The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 22, 1897, Image 2

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' , ' 222GLS & DAVIS.
herltla Hates.
On eopy on year la edvsnos...
vne copy ns monui
logi copy,
- 1
drrCluni rates nade kuuwn opon application
Jndtre......... ...Joseph B. Dou, Rainier
Clark Judson Weed, Vernome
Sheriff.. ............. J. N. Rice, Clatskanle
Iroasurar ,...B. U. Wharton 84. Helena
Supt. of School J. Q. Welts, Scappooae
AaMsaor Martin White, UiiIiwt
Surveyor.,,...., W.N. Meserve, Delena
Corouor... Dr. A. P. McLaren. lUiniw
CoaaMotM J K. D. Peterson, Mist
T. HELEN. !, JTA. t.
Tai tender of the portfolio of elate
by McKinlcr to John Sherman, the
old Ohio warborse, matt commend it
self to every republican.
At preee hour the populist hold-up
at Salem was etill on, though it wat
currently believed that an organisa
tion night be effected by foroe at al
most any time.
"What are the populiata io the leg-
ialatare doin. toward economy,'' aake
friend. Nothing except to bold up
the organisation of the bouse at a cost
to the state of several thousand dol
law per day.
These has been no time that the
populists did not bate strength enough
to organise the boose if they bad so
desired, but in this as in many other
ways they have shown themselves op
posed to good government.
How does populist economy as ex
emplified by the populist hold np soil
the voters who wers looking for legis
lative reforms last spring? The pres
ent condition does not differ materially
from lbs antics of populists all over
the country where they have been
elected to office since that party came
Into existence.
It is a peculiar thing to see Harvey
Scott and Hofsr in bed together, yet
that is just what baa happened iu s
political sense. The two are band in
hand for once. Hofer represents the
populists and Scott ths Simon repub
licans. Of course populism is no new
thing for Scott, for be openly advocated
populism last spring in the election of
Quian for congress.
BcPMiSTMDKirr Ikwis is in favor
of a text book on good morals in the
publio schools. Certainly it is being
recognised thai a eood education eon
sists more tban in the development of
the brain, and tbat good citizenship is
an important factor in it. The coun-
try need better citixene, and the
school is the proper place for starting
in the right patb. Albany Democrat.
Thxbs is a proposition to increase
tbs salary of member of congress to
17,600 for the members, and 910,000
for speaker of the house. The plea is
that a salary of f 5,000 is not sufficient
to enable them to take their families
to Washington to live. The next
move will be, after they hsvs served a
half dosen terms, to iv them a pen
sion and s fine mansion in Washing
ton as a permanent residence.
Ms. Bkyajt is reported to be already
convinced that nature did not intend
him to compete with a prima denna,
or even a first tenor, and that, ' as s
wandering star, be is foredoomed to
failure. It is a pity he could not have
arrived at this conclusion -from the
gloom that fell upon his audience last
summer. It is highly probable tbat
be regrets his highly rash rejection of
an offer tbat will sacredly be rewarded
It is said that Spain has sent nesrly
200,000 soldiers to Cuba sines the in
surrection began. Probably the insur
gent at no time in ths war ever num
bered a fifth or a sixth of their en
emies who confronted them. Whether
the defect in the Spanish military
character is the stupidity of its officers
or the cowardice of its rank and file is
hard to ascertain definitely. Perhaps
there is a good deal of both. At any
rate, it would be bard to find in all
history an instance in which an army
as dominant in number and equip
ment as Weylere is did as little work
which "counted" as tbat army has
done in the past twelve months.
Skvatob Mitchbl received every
vote in. the senatorial caucus, that cau
cus being composed of 47 votes, or
more than a majority of the entire leg
islature. Only 10 republicans stayed
out of the caucus. Tbe people said
by their ballots last spring that they
wers in favor of the re-election of Mr.
Mitchell and their representatives are
only carrying out the will of the ma
jority in electing him to succeed him
self. Contrary to statements made by is not the element that de
feated Dolph two years sgo that are
supporting Mitchell. His principal
support comes from the men who stood
by Dolpb until the hurt Bourne,
Berkley, Guild, et 1, fought Dolpb
two years sgo snd are fighting Mr.
I!;ti:hell eow.
At a regular term of lbs County Court of
ths 8Ut of Oregon for Colombia county,
begun snd hsld In St. Helens, on Wednes
day January 6, 1HB7, thsre wers present
Hon. J. B. Doen, udce; P. A. Frakss and
N. D. Peterson, comratsloners: J adeem
Weed, clerk; JT. K. Rice, sheriff.
The following proceedings were hud:
Matter of petition of Q. W. Rtobsrdson
et al, (or county road. Petition granted
and John W. Boals, John lfcAdams and A
K. Morgan appointed viewers and W. N.
Meserve surveyor, to meet at the residence
of G. W. Richardson on January ts, 189T,
Matter of petition of M. M. Franklin et
al, tor bridge. Petition rejected.
Matter of petitioa et JosUh West lor as
signment of tax sale. Petition denied.
Matter of petition of J. P, Tiiuouey for
credit of tax. Petition granted.
Matter of petition of 8. D. 8heeley (or re
mission of penalty and costs on tax sale.
Ordered that penalty aud costs be remitted
on receipt on orlginsl tax and cost ol ad
vertising. Matter of resignation of W. a King, Jus
Uce of tbe peso for Apiary precinct. Res
ignation accepted.
Matter of resignation of 0. W. Mskinster
Juttice of the peso for Deer Islsnd pre
cinct. Resignation accepted. .
Matter of petition of 0. B. Hunter for li
cense to sell liquor in Deer Island precinct
Petition granted. -
Matter ef petition of James M. Adsms et
si. for county road. Ordered tbat esse be
Matter at petition of A. T. Laws and O.
W. Barnes for an order restraining ths A.
A C R. R. R. company from appropriating
county road for uss o( railroad company.
Petition granted and the clerk ordered to
serve eopy of order of ths court on sahi
railroad company.
Matter of viewers' report en Slaughter
road. Report accepted and road ordered
The following road supervisors were sp
pointed to serve for the ensuing year:
District No. 1, W. Q. Pomeroy ; X, T. A.
Clouinger; 3. J. F. Downing; 4, Lindley
Meeker; 5, James Gsitens; 6. Frank
Bishop; T, Charles Sutton; 8, R. N. Love
lace; 9, A. T. Laws; 10, Dan Rice; 11. T. 8.
OJvin; li, John Boiler; 1J.C. B. Fisher;
U, Wm. Prlogie; 15, John B rouse; 18, J. B.
Mow ; 17, W. J. Banbora ; 18, Wm. Wood :
19, J. Y. Kauffman; 20. C. C. Moyer; 21.
Win. Rosa; 12, R.B. Meson: 23, V. Olen
iski;Si, P.O. Market; 23. B. P. Morten;
36. John King; 27, George W. Grant; 28.
John Berdhal; 29, Ambros 8chmltUn;30,
A.C.Bergersoa;81,F. M. Parker; 82, L.
Matter of remission of tax to M. J. Kin
ney. Ordered that the tax for 1891 be re
mitted. Matter of report of Israel Spencer, com
mander of John Bochsr post, G. A. R. Re
port examined and approved.
Matter of drawing jury list for 1897. Two
hundred names were drawn from the tax
roll from which to select jurymen tor the
year 1897.
Matter of petition of John Dibbles (or re
mission of tax. Ordered that $4.08 be re
mitted. Matter of fixing the tax levy for 1898.
Ordered thata levy of 5 15-30 mills on tbe
dollar be made for school fund, 1-30 mill
for soldiers and sailors Indigent fund, 17
14-80 mills for county fond and 4 mills for
state tax.
Matter of examining clerk's account of
redemption ol delinquent tax sales. Ac?
counts examined, fuund correct and ap
proved, i
. Matter of special school and road tax on
land bought hy Colombia county at delin
quent tax sale. Ordered tbat the dark is
sue warrants to the several school clerk
snd road supervisors for amount found due
on account of said tax sale.
Matter of petition of D. W. Freeman et
at, for change in boundaries of road dis
trict 13. Petition denied.
Matter of settlement with county officers.
Accounts of clerk, sheriff and treasurer ex
amined and approved.
Matter of deaiguating county official
paper. Petition of the publishers of tbs
Oregon Mist and Columbia County News
filed and the first dsy of tbe regular term
in March set for examining proof as to
subscription list of said papers at which
time the publishers are required to submit
certified lists of the bone-fids subscribers in
Columbia county.
Matter of report of M. L. Pratt, eom-
maoder Sumner post, G. A. R. Report ex
amined and approved.
Matter of additional bond -of sheriff.
Ordered that tbe sheriff give an additional
bond as tax collector in the sum of $8000.
The following bills were examined, ap
proved and ordered paid:
Judson Weed, sending Gove to sold
iers borne....... .......,...... 8 00
MO Grsy, typewriting for district
attornsy 6 40
Peter Bergersan, supplies for eounty
charge..... 18 60
A N Clark, canvassing election re
turns, November election.......... g 20
Edwin Merrill, same 4 20
A B Little, teachers' examination.... 8 00
JO Watts, same 9 00
Frank Bishop, hauling stolen prop
erty,. 2 00
Martin White, county assessor 25 80
C W Blakssley, work on assess meat -
roll 25 00
W H Bnmgardnsr, hauling stolen
property... , 6 60
Jacob Nusbaumer, rent of wagon. . . . 75
HO Howard, lumber, rd 4 3100
H R Cliff, examining three insane
pstients ,. 15 00
Edwin Rosa, same 18 00
Edwin Ross, medical attendance,
county charge 8 25
Anrys A Kistner, supplies for county
charge 7 76
Ah Poo, washing for jsil 2 60
Anrys ft Kistner, supplies for county
charge 10 00
Johnson A BurgdortTer, lumbar r d 27 8 60
Meyer A Frank, supplies for county
charge 8 80
WT Watts, lumber r d ZI. ........ .. S 12
C B Fisher, lumber r d 13 8 00
Smith & Thomas, lumber r d 18 8 00
G F Liadgren, supplies county charge 10 00
GFLicdgren, same..... 14 20
Wilson A Libel, lumber r d 12 27
G FLindgren, spikes rd IS....;..... 4 60
Lane Bros, lumber r d 1? 13 60
Lena Bros, same 28 40
John Palm, lumber rd 9..... 10 83
WH Dolman, supplies for county -
charge...... 7 90
Glass & Pradhomme, stationery.., . 22 00
F A Zilgett, spikes r d 15 ........... 6 00
J 8 Millard, board of eounty charge. . 15 00
W N Meserrs, county surveyor. ..... 19 80
F V Crane, wireing ebalrs for court
bouse , 8 00
Alma Beegle, teachers exas instlon . . 9 00
J K Bio, postage. 10 00
John Prlngle, supplies county charge 2 20
St. Vincents Hospital, attendaoos Mrs
Blake ..... ............ 800
Boneyaan, Dehart A Co, spikes for
rd 17 WOO
8 0 Swan, boarding county charge. . . 6 82
AH Sheffield, same....,.: 20 00
WH Wagner, aatn ., 85 00
Dart A Muckla, supplies tor county
charge .. : 10 W
A A Johnson, same 38 00
Glass A Prudhomma, stationery..,. . 15 80
T C Watts, supplies county o barge., u iu
Jesse Nichols, ehainman on Clatska-
nle road, a oo
K 8 Bryant, lumber rd 10 6 70
T J Cleeton, district attorney, State
vs. Isenhart... 20 CO
James M Ims), putting up election
booths In Clatakanle precinct...... t 00
A H Blakesley, boarding prisoners... 28 60
St. Helens Light A Water Co 7o
Oregon Mist, priatlog and stationery 60 60
News Publishing Co, stationery.. . . . 6 80
A C Johnson, witness before grand
jury ..; T 60
H Allen, deputy district attorney.... 10 Ot
Newell A Watklns, supplies (or court
house 2 8'
Dart A Muckle, asms... , ......... t 10
Henry Huber, support comity charge 16 00
P A Frakes, county commissioner... 23 00
N D Peterson, same. 31 40
A L Clark, J P (ess 8tale vs. Shalton 8 45
William Lee, constable, same. 8 80
C F Willis, witness, same.. 160
Kd Clark, same 1
W 8 Hall, earns 1 '
NB Golden, earns 160
B A Anrys, same 1 6.
G Buckbee, same 1 70
P Bnckbee, same .................. . 2 60
Moses Delaney, ssms 1 6t
I N Clark, J P fees, State vs. Peterson 4 4P
H Allen, deputy district attorney .... 5 00
J E Hail, J P fees, State ts. Peterson. 8 40
A B Haines, constable 1140
CEConysrs 170
A T Laws : 1 0u
A N Clark. J P fees. But vs. Felber 8 76
A Robinson, constable, same........ 23 76
Ed Black, witness, ssms 5 60
Charles Morrdl.same 6 70
Frank Bishop, same. 4 60
Albert Collins, ssms 4 7C
I L Decker, same . 160
A Robinson, same ..... 1 80
H Allen, deputy district attornsy.... 8 00
A N Clark, J F fees, Bute vs. Collins 6 20
A Robinson, constable, same 6 SO
A Robinson, witness, same. 160
Ed Blaex. ssme , .. 1 60
H Allen, deputy district attorney.... 6 00
IWMt from Salens.
Balxk, Or., Jan. 19, 1897.
The hold-up in the bouse of represents
tires continues with no present indication
tbat organisation will be effected. Bourne
snd Simon bold the top band at the present
time, but cb with a separate object in
view. Bourne wants to be speaker of tbs
house and is attempting to compel the re
publicans to join tbe populists to this end
while Simon keeps his men out in order to
compel Mitchell's friends to elect Bourne
hoping thereby to drive republican vote
away from the senator. This fact is no
secret about the state capitoi building and
i admitted by both ths populists and Si
mon republicans.
Thsre bss been no time since tbe legisla
ture met that the populists could not hare
brought about organisation by coming in.
Forty ts required to make a quorum to
transact business. Twenty-nine republi
cans hare been in their seats at every roll
call since the session began and have urged
and plead with the populists to come in
and assist In tbe organization. With the
twenty-nine republicans who have at all
timea been present 11 ont of the 15 popu
lists could have come in and saad np a
quorum and the state's business could have
been proceeded with; but instead ef being
on band to represent the state and ths peo
ple whe elected them, they remain in tbe
house until a roll call is demanded and
then stampede for the door and are re
corded absent. As soon as tbs call of tbe
house is finished and tbe temporary speaker
hss announced "29 members present not
a quorum," they return and take part in
any discussion that may be going on unit
another call of the house is begun. Usually
C'Ren, one of the populists from Clacka
mas county, is left on guard to raise the
point ot "no quorum" in ease an attempt is
msde to proceed with business.
The compact between tbe populists and
Joe Simon could not be more complete if
they bad gone through a special seoeo)
of training. It may be said, however, tbst
tbs republicans have but 37 member In tbs
house ,or three less than a quorum.aad con
sequently cannot organise without the
populists ere willing, and for this reason
every dollar tbe state loses by the beld-up
is attributable to tbe populist party, the
party ef '-reform, "eoonomy, ''retrench
ment," etc. H holding up a legislature is
reform then tbe populist party are truly
The constitution provide that if tbe
bouse fails to organise within tbe first five
days of tbe. session ths members do not
draw pay from the state after the expira
tion of the five days until such time as or
ganisation is effected. The five dayssx-
pired last Friday, and below is shown tbe
amount the state bss lost during tbst
time by tbe hold-up, the amount being di
vided equally between those who cause tbe
trouble. While their pay from the state
has stopped, it is generally conceded that
those who are ont are not losing any money.
With the 29 republicans who are present
all tbe time the populist have sufficient
votes to make a quorum for ths transaction
of business if they would come in, which
they refuse to do. Study the list below and
see who are for economy and who are not.
Berkley, pop .. $197 19
Boyer, Simon-rep. 197 19
Kilyeu.dem... 197 19
Bourne, pop ... 197 19
Buckman, pop 197 19
Oralg, rep 197 19
Davis, (Umatilla) Simon-rep ,. 197 19
Dayis, (Multnomah) 8imoo-rep .... 197 19
Dustin, pop.......... 197 19
Emery, union-bimetallic ... 197 19
Gill, union-bimetallic........ 197 19
Gratke, dam 107 19
Guild, aaion-blmetalllc...... 197 19
Hill, Simon-rep.... 197 19
Howser, pop ..- 197 19
Jones, Simon-rep 197 19
Krnss, pop 197 19
Lee.dem.... ,.. 197 19
Maxwell, Simon-rep 197 19
McAllster, pop 197 19
Misener, dem...... .....197 19
Munkers, pop.......... 197 19
Ogle, pop ; 197 19
Povey, Simon-rap 197 19
Schmldtleln, pop 197 19
Smith (Linn) pop 197 19
Svindsetb, pep. ,,. 197 19
D'Ren, pop......... 197 19
Wbitaker, dem 19719
Yoakum, pop.......... 107 19
5end for Fully
Large Stock, Low Prices,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Buell Lamberson
180 and 18a Front Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, Oregon
' Br, Haxans, Jan. 8, 1897.
To ths Intro:
8unny memories ot childhood. Do we
ever forget tliemf Tbe green fields and
thewildwood; the old home and tbs pool;
the church and the school.- The sighing of
.be winds through the old orchard was
iuusk to our souIhj thssweelett fruit In the
orchard ws knew, and the sourest, too. W
begin and end In obildhood. Our lat
thoughts ou earth are thoughts of child
hood. Parents ah mid remember this:
-mould hare a home of their owa. It mat
ters not how humble or bow obscure.
Every parent should be a philosopher to
the extent of knowing btiuself, so that he
may know his child. Then, aud only then,
is be prepared to train his child. There
are no regular rules for training children.
Ktery child born requires a new rule. The
ilrst six years of a child's life should be
tpect out of doors, when not otherwise en
gaged, regsrdless of tbs weather. If your
child is of delicate mold, fit It for agricul
tural pursuits; begin training from the
cradle tor an athlete; a plain, coarse, regu
lar diet composed of bread made from
ehole wheaten flour, mush and cream,
rge tables and fruit, with only a little meat
for dinner. Fruit three times a day and
between taenia, nothing else between meals
excepting fresh air and exercise. Tbe ssms
treatment should be given to a robust
It either is apt and vary smart and quick
to learn, you are unfortunate, but don't be
discouraged ; bold them back; don't le
thsra go to school more than half at the
lime or their brains will be fully developed
before they are grown, then they will have
arrived at their senith ra nUUy. On the
Hher hsnd, if be or she be what is called
tfcick headed" thank your star for that;
there ts bright future for tbat class ot
obildren, children that would rather plav
than eat. They have a good physical
foundation to build on. Their brains are
never fully developed; they are student all
their live.
Confidence between parents and children
should be mutual. Children should early
be taught to think and act for themselves;
to live in harmony with ths laws of nature,
her beauties and the perfection ot her laws.
Mot io lean on the doctor for physical
strength, but on temperance, In all thing.
Explain to them their natural environ
ments. Don't say with a flourish, "Every
thing in nature is a mrstery." Be truthful
to your children. Explain to them by s
natural law the movements of ths planetary
lystetn, movemeats of ths clouds, and tbe
laws tbat govern the animal and vegetable
Read to the children and they will soon
love to read themselves. I each them tv
think and talk about what they have rssd
and to work; lay out something for them to
do every dsy. ' Don't teach them to look to
the stars for happiness, but t little sets of
kindness they may do others day by day,
And, finally, when they leave tbs old home
stead tell them that ths latch string Is al
ways out for them; no matter bow much
Local Talent
Will Produce . . .
JAN. 25,
Tbe proceeds of which will be donated
to tbe building f and ef the
Episcopal Church
To be erected In this city.
Reserred Seat Tickets 60 Cents
General admission to cent. Ticket now
on sal at Ross' drag store. Doors open at
i :ou. peruviuBiioe ueging at 9 o oiocx snarp.
If OTHER CAREY, the fortune teller...
Mrs. J. G. Muckle
DAVID MURRAY, tbe light-keeper...
Dr. E. Ross
HOOTER, the yacht captain....
rJCTEK PARAGRAPH, tbe neswspsper
- correspondent...;.. .F. Vlrlan
CJLABANCE, Hunters son
.....Edward Josenh
BESS 8TARB RIGHT, the life preserver
.....Mlat Frsnkie Way
MINNIE DAZE. Hunters niece
Mia Tlllle Mtirkl.
BIDDY BAKE, ths domestic ....... .. .
Mrs. D. T)tI
LARRY DIVINE, tbe light tender .....
Qsorse Pslmer
SCUD, tbs colored servant
D. Davis
Illustrated Catalog.
Mail Order Solicited and
they may err. It thsy are unable to return
as often as they or you desire in person,
their souls will, like tbe birds, return to the
tunny scenes of childhood.
Upon tbe mountain steep,
Ur In tbe vslley deep,
And 'nssth ths starry dome
Einblasoned there it "Home."
' Btvdimt.
A Correction.
BtoHtLoa Flat, Or., Jan. I1, 1897.
Eu. Mist. In your paper lat week you
stated that the key to lbs Bastla, which was
presented to Washington by Lafayette, was
deposited In the tomb of Washington. You
are mistakes. It it banging on a nsll in
tbe door casing of the room in whloh Wash
ington died. Bald room la on second floor,
south snd of the bouse. The room b
furnished si it waa when Washington died,
same quilts, pillows, etc. On tbe floor i
his saddle and hi meat chest as used In the
war. In bis chest it bit pewter platet and
cups, buckhorn handltd knives and forkr
and on a stand are to be teen bit sword ant!
pistols. A visitor can sxamlos ths key. 1 1
bat been forged by a smith from a Vi I neb
rod and is Inchet long, and Is in shape
Ilk other keys, except the bandl It like a
letter "T." Mr. J. R. Beegle. who wat al
Washington the same lime a myself, can
vouch for th accuracy of my statement
With many apologies for my rather long-
winded statement, I rtmam yourt, etc,
F. If. Wtssta.
Notice l riant Settleaaeat.
1.1 ths undersigned has tiled bis final
account ana petition for distribution In tai
estate at Joseph Norton, deceased, and that
Monday tbs 2Sih day of January, WW, al
too cioox a. at., ana tne court room ot tin
Columbia County, hat been aDuointed bv
tne earn, vouitiy voon, as in mux ami
place ror bearing and determining- thi
same. All Demons Interested In said eetat.
are hereby notified to be and appear in said
Court at toe said time and place, and tih
ineir oojecuons, ir any wey nave, to in
allowance oi uie same.
Administrator of the Estate of Joseph
fiorton, defeased. A'&ya
IP.' &. SlUttx-fr,
. i . .
Will iiVaUHMe In at II Miirtet nt ftrnwt m wV.m.
Inn ton. Prompt attention fivu to eoovyvatv
IMf tMIU BUttM? t?UllDH.
umoin remaene. on roinmbla lrel, until
waaptvuon oi gacf euiiuiuf.
Title Abstract Books, Notary Public, Commis
sioner ot leeds lor Washlnxton, and an si per
St. Helena, Oregon
qb. B. B. our,
St. Helens, Oregon,
J). 1. B. BALL,
Olatskanle, Columbia eounty, Or
T. J. Clsstok.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Surveyor and Civil Engineer
County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town
P'stting and Engineering work promptly
Two Transcontinental Routes
Sookane, Minneapolis & St. Paul
' BT WAT Ot .'
For San Francisco.
For Kuli Detail Call on or Address
General Frsigbt and Put. Agt., Portland.
B. HeNelil, Pres. IBaamger.
Groceries, Clothing, .
Complete Stock
Flour, Feed,
All Kinds of Fresh Meats. Hams, Bacon and lard
Meat by Whole..l? . .
ai specuu Kate.
New and Select Stock.
Patent Medicines and Draft's Notions.
Stationery, Books. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Our table will al all time be found supplier! with the bet edible and
- delicacies the market slFurds.
Tbe hotel be?ing been newly refurnished we are prepared to clre tatif
... . .. j ..!..!. .
. lauuuu i su our patron, auu solicit your psirvoago.
J. George, Proprietor. St. Helens. Or.
O. R.&N. CO.,
Uaves Fortland dalle ascent giindar at 1 A. M.
Leaves Astoria dali .scept euuday at T P. tf.
O. K. 4 H. CO.
Leaves Portland dally Sunday at I P. M
Learae Astoria dally eioept Hunday at 7 A. at'
Tickets ol ths two Companies food so both
ttoju- .. , U. B. SCOTT, President.
K. A. 8EBLIY, Agent.
A. R. BLAKESLEY, Proprietor.
Board by Day, Week or Month
The table Is supplied with the best the market
affords. Everything elean. A share of ymtr nat
roues Is sollaltwl. HT. HKLKNH. UHKUON
STEAMER O. VT. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master.
PMmMi.J. iHJI 1. f&na m I n .i ...... . .. .
ii iu, lew, wm innn, mot oi vvaamnjruin etresi, ruesasy,
Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock. RelnrnlnB-Leeree Clateksnl. (tlds per
mitting), Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings st f o'clock. Will past Oak Point
about 7: Btelle JTilfij Mayger 7:26; Rainier 8:20! Kalama 8:1S; Bt. Helena 10:f. Arrlvs
in Portland 1 usl A . af. Thi wimRiht hu,.m th. .hi i. .k..u n.. j ... . .1...
- "r-..
I ' ' ' I .Hi. i
Leave Kelso Monday. Wedneiriavi. and Frlrlara at ft nVlorli a. tn. I.svt
Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m. . -
.Boots and Shoes
ojT Rubber Goods
Hay and Grain.
. . ..
James n. snciaon,
1000 Men Wed
Unload Schooners
Mot sealing schooners, lumber whosnert
or p'airi. schooners, but tcboonsr
of beer al Ui
"Model Saloon"
J. 8. CrONINOEB.rrop.
Al Mr. Clonlncer't plar of butlnttt eta
alto be found tbt bait brands of
V . . -AMO
Front Street, - St. Helen, Oregon.
To Exchangcl
A nneS-mota Unttajra with bath room,
stable and 6 large lota all let In fruit, only
one bluok from oar Una, In one of tbs best
suburb Silillilous of Portland. Will trad
fur farming land with river front. Ad
dress to- A. R. MILLER,
M W. Third ttrswt, Portland, Or.
... ' . ... u,,a,iigv tun i iiiuti . iiuiiw