The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 23, 1896, Image 3

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    , , . j
A Basest Booul. Tb Earnest
Workert, club composed of the
young ladles of Soappoose, will give a
basket social at that place neit Sat
urday evening Iht 2-Uh inst, Every
bod are Invited.
Will Sritic Hirta Judre J. 0.
IforeUnd, of Portland, well knowa to
(he people ot this vlolnlty, will speak
et the oourthouee In this oity this
(Friday) evening upon tbe political is
uee. Everybody Invited.
FlIBLlO Spsakimo. -lion. R. 0,
Smith, of Qrante Pan, member of tlie
house of representatives from Jose
phine county, will add rote tbe people
of tbli oounly upon the political is
sues at the following places and on tbe
following dates) Warren, Monday,
Oct. 2fltbi Yankton, Tuesday, Out.
27lh j lteubsa, (Foster's hall) Wedoss
day, Oct. 28th ; Delens, Thursday, Oct.
20th. Committeemen will pleato make
tlie neoeuary arrangementt.
flatrr to tub Pan. Monroe and
Albert Brown, held for the bur
glary ol F. Ternahon't houie at May
ger, were Indicted last week by the
grand Jury on Ave counla. ' Thy
pleaded guilty to one of the charges
nd were eentenoed by Judge Mclirlde
to one year In the penitentiary, where
they were taken by Sheriff Rice. One
of tbe boys had previous! been an In
mate of tbe slate reform school, from
which Institution be escaped soins
monthi ago,
AlY Way TO 0t Thim. At Rain
ier last spring on election day a men
who has a guardian was not permitted
to vote by a republican board because
the law forbids auch proceeding. The
man wanted to vote the republican
tloket. loo. Recently, however, one of
the populist managers is said to have
told the man that if be would loin the
Brvan forces he would see to it that
be could vote, a majority of the board
at thia time being populist. 1 he law
cute no figure In the case with these
people so long as their objeets are oar
ried out. - - ' -
PaNHoYia's Miitibo. Mayor Syl
vaster Pennoyer addressed large
audience in the court bouse in this
city last Saturday evening. Tbe
crowd came mostly from Warren and
Yankton. The mayor was aocom
panted by M. A. Miller, of Albany,
who oocupied a part of the time, and
It la claimed be out olaaaee the mayor
in point of oratory, and It might be
added in ability as well, without say
ing much for either. Mr. W. B. Dil
lard presided at the meeting which Is
sufficient guarantee that thinga went
smoothly. Tbe speeches were en
thuslasUcally received by some and
with disgust by others.
Mads Lore or Noma. The hood
lum element ot the Pennoyer meeting
last Baturday night asserted itself On
tbe streets after the speaking
over, and until in tbe email hours of
Sunday morning the howling, shriek
Ing portion of the audience was on
our streets apparently thinking they
owned the town. It was a repetition
of the scenes of two years ago when
Pennoyer was to have spoken here but
did not come. It is hut Just to state
that the better element who attended
the meeting do not aanction such
conduct. The noise wae made prin
ei pally by boys who imagined after
they had a glass of beer their clothes
would mwke sails for a full rigged
, No Lohokb a Flao Ship. The
Board ot Naval Bureau laet week de
cided that the flagtbip Charleston be
altered to a single command cruiser.
The work will be done at Mare Island,
California, and tbe ship will be put in
thorough repair, the work requiring
eight months time and an expendi
ture of 1200,000. Tbe Charleston has
been the smallest flagship iu the navy,
and at the time of her building was
filled with admiral's quarters because
eo few vessels were available tor the
duty. She has bsensin oonetant ser
vice since December, 1889, and Is
badly in need of repairs. The new
battle ship No. 9, now being built in
Han Francisco; will be Btled with ad
tniral's quarters and take the place of
the Charleston as a flagship.
Thy Aa Pbcuuab. A populist
official said a few days ago that the
republicans who wanted McKinley
elected should guarraniee him 98
eenta for his county warranta. One ot
the gentlemen preaent offered the
proposition that whichever one was
elected the one belonging to the suc
cessful party should guarrantee tbe
other one 98 cents for bis warrants
The populist official declined to do
this for the reason, he said, "I am sat
isfied limes will be wmsc immedi
ately upon the heels of Bryan's elec
tion." The man who really believes
that and then supports Bryan should
bave the the X-rays turned on him to
see what be Is made of. Yet there
re just such men going about the
couutry talking Brymism. -
Mad Bbyakism. Bryaniam has
gone stark mad on Third atreet, says
the Portland Chronicle. The eornere
ot Washington and Third and Stark
re no longer safe tor peaceable mem
hara of tha community. Last Monday
vening a leather lunged disciple of
Bryan began to exploit his financial
views in a voice that drowned the
howl of the electrlo care and the
team 'whistles on the river. Io the
course ol his remarks whioh by the
way were unintelligible to his hearers
it not to himself he made a pretense
ot quoting U. S. Grant on the silver
iii.iinn. Thia waa like a red rag to a
bull in tbe eyes of a burly backwoods-
man who atoou near. -uw ju
a-lvin an that I'll awear to," roared
the rural cilixan. '' Grant
never said anv sich thing." Likes
flash the depute waa picked up at
both ends' by different faotionists i
the crowd. The backwoodsman tried
to hold his ir round bv violent gesticu
lation. The would be orator turned
purple with rage and made a furious
datii with his flat at the oountryman
A free-for-all fight waa imminent and
the lives and limbs of women and
children were for the time in great
danger of the overwhelming crash of
factions, when a stalwart polloeman
rushed into the thick of the incipient
Bruce Haines, of Clatskanle. was In
town yesterday.
W. F, Slaughter, of Mayger, was In
town yesterday. v
Judge Doan, of Rainier, was In this
city Wednesday.
Harry West, of Soappoose, was In
town Monday last.
Thi Mist and Oregonlan one year
for 92.00 in advance.
A. J. Qulgley, of Clatsksnle, was in
this city yesterday.
Sue the pioluro of Indite and jury
taken by Mr. George.
Mrs. H. P. Walkins has been quite
111 during this week.
J, A. Van, of Fishhawk, was in
town last Tuesday,
Surveyor Meserve came up from
Bearer valley Monday.
E. W. Fowler, of Ooble, has been In
town this week doing Jury duty.
Mrs. W. A, Harris was in Portland
vlsiiing tor a few days this week.
Andy Allen, ot Forest Qrove, was in
this city yesterday making final proof.
Mrs. Frank Miles, of Salem, was in
lbs eity this week visiting old friends.
W. M. Perry, of the Rainier Review,
was In Ihis oity a short time Tuesday.
Attorney Conyers, of Clatskanle,
was in attendance on circuit court
John Vanblarloom and Cbas. Arm
strong, of Vernoula, were iu this city
Qeorge E. Davis, attornsy, of Port
land, has been in attendance at court
Hue week.
W. E. Henrlcl, of Bauvles, was at
tending-to legal bnainess la this oily
last Friday.
School report cards for sale at thia
office. Teachers desiring them should
write at once.
Go and bear Judge Moreland thia
evening and leara from a man who
knows whereof he speaks.
Rudolph Kartb came up from Marsh
land yesterday and will reside lor tbe
winter at borne near Valley.
George Perry, of Houltoo. left last
Monday for Osborne, Kansas, where
be will reside for the winter.
Rev. 0. E. Philbrook will preach al
Soappoose neit Sunday at 11 :30 a. m
nd at Yankton at 7 :30 p. m.
Judge Frank J. Taylor, ot Astoria,
wae in Ibis eity Wednesday attending
to legal business in the circuit court.
County Clerk Weed issusd mar
riage license last Monday to Samuel
A. Fowler aud Mary M. Miller, oi
The patent fence man is again
abroad in the laud. There has been
twe different ones in town tlurius; the
past monlb.
Martin Both and Al Lee, of Rainier,
were in town Tuesday and Wednesday,
the Utter ae a litigant in the circuit
court and the former aa a witness.
John Turoin has leaaed the Cooper
livery stable and is now operating that
institution. We understand he will
soon open a restaurant In this city.
Tbe semi-annual accounts of W. D.
Case aa administrator ( tbe estates of
James Cook, Barah Case, and George
Price waa filed with the county court
laat Wednesday.
Judge Doan last Wednesday bid in
lor the county the property sold for
taxes, the Us amounting altogether to
bout 13,000 Thia closes op the us
sale for this year.
Iu his attempt to be tunny, Sheriff
Rioe's hired man holds bimseii up to
ridioule. Like the long-eared animal
he brays only to be beard and aeon
but utters not a word.
R. G. Smith will speak at Goble
nest Wednesday upon tbe political
iasuee of the day from a republican
standpoint. Mr. Smith will also speak
at Delena on October 29th.
W. A. Williams, of Portland, Har
rison Allen, and Dr. H. R. Cliff will
spsak at the Deer Island
upon the political issues nest sunaay
at S:3U o'clock in toe afternoon
Mrs. L. Belle Gaddia, who has been
teaching echool at Goble for a long
lime, haa accepted a position in the
school at Vale, Oregon, where tbe haa
gone to resume her scboel work,
From all acoounU Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is a Godsend to tbe
afflicted. There is no advertisement
about this: we feel iust like saving it.
The Democrat. CarrolHon, Ky. For
sale by Dr. Edwin Rosa.
Hon. H. V. Gates, representative
for Washington connty, will addresi
the oitisens of the Nebslem valley at
Varnonia tomorrow (8alurday) even
Ing. Mr. Gatee ia a good speaker and
should have a large audience.
T. C. Watts, of Reuben, has been
in town tbe paat two weeks. He was
appoiuted by Judge mo una e last
wiiak ai bailiff for the grand Jury and
Mred in that capacity until that
body was discharged last Saturday,
Judge J. C. Moreland, will address
the oitisens of St. Helens and vicinity
at ihm court house this (Friday) eve
nine. Judge Moreland is a goou
speaker and is well posted upon the
political issues now bsfore the people,
Mr. 8tanialawski. of Portland,
sneak to the people of the Peris, Val
ley, and tbe Bunker Hill settlements
upon the political questions, v mo
new residence of William Karth, near
Valley postoffloe, on Friday, Uot. autn,
at 1 o'clock p. m. Mr. Stanlslawski
will first speak in tbe rouan language
and later iu the JSngitsn, to wet
will be benefitted.
The Semi-Weekly fit. Louis Globe
n.,nnn,il nioht naves, republican in
politics, and Thk Mirt, one year 11.75
in advance. Tbe Globe-Democrat ia
one of the lending republican papere
of the United States, and its eight
(mie. n wk are filled with the
i.,..t .ml moat interesting news. I la
agrionltural department is of especial
j.?..f ia rarmnra. 8snd 11.76 to
IlltVlce w - - g
this office and receive both papers lor
In a recent letter to tbe manufac
turers, Mr. W. F. Benjamin, editor of
the Spectator, Rusbford, N, Y says :
it may be a pleasure to you to know
the high esteem in which Chamber
lain's medicines are held by tbe peo
ple of your own state, where they must
be best known. An snnl of mine,
wbo resides al Dexter, Iowa, was about
to visit me a few years since, and be
fore leaving home wrote me, asking if
they were sold here, stating that if
they were not she would bring a quan
tity with her, as she did not like to tie
without them." .The medicines re
ferred to are Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, famous for Its cures of colds
nd croup; Chamberlain's Pain Balm
for rheumatism, lame back, pains in
the side and chest, and Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Dierrhcea Remedy
for bowel complaints. These niedi
oinos bave been iu constant use in
Iowa for almost a quarter of a century.
The people have learned that they are
articles ol great worth and mem, anu
unequaled by any other. They are
for sale here by Dr. Edwin Rosa.
Edward II. Philbrook, who has been
in the employ of J. O. Hanthorn at
Astoria as stenographer for some
months, has acoepUnl similar posi
tion with Balfour, Guthrie dt Co., ol
Portland. In addition to a more de
sirable position be receives an in
creassd salary.
Judge J. C. Moreland will make
public speeches to tbe people of this
county on the following dales and at
the following places: Clatskanle,
Tuesday, Ocl. 27th ; Mist, Wednesday,
Oct. 28th; Mayger, Thursday, Oct.
Z9lh. Committeeman please arrange.
Attention Is particularly called to
the tact that Hon. R. G. Smith will
address the people of Warren noon
the political issues nest Monday even
ing; also at Yankton Tuesday evening.
Remarks will be made by local speak
era, and a lively time is expected.
Rev. Aug. Weinert, of the Evangel!
oal church, will preach nest Sunday,
Oct. 20, at Houlion at 11 a. m. and 7
m. and at Columbia City iu the af
ternoon at 2 : 30 p. m.
Stopped ths Pbocbssioh. Last
Friday night when the A. O. U. W,
grand lodge waa being held in Port
land tbey bad street parade before
going in a body to the exposition
building. Tbey bad mapped out
particular line of march on certain
streets where the telegraph and elec
trio wires would permit their large
floats to pass. Ou one of these streets,
however, populist meeting wss being
beld aud tbe street was fall of people
wao reiusea to permit me procession
to psas. The parade was headed by
a squad of Pennoyer's policemen and
when the procession arrived the men-
ger of the meeting refused to make
way for the parade and some very bot
words ensued. Tbe police force, when
tbey discovered that Mr. Pennoyer
was represented at tbe meeting by
one of hie police commissioners, na
poleon Davis, wbo gave them tbe
wink, declined to clear the public
street and turned to go back. But In
the front of the parade there was
float being drawn by twenty or thirty
horses aud could not be easily turned
around. Notwithstanding this the
crowd defied the procession, police
and all, and some very bot words
passed between Mr. Davia and Mr.
Osorce C. Sears, the latter being grand
marshal of the parade. Tbe equad of
policemen, knowing that if they in
terrupted a populist meeting even
though It waa being beld in violation
of law that their heada would be cut
off bv the mayor, and the crowd real
tains tbe situation, knew tney eouia
defy tbe law and the city as well. For
the time being tbe public streets oi
the metropolis were not thoroughfares
for tbe public to use. but for particu
lar class, who, when any considerable
umber of them are together, never
miss an opportunity to block business
or transgress tbe law.
"October 14, 1896.
W. H. Convert Is at ths county teat this
week on legal business.
Hra. Bosarth. of Woodland. Is Waiting
bar dauibtar, Mrs. S. Merrill,
Mrs. Murray, sr.. has cobs to Caatls Book
to vliu a aeugnier living were.
N. Merrill was Quit IU two or three days
recently, out is reeling oetter again.
K. Tichsnor Is itttios let of hay
stored in toe nsw warsuouss lor marasi.
If lit Jennie Mvers earns hone from Port
land last weea ana is visiting ner parsnta.
A load of floats from ths Nehalera valley
pasted through town Monday 'or ship
lahn Blackford was In from tbe river and
attended tbe school meeting on Tusaday
A reception to be given the new minister
and family it announced to be held at the
retldenceof Dr. and Mrs. HaU on inurt-
day evening of toll wsec.
No marriaatt or destbt to report thit
week, but unlets au Hani rati tnu pteaaant
weathar.a matrimonial event may be safely
predicted in tut near iniure,
Mr. Z. Bryant It moving hit stock of
goods into the vacant store room In ths
Kdgsrton building to leave more room
his building for his hotel patrons.
Kaaner Koberateln It altering and Im-
nrnvina hla nrooertv on Nehalem avenue,
and James MoDonald is getting another
room addtd to ths i-iayer retiaence on
Walnut street.
John Headrlckson, of Beaver, got off the
steamer tbe other morning with some
household goods and an ample tuppiy
campaign raading matter. John proposes
to read tor nimttii ana men vats u,
publican ticket, of courts.
Rev. D. M. Shannon, the minister as
signed to this place by the late eonierance,
It week, and holding the usual
services on Sunday, left Monday evening
for his family. Tbey returned with him
Wednesday morning ana nave niuveu
tbe parsonage. There are three children
in the laniily.
Considerable volunteer work has been
done the paat few dayt to get the parsonage
In comfortable shape for tbe new minister.
The building it new and unfinished, but
hat now been parUtioned and lined with
eurface lumbtr, and thit week tome ladiea
took the opportunity to do tome papering.
They did vigorous work, and tome tay vig
orout talking, while with tmila on their
facet and paste on their fingers, they pa
pered two roomt In a ttyle worthy ol an
artist. To make the work look finlihed
they packed Jack Campbell and Dr. Hall
over to Bryant't mill for baseboards, and
on Tuesday evening the gentlemen were
notified packing the boards on their ehoul
dert while the sound of taw and hammer
inside the buildiug toon after suggested
that the boards were being put in place.
The cltlien' of this school district ( No 5)
attended s called meeting held in the upper
school room Tuesday evening of thit week.
The attendance was quite large, and there
was a general interest takeu iu uiattert
brought before ths msetlng. Ths voting or
a tea wst one of the measures to come op
and wat dltputtd of without dltioulty end
with very little friction. In fact there wtt
no apparent objection to voting a tax, but
some little difference at to the amount. A
tax of fire mills wat voted, witb initruo
tiont to keep the tcboolt golag lor tix
roontht. The high school wat reported in
flourlihlnc condition wild lair pronpeou
of IU being eelf-iunporting. A school di
rector wtt eiecuia to urn vow uiim
term of W. K. Ttchenor, tbs choice falllns
upon -John English, who sxpretted bit
tkanki for the honor and wat qualified by
the c it rnian. Heveral laillei were pretrni
and there wat a disposition to eiert out of
them a school director, an honor they re
spectfully declined, but tall tbat ll me men
rnnlfl a.M. mlt A 1V to r.ut wood for tilt i would airree lo furnish a good
meal. aire. Y. II. uonyert iKreeu w -nisb
the wood in the shape of a tree, tat
men to cut and have it tuken away. Twelve
men volunteered to turn out next Haturdty
with the proper weapons and attack tbe
tree, and tbe ladioa assigned tbemtrlvet
their ptrts in the lurnisnina oi me
Tha nimtfnir iltnnrnil about -. 30 With
everybody in good humor, proud of our
school building and our tcboolt, and dt
teriulnea to keep up witn ins nines.
October 30, 1899.
A lions it beinir built near town tor Mrs,
D. Brewivk.
Mrs. L. Baldern. of East Portland, spent
a few days visiting ia this vicinity.
H. L. Warren hat moved hit family into
ths house lately vacated by W. ll. couis,
The tne O. K. came in recently and took
out qtilio a lot of bay and tome tbmgles
roin i icuenor t.
Mrs, Campbell and Ada tovell tpeat a
few dayt in Portland at deli gates to tbe
Kpwortn League convention
James Van ant an injury to hit lag from
sawtooth ftit Htturdav at the wood-
chopping, but Is able to be around,
A. M. Tlcbtnor It now the tuccettor of
the Aria of A. M.AW. K Ticbenor, and
will carry on the lumber buttiiett litre.
Will Chandler haa left us and we will no
more hear his gentle voice aa be apeakt to
hit horaes, or bear the tinkle of tbe belli at
the team pattet. The atbletlo club will
mitt Mm very much. Success to him in
his new field of work.
And Cliff Overturf has really got married
and returned io ut with a wife. Well.
ttranger things hive happened and tbit it
a sensible move of Cliff's. He will proba
bly be a resident here, occupying tbe Hat-
tan house during toe winter,
Profeaaor J. B. Olmatead. of University
Park, ia anendiae a few davi about here ia
the Interest of tbe Daited Artisans as well
aa for recreation. He it doinc a little bunt
ing for ipeclment tor preservation in tbe
aiuteuDi oi we roriianu uuiveraitj
It waa with regret we bid rood bye to W,
K. Tichennr and family last Monday. Tbey
go from here to a nigner aitiiuae ror we
benefit of a boy who suffers from asthma,
and think of trying Baker Ulty or taerea-
houtt. That their absence may prove tem
porary only it tbe with of very many in
thit community.
The woadehonrjina for the benefit of the
school house tail Baturday wat a complete
tuecesi to far at getting tlie wood cut ana
ready for hauling wat concernea. A party
of fifteen or mora men went out to 1 ten
ennr'a nlaca an that moraine with axes
sawt and wedge prepared to work, and
thev did work witn a win mat wtt toon
anDarent In the dies of wood that were
seen aa a result oi ineir enurte. awiui
noon a delegation ot ladies appeared with
a matt of provision tufflclent to satisfy a
party of tviot the number of men In addi
tion to the women and children that had
fathered forathe noon meal. Tbit Wat
soon spread and partaken of with an appe
tite worthy the occasion and wat pro
nounced a capital meal. Shuler and Abelt
were out with their teams and hauled what
they could to tha tchooi houte, but did not
get a fourth of what wat prepared. Other
teami promited will bave their chance
latar and are enacted to cet In the balance.
Everybody wat happy; everybody worked
and had a good amietite in eontaauence.
Toward evening tbey could be teen eoming
in feeling a good days' work had been done.
The minister had been there, the principal
of the tcboolt bad taken a band, the editor
wat one of them, tbe city marshal did bit
part, the doctor wat there when It came
dinner time: and after dinner the ladies.
Including both teaehert. undertook W tbow
tha men how tbey could handle crosscut
aawa and aiea. Thev did handle tbero
with care for a short time but ooaclnded
it would not be a matterly stroke ot policy
to show men they could cut wooJ easily or
thsy might have too much of it to do at
home. The ladies' headt were level and
they found It to their interest to gather
mosses and colored leaves, and take care of
the dishes.- School districts will do well to
havt a woedchopping, especially when tbe
ladies take aa interest in it.
eat it ta Hit lWanher Im eeraasay
Mr. Jacob Eabenson, who la In tha em
ploy of the Chicago Lumber Company, at
Det Moines, Iowa, says: "I hsve Just
sent some medicine back to my mother in
ths old country, that I know from personal
experience to be the best medicine in the
world for rheumatism, having used it
my lamlly for several years. It is called
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It always does
the work." Fifty cent bottles for sale by
Dr. Edwin Ross.
Aa Election Propoeltlon.
Colombia Cirr, Or., Oot. 12, 1896.
Eoiroaa Mist. I have 80 acres of as good
land as there Is in Oartce valley, with con
tidtrabis Improvements thereon. A good
house that will last a hundred years. Two
yssrs ago It would have taken 11200 to bay
It; If MoKinleylt elected It will take 11000
to boy it, but if Bryan it elected I will make
a dsed for $600 in gold. Now, It there Is
any person who thinks I do not mean bus
iness I will accept 20 to blad ths bargain
providing Bryan is sleeted, and If McKiu
Isy is elected the ssoaey to be returned to
the owner, the money to be pot op at Tarn
Hist office. 0. F. Fowuta.
Old People.
Old people who require medicine to rega
lste the bowels and Kidneys will And the
true remedy In Electrlo Bitters. Thit med
icine does not stimulate aud contains no
whisky nor other intoxicant, but acta at
tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on tbe
stomach snd bowels, adding strength and
giving tons to the organs, thereby aiding
nature In the performance of the functions,
Electric Bitten is an ezoellent appetiser
and aids digestion. Old people find it just
ezsotly what they need. Price fifty cents
and $1.00 per bottle at Dr. Edwin Ross'
drug store.
BAKER-IIAILEY.-In Washington county
on October 11, 1896, Mr. Harry 0. Baker
ana miss iaa oauey.
MOORE-RYAN. At Salem, on Tuesday
October 12, 1896, Mr. Arthur Moore and
Miss I.yda Ryau.
Nvtloe er Final Settlement.
NOTICE la hereby given that I, the un
dersigned administrator of tbe estate
of Christian Stehman. deceased, have filed
lu the office of tlie county clerk of Columbia
county, Oregon, my final account of my
administration upon said estate, together
with my petition for final settlement; and
that tbe iudse of the county court, in and
for aaid county and state, haa appointed
Monday, the 2nd day ot Novenioer, ltgJB. at
10 o'clock A. M., and the courtroom of
said court, in 8t. Helens, In taid county
and ttate, aa the time and place for hear
ing said final aocount and petition, at
which time and place any person interested
may appear ano contest me tame. .
8. H. HA YARD.
Administrator of the Estate of Christian
Stehman, deceased. s25oV3
tllflrltetsd m rareian CounlnM EacMter
'iwj i89a am esM x
1 million Dollars
-r---y y
Srnillion Mors1
3)hinioti Dollar
t.2. Sli!!1" P?D?!
When Baby was sick, we gave her OaatorU.
When aba waa a Child, she cried tor Oastorla.
When riie became Mies, she clang to Caatoria.
Wlkta she had Children, she gave them Castas
Aaelgaee'e Selles,
TY virtue of a deed of ttMgnment made
1 J to tbe undersi
to tbe undersigned bv Francis D. Hen
rict, on the 2nd da
y or
Mar. 1896. and by
order of tha Circuit ( c
ourt of the State of
Oreron. for Multnomah county, made and
entered on tha lttb day nf October, 1896,
directing tbe laid assignee to ten me on
nation land claim of Charles William Hen
rlcl, ia lections 81 and 23. townships nortn.
ranee 1 west, in Columbia county, ttate of
Oregon ; and also 6 and 61-100 acres off the-
weat end ot lot 7 in saia tecuon xa. in earn
towmhip and range, io laid Columbia
countv. ttate of Oregon. I will, on Batur
day, Kovember 28th, 1896, at 1 o'clock P.
M., at tbe front door of the coarthoute, in
St. Helens, Columbia county, state of Ore
gon, sell at public auction, for cash, ten
par cent on day of tale, and balance upon
confirmation of sale by said Circuit court.
all ol tbe aboye-oetcriuea una.
O23n20 Assignee.
CorritTY Tbkasuhkb's Office,
St. Helens, Or., Oct. 9, 1896.
Notice is hereby given that all unpaid
County Warrants of aaid county, which
have been presented and endorsed "Not
Paid for Want of Fundi," prior to May
16. 18M. will be paid upon presentation
at tbit office. Interest will not be allowed
after this date. W. H. DOLMAN,
o9n6 Treasurer of Columbia County, Or.
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of uoiumDta.
Marcel Beaudry, Plaintiff,
Arthnr A. Everett. Defendant.
To Arthur A. Everett, the defendant above
I vou are hereby required to appear before
h rrmirt .hny. named In the aimve-enuiiea
cause, on the first day ol tha next regular term
of said Court, wbtch shall commence six weeks
or more after the date of the flrat publication of
this summons, to-wlt: On Tuesday, tbe 13th
Am nf rw.(nhAP A. D. IKSft. and BllMWeT the COU1-
plaiot filed against you in aald action; and If
iiainilll W1U apply to ine mun ,w uio nun
emended In said complaint, to-wlt:
i.t Fnr liHlrnient aealnst defendant for the
sum Ol two nunarea aoiiarv witu ,ub,.
the rate of 12 per cent per
r annum, tor ute iur.u-
er sura of one hundred d
do liars ftlOD) aa attor
neys' feet, and for the eosta and disbursements
of this action. . . .
sd. For tbe usual decree lor me saw 01 ae
remises described In tbe complaint, to-wit:
-he nnrthvMt ouarter f nwWl of aectlon thirty
two (32) In township number 6, north of range
number S, weat of the Willamette meridian. In
Columbia county, state of Oregon, togother witb
all and alnguter the tenements, hertdl lament
aud appurtenances thereunto belonging, by the
sheriff of aaid county, according to law and the
nwMM ni tun court, ana mil tne Druceeui ui
said sale may be applied to the payment ol the
amount due nlalntlff. and that defendant and
all persona claiming under heir, subsequent to
the execution of the mortgage In the complaint
set forth, on the premises aforesaid, either aa
purchasers, encumbrancers or omerwue, may
be barred and foreclosed of all right, claim or
equity of redemption In said premises and every
part thereof ; and that plaintiff may havejudg
equity of redemption In said premises and every
nart thereof : and that Diaiutlff mav have judg
ment and execution against me aeienaant ror
any deficiency which may remain after apply
Ing all the proceeds of the sale of said premises
tolhA utl.faption of aaid tudrment. and that
plaintiff may nave sucnoinerana runner reuei
n the premises at to the Court may aeemluat
and equitable. v ---..-
mis summons ia puoiianea Divmnviw.
Honorable T. A. McBnde, judge ol said Court,
made and entered on the 2nd day of September,
A- i. aiajGD at i;Lii!.E. ijr.,
ttolS Attorneys lor r latoun.
Citation to Heirs.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Columbia county.
The State of Oregon, plaintiff.
Lindley Meeker, and all heirs at law of Levi
Franco, ueceaaea, aeieuuauts.
the above entitled Court and Cause on the
ith dav of March. 1896, by W. N. Barrett, then
district attorney of the 6th Judicial District of
Oregon, wherein it it avered and ahown that
Lsvl French, then a resident of Colnmbia
county, Oregon, died Intestate In the county of
MUliuoman in saiu, state, uu uia w u. ui
March, I8t:
Tht Min rrench. at tne time or nitaeatn,
owned In fee all that portion of the following
described real estate lying east of the partition
fence 01 tne susannan umMiMi tract, to-wit:
RAfflnnln at a nolnt B 17 aeereea iu minutes m
A ao ha from that norner of the Aaron Brovlea
donation land claim that it situated N SS de
grees 80 minutes K 7.40 ens tram ue quarter
post on the west side of section No. , township
So. 4 N, range No. 1 W of Willamette Meridian,
and thence running N &3 degrees 10 minutes B
8.M chs to a stake; thence 8 62 degrees 10 min
utes E 0.6V chs to a point Ml feet from tne center
AftheN. p. railroad, aa tne same is now outit
thence 8 87 degrees W, and parallel with the
Mniw ll n nf uLtri fmllroad to a mint in the cen
ter line of Milton oreek; thence up the center of
Milton oreek to a nolnt where a line extenaea
f68 degrees 10 minutes W from the beginning
post would intersect the center of laid creek:
thence N SI degrees 10 minutes E to the place ot
beginning: all In Columbia county, uregon; ana.
then had lo hla possession a large amount ol
That all of said nronertv Is within thltludl
clal district, and within Columbia county, Ore-
That the estate of Levi French haa been fully
settled, and the tame It free from debts:
That aald Levi Frencn len no tun or neiraei
law, and by reason thereof aud of his intestacy
all ot aaid property hat escheated to the State of
Oregon; and that the defendant Lindley Meeker
Is In possession oi tne same:
That on ot about the 1st day of November,
the mraninr off Orasron waa Informed oi
all the forevolne facta, and ha then gave leave
to, and directed said W. N. Barrett to prosecute
this action, ana autnonsea tne employment oi,
and employed Messrs. Diliard A Cole to aaslst
said district attorney herein, aud asking Judg
ment that said estaae has escheated, aud that
the State of Oregon be seised and possessed of
all of aald nrooertv and direotlng the sheriff of
fohimola ootintv. Orna-on. to sell said real estate
and make return of hit proceedings accord ing
It It hereby ordered that all persons Interested
In the estate of said Levi French, deceased, or
in said DroDertv. aDoear In this cause withli
sixty days from the date hereof and show cause,
if anv thev have, why title to allot aaid property
should not vest in tne state oi vregon,
and he
mnA -a rtumlrMd hv law! and that thia order be
fiubllshed for at least six consecutive weeks
rom thia date In the "Oragon Mist," a weekly
newspaper published regularly in Columbia
county, Oregon.
Done and ordered In open Court, at thit May
term, ihe- August xs, nwe. .
Witness- THOMAS A. McBBIDE, Judge.
4f 1 -I 1 - t -aTfessl
J lJII-fll-ell I
. I . - -1
81 and 83 THIRD
Men's All-Wool Suite
Fifteen Patterns. Every Suit Warranted
Made From Our Celebrated Albany
Woolen Mills Cassimeres.
.. ...
c- $8.85 o
nn fin tin nffirtntnrr irrr-ifitv
Albany Men Mills
Samples witb plain roles for self-measurement sent free to any address !
for Infants and Children.
THIHTT yra' eVaaa-vmtbw at Cttsrterto trfth h pattroisauf f
tffllona of yarwsoaa, prmlv, ma to ayeJt tvf It withowt ijn.aafaie;.
It la auaqwawtlomawly ihm Veart g-eeaeiy tor ImrWarta aaa4 Callarsa
ttt wtrM hmm Tea- faxnrm. It la luarsnl . ChlldreM lOre It. It
It wffl mmrm
ttmarthfatK which tm WbaolerUly
efcOeVe amMUolne.
tCewtorlai 4 Betray Wears.
' Caateaiat aJlavya lTwrlahaiaea.
OtvstoiHba prwrta w ltfaf; gomt CrcL
tOmatarU ewrwa PUrrheaat mi. WUsT CaMo.
Caatoria) raltow T tMu TremMaa. -CajtcaHUa
cmr Ctaasrtrjavjaas easel Fla-twleatery.
Caaterfua attmtraJlaeia Hmm cnlacts ot esM-waatls) aeii z err
Canrtori do iot cxmtatfai aanrphla, wpl"s,T ether autr on tie tueju I.
CsmtsBTlat aaTenflat thai food, r)guute the ataawrh mmA Wtrala,
fMng fclthy aad amtnrtJ aleerp. ;
Caatarrlai la jtrt wp tat oaia-aLsa WW
Pomt tJlertr mmy mrnrn to aeJH yevt
thmtltla-jwat e good" ad"
goo that ytm get O-A-g-T-O-K-I-A.
The fAg-sdaallo
legMtanro of
Children Cry for
Hat re-oDenexl under tlie management
of GEOKGK A. BR1NN, corner of Strand
and Cowlita Streets. Bt, Helens. Oregon,
where can be found tbe choicest branoa oi
Card tablet, pool table, billiard table and
other devices for the entertainment of pat.
us, where time ean be pleasantly spent.
Besides other popular brands, are kept
constantly on hand to supply the increased
trade at this very popular aaloon.
Btrs. Telehone and Bailey Oattert ,
Alder St,, Portland; Flevel dock, Aitorl
Telephone leaves Portland dally (excel Bun
day) at 7 a, m., leaves Astoria dally at 7 p. m.,
(except 8undy). Bunt direct to train for Clat
sop beach, and connects with steamer Ilwaoo
lor Ilwaoo trains, running to all iiolnta aa North
UIU aatnvl laavaa Portland dallv at S S
(exoent Sunday), on Saturday at 11 p. aa. Leavet
Astoria dally at t it a. m. (exoept Sunday and
Monday), on Sunday at 7 p. m.; oonnects with
all traina tnr fllatann heaen and Ilwaoo beach.
Thia Una haa a boat oonnectina- with both
beachea, returning from Astoria every nlghtla
thsweek. ,
X. A. SSBLKY, Agent. U. B. SCOTT, Pres.
A .fa. A. A .
Patronize Home
ST, S. W, Cor. Oak
81 and 83 Third Street,
their Brew. Im B KarHtsara ssvs
4 uravotieaJlr yewiat ata
It la mart aol la .mlk.
anything tj
I tfco wlea mr preemlao
Pitcher's Castorla.
Heating Stoves
I Detroit
.over i.eoo.ooa iu use
Cooking Stoves and Ranges.
Largest Line and at the Lowest Prices
io the City.
212 First Street, Portland, Oregon
Cross-Cut Saws, Axes, Sledgea and a
General Line of Hardware
Wood Wanted!
OA AAA Cords, delivered on Milton
AVjUUv Creek or tributsries. Con
tracts entered into (or immediate de
livery. Apply to or address '
C. H. Piogott, Uaoager.
St. Helens Hotel, St. Helena, Or.
A. H. BLAXESLXT, Proprietor.
Board by Day, Week or Month
The table It supplied with the beet the market
affords. Bverytblng clean. A shars ol your not
ronece U toUolMd. ST. H1UKHS. OKtliO
m$m0 (
1 I50riclinal
M.. wT, K
riot and scattered the crowd.
one year.