The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 12, 1897, Image 3

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    1 ' ,
i TCAOHHRI ttXAMiaATio. mi w-
nUi,a' avamlnatlon
. i i 1. 1. .Mb havlnnlnv
leu ulMi BWW mis -o
1 ..r.jJT.... Tha annllnanta DftMtlt
u. n,.rkhaall. Maria
Were I Dmii iw .,
Wetti. Irli W. Terbeil. Ida Morgan,
idyrii rowu vi"j'iwi
Hiule Mulleo, fcorelia Honamp, wni
. t Piimv Rial
,,m, Deliy Watkini, Carrie Fet, Mrj.
4. F. Simmerer, . -. .
1 MaewoWatm Mawi. Mr. Hen
! a t-u.rA mho lianaaKed In 111
i menuiaotnre ol wood pipe for water
meial and alio eitebliihlng ft eyitejm
I 4 water werki at Tillamook, wai o
thla city Tueedey. Mr. Orchard Ie
rnanufeoluring plp . the rate oflOOO
ioet per dy. The pipe made it to
4ritlrV m kl, nd th p.teiit on
umibubMn applied lor. Mr. Or
cberd certainly baa boaanaa in bit
lew renture. 1
I Finoim Oct Off. F. A. Croiby,
employed in Uoward'e mill loet two
flngere off hie right hand hit Tueiday
morning by coming in contact with a
ttw. Tne ena oi u tnuuiv auu uau
of the flret two flngere were Uken off,
and the (bird and fourth flnireri were
badly out. Dr. Cliff, In drening the
hand, wm ODiigea to uce out eerem
plecei of bene from two of the flngere.
Yankton hae eitabllihed a reputation
for acoidenle lately. 5
Good roi Nothiko, The new pres
ident of the etate agricultural college,
Hon. H. B. Miller, the bridge carpen
ter and all around politician, ie not
even a rood fighter. He allowed At
torney xatea to knock him down and
walk all over bim on the etreeteof
Coryallii one day Uit weak. The
f question naturally arises, what ft
Miller good for anyway? He hae no
I qualification! for the- preeldeuey of an
I educational Inetitution, ian't a good
fighter and ia not muob account ae a
lobbyli. at the legielature Timet
Mountaineer."' ExDOWMiirr Bank Oboanked. A
eectlon of the Endowment Bank, the
Iniuranoe branch of the Knighteof
p.thiaa. area orraniaed here Tueedav
evening, with the following officer!:
Dr. H. B. Cliff, pretidnnt i Frank Dow,
vlna nraaldant! J. R. Boeirla. eecrelarf.
The Endowment Bank ie considered
cue of the tafett and alee eheapett in
euranoe inttilutiona in existence. It
paye miliiooa of dollare annually to
widowe and orphan children of de
ceaeed member! of the order, being
reunited exclusively to Members of
Uie rder Knights of Pythias.
Rsiultof Fabtuto. John Lynch,
who a few days ago completed a 10
day fast, which be underwent wiih the
hope of curing cbronio ioflamroatory
rheumaliam, ia now able to be out
daily and perform varioui light dntiee.
While failing he wae reduced to about
115 ponndt in weight, hut einoe that
time hae gained about IS pouude. He
en fieri but very little from rheumatiira
eince failing and feele confident that
lie liai hit upon a remedy which will
eventually effect a complete cure. He
will recuperate until about Maroh 1,
and will then enter upon another
longer faeL Eugene Guard.
Hu Eye Take Oct. Mr. Leelic
Bailey, who met with the misfortune
at Howard'! mill at Yankton one day
laat week, wae taken to Portland lait
Friday where hit injured eye wai
taken out after an application of
chloroform. Mr. Bailey wai taken di
rect to the National hotel upon hie ar
rival and an oculist tummoncd, who
finally aueceeded in convincing the
auffercr that tha eye could not be
eaved ae he believed there were pieoei
of glial Hill remaining in the eyeball.
Finally chloroform waa administered
and the ball removed in which waa
found a piece of glaaa tally one-ball
Inch in length. The operation waa
performed by two well known Fort
land oculisti, and it la thought Mr.
Ftaiiey will be about in a ihort time,
Should bi Ewmxd. Two offi
cer! of one eecret eociety at Lone Bock,
Or., recently eeoreted themeelvea in
the loft of a lodge room to watoh the
initiatory ceremony of the ladies
auxiliary. After the ladiea had con
cluded their initiatory work they dii
covered the eaveadroppora above and
auramoned aorae men to dialodge
them. When they were requeated to
oome forth they appeared maiked and
one with a cocked revolver In hie
band who backed to the door and dis
appeared. The other oue acknowl
edged hie guilt, and begged forglve
iipii. The order to which theae two
partial belong ihould lose no time in
xpcllint; them. ' Within the walti of
a lacred cattle hall ii no place tor hu
mao beings of that stripe.
e sansaHiHaywaaMiaM
Not a few who read what Mr. Robert
Bowlt, of Holland, Va., hai to aay be
low, will remember their own exper
ience under like ciroumitanreit "Last
winter I had la grippe whloh left me
In a low itate of health. I tried num
erous remediee, none of which did me
any good, until I wai induced to try a
boitle of Chamberlain'! Cough Rem
edy. The flnt bottle of it ao far re
lieved me that I waa enabled to attend
to my work, and the second boitle
effected a cure." For sale at 25 and
60 oenti per bottle by Dr. E. Ron.
, Grtflltte-GodmaB.
Mr. B. L. Orlffltti, of Hayes, Wash., wai
united in marriage to If ill Busy Oodrasn,
ot Wiilsborg, Or., on Fsbrnary lit, it tbi
horn of the brlrle'i parents. Bapper was
sarved and the happy eouple departed for
iholr future home with the best wlahss of
their many friends. X beautiful and im
pressive csremony was performed by the
Kav. Mr. Kennedy, of Bellwood, Or. ,
Anion those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Godmin, Mn. Powers, Margie Pow-
era, Mill Orscs Houghton aud William
Kennedy. , O.
Many raorchanti art- well aware that
thoir customers aro their best friends
and take pleasure in supplying them
with the beat goodi obtainable. Ai an
'.instance we mention Perry 4 Cam
eron, prominent druggiiti of Flushing,
Michigan. They lay : "We have no
heiitation in recommending Chamber
lain'! Cough Bemedy to our custom
ers, at it ii the hen cough medicine
we have ever' aold, and alwayi gives
latiifiolion." For sale at 25 and 60
CMtte per bottle by Dr. E. Boat.
Calling oarde printed at thlioffloe.
J. B. Godfrey returned from Balim
laat Friday.
Bev. Church will preach at Houl
ton next Sunday evening.
Mr. George A, Hall visited frlendi
at Tlgard ville last Bunday.
Jacob Broui, ol Rainier, waa among
county teat vtilton Tuesday.
W, D. Oonnell, of Deer Island, wai
in town a few mlaotei Wednesday,
Mn. J. G. Muckle ipent eeveral
duyi in Portland, returning Tuesday.
Bev. 0. E. Fhilbrook will preach at
Boappooae next ouuday, morning and
evening. :
It Ii expected that a lodge of Ratb
borie Siston will be initituied here in
tha near future.
School Superintendent Watti it in
tbe oily thia week conducting the
teaeuerr examination.
A. B. Little, who hae been at Salem
moil of the lime rinoe the legislature
met, returned Monday,
Judge Doan wai In the city Tues
day attending to offiuial baiiness con
neoled with the Keller eitate.
B. B. Bote, who hai been In Idaho
for several Tnonthi, wai in this city
Tuesday evening on uli way home to
Mrs. C. II. Piggott and children re
turned from Astoria wodaetday, wnere
they had been visiting relatival for
aome time.
M anil Mra flmlth Klatner. at
Rainier, were passengers on the Lur
li no for Portland last Friday, return
ing the tame evening.
fMom YTsIm mUr it, an aarlauslv
injured at Muckle Bros.' loggtug oamp
laat week, ia laid .to be Improving and
will soon be on the road to recovery.
V nu ii. anut marm laanail tiv Clnrk
VuJ waatarilav moraine? K. 8.
Faxon and Liixie Sherman, also to
Jacob Toiva ana ureua Maunuia
A laani Whlla arrlvail In Lnwn last
Wednesday nigbt and ia busilr en-
nr.t makina' nranaralioha to becin
tbe aeseaemeut for 1897, which work
be will enter upon aiaron asi.
Anvnna afhn aiUhaa in trv the ex-
ii.nm.n I nt valalna1 anaar haata nan
procure one-fourth pound of the eeed
by aending 10 cente to Buell Lam her
eon, the seedsman, Portland, Oregon.
Bev. IT. Shoup, presiding elder of
Ida IWiUnJ iliatrinl nf tha Evanmli-
oal association, will preach at Goble
next Sunday, February Hth, and at
lioultonon uouuay evening, eo, iu.
Mm a fl XV a w la amnlnvai! tn (ha
aula w. -' " -j . w w -"
Houlton school (or a Urm ol tii
monthi. Tbiata aecoua week or
tka. laaavew mnA If ITtaU thtllM LhlH atnhlVll
14V ejaaaua aw - -
ia thoroughly organised tor a profitable
Muckle Broe. logging oamp hai
hut down for a few days and tbe crew
are buay filling a small contract tor
cedar piling. Ai eoon as the piling
areiu the water lugging will be re
sumed. The eohool ntertatnment to take
place tomorrow (Saturday) evening
Sromieei to be a sucoesi. Professor
all, assisted by hia brother, hae
taken great paiua in preparing for tha
coming event.
Mr. Cbarlei E. Hall, who waa billed
for a speech at tbe Yankton school
house thia (Friday) evening, will be
unable to fill the appointment on ao-
count of the teachers' examinatiou
being yet in session. He will probably
peak there aome time in the near
future. '.
Ole Sundby. wbo hai been absent In
California for about a year baa been
making good use of hu time ae waa
evidenced a few dayi ago when hit
mother received from him a money
order for 140. The boy, though abroad
in the cold world, doea nol lorget the
borne of hit childhood.
a. nf Arliaana waa Insli
luted at Houlton Wednesday evening
with 16 members. Mr. Branin, the in
stituting officer, exemplified tbe work,
after which the following officer! were
elected i Mailer Artiaan, John Urie;
8tipt.,A. H. TarbH, Iuiector, Ed
Haxen ; Sen, Cond., Mn. J. H. Urie;
Jun. Cond., Louie Bolton; Secretary,
N. A. Perry; Instructor, Mra. G. D
Gileon ; Treasurer, U. D. Gilioo 5 War
der, Mr. Plank ; Past Mailer ' Artiian,
Madinal Examiner. Dr.
E. Bom. Tha aisimbly start off
with good prospect! and we oeipeaa
for it a brilliant future.
Mrs. Prlngle Is very sick at the borne of
her son, William.
Mr. Rldgway has returned to his post as
an4na at Smith A Thomas' mill.
County Commissioner Peterson was here
last week looking after the lBteresti or ine
eonnty. V
Mr. Thomas, of Mist, waa Uken slok
whUe vUitleg at Mr. S. B. Kldx way's ana
karl in ranialn several davs.
At a special sohool meeting a 10-inlU Ux
wai voted lor the purpose oi ouuaing a
m aehool hoase In Vernonia.
Presiding Elder Shopp, of tbe Evangeli
cal church, wilt oome In from roruana
t.kmi tilth to bold aoarterlr meeting.
Miss Lulu Bhanahan has been obliged to
leave the Vernoula school lor ine present
on account of the dangerous illness of ber
John Frlngle went to St Helem last
Friday for a load of goads for the postofflce
store end reports tbe road in rather poor
Mr. 8. B. Rose, who has been absent at
the mines of Idaho and Eastern Oregon (or
several months, Is expected home ia tbe
near (utnre.
Mr. Zlllgltt has pul new shelving In his
general merchandising store to make more
room (or goods. He expects the change in
administration will inorease his business.
An ex-pollttclan met at Zlllgitt's hall last
Saturday to organise a non-political" po
Utical organisation, or more correctly, be
would have met i( he had bera there.
Shoemaker Hess has bad a bard tuatle
with the grippe tbe past week, but although
past 80 yean o( age. wai able to weather
the storm end will soon be able to resume
bit work at the bench.
Children Cry for
Tha Clatskanie correirjoadent bev
Ing reoovered from the measles, bu
been looking around with the follow
ing result:
Mrs. Frank Merrill ipent leak week
in Portland,
B. P. Graham and wife were visitors
the first of tbe week.
The railroad dredger hne returned
from Beaver and is on duty "again
below Bureau'! mill.
A large boat ie being built near
Palm'i mill of the kind that are called
acowt in tbii neiichborhood.
Wood chopping it our most active
Industry just now, and Is keeping a
number of men aud teams busy.
A. M. Tiubenor ii out again after a
isason of reel and reouperatiou from a
threatened attack of pneumonia.
J. H. Wileon and Orson Hiutt were
over from Miet Monday, and report
the roadi over that way alio oat iinpai
able. .. ,
Henry Liggett is over from Oak
Point this week. Negotiation! are
pending for a sale of hie property jun
outiide of town.
An entertainment by the Jonii.r
League ie announced for Saturday
evening the 20th. Literature and
musio are to be combined with cake
and coffee.
Measlei have invaded the family of
Adam Barr receutly and gave ' the
boyi a chance to find out for them
selves bow it feeli to pan tbrougb a
siege of tbe disease.
It ii probable that an additional
month will be added to the present
school term, making it seven monthi
instead of lix, as contemplated earlier.
Some additional delinquent tax hav
ing been lately received makii tbe
extension possible.
Tbe sound of the shingle aaw ia again
beard in the land. Tbia time the
touad comei from Bryant'i aaw mill,
where W. C. King hae put machinery
in place for making ihinglee, and is
now at work changing cedar blocka
into cedar ihinglee. . .
The High School Whizxer having
taken up the cudgel in ita own de
fense, your correspondent gracefully
withdraw! to remain an interested
and lilent reader of tbe eulogiei that
paaa between that paper and tbe
author of your auboul noiea.
Tbe literary eociety connected with
the high tcbool ia holding quite inter
eating eessioni esch Friday evening,
attracting to the meetings a consider
able number of our eitixene aa listen
ers. Tbe yonng people generally ac
quit themselves quite handsomely.
Duxan A Co', ih ingle mill on the
MoGee place, to be in faehion, tent a
young man, George Kyeer, down to
town laat week with the end sawed off
two flu gore. Each shingle mill seems
to leave ita mark in that way sooner
or later, and ibingie aawere will soon
be able to form a union, and perhaps
apply for pensions.
Notwithstanding the nearly impae-
leble condition of the roads in aome
placet between here and Miet, Charley
Lindgren makea regular tripe with hie
lour-horse team and covered wagon,
and bis horses are as friiky and well
conditioned as if the roade were dry.
How Charley keeps the team looking
ao well and hauls io much a be doee
ii a myitery to many.
The aeniation of the day waa afforded
in the justicee court laat week when
Herold 8yvereon appeared to anawer
to the charge of burglary in entering
the house of Martin White in tbe
night time, and takinir therefrom over
160 worth of goods. Harry being well
known here and tbe gnode being found
in the barn where he keepa bit hone,
curiosity wai o roused, and all Lower
Beaver and Clatskanie turned oat to
hear the development at the trial
The justice, to accommodate tbe crowd
hired Krati a ball for a court room.
W. H. Conyera ably represented the
late, while George Davie, of Portland,
defended tha prisoner. A number of
witnesses were called wbo agreed aa
to the finding of the goods in the ita
ble used by Syveraon. f hia he did
uot deny, but claimed tbat the gooda
bad been secreted there by eome per-
son unknown to him. He aeemed to
eitabliah bii whereabout! on the night
the soodi were taken, and after hear
ing the testimony, which consumed
several hours, tlie justice decided that
he could not hold the defendant upon
the evidence, and discharged him.
The county court will be pleated to
learn that the colli of the action will
be provided for here, and tbe county
net called on to pay tbe bill.
The Oregon City Enterprise In a re
cent issue, held up onr town as an ob
ject lesson to ita readers, claiming we
had eighty cises of meaalea aa a result
of our unsanitary condition. Well,
that ii hard on Clatekanie if ouriect.
At to the number of casee of measles
during thia winter no one except the
Enterprise writer'seemi to know. One
goes away from home to get the news.
Ai to measles being a disease resulting
from uncleanneii the Enterprise writer
is at variance with eoienlifio writers
generally. That article classed meas
les, diphtheria.fevera and otherdiaeaaei
in one list, aa preventable with' proper
sanitary efferta. Medical writers will
now be compelled to change their
views since the Enterprise baa made
such a classification. If the writer of
that article which icama to be in the
editorial column ii correct, the auth
or is resDectfullv invited by the city
council to oome to Clatekanie and
mell out the particular kind of poison
tbat has been giving our people the
measles. We want to pourcarbolio
aeid oo it and extinguish it. There is
whooping cough here too, and iti
source would be gladly covered with
chloride of lime if detected. Come
on friend, wa are waiting to build you
a monument.
For a Daiu iu the chest a piece of
flannel dampened with Chamberlain'a
Pain Balm and bound on over the eeat
of the pain, and another on tbe back
between the shoulders, will atrora
prompt relief. Thii ia eepeoially val
uable in caaea where the pain isoaused
by a oold and there ie a tendency
toward pneumonia. For aale by Dr.
Pitcher's Castorla.
3, B. Godfrey was a caller at school last
Tuesday. -
An excellent programme has been pre
pared (or the graduating exercises Saturday
evening. All are cordially invited.
Miss Daisy Watklns leavea next Monday
for Portland, where she will inter High
school, oomtuencing with tbe spring term.
Miss Beckle Dingbam, a teacher (rom
Portland, is in St. Helens this week attend
ing tearbns' examination. Miss Bingham
will teach the spring term of the Mist
We hope In tbe aesr future to be able to
grant diplomas to several mors pupils of
tbe advanced grade. Diligent and careful
stady will accomplish thU we think for
three bv next June.
"Sloth makes all things difficult, bnt In-
dustry all eanyj and be that rlseth late
must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake
his bmlness at night : while Laxlnesa travels
so slowly, that Poverty soon overtaken
Do not forget the flag-staff problem. We
must have a eolation. If yon csnnot work
it get some one else to try who you think
can. It Is a difficult problem, but sorely
som one of the many readers of Tax Mist
it competent to solve it.
The graduating class passed with a gen
eral average of 9iH Pr cent (or Miss Daisy
Watklns. and 82H per cent (or Master El
mer Newell. Their papers were tastily
prepared with ribbon and will be preserved.
Diplomas are being prepared by , A. Wes
co, of the Portland Business College, and
will be presented on the evening of the en
tertainment. Aaswaas to ocaaTroas.
1. What Is fhe circumference of a circu
lar plat of ground containing one acret
Answer 44.S4 rods. See Robinson's New
Higher Arithmetic, Art 883, page 479. .
3. How many strawberry plants on an
acre of ground supposing they are planted
3 (eet apart each wayt Answer 160 square
rods equnl 1 acre; 150 x S0K equal tt0
square yarda, or 4840 plants.
8. A fish's tall Is as long as its bead and
oae-balf of Its bodv; its body Is aa long as
Us tail and bead. How long It tbe flab t
Solution Let x equal head, x plus X body
equals tall, 3 x plus body equals body,
4 x. equals length of body, 4 x equate length
of bead and tall, 8 x equals length of fish
Answer Let x eqnal 8 inches. Tbe bead
would be 8 Inches; tall 24 leches; body 82
inches; fish 64 inches.
4. What nnmber diminished by the dif
ference between 2-7 and 7-0 of itself, leaves
a remainder of 144 T Answer 283.8.
. What wUI X of 10X cords of wood
cost 14-29 of 42 per cord f Auswer 431.60.
8. Two men are 644 miles apart and
travel toward eaoh other; when they meet
one has traveled 6 miles more than the
other. How (ar has each traveled f Ana
werSSH miles.
7. What number, divided by IH will
give a quotient o( DHT A aswer 1235-64.
8. How many revolutions will the wheel
of a locomotive 6 (eet in diameter make
In going a mllef Answer 305.67 plus rev
oluttons. ,
9. A, B and 0 can do a job of work In 12
days; C ean do it in 24 days, and A In 84
days. Ia what time can B do it alone f
Answer 81 8-3 days.
10. What is tbe hour, when the Urns
past aoon It equal to H of. the time to mid
night? Answer 7:12 o'clock p. m.
axw qouTioas.
1. Who was Ldy Rebecca?
2. In what battle was "Betty Stark" the
& What general rushed into battle with
out orders, and won li?
4. What three ex-presidents died en tbe
4tbo( Inly?
5. What general was captnred through
bis carelessness, and exchanged (or another
taken In a similar manner ?
6. Wbo said "I would rather be right
than president"?
7. What general died at the moment o(
8. What president vetoed tbe measures
of the party that elected bim T
9. How many of our president were
Virginians? Name them.
10. What battle was fought after peace
had been declared ?
Following la the programme to be ren
dered at the opera bouse tomorrow even
ing, at the graduating exercises :
Instrumental mnsto Orchestra
Opening address.... Superintendent J. O. Watts
Song-"Ainrioa'' School
BecUatlon "St Peter at tbe Gate" Carrie Newell
Solo "Oregon" .Miss Oraoe Miles
Dialogue "Olden Times" Two Little Girls
Recltauon "That Hired Qlrl"..MUa Lavender
Greeting song.... Bchool
Beeltatton "Aunt Kitty's Advice". Banie Plank
Dialogue "Golden Bule" Five Girts
Quartotte "America, Colombia's Domain."
Tableau Three Girls
Mollon song Several Girls
Recitation "Fashionable Belle".,. Earl Piggott
Instrumental music Orchestra
Dialogne "Winning a Waaer"
Quartette "Dreamland Feme"
,:: 'V PABT1I.
Addrwe. ................... ...Hon. T. X Cleeton
Instrumental nutate Orchestra
Rainbow .Seven Little Girls
Recitation "The Btew-away".,.allas Lavender
Quartette-"Beautlful River"................
Recitation "The Gambler's Wife"
Miss Daisy Watklns
ReoltatloB "Wakin' of the Young'uns".. .. ;
Winnie Way
Duet "Gypsy CounteM".
ReolUHon "Entertaining Her Big Bitter's
Beau" Anna George
Recitation "Dimpled Hands".. . .Alfred George
Instrumental music. ............. ..... .Orchestra
Dialogue "Tea Party"
Solo Hits Frankle Way
Recitation "The First Time I Stood on the
Stage" Fay Plank
Recitation "The New Cook" Roth Ssuford
Solo-" Just Tell Thsm that Ton Saw Me"
..LaVelle Watklns
Recitation "The Smack tn School"
Blrdte Banford
Recitation "The Crows" ....Lottie Hall
Instrumental music Orchestra
8olo-"I Am Tear Little Sweetheart".......
LaVelle Watklns
Recitation "No Letter" Rachel Robinson
Duet-"Little Birdie In a Tree"
, Two Little Girls
Flag Drill Sixteen Girls
Recitation "Only One Nose" Ada George
Presentation ot Diplomas Hon. & A. Miles
Bong "Farewell" ...Bchool
For Infant and Children.
. Keal Estate Transfers.
Simon Ulster to 0. G. Fhilbrook, sH of
nX ol sex. see 12, 1 4 n, r 2 w ; .
H. Jane Bsvls and husband to I. M
Nlcknm, swX of wtt of seX, see 2, 1 6 n, r
2 w; $2100.
John Cook and wife to Cbarlee A. Fink-
be! mer, w of see 18, 1 8 a, r 8 w ; 1 1100.
W. H. Dolman and wife to Frances V,
Victor. dX ot nw& seo 4, 8 n, r 2 w i 1
United Suites to Bwen Krlkson, m of
reo 84. t6 n. r 8 w; peteat.
L. P,W. yi mby, by sheriff, to Maria
West, nwX, see 28; wX o( neji, see 27 an
wUo(seU.seo22.t4n.r8 w;824JS6.
St. Helens Lodge, I. O, O. Y to John
Berdhal, lot 117 In ermetery ; 10.
S. P. Bheeley and wife to Lewis Carson,
s54 of swj ot sel. see 8, 1 4 n, r 4 w; 114.
J. N. Bice, sheriff, to Maria West, seJi of
sw!), sec23. 4 n. r 2 w! nwofseesx
wHof neJ.see27andwH of seX sec 22, t
Jemima Walter to Peter Walter, oX ot
mX. seo7. t4n, r4w;fl.
J. H. Oove, by sheriff, to Maria West,
seW sad swK of sec 23, 1 4 n, r 2 w; 126.81,
Mary 0. lock wood to Astoria Railroad
Company, rhcht of way: gl.
H. D. Liggett and ife lo Jasper H.Lewis
8 acres In druation claim of . W.Coayers
Charles Mayger to Simon Keeper, 6 8-16
acres In sec 30. 1 8 n, r 3 w ; $217.
D. O. Pearson and wife to 8. O. Ander-
son, ot imX ol seo ii. t 6 n, r 6 w j
$60. ,.. - .:
E. 8., 0. J. led J. Bryant to Astoria
Bailroad Company, right of way ; $1.
Andy Cl.irmont and wife to Charles
Mayger, assignment ol bond; !23.
Hannah C. Conyera to Astoria Bailroad
Company, right of way; $1.
William Devlne and wife to Andy Clair-
mont, assignment of bond ; $150.
John O. Gore to J. H. Wood, oudX ef
wH of nm, see 18 and se) of see 14, 1 7 n
ll pnnuance of au order of the County Court
of the Bute of Oregon, for Columbia County,
made and entered in the matter of the estate of
John Keller, deceased, on ine tn aay oi reoru
ary, 1897, tbe undersigned, the administrator of
the said estate, will sell at pnblie auction, to the
b Igbeet bidder, for cash, gold coin of the United
States and subject to conflrmation by said
County Court on Mouday, tbe
15th day of March, A. D. 1807,
At 10 o'clock A. If., at the front door ol the
Court House, in St. Helena, in said County and
Bute, all the right, title, interest and estate of
said jonn Krller, si me ume i uis aeatn, ana
all tha ritht. title and interest that the aald es
tate has by operation of law or otherwise ae-
quireo, otner tnan or in aaaiuon w ion oi ine
said John Keller at the time of his death, in and
to all that lot, piece or parcel of real eetata si ta
ste, lying and being in Colombia County, State
oi irregon, ana particularly aeacnoea aa iouows,
and the wast half of the southeast quarter of
section twenty-six in townsmp seven norm oi
range number Ave west of the Willamette Meri
dian, and containing 160 acres of land, together
with all improvements thereon.
Terms and conditions of sale. Cash, Gold Coin
of the United States, Ten Per Cent of the pnr
ehaao money to be paid to the said adminis
trator on the day of sale; balance on eonarma
tion of sale by said County Court.
J. V. LArlKiN,
Administrator of tbe Estate of John Keller,
deceased. dim 13
To the Honorable County Court oi Colombia
vouniji maw oi vivruu.
We, the undersigned petitioners and voters of
Oak Point precinct, Colambia County, State of
Oregon, hereby most respectfully petition your
tionoraDie oooyio grant neu u uare a license
to retail spirituous liquors at Mayger, County
and Bute above named:
a, w a, i-. s-k-.. lluV n.u )flMt.A
J E Black, Chaa Krlkson, I a Pulllan, Charles
unurcniii. Bloan K Norgren, w macs, l a j id
betu.N C Ewina.Wm Kluhrer.O Martiutlt.L Bar-
oni, Wm Blackford, Wm Ternahan.B Kasper, C F
moinauist, James asocaenDerg, roner amun.
Louts Flutareri Henry Henderson, FLIllard.F
M Fiuhrer, Geo Butts, James Coakley. J Rounds.
f a U T fAhHnn 'H . I Smith B A
Peterson, rf O Nequist, P N Kearney, Ambrose
aiaaaon, Art&ur act raw, r l ernanan, u r-urain.
A Ericsson. Carl Steckenberg, 1 W Tomer, M
L Mather, C M Deaton. Jno Bryant, Geo 0 May
ger, F A Meyer, F Crandall, C W Mayger. J
Dowling, Antonio Orioo, Jos Bertrand, Chaa A
Johnson, William Marshall, R C Crandall, Fred
Oallaher, Jamee Oallaber, D J Barnes, Joseph
Powers, J W Huffman, Wm Roberta, Henry Hill,
W H Ransaw, Cbarlee Mayger. fSmS
In the County Court of the 8Ute ot Oregon, tor
Columbia County. '
In the matter of the Estate oi Ostas Cherrlngton,
ro Vernonia V. Dawson, heir at law of Osjas
Cherrlngton, deceased, and to all heirs un
known, if any there be:
You. and each of you, are hereby com
manded to be and appear before the Hon. County
Court ot the Stt of Oregan, in and for the
County of Columbia, at the Court House In at.
Helens, Oregon, on
Monday the let Day of March, 1897,
At 10 o'clock A. at., of said being the
Maroh term, to show cause, if any exist, why
an order of sale of all the real property be
longing to said estate should not be made as
pravod for in tha petition on die in said Court,
saia real nrorjenv oeina aeacnoan aa hh mm
to-wit: TntNWW of Seo lit in T 4N, R6 W of
WillametU Meridian, in Columbia County. Ore
gon, and containing ISO acres; also an undivided
one-half Interest In the NK;NB u 0f KW;
the fractional SW of NW S; 61 K of 8W
Sec 31, T I N, R 1 W of Willamette Meridian in
Multnomah County, Oregon) and containing
ilX acres, "known as the Able and Cherrlng
ton ranch on Sauvies Island." Also a tract con
taining 70 acres now in possession of Jackson
Able, mown as the "Joy ju-acre tract" aituatea
In the B end of the Sam and Marv Jane Lam her
eon D. L. C, tn Seo Join TSN, R1W of the
Willamette Meridian in Multnomah County,
Oregon, and more particularly described In a
certain deed from J. M. Joy and wife to J. Able
and O. Cherrlngton, dated October 13, 1888, and
recorded in Book 108 Page 468, Multnomah
County records, to which reference is hereby
In testimony whereof I, Jndson Weed, Clerk of
the County Court aforesaid do hereunto set my
hand and affix the seal of said Court at mr
office In the City ot St. Helens, Oregon, this
iwa aay of January, A. v. us&i.
fsaai.! JODflOS WEED.
J22fM County Clark.
Farm for Salel
, Thirty-five acres of land lying on Hilton
creek, about one mile west of Houlton, Co
lumbia County, and known as the Shannon
place. There are about 12 acres cleared.
Price. $000. For terms aDDlv to Mrs. 8. B.
wssicott, southwest comer fan ana itrn-
hill, Portland. Or., or 8. 8. Way, St. Helens,
Columbia County, Or. m-4t
For Sale!
My share, consisting of 213 acres in
range 7 west Willamette meridian,
sections 2 and 3 situate on Columbia
river near town of Rainier, off Jamee
Dobbina 'donation land clilm.
I wish to inform the "
; publio ot
And vicinity that I have just
opened a line ot first-class
: Which I am selling as low as
. the lowest.
By strict attention to business, and fair
aeanng wttn an, i nape to merit a soars of
your patronage. .
wsWttWllMMI WlWtrW
n.i.. ii ir iiiiBiiTMhTiBiii iini SiTiiMiih ;
Buntlating ttkfToodandBeula-
Hrjj rfrrTSIrawrta anii !Vaiipi ct
nrasarsdQestXontaliis ndttver
Opniin,MorpUin0 tsm JfiOEXaL
AMrfeetBemedv forConsllp-
tioru Sour 5toiiKh.Diarxhoca,
ntM md Loss or Sana
lacSinale Srfnahire ef ,
1 '
Great Shoe Sale
Misses Dongola Shoes, 1 1 to 2, $1.25 to 95c
Ladies Shoes, from - - 2.25 to $1.85
Ladies Shoes, from - - 1.75 to 1.35
Gents' Shoes, from - - 2.50 to 1.85
Mens' $3.00 Lace cr Congress shses for 2.00
$3.50 cork sole shoes for - - - - 2.50
rjl Jl
All Shoes Reduced in Prices.
167 Third Street, Between Yamhill
Eg--p TT v y syyygiyyysyw'I'I'V VnVnll
Dr. E. Ross
b Constantly Keeps m
K An Unusually well-eeiected Btock
r J lL . T--a
' C1J ftnU IUQ DVBh
Finest Fsrfumes and Boaps.......
...Paienl MedMnes
Astoria UlarWe Works
4. H. IMHOFF, Pao-aiaroa.
Foot of TwelM Street, ASTORIA, OR.
Young America
Leave St. Helens......
ArriTe at Portland. . . .
Leare Portland ....
ArrireatBt. Helens..,
6:30 A M
10:00 A H
8:80 P M
" ruB ia cENTa.
Will Carry Nothing bnt Paseengers
and rait u reignt.
Oaatarla li mt is la sne-lM kottlse ealy. II
Is ao ssU U balk. Dsa't aUnr aayoBe te ssQ
yea aaytuag else oa tbe plea or yrasslss tea n
U -Jas as good- aaa wiu aiawar every si.
pees.1 JWBes Oal yea get 0-A-8-T
V-SWrA. .
As fas-
and Morrison, PORTLAND, OK.
mock a complete Line oi
of Writing Tablets, Pent, Fen-
Ika aT 1. . A AA
, iTl
Groceries, Hay, Flour and Feed
Country rrod ace Bought and Sold, aud Ex
changed for Gooda. TJ ndertakina; Goods .
- furnished on Short Notice.
Store on Strand Street, ST. HELENS, OB.
TTas re-orjened under the management
of GEORGE A. BRINN, corner of Strand
and Oowlita Streets, BU Helens. Ore (ton.
where ean be found the choicest brands ol
Wine and Liquor
Card tables, pool table, billiard table and
other devices for the entertainment of pat
rone, where time can be pleasantly spent.
Besides other popular brands, are kept
constantly on band to snpply the increased
trade at thia yery popular saloon.