The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 30, 1896, Image 4

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ttprlarht Character of Jeaaaa Gordon
Beaaett In tbs Newspaper World,
The character of James Gordon Ben
nett as a leader 01 Journalism la admir
ably lummed up In an Interesting ar
ticle by Jamea Oreelman. Aa an edit
or, saye the WTlter, Mr. Bennett la Im
patient of political control or partaer
ablp. lie acenta danger In every ap
proach, and be will deliberately attack
a party to prove that be la not under
Its Influence. According to blm, aa
editor abould be a man In a watch
tower, out of aound and out of reach.
Otherwise there would be conspiracy
and compromise. Private promises
are to be broken in the public Interest.
Friendships are to be regarded aa traps
for the editorial conscience. So Mr.
Bennett la a lonely man In a crowd, a
hermit In the midst of bustling life.
I can tell one story that illustrate the
tnagnlflcent perversity and shrewish
ness that bare preserved the Herald as
a historic example of Incorruptible
Journalism. When Gen. Crespo under
took to overthrow the rotten and tyran
nical government of President Palacio,
be had thirty badly-armed Veneaue
Una to follow him. The revolution was
aanctloned by the people, bnt they were
afraid, at first, to Join Crespo'a stand
ard. Gradually, however, ha gathered
Mill Manager Besieged By Inrarlated
Chipley, Fla., Oct. 88. Beselged by
Infuriated negroes, J. M. Criglar, man
ager of Hagerman'a lumber mills at
Hager station, fonr miles west of here,
defended himself with snob effect that
ha killed two of bis assailanta and
wonnded fonr others. Criglar became
engaged in a quarrel with one of his
employes and the other negroes drew
pistols and began firing at the manager.
Criglar ran to bia office, looked himself
Ones Kara
ta Starve the
Ha Will Try
Ineorgeata. . .
Havana, Oat J6. Captain General
Weyler baa issned a proclamation con
taining the following provisions:
First All of tba inhabitants of the
country or outside the lines of fortifica
tions of the towns mast betake them
selves to tba towns oooupied by troops
within a period of eight days. Those
who are tonnd outside the towna after
the expiration of that period will be
considered rebels and will be taken and
In and opened fire with a Winchester j tried as suoh.
on tba maddened negroes who sur
rounded tba building.
For an bom the battle oonitnued and
when tba Louisville & Nashville train
arrived at the station the negroes were
preparing to set Bre to the building and
cremate Criglar. The train arew and
passengers, however, rushed to Crig
lar's aid and dispersed the negroes.
Tba negroes bad fired over 100 shots ;
Into tbe building, but Criglar escaped j
by lying on the floor. As soon aa the ;
negroes fired a volley, however, ha j
wonld rise and shoot at them through i
tbe windows. Tbe negroes killed are
Amos Jodson and Alexander. The :
8ooond The wlthdrawlof groceries
j from towns ia absolutely prohibited,
; and also the transportation of them by
; aea or land, without permit from the
' military authorities, violators of this
1 provision to be tried and punished aa
' aiders of the rebels.
, carry them to towns or make applies- j
I tion immediate!, for protection.
Fourth Eight daya alter the publi
cation of this proclamation, all rebels
surrendering in every municipality mountain of
will be subject to the captain-general's
disposal to order them where to reside,
and it will be a commendation in their
favor for them to give available news
about the enemy and to surrender with
wonnded are Henry Simpson, Jack
! Nnhla. Anitna Miller and Alheri Lea-
i tar. Simrjson and Lester ere tbouabt urearms; anu, moreover, to sur-
together a email army, and advanced j to be fatally wounded. - render oolleotively in their organisa
tion the government forces. Palacio ! tione.
SUPPLIES FOOD TO THE POOR Firth Tba proclamation la only
J enforceable in the prorinoe of Pinar del
and his frienda bad looted tba treasury.
money waa needed to crush the revolt,
and a sum great enough for the pur
poses could only be had tn Europe.
About this time an old friend of Mr.
Bennett called upon blm In Paris, and
explained that the Venezuelan govern
ment desired to place loan bonds for
many millions of dollars In the Lon
don market He Informed Mr. Bennett
that he waa to be tbe agent of Palacio
In the matter, and would make a for-
tune out of It Then be aaked for tbe
co-operation of the Herald, on the score
of old-time friendship, and finally he
announced that If the Herald could be
little the revolutionary cause, and ao
stimulate the confidence of bankers In
the government bonds, the transaction
would be worth two or three hundred
thousands dollars to Mr. Bennett At
this Mr. Bennett smiled grimly.
"It ia worth a million dollars to the
Herald to know these facta," be said.
"I do not quite understand you,"
said tbe friend.
"It la worth J 1,000,000 to support the
other aide."
"Why, Mr. Bennett, am I too late?
Have the other men seen yon?"
"No; not at all. But yon have given
me proof that the government of Vene
zuela deserves to fall. It la worth
f 1,000,000 to tbe Herald to be on tbe
right aide. I shall back up the revolu
tion, and let the truth be known to tbe
In vain the friend pleaded that bia
conversation was confidential, and that
a newspaper had no right to take advan
tage of facta communicated under tbe
seal of secrecy. Within an hour, a cable
message aet tbe wonderful machinery 1
of the Herald In motion, and day after
day Its columns were crowded with :
dispatches from special correspondents
In Venezneala, describing thlev ylwovt j
the revolutionary army and the weak-i
cess or the government These dis
patches were reproduced In all tbe
European capitals, and Palaclo's bonds
could not find a purchaser. Without
money or credit the tyrant fell; and
the first act of Crespo, after he enter
ed Caracas at the head of his victorious
army, waa to send a long cablegram,
at the public expense, thanking the
Herald, over his own algnature, for Its
services In the cause of liberty and
constitutional government
Kerel TV ark of aa Kaglisa ;Ce-eeraUve
Pan Francisco, Oct 86. Ben Jones,
of London; Joseph Clay, of Gloucester,
I and William Stokes, of Newcastle, ar-
1 rived from tbe antipodes on the steamer
Momowai. They are representatives
of the Man oh ester Co-operative Society,
an instituion which ia doing business
with a capital of 7,000.000, and
which baa big stores and agencies scat
tered throngbont the United Kingdom.
Tbe society is organiaed for the pur
pose of affording tbe poor and middle
classes an opportunity of purchasing
auppliea and tbe neoesaariea of life di
rect from the producers, growers and
manufacturers, thereby saving the pur
chaser tbe profits of the wholesaler and
middlemen. The society baa proved a
big anooees, and baa become an ex
tensive and powerful concern in Eng
land, and tbe representatives now hers
say they have been in New Zealand and
Australia to see if it would be practic
able and feasible to organise branch
agencies in those colonies.
As a result of their visit they say
it is highly probable that the society
will engage in the business of handling
refrigerated meats from the Australian
brlila Com men ta oa the Loaety Lot
of the Judge,
"Bring In Nora Reeves and Bill
Drake," aald Judge Berry of the Second
division of the city court, and a look
of solemnity settled upon the face of
the youug Judicial officer as he prepar
ed to perform bis first marriage cere
mony. "Your honor," aald Mr. D. R. Keith,
one of the lawyers present, "I think
this occasion should be made aa bril
liant as possible, and I hope your houor
will appoint the attendants."
"You are right Mr. Keith." replied
the Judge, "and I think It would bs
nothing but proper for the sheriff to
act as beat man and for the clerk, an 1
Mr. Walker to act aa attendants."
These preliminary arrangements bar
ing been completed, tbe door was open
ed and Bill Drake, a stmple-lookln
negro, who wore drab-colored panta
and a faded Jacket of blue much too
short for him, came snickering into thi
room, followed by Nora Reeves, a great
black flesh that loomed
formidably above tbe little negro lu
front of her.
"Have you ever been married?" asked
tbe Judge, turning to the man.
"Yesser, 1 wua married one time,"
replied the negro.
"Well, wliere's your wife?"
"She wua dald, Jedge, de las' time 1
heered f urn nor."
"Aud you haven't heard from bor
"No, sah; nalr wurd."
Evidence ot Steady Growth
and Enterprise.
from Alt the Cities sad Towas of the
Thriving aleter States
A number of hogs wars told last
mo insurgents unrmg tne pass iwo i
weeks nave been continuing tbe work n.iv van vr heen man-lad. Nors?"
of devastation, particularly in tbe prov-, ,skelJ tnc jnaKe, turning to the woman,
inoe of Matanaas, where they havere-;Bne eickered, ehook bor bead aud
ouoea to asnes eigni tooaooo ana eugar j U)jhed to herself.
plantations, togeiuer witn many isrni
houses and huts of laborers, tbe total
valne being about ,3,000,000. Hun
dreds of families are rendered homeless
Mysteries Death of aa Usknowa Maa
In Colfax.
Colfax, Oct 36. A box-oar burned
1 st evening on a switch ot the O. B.
AN. In one end of the car the form
ot a man waa noticed, burned beyond
recognition. Tbe body ia supposed to
be that of Dave Bucban, who at 8
o'clock last evening took five shots at
Louise Furester, his sporting wife,
whom it is said be Jilted at Spokane
recently. She followed him here.
Tbe shooting coenrred on the Moscow
train, and tbe Forester woman sus
tained on'y a flesh wound. Bucban
baa been here several weeks, and baa
been under tbe In 9 once of morphine
much latley, and attempted suioide
several times.
A suspicions character called "Old
Cripple" ia also missing. Tbe dead
man's body waa taken to tbe morgue,
and officers are at work on tbe ease.
Caaaa of tba Hiltoa Hashes Psllara.
New York, Oct 28 Chief among
the causes for tbe failure of tbe big
bouse of Hilton, Hughes & Co. ia de
clared to be tbe postage-stamp mania.
Any employe of tbe firm who had oc
casion to oonsnlt or confer with the
bead partner, Albert Hilton, usually
expected to meet with the petulant ex
clamation: "Ob, go away; don't bother me now;
can't yon see I'm busy?'
He waa busy, the chief of this great
concern, but not with balance sheets
nor with contracts, nor estimates, nor
tn consideration of new ideaa in dry
goods selling. Tbe bead of one of tbe
largeat dry goods stores in America,
the employer of thousand ot persons
and over whose counters immense sums
of money were psssed daily, waa busy
the Coast sn exclusive agency for the A. ! during business hours almost exolu-
f W WmPann. TlbM. Vii-ivfl awn1 ....... ....
aiveiy witn nis collection ot postage
' As Exceptional Case.
"You know old John Goodner?"
"Never called anything but 'Honest
John' for forty years."
"County treasurer for twenty-eight j
years and guardian lor nail tne orphans
In the country? 'i rusted by every,
body." .
"Dead three weeks and experts have
gone over bis books."
"They found that he was honest Is
svery way." , '
Special Offer ta General stares. Dry
Goods Stores, Dealere la Xetloae.
Ws wish to establish In every town on
M. W. WaTza-Paoor Dasss Faciko asd
terms, samples and particulars, address st . Stampa.
once Pacific Coast Aosuct Wessb Masf-i
FACTCauo Co., 819 Market street, rooms 23
and 24, San Francisco. Cal.
Tve and Bait Millions Arrived om
the Stoaowat.
San Francisco, Oct 38. Tbe steamer
Monowai, wbicb arrived from Australia
today, baa on board about 3,500,000
worth of English sovereigns, consigned
to Assistant United States Treasurer
Berry, to be melted down and milled
into double eagles here and stored away
in tbe anbtreasury.
About a month ago a shipment vei
ned at 11,600,000 waa received bare
from Australia, and at that time Assist
ant Treasurer Berry waa authorised by
the treasury department at Washington
to receive tbe ooin at bullion valne for
storage in the subtreasnry and to aooept
additional shipments to tbe amount of
16,000,000. Soon afterward dispatches
announced that the second shipment
from Australia, amounting to 12,600,
000 bullion value, bad started an its
way from Australia.
Tbe treasure will be taken to the
mint where the gold will be tested for
weight and fineness and afterwards
either coined into J0 pieces or stored
in tbe subtreasnry as bullion.
Tbe gold thus shipped from Australia
ia plaoed to tbe credit of merchants
who are buying in Mew York and
Europe to make np tbe balance of trade.
wbicb is naturally in favor of New
York at tbia season. A dosen years
ago tbia plan was devised by Hngh
Craig and others, and by it the annual
saving in tbe exchange between here
and New York amounts to a large sum.
Tbe next shipment, which will arrive
before the first of the year, will proba
bly be larger than either of the two
lei Tot,
CHap '
frtiu!, Or.
MME. A. BTJPTKHT says: "I appreciate the
fact that there i re thousands and thousands of
the ladies of the U jited States that would like
to try my World Renowned FACE BLEACH:
but hare been kept from dolor soon account of
the price, which Is 12 per bottle, or S bottles
taken together 15. In order that all of these
bst hare an opportunity, I will mail free a
sample bottle, safely pecked, plain wrapper, on
receipt of 2ft cents. FRECKLES, pimples, moth,
sallowneea, black heads, acne, eczema, oilineM
or r
expression,) FACE BLEACH removes Absolute
ly. It does not cover up, aa cosmetics do, but
it is a cure.
Send for my book "How to be Beautiful," free
en application. Address all communications
or call on
Boom 6, Oolden Buls Building, Portland, Or
Harper's Weekly.
During November some interesting
and characteristic features in tbe pro-
BEAUTIFUL ! , gma political campaign will be
auuwu iu piuiurrs vj a. on luoisirap,
who has made a special trip to the na
tional headquarters at Chicago in tbe
interests of Harper's Weekly. Prince
ton's sesqui -centennial will be fully
treated by tbe Weekly, in illustration
and text; and Bobert Reid's decorations
for the Congressional Library will form
tba subject of an attractive paper.
Fight la the Sultan's Palace.
Paris. Oot. SS.Le Temps this after
noon publishes s dispatch from Con
stantinople saying that a conflict
occurred at Yildiz Kiosk, tbe snltan'a
palace, between Turkish and Albanian
guards. Several men on botb aides
were killed.
roughness, or any discoloration or disease of
! skin, and wrinkles (net caused by facial
Cowardly Turk.
Constantinople, Oot. 26. The Rus
sian black squadron called at Tiebi
sond, in Asia Minor, and stayed there
for a day, creating a panio among tbe
Turkish inhabitants of tbe town, who
sought refuge In tbe bonses of the
Christian residents and especially
those ot tbe Armenians.
ImericanTjpe Founders Co
Patentees of Self-Spacing Type.
Sols Makers of Copper-Alloy Type
Oea. gaaamS and Stark Ste.. Portland. Or
LI Beaches Faking.
Peking, Oot 28. Li Hung Chang
baa arrived here, and will shortly pre
sent bis report to the emperor.
Lake Freighter Aground,
Chicago, Oot 26. Tbe big steel
steamer Aragon lost her bearings in a
fog this morning, and ran aground on
a reef off Sixty-third street Toga
were unable to move ber, and tbe work
of removing ber cargo to a lighter will
commence. Tbe lake is comparatively
smooth. The Aragon was bound from
Escanaba to Sonth Chicago, with iron
ore. She is owned by C. B. Jones, of
Cleveland. . ,
Electric coal mining machinery is
being rapidly introdooed in Western
Ceavletloa of C. O. Dewnlag of Zaa
besslement Sost allied.
Olympia, Wash., Oct 26. Tbs su
preme court today affirmed tbe lower
court's judgment in the case of Stats ot
Washington, respondent vs. C O.
Downing, appellant Tbia waa a ease
wherein tba appellant, as olerk of Spo
kane oounty, was convicted of em
bezzlement Counsel for Downing
nrged tbat tbe information was in
sufficient to charge an offense, tinder
the act of 1383, making it em bessle
ment for any oounty officer to whom s
salary ia paid to fail to pay to tbs coun
ty treasurer all sums that shall corns
into bis hands for fees snd charges in
bis office; also that the information
did not charge an offense nnder section
67, of the penal code. Tbe suprems
court held contrary to tbia oontention
in tbe case of tbe Bute vs. Isensee, tbe
defaulting city treasurer of New What
com, and ooncludea upon tbe authority
of tbat case, tbat no error waa commit
ted in tbe lower court in overruling
the demurrer in this ease. Tbs excep
tions taken by the appellant to oertain
charges of tbe lower court are held by
tbe supreme court to be nntensbls.
A Blood Japanese DnaL
San Francisco, Oct. 26. Eats Nish-
imto and Harry Nismato, Japanese,
and cousins, fought a bloody duel to
day at their boarding-bouse. As s re
sult, botb are at tbe receiving hospital,
Eats with one side of bis bead sliced
off and bis left cheek amputated and
bia left arm almost severed from bia
body. Harry got off better, bnt bis
body is covered with wonnds and
gashes. Tbe row began over the pay
ment of a debt, and Harry used a big
butcher-knife, while Kata wielded a
Japanese naval sword. Botb fainted
from loss of blood, bnt tbey may re
cover. . , .
afore Armenians Arrive.
New York, Oot 26. There were 180
Armenian ateerage passengers on tbe
California, which arrived this after
noon from Hamburg and Havre. Tbey
were shipped in Havre and are booked
for various destinstiona. The captain
states all have some means, and soma
bsvs as muob as 30. He does not
anticipate any difficulty about landing
them as tbey are not likely to become
publio charges. There are only a few
women and children among them.
The Refugees trill Land.
New York, Oot 26. The 184 Ar
inenian refugees who bave been held at
Ellis Island for several days, will, after
all, be allowed to find homes in this
oonntry. Tbe New Jersey men who
proteited against the colonising of the
Armenians by tbe Salvation Army in
Ramsay, N. J., hays appeared before
Immigration Commissioner Senner to
ssk for the release of tbe Armenians.
Tbe New Jersey delegation offered to
support tbs Salvationists in semiring
bonds for tbe refugees ao tbey ahould
not beooms publio charges.
"Nora, tuke tbe arm of BM," aald the
"Oh, g'way, Jinlge; I doan wan'ter
tek do arm er dat ole nigger," aaid tbe
woman. There waa much laughtor at
this throughout the court room, but
Judge Berry repeated bia command:
"Take the arm of BIIL"
"Have you got a license. Bill?" asked
tbe Judge, and Bill, from the Inside
pocket of bis vest, pulled out a license.
-Bill,- said Judge Berry. In bis most
ministerial tone, "do you recognize tbe
wise dictates of Providence tbat It Is
not good for man to live alone, and also
tbat it Is the dnty of man to multiply
and replenish the earth?"
"Yasser. Jedge," said Bill, fervently.
"Do you J" continued the judge, "take
this woman to be your lawfully wedded
wife, to protect and cherish, to cars for
ber In sickness and in health until
death you doth part?"
"Yasser, Jedge."
"Nora," aaid tbe Judge, turning to the
woman, "do yon agree to take thla man
to be your lawfully wedded husbanl
for better or for worse, to cars for blm
In alckneaa and In health, to love, honor
and obey until death you doth partr
"I now pronounce you man and wife."
aald the Judge, and some Irreverent by
stander aald. In a low tons of voice:
"And may the Lord have mercy on
your souls."
Tbe woman puckered up ber month
and poohed aa she went out, and reach
ing the door, said: "I dunno why In de
namer goodness dat jedge doan' tak
an git married hlssef, daa wat I dunno,
an' him a talkln' 'bout de wise dictates
er Providence." Atlanta Journal.
Divorce and insanity.
Edgar Saltus, a writer of novels who
wants to be called a "generator," and
not a "degenerate," baa discovered tbat
statistics compiled by tbe Germans
show tbat Insanity Is ten times as fre
quent among divorced people of either
aex, as among either those who bars
remained in a state of single blessed
ness or bave acquired the state of mar
ital happiness. From this, Mr. Saltus
argues, that "divorces not only wreck
the borne, but sometimes wreck tbe In
tellect Human affections are pro
foundly mysterious; tbe ties that asso
ciation weavea are enigmatic realities;
and when, through caprice, folly or
aln, tbey are trampled on. It la nature
that punishes and tbe killing of lovs
becomes the killing of reason." Mr.
Saltus' phrases sound pretty, but tbey
are the veriest nonsense, written for
the purpose of making copy. It la a
deliberate putting of tba cart before
the borse. Tbe German statistics only
prove that it is people who are not
perfectly sound mentally who marry
people they cannot live wltb happily
ever afterward. Sane people bars
sense enougb to marry a compatible
companion, and grit enough to "grin
snd bear It" If tbey make a mlstaks.
Hirscb's Hoodoo.
Hlrscn, shortly before
reek in Milton for 2 cents per pound
William Fraaler ia in Eastern Oregon
buying borser to bs used In tbs United
States cavalry.
The oounty judge of Josephine conn
ty wss fined recently f 100 fur buying
a small piece of Josephine oounty scrip.
The John Day flouring mill, in
Qrant county, is runuing sixteen hours
day, aud is grinding 400 bushels of
wheat a day.
Lee Mitchell, of Grant's Pass, ts-
oelved a painful wonud from salmon
bite on tl:e leg below tne knee, while
fishing last week.
Two Albany boys bars ahipped Into
tbe naval service, and are off on
three-years' ornlss on a man-of-war out
of San Francisco.
At the oannery at Marahfleld waa
overstocked, tbs tug Triumph took
2,000 salmon from tbat plaos to tbs
Coquille oannery last week.
The now quarta mill niaohlnery has
all been pot on tbe ground at tbs Black
Butte mine, with tbe exception of a
small wheel, weighing 4,600 pounds.
Tbe salmon oannery at Alsea bay ta
making a fins pack, and nearly 10,000
oasea will be put np if there Is no abate
ment in tbs run before tbe season oloses,
Most of tbe farmers of Powder valley
have about finished tbe fall round-up
of cattle and bave now in pasture a
fins-looking lot of beef steers and fat
A movement is on foot among lovers
of music in Long Creek, Grant oounty,
to organiae a band. A subscription
paper for that purpose la being circu
City Marshal Logan, of Weston, in
sista that boys under 18 years of age
most keep off the streets after 7 o olook
in tbe evening, and warns parents that
be intends to enturoe tbe curtaw ordin
There passed through Athena last
week a family that proposes making
an entire trip to Florida by team. Tbey
make their expenses ot the trip by giv
log musical performances, tbs entire
family being musicians.
Tbe semi-annual report of the oounty
clerk of Josephine oounty abowa tbat
there were, on September 80, outatand
tag unpaid oounty warrants to the
smount of 184,504.87, tbs estimated
interest on which is t?,000,
A number of the country papers are
fully alive to their own interests in
the present gratifying wheat situation.
booh notioes ss this are being ran
"Don't neglect to settle that littls sub
scription aooonnt when yon sell yonr
There are In tbs office of tbe treas
urer of Benton county funds amount
ing to $2,824, With which old outatand
ing warrants onuld be paid were tbey
presented fur redemption. ' Boms ot
these warrants were issned as far baok
aa April, 1887.
A dredger will begin work on Olym
pia harbor next month.
Tbe school tax of tbeoity of Spokane
lor next year amounts to 1 08.000.
William Hopkins has establisbej
broom-handle factory in Burlington.
Blanche Bennet, a typewriter, waa
put in jail in Spokane Saturday,
charged with smoking opinm. She
was found in Lee Jim's "joint," stupt
fied by tbe drug.
Tbe superintendent of schools in
Whatcom oounty is strongly advising
teaonsra to observe Admission dsy
tbisyesr. Washington wss admitted
as a state November 11, 1889.
Tbe commissioners of Kings oounty
have fixed the tax levy for 1896 at
IS 88 mills on all property witbin the
limits of Seattle. Tbe rate on all
property in tba county ootsids of
oittea, and not included In school dis
trict specials, is 13 mills.
Tbe mills for making oatmeal and
flour in Tacoma and Seattle are run
ning nlgbt and day, and yet are behind
in their orders. The demand for flour
death, aold, bia very beautiful eetats j u0m tbe Orient baa been aimply pbe
at St Jean, because It waa too damp to
be healthy. He purchased another
through an agent and atarted to erect
a magnificent chateau upon It After
be bad expended about 38,000 on the
new property, wbicb be Intended to en
dow as a children's hospital after his
death, be was Informed that it was even
damper than St Jean. He went in per
son to see, and boding tbe report true,
and tbat tbe property waa of no use
whatever for bis benevolent purpose,
added to tbe thought that be had been
swindled, caused blm to fly Into a vio
lent rage, wbicb waa the direct cauat
of bia deatb.
To bring them about, and are always mors
complete and lasting when Ihey proceed with
steady regularity to a consummation. Few of
the observant amnfif us can have failed to
notice that oermanentlT healthful changes In I
the human system are not wrought by abrupt ! license
most salutary medicines which are progressive, steel cable ferry at China bend, a point
" iv'i.l. ::.t -u.:.' . r: on me opoaane jraiia & Northern r.i;.
i,nKpm,,uiK-M,w vuvhiiiBl tm I - - --
oniiicrmeu py . wa uuui unit way oeiween juarons
The Rritiah elniimHv la ehnnt tn tjili and
nomenal, and the rolled-oat trade can
not be supplied by the present mil la.
Bishop Cranston and a committee of
thirteen Methoaist ministers bsve com
pleted s tborongb investigation of tbe
affairs of the Puget sonnd university,
resulting in an nnanlmons approval
and indorsement of the methods and
management of tbs oolloge in all its
ine Northern Pscifio will oonstruot
a big stone wall extending over 1,000
feet along tbe bank on the west side of
tne wharves m Taeoma. Tbe .wall
will be of solid masonry, and will be
thirty feet bigb and four and one-balf
leet wide, it will be plaoed on a
solid rock or nardpan foundation.
lbs board of oounty commissioners
of Stephens oounty has srranterl a
to J. H. Saville to conduct a
How the risk Iffcow,
Young Klsb-Tbers'i a book with
Utcewormoult - .
Old Flah-KeP away irom loas.
Youug Klsb-Why.
Old FIsU-Thers Isn't any fashion
plate reflected In tbs water this time.
That book belongs to a frsckls-faced
boy wltb a ragged straw hat. He la
suing tor fish, net for tua.-Hsrtford
Times. '
tas Litis Wosaes.
if that ain't Just llks the womsn,"
aid tba cornfed philosopher.
"If what sm'tr asa tns grocer.
"Why. wbsn ws want to abow that a
man's Independent ws say bs wears no
man's collar, But woman must go and
ahow ber Independence by puwin' en a
man'a collnr."-Indlanapolla Journal.
There are so many laay men that
prises should bs given to those wbo
owi Ttttsr
Ws Oa Han.lrsd Dollars Rawarri ht ah.
las ol t atarra that saniiol be oured bt uXf.
'ten Vara. '
esse i
Ciurfk L'sn,
We, the aurieralgned, have known :
Oheuet for the last it yearn, and bsllsre iii'
nurfwtly amiufsble In all business transt"ni"
and Nuaiielallf able to oarry oat any uullgat L, !
made by firm. ""una
wssv A Tan. a,
Wholesale Itrttfslkrs, Tolada, o
Winii.e, KlMVAN A MtaviN,
Wholvsala DrunlsU, Tnleilu. O
ft all's Celarrh Cure); taken ImernalU , antli..
dlraotly apua the blno-t snd nummasiiriaa,I Till
Hie system. I'sallmnnlsla aetil free, Vrlaalan
Hail s Tamil nils
i are tits iHtet,
I bellavs Plan's Cure Is the only hik1.
cine that will curs ennsunmtluit.l-.A,,,..
M, Boss, WUllaiiispnrt, Ta., Nov. 12, 1m,
ewj! iu xiili . u,
rains Mat
fc,yr"t1,f"' a Dose,
ia b,1ru,t. ataso. e aea
. "S4" traa, aedreW
Or. sesaats Mti, Co. Falls. !,
,E8T with a al Bs. BlaekweU'e euulne Bull
Durham Is la aslaas by Ileal'. Von will flud
oounon inside each two ounce bag, aad two
pons lualua eston four ounos bag of
Gonuino Durham
Smoking. Tobacco
Buy abagof tblsoelebretad toneeeoand read tbe mupon
whica gl'SseiUMMTaiBatHsprseeuMeaa asvuiawsni
iffl JH i ; i
PLUC' f 1
V 1 i t
lr " w ill
' 1
Off for a SU Months' Trip.
rrn nnz S
No matter how much you arc
charged for a small piece of other
brands, the chew is no better than
"Battle Ax." For JO cents you
get almost twice as much as of
other high grade goods
no tbe work of training carrier Direons for
conveying messages at sea.
H vift rorall kinds or work furnished free tm
snort notice. Address Hlgiers Employment us
See, tl2Tlilrd Kireet, Portland, Oregon.
The total population of the earth is esti
mated at about 1.200.000 souls, of whom
85,214,000 die annually an average oi W,
M8 a day.
Nortbport About 9,000 feet of i
Your tea trade from now
Schilling's Best wants it
your money back if you
don't like it
A Schilling a Company
pau r raacisc
oable will be employed to span tbe Co
lumbia river at this point, and the in
ducement for putting in a ferry la the
accessibility of tbe Flat oreek and ad
jacent mines on the Indian reservation
An agent of tbe war department has
been for some time looking over tbe
territory at the moutbof the Columbia,
and, through bis recommendations, it
baa been finally decided to plaoe pow
siful guns in Fort Stevens, after wbicb
Bcarboro bill, at the foot of whlob lies
Chinook, will be fortified. This Is a
very commanding position on the Co
lumbia, and the fortifications will be
In accordance with its location.
B. F. Benton, of North Yakima
special land agent of the Northern Pa
of iflo Railway Company, made a num
ber ot leases of railroad lands to WaUa
Walla sbsep and eattlsmsn last week.
Is a blood disease and only a blood reme
dy can cure H. So many people make
tbe mistake of taking remedies which
at best are only tonics and cannot possi
bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith,
Greencastle, Indiana, saya: "For years
I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma
tism, wbicb the best physicians were un
able to relieve. I took many patent
medicines but tbey did not seem to
reach my trouble. I gradually grew
worse until I was un
able to take my food
or handle myself ia
any way; I wss sbso-
lntely helpless. Three
ooiues ol B.5.S. re-
H lieved me so thst
wss soon able to move
my right arm; before
long I could walk
across tbe room, and
when I had finished one down bottles
waa cured completely and am as well as
aver. I now weiga 170."
A Real Blood Remedy,
8.S.S. CUreS Scrofula. Canrar. PVvema
snd any form of blood troubles. If yoo
bave a blood disease, take ahlnnrl m,ll.
cine S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vtgeta
table) it excluaively for the blood and
is recommended for nothing else. It
forces out the poison mstter permanent'
It. Ws will
semi to anyone
our valuable
books. Address
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
-eaP"..T ti
Make money br weastl tpemlatloa la
Chicago. Ws boy and sell wheat there on mar
gins. Forrni a have been mads on s small be
(innins by Irsdinf la lotnrea. Writs lur full
fleet ol relervme given. Revere i
esBerienoe on the Chlraao Rnard n(
nd a thorough knowledge ol the hue).
Trade, si
;?T-JXn,!.",i "aft .u '' Boatd
" iTTt. ! v vruo 10 roruaud meson
MAILED FREE I ...Speelal frUa List ot
This straniar Is Issued lor the benest el oar
e?".."."r'.f "i?",I,r w,,, "snoot srall Uiemeslres
2L21" ?"'' "re"!' ' o d-
aress, You will Dud boihsoodsand prtfw right
...a.u u. Wll-I- 4 KINOa CO.,
IIS Msrkst street San rranelsoo, Oal.
&"& "SAW Wi wisp-t itriss
esi.uNaeu. la. uoaaabe. rtuZ ,
Mil! A atf-
aut in thi nfoma. VUlCHgC
Iu wearing asalllleeara ansnrpaasad.aetnally
outlasiluf tarn Imaee ol siiy other brand. Tree
Irom AnlmslOlls. tlT THS OKMIIHSk
rtiR Sai.l av riRsnnit in
snd Dealers generally.
"We will Uave It Entirely
In ymir bands.1
' K yea purchase a
Knrii.e (ls na Uimikiaa Us-
,eiKa, and If It does am do all wesay
II will, you ran return It at onr et
aonse. Head for Catalogue and Prioe
Lmt 10
amertean Type Founders' Co.
teeead and tlsrk Its., FsrtlsaS, Of.
, FOR CHILDftaei lis miss -
I rersalekyellDrghu. as Cease a Wua
-J ln lm lf1 br trtiwtf. f 1
'"is?".", if u iw utywiai ttm
y ,. am m.-e.-as.t . n..i li
H. F, N, D. i?o!T73,-ti F, U, U. fla. 7fl