PHRSONA1U AND LOUAb. ' "Among th Breaker" At Watt A Prlo' btll Tomorrow (Saturday) evening. General admission only 35 oant. Calling card printed at Uilt office, TIio wood flume bM beau la opera- (tan a part o thi ireeit. Mr. Trblt Iim hlfl new itore in op ration at Uoullon, . ' Thi Hm and Oregonian on year for 12.00 in advance. Mia. f . 0. Watt, of Reuben, visited Irlendi In (hi city laat Monday. Mr. James Muokle wu mending jto bmiaeii in Attorl Inst Monday. : The Infant ohiid ( County Clerk Weed It very lick with typhoid lever. del net job printing don at this offlo. rrioei lower tnu in lowest. A number of wtr plpee were (ro sea and bunted Monday ulgbt in tbli oily. , "Anions the Breaker" oompany will play t Boappooa tomorrow (Saturday) evening. The tohool meeting called for tbi (Friday) evening promUe to be well : attendeo. It U rumored that a new briok build ' ing will be put up in St. Helen in the near future. It i ei peeled that work will be eom meneed on the new Episcopal church I In a few week. .v-' I W. D. Gate, of the FitUburg Mill 1 Company, wa in this oily Wedneaday and yeaierday. :' General admission to the play at floappooae tomorrow (Saturday) even log only 25 oenta. Mr. Tlmmonf, attorney, from Lot Angel, Cat., baa located her lor the practice of um procession. .The "F. D." brand of butter will be furnished now (or 46 cent a roll. Leave order with Frank Dow. I Judge B. F. Graham, on of Port land' prominent attorney, wa look ing up record in thi oily Tuesday ? Sheriff Sice wa called home to ClaUkanie laat Tuetday night on ac count of the aeriou Illness of hi chil drn. . . Mr. and Mr. T. 3. Cleelon, after an baenee of mora than two month, re turned home the latter part of laat ; week. ; Judc Doan came up from Rainier Monday to near the final aettlement caae in the eitate of Joseph Norton, load. J? Mr. Or H. Plggott wa called to At ? tori Tuesday to attend at the bedaide of her allien Mr. J. Q. A. BowJby, ; wbo i quite tick. I Mo reaeryed teat at the drama to i morrow (Saturday) evening at Watte f A Prioe' haU at Soappooae, Admit I aioa only 26 oenta. Mr. J. Q. WatU. Mia Maud Watt and Mr. W. T. Watt, of Soappooae, - were intereated tpectator at the drama, Monday evening. f. Mr. Uarlman, of Portland, who pent eeveral daye at Warren, wa in thi oitf a abort time Monday morn ing on hi retarn home. 8. C. Davit, after (pending a month ; with hi parent in thi city, left on Wdoeday night for Rowland. B. C, I to be absent about a year. Messrs. C. N. Gable and Joseph ; Hsyburn have all the piling driven ; for thalr fishtrap which is being put in P a short distance below Warrior Rook i lighthouse. I The steamer Mascot laid over at I thi place last Monday night in order I togrve the orew a apportuoity to ': witoee the entertainment "Among 1 b Croaker." , .:. I Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Perry, of Houl- i ton, were in this oily Monday evening. I Also Captain and Mrs. Henderson and I Mr. and Mrs. David Henshaw, a well I ui number of other Houlton people. i Quite a utile excitement was ocea-. losMd about 11 o'clock Monday even ing by the ringing A we flrsbell. For tunatoly it was only the burning out of tne flue at me rasiaano oi wr, Biohard Cox. Laat Wednesday the little child of W. P. McClay, at Columbia City, wa badly burned about the head by tip pine a kettle ef hot crease from a table, Dr. Rosa was summoned and adminis tered to the little one's sufferings. The firm of Allen A Cleelon have made arrangement to establish a branch offlott in Astoria which will be ' under the management of Mr. Allen, '" who leave for that place next Moo day. Mr. Cleelon will still resume his practice here iu the iuterltu between term of the district court. For a pain in the chest a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on over the seat of the pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, will afford prompt relief. This it especially val uable in case where the pain is caused i by a oold and there is a tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Vt E. Rose. . . TV. ' . , Many merohant are well aware that , their customers are their best friends and take pleasure in aupprylng them with the best good obtainable. As an instance we mention Perry A Cam- : aron, prominent druggists of Flushing, t Miohigan. They (ay; "We have no hesitation in recommending Chamber lains uough ltsmedy to our custom ers, a it is the best cough medioin w have ever sold, and always gives . satisfaction." For sale at 26 and 50 cent per bottle by Dr. K. Rot. Not a few who resd what Mr. Robert Rowls, of Holland, V., bas to say be low, wall remember their own caper- fanna nnftar lilr MMniMii.nnu! Hl..t VMWW - M VMUUHI.I.II' winter I bad la grippe which loft ma in a low slate of health. I tried num erous remedies, none of which did me any good, until I was induced to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem. ily. The Art l bottle of it so far re lieved me that I was enabled to attend to my work, and th second bottle effected a cure." For sal at 25 and 60 cents par bdUle by Dr. E. Rots. t, MELgN BOHOOti NOTES. took out for lbs Wbisser's wblnss next weak. Look )ut for tb nnouncmnt for a suliooi enter tainmsnt next wees. S. A. Miles, chairman of tb board of dl Motors, it away on butlnttt atKalama this week. Tbsrs will b a spadal school nisstlng st th school bout this (Friday) srsulng for th purpow of levying a tax to pay lbs In dabttdntsi of th dlitrict. Wt wcrs thankful to not correction to th question In Th Mist of tbs 22nd intt., by Mr. F. M. Wsbbtr a to tbs location of tbs Ky to the Battll. Wa wtre wrong and gladly acknowledge our error. We understand that County Superin tendent Watt it intending, In the near fu ture, to adopt lbs course of study as nied In Muliiionish county In the schools of (!o lumbla county. W are glad to know this, as it is a step In tbs right direction. Wt hope to more attention devoted to aaswsring quetttoat in "School kotei." Pleata ten In solutions as soon aa poeelbls so tbat credit may be given to solvers. Pleats alto send in problems for solution, or qaettioas of Interest, to be sntwtrsd. Praotlo rapidly on title to Improve your pronounolatloa t Tbeopbllus tbltile a no eeutful tblntla tlftar in sifting a tieva of un etfted tblaUet tbrutt tbree tboutand tbiitlet through tb thick of bit thumb. Bee that tbot la lifting a tlere of oatifted tblttles tbrutt not tbree thorni snd tblttles tbrouah th thick of thy thumb. Success to lb successful tbltlls sifter. aatwaas to qocstiohs. t. Whet mtket an arteelan well pottlblef Antwtr Water seeks It level, and the pressure from a higher source causes tbs water to spout forth from the mouth of the wslU 1 What Is a "water carnival T" Answer A "water carnival" Is a carnival or fair held to display tb water facilities of pleoe or city. Waco, Texas, bsld a "water carnival" a few years tinea snd thus dis played Its great artesian well system. g. History records bow runny universal emplrest AnswerFour. Babylon, 747-538 B.O.J Medl, Persia, 03ft-S81 B. 0.; Oracle, Ml-101 B. 0.; Rome, 161 B. O. Between U6-483 A. 0., Rom waa divided into ten kingdom. 4. When did the battle of Arbela occur. and wbo waa the conquering general? An' swerB. 0. 831. Alsxsndsr the Great oenquered Darius, king of Psrsia. 8. Wbo waa DemoethenesT Answer- Briefly, a famous orator of Ancient Greece. Uis indomitable snargy la well worthy of imitation. Aa eloquent speech Bred bla with a daifr to become an orator. Hitherto hi Ufa had seemed aimless and aa Impediment In his speech placed diffi culties In his path, but by diligence and perseverance ha overcame all and finally wielded such power by bis eloquence that Philip, king of Mactdon, said ha feared falm mora than all the armies of Greece. 6. What is ths origin of the word Eng land t Answsr Angls-Land, on account f the Anglo-Saxons, who first inhabited the Island. : ; 7. Name Oregon'a leading pioneer snd dltooverert who nsmss bavs passed into history. Antwsr Oregon wss discovered by Spanish adveatnrert Inthel6thontury, In 17Bf Caplalu Gray, of Boston, dltcovered and entered the Columbia river. Lewis sad Clark mors thoroughly explored the country In 1804-6-6, Fort Astoria was built in 1811 by ths American Fur Com pany, of whiob John Jacob Aatorwaaa prominent member. Among th early pioneers no one attracted more attention than Captain Joseph U Meek. We leave this last ope to additions. 8. What is a treaty T Answsr A tresty Is a written contract entered Into by two nations, on seme question of Interest or In' tereourss between tbeaa. 0. What was the largest arsay that ever existed? Answsr Tbat of Xerxea, num bertng 8,500,000. 10. What proportion of the Inhabitants of the world spesk the English language? Answer Ws ar not prepared to apeak autboratlvely at present, but will be pleased to bear from anyone who can. aaw qoasTiowi. 1. A farmer being asked his daughter's head replied, "You pass through flea gates on your way home. Take this basket, go to ths cellar and Oil it with applet. At the first gate leave halt tb applae and half aa apple mora, but do not divide an apple. Do the earns with ths remainder at each succeeding gat. You are to hare one an- pi left after passing through ths laat gate. If yon succeed you may hays my daughter." Hs succeeded. , How many apples did ths basket contaiuT x. On a Fourth of July a pole was sreeted of tbree places of wood, all nicely connected Tb shape was a cone, Its snrfaoa oomplete snd the height thereof Just twice 60 test, This pole waa 8 feat 4 Inches around at th place where It stood on th top of the ground. Now, how maeh ribbon procured at the shop wilt wind round this flag-staff from bottom to lop, lying smoothly and plainly to be seen, by leaving a space of six tnohes between? (Teachers ate specially invited tojglv this problem attention. Mora than one week'a opportunity to eonsldsr it will be given If neoeesary. Should this not prove difficult and If you want mors latitude, figure out the distance aa gl would fly in unwinding th ribbon.) ' 8. How many cannon balla 9 Inchss lu diameter will equal on 8 Inches in diam eter? 4. Give th distance from on lower oorner to the opposit upper corner of a room 18 feet square and 10 feat high. 8. Compute the rafters' length for a building 34 feet square, roof pitch. 8. What must b th width of a building to tbat U the pitch be X the ratters' isngth will be 16 test? 7. What must be ths slxa of a rsatango- ar Held containing 67X acre so that tb width will equal Hot th length? S. Two farmers hired a pasturs for $58. One turns In 10 cows, and ths other 86 horses; bow much should each pay, pro vided a cow eats twice as much as a horse? 9. Three men, A, B and O, bought 144 bushels of peaohs for 872, of which A paid 1-6, B H and 0 ih remainder) how many buibels did saoh receive? . 10. In a school of 60 pupils thers are 90 girls; bow many boys must leave tbs school so tbat there may be 10 girls to very 98 pnplls? 'No Doubt About It." "There la no doubt as to who will be Oregon's next seastor, at J. E. Beegle has been in Bsieni ins past wees. " IV. o. jaATiAn. Thank for th compliment. DELENA ITEMS. O. E. Wonderly mads a trip to Rainier last week, , Major J. 8. Rlneason was bo our street a short tiros Isst week. Judge Dosn, of Rainier, was doing bust nsss in this valley last Saturday. . Mr. 0. Lovscrea waa In Clatskanie last Monday laving in a supply for cold weather, L. JV Messrv has gen to ClaUkanie where he bas accepted a position In Henry K rats' stors. George Blchardson msda a trip to Rain ler last Saturday In tb Interest of Syver- son Bros., of Dent. A. It. Clark, of Ralnlsr, passed through this plaoe Isst Monday on bis way to Clats kanie and Mist, where he goes to circulate a petition pertaining to county teat matters. A move bas bean on foot to layout road to Blnsarson's landing, but it wss found on making a preliminary survey, to be Im practicable as tb grade exceeds fifteen per cent. : Our friend, ths News correspondent st Mist, expatiates at eoasldsrable length on an article w wrote some time ago, and balances account with leaving considerable in our favor, however. If w bar ssld anything not wholly bassd on facts or tbat is misleading, w are ready to quit "chew ing thi rag" and aak fala psrdon ; but 1st us sea about wool. Ha says, "when the tariff on wool is higher than tbs selling pries by ons-balf, ws know, etc, ate." Now, If our friend will put on hie specks and look the matter up, he will And tbat wool Is on ths free list snd no rerenue Is dsrived from tbst source. Look It up, friend I A llttl snow sod lots of frost seem to be tbs order of business this wsek. Speaking of froet reminds us of "spuds and rutaba gas," and that brings to mind a little but boastful article froas Kyser in last week News, In which th. writer haul himself into bis pockets and anaounces that, al though they bave auch fruit In his neck-of- the-woods, "Tus Mis will not get them." Now that la very deplorable thing to eon. front a paper with such announcement for, no doubt the editor bas depended largely on bla supplies from that source, and to cut him off Just at tb beginning of winter, Is greatly to be regretted. W will advise our friend, however, to look well to it and put on lota of earth, or Jack Frost will catch Mm dosing and deprive him of hi hoarded wealth. GOBLB NGWa NOTES. Mrs. Ed Fowlsr, who baa had lagrippe, Is on tb mend. O. E. Hunter ha purchased soms blooded bogs. Mrs. J, M. Archibald Is recovering from her recent illness. J. M. Archibald shipped forty head of sheep to Portland Monday. Mrs. Munn hss returned from Portland where ah has been on a vltlt. O. E. Hunter I talking of building slaughter house st Fowlsrvllle. Mis Rose Butt ha returned horn from Astoria, where sbs has been visiting for sometime. Frank Bishop bas been reappointed road supervisor, so there are still prospects of good roads. Ssm Mnnn, who Is cuttlag wood, had the misfortune to msah his foot with a sledgo, which baa laid him up. Tom Erlksoa hss gona to Ilwsoo to look after hie fishing interests. Ha Intends to make Ilwaco his futur home. Smelt have come and you can see num, erous persons with smelt neta, but they oome bom rather light, as did News, Rose and Brown. They war out two nights and brought horns about fifty pounds of fish, 0. C. Fowler, our trapper, captured two fine beaver lsst week, and while getting them from bla boat to the wharf the ewell from a steamer rocked bis boat from under him and he and the beavers went Into the drink. Fowler hss returned, but the bea rer up to this time ar still mining. MAYGEB ITEMS. i. 0. Severn and A. Clalrmont are on the sick list. Harry Meserrs, of Deln, waa visiting at Boats' last Sunday. Mrs. C. N. Davidson, who bas beea aiok for th laat weak, is Improving. Mrs. Mary Burgess, of Portland, Is visit ing bsr daughter at J. W. Boals this week, Wm. Ransaw, tbe. efficient carpenter at this place, is building a large water tank for S. M. Boals. Miss Mary Bursesa and B. M. Boat at tended tbe I. O. G. T. lodge at Dalena last Ssturdsy night Frank Lillard has bought the A Clalr mont team and la now hauling wood for tba Mayger Company. Albert Atkins, who has been laid np with a cut hand for some time, teturned to Stel la last week to saw shinglss for Snider ds Company. Dr. A. P. McLaren, of Balnier, was hast ily summoned to the bedside of Mrs. J. W. Boals who was taken quite 111 last Monday. but Is now slowly recovering. VALLEY ITEMS. Wm. Miller went to 8t. Helens Monday. Wa had a fall of snow here on Sunday last but It disappeared about as faatasit fell. Mr. Joseph Dupont brought home a band of sheep on the 91st. He purchased them from Mr. John Frsnts, of Houlton. Ths Tarbell boys, of .Yankton, war over n tills section of country onsday last week and were seen returning leading a cow. Tbe teror of the big hill la nearly ended. A road Is being opened near by which can ba traveled on a more even grade. It can now be traveled by horses, and with a tittle mora work It will be possible for wagons to pass through. Mr. Frank Soblekl, who lives near the summit, was severely Injured on Thursday of last week by a large log rolling o blm. He was taken to his home in a sleigh by one of hi neighbors snd messenger dis patched for a ddttor at once. No bones were broken, but he was very badly bruised and la likely to ba unable to do anything for many months. The Semi-Weekly St. Louie Globe- Democrat, eight page, republican in politic, and Thk hist, one year 11.70 in advanoe. Tbe Globe Democrat ia one of the leading republican paper of tbe United States, and it eight page twice a week are filled with the latest and most interesting new. Its agricultural department ia of especial internet to farmer. Send $1.75 to thi offioe and receive both paper for on year. MANHOOD." Bt. Hxlbks. Jan. 28, 1897 To tb Eoito; From 20 to 60 years of sea. man Is at his zenith. It should be from 90 to SO, or sven 100 yeara of age, and why Isn't It? When onr forefathers earned their bread by tha chase, were there any physicians? No. Andwby? Toll strength onad tbolr nerres and "perilled tbeir blood Had we not severed oursslves from tbel habit of life, there would bar been no physicians todsy. If msn knsw how harmonize himself, with his environments there would be but few pbysiclsns today, Man in tb past, bas besn contented, for tbs doctor to look after his physical welfare and, the minister to look out for his spirit ual welfare. When are, and should, do little thinking for themselves, on both sub jects. Tbe effects of diseases srs known to alt men. How few there ar wbo know the causs of diseases. A little observstlon with on' i self, with one's daily habits of life, soon teaches us, that the laws of nature ar perfect and tbat, according to her laws, ws should live our natural lives without aches, pains or diseases, men at majority should lay th foundation for health. Life is sus tained by food, water and air. Tha first thing to consider Is food, what to eat, how much to eat, in proportion to th amoont of our dally exercise; second, bow much liqnld w should take Into our stomachs daily. Tb amount for an adult is tbree pints, Including th liquid st meals; out side of meals, the remainder pur oold or hot water, should be taken In three equal enstallmeats, one boor before each meal third, take all tba fresh outdoor air tbat It is possible to take into vour lungs through your nostrils ths whole twenty-four hours of each day. Control your passions. Marry early In life; endeavor to have on or more children. If you don't you will neveri know th extremes of happiness and sorrow or, good health. - ? . A man la entitled to credit over hi fellow men for his originality; tor new ideas that benefit bis fellow man; tbat iesll. Man should diversify his thoughts; think about something besides making money. A day ot twenty-four boura should be divided Into three equal parts; Eight hours for sleep eight hours for labor, and eight hours for recreation. If your early opportunities for education have been neglected, educate yourselves. Beserv one bour each day, all your Ufa, for study. Before your lives are half spent, yon can be a classical scholar. Tak all th . newspapers your purse' will pay tor and read them through, Tbe tide In every man's affairs is the pres ent moment. Improve tbe present mo ment. Never mind tbe one that is past nor the ene that la to com. When the outlook is dim for making a living in tha professions! and mercantile pursuits, pro duce your living from the soil. You can lose more honor in five minutes than you can gain In a decade. Don't expect to be a geniua nnleaa you enjoy solitude. Bs truth ful, "Com Into port grandly or, sail with Qodthsseas." Stddih. KEASEY NOTES. With your permission I wonld Ilk to play th role of "critic among tne critics," also "review of reviews," not that I have the thought tbat 1 caa oome up to the standard of those peiiodlcsls, nor tbat Miss Anna English (oaa ot Clatskanie's beat) ia not competent to defend herself, but to re mind tbe able Mist correspondent that this is th day of tha "new woman," also that with tb good old Noah Webster speak ing In her defense, wherein ba defines edi tor aa "a person who prepares, etc, a book, magaxln or newspaper for publication. He makea no speclflcstlon ss to man or woman, therefore th editor ot th "High School Wbiaser" being a person, ws should say she had a perfect right to aay editor. Now, as to the "Review of Reviews," we noticed in the Columbia County News, tha editor reviewing our financial difficulties, such as government ownership, and thinks it might ba dona her as in England, a twelve-pound package could be sent to any part of tha country for 10 cents. By con sulting geography of tbe preparatory stud- lea, he will find that England ia but a few squars mile larger than the atat of Iowa. According to that w measur nearly or quit up to that much quoted country, as I think such a package could ba sent across that state for 98 cants. I do not bellere it best to cut our garmenta either by the pat tern ot England or France or Germany, We remember of reading In history how long year ago England triad to fore us to fashion ourselves according to her patterns, but as wa then said no, so say wa today. very many of our people are not exactly "Among th Breakers," neither am they "amateurs," but they ar performing on the atage of la grippe. Among the perform ers are Keasey Banders Kichman, Mrs. Cbeldelln and Hansen, with but little change In scenes. It la almost an epldemlo but hot drinks, etc., without th call of a physician seems to ba an excellent panacea . ; "78." Real Estate Transfbre. T. N. Rycman to E. A. Weston, swX, see 97,t7a,r9 w;t550. A. W. Stowetl and wife to M.E. Synnott, oeK of seK, sec 81, H of swX sod owX of sw X. sec 82, 1 4 n, r 4 w ; $300. Ben Selling and wife to Tlllte Dittonhofer, tyi ot sco 18, 1 6 n, r 9 w ; 12500. David Wilcox and wife to Geo. A. Wilcox, und a-11 of 695 aoret In tecs 18, 7, 19 , t4 n, r 4 w, and sea 13. 1 4 n, r 6 w ; f 1000. William Waddel to J. L. Waddel, nwX. sec 16, 1 6 n, r 4 w ; 81500. United States to G. W, Badger, ne of sec 7, 1 7 n, r 4 w ; patent. United States to Julius Floater, swK. see i, 1 4 a, r 3 w; patent. 8. H. Havard, adm. to A. L. Stehman, H Interest in nwX of swX and fot 6 sec IS, 1 6 n,r8w;8500. Hans Ikorholm and wife to Annie Holm, swX of ssX. sec 8, 1 4 n, r 4 w; $200. P. O. Kauffman and wife to W. L. Kauff- man, wH of ne$, sec 18, 1 6 n, r 8 w ; $1. John Maynard, by sheriff, to Mrs. Robert MoMath, seK of seX and lots 6, 6, 7 and 8, seol7, 1 6 n,r 6 w; $500. Newell A Watklns to Columbia Banking Co., store building on strand fronting lots 90 and 91, blk 11, St. Helens; $200. Northern Pacific Railway Co. to Astoria Railroad Co., right-of-way; $3250. W. M. Ayrea to Maiia F. Oberle, nwtf , sec 28, 1 4 n, r 4 w ; $1000. Ferdinand Adam lo W. T. Watts, neX of nei. sec 10. tSn. r9w; $80. RUCKLE BROS. ' VAnorACTuaiaa or Dimension Lumber, Mooring, Rustic. Sheathing, Casings, snd a complete stock of eveiy variety of Rough and Dressed Lumber ALWIY OH BAKP. AT THI OLD ITAND, BT. HELEK ORIOOM "Amoitq thb Briakbrs." The well known drama "Among the Breakers," wa presented to an audience of 150 people by local talent of this city last Monday evening. Tli plot of the play wa no doubt familiar to many pres ent, but that (act did not detract from public appreciation of merit in the manner in wbich tba player adapted themselves to tbeir several part. Tbe local company demonstrated that the word "professional" doe not slwsys mean what it implies, for indeed, many were tha assertion by member of tbe audience after tbe performance eon eluded that they bad paid one dollar many timet to see professionals who did not compare favorably with our home talent. Mr. 3. O. Muckle, Mother Carey, tbe fortune lelkr, paved her way to favor with ibe audience as the play progressed, and the rendition of ber difficult part wa greeted with approval at very turn, while Dr. Boss, as David Murray, the light-keeper, ap peared an artist in bis quick transfor mation from a deep dyed villain to an bumble sinner on the stool of repent ance. His wa the strong character in tha play, and hia work wa done well Mr. Vivian, a Peter Paragraph wa at borne wherever and whenever found, and aaide from being aa ag greseive newsgather, wa not alow in tb role of the flirt. Mr. George A Hall, a Bruce Hunter, the yacht cap tain, wa a central figure iu nearly all that took place, and hia persistent search for hia long-lost daughter re sulted in hi final success. Miss Frankie Way, a Bess Starbrigbt, tbe life preserver, won tbe heart of tbe audience from tbe (tart, and received frequent ovation, while none tbe less appreciable were to effort or Miss f illie Muckle, as Minnie Daxe, in the charming love scene with Paragraph Mr. Edward Joseph, a Clarence, with Beaa Starbrigbt, in tbeir cbildiab conrtabip, preaented a picture true to life. Mr. George rainier, as Larry and Mr. D. Davis, aa Biddy, provoked great laughter in their atolen inter view in the absence of Mother Carey, never missing an opportunity to ad' mire and ba admired the one by tbe other, while Mr. D. Davis, a Scud, the colored aervant, wa alway a source of amusement, combining comedy with tragedy and being ever alert to pleas the fair sex, but alway at croea point with Larry snd Paragraph. On tbe whole, the first attempt waa a auc cess, and we are glad to announce that the receipt were 845.20, which, after deducting 113.00 expenses, will be ap plied to tbe church building fund. Niwspapik Boycott. Mis Mar garet Snell, professor of household economy of the agricultural college at Corvallia has, on behalf of tbe faculty of that institution, inaugurated a boy cott against the ytazette oi that city becauae that paper ba, to some ex lent, given expression to some of the many shortcoming of the faculty in tbe management of the "college. Miss 8nell bas got a large contract on ber bands when ahe attempt to co erce tha press of the state into an en dorsement of ber farcical institution, with such a great educator at its head a "President" Miller. The unlawful occupation of boycotting newspapers generally elicits Inenda lor tbe paper so boycotted. Re solution of Condolence. Th following resolutions were adopted by th Girls' Earnest Worker Club at Bcap- poos at a recent meeting: ' WaiasAS, Divine providence has seen fit to remove from our midst, by death, tha beloved mother of our dear sister, Jose phine Larsen; therefore be it R molted, That the members of the Girls' Earnest Worker Club, ia convention sembled, extend to onr bereaved sister our heartfelt sympathy in this, her ssddest hour, and further we resolve these words bs enrolled upon our minute book and tbat a copy be sent to eur sister. Lulu 8. Feints. I Bistu SaAaaiKOHOuasai,). Com. LSVA BOSCBHAB. I Wbea Baby was sick, we gave her Osstoria. When ahe was a CblM, she criad for Oastoria. Wbim aba beoame Htim, aha dang to Castoria. When she had ChUdrea, ahe gave UMm Distorts Teachers' Examination. NOTICE is hereby given that for the pur pose of mskina an examination of all oersona wbo mav offer themeelraa aa ran. uioares lor teacners oi ma schools of this county, tbe county school superintendent thereof will hold a public examination at Bt. Helena, Oregon, on Wednesday, Febru ary 8. 18H7. beainniae- at 1 o'clock P. M. Applicants for state and life papers will also aHHj i aarae iime ana piece. vaiea ecappoose, January zs, van. J. G. WATTS, County School Superintendent. SECOND APPEARANCE The borne company will re-prod uco "Amongo e-THE-A. Breakers" -VAT'- SCAPPOOSE Tomorrow (Saturday) evening January 30, 1897 This drama was successfully produced in ot. Helens last Monday even ing to a large and appro . ciative audience. Admission only 25 Gents; no Keserved Seats. CHILDREN UNDER 12 TEAKS 15 C. aj "...., 1111 '"'" ii.iihiiii i hi ftuwwinm.niMiw . , wrw'Wii;; for Infants and Children. HTteTT ywavs sWratlsa af Csvtrla yrttk tha patwats f wstnie ef pera a, ynssH g 9 ayJe of H wltfcrt guessing. It im qi ttonably the bwrt iramody for Iafaatt aad Chfldwai fJsa wwll aaa stct kmwra, It fa Waaleaa. Chlldr lTke K. It Ktw th a aaaltB. It win say tfcefy Uw . Ia It Mother, lavs a thtin which fa ah lataly aafia aaid mmOamllr pwrfeot aa a ohild'. nwllcfaf. ,'" Cmatwrla deatroy. Wars, a. C wn allay. sVrorlsa s. .'..".'--.,' ' Caatewta. yrr te waaalUaa; Soarr OsnreV ' Caetowia ewnm Ptasraesa aaa Wlasl CoHsy . . Caatorta ralfawaa Taethlag Traahlaa, Caetsarfa awrea CmuUpmMtm and Flaitalamey. Caatorta sawtraUaea th affect ef aavaamla aoM g-aa aw wafaoaawa ate, ' Caatorla Jew mat contain mwrpalaa, apfanss, enr other aaraatta y epat ty. Caatarla aaafaatlatae tha food, wegalataa tha etesaaoh aad VawaJa, ' sTtetam haalthy aad austral aloana. ' '' Caatorla fa pat aw fa sas-ifas tattlaa It. It fa mat said in hash. Peat aUew amy am ta aeH yaw aaythtaaT aha tha plaa prmlaa ' that it fa "Jaat aa ajaad amd wDl suaawar awry yaipoae. . ataa that ya rat O-A-g-T-O-R-I-A. Tha flae-sdbsna SBfmatara af Children Cry for- jsVjsVAallrAisV Great Shoe Sale Misses Dongola Shoes, Ladies Shoes, from - Ladies Shoes, from Gents' Shoes, from Mens' $3.00 Lace or Congress shoes for $3.50 cork sole shoes for - - - - 6& 6& it( All Shoes Reduced in Prices. LEO SELLING, 167 Third Street, Between Yamhill and Morrison, PORTLAND, OR. ajs-'aa afrmwBrsea1 aa sy jsyya ajrmywa aa sja aa sy a styri Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, i TOILET t ARTICLES eryyyyy lVVrWpWWWVMr School An Unusually well-ielecled Stock of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen cils, and the Best Ink on the Market. . A FINE LINE OF FANCY STATIONERY Finest Perfumes and Soap. . Patent sfedtolses i SSiAr BW.Ar .SW BjBjr Ar Astoria llarWe Works J. H. IMHOFF, Proprietor, MAHUFACTUBBB OF Monuments MAKBLC AH ORANITK AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK ITALIAN MARBLC A aPKCIALTV. 35t of Twelfth Street, ASTORIA, OH. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. aTEAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 81. Helena. . Arrive at Portland Leave Portland . . . . . . Arrive at St. Helens... . 6:90 A M .10:00 A M . 2:80 P M .. 6:00 P M - sTABB CENTS. Will Carry Nothing bat Passengers and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. fawaorary Pitcher's Castorla. BsAA alhafJ 1 1 to 2, $1.25 to 95c - 2.25 to 11.85 1.75 to 2.50 ta 1.35 1.85 2.00 2.50 rwBranaamaaa ay asja Jeyjyiamnm wars, Supplies PHK8CWPTION8 CAREKUIXY AUD ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. A -SI- Sy Jlg.eSf iAt .Sly ..Sr BW.. -j COLUMBIA BANKING COMNY ST. HELCN. ORIOON Makea Investments, teeelraa de ta and does a general aanun CAPITAL STOCK, $20,00O. All kinds of rood seenrlttes bought and sold. Exchange, good everywhere In tbe world, sold. INCORPORATED JAN. . !. J. E. Nell!, president; K. W. Allen, Ties-president; a N. Scott, seorstarr; P. H. Ward, assist ant aeoretary; C. H. Neweu. oeshier. . THS BANQUET SALOON Has re-opened nnder th management Of GEORGE A. BRINN, corner of Strand and Cowlita Streets, 8t Helens, Oregon, where can be found th choicest brands ef Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devioee for the entertainment of pat rona, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGAF.S ( Besides other popular brands, are kepi constantly on hand to supply the increaeti trad at this very popular saloon. THB lAMOPa CYRUS NOBLE VIIini;V 18 KEPT AT B 8ASQ0IT.