OKA COAL DtSTHOYED. The coal bed of Mr. John Parker, looatsd bsok of Downing'! Usding, was dsstreysd by fire on Thursdsy nigh (of last week, bout 6000 bushels of coal wm alio destroyed at tht sama tlma. Thi Timi Extshdsd. Judzs Doao nd Commissioner Frikei bold nil ad- Surned term of county court here last onday for the purpose of consider ing the question of tates. It was de cided, ofior mature consideration, to extend the time for the iherlff to make lilt return until the lfith day of June, JIo penalty will be added before that time. Lord and Kihoaid. Governor Iiord and Bcoretary Klnoaid are look ing their horn In a manner that will probably lead up to a lawsuit. The governor went after bla warrant for alary the other day and the eeeretary refined to give it. . Hot worda followed and the governor threatened man damua proceeding tooompell Kinoaid to pay the quarter' aalary. The tee retary Informed hi excellency that be would keep him tnaodarausinf for very quarter to the end of hi official term. - . ' Annual Elbotioh. The annual city election took place here Monday evening and mulled in the eeleotion of tbe following ofBoer for the enu ing year! President of the council, B. E. Quick oounollmen, Richard Cos, A. H. Blake.ley, H. R. Cliff, L. L. Decker) treaiurer, W. B. Dillard j re corder, J. R. Beegle; marshal, Allan Jioblnsoo. spirited opposition wae made to part of the ticket but it was not sufficient to defeat any of the reg ular nominee. While the contest wased warm, everything passed off In a good uatured way. Fkiikv Ana Eliza,-Ann Elisa 8andert Haloomb, belle of tbe Long Tom i again in trouble. For a couple of montha abe has been under bonds to await the action of tbe grand Jury on ft charge of aaaault with a deadly weapon, and now a Monroe justice has put her under 1400 bonds to keep the peace. Ann Elisa has, it appears, threatened to do bodily harm to CWr enoe Mansfield and Joseph Onelge, two Monroe teamster. As a Monroe correspondent put ( it, she declared ahe would "out their hearts out and hoot tbem through tneir respective livers." Elisa's new rampage is the outgrowth of tbe trouble over the county road for which A. Whithelm and sisty or seventy other persons pe titioned tbe county court.- Corvallis Times. Lost His Tomoub. John Wilson, deputy county assessor of Lane oounty, waa operated on for oancer of the tongue, at Good Samaritan hoepital. in thia city, March 21, bis entire tongue being removed, says the Ore gonian. Tbe operation ia ft very un usual one, and is the more remarkable because Mr. .Wilson can now talk rlaiuly and has no difficulty in mak ing himself understood. The physi cians of the city are all interested in the case and pronounce it ft remarka ble one. Several weeks ago the sali vaty glanda below the tongue were re moved but tbe operation did not elite k tbe growth of the canoer, and it was found nccesoary to remove the tongue itself. The patient baa com pletely reoovered from the effects of the operation aud baa returned to bis home in Eugene. OcKiv Rafting. Captain II. R. Robertson, of 8an Fraocieoo, who was so successful last season in shipping large raft of logs from Stella to the Bay City, has just completed arrange ments for handling this year two simi lar rafts from the same point. Im provements to tbe plant at Stella, will be made to the exlout of $3000, and operations were to commence on the 1st of April for the building of the first raft, which it la expected will be towed out of the Columbia by May. The seoond raft will be ready for ship ment by July. Mr. Robertson con templates Mtabliahlng permanently the business of ocean rafting at Stella. The teredo in San Francisco bay makes necessary the renewal of piling every three years. The Southern Psoitis Company is thus in tbe market as a large and oonstant purchaser. Doubt less sea rafting will soon prove to be the basis of ft large industry on the Columbia river. Booked to Death. George Smith received a letter a few days ago from J. E. Sorbin, who ia now at Rowland, aaya the Corvallis Times. In the letter Mr. Borbiu gives h rather crisp statement of the condition of affairs where ha is. He aaya the country is boomed to death and men of all trades and piofessions sre there, and there Is nothing for them to do. A house of 20 rooms will rent at $200 per month, and others in proportion according to else, city lots sell at from S1O0O to 10000; board and Iodine Is from 17 to 10 per week. The average laborer will get 82 per dsy, while profeasional men receive from $3 to 14 per day when they are lucky enough to find employment. There are oow 1000 idle men in Rossland and those who command means are leaving. Freight from Fortland there ia f 60 per ton and there is a 35 per cent duty. 8 now is now lour leet deep at itossiana. A Gbeat Surpbibb. On Thursday morning of last week ouroitiseua were astonished and delitrhted to see both the stars and the stripes floating from the top of the court-house flagpole. For some months past all that could be seen of the old court-house flag wss a few of the stars on a triangular piece of what was once a flag sus Dended from the staff, so that the ight of a splendid new flag was quite noticeable. Diligent inquiry failed to reveal the origin of the Aug, which had been put in place sometime dur ing Wedueadny night. Some thought it was an April fool scheme, while Others surmised that the court house offloial hud purchased it. Late Thurs day evening, however, it loaked out that six of the good ladies of the town, namely, Mrs. James Durt, Mrs. James Muckle, Mrs. M. O. Gray, Mrs. 'A. Davis, Mrs. W. U. Dolman and Mrs. J. R. fiuegle, had manufactured the beautiful emblum of patriotism and presented it to the county. Our peo ple can once more point with pride to the emblem of Americanism which floats from the county building. PERSONAL AND fcOUAIi. N. A. Ferry's Is the place to get low prices. James Dart waa doing business In Portland Tuesday. Dorr and Dow Keasey, of Yankton, wers in this oity Monday. F. M. Hoyt and E. Hall, of Warren, were In town Weduesday last. D. W. Price, of Soappoose, was en our streets Tuesday aflornoon. Mr. 8. Salser, of Backelor Flat, was a caller it this offlce Monday, Mrs. J. G. Muokle sad Mrs. J. R. Beegls were in Portland Tuesday. Buy a plug of 6 for 10 at Dart t Muckle's. Six inches for 10 cents. Miss Irving, of Fortland, began the spring term of school at Yankton lust Monday, . ; H. A. Oberg, of Deer Island, at tended to business in the oouuty seat Monday. Superintendent Watts is reported slightly indisposed at his horns at Scappoose. Peter Loutlgnont.of Soappoose, was attending to legal business in this city Monday last. Harry West, of Soappoose, waa in town Monday interviewing the sheriff in regard to taxes. Miss Amy George came down from Portland last Friday and visited rela tives over Saturday. The "F. D." brand of butter can be had by calling at Ihs residence of Mr. R.Cox. 40 cents per roll. Mr. J. Lewis and Misses Mary and Nora Conyers, of Oregon City, spent lastSuoday In this oity Tisiliog friends. There will be no adjourned term of circuit court held here tomorrow, Judge McBride being detained in Astoria. .- Edwin Merrill, justice of the peace for Deer Island preoinot, was looking after business matters in this city last Saturday. Win Seffert and John Splawn, of Deer Island, were attending to mat ters of importance at the oouuty seat last Saturday. Distilct Attorney Cleeton arrived home on Thursday nlgbt of last week from Hillsboro, where he had been at tending court. One and ft half million young sal mon were killed at tbe Clackamas bstohery a few days ago by lime being put in tbe water. George 8. Foster, proprietor of the town site of Uoble, was in this oity Monday, and contributed bis mite to the county's exchequer. ' Mr. A. J. Hubert was a Portland visitor Tuesday, Mr. Hubert expects to start in a short time for Aris na, where he baa large mining interests. ' Rev. George B. VanWatere, of St. David's Episcopal church, Portland, waa in this city .last Friday viewing the progress made on tbe new church here. y ,;. Captain George Shaver la again at his old post of duty as pilot on the steamer G. W, Shaver, having severed his connection with the White Collar Line. Mr. M. O. Gray was at Goble several days lately making soms changes in the telegraph line at that place made necessary by a change in the railroad grade. Mill Mason, who has been at work In a stone quarry near Grants Pass, wss seriously hurt about a month ago, sines which time be has been in the hospital. Rev. C. E. Philbrook will hold com munion service at Soappoose next Sunday morning. He will also fill Mr. Weinert's appointment at Houl ton In the evening. J. II. Sheldon will purchase salmon for the lower river canneries this sum mer. He is instructed to not receive fish that have - been out of the water longer than twenty four hours. Notices are posted calling for a spec ial school election on April 24th, to take iilace between the hours oi l and 4 o'clock in tbe afternoon to vole upon the question of bonding tbe dis trict to build a school house. The Kellogg Company's steamer Northwest is making night trips to the Cowlits, leaving Portland en Mon day, Wednesday ar.d Friday nights at 10 o'olook, and will return to Portland Thuesday, Thusday and Sunday nights. Carrol Keasey, who has been In St. Louis (or the paat two years, passed through this city one day laat week on his way to the Nebalem valley. Mr. Keasey gave it as his opinion that business was improving east of the Rooky mountains. It is said that 80,000 applications for appointment have been filed at Wash ington and there is many more.no doubt, on the' way. The department officials have thsir bands full in handling the place hunters aside from attending to their publio duties. The shoriff of Umatilla oounty haa discharged both of hia deputies for the present and is running the sheriff's offlo single-handed and alone. This waa brought about by the oounty court having to make allowance for expenses of deputies until an opinion from the supreme court can be bad. Tomorrow will be a busy day along the river. April 10 will be the begin ning of the fishing season, and on that u.i.lnn auih veer ia d resented a busy VVVM.W. www.- J . ' ... scene. The catch, or rather the deliv ery of fish on toe nrsi nay oi .ne sea son is alwaya large, but it does not necessarily follow that all the fish were caught in one day. One dny last week the three-year-old son of W. T. Mason, of Bachelor Flat, waa seriously burned on ihe body and hands. The boy was playing around a burniug log-heap when bis clothes caught fire, und before the flames i j i,. a.iinuni.hHd the little fellow UUUIU 'w . v...B - -- waa terribly burued, and much care w-s necessary to save ms mo. CLATSKASUS). Ths portly form of 0. Lovsgrea wss seea en oar streets Tuesday of this week, Arrangements are being' made to cele brate Arbor Day on Friday of this week at the school grounds. H. L, Warren and wife returned from Portland Monday morning, after spending a few days In sselng ths sights there, . Martin White, oar county assessor, Is la town this wssk In bis official capacity, looking ns over to see what we are worth. Ike Bumgardner, aftsr voting last lion. dsy, wss seen with his pack on bts back striking out for Marshland for work. He xpects to work at the Colvln IojkIii camp there. Charles W, Lee brought bis family oat of ths woods Into civilisation last wsek, hav ing recently proved op on his ranch. They are now oocupylng the house of Captain Stewart on Nehslsa avenue. An entertainment for Saturday evening Is announced for tbs ben-fit of tbe cornet band. It ie to be held In Conyers' hall and an admittance fee of 10 cents Is expected at the door. There ought to be a good turn out and probably will be. Constable Bruoe Haines exchanged cord wood cutting for (tore-keeping laat week and believe It an easier job, especially when he bae merely to keep the goods from getting away. He was relieved tble week and has gone to Wallace laland to assist in getting ready for flabing there. Mr. Harlow and boy and Jasper Lewis were also aeen with packs oa tbelr backs going to tbtir boats at the river oa their way to Astoria for tbe summer's campaign catching salmon. Both these gentlemen have recently moved their families te oor town, attracted by Us social and educa tional advantages, and teave tbem here while tbey try their fortones near the mouth of tbe great river. The elty election on Monday was marked by as much interest as if a presidential eon- test wss at hand. Representatives of tbe two tickets were on bend looking op voters and working for tbe saceess of Ibeir candt-dati-a as if their position In society de pended on their election. Everything wae good nature, but earnest, and many a joke wae passed as persons were seen going to elty ball to vote. The following persons were elected to the office named: Presi dent of the council, A. M. Tichenor; coun cilman. A. V. Myers, K. Merrill, Henry Krats, A. Bt Halnea; recorder, H. L. War ren; treasurer, Dr. Hall; aaarahal, Andrew Eagle. A representative of a Portland business house wss down last week and began snlt against our enterprising firm of Page A Warren. The firm, in order to protect otber creditors, mads an asalgnment at ones and on Monday morning Mr. Babin of Portland, came down and took charge at the etore for the benefit of the creditors. leaving Mr. Kyneath as salesman, who Is offering the stock at very low prices. We are serry that such action was necessary and hope the firm will come oat all right, as tbey possees the eontidenoe of the com munity and have been doing a straight cosiness. If any error hae been commit ted on their part it wae In .tbelr desire to carry their customers along until money was sasier. . SOAPPOOSE. A few days of pleasant weather tbls week. Will Freeman is still in Colorado U hopes of regaining bis health. . Mr. J. A. Mattson has returned from California, where be has resided for a year or more, Fair View cemetery bae been enlarged. J. O. Johnson, owning adjacent land has agreed to part with another piece of It Professor Harding will meet with tbe young people Saturday evening at tbe church lor the purpose of organising a singing class. Mr. George Fisher had his thigh fractared Tuesday br a falling tree. Dr. Cliff at tended to the Injured man and at last re ports be ia doing well. Joseph Holaday is home after a year and a half sojourn with bis brother at Denver, Col. He is of the opinion that Oregon is ahead of anything be saw while gone. Olga, the 11-year-old daughter of John Johnson, died at tbe hoepital In Portland Friday evening, five boars after an opera tion bad bee performed for appendicitis. Olga, with hsr sweet smiling face and gen tle manners, was a great favorite with all who knew her and her sadden death was a severe shook to her host of friends, both young and old. She was a promising pupil In Miss Boyle's school and the grief of her school-mates was sad to behold. The in terment took place In Fair View cemetery Banday afternoon. The family hare tbe sympathy of many friends In their sad be reavement. KBASBT NOTES. E. McCauley has left the valley for the fishing waters of the Columbia and ethers expect soon to follow. Riley Adams lost a young heifer and Billv Placks a valuable horse recently and at last reports had another one quite sice. Mr. Abel Reed and his grandson, Willie, have been obliged to call on the medical skill of Dr. Nswtb, but are reported some better at the present writing. A letter from Percy Clark atKaalo, B. C. states that many people are there looking for work and many more expected. The mines are not yet opened on account of snow. ' : O. 0. Keasey came In last Saturday from 8t. Louis, thereby giving quite a surprise to the "home folk,' not being looked for till July, nevertheless such surprises are very welcome. Tbe gold miners bound for Upper Rock creek made a fruitless attempt last week to reach the mines, bnt found the snow 2tf and 3 feet deep, so they returned, starting out again Monday, April 5. 'Perseverenee conquers all things" and it may develop a valuable gold mine. Tbe "April showers that bring forth May flowers" maketb glad the heart of the yeo man, for with It comes tbe April sunshine to bring forth the grass for tbe hungry cattle not quite soon enough to save tbe lire of a valuable cow belonging to E. R. Throop that died several days ago. Fraa Cripple Creek. After the big tire in Cripple Creek. I took a very severe oold and tried many remedies without help, the cold only becoming more settled. After using three small bottles of Cbamberlsin's Cough Remedy, both the cough and cold left me, and In this high altituds It takes a meritorious cough reme dy to do any good. O. B. Henderson, edi tor Dsily Advertiser. For sale by Dr. Ed win Ross. GUARDIAN'S NOT.Ctt. XTOTICK IS HERKB OIVBK THAT THS rN undersigned haa bsen duly appointed bf the Cnunlr court of Columbia Cnnnlr, Oregon, guardian of the estate ol Ola Munsou, an Insane poraou, and has qualified aa sueh. All person bavins olalma aealiist aald estate are hereby r oulrcJ to pwaenf the sum with proper vouhr feme at the offlce of the Countjr Clerk, la St. Helen., Oregon, within six month worn the a..rrt wja? Onardlan of the Estate of Ole Munaun, luaane. FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICB 18 HERKBY GIVEN THAT THE iiminralirned administrator of thteitstepf William Adanie, iiwpiiwi. hm .i.e.. County Court olthe State of Oreiton, hlannal ac ooant and petition for final illmrltiutlon of the reaklue of nald eatate. and that tbe Judge of aald Court haa appoluted Monday, the loth day of Hay, 1W7, at i o-oioca . . auo me v.. mom of aald Court in St. Helena, In aald County and State, aa the lime and place for heariujt ana ettlingth aald aenount and petition (orclUlrt butlon, at which time and place any pertou In terested In aald aetata may appearand Die writ ten objection! to the allowance of aald account and Ihegrwtlngof Od patUlon admlnlttrator of me Estate of William Adams, aeeeaeea. "" SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the county 01 uoiumoia. Carolina Handelman, plaintiff, va. John Handelman. defendant. 1 To John Handelman, defemlaut: IN THX NAME OPTHJIIliTIuruBKiu'". You are required to appear and answer the complaint Sled against you In the above en titled suit, on lb lltb aay 01 nay, law, ana 1; you fall to answer the same, the plaintiff will take a Judgment and decree dissolving tbe mar riage contract existing between yon and the Slalntlff, and lor the eustody ol the infant slighter named "Bosa." This summons la published by order of Hon. T, A. Hoilrlde, Judge. Dated March 2t, WW. w. w. rw. amU Attorney for Plaintiff. TBEASVUEIKI HOTIOE. Coukty Tbbastjbbk's Opficb. ) St. Hblbns. Or., April 8, 1897., XfCTIOBU hereby given that all unpaid 1 County Warrants of said county, wblcb bas been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to June i, IBM, will be paid upon present ation at this offlce. Interest will not be al lowed after this date. K. M. WHARTON, a9m7 Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. BT. HELENS SCHOOL COLUMN. e. A. ball ao e. w. biliy, bditobs. Whooping cough is quite prevalent yet, there being eight or nine case in town. Misses Flora and Anaa George are absent from school this week on account of the sicknese of their mother. 8tlltsare all the rage now among the school children, and from tba length of some of them (the stilts) they are quite elevating. . We notice tbe Wh laser ha ceased to wblss. Sorry, but guass "lightning-' failed to strike as was expected, consequently a final wblzs. School commenced at Yankton and War reu last Monday with Miss Irving as teach er at the former place and Miss Longscre as teacher of tbe latter. What gave use to lowering the flag to half mast at the death of any great man or on account of some national calamity t Will soma of our readers please answer T Our readers will please pardon us If our school aotee are not up to tbelr usual standard this week, as our mathematical editor is quite sick, snd not able to arrange the questions and answers as tbev should be. However, next week we will do better, Friday afternoon at S o'clock Dr. Ross will deliver hia third lecture on physiology and illustrate the uses and action of the heart by dissecting tbe heart of a beet. We cordially invite our friends to attend tbe lectures, which are instructive and enter taining. We observe that a notice has been posted calling for a meeting of tbe tax-payers of tbe district to determine whether there shall be isaued bonds for tbe pnrpoee of building a new school-bouse. Perhaps in the course of two or three months Clataka- nie and Rainier, who boast of such fine school buildings may be outrivaled by Bt. Helens after alb Then, what tbe Clataka- nle correspondent to Tax Mm some time ago. mads ton of. about at. Helens having a new school-house In the spring, may be verified. Reaolntiona of Respect. Mountain Viaw School, District No. 9, it., April 5, WW Tbe following resolutions were adopted by Mountain View school ia consequence of the death of Olga Johnson, which oc curred April 3. 1867: . Whereas, God. in his kind providence has willed to pluck from our garden, the choicest and sweetest of our flowers and has transplanted It in the garden of His Grace: therefore be It Resolved, That in losing Olga from our midst we have lost one of the purest, most Innocent, loving and lovable of our school mates and pupils; one whom we shall miss and mourn for years. Resolved, That en Arbor Day we shall plant a tree to her memory and cultivate it, that It may be a conatant reminder of her beautiful countenance. ' Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved parents and friends our deepest sympathies in this, tbelr saddest affliotlon. Resolved, That a eopy of these resolutions be sent to the Oasoos MiRforpubllcstion; also a copy to the home that is shrouded in gloom. -"O. not In ernelty, not in wrath, The Reaper came that day ; . Twas sn angel visited the green earth, And took the (lower away." Teaches axd Ponls, We sre pleased to see Tbs Obbooh Mist agitating tbs question ol a new school building: in St, Helens, That's right, keep hammering at them until tbey ereot one. There is nothing like good schools in good building and it falls to the lot of the newspaper man to push them in order to get tbem in town. Buy witn it ooys, you u wm Clatskame Chief. parBSE! Absolutely Puro Celebrated for its great leavening strength and hualthfulneaa. Asaurea the food againal alum and aU forma of adul teration common to the cheap brande. aOTAL SAKIN0) FOWDSg CO., Hlw YOBK. mate rem s m 'SUMMONS." ' ""''"; In theCln-ult Courtof the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. Eaberg-GunetCigarOo., a corporation, plaintiff. Rnn Hrannln. AAfonAant- r To Henry Drauuiug, the above named defend ant ; M tHK MAMK Of THB 8TATB 09 ORKUON, You ara hereby reuiltred to aooear and antwer the complaint tiled attslnet you in the alioveentttled action on or belore the 11th day of May, IW7, aald day being the drat day of tbe next regular utrm oi ine aouve enimeu wrnii and II you fall to to appear and anawer, for want thereof, aald plaint! IT will apply to the Court for the Judgment prayed for In lie complaint, to-wit- Vm Inilvmant airalnat the above named defendant for the mm of SIxty-foar and (IS-1O0 du.u) Lh,uiu, wiib interest tnereon irora me ,rjh,lKol Hiiteinher. 1HH. and theeoetaand ditbiiraeroente of thin action, and for an order of a ,w..irt fnr the alit of the real nrooerty at tached in thla action In Baker County, Btate of uregon, oeeeriDea ae iota ia, iv, anu 10 in viuca 6, In Stewart Second Addition to Baker City, Thla summons la pnbllahed by an order of the above entitled Court, made and entered In said Court hytha Hun. Thomas A. McBride. Judge oi said Court, on the mn day 01 Marcn, am. SAuns ex niWm7 Attorneys (or Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for The State of Oregon and the Board of Com tha f Uinntv of f :,,ltimDia. missioners for uie Bale Ol ncnooi ana uui fernlty lands, and for the Investment of the Funds Arising therefrom, plaiutlua, va. Henry Bnbert, Mary K. Hubert, and James Dart, as Administrator of tbe Estete of T. H. ""( vuwmmwt "CI ........ - j To Henry Hubert and Mary A. Bnbert, defend' ante aoove namea: nvnrw n jas nasi ujr in,,ini. "r yi. ....y , Ynn. ana aoh of von. are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agalont vou in id auove fnuueu suit suu fu, by the a rut day of the next regular l.v L.nn of thj, nin-nlt Court ol the State of Oregon, for Columbia County, to-wit: on Tues day, the 11th day of May. Wl, and If you fail to ao answer, for want thereof the plaintiff" win apply to we court lor an oruer oi atmui uttnrt nu anrf lor aha relief demanded in the complaint, to wit: (or Judgment against the said defendant, Henry Robert, for the sum oi One Thousand Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rat of eight per cent per year, from the 21st day of September, 1SS4; together with the further aum ol Two Hundred Dollara aa attor neys fees, and tbe eoste ana disbursement in thla snlt. For a decree foreclosing all claims, nens or H M Af ui.h rt, ulH jtofAfutAnt. and all Der sons elalmlng under them, in and to the real estate aDd premises described In the complaint. to-wit: Toe norm nan oi mm mown nan w tlon thlrtv-four in townahin number six north of range number tour west of the Willamette Meridian, In Columbia uounry maw oi ureguu and containing One Hundred and etxty acres, together with the Improvements thereon, and nwiarln a ul. tJ Ik. M vaal Mtata uifl afl &IV filication of the proceeds to the payment of said udgment, and for such other relief as may seem meet and equitable in tbe premises. Thla enmmnna ia nubltahed bv order Of the Clroult Court of the Bute of Oregon for Colum bia County, duly made ana enierea in open isOurc, Atarcn tf, iw. Vff . JD. 1tl.t.Aa.JL. mltaSO J V . UVg3la Attorneys (or Plaintiffs. r us iai hi CITATION TO HEIRS. In the Conaty Court of the Bteie of Oregon, for UHumm vonniv. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank M. Keeker, deceased. To w A. Maekar. Anna Smith. Anderson Smith. Willie Bmito, .lltie emiin anu oaiuau.ua Smith, helra at law of Frank U. Meeker, de ceased, and to all other heir of aald doeaed. unknown if any there be: IN THB NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, Ton. and aaeh of von. are hereby com- mannao to ha and annamr before tha Honorable County Court of the Stat of Oregon, in and for ne uounty oi uoiumina, a to- uiun-uuuH. tu M, Halana. la aald CnnntT and State, oa Monday theSrd day of May, 1087, at 2 o'clock r M., of aaia aay, it neing ine regular May won v, aaiu Court, to ahow cane, if any exist, why an order of sale of all the real property belonging to aald estate, should not be made, a prayed for in the petition on Hie In aald Court; aald real property being described aa follows, to-wit: An undi vided one-fourth Interest in and to the south- northwest auarter of the southwest ouarter, of went onarter of tbe northeast ouarter. ana Uie section number one, in towneoip numwr wu north of ranra nnmur two weat of the Willam ette Meridian, in Multnomah County, State of Oregon, and containing la th whole tract eighty acre of land. in t testlmonv whereof. I. Judaon Weed. Clerk of the County Court aforesaid, do hereunto set my nana and afflx the seal of aald court, at my omcein tne city oi St. ueiena, state oi Oregon, tnu 4tn aay oi Marcn. A. v. vwi. ICOUHTT COOftT SEAL. J JUAIBUH "SIB, ST W. at. BAMBIB, VjUUULT I ICI . Deputy. (m!2a2S) PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To the Honorable County Court of Colum bia Uoontv, uretron: - tXTB. THB UNDERSIGNED LEGAL VV voter, revlilina? in Oak Point pre cinct, uolunibla Uounty, estate oi uregon, wonld respecttauy pennon your nonoraoie body, at Its next adjourned term, which will be held on Saturday, the lthbdayof April, 1897. at the court-hens in the city of Hi. Helena. Columbia County. State of Uregon, that a license oe graniea to neu kj ii are to eu spirituous, viuuua wu iiouora in laaa ananttnea man one niiun, In (.air Point nnacinet. and that nch 11 nanaa ne a-ranuta or a nenou oi six monuia, for all of which your petitioners will ever pray: c hhnrehill. J Black. Wm Tarnahen. Chan. Ternahan, Charles Krevkaon, A P Smith. CW Mayger, Henry Henderson, inls Btocaenoerg, 'iI i.I A Tibhetta. Louis Fluhrer. Wm Fluhrer, Carl Stockenberg, L d Mamn, George Butts, W Black, Cbarlea Black, W F Slaughter, C Blomaulst. A Madden, F Ternahan, F-D Crandall, Joseph Bertrand, Nets Peterson, P Bertraud, R D Crandall, Fred Gallaher, J Sand strom, John Mesch, James Coakley, Oeorg O Mayger, wm m Mooens, amea oiuwouw , o K giorgren, jonn Bryant, vuariea marger, BUUUUli D1IUUU .MUU,1... ".! " C McDonald. Thomas Bennett, J W Huffman, If I. Hathara. Arthur HOUrtW. J L UOWllUg. I amith a A Patorana. Andrew Johnston. Q W Anderson, N O Norquist, Guy E Barnes, Thorn Jurack, August Lund, J A tump, u uersuan, U4 sanies. SUMMONS. In th Circuit Court of th State of Oregon, for the Comity of Columbia. -Walter J. Burns, plaintiff. C. 0. Cole, Amanda Cole, I. P. Marshall, Josle va. Cole, w. v. uenaerson ana jseuss nenuei- on .lafanriaflta- To C. C. Col, Amanda Cole and Joel Cole, de fendants: TS THI NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, L Vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Sled against you in the above entitled suit in the above named Court on nt hafnr TnAartav. tha eleventh dav of May. A. ii. lew, sal a aate neing uie nrni uay oi uiv uo" answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you, aud each of you, foreclosing that certain mortgage executed on the 29th day of July, 188. by Will W. Cole and W. O. Hender son, aa nartner under the firm name of Cole A raaniar tarm oi aaia uouix: anu ii vou ran mi w neuaereoa, w one wm. ifuuuw uu a,, ut ,ta following described land, to-wit: Lot Number One (1) in Section Thirty-six (Sd) In Township Haven fTi North of Ranee Number Two (2) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing 11.4 acres, more or leas; also tn weatune-nauiftjor the Northeast One-fourth Ci). and the South .ui Quarter of the Northeast ttuarter. of Section Number Thirty-five (i&), In Township Number seven (7 nortn. ttange numuer iwow wwui th Willamette Meridian, containing 120 acres. more or less; together wun mu, naonraery, nonm. Chains. Lorain Outfit, Blacksmith i Outfit, and all buildings erected thereon, for the nnrnrtaa of aannrtna tha navment In fuU Of a certain promissory note made and delivered to the said wm. lmnDaroti aaia aaie oy aaia von A Henderson, whereby the said Cole A Hender son agreed to pay to said Wm. Dunbar on or be fore ie roontns alter onie oi aaiu bomb uie sum ui Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum until paid, and In na a1t la inatilllted to Oolleet Bald UOtO. OT any portion thereof, then anch a sum aa should be sojuugeu oy tn tuu. . iwhuumjl. aa nava- lean in aueh suit. The conveyance In said mortgage being so made by aald Cole A Henderson to the said Wm. Dunbar, and conditioned for the payment of tho said sum of SU00, and Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, until paid and lor the payment of all taxes upon the property mentioned in said mortgage; and said mortgage halrtGr raoorded in the office of tha County Clerk of Columbia County, tn Book E, page IMS of the Kocorue oi Mortgages oi aaia uouncy; anu ui further relief demanded in said suit is (1) Judg ment against said W. C. Henderson for the sum of INftonn Hundred Dollara. with interest there on from the 2Mb day of July, 1889, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, and for the sum of Three Hundred Dollars aa attorneys' fees, and costs and disbursements in this suit; (2) that said Judgment be decreed a nrsi lien upon aaia lanil mil that aald land heaold aa nreacribed bv law, and the proceeds, or sufficient thereof de vlvoH from aut.h aaie h annlled to th navment otsaid Judgment; and (8) that you, and each of f ou, be foreclosed and barred as to any Interest n said land; aud (4) forsuch further relief as to the Court may seem Just and equitable. Thla summons Is published and mailed to yon by virtue of sn order of the Hon. T. A. MeBride, Judge of the abov named Court, made on the Uth day ol February, 1897. ALLKN CLEETON, and EMMONS A EMMONS. Was Attorneys for Plaintiff. JegetablefteparaliOTiof As similating teYoo&milteliitai- TieiSflTvlRestXoo tains neither ".Morpninf) nor ritaeraL otNabcotic. ihMfttm aWa,s sVlCav JuaVI Afwfprf RcrnfcdY for CofisOpsV tion. Sour StomAch,Diairtea. VYoTTnsonvulsions.revcnsnr ms9 andLossorSlXEE tteSusib Signnture of KEW VOHK. EXACT COPT Of VHAPPTfs. MONTE VISTA NURSERY A choice lot of Bed Winter Apple trees, such as Ben Davis, Bpiixenberg, Northern Spy, Baldwin, King, Melon, and Grarenslein. ITALIAN AND PETIT PRUNE TREES Cbnrry, Pear, Plant, Peach, Apricot and Quince trees, small fruits Blackberry, Kaspberry, Gooseberry, Strawberry, Winebeny and Currants. FAY'S PROLIFIC CURRANT, as large and five timea as prolific as tbe Cherry Currant. TRY A DOZEN BUSHES 'Trees are grown on fir timber soil, have good roots, which we endeavor to Jig and ship with trees. Trees have been inspected ana pronounced clean and thrifty. We are a Columbia County Concern And we would like to do business with you. Write us if you want trees. Price list sent free upon application. A. HOLADAY, Scappoose, Oregon royyvvVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, i TOILET J ARTICLES School An Unusually well-selected Stock cils, and tbe Best A FINE LINE OF W Finest Perfumes and Soaps....... , raieni aieoicinu AftAiAAAaVAAAAAAVAAir.s.iVA THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS Astoria UarMe Works J. H. IMHOFF, Pao-aiSTOB. MANUFACTURES OF Llonuments MAHSJLE HB HSNITC AKD ALL KINDS OT CEMSTKRY WORK ITALIAN MAP.BLC SPSCIALTY. Foot of Twelflti Street, ASTORIA, OR. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -8TEAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens................ 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland ..10:00 A M Leare Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at Bt. Helens.... 6:00 PM FARE IS CKltTS. Will Carry Nothinjf bnt Passengers snd Jt aat treigni. JAMES GOOD, MASTER 31 THATXHE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE' . OF . IS ON" THE WRAPPER -nfcv OF E7IEI " I BOTT3L33 OW )1 t. mm i Oastarl la sat t U eaese Wttle saly. 1 is set sold ia kslk. Dost allew axyea t Mil vo asTtMnj sis a ths slas or ptmtlss tkst t ; is "Just as rood" aa "will asswer ewynr-j yssa," T-is that yea get O-A-B-T-O-R-i-A. ( tot to tal f 3, Supplies of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen- J Inks on tbe Market. FANCY STATIONERY PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY , S COMPOUNDED. -THE- BANQUET SALOON J. S. CL0NINGER, Prop. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Itasidea ntlier nonular brands, are sent constantly on band to supply the increased trade at this very popular saloon. THS FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT HX BAttQUBT. ntTCKLE BI103. MAHUSACTVBKHS or Dimension Lumber, Flooring. Rustic, Sheathing, Caslnfra, and a complete stock of ereiy variety of Rough and Dressed Luinfcer ALWAYS ON HASP. AT THB OLD 8TASD, ST. HELEN 3 OREG0H