PERSONAL AMD LOCAL. Hum Mist 11.00 jmmt Calllug ciJ piiiiUd at this office. S. 0. Davis was la Portland kit Monday, J . M. Archibald, of Esubeu, wm la fortlsnd last Saturday. nr. tt a. Caoles. ol Columbia City, wm iu town Monday last. Mn. Judsoo Weed and children wars In Portland last Monday. Get neat Job printing done tt this V offlos. Prices lower than tb lowest. Commercial job printing neatly and qulokly Uao t thia offlos. . : Mr. Frederick Vivian, ol Columbia City, wm on our streets lost Monday vcuiug. , 0. II. LwU, ol the firm o! Allen A Lewie, died lu Portland last Monday, of paralytic. Carroll MoKutt and Beub Sesseman, ut Vernonia, were la town laet Sunday aiid Monday. Jack Balmanno returned to Portland laat Saturday, after spending the holi days in this city. :, ' Mn. W. . Btereni, of Lake Farm, Sauvies ialand, ia very ill at one of the Portland hospitals. t Bsv.O. E. Pbllbrook will preaob at , Houltoa next Sunday morning and at J3t Helena in the evening. The "F. D." brand of butter will be i furniibed now for 60 oents roll. ; Leave ordere with Frank Dow. I MIm Amy George returned to Port I land lait Saturday, where abe reanmed Iter studies the iirat of the week. - Watson Philbrook, who la employed n the atore of N. A. Perry at Houlton, a reported very 111 with malarial fever. Ex-County Judge Blanobard, of Rainier, was in town Monday attend ing to probate business before Jude Doan. ,. : , ,. . I Mia Dell Butler, who bat been vlilt luu her mother in thia oity for aome I time, returned to Portland ImI But- furday. ' ' Mrs. A. Balmanno, who tM been ! vlalting relativea in thia city for sev eral days,- returned to her home in Portland lait Monday. ;: J. ST. Blatter, who wm formerly en- ?' ;sged In the barber business here, wte n the oity laat Sunday night, leaving I next morning for Portland. I Matter Oscar Weed, who bM been I viaiting relativea at Uoulton during 1 the holidayc, returned to hia etudiee at I lbs Philomath college lait Monday. William Joh niton latt Wedueeday moved hia aeow and fishing geiir to the lower river, where be will make preparalioua for the tpriug Billing season. 1 Fred Caples, who hat held a poti I tlon in Mr. Dolman's atore for about a I year, baa given up hia position and ' gone to Salem, where be will remain I lor aome time. -" Superintendent Watta wit In town ii Wednesday making plat of the new school dittrict which hot been peti tioned for at Biohelur Flu. The new diitriot will be number 64. I Tbe play, Damon and Pythial, wm presented to the public at Kalania by : Prof, and Mra. William Batmut and ; Mr. C. W. Avery of Portland, auitted I by looal talent, laat Tuetday eveuiug. After tpending aome time In thit (city with her parenta, Mra. F. L. Clear I left but Tuetday morning for Hons t land, B. C, where tbe will join her liuibund aud take up her permanent ' residence. ',. I D. W. Freeman, of Fiihhawk, wm 'Attending to buiinete before tbe county court lmt Wednesday. Mra. Freeman 1 accompanied him aafar at Deer ltland, I where tbe wac viaiting. Mr. Edmond Anrys patted through I tbie place on Thursday evening of lait i week on nie way to itainier, wnere ne I wm called to take the place of Mr. i Kiatner in tbe atore ot Anrya A Kiat- ner, the latter member of the firm be I log nnable to attend to bualneaa on account of sickness. I Mra. Dr. Blanobard, of Warren, started Wedneaday morning for New I berg, Or., where ebe will spend tbe winter with her titter. Mra. Blanch- ard hat for a long time made her home ': with her daughter, Mra. F. M. Warren, and will be greatly milted until her return In tbe tpring. 1 It it expected that a comic drama will be rendered by local talent in thit city in a abort lime. The title ot the play, we understand, la "Among the Breaken." Tbe local talent of St. I Helena haa never yet made a failure I in anything of thia character, and we I predict success will follow thia latett attempt. . For a pain in the cliett piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's I Pain Balm and bound on over the teat I of the pain, and another on the back I between, the thouldert, will afford ' prompt relief. This ie especially val '"; uable in cases where the pain ia oaated by a cold and there it a tendency toward pneumonia. For tale by Dr. E. Bolt. ....,v,;X:;;;; I Many merchant! are well aware that I their ouatomert are their bett frfendt and take pleature Id supplying them I with the beat gooda obtainable. At an I inttanue we mention Perry A Cam- eron, prominent druggists of Fluihing, Mtohigan. They aay: "We have no , iimimvion iu recommending unamDer lain'a Cough Bemedy to our oustonv t era, m it it the bett cough medicine we have ever told, and alwaya givet aalitiaotion." for s.tle at 25 and 50 , oente per bottle by Dr. E. Bote. . Not a few who read what Mr. Bobert Bowlt, of Holland. Va.. hat to tav be low, will remember their own eiper I ienoe under like ciroumstancet: "Lait winter I bad la grippe whioh left me i- In a low tlate ol health. I tried num eroua remediet, none ot whioh did me I any good, until I waa Induced to try a I bottle ol Chamberlain 'a Cough Hani. I edy. The flnt bottle of it to fur re 1 lieved me that I waa enabled to attend I to my work, and tbe teoond bottle , eflecled a cu.". For tale at 'lb aud cu ventt per bottle by vt, a, Kott. Eugene Blakeiley and John Dart atarted Utt Wedneaday for Bottland, ii.O. The boyt expeot to make their fortunes in the mlnot of that teotlon. Commiuioner Feterton, of M!tt, ar rived Juetday evening and entered upon hia dutiet with the county board Wednetday morning. , Attorney W. B. Dlllard bat moved bit law office to hia private retidence temporarily. Mr. Dillard expecU to build in the tprlng. , : Commiuioner Fraket came down from Scappoote Tueiday evening and eulered upon bit official dutiet Wed tieiday. Judge P. II. Ward, an attorney of Portland, wm attending to legal buti neat before the county court Wednea day... , Bobert Xrabrie and William Mauxy, two well kuown ploneert of Weibing ton county, died latt Tuetday. 0. W. Barnet and A. T. Lawt, of Quinoy, were in the city Wedneaday and Thuradey. Mitt Maud Decker haa been quite tiuk for tbe pMt week with an attack of asthma. Mra. W. II. Dolman left yetterday for Salem to be absent aome lime. F. M. Iloyti of Warren, wai doing bualnett in St. Helena Tuetday. Congrett reattembled latt Tuetday after their holiday vaoation. County Surveyor Meterve came up from Delena Taetday. Thi Mist and Oregonlan one year for (2.00 la advenee. Mra. J. H. Sheldon vltited Portland Wendetday. Frank Btihop, of Ooble, wat in town Wednetday. Loit Ilia Whiikkri. There it a man in Seattle, Waih., who wear a beard not bit, nor it it falte. The gen tleman in eiueition bet bit luxuriant beard that Bryan would be elected ; but when be wm called upon to pay tbe bet he begged tbat inmmuch at he bad been wearing it for 28 yean, and that tbe winter wm jutl coming on and the lott of it might reault fatally to him, to be allowed te wear it during tbe winter, which wm granted on tbe ooaditiont tbat be give a bill of aale of tbe beard and a written promise to out it off on July 4th next, which wm done. Tbe bill of tale ia on file in tbe auditor's office. I. HELENS BOHOOb MOTES. School opened Uonaty with a full attic d oo. .- W are In reeilpt of a tchool journal pub llibtd at Salem by C. H. J out, a former teachir of tbli tchool. It ia bright and niwiy, and flllta long felt want. We be inaak for it a toooeuf ul career. White In Salem laat wtek we had the pleeaure of meeting Mr, 0. H. Jonet, prin cipal of tbe Eut Balim ichool, and well known to the people of thii county. H hM com paced a long, entitled "Oregon," whioh ii dedicated to the tcbeolt of thi itate. It it very pretty and reflect great credit apoo thi composer. ecaia hutobt aaiav. Spain eoltnlied tbe lilaad In 1511. In 1SS4 and again la ISM Havana wm dwtroyed by thi French. Mataniai wti thi flnt city to fall into tin band! of tbe Iniurgentt. Cruelty and Injuitlc to tbe native bM al ways been the oreed of the Spaoiardi. Tbe preient revolution began February 2tlh, UOS, when the republic wai proclaimed by Marti.. In 1848 President Polk offered Spain a mlllloa dollar for the ialand, which offer wm refund. TbeconatltiitlonotCuba, modeled oo tbat of the United Stat, we adopted September S3, 1893. The revolu tion of 18C8 luted ten yara before Spain uocMded In oompresnUing by promlalng reform. A triangular blue onto, having a ling! ttar and Ave itripa, three ot red and two of white, It the flag of the republic. ahvih te ejOUTioxi. ' 1. Which It the oldeet city la th worldt A newer The oldeit oity In th world la Daraaacui, lituated in th Holy Land. Antwcred by Myrtle Newell. 3. Wbat American at n teaman waa known M th philosopher of t he revolution f Ans wer- Benjamin Franklin. Antwered. by Myrtl Mwll. 8. What place now bold th remain of Oolnmbuaf Anawer -8an Domingo. 4. Who drove the lait iplk upon th completion ot th N. P. R. R., aad who an. nounced th great work finished f Amwr Henry VUlard, rraiidint Grant. : 8. Who wm It tbat tet the great macbln ery In motion that opened th world' fair to th public f Answer Mr. Cleveland, wife of tbe president. 8. . By whom, where and for what re&asn WM th great China wall built t ; Answer It wm built by tbe Chin to prevent the Invukm of their territory by (he Tartan. It it situated In th northern part of Ohio Answered by Myrtle Newell. 7. Who it known m th first lady of the land T Answer Th president's wife. 8. What president were married during their term of office, and who were the bach elor president? - Answer Cleveland, Bu chanan and Arthur. 8. What are mirage, and what cause tliemf Answer Mirages are optical Ulu slons caused by unequal refraction in the lower strata of the atmosphere, by which remote object! on thi tea or land appear to be double a if reflected In a mlror, or to be suspended In the air. 10. Why Ii th picture of the Amerloan eagle placed on the money of th United State, aad what doei it represent 1 mw qumtiom. ' 1. Who wai th flnt whit ohlld born In Oregon f 2. What I meant by the tenure of office 8. What presidents were poor boysT 4. Who were th pronioten of ihe At lantic cable, and whit vessel wat used to carry the cable f 8. -What is meant by the key to the Bas- tlcf '. . A Correction. Dkkm Ihlakd. Or., Jan. 8, 1807. Kuitors Mist: In th St Helens school notes In your paper of December 26th, In the questions and answers I would make the following correction : St. Helens was founded by H. M. Knighton instead of M. F. Klnghton, and the piece wm first known as Plymouth until about 1850. Kowia Mebmli, BxcoMMgMDSD. At the laat meet ing of tbe board of truttoet of the Boldler't Home looated at Boteburg it decided to recommend the erection of a barrackt for the accommodation of 150 more inmate, a dining room and kitchen and to provide lor a Detter tupply ot water; alto to clear op the laud. These improvementt the board tliinka are necessary lor tne emcienoy of the home. Captain Hoyt Dbad. Captain Bicbard Ilovt. one of the bett known tteaniboat men in the itate, died at the asylum in Salem on Tburtday of latt week, lie waa committed from Lincoln county, where he bad bmn in charge of tbe government jetty for teveral montha previout 10 hia mental derangement. For a long time be wat matter of the mail tteamert be tween Portland and Astoria, and later wm a tbip pilot on the Columbia. Thi Haiuoad Gbadi. There it trouble brewing between the Attoria Bailroal Company and the farmert in the vicinity of Quincy, on tbe Mayger- CUUkanie road, where the railroad and wagon road parallel each other on tbe Quigley place. It tee mi from re port! that tbe railroad gradera have taken possession of tbe wagon road and thrown up their grade, deatroying the county road. Injunction proceed ing! are being prepared, and no doubt papera will be aerved on tne rallread official at an early date. Juat what the outcome will be time only will demonstrate. Fikihhid Its Labors. Tbe state board of equalization has finished its work in Salem and has adjourned. The expenses of tbe (essinn were 13, 840.07. As there Is only $2,925.70 on band to pay the expenses of tbe board the coming legislature will be called upon to make up tbe deficiency. Tbe total taxable property of tbe 32 coun ties in Oregon for the year 1890, m equalised by the state board of equali Mtion at its meeting which reached final adjournment lait Friday .amonnta to 143.170,61o, or 1 1 56,11 greater than that of 1895. Tbe grots valua tion of tbe property aa returned by the county boards was 1143.449,921; thit wm increased to 1151,863.214. The total amount of exemDtiona is 98,687,699. Most of tbe increase mads by tbe board wm In Multnomah. Tbe assessment for Columbia county wm left the same at returned by tbe county board, . Ths Futubb Maw. The email boy on the farm haa a great future before him. utt services and efforts are not very highly appreciated by the older members of the farm. As a rule be wears ont everything except a bar of soap, eats everything except tbe dishes and outlery, and then makes frequent visit to the orchard between mealt. Heis reqnired to bold the baby half the time, build fires, carry water, mind gap and gates, find fuel, run errands and keep employed doing varioua odd jobs between time. Boys may be a trouble, but tbe trouble only begins when we have lost their help and tbe enjoyment of their mitchievious pranks. . To see mud ballt iticktng on the barn, bird bouse out everywhere and "whirligig!" galore, it ia but a straw indicating what they may be taught ii properly educated. The melon patch would not grow, bird's nests would not be properly made, the eggs would not be found and the di minutive ox yoke would sink into innocous deteutnde were it not for the tmall boy on the farm. They are in bett products and should be well bred, Tbe future man is the small boy on tne farm. Dbiv Wrist Pasty. On New Years Eve., the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Muckle, of this city, was the scene of a very enjoyable drive wbitt party, where friends to the somber of 91 enjoyed tbe evening in a "friendly contest for points." Tbe parlors were beautifully arranged and decorated with tmilax, myrtle and holly. About 10:30 o'clock a aplendid luncheon wat served, after which the remainder of the old year was spent in music, dano log and social conversation. Mr. A. King and Mra. Jaoob George received the prise for having made the trreatest number ot pointa, scoring 30 in 16 bands. Judge Switter and Mrs. E. E. Uuick were the recipients ol tbe sec ond prise. ThoM present were : Mr. and Mra. Jams Muokle, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dillard. Mr. snd Mrs. Jame II. Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Quick, Mr. and Mrs. David Davis, Mr. and Mrs J. B. Beegle, Mrs. T. C. Watta of Keuben, Mra. Jacob Uaorge, Mra. IT. U Clear, the Misses Tillie Muckle, Flora George, Dell Butler, .Mary Burke, rankle Way, Agnes Muokle, Amy George, and Messrs. Cbarlea Davit, Watb Muokle, D. C. Tedford, A. King, Dr. E. Bom, Thomaa Muokle, Fred Caples, Judge D. J. Swifter and Wilbur Muckle. Tbe hour ot 13 arrived and, after aa exohange of "A Happy New xear" by all, tbe festivities closed. Proobbssivb Whist. Dr. Edwin Boi gave a very pleMant whist party at bis private offioes in tbs pharmaoy building last Saturday evening. The offices were conveniently arranged to accommodate eight tablea, at wbiob tat 82 players. At the termination of 16 banda it was found that Mr. a. U. Davia and Mis Mary Burke had won the first pritea for making tbe greatest number of points, each being presented with a splendid book from standard authors. Mr. U. U. led lord and Mrs W. A. Harris were awarded aecond prize for having made the smallest scores. The prize awarded the latter waa a minaiure drum bearing the in scription "Something I Car, Beat," and to the former waa presented a robust brownie, Next followed refreshments in great variety which were enjoyed by all. loose present were : Dr. Jfid win Bote, Misi Frankie Way, Dr. and Mrs. Cliff, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dillard, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob George, Mr. and Mra. D. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. N. A, Perry, of Houlton, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Harris, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beegle, Mr. and Mra. James Muckle, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sheldon, Mrs. F. L. Clear, Mrs. A. Balmanno, of Portland, the Misses Willie Caples, of Columbia City, Tillie Muckle, Mary Burke, Miss Knowles, of Portland, and Meisra. J. T. Muckle, Fred Caples, D. C. Tedford, S. 0. Davia, A. King, and Bay Logan, ot rortiand. .; DELENA ITEMS. Mr. 0. E, Wonderly returned from Port land th latter part of but week. Robert onion bu moved bli family on th J. A. Atkins pi act for th winter. Henry Kelson returned to Weetport last Sunday, wher b will befrlu work with Olson Broi. Elmer Ueiem snd his best girl attended ths New Year's dance at M. 3. Kettering's snd report everything flourishing. : Mr. Lottie Olson, of Westport, daughter of Mr. and Mn. John Nelson cf thit valley, bat be n visiting her parent for oni week put. Mr. and Mn. 1. W. Bbults returned last Sunday from an extended trip to the Upper Clatskanle settlement, whsr they spent New Year's day with friends. Oust Loregrens, of Stewart Creek Lodge, I. 0. O. T attended th order at this place last Saturday. Mr. Lovegrene i an actlv member in tbe order and we are pleased to welcome him at any time. A. K. Morgan bM been suffering for torn day put from a sever cold, but at this writing is much imprerad. Mr. Morgan, however it not th only one thu afflicted, for it seems to b a general complaint throughout th valley. Thomas Meserve bM been engaged In manufacturing picture frame during the rainy weather and at this Urn hM a half dosen or mora on the "(locks," which will compar favorably with th bed. Give him a trial when in need of anything in that line, as be guarantees satisfaction or no pay. ... W wondered what nade Mark Boal look so disconsolate of late, but learned later tbat hi girl had gon back to Port land to winter. That ia a aad affair to con template, Mark, but feav courage, and when th sunny days of spring bay brought th robin and th lark back to ber nests, and the air Is perfumed with the blossom of th clover, she, too, may blther come. Mr. and Mrs. William Holsappla Invited a number of their friend to a party last Tuesday vnlng, tbs event being their daughter, Stella' 18th birthday. Th time wm nJoyably passed in game until a late hour, when a delldous luncheon wa erred, after which all retired, to their several home highly pleued with tbe amiabl manner ia which they had been entertained. Miss Elnora McCtiney, of Portland, and her friend, Mis Lena Nelson, arrived in tbs valley last week in time to enjoy th New Year' festivities with her sister, Mrs. William Holssppl. Mis McCUncy is on ot Multnomah county' most successful teachen (as 1 attested by th fact that sh hM been employed in the same school for torn thre years), and will remain here for several week to get a much needed rest before golag Into tbe schoolroom again. John Syrerson, of Dent, wm on our streets Monday, and from him w learned where Will Meservs wm on New Year's Eve., when h wm seen going for bom at a phenomenal rat of (peed at i o'clock the next morning. They war watching the old yew out, (not alone, of coarse,) and each hoping the other would go, until they becam enraptured by worldly thing and failed to notice how Father Time atrod on in hi resistless march, until, to their con sternation, the hand of tb clock had noiselessly crept around to th small houn ot the night, snd th new year stood a rayed before them, in all his splendor. Suddenly realising that "two ia company and three a crowd," and that the itev had long bee cold, they both took leave, each declaring la his own mind, "I'll not try a gam of freeie out again." MIST NEWS ITEMS. Mil Mabel Harvey Is very sick. Mr. A.J.Orwlg went to Clatakani Fri day. Mr. and Mr. Orison Htatt attended tb dano Friday night. . Mr. Oliver Fisher (pent Sunday visiting friends on Deep creek. Th dano given at MUt en Nsw Years nigbt wm well attended. Mr. George Fisher spent New Years with Mr. and Mn. John Wilson. Miss Edna Moulton will commence school in Cla tetania next Monday. Mr. Olirsr Borri, of Natal, wm in town Monday doing some trading. Miss Edith Deed want to Portland Fri day to attend the Busin college. 0. B. Fisher started up bt logging camp near Smith A Thomu mill, Monday. Mart Harvey, who hM been working over on Deep creek, returned horn Friday. L. W. VauDyks closed a very luoceaifnl term of ohool in th Burn district on th 29th ot December. Frank Smith and Frank York are Hay ing a few day on their claims, which ars located on Bock creek. The school In district No. SI wm closed last Tuesday by order ot th directors on aooount of the measles. , Miss Edith Llndgren, who hM been spending tb holiday with her parent, re turned to her itudle in Portland but Fri day. W see by th Newt that their corres pondent from MUt Is still holding forth, How long hi will be abl to do so ia hard to tell, but we are inclined to think that it will not last long, if his new item are "all wool and a yard wide," as he say they are. The following programm wa rendered at the Christmas dinner given at th horn ot Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Orwig: Opening song "In tb Manger" Mr. Orwig, Anna and Badle Recitation "Good Ad vice".. Clifton Orwig Keoitation-"Th Hill and Valley"... Bertha Fisher Recitation "Only" ........... 8adie Orwig Recitation 'Throwing Elsies" ..... ..Ada Fisher Recitation The Baby of Bethlehem" ... .......Jennie Orwig Song "Hark! the Angel Band ia Sing ing" Mr. Orwig, Sadie and Anna Recitation "The First Christmas Gift" Anna Orwig Recitation "Poem venut Peanut". ... ..Eva Fisher Recitation "OhrlsmM Gems" . ....... Herbert Orwig Song "Jesus the Light ot the World" Mra. 0. B. Fisher, Minnie, Anna ' and Sadls Orwle. and A. J. Orwls Recitation "Yankee Boy"... Edwin Orlig Song '-There la One Mighty to Save" Mn. 0. B. Fisher, Minnie, Anna and Sada Orwig, Bertha Fisher and Mr. A. J. Orwig. Recitation "Philander Col".:... ... , Edwin Orwig Song "When the Soil 1 Called up Thar" ..... Miss Anna and Sadie Orwig, Bertha Fisher. Mn. C. B. Fisher and Mr. A. J. Orwig. VERNONIA VARIETIES. Bev. McElroy ha commenced a revival meeting at Vernonia. A large crowd worked last Saturday it clearing up tb nw chool houw grounds. B. H. Mitchell bat been busy the past week paper-banging, etc., and otherwise putting the finishing touches to Alonso Adams' house. Tbe Job shows that R. H. understands bis business. A lira nartT numbering! sat dowo to a table loaded with good thing at tbe house of Mr. and Mn. O. W. kic on w i ear .day. : WMfh will hare the most effect In bring ing prosperity, the change of administra tion or aeveral million peP'S inriungorer a new leaf T ti,f dance New Yenr'a night at th houe recently ooeopUd by William Well. Th young folk took daylljiht fr returning home. The Vernonia cllv council at their laat meeting, levied a 8-mlll city lax. It is n,il ihli will nlac Vernonia free of debt. Vernonia city warrant are now telling at par. Th. failnwln waa the bill of fare of tbe New Year's dinner at the home of ex- County Commissioner Spencer: Roast turkey uibiet tance Mashed potatoes Boiled pannip Piccalilli Boast pig Dressing Celery Ballad Corn, Tomato Pickle Plnm pndding Pumpkin pi Mine pie Choralate coke Fruit cake Fruit. Coffe. i Th. a-neata nresent were: Mr. and Mn. s R Kinmnns. Mr. and Mn. E. E. Rldg- way, Dr. and Mn. C. H. Newth, Mr. and Mra. V. Tracy, Misse Wlnnt ana ray Newth, Messra. 0. B. Malmsten and Cbas. Newth. After dinner the young folk mn.nmA th.nia.lre IiV lilDH and music. while th older one present toe It a troll ovr the well improved farm which Mr. Spencer hM hewed out of the virgin forest, and after viewing tbe excellent orchard .nrf wall cleared irrouxda round the house. also tbe large eedar and fir stumps In tbe process of destruction by Omar s az ana mattock and Mr. Eidgway stump-puiier, it wm unanimously voted that Nebalem Is the peer of Oregon and Oregon equal the world in furnishing a home in every mm of tb word. Mr. Spencer bM some fine blooded stock from theH. West stock farm of Scappoos. YANKTON NOTES. James Co, of Houlton, wm ia Portland Wedoatday. Mr. I. O. Btanwood and son spent their holidays at Sidgfield. Mr. Saraaei Oliver and wife spent the hol iday with frlsnds abroad. Wm. Karth spent a portion of Saturday and Sunday hi Spring Valley. Snow was flying thick and fast on Bunker hill and M far down as Peri laat Sunday. Mn. Alva Wlkatrom left last Tuesday on an extended visit to her parent at Grant's Pas. Mrs. M. A. Kyle ia recovering slowly from tb effect of being kicked by a bone not long since. Mra. Msry Vfikstrom snd Miss Kisst Moyer, of Pri, spent a portion of Satur day and Sunday in Yankton. Mrs. Etta Knighton left for RIdgfield on Wednesday, where ah will spend a few days with her sister snd friends. M. A. Kals, J. N. Brlnn, A. A. Smith, Mr. Ooheen and a number ot other from this place, spent Sunday in SU Helena. Mr. Con Curry't mother-in-law, Mra. Gibson, spect the Nw Year holidaya in Portland and with her eon down th river. Fred Hendricks, Letter Bailey, John, Sidney and Laura Smith, ot this pUoe, at tended th dance at th Peri school bonse but Saturday night. Th ball at Houlton New Yean Eve. was the most enjoyable affair of th season and th rapper prepared by th ladies of that place wm fin, and could not b surpassed in ths land. Th Nw Year parties given at Charles Briggs' Thursday night and at H. O. How ard's Friday night were very enjoyable, both for yoong and old. Taffy pulling and game were th enjoyment. H. 0. Howard mad a driv ot railroad tie down Milton creek aad through the Oregon Wood Company' Hum to Houl ton, last week, with good tnocess reported, and much cheaper thaa trans portisig by wagoa. HATOER ITEMS. R. T. Boal I studying law at Kalama. Muddy road and lots of rain now days. Mr. J. G. Severn spent ChristniM In Port land. : Wm. Raniaw paid Rainier a visit laat Monday.--'-. . v - Mrs. J. W. Boali ia visiting Mra. J. A. Atkins this week. Miss Bell Edgar, ot Rainier, Is viaiting friends here this week. W. J. Sanborn haa about finished bis first contract for plllag. A iarg tore of men ia at present engaged on th railroad work at thi place. Mr. Fred Turner, ot Portland, apent th OhristmM day with Mr. J. W. Boali. The protracted meeting still gees her Wonder how many souls have been sired? Several of our sporting people visited tb dance at Delena Christmas night and port a good tim. Robert Boal, of Kalama, who has been visiting here for a few days, returned to that place Thursday. Mn. Clairmont. who hM been very sick at the hospital in Portland for some time. is expected home soon. Thar I a lame force of men at work on tbe road leading to Beaver valley, and th Improvement mad are (ubstantial and durabl. Th house of Frank Hudson was broken into and robbed last Sunday In broad day time, between 110 and 50 worth ol things being taken. Albert Atkins, of thia place, met with the misfortune the other day ot catting off two fingers whll sawing shingles for Snyder A Co., ot Stella. Mr. Fred Mcldami, while out horse back riding, had tb misfortune to break his arm. his horse becoming unmanageable and running away. BORN. SCOTT. At Warren, on 8anday. January S, 1897, to tb wite of Henry soott, a son PBOFESBIONAL. ATTORNEY -AT -LAW . . Will pnurtloe In all eoorta of Oregon er Waah lnitton. prompt aitentlon given to conveyanc ing, and notary'e bustaeae. ' ' Office in residence, on Colnmbla street, until completion ol ostce butldlug . jy. EDWIN BOSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon J-JR. H. R. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St, Helens, Oregon. pW. . HALL, PIIYSiniAN- AND SURGEON. Clatakani, Columbia county, Or. T. J. CurroH. H. Allbm. ALLEN it CLEETON, Attorneys and Counselors at Law ST. HELENS, - OREGON. yy N. MESERVE, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DELENA, OREGON. County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Plattina? and Eneineerinc work nromotlv executed. S-.SV. ASrr. . 1 Your Honey's Worth Every Time f 4 At Dolman's Store t 1 COLUMBIA BANKING COMPANY ST. HCLCNS, OMCO.ON Ifakea Investments, receives deposit and doe a general oanaing oasiaea. Capital Stock. $20,000. All kinds of rood aecnrltle honrht and Exchange, good everywhere in the world, sold INCORPORATED JAN. S, i86. J. B. Nelll. sresldent: ft. W. Allen. (tM-nmd. dent; C. M. Scott, secretary; P. H. Ward, assist ant secretary; C. H. Newell, cashier. Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, t TOILET J ARTICLES .... School i Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pea oils, and tbe Best Inks on the Market. A FINE LINE OF FANCY STATIONERY Finest Perfumes and Soaps.. -...-Patent Medicine La VsAVAAsSliAAVAAAAAAAAAj Oregon Shoe Stores 108 Third St. bet. Morrison and Yamhill Special Sale of Shoes Oar Stock I Complete. Embracing all Pop ular Last in LADIES', CHIL DREN'S and MEN'S SHOES Ladies' Dongola Kid Sboes, In Narrow, Square and Piccadilly Toe; and Common Sense Laets. SI. 25 to $3.50. New Oxfords in Tan and Black, Common Sense. Narrow Square and Piccadilly Lasts, from 90 cent op. Men's Shoes np to date, from $1.25 to $3.60. Children's and Misaea School Shoes from 60 cents up. Children's Spring-Heel 9 to 12, 60 cents. Children's Spring Heel 6 to 8, 60 cents. We Sell Reliable Goods Only. OREGON SHOE STORE, 168 Third St. bet. Morrison and Yamhill, PORTLAND, OREGON. All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to any point on the river at tbe Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half - la FARM PRODUCE. Address U orders to H. B. EORTHIICK, GOBLE, OREGON. Lumber HEY7ELL & WATKI1IS Groceries, Hay, Floar and Fed XIOOB Ann MIU.1WLE. Country Produce Boaeht and Sold, and Ei changed for Goods. Undertaking Goods furnished on Short Notice. I Store on Strand Street, ST. HELENS, OR. Astoria llarWe Works J. H. IMHOFF, Pbofristob, MAHUFACTUBEH OF Monuments OBANITS AUD ALL KIHDS O? CEMETERY WORK ITALIAN MARBLE A SPECIALTY. Foot of TwelfUi Street, ASTORIA, OR. TO THE GIVES THE CHOICE 0 Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAY OF Sookane, Kiirceapolis & St. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BT WAT OF DENVER, OIAHA, & KAHSAS CIT! LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN 8TEAMER8 LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DATS For Saa Francisco. For Full Details Call ou or Addresa W. H. HTJRLBURT, General Freight and Fas. Agt., Portland. E. KIcKelll, Pres. aei JHsia;r. Supplies PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY -AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. -THE- BANQUET SALOON Has re-opened under the management of GEOKGB A. BRINN, corner of Btrand and Oowlita Streets, St. Helens, Oregon, where can be found th choicest brand of Wine and liquor Card tables,-pool table, billiard table and other devices for tb entertainment of pat. roue, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRinIl)I)IE CIGARS - Besides other popular brands, ar kept constantly on hand to supply the increased trade at thia yery popular saloon. ) THS FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS MPT AT HB BANQUKT. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER Young America VIA--, WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave Rt. Uj.Ha . Arrive at Portland'.!"!'." ".;;!',;i0;00 A M bt9 rortiana... ............. 2-SO P M Arrive at St. Helen f -M P M WBE II CENTS. . Will Carry Nothing but Pasaengera and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. Decker's BAEBER SHOP 1. H. DKCKER, Proprietor. The old and reliable Wber has Ma re.ton) juat aa sharp a, ou he found, and will shnve you eomlottably aud quickly lurouiy Ifionu. ST. HELEN8, .- - 0IU'iOS