The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 25, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. XIV.
XO. 1.
Epitome ot the Telegraphic
Newt of the World.
An Ititeroitlng Collection of 1 Urn. Frow
Ilia Two lleiulapharea Preaonted
In Uomteuaed Form.
M. Phillips Eugene Cuisaart. radical
deputy for the flrt division of Laen,
Fruuoe, is dead.
A Rouen dispatch say tba Frenon
burner Marls Fanny Is a total low,
off the island of Alderuoy. The cup.
tain win lured. Fourteen members of
die crew wen drowned.
Ernest Clime, of Detroit. Mioh., ont
the throat of lila wife, and with the
nine weapon out hia own throat from
ear to ear and fell dead beside her.
Tlio tragedy was the climax of a life
of ouhappiueas.
Alexander Srflvlnl, ion of Toraaaa
Salvlnl, the great Italian aotor, died
In Fioronoe, Italy. lie died of intes
tinal tuberculosis. The Italian news
paperi publish euloglstlo obituariei of
Ilia deceased aotor.
C. 8. Jackson, of Pendleton, Or., ha
itarted popular lubtoription to help
the Cubaus. Mr. Jackson aayi be baa
been asked by protniuent oitiaeni of
Oregon to bead the tuoTement. Lo
oally, there baa already been offered
bearty support "
The London News has a diapatob
from Berlin with reference to minora
of reprisals aHaluat A merlon n petro
lmm. It says thst German ooneumer
are likely to auffer more by thla move
than American exporter. Hnul. Kui,.
scarcely able to aupply Germany.
Governor MoGraw, of Waahington,
baa offered a reward of 93S0 for the ar
rest and oonviailon of the pereon or
person who placed dynamite or other
explosive awler theHrttntfiMoupied.
't MiTd brother, at Prairie;
in bkegtt oowfty. Thia ia iu addition,
to the uX ( tuo offered by the.
oouiiniaslouera of tliut oounty.
The aanill Ore loaa on the Paoiflo
ooaat wblob ha marked tlila year over
ita immediate predecessors ooniiuued
last mouth to oompenaaUi for tba fall
log off iu premiums. For tba entire
ooaat the atuouut waa only f 284,01)8.
made up of fin, 107 on builJinga and
136,081 on thotr oonuints. The loaa
fur November iu 18US waa 9296,884,
and in 18U4 9038,135.
Representative Ellia, of Oregon, baa
introduced a bill extending nntil Janu
ary 1, lbUU, the time In wbiob settler
ui m forfeited railroad landaoan make
payment. The bard time have made
it difficult for settlers to wake their
payuieuta, and Mr. Kllia baa been
an lied to secure an extension. There
ought to be no objection to the bill,
aud It will no doubt paai, if time oan
be obt lued fur lta consideration.
Senator Squire, of Waahington, bai
prepared an amendment which he In
trude offering to tbe aundry civil ap
propriation bill, directing tbe aecretary
of the inteilor to apply 935,440 nPn
tbe penitontiary at Walla Walla. Thia
ia the amount that (till remain unex
pended of Ui appropriation of 980,000
made by oongrea for the purpose of
building peniteutiary in Washington.
It i the intention to have tbe balance
naed to oonatruot a wing on the poni
tentiary. .
Hon. A. O. Blair, Canadian mlnleter
of railway and canal, and Colonel
James DomviUe, member of parliament,
were In Seattle recently and wbil
there Mr. Blair reoitod the reiulta ot
lila Investigation of Crow' Neat Paa
Tallway in British Columbia. Ha say
the oountry i undoubtedly toob that it
will demaud better railway facilities.
Ctlouel DomviUe, one ot the leading
liberalise in tbe Dominion, aay gov
ornmeut aid ihould be extended to the
Crow'a Neat Paa railway. Hi Idea
la to run It aa a public highway. ,
The net reolt ot the experiment of
the board which i inveitigating the
battleship (tool ha resulted in the con
demnation ot nearly the whole amount
now stacked np in the Newport New
Uhlp-Building Company' yard. Sis
out ot twelve teat piooea, which ihould
have been folded baok on the vessels
without breaking, either broke abort off
aa readily aa caat-iron, or tore apart
with leas brittleneai, but none tbe lei
oertuiuty of failing to meet contract re
quirement. Theae diaoloaore will
lead the board to extend their investi
gation much further than anticipated.
The Medford. Or., distillery, which
ha been in litigation for tbe paat year,
ha been luld atauotlon by the receiver,
for 18,000. iThe original ooat of the
plant wa 110,000. a)
The heavy raina of tbe paat few day
have again oaoaed Mill oreek, in Salem,
to rise and overflow it bank, in con-
eqnenoe of which Chnrob and Marion
atreet aud adjaoent property ara
In Pierre, 8. D., in the mandamu
oaae to compel tb iaauano of oertifl
on tea to Republioan eleotor on a par
tial onnvai, the court ha held that the
board ha a right to adjourn and eoure
complete jroturu. Thi give the vio
tory to tbe Uryan elector.
Kx-Treasurer G. W. Bogg, ot Ta
coma, i again in jail in that olty, be
having aurrendered himaelt to the aher
iff at Spokane. Bogg'a attorney are
preparing to petition the (upreme oourt
for a rehearing of hi oaae.
Tbe Newaukum river, in Waahing
ton i booming aluoe the reoeut rain,
and'haa done oonalderable damage to
nerty. The dam at the lumber mill
of Stone & Son, near Uhehali. ha
been waahed out and between 93.000
and 18.000 worth of damage to tbelr
property reaulted.
Bixth day Soustor Morgan, of A ,
bama, held the attention of the aoni,
and well-fllled galleries for an hour
day by bii earneat advooaoy of a atro
and deolslve policy in dealing with t
Cuban queatlon, The prouiincno i
Morgan in the Cuban dobate of laat e.
ion, when be bad charge of tho Cuba
reaolutioni reported from theoominti
tee on foreign relatione, gate eipeoia;
1 n tnrua. 1.1. ...... I- .. .1 i t
u uiDinwiiuuH ityie,' MJinoogn mi
worda bad a directneaa and severity in
ploturing the horror exieting in Cuba
unb a la aoldom beard in the aenato.
Mr. Morgan apoke freely of the coaai.
bllitle of war, weloomina it if ncea
aary to guarantee the protection of
American oitiaeua. He aaeerted that
Bpaiu' bankruptcy would orevunt the
oolleotiou of any indemnity for wrong.
The aenator queationed the wiadom ot
tbe prealdent'l poaition. that srantinv
of belligerent right would be "uu-
Minut. ll
Seventh day Tbe ceaaion of the en.
te developed the moat eventful and
xuitlng debet that either branoh of
oongre ha beard in a long time. It
brought forward the reooanlssed leadera
of the varlou parties and elements, in-
oiuaing auotj oonaplouon figure a
Bberman, Frye, Teller. Oorman, Veat,
Aldrioh, Piatt, Mitchell of Oregon,
Chandler, Hale and Allen, in notable
tutementa on tbe leading queatlon
wbioh' bare engaged the attention of
the oountry of late. Not only wa tbe
line laid down on tariff and finance.
but tbe debate partook of all the pent-
op feeling resultant from the national
oonteat. It waa dramatio in ita inton-1
ty, and at all time abaorbingly in
ereeting to the crowded galleriea and
fcody of senator. The debate oame un
expectedly when Veat oalled np tbe
Allen resolution for consideration of
the Dlngley bill, In order to make re
mark on it Bnt it remained for Sher
man to formally annonno that tbe
Dlngley bill wa dead. He aald be
oould not always apeak for bia aaao
olatea, but, in view ot what bad been
aid on the floor, he felt that he oould
tofuly announoe now that tbe Dlngley
bill oould not be paaed, and that it wai
nation to waite futher time ou It.
Eighth day The senate today pawed
the immigration bill, known aa the
lodge bill, with a new section provid
ing that the exclusion aball not apply
to persons arriving from Cuba during
tb oontlnuanoe of the proaent dleor
Sera there. The strength of tba bill
wa greater than had been expected,
tbe final vote being Hi to 10. Aa
passed, the bill amende tbe immigra
tion laws so aa to exclude from adula
tion to tbe United Statea all persona
aver 16 years old who oannot read and
write the language ot their native
lountry or some other language, but an
tdtntsaable Immigrant over the age of
16 may bring in with bim, or send for
bis wife or parent or grandparent or
miuor children or grandchildren, not
withstanding their inability to read or
write. The Cuban section added to
Die bill provides that the act shall not
apply to persona arriving in the United
States from any port or place in tbe
island of Cuba during the continuance
9f the present disorders there; provided
luoh person have heretofore been in
habitant ot that Island. The bouae
moudinenta to the bill concerning
land of the Atlantic & Paoiflo Rail
road Company were nouoonourred in
nd Hill, Piatt and Clark named a
lenate oouferees.
Sixth day Tbe bouae today entered
opon consideration of the Loud bill to
amend the law relating to the transmis
sion ot seooud-olaaa mail matter. The
bill ha been widely discussed In the
public press, and met with the most in
tense opposition from oertain qoarters.
It denies the right of serial novels to
admission to the mall at the news
paper rate of one cent per ponnd; de
oie to newspaper the ample-oopy
privilege; prohibit the return ot un
sold publication at the pound rate and
make acme other change in the pres
ent law, designed to oorreot exlating
. Seventh day Bailey of Texas, creat
ed a ripple ot - exoltement in tbe bouse
today by aaking Immediate considera
tion of the resolution to Investigate the
oonstruotion of the battle ship . Texas.
Dlngley of Maine, thought the resolu
tion ought to be considered by the com
mittee on naval affairs befoie being
aoted npon; be therefore objeoted. On
motion of Chairman Hull of the oom-
mittee on military affairs, the bouae
went into committee of tbe whole for
consideration of the . army appro
prtation bill. Several amendments
looklna to the abandonment of tbe
army and navy hospital at Hot Springs,
Ark., and the surrender and transfer
of the reservaiton to tbe interior do
partment were offered. :
Eighth day The house today paased
the third of the regular appropriation
bills (tbat for the support of the army),
and entered npon consideration of the
legislative, exeoutive and judicial bill,
Tbe latter but carries f3i,o,86B, or
986,81)0 more than the law for tbe our
rent year. Fair progress was made to
day. It is expeoted this bill and the
military aoademy appropriation bill
will be passed before the holiday re
cess. The army bill, a passed, makes
no proviaion for the army and navy
hospital at Hot Springs, Ark.
Beoretary Olney has reoeived cable
grams from the United Statea legation
at Petropolia, Braall, announcing that
Brazil has aooepted the rules for tht
prevention ot oolllaion at aea, framed
at the maritime oonferenoe , held at
Washington. Tbe chief maritime na
tion of the world have now given
nwent to the international rule, and
they will go into effect July 1, next
year, a humane end that has been
reached only after protracted negotiations.
Commissioners File Theif
Annual Reports. -Vv
Appropriation (tot
Completion of Itate Koad-iriiry KMrart. 1
I'loiymoia. Wash.. Deo. U. Tba
. ... '1
date road commission' h e Sled
heir final report wit, AeSovernor.
til very elaborate and oorr"(lete, fllu
sjted with photograph- ken from
itferent polnti in tbe bauntaini along
HI proposed Cascade road. Altogether
4 report doea greaA oredit to tbe oom--Uslon.
The retiring board, believing tbat
ti state road should bo carried on to
till completion on all it buanohes,
hijecommended the following appro
ptttionc for widening into a wagon road ot
tl f part of tbe present four-foot road
foi'p point even mile above Marble
mabtain to Gilbert Landre'a cabin, to
mfce the road available for heavy
wtfon traffic, 94,000.
1 Improvement ot the trail be
twe Landre'a cabin and Perahall'i
cabl4 91,000.
Frj widening into a wagon road
of tii preient tour-foot road from Per
ahatfa cabin, near Cascade paa, to
the loath of Bridge creek, including
the Iicstrootlon ot a bridge at tbe lat
ter ebint. 93.800.
I'm the oonstruotion of a wagon road
front tbe mouth of Bridge oreek to the
bead of Lake Chelan. 98,000.
Put the improvement of the trail from
the mouth of Bridge oreek to Twitap
psaa, 91.000.
For; widening Into a wagon road
of tbe present four-foot roadway from
the mining camp of Gilbert to the
month f tbe Twitsp, inolading a bridge
orosa Twitsp river, near tbe latter
point, (2.S00.
For txtending tbe wagon road on
the Colvllle Indian reservation from
Crow'a Neat, its present terminus, on
Granite oreek, to Eureka oamp, 91.300.
For tbe oonstruotion of a wagon road
from Curlew lake, on the Colvllle
reservation, to tbe present terminus ot
the wagon road on Sherwood (or Dead
man) creek, 97,000.
Total appropriations recommended,
Tbe Washington state dairy commis
sioner, in bis report to tbe governor
to U yoar inn, my, h twm mm
baa been one of lower prioea for dairy
produota than any previous season, but
Mys further tbat when one oonaiders
the general average low prioea of all
farm products, it oannot be wondered
at that dairy products should oome in
tor their share of the general depres
sion. Our markets have, however,
maintained, exoept for a very abort
period, a generally higher average prloe
than in any of our neighboring pro
ducing states.
The question of competition with
California and Oregon produota, says
the commissioner, is a serions one. A
solution of the question of meeting
this oompetition most be found with
tbe understanding tbat it ia impossible
to keep this butter out when our mar
kets warrant ita importation, and thia
question will be a very hard one to
grapple with.
Daring tbe past yenr there have been
several new creameries and obeese fao
toriea started, the majority, however,
being to a oeratin extent experimental
in nature and necessarily small; but
several with large oapaoitles have been
Following is an approximate eati-J
mate of our imports: Butter, about
977,600 pounds; obeese, about 87,500,
bei.!g about one half the importation ot
tbe previous year. The exports from
here to Alaska have been the rneana of
relieving onr markets at various times.
With our inoreased trade in that terri
tory and a probtble demand from the
Orient, the outlook for the future is
not without hope.
Tbe total estimated value of ' our
dairy products is $840,643.
The expense of the oommisalon for
the year has been 93. 695.
. Tho Cruller Brooklyn.
Philadelphia, Deo. 83. The oruisev
Brooklyn, wblob has been .lying at
League Island navy-yard ainoe going
into commission tonr weeks ago, will
atart on her first official crniae next
Saturday. She will steam tor the
naval station at Newport, R. 1. After
her torpedoes have been taken on
board, the cruiser will prooeed to
Brooklyn where the oitizens of that
municipality will . formally present to
the ship a handsome silver servioe.
After this oeremony and the attendant
festivities are oonolnded, the ship will
go to Hampton Roads and join the At
lantic squadron.
Smelting Works to star tip.
Kanaa City, Deo. 83. It 1 an
nounoed tbat tbe Kanaa City Smelting
A - Refining Company' works, wbioh
for ome time past have been operated
with a reduced force, will atart up
January 1 in all departments. The
greatest number of men which have
ever been . employed by tbe works,
namely 609, will be exoeeded by 100
Police Oltloer Hilled.
Kansas City, Deo. S3. Patrolman
Oeorge W. Noah, the oldest man in
point of servioe on tle Kansas City
polios foroe, waa found dead in a gully
a mile from the oity this morning. A
"bullet had pieroedl his heart, and it is
"believed he was killed fn a fight while
trying to arrest some one.
Of all the men, women and children
in Great Britain every seventh person
is a depositor in the Poatoffioe Savings
Osrman Bark Potrlmpoa Hlgb and Dry
on Waibington Ooaat.
Astoria, Or., Deo. S3.-The fourth
deep-tea vessel to go ashore on tbe
Washington bench tbla year wa strand
d at 7:80 o'clock thi morning at Pa
oiflo Park, about fix mile north of
Ilwaoo, olose to the spot where the
Stratbblane went aabore i i 1891.
Tbis time tbe vessel if the German
bark Potrlmpoa, Captain Henry Helle
wege, in ballast from Mazutlan, Mexi
co, to the Columbia rlveri The officers
and erew numbered eighteen, and all
were saved by the Ilwaoo beach life
(saving orew, who arrived on the scene
soon after the diaaater occurred. Just
before their arrival, however, six sail
ors from' the vessel landed in one of tbe
ship's boat. . It is very Jooky that all
bands landed .without mishap, a tbe
urt break heavily all aroond the ahip
at high water. Two of the crew of
tbe Ill-fated Glenmorag were killed in
attempting to do just what part ot tbe
Potriinpos' orew did, namely, launch
ing one of tbe ship's boats in the surf.
Tbe ship is in good condition, hav
ing reoeived no serious injury while
crossing through the surf She now
lies so high on the beach that at half
tide a person can walk to ber dry-shod.
According to tbe captain's story, at
daybreak this morning be sighted land
and was on tbe lookout for a pilot or
tug, but the vessel soon became per
fectly helpless and drifted towards
shore. The ' captain ordered both
anchors out. Tbe order wa no sooner
given than it wa carried out, bnt tbe
current, wbioh seta in very strongly
all along tbe beach at oertain stagea
of the tide, wa too itrong, and the
ihtp dirfted through tbe breaker and
on to tbe beach, both ancbori still be
ing out. (
The Cape Disappointment lifesavmg
crew left for the scene of the wreok on
a apeoial train, but arrived too lata to
assist in landing tbe orew.
Tbe ship lies broadside on tbe beach,
high and dry, but it work is oom
menoed immediately, and arrangemests
made so tbat lines oan be paaaed out to
a tug, she oan be safely pulled off at
the next high tide, which ooours an
tbe 34 th inst Tbe vessel is in plain
sight of the stranded Glenmorag.
The men and -officers have oome
ashore, and tbe oaptain will stay by
some definite plans ara agreed
Will, Be Kntlflod by tho Yonoinclaa
Congreu. - ;
New York, Deo. 83. A special from
Caracas, Venezuela, lays: ff
. There is no doubt tbat tbe Venezue
lan congress will ratify the Guiana
boundary arbitration treaty with Eng
land, negotiated by the United States;
that President Crespo is entirely satis
fled with it is known officially. Yonr
correspondent baa talked with, the gov
ernors of four states of the Venezuelan
republic, and all favor the raticfla
tion of the treaty.
President Crespo reoeived Senor Jose
Andrade, Venezuela minister to the
United States, who oame from Wash
ington recently, bringing with him a
draft of the treaty for ratification,
The president reoeived at tbe same time
James J. Storrow, the Boston attorney
who prepared and submitted to the
boundary commission appointed by the
United States, Venezuela's brief answer
to the British bluebork summary of
the case. Senor Andrade and Mr.
Storrow sailed Sunday for New York.
The ratification of tbe treaty by oon
gress, which meets In February, is al
most oertain.
Three Pas.ongora on a freight Train
Wore Killed and Seven Hurt.
Dallas, Tex., Dec 23. A special to
the News from Shreveport, La., says:
About 5 o'clock thia morning there
waa a bad wreok on the -Texas & Pa
oiflo railroad, near Sodas, La. Al
though no information is given by rail
road offioial, it is learned from private
sources that three men were killed and
seven badly Injured. It appears that,
as a west-bound freight was bound up
a steep grade, a collision occurred at
tbe foot of the grade, the oraab splin
tering several oars. None of the train
men were injured, as they were in the
caboose. The conductor and orew res
oned the injured, and they were sent
to the Charity hospital.
Following are the wounded: C. L.
Gates, of St. Paul; Dave Miller ot St.
Louis; Frank Terry, of Argentine,
Cola; Charles Williams, Jerry Hen
derson and George Brown, residenoes
unknown. The names of the killed
are. not known.
Political Agitation In Moscow.,
London," Deo. 23. The Vienna cor
respondent of the Daily Mail reports
that, aa an outoome of the agitation in
Moscow, one student has been sen
tenced to death and others to twelve
years' imprisonment Tbis political
aigtation oame to a head in efforts to
hold meetings commemorative of the
Khodinsky plain disaster, during the
coronation of the ozar, wbioh were
prohibited by the police.
. Annrohlata Sentonoed to Booth. .
Baroelona, Deo. 83. Eight of the
anarchists who recently had their trial
in this oity for throwing a bomb into
the Corpus Christ! procession last June,
have been sentenced to death.
Football In Mexico.
Columbia, Mo., Deo. 83. The Mis
souri . Tigers, the crack team of the
Missouri state university, have re
oeived an invitation from President
Dias, of Mexioo, to play a game ot
football in that oountry, and have made
arrangement to start for the City of
Mexioo immediately. The game will
be played at the Indianola grounds De
cember 87. The Tigers returned home
reoently after playing a series of suc
cessful games in Texas
Burglars Made a Clean Sweep
In Oregon City.
Broko Open 8mt and dot Stamps and
Caah Amounting to About twenty
Klgbt Hundred Dollars.
Oregon City, Or., Deo. 81. When
Postmaster S. R. Green opened the
poatoffioe a little before 7 o'olook this
morning he fonnd that somebody had
been there before him. The door lead
ing from the poatoffioe proper Into tbe
front corridor was ajar. Tbe rear
door was also open, though the iron
shutter bad been pushed together so
that a casual inspection from the out
side would not show anything wrong.
This led to more careful scrutiny, and
the outside door of the safe wa found
to be open. Upon swinging the inner
door back, the postmaster discovered
that tbe aafe bad been robbed of every
thing of value postage atampa, cash,
and even bi private paper, including
three note amounting to about 9500.
A few pennie bad been left in the till
at tbe stamp window, and these were
also taken. Upon checking np the
business of the office this afternoon,
it was ascertained that stamps of the
value of 93,169.69 and 9034.93 in cash
were missing. Tbe registered pack
ages were mostly notice sent ont from
tbe land offloa here, and contained
nothing of negotiable value. Two of
them bad been tom open and their
character ascertained, and the remain
der were unmolested. In addition in
tbe 93,784.61 above mentioned, 99 be
longing to Miss Gray, the assistant :
postmaster, was also missing. A gold
filled watch and obain that were in the
registered mail were left
Entrance through the back door ot
the poatoffioe was effeoted by prying
open with a jimmy tbe strong iron
bars that guard the outside of the door.
So much force was used tbat the bar
that fastens the doors inside was
greatly bent, and the doors bore dis
tinct marks of the iron instrument.
t The inner doors seem to have been
opened with a skeleton key. Tne
burglars bored two holes in the outer
door of the sate, one just missing the
combination, and the other being just
right to expose the tumblers. A match
shed sufficient light through tbe hole
to enable the tumblers to be watched
as tbe dial knob waa turned, and thus
the door was opened without further
violence. The inner door, however,
bears marks showing that a considera
ble effort must have been made before
it yielded. A ragged bole, about eight
inches in diameter, was made in the
lower part of the door with a oold-
obisel or some similar instrument, and
through tbe bole the lock inside oould
be released. That done, the oontents
of the safe were entirely exposed to the
The indications are that two men
were engaged in the aotive work of tbe
burglary, with a third as a lookout
j rbers u no evideuoe that anything was
hurriedly done.
Public Improvement Contracts Awarded
. ' tu American Cltisena.
New Orleans, Deo. 81. Eduardo
Taluro, of Blueflelis, general adminis
trator of the oustom-house of tbe Nic
araugan republic, who has ' arrived
here, gives an interesting aooount of
the contract awarded to Americans
in Nioaragua and the struggle between
Amerioan interests.
"Theoontraot for a telephone ser
vice in Blnefileds was awarded to
Americans, as well as the oontract tor
the construction of tbe charity hoapi-
tal; the paving of street?; the con
struction of an eleotrio-light servioe
and tbe deepening of tbe ohannela be
tween Pearl lagoon and Blueflelds bay.
Tbe most important oontraot ia for the
oonstruotion of a telephone overland
from Blueflelds to Managua, which
will plaoe the former port in direct
cable communication with the United
tates. .
Senor Taluro declared that President
Zelaya is especially favorable to Amer
icans, but be is muoh hampered, and
opposed by Minister Luciano Gomes,
who ia vary hostile to Amerioans and
favorable to the extension of German
commercial interests. The probabili
ties are there will be a split between
Zelaya and Gomez, who is backed in
his policy by the conservative party of
Froieo 8 MOT In Sleigh.
Middletown, N. Y., Deo. 81. Percy
Midcllebrook, Frank Roe and Patrick
Powers, sons of prominent oitiuens of
Florida, took a ride in a sleigh last
night, returning at midnight Roe and
Powers attempted to assist Middlebrook
from the sleigh, bnt found be was
frozen stiff.
' . Revolt In Poitngaeao India.
Bombay, Doc 81. Advices from
Goaj Goa, Portuguese India, say tbat
tbe insurgent Ranes have attacked
Pernem, and have bnrned and saoked
the treasury. A force ot 600 Portu
guese troops were sent against the
Banes and soattered them, killing sev
eral of their number.
Killed by a Fall.
San Franolsoo, Cal., Deo. 81. Frank
Brown, foreman of the carpenters em
ployed at tbe new ferry depot, fell
sixty feet today. He struok iron gird
ers in . falling, and reoeived injuries
whiob oaused death.
Wheat Shortage In New South Wnlea.
Sydney, N. a W., Deo. 81. The
government statistician estimntes that
the wheat yield of New South Wales
is 7,854,000 bushels, wbioh is 1,350,
000 bushels below the local wants.
Owlae; to tho railing OK n
tho Do-
. BUS. ,
San Franolsoo, Deo. 81. The aleek
and costly aealakin seems to be some
what oat ot fashion. Tbe tale of a
falling demand In tbe produot of Bear
ing sea and tbe Paciflo has just been
told bytb yearly sals at Lampeon's,
London Telegrams have been re
oeived in tbis oity, stating tbat the
prloe for the Alaskan fur was 16 per
oent less than that of last year; tbat of
Copper Island (Russia) furs 1, per
oent, and that of Coast fnrs, inolading
California and Japan, 30 per oent lower
than in 1895.
This news oomes as a snrpirse to lo
cal tradesmen, for the catch of tbis
year was muoh lower than tbat of 1895.
The entire catch of tbe Canadian seal
er in Japanese water and Bebring
aea amounted to 55,677 seals. In
1895, the oatob of tbe Canadians
amounted to 74,134, and 1894 to 97,
474 skins. The oatch of the American
pelagio sealers entered at tbis port
amounted to only 6,040 seals, a
against 15,000 In 1895. To the former
number, 80,067 skins ara added as tbe
oatob of tbe North American Com
mercial Company on the seal islands.
nestown, Cnl , Bad No
Henna of
righting fire. ';
8onora, CaL, Deo. 81. The little
town of Jamestown, located right in
the heart of the mother lode' riohest
section, was visited by a oostly fire this
morning. The fire originated in a
bakery, and the whole business section
was at the flames' mercy, and tbe disor
ganized bucket brigade fought furious
ly but feebly against odds. When it
waa seen that the volunteers were nn
albe to successfully cope with tbe fire,
telegrams were sent for assistance to
near-by towns, and many persons re
sponded. Giant powder waa used to
check and confine the fire when the
limited water supply and crude means
of getting it on the fire tailed. Nine
buildings, all on the north side of tbe
street, were consumed with almost the
entire contents. Tbe loss ia 940,000,
with barely 95,000 insoranoe. A favor
able breeze saved the town from com
plete destruction.
Bneket of Lye Water Thrown In Face ot
Woman and Child.
CbiUtootne, U., Pea 81. There is
great excitement at Bethel, a small
(town three miles sooth ot Kingston,
this county, occasioned by a horrible
j atrocity which occurred this afternoon.
! Two married women named Moon and
Shell got into a quarrel over a trivial
matter, which resulted in the Shell
'woman throwing a bucket of strong
lye water into the face of Mrs. Moon
and her Infant daughter. Both have
their eyes burned out and their heads
and faces were also horribly burned.
The baby died in a short time, and the
mother is in terrible agony, her death
being looked for at any moment
Mrs. Shell made her escape, but is
being pursued by several hundred men
and boys, assisted by dogs, and if cap-
; tnred a lynching will follow. The po
lioe oi thia oity nave been snmmonei to
the scene.
Herrmann, tho Magician, Dead.
Rochester, J. Y., Deo. 21. Her
mann, tbe magician, died today ol
heart disease in his private car at
Great Valley, near Salamanca, on bii
way to Bradford. His remains will be
forwarded to New York. Hermann
completed bis engagement at the-Lyceum
theater in this oity last night,
and later was entertained at the Gene
see Valley Club.
(Professor Hermann, whose ' father
was a sleight-of-hand performer, made
bia debut aa a magioian when he was
bnt 8 years old. He has traveled all
over Earone and America and has
I amassed a great fortune. Of late years
! be has made New York bis home. ' He
spoke seven different languages fluent
- ly, and had traveled around tbe world
i three times. He was naturalized in
Boston in 1876.)
Pardoned by Cleveland.
Seattle, Wash., Deo. 31. Today
Sheriff Van de Vanter, of this oonnty,
reoeived notification from Washington,
D. C, tbat Mrs. Margaret Morrison, a
young woman of Port Townsend, had
been granted a conditional pardon by
President Cleveland. She' waa sen
tenced to eight month' imprisonment
and fined 950 and costs for smuggling
opium from Victoria. She has now
been in jail five months, and her little
daughter has been permitted to share
the same cell. President Cleveland
grants the pardon on condition that the
fine and costs are paid. They now
amonnt to over 9100, but the money
will be subscribed by sympathizers.
Goto' leprosy medicine, a new cure
put forward by a Japanese physician,
is being tested in the San Francisco
(Cal.) pesthonse.
Let's take hold hands,
Mr. Grocer, and dance I
We've got some beautiful
business for you and with
you, and for and with your
customer. . ' v'v
Schilling's Best is the
tea. Pay every customer's
money back that don't like
it We'll pay you.
There's money in it
San IS
Evidence ot Steady Growth
and Enterprise.
From All tho Cities and Town of tho
Thriving Sl.ter atnte
' . -Oregon.
The sheen insDeotor of Benton conn.
ty says there are verv few anahhv ahann
in tbat oounty.
Prominent men in Hennnnr uv that
they will build a telephone line from
aeppner to Lou a Creek, in OranS
county, if they oan arrange for a satis
factory bonus.
. The legal complications thst bava so
long arrested the operations of tba
Divilblss quartz mill in Coos county,
have finally been satisfactorily adjust
ed, and tbe miners of tbe Johnson
creek district will now have free use
of the mill. ,
Superintendent Morrison, of the
Westeren Union oonstruotion dfpart
ment, hat finished receiving and stor
ing at Flavel 2,000 poles tor tbe main
telegraph line between Astoria and
Portland. It required two aores on
whioh to stack this material.
While leveling off tbe grounds about
the bouse on bis Blind Slough ranch,
in Clatsop, Martin Impo fonnd bniried
two feet in the earth an Indian stone
weapon, shaped like a ship's marlin
spike, having a hola bored through the
handle, whiob had evidently been
made by a atone implement says the
Astorian, .
Some very old residents claim that
Rogue river was np where the Grant's
Pas depot now stands in 1862. The
river bed has deepened and widened
very much since then, and there ia
very little probability tbat it will ever
overflow its left bank again. The
winter of '63 made gullies and gulohet -where
all waa level before.
Fully 100 men are hard at work
along the Alderbrook water front cut
ting wood for their winter 'a use, says
the Astorian. During the recent
freshet hundreds of cords of wood, and
about 3,000 shingle bolU from the
Cowlitz river were thrown npon the
beach. It was an interesting sight to
see these men cutting huge logs into
stove-wood lengths, and rolling them
up the beaoh to their homes. They uaedT
a large instrument like a pair of ice
tongs with wbioh to drag the logs
along. .
Fisher and William Logan, brothers,
were oaugbt out in the cold snap of last
month in Crook oounty, while driving
osttle. They left their cattle and tried
to reach the cabin that was their des
tination, but, thinking they oould not
find it, they built a fire under a rim
rock and remained there all night It
was the coldest night, and others who
were out say it waa thirty-four degress '
below zero. . The men made them
selves a oomfortable aa they oould.
They had no blankets, and while sit
ting around the fire both fell asleep.
and after awhile young .Logan waa
awakened by Mb clothes catching On
fire. On waking up he found that
both of his feet were frozen. Thay
also discovered when daylight came
that they were in sight of the cabin.
There are said to be fully 500 oases of
measles reported and unreported in
Walla Walla.
Tbe Northern Paoiflo Railway Com
pany paid 99,008.60 taxes into the
Lewis oounty treasury last week.
Burglars attempted to open the safe
in. the office of Indian Agent Erwin, at
Fort Simooe, one night last week, but
failed to get away with anything ot
Tbe United States revenue outter
Bear baa been taken to Quartermaster
harbor to be put on the drydock for re
pair to ber hull. A 93,000 oontraot
ha been. let, and extensive repairs are
to be made.
Work will be resumed at the Cowee-
man shingle mill, in Cowlitz oonnty, aa
soon as the water recede sufficiently to
permit of it Attorney Fisk will have
charge ot the plant It ia the inten
tion of tbe oompany to pay off all
claims as soon aa possible.
A mandamus sued ont to oom pel the
commissioners of Jefferson oounty to
make a speoial levy to pay certain road
warranta was quashed last Saturday at
Fort Townsend. The effect ot the de
cision is thought to be to invalidate the
road warrants issued under the law of
March 7, 1890.
It is estimated that to build the tele-
pohne line from Eastern Washington
to Puget sound points it will take 16,
000 poles, 1,884 miles of No. 10 bard
drawn copper wire, 16,000 cross-arm
and braoes and 83,000 pins and Insu
lators. The estimated cost of material
and labor is 973,000.
Tbe Washington Mining Company
has been incorporated for 91.000,000.
The stock Is divided into a million
shares of the par value of 91 eaoh. Tba
trustees for the first six months are J.
Lynch Montgomery, of New York;
Ralph L. Clarke and T. E. Jefferson,
of Spokane, and John L. Retallack, of
Kaslo. .
The last season's work at Hall &
Bishop'a logging oamp, in Clallam
county, ia one to be proud of. At the
beginning of .the year two miles of rail
road were put down, and since then
tbe loggers have been busy getting out
logs. The season's out amounted to 7,-
000,000 feet, most ot which was towed
to Hadlook, and from there was dis
tributed to different points on the
Sound and British Columbia. . Forty
men were employed in the eamp
throughout the year, at an average ot .
93 60 per da ,