The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 09, 1897, Image 4

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    Why a waael should hat a rat is strange
m he is only an elongated rat himself,
fiats and mice low bidden placet, and
weasel ta about tht only living thing that
can find them out,' Aches and pain are
Hire rati and mice. They seek out the
hidden placet of the human system and
fnaw and reran the muscles and nervee.
t. Jacobs Oil, like a weasel, knows how to
go for them. It will penetrate to the secret
recesses of the pain, and breaks up its hab
itation and drives It out. Kate and mice
shuu the coi ners where a weasel has been,
and pains and aches once fairly driven out
by St. Jacobs Oil are permanently cured
and seldom come back to their old 'haunts.
There must be patience with the treatment ;
tome chronio forms are stubborn ami re
sist, bnt the great remedy will Anally con
quer and give health and strength to the
tUicted parts. .
A fish with nine months was cap
tured in California recently, and ich
thyologists are in doubt what to nam it
Al .
Are nnmerons, bnt of the latter none ts more
ridiculous than the promiscuous and random
MM of laxative pills and other drastic eathar.
tics. These wrench, convulse and weaken both
the stomach and bowels. It Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters be used instead ot these no-rein-edlee,
the result t accomplished without pain
and with great benetit to the bowels, the
stomach and the liver. Use this remedv when
constipation manifests Itself, and thereby pre
vent it from becoming chrome.
Salicylic acid, boric acid, borax and
formaldehyde are some of the chemi
cals added to prevent milk from souring.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, nsnally very
light colored and of heav:
ivy body, is made from
glucose. "2Vo Garden britf" to made from
bugar Cane and ts strictly pure. It is for sale
by lint-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast Svaur Co. All gen
uine "7 m Ganfra lhipt" have the manuiao
turer's name lithographed on every can.
Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Consump
tion cured me of a bad lung trouble. M rs.
J. Nichols, Princeton, Ind., March 20, 18.
p-vTss VNai.aTsjw eve, v.
l H mmm a da al ' aa -
OR SMALL! ' .(
, Owing to the
many requests
from its patrons,
Warner's Safe
i " c j v I r r
Cure Co. have put
am i - - a
smaller site
bottle of Safe
WWW W . ..
ow be obtained
at all druggists at
naif the price of
the Urge bottle.
U sot only a scientific vegetable
preparation mad does all that Is
claimed for it, but it U the only (
Kidney and Liver medicine used J
by the best people of four conti
nents. A medicine that bears
the stamp of the world's ap
proval, and maintains Its posi
tion for a fifth of a century,
must necessarily possess pe-
liar nvrlf
everywhere sell
JDeat risk the nm of thae, Ubor and sToend
fty. Tb market is f all of cheep,
annliableseede. FCRSY'S SCCSt
are SI win the best: do aot accept
mmf pn-tnine oeea aaauat , res.
a. m. ferry a co
Detroit, Mloh.
5ent Free!
To any person interested in humane
matters, or who loves animals, we
win seiia iree. upon application, a
copy of tbe "ALlJ AXC'E." the orjtan
of this Society. I u addition to its in
tensely interesting reading, it con
tains a list of the valuable and un
usual premiums given by the paper.
. Address ...
410-111 United Charities Building, New York.
The Universal Supply Ho we, Established
Groceries, Hardware,
Agricultural Implements.
Harness, Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, Mns!e, Etc.
Send 4c for Large Illustrated Catalogue.
Eons Burnt Co., 13 Front 8t.,8n Franc s;-o,Cal.
poa the on.
I ly perfect Iocu-
bator made.
to rour nearest
Railroad Station
or Steamer Landing. The
Sneat Iacnhater Gataloew
rrer iasued mailed free if you
write and mention this naner
WTALCTIA IIcmUTOK CO., rstalaau, CaV
Make monev hv uu.
cessiul simulation In
Chicago. We buy and
Sell wheat thjr am mar.
rins. Fortunes have been made on a small
beginning by trading In futures. Write for
full particulars. Best of reference given. Rev.
eral years' experience on the Chicago Board of
Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi
ness. Downing, Hopkins a Co., Chicago Board
of Trade Brokers. Offices in Portland, Oregon.
Upokane and Seattle, Wash. '
rinck's "C. C." Bamr
In sizes 4-8. and ft-g. PriM. a ha
Can be exchanged if not Satisfactory.
Send for General Catalogue or Catalogue of
Sporting Goods or Barber 8 applies.
SO Market St. San Francisco. Cal.
io"!!T?n't Weill,'
as tha One Thing toosa.
. ,9T'KS!L,or Dse
Sola by Drngglsta at ago. a koz
SaanlM suited fro, Addraas
Of. Boiike Mm). Ce. Pfciia. I-a.
f "cm! lor e"7 e e t h iVc! ft " w y
t Via. Wusuiw1! hxnuixe Bracr aliouid bs.
W nawi for children teeihJug. Itnoothestliechiltl.tcirt-e
S Cits the irams. e!lay all pnin, cure, wind cnUr.ajid Is 4
h the beat remedy for dUn-boaa, Twenty Are ceuta a J
. bottle, lft le the heat nt -11 V
flUPTUBK and PILKg cured; no pay nn
l) til cured; send for book. Das. Manbhklb
f 0STiutnu.D, its Markets., San Francisco.
m by
B ts nsjsy lEtlsfiat,
dealersS 1
i i tutlFiwt,l i
i fatal Couch ajTuikTaatastrooa. TJssf I
f Int'.ma B"!d by drncglsta. il
K.P.N.U. Na . &F.N.U. No, 778
Most British geologists are bow pre
pared to admit that the earth has pass
ed through several glacial periods, In
stead of only one, as is commonly
supposed. . . .. . ,
A London toientiet has invented a
mirror of celulold which accurately re
flects every object The oeluloid mir
ror is unbreakable, and is cheaper than
giant ana lighter. ;
, ine n teeing sound produced by ser
pent is greatly exaggerated, as the
quantity of air contained in a snake's
Inngs is too small to produce a loud
sound when ejected.
In the opinion of Crispi, former
prime minister of Italy, Americana are
working to prepare a future for the peo
ple oi the Uld World which is not an
agreeable one.
uunters in juuisaa earn about S3 a
day slaying jack rabbits. The tkina
are sold for three cents each to Eastern
hatters, who use the hair in the manu
factnre of soft hats.
St Louis, Ho., is the largest street
car manufactnring city in the world.
The output last year was about 8,000
cars. ; .; - ; . . -;
A Toung Woman Gains 20 Poands
Her Phyiioiam in Iowa Said She Was
Going Into a Decline, and That
Her Langs Were Affected
They Sent Her to Kevada.
"But to Fight Lung Troubles or Any
Wasting; Disease), Bmlld aa
Tour rteaaw
From the Express, Los A ngelea, Cal.
Two years ago, back in Eastern Iowa,
(Miss Maude Lease began to go into a
decline. She lost flesh rapidly. Her
appetite failed. Fearful headaches
nearly drove her frantic. She consulted
local physicians Rood, honest, practi
tioners. ' They told her that her lungs
were affected: that medicine might
alleviate, but a change of climate was
the only remedy that offered a prospect
of oure. ." '
111 and despondent she delayed as
long as possible her departure, but at
last it became imperative, and she
came to an aunt at Verdi, Nevada, in
the hope of finding health and strength
in the pure air and among the pines of
the Sierra Nevada. But she con
tinned to fail, and to add to her mis
eries, learned to know the anguished
sufferings which attend that complica
tion of ills, that for want of better
nomenclature, has been denominated
"female weakness."
And now comes the miraculous part
of the story, just as she told it to the
interviewer last night:
"I ran down to 118 pounds," she
said, "suffered tortures from those tor
rible headaches and from sleeplessness.
My aunt persuaded me to try Dr. Wil
Hams' Fink Pills lor Pale People.
had used nearly every kind of 'prescrip
tion,' could get no relief from them.
and hoped for none from these pills,
But to please auntie I began to take
them. From the first day I noticed a
beneficial effect The headaches grew
lew severe; my appetite gradually re
turned. I could sleep nights and be
gan to get good and strong.
"I used to take one of them three
times a day. In two months I weighed
138 pounds, and was entirely well, and
nave been well ever since. The win
ters at Verdi were very cold and, be
sides, I had heard so much about South
ern California that I came to Los
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
helped me more than anything I have
ever taken. I thank them for my
health and ability to enjoy life. I am
living at No. 800 Hope street, Los An
geles, and shall be only too glad to re
peat what I have just said to anybody,
either in person or by letter.'
Ho spoke young and attractive Mand
Lease, and no one who saw her big eyes
snap aa she said it could donbt the
earnestness and sincerity of her state
ments. '
And that is why we say the story of
S miracle is floating through the air.
although now the miracle has become
an established fact.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in
condensed form, all the elements
necessary to give new life and richness
to the blood and restore shattered
nerves. They are an unfailing specific
for such diseases as locomotor ataxia,
partial paralysis, Bt Vitus' dance,
sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous
headache, the after effect of la grippe.
palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow
complexions, all forms of weakness
either in male or female. Pink Pills
are sold by all dealers, or will be sent
poet paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a
box, or six boxes for f 3.60 (they are
never sold in bulk or by the 100), by
addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
The banks of Newfoundland are made
by the sand, ice snd stone brought front
the north by the icebergs.
The readers nf this nanerarlll re,
learn that tbere la at least one dreaded diseaas
mat science nas been stile to cure In all Its
Stages, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is the only positive cure knows to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional diseaae.requirea a constitutional treat
ment, nans latarrn en re is taken internally,
acting directly npon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the pa
tient strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature In doing Its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in ita curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any ease that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, Ke.
Hall's Family fills are the best.
America is the only country in which
a baby elephant was born in captivity.
Drop us a line if you can't
get Schilling's Best of your
grocer; or if you don't like
it and can't get your money
A akbHiiitf ft Cofftpttf
. fcafruciMi mk
And men Snd permanent enre In Dr. La-
old's Compound Medicated Electr!)
elt. Best, solace, eomfort, for nerve and
brain. Five times the curative power of any
other belt at HALF the price. Permanent curs
a " vuusuiiaiion tree, uy man, or as
Office, MS Sixth street, Portland, Or.
Ji?''i"'l"l",'lM " rrareeiu File, rw7X
ear. wss'nwaaa. na. M Met free.
LsHwaaae, r.
A General
Itemodeltnf fey
tee leaat
Washington, April 8. The Bepub
lioans ot the senate committee on
finance are continuing their work day
and night on the tariff bill with the In.
tentiou of reporting it to the senate at
the earliest possible day, They are
not prepared to give out any results ol
their investigations and state that they
have not reached any conclusions sa to
the proposed changes. There is, how
ever, a well-defined impression about
the senate that the bill will be gener
ally remodeled and the rates considers
bly reduced in many schedules.
There is a general belief among West
ern senators that there will be material
changes in rates on wools, especially
those of the third olass.
Among other suggestions urged is a
return to the Wilson law of 8 oents a
pound duty on hops, instead of IS
cents, as proposed by the Dingley bill.
It is claimed that the proposed increase
will be an injury rather than benefit
to the producer, and a hardship to the
There is muoh contention about the
lumber schedule. The American lum
bermen interested in Canadian forests
appear to be especially concerned over
the Dmgley rates.
.. The committee is not receiving sny
verbal statements exoept from senators,
but is giving close attention to type
written presentations of tact and argu
ment Secretary Gage Will Coaaply.
Washington, April 6. Secretary
Oage today announced that he had de
cided to comply with the requirements
of section S7, of the pending tariff bill,
providing for the retention of samples
of merchandise, imported under orders
given subsequent to April 1, and which
were not purchased and directed by
the owner to be shipped for import
into the United States prior to April 1.
This action, however, will be taken un
der section 849 of the revised statutes,
which authorises the secretary to exer
cise a superintendency of the collection
of customs duties.
Dleeaesed by Americans la France.
London, April 8. The Times will
publish a dispatch from its Paris corre
spondent, saying:
The Dmgley tariff bill baa caused
considerable excitement among Ameri
can business houses here. The ques
tions growing out of it have been dis
cussed at a large meeting of the Ameri
can chamber of commerce, at whioh
the American embassy wss represented
by Henry Wignaud, secretary of Am
bassador Eustis. The vice-president of
the chamber said:
"America sends France 180.000.000
francs' worth of goods duty free, ss
against 80,000.000 worth sent by
France, duty free, to America. The
chamber suggests that the United Sataes
should reduce the tariff in some import
ant French exports, the natural result
of which would be that France would
admit many American manufactures at
a reduced tariff. The advantage to
America under existing condition! by
France admitting some articles at the
minimum tariff is over 18,000,000
trsncs. The chamber hopes that Presi
dent HcKinley's request for additional
discretionary power may be granted, so
that reciprocal commercial relations
may be established in order to open new
markets Tor manufactured American
Madrid Authorities Declara the Fnlllp.
alae Bavolt Knded.
Washington, April 5. Tha Spanish
legation has received official dispatches
from Madrid, under date of April 8, an
nouncing trie most decisive engage
ments in the Philippine islands sinoe
the insurrection there began. The losses
were heavy and 1,630 prisoners surren
dered as a result of the shellingof Cavi
levego. . ine officials of the Spanish
legation are highly gratified at the an
nouncements, and state that the results
practically close the conflict in the
islands, these being the last of series
of severe engagements.
Sand la Their Powder.
London, April 5. The Daily Neva
will publish a dispatch tomorrow from
its Balonica correspondent who save
ne nas Dean lniormed on reliable an
thority that a large quantity of gun
powder sent to tne frontier from Con
stantinople has been found to consist
chiefly of sand. The vali of Manistir
has discovered gross abuses in the sup
ply of provisions and accoutrements to
the army.
Colnase af Sliver Dollars.
Ban 'Francisco, April 5. An order
has just been received by Superintend
ent Dagget, of the mint, from Director
Preston for the coinage of 800,000 silver
dollars. This, in addition to the regu
lar coinage of gold, will keep the pres
ent force employed for some time, and
thus render unnecessary a reduction of
trie number ox employes which has been
expected to take place.
Tarkey Wants to right, Toa.
Constantinople, April 5. The fight
ing Detween the Christians and the
Mussulmans, which is daily reported
irom Crete, is creating a very bad im
pression here, and it is believed that
the Turkish government will soon pro
pose to the powers that Turkey herself
be permitted to take action against the
Keasoa for the Blockade. .
St. Petersburg, April 5. A blockade
of Greece, which the Bussian press
thinks the best way of forcing the situ
ation, by exciting the Greeks to hostile
acta on the Turkish frontier, has ;ri
dentiy been decided upon.
Inanrgrate Attack a Blockhonsa.
Athens, April 6. The insurgents to
day fired several rounds at the Bulsun
naria blockhouse, occupied by the in
ternational troops. The Italian guns
returned the fire. :
. The Bamgo Gang Hanged. .
Santa Fe, N. M., April 6. Francisco
Gonzales y Borrego, Antonio Gonzales
y Borrego, Lauraino Alarid and Patricio
Valencia, condemned to death for the
murder of ex-Sheriff Frank Chaves,
who was killed from ambush on the
night of May 29, 1893, were hanged at
0:10 A. M. today.
Fire at a Health Besort.
Meadville, Pa., April S. Cambridge
Springs, a health resort fifteen miles
from here, was almost entirely burned
today, involving a loss of one life and
property loss of 1200,000.
Aa Alleged Plot ta Control the rredaee
Toledo, April 6. Farmers are trying
to form a trust It is to spread all over
the land, and if oresent Plans carry,
not a dollars' worth of farm proudce of
anr kind will be sold for general oon
sumption. In a nutshell, the idea is
for the fanners to limit crops to the
actual liivng needs ot the members of
tha trust The organisation Is secret,
oathbound, and its principles known
Just now to only a seleot few outside ot
those directly concorned in its devoi
ooment According to the promoters.
however, the country Is practically in
condition to be plaoed in the grip of
this remarkable combine.
Lancaster, Pa., was the birthplace of
the trust. It saw light there several
months ago, and was incorporated un
der the laws of New Jersey as the Agri
culturalists' National Protective Asm
elation. The supreme body is made up
of one representative from each state,
whose duties are similar to those ot the
board of directors of an ordinary cor
poration. Eaoh state has a subordinate
hoard of directors, consisting of one re
presentative from each congressional
district Each district In turn is gov
erned by a board of two members from
each county. Koch county is under con
trol of a board of from five to eleven in
number, who direct the movements of
the township organisations.
It is the purpose to do nothing this
year in the way of controlling the mar
kets, because the organisation is not
complete. Next year, however, the
crops will be limited to actual living
needs of members.
It the plan is carried out. not a dol
lars' worth of farm produot of any kind
will be sold for general consumption, it
being the purpose to compel the people
to import all food prodnots. It is be
lieved that by this method the power
of the association can best make itself
Ta Kaable tha Deaf to Hear.
JSew York, April . It is an
nounced from Denver that Professor
Dussand, of the university there, has
invented an apparatus to enable the
deaf to hear. A microphonograph he
has just issued magnifies the human
voice in the same way that a lens mag
nifies matter. It is simply a telephone
connected electrically with a phono
graph, but a far more sensitive phono
graph than Edison's ordinary model.
A battery of from one cell to sixty, ac
cording to the degree ot deafness, is
Of course the apparatus Is useless in
the case of absolute deafness, but such
infirmity is far rarer than is supposed.
Ninety-five per cent of stone-deat per
sons can be made to hear and under
stand by Dussand's invention. Ton
speak into the phonograph and make it
repeat the words which are transmitted
by a sort of microphone and speaking
tube into the deaf ear. Professor Dus
sand is preparing for the 1900 exhibi
tion an apparatus whioh will enable
10,000 people who may all be deaf to
follow the lecture. .
Butler Tried Suicide.
San Francisco, April 8. Murderer
Butler has made bis anticipated at
tempt at suicide. Despite the presence
in his cell day and night of guards sup
posed to be watchful, the fiend of the
Blue mountains almost suoceeded in
cheating the gallows today. Early this
morning Butler was observed to be un
usually quiet Investigation showed
that his blanket was tight-drawn over
his head, and when that was removed
bis face was found to be covered with
blood. Butler has allowed his thumb
nail to grow very long, and with the
nail bad opened an artery in his fore
head from which be hoped to bleed to
death. The wound was closed and
greater precautions than ever will now
be taken to preserve his life at least
until after be sails on the Mariposa for
Australia tomorrow afternoon.
Colonel Grant Declined.
New York, April 5. Colonel Fred
D. Grant has deioded to decline Presi
dent McKinley's offer of the position
of first assistant secretary of war.
Mr. Garnt sent the following tele
gram to President McKinley:
"Altohugh yon are pleased to urge
me to think over the matter, it is im
possible for me to consider the position
of assistant secretary of war, which you
were good enough to offer me. , I there
fore decline with thanks the appoint
ment, at the same time regretting that
I am not to serve the administration.
for which I worked earnestly."
Mr. Grant declined to be interviewed
beyond giving out the foregoing tele.
A Powder Mill Wracked
Shamokin, Pa., April 5 All the
buildings of the Shamokin Powder
Company were wrecked by a terrific ex
plosion which occurred in the mill early
this morning. Fortunately no lives
were lost, all the men having gone
home. Three houses half a mile away
were damaged badly. Mrs. David
Ifann was badly out about the face and
body. Mr. and Mrs. Hann and . Mrs.
Klinger were buried In their beds be
neath debris and boulders weighing 200
pounds. The loss is nearly 960,000.
' Child Instantly Killed.
San Francisco, April 9. A child
named James Holmes was instantly
killed today by being run over by
loaded track. The driver, H. Meyer,
was charged witn manslaughter. -
Wages laerwaaed la Mlehlcaa.
Ironwood, Micb., April 8. The
Metropolitan Iron A Land Company
has announced an increase of 10 per
cent in the wage scale here. The in.
crease affects 1,000 men employed in
the Norris and Pabst mines.
Demand aa Eight-Hour Da.
Milwaukee, April 5. The 10,000
union brewery employes in Milwaukee
made a formal demand for an eight
hour working day at the same wages as
ts now Doing paid lor to Honrs.
Garment Makers Strike.
St. Louis, April 0. Five hundred
employes of the clothing manufacturers
of St. Louis struck today. Last fall
the price paid for making a coat was re
duced from 65 to 60 cents. It was
promised the old rate would be restored
in the spring, but this has not been
Constantinople, April 6. It is re
ported that Daratheodori Pasha, who
was mentioned some weeks ago as like
ly to be sppointed governor of Crete, it
going to Athens on a special mission to
King George of Greece.
Downing, Hopkins Company's MvleW
, f Trade...
One could write yards of matter and
All innumerable columns of space in
attempting to describe the wheat mar
ket and its variations this week, giving
a reason for each end every movement
K well-known operator puis it correctly
and tersely when ho says "the market
is suffering from too muoh news and
too many statistics." There is all
kinds of news in wheat, and statistics
enough to supply everybody, tui
whether traders are any oetter lor nav
lug so muoh information is a Question.
Fiirares themselves don't lie, but It is
said liars can figure, and they evidently
have been doing it in a manner tiiat
inav be satisfactory to themselves but
certainly not soul-filling enough for the
public who are growing rather chary oi
itatisticisns and their methods.
In sneaking ot figures., it must be
confessed that they are unusually favor
able for higher prices, but they, like
bad oroo reports, are ignored, ine
visible supply for the week whs cut 1,
407,000 bushels. . The total is now 89.
OilS.OOO bushels, compared with 61,
045,000 bushels last year; for the same
week one year ago, a difference of S2,-
000,000 bushels. The world's stock for
the week underwent a decrease of about
5,000,000 bushels. World's shipment
for three weeks have been under 4,000,-
000 bushels, while the supposed or esti
mated requirements of the importing
countries is 7,SoO,000 bushels per week.
Wheat and Hour on ocean parangs de
creases steadily, and this week was re
duced 1,800.000 bushels. II that la
not a phalanx ot figures to wararnt pur
chases ot wheat, the buyer had better
go out of the business. Sad to relate,
however, statistioa have little effect
upon the market, and professional sel
lers go right ahead, never thinking that
there is the barest sort ot possibility of
a day of reckoning before the new crop
is in the shock.
Corn has held Its own, and there is
very little change to be noted In the
market. That corn possesses merit on
its own account has been and is daily
demonstrated by the course of the mar
Market Qnotatloas.
Portland, Or., April 6, 1897.
Flour Portland. Salem, Casoadia
and Dayton, 14.10; Benton county and
White Lily, 94.10; graham, 3.40; su
perfine, 93. 78 per barrel.
Wheat Walla Walla, 79 9 77c; Yal
ley, 78c per bushel.
Oats Choice white, 40(3430 per
bushel; choioe gray, 88 s 88c.
Hay Timothy, 913.00(914.00 per
ton; olover, 911.60 19.80; wheat and
eat, 99-00(1 11.00 per ton.
Barley reed barley, 917.80 per ton;
brewing, 918(319.
Millstuffs Bran, 914.50; shorts,
918.50; middlings, 936.
Butter Creamery, 40s 45c; dairy,
80 (? 40c ; store, 17 8S0o per roll.
Potatoes Oregon Bnrbsiiks,6060c;
Garnet Chllies, 6fi?6o; Early Nose,
8090o per sack; sweets, 93.00 per
cental for Meroed; new potatoes, 8,o
per pound.
Onions 93.00fJ8.25 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 93.00
4.00; geese, 94.00fJ5.00; turkeys, live,
ll($13o; ducks, 94. 00 5. 00 per doaen.
Eggs Oregon, 9.'c per dosen.
Cheese Oregon, Xio; Young
America, 18 ,0 per pound.
Wool V alley, lie per pound; Eastern
Oregon, 79o.
Hops 9 10c per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, 99.00S8.50;
cows, 99.258.0O; dressed beef, 46c
per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 93.608.75; dressed mut
ton, 8o per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice, heavy, 94-00(3
4.26; light and feeders, 92.508.00;
dressed 84.60(3 6. 00 per cwt
Seattle, Wash., April 6, 1897.
Wheat Chicken feed, 927 per ton.
Oats Choice, 923 24 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, 920 per
Corn Whole, 919 per ton; orarked.
919(320; feed meal, 919(120.
Flour (Jobbing) Patent excellent.
96.00; Novelty A, 94.60; California
brands, 96.86; Dakota, 96.65; patent,
Millstuffs Bran, 914.00 per ton;
shorts, 918.
Feed Chopped feed, 918.00 per ton;
middlings, 922; oilcake meal, 930.
Hay Fuget sound, per ton, 910.00;
Eastern Washington, 914.
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick, 26c; select, 24c; tubs, 28c;
ranch, 1617.
Cheese Native Washington, 12 Ko.
Vegetables Potatoes, per ton, 916.50
(318; parsnips, per sack. 75c; beets,
per sack, 60c; turnips, per sack, 60c;
rutabagas, per sack, 60o; carrots, per
sack, 40 60c; cabbage, per 100 lbs,
91.60; onions, per 100 lbs, 92.90.
Sweet potatoes Per 100 lbs, 94.00.
T'rtlll larVr! ntralnsl It area . tvn tVMinil
, vmi vHsvavuD s v Jf ajsoa jrvuiiu!
hens, 10(81 lo; ducks, 96 6. 60; dressed
turkeys, 16c.
Eggs Fresb ranch, ll),12o.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, 7c; cows, 6,o; mutton, sheep,
9o per pound; lamb, 6o; pork, 6c pel
pound; veal, small, 8o. .
Fresh Fish Halibut. 4(S6o;
salmon, 6gc; salmon trout, 710c;
flounders and soles, 84c.
Provisions Hams, large,! 1 W; hams,
small, llc; breakfast bacon, lOo; dry
salt sides, 60 per pound.
San Francisco, April 6, 1897.
Potatoes Salinas Burbanks. 90c(8
91.10; Early Rose, 6676o; River Bur-
banks, 60 70c; sweets, 91.0031.76
Onions 91. 782.25 per cental.
Eggs Ranch, 10).12o per down.
Butter Fancy creamery, 18Xoi do
seconds, 1218o; fancy dairy, 12o;
seconds, H($12a
Cheese Fancy mild. new. 6 Wo:
fair to good, 6X6o; Young America,
78c; Eastern, 1414),o,
Wool Choice foothill. 8ffl9o: San
Joaquin plains, 68o; do 12 months,
S(gioo per pound. ,
Hay Wheat and oat. 97(310: best
barley, 96.608.00; alfalfa, 968;
clover, 94 8; compressed wheat, 96
9.60; do oat, 96 7 per ton.
Tropical Fruit Bananas, 91.00
2.00 per bunch; pineapples, 12 4.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, navel, 92
2.50; seedlings, do, 75c91.26; com
mon lemons, 60c91; good to choice,
81.60(32; fancy, 94 per box.
Apples Good to choice, 91 1.76;
fancy, 92 2. 25 per box.
Hops 9 19)0 per pound.
now without a rival.
fJo Remedy to Compare With Palns't
Celery Compound.
Road th Really Wonderful K xperlsnca of Rtv. t,
Ballay and His Cood Wife, and tha lndoramntt m
Other fminent Dlvlnag. . 01
t 1&ttrS V:-.-:?. -V
Hera Is a totter from the pastor of
the most iiifimtntlal church In South
Baltimore, that every trnth-iawker
should read carefully.
Every disheartened sick person and
every man or woman who has l'i
faith In the remedies he or she has
tried because none of thera has done
any good every one who is sick ought
to be cheered np and tilled with new
hope anil detormination by the letter
written by Rev. William T. Bailey,
pastor ot the Curtis Bay Church, the
most Influential church in South Balti
more. On March 81, 1896, the Baltimore
Sun, under display headline, pub
lished the following news ot Rev. Mr.
Bailey's afflictions
"Rev. Win. T. Bailey, pastor of the
Curtis Bay Baptist church, was para
lysed In the tongue while preaching
Sunday night, and lost the power ol
lech. The congregation was at once
dismissed, ami Dr. was called.
He said Mr. Bailey was suffering from
a severe attack of nervous prostration
caused by hard study and overwork,
and that he must have rest and quiet."
The whole city was shocked. The
papers soon began to record an Improve
ment On April IS, 1890. the following open
letter was addressed to the proprietors
of Palne's oulery compound;
South Baltimore, M.I., April 18, 1890.
Messrs. Wells, Riohardson AS: Cat
Gentlemen I was taken very 111
while preaching Easter Sunday night.
.My doctor could not help me, so I dis
charged him and began to use Palne's
celery compound with crushing effect
I will not hesitate to say that it is the
best medicine in the world. I am,
William T. Bailey.
Later in the year the proprietors of
this wonderful remedy received still
another lotter from Dr. Bailey, as fol
lows! .
Gentlemen I propose to do what I
can to lot people know of your Palne's
celery compound, the modiolus that has
donomeso much good. I shall in my own
way, in sneaking of my rapid and great
improvement, from the pnlpit, give, as
is Justly due, tribute to Paine's celery
compound. I married, six years ago,
Miss Lillie B. Dunnavant. a lady well
known in sociul life, the niece of Capt.
Robert F. Lewis, U. 8. navy. During
the whole six years she has been an in
valid, sufforing from hysteria, laugh
ing, crying and screaming, so that she
could be heard for squares. I have
had a great deal of trouble and expense.
Eighteen doctors have, first and last, I
Walter Baker & Co.'s
Breakfast Cocoa.
' y
; SCUP. " .,, . . ' ,
Be sure that yea set the genuine article maaa fc WALTER
BAKER at CO. Ltd., Uercheatar, Mass. GsUbllsbsa 1 7 SO.
Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt
' There Is not a hamlet on the Psclfle coast but has one or mors who ows
their happiness to It. This Is the record of five years of good work,
"Belt has proved entirely satisfactory! my appetite Is (real, digestion good,
memory Improving, museles hard and strong, bowels la good order, seaual
strength Improving, great Increase of esnHdenee. Can da more work with
greater ease than I ever have done before."-!. B. DOUGLAS, Btamwood,
Wash., March 11, 1H07.
-i'.if ,'.5!,r'J ","',er conM "ho " Prop's cured of anch tronbles
would allow their names to lie uscdl Kvery day some grateful, restored
man gives thanka to lir. Manden's Klentrls Hell. So will you If you try II.
Call or address C1"1' ' Utn'" ,rM' mM olu"'' WataU.
. West Washington Bt.. Portland. Or.
rars writing to AttwUier pteaM mention thU paper.
attended her, ami one bottle of Pslns'i
celory Compound has done her more
good than all of the other medicine.
She and fare together using Palne's
celery compound, and I will with pleas
ure let yoa know the result. Prater,
nally, William T. Bailey.
. Baltimore, May 18, 1896.
Wells, Rluhardson A Co.:
" Gentlemen It la Impossible tor m
to express tha emotions of my heart oa
the great good Mrs. Bailey and I bars
derived from the nss of Palne's celery
compound. I am a new man. Ws
have taken together eight bottles, and
I wish to continue Its use. The people
of my otiuroh are very kind to the poor,
and I have given to some ot the poot
money with whioh to purchase the
medicine. You may use uiy name if
yoa wish and I will with pleasure
answer all commnnlcHtions sent ine. I
believe the remedy is the best in the
world. Yours very truly,
William T. Bsiley,
Pastor Curtis Bay Baptist Church.
A few weeks ago there was published
a teatimoiial of the great virtus ot
Palne's celery compound from Rev. .
Charles L. Thompson, D. D., LU D.,
the eminent Presbyterian preacher of
New York City. Rev. Dr. Meek, editor
of the Central Methodist, recently
wrote an open letter, tolling that Pains'l
celery compound had worked remark.
able cure In his case. And last motilh
the great temperance evangnlist,Frsncli
Murphy, told the public bow Paint's
celery compound had been a blessing la
his family.
These are few among thousands.
Every one knows conscientious, char
itable persona who are too busy, more
often too procrastinating, to save their
health from going to pieces, and And it
easier to help others than themselves.
Such persons fill np the army of broken
down business men and sickly women.
' Every one in this spring time needs
to parity the blood and regulate the
nerves. Carry home today not by and
by a bottle of Palne'a celery com
pound. Cure nervousness, neuratgis,
and rheumatism this spring. You oia
now put your health on a sound basis
by means of Palne's celery compound.
Charity should begin at homo. At
tend to your own health and that ot
your family.
Palne's celery compound is within
reach of every family where tbere is S
member afflicted by any stomsch, liver
or kidney trouble. It cures permanent
ly and rapidly.
It must bo distinguished from all
other remedies.
Because It It absolutely pure.
Because it Is not made by the so-called Dutch Process In
which chemicals are used.
Because beans of the finest quality are used.
Because It is made by a method which preserves unimpaired
the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans.
Because It Is the most economical, costing less than one cent
Von have eicaedeil Ihe limit allowed by
nature in ine enjoyment ol wnrliliy pleas
ure. You have at some time overtaxed
rour nervous system, anil there ts a weak
lies, lurk Ine there, ready to break forth In
all Its pitiable, ilestruiHiveefftwta upon yon.
Do nut llri'Kr.l these Utile symptoms,
which yon leel (mm day to day ; they are
messages tellltit of the suffering of your
nerves, biki warning you mat a Dreas-aown
is near. It may come tomorrow, and then
II will be too late In mend.
Mend now. What energy Is lett you, put
it mrui ami save yourself, van on or write
to Dr. Hamlen and study his plan. Study
Imw so many unfortunate have been saved,
Ilnn't wall; act today. It Is of Vital Im
portance to yon.
Have you read nr heard of the wonderful
cures which are being accomplished by