees and fences.
Fruit prospects are atill good, and clover
looks well. Spring crops are mostly in.
Wilfred Miller went to Porllsnd last
week to lay in a stock of supplies for bis
Plary. ,
Rev. Plowman will preach at the Perls
school bouse on the last Sunday in this
month, in the evening.
Robert Frey and wife, formerly of this
place, have gone to Bossland, B. C. He
writes that hs haa struck a Job.
Raai Estate Transfers.
Henry Blake to James McGregor, SI acres
In sections 35 aud 36, 1 7 n. r 2 w; $1.
John Carlson to John Oirgenson, X of
nw and swJi of nwj, sec 23, t en, r 3 w;
W. A. Craft to George W. Welt, eX of
neii and m of sej, aee 22, tt n, 2 w;
$U7. v
E. Hankins and wife to Hamilton Stubbs,
twVf. sec 17, tS n, r 4 w; $700.
Norman Merrill and wife to Astoria Bau-
road Co., additional right of way ; $400.
Jonathan Pruitt to Ella Borland, trustee
tX ot nwK of swK. sec 7, 1 4 n, r 4 w; $200.
Henry Rathfos to T. W. Jenkins, nwft,
United States to D. O. Adams, n o
nwX.secSS, H of swX. sec28,t4n,r4
w: patent.
United States to Joseph O. Coulter. m
of seX.swJjof neXaudseX of nwX. see
t4n,r4w; patent.
School Report.
Mounlaln View school reports the
lowing for the month ending May 7:
Number of days taught 20
Total attendance 835
Total absence 60
Number tardy..- 6
Average attendance ................. 42
Number belonging M
Girls enrolled 34
Boys enrolled 16
The pupili who were neither absent nor
tardy were: William Vail, Gustavo New
man, Lulu Buchanan, Willie Buchanan,
Lewis Buchanan, Lena Buchanan, Katie
Callahan, Pearl Hutchinson, George Leua-
ignont, Janie Lousignont, Lela Lousignont,
Stella Pomero7, Grace Thomas, Robert
Grant, Grace Oatby. Mild id Botlb,
Smith. At Rainier, on 8atnrdav. May 8,
isai, or typnoia lever, Maud, daugnter oi
str. ana ssra. a. b. anuut.
School Report. .
Following is the report of the Tide Creek
school for the month of April:
Number of pupils enrolled ............... 17
Number neither absent nor tardy.......
Average standing, including deportment
and neatness, of Jennie Piackney, 83; El
mer Olsen, 88 Willie Baasgardnsr, 87;
Rhea Pinckney, 88; Herman Usher, M.
Clarence, Frank and Ida Gore and Cora
Usber,95; Bessie and Nellie Pinckaey and
Pearl Usher, 08; Annie Rombloskl and Ella
Collins, 87; Bertha CoUina, SO. Visitors
during the month were: Henry BumgardV
ner, Clerk Chas. Olsen, Director Edgar
Enyart, J. F. Smith and Nelson Pinckney.
W. H. Corns, Teacher,
Professor a. A. Hall will close a
nine months term of school here today,
The past week haa been a busy one,
the pupils preparing for final examin
ation. The graduating olasa consult
of the Misses Maud Decker and May
There will be a atrawberry aociable
in the Maaonio ball ou Thursday. May
20, under the auspicea of the Ladies'
Guild. Adults, 15 cento; children, 10
oenta. All are cordially invited to be
preient. . .
New York hasn't seen the air ship, but a
reporter says ha aaw it raining saakes in
the street last Sunday,
The adage, "whera there is amok thers
is Are," has been exemplified by a $2,000,000
conflagration in Pittsburg.
It non transpires that Joseph R. Doe, of
Wisconsin, who waa assistant secretary of
war under the Cleveland administration,
had difficulty in distinguishing the differ
ence between government property and his
own, and that he only escaped being dis
missed In discraco because Seoretary -
mont wlstied to avoid a scandal. I
Absolutely FurOa
Celebrated tor Its area learenlng
strength and healthtulneas. Assures the
food against alum and all forma oi adul
teration eommon to ths etaaap brands.
botai, Bisma rownaa CO., MtW VOBK.
JhfaetablePrewafiott for As
similating thcToodamlReula
tojg tteSlomada antiBoweisof
ness and Hest-Ccn tains ncitivr
OpiuaT,Morpbin0 not Mineral.
o PmmiU Smi-
' sZtanaf
Arjerfeet Remedy for Cons flo-
lion. Sour StonHch,Diarrhoea,
Worms Ayortvuisiona, revcrisiir
nes and Loss or SLEEB
lacSimd Signature et
yyy w yyy y y ytwy y WUfVlf V W
1 I wish to announce to the
W ; i..V
. . . . . . . 1 1 -1 1 .1 L W,.-
k which t nave just openea in ma Diuiaing receuuy uuuupmu uj
f ell & Watkine. Every article ia absolutely freah, and all goods will be
r found to be juat as represented. .....
A portion of the public patronage is asked for, and your money's
worth guaranteed. Call and be convinced.
Dr. E. Ross
Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of
I School
L An Unusually well-selected Block
cue, ana ine xt
r Finest Perfumes and Soaps.......
a-fV Jtr Ar---' atiW-alrir AAAAAAA rfli atli afcjaVji
Astoria IlarWe Works
J. H. IMHOFF, PnoMitToa),
Foot of Twemi Street, ISTOaiA, OB.
Young America
T.nBl TT Atone B-.30 L M
Arrive at Portland 10:00 A M
Leave Portland 2:30 P M
Arriva at Bt. Helens 8:00 P M
Will Carry Nothing but Passengers
and Fast ireignt.
l 4
Osstotla la vat t la sas-alss sottba eslr. II
Is aot sols la balk. Dsat allsw aayaaa ts sail
yea aaythlag Use sa ths flea pnnis that tt-
U"nstas good " ana fiu aaswK wwwfjw
joss.",. -Bee that yoa get 0-A-8-T-0-MA. j
public that I have a new
of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen-
xuko uu tut iugiiQi,. , '
.. COMrODliSED. . el
-THE :
Wine and Liquor
Oanl tahlea. Tvool table, billiard table and
other devioea for the entertainment of pat
rons, where time can be pleasantly spent.
Beaidea other oooular brands, are kept
constantly on band to supply the Increased
trade at tnis very popular saioou.
Dimension Lumber, Flooring,
Rustic, Bheathlna-, Casinw, and a
complete stock of eveiy variety of
Rough and Dressed Lumber