Suffering Women. Alasl women do uf(r. Why. we often cannot tell, but we know there It on great cause, and that h weakness. The headaches, the depressed eatings, the pains, the discouragements, indeed, almost all the misery has a common cause 'weakness. At such times a woman always needs a friend that can be telied upon, and such a friend, for more than twenty years, has been that greatest of all remedies, By Its purity and it power it furnishes a prompt relief for women in their hours of need, and tf the grateful expressions which come up from the homes of the land about what SAFE CURB has done were printed, X they would nil volumes. It you, reader, are a sufferer, can you not take hop from this sug gestion r . . . Lrg bottle, r AN UNCOMMON SIGHT President McKlnley Surprises Washingtonians. CABINET OFKKTItS SWORS IN Change of Heart. Socialistic Mob "Bring him oat! Banc himl Down mit monopoly!" Inventor (putting his head out of the window) "Goodnest met What does thil mean?" Hob Spokesman "You moost diel Ve hear you invent a machine vat do de rork off von hoondret men. You dake breat out off deir mouths; you- Inventor "This machine of mine is an attachment for breweries, and will brine? bmr Hnwn to onA wnt a alum, Mob (wildly) "Hooray!" Car of Property. Small Boy "Papa, will you lend me your knife?" V Papa "Lend you my knife? It isnt'a week since I bought you a new knife. What have you done with it? Lost it?" "Oh, no; I've got it yet" , "Then why don't you use it?" "You said I should take good care of it, and I want to take op tacks." TOO MUCH BARK. It is not the best watchdog that barks the most The old watchdog lays low and seizes the burglar before he knows it. In the treatment of rheumatism many suf ferers talk too mncb and do too little. If they want to find out what is best for it, let them get St. Jacobs Oil and use it. It is a good watchdog against the intrusion of pain. It goes to work quickly and sore ly, and seizes hold of rheumatism for the purpose of driving it out, and holds on un til its nuroose is accomnlished. It is. therefore, the best remedy, because it takes the best means to accomplish its end, as many who have suffered for rears with the ailment will testify. The cure is the same in chronic or innamatory cases. With pa tience and a free use of it, the worst cases of long standing have been finally cured by it. The very small eyes of the bate (dis tinctly nocturnal) is due to the partial replacement of sight by their very highly developed sense of feeling. DOS'! GIVBl WAT TO DCFIB. President Takes a Walk aftines Has Already Knteml VMii Its Official Duties. Washington, March 9. President McKinley took a long walk through the streets of Washington just before dusk tonight and was cheered several times along the way. it was an un common sight to see the president swinging along in tins fashion, for Mr. Cleveland seldom, if ever, walked through the streets, and not since Grant's time had Washingtonians seen a president joining in the general throngs along the thoroughfares, It had been fatiguing day at the execu tive mansion, so at S o'clock the prcsl dent asked Secretary Porter to join him for a stroll. The president wore his beaver coat, silk hat, and a silk muffler at his throat. They emerged from the White House grounds by the easterly walk and turned into Pennsylvania avenue going west. Twice the presi dent was joined by some friends, the latter one continuing throughout the walk. When he was first recognised by some passing crowds, some dosen people or more began to follow, but the president cnt across the street at the war, state and navy buildings and re traced his steps to Seventeenth street, going out to Connecticut avenue. Be fore leaving the avenue a cheer went np from a party of men who had recog nised him. ' He touched his hat in rec ognition. Further on a party of ladies and gentlemen saluted him in passing and he returned them a sweeping bow. It was about dark when the president GIVES UP THE FIGHT. WEEKLY MARKET LETTER., The Original Rons Saocuiubs to the Inevitable . , The last session of he Davis house of the Oregon legislature was called to order at 11:80 A. M. Friday. Seven teen members answered the roll-oall. U'Ken, by unanimous consent, offered a resolution which was read. The resolution after setting forth the history of the failure to organise the legisla ture in a lengthy preamble, concluded as follows: "Resolved, By the members of the Dawning, Hopkins Company's Mtlw of T ratio. The week closes with better wheat markets, and an increase in bullish in dications, notably an increased demand (or cash wheat in Western market Prices have been helped also by stronger Liverpool markets, and by more whit iuroad crop damage reports. The latter complaints are being received from sections of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, but in the aggregate they aro much less than normal. We do not ig- L. Povey, R. E. Misener, John W. Mc Alister, James If. Davis, II. G. Guild, G. F. Schmidtlcin. George Ogle. Jona than Bourne, jr., J. K. Kruse, George H. Hill, A. L. Maxwell and F. N. Jones. Svindseth then offered a resolution that the house, by rising vote, thank Speaker Davis "For his firm and fair rulings as speaker, his close and untir ing attention to the duties of the office, his strict adherence to the constitution, his manly and courageous action in be half of pure and decent politics and legislation in our state. " The resolution was adopted. Speaker Davis responded: "I thank the members of the house tnr tllA mnMi'M ATlnndoil an1 41.A tw turned back to the White ; House, look- giren m8. In with ing mucn reiresnea aner me oris the term. of the resolution house now in attendance, and who have nore. these reports, but in a general way signed this resolution, that we will , we believe that soft and growing weath return to our respective homes, at all ,er may dissipate, not only the legiti times during our term of office await- mate solicitude, hut much of the dum ing the call of the governor of the state K- We are greatly indisposed to an for a session of the legislative assent- ticipate another short winter wheat bly, hoping that the members may yet onl- There has been no change in for- in a legal and constitutional organisa- crop advices. The Argentine ex- tion fulfill the nledmw made bv their Ports continue extremely small and respective political parties to the people oiorv than establish the lowest previous of Oregon." (estimates of yield. American crop The following thirty names were clearances, though a little heavier than subscribed to the resolution: E. J. 1 " previous week, have been small, Davis. Henrv L. Burklev. W. R. TT'Ren. and indicate large decrease iii the John Gill, J. J. Houser, George W. amount of whent on passage This may Riddle, Thomas Buckman, David Craig, I tend to foreign markets and renew Orin C. Emery, J. 8. Smith, T. M. ! export demand, without Jwhioh the Munkere, John WhitUker. D. W. Yoa- Price of wheat could not advance, as it kum. N. J. Svindseth. L. Bilven. T. takes a casli inquiry to put wheat up, J. Lee, C. 8. Dustin. J. O. Bayer. D. ! nt fictitious stories and fake cablegrams adopted members are now at liberty to go to their homes." The members then dispersed. Will Appoint a Senator. Governor Lord, of Oregon, in an In terview, states that he will not call an mission of the new cabinet members extra session of the legislature, as he were signed by the president early in thinks it would be of no avail. He the day, and efforts were made to have . will, however, appoint a United States the members assemble in the preei-, senator to succeed John II. Mitchell. dent s office at 10:30 to be sworn in by walk. The executive mansion today was the center of attraction for great crowds, including many prominent public men. President McKinley was at his desk at 9 o'clock, clearing away the more pressing matters. The corn- Chief Justice Fuller. Confirmed by tho Senate. The United 8tates senate was in se sion only about two hours Friday, and Cabinet Officers Sworn In. Washington, March 9. All the mem-! the greater part of the time was spent bers of the cabinet except Gage took the in executive session, confirming Presi- oath of office at the White House at dent McKinley's cabinet appointments. 11:30 this morning. It was a simple , "While in executive session, the creden- but impressive ceremony. President ( tials of Mr. Hanna, as senator from McKinley and Mr. h)rmanled the Ohio, to succeed Mr. Sherman, were way from the president's office to the ' presented by Foraker, and he was sworn blue room, where the justices of the in by Vice-President IIobat. supreme court were asembled. I Davis was also designated actine Mr. Sherman was the first sworn in, ' chairman of the committee on foreign ! 80 90o per sack; sweets, (3.00 . .' ,. f T . X" 1 1 . J " . 1 t . jot . 1 . i a r i . ilthonih yon have suffered for a lotif time from malaria, dyspepsia, kidney trouble, ner vousneteor biliousness. Know thai Hos tetter's Utomaeh Bitters has cored worse I'aeps than yours, and is potent to help you as it hu helped brats of others. But always remember that trite saving, "Delays are dangerous." Mole hills stow to be mountains in eontequenve of disregarding it. Check disease at the outset with this incomparable defensive medicine. Passing beside a stall, a liveryman of Hopkinsville, Ey., lost a part of one ear which a horse reached out and seised with its teeth. BOMB rBODPCTS AND PVSI IOUD. AU Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very light colored and of heavy body, is made from glucose. "T'o Garden Drlat" is made from Sugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale oy nrst-ciass grocers, in cans only. Msnufac- wiw if, we ij nine Chief Justice Fuller administering the relations, to succeed Sherman. Beyond oath. Then followed the other cabinet the usual notification to the President. nothing further was done. ' ' nf flia anrttviaA.1 funr tt a OMtiural mtt. ' break among the nations of Europe. On Friday, prices got a boost on the al leged war scare, but, as is usual, simu lators who took the bait, offered and bought freely, were compelled to liqui date before the day was over, and at a loss, leaving the market on merit alone, and a lot of deluded holders with dimin ished bank aooounts. It has been a good many years since investment in wheat on European political complications have paid any kind of a dividend. In corn a fuir degree of activity is -t 1.1. -l ! .11 ... - uuservuuie wiucn is an me more no tioeable by the frequency of fluctua tions. - Attention is being gradually at tracted to the immense exports of corn from our shores. - it is useless to attempt to any any thing interesting about the oats mar ket. There is absolutely no trading worthy of the name. Market Quotations. Portland. Or., March 9, 1897. Flour Portland, Salem, Cascadia and Dayton, (4.25; Benton county and White Lily, 4.25; graham, (3.60: so., perfine, 3.?5 per barrel. Wheat Walla Walla, 8183o; Val ley, 82 83c per bushel. uais juoice wnito, 40(34:10 per Dusnei; choice gray, aG40o. Hay Timothy, $13 13. 60 per ton; clover, $11.00(312.00; wheat and oat, $9.00U per ton. Barley Feed barley, $18.00 per ton; brewing, $18 19. Millstnffs Bran, $15.00; shorts, $16.60; middlings, $26. Butter Creamery, 45 (3 50c; dairy, 3040o; store, 1730o per roll. Potatoes Oregon Bnrbunks, 55(4 !0c; Garnet Chiles, 70o; Early Kose, per The officers in the order of their rank. Justice Gray, of Massachusetts, ad ministered the oath to John D. Long, of that state. For the came reason ol locality Justice Brown, formerly of u:.l: - i ! . i . i . i . i..n.reu uie oam to wen- cus 0 evenirig of prill A I CTt'T ,i uwmlarv rtt w u . A II ,V.a ! . . other oaths were administered by the chief justice. Lyman J. Gage took the oath in the secretary's office of the treasury de partment at noon. Chief Justice Fullei administred the oath in the presence of a distinguished company, which includ ed relatives and friends of Mr. Gage, part of the Illinois delegatioan in con gress and the principal officials of the treasury. The chief justice read the oath, Gage repeating it sentence by sentence. The first sentence was "I, ! T . t r T 1 1 : - j , , f man . oajje, v& uiiuuib, uu BOiemiy The House Caacae. Republicans of the national cental for Merced; new potatoes, 6o pet pound. Onions $1.26 1.60 per sack. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 2.60; geese, $46; tnrkeys, live, 10c; i iiciuuuuitua ui uie national i . , -, r house, anticipating an extra session of . duk8' $300 00 per dozen. Halt-Water Soup, In an article ou usu food, the London Plieetfltor gives many Interesting facts about the wonderful and invisible sup ply furiilxhed by nature for the feeding of the millions of fishes that mHke up her great oceanic population. The most careful examination of shal low waters near the shore will not set tle the question of what the fish feed on whou out In the wide sens, because the coudltlous lu the two case differ so widely. The sen, In the heart of its, own do lunlu, far from the shallow water-fringe along the shore, Is devoid of vegetable life. It contains no growth of weeds or plants to hnrtior swarms of possible food-creatures, except in limited spaces, as In the floating weeds of the Sargosso Sea. A bucket of water drawn from tin Atlantic Is to the eye simply so much transparent brine, unfoulod with weed, void of fish, and In most cases not rial bly Infested with any form of floating marine organism. Vet at any moment shoals of floh, numbering millions of Individuals, may elect to euter this apparently foodloss waste, and do so with Impunity. The hcrrlng-shoals disappear Into the deep Atlantic and return In good condition, oily and exubcraut. What have they lived on In the mesa time? Not on smaller Osb caught In the chase, for even if these were present In sufficient quantities, the herrings travel In a serried shoal a mile square and perhaps thirty feet deep, crowding one soother too closely to admit of free chase after food. The explanation lies In the universal presence of those microscopic creatures that in some parts of the Atlauttc are so thickly massed In the water as to dis color Its surface and afford abundant food for the whale. These are now known to pervade every drop of surface water in numbers comparable to the motes In the air. For the purposes of the herring, the pilchard, and countless other vertebrate fish, shell-fish aud soophytes, the upper waters of the sea are In fact nutri tive soup, s food exactly suited to their needs. . These microscopic creatures are the basis of all the life of the ocean. Some are water-fleas, others occupy shells like miniature bivalves, others again are in the form of the one-eyed micro scopic monsters of the pools the Cy clops. They multiply at sa amazing rate, increasing from one to more than four hundred thousand a year. Their existence Is one of the greatest economic triumphs of nature. They dis pose of the refuse of the sea, snd keep Its waters sweet. Dead animal and vegetable matter feeds them, snd they, without further machinery, are con verted into the food-Ashes of the world. ITS MARVELOUQ POWGR. t . t Paine'8 Celery Compound Oottr Than Years of Doctoring. A Bowery connndrnm. Slobsy Say, cully, why Is dat felly wot's storln' sway de grog lu de saloon like de felly wot makes all de noise at de bead of de procelou7 I'etey Give It up. Slobsy Dat's easy. 'Cause he's hit- tin' de-based rum. See? f5rw esp-f 1 iyr s. Y I Oft; Vv ) .fen. ,'."'iV ' J ' .; There never was a remedy s6 eml- now," she said, "I want to give you a neutly successful, so far above and be- little advice. I have been almost at yond all competition, as Palne's celery ' "' door with liver trouble. After ' the doctor had dons all that be could Palne's Oelery compound effects mar velous cures. congress, have arranged to hold a cau- Saturday, March ed by BeDresent- ative Grosvenor.chairman of the caucus. The speakership will be decided upon then. Probably there will be no oppo sition to Reed. The method of put ting the tariff bill through the bouse and possibly of organising committees may be considered. Greece Massing- Her Troops. Athens, March 8. Feverish activity continues throughout the whnln try. Large quantities of arms, ammu- ' uition, provisions and military stores re being conveyed by transports to 'acinc Coast Stbit f'o ah n. 'fa Garden Dript" have the manufac tured by the time "Tea ttorden Drtpt" turers name lithographed on every can, We will forfeit l,0O if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to be not genuine. Xhc fiso Co., Warren, Pa. Imperfect teeth are a sure sign of civ ilization. Perfect teeth are found, as a rule, only among savages. HOW'S THIST WeoSer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by (Hall's Catarrh Cure. . ' F. 1, CHEKBY 4 CO., Props., ToKdo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last lb years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all buiiness transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. . ' West A Tstux, ' Wholesale Druggiits, Toledo, O. Wai.di.vo, Kinman A Marvin, Wholenale DruggUne, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by ail Druggists. Testimonials free. . Hall's Family Pills are the best. The anniversary of the coronation of the pope was celebrated in Borne. Best in the World swear," but Uage declared, "I, Lyman I ueBBa,J' massing oi troops on 3. Gage, of Chicago, Illinois," the em- j the frontier is proceeding with the ut phasis which he put on the added word mo8t Peed, snd public feeling is at the "Chicaeo" insnirine a smile. " 1 highest pitch of excitement Those taking the coolest view no longer con- Chicago" inspiring a smile. When the oath had been repeated. Secretary Carlisle stepped forward and took his successor's hand, saying, "I want to congratulate you and wish you every success." After the new cabinet officers had ceal their opinion that coercion the center of in the event of interest will be Eggs Oregon, 11c per dozen. Cheese Oregon, 12, c; Yonng America, ls.o per pound Wool Valley, 10c per pound; East ern Uregon, e8o. : Hops 910o per pound, Beef Gross, top steers, 13.75(38.00; cows, $2.253.60; dressed beef, 4 6o per pound. ' Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, $3.003.26; dressed mut ton, 6 6o per pound. Hogs Gross, choice, heavy, $3.25(9 8.60; light and feeders, $2.603.0O; dressed, $4.60 5. 00 per cwt. Seattle, Wash., March 9, 1897. Wheat Chicken feed, 27 per ton. Oats Choice, $23 24 per ton. Barley Boiled or ground, $22 per ton. jV Corn Whole, $19 per ton; cracked, $1920; feed meal, $1920. Flour (Jobbing) Patent excellent, taken the oath of office, they lest but already started for -Thessaly. Greece kT lu "le.inrisn rronuer, ; $3.10; Novelty A, $4.60; California where the most serious events mav be t. on. n.,i.... o. .......... - . , ' rwi fu.W imiAJUt, SjtS.20. expected. Many foreign escorts have ' little time in entering upon their official duties. says she will not yield to the demand of the powers to vacate Crete, even if she has to fight all Europe. Fire Fiend's Work. New Tork, March 4. A remarkable series of fires, sll of mysterious origin 1 and strangely similar in their character- istics, spread terror through a section of the upper East Side yesterday, snd Death Overtook s Footpad. Netw Tork, March 9. Late Satur day afternoon,while Hermann Golstein, a hatter, was entering the door of his home on East Sixteenth street, he was felled by blows from a sandbag, in the tifenrla sif man v tin iiilrlnlv ann,.ia from a hallwav finl.toin. a led to the belief that s darine incendi- lustily, and the sandbajreer fled. Sud- ary WM "broad, applying bis torch for 20, parsnips, per sack, 75c; beets, per denly the prisoner became palsied and D0 otner Purpose, apparently, than the . ,ac: 00S turnips, per sack, 60o; mta- eahk down with apparent illness. Be- uuu me. i ""- '"v, per tat, fore medical heln could be summoned ,T nresoccurred in threebours snd , So! caDoage, per 100 jug, fJ.ZS; he died. The dead man has not been "A1 .w,th nth? district between Sixty- nun ana jcignty-tnird streets and First Millstnffs Bran, $14.00 per ton; shorts, $18. Feed Chopped feed, $18.00 per ton; middlings, $22; oilcake meal, $29. Hay Puget sound, per ton, $9.00(3 10.00; Eastern Washington, $14. Butter Fancy native creamery, brick, 26c; select, 24c; tubs, 23c; ranch, 15 17ft Cheese Native Washington, 12 Vegetables Potatoes, per ton, $18 identified. He was about 80 years old, tall and dark, and looked like a Spaniard, s iVoce '06 Models '97 Models 96 Ideals - 06 O - 80 - 39 Second-hsnd Machines of all makes from ..... ...$20 to $40 Cash... Or on Installments Write for Catalog snd Second-hand List UVS AUBNTS WANTED. Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. PORTLAND, OR. SPOKANE. WIH. WHEAT. Make money by sue eeasful oecufation in Chicago. We buy and ell tthMl Old., nr. nareina VorttinM h,vn han m ,i - n -m-n beginning by trading In futures. Write (or full particulars. Beet of reference given. Sev eral yean' experience on the Chicago Board of i hi,, auu a uiorougn anowieoge of tne bust of Trade pownlng, Hopkins A Co., Chicago Board de Brokers. OIHces in Portland. Oregon. Spokane and Seattle, Wash, j FWPE0JJ.I THAT SRC SICK er rfHflLPP" Well," LteaUlVEl. PILLS the One Tklnc to om. Sol by DriHiM m tSo, a hex aiio f,a. add ae Br, tkuakt bed. U. mia, fa. Celebrated Their Golden Wedding. Chewelah, Wash., March 9. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown, the first mar ried couple to settle in the Colville valley, celebrated their golden wedding lust evening. They have nve children, twenty-six grand-children and two great-grand-children, all living in this 1 vicinity. They crossed the plains in I 1854. and settled in Cnlvilla vnlW In I 1835. A Bnbport Be-Kstsbllshed. Port Townsend, March 9. Collector of Customs Saunders today received a dispatch from the treasury department notifying him of the re-eetablishment of the subport of Koche Harbor. This subport was discontinued March 1, but the protest of shippers snd of Collector Saunders brought s reversal of the or der. , and Third avenues. All were in tenement-houses, and no one could tell how the blazes started. Four of the fires, the most important, occurred almost within a stone's throw of each other in a thickly populated area. The clang of the fire bells and the sight of engines dashing hither and , thither through the streets naturally created a panicky feeling among the tenement-bouse dwellers, who knew not where the fire fiend would strike next. The firemen were exhausted by the arduous labor exacted from them. Atiinn. tu fOO 11. Co An VU.W.UJ, -- .UU 1W, f.VUl Bweet potatoes Per 100 A Second Experience. Great quantitiesof sulphur are mined in the craters of several extinct vol canoes in Mexico. Astoria's Mayor Says Ha Will Sign It. ' Astoria, Or., March 9. The city council tonight passed an ordinance making it unlawful for any person or persons to spit on any sidewalk, floor of any public hall or building, or upon the floor of any street-car. One half of the fine is to go to the informer. The mayor says that he will sign the ordinance. Alexander the Great employed the first submarine boat at the tic?e of Tyre in the year 832 B. C, M. Pierce informed the Paris Society of Civil En gineers recently. One man was killed and his body cremated; another fatally burned, and a third badly injured in a wreck, which occurred at Bennett's Mill, 100 miles west of St Louis, on the Missouri Pacific The dead man is W. W. Rosenberger.mail clerk,of Bloomington, 111., single. The injured are; Edward Lusman, aged 28, fireman, of St. Louis, pinned under the tender, body crushed and cooked from the waist down, will die; Frank Lauber, engineer, of 8t. Lonis, ribs broken and bead hurt. . The Gale In Cairo. A heavy thunder storm with rain and wind struck Cairo. 111. Itoofs were lbs, $3.25. Poultry Chickens, live, oer vound. hens, 8c; dressed, 10 lie; ducks, $4. 00 5. 00; dressed turkeys, 15. Eggs Fresh ranch, 14a Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef, steers, 6c; cows, 6o; mutton, sheep, 7o per pound; lamb, 6c; pork, 6o per pound; veal, small, 8c. Fresh Fish Halibut,4i 8;galmon, 68; salmon trout, 7(310; flounders and soles, 84c. Provisions Hams, large, 11c; hams, small, llj$c; breakfast bacon, 10c; dry salt sides, 60 per pound. . Ban Francisco, March 9, 1897. Potatoes balinas Burbanks, 90c3 VI-1; j&arly Kose, 75 80c; Kiver Bur. banks, 60 70c; sweets, $1. 25 1. 75 per ceniai. Onions $1.50(81. 75 per cental. Eggs Kanch, ll12Mo per dozen Butter Fancy creamery, 1819o; do Seconds, 1617o; fancy dairy, 15o; seconds, 18 14a Cheese Fancy mild, new, 88c; lairiogooa, 77c; xoung America, 910c; Eastern, 14 14Ja Wool Choice mountain, 67o; pool do, 4 5c; San Joaquin plains, 86o; do foothill, 6 8o per pound. llay Wheat and oat, $811; best pm.g,8 winaows smashed, barley, $7.008.50; alfalfa, $8 10; u. uiioiruwon was clover, V88; compressed wheat, $8a destroyed, one house blown down end 19.60: do ot. trna M,i uie wreuaage Durned. ignt persons were injured and one killed snd burned is the ruins. explosion la a Coal Mine. ; In mine 44, of the Kansas A Texas Coal Company, at Huntington, Ark., an explosion occurred, burning thirty- nve men seriously, and some of them fatally. One man is already dead. Tropical Fruit Bananas, $1.00 2.00 per bunch; pineapples, $2 4. Citrus Frnit Oranges, navel, $75o 8. 00; seedlings do, 75c1.25; com mon lemons, 75c$1.00; good to Choice, $l.602.00; fancy. $2.25 per box. Apples Fancy, $1. 40 1.75 per box; common, 90c$l.25 per box. There Will Be No Doubt as t What Physicians Will Be Called la fa tar By Mrs. Harlbart. From the Republican, Fresno, Cal. An intAroetintf com miim fmm Kingsburg, in Fresno county, Califor-j.1"6' ia. airs. Mnttie Murlburt tells her own story, and as she is a lady who well snd ' favorably known snd well worthy of oredence, it will be found In teresting: "While I was living in Fresno City in 1898," Mrs. Hurlburt said, "short ly after the birth of what was then my youngest child, I began to lose s strength and vitality, and was in s very serious condition. Dr. Hayden Fresno, had been attending me, but his efforts to Help me proved unavailing, and 1 was gradually growing worse, though I tried all the doctors snd remedies within reach. One day heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and I also read an adver tisement about these pills in a newspa per, and made up my mind to give tnem s trial as a dernier resort. I at once procured s supply, snd took them acordlng to rule until I had used four boxes. By that time I was so much improved in every wsy that I could do my own housework and was in exu berant spirits at my returned health, felt splendidly until one year snd half ago when another baby was born and I was taken just as before, snd brought very low again. The attend lng physician feared that my illness this time would result seriously, but he was not able to help me, so I again turned to Dr. Williams' remedv. ana alter taxing two Doxes was np and about my work again. I shall always keep Pink Pills in my bouse from this time on, and shall turn to to them alone for medical comfort in the time of illness. (Signed) "MATTIE HURLBURT.' - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in s condensed form, all the elements neo essary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also s speoiflo for troubles peculiar to females, suoh as suppres sions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build np the bleod, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all coses arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold in Doxes (never In loose bulk) at 60 cents s box or six boxes for $2.60, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mall from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Where other remedies miserauly fail, and where doctors do not succeed, there Palne's celery compound is found curing disease, making people well and happy. Here is the case of Mrs. Huff, who lives at 140 Summer ave., Newark, N. X, and whose portrait is printed here. "aiy doctor," she says, "called my disease liver com plulnt, stomach trouble, nervous dyspepsia, snd almost every other name yoa could think of. When I was in Portland, Ore., I hod enlarge ment of the liver, and the doctor thought all the troubles came from that severe spelt of illness. That was twelve years ago, and I have done nothing but doctor ever since. I have had the best physicians examine me, and see if they could do anything for me. For months at a time my stomach and liver have been so sore that I could only lie in bed in misery, and with such severe pain in my back, and so weak that I could hardly talk. "After I had a bad night I would send for the doctor, snd he would Jeave me a small box of powders and one or two othor medicines, snd it would cost me $4 every time I had one of these spells. I believe I have taken more medicine than sny other living woman, "Last March I Inula call from a lady friend of mine, who asked me, "What is the matter with you?" I replied by saying, "How well yon look!" "Yes," she said, "I never felt so well in my She is woman of 43. "And. Mr. Grocer: we can't get along without you. Here are thousands of people who want good tea, and tons of Schilling's Best for them. Will you say to your customers for us: "Here is a tea that I am sure of. I'll give your money back if you don't like it"? SchllHnf ftCeesm SaaFrsMltce 411 j for me I told him not to come again. i snowed mm s ootue oi fame's oelery compound and told him I was going ts give that a fair trial. As a result I am strong snd well. "I sent right over to tho drug store and got s bottle of Paint's celery ooiq. pound, snd when I bod taken two bot tles the soreness had left my stomach and my side felt much better., After t had taken four pottles my side wis much stronger, snd I was In better spirits snd folt as though I might live and not be in such misery. Working people nowadays work the vitality all out every week, and sll I ask is to be able to earn the money I have to every wet'k. "Palne's celery comiwund has ena bled me to do this, snd has done me more good than all the doctors put together. "Why, my nervous system is so en tirely strengthened that I feel like s new being, and what is more, I look the good the medicine has dons me, right in my face and eyes. Just tell all the poor women for me that for s medicine to build one up, give Palne's celery compound s fair trial, snd it It does not do it, then they might as wsll die. I have recommended It to several and it has htdped in every case. I have a great deal to worry mo, ami a dose f the compound give rn quiet sleep sM then I can work. If any one wishes to write me they ran do so," Why should a sick person do any thing else but try a bottle of Pains'! celery compound? REASONS FOK USING Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa. BecauM It is absolutely pure. Because It Is not made by tlx so-ll(d Dutch Process In which chemicals art uvd. Because beans of tht finest quality are used. Because it Is made by t method which preserves unimpaired the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans. Because It Is the most economical, costing less than one cent ..Jn,1.rhr'7 feselae article asade so WALTER Attest A CO. LU., Dorchester, Mass. tisUSKsheS lSi!(: UILSU wsm For the last 20 years we have fceut Plso's Cure for Con sumption In stock, and would sooner think a groceryman could get along without sugar In his store than we could without Piso's Cure. It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Druggist beresco, Michigan, September 2, I895. r SnTSSlbonld m.,AA m mm. I J tfii. " r " essessssj sssiisssw WHO ss0rf yrv Mt.U wmrm murm swDilkl, YtiHr b iiwin i he fartst. r dultn rrwhr. Ws m Vow sl hf Uaflinff OSTIUM UMIO FERRY'S SEED l&TML 1 l)lotrt. Thr will nenr Iw a !,tt,, tine Vlhan now toMnd l.,Mb, I, .(tltloo. Free. re. Iimmimuwi from llo ua Sethsas tnennter Co., r.talwe. Pal. . , Sis swtioii! wion T J 7 GD5 Sent Free! To any person Interested In humane matters, or who loves anlmnls, we will send free, upon application, a c'2Py of the "ALl.IANC'k," theorem of this Boclety. In addition to its In tensely Interesting reading, it con tains a 1st of the vnln,.hu .... usual premiums given by the paper. Address . THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, ... v,i me ouuuinf, new YorKf ECLIPSE Agents Wanted. iNPisrswaASM Tossr rtrs snosss. "AWY WITH saKisHirrs." Osslsri' Isst - Seller. SAMd.S, W' Oh IKitSN, SUS MFC CO. By Mall, fnrlianil, Or.. V J IIPTIIKI and I'll. BIS cured; no per until i, eurelj senil lor book. has. Msskkisw usTKnrisi.e, m Market Ht., Han FriiilM0. DAHC Fl" traelns snd loualhis (lold or SJI' AulIJ r, lontor lillilentrutitrt, M. 0. rOW l,lilt, Dux Ml H.iillhlnlull. Ooliu. . opi'um: 8UnC CURE rod PILES i.u ur iajvati, r.c sr HABIT AMD tiered. OS. J.L.STIFH NI,UsiM.' 5 WJJSSil i - .essse-fflsls?- - " " ' ' ' N.P.N. U. No. 693 aF.N.U. N 7 man . S ' ' " '"" -"-" ... r ;j vmt: .... asre. MW-nsrMMiiaWsMsss) '"