Rihidino AT Houlto. County As eessor White has beoome a resident of the upper prt ol the county, having moved with hit family lo "oulwn the first of this week, where he will reside for two yeere, at loast. He It oooupylnf the Fred Emerson home. Will Vn Elbotmoity. The pop ular eteamer Shaver will be laid up In ehort time for general repalre, during which time an eluctr o light plant will be i)ut In at a coit of about 600. It U claimed that electricity ie more eoo nnmloalon steamboats than to burn 2 The Din will take the Bhaver'e place on the route while the Utter ie undergoing repairs. Amaolt and Battmy. Last Sat urday J. D. Bird.All oame tp this c ty d swore out a warrant In Jiietloe Clark's court for the arreit of Freder ick Vivian, chargin him with ass-alt and battery. Neighborhood goealp . ..Id to be the mum of the m between the two men. The easels Mt for hwrlng tomorrow (Saturday) Tt 10 o'clock, at which time the elate will be repented by Mr. 0. W. Co e nd Deputy Dlslriot Attorney Hall. Mr. W. B. Dillerd will represent the defendant. Good Outlook for Fbcit. Fruit commissioner H. E. Posoh says the pro'peot for a large crop of fruit thie season are very encouraging. In fart lie eye where there shoold be one (ruit bud there are two, and, if no un timely raiue occur during the time when the polleuiaatloa of the fruit bloieomi ie going on there will be one of the greatest fruit crop ever eeen In Oregon. Orchardlete have bad rather poor luck for. the patt two eeaeone, nd the chance are that they will liave a good crop aud fair pricea thle year. ' Arriaaooit Ta. Laet Saturday af ternoon M re. W. H. Dolman gave a ... n.rtv u aotoe of her friends tn honor of the 43d anniversary of the birth of her brother, 8enator McBrfile, . ...ainm Mrs. Dolman always obaervee. The lime wae most pleaeantly spent in eocial communication of the pleae ant memoriee of the eenatort earlier life, and during the afternoon a tele gram wae received from the senator thanking tne inenae ior urair mu sw membrence. Thoee Invited were Mre. w M Tollman. Mre. Meeker, Mre. E, Perry, Mre. A. Davie, Mm. 0. 0. Caplee, " a. a- . , J Uu O aaa la Mm. E. H. wuaivon anu amis. uim Lenient. ' FmeiMMOiia a Wimmk. The fight for the heavy-weight championship of the world took place at uareon, Ne vada, laet Wednesday between Jamee J. Corbett ol Ban Franeieoo and Bob- art Fittilmmona of Australia. In the fourteenth round Fitisimmons got in a lurk? stomach blow on bis antago nist which ended the fight and made the Australian the champion of the world. Two smaller eonteete preceded the main fight. In one of which a broken arm was the result. About WOO people witnessed the contests nd an immense amount of money wae staked on the result. It is said the California sports staked every dollar thev oeuld raise on their man civinc odds ot about 7 to 10, and in consequence Ban Fraucisoo has more "busted" sports than any other city in the country. FitxslrnmoLS eaye he will never fight again. Couraa-BTORi Service. -Last Mon day was a busy day in tit. Helens, at which time the corner stone for the new Episcopal church was placed in position by Bev. Goo. O. VanWatere assisted by a number of the clergy of l'oriland. The corner-etone wae in two parts, and in the top of the lower eecttoa a place wae morticed out sui Aciently large In which to deposit a bible, prayer book, several church pa per ana a copy ni ma mmt, togemer with some other articles. This being done, the top section of the stone wae placed in position set in snorter, un the front of the stone facing the street was this Inscription, "A. D. 1807." After the atone was placed in position the ministers, followed by the audieaoe reoa red to Masonic hall, where snort addresses were made, after which din ner wai served at the St. Helens hotel. The following visitors were present from Portland i Key. Powell and wife, Kav. VanWatere and wife, Bev. Bar bour, Bev. DrForest, Bev. Simpson and wife and Mrs. Selwood.' The fol lowing list of contributors to the build ing fund ot the church wae furnished us by Bev. Palmer, who baa the work in charge: Mrs. Hannah Tysikitwics, Mr. and Mrs. James Muokle, Charles Muckle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Oilmore, Mr. aud Mrs. J. George, Mr. and Mre. D. J. Bwiiser, Mr. and Mre. B. Cos, Mre. Bay E.-Watte, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. George, Jacob Mayer, James Dart, 3. Weed, Dr. Cliff, F. Dow, Mr. and Mre. J. A. B. Johnston, E. Joseph, M. C. Gray, Mr. VanSohuyver, Cliaa. Davis. Mrs. Jas. Kennedy, A. Boblnsnn, W. II. Dolman, Mre. D. Davis, T. Muokle, F. Vivian, J. U. Bheldon and J. Boott. Mr. George Hall, the present teacher of our publio school, has been elected . to leach another nine months term, beginning the first of nest September. Mr. E. E. Quick has been very baiy the past few days getting the school cterk'a report in chape to present to the county school superintendent. The retiring clerk left matter in very naa shape and It required time to straight en things out. A man from Warren came galloping Into town Monday morning shouting at the top of his voice "horse, saddle and bridle for $25" and repeating it at almost every lump. People stood iu wondermeut and asked If they knew where the county judge and district attorney were. Captain H. B. Robertson Is building another log raft at Stella to be towed m Han Fmnrlai-o. This makes the fourth rait built thert for the south ern lumber ri.arket. Two of the former warn I net at link OWinff tO the heavy weather at the time of year they were started on their journey. k mi. nitlzana had made arrangements to go to Sonppoose wsi Saturday evening lo witness the drama, but the train was something over iwo hours late and consequently the trip was not made, except by three or lour, who arrived there iu time nriftl nron th last time. They pro- PEHftONAL, AND LOCAL. Dr. Edwin Bos was In Portland yesterday, . Mrs. T. 0. Watts, ol Beuben. was in our city Monday. H. P. Watkina waa In Pt1.n.t business last Monday. T, 0. Watts, of Reuben, sttnndan1 tha funersl here yesterday. Willis Bume-ardner. of Dear Island. was in ttiwn Muudey last, Miss Frankle Way waa vlstllns- In Portland the tint ol the week. Judge Doan oame un from TUIntor Monday to atte nd to probate matter. Bev, Geo. Palmer was attending in bulnes matters in Portland last Mon day, - The "F. D " brand of butter ean be had by callinur at the reeideooe of Mr. B. Cos. Mr. Charlee Halt, teacher of the Baioler school, spent last Sunday In mis oiiy, - Mr. 0. W. Fruih. ol Qoble. was at tending to business in the county seat yesterday. The steamer Elwood was put on the Lewis river run last Monday in place oi ma uascot. Wm. D. Connell.of Deer Island, was in this city last Monday attending to business matte ra. ' 0. W. Blakesley, G. D. Gilson and Johnny Lambersoo were passengers lor I'ortiana Tuesday. , II. A. Oberc, of Deer Island, was in this city Weduesday, and .made this office a pleasant call Bsv. Philbrook will preach at Yank ton nest Sunday forenoon and at St. Helens iu lue evening. A few friends spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Dillard last Monday. Mis Irving, who has- been visiting la this eity fur eome time, haa been engaged to toaon the Yankton school Great preparations are onder way here among tne nehernwn lor the com ing Mason, which begins April 10th. Judge Bears held an adjourned term of circuit court here laet Saturday, Judge MoDriue being detained in A turia. Mr. W. A. Young, at one time hay ing charge of the school in this city, was attending to Dusiness matters nere last Friday. Mr. A. J. 8hepard, who taught the last term ol the fsns school, waa in this city last Tuesday on his return from Clatskanie. Attorney , Edward Mendenball and J. V. Lankin, a business man of Port land, were attending to estate matters in thle eity Monday. The nnblie ball at the opera bouee here Wednesday night Is said to have been fairly well attended, ine xestiv ities did not eease until about day light. Assessor White, having everything in readiness, will begm the work oi the 1897 assessment nest Monday starting at Mayger, thon proceeding to the Buasian settlement. Notices are po.ted announcing the annual eity election to lake place on Monday, April Oth, at wnion time onuucil. recorder, treasurer and mar' sbal will be elected for the eusuiug year, Attorneys J. C. Moreland, E. E Ooovert, Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. Moore, Judge Caplee, of Portland, and Judge F. J. Taylor, of Aetoria, were in at Lendanea on the adiourned term of cireuit court in this city last Saturday Tub Mint is the only psper in the county that printed the court proceed ings In full laet week. The people of rtnlnmbia eountv have always de pended on thie paper for the reliable aewa and neve never been disap pointed. . Vmw pinwman will Breach at War ren nest Sunday at 1.1 o'clock and at Yankton at 7 :30p, m. As it is near ih. .nH nl tha annfentnoe year a large attendants ie requested in order to make arraogroente lor me quarwn; conference. I. HELENS SCHOOL COLUMN. O. A. HAlt A a. W. BltBT, BOitoas. Ml Uav Hsvburn and Mr. F. Oeorg visited school Menday. A oommunlc.tlon from Mr. Boarne, witn eommsnU tnerson, wui aipr ..... .,, i mii.Ii ! nnlla nravalsnt BUIUtMr Ol (OS BUUIW aocount. Ur. W. A. Yonna. a former teaehsr or this school, and Mr. Smith, ol Ulaiaaani. wars pleasant visitors at school nuaj The school tenders its thanks to Wl"r Usrt tor the fttt of a Urge map ot the world. Tbl is what the scuool has neet-d 7" 1 .' -I will an ma other kindly d!.DVrnns prent us with a dwUon- ary aua giuoei . A slight onilimon oocnrrsd la the artiale on "The Number 9" In last week's Muw. Itshould havsread: Bubtraot ths sum ot A lfm the am of 45 and leave the suuj of . Also in ths sum In "additioa at ; sigiiv dVe last row of figures, 2180. was left out. Dr Boss amve a very Interesting lecture d.Th .ubJtwlllK'b;"0lrcu.tio?of ?.Si5 h ha will Illustrate how It is "'iTrr'K. aitln a beefs heart. We ire DlsaVe'd to havs the beneftt of such leo tame, Sd sresure that freat good to the olats wut resun irwm iu.u, . .. ...nrniluttni from Prof. ChaXsTHa'tofKaTnUr: ..t Interest, and we hop it will al- traot the interest it so Justly deiervsr: n rtr. March 12. 1897, Kditohs School Commits I have a few 2L"y"rmV or which I find no. rale ."" r.itmitiB with which I am familiar. Thev are eailly solved when the p'oir mc"Kod?s understood, and I would eipeo Eu.in.lta the attention of all teachers and Mathematicians to their ,eWw"";u t, The base of a nabt angled triangle . . Vl.. ., nl lY.a other two sides Wt , 'lr. the lenpth of the two sides, (b) ueuuee a lorn-uiai myv other two si tes is 8 feet- pulre ths feiith of the altitude and hypotl.eneuM. 88 The altitude Is 78 feet; the hypoihe i. hk rant Kind the bane without Lo.Hn'gritberto.V.titud. or the hypoth lnUM I t oan be ea.lly done and all three orthebo". can be solved by tbs simple rr AVan'nght a farm for MOOOen tim.intersst7pr osnt. per siinum, the tarns to be paid for in flvs equsl snnnal in-1 staliinsnt. JUequlre tbs amount of each payment. Trastlne thsm four oroblsms will form sufficient material for at leant ons even ing's sutertalnment, I am, vary truly. i;uas. Ed UAU It Is Dleaslnr to nata that tha nnnlli af tha schools in Portland era taklna an Inter est In this eolmn of Ths Mist, as the fol lowing note will attest. Hiss Bsmes will soceut our thanks, and will bs happy to re oelve contributions from her or her friends at any time: Pobtland, Or., Msrch 0, 1807. " BntToas Bomool Uolumk : I will tend ths sntwer lo ths third sxample, which I think it 7.74 7-10, Alto another problem : "Which it the cheaner. a tutt of clothes which eott IW snd will latt 18 uionthi. or a suit that cott l.'lo and will latt 10 months, and how much will a man savs in 20 ysart whowesrs ths cheaper suit, Interest not bting reckoned? Mauds llAUttt, florin vsuirai ovuooi. AHIWIBS TO QUEHTIoat. 1. I bsve a kec eontalnlns 8 rsllom of wins: I wish to divide it between 2 Dsrtont. giving taoh 4 sallont; I bavs nqtlilng to meaturs it wiin cut a o-gaiion ana ea-gai-lon keg. How Is it donsT Solution by Mr. E. it all. Kill A-callon kec. and from this fill S gallon keg, then ernpty 8-gallon keg Into 8-gallon keg and from what remains in 6-gallon keg Into 8-gallon keg, again till 5-gullun keg, eiaptp 1 gallon into 8-gallon keg; this leaves 4 galloat In 6-gallon keg, 8 gallous In 8-gallon keg and 1 gallon in 8-gallon keg. 2. I sell two honses for 1120 each, an one 1 gain 20 per cent, and on the other i tots m per cent, uo i gain or iota, ana how much T Answsr Lost f 10. Aotwsred by Cbss. S. Hall. 8. I wish to buy 100 hssd of stock with $100. t will pay 8 10 for horses, 13 for sheep and SO cents for hogs. How many of each will 1 getr Answer 0 nones, IH nogs and 1 sheep. 4. A tree 120 fset biih brssksoffsnd tbs top strikes the ground SO feet from the of the trse. How blxh is the part standing! Answer it w ises. A vonne ladv buvs a WAtcb for which she psys ths money sbs has snd a half dollar over; a drett costs her H f he hss left sna ons-nau cjousr over; a oat H toe has left and half a dollar ever: a uair ot thoet H the has left and half a dollar over; ibe tuen hat no money leu. now niaco hsd ths at UmtT Answer $18. bhoct oott $1, bst $2, dress $4, watch $8. Answered ey unas. ft. uau. 8. The tallowing Is contributed by a re ldrntof Ht. Helent! How tuaov cubic feet in a stone 8 feet, 8 inches lone: t feet. 6 inches thick: and 8 feet, 8 inches wldsT Antwer 27 cubic feet, 848 cublo Inches. Answsrsd by Ubea. a, utu. Moeorrset answers bsvs been received for the 6th and 6th problems given week before laet, in regara ie uis triangle ana grinustoae. KSW QtJEMfOM, 1. An easv and rabid method of findlnc ths Interest on any amoant fur aay Ume at any rata per cent : Multiply one-twelfth of ths principal by ths rste per eent, and this by ons-tnirti ibs numoer oi uays. 2. If two Amsricans do the work el three Germans, and live Oermana do ths wore of six itugiuninen, ana-aeTen ng- lltbmsa do ins wors or eignt irisnmcn, end nine Irltbmen do the work of ten Frenchmen, bow manv Frenchmen WUI do tee wore f tuu Americantr 1. M an multlDlled bv lUelf and to this sight yesrs more sdded will amount to ace years, vrnai is my agar 4. How far will a man travel In picking up 200 apples placed one yard apart, the Dm apple oeiug .n yera iruu. a ui iu Wblca urn is to place uiem ous at a unie r a . - I - I find uii. him for 1110, buys him back for $90. What , a men wa-a . uura. r.w. per ceut doss bs gain T CLAT8MAN1K. Mrs. Phil Stout, of Ilwsco, spent a few dart with her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. A. r. Mers. Lincoln Meserve. at present in Kraft' store, is slated for the Mist Kbooitbit summer. Our shingle factory, er one of them, is in operation again, Cuaaueacs ueruig oeen rastorsa. Pat.r rvWIIH and brother. Leo. are making arrangamsnls to flab on ths Colum bia river una summer. Charlie Lee proved no on his homestead I u i,k IV A Virnn. an wwa. m.ih w..u ... ... . and Bert umltb as witnesses. lflaa Vannla Burnt will nretlde over the spring school In ths Btrr district, where she nss taugoi two or urea term. Cliff Overturf is srouod again after an aliank nf maaalaa which keDt him in the bouse a few days, mucb against tus mcuna- uon. . Ti.. Tixliannr aawmill la nearly com pleted In iu new location and it is expected it win be run ou nut uiu. u. wu.m summer. Mr. Harlow, from across ths river, near lFuraka Aamiar. bat moved into town ano it occupying the Milton Bryant house with kis lainuy. Inkn Xfalann. work In. at Palm's mill, gol hia arm var. baiilv bruited and cut while at work - there en Monday. The In jury was caused by a fall. Mr and Mrs: Carrol, ot Cattle Bock Wash., have been spending a few days with Mrs. Carrol's mother. Mrs. vr Miller. They haft for home Moadsy. Miss Msad Bryant has secured the school at Ia.r iw.ar. It la resorted to begin about the first of April. Ths direotors hsvs made a goad selection as teacher. Oue Petsrson was in town Monday with a ho. of ths late Mr. Messing, of Mist, on M. a. to. Portland to tha hOSDltal. Thi boy has bip disease and needs turgical help. Messrs. Hiatt, Brown and Imel are a trio in the mill business, having bought the Frank Merrill mill across nearer, may expect to ssw out a lot of cedar lumber the oouaing season. va Pam haa left ns for tha Rotiland mlnina countrv and will make a fortune ihapa It ha nan. At anv rate be will look about and see what ths chances are for an enterprising oltisen. , Watann Rlllatt and wife, of Marshland, roCa up tha last of the week en their way to .lait frianda ahoat FliDDin't mill. It re- ouiret some oonrage for a woman to rids over the road from here to Marshland as is at present. . l.l tT .1 .h. p.HmU. Btnna anil Construction Company, was In town Mon day and will probably spend tome time ia tliis vicinity In connscUon with tbe dredger rauroaawora. Vmm W n. flnn.ara waa abllffed. On So- oount of Ulnesa Isst week, to avsil herself of tbe generous hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. McQilvery for three or four days. She was sbla to bs taken home Monday but suffers from a lame arm ana suouiusr. ... D.nf.wi. Whltton and soma of hia scholars did some goed work on the sohool grounds on a recent Saturday trying to get rid oi sonis of tbe stumps that persist in .iLHwirin the nlacn. The. made an ex cellent atari toward getting the ground! ia preventable tbape, bat a good deal remains to be dons yet. . I The Wbisser, In Its last issue, contains sn announcement and programme of an entertainment in the form of a bock recep tion, to come off on Friday ovening ot tint week. Aay good book will entitle the donor to admisaion to lbs exercises, or if a book it not brought a small aamlsslon fee is charged. This it an introductory project for a school library. A. M. Tlchenor roturned from Portland last week with the first spring hst of ths season. It is a becoming one and good enough for him to wear aa president of the council, for which be ia eminently fitted and a position in ths city that many desire hiiu to oooupy for the coming year. His Munril In tha nasi assnrea na of a food ad' ministration it be win consent to allow mm- WANTKO FAITHFUL MKN OR WOMBN to travel for responsible establlehed bouse in Oregon. Salary $780 and expenses. Position permanent. Kefereuoe. Enclose lelf-addresaed stamped envelops. Ths National, Star Insur ance Bidg., Chicago, sslf to be s candidate, wblob it is hoped be will do. The Cathlamet cornet band name over Saturday in a gasoline launch to give our neorle a munYcat entertainment that ove- verv enjoyable programme of inttrumental "'V. . ,.ir,.ir..i. l a . l - 1 -1 . 1 .1 1 - 1 lutfa a.M An I K.nH .. . rientlon commutes snd astieted " r , . t, . i 1 s,.nlng, sspec ally ., P'"7 kept up until midnight at lea.t.afwr which the band and a few frlenda returned lionie tha mimd wltlies of a I. The band gave us good music snd possibly ths Clats- Kunie iana may bt. r.ui iiimara tliimirh wa no a aood deal on our boms talent when it comes to "the music of tbs band." BOAPfOOSK. Jav White has gone down the river on a nsutiig expeaiuon. Tha nroeeeds of latt Saturday evening's play amounted to nearly $26. Mrs. if. Btrach.n Is vieitlng at the home of her brother. Mr. frank oweger. Several couples from here attended the combination ball at Bt. Helens Wednesday nlgbt. There is much snow on the foothills at present, and the weather Is cold tn conse quence. Re. R. A. Rowlev breached to a large audience at 8 o'cleck iastbunday afternoon at ibis piece. . Railroad aorvevors are here relocating the grade stakes preparatory for the com ing ballasting work. Miss Gertie Mullens hss secured a school in Waabingtoa county nsar liiie, com- menclag in April Mr. Harding, ef Oaston. Oregon. Will dl- rant tha oun. mlnda of dittrlct No. 1. be- rinnin. ichool Monday. Maren 22nd. A nart arrived on the trsin too late to from' getllag out to hear them but there of Benjamin . Near, Tleceated; end that waefeirta-d audience gathered in Con- the Judge of .aald iCourt has api''''tj i i.-n ... n,Ml tnhtt Hal.ur.lav Anrtl 8. 1HU7. at 10 O Clock A. M.. take in the olav Saturday night. Come pUMon on die in tald court; taia real propery i ..5 .?fll,.t. ,iT. ,r..f r.n tlm being rtenerlbed a follow!, to-wlt: An und i again aud we will have the train on time. one.foarta interest in and totbetouth- McKav travel bit wUI soon be opened up. Till, pit we. .b.hdonl lt ve.r but ripe. naa been pruuuunonj tiiuio ur muni 1 Tha latarrmantnf Mr. lav was conducted under tha ritas of tha Maaonto order, and saany members of that order were here from St. Helens. fla.eral af the leraer erlrls in district No. 9 will snter Miss Boyle's school and form a graduating class ior law, a spieaaia unaer king, ana may soeccee go wiui wm, Thedrama"HandicaDned."wasrenderea I at ner announcement Uaturdav night. A large houss faced the young Thespians at 8 o clack, when the curtain rtiseu, ana Close attepnoa was giT.n unui ui. u an boor later. Miss Johnson, at nrinc dose sttepUoa was given untU the close, an hour later. Miss Johnson, as principal of a young laaiet seminary, bus iuusih, mm Weaooer, mu mimwva iuimuuh, 1 Payne nd HatUe and Oerti Mollens. m II J 1. 1 1 .Lain aaSa I nnnila. alhiitad much D raise in their parta. Mr. Holaday, aa Bev. Btlgga, the piout young parson, and Mr. u. atuiiena, as Teddy Thurston, the rapid voung man from new i ora, won wuuu Himuautni w their res pes tire characters. -Mrs. WatU, as Mrs. Thurston, mother of Teddy, and Burt West, aa tha colored porter, carried n their roles In a becoming manner, Taken at a whole, the play waa reaaerea nerfaetlT. and won much abblause for ths uartieiuauts. Alter the play a farce in one act. participated in by Misses rayne ana was rendered with mucb merriment. At 10 o'clock a topper waa served tn Laruber son's hall, after which dancing waa indulged vauans. aiuea ot ssTemi rvuai wuie. nu in uutil midnight. Dangere eg Fhs greatest dancer from its resulting in pneumonia. care la used, nowevery uoupn lumeaT taaen. avoided. Among the tent oi tnouaanat who have used this remedy for la grippe, we have not yet to learn of a single esse having resulted in pneumonia, which shows euncluaivalv that this remedy ia a certain preventive of that dread disease. It will afTant a aermanent cure in leas ume tbsn any other treatment. Tbe 26 and CO eent sites for sale by Dr. Edwia Boss, Clroutt Const. Balfour. Guthrie A Co., vs. M. Fisk, decree of Ibreclotura. North American Trust Company vs. T. O. Darlson, default and decree of foreclosure. u. u. Boiuan ra. a. . ii, owiu.iu.auoa . "e . i - - a a. foreclosure. . . Wra Melllnger vs. P. A. Zilgett, defendant '? d-ve J"r- ... DiaH, OI unnwB .a. ami a.w aw. nnkllMlInn nf nimnniiL a Kinder v.. Ida M. Buell at aL order for sheriff to execute deed. Astoria Railroad Company ys. 3. B. E. Bonnie, itamurrar avarruled: F. F. Brewster substituted at deienaant. uraerea luriner prooeeuiuKa tnthit court be stayed and that cause be re moved to United States circuit oourt for Oregon. H. Syyeraon ra Martin While, motion so strike out argued and submitted and by the oourt taken under adrtstmenb Adjourned uuui apru win. Fraaa Orlaale Oreebu AfUr tha hia flra In Orlnola Creek. I took a ar aeara cold and tried many remedies I without help, tbe cold only becoming more setUed. After using three small bottles of Chamberlain's Couch Remedy, both tne cough and cold left me, and in tbia high liltn.la it takes a meritorious couch reme dy to do any good. G. B. Henderson, edi tor uaiiv Avayeruser. jorwsoj vr. i- win Ross, FINAL SETTLEMENT. N0TICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned administratrix of tbe estate ol J. a. v. enarnngaousen, uwwh, iu. her flnsl aocount and report In the office of tha SM..V ni thm f!mintv Cniirk of Cnlumhla County. Oregon, and the Hon. Judge of said Court has appointed Tuesaay, tne zara uay oi. aiareu, .la nlrwk p. u . and tha Court Room ol laid Court In St. Helens In tald County and State, as the Ume and piaoa ior tne Bearing auu b..uv meutof tbe same, at whtoh Ume and place any person interested may appear aud contest tbe tame. . . . tdmlnlatratrlx of tha Kstata ol J. B. D. Shax- i.izz k hkiiwn. nee BnamnKnonseu. rlnghouaen. deceased. fllhnM SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of ths State of Oregon, tor tha County of Columbia, Tbe State of Oregon and the Board of Com missioners for tbe Sale of School and Uni versity Lands, and for tha Investment of tbe Funds Arising therefrom, plalnUus, vs. Henry Hubert, Mary A. Hubert, and James f?j3. ?.uri,.:a;.i?hTK,.i: Jt7h: Taylor, deoeaacd, defendauta. J To Henry Hubert and Mary A. Robert, defend- TN THB N AMK OK THB STATE OF OBSOON Vm. ana aiuih af vnn. .M harahv rooulred ants aoove namea: ur.; I red ilost ourt ular ...H..iM..ih.Mu.ni.Mtfl Miu.mu by tne first day May term ol the CI tne first day of the next regular t Circuit Court ol the State of nbla County, to-wlt: on Tues- of May, 1897, and if yon fall to Oregon, for Columbia I... ih. lltk av off Uav. 1KQ7. and if vi at anaarar. for want thereof tha nlaintiffs Will apply to the Court for an order cf default aaalnat vnn. and tor tha relief demanded in the complaint, to-wlt: for Judgment against tbo said defendant, nenry niurerv, ior o sum n nna Thonaand nollara. with Interest thcreOU t th. mi. nf .I.M iwf iwrt nor year, from the 2Jtt day of September, Uwether with ths inrtn.ranm ni i wo iiunura, uoiiara aa mkit neyt test, and tbe eottt and disbursements in tit I. anU rora decree foreclosing an claims, uensor rlirhta of each of said defendants, and all per sons elalmlug under them, in and to the real estate ano premises tiesnrinea iu vue oouipinih., to-witi ins norm naiioi me eouin nan ut wr Hon thlrtv-four In tawnshlo number six north ol range number lour west of the Willamette Meridian, iu Columbia County State of Oregon and containing Oue Hundred and Sixty acres. loarthai' with gcthet with tbs Improvements thereon, ordering a sale ol the said real estate and an ap- nllmLtlon of tr jllcstlon ol the preotedi to the payment c Judgment! aud lor such other relief aa may oi naiu nam mat and anultahla In tha DrnmlHes. This tummont It published by order ot tbe Circuit Court ol the Stale of Oregon for Colum bia County, duly made aad entered iu open Court, March is, law. . V. B. DILLARD and mieafto Attorneys for Plaintiffs. TT ANTED FAITHFUL MKN OR WOMEN V to travel for responsible established house In Oregon. Salary 1780 and expenses. Position permanent. Heleranoe. Enclose soif-addressed tamped envelope. Tbs National, Star Insur ance Bldg., Chioago. FINAL SETTLEMENT. rcWTH HRttKBY GIVEN THAT ha iitirir(.nd has (lied. In the County Court of the (Mate of Oregon, for Columbia Countv. her final account and re-1 and the Courtroom of said Court, in Bt. u.i. t aairf I'.innta end Htate. as the H.tMI. TM 1.IM 1 fill 11 tV MI1U H WC Ume aud place for the hearing thereof, at l(i. ai.aa mtuA anv rtJiriukn Inuf' I - - "2. RAH J . HOTH. Admlnl.tratrla of the Kttate of Benjamin NOTICE TO CREDITORS. XTOTICB 18 HERKBY GIVEN THAT m Tl. nnderalirnrd bat. bv Ue Ikiunlyl nt it., siaia f rirairnii. for the County I of ColuinbU, been duly apM"" , adminis trator of the estate of Elisabeth Beeghley. I il..aaed. and that ail peraons havinsl i.ainat the eatate OI saia u are hereby notiHed and required to praarol tha aama Hnl. veriHed and with proper I .mi, hr. to lbs undersigned at such si- mlautratur, at hit place of residence near I vernon . vgo ,.. -""" y "' ul '"""T'g BOTHLBV; Administrator of the Estate of Eltaibetb Berghley, deceaard. ni6a2 CITATION TO HEIRS. In the County Court ol ths State of Oregon, for I In the Matter ol tbe Kttate of Frank M. Meeker, .1 ... -A To W. A. Meeker, Anna Smith, Anderson Smith, Willie Smith, Mills emiin "" I a ... i. k.i.. . I. nt .rank li. Marker, de-I eeased, and to all other heirs of sua aeeettea, W r. .... Iff anv V... Kit - IN THB NAM Or THK BTATB OF UKEltun, 1 1 vA . i. .1 M.h nt vnii. are herebv eom I manded to be and appear before the Honorable I County Court olthe State of Oregon, In and for I the Connti of Columbia, at the Court-house. In iu nM. 1. ul.l nnnntv and Htflta. on MondeT I the Srd dar of May. W7, at a o'clock P. M , of I St. Helena, la tald uounty tald day. It being the regular aiay mm Court, to ihow cause, If any exl't. why an oraer estate, ehould not be made, at prayed for in the west quarter of the Mithesst .quarter, .ana we 2;' irt"r-iWte north of range number two weal or me ni'iam- eite Meridian, in Multnomah County, State of Oregon, ana containing in mi. mva eighty aeret of land. , . . olthe County Court aforesaid, do hereunto tet my hand and affix the teal of laid Court, at my I office In the City ot St. Helens, etaia oi uregon. this 4th davof March. A, 1. vm. lOOUSTV COUBT MAk HUDSON WEKD, County Clerk. (mUaai) By W. A. HABBIS, veputy. . innno t irrNcr "uu" r m0 u,. Honorable County Court of Colum- Dia County, Oregon : -nTR THK CNDERfilGNKD LEGAL! VV voters, residing in Oak Point pro jjnjt voiumut Wunty, oiaw or vregun, i WOOia TtmpmGiiuuj peuuuu jvuk aiuuwiiio body , at its uaxt adjourned term, wbtch a..'.1 a as ... it. - ibL.J.a will be held on Saturday, tha 10th day of April. 1897. at the court-house iu the city of Bt Helens, Columbia County, Bute of Oregon, that a license be granted tp Neil O'Hare to sell spirituous, vinous and malt iimmra In laaa nnanlitiaa than one Ballon. in Oak Point precinct, and that tuch li-1 eenM be granted for a period ot six months for all of which your petitioners will ever P?Chnreb.m. J K Blaek. Wm Ternahaa, Chat. T.rr,han nharlaa Rmnkaon. A Y BmllD, V W Mayger. Henry Henderson, iouis oiochok, i v ik.ii w a Tlblietia. Louis Fluhrer. Wm I Fluhrer, Carl Stockenberc, L d Mason, George ButU, W Black, Charles Black, w r Biaugnier, r. ni.,mM..i, a liajlilan. F Ternahan. F u Crandall, Joseph Bertrana. weis reiersou, r Bertrnud, R D Crandall, Pred Gallaher, J Sand-1 Strom, aonn sieecn, J aiuca vuaa.vr, .. y i IT 1 Jnrack, August Lund, I A Kemp, C BerkJan, D J Barnes. ORDER ON PETITION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia uounty. Ta tha enattar of tha aDDlication for the change of names oi Busy mmei r ww and Beatrice lone Foster, miner cnu- O 1-1 f U.111 k . wl r. Alal In thai mumu. ac,n., - i Connty Court of tba State of Oregon, for Innlumhia Ronnts. her netitlon prsving tbst I ,the name ot Susy Harriet Foster, be ohanged to that of "Susy Harriet Merrill. and that the name of Beatrice Iona Foster be changed to that of "Beatrice Iona hter- ' It Is ordered by the Court that Saturday, tha Srd ill. af Ai.ril. 1S7. at 10 o'clock A. I M., and the Courtroom of said Court, at I tha Court Houss in St. Helens, Oregon, be I and the same is hereby sppointea aa ine time and place for the bearing of the said petition; at which time and place all per sona may appear and ahow cause, if any they haye, why said application ehould nn ha aranlari aa nraved for in Said DetiUon. And It is further ordered that a copy of this order, duly attested by the Clerk of said Court, be published in the Oregon Mist, a weekly newspaper of general circu lation, printed and published In taid County ami State, and that the same be so pub- prioMo said secuUve and successive weeks prior W ata lished for at least Once a ween ior raur r uay o. """"B-. Dated this 1st day of March, 189 Attest: Connty Judge. Jnnaois Wun. UllnUV Liters. raast,.! moaS SUMMONS. In ths Cireuit Court of the State ol Oregon, for I tbe county oi uoiumuia. Walter J. Burnt, plaintiff, 0.0. Cole, Amanda Cole, J. P. Marshall, Jotle Cole, r. i;. uenaeraon ana meuss. awuw-1 mnn it.f.nil.Aa I To 0. o'. Cole, Amanda Cole and Jotle Cole, da-1 w TBKnl AMK O- THK STATE OF OREGON, Von era hereby reauired to appear and I answer the complaint filed against you in the I above entitled suit In the above named Court on or before Tuesday, the eleventh day oi May, A. D. m7. said data being the first day of the next regular term oi said uoun; ana ii you ;u u . -T...- fa. want tharanf the nlatntttT will take decree against you, and each of you, foreclosing that certain mortgage executed on the tb day ef July, 18. by Will W. Cole and W. C. Hender son, at partners nnuer tne rin iwiw w w. u ... Ana Wm. rtunhar on all of the following described land, to-wlt: Lot Number One (1) in Section Thlrty-slx (86) InTownsriip Seven (7) North of Bitnjre Number Two (2) Wewt I striM ManniiD. TXHiieaJiniiic aji.w i lAea a. lawn thak WsbAit Ortn-half of I th-m onetourth MT.d u,. south- east Quarterof the Northeast Quarter, of Beotlon Number Thlrty-ttva (85), u Township Number "... t". u O.. Vr fo Waat nf I ootm iu hwhh, - I oeveu 1 1 1 siurni, n.ii, - v-' 1 the Willamette menaian, comaiiiiug o,, mors or less; together with MlllVfachinery, Boom, Chains, Logging Outfit, Blacksmith1! Outfit, and all buildings erected thereon, for ths nnrnote ot teourlng the payment in full ol a Hmm. , nam, l.namn I purpose ot teourlng the payment In fuuol a Ol 1 certain promnwory iim www " Mc..v.w i certain promisnory note made and delivered to the said Wm. Dunbar on tald date by said Cole A Henderson, whereby the said Cole Hender- agreed to pay to said w m. uunoar on or or- lore 18 months after date olsald note the sum of vi!tn Hundred Dollars, with interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum until paid, and In case suit U Instituted to collect taid note, or any portion thereof, than such a sum as should WMsS?,''" The oonveyanoe In tald mortgage being to marfa h antif (Vila A Henilerson to the said wi Dunbar, aud conditioned for tbe payment of the said turn of 11500, aud interest thereon at the rata of eight ner eent. per annum, until paid and : . . . ,,- - . . i for the payment oi art taxes upon tne property , mentioned in said mortgage; and taid mortgage I being recorded in tne omce oi tne vounty triers of Columbia county, in doox n, page miu nnnords ol Mortgages ot said County : and the further retiei ueinanaea in saia suit ia u;juutr nAnt ami list said W. C. Henderson for the sum ol Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with Interest there- ou tram the mt day oi juiy, ibsw, at me rate oi eight per eent. per annum, and lor the turn of Thraa Hundred Dollars at attoroeyt' fees, and costs and disbursements In this suit; (2) that said Judgment be decreed a nrst ilea upon saia lanil and that aald land ha sold aa nreeurlbed bv law. and the nroeeeds. or sufficient mereoi ar rived from such tale be applied to tha payineut of aald ludement: and (31 that you. and each of you, be foreclosed and barred as to any Interest in tnid land; and (1) Ior such further reilel as to the Court may teem Just and equitable. This summons la nublished aud mailed to you by virtue nl an order at tha Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judge of the above named Court, made on the """"'""""a'iTeN A CLEETON, and EMMONS A EHMunti Ma Attorneys for Plaintiff. I Mayger, Wm M Roberta, James Siockenberg, B I 3 tkeOrlF RSAViren. John Bryant. Charles Mayger, 1 1 & la grippe ia of Ronndt. Simon Katper, Frank HU1, J Johnston, 2 It reasonable C McDonald, Thomae Bennett, J WHumnan, as i minwHi. I, nuiuu.M. u " J ' - I JlYitfetaUeTeparatkm for As similating uTcToodandRctf ula- Hnj fhi S tnEuu-M and Howpk ct ncss and BestXontalns neiuicr OpmuT.Morpliinf) not Mineral. Not Narcotic tttl itnar SaSnaJWaT. ATaafeef Betnedy for Constioa- tiofi. Sour Storj,DiarriM)a, Worms onvuisions.tevensa ntsa araiLoss or SlEZE Tax Simile Signature ot KIW "YORK. -Ii EXACT CO FT Of VKAPPEM. -LAST WEEK OF- Clearance tSale MONEY-SAVING SALE. Ladies' $3 Dongola Kid and Cloth-top Pointed Toes, $2.25 J Ladies' $3.50 Dongola Pointed Toe, - - 2.75 Children, Men and Boys' Shoes at Prices that can't be Beat ( LEO SELLING, 16T Third Street, Between Yamhill 0M Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, , TOILET J ARTICLES ivvyvyvv School Supplies An Unusually well-selected Stock o! Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen oils, and tbe Best Inks on tbe Market. A FINE LINE OF FANCY STATIONERY Finest Perfumes and Soaps. .Patent Medicines -: Astoria Uarble Works J. H. IMHOFF, PaopaitToa. MAHCFACTURXR OF Monuments ftJARBLI aa OWANITt AND ALL KINDS OF CEMKTKRY WORK ITALIAN MAPjaLK A aPCILTV. Foot of Twemii Street, ASTORIA, OS. . FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. TEAMEU- Young America -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 8t Helens Arrive at Portland. .. Leave Portland Arrive at BU Helens. ... 6:30 A M ...10:00 A M ... 2:30 P M ... 6:00 F M FABB 15 CENTa. Will Carry Nothing tint Passengers . and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER, If0 jaLtflBaBta ttM J . THATTHE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE' OF IS ON THE WRAPPER Of E7EST BOTTLE OTP ijlil Osatotia It pat la sbshbis kettles esly. It la art stld la balk. Seat allow anyone te sail yea aaytUng sits sa ths pita or preaust test it ls"jastss good" and "wUI aaswar srsry ms pass." AW Bet that yea get 0-A-8-T-0-aUX j km) snty i tesefc': and Morrison, POBTLAND, OR. i i i i i i i i PBKSCRlrTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. -THB BANQUET SALOON J. S. CL0NINGER, Prop. Wine and Liquor riant, rahl iwil table, billiard table and other deyicee for tba entertainment of pat- s, where time can ds pieasnuuy opin - FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS - 1 smm ntliar nnnnlar brands, are kept constantly on band to supply the Increar ad trade at wis very popular siuuuu. J THE FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT HE BAHQUET. IIUCKLE BROS. M AKbrACTVaERS Of Dimension Luml)er, Flooring, Bustle. Sheathing. Casings, and a . complete stock of eyt'iy variety ot Rough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OH HAND. AT THI OLD 8TAKD. ST. HKLE.S3 OREUOH ' Bounced it good.