The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 11, 1896, Image 4

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Chosen to Head the National
Democratic Ticket. -
two Warte-Heaaed Titarui of th Wa
Win Ware Klval Commindfrl of
ttte Bin and Urey.
John M. Palmer, of Illinois, and
Simon Bolivar Bnokner, of Kentucky,
two white haired veterans of the war,
rival oommandera of the bine and gray.
were nominated at Indianapolis by the
National Democrstio convention for
president and Tioe-president on a brief
bat empbatio platform wbioh repndi'
atei the doctrines enunciated by the
Chioago convention. Indorse! President
Cleveland and hia administration in
glowing terms, deolares for the gold
standard, tariff for revenue only, lib
eral shipping laws, ourrenoy reform,
olvil servioe and eoonomy in public ex
The spirit that animated the conven
tion was contained in this declaration
of the platform:
"The Democratic party baa survived
may defeats, bat it ooald not survive a
victory won in behalf of the doctrine
and policy proclaimed in its name at
And so, in the language of Mr. Bam
mond, of Georgia, this convention
placed in the hands of other nominees
their banner and bade them fling it
forth, "skyward and seaward, high and
The real work of the convention was
soon transacted when it was reached.
Said to Bo
la Ww
Sarvtna: lira
York rrlsea. .: ; " ;.- ,
8t Louis, Sept. 7. -The vast estates
of Prince Lobauotf-Kostovsky will pass
to a man who sixteen years ago oame
to St, touts as a Russian exile, hunted
and proscribed. This man disappeared
a year later, taking with htm the di
vorced wife of Professor Jules Belin, a
teacher of French. - Sinoe then he has
been heard from but on 00, and then it
was alleged he had gone to New York,
and there had been sentenced to prison.
The exile is the nephew of the late
prince, his name is Lobanoff, and be
Its pretext in the deficiency of revenue,
whioh has its esnses in the stagnation
of trade and rednoed consumption, doe
entirley to loss of oonfldenoe that has
followed the Populist threat of free
coinage and the depreciation of onr
money and the Republican practice of
extravagant appropriations beyond the
needs of good government, '
"We arraign and condemn the Pop
ullstio conventions of Chioago and St
Louis for their oo-operation with the
Republican party for increasing thess
conditions, which are applied in justi
fication of the heavy increase of the
bnrdens of the people and farther resott I
to protection. We therefore denounce j
protection and its ally, the free coinage
of ailver, as schemes for the personal
profit of the few at the expense of the
many, and oppose the two parties
whioh stand for. these schemes as hos
tile to the people of the republic, whose
food and shelter, oomfort and property,
are attacked by higher taxes aud depre
ciated money.
'In fine, we reaffirm the demooratio
doctrine of a tariff for revenue only;
we demand that henceforth modern and
liberal policies toward American ship
ping shall take the place of our imita
tion of restrictive statute of the 18th j
century, which were abandoned by
every maritime power bnt the United .
States, and which, to the nation's j
humiliation, have driven American j
capital and enterprise to the use of j
anon nags ana alien crews; nave maae , Uaoti was in trouble in New York on
in. it,M anil mtiu. an mndt nil.
known emblem in foreign countries,
and have virtually extinguished th
nSBoetlone for Brlsihtenlasr Farm
Life Row to Secure Benlar Baltlng
of Cat tle-Thorouah Cultivation Will
Kilt Caaada Thlatlea.
j fore his exile he was judge of the
criminal oonrt in Odeum. He was
Nihilist, and when this faot was dis
covered, he fled for his life. Be first
stopped in Paris, aud from there oame
to St Louis, bringing a letter of reooin
mondation to Or. Chattier.
On the advice of Dr. Chartier he dis
carded the name of Lobanoff and as
sumed the name of Lenord. Through
Dr Charter's influence Lenord secured
a position in a jewelry store, taking up
his abode in a carding house kept by
Mine. Renane, the divoro4 wife of
Professor Belin. After a few months
Louard determined to marry Mine.
Reoape. Owing to Dr Charter's ob
jections, he eloped with her a year af
ter bis appearance in St. Louis. News
reached St. Louis some years later that
! account of his attentions to the wife of
a well known New Yoik impresaaria
When the nominees for president
were called for, it was apparent that
Palmer would be nominated over his
protest, as the opposition to Bragg had
concentrated upon him. These two
names were the only ones presented to
the convention.
Some of the nominating speeches
were eloquent and full of fire. Kil
bourne, of Michigan, placed Senator
Palmer in nomination, and there was a
aeries of seconding speeches.
' Burr W. Jones, of Wioaonsia, nomi
nated General Bragg,, the "hero of
fifty battles and the oommander of the
iron brigade.' "
The roll-call developed an over
whelming majority in favor of Senator
Palmer, but it proceeded to the end.
Palmer receiving , 757i votes and
By a subsequent motion Senator
Palmer's nomination was made unani
There never was any donbt about
General Buokner's nomination for vice-
president, and he was elected by accla
mation. . . .
The Platform.
The platform adopted by the Nation
al Demooratio oonveniton was as fol
lows: -
"This convention has assembled to
uphold the principles upon which de
pend the honor and welfare of the
American people, in order that the
Democrats throughout the Union may
unite their patriotic efforts, to avert
disaster from their country and ruin
from their party.
"The Demooratio party is pledged to
equal and exact justice to all men of
every creed and condition; to the larg
est freedom for individuals consistent
with good government; to the preserva
tion of the federal governemnt in its
constitutional vigor and to the support
of the states in all their just rights; to
eoonomy in publio expenditures; to the
maintenance of the publio faith and
sound money," and it is opposed to pa
ternalism and all class legislation.
"The declarations of the Chicago
convention attack individual freedom,
the right of private contract, the inde
pendence of the judiciary and the au
thority of the president to enforce the
federal laws. They advocate a reckless
attempt to increase the price of silver
by legislation, to the debasement of
of oar monetary standard through un
limited issues of paper money by the
government. They abandon for Re
publican allies the Demooratio osnse,
and tariff reform to oonrt the favor of
the protectionists to their fiscal heresy.
. "Id view of those and other grave
departures from democratic principles,
we oannot support the candidates of
that convention, nor be bound by its
acts. The Demooratio party has sur
vived many defeats, but oonld not sur
vive a victory won in behalf of the doc
trine and policy proclaimed in its name
at Chioago.
"The conditions, however, which
make possible such utterances for the
national convention are the direct re
sult of class legislation by the Repub
lican party. It still proclaims, as it
has for years, the power and duty of
the government to raise and maintain
prices by law, and it proposes no rem
edy for existing evils exoept oppressive
and on just taxation.
. "The national democracy, here con
vened, therefore renews its declaration
of faith in democratic principles es
pecially applicable to the conditions of
the times. Tsxstion, tariff, exoise or
direct, is rightfully .Imposed' only for
publio purposes, and not for private
gains. Its amount is justly measured
by publio expenditures, which should
be limited by scrupulous economy.
The sum derived by the treasury is de
termined by appropriations made by
CO tigress.
"The demand of the Republican
party for an increase of tariff tax has
race of American seamen
We denounce the pretense that dis
crimination duties will promote ship
ping, and we declare that scheme is an
invitation to aommerical warfare upoi
the United States, un-American in th
light of onr great commercial treaties,
offering no gain whatever to Amerioan
shipping, white greatly increasing
ocean irelgnts on agricultural ana
manufactured products.
'The experience of mankind hx
shown that, by their natural qualities
gold is the necessary mone of the large
affairs of commerce and business, while
silver is conveniently adapted to minor
transactions, snd the most benefloial
use of both together can be insured
only by the adoption of the former as
the standard of monetary measure and
the maintenance of ailver at a parity
with gold by its unlimited coinage un
der such safeguards of law. Thus is
the largest possible enjoyment of both
metals gained, with the value uri
versally accepted throughout the world,
whioh constitutes the only practical
currency, assuring the most stable
standard, and espeaoially the best and
safest money for all who earn a liveli
hood by labor or the products of hus
bandry. They cannot suffer when paid
in the best money known to man, bat
are peculiar and most defenseless vio
tlms of a debased and fluctuating cur
rency, which offers continued profits to
the money-changer, at their coat.
"Realising these truths, demonstrat
ed by long publio inconvenience and
loss, the Democratic party, in the in
terest of the masses and equal justice j
to all, praotically established by the
legislation of 1834 and 185S tbe gold
standard of monetary measurement,
and likewise entirely divorced the gov
eminent from banking and currency is
"To this long-established demooratio
policy we adhere, and insist upon the
maintenance of the gold standard and
of the parity therewith of every dollar
issued by the government, and are
firmly opposed to the free snd unlimit
ed coinage of silver and to the oompul
gory purchase of silver bullion.
But we denounce also further, tbe
maintenance of the present costly
patch-work system of national paper
currency aa a constant source of injury
and periL We assert tbe necessity of' Saint
such an intelligent currency system as j
will confine tbe government to ; its
legitimate functions, completley sep
arated from the banking business, snd
afford to all sections of onr country a
uniform, safe and elastic bank cur
rency under government supervision,
measured in volume by the needs of
Instruments Found la a Monad Thought
to Bo Many Ceitturtas Old.
Pittsburg, Sept.
is manifested here over the discovery
of s number of implements in a mound
at McKee s Rocks, whioh is being sx
cava ted for scientific purposes. Tbe
mound is believed to have been bnilt
by the anoient mocnd builders and the
implements found today plaoe the
mound on par with those that have
been explored elsewhere. The work is
being done under the direction of
Thomas Harper, of this oity, who be
lieves that the specimens found here
are not less than 1,000 years old, and
prove that they were made by the most
anoient people that inhabited this
country. Bone needles or awls were
included in the find and Mr. Harper
says they can be partially restored.
A tomaabwk, whioh he regards as
not being less than 1,000 yara old, was
also found. The same kind of weapons
are found on the British isles. Mr.
Harper says that the weapon is similar
to the baloith, whioh was used for
striking. It is made of gneiss. He
considers tbst an extraordinary dis
covery. The bone implement or flaker
is regarded by Mr. Harper as possessing
unusual interest. This is the imple
ment with which primitive men, as
well as anoient people, made flint in
struments. Mr. Harper maintains
that this last find proves that the
mound was built by mound builders.
Since this mound was opened
month ago sixteen skeletons have been
found, many of them being of gigantio
To Make Ufa Briaht.r.
We want to see more beauty aud
greater abundance In frulta about the
farm house. We want to see more con
tentnieift and pleasure there. We urg
the cultivation of flowers for the pleas-
lire It affords, and the raining of more
frulta and better gardens for the In
creased vigor and health such things
We have vineyard that begins to
ripen Its fruit about the Drat of August,
when there la a certain amount of Inu
guor and llstlessness In the atmosphere,
a. time when fevers are apt to take root
iu the system, and when every one feels
more or less run down. But since our
vineyard hna been bearing, and we can
go to It of an early morn, before break
fast, and eat the fresh, sweet, ripe
grapes, there cornea a revived feeling,
breakfast tastes better, and the system
Is toned up for the day. It Is one of the
wise provisions of nature to ripen
grapes just nt the time of the year wbou
they are best suited to tlio health and
We urge the planting of vineyards
aud other small fruits. A fruit garden
la of greater necessity, In so far as the
health and happiness of the family are
concerned, than the corn field. The
7. Great interest peasants of Spain, it Is said, eat fruit
more than anytmng else, yet luey are
notea ror tneir strengtn ana vigor,
Fresh fruit Is filled with the very es
sence of the Ufe-glvlng principle. It Is
nature's storehouse of the most beaut!
ful and pleasant elements of the soil
and the air, such as are bound to Im
part renewed strength to the consumer.
It la beauty and vitality combined and
How much more of 'happiness and
pleasure there Is sure to be in the home
that la surrounded by beautiful flowers,
and fresh, sweet fruits! How superior
In every respect la such borne In
which to raise our children, compared
io the barren borne of tbe thoughtless
and shiftless, that give no faeed to tbe
better and more elevated system of llv-
Ing that comes of cultivating nature In
her higher branches. Think this mat
ter over. Column's Rural World.
condition for the butcher, and topping
off the last few weeks with a cleat
corn diet. Many farmer prefer thnt
pork for their own use shall not bo thus
topped off. It la sweeter but less firm
In texture, containing more moisture.
This, however, only menus that the pig
killed after being fed so as to waste
In cooking Is by that fact shown to be
In healthy condition. All animals in
perfect health are composed largely of
water. This Is evaporated when Inter
nal fevers evaporate the Interim! niols
turn, and the meat la thru said to be
firm, solid aud will waste little In cook
lug. Whenever pork of this kind Is not
wanted, It should lie fattened with boll
ed vegetables or fruit mixed with wheat
middlings and bran to make the right
proportion of nltrogeneous matter. W
have often more than half fattened
hogs on boiled pumpkins and windfall
apples, aud never had pork that tasted
bettor than thnt thus fattened. Even
before we knew that It wna tiuwholo-
some, we never much liked the pork
fattened ou corn alouo. American Cul
Ha la Now
Bo oa Amari-
Belleved to
. can Soil '.
London, Sept 7. Captain Hunter,
of the British steamsibp Nonpareil,
from Cayenne, French Guiana, reports
that Captain Albert Dreyfus, sentenced
to be publicly degraded and confined
for life in the fortress, after having
been convioted by oourt-martial of sell
ing the plans of the French fortifica
tions to a foreign government, has es
caped from the Island of the Grand
Bait Boxes for Cattle,
In order to secure a regular salting
with a large herd of cattle It is neces
sary to nave salt continually before
them for use at their leisure. Many
farmers use rock salt, scattering It
about over the pasture, but even with
this there Is waste In wet weather, and
some danger that cattle will lick out
large lumps In such a way as to make
cavity, which sometimes will fill with
water and become brine, and too mnch
of this will produce more or Jess disor
der. Where barrel salt Is used there Is
much waste In wet times from melting.
The "Denver Field and Farm" sug
gests a salt box for cattle where barrel
salt la used that seems to meet tbe case,
as follows:
"In salt boxes for cattle in pasture
the writer likes tbe kind resembling
In appearance an ordinary school desk.
It Is entirely home-made, and the stock
will soon learn to lift the lid and help
themselves. In order to teach them
how it Is done cut a semi-circular open
ing In the top part of the front side,
just below the lid, and fill with salt
so as it can be licked without raising
tbe lid. They will come and taste the
salt and keep helping themselves right
along, lifting the lid to get to It. The
lid protects the salt from rains and
saves from waste and from getting
packed In a hard lump. Fasten the box
j at the height that will be convenient
Mexican ttheen.
The old Mexican sheep are the direct
descendants of the original Ppnulsh
Merino brought over two hundred years
ago by Spaniard to Old Mexico. They
have been bred with scarcely any ouN
cross, and are a very distinctly marked
breed. Thoy have long legs, a long,
thlu body, not very deep; small, rather
long neck, aud a long, thin head, carried
high. The wool Is flue snd thin, To
the eye they appear n I most worthies
as mutton, and of still less value fot
wool. Their good points are that they
are hardy, excellent travelers, will keep
In good condition on the poorest aud
driest of ranges, are fairly proline, au.l
can be herded In bunches of almost any
size. They fatten easily, though never
getting plump and fat like the Northern
sheep. When they reach the Chicago
market. If In good condition, they out
sell all other sheep, for they shrink
fery little In dressing, the meat has an
excellent flavor, aud tbe hide Is so thin,
firm and soft as to command the high'
est price, ,
First Experiment Pfatloo.
The first agricultural experiment sta
tion established under Government aus
pices wis organized at the little Ger
man village of Mom-kern, near Lelpslc,
In 1851, under the Influence of the Lelp-
sle Unlvemlty. Lleblg In Germany. 1
Bousslngault In France, and La we
jnd Gilbert In England had all been
experimenting along tbe lines of agri
culture and horticulture for years, but
the action of the Saxon agriculturists
la 1S51 marks the beginning of the ex
periment station proper.
...... w j,.t. ........ iha SmHs mad
uikmi U br th rw ol th sria.
lull) b-tta lis runa ; """'Sift, "I'll
Tunad allli lliwltttar' MoHMU'a Bluer, Hsonil
bu s.mI brnlu. As umiwihi
vlr (torilil th mooimIi, ill bowU J''"'" limoUom rulry, ml th tiw o
lik.ol.HS wuri. Malaria huso irwil spou
i)ilm iliiu mliiLn-.!.
Of the 1,001 eases of smallpox In
Austria daring 180S no less than 1,860
ooourred iu Uallola.
Two hollies of Plso's Our for Contmyip.
tlon cured m of a bail lung tmubl; Mr;.
J, Nicholas, I'rliicetuu. lnd.. Mar. 20,
Peter Russul, a Miohlgsn farmer, got
msd because his wife bought a pat of
spectaoilss from a peddler, and blew
out his braius.
Wild horses have Increased to suoh
an extent lu Queensland that th an
imals are being shot, with view to re
do o the number.
Two thousand Latter Day Saints
missionaries are said to be in Kuglaud
jut now.
lOO RBWAKO, 100.
TrMtrsafthls rrr will b b)mo4 Io
hum Uihi Intra l si In hi on drwid I rtl
lhl miiini. Iim bMMiahliloitiinln all Its
n l thai I. OsMirh. Hull ! Cnurth Cum la Inn
emr )hiii'o iiim now Known lo th inwllral
iraitruoy. i-aurrn o-inva onnituuiintisi oi
r. .ilr s MMiMltiitlonsI liimo!it. Il.ll'i
Ca.arrh l'il ! Wtan ind tuauy, seilni illronll)
opou h. btooit mid viiiohs turfm vt tn y
loin, llitmiiy ill royln( III (untitUlli) of lli
dimt , ami lvln ir pai tui sir'tiiih lir
bill, ilng up lbs tilatl'in ui.l I.i(m 11
tur tu doing .a wmk. Ths I'mpfMms hs.s
o mii'-li In 1 ill In U ourntlv. pnwarm that II11-
oiln out llund r4 IMIaia lor any raaa that II
(alia In aunt. H,i d lor lint ol tMtlinnnlala. Ad
dr..., r. 1 1 HK' KV A CO., Toledo, O.
(tol l b;'t., tfto.
Hall's V.ntlly rllla art Ui bast.
I tmwoaalbl without onr, hvallh blood. .
ltd Slid VIUIIMHI BIOOII IMUlt liua UkTh.
Th bant -In tart th On Tru Blond farllut.
t t nil
Hood' PHI tl' llvtJBd howsls,
to Huoolal frlra List or
Thlt olreiitsr Is laanwl for I ha hanadt of onr
counlrr nuloman wUnoannol vsllthama.dvaa
( onr Pally He nisi !, Hand us ruur ait.
dim You wl",,,dIJ'Nnrlf,()ff'rt'hi
It X Hsrkat trat. aan rniinltoa,"csl.
mi winsiows
r Ml r all r-alta. SSC'aataakaMta,
iniericanTipii Feaadcrs Co.
Oar. Saooad aad SUuh It., Fortlaad. Or,
(aJu . 1 i,.ir. imI a... ru,
Vnaauu m aaaj Da. MaaMaO, rkaa. fm
9 a-"
of tbe pirsoner, received permission
from the French government to join
"Tbe patriotism, fidelity and oourage S ber husband at bis place of imprison-
with which President Cleveland baa . ment, and in tbe course of time ar
f ulfllled his great publio trust, the ' rived at Cayenne well supplied with
vigorous character of his administra- j funds.
tion, its wisdom snd energy in the Continuing, Captain Hunter said
maintenance of civil order and the en-; that the schooner containing Captain
foroement of tbe laws, its eqaal regard Dreyfus left the coast beading in a
In an interview. Captain Hunter is
quoted as saying that Dreyfus escaped
on board of an Amerioan schoorzr, and
with the heldp of his wife, formerly a
Minnie Hadamard, and the daughter
Mme. Drefyus, at the urgent request ' " ' -
Peaches on Plana Block.
The peach can be and frequently Is
budded on tbe plum. It makes a good I
combination where the trees are plant
ed on heavy soils, the plum stork doing
much better on these than the peach.
It does not make the peach any more
hardy, as even In the coldest winters
the peach tree escapes, while its buds
are destroyed when the thermometer
run down to 10 or 12 degrees below
zero, and with a sharp wind at 8 de
grees below If the ground It not covered
with snow.
is the
very best
Black well's Genuine
Ton will Sad aa 000 boo IbsM me t snoot bat 04 two oaaaa
Buy baf, road tot cotipoa and sat bow to sot roar soar of Sko),sq la imaaatf.
i ipi i ii i n ini ii i .I i n 1 1 tuiT mi i pr ir i ii 1 1 1- in i r ms nsnin imwi nmji ihlluili ix1 jtL'iiiLuixjJ
Th I'alrjr.
of milk weighs
or a tree.'
A box of this kind is easily made and
Is worth trying.
for tbe rights of every class and every
section, its firm and dignified onduct
of the foreign affairs, and its stnrdy
persistence in upholding tbe credit and
honor of tbe nation, is fully recognized
by the Demociatio party, and will se
cure him a place in history beside the
Father of the Republic We also ocm-
mend the administration for tbe great
progress made in reform of the pnblio
service, and we indorse its efforts to ex
tend the merit system still further; we
demand that no backward step be
taken, but that the reform be support
ed and advanced until the undemo
cratic sytem of appointment shall be
eradicated. We demand strict eoonomy
in appropriations and in tbe adminis
tration Of government We favor arbi
tration for the settlement of internation
al disputes. We favor a liberal policy
of pensions to deserving soldiers and
sailors of the United States.
The supreme oonrt of the United
States was wisely established by tbe
framers of onr constitution a one of
the three co-ordinate brandies of gov-;
ernment, and its independence and an
thority to intepret law without fear or
favor must be maintained. We con
demn all efforts to defame the tribunal
or impair tbe confidence and re
spect whioh it has deservedly bad.
Tbe Demooratio party ever has main
tained and ever will maintain the su
premacy of the law, the independence
of its judicial administration, the in
violability of oontract and the obliga
tion of all good citizens to resist very
illegal trust, combination and attempt
against the just rights of property and
the good order of society, in which are
bound up the peace and happiness of
onr people. Believing these principles
to be essential to the well-being of the
republic we submit them to tbe con
sideration of tbe American people."
northerly direction, and it is believed
that Captain Dreyfus and bis faithful
wife eventually reached the United
States. - ...
Csblo Road Mall Sarrlso.
San Francisco, Sept 7. Postmaster
McCoppin has received from the de
partment at Washington an official or
der creating three new portal routes In
this city and providing for tbe inau
guration of the street railway mail sys
tem on the 10th Inst. On that date the
three cars recently constructed by the
Market-street oompany, from plans pro
vided by the department will be put
In operation and will thereafter oolloet
and distribute mails to the varions sta
tions. Vlra mt Monmouth.
Monmouth, Or., Sept 7. Fire broke
oat her at 13:80, in tbe Cattron block,
and got such headway before tbe alarm
was given that the principal business
portion of tbe town was entirley de
stroyed. All of the buildings burned
are well covered by insurance.
Aahca for Pondy PnIL
Almost all sandy soils lack potash.
Even when It Is present, unless ther
; is also some vegetable matter In the
soil to furnish carbonic acid gas, the
potash forms a union with tbe sand,
I and thenceforward can only be releas
ed as it Is some way made soluble. The
benefit from applications of potash to
sandy soil is direct They supply the
kind of plant food In which It Is dnfl
clent. But the use of potash In the
form of ashes Is not restricted to sandy
soils. Most heavy soils have more or
less potash In Insoluble form. ' As the
caustic potash In the ash changes It
makes the potash and phosphate In the
soli near it soluble also, and thus pot
ash will sometimes oblige the soil to
supply to the plants the phosphates
they require to make a grain crop. But
In such cases the potash does not take
the place of the mineral. It simply
enables the plant to get phosphate that
was In the soli but not In soluble form.
HarTeat Handa' Srrlko Dvelded.
Colfax, Wash , Sept. 7 Tbe harvest
bands' strike, which has been wg(d
for the last three weeks, has beeu do
cided in favor of the strikers The de
mands of tbe workmen were fur f 1 5n
a day for all common work. Taa
farmers, threshing ina"hlne arid both
er men had offered tbe mun $1.25
Tha Hcndaraoa Bay Whala Captnrad.
Taooma.Waab., 8ept 7. The whale
at Fox island, near this city, whioh has
been pursued by different banting par
ltes curing the last two weeks, was
captured this morning. Charles and
H. 8. Alger, who bad been out ten
days, at midnight struck two harpoons
home, whioh held, causing tbe blood to
spurt several feet Four lances were
slso fixed in the whale's body, whioh
will be towed to this city. Tbe wbal
is large one.
Ranchers' Fatal Quarrel.
Ban Diego, Sept. 7. W. 3. Warnook
and Edumnd Clevenger, ranchers of
Kamona, Santa Maria valley quarreled
this morning -and Clevenger stabbed
Warnock in the lungs and several other
places. It is doubtful if Warnock will
live. Clevenger will be brought to
this oity, as the neighborhood is greatly
excited over tbe affair. Clevenger bal
a bad reputation. He la only 17, and
has been In serious trouble before.
Kllllna; Thlatlea with Hoed Cropo.
One years tborougn cultivation will
entirely eradicate not merely Canad.i
thistle, but all kinds of perennial
weeds. But the cultivation must not let
op even for a single week. If any
sprout reaches the aurface and gets to
the daylight, It relnvlgorates tbe root,
and such half cultivation may be kept
up for years without greatly lessening
the pest Wherever attempts are made
to kill thistles by growing a Crop of
corn or potatoes on the land, tbe month
of August will be found a very critical
time. It will be necessary to examine
the hills closely so that no shoot creeps
in with the corn or potato crop In the
hills. The cultivator alone cannot be
depended upon to do this work. Hand
labor, either literally with the thumb
and finger or with tbe hoe, will be nec
essary several times In August and Sep
tember, if the work of destroying the
thistle hi to be completed, A little
alt applied to the latest appearing
boots will set tbem to rotting, and that
Is better than cutting them off at the
surface of the ground.
Karljr Fattening of Pork.
Corn la not so exclusively the feed
ef bogs at any age as It used to be.
Instead of growing pigs on their swill
A gallon
When the cows have been long In
milk, the churning becomes more dilfi
Divide the pasture Into two or more
lots and you will gain In food aud milk.
The rate of consumption of cheese it
America Is about three pounds per
capita per annum.
A good dairy cow should be trained
to stand quiet In milking, so that th
ni'lker can readily use both hands.
It la less work to wash the butter
milk out of the butter when In a gran
ular form, and it can be done more effectively.
Once In a full year should be consid
ered often enough for a milker to beat
a calf and for younger cows once It
fourteen to sixteen month.
Howhaveyougottbebent results from
your milk sending to the factory,
making butter at home or peddling t
local customers?
Let one person do the milking, If pos-1
sible. Cows gc-t used to a milker, and
altnrat Infra lln hi v tin' mill.
when a new milker comes, Too fre
quent changing of milkers has ruined
many a cow.
Don't hire at any price a man who has
a bad temper; he will ruin your cows,
Don't hire one who Is not a good milk
er; be will dry off your cows. Don't em
ploy a man or boy who Is not willing
to learn to carry out your Instructions,
1 r
eicveu wj
A Perfect Food
That Is what Baron von Lkblg said
of good chocolate. All of Walter
Baker & Co.'s Cocoas and Choco
lates are good, the best, in fact.
"Walter Baker It Co.) Ltd., Dorchester, Mut.
, "
Odda and Knda.
A person broken out with prickly
beat will find great relief If the part
affected are dusted over several times
a day with rye flour.
If hot meats and soups are covered
before they are perfectly cold they will
surely spoil; tbe hot air must have a
place to escape or the meat will be af
fected. .
A common cause of failure In mak
mg fancy bread and rolls hi mixing
the dough too stiff; It should be soft
to be easily worked, without being Io
rue least sticky,
Bread that bas been cut In slices and
become stale may be freshened by Iny
iiik me slices togeiner ana folding a
damp napkin around them; put tbe
napkin In a paper bug and place tbe
bag In a hot oven for fifteen minutes.
Tbe most wholesome way of cooking
a potato, says the New York Run. is
to bake It- A small niece of the skin
should be cut from the ends before put
ting me potatoes in to bake. If a baked
potato stands after It Is cooked It Is
likely to become soggy. To avoid this.
when the potato Is done fold It In a nan-
am ana rou tne potato between the
palms of the bands until it cracks open.
Treated In that way, the potato will al
ways be mealy.
For a sprain use hot fomentations nr
a very hot bandage, and rest the hurt
limb until It Is knit together well. In
all cases of sprains aud broken bones
xue paueni snomu oe kept perfectly
quiet until a physician arrives. Hrn.
are painrui ana iiura to Heal If not well
cared for. If the sklo Is off, cri.ote
Is a good remedy. Do not remove any
1 firW-,
"The North Pole made use of at last." $
I Always at the front and wherever Q
"BATTLE AX" goes it b the p
I biggest thing in sight. It is as re- g
I markable for its fine flavor and quality
g as for its low price. A 10 cent piece X
of ."BATTLE AX "is almost If
it fxiArfi ac 1-Sfrv -set Ifs sjmi4- nisra r art
"v u aV't.3 Co V U41t jIVWV V Jjj
any other equally good tobacco. g
with pastured thus stunting their leasing i m i a MVtJT'
early growth, It Is the practice of the ? tJ LI " i ' ,a.k ',ed n,le'
and common sense.
.f M W0fU THsT Ml tlOR or
aio Ilia Ooa Thms ta aaa
. .P,tn ' Pe.
old k, Droaalata al fea. kaa
fiasaaiMrraa. Zaaraaa
IV. toast Mat U niia. f.
)AaVouVr'uijHraLa Vm
u " r
K, P.K, Tj. No, W6V-8,F.H.U.No,7