IIilo to amswr. The ease of William B. Eversol, charged with sod omy, came tip In Justice Clark's oourt Tuesday sod ooouplod tbs court's at tenlloo during the entire day. Tbt case wu closely contested by ounwl 00 either tide, ad resulted in defend nt being bound over to appear before the grand jury with bell fixed st 1 800. ttuperlnteodent Gardner, of the Boyi end Girls Aid Bnoiely.was alto put un der bonde of 1 100 for the appearance Of himself end Welter Bradley, the iroeecutiog witness, before the grand Awoud Sim Di. The eenate and houte adjourned tine die at noon Wednesday, although the president of the eenate ignored tlie resolution for that purpose which passed by a vote 01 11 to 13. The minority of the sen te undertook to hold a session in the afternoon but only 14 members re sponded to roll call, the rest either feavlng gone borne or were preparing to go. An attempt may be made to arrest and bring bsek theabsesH mem bers, aud no doubt In the end Ihe oourts will be nailed upon to decide the matter. The Benson house and Joint assembly have also adjourned and the members have gone home. Allaire may take an unexpeoted turn, however, In a few days. Found md Boiid. -Ths remains of Charley Slavens, who wae drowned in the Cowlils river on December 7th, bare at last been recovered. It wae not on account of diligent search not being made) that the body wae not found before, for the members of the family had searched lot weeks for It, and hope) wae almost dispsired of. Ist Monday morning while a man named Jackson was going up the river fishing, he discovered the body float Ing, which bad evidently just raised frees the bottom. At the particular place the water wae only about two feet deep, and where, loo, hie brothers bad been many limes. The location la about six miles above Keleo, and for days the searching party bad been over every foot of the ground along the river from where the accident happened to the mouth. Powder bad been exploded in the river at every point where there was a possibility of the body lodging, and the faot of there being a small slump in the nver just t the point where the body wee found, leads to the oo Delation that it bad been held oo the bottom by the stump. The remains were eent to this plaoe oo the Northwest lest Toeeday morn ing, and the funeral eervices held here at 11 o'clock. The Interrment took plaoe at Odd Fellows' cemetery, near warren, and the last aad ritee were witnessed by msny friends. The length of time sine the drowning waa Jmost three monthe, and the body wae consequent! in a bad state of do oom position. ' Computed BY 3vj-Ut. Glen a, one of the contractors aseoeisted with lloneyman, Dellart .Co., while in Astoria Friday, says the Asturian, made a few positive statements and gave tome figuree relative to the con etruction of the Astoria A Columbia itiver Railroad. Mr. Glenn says that sections 1, t, 8, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 1, 17, 18, 19, SI, 22, 23, 24, 26, 81, 82. 36 snd 37 are all finished and ready for the illee and rails. Thia means that two thirds of the mileage under contract by this firm has been completely graded, aud that 82 out of the 46 miles above Tongue Point are ready for the laying of the steel roadway for the iron horse. Thus it will be seen that the greater portion of the grading between tioble and the east end of the section built by Corey Broe. ie now ready for the track layers. There remaiae to be finished the sectiona containing the tunnels and heavy cute. This Is the hardest and most expensive work to be done on the line, but Mr. Gteno say that evert with his piesent force ol sen ho can complete this work by July or August. Orders have been is awed however, to so ioores.se the force on March 1st as to insure the finishing of the work by June 1. It ie also noticeable that ell the con tree te let, while eome of them originally read that the work should be completed by June 20, now call for the finishing of the work by June 1st. Two or three more contracts remain to be let for trestling and Ihe remainder ot the tiee, for which bide have already been o ruined, and when these papers are signed the entire line will be under contract, except, tne mi laying. McMlLLAS, THX 8TR0N0 IS AH. 3. J. McMillan, the rival of Bandow, the strong man, was in this city Monday evening end gave an exhibition ot hi immense strength at Ihe Banquet Mis phenomenal feats of strength were witnessed by a considerable number of citizens. This man takes a half inch . bar of iron in his teeth and twiatc it into a spring or some letter of Ihe si phsbet. He also lakes a bar of one- inch iron in his teeth with eight meu on either end and bends It double in an instant, also the breaking of a ba aalt rock two inches thick with his fltt, lifting a barrel of water with one finger; takes three solid packs of cards and lares thsra in half and then in quarters. He also drove a sixty-penny nail through a two-inch board with his fist. The greatest and most diffi cult feat of the exhibition waa the pulling in two of a No. 3 steel horse hoe with his hands. McMillan's measurement is as follows i Biueps, 16 ; triceps, Uii oslf, 16; neck 18; chest, 44; weight, 210; height, 6 feet 10 Inches. He ie making a tour of the United States on a wager of f 6000 with Al Jones, a real estate man, of Phoenix, Arisnna, the condition! of which are as follows: He wss to leave Ban Francisco and return within 24 months, in the meantime giving at least twelve exhibitions in esch state and territory in the Union, except Alsaka, without charging a cent for admission, the only money received being gratuitous donations, and arrive back in San Francisco by the Arst of May, 1897, with f 1600 in the bank. He is now well on his homeward journey and lacks jutt 128 of having the required amount, with more than two months left iu which to complete bis contract. McMillan's borne is in Alpine, CaL , Denns Fsrry, who has been in Buo rsmento. Cel., for over a year, arrived in this olty Thursday of last week. Dennis is thinking of going to Rose land, B.C. PERSONAL AMD LOCAL. Dr. E, Rosa spent last Sunday in Portland. Mrs. 0. H. Johns visitsd lo Rainier this week, J. 0. Corey, of Glencoe, was in our city yesterday. Dsn Belch, of Beappoose, was on our streets Tuesday. W. J. Rice, ot the Rainier Review, was In town Tuesday. , Perry Hell, of Portland, visited rela tives in this oily Sunday, Attorney Q. W. Cole was in Portland last Friday and Saturday. Ths eon of Mr. and Mrs. John Urie, of Houlton, ie quite sick, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Merrill, ot Deer Island, were in town Monday. Thomas Pettljohn, of Rock creek, was in town yesterday moruing. License to wed have been issued to W. M. Galloway and Lydia L. Bearcy. Rev. Philbrook will preach at Beap poose next Sunday moruing, and at Warren in the evening. John Adams, of Vernon la, waa in this city Wednesday evening on bis way home from Portland. Little Sarah Ullmore, who has been quite aick for several daya with whoop ingcougb, la reported much better. ( Miss Amy George spent last Satur day and Sunday with relatives in this oily. She returned lo school Monday. Dave Pope, of Yankton, has rented the old Pope place, near Bachelor Flat, and will reside there this summer. Get ready for the assessor. He baa all the necessary blanks reeay ana will soon begin the work of assessing. Dr. Baylor, of Portland, was in this city last Tuesday furnishing expert testimony in s case in the justice court. School com m eases at Rainier next Monday with Mr. Charles E. Hall as principal and Mrs. Zim merer aa as sistant. An umbrella and scarf pin, found at the opera house after the school en tertainment, bare been left at this of Ace. Owners please call County Judge Doan will bold pro bate court in this oity nest Monday and Tuesday, and on Wedoeeday county court will convene. Mr. Charles E. Hall will deliver a lecture at Yankton school bout to morrow (Saturday) evening. Subject ; "The History of the Papacy." Local talent of Beappoose will pro duce the drams "Handicapped" at that pUceon Saturday evening, March 13th. Beappoose people, no doubt, Will make It a grand success. "Some of the Houlton children are wrestling with the whoopiogcouch, and if much precaution ia not cxer oieed the whole community, ae well as the 8t. Helens children, will become sfflicted. It ie reported that Jacob Kamm will, during the coming year, build a new steamer tor the passenger traffic be tween Portland and the seaside. The boat, it ie eaid, will be a three-decker, twin screw, with a speed of 24 miles an hour. . - . . ... Rev. VanWelers, St. David's Eplsoo nal church. East Portland, waa in this city Monday evening looking after the Interests ol tne cnurcn, in conjunction with Mr. Palmer. Mr. VanWaters is highly pleased with the progress being made ou the new building here. . The dramatic club ot this oity has decided to render the comedy drama, "A Fisherman's Lack," on Saturday evening, March 27th. This is a care fully prepared drama of four acts, and the fact of Mr. George Palmer taking the leading part, insures its success. ' Notices are posted calling a school maeting for this district tor next Mon day evening, it being the regular an nual school meeting. At Ibis meeting a director tor three years is to be elected, and a olerk lor the ensuing year. Let every legally qualified school elector attend the meeting. ; The Imtlaa and frinnda at tha Con gregational church of this oity have decided to give weir entertainment on Tuesday evening, Marob 16lb,et which lima a mnai extraordinary and highly pleasing programme will be reudered, the proceeds of which will be applied to the building tuna ot tueir eaince. The home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rowley, at Houlton, was the scene of s merry birthday surprise party last Monday evening, ths occasion being Mr. Rowley's birthday. "A large num ber of bis Houlton friends gathered and made the oooasion a pleasant one and one long to be remembered by all present. Emery Mills, of Vernonla, was in this oily laat Monday making arrange manta to co to Rossland. B. 0., in the early spring. People from all parts of our county are casting wisuui eyes in tbat direction, and if they should all go who are contemplating the trip we will have quite a respectable rep resentation in that country. The work of laying the sidewalk in front of Mrs, Meeker's property, on the west side of Columbia street, was begun Wednesday. The new walk in v.. naarl im ft wider than the old one, and when Anishsd will be a much needed Improvement. It is quite likely the work will continue un til tlie entire ssst side of that block willbaveanew walk. ira.M At Robinson and Norman McKay have been engaged for some time in getting out about 900 piling for Elmore, Sanborn A Co., of Astoria. to be uaed for Ash trap building at Chinook, Wash, and are over the average sise generally uaeu for such purposes. The gentlemen all iha nllir.ir in the water ready lo be towed to their destination. ii . kiuiiuu niMtino- of the mem- v. i il.a flnne relational church held in this city last Monday arrangements were made to go ahead with iheir ohurch building as soon ss everything can be gotten in readiness. A lot has been secured in a conveniens -mrt ui it.. .1... Ini M. hlnnk 16. be hit" iust across the street and north of Mr. Dil lard's residence. Work will proDDiy be begun in s short time. OLATBKAWIB. Mrs. Msttts PI ion left on Hoods? even uiC for Uasils Rook, Wash. W. H. Confers returned Monsay mern Ing from an absencs sf a few dajrs np ths river. It Is ronortad tbat Haurv Doerr snd fam ily left on ths stesraer Monday Morning lor pari uncnewn to wis wnier. The Norwegian and Finn people expect to build s church in a short tints in some central location near Bearer creek. Msny persons wsrs (ratified to bear that Mra, Meserve, sr., waa slowly rscoyerbig from her recent attack of Illness. The stsrs and tlriees floated over the school liouas snd s few other buildings on Monday (ait to commemorate Waslilng lou's birthday. Dr. Knoder is hers this week to do dental work. Those who need anything in that line will do well to take advantage of his presencs and interview him. Mist May need took occasion to go home Friday evening, and spent a day or two at University Park, returning In time for her school work Monday. The brass band attended the literary so ciety laat Friday evening and aaaiated by their niunkal contribution In tits svenins s exerclnes. There was quits a large attend ance preaeni. The osnal notices are pouted announcing a call for a achoul meeting toeleot s director snd a echuol clerk next Monday evening at the school houae. Dr. Mall i the retir ing director, having completed bis term of service. A dsnes given by ths band boys Monday evening aeeina not lo liae been a Anaucial snoceasand was unfortunately made the otcenlon for a few persons lo make an ex hibition of themaeivee. Why some per sons take sucb sn occasion to fill them selves with liquor Is not known, but the fact is very much to Us regretted and vsry unfortunate. A notice in ths pextoffloe this week an nouncing tbat the mill would leave an hour earlier was not very cordially received. Eight o'clock was eonaidered sufficiently early to (lye the mall carrier time to cstch lbs up river steamer and tbat seemed all that waa necessary. Bomebody has appar ently been stirring up the authorities at Washington to bring about a ebanga In time of mail service that will not be any advantage to the publlo generally or tbe mail carrier In particular. An effort will probably be mads to restore the old schsd nle. Tbs entertainment given In ths church last Saturday evening by the Junior League was a very pleaoant allair, participated in by about 25 children, under direction of Miss Abbis Bryant, who preaided at tbe organ, and bad the general oversight of tbs exercises. A number of recitations that were very well rendered, wers iniersperaed wilb sonas, one of which, "The Broom Bong," by bslf a desen young girls, waa ex cellent, and ahowed evidence of consider able training in the uniformity and prompt nets of the motions tbat belonged to tbs song. Home "tiny tots" ssng a song, "Jems Hide Us BMne," that pleased the audience very much, and was rapturously applauded. The recitation of Clande Wen dell was Interesting from the small sise of tbe speaker, and Johnny Campbell was but a shsds or two larger iu his declamation. AU the exercisea were good, and reflected credit Upon Miss Bryant, who bad the work of getting up the entertsinment in charge. After these exercises were finished it was announced that some refreshment would be aerved ou shingles, and all were Invited to remain snd purchase a shingle at 19 cents. Nearly all tbe andienoe aid so. snd received with each shingle coffee, cake, aandwilchea, etc.enougb for an aver age meat, Thia part of the programme seemed fully aa enjoyable aa the earlier ex ercises snd rather more noisy as no one tried very bard to keep qniel. The pro gramme wae read very distinctly by Leona Popham who presided very gracefully for a junior of her age. VBBNONIA VARIETIES. 8. R. Boss bat returned from Idaho with a sack full of silver (ore.) Mr. O. 8. McNutt Is clerking In F. A, ZU gett's general merchandise store. Rev. McElroy went to Mist laat Wednes day to aaaiat Bsv. Park in a rsvival meeting. R. Seatemsn has been re-elected chair man of the Auburn precinct populist clad. Mrs. Prlngls. who has been very 111 for several weeks, Is reported slowly recover ing. The longtslked-of debate between L. W. VanDyke and T. J. Brink It advertised for Saturday next. Rev. Bchnpp, presiding elder of tha Evan- Eelical church, waa unable to come in to old quarterly meeting on account of sick neat. Miss Powell, of Pittsburg, one of tbe pu pils of the Vernonla school, waa successful in passing tbs examination of teachers at St. Helens recently. Mitt Callle Shannaban, who bat been a patient sufferer lor more than a year, died on Feb. IS, of consumption. The funeral on Wednesday, the 17th, waa conducted by Kev. Palmer and was attended by numer our friends. MAYGEH ITEMS. Mrs. J. C. Bevern made atrip to Portland but week. Born To the wife ot John Wilson, a 13- pound daughter, . Frank Llllard will learn to be a fisher man this summer. A. Croker and 8. Casper msde a trip to the Beaver last Sunday. Mr. Frank Banter, of Hudson, waa seen in this vicinity last week. Mias Lena Palm passed through here en her way home laat week. Buckler A Henderson are going to run their eelna on shares this season. A petition has been sent to Washington from this plaoe to havs the poatotBce cnangea to a money oruer omce. Tbs three masted schooner, Prosper, from Ban Fsancitco. is loading tlthtrap poles nt Downing't lauding to be taken to Aiasaa. - 60JBLH NEWS NOTES. Mitt Msrcella Fowler Is attending sobool at Mooreavllle. The Tretcott Packing Company has built an addition to their cold slorsge. . Fowler Bros, have finished their piling contract and bars returned home. Mr. McGregor Is building a new bouse with Mr. 0. 0. Fowler aa architect Charley link has two teams hauling piling to till a contract for H. B. Borthwick. Dr. Cliff, of St. Helens, was In Gobls last week, having been culled toaee Mr. Mcbols. A. Neer't new house Is slmost completed snd there will be a house warming nsxt Saturday. . H. B. Bartbwick shipped to Astoria thia wsek some very line cedar piling to be used near Fort Btevens. J. M. Fowler will start for Rowland. B. 0., aext Monday, where he will engage In tne mining ministry. Mr. Nichols, of Mooresville, who has been at tbe Doint of death . is slowlr recov ering at the time of this writing. CaDtaln O. H. Fa Her. formerlv of tbe steamer Iralda, was in our town this week. Mr. Fuller nas accepted a position at mas ter ou the steamer Harveat Moon. For a pain in the chest a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on over the eeat of the pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, will afford prompt relief. This is especially val uable in cases where the pain is caused by a oold and there is a tendenoy toward pneumonia. For aale by Dr. E.Ross. Beat Eatate Transfers. ef seK. seell, t7n, rSwilMX). Henry Cook to fnrlts Joltna, lot I ana aX of nH of nw', see . 1 7 n, r 4 w ; fiuo. V. P. Hale and wifs toC. V. utlcnnst ana Wife, nwM of neX, see 24. 1 4 B. r2 w; 2060. Sk of lot 2, sec 1 1 7 n. r 6 w I gl70. r. ii. L,avenaer so vrs uvrnuvr, w, se4, see82, ton. r4w!$t. , Peter Wet ton and wife to Andrew Kar aati, 40 acres in see SS. 1 8 n, r 4 w: 210. Joseph Vtnblarlcom to school district No. 47. block S, Vernonla Kast Bide addi tion; SI. HABMKB. 6HI.LIVAM-I.OOAK.-Ib tbat city, on fat tirdar, Feb. 20. 17. at the residence of tlie bride'.) mother, Mr-. Bu.ler. Mr. Kd ward Bulllvan and Mrt Laura U. Ixtgan, Kev. 0. . 1'hllbrook, officiating. Mrs. Butllvsn is well known In this city and Astoria, where she bss resided for sev eral years, while Mr. Bulllvan Is one of the most popular seleamboatmen on tbs river, being captain of the T. J. Potter. nam it. JOHNriON. At Bcsppoow, Oregon, Mon- asv, ran. ti ihot, to (tie wue oi vuiviii Johnson, a ton. VIED. 8HANN AHAN.-At Vernonla. Oregon, on Monday. Feb. 1A, 1807, Uallie Bhannahan, of consumption. Callle Shannaban waa 15 year.", 10 months snd 20 dsys old, has been a patient sufferer for almost a year, but bore her suffering with no complaint. She had known for a long time thsl she could not recover, and had often talked about death, ssying tbe was not afraid to die, and made such dis posals of bar keep-sakea to her sisters as plessed bar; admonishing her brothers to be good, snd meet her In heaven, and while her friends snd schoolmates are singing sweet but tsd songs around her silent re mains, ber pure spirit is singing glad tongs of Joy with tbs aagels, tbat she is at laat free from pain. Rxv. Palmib. fcovtaair cxoicATtD to tub raixxot or GALLIS. . Enrtb hath no sorrow heaven cannot hesl. Hearts have no anguish Christ did not f-el, Thongh down through tha valley our Callle, batb gone, 'Tit twset to remember she went not alone. His rod and his staff were her comfort and strength. Wbea her footsteps grew weary and slow till at length In rapturous beanty, such visions unfold, Ths grandeur of which was never half told. Though her presence is misled, a fragrance is left, To fill with its sweetness a home so bereft, And onto sad hearts this comfort is known. Forever snd ever our loved are our own. NillisS. Ksasst. Making aw Ih vestioat iorr. Com missioner Frakee pa sed down on the Kellogg Tuesday on his way toBainter and from there, in company with Judge Doan, the two expected to visit Qtiincy to make an examination oi tbe railroad and wagon road dillioulty, tbe substance of which was discussed before the county court at the last term. The whole matter will come up at tbe regular March term, tbe re sult of which cannot be foretold. Many merchants are well aware tbat their customers are their best friends and take pleasure in supplying them with the best goods obtainable. Ae an instance we mention Ferry k. Cam eron, prominent druggists of Flushing, Michigan. They say: "We have no hesitation in recommending Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to onr custom ers, as it is the best cough medicine we have ever sold, and always gives satisfaction." For sale at 25 and 60 coots per bottle by Or. . Hose. , Ths Mist and Oregonian one year for 2.00 in advance. Commercial job printing neatly and quickly done al tbis office. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon, for the County ot Columbia. Waller J. Burns, pluiutiff, vs. C. C.Cole, Amsniln Cole, J. V. Marshall, Josle Cole. W. ('. Henderson and Melissa Hander soiMlmVttdHiits. To C. O. Cola, Amanda Cole and Josie Cole, de- IN TIIB SAME OF TUB STATE OF OREGON, Yon are hereby required to apiear and answer the cninplaiht Med anint rou In the above emlikvi Mult in thesbovs named Court on or before Ttt'dn.y, the eleventh day ol May, A. D. In1', siii'l dme belnir the first dny of Ihe next reeuiar Icnu ol Raid t:ourt; and U you fall to to angwer. f'ir wnnt thereof the plaintiff will take a decree aimlnst J'"", snd eaeh of yon, foreclosing thiit certain mortimo executed pn the 29th day of July, men, by Will W. Cole and W. C. Hender son, a partners under the firm name of Cole A UcuilerHon, to ono Wm. Dunbar on all of Ihe following de-crlbed land, to-wit: Lot Number One (1) In Heetlon Thirty-six (R) In Township Seven (7) North ofKiinae Number Two (2) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing IMS acres, more or leas: also (he Wost One-half (X) of Ihe Northeast One fourth end Ihe South east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, of Section Number Thirty-live (iio), in Township Number Seven (7) North, Rhiito Number Two (2) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing 120 acres, more or less; together with Mill, Machinery, Doom, Chains, l.oaalni Outfit, Blacksmith? Outfit, and all buildings erected thereon, forthe purpose of scouring the payment In full of a certain promissory note mane and delivered to the said Wm. Dunbar ou said date by said Cole A Henderson, whereby the said Cole A Hender son agreed to pay to said Win. Duubar on or be fore IX months after dale of said note the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with interest at the rate of ehrht per cent per annum until paid, and in ease suit Is Instituted to collect said note, or any portion thereof, then such a sum as should b adjudged by the Court reasonable aa attor neys' fees In sucb suit. The conveyance in said mortgage being so made by said Cole A Henderson to the satd Wm. Dunbar, and conditioned tor the payment of the said sum of (1500, and interest thereon at the rate of eiirht percent, per annum, until paid and for the payment of alltaxos ut.-ou the property mentioned in isald mortnKC;arul said mortgage being recorded in the omre of the Cvunty clerk of Columbia County, in lUxik K, u;e aWofthe Records of Morfirnircs of said County: and the furlhof relief demanded In said suit Is (1) judg ment apalrtt said W. C. Henderson for the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with Interest there on from the 2Uth day of July, 189, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, and for the sum of Three Hundred Dollars as attorneys' fees, and oosts aud disbursements In this suit; (2) that said Judgment be decreed a first lien upon said land, and that said land be sold as prescribed by law, aud the proceeds, or sufficient thereof de rived from such sale be applied to the payment of said judgment: and (3) that you, and each of you, bo forei'losed snd barred as to any interest In said land; and (4) for such further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. j ins summons is puniisuea auu mauea to yon by virtue of an order of the Hon. T, A. Mo Bride, Judge of the above named Court, made on the 18th day ol February, 1H97. AI.I.KN 4 CLEETON, and EMMONS A EMMONS. Ce8 Attorneys fur rialntlff. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Get neat job printing done at tbie office. Prices lower tban the lowest. CASTORIA Tor Infants SJid CMldren. ins. Not a few who reed wbat Mr. Robert Bowls, of Holland, Va has to say be low, will remember their own exper ience under like circumstances : "Last winter I bad la grippe which left me tn a low slats of health. I tried num erous remedies, none of wbicb did me any good, until I was induced to try a bottle of Chamberlain'a Cough Rem edy. The first bottle of it so far re lieved me that I was enabled to attend lo mv work, and the secord bottle effected a cure." For sale at 25 and 60 centa per bottle by Dr. E. Roes. The Mist $1.00 per year. V Calling cards printed at this office. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. FINAL SETTLEMENT. VTOTIOa IS hereby oivem that the nndamftned administratrix of the estate of J. B. D. Hharringhoiisen, deceased, has Sled her flual account ana report in tneomceonsw nrk a! ths Couutv Court of Columbia County. Oregon, and the Hon. Jiidne of said Court hfs appointed Tuesday, the 23rd day of March, lwr. at 8 o'clock P. M.. and the Court Koom ol said Court in Ht. Helens In said County and State, the time, and place for the hearing and settle ment of tne same, at wnicn time auu yBU mnj parson interested may appear and contest tbe m'MZZIK BROWN, nee gharri nghoo sen. Administratis of the Estate of f. B. D. Hhsr- rlughousen, deceased. fwmiy ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Of REAL ESTATE. S.TOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEH THAT IN IM Dursuance of an order of the Connty Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County, made and enured In the matter of the estate of John Keller, deceased, on the Stn day of Febru ary, leV7, the undersigned, the administrator of I lie saio estate, win sen at puouc bucihw, w c highest bidder, for cash, gold coin of the United States and subject to eonHrmatloa by said County Court on Monday, the lath day of Marob, A. D180T, Court House. In 8t. Helena, iu aald County and Male, all the right, title, interest and estate of aald Jonn Keller, at tne timeoi ms ueatn, soa ail tbe right, title and interest that the said es tate baa by operation ol law or otherwise ac quired, other than or In addition to tbat ot tbe sain jonn &ener at toe umeoi uwueatu, iu auu to all that lot, piece or parcel of real estate situ ate, lying and being in Columbia County, State of Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to-wit: The south half of tbe southwest quarter, and the set half nf the southeast Quarter of section twenty-sis- In township seven north of reuse number Ave west of the Willamette Meri dian, and containing ISO acres of land, together witn all improvements tnereou. Terms end conditions of sale. Cash. Oold Coin of the United Slates, Ten Per Cent ot the par chase money to be paid to the aald adminis trator on the day of sale; balance on eonnrma tloa of sale by said County Court. 4. V. Administrator of ths Estate of Jobn Keller, deceased. U2mU PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE Te tbe Honorable Countv Court of Columbia County. Bute of Oregon: We. the undersigned petitioners and voters of Oak Point precinct, Columbia County, Stale of Oregon, hereby moat respectfully petition your Honorable body to grant Hell O'Hare a license to retail spirituous liquors at Mayger, County and State above named : W F Slaughter, Chas Black, Chas Ternhan, J E Black. Chaa Krtkson, J B Fulllan, Charles Churchill, Sloan B Norgren, W Black, T A Tib betU.N C Bwlng.Wm Flubrer.O MartlnlU.L Bar onl, Wm Blackford, Wm Ternehan, Keeper, C F Bloinquiat, James Stockenberg, Porter Smith, Louis Fluhrer, Henry Henderson, F Llllard, r M Fluhrer, Geo Butts, James Coekley, 1 Rounds. L S Mason, Joe Johnston, Chaa 1 Smith. S A Peterson, N O Nequist, P N Kearney, Ambrose Maddon, Arthur McOraw, FTernaban, L Purdln, A Erickson, Carl Steckenberg, J W Turner, M L Mather, C M Deatou, Jno Bryant, Geo O May- Str, F A Meyer, F Crandall. C W Mayger. I owllng, Antonio Orloo, Jos Bert rand, Chas A Johnsou, William Marshall, B C Crandall, Fred Gallaher, James Gallaher, D J Barnes, Joseph Powers, J W Huffman, Wm Roberta. Henry Hill, W H Ransaw, Charles Mayger. fouw CITATION TO HEIRS. In tbe Connty Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the roatuirof the Estate of Oxlas Cherrington, ro Vernonla V. Dawson, heir at law of Osiaa Cherrington, deceased, and to all heirs un known. If any there be: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You. and each of you, are hereby com manded to be and appear before the Hon. County Court of the Bute of Oregon, In and for the County of Columbia, at ths Court House in St. Helens, Oregon, on Monday the 1st Day of March, 1897, At 10 o'clock A. M., of said day.lt being ths starch term, to show cause, if any exlat, why an order of aale of all the real property be longing to said estate ahould not be made as prayed tor in the petition on file in said Court, saia real property oeing uesvnoeu se ioiiows, to-wit: TheNWjofSecM In T 4N, B&Wol Willamette Meridian, in Columbia County, Ore gon, and containing 160 acres; also an undivided one-half Interest In the NB NK of NW ji; ths fractional 6WW of N wG; SB i of 8V?, Sec St, T N, R 1 W of Willamette Meridian in Multnomah County, Oregon, and containing Z7M acres, "known as trie Able and Cherring ton ranch on Sanvles Island." Also a tract con taining 70 acres now In possession ot Jackson Abls, known as the "Joy 70-acre tract" aituated In the S end of the Sam and Mary Jane Lamber son O. L. C, In 80 26 In T t V, R W of trie Willamette Meridian In Multnomah County, Oregon, and more particularly described In a certain deed from J. M. Joy and wife to J. Able and O. Cherrington, dated October IS, 188s, and recorded In Book JOS Page 464, Multnomah County records, to which reference is hereby made. I n testimony whereof I, Judaoa Weed, Clerk of the County Court aforesaid do hereunto act my hand and aihx the seal of said Court at my office in the City of St. Helena, Oregon, this tilth day of January, A. D. inn. (.sal) JUDSOX WEED, j22f2t County Clerk, PROFESSIONAL. ATTORNEY -AT -LAW Will prsclics In all courts of Oregon or Waah Ington. Prompt attention given to conveyanc ing and notary's business. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND C0CN8EL0R-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books, Notary Public, Commis sioner of Deeds for Washington, aad an expejr leuoed collector In oonueotion with office. DR. EDWIN KOSB, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, St. Helens, Oregon JR. H. R. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon. JR. 1. K. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskaule, Columbia oounty, Or, T. I. Custom. H. ALUM. ALLEN A CLE ETON, Attorneys end Counselors at Law 8T.HKI.KN8. . OREOON. ey N. ME8KRVK, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DELENA, OBBQON. Conntv Surveyor. Land Surrevlne. Town Platting and Engineering work promptly execuiea. 'jSNttatikPrenaralion lor As similating ttkHoodandHcul-'i-tjrtjuiSrniaVirtaand Bowels of lKssflTvlIfest.Contiiiris neither Opma,Morphinf not Mineral, KOTNAStCOTIC. 2 JiimUU AnerfrTf KerrtedY forConalios- tiort. Sour Stomach.Diarrrtoca, m.m .a. T L VYonnsAyOimiJsioiu.revcrisn nm and Loss of Sixer TsvSuaiie Signature of TfEW "YORK. I EXACT COFrOT VRAWESj. -LAST WEEK OF- Clearance ale MONEY-SAVING SALE. Ladies' $3 Dongola Kid and Cloth-top Pointed Toes, $2.25 Ladies' $3.50 Dongola Pointed Toe, - - 2.75 Children, Men and Boys' Shoes at Prices that can't ha Beat LEO SELLING, 1 svssr mi i tii ..a Te . a av its etui xnira Direct., ueiween iimoiu Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, t TOILET I ARTICLES sasrg-gSjSssatv-ia School Supplies An Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen cils, aud tbe Best Inks on the Market. A FINE LINE OF FANCY STATIONERY Jf Finest Perfumes and Soape. t Jgaefe jflaaUattLjOsKjCk Jsttst Astoria llarWe Works J. H. IMHOFF, PnotsaiigTOH, HAHUTACTUBBB OF Monuments SSARBia AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK ITALIAN MASBLS S)rCCIALTV. Foot of Twelfth Street, ASTORIA, OS. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. STIAMlrt Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens Arrive at Portland. . . Leare Portland. . ., Arrive at St. Helens. . 6:30 A H .10:00 A M . 2:80 P M ,. 6:00 P M ABB SS CENTS. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers suid Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. SOW sasaeawaaaga . aaaMBBaa3 EE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE4 -OP IS OK THE WRAPPER OF EVERY . J BOTTLE OTP OestorU fa put ay ia ess else settles sslr. It Is set seat la halt. Dent allow aavxae te ssll yea aartUaf slss sa tbe visa at sreasise taatH is last ss goofi" sat win answer every aro. poaa." aBsetliatjissiaATl-tA, j fkssst- f a 7. Issi I ir. ttnTtfti i wr. af-tr-a ana moTTitou, ruAiiiAi, w 4 i i i i PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATKLY , COMPOUNDED. immJmmmXKj&fcjtSmimlmKJim newell & mrm DEALERS IN ' Groceries, Hay, Flour and Feed , WOOD AND SHI .ISLE. Country Produce Bought and Sold, and Ex changed for Goods. Undertaking faooda furnished oo Bhort Notice. Store on Strand Street, ST. HELENS, OR. -THE BANQUET SALOON . Has re-opened under ths management of QKORGE A. BRINN, corner of Htrand and Cowlita Streets. St. Helens, Oregon, where can be found the choicest brands ol Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where tune can be pleasantly speut. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CISAES Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on hand to supply the invrvaed trade at this very popular saloon. ; THK FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT UK BANQUET,