OREGON MIST. vol. xi i r. ST. HELENS, OREGOK, FItlDAY, DHClSMJtEll 18, WM'u NO. on. EVENTS OF THE DAI Epitome oi the Telegraphic News of the World. TEI18K TICKS FKOM TUB Witt El An Inlet-oiling Colleetloii of I taint ttam the Tw lleuiiilera I'reeontad la a Ooiideuted form, , Butte, Mont, 1 tit ho organising a ooinpany for the Cuban aervioe. Two hundred nauiee have already bou added to tnellet A company of twenty young men lef I Kauakea, 111., bound for Cuba, whore tnay will enlist In the insurgent oh aim. Thoy are uuder ohurg of an ei auldier. A report oouii from Bliia- Blnu. N. V,, that the Rev. T. Dewttt Talmnge na Alia Baste Manan, of New York, re to be married. The event will hap. pen within week. Wni. O. Power, oouductor on the Houth Mount Tabor (Or.) Hue of the Eaat Hide Railway Company, wai ahot uy one or two bigbwayinen at the end of the line. Hi injuries are, for- tunatoly, uot fatal. Robbery waa the purpose or the tbug who fired the ahot In Keawlok. Cat. there wh an ex plosion of gasoline, resulting In the ouruing oi twelve men, among them Arthur Dean, of Redding. Deau bad charge of the eleotrio plant, and it 1 pretunied that the explosion took place In the power-home. Lieutenant-Commander Drake, of the battleship Oregon, baa enlisted the service of the polloe of Ban Franolauo in finding Edward Perry, ateward of the vessel, lie deserted tlie ablp after having squandered about 1100 whlob had been given him to purohaae pro vlalous. An attempt wai made to wreck a pas senger train on the Iowa Central rail road, near Latimer, la. Iron rail were laid on the track on the upper end of a curve, where the obstruction oould not be seen by the engineer. An extra freight train ahead of the regular pa aeuger train ran into the obstruction, without damage. Robbery waa the evident motive of the wreckers, Fiank H. Cheeaeman, of South Berk ley, Cal., ha made an eighth attempt at aoialde and hi life la now despaired of. In a fit of doapondonoy be bot bimenlf through the long, Indicting what 1 tbougbt to be a fatal wound. Cbeeenman 1 only It year of age, and the pbyiialan give inaanlty the causa for bit repeated effort to end hi life. Power of Vermont," chairman of the houne committee on the Pacific rail road, heartily approve that portion of Preaideut Cleveland' message relat tag to the Paoiflo railroads "Home thing mutt be done at onoe," mid be, "We will bring up the bill agreed op in by the committee in the session at the earlleat poeaible moment" He feel confident tlmt the meaaore will be Kit tled at tbu enaiion. Liquor dealer in California are np In arm over the announcement tlmt Uoverrfor Bndd baa on band a plan to eoure the enaotmenl by the no it legis lature of a law etablihlng a atate liquor license. The liquor men ay they now pay federal tnxea, aud also looal, county and wnnioipal lloeuaea, and they propose to flgbt the proposed atate lireuss, the proceed of which, it i propoeed, ahall go toward the main tenance of the pnblio aaylume. Tb ateamer Dalle City, that aank )at week opposite Spregue's lauding, on the Columbia river, ha beou suc cessfully raiaod by the aid of aeveral aoow. The damage to the bull, while It i considerable, oonaiating of a bole more than twenty feet long, oan be re paired without lujury to the boat. The Dalles City ha been towed to the Cas ca dea, where a temporary bulkhead will be built around the damaged por tion. It I possible be may be taken to Portland that abe may undergo per manent repair. A tragedy occurred In Schuyler, Neb, A reiult of a rejected lover' iuaann attempt to murder hi sweetheart aud exterminate ber family, Deidriok Gle lug I dead, bi mother and father, brother aud aiator dangerously wound ed by a terrible clubbing, another (li ter almost orasM by b dug repeatedly tired npon at oloae rauga, and Clau Destefef, the murderer, i beiug pur ued by determined potee. The mur derer i a young wan of tbe neighbor hood, who wa infatuated with Miss Oleaing. Hi advance hud been re futed, and for mouth be bad threat ened murder. ;., ; Hoveral member of the Miner Union of Leadvillo, Colo., have been arreited under indictment by the (pea la! graud Jury, for their alleged oou uvotiou with the attack on the Ooro uado and Enimotl miue a few mouth ago. , Tbe New York Herald has dispatch from Havana whlob atate that Autouio Maoeo ba crowed the trooha with a Urge foroe. It 1 roported aooording to thia dipatoh, that OHptniu-Uimernl Weyler ba been woundod at the front. All new from the oeue of tbe engage ment i suppreiwed by the official at the palace. A dispatoh from Lima, Peru. !iy that observer there see a probability of another olasb of arm between Peru aud Bolivia, over the new trouble which ia lirewlng owing to Bolivia having pro oooded to fix the limit of her frontier In tbe Amaaoniau district without having an arrangement with Peru for the delimitation.-'- ,-:--:- In Dieppe. France, an enormous nias of cliff oollapucrt mid damaged propel ty to the extent of 130,000 francs. Theie .1 much exottnmeut, a tho ollfl ' threaten further slip. ' CONGRESS IN SESSION. Sonata Tbe United (Hate lenate began the leooud aennlon of the fifty-fourth con gres with crowded gullurie and with that HooompnuliDunt of activity aud of greeting that unuullj attend the reas sembling of oougrt:ai, But the upper brauub of congress never put aaide it Itguity, and the mooting developed iSo Imiiunttratlen of drauiatio intereat. The reading of the president' memoge wh the feature of tbe proceeding, and beyond till no attempt waa made to flu tor upou the buNlueaa of the leenlou. fo iimnv of the fore'gn repreieuative JCuupyiMK the diplomatic gallery, the itiflxaNgo had epectal intereat aud lg uiUiiatioe, owing to the part they bad taken in the oousplcnou foreign event towhiuh the prealdeut referred, The (finite aettled down to bnolnea May. When a letter from the aeore ttry of the treasury wa read aimwer- iug the lenitte inquiry a to the num ber of alien in the department of tbe treaai ry, Ual linger (N. H.) remarked that he would te glad to observe that foreigner wboae aervioe had been oou tplcuon In tbe department had iwn lit a a reault of the inquiry to take out natnraliaatlon paper. Many paper were preaented from manufacturing bod lea urging the raMago of tbe Ding ier bill. (Jul lorn (Ul.)gave notice that he would addreit the tonnte on tbe Cuban question. The houae reioln tion relative to the death of ex-Speaker Crip were laid before the aenate, and a a mark of reapect at 13:28 the aenate adjourned. Third day Tho aenate, by tbe de oUive vote bf 85 to 21, adopted a mo tion to take up tbe Dinglcy tariff bill. Uuexpeoted and aurpriaiog a tbl ao tiuu wai, it did not have the tignifl uauoo which the vote ittlf appear to oouvry. Immediately following It, AUlricb of Hhodo Ialaud, one of the Hepublican member of tbe finance committee, moved to recommit tbe bill to tbe committee, aud thia motion wa pending when, at 9 o'olook, tbe morn ing hour expired, and the matter lapaed a though no vote had boon taken. Nei ther the bill nor the motion to recom mit will enjoy any privilege or prece dence a the remit of tho action today. K.irly in tbe day three vet of vlgoroui reaolutlon for Cuban independence furnUbcd an lnlereHtlng feature. Tbey oiuiie from Cameron of Pennsylvania, Miila of Texas, and Call of Florida, and while differing in term, breathed the (nine apirit of recognition by the United Btuto of Cuban independence. Fourth day Tbe leuate got into the regular channel of bniiue today, tak ing up the immlgratiuu bill and partly perfrcting It, and a I no bearing tbe Ant of the apoechca on Cuba, tboae of Cul om aud Call. Tbe immigration bill wa not passed upon up to tbe time of adj lurnmunt, but the aenate agreed to wlnt ii generally knowu aa tbe Lodge bill, aa a aubatitute to tbe houae meaa ure. Tbe (ubatituts requirea that all immigrant over tbe age of 14 yeara (hall be able to road and write their native language and ahall be required to read and write in the preaenoe of an United State oflloial certain line of the United Statea constitution. Hume. Tbe bouse, without waiting time, proceeded to buainea today, and befor the te anion oloaed bad paused three bill of conetderubla importance, and the first of tbe regular aupply billa that for reunion. Throe of tbe bill re lated to poatal matter. One provided for the uae of private mailing card of the tame general alae and character aa tbe prevent poatal card, when one-oent ttamp are affixed. Another provided for a limited indemnity of f 10 tor tbe lota of regiatered mall matter, and the third provided for a private carrier ervioe in town and vilage where no free delivery exitta. The peuiion bill wa pawed without faction oppoaition, but Mr. Urow took oooaalon in tbe de bate to aubmit tome view in favor of higher tariff dutie. bated on that por tion of the preaideut' meitage relating to tbe tariff. Tbe bill oarriea tMl, 803,880, about 175,000 lea than tbe law for the current year. Third day. The houae bold a three hour tetRion and patted a doaen bill of minor importance. Among them were tbe followingi To extend five year Ih time in which tbe univeraity of Utiih (ball occupy the land granted it; to authorize the ute of the aban doned Fort Bid well military reserva tion in California, a a traiuing tobool for Indiaua; to provide for the location aud purohaae of publio lnd for reser voir ite in Montana, South Dakota and Wyoming; anthorialng Flagstaff, Aria., to issue bond for, tbe construc tion of a water system. The Shafoith bill, for tbe protection of forest reser vation from tire, wa defeated. Fomth day Pending tbe preparation of the next appropriation bill, tbe houae again today devoted it time to the oou llderation of bill on the calendar, but only two were passed during the four hour session. One of them wa a bill to proteot mncieal compositions under the oopyrlgbt law. , T" other measure made a law wa to prohibit tbe ale of liquor in tbe oapltol building. A bill advocated by the delegate from tbe ter ritories, to modify the law forbidding the alien ownership of land in the ter- ritorle to a to give tbom tbe right to acquire under mortgage and to hold for ten year, real property) waa defeated. , On His War to Mtxloo. Peroival Lowell, of BoBton, whose astronomical researches with reference to the iuhabitHbllity oi tnepianet mara have oommnndod wide attention, ia now on his way to the City of Moxioo, near where he has erected an observa tory. He will have with him in Mexi oo a distinguished party of loientiflq men, and it U fne purpose to continue tbe investigation ont7 at least two years, if the ollmatip oon ditlon prove favorable- HELP FORM CUBANS Murder ofMaceo Arouses the 'American People. MXY OFFERS OF ASHMTANCK Companies -of RocrulU lining For wardad Vroni Maiijr Hlataa-rill-buUrlns Killllunt. Washington, Deo. 16 The head quarter of the Cuban legation in thia city wa tbe center of intereat to a number of oaller today, who had come to expreta to Henor tjuesada their tor row at tbe death of General Maoeo, and to offer their ymptby, and in acme case help for the Cubans. Tbete caller included a number of enngret. men, ana two senator, whose unmet the Cuban representative declined hi reveal, who told him of their deaire to ee some aotion by oongress that would be of atslstance to the insurgents. Beuor Quesada say he has received during the past few days about fifty let ters, many of wbiob oomes from pertoui and organizations, offering to seud men to asatst the Cuban in fighting for liberty. Among the states and oitie represented in thete letter are Wath ington, Wyoming, Kansas, Inrtianapo lis, Buffalo, Eranaville, lnd.. aud Waterbury, Coun. Responsive to these letters, Benor Qaesada authorizea his former statement that tbe Cuban have enough men and leadera to gain the oa use for wbiub they are fighting. They can avail themeelvesof 00,000 men, and more if necessary, but what tney need l arm and ammunition, and medicine for the lick and wounded. He aay offer of astistanoe from broad have been received. The Paris agent of the junta ay that not only tbe Unban, but the Frenoh people, after hearing of tbe assassination and death of Maoeo, are collecting all they can to send an expedition to be called the "Expedition of General Maoeo." Benor (juesada states that front San Domingo and Mexico come assurances of contributions to the cause, while the workinginan and merchants of Tampa, Fla., aay they will give not only 10 per oent of their earning weekly, bnt will work three Sundays every month in or der to give their wages for free Cnba. Tbe agent at Jacksonville, Fla., write tbat tbe people there oan be counted on for a hundred rifles. There wa no information received at the headquaterr today other than a telegram from Preaideut Ettrada Pal' ma, of tbe Cuban junta, which attrl buted Maoeo' death to assassination, by plot arranged between Abumada and Dr. Zertuoba, wbiob wa publish' ed today. Tbe olroumatantial aooounta of Maoeo'a death now oonvince tbe lead' en tbat there ia little doubt tbat he bad been killed, but tbey expreta their opinion that thia will not interfere with the luooes of tbe Cuban arms. Mr. de Lome bad no additional faot in regard to the death of Maoeo to oom munioate to tbe pros, so far aa can be ascertained, tbe state department ba not yet been Informed. , Btory of the Aataaatnatlon of Miaeo. Havana, Doc. 16. Further inquiries by tbe correspondent of tbe Astooiated Press bava elicited the following add! tioual details, which are positively re liable, of tbe manner in wbiob Antonio Maoeo met hia death: It i known that Maoeo expeotod the insurgent brigadier-general, Sauober. to oonoentrale hia foroea in Havana provinoe, in readiness for Maoeo when be ahould pasa the trooba. It nap. pened, however, that in passing the Spanish column commanded by Major Ciruieda, Maoeo mistook the force of guerrilla under Peral for Sanohea' vanguard, aud found himself among them before be discovered bis mistake. At the firat volley from the Spanish, Maceo fell wounded. The insurgents taken by surprise ooinmenoed a gen eral fire a they retreated and aban doned Maoeo in a dying condition. . Colonel Feijoo baa bad an engage ment at Campo, Florida near Havana, with tbe concentrated forces of the in surgents which were with . Maoeo at tbe time he waa killed and which are now following the, leadera Agntrre, Castillo, Cardenas, Uallo aud Loxo, and which number 1,800 horsemen. Colonel Feijoo again met thete firoet at Tumbaquarto where be inUioted a loss of eighteen killed, their wounded being oarried off. The Spanish bad nineteen wounded. Gorlk' Tough Hoad. Oakland, Cal., Dec 14. Feli Oorsky, a laborer, had a piece of rook driven into bia skull by a blast at Leoma Heights quarry thia morning, but wa not even reudored unoousoiou. He waa knooked down by the blow aud the fragment of rook pierced the bone of hi skull, but be got up without help and took a oar down to the re ceiving hosptlal, where he got sjrgioal attention. Hi oase ia pronounced oua of the atrangest ever treated at tbe hos pital, for it was deemod aluioBt im possible, for a man to be hurt so with out baviug raised a fracture or suffered oonoussion of the brain. Oorsky laughed at the idea of being hurt aud announoed that he never felt better and waa going back to work at onoe. Burled With Mule. Knox, lnd , Deo. .15 The body of Ed Fetter, a borsedealer, was found buried with the caraoss bf a mule Fri day, and today Fetter'a partner, Wil liam Sutberlin, was arrested, cbargel With the murder The grave had been carefully dug, and the animal's body plaoed so as to oonoeal Hint of the rnan, in oase the grave had been carelessly opened. It is claimed by tbe authori ties tbat several people are implicated in the oriine. TREATY WITH ENGLAND. The Arbltratlo Naaotlatlona ere Draw ing to an Snd. Washington, Deo. 15. The negotia tions between tbe United States and Great Britain for a treaty of geueral ar bitration covering difference between the two English (peaking nations, present and prospective, baa advanced to a atage of oompleteueta far beyond what tbe public baa bad reason to be lieve. Tbe purpose of Secretary Olney and Sir Julian Paunoefote la to con clude tbe negotiation within tbe next three weeks. All of the substantial featurea of the treaty have been agreed on. From the present statu of tbe ne gotiation, it is believed tbe following will be the important term of tbe treaty: , First A term of five year from the day of the exchange of ratifications within whlob the treaty shall be opera tive. .' ; , Seoond A court of arbitration of six members, three to be drawn from the Judiotary of tbe United States and three from the judiciary of Oreat Brit ain. Third Tbe submission to this tri bunal of difference between tbe two nation now pending, or to arise with in tbe period of five years; tbia not to include tbe Behriug sea question or the Venezuela question now before inde pendent commissions, but to include tbe queston of tbe boundary between Alaska and British North America. The completion of this treaty will mark an important epoch in the rela tion between the two English-speaking people, and, in the judgment of those who bave been most identified with its consummation, it will be the most important document of a peaoeful charaoter in tbe history of their mutual dealings. Tbe president made a pass ing allusion to tbe subject in hia recent message. FREE LAND. The Tltlo of a Pampblet Written GoTruor-Kleot Kogora. Taooma, Dec.. 16. Governor-elect Rogers has issued a copyrighted pamph let containing about 8,300 words, and entitled "Free Land." A copy bat been sent to member of tbe legislature, which meeta next month. He takea the position tbat free land ia an "inalien able, impresoriptable and indestruot ible" right of man, and drawa lessons from the freedom and enjoyment oi the Fuyallup reservation Indiana, which he thinka results from their free, inalienalbe and untaxable homesteads. Hi position is supported by quotationi from Emerson, Ingersoll aud Seneca. In oonolusion, be proposes an amend ment to the state constitution, provld ing tbat real estate and usual improve ments, to a value not to exceed $3,600, occupied a a homestead by a private family, the bead of wbiob i a oitiaen of tbe United State, and thia atate ahall be forever exempted from all tax ation of every kind. Tbe exemption ia limited to homesteads. Tbe pamphlet states that in no state would the amount exempted by tbe amendment exoeed 1Q per oent of tbe total valuation. He aay that auoh a plan enacted into law "will prevent tbat fatal olash of tbe classes otherwise inevitable." The pamphlet oonoludes a follows: "County , government abonld be abolished or reduoed to the merest skeleton of what it ia now. Township and municipal government can attend to looal affairs; let tbe atate be called in when necessary.' UP-TO-DATE CROOKS. Opening Seattle Safe Without tho Ca of l-owder. Seattle, Deo. 16. The cleverest safe cracking job ever perpetrated in thit oity took plaoe at an early boor tbia mom Ing. Tbe wholesale liquor bouse of F, A. Buck, on Washington street, waa entered, the safe broken open by use of drills and wedges, and (500 in money, a gold watch and some nuggets taken. The entranoe to the building waa gained through a rear door, which waa opened with the aid of a jimmy. Either before or after turning thia triok, the aafe oraokera entered the Queen City laundry, on Fourth ave nue, broke open the aafe and took $36 in coin. This ia tbe first time safea bave been oracked in tbia oity without tbe aid of powder, and shows tbat up-to-dats orooks are traveling about the Northwest The polios are working on a olew that may lead to the arrest of tbe offenders. A BoleaUet Blown to Atoms. . London, Dec 15. A Times dispatch from Berlin aay an explosion occurred Saturday afternoon in Moabite quarter, where the scientist George Isaao waa experimenting with the manufacture of aoetyline. Isaao and three assist ants were blown to atoms. It is stated tbat Emperor William bad intended to visit Isaao'a laboratory, as bia experi ment bad attraoted the emperor' at tention. Romania Were l-etrlflad. ' Warrensburg, Mo., Deo. 16. Wil liam W. White, an aorobat with W. W. Cole'a circus, died here fifteen yeara ago, and waa buried in a metallic coffin, in a private cemetery. Yester day relative exhumed the body to bury it in tbe oity oemetery and an examin ation showed that it waa petrified. Wbite waa a brother of C. G. White, oity editor of the Sioux City Journal. Chioago, Dec. .15. With deter mination to starve; Mrs. Ansena An derson looked herself and 8-year old daughter, Freda, in tbeir single living room at 843 West Chioago avenue last Tuesday, and both have existed there since without food or fuel. Tonight the police, called to the scene by tbe negibbors, forced an entrance into the room and took mother and ohild to tbe station. Tbe former, it ia believed, ia insane, and the latter waa nearly starved. TURNED ON THE GAS Death of Mrs. Sarah Cooper and Daughter. B. CASE OFMATKICIDE AND SUICIDE the Vonng Woman, m Victim of Mel onoholla, Can-lad Out Bar Threat to Knd Both of Their Urea. San Franoisoo, Deo. 14. Tbe death by asphyxiation of Mr. Sarah B. Cooper and her daughter Harriet tbi morning baa produced a profound aeu nation in tbis eity. - Ho woman in San Francisco or on tbe entire Paoiflo ooast was so prominent aa Mrs. Cooper, who bad devoted ber life to religions and philanthropic work, aud was actively connected with every reform move ment She wa a cousin of Colonel Robert G. Iugersoll, with whom, de tpite their opposite religious views, she maintained a warm friendship. The mother and daughter were found lying dead in the same bed, about 9 o'clock, by tbeir Chinese servant Miss Cooper bad wrapped tbe clothes care fully about ber, but Mrs. Cooper bad. evidently attempted to arise wben she deteoted the escaping gas, and waa too much overcome to leave tbe bed. ; Two gas jet were turned on full, and all tbe window and door were carefully closed. Tbe coroner and police detectives made a careful examination of tbe room, and concluded tbat, while ber mother alept, Miss Cooper had arisen, turned on the gaa jets, olosed the doors and windows, and then calmly returned to bed. Tbe officials are couvinoed tbat it wa a case of matrioide and sui cide. Dr. Worth, tbe family physician, state that Miss Cooper had been suffer ing for months from melancholia, with homicidal and auicidal tendencies. Her father oommitted suioide ten yeara ago, and two cousins, nephews of ber father, also oommitted suioide. Har riet Cooper had made several previbua attempt to end her life, once attempt ing to jump from a ferry-boat, and sev eral timea announcing to her mother tbat "she longed to turn on the gas at night so tbat she aud ber mother oould pasa away together. " Mrs. Cooper concealed her daughter' condition from all except a few inti mate friend, and had arranged to take her daughter East soon, to place ber in the care of relatives, hoping tbe change might restore her health. Mrs. Co iper had been prominent for many yeara in church work, and both ber and ber dauhgter were prominent in tbe prosecution of Kev. C. O. Brown in tbe famous trial in the First Con gregational church, when Dr. Brown wa accused of immorality with Misa Mattie Overman Many of tbe Brown faction bitterly denounoed Mrs. Cooper, and more especially Miss Cooper for tbeir aotion in joining the ranks of Brown' opponents. , . Strong Caae Agalnat Mre. Career. San Franoisoo, Deo. 14. The pre liminary examination of Mrs. Eiith Carew, aooused of poisoning her hus band, baa terminated In ber being held for trial by the court in Yokohama. Reports of the trial, a given by tbe Japanese papers, brought by ateamer, show the case against the woman to be a strong one. Nearly all the testimony seema to strengthen the story of the wife's guilt. During the hearing sev eral compromising letter were submit ted by the prosecution, which tended to show that a conspiracy existed. A physioian testified to finding arsenio in tbe remains of Mr. Carew, and other minor evidenoea being ooncluded tbe aooused woman waa asked to plead, but declined to make a statement She waa then held for trial, and in the meantime will be confined in tbe Brit ish jail in the. settlement Two Indian Women Killed. ' Port Townsend, Dad 14. The steamer Willapa arrived from Alaska tonight The steamer brought news of another brutal murder on Douglas island, the second of tbe kind tbat baa occurred there in less than three weeks. Two Indian women were killed, the murderer 1 being an Indian - named Shoga. One of tbe women waa bia wife, and the other was visiting an In dian woman who lived near Sboga'a borne. Sboga gave himself up to an Indian police officer, and oonfessed that he had atabbed two women. He was indicted by the ooroner'a jury, aud there seems to be little doubt but tbat be will be banged for bis orime. To Idemniry the Btatea. Washington, Deo. 14. Senator Mit chell, of Oregon, has introduced a bill in the senate declaring the intent of the aot of 1868, indemnifying the state for expenses in maintaining tbe nation al defense. By a decision of the court of olaims, the interest on tbe money wa not allowed. Tbia waa reverted by the supreme oourt, but aa tbe treas ury department had passed upon the olaims, it refuses, under the Dookery law, to reopen them without further legislation. The Mitchell bill is to oover tbis point Nearly every atate ia interested in the matter, and interest charges have been disallowed. Denver, Deo. 14. Orders were is sued today for the return of all mem bers of the National Guard to Leadville for duty. Thia appliea to aeveral hun dred men who have been at borne on indefinite leavea of abte noe, and is said to be due to the faot that over 300 of them are alleged to have joined a com pany now being raised in Denver for aervioe in Cuba.. A reoruiting office ba been open here for the past three days, and about 800 names have been enrolled. WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. Downing, Hophlna Co. 'a Barlow ot Trade. Portland, Or., Deo. 16. Tbe for eign newa regarding the wbeat ait nation baa been nniformly bullish during tbe week past Seeding in France and Central Europe baa been topped by oold weather, and the acre age planted will (how a decrease com pared with last year. The reduction in French acreage ia estimated at ten per cent. Advice: from tbe Argentine report crop prospect worse, aud esti mate tbeir exportable eurplus as smaller than last year's. Australian require ments for American wheat during 1897 are estimated at 100,000 tons, or 8, 730,000 bushels. The news from In. dia is rather more favorable, but the real soarcity there will not be felt until next year. The position in Ametua is even stronger than in Ejrope. Two small crops in succession have followed a large reduction in aurplcs yield from previous crops. The amount of wbeat still in first bands ia estimated at 65,000,000 bushels less than in De cember last year. Tbe quality of much of tbe winter wheat remaining ia too noor for millina: purposes.. Tbe de- maud from interior miller for wbeat from center of accumulation continuea brisk, and tbeir advioea indicate that suppliea of red winter wheat for mill ing are practically exhausted. Tbe apeculative condition have changed considerably during the week. Longs bave been eager to secure profits. The volume of trade ba fallen off materi ally and the market baa lacked specu lative support The result waa a de cline to 78 c for May wbeat on Thurs day, which was followed, however, by a rally on Saturday to 80 7-8o. making the loss from a week ago a trifle more than one cent The local sentiment ia bearish, temporarily, and with the ap proaching holidays and laok of general trade value may siuk a little lower. We regard conditions aa warranting higher values next year, and on any further decline in prices oonaider wbeat to be a safe and profitable purchase. During tbe last week tbe corn mar ket ruled weak in tone, prices showing a decline of about per bushel. Liquidation by longs, cold, dry weather tborughont tbe West, and a consequent increase in offerings by country ship pers all contributed to the heaviness. In order to effect aalea, holders were obliged to make sacrifices. Sentiment continuea conservatively bearish in view of tbe large supplies at points of accumulation and lack of speculation. Tbe oat market abowed tbe effect of liquidation, sales price declining lo, closing with a slight improvement This cereal has many friends, as the de mand for cash is good, while supplies are not overburdensome. Provision bave been fairly active during the past week on the hog esti mates. We are of the opinion that the consumption of the product will be large the coming year, and advise pur chases of May product on breaks. Prices are low, tbe trade selling pro duct relatively cheaper than tbe live bog; therefore do not believe there is any profit to be made in selling on the low basis of a 3o bog. RUSSIA HAS CONTROL. Mnntchnrin Ceded to tho Csar Chlna'a Treaty Made Public London. Dec. 15. The text of tbe Russian-Chinese treaty, reproduced here from the North China Daily News, baa aronsed considerable discus sion on all aides, and it ia regarded as a matter of the greatest importance. Some of tbe newspapers refuse to be lieve it authentio, as it would be such a victory for Russian diplomaoy. The Spectator aaya tolsy, however, it be lieves it to be exaot, and adds: "No forger would bave tried so elaborately to protect tbe pride of China. While securing every Russian object, nothing ia ceded openly. Kua sia is permitted to run a railway to Kiirin, and ia expressly authorized to keep all the troops she pleases to pro tect the Mantchurian stations, and she ia also to fortify Port Arthur for China. "No glass is required to interpret phrases like these, which completely invest Russia with military control of Mantuhuria and the Liao Tung penin sula." Continuing, the Spectator saya it thinks tbe arrangement threatens Japan more than Great Britain, "wbiob. can resist when her commercial rights are threatened." ' Killed b; Woman. Indianapolis, Deo. 15. Mrs. Grace Dolan, a oomely white woman, about 24 years old, shot and killed Henry Jackson, a young negro porter em ployed at tbe New York store, at ber home, on Liberty Btreet ' Her husabnd waa away from home, and Emma Ott, a young friend, was staying with ber. The negro, whom they had never seen before, tried to olitnb into the window, but Mrs. Dolan fought him off with a ourtain pole. He returned, but by this time abe had got a revolver and frightened him off with a threat to shoot When they thought be had gone the women ran out to give the alarm, but found blm rushing baok towards the bouse with a brick. He forced bia way into the bouse and Mrs. Dolan pulled out the revolver aud fired three times, killing him. She was plaoed under ar rest Fatal Boiler Kxploalon. Marseilles, Deo. 14. The boiler of the Messageriea Martime steamship Saghalien exploded shortly after she left Hong Kong recently, killing sev eral stoker The Saghalien succeeded in reaohing Saigon. i , r A Slump In Bealafclna. London, Deo, 15. At the late sales, Alaska sealskins declined 18 per cent; Copper island declined 1 7 per oeut; Northwest ooast declined 20 per oent NORTHWEST BREVITIES Evidence ot Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEMS OF GENERAL ISTEREST from All tho Cltlea and Towna of tha Thrlrlnc Slater Htates '. ' Oreffon. ' The electrio plant at Milton ba been closed down temporal ily. TbeTe are now about 70,000 bushel of wheat in storage in Albany held by farmers. Tbe Baker City Democrat say that the county jail i the only vacant building in tbat city at present. ' ' Tbe atudonts of the state university who are musicians bava decided to or ganize a band. Thirteen have already joined. J. N. Holcomb, of Eagle valley, picked and marketed 100,000 pounds of apples last season. He baa also set out 1,000 more fruit tree. It i reported in Baker City tbat William Wbite, jr., of Pittsburg, Pa., ba leoured an option on the Ibex mine, in tbe Snmpter district, for $60, 000. . Raising boney in tbe John Day val ley seema to be a very lucrative busi ness. Nearly every rancher ba bee and can readily dispose of tbe mrplu product at good figure. . ' Tbe late grand jury in Baker eonnty failed to find a aingle indictment at tbe present term of oourt It will be tbe cheapest term of oourt for the taxpayers, no doubt, tbat baa been beld in tbe county for year. Tbe Grande Ronde Lumber Company now baa a total of 5.000,000 feet of saw logs along tbe .Grande Ronde river for the next spring drive. Thia ia about one-balf tbe quantity that will be required for next aea son's run. E. Willard purchased last week 100 bead of cattle in Eagle valley, Union county, for Portland shipment He says there are a good many oat tie in that vicinity notwithstanding tbe fact tbat buyers have been picking np a good many head. One night last week wben train No. 59 was orossing tbe bill near Blalook, tbe trainmen were treated to beauti ful sight A large and very bright meteor was seen falling from the heavens, and wben apparently about mile from tbe earth seemed to stand, suspended for a moment, and then passed on in its northerly flight The meteor was Visible for about five miaJ n tea and had the appearance of an im mense ball of fire flying through space. About three week ago, aay the Blue Mountain Eagle, Mr. Ram bo left Long Creek, in Grant county, with hia fam ily, for College Plaoe, Wash. He took with him a big tomcat No sooner waa the cat free in College Place wben be disappeared. He waa afterward seen by several freighter near Pendle ton, and arrived in Long Creek soon after, having traveled 140 miles, over a road that be had never been before, except wben taken out in a wagon. ' Washington. . The town of Waterville now owna it own light and water plant " Four deer were killed on Eartstein island, in Mason county, last week. - There are about 15,000 bales of 1896 bops stored in Puyallup warehouse. Taooma salmon fishermen are now seining for herring tbat will be used a bait by the halibut fishermen. : Tbe next jury term of the auperior court for Walla Walla will convene January 10 next An unusually full docket ia expeoted. The rowboat in which the two young men left Seattle on a bunting exouraion baa been found. It is now the general opinion that tbey were drowned. North river logger got over. 1,500,-. 000 feet of logs below tbe falls during tbe late flood, and there l about 1,000, 000 feet above the falls to come down. Ten dozen bob-white quail bave been reoeived by tbe Rod and Gun Club in North Yakima. Tbey will not be turned loose until the winter ia fully over and in tbe meantime they are re ceiving every attention. There are now said to be 116 appli cants for the office of fish commissioner to one who will get it It seema in credible that forty-six minister of tbe gospel should be among the number, aaya the Whatcom Reveille. An order, signed by Secretary of War Lamont, and approved by President Cleveland, baa been received at tbe lo cal land ; office in Seattle whereby Manowstone point ia reserved for bat tery purpose for high-power gun. Thia permanently establishes the point for military purposes. ... :'! Robert Hughes and Elia Wilson were out ' hunting near Blaine last week. Wilson mistook Hughes for a deer and fired at bim. Tbe ball strnok Hughes in tbesboulder, making a pain ful flesh wound, and, after passing through his shoulder, struck and dented tbe barrel ot his gun. It wa a lucky escape, and ahould prove a . lesson to anyone who does not know what he ia shooting at when he pull the trigger. The tax levy on oity property in Seat tle for 1897 has been fixed at 11 mills for the old limit, or for the eight wards, and 8 milla for the new limits, or ninth ward., ' President Penrose, of Whitman ool lege, has addressed a letter to the peo ple of Walla in reference to the Pear son endowment and oalls attention to tbe necessity of immediate aotion on., the part of those who are interested in seeing Whitman become one of the fore most college in the country.