The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 12, 1897, Image 4

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Ta ImmwT "artr ' vas Caal
. Sat Be Kulutl. . ,
The Joint assembly of the Oregon
Icptslstur for the purpose of electing a
United States senator at noon Wednas-
' day cubs to naught. The Mitchell
forces could only (ret forty members to
enter it. Seeing that It would be Ira
possible to secure forty-six, ths re
quired number, a recess was taken un
til 7:30 In ths evening, bat ths night
session developed no change.
- Senator Bed tried to get a statc-
inent front Chairman Brownell as to
ing onlythirty-m P"- J mittees. The clerks are to be appoint
Benson houss Late was absent j M j rf ., nnCT from tiw.w0d.
The convention was , , The u poiatmmU AtXl
ths action of Jhmator Hasletine, wh. , moa th, flrrt i. May.
eTar Hli?nreZ; ' 1 in '
est supporters. Hasletin wsa present , T. lm,t f tha ar f.,1.
LTI. i,-. . V . .k- 7.
h ? 1 "e chair,
.HT it Iuim.
,LZ ;T T 7 "T i
"tfr. President, there ia no question
in mymuri as to ths Illegality of the
vote yesterday, and I therefore decline
to eome in at present.
MHiitoa WltkSrmv.
pr3n,!T Hantmon-
en, oa Thursday, gave notice that be
would withdraw from further participa
tion. This is the first defection, and
bow leave but thirty-eight members
willing to elect a United State senator
by means of j joint assembly. After
ue rou-eau Honungron arose an, saw
he desired to exphun his position. He
thought the Benson house was lsgally
organised, and accordingly be
voted last Tuesdsy for a United Slates
senator. Ss considered It his duty to do
o. The Joint assembly had now met
for the third time, the roll bad been
called and no annoncementof the result
had been mads from ths chair. He
had voted for a senator on Tuesday, but
bis candidate was not that of the bal
anoe of the organisation. This conven
tion was being held in the interest si a :
singls candidate. -
Ia view of ths situation he felt it bis
duty to withdraw. Ha did not approve
of the methods need in preventing the
organisation of the bouse or delaying '
the vote on senator.
Representative Lake has introduced j
ia the house a bill to provide for tbe .
appomnnenx oy me governor 01 a s '
veterinary ooara or ava, wno snau ex-
sjame apphoanta for lioense ia modi
the sam manner as the ntsdical board, ;
uicw, aiiu Hwaar, pcu-a.
' . ErT,t.tlT? ?me h".
duoed a bill m the bona amending the
present law relative to tbe fencing ol
railroads. It is designed to make it
more convenient for cattle to pas at
Xalttativa aa KaSaraaSaaa.
The following is tbe text of Senator
King's proposed amendment to tbe con-
stitution the initiative and referen-
dam: -:
"Section I. The right to approve,
reject and repeal state laws, or to re
ject or approve propoeed state laws,
shall rest with a majority of tbe legal
-ft-, a ' Th fiirbs tniavtMaa. nfari I
- - rr -: .
or spprove, as tne ca ma, oe, Uws oi j
Jf; T ? l blTff;
exercised by the legisUtiv assembly, j
rest with a number of egri Toter,
of the state equal to (and not less than) !
a -Tv , . .v- i.
1 wu. rait m Viae at uio
preding general I election, held for the
ion of the otocers of the stats and
"Sec. S. After tb filing of
petition, tb secretary of state shall
designate a date for tbe holding of an
election to vote thereon, which shall ;
not bs earlier than ten months after ;
the adjournment of the last preceding j
session of the legislative assembly, nor
later than one year thereafter; and no i
law, or proroeed law, shall be voted
npoa at such election anless the peti-
tion therefor shall have been filed at
least ninety days before ths date fixed
for such election, t No election ahall be
held for such purposes oftener thaa
sm ia wmrf two rear, at which tiaa
all bills sbaUbs voted npon that hav
been petitioned tor, and petition filed,
within tb tim required herein.
"See. 4. Nosct passed by the leg
lative sembly shall bem. Iaw-
Lil J VJZ1 f
.wCl thTZZ.
gency, in which event the facts consti-
tuting tb emergency shall be stated in ;
the act and the bill shall receive a j'
two-thirds vote of the members elected
to both branches of the legislative as- !
embly; and within six months after
f " aa
its spproval a petition shall hare been
filed, as required in action. and S
herein, an election shall be ordered aa
required in section 1 for the accept
ance, rejection or approval of such law,
or proposed law; and if at such election
a majority of tb legal vote be in favor
of such law, the mm shall then (and
not before) become of full force and
effect, but if lees than a majority be
in favor thereof, the same shall become ' sidering them. Several of the bills pro
void, provided, that if ths petition : vide an entirely new assessment of law;
against any law passed by the legisla- but Chairman Hughes thinks that tb
tiv assembly ahall have been present- session baa so fsr progressed that it will
ad before the expiration of the six ' be inadvisable to attempt to enact a
months after tbe approval of the act by I general law. An attempt -will prob
tbe governor, in the manner herein re- , alby be made to pass a special measure
quired, each act ahall not take effect designed to correct the present asses-,
before the date of such election. fmentaode.
"See. 5. "The laigslativ assembly, j Th total appropriation for legisla
ot the people of th state of Oregon, in jj tire xpensea two years since wss $5
tbo manner provided, may hav the j oo.
power to provide by law far mora effect- j .,
nally carrying oat all th provisions ' Benson house was called to order
and intent of this amendment" , mt 1:80 Monday, pursuant to the ad-
j jonrnment on Friday. There wsr
Senator King's second amendment to riy present Several bills were in
the constitution provide for the adop- j troducsd and read,
tion of amendment by the legislator ; Tbe Davia honatt held a brief session
and their submission to th people. , It Monday previous to the meeting of th
also provides for the manner of submit- j
ting a near constitution to ths raferen- I
Eenator Mnlkey' concurrent resolu
tion tor ine modification by eongresa
of the Cascade reserve came tip in the
sensta Thursday for final disposition.
McClung offered an amendment for the
exemption of 60,000 acres in and about
eiswrs. xiiur ana Aitcneu
opposed tbe amendment Harmon fa- j be commenced to collect said note; Vat
Toredit Dufur finally moved that the ) any not containing such promise os
resolution be referred to a committee of provision ahall not otherwise be im
t'aree, who should be instructed to ta-j paired."
pOrt.' :.'- ' j
j A pinmaking machine turns oat
Two Paris aeronauts are going to try 1 6,000 An hour, and some factories have
to beat the balloon record by remain ing j SO many as thirty or fortv machine at
twenty-f our hours in the cloud. ' work at on tuna.
Maaaara aa Aattvelv Urc
as lit
, raaaiiaa.
Th Holt election bill is a measar at
considerable importance thai will be
nrged actively upon the attentioa of
the legislator. . It will be cham
pioned by the Populists, and they dcir
Its passage more perhaps thaa any
other bilL It baa been indorsed by the
Populist party throughout the state.
The proposed act relate! to the ap
pointment of judge by county courts.
I It policy is to proTide for representa
tion by the three leading partita on
eleotion boards, and it t made otU-
..g t. On the first Saturday in
iMay preceding each regular general.
" election, the county Judge ineacb eoun-
, int in
'iBcX in j, vntj jud(?-, of
inn ri th. a,Hfictions of
. ta trtTJ tonntj the chair-
s ,tA Mtiml thnnBtTaitr.l
; , ,v.
ties, which cast the largest, the iecond
Urgest, and the third largest number of
votes, respectively, at the last general
election in the stats for justice of the
supreme court shall each hsveths right
s d herebT uthorised to propose
and recommend to oonty judge of
a ii s .
aoh wuntT ia tutmtt ,
one 4aaIifled elector to vrn judgt i
t f elertion to preciDct in said
..j .1,. mn ..a
; .w. W .S ,h-.wZf T
. shall appoint the electors so recom-
meded. In each county of this state
the chairman of the two political par- ;
ties casting the greatest cumber of vote ,
for the justice of the supreme court, '
and the second greatest number, re-
speetively, at the last preceding general '
election in this state, may also oa ths ;
first Saturday in May preceding each ,
regular general election propose and !
recommend to the county judge of such
county, in writing,, the name of one
qualified elector to serve as clerk of the
election board in each precinct in said ,
county, and the county judges must
and shall appoint the qualified electors
so recommended. If any county chain
man and secretary, as above provided, i
Uil to file with tbe county judge,
Ufon sturiV in Mav imme-
diat., preoediDg
electiun ,mes of tbe qualified
r.r. vr.T xrvTOt, jgr. j
, c!erkg , el(xtioa ia ,tlJ precinct OT
; precincts in any county in this state,
j of OT!ltJ
mppoint officerJ
on his own motion.
I The state senate on Tuesday, by a
i vote of H to 18, refused to proceed to
the election of s United States senator.
The Bensoo. bouse, with thirty mem-
; bers present, took a ballot, and cast tt
, votes for John H. Mitchell and 1 for
' George II. Williams, of Portland. Tb
'one vote came from Huntington, of
; Wasco.
Senator Carter has by request pra
' sen ted tbe following bill relating to th
free ferry at Corvallis:
"That the county court of Benton j
conntT. Or., u herebr authorised and :
verM to Wil,h ,nil mainUia a
ferry across the Willamette river,
jj; & ud to .oeomplisn j
h; to buy.
. , . , . ,,., . .
w"d or lease a ferry, grounds and f
.V,. u.
. . . . . , . ; f
VUiU ICTCVUI W 1 tt ten BUt 1J 1CTIT,
i eronndsTand eaninments and run the '!
aame u a freeferrvat all iwaaonahla 1
hours; provided, that in conducting
uid farrrit ahall hn laafnl fnr H s
conntr court to prescribe rates of ferri- i
age to be charged customers for cross- 1
ing said ferry during the hours between '
8 e'clock in tbe eveninz and o'clock I
i the morning. Said county court ia ;
hereby authorized to do everything j
necessary to maintain said ferry aa '
! eompletelyas a natural person could do." 1
i . j--- ,
. Senator Harmon
. w . 01 "jtepBB to many: v ,
I . , V fJr P 't j
idn"n, vehicle, whether such
Teh,le U drawn f Ppelled bv animal ;
w power. tng any of the publio
i J!'" wf 0";Jhm.e
J other -le sjll teep to the (
other 'ehicUs- he eh" litwi P
the right, allowing such rider or driver
. , ,of, . w,.v
to pas bim to the left, so as in both
case to permit such vehicle to pan
free and uninterrupted.
"Sec 2. Any person who shall vio
late any of the provisions of this set
shall be deemed gnutv of a misde-
hall htt r1prnfVt eniltv nf miavlaa. i
"oTsTuwn mvtafen shaUba i
$50 or imnrimnment in thp ,nt
too, or imprisonment in the county
- jail not mora than twenty-five days.'
' The senate committee on assessment
snd taxation has under consideration
; something like twenty -five bills, cover
, ing all phases of the subject It meets
aimost oauy lor tne purpose of con-
Benson house. As osnal nothing was
done except to call the roll and mova
an ad jonrnment until the day following.
Senator Price has Introduced the
following bill by request;
"Section L That it shall be unlaw
ful to insert any provision or promise
in a promissory note requiring th
maker or makers thereof to pay any at-
torney fee in esse suit or action shall
tunii !! BlatUr laaaaaas. J
Ban Francisco, Feb. 8. The supremo '
CO art of California has hand M down no talas, Hppkln a Cawpaar's Rairlaw
decision on the sppeSl of Theodore Dnr-1 of Trana.
rant, found guilty of the mnrdrr of i The week closes on firmer wheat mar
BUnche lament twenty-one months bafej primarily on a docided feel
ago. It is understood the appeal has j ing the liquidation of long wheat
not yet been considered by the supreme
Justice. but many attorney believe
the justices will grant Durrant a new
trial. So many important civil rase
have precedence over the Durrant case
that it is said a decision will not be
banded down before the end of the
yeatv v:
In an interview today Durrant ex-
pressed his sympathy with murderer
Butler, "because the newspnpers are
bounding him," ss he ssid. Durrant
expresses ma oetiei in rimers mno
'"' rira a fall Lake.
' Salt Lake, Feb. 8. Fire last
, ,
destroyed the Scott-Auerbaeh building,
Oa Main street, entailing a loss of
tv,wo, s mueoTernau "J" "7
insurance. Besides the great tananoial
j toe W11 w asverai aceuienw inat
trician Vsil, of the lire department,
same in contact with a live wire and
Ml from the third story window of the
, building, but fortunately came in on-
' tact with a network of wires, which
!- broke hii fall, snd though he dropped
; pavement with fearful violence,
: " w" w"n '"T'"' ",r7- M,s'
force. Miss
i iwmcr iu
vefcued by Assistant Chief
puiMinj, was
: l0B l w miner sne naa oeen
. Mriraa ft Ins nnNnino tmitCfl
" r "a
Taa Baaanla Ftagaa.
Calcutta, Feb. 8. The India coun
cil baa just passed a bill looking to the
-bettor prevention of dangerous epi-
- oemica. The main provisions of this
.... . . A' , .
," , - -- IT. 72 "i ' . ...
.Ma .mlut. of vailw-V MaU
.v- ti.H, f .L
, Duimg the course of the discussion !
John Woodbnrn. the revenue mem-
... :J .t.i o 3 ... :
horn would inform the 'Venice con icr
efic that the bubonic plague was en
tirely due to local conditions, and that
it was not directly infectious r con
tagious. Drawaaa Wltlla Skalla(.
j nwiwa vii, Acu., rto. o. rive :
children, in age ranging from S to 10
years, broke through the ice while'
; skating on a pond on the Iowa side '
i across from this city lsst night and ;
) wer drowned. Three boys belonged
! to the fain 11 v of Q. W. Gibson: one
coy t IM xAmny ol fuoenix uiwon, ;
asu a ir w Aimivaiic ;
j at she accustomed hour, search was
: instituted and their bats found float
; tog on the edge of the pond, where a
small bole bad been broken through
tika tea. Th bodies were found chise
; together, all having gone down at
i odob. Tbe parents are prominent
! fanners in this eection.
j . Taa ladlaaa fJrowaed. ;
S The Dalles, Or., Feb. 8. John Wil
i l:. - T; . i i :
llumbia river, drowned at 11 o'clo- k
this morning.: The accident occurred
at , th. narrows , three mile, sbove here,
wnere me current is
very swift.- An f
lin and swung the boat across the
current. Tbe boat was upset and the
whirling water soon carried them down.
, A S-year-old boy who was with them
managed to reach shore with the aid of
oar from the boat, and told the
story. Tb bodies bare not been re-
Hi. wM Cra.h.d.
San Francisco, Feb. 8. A horrible
ccident occurred tod-ay in Smith's cash
tore on Market street. John Tropp, j
carPenter w' 'Instantly killed, his
heaa beiD8 ",m0!tt ton off- Tropp was j
rorkmg between the second and third
Boon on projection. , As the elevator
wa descending from the fifth floor
TPP thrust his bead into the shaft
At that moment the counterbalance;
came up and struck Tropp in the face. :
crushing him in a frightful manner and
aerl decapitating bim. . .,
Thrtft. Thrift, siarati.! t
Modesto, Feb. 8. Miss Bebecca It j
.McMa?nne "UfD'Jed he! Xe'' !
from the
Hayes. The bride is 15 year, old
the groom 85, Both live in Oakt
L .
arK' j
UBKOale ;
in this
The same minister!
officiated at
funeral and the wed- j
' - - - . j
Jftaa BacaUtiaa Bet Adda. j
Vancouver. B. C. Feb. 8. The full
auwuTd, aj. -., x cu. q. aajsj iuii ;
ot British Columbia decided to- j
day that the coal mine, regulation act
oi 1S constitutional. Theobject
... . J
is to prevent the employment t
; tit HiinMA and nthpr Aaifiiio mttr
ground in mines. Up to the present
time this act has been a dead-letter
Ik. il,. wvnnHin. fi.
the act was ultra vires.
' SUbi to Atom.
Auburn, CaL, Feb. 8. Word comes
v . :i i . . - . i .
wa m wtiivm auciucut jawruay a j
ths famous pioneer eravel mine near i
Damascus, this county, formerlv the
property of the late Senator Fair. The i
accident was caused by a blast, and Su -!
perintendent Sullivan was blown to
stoma and another miner killed.
Ctah'a Kaw Saaater. ' :. ". j
Salt Lake, Feb. 8. The deadlock
ha been broken, and J. L. Bawl ins '.
wss elected United States senator on '
th 53d ballot This closes on of the j
most exciting political contests ever 1
held fas the state ' I
Traahla at Jafcaaaashara:.
London, Feb. 8. The Globe this af-
ternoon says a rumor is current in tbe
city that 'serious disturbances Lave
taken place at Johannesburg.
rir at aa tatm. !
San Jose, Feb. 8 -Fire this ntom- !
ing gutted nearly a block in China- i
town, causing a loss of $40,000. It is
not known bow th. fire originated, but
it was probably due to the New Year's i
oelebratum. The buildings were owned
bv G. Heinhm. and follr Jnj.nd. hi. !
loss beinir $6,000 to 810.000. The '
Chinese merchants lost heavily, and
generally there was no insurance. ,
Tendon VpK. A A itionatj-lt ftvkm
Bombay says the plague has male its '
appearance as far north aa Delhi, and j
as isr sontn as eangaiora. i
nai mn it course for the present. Thst
this liquidation has been completed is
not to be doubted, and legitimate laws
will once more control the market.
Foreigners have been liberal buyers of
wheat in all positions in our market
durum the decline, fcxpert sales are
large both tor prompt and deterred ship
ment, Ths interor nulling demaiid
has been rather disappointing but
.hows some eitfn of improvement. The
j to be considered as most worthy
;( ittentioo when considering Uie
! price of wheat is, that the conditions
: or supply and demand whicn cansea tne
advance to over 85c still exixt with even
j il..rM1uuvt fiirat. 43nih Iwinir the ciuia.
wheat should prove a proti table pur
chase after this severe break, due to
! epeculative stampede entirely unwar-
; rautea bv facU 0ne peuarity in
? the ilU8,iotl hM been the Liverpool
market. When Chicago closed weak,
Liverpool would come from to Id
higher the next morning, and vice
versa when we closed strong, conse
quently the people who have been in
the habit of taking their ens from the
. j, hnit t chicftg0
closed on f-aturdny at 7Tc, a gain of 4o
t th lowe!it mint reached durinit
Ute jjin ,nd 1 ic better than
tbe cUlsiu priee , weuk sfro.
ia tne corn itmrfcet prices are nearly
( unchanged from what they were a
t week ago. It is a difficult task to say
; anything TTcw of corn that could pos
sibly be of interest to the trade. Ev
eryone knows about the big crop of j
1896, and how unwirhlly an output
It was, and
how hard it is to lift the
Price- U wiU uk aometbing artificial
; to do it, and that is not even a proba-
ibility. lor the reason that legitimate
?t ' P Pri " t""1
urh tPbundaBce a to render
anv attempt at manipuUtion an iin
Marfcat Uaalatlaaa,
Portland, Or., Feb. 9, 1S97.
i Flour Portland, Saleru, Cascatlia
and Dayton, 1140; Benton county and
-; "White Lily, 1.40; graham, 4-00; su
perfine, $i. 80 per barrel.
: Wheat Walla Walla, 81882c; Val
ley. 68 f Sic per buslsel.
; Oats Choice : whit, 89(g40o per
bushel; choice gray, SS 40c
Hay Timothy, 11313-50 per ton;
clover, f 10. 008 11.00; wheat and oat.
$10.00 311 per ton.
Barlev Feed barlev. I18.00 per ton:
are wing, 10.
Millstuffs Bran, fllOO;
116.50; middlings, 26.
Batter Creamerv. 40?45c;
mook. 40c; dairv, S3 X (S SOa. t
Potatoes Oregon Burbants,"5SSc; ! taken tbe first box my appetite bad re
Early Bare. 70(3 80o per sack; Cali- turned, aud I was so invitsomted that
fornia river Burhanks, 55c per cental; j it almost seemHl as if I wero renewing
sweets, 3. 00(8 3.25 per cental fur Mer- my youth. I kept on taking the Pink
sed; Jersey Red, $3.50.
Onions 1.50 1.75 per sack
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $1.75(3
i.8; geese, $5.00; turkeys, live. Ho;
'ducks, $14.50 per dten
!n,C .v
". Yonng
' ' ""'J ': ' ' "v
Hope 9(81 Oo per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, $:
cows, $2.23(32.60; dressed
!. 75(18. 00;
$Xo per pound.
Mutton Qross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, $3.00(33.35; dressed mut
ton, 6 Jt (3 6c per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice, heavy, $3.353
B.50; light snd feeders, $2. 50 3. 00;
dressed, $4.5C5.00 per cwt.
Veal Large, 6g5"-ac; small, 6
t per pound.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 9, J897.
Wheat Chicken feed, $27 per ton.
Oats Choice, $2324 per ton.
Barley Kolled or ground, $22 per
Corn Whole, $20 per ton; cracked,
$21; feed meal, $2 L
Flour (Jobbing) Patent excellent,
$3.10; Novelty A, $4.60; California
brands, $5.80; Dakota, $5.50; patent,
Millstuffs Bran, $15.00 per ton;
shorts. $19.
Feed Chopped feed, $17.25 per ton;
middlings, $23; oilcake meal, i sound, per ton. $9,009
Butter Fancy native creamery,
-hrirlc. 24c; aelw. 23n: tnha. 22c:
nnrh is.
Vegetables Potatoes, per ton, $18
: parsnips, per sack, 75c; beets, per
- t'P. Ir sacx, ow; rata-
".45c; cabtege. per 100 lbs. $1.50;
n0,!' w
Sweet tiotatoes Per 100 lb. 83.00.
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
L25dr?wd,J 1 ' .J'
00S3.50; .Irewed turkeys, 15.
Eggs Frch ranch, 15c; tastom,
per dozen.
j Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
I steers, 6c; cows, 5c; mo turn, sheep,
j 7.!c per pound; lamb, 5c; pork, 6c per
Mt . oil Us. .
Fresh Fish Halibut, 6(8: salmon,
sahuon trout,
ifte: aalmnn tnrmt. 7fi!0: fiimndera
and soles, 3 4c.
Provisions Hams, large, 1 Ic; bams,
email, ll 'ec; breakfaot bacon, 10c;
dry salt sides, 8Jic per pound.
San Franoisco, Feb. 9, 1897.
Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, 75(3
85c; Early Rose, 75(3 85c; River Bur
banks, 60i75c; sweats, $1.00(g 1.25
per cental.
Onions $1.50 -81.85 per cental.
E?s Store, 15gl6c; ranch. 17gl8.
Butter Fancy creamery, 21 22c; do
seconds, I819e; fancy dairy, 17c;
eoonds, 14g; 15c
Cheese Fancy mild, new, 10c;
fair to good, 78!c; Young America,
ll12c; Eastern, 12S14c
Wool Choice mountain, 6(3 7c; poor
&n Joaquin plains, 85o;
-0ooth,"'1 e&HlZ P0""4 . .
i ' . ,Z Ml Z, Z 7
Ti;,f H 'aA b?Hey'
Jlt ;-7.M;eloTer,
00 3.00; stock, $5.006.00 per ton.
Tropical Fruit Eananas. $1.00
.00 per bunch; pineapples, $?4.
Citrus fruit Oranges, navel, 1.?5
j 2 75; seedlings do, 75c1.25; com-
mon lemons, I.O01.25; good to
choice, tl.503.00; fancy, 2.852.60
per box.
Apples Common, 50(3 76c per box; '
asstern, f i.vutga.ou per DarrvL I
From Cuba to Augsburg,
What Rioiikt aacaa Oat af rallura
m Boa. S. T. Maawalt.
Fwaa ths Republican, Fmis, Ca).
Th Hon. Z. T. Maxwell, in IBS?,
having just finished a term in the Mis
louri legislsture, was compolled by ill
health to seek change of climate, and
tftor traveling for some months on the
Pacific slope, settled in Kingsburg,
Fresno county, California, and eugagixl
in raisin culture.
The change from Cuba, Mo., Mr.
Maxwell's old homo, to the balmy air
of Kingsbnrg, for a time seemed to
benefit the invalid, and, for a while, in
addition to his labors on the raisin
farm, be began to take a prominent
part in the county politics, and held
several offices of trust in bis new state.
But ill health was ths drawback which
prevented bira from arriving at the
highest political honors, and his active
mind chafed under the restraint ofsnW
impaired constitution, so that inxU-ad
of improving be became worse. Ttiemi
facts concerning Mr. Maxwell's health
were so well known among the people
of Fresno county, that when he lately
reappeared on the busy scenes in ap
parent health, he was warmly congratu
lated by his numerous acquaintances,
snd among others the writer of this ar
In response to a reoncst to give the
reporter particulars as to the course of
his illness, symptoms, cure, and indeed
all there was in it. he said:
"You hav asked nio (or mors than I i
could describo. Sometimes I have i
looked over an alphaUulcal index of
,uHascs, and fancied I had them all,
but general debility, weakness, insom
nia, indigestion, constijwition, partial
atrophy of muscles, headaches, pain in
the bock and limbs, and general j
wretchedness was my lot
"My borisnb was contracting, and I
supposed that the circle of mv vision
would newr again have anything but
my be.1 fur a cenU'r, for on top of my
previous til health, in 189S, I caught
Is ortppo, which brought tne so
tlwt I was very nigh the grim portal.
"New Year's dsy I wss despondent
and unhappy, not knowing there wss
such goo-i iortune in store for ma. for I
had hardly ambition to read the news
paper that was brought me, and threw
it on the bed in disgust. As I did so
my ere caught the announcement of i seventy-two different kinds of venom
Dr. Williams' rink rill for Pule Peo- j ou snakes in this country.
j plo, and half in anger and hall in con-
tempt I read what it said and again
j threw the pair down, itut l couia i
I , r i
not get this announcement of Pink
Pills out of my head, and at last I do- i
terminwl to try them, and 1 did so. t j
beitan to nan the mils, followim direc- !
tiotis carefully, and by the time I
Pills until I was thoroughly recovered,
and now ran do more work than fur:
twenty years before. !
"I will say that not otilgj, have they j
ssved me miicli exfienwe in doctors' j
bills, but my life, and I am only too :
gtud to publish tliis testimonial to tbe j
virtues oi Pink Pills. .,..
(Signed) Z. T. MAXWELL." S
Dr. AVilliams Pink Pills for Pale I
People contain, in a condensed form,
all the elements necessary to give new '
life and richness to tbe blood and re- j
store shattered nerves. They are an
unfailing specific for such diseases as ',
locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St j
Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheu-;
matism, nervous headache, th after i
effect of la grippe, palpitation of th J
heart, pal and sallow complexion, all '
forms of weakness either in male or)
female. Pink Pills are sold by alii
dealers, or will be sent postpaid on re- ;
ceipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six j
boxes (or $2.60 (they are never sold in j
bulk or by the 100), by addressing Dr. f
Williams' Medicine Company, Schoneo- j
tady, N. Y. ,' . .. . ' - . !
WrtttoB Bistoryr. !
The question whether tbsr la any ;
writtea history which antedates ths ;
Hsbrew Berlptnre la on that has
given scholars aa llttl trouble. Tbe !
first book of th Bibl were, accord-
Ing to ths atatamsnts of tn most cpa-
bis critics, written om ttm batween
B. u. Mat. ta. oatoof ta.j.wua .xe-,
dua from Bgypt. and B. a 145T. ths
date of th settlement la Psleatln. i
Bgrpt, at ths dat of th sxodoa, was ;
a powerful eivlUsad state, and to judgs
from tb eliuakm mad by ancient j
aathsra, undoubtedly tkta possasstd j
a great body of literature, It baa, '
aosrever, with th exception ef a frag. ;
meat hr and there, all perished. Th ;
menamantal halt or y f Egypt, that Is, j
ths annate recorded ea taoaamsota and !
memorial atoaea, began during tb
third Mtapbtto dynasty, which, a-
eording to Msrtstt, commenced to rala i
B. C. 4448. according to Bragecb B. O. j
89C4. Though many Interesting facta s
kav been culled from tb monuments i
of tbos very aadeat ttmsa, tbelr rsc- j
ords can not properly b called a con- i
a acted history, aaa n usorew bis-
terlcal wrltlaga ar thos tbe eldest so- j
than tie and coahactsd documents
know to ths scholar.
Caanpeatte Head ShoaM Be Plr. ,
People In th vicinity of Pittsburg'
hav started a movement la favor of j
composite roada, consisting ef a tua
csdsmissd track a docsn fset wlds,
with a dirt road aloagsids of lt It
Is well known that dirt rosds in sum
mer afford pleaaaater driving than any
other kind, but la winter or continued
wet weather tbay are at tbs other ex-
tram a It Is stated that this combine-!
tion road can bs built for $10,000 a;
mil, or about half a much as on ,
macadamised full width. Tb Idea!
seems to b on worthy of general at- i
tenttoa and careful experiment t
Your tea -trade for the
next ten years is worth
haying. We want it.
Try all five flavors of
Schilling's Best tea, and uet
t . i c
7UU u.h. jut yuur
frroccr'l on those that VOll
, ,',
don't HlcC
a Scfci Sw a rur
0n4 4e la taa Cast.
If tba Lsus of AmeHaaa Wbssl
sa as a whole will wort for good
roads this eotnlnf year a will tts New
Yotk dlvialoa of that p!dly growing
oraanisatlsa. then erellota generally
wlU rise ap snd praise ths L. A. ff. and
give it thslr dollar and their material
aid. Highway lproemeot Is ac
knowledrsd I be tbe greatest work
ta Uum ha before It And good, or
even fair, roads are In such email pro
a!on to the bad one In this coun
try that a small bsglunlug In this di
rection will ft th Leagu a prea-
tlire thst It lust now lscka. Chlsf Con
sul Potter of the New York dlrialon
has framed a road Improvement bill
with ths approral and co-operation of
the 8tais d'rauss offlclsls. sod with
the combined Influents of ths wheel
men and lb farmers It 1 confidently
billrd favorable legislation will b
secured. Ths work will b puthed vig
orously and no doubt will be aided
uiiK'h by th good road congress to
n held at Albany In February in con
junction with tb National Assembly
of tb U A. V, This will be aa srent
of widespread Importance, lnc gentle
men nroailuentty Identified with high'
way Improvement In all section of tb
Liiilsd States will b la jtUeadauc.
Ppaalbf t'nra far raarew
A Russian physician, Doctor Den
Uenko, ha been experimenting with
the sap of tbe "wartwort," a plant of
tbe spurge family, a a polbl cure for
csacer. Is a St. reteraDurg meuirai
journal be give particulars of sevea
case in which hs has applied ths treat
ment with apparent success. The P
of tbe wartwort is of a poisonous na
ture, and can be used only under care
ful medical supervision.
1 he whr after truth is generally re-wanl.-rl,
slihtiiigh tt Is Mid that "Truth ties
at tlits lKttini vt a well." Ws need some-
tiling alien we ars atttlcted with neuralgia
i t" iwan-h out ths neat of ths pain, or th
i !! t, and a ft. Jacobs Oil's mimion
j ! r "" to ntraia and I sranb out th
, ..x- tat snd subdue tb
twin. All pain tawM of a nervous ua-
nW careful trratnieut and pariimca.
The attlicted m-rve niuct be soothed tuu
uiutMiuu, and ttmu)atrd into healthful
ai tiim, so a to restore. Tin is thevinu
of Hi great remedy for pain, sod it 1,
tlirrrforc, wll kmiwu a th lieot. It may
I railed the iMNtechligot atter ths truth of
ur Uiily ailioenu.
"' A scientist claims that there are only
. , ., . v. ..
AimlnM dlwaa. en which itfe! a taan-
dfva mwcihwi (tot hunful elnn
tateeso.e. 4 tat'su.. i
' Urn v;i.r tfit u twiri4 u a OfMitiausI
ri,..,(-i(. hr ih poma medicinal iu.rj.
H'wiiof biii.
Vott air
tliN:c. ahhoticb voiir muxiutar dvvitbiunl ;
mX l tut tuhtttMt lo hto. Vfr lmpltKl, '
gt.Rt il't-'f-iiar stiil aiund M-iw, two b!rwmg
nt'7fU hf Ih tiltr, which rfmeillff m- '
lariki, rniuiinilc, inuoaj auS iWurf uuut.t, J
Smokeless powder, made of ammonia
j and two forms of pousinm, has been
. invented by a Csliforman.
I Mievs Pi's Curs t. th. only medl -
i ln Uiat will cur eunmiiaption.- Anna
U. Urn; WUUaiiMport, i'a., Nov. 12, l.K.
Walter Baker & Go.'s
Breakfast Cocoa.
a cup. ..
ft ear that vaa t4 ta saaalB artkrf ataa y WAtTES
BAKES CO. U., IXrvBrttar, ttUblUM 170.
Cheapest Power
i-t B. P. lierculea, Gas or Gasoline. -i-j
H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline,
i-a H. p. Regan, Gas or Gasoline.
' i-j H. P. Oriental, Gas or Gasoline.
1-4 H. P. Otto, Gns or Gasoline.
i-$ H. P. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline.
1-6 R. P. Hercules, Gns or Gasoline.
mo H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline.
Stata Your Wants and Write tor
405-7 Sansome Street
San Francisco, Cal...
Gas, Oatolin snd Oil
1 1 1 I EVER f MEN
S ll r, "
t J--7?'rSTZ,Zm i trm Tvrnta
mi rgoro
rwMfaia tswcaiasw iiMar
e4Mlf am
Urnxmrm w-i'.vh fnu
rr(Jt MiaiTirasr
ngorott ChlaakaUaVak.
lftaltBI , yHshiMU Pit
f W riOPlt THST Mi SICK ar
J't Saal Wall,
&&um PILLS
J . Ont, Orn tor a Ooaa.
J r mnia a aa. aa
"" i'l fraa. lata
Dr. Saaana klac C. Phlla. t.
ma ua, lata taaM.
aC'rl la I to Pa. Hap. UU
aaaa.B. J lTSKaa uiaavA,SjUk
f -Mr ten you
f. V i i fei 1
I Xfjf " accua, iani
l ':' .. Always the best. A
I I A raaMmrnbm M i !
vK o. m. may a co, J?
now to Mix a raw niMK (T
Stjllih Uswa af HaaAMie Cala at
amalt t vat-New Ololb.s far tha
Wbvl ramllrNe Ns4 at Laakl
' Shabby tta la Thaa Hard Tlmaa,
"I liop o ludp many who are trying
to economise," my a writer in the La
dies Journal. . "Willi a few packages
of iliiimond dyes wonder can bo don
in miiklug old di Umk like new.
In my own fumily we actually did not
buy a single new dns or cloak hint
(all, yet we d reused comfortably and in
style, by dyeing over clothe that had
Imcii rat lu-ide."
Di.iiunnd dyes come In convenient
psckitgi which color from one to ten
pound ol good for ten cents. Full di
rections make It imHitiible for one to
have "poor hick" with the diamond,
snd they are so simple to use that per
foot, noii-fnding color are obtained
w ithout any exierieiie in dyeing.
A book of free direction for bom
dyeing will be sent to any one by the
proprietors, Wells, Kichardson A Co.,
Burlington, VU '
Wrtffir Waste OanS gaaS.
Th good rosds moremeut away bsrk
la lbs beginning of tu saltation was
something akla to a rssl Jok. Juatb.
cause a few bicycler wished stuootliei
highway wborsoa to ladulg thuti
new-found bobby of wheeling. It see in.
4 absard that Ihsy should ask to usr
the highways of tb lsud improved.
For a tints tb movement didn't mors
worth a csat t'eopls looksd opou bicy
cling as a passing fad or crass, and
they consldsrsd the good roads move
ment a comnanloa-pisc to tt.
But th blcycl "fad" doesa't psss
away. It seems to b her "for keps."
and so ths demand forgoodroadson th
pan of wheelmen Is a fixed and lasting
one; but beyond this Is a stronger,
broader demand for Improved klsh
ways, A road that ts good for tb bier
cle Is good for all people, and wsr th
blcycl to pass away, tb lesson It has
tsugbt would remain la th minds of
thinking people. Good road are a logb
csl. haps necessity for all sot a lux
ury for tb few.
roesai'e Coaaaaalaaa '
Many ytar ago tbe great Germsa
niathemattctaa, Bsswet, announced that
both fitrlua and Proevon popularly
known as tb dog stars roaasasad Iu
vlslbl companion revolving around
them. lis was led to tbl conclusion by
studying th Bottoms of tbos star. In
1M2 tb compsnloa of Hlrlus was dis
covered with th telescope, sod durlug
th present year It ha reappeared.
MUs u yr
through too cloe proxlndty to Its bril
liant comrade. Quickly following the
reappearance af Sir) us' companion baa
also come th discovery of tbe co m pau
,on ,f Ptreyo0, wnla ht4 ntrn Wa
(rrn , yr ahaarrl. eaeght
- lt wltB tb rrwlt tlcou of
' Uc Ohsatory a fsw week. .go.
! " T,rT niOa Star, Of only tb
' tlilrteenth maaaltud.
Because tt tt itsoiutt'y purs.
Becmse H Is not nude by t!i so-calird Dutch Proem In
which chemical are used,
Because beam of the finest quality rs used. '
Btauit tt it niXi!e by t nwtliod which prrservej unimpaired
. ths txquisrt natural flavor and odor of tht beans.
Because It it the most sconomk-al, costing less tilts one cent
Rebuilt Gas and
..Gasoline Engines.
Hercules Gas
....Engine Works
Eoginsi, 1 to 200 H. P.
Mat BionrT hf luo
eaatiul j--iiiion in
t'lilraso. tt bur and
vll hll iIimm nn
D!rrli)- liiriunm liav n min a troall
tirKUiiilns bv trailing In luiurot. Wrtu
lull particular. Hti ol rferi ilvcn. Srv
rl ' itm,r n ih Chicago Hoard nt
trail, ami a tiioroush knolHliru( ih buKi
n. IWiwimif, Uuitt iiia a Co., ( hlo Board
el ttail Rrnirn. Offi Id I'orUaad. Orecon.
Spokaii anil sealtle, H aas. ,
nn aiKinia.
"aarav wits
0aWr' Stat
0lt tXflKM, wo
tCLIPei MFC. CO. i7 -
I W .J. ferllaBd, Or.. U. . A
.?R'."A,-0'n RIMIBf. -a.ij
A -Will. l.r, .IMlHH. !
aa. m ua. aa. naaaaaav rauaar.
rll'PTr KB anil FILES eurd:norr
t currd; rnl (nr Iwk. Ima. MaManaLB a
IWU u M. IM!U N riWIll PlMlWia,
ruavsKViUb, SJB Uarkvt SU u fraaclaiw.
or !
irtivn maum kl. b. FuW-
a7 taouUiluirUrii, Cvua.
Q i'S
aFI, .H.i i, .... iuii .i.iii ill I i n w-w
J-lna,, WW-1' U
h-L mi naiiaiiiaaavii aim aiamn '- v
K.P.N.U. Ka 688. S.F.N.U. N f6J