OliEGON MIST. ISSUED EVER? FRIDAY HIOHNINfl . ' -ST- BEEGLE A DAVIS. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Rnbscrlpllan Bates. One copy one year tn advauee.., Onecoir ! months. .1190 Advertlsint mm mad Vnown upon application COLPSuiA COUNTY DIRECTORY. . Canty Officers, Jair Clerk , Sheriff , Treasurer....,..., Biipc of Bchoola. Assessor.. Burvevor.. uoroner.. Joseph B. Does, Rainier juiiana Weed, Vernoma J. N. Kioe, Clatstaul ....W. a. Dolman. (St. Helens J. O. Walts, Soappooee Martin White. Quiriey , W. N. Meserre, Helena ...Dr. A. P. McLaren. Rainier T. HELENS, OBEGOIi, JTCLY II. In a speech delivered at Atlantio Iowa, Aur, 28. 1894, Mr. Bryan said "I do Dot believe in stopping tariff re form until the last vestige of protect ion is eradicated from legislation.' The people should stop Mr. Bryan's eradication at the earliest possible moment. England is more nearly free trade eountry than any other, and her sys tern of taxation furnishes an unroistak . able example of the practice and prin eiple of revenue tariff. Her import duties are imposed all most exclusively upon articles which cannot be pro duced by her own people upon her own sou. Tobacco, snuff, cigars, chicory, cocoa, currents, Bee, raisins, rum, tea, brandy, wine and coffee, these are the articles from which her customs revs nue is derived articles in the main not produced in England, but which must be supplied from abroad ; while practically all competing products of foreign make ana production are ad milted through her custom houses free of duty. William McKinley. Tn teachers' institute should be at tended by every friend of education, whether as teacher or patron. An in terchange of ideas at these educational gatherings is seed sown in good ground. and the results afterward speak for themselves. The teachers' profession is the most noble occupation of all. bat the best results cannot be obtained by a merely casual interest in the work. It requires the best energy of the body and mind, particularity of the latter, to succeed in the school room, either as teacher or pupil ; there fore, in the work of education the par ticipants must seek to acquire and im part knowledge with all the strength they possess. The ground work for such results is laid in the institute, where inspiration, like an epidemic, is wafted from one to another, each re ceiving the valuable lessons of exper ience which can come only from those with years of active educational employment. ned in the order hv tha lata IT n Mathies, and spent it with the rest of nis stealings. The money was placed in McDonnells bands to pay the widow, and he blew it in, and the widow is deprived of tho benefits which the husband provided for her by join ing in oraer. Wednesday Uregonian, Teachkrs' Training School. The State Normal at Monmouth has de veloped a strong training department. i ue senior year is made almost wholly proiessional, with a half year of psy chology and general and special methods, and half-year of teaching under the supervision of thoroughly competent crilio teachers. Students presenting satisfactory evidence of preparation are admitted to the work of the tiaiuiug department. Will Play Ball. A match game oi oasebaii is on tne bills for tomorrow at 1 o'clock p. m., between the St. Helens and Clatsksnie nines. The visitors will arrive on the Shaver to night. The game will take place at the grounds of the home club about a half a mile back of the city and prom' ises to be one of more than usual in Wrest, since the home team are exceed ingly anxions to regain the laurels lost on the Fourth, at Clatskanie. Probate Court. Ia the probate court thia week Judge Doan transacted the following ouaiaess: In the metier of the estate of E. L. Jepson, deceased. Final report of ad ministratrix accepted and adminis tratrix discharged. A. M. Berg ap pointed guardian of Ueorea. Marr and Ellen Jepson, minor heirs. 1. tfagnnsen, John H. Wilson and John F. Peterson appointed appraisers of the property in the estate of John f . Linc'greu, deceased. J. a. Wagner. Q. F. Moeck and A. P. Aorys appointed appraisers of the property belonging to the estate of Joseph Smith, deceased. G. F. Ltndgren appointed adminis trator of the estate of Johu F. Lind- gren, deceased. VALLEY ITEMS. Forest fires are doing street daman in this part of the couuty. Mr. R. Karth's barn and hay have been destroyed by fire: also Mr. R. XcQrew's barn and hay. Be sides these loaaes a great deal of fence and timber has been destroyed. Hayint is about over and farmers have commenced .catting grata. The havcron is a utue over tne average this year, Mr. F. Celler, is getting a thresher which will be used among the wheat growers of this part of the county and elsewhere this fail. Real Estate Tranafera. O.F. Doan, sheriff, to W. A. Meeker, C. F. Doan, sheriff, to W. J. VanBchuy- John Mnnegan to W. A, Meeker, bwX J. T Ijii.ii. mnA i r- , 1 11 -1 . . w of seK and H of swf, see , 1 8 n. r 4 w: 51 LOU. W. A. Meeker, by sheriff, to W. J. Van, Bcbuyrer. lot A, blk 18. St. Helens; SUM. John Fringle to A, I. Reld, 80 acres in section o, 1 n, r w: sa. M. Rosemlorf by 3. V. Rice, sheriff, to O. Arata A Co., swX of see 83, 1 8 n. rxw:swuu. laaao Btimrardner and wife to James K, Rowley. nwUof noU.eecll. t 5 n. raw: L. M. Cox and wife to W. K. Purdv, X of n, wM of new, set of nc and lot 1, sec8S,4n, rSw;ly. Frank Merrill and wife to Henry Krata, part of K. G. Bryant's donation claim ; $3)0. Mrs, Khodie Noah, of this place, was taken in tne night with cramping pains and the next day diarrhoea set in. She took half a bottle of black berry cordial but got no relief. She then sent to me to see if I had any thing that would help her. I sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Kerned y and the first dose relieved her. Another of our neighbors had been sick for about a week and bad tried different reme dies for diarrbCBA but kent crettine fendanta ana all iwnmiis elainiinir under them worse. I sent him this same remedv. J!S?lS!L fir."""" J?.or.'OT Only four doses Ot it were required to I either as purchasers, encuuibraucer or other! cure mm. lie says he owes his re- SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of (he State of Oregon, for MIS VOUUIJ UI JU1UI11U1H. HIT 1M BUlllTr. Adolph BlmliiKer ami Max Rellbronner,' partiiere doinir builuew umlur the (I rin ueiue aud ityle ol IUw k Cu plliiUIl, ve. Katie Schaefer snilJacob Behaefer, defend-anta. To kVatle Sebaefer ant Jacob Sohaefer, the above nainpu ueieuaaniM; VOU, AND KAt ll Of YOC ARK HERKBY a reuuirou to aunear Deiure tne auova en- ,i.iu iiuun uu ine lain ui m-iiHter, ion Umt lieins the flret day of the Vlctober term ol mil t:uurt. to aiikwor the eonmlainl herein nivu in tne eoove euuiieti aotiou: aim u jou fan to amnMir or amwer herein, for waul thereof. the plHiutIRa will apply to the Court (or the re nin uemauuru iu tne complaint nerein, tu-wit: and eauh of them, for the aum ef six Hundred aud rjeveiity-ave(tt75 WI) liollara, toiretlier with IntereMt thereon at the rate of Ten iwr ceut iter annum from the l?tb day of May, lsul, alto flu lurther auin of fJS ,33 taxea paid by the above named piaiuttrfli on the land deaoribed In the Oumpialnt nerelu, together with Intervnt on aald amount ao paid for laxee at the rate ol S ter eenl tier annum from the il.'nd day of May, IfSHI, alaolortherurthereumof One Hundred (flul) Dollare a altorueva feea in thia an it. aud for the coaw and dlaburaemeiiU of thia auit. tad: That the uanal deer may be made for ineaaieot trie premiaea deaurtlwd In the com plaint herein, to-wlt. The aoutheaiit one-quarUir aeV() of aeotlon number Two GO In townahlp l'bre north, ranee numlier Three fSl weat of ine muameiie jaerioian in uoiumnia t; PROFESSIONAL. Qlt. BDWIH It (MM, PHYSICIAN AND SUBOEON. ' ,, St. Helens, Oregon 0R. h. r. curr, PHYSICIAN AND SUBOEON. . Ut, Helena, Oregon. JR. J. B. BALL, , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatakanls, Columbia oounty, Or. T, J. Custom, 11. Au.au. ALLEN k CLEETON, Attorneys and Counselors at Law ST. HKLENS, . ORKOOK. w. N MKKKKVK, Willamette Meridian In Columbia Uoumr. SnmrnvAia ami 1'ivil K'nrrinAav State oloreuon, inuiuln One Hundred aud VJ v " ' ,6.avv Sixty (I')) aorea of land, tovther with the tene-1 meuta, hereditament! and appurtenencea there unio oeioiiamir or in any wtae atiperiaiiunr oy tne aiierin ot tue atoreaatu county, in tne mau- roofed J of aald ment uer provided by law, aud aorordiuc to the nrao- bv aald ahertir. In tha navni of the amount due nlalntiira, and thai the de- lioeot tuia t:ourt. and that the nrueee- aale be applied, by aald ahertir, to tha DKI.KNA, ORROON. Conntv Burvevnr. 1-and 8urvsvlnc.Town PlsttiiK and Knslneerina work Droiumlv executed. covery to this wonderful remedy. Mrs. Mary Sibley, Kidney, Mich. Foi sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. wiae, may be barred and forever foreoloaed of ti nuni, ctatm or equity ol redemption meaia reiniaee aud every part thereof; that the plaln- ina may nave luiunueiit ana execuuun axainai aald defendant, and each of them, for any de ilcieucy which may remain after applyiu( all the proreeda of the aale of aald premiaea proper- Teachers' Examination. NOTICE ia hereby given that for the Dor nose of makinar an eiaminadm, nf all persons who may otter theuiselves as eaodidates for teachers of the public achoola of this county, the county school miperin- tenueni inereoi win noia a putjlio examtna- uon at ox. xieiens, commencing at 1 o clock P. ro.. on Wednesday. AusMiat 11 IN9H. State certificates snd df-jlomaa will be acted upon at tne ssnie time. J. u. WATTS. County School Buperintendeut. NOTICE iafiereby given that the Board of Equalisation will meet at Ht Hel ens, in the Court Hense, on Monday. Auirust 31. 1880. tor the tmrnoee of annal. uiu awnmmi Ol low). All Claims for correction muat be narfa lwfnra ,! ooara. JSAKT1.N WHITK, Connty Assessor. BYo SHERIFF'S SALE. VIRTUE OF AN KTltCrTIOV ANn order of aal dnly ImiihI hv th. Paum. Clerk of the County of Columbia, State of Ore- I"". uwi me lain aay oi amy, ittyo, in a cer tain action In the Circuit Court for said County and State wherein R. Everdine aa nlaintie ra- coverea a aeeree oi lorecioeure of meuti that the plalullua or any other party to tnia atnt may become a Durcnaaer at aaia sale: that the aald porcha,er be let Into poaaeaalon of the premiaea on produrtioti of the ahertir a deed therefor. aDd that the nlalntiffa mav have aueh other and further relief aa to thia Court may seem meet ana equitable. Thia aummona la pnbllahed by order ot the Honorable Thorn aa A. McHrtda. tiiriv nf aald niauc upui id, loin uav Ol July, l(ira. uKAltlri, bULVK.MD.SK A BKOPIK. J17aai Attorneys for Plainliflx. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, lor Miv wuj v. wunivia. SOIT I Xyt lTT. Adolph Blaslnaer and Max Rellbronner, pannara aoina dus and style of Bl r Katie 8ehaefer, Jacob Schaefer, Ida Conrad and Peter Conrad, defendant. To Katie Hchaefer and Jacob Schaefar, of the auuve nameu npiemiaoui: YOU, AND KACH OK YOU. ARB HEREBY matured la anoar hrnM ih, ,)w,m ... titled Court on the lath day r i w-i,,h rnua I that being the Srat day of the October term of aald Court, to answer the complaint herein Sled in the above entitled action; and if you fall to COLUMBIA BANKING COMPANY t. hiuns, oncaoN Makes Investments, receives deposits sad does a general pausing nuatueaa. Capital Stock, $20,000. All kinds of rood securities bonsht and sold. Exchange, good everywhere In the world, sold. INCORPORATED JAN. , ito. J. R. Nelll. nrealdentt . W. Allen, vtce-nreai- detit: 0. N. Scott, secretary! P. II. Ward, assist ant secretary; C. H. Newell, cashier. NEWELL & W ATKINS -DIALERS IN D O YOU NEED GROCERIES? If yoa do snd desire the best quality for the least mousy your wanUean always bssupiilisd by DART & MUCKLE, Who have a complete lino Dress Goods. Clothing, Fancy (iooas, Hats, Boots and Shoes. FURNISHING GOODS St. Helens, Oregon. ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and Lard Meata by Wholesale At Special Rate. MAIN BTBFHT. i t James H. Sheldon, Clatskanie Drugstore u- the Place te esur Votir resh iSeellelneo PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS ng buslueas under the ftrra BIssinger 4k Co., plaintlrTa, Groceries, Hay, Floor and Feed WOOD AND HI.1iLE. Country Produce Bought and Sold, and Kg- cnangeu inruoods. iinuertaklng ooods furnished on Bliort Notice. Store on 8trand Street, ST. HELKN8, OR. Paisnt Medicines. Prsserlptloo Druss, Toilet Artlelea, fansy Motions, etc. DR. I, B. HALL, nfUUr , Ore arsAatVanaanarajarVaataij WHITE COLLAR LINE i Stri. Te1phon and BatUy OMivrt I m Aider St., Portland; Plavl dodt. A tort ppearor aiwwer herein, lor want thereof, tho Siumin wiu appij to ioe ..oiirt for lh emajidd In the complaint herein, to-wit 1st: For a ludinnent aut-minit iatl Sbimlmr I rwv0 EN-aaeier, lua toiiraq ana re(r Conrad, aiiu vara oi inein mnrimiM BUU ?V" Vi sjwiu, uciciiusiiiw aeniin, lor in I acainat W. A. Edimrton fi.rth ...m f mm a . ! Hnndreil and Heventv-fiTe and OO-lOOl uuaju uuuars, on ine ima aav of Julr. lsM. ir;.L . . .. w r . .vm r1 tium ti-uui mt i School Entertalament. followliitf described property, to-wit: The north- aUst W Of SsVtitfl Ml Tnwrithtn A nnelk iuki sMiiiiust siuu ifieaaaniprorrKmin niiwiuesw nenuida in coiumDia county. as-.. h..u i. rv . s . UKfOD, lueOIDd V ed Qlkin U lh nmiisirttt ,v r, . P-P. 1 " P. . ' ,he "ld A- EdWton or so much thereof . auiuui uu r riusj evening, jniy I ya may dc necesrarj to satuiy tne aald decree In Th efieel of the democratic ad ministration and its bar J times tariff legislation is shown in the increase of foreclosures of railroads. There have been unexpectedly large since 1893, but the record of the first half of 1896 exceeds that of 92. This year there were 20 lines forclosed in six months, representing 3402 miles of road and 1349,049,000 of bonds and slocks. During the first half of 1895 there were) 20 roada foreclosed, representing 2,936 miles of road and f 100,941,000 of bonds and stocks. This latest dem ocratic addition to adversity should leave no doubt in the minds of any railroad man that a policy of Ameri can protection means prosperity for railroads. Even President Roberts of the Pennsylvania road, which has suspended many contemplated Im provements owing to the hard times, ought by this time to acknowledge tne root ol the evil that is sfiectiog bis company. The populist convention at St. Louis last week, nominated W. J. Bryan for president and Thomas F. Watson, of Georgia, for vice president, thereby making a muddle in the polit ical arena never before known. The populist and democratic parties to gether have but one candidate for president with two candidates for vice- president, which action cannot fail to result in serious complications, and also the serious disgust of thousands of members of both parties. A pecu liar ptiase oi tne situation is that in case of Bryan's possible election, Ho- bart, republican, will undoubtedly be elected vice president, which outcome is made the more certain by tbe oppo sition being divided between two can didates. Tbe utter disgust of many old time populists and democrats csn not fsil to strengthen HcKinley. At least it looks that way at present. wnetueror not the breach will widen or be conciliated as tbe campaign pro gresses, remains to be seen. Tbe cam paign oi education now in progress, certainly ongbt to furnish some start ling developments by the time the con test is over. A desperate and strug gling people are looking for relief from a policy which has proven safe in the past, and npon this point their sober second thought does, and should predominate instead of chasing wild vagaries of uncertanity. Tbe predict ions many times made in these col umns that there was little or no dif ference between the democratic and populist policy has been verified. 24th. After the programme was Brushed a bounteous snpper wss served by tbe ladies of tbe place. Tbe programme follows: Opening address Alphonse Bauenrein Dialogue "Like an Iudian,' Lester Bailer and Alpbonse Sauerrein Kecitation " Who Bpoke tbe Piece T".. Ida Wil venting lableanx "After tbe Explosion, . .Mrs. Hendricks snd Chas. Hendricks Recitation "Moving,".. Cassis Wilverding inaiogne "Uuiy Cooning.". Kotlce Is hereby given that I will, on Thura- L7ln?f T 01 ".T.- J8"4! 'ortne further sum of it. the 20th day of Autuat. isaa. at th. rvu.r, Va oy ins srjove named plaint I Id House door. In St. Helena. In uirt Mn .t in OI ,n ""' described in the complaint herein. o'clock in the forenoon ol aald day, sell at pub-1 5Ssher with interest on said amount ao paid lie auction to the highest bidder lot cash, the I SLv"i n,'.V. Percent pet annum further sum ol One Hundred (lluu) Dollars aa at torneys fees in this suit, and the costs and dis bursements ol this suit. 2nd: That the usual decree anav h. m.t. fa. me aai.ui ine premises aeacrioea in tne com- piaini nerein, to-wit: i ne northwest one-ouarter (nwH) of section Twelve (12) in township Three ex. H S k MO-V I 3 ST. HELENS HOTEL.... Our tables will at all times be found supplied with the best edibles and delioaoies the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The hotel having been newly refurnished we are orepared to gin satis faction ts all our patrons, and solicit your pstronsge. J. George, Proprietor. St. Helens, Or. c rOKTLAMlf AND ASTOHIA Telenhone leaves Portland dallv f.ieni Bnn. day) at T a. m.. laavea AaUirla dally at 7 o. m.. (except Sunday). Huna direct to train for Clat-1 id c favor of R. Everdina asralnat aald w a. Fdn.,. ton with interest thereon. lnff.th.r vlih all imt. auu uiBuaneneou tnat nave or may accrue. . t. . jk it j k, aneriir. saieu as s&. tieiens, juiy i3in, iieje. SHERIFF'S SALE. In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for .UW VUUUtJ VI WIUHIDia. U. J. Kettering and i. K. Ketterint, partners') xkciieruis; at com-1 plaint herein, to-wlt: The northwest one-ouarter nwM of section Twelve (12) in towmhlt, Tkn. (3) north, mure Three 111) weal of tha wtiw.ii. . lnl" ,,M na a Boat eonuex-tiuf with leridl.nu,?n "lacou beachea, returuln. from Astoria .very nl, containinfOne Hundred and Sixty (160) acres a SEKLltY iHat D a arwrr of land, more or leas, together with the tens- BEtjiKT, Agent. u. B. SCOTT, for II waco trains, runnlni to all points en Nurlh I imvn. I Bailey Qatxert leaves Portland daily at S n m.. I (except Sunday), on Saturday at 11 p. m. Leaves I Astoria dally at sua. m. (except Sunday and I Monday), on Sunday at 7 p. m.; ennnecu with I all trains fur Ulalanp beacn and llwaeo beach. I inis one nas a ooat conuax-tiuff wito Dot It I night la B In busineaa aa M.J pany, plaint! US, -vs. '. C. Kins- snd 8. K. Kim Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION. JU ment and order ot sale, duly issued out r. defendants. menu, hereditaments and appurtenances thers- iiuiu oeinnKine or in any wtseappertainlna, by the aherllf of the aforesaid county, in the man ner provided hv law. and acenitllna tn th nn& lice of this Court, and that the proceeds of said sale be aonlied. bv said aherirr. L tha, nnni of the amount due plslntllTs, and that the de- J i luuMniumi vj me execuuon oi tne mortgaee I upon said premises in the complaint set forth, I either as purchasers, encumbrancers or other wise may be barred and forever (orecloaad ot all m am. It w IAII I1A A " Bmsb SmS. mw SO Fred Hendricks, Lester Bailey 2L. """the seal of the above entitled premises and every part thereof; that the plain- Recitation 'CoUese Oil Cans." rJ3i,2i':5:T?i"'??.u"' .mf "Ti ? lodsment and execution axainat - ' I r " "y "i Juiy, sain uvienuants, ana escn ot them, for any de- Mrs trnwler I o9S, opon ajudirment rendered and entered In I ficiencv whlrh mur im.in .ii. .n Hi Bobbxp a Widow. Too. The books of George F. McConnell, the de- laniung Itniglits of Pythias grsnd keeper of records and seal, are beintr . examined by experts, and from present inaicauons tne loss to lb. grand lodge will not amount to more than flOOO, aunougn ine suoordinate lodges will lose whatever remittances they nude to McConnell after the change in tbe constitution. One of McConnell's bondsmen said yesterday that although no one knew where tbe defaulter had gone, the matter had been reported to the police and every effort would be made to find him and bring him back to answer for bis crime. It has trans pired ainoethe departure of McConnell that he In some way possessed bimelf of f 1000 life insurance which was car- Tableaux "Woman's Eurhts.". . . Mrs. Powler, L. Dupont, Mr. Fowler, Mrs. Hendricks. Becitation "Back Door of Casey's bsloon," F. Hendricks ReeiUtion-"The Old Man's Visit to Town," Myrtle Fowler Recitation "Old Pedee,".... Lester Bsiley Dialogue "Viola's Answer ."...Myrtle Fowler, Will Moyer, Will Bauer- rein, Lester Bailer, Fred Hendricks Recitation "Katie Lee and Willie Orsy ,' Mertie Arres Recitation "Her Name," Kizsie Moyer Recitation "The Bachelor,". Rene Dupont Recitation "A Stitch in Time,". Florence Bonnell Recitation "Hiss Jones and tbe Bar- eT'sr,".. ...MissCneldelin Dialogue "Tom's Practical Joke,". Mrs. Fowler, F. Hendricks, Mias 8nie Godman. Recitation "Sing Fan," Ada Shrader Dialogue "Being Thankful,". . Mertie Ay res, Ada Shrader Recitation "Be Polite,. .Chas. Hendricks Valedictory Mrs. Fowler Tableaux "Good-Night,"Florence Bonnell said Court on the 23rd day of May, W9S, In favor , . r M"ua auu j. r.. aenenng, partners lo., plaintiffs. in business as M. J. Kettering A against W. C. Kins and S. E. ants, for the sum of Four Hundred and Thirty .JQAWll 1 1 I.,. I . . . . ' iww, iwuui, i,d interest inereon at tne rale of 10 ner cent ner annum from th '-ir,l Am of May. U, and. the further sum of Beventy Sve (tTaOO) Dollars attorneys fees, and tbe further sum of Fifteen 115.001 Dollar nmia nri disburaements and the costs of and npon this wm, commanuing me to maae sale of the fol lowina described real property, lying and being Within Columbia COUntY Onunn. fwvlt- Th. southeast ot section 11 and southeast hi of section 14, all In townahlp S north of ranee S west of the Willamette Meridian, in Columbia cuuuij, oibuiui vregon. Now. therefor, bv virtue nf aald aTjMtt1nn judrment and order of aale, and in com pliance with tbe commands of said writ, I wiu, ud eaturaay. ine xxna aay of August, 1898 at the hour Of 2 O'clock In tha afternoon nf mmit day, at tbe front door of tbe County Court nouw, iu .ue i.iiy oi eh. neieus, said uounty and State, sell at nubile auction, nhiwt tA m. ueaijiuua, mi ine nigneet oioaer lor u. o. gold coin, cash Jn hand, all tbe richt. title and in terest wnieh the within named defendants had in ana to tne aoove oescrioea real property on the 23rd day of May,US,to satisfy aaldexeeu II on. iudsment and order of aale. internal. anH waw auu an accruing caste. inuea at ot. Helens, or., July 15, ugg. J v. niftt J24a21 Bherlff of Columbia County, Oregon. ArlBlstra.ter's Sale. IsTOriCE is hereby giren that in pnrsu- jl. wiice ui an oruer ot sale amr maae me proceeaa oi tne sale oi said premises prupsr ly applicable to the satisfaction of aald lit- ment; that the plalntiifs or any other party to iiii.buiid;dwhucs pnrcnaser at aaia sale, that the sheriff execute a deMl to tha i.imhu,r- that the said purchaser be let Into possession of the premises on production of the sheriff 's deed mereior, ana tnat tne piaintlns may have such other and lurther relief In the premises as to .u, wiun way avem meet aun equilADie. This summons is published by order of the Honorable Thomas A. strHrlda tu,tMt nfuiri wan, maue upon ine lain aay ol July, leun. UEAU1N, 8ILVE8TONE A BKOD1K, la Attorneys for Plaintiff. TREASCBER'S 1SOTICE. CortSTY Tbbasokbb'b Ofmck, bt. Helens. Or.. Jn v 9. lfiilfl Notice is hereby riven that all nnnali County Warrants of said county, which hare been presented and endorsed "Not raid for Want Of Kuilds." nrinr tn Nnm. ber 29, lt(a, will be paid npon presentation at this office. Interest will not be allowed alter iDir date. w. H. DOLUAN. jl0a7 Treasurer of Columbia Coonlr, Or. N.llc. f Flnatl Settlsaaeat. fiJOTICK is hereby giren that the nnder XI signed administrator of the estate of ens: L.. Jepson, deceased, has filed her nnai account ana petition for final settle ment and distribution in the matter of ssid estate, in the t;onntr Court of (Jolumhia county, Oregon, and that tbe judge of ssid E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE GIVES TBS CHOICB 01 Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAY Of Sookane, Minneapolis 4 Si. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY OF DEH7ER, OMAHA, & KANSAS CITY LOW BATI8 TO ALL EASTERN CITIES sty eiAT THts- Ncw Drug Store There Is a Complete Stock tor: ' Patent Medicines DRUGS So CHEMICALS BC8T BRANDS Of CIGARS Perfumery, Stationery and .School Books DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Dr. Edwin Rons, Prop, ST. HELENS, . . OREGON PR or n I prrnua COMPOUNDKD DAY OR KIOHT, 0 DIED. COEEY. At Olencoe, Washington County un rnosf uiy it, isw, ot cancer, Mrs Louisa iArey, aged 74 years. Looiss Dobbins was borne in Virginia in 1822 where she lived nntil her marriage to snd entered br the Conntv fjonrt th. 5?""' ?" " JnaK " Wndrfdo?bi5-.yBtaAta d' 8&ra wtt&VFlSSl deeeaierl. tho nnriiraitl .Hmll.t..in. i '!lec.n,on. " ."'o. sccount and. petition. OCKAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY S DAYS For San Francisco. For Full Details Call on or Address W. H. HUBLBUBT. General Freight and Pass. Agt, Portland. ST. TTFT.'EKr.Q vvrrcr a wnr m a iSisawaVaVXaVAiajrja, 9 Mr. Cooper's new -sod elegant bar room Is tba favorite re sort of the city, where si all times csn be found the fatuous PRIDE OF BXNTUCKY WHISKY KT BANBI DOMESTIC AN inrOMTB CIOAIIS MJ aS!S",ll.S,w' fl,d to "slcnme his old iriends to bis popular place o( business j ST. HELENS EXCHANGE deceased, tbe undersigned administrator of saia estate wiu sen at public suction, sub ject to confirmation by said Court, the (ol lowina described real Dronert. aitnata In laiumDie county. Bute of Oregon, to-wit Samuel Cooner. With her hnaband In 1A.V) I An undivided one-half interest ni in .mi to toe nortnwesi quarter of tbe southwest quarter and lot number six, sll in section number 13 in township 8 north of range 2 west of tbe Willamette nieriaian, and con taining 7984-100 acres, tocether with tha tenements ana Hereditaments Iherenntol All objections to ssid sccount snd petition must be filed on or before tbe date afore said. ANSA C. JEPSON. Administratrix of the Estate of Kris: L. jepson, deceased. 20j24 she came to Oregon and settled st Astoria where her husband died soon afterward A little later tbe subject of this sketcn moved to Wsshington connty and in 1857 married George B. Corey who died about seven years sgo. The disease which ended fatally last Fridsy waa contracted here about a year ago while on a risit to ber son. Thomas Cooper. Deceased leares four children, namely: Thomas Cooper, of this place, James C, snd John Corey of Wssh ington county, and Mrs. Drucilla Jones of Eastern Oregon. , Besides these four child ren there are a number of grandchildren all of tbem in Oregon. The funeral took place at Gleacee last Saturday, attended by a large concourse of friends and ao qnaintances. belonrinr: said sale will be made on Tnra. aay, July lth, A. V. 18B6, at 10 o'clock A. .,ineiniuiuwrgi urn iours xxouse. in St. Helens, in said County and State. Terms of sale: Cash in U. S. cold coin. twenty Der cent of the bid navahlo on the day of sale, and ths balance of tbe bid pay able on tne day of confirmation of said sale. S. H. HAVARD. Administrator of the Estate of Christian Dtenman, deceased. jajj24 8WAGER. At Kelso. Wash., on Sunday evening, July 26, Mrs. Jennie Swsger, j?cu u Tears. Jennie Jackson was born in Springfield. III., on February 17. 1844 end came with her parents to California in 1853, and was mar ried to John 8wager in 1880, in Windsor. Sonoma county. In the following year they came to Oregon, where tbey hare since resided in Columbia connty. Th. fruits of this union wss six children four boys and two girls two of the sons are al ready deceased. Those li ring are Mark A., Frank, Mrs. W. D. Connell and Mrs. Maud Strachan. The remains were brouebt to this city Mondsy and the funeral services were held at the opera house In this city, conducted by Rev. Fbilbrook, at 1 o'clock ' a. .x. a, ..a, .ax. .a.. Your Money's Worth Every Time 1 i i i i Dolman's C--Ja 4JIV1 Vr. K UK GBE1TEST SPECIillSTS 01 THE AIEBICAI COITIIEIT. Most Successful Catarrh Doctors in the City. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -TfAMifr- Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH uesrs hv. Helens a.an a u f ortiana 10:00 A M I Leave Portland o.oo a xi Arrire at St. Helens e':oo V S WM CENTS. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers uu cast c reigns, JAMES GOOD, MA8TER. . THE BANQUET SALOON PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE w j I ca BTEAMER O. W. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Maater. TbrKT WMhlngton nM Tnd.y, milling), Monday? Widne aJi bmS. k- turn'"t-I'eaes Clatskanie. (tide per- in Porllsnd 1 OB A M Ths iCniif. !i ' lMi , :Ui St, Helena 10:80. Arrlr. uriiianu g aj a m. lbs company reaerres the right to ehsngs time without nolle.. UAVen TatANSPOBTATIOiS OOnrANV. Decker's Tuesday afternoon, after which Interment Tl'TTTa' STTOT took place in th. family iot at Masonic XJjtXjlVJJlX, OXiVX ?JiFyjJIJTrJLSar Qntckly Has re-opened under the management TI IP IIIAar . . . " 5 AJSSifAidSwl 4sro THE MIST AND OREGONIAN VOUS DEBILITY snd SEXUAL DIS- wbere c"n " ,ound th choicest brands of 'wssivwiwir-a, cemetery. Deceased wss tbs daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles English of Deer Island and besides several brothers snd sisters leares many friends in Columbia county to mourn her loss. J. H. DECKER, Proprietor. The old and reliable barber has his razors Inst as sbaro as can be found, and will ahava rati comfortably and quickly lor only 16 Cents. ST. HELENS, ! : OREGON ,?,Ri8YPHILI3- GONORRHOEA uu weoi, Dpermatorrhoea, 8eminal Weakness, Lost Manhood, Night Emis- Arosswa, uecaying faculties. HYDROCELE. VARi6oi!eLB and SJRURES radically and safelywred without pain or detention from business. All deformities and Impediment, to l""-,7 xemorea. A CERTAIN and POSITIVE CURE for the awful effect, of early rice and numerous evils that follow lit its train. to DISEASES OF WOMEN a '" lne stamp. ConsulUtion free sSaV" vVSUUUCQlj National Hedical Institute PRINCIPAL OKITICE, 132 THIRD 8T., PORTLAND, OE. WINE AND LIQUOR 1 one year, qnlVtw dollars Card tables, pool table, billiard table and . . - J0SEPH KELLOGG , rw.nur a pent, FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS I Ti IJ jxsiuei otner noon lar hran u . constantly on hand . i "P! I trad, at tnisyer LSZ '""" THI rAllOCS CYRU5 NOBLE WHISKY s " rin at lug BA(jur. & COMPANY'8 RIVER STEAMER nm r- -- - n i T'Srrr ili n- STIR JOSEPH KELLOGG PORTLAND - Leares Kelso Mnnrlatra U',..i i . . . . Portland Tu.ad.v, ZZZZZ- :"7""f'' .r ,flr o'clock a. m. Lcatss iuu,.u,7 BUU oamraay ,t 0 o'clock . ra.