OREGON MIST. ISSUED EVERT FRIDAY MORN INS '-- BEEGLK ft DAVIS. Sab.crlptlen Rata. On ewy on year 1 advance. .11 W Cue nopy il mouths...... .......... CO Smsl oopy .............. I AdverUunc rates made known anon application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. Cost toy Officer. I 11 tku ValitU. Clerk .J udann Weed, Vernoma 8herl(r..... J. N. Rle. Clatskaiil Trouurar X. M. Wharton, fit- Helen Bui, of Sohool.. J- . Watu, 8capooe Assessor Martin White, Qiilncy Surveyor ..W.N. Mfaerve, bulena Coroner. Dr. A. P. McLaren. Rainier w..u 1 A. 'rakes, Heeppojae CasMridwwn j ; K Di (tcnKtu, Mist ST. HELEN. tSSJOl", ArHlfc SO. It will be noticed that the Bultan borrows military officers from Chris tian nation to furnish his Army with strategy. He appreciates civilisation if ha can corrupt it for his own uses.' Ubbh is not meeting with much success in his Southern Oregon tour. Saturday, at a meetiog of Jackson county populists, resolutions were adopted condemning the action of ths populist members of the recent legis lature in formins; a coalition to pre vent the organisation of lbs bouse. PxorLB front east of ths Rocky mountains in quest of homes in the West are beginning to arrive in this vicinity, and it is confidently expected that during the coming season many families will be added to our popula tion, says the Milton Eagle. The Walla Walla valley and Umatilla county offers splendid inducements to such, for crops are always sure and prosperity ever rewards industry. It is very probable that ths 21,700, 000 acres of public domain which Cleveland reserved for the use of the government will be restored to the people who ought to bsvs it during the present session of congress. The board of scientists who junketed screes ths country in a private car to select such lands for reservation as the rait road companies requested served their hosts right faithfully, but the people won't stand the "work." It's too course. Bold little Greece aad the ever ready Turk have buckled on the sword. Greece is fighting to rescue a Christian population in the island of Crete from ths blighting domination of the mur derous Turk. Turksyis fighting be canss she wants to, and thinks it her duty to murder Christians in Arme nia. Ail the good wishes to be spared in this country will go out to the little Grecian soldiery, and if ths big Euro pean notions allow Greece to gst whipped it will be another black spot linked with Cuba on the fair name of our boasted civilisation in these clos ing days of the nineteenth century. Wheat has gone up and stocks down. This is what usually happens at ths beginning of a wsr. In the present instance, however, this movement is not likely to go far or last long. There is a strong probability that the war Will end shortly. But even if it should ' last throughout ths entire year, it can, ejxoept for a few days, make little dif ference in prices in this country unless some of the larger nations are involved, Greece and Turkey are not heavy wheat producers or holders of Ameri can stocks, and the conflict between them can affect either wheat or stocks only temporarily. The promptness and fury with which the Graeeo Turkish war began after lbs first overt act was committed is a lesson as to the necessity for the United States to place its seacoast defenses in good order. War for ns is, of course, not in sight, but it is always among ths possibilities, and this should be borne constantly in mind. The fort already existing should be strength ned without delay, and new ones built wherever needed, while the work of creating a proficient nsvy should be prosecuted with vigor and intelligence The United Steles cannot always be exempt from the perils of war which confront other great nations. Factory smoke breeds republican' ism. The springing np of factories throughout the South has been fol - lowed by a growth of protective senti ment and republican membership in congress from that section. More than thirty votes from ths South were cast for a protective tariff measure in the house, sad the Southern states had thirty-three members in the last con gress, while in no preceding congress bad the party been represented by Mors than half that number from that section. When democrats from North and South Carolinia, Alabama, Missis sippi, Louisiana and Texas join with ths republicans in supporting protec tive views end a protective tariff bill, there can re main no doubtof the growth of republican principles in that section. The probabilities of wsr between ths great powers of Europe is not very groat as the situation - now appears. It is trus a little unpleasantness has occurred between Turkey and Greece, but this is not of sufficient conse quence to entangle the larger powers to any serious extent. The fact is, the larger powers of Europe are, to con-. iderable degree, afraid of ech other and therefore move with front eaution ; it also teems apparent that while they (ear each other, the whole concert is timid about seriously opposing Russia, while that country looks smilingly on and with each transaction acquires a little new territory and additional prestige among the nations. It is safe to say that no intervention will be had by the European concert between Greece and Turkey unless Russia is first consulted and her assent obtained. The despotism of Russia is despised yet feared by all the nations of the earth. . . 1 - , BCHOOIj "statistics. Showing Condition of thn Columbia Coanty Pwblio Bohools. Th fallowing areextracts taken from ths annual report of tbesounty school superin tendent for ths year ending March 1, 1887 Nutnbr of persons between the ax of and 90 year residing in ths connty, males. 1134; females, 1063; total, 2196. I had 21S in my apportionment statement, which was not correct, but the apportionment was cor rect, being basad on 2193. ' Number of resident papili enrolled in the public schools male, 7il; females, 712. Average dally attendance male, 639 females, 601. Number of persons not attending any school during the year males, 368; females, 321. Estimated value of schoolhonses, includ ing grounds, $22,230.00. Estimated value of school furniture be longing to the schoolhonses, 13.577.00. Estimated value of apparatus, including maps, globes, charts, eto., $2,608.08. Amount of insurance on schoolhonses. $8,390 00. Average salary paid male teachers pear month, $33; female, $32.57. Salary of superintendent per month. 115. Whole camber of organised districts, 56. Whole number of organised districts re porting, 66. Average length of school term, 6.9-11 months. . .. Average tax levy In county, 6.8-11 mills. F1XASCIAL Amount of school funds in hands of clerks at beginning of school year. March!, 1836.............$ 427 90 Amount raised by district tax ... . 2,429 43 Amount of county school fond... 6.898 97 Amount of state school fond 2,399 75 Amount raised by rate bills...... 148 70 Amount raised all other sources. . 777 45 Total receipts for the year...... $13,080 20 Amount paid oat for teachers' wages .$9,613 35 For rent of schoolrooms 23 90 For repairs on schoolhonses 422 62 For schoolhonse furniture. ....... 271 80 For necessary incidentals 217 96 For clerks' services 265 60 For maps, charts, globes, etc... . 235 11 For scboolbouse sites. 20 80 For building schoolhonses 798 04 For insurance.... 57 85 For all other purposes 440 92 Total paid out for year 1890. . . .$12365 94 Balance In hands of clerks - 714 20 The districts snake a good showing for the year Just closed. The schoolroom work of the teachers has been exception ally good, and the outlook for Columbia county schools is very good Indeed. J. O. WATTS, County School Superintendent. REUBEN ITEMS. Fred Koble and C. Felber were in town last Sunday. S. R. Hagey, of Apiary, was doing busi ness in town last Friday. Jack McGrath, of Upper Clatakanie, was in town Sunday on business. James Holden and family started for Baker City on Wednesday. B. W. Fowler is bnilding an addition to O. K. Hunter's meat shop at Goble. If rs. H. Tusant's sister came on the Kel logg Tnssday to spend a week here. J. If. Archibald was in Portland Hon dsy laying in a supply of bee fixtures. Samuel Mann and D. D. Dillard are put ting in the spring crops for R. B. Foster. C. Hovea moved his family and scow from Washington to this place this week, E. Meeker and John Lamberson, jr., of Houlton, are working on the section here. Mr. Beno, of the firm of Beno Y Ballis, Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday here fishing. E. M. Betts and Joseph Carta are haul ing wood from the Bonny Seed place for H. B. Bortbwick this week. H. B. Bortbwick received fonr large horses by the Kellogg Tuesday for his log ging camp at Moore nil. H. Stehmsn and family, accompanied by Jim Fowler, started Saturday by train for Baker City, where tbey will engage in min ing. W. W. Blankinship aad family, from C as Lie Rock, Wash., moved Into town the first of this week and will occupy Mrs. Foster's house. George ParrUb, of Portland, who has just returned from Japan, came down on the Sharer Sunday evening and went out on his father's ranch on Upper Clatsksnie to spend a week fishing. Tbe Northern Pacific Railroad company have forty men at work here raising aud repairing the track under the supervision of J. Severson. The company are bringing gravsl from ecappoose. Frank Tompkins took charge of the sec tion here on Wsdnesdsy in the place of Jacob Severson, who hss been appointed foreman of tract laying on the Northern Pacific from Portland to Ooble. The Astoria A Columbia Blrer Railroad company shipped from here lust Monday, one locomotive, seven box-cars and eight flat-cars, which are conceded to be tbe bsst cars that bsve ever crossed ths Rocky mountains. Tbey were taken from tbe Northern Pacific encline onto a barge and towed by the steamer Fannie to Astoria, H. B. Bortbwick having the contract to de liver them. FARM NOTES. Tbe object of hatching chicks early is, of course, fall snd winter es. It takes tbe larger breeds from six to nine months be fore they are old enough to lay. One of the advantages of the basement barn, is that it makes easy tb construction of a cistern, to take ths water from the roof and place it convenient ior tbe stock stabled in it. It is not always wisest to trust to wells for watering stock. Tbe day has passed when excessively fat bogs are in demand. Ths hogs that bring ths highest prices at the present time are those that do not exceed 150 pounds and which have the tat and lean wall Inter spersed, . Farmer must maka a distinction be tween warm aud cold weather in the feed ing of grain. Too much grain in waim weather is heating, and unless fat is desired the farmers should feed but little grain. Animals can better endure thshent of sum mer when they have no grain at all. It Is not advisable to make sudden change, however, but gradually reduce the grain ration as the weather becomes warmer, De not rldioule or disooursc ths pro gressive farmer became of his so-called "fanoy fanning" proclivities. The mot that be is not satined with what he has demonstrates that he is enterprising and is raachine out for somethlns better. Ob serve 11 that he does, as he may succeed where you have failed. Kvery ettort in the way of experiment should b approved by the entire community, as without such there would be no improvement at all. Bill's In Troable. . I've got a letter, parson, from mr son awsy out West, An' my ol' heart Is heavy as an anvil In my breast, To think tbe boy whose futur' I bsd so proudly planned Should wander from the path o right an' come to such a end ; I told him when ha left us only three short years ago. He'd find Inmsslt a plowin' in a mighty crooked row He'd mis bis father's counsels, and Ills mother's prayers, too But hs said the farm was" hateful, and he guessed he'd have to go. I know there's hig temptation for the young- Mr in in west. But I believed our Billy had ths courage to resist. And when he left I warned him of the aver- waitin' snares That lie like hidden strpents In life's path- way every where. Bat Bill he promised faithful to be kserful, and allowed He'd build a reputation that'd maks us mighty proud; But it seems as bow my counsel sort o fadari Inuu his mind. And now the boy's in trouble of tbe very wusiesi ciaa. His letters raaie so seldom that I some how sort o' knowed That BUI was a trampin' on a mighty rocky road, But never once Imagined ha would bow my bead in shame. And in tbe dust'd woller his old daddy's honored name. He writes from out in Denver, an' the story's mighty short; I just can't tell his mother; It'll crush her poor, ol' heart! An' so I reckoned, parson, you might break the news to her Bill's in tbe legislator', but be didn't say what tur. Denver Post. Dawa-ere ( erlp. Fhe greatest danger from la grippe is of its resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among tbe tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, we have not yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventive of that dread disease. It will effect a permanent core in less time thsn any other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. Real Estate Transfer. Esther Coulter to F. A. Zillgitt, lot 8, blk 16, East Side add to Vernonia; $50. E. N. Emery to E. L. Emery, n of neJi swX of neX and X of nw sec 23, t 7 n, r5w;$l. O. 8. Foster to Alex Miller, lot 8, blk 9, Goble; $25. W. T. Mann and wife to George B. Case, 10 acres in awX of nt, sec 12, 1 5 n, r 2 w; $125. Walter Severn to A. L. Fraxcr, nef of sec31, 1 8,r 3 w, quitclaim ; $150. Mary C. Sturm and husband to Charles E. Pbllbrook, 5 acres off Broyles donstlon claim j $600; School Report. Report of the Mooresvllle school, dis trict No. 20, for the month of March, 1897 Number of days taught ............... 18 Number of days attendance. .......... 291 J" Number of days absence........ 68X Number of times tardy....... . 41 Whole namber of boys enrolled 13 Who'e number of girls enrolled. . ..... 11 Total number enrolled 24 Average number belonging 20 Average daily attendance 17 Number of new pupils enrolled, boys 8, girls 4; pupils readmitted, 1. Tbe following pupils were neither absent nor tardy daring the month: Minnie Lindssy , Josie Wilcox, Clyde Eisele. L. A. Wiusos, Teacher. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Froaa Cripple Creek. After the big fire in Cripple Creek. I took a very severe cold and tried many remedies without help, the cold only becoming more settled. After using three small bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, both the cough and cold left me, and in this high sltituds it takes a meritorious cough reme dy to do any good. G. B. Henderson, edi tor Daily Advertiser. For sals by Dr. Ed win Ross. CASTORIA For Infants aad Children. stall aad Sf Wasps, Teachers' Examination. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, for the purpose of making an exam ination of all persons who may offer them selves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, tbe Connty School Superintendent thereof will bold a public examination at St. Helen", Oregon. Win ning at 1 o'clock, V. M., Wednesday, May 12, 1897. State papers will be attended to at the same time. Dated this 2tith day of April. 1837. J. (J. WATTS. County School Superintendent. Get Value Received A EVERY TIME AT i N. A. Perry's, t 4 HOULTON. OREGON. 8r1WVVffVVVVVM WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OB WOMEN to travel for responsible established sous In Oregon. Salary 1780 and expense. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelop. The National, Star Insur ant Bid-., Chicago. GUARDIANVB NOTICE. NOTICl 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TH tiuuersiKiied liu lu duly aptwluted "1 til County Ouurt of Columbia Connty, Oregon, guardian of th state ol Ol M Vinson, an Insert, person, and has qualified aa such. All persons having tilalma against said estate an hereby re quired to preamil th sain with proper vpur nrs to m at th outc of th County Clerk, In HI. Melons, Oregon, within six months from the dawhereol. tsld April SthiMrt. ainT JDKHON WEED, Guardian of th Estate of 01 Munson, lusan. CHANOC OF NAMES. NOTTC) 18 HEREBY UIVBN THAT BY AN order and deore of the County Court of Columbia County, State of Oregon, duly mad and nteied on April Srd, mi, th nniof "flnsy Harriet rVister," was vhantted to that of "Busy Harriet Msrrill," and the nam of "Ilea trioalona ftstr 1 was chansnd to that of "Bea trice Iona Merrill." . , Witness aiy hand -and. seal this Sth day of A OU1, lOWf. wvwv... ........ Clerk of County Court. 1 U,nl coomty cottar ssat. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE I" HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. THE undoralitneil, have been appointed by the County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, ad ministrator of th MUM of Benjamin F. Keer, deceased, ami have qualified a sueh. All pur loin having olalnis aVainst said estate are here by raiulredlo present the same, with proper rout-horn, to me at tlx oMo of "Col A Quirk," In St. Helens, In said county and stats, vritlitn six mouths from th dat hereof. Dated at St. Uslens, Oregon, April IS, MOT. JS. K. QUICK, Administrator of th Estate of Benjamin F, eer, dooeased. altmil theisckeh's notice. County Treasurer's Office, ) St. Helens. Or., April 8, 1897., "VJOTICK is hereby given that all unpaid Xl County Warrants of said county, which have been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to June 2, 1MM. will be paid upon present ation at this office. InUrest will not be al lowed after this date. B. M. WHARTON. 9m7 Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. FINAL SETTLEMENT. aTlYTir 1R BURR BY GIVEN THAT THE l unriMMiriied administrator of th estate of William Atlanta, deceased, ha sled In the rtniinLv itoiin of th Htate of Orimii. his final aa- conut and petition for final distribution of ths restuue oi saiu esiaie, auu uiat uie juuirv ui Court tiaa appointed Monday, the 10th day of May, ltWT, at 10 o'clock A. M. and the Court room Ol saia court in at. neiens, in seia uoamy tnri AtAt m the time and nlaoa for heertns- and settling th said aorount and petition fordistrl- nuuon. ai wnicn uma aim u an anv uersvu m- terested in said (state mar appear anil HI writ ten objections to th allowance of said account ami tne granting oi aaia pennon. WJtjnr.n jivaimo, Administrator of the Estate of William Adams deceased, sSmT SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county oi cotuuiota. Caroline Handehnan, plaintiff, ) va. I John Handelman. defendant. To John Haudelman, defendant: TN THE N A M K OF THh HTA "E UfOKRUOn, 1 Yon are reoulred to anoear and answer ths complaint filed against you In th above en titled suit, on in iitn a&yoi nay, mil. ana u you fall to answer the same, the plalntln will take a luriirmant and decree dlaaolvln the mar riage contract existing between you and th plaintiff, and for the custody oi the infant daughter namca nose." This summons is published by Order of Hon. T. A. KcBrid, Judge. Dated H arch 21. Itm. W. W. FAtiK, sSmlt Attorney for Plaintiff. FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT the nndersiarned administrator of ths estate of Merrit Pomeroy, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Colombia connty. State of Oregon, bis final account and petition for final settlement of said es state, and that the judge of sstd court hss appointed Monday, the 21th day ot May, 1897, at 2 o'clock P. M., and the courtroom of said court, la St. Helens, in said comity and state, as ths time and place for hearing aud settling tbe said acconnt and petition for final discharge, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may avuear and file written objections to the al lowance of said account aud ths granting of ssia petition. KDMUND C. GILTNER, Aministrator of tbe estate ol Merrit Pom eroy, deceased. a23u21 SUMMONS. In the Connty Court of th State of Oregon for lioiumnia uonmy. Michel Fierier, plaintiff, vs. ' Paulina F. Bonnlok, James Bonnlck and Gnnrve R. Hawkins, defendants. To Geo rye R. Hawkins, on of the above-named eelenrjants: . TN THE NAME OF-THE STATU OF OREGON A You are required to appear and answer the complaint fllsd against you In the above entitled action on in as aay oi juiy, imi, saia aay oe ins the lint day of th next regular terra of aid Court, and if you fail so tosppesrand answer, for want thereof said plaintiff will ap ply to th Court for Judgment as prayed for In aid complaint, to-wit: For Judgment asalnst the above-named defendant for ths sum of IM.U0. with interest thereon Irora January into 1W7, at the rat of eiyht per cent per year, and the further sum of S.'K.ti0 as attorneys fees In said action and th costs aud disbursement therein. Tal summons is published by order of ths Hon. i. B. Ooan, Judge of said Court, dated April ZB, W(, - U. Vf . aaojll Attorney lor Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of ths State of Oregon, for Columbia County. Egberg-Gunst Cigar Co., acorporation, plaintiff, vs. Henry Brannlng, defendant ) To Henry Braunlng, the above named defend ant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled axalnst you in the above entitled action on or before the 11th day of May, WS7, said day being the first day of the next regular term ol the above entitled Court, and If you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, said plaintiff will apply to the Court for th Jnngment prayed for In it complaint, to wit: For Judgment ngalnst the above named defendant for the sum of Sixty-four and Oe-luv (tAs.OD) Dollars, with interest thsreon from the loth day of September, lone, and the cost and disbursements of this actlou.and for an order of said Court for the sale of th real property at tached In this actio in Baker County, Htate of Oregon, described aa lots IS, 19, and to In block S, In Stewarts Second Addition to Baker City, Baker County, State of Oregon. This summons is published by an order of the above entitled Court, mad and entered in said Court by th Hon. Thorns A. McBrlde, Judge of said Court, on th Uth day of March. Wfl. BAUKR GKEKNK, m2Sm7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. WHITE COLLAR LINE -AND- O. R. & N. CO., PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. BAILEY GATZERT Leave Portland dally except Sunday Alder atreet t:4b A. M., Ash street 7 A. M. Leaves Astoria dully 7 P. M. T. J. POTTER O. R. A N. CO. Leave Portland dally Alder street 7M5 P.M. A rib streets P. M ; Saturday Alder street : P.M., Ash street 10 P.M. Ticket of ths two Companies good on both boats. U. B. faWIT, President. E. A. BEELEY, Agent WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN to travsl for responsible established house In Oregon. Salary 1740 and expenses. Position permanent, keferenc. Knclo clf-addrsed stamped envelope, lb National, Star Insur ant: bldg., Chicago. - Your Iloney's Worth , Every Time Dolman's Store. . Decker's BARBER SHOP jr. K. DKCKKR. Proprietor. TH.. F.M mnA swlUrtl barbst hsU hit THHOn lUSt M shftrp m n b found, and will ah&v you ST. HELENS, 1 t ORKGON All kiuds of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. . Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to liny point on the river t tbe Lowest Possible Price Otter-half Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to H. B. BORTHWICK, OOBLE, OREGON. TTT TO THE GIVES Till CHOICE 01 Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAY OF Sookans, Minneapolis & St. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY OF DENVER, OMAHA, & KANSAS CITT LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCKAN BTEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY DAY8 For San Francisco. For Full Details Call on or Address j, VP. H. HURLBURT, General Freight and l'ass. Agt., Portland. B. McNeill. Free. asS manager. ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKE8LEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. Ths table Is supplied with tb bast th market afford.. Kvaryitiluf olnan. A share of voiir tiat- rouas Is sol lulled. si. juai.une. vhevuuj. PROFESSIONAL. IP. SMUT, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Will practlc In all oourta of Oregon or Wash InstoB. Prompt attention given to eonveyano Iq sud notary's buslnes. Q. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT LAW, ST. HELENS, 0EEG0N. ' Title Abstract Book. Notary Public, Commitv rfoner o! bmi for WtUhlnKton. uniS ftnxp4ir Jend collector In ooiinootlon with offlets. 8. D. DENNIS, Attorney ni Counselor at Law, Gkkkbal Law Pbactics. Collections, Foreclosures, Mechanics' liens, sto. Will practice In all th courts of Oregon and Washltiglen. Tatlob Buim!, - - 8t. Hiutiis, Oa. jy. EDWIN KOBB, PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON. St. Helens, Oregon )R. B. B, CLIFF, PHY8ICLVN AND SURGEON. 8i Helens, Oregon. QR. J. K. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatakanie, Columbia county , Or. yy X. MK0JCKVB, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DELENA, ORKGON. County Surveyor. Land Survey Ins;, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. TtT ANTEDFAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN TV to travel for responslblstabllshd bous In Oksou. Salary S7rj0 and (xpensm. Fusilloa Iermsuent. Kelerena. Enclos ssif-addratsed tamped nvlor. Th National, Star Insur ance Ud(., Chicago, "1T A rITsT r W A ITtI ITf t U0W n wea.nu to travel for responsible established house InOrecoa. Balirr 7W and sspause.. PrxlUoo ' permanent. Helarsnn. JSnolos el(-aildrssd lamped dv1o!. Th NaUooal, Star inaur sue hldg., Chicago. j Lumber Groceries, Clothing, DART & ST. . HELENS, OREGON, Complete Stock SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, ST". HELENSMEAT MARKED ' 1 , ' All Kinds jfFreshjto Jam Meats by Wholesale ' w oi-.s At special Rate. James; n. Sheldon, ' MAIN BTTt-WFlV. I I BT. IIBLKNf. OlillKrON, Clatskanie Drug Store Hei iM Select Sloct. Patent Medicines and Druggist's Notions. Stationery, Scbool Books. Prescriptions Carefully Gompoond r A. A A Jk ....ST. HELENS HOTEL;.,. , ; Oor tables will at all times be found supplied with the best edibles and delicacies the market affords, TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The hotel having been newly refurnished we are pifpsrod to give satis- taction u au our patrons, t J. George, Proprietor. St. Helens, Or. Our 'Ninety Sevan Complete Lint sire the Supreme Result " of our ' ' Years of Experience MONARCH CYCLE MFQ. CO. CBZCA0O IIWT01X . MlTOOf Retail iss (Jmvara At. t7-e PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE 1 BTEAMKR O. W. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. Commencing April 18, 1806, will leave Portland, foot of Wiwhlnarton strsel, Tuesday, Thursday and Hunday evenlnss at 6 o'clm-k. Keturnlni-Iave Olntskanie, ride P'r mitllnir), Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening at 5 o'clock. Will psss Osk P" n about 7; Stella 7:15; Msyger 7:2Si Hninler 8:21); Kalama 9:15: Hi. Helens 10:80. Arrlvs In Portland 1 :30 A. M. Tbs company reserve the right to liaii(?e time without notice. IIAVCB TRAlSaPORTATIOl COnfAtY. THE JOSEPH KELLOGQ & I"1 "'"""S- -gllSSSsji I I1' ' " . . SaattasaatMHMiriWhlitta (gaj iigjg-YjeyjMjltiJgl HI MP1 STPF aOSBPH KBLLOGG FOR PORTLAND Leaves Kelso Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5 o'clock a. m. lem Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m. .Boots and Shoes i MUCKLE of ubbcJ3oods ' 'h'slj ".4 Hay and Grain. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. A at A. JL. sua soiiuit your patronage. "All tbe World Loves a Vimisr " of Bicycles AsbtMsl Ave. COM PANY'8 RIVER STEAMgf 9