The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 07, 1897, Image 3

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    Fob the .stobu Railroad Fit
teen freight and flat oar waul to
Astoria last week and war transferred
W the South Com! road . W'rrenton
Work on the railroad i progressing
i-apidly end lie arly aomplatloi. I.
now an a.urd hot. Mr. Hammond
It keeping Uhb with the people of A
tori and tad a penonnl liilret in
affair. Hie asaisUnt ere gentlemen
who here become identitled with the
Interest ol lelorle, a I ehown by
their good werk and worde of. eiicour
What Next Fashionable foolnry
lut reached iw ollmex lu Perl, where
(here w a twull dog wedding last
wefk. The doge belonging to a cmi'ile
ot titled people were united In wbiI
look with all the tuual actiitaeorif of
weddings orange bloitom. a veil
and eatin gown were worn by the
poodle bride, while dog groom had on
ji dreM coat and boulonnierci. There
were a number of canine bridesmaid,
a bulldog for a minltter, and eeyeral
usher. A fin (upper followml the
nuptial ceremony, which wat highly
enjoyed by both the two and four
fexged gueitl.
Ohm Oarbiaoih roi Fort Steven.
Three of the huge iron gun earriagea
for the fortification at Fort Steven
have arrived. They weigh about 100
tons each, and are the "fire-end' fall
back" Variety, railing the gun above
the lortifioatiuna to be discharged, and
then lowering them gently down out
of eight of the enemy t be loaded
again a regular soft snap far the men
working them. Railroad men are in
hope that the gune for thete carriage
will be eul around by water, a the
carriage and the apeoial oar on which
they are loaded were very trying on
bridge and treitlra.
ALL Adoukd IIbbb. Flehermen
have diioovered the fact tbat the lake
batween Albany and Cnrvallie near
tb river ara full of catflah and large
number have recently been raught.
Tbey are (aid to b the genuine Mia
eourt catfish, aya the Albany Herald.
Borne of thete flab were placed in favor
able watera a few year ago, and the
Ink have an outlet in the river it U
amy to explain bow they became
looked with cat flah. Theee are con
eldered good fith in maoy localitle
where bettor one do not abound, but
tbey cannot be compared wiib the
dainiy, dellciou Oregnu trout or the
lordly Chinook ealmon.
Wbathbb too ouoH.xeieniay a
barge load of lumber from the Guble
mill arrived down for Hi a city and
Wurrenton, eaya Monday' Aatorian.
After unloading two bille ou the Ninth
atreet dock the tug etarled acroaa lb
bay whh ibeaeow. They had not pro
ceeded far before the huge sees kicked
tip by lb tiff uor'wtater blowing be
gan o go over the tug and burg and
tor both vessels about in , B very un
comfortable manuer. Mr. Borthwick
and Agent Edwttrd were on board,
and a neither gantlemitn wi accu
turned to audi roiiRh weather, it wa
decided to put bark to the dock and
wait more favorable opportunity to
crow. .. ' :
advices from the eet of war between
Turkey and Greece are to the effect
that two great armiea have met iu the
flald of battle and that tbo Greek
were victorious In two important en
gagementa, repuleing the Turk with
heavy lo, on dixputcli staling that a
bridge aoro a atream waa deluged
with blood. Though the Turkish army
number about four to Greeoe'a ona,
many are of the opinion Ihnl the lat
ter will ultimately win tb day, not by
force Oi numuer ou j iiuuniav
courage nacaen up y
riant, wariare i uo""'. mwr,
be regained at any moment.
l Wuninin AvB-itaT.sit VA
day' Portland Telegram, under a scare
ln ud. publinhrd a column article, de
tailing a robbery, or aerie of robberiea
.mmitied on the Gatanrt on bar run
Imm Astoria lait Thnraday night The
report wa confirmed by the officer of
that boat the next day, although tbey
are not very Joyful over tbe failure to
0 ttch tbe tbief. Five staterooms were
robbed of turn ranging from 3 to
ik kv an nrtert. who watched hit
chance between tbe round of the
.:!. iftiimii fir the holt. Mr.
Frank Btoke, of Astoria, loat f 19 60.
J. H. Beecher, Chicago man, loat a
wallet containing $125 in money and
two draft for 1322.60 and flM re-
apeoti ely. From Mr. Gillette, of Ai
toria, 19 in chtng wa taken, although
under hi pillow lay leveral hundred
dollara. A. G. Barker, the railroad
man, miaaed 18.20 in money. A Mr.
Johnson lt ilver-handld knife
from hi clothe, tbongb the money
under hi pill"W wa not diaturbed.
Watches and jewelry learned to be a
drug on the market with the thief.
Supbbhb Coubt Dbcisiow. The
uia aiinrama court laat Saturday
handed down a deoirion in the Mania
bond ca-e appealed from Multnonuh
couBty, where It had been taken on a
ak. iia rtf VMIIUA from Columbia coun
ty by Messr. Dillard and Cole, ooun
all or tli bondimen. The euprem
court B'firm the decision of the lower
court, ami thu the matter he been
h,.,.h in a oloaa at last. Thl Wa
an action against G. A. Mei, late
heriff of Columbia county, and the
uretie on hi offloial undertaking,
for the mm of 13600 on account of
taaaa ,,lWlrl bv him and OOt ac
counted lur acenrdina to law. Mauie
wa elected elieriff in June, 1802, and
qualified by giving an offloial under
taking in the rum of 10,000 aa re
aulred. with the other defendant
iretiei, but failed and neglected to
a-iv the adclitioual bond r quired be
fort) enteritis udoii hi duties aa Us
collector, and the a motion on tbia a
Deal wa whether the luretie on b
ofttciul undertaking are liable for hie
default in the matter of the collection
of taxe. The general rule la unque
tioned that where a loeciul duty i im-
poied upon a public officer and he i
reaulrea to elve an additional nonu
i r it faithful performance, the ur
tie on hi generul bond are not lixble
lor my delinquency In the periorm
ance of nuch anaoiat dutv. The opin
ion of the court i in aooord with thin
rule, and accordingly the Judgment
County court la in lenion.
MinFrankle Wy vliitod Portland
lait Friday. .
Alex Sword, of Vereonla, wa in
town Wedneaday.
Mn. J. II. Sheldon wa In Portland
Tueiday afternoon.
Mr. 0. L. Parker, of Pittiburg, wa
in thli oily Monday.
Mr. 0. F. Blylh, of Portland, wa In
Uil city laat Saturday.
Mi Mary Burke wa visiting in
Portland lait Thnraday.
Rev. C. N. Plowman will preaoh
next Saturday at Mayger.
Jamee M tickle w attending to bu
Inai in Portland Monday.
A nice line ol men' ahoe at A. H.
Tirbell', Houlton. Price the loweit.
The government ligbthouie tender,
Mamanita, la undergoing repair at
Surveyor Meaerve i again at the
county teat extending to bit official
dutle. : v ' :
Tbe yonog daughter of W. P. Mo
Clay, of Columbia City, la reported
quite l k.
Mr. 8. 8. Way and daughter Win
nie returned from Portland laat Satur
day evening. -. . " .,...-.''
Attorney George E. Davta waa look
ing after court matter in tbia city on
Mil Allie Lyon, a well known
teicher of tbia county, waa in thi
city Monday.
Mr. Charlee E. Hall, of Rainier,
pent Sunday iu thi city at the home
of hi mother.
County Treasurer Huntington, of
Cuwlit county, Waah., waa in our
city yeaterday. ,
Chuba are running o thick in Mil
ton creek that they almoat crowd each
other out of tbe water.
The aieamer Young America la onoe
more making Sunday trip betwu
tbi place and Portland.
"A Fifhermao'i Lack" will be pre
vented at Ecappooa thi (Friday) even
ing by the St. Helena dramatic club.
A. B. Little baa recently ipent lev
eral day at aurveying in tb vicinity
of the Dow and Guild plaoe near Ver-
uonia. , y:-
..itl Tllhe Muckle ha been ceriou-
ly afdioted thia week from the effect
of poiaon unK and &aa neen eounuea
to er room.
Mr. Charlee Hoognkirk and! aon, of
Rainier, ent lait Saturday witn
friend in thi city, returuiug home in
the evening.
Rev. 0. E. Pbilbrook will preach at
gcappome next Sunday, May 9th, at
11 o'clock, and at 8 o'clock in the even
lug. All are invited.
Mi Daby Watkina, who la attend
ing echoul iu Portland, vialted her par
aula In thia city laat Saturday, return
ing to .Portland Sunday.
W. B. But 11 and George Caae atarled
overland for the Grant county minee
laat Monday. They expect to remain
away until late in the falL
The Northern Pacific aohedule ha
been changed. The south bound train.
formerly due al Houlton at 6 :38 p. m
ia now due there at 4.-06 p. m.
Mr. William Proper, who pent the
uinmer and tall of laat year in thi
city with Mr. and Mra. W. A. Harri,
returned here laat Saturday evening.
The citv council ha railed the
liquor liceoae to $800 in St. Helen.
It will evident! be necearv to in-
ereaae the price of drink or elae add
more water in the future.
G. W. Barnea, ot Quincy, ex county
commiiaioner, wat in thia city thia
week. Mr. Barnea re porta nothing,
of iniereet out of the general routine
of everyday event in hit locality.
There i a fair-aixed docket for tbe
court to commence on next Tueiday,
when the regular May term of circuit
court will convene. The docket ap
pear in another column of thi paper
tbia wees.
Tbe teemer Sarah Dixon and Gov
ernor we well ooiuoea wnue pawing
through the Burnaide bridge draw at
Portland laat Sunday night. Tbe
Dixon loat part of her guard and bouse.
The Newell had in tow a Urge barge
load of wood and waa not damaged.
Newton Ferrv. the Houlton merch
ant, haa bought tbe building occupied
bv Mr. Tarbell aa a general merohan-
diaa store in that place, and will move
it to a more convenient locatien auu-
cble for conducting hi own buiidea.
It la id Mr. Tarbell will retire from
The local dramatio club of thl city
prented "A Fiiberman' Luok" to a
Lira audience at Ridgefield hut Wed-
nradav avenina. Tu Denormance
wa good, though not o well pre ten ted
I it wa in thi city, owing to lack of
room and leu convenient atagtng ia
oililiea in other reipeot.
Rev. Ge rge B. VanWatan, of St
David' Epiacopal church, Portland,
preached a very able aermon in the
naw church here lait Wedneaday even
ng. M uaio wa f urniihed by a oboru
f children who had been trained fur
theoccaaion. Rev. VanWatere will
nreach here again next Wedneaday
evening. ,
An eaatera exchange lay that one
l !, mihanrlhAra found a (nider in
1,1. mnar and wanted to know if it
.(dared a bad omen. Tbe edi
lor reaponded aa follow ! "Nothing
ni ti,a kind. The enider waa merely
looking over the column of the paper
to aee what merchant were not edver
i.,n mn it euiild anin ita web acroal
the door and be free from disturbance.
Tha WaatAald. Iod..Newi print! the
following in regrd to an old reaident
of thnl place: "Frank MoAvoy, for
many year In the employ of the L.,
w a A O. Rv.. here. ays 'I have
naed Chamberlain'a Colio, Cholera aud
Diarrhoea Remedy for ten year or
longer am nover without it in my
family. I consider it the very beit
remedy of the kind manulaoiureo.
...i.. niuinn in recommending it.
It i T peoifle for all bowel diaorder.
For ale oy ut. x-uwiu
f he reildence of John Cheldelin on
Crooked creek, near .Keaaey, waa to
tulle deatroyed by fire laat Saturday,
with all it content!. Mr. Cheldalin
and aon were away from home at tbe
time looking for tbe cattle, Mn. Chel
delin, with the young children being
tbe only onei around, wnen tney un
covered the fire. It already had auch
a atart tbat there wa no ua to try to
ave tbe houie, 10 only a few bed
clothe were laved. Provlilont for
leveral mouth were destroyed.
Judge Doan, after wrestling with
probate mattera all day Monday and
Tueiday, went to Rainier on the even
ing of the latter to see to the welfare
of Mn. Doan, who baa been quite tick
for some time. He returned, however,
on wedneiday morning and opened
court in regular aesiion.
Biili will be received for moving tbe
building occupied by A. H. Tarbell at
Houlton onto the land ol It. a. Perry,
alao for turning N. A. Perry' present
tore building one hall around. Uids
will be received up to May 12, 1897.
For further particulars call on N. A.
Perry, Houlton.
Win Beffert aud Fred Henderson, of
Deer Island, were in thia city Tueaday
attending K. P. lodge and looking af
ter buain mattera. Tb boyi expect
to Hart to logging in a few days, at
which they will be actively engaged
until next fall.
In another column of this paper will
be found the advertisement of Mr. W.
A. Harris' grocery ond provision ee
tabli.hment just opened to the public.
Hi Block la new and iren,triotiy up
to date, and no doubt be will do hi
ahar of buain in that line.
Comminionar Pbil Frake came in
on the aieamer Tueiday evening from
Scappooae to be on hand for county
oourt Wednesday. He was accom
panied by Mra. Frakes, who attended
the Ruthbone Sisters tbat evening.
The old theory that if it rains Easter
Sunday it will rain for eeveo succes
sive Sundays, haa been knocked out
this year. While it rained on &eier
the paat two Sunday have not wit
nessed a drop of rain.
Rev. M. Burlingame, the new pas
tor of the Evangelioal church at Houl
ton, made thi office a pleuiaal call
last Friday. Mr. Burlingame ia well
known to our citizeot, having resided
here leveral yeart ago.
Rev. August Weiuert, whe haa been
in charge of the Evangelioal cburob
work at Houlton during the paat year,
baa taken bia departure for Tigard
ville, where be baa been assigned for
tbe present year.
Mesar. H. P. Walkin and W. T.
Mason started by wagon lust Wednes
day a week ago for Southern Oregon
and California. Their ' minion is to
visit some mine in which Mr. Macon
ha an interest.
It la reliably reported that Dr. C. H.
Newlh hue moved from Vernonia, and
lcuted at Philomath, in Benton coun
ty. The Nehalem valley ha loat an
nterprising cilixen and a splendid
Muckle Bros, have ahut down their
tacrine: camo on Milton creek until
auch time a they can dispose ot the
loss they have in the water. The
other oamps on the creek are still in
J. H. Decker, the barber, i having
his place of buainesa repapered and
repainted throughout, and when tbe
work ia Auiahed the place will lake on
a neat and attractive appearance.
Vol. 1, No. 1, of the Pacifio Progress,
published al HcMinnviiie by . o.
Hardin and F. J. Martin, hat reached
US. Jit ia aovoieu 10 me lovareni u mo
Mutual Iusurance Association.
Final aettlement waa hud in the e
late of John Lindgren, deceased, be
fore Judge Doan laat Saturday. The
sdiiiiniainlor waa discharged and bia
bondsmen released.
Commissioner Peterson, of Mist, af
tar visiting Portland on Tuesday, ar
rived in thia city that evening to enter
upon tbe diaobarge of bis omciai uu
tiea Wedneaday morning.
There will be a social and entertain
ment given by the HoultoA aaeembly
ot Artiiana next Monday night, to
which the publio ia invited.
Mr. and Mra. John Campbell, ot Ver
nonia. came over the mountain Tuea-
dav and continued to Portland tbe
next morning.
Mr.W.D. Case, of Pittsburg, has
been appointed postmaster at tbat
nlace. in Dlaoe of Mra. Detrick, wbo
resigned. ,-
Edmond C. Giltner, It ia taid, will
leave in about two weekt for Wash
ington, where be will remain Indefi
nitely. Charlev Solomon. of Vernonia, ia re-
norted auite lick at the home of E. J.
Curtis, at Columbia City, with typhoid
fever. -.
Ralnh Duniwav. of the law firm of
George, Gregory & Duniway. Portland,
was in this ctiy Tueaaay on legai oiw
inesa. V
In the probate oourt Tuesday Maria
Vr,mh. a subiaot of the Emperor of
Uermany, waa aamuteu to ciumihu
Jndge Peter H. Ward, of Portland,
waa attending to legal mattera in our
oily on Tuesday and Wedneaday.
Mr. G. F. Lindgren, the leading
merchant of Mist, was in this city on
prabate buaioeaa Tueiday laat.
W. 3. Daitt. the Rainier merchant
waa attending to buiineaa mattera in
Portland laat Tueiday.
Harrison Allen, of Astoria, waa In
this city Tuesday attending to matters
before ibe probate judge.
W. A. Edgerton, of Clatakanie, wu
attending to buiineu in tbi city last
George Lemont was attending to
business matters in tbe metropolis on
J. S. Clonintcer was doing businea
in the metropolis last Tuesday.
H. O. Howard, of Yankion, has been
iu town seversl day thi week.
Clyde Mill brought the mail out
from Vernonia last Salurnay.
Mra. T. J. Cleeton returned home
from Oregon City Tueiday.
Dow W. Kiaiey mada a btwlneis trip te
St. Helen and Portland Tueiday.
We have mtaaed Tbb Mist lor the au
twewieka. Whither bal it utrsycdl
On Tueaday last 8ira Faltlnst and Borck
left Bock Creek vslley for Blason, Cat., to
engage In wood cutting.
School opened in diatrlct No. 27 (Keaaey)
Monday, May 8rd. under the aapervlalon
( Mlii Berths Detrick. Thirteen pupila
enrolled and more to follow, .
J. J. Black report tint the projectors
"are working like tlgera" and they expect
soon todevalop exceedingly rich gold mlnea.
Provlaion U getting scarce, ao don t all go
t a time or It will oauie a famine.
In a Utter lately received by N. 0. Klch
man from B. Blakely he atate that Jamee
Adams had found a gold nugget for which
bs had been offered 1 150. Don't every one
make a rush for Jaclcwn county now. tie
alao ssid they bad not yet begun to develop
their clalma.
Laat Monday week tbe tire fiend got In
his destroying work on the home ot O. P.
Obeldelin, conauming everything bat s few
articles of bedding, a little clotlilnir, some
ohslrs and a eewlnj machine. Mncb luore
icht have been saved, bat Mr. O, and bia
son, Otto, were In aearob of the eowa and
there waa ao one to carry thins ont except
Mra. Cheldelin and two little girls. Floor,
potatoes, fruit and a tool cheat containing
valuable toola were all deatroyed. The gen
erotity of the Nehalem people will, no
doubt, eome to the front aa unal and ren
der tbem aid. The boy, Otto, Is quite ser-
looaiy IU and Mra, Cbeldellu and oris of tbe
gtrla are not well.
Real Estate Transfer.
Helen Ladd Corbett to H. O. Howard,
neK, sac 36. 1 8 n, r 8 w i 11600.
Joseph Dixon and wife to Aitoria Kail-
road Co., additional right of way; 125.
Susanna C. Lamberson to George Leon
ard and wife, 10 acres in Broyles donation
claim, ft.
Susanna C. Lamberaon to J. H. Beavers
and wife, 10 acres In Broyles donation
8. B. riyinpton and wife to Mary W.
Newaom, 30 acre in section 21, 1 7 n, r S
Cleveland Rockwell to Cornelia Rockwell
nt, sec 1, 1 5 n, r 8 W, quitclaim ; 12000.
George W. Sharer and wife to Astorls
Railroad Co., right of way ; $102.50.
R. Wingste, receiver, to Traders Trust
Co.,ewK. aec29, tSn. re;48. v
David Wilcox to George A. Wilcox and
wife, and 2-11 ef H of nX and t of nw
X,ecl9,t4n, r4w;ia0.
J. B. Wilverding and wife to C.L. Ayrea,
neK of nX of nwK, aec 80. 1 6 n, r t w ; $100.
Ira J. Weaver to Rose A. Oliver, aw)4.
sec 19. 1 6 n, r 2 w; $100.
United 8tatea to B. O. Varney, tH, sec 9.
t5 n,r8 w; pstent.
Tfce Beat Beaaedy for Bfcewmatlaaw.
From the Falrbaven (N. Y.) Reglrter.
Mr. Jaraea Rowland, of tbia village, atates
tbat for twenty-five yeara hia wife baa been
a aufferer f ram rheumatism, A few nighta
ago aha waa in anch pain that aba waa
nearly ersiy. She sent Mr. Rowland for
the doctor, but be had read of Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm, and lnatead of gaiog for
the physician he went to tbe store and pro
cured a bottle of it. Ilia wife did not ap
prove of Mr. Rowland's purchase at Brat,
but nevertheleaa applied tbe Balm thor
oughly, and In leas than an hour's tims
was able to go to sleep. She now applies It
whenever she feels an ache or pain and
finds tbat It always gives relief. He says
that no medicine which sbe had ever need
svsr did ber as much gooA Tbe 25 and BO
cent sixes for sale by Dr. Edwin Rosa.
School la progressing tine under the man
agement of Mr. Bbepard.
Everybody are busy putting in erops.
8. Rock Is working for C. L. Ayr.
J. B. Wilverding Is building a school-
house at Bachelor Flat.
A. A. Smith and Jesse Hendricks ars
ratting logs on 8cappooae bay.
Mrs. Bonnsll mads this place a visit last
week. ..-.....
B, H. Bailey was planting soma spnds on
his ranch the fore part ot tbe week.
Thomaa Holateln is again living on bis
plaoe on Milton creek.
The roads are drying op fast and will
Sunday achool was well attended last
Sunday. Rev. Welnert preached his fare
well sermon. Wa will have preaching In
two weeks by Rsv. Burlingame.
School Report.
Following is the report of the Feris school,
district No. 43. for the month of April
Number ef days taught......'
Number of days attendance. 220
Number ot days absence
Whole number of boys enrolled ......... S
Whole number of girla enrolled 7
Average belonging U
Averags daily attendance .'. . 11
Number of new pupils enrolled . 2
The following-named pupils were not
tardy during the month' Mertla Ayrea,
Myrtle Fowler, Harry Howard, Fred and
Charley Hendricks, EJasie Moyer, Ada
Sprader, Alpbonae Sauervlne, Sidney
Smith. Ada and Cassia Wilverding, and
Mary Wlkstrom. Three puplla abseat dur
ing the term. There ia no discount on this
school. : . Alva J. Basraac, Teacher.
Rbdimmeos-Jxbs. At Houlton, on Satur
y 1. 1897. be Rev. C. E. Philbrook
Mr. Wm. Reaimmeus and Miss Christina
O. Jebe. -
Absolutely Pure ,
Celebrated for Its treat learentng
strength and healthfuluess. Assures the
food against alum and sll (onus ol adul
teration common to the cheap brands.
aoYAL SABUio rowoaa co., aiw tea.
Dow Keaaey, of Keaaey, wa in town
Tueaday. v
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dow were iu
thia city Tueaday. v
W. 3. Bice, ol tbe Bainier Beview,
waa in town Tueaday.
Dr. Giltner, of Portland, was on our
Street Wednesday,
B. H. Bailey, of Yankton, waa in
thia city Wednesday.
Alferd Sundby had his face badly
powder burned otie day this week
caused by carelessnesi with a abotgun
Commisaioneia Frake and Peter
on went out to Warren yeMterday
morning to examine into a proposed
change of the county road al Halver
Olien'a place. It ia proposed to change
the several feet from ita present
location, and the county court, which
is In session, is called upon to grant
the request.
Relaying thb Track. The work
of relaying the ateel ruile on the
Northern Pacifio railroad between
Portland and Ooble is now in progress.
The crew of men engaged in the work,
about seventy-five in numtwr, are
quartered at Scappooae. Tbe steel
now being laid 1 ot a mncii Heavier
qua Jty than the old in fulfillment of a
contract between the Northern Pa
cifio and Astoria Bailroad company,
a the latter ia to ue tho former' line
from OoMe to Portland. ,
School Report.
Following . i tbe report of the Valley
school for tbe month beginning April 5:
Number enrolled 12
Average attendance 9
Total attendance 173
Total absence .'. .128
Number of -daya taught 20
Those nei her aWent nor tardy were
Rene and Leontlne Dupont; others net
absent were Iva and Johu Sobieki.
Iais W. Tabbell, Teacher.
In tbe Circuit Court of the 8tat of Oregon, for
th rrnintv of Columbia.
The Stale of Oregon and the Board of Com
missioners lor toe eaie oi scnotH ana uni
versity Lands, and for the Investment of
the Funds Arising therefrom, pleiutifia,
Henry Hubert, Mary A. Hubert, and James
Dart, as Administrator ol the Estate of T. H.
To Henry Hubert and Mary A. Hubert, defend
ants aoove nsmea:
Yoo, and each of you, are hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint hied against
you In the above entitled suit and Court
by the first day of the next regular
May term of the Circuit Court ol the Bute ol
Oregon, for Columbia County, to-wit: on Tues
day, the Uth day of May. and If you fail to
so answer, for want thereof the plaintiffs will
apply to the Court for an order of default
against you, and for the relief demanded In the
complaint, to-wit: for Judgment against the
said defsndant, Henry Hubert, for the sum of
One Thousand Dollars, with interest tbereoo
at the rate of eight per eent per year, from the
2Ut day of September, 18M-, together with the
further sum of Two Hundrad Dollara as attor
neys fees, and the eosts and disbursements In
thia mil.
For a decree foreclosing all claims, Ileus or
rights oi eaoo ot sat a aeienaanis, ana an per
sons nlalmlne ander tliem. In and to the real
estate and oramises described in the complaint.
to-wit: The north half of the south ball of sec
tion thirty-four in township numner six nonn
of rani. A numbar four west of the Willamette
Meridian, in Columbia County State of Oregon
ana containing une nunarea eca emy avrea,
together with the Improvements thereon, and
order! ii it a sale of the said real estate and an ap-
f llcatlon of the proceeds to the payment of said
udgment, and for such other relief aa may
u.m mMt anil fmnttahl,. In the nremisea.
This summons is published by order of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Colum
bia County, duly made and entered In open
court, Marca is, usn. .
mlSaSO ' Attorneys for PlainUffa.
In tbe County Court ot the State ot Oregon, for
uoiumota uounty.
In the Matter ot the Estate of Frank M. Meeker,
To W. A. Meeker, Anna Smith, Anderson Smith,
wnue Bmitn, ume emitn ana eamantne
Smith, heirs at law ot Frank M. Meeker, de
ceased, and to all other heirs ot said deceased,
nnknown If any there be:
Ynu. and aar.h of toil are herebv com
manded to be and appear before the Honorable
County Court of the Stat of Oregon, In and lor
the County of Columbia, at the Court-house, In
Rt. Helena. I Bald Conntv and State, oa Monday
theSrd day ol May, 187. at 2 o'clock P. M., of
said day, It being the regular May term 01 sua
Court, to show cause, tf any exist, why an order
of sale of all the real property belonging to said
estate, should not be made, aa prayed for in the
Ktitlon on file in said Court; said real property
lug described as follows, to-wit: An undi
vided one-fourth Interest in and to the south
west quarter of the northeast quarter, and the
northwest Quarter of the southwest ouarter, of
section aumoer one, in lownsnip nomiwriwg
nnH h nf nnn number two west of the Willam
ette Meridian, iu Multnomah Conntv, State of
Oregon, and containing in the whole tract
eignty acres oi iaoa.
In testimony whereof, 1, Jadeon Weed, Clerk
of the County Court aforesaid, do hereunto set
my hand and affix the seal of said Court, at my
offloe In the City ot St. Helens, State of Oregon,
this sth day of March, A. D. 1997.
By W. A. Habbis, tionnty tiera.
Deputy. (ml2a2S)
In the Circuit Court of the Stats ef Oregon, lor
the county oi voiumDia.
Walter jr. Burns, plaintiff,
C. C. Cole, Amanda Cole, J. P. Marshall, lost
UOle, W. 17. atenaersou ana Jaeusaa xaeuuer-
To 0. 0. Cole, Amanda Cols and Joele Cole, de
1 Von are herebv reouired to appear and
answer the eomplaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit In the above named Court on
or before Tuesday, the eleventh day ot May, A.
D. 1W7, said date being the first day ot the next
regular term of said Court; and if you fall so to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a
decree against yoo, aud eaoh of you, foreclosing
that certain mortgage executed on the !9th day
of July, 1880. by Will W. Cole and W. O. Hender
son, as partners under the firm name of Cole 4
ctenaerson, w dbs tt m. vunw uu v. .
following described land, to-wit: Lot Number
One (1) In Section Thirty-six (86) in Township
D.u.n m Nnrtb of Ranse Number Two (2) West
of the Willamette Meridian, containing U.eO
acres, more or less; also the West One-half (H) of
the Northeast One-fourth (V;), and the South
east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, of Section
Number Thirty-flve (86), in Township Number
seven m rtonn, Kango numoer iw i; nw, ui
u,e Willamette Meridian, containing: 120 aerea.
more or less; together with Mill, Machinery,
Boom, Chains, Logging Outfit, Blacksmith's
Outfit, and all buildings erected thereon, for the
purpose of seourint the payment in full of a
oertain promissory note made and delivered to
the e n wm. unnnar on saia aaie dt aaia VjOie
jk Henderson, whereby the said Cole A Hender
son agreed to pay to said Wm. Dunbar on or be
fore is montns aiier aaie oi sara bum uiv auw m
Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with Interest at the
rate of eight per cent, per annum until paid, and
in ease suit is Instituted to collect said note, or
... nnrtlnn thereof, than anoh a sum as should
be adjudged by the Court reasonable as attor
neys lees in buvu suit.
The conveyance in said mortgage being so
made by said Cole A Henderson to the said Wm.
Dunbar, and condlUoned for the payment of the
said sum ot tlftUO, and Interest thereon at the
rate of eight per cent per annum, until paid and
lor toe payment oi an taxes uiwa ins i.ruptir.j
mentioned in said mortgage; and said mortgage
hAlno- vennrded in the office of the County Clerk
ot Columbia County, in Book E, page M ot the
Kocorus oi Mortgages oi saia county; un tue
further relief demanded in said suit Is (1) Judg
ment against said W. C. Henderson for the sum
of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with Interest there
on from the 29th day ot July, 1889, at the rate ot
eight per eent. per anuum. and tor the sum of
i nree auuunu iMMinrs H auu
eneta and diBburaemenUi In this suit: (2) that
said Judgment be decreed a first lien upon said
land, and that said land be sold as prescribed by
rlved from such sale be applied to the payment
of said judgment; and (8) that you, and each of
Jou, be foreclosed and barred as to any interest
n said land ; and (4) for such further relief as to
the Court may seem Just and equitable.
Thia summons is published and mailed to yon
Kv virtue of en order of the Hon. T. A. MoBrlde.
law. enn ina nnrawui. or lumviflui uionui uv
Judge of the above named Court, mad on the
una aey oi seoruery, imt.
Ota Attorneys for riatntlfl.
t f . . f . t1 - -' " 1 iVi -r r,T" i7''r'"J i , .-i.-.i , . .7r , , j . L n ; r, . . . . . n ...
.AVeCetable Preparation fbr As
similating tteToodandReguta
tjrjg Ihgfltnmflrits andi3owel3 cf
nessandRestXontalns neither
Optum.Morpliine nor Mineral.
Mot Narc otic.
jtofM aradllrSjlKVZiaiVIILH
yi.iifia Sml
eaten. Uft-
Arjetfect Remedy for Constloa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarxhoea,
. - a ere. S
pes a and Loss Of SlXEB
Tac Simla Signature of
ill l !
U ay If-ay ay .ay bub, ay ay anarare)- ay ay bus. ay. ay y suy y MyanaT
UA2n UKUttlK Y
:y- -o
V : l a - a At. at.
Groceries and Provisions
t Wbich I have just opened in the building recently occupied by Newell 4 2
r WalVina Tl
t I absolalely fresh, and all goods will be found to be just as recommended jj
a Of tlm nnlilir natrnnacn ia aatrnrl for
W Call and be
"r "r 'r 'lr "r "T T1
Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of
' "gygggtyssg
k An Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Fena, Pen-
cila, and the Beat Ink on the Market.
Finest Perfumes and Soaps.
...Fateat Medielnea
Astoria Marble Works
J. H. IMHOFF, Proprietor,
Foot of Twelftlt Street, ASTORIA, OR.
Young America
Leave SI. Helens..........
Arrive at Portland. , .....
Leave Portland .......
Arrive at St. Helens
.... 6:80 A M
....10:00 A M
.... 2:30 P M
.... 8:00 P M
Will Carry Nothing bnt Passengers
and Fast u reig lit.
Oastorls It put la as alss settles saly. II
Is set aoM la balk. Daat allow airyans te sail
yes uytbbur cue en the plea ar prwlss uat tt
is "just aa good" and "will answer every at,
pose." Sia-1 that yoa get 0-1-d-T-O-X-Ul j
- a T l..s. i i . .A nnH a.AA1s nf
. 3
anrl ronr money'a worth euaranteSjd
convinced. y
- ' ; OREGON. X
T" '": W -alW aW iJfc -bwW sfk mWWC
Wine and Liquor
Card tables, pool table, billiard table and
other devices for the entertainment of pat
rons, where time can bs pleasantly apens.
3S 91..
BesideB other Bonnlar brands, are kept
constantly on band to supply the increaf ed
trade at this very popular saloon. .
Dimension Lumber, Flooring,
Rustic. Bheathlna, Casings, and a
complete stock oleyeiy variety ot
Rongli and Dressed Lumber
wm utBriufd.