Evenino Pleasantly Spent. A number of frlendi spent very pleas Kilt evening at the home of Mr. and Mn. W. B. Dlllard iu this olty last Friday. The oooasloa was to honor t Miu Clara Dernmer, of Portland, with whom Mrs. Dillard associated during her school days. Mia Demmor returned to her home Monday worn- n. ; - . Lost Four FiHOBRL-Olem Masi-her of Rainier, while working in Mike Itooser's mill hut Monday, came in ountaot with a knot-saw which re suited In the loa of the pndi of tlie sjoar Angers of the right hand. Dr. McLaren, nniatod by Dr. Parker, dressed the Injured member, each of he finger bning taken off between the first and second joints. Cliloro orm wat administered while the am putation took plaoe. City Election. One week from next Monday the annual oily eluctlon takes place in St. Helens. At that time a complete set of city ofHceri will be chosen for the ensuing year. If there ever was a time in this city's history when it was necessary to have thorough business men at the head of city affairs it is the present. It is true tht re are no fat salaried position to be filled, but they are neverthnlms im portant posts of duty to which none but men of busiuesa qualifications should bo chosen. Good Investment. A very valuable improvement has been marie to the equipment of the county cWk's oftW bv the addition of set of George D. Harnard A Cu's. Russian iron vault Ales, altogether being 1.15 separate compartments, In which will he placed the publio documents of the county. Each compartment will be proiierly labeled after being placed iu the vault end only papers of a certain claa will be placed in each. The county court took step in the right direction In this much needed annex to the clerk's office, which will result in a great sav ing of time to the clerk as wall as be ing one ot modern convenience, tne net cost to the county Is 1333, whioh is the best investment made by the county (or some time. It Wis Swamp Laud. A decision just received at the Oregon City land office from the general laud oHlee con firms the local office in recommend ing the cancellation of the homestead entry of Oustaf Itendrickson, who, in 1886, filed on land in the extreme northers part of Columbia couuty. F A. Marquem, who waa the assignee of the stale of Oicgon under the swamp land grant, was the contestant. It was ehowu that the land came fully under the provision of law making it swamp, the larger portioa. of each tract being subject to overflow and requiring to be diked In order to make it lit lor cum vation. The claimant's house Is built on six foot stills, and nono of the around has ever been plowed, though email patches of a toul area of about an acre have been spaded and veget ablea jiave been grown thereou. Governor Thompson's Lecture, Ex-Governor D. P. Thompson, of Port land, who was United States minister to Turkey during the Uairison admin titration, will deliver lecture in this oily next Wednesday evening. Mis lecture will be devoted exclusively to Turkey, the habits, customs and characteristics of the people of that far-off country. 1 1 will, no doubt, be a rare treat for both old and young especially for ltu.se who take an in teresl iu history. Mr. Thompson's four years residence there will enble him to speak of the country and its people from personal observation end with an exactnesa that enn be clearly understood. It was at first decided to have the lecture tonight, but the epeaker desired the change to Wed nesdsy evening. The proceeds of the lecture will be sp plied to the building fund of the Congregational church. Admission 25 cents; children 10 centa. Old Story Continues. Ssllie Rice has sued W. J. Deitt nnd W. J. Rice, in the state circuit court, to recover 9318.87, and $34.90 costs, on a judg ment against the Columbia Bunking Company, of St. Helens, Or., and J. P. Looney, atsigneJ to bar by M. L. Gove. She alleges that the Columbia Bank ing Company has gone out of business, and baa no i suets, and thnl Looney i insolvent. Rice, ahe enys, subscribed for $3000 shares ot slock of the bank, and haa not paid for 11500 of the share, and Delta, she avers, owes for 91000 worth of shares. She asks that they be required to pay into oourt so much of these unpaid stock subscrip tinns ss will satisfy lior claim. G. A Msssle, J. W Kench, J. J. Miller, 0 H. Newell ad I. G. Wikslroiu were also stockholders in te bank. Their names are mentioned in the complaint as having paid in a sufficient amount of subscribed stock to entitle the bank to organise under the luws of the state ; but the plaintiff does not ask that they be made responsible for the judgmer.l which she holds. Oregon inn, Tuesday. Orboon Statb Taxbs. On the 9143.176.615 of taxable property iu the state, $571,702 will be paid Into the state treasury as taxes. ' Hut little of this vast sum can be paid out, on ooount of failure of the legislature to organise and rasa an appropriation bill. Next years' taxes will follow suit thus taking over $1,000,000 from the neoole and out of circulation. Thia immense contraction of the circulating medium of the state will prove detri mnntul. Home wav should be devised to allow the money to remain in the hands of the counties until needed by the state. The stste treasurer will ob lent to the retention of the tsx money by the counties, as the handling of that immense sum would mean a for tune to him and his bondsmen. Yet there is no iustice or common aonse in eomiiellinir the counties to pay money into the slate treasury when ii cannot be used for one and two years after date of payment. The money should remain in the hands of the peo- nla. lalaa h llBori hv tha Counties i settling indebtedness. Eugene Guard Yet. notwithstanding the above reaa- nnatila remark until 'a COIirSe VTOUld be contrary to the law, which provides lor tlie payment ol state iim a specified time each year. Law and justice are sometimes very different. Party Annihilation. After sum. marislng the result of the defunct at tempted legislature, the Astoria Budg et, fusionist, remarks i "Thus dies the nineteenth biennial session ot the Ore gon legislature, which will go down in history as a erownlng disgrace to many who Dartioltiated it it. The only members whoesoaped with honor are those who held to the Bunion house and Joint convention. The fail ure to carry the hold-up through with success will kill man? political leaders. Joe Simon is seriously crippled and must give in to Senator Mitchell. Scott has played his last card with Kitnon as a partner. They must separ ate. Bourne, the wrecker, ia dead aa the leader of any party. Young, the aroh traitor in the populist camp, who lead his followers into lit) Bimon ditch, will be cast aside by his party. U'Ken, who had an ambition to b Tom Tongue's successor, is irretriev ably ruined, and ha will be rulegaled to raising and growing prunes for the balance of his life in Clackamas county Holt and all the big populist guns have annihilated themselves by contamina tion with Simon republicans. In fact all the hold-ups are no more. It was a big fight stubbornly fought, expen sive to the slate." Tub Jury Disagrees. The esse of the state of Oregon va. Frederick Viv ian, charged with having committed assault and battery ou J. D. Birtlaall, came on for hearing before a jury of six men in Justice Clark's court last Saturday. The esse occupied the en tire day and was given to the jury about 7 e'clook in the evening. A curious crowd atleuded the trial all day, which at times became very amtis lug, and at other times anything but pleasing. J lie Jury retired, and in a short lime it was discovered there waa a great difference of opinion, and after several hours the oourt sent Inilrno lions to return a sealed verdict into court Monday morning at 9 o'clock About 7 o clock Sunday morning the jury agreed to disagree, but the just ice wus out ol town and they could not be discharged until Monday. When court waa called Monday and the verdict read the jury was die- chsrgml. Ordinarily a new trial would have been had, but at this point the court required the prosecuting witness to give bonds in the sum of $100 fur the costs before proceeding further, The complainant failed to do this and the case waa dismissed. Uermanm Appointed. Congress man Hermann baa been appointed commissioner of the general land office by President McKinley. This is one ol the must important appoint menta to be made by the president and Oregon republicans should be gratified to have it come to this stale. Mr. Hermann's selection ought, and no doubt will, give general satisfaction to the republicans, at least. Hermann hus at ali times been a faithful repre tentative of the people while in con' gress and he can be ot further ma' turial service in thia new position. Fishinq Will Bkoin. On the 10th of April the fishing season (or salmon begins, though the indications are that fishing will again be interrupted thi year by a strike, since it is apparent that the lower river fishermen are not satisfied with the price dUWed by the packers. A strike at Astoria, however, usually prove a good tiling wr we fishermen here, as it elves the fish a chance to reach this point. The boys here are making all necessary prepa rations far such a condition. CLiATttKANlB. O. B. Fl.-her, of the "Burn," was In town Monday. Harry. Tingle, of Quincy, was on our streets ths first of the week. Miss Maud Bryant rode over to Qulnry the first of tbs week to luterview ths school boitrd of that district. - Ths msle chorus took cbsrgs of ths sing ing la church Sunday evening, aud gave ths sudienoe sons very good music. Orville Merrill believes that nothing uc cseds like success, which was shown by his rsmarks Friday evening at the school en tertainment. Iter. Lewis, of Portlsnd, Is expected to tsks ebsrge of tbs services In ths church hers next Hunday , It being s quarterly meet ing occasion. Ed Page has returned from ths Rosslsnd mining country. The snow and the num ber of unemployed men oonvinced hliu tbal this wss not just tbs time to make a for tune In mining strain, snd lis returned to await sunshine and more favorable weather, One of our athletlo young men walked In from Mayger Saturday evening- Before be tried it he was sure It would bs no tank fur biin, as he could walk forty miles If nec e-sry. After he tried it he spent one whole day resting, and deolsred it was the hardest undertaking In years. W regret balnt unable to show his picturs befors and after, but eannot do It. Tha school entertainment last Friday evening gave our cl litem an opportunity to enlov a very pleasant evening. The weather was very unfavorable but did not prevent a good attendance, snd as tbe room was oomfortabls, persons getting inside wers not troubled sbout ths snow outside. U. 8. Bryant was master of ceremonies, and called off tha numbers on the pro grsm, and tbe responses wers general with an excellent combination of instrumental and vooal niuslo interspersed with reading snd recitations that were well received. A book reception wss a feature of the even ing and a number of volumes were brought in as a foundation for a school library in addition to cash donations, amounting to over f 7. The volumes were all good, and l hose having the matter in charge feel very niaoh encouraged. Monroe Bnrford Is one of our enterpris ing ranchers in this vicinity, who, with his son Harry, has lived alnne for several years owing to the death of his wife from con snmptlpn. Mr. Burford, like many other ranchers, has worked hard to clear up a fiirm and mukelt self supporting, snd since he has succeeded In getting quite an open ing made among tbe denss growth of red firs on his place, and hss a oomfortable bouae, good barn, cows and borsea, be bas felt that there is truth In the ststement " It is not goo' for man to be alone," even If he bas a boy with him. A few years ago there lived in Clatskanie a family of man, wife and three children, who left our town to try their fortune elsewhere. In about a year dUeone took off the niaa and left his wife to battle alone lor suppor oi ! herself snd family. The widow did rs I uisrkably well, proving herself a good uian- PERSONAL) AND LOCAL. N. A. Terry'i it tbe place to get low priuea. Deputy Clerk Harris was in Portland Monday. Mr. Clay Gore, of Qoble, was in Ihis city Monday. Mr. J. Q. Muokle waa a Portland visitor Tuesday, Ed Joseph waa iu Portland on busi ness Wednesday. Mr. M. Collins, of Bcappoose, was In our oily last Friday. Mr. Abj Near, of Goble, waa in our city last Weduesday. John Dolan, of Warren, wat on our streets Wednesday. Mr. Tyszkiewint. of B ichulor Island, was in this city WeJnesdity. Tom Muckle went to Gray 'a river on business last Saturday night. Ed Phitbrook wat a passenger for Portland Wednesday morning. Sheriff Rice went down the river on official business Tuesday evening. David Pope, of Bachelor Flat, was in Ibis oily on business last Tuesday. Gut Wikstrom -came down from Portland Tuesday evening on the Sha ver. Mr. E E. Quick wat attending to business matters in Portland last Mon day. W. J. Deitx. of Rainier, was in town on Thursday of last week for a short time. . The "F. D " brand of butler can be had by calling at the residence of Mr. it. Cox.. N. A. Perry, of HouUon, was attend ing to business matters in Portland Wednesday. Ed Watts, after a few dsys1 rest, re sumed his post of duty on the steamer Young America last Monday. In the probate court last Monday Judsoo Weed waa'appointed guardian in the estate of Ole Munson, insane. District Attorney Cleeton spent Sun day iu this city with hit family. He ia attending circuit court in uuisooro, Mr. W. B. Boell and family have moved to this city, and are occupying the J. George house on llouesty bill Mr. Charlea Bryant, of Portland, sou in law of Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Way, waa visiting in tbit city during tbe week. The sun crossed the equator on the 21st, and by all rules of history spring should now dawn upon us- We are all ready for it. D. J. Switier started on Wednesday morning for a biifiness trip to Port land and Oregon City, expecting to be absent two or three dayt. Whooping cough is quite the fash ion iu St. Helens just at present. Very few of the smaller children Dave es caped the unpleasant disease. Dr. Cliff wat called to Ed Henrici's olace on 8uvie'a island last Wednes dav morning to attend one of tbe out who is attacked by typhoid fever. Rev. W. L. Black well will preach next Sunday. March 28th, at lloulton at 11 o'clock a. m.. at Deer Island at 3 p. m., and at St. Helens in the even iug at 7:30. Mr. Figgotl has been adding another plank to his wood flume ou either side making it deeper by about six inches which, no doubt, will render it more serviceable. The Corbett-Fitzsimmons bruising match did not cause much money changing in St. Helena, but they do say that cigars smoked more freely alter the iray was over. Ceutain J. H Bonser, well known here, waa in the city yesterday morn- Ins-. He. with his family, will leave in a few days for British Columbia to again engage in the steamboat service, fhe school building question is B-rowtng in favor dally; la fact it seems to be the general sentiment mat something should be done to promote education by providing Better laoiutme, The time to set out fruit trees it in tbe spring, and that ia just the time when Mr. A. Holaday, the Scappooce nurseryman, can supply you with young, thrifty trees of all Varieties at nomiual priest. Enoch C. Blackford, chief of the Chief, at Clatskanie, was circulating at par in the oounty'e capital last Sat urday. Ho cnanged ma Dase oi opera Linna to the state's metropolis that af ternoon, and returned to the home of "sole" Sunday evening Judge Doan was in town Tuesday attending to busiuest in probate a in on ir other things being the final settlement of the estate of J. B. D. Sherrinshousen. Mrt. Lizzie Brow wat here to file her final account as administratrix of laid estate. The steamer Lurline ran into a tree while passing through Skamokawa slough last Wednesday and did a great deal of damage to her house, com pletely demolishing several state rooma and carrying away half the tantiunt on the same side. The wheel house wat alto considerably diKtluured. The damages are not ser ious, though it will be necessary to lay u p a few days for repairs. PftTOELT Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavoning strength and healthfulnesa. Assures the fond against alum and all forms of adul teration common to the cheap brands. SOYAL BAKINQ fOWBSS CO., HtW YUB. tx erjMmjjA sgsr, snd for three or four yesrs did her part with commendable coursge snd suc cess. Somehow snd In some place, when and wbsrs we do not know, wbstbsr In the silent watches of the night or in following ths plow or In driving bis team hauling cord wood, it occurred to Mr. Uurford tbst widow who eould manage so well for her self might bs Induced to manage for him, nd the thought so took hold of him that he hunted up this widow living in Portlsnd snd whispered In her ear words of love snd en treaty to which in tbe kindness of ber heart shs was Induced to listen, sod last week ths two became one by a marriage tie. They cams to Clatskanie on the Sha ver Monday morning to receive the con gratulations of many friends, and to taks up life together on tbe fsnu like sensible people. Our beat wishes go with theui. YANKTON NOTES. Dow Keasey is spending a few days in Portland. Frank Brown will pnt In two hundred piling for Qua Wikstrom. Rev. Falrchlld preached at the school house here Sundsy morning. Mlas Mr Andrews, of Rldgfield, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Etta Kalghton. Joseph Reed, boy Mills and Charles Mc- Cauley left for Vernonla Monday. Times are lively aronnd Yankton, Dye logging camps being In operation. Muckle's logging crew work rain or shine. Two months without losing a day. Ths McKinley prosperity wave strnck Yankton shortly after ths election. Fred Briggs has returned from Portland where he bas been attending school. ' Mias Irving, ot Portland, baa been en gaged to teach the summer term of school at tbis place. Tbe Yankton literary society will bold a mock trial Saturday night. Come and see oe Soblskl hanged. H. O. Howard la rushing things st bis mill. He wilt complete bis tie contract about the ISth ef April. On Wedneaday Mr. H. O. Howard was attending to natters in Portland connected with his extensive milling business at this plsce. If it cost fifteen cents to put a new in ths trousers of tbe Vernonla corres pondent te the News, (that bs bas worn out by setting on a nail keg talking hard times) how fast will be ruu from a Job of workf Tbe Vernonla correspondent to the News says "aawlogs, spnds and days work are legal tender over there." Why don't you swap some lies? Trim your whiskers and coma help us enjoy the revival of business, but look out for ths "bunco steerer,' you would make easy prey for them. KEABEY NOTES. We learn from friends of Miss Tilli Cbeldrlin that she Is again quite ill at the horns of her sister, Mrs. Driver, of Portland. The Rock creek gold miners were com pelled, on account of recent heavy snows, to abandon their project of farther develop ment ot their claims. Do men ever realize when they are curs ing God and utterly Ignoring His com mandments, how entirely depeadent tbey ars noon His goodness T A family, consisting of Mr. Flsckberg, ife, sister and two small children, from Minnesota, have come to Oregon, intending to make this their future home. Tbey are relatives of M. M. Johnson on Crooked creek, with whom they are stopping. As tbe fishing season draws nesr many are looking forward to an opportunity to improve their lime and earn a few dollars. Among the number from Rack creek are Rev. J. J. Black and Messrs. McCauley. J, J. has improved his ranch to the extent of an apiary and Is preparing to erect a new welling. It is not always that which is most "beautiful" that Is most welcome, aa haa been tbe case In the recent snows thst hays covered the green earth along Nehalem and Bock creek. Instead of being so charming as to bs eulogised in verse it haa brought great anxiety to niauy on account of the scarcity of feed for stock. Never have the Deonle in this community known a better hay crop than was stored last season, and why such a scarcity now Is bard to tell. The rain fall of the last few days brings hOie to stock owners, as very many have only a few hundred pounds ot hay and the Question still srlses, "what will ws have for our horses wblls we do our spring plow ingf ' SUMMONS. In the Circuit Cotirt of the Bute of Oregon, for Columbia uoumy. Bsberg-aunatCigarCo.,aoorporatrOn, plaintiff H.n,v nr-Aimln. defendant. ) To Henry Untuning, the above named defend TN THE N AMK OF THE BTATE OF OREGON, I V..n .m h.nht rennlnwl to annear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the aliove entitled action on or before the 11th day of May, 1S97, aald day being the first day ot the nan rniriilnr trin ol tha above entitled Court. and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, said plalnun will apply to tne uonn tor i Judgment prayed lor in Its complaint, to- Vn.i,irnunt amlnut the above named defendant for the sum of Sixty-four and 08-100 sM.OS) Dollars, witn interest tnereon iruw uie ui. Hanr MMntffmhAr. inns, and theoostaand disbursements of this action, and for an order of said Court for the sale of the real property at tached in thia action In Baker County, Htate of Oregon, desaribed aa lots 18, IS, and 46 In bloek 6, in Stewarts Second Addition to Baker City, uaxer county, owe ui wreou. This summons is published by an srder of the above entitled Court, made and entered tn said Court by the Hon. Thomas A. Moflride, Judge of aald Court, oa tne tmaaj ren fe.-- m26m7 Attorneys for PlalnUff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Btate ot Oregon, tor tlm '?mintv of Columbia. The Slate of Ore iron and the Board of Com missioners for the Sale of School and Uni versity Lands, and for the Investment of the Funds Arising therefrom, plainUfta, vs- . . Henry Rubert, Mary A. Hubert, and James Dart, aa Administrator of the Katate of T. U. ITavlia rlajuaairl stanfAnrtatitji Tu Itenry Rubert and Mary A, Rubert, defend ants aoovo naiHtni; IN THK NAME OK THB 8TATB OF ORKOON: You, and each ef you, are hereby required to appear and answer theeomplalnt filed against you In the above entitled autt and Court by the first day of the next regular May term of the Circuit Court ol the Male of Oregon, for Columbia County, to-wlt: on Tues day, the 11th day of My, 1807, and If you fail to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the Court toe an order of default aaalnst vnn. and for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wlt: for Judgment against the said defendant, Henry Kubert, lor tne sum oi ftna Thrtiiaand Dollars, with Interest thereon at tha rate of eight per oent per year, from the 21st day of September, 1SU4; together with the further sum ol Two Hundred Dollars aa attor neys fees, and the ousts and disbursements in thia aniL For a decree foreclosing all claims, liens or rights of each of said defendants, and all per sons olalmlng under them. In and to the real estate and nremlses described In the oomolalut. tn-wit: The north half of the south halt ot seo tion thirty-four in township number six north of range number four west of the Willamette Meridian, in Columbia County Btate of Oreiion and containing One Hundred and Hixty acres, together with the Improvements thereon, ana ordering a sale of the said real estate aud an ap plication of tbe proceeds to the payment of said Judgment, and for such other relief as may seem meet and equitable In the prorataes. This summons Is published by order of the Clrouit Court of the Btate of Oregon for Colum bia Couuty. duly made and entered In open Court, March IS, 1807. W. B. DILT.ARD and O. W. COLE, mltaSO Attorneys for Plaintiffs. FINAL SKTTLKMCNT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Ths undersigned bss filed, In ths County Court ol the Btate of Oregon, for Columbia County, her final account and re port of her adinimatration uoon tbs eitate of Benjamin V, Neer, deceaaed; and that ths Judge of ssid Court bas appointed Haturdav. April 8, 18U7, at 10 o'clock A. M.', and the Courtroom of said Court, iu tit. Helens, in said County and State, as tbe time snd place for the bearing thereof, at whieh time and place any person Inter ested may appear and contest the same. BAUAn J. IL' f I Ml, Administratrix of the Estate of Benjamin F. Meer, deceaaed. nioa'4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. XTOTICB IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT IM 'Ilia iinileralu-npd bas. bv tbe COunty Court nf tha Htate of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, been duly appointed adminis trator of the estate ot unzsoein neegmey, deceased, and that all persons havina nluima araiuat the estate of said deceaaed are hereby notilied aud required to present the same duly verified and with proper vouchers, to ths undersigned as sucn sn ministrsuir, at his place of residence near Vernonla. Ureaon, wiunn six raonuii iron. ths dste of tbis notice. Dated Msn-h 9. 18W7. i u. H. UK.B.UnL.e.1, Administrator of the Kalate of Klizabeth Bevghley, deceased. mdaz CITATION TO HEIRS. In ths County Court of tbs Btate of Oregon, for Columbia uouniy. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank. U, Meeker, deceased. . . . To W. A. Meeker, Anna Bmlth, Anderson Smith, Willie Smith, LI 1 lie mnitn ana eamanvna Smith, heirs at law of Frank M. Meeker, de ceased, and to all other heirs of said deceased, unknown If sny there be: K THB NAM IS OK THE STATE OF OREOON, Ymi. anrl Mh rtf vou. ara hereby enm- mtmlMl tn Imi and annear before the Huoorable Countr Court of the Htata of Oregon, In and lor the County of Columbia, at the Court-house, In Mr Ha .n. in i ii m int tna nuie. fin jnuiiuK theSrd day of May, wn, at 2 o'clock P. M , of said day. It being the regular May urmoisaiu Court, to show cause, U any exist, why an order nf mIa nf all tha real nronertv belonging to aald estate, should not be made, aa prayed for in the nutlMrm m flu In mM f.iirt: aald reaJ Drore belnc described aa follows, to-wlt: Anundf- vlrlAil nnA-frmrth iiitrt In and tOtbesOUtQ. west quarter of the northeast quarter, ana tne northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, of section number one. In township number two north of ranee number two west oi tne w mam ait Mri,iian Iu Multnomah County. Btate of Oregon, and containing In tbs whole tract elKbty acres oi lana. .... .,, In testimony whereof, 1, Judaon Weed, Clerk of tbe County Court aforesaid, do hereunto set my band and alfts tbe seal of aald Court, at my office In tbe City ot Ht. Helena, Htate oi Oregon, this 4th day of Marcn, A. v. ICOUKTT COUBT SBAb.1 UJoyr, huku. DJ W. A. llAaHia, ' vinr.. Deputy. (inl2a23) PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To the Honorable County Court of Colum bia uonnt v, t.'reiron : WE, THE UNDERSIGNED LEGAL voters, residing in Oak Point pre cinct, Columbia County, Stale of Oregon, would respectfully petition your Honorsble body, at its next adjourned term, which wul DC neta on Daturuay, iuw iwausju Anrll. 1WI7 at the court-house iu the city of Bt. Helens, Columbia County, Htate of Oregon, that a license be granted to Nell u Mare to sell summons, vinoua ana man liquors in leas quantities than one gallon, in uaa rows prvcuicb, aim v.jufc buuu li cense ha arranted for a neriod of six months. for all of which your petitioners will ever PC thiirchlll, 1 E Black. Wm Ternahan, Chas. Turn ah an, Charles Ereckaon, A r Smith. V w uvirr. Hftnrv HAndemon. ijouia mocaenDeiv. U SWInii F A 1 IDOesis, luuis r murer, r. ui nhrer. Ctrl Btockenbere. h 8 Mason, ueoi-ge nmta W Wl.i-k. f!hrlea Black. W F Slaughter, C Blomaulst. A Madden, F Ternahan, r V Crandall, Joseph Bertraud. Nele Peterson, F Rriii s n Crandall. Fred Gallaher. J Sand- strom, John Mescn, James coaaiey, ueorge u Mavmr. Wm M Roberts, James Stuckenberg, 6 Rounds. Simon Kasiier. Frank Hill, J Johnston K Nnnrnn. jnnn nrvani. , nni i,t ivKei, C McDonald, Thomas Bennett, J W Huffman U I. U.rhiM. Arthur McOraw. J L Dowllng. t Smith, F A Peterson, Andrew Johnston. O W Anderson. N O Norqulst, Ouy E Barnes, Thorn Jurack, August Lund, 1 A Kemp, C Berklan ii t names. ORDER ON PETITION. In the Oonnty Court nf the State of Oregon, for Uolumnia uouniy. In the matter of the application for the change of names of Susy Harriet Foster and Beatrice Iona Foster, miner cbil- Hrin. Beatrice O. Merrill, having filed in the County Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Columbia County, aer peution praying tnai the name of Busy Harriet Foster, be Ahana-ed to that of "Susr Harriet Merrill. inn cnat Lira name oi nnitm luui r . V .... . ii . . r u.. be changed to that of "Beatrice Iona Mer rill." , It Is ordered by the Court thst Saturday, the 3rd day of April. 187. at 10 o'clock A, M and the Courtroom of said Court, at the Court House in St. Helens. Oregon, be and tbe same is hereby appointed as the time and place for tbe bearing of the said petition; at which time and place all per sons may appear and show cause, if any they have, why said application 'ahould nut. h ffrantari aa nraved for in said uetition. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order, duly attested by the Clerk of said Court, be published in the Oregon Mist, a weekly newspaper of general circu lation, printed and published insaid County and Bute, and that the same be so pub lished for at least ones a week for four con secutive and successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Bated tbis 1st day ot March, 1897. J. B. DOAN, Attest: County Judge. Jddsoh Wikd, County Clerk. siAt,. m5s2 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the 8tate ot Oregon, for the county oi uoiumoia. Walter I. Burns, plaiutiff, VA. 0. C. Cole. Amanda Cole, J. P. Marshall, Jottie Cole, W. C. Henderson and Melissa Hender son, defendants. To C. C. Cole, Amanda Cole and Joale Cole, de fendants: -ria THE NlUK nir TOR BTATE OF OREGON, I Vnn am horabv reauired to aooear and una, tha comululnt tiled against you in the above entitled suit in the above named 1 Court on m hafnra TucKriav. tha eleventh dav of May, D. 117, said date being the first day of tha next regular term oi saio uourt; ana ii you ran au i lor want thereof the DlaintlrT will take decree against you, aud each of you, foreclosing that certain mortgage executeu uu iue rcu, uj of July, 18S8, by Will W. Cole and W. 0. Hender a..n rtartnAra nnilnr the firm name of Cole s tieuaerson, so one wm. wuuww un an . ... following described land, to-wlt: Lot Number One (1) In Section Thirty-six (8A) in Township Seven (7) North of Range Number Two (2) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing 11.49 acres, more or less; also the West One-half (H) of the Northeast One-fourth (V), aud the Bouth t dnai-tnrnf the NnH heast Ouarter. of Hectlon Number -rnirty-nve in iuwuhiuu i-.uiii.rei a - V- V. runA Unmh., Tib.i Wnat nl the Willamette Meridian, containing 1JO acres. l MM...., n.".. . ., u .. -. more or loss; together witn miu, nacninery. Boom, Chains, Logging Outfit, Blacksmiths Outfit, and all buildings erected thereon, for the itumuM, .if aMinrlnfl tha navment tn full of a certain promissory note made and delivered to the saw Wm. Dunbar on said date by said Cole A Henderson, whereby the said Cole A Hender son agreed to pay to said Wm. Dunbar on or be fore U months after date of said note tbe sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum until paid, and in ease suit Is Instituted to collect said note, or any portion thereof, then such a sum aa should be adjudged by the Court reasonable as attor neys fees in sucn suit. The conveyance In said mortgage being made bv aald Cole A Henderson to the said Wi Dunbar, and conditioned for the payment of the aald sum of 11500, and Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, until paid and for the payment of all taxes upon the property mentioned tn said mortgage; aud said mortgage a recorded in the omce oi tne county ui nfo.tliimhiaCr.imtv. In Book K. naire !M9of Rocorda of Mortgagee of said County; and the further relief demanded in said suit is fl) judg ment against said W. C. Henderson for the sum of Flfteeu Hundred Dollars, with Interest there on from the vth day ot July, im, at tne rate niorht Ttar Aent. nnr annum, and for the sum Three Hundred Hollars aa attorneys' fees, and costs and disbursements in this suit; (2) that said Judgment be decreed a first lien upon said land, and thatsaia lana nest law, and the proceeds, or au old as prescribed by fllcient thereof de rived from such sale be applied to the payment pile .hat of said Judgment; and (31 that you, andeacn you, be foreclosed and I oi erred as to anv Interest in i aaui lana: ana m torsucn iurtner reues as the Court may seem just ana equitaoie. Thin anmmnna la nubllBhed aud mailed to y hv virtna nf an order of tha Hon. T. A. MoBrlde, Judge of the above named Court, mads on ths lain uay oi reoruary, uw. ALLEN ft CLEKTON, and EMMONS A EMMONS, C6a Attorneys for Plaintiff. IW.- - ... ... IM IB 1 1. ''''tiiii AVes e table Prep aration lor As -slinllating theroodandRcfitila tjqg iteainnwhi. nnd Bovveu of Promote s TigesUoTthttrruf neis and Rcst.Contains neither Opwm.Morphint nor MaraL Not Nabc otic. tllaiUs AshMi tmCmmJtimt cm- Antrfeet Retnedv forConstlNr- tion. Sour StomMh,Dianrlioca. Worms AOrivuis ions, tevcnsftr ogss and LOSS or SLEEK TacSiiniW Signature ot OTW YORK. EXACT COPT OT WRAPPEB. MONTE VISTA NURSERY A choice lot of Bed Wiuter Apple trees, such as Ben Davis, Bpitzenberg, Northern Spy, Baldwin, King, Melon, and Qravensteiu. TALIAN AND PETIT PRUNE TREES Cherry, Pear, Plum, Peach, Apricot and Quince) trees, small - fruits Blackberry, Baspberrv, Gooseberry, Strawberry, Wineberry and Currants. FAY'S PROLIFIC CUKBANT, as large and five limes aa prolific aa the Cherry Currant. TRY A DOZEN BUSHES Trees are grown on fir timber soil, have good roots, which '' we endeavor to dig and ship with trees. Trees hare bean , inspected ana pronounced clean and thrifty. We are a Columbia County Concern And we would like to do business with yon. Write ns it yon want trees. Price list sent free upon application. A. HOLADAY, Scappoose, Oregon FVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV- 0 Dr. ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of nfTeVrVe DRUGS, t TOILET J ARTICLES ...ifB'.ir'.-r .1 jjiiuue School Supplies An Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen cils, and the Best Inks on the Market, A FINE LINE OF FANCY STATIONERY Finest Perfumes and Soaps....... ..raieut jieaicines AAAAAAAAAArrVAAAAAAAAAA snVi THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS Astoria Marble Works J. H. IMHOFF, Pbopbiitoh. MANUFACTURER OF Monuments MARatX aNB ORANITC AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK ITALIAN MARBLK A PgCIALTV. Foot of Twelfth Street, ASTORIA, OS. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY, -STIAMER Young America -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens Arrive at Portland .... Leave Portland Arrive at St. Helena. . . . 6:30 A M .10:00 A M . 2:30 P M ,. 6:00 P M FABB IS CEfSTaV Will Carry Nothing bnt Passengers and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER, 31 aO THAT THE I FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE' -OF IS OIT THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OEV '2 OsstsrU is ytrt Sf la sslss settles sals;. It Is aot sold la talk. Domt show aavas to sail job SBTtUag slss ea the plea or ymssise that it is "jest ss serf" ess. "vul saswer rrmjya. boss." T Bes tha 7m get O-i-8-I-O-aVU. Hubs. rA, sr- sb, 57JCut svsrg E. Ross aAaaWS.seFaajssali AAAAA&imMU1Mk PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATK.LV COMPOUNDED. -THK BANQUET SALOON J. S. CL0NINGER, Prop. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for ths entertainment of pat- is, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other popular brands, ara kept constantly on hand to supply the increased trade at this very popular saloon. y THB FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT HI BANQUET. 1XUCKLE BROS. ; MaanrActcBias or TliminoiAn T.n-mVn-ik Ll rn-r-t Ti rr Rustic. Bheathlns;. Caslnfis, and a complete stock of evciy variety of Rough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS ON HAND. AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELEKS OREGON