The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 03, 1896, Image 4

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    4erfal, xe1lied a Aratnrlat, In the people
ticks to Hjod's aanaparul. Thar sl want
P n
Th On Tro Blood Purifier. An drufflit. fL
Maori's PHI raw all Utut Ilia, a eanta.
For the Whlet Championship,
At a meeting of the American Whist
lea pie held a few day ago It waa de
cided to hold the annual tournament at
the Oriental hotel, Manhattan Beach,
N. Y., June 83 to 87 inclusive. The
league is made np of several state asso
ciations, and its membership includes
nearly 400 clubs. Each club is allowed
to enter a fram of four men, and the
, winners will receive silver trophy
valued at ffiOO, the same to be emblem
' atio of the whist championship of this
Million Acre Open to Bottlers.
The president has issued a proclama
tion opening the Bed Lake Indian reser
vation in Minnesota to settlement The
date selected 1b May 1. Tbe White Earth
reservation will be opened by a procla
mation to be issued later, though it was
' originally planned to issue the proclama
' tions simultaneously. The two comprise
: about 1,000,000 acres and form a portion
of the old Chippewa lands,
Tbe Turkish Needle. ,
, A curious needle with a polished tri
angular eye large enough to carry
trips of beaten gold and tor use upon
V embroidery of linen was once shown
to an American' woman in Constant!
; nople. The particular Interest attach
ing to the needle was the assertion of
ldi owner that It had been in the pos
session of his family mora than ZOO
years. .
alts. Booth Knows Woman,
Mrs. Ballington Booth of the new
American Salvation Army has devised a
more attractive bonnet for her assistants,
stroke of subtlety that may well canse
dismay at the English headquarters.
Bt Louis Globe -Democrat
Too Much Knife!
In France the doctor's claim on the
estate of a deceased patient has prefer
ence over all others.
For hats birds of paradise plumes
have, to a great extent, replaced the
suffer aigrette In London.
New Zealand exported 14,4-18,000
worth of gold laat year. Three-quar
ters of It came from the west coast of
There are base-ball clubs In all the
mountain towns of . Tennessee this
year. The erase la more widespread
than ever.
In Colfax County, Nebraska, the
sloughs are alive with eels and the lu
habitants are hunting them down with
An English professional cricketer's
yearly income is on the average $750.
which is less than the wages of tbe bet
ter class of workmen.
Quill toothpicks, as a rule,' are Im
ported from France. The largest fac
tory In the world la near Paris, where
20,000,000 are annually produced.
Some high prices were paid for fine
old snuff boxes at Christie's in London
the other day-$9,0O0 for one, $5,500 for
another, and $3,000 for a third.
If the armies of Europe should march
at an eight-mile gait, fire abreast, nf
teen Inches apart. It would require nine
and one-half days for them to pas
given point
The largest bronxe casting ever made
in America is the buffalo's head which
hangs at the eastern entrance of tbe
Union Pacific bridge, between Omaha
and Council Bluffs.
Has there been any better example of
self-control afforded by modern civil!
sation than that given at the Louisville
Woman's Congress, where speeches
nave been limited to three minutes
each! , '
About 2,000 miles of railway are
under construction in Japan, and the
London Times says there are signs
that American engineering and materi-
al will be preferred to English hereaf
ter by the Japanese.
Napoleon's lucky day was the second
of the month. He was made a consul
on Aug. 2, IS02, was crowned Dec. 2,
1804, won the battle of Austerllta Dec.
2, 1805, and married the Archduchess
of Austria April 2, lSia
The pavement In front of the William
H. Vanderbllt residence in New York
City cost over $40,000. The single stone
lying directly in front is the largest
The nse of the surgeon's knife Is be
coming so general, resulting fatally
in such a large number of cases, as to
occasion general alarm. The press al
most daily announces the death of some
Unfortunate whose svstem mtl nn
, , , - . wATCujr iu iiuul uf lue largest
aWndl PaTirSQnd traD8"
the keen blade of the surgW M j Prtatlon and all. $9,000.
Of course, in some instances an 1 The Argentine Republic Is going to
operation is necessary, and is the ! send a team of polo players to England
only means of saving life, bat such cases inext summer, and much interest Is ex
cu?uuS - which are
that the public is beginning to realize Bal(1 nPrle specimens of every
that the doctors axe too hasty in resort i Mnd brea m 8onta America,
ing to the knife, and if such a state ol j There Is nothing to equal a lavender
h;ereibef?Blong plUow for "" heads- The pillow Is
rsffitriK ;s- rhrrdjavenjer r glT
that the majority of operations are f?rI th"t refreslllng odor always so
unnecessary, but when the fatal mistake ;Pleasant- The covers are made of fine
is discovered too late, only the doctors ! white linen delicately embroidered
ever enow 01 tueir error, and thoceh a i with violets.
This casualty has occurred to two of
their ahlpa, and In each case the vesse
was saved. Such a record Is without
parallel in the history of navigation.
France's hay crop being a failure. M
Mellne, the Premier, has ordered piw
feasors of agriculture throughout I lie
country to suspend their lectures and
to proceed to the rural districts, where
tney will try to persuade the fanners
to sow vetch, corn aud other fodder
to make up for the hay, and make use
of oil cake, straw, bran and corn.
A bass viol player In dlstrcMS and un
able to pay bis rent crawled luto his big
fiddle to die Iu Paris recently. He waa
missed after a day and discovered on
the landlady seizing the viol for rent.
It was found difficult to got him out.
even after the back of the viol had been
removed, and as the man Is Insane 110
explanation of how he got Into hts In
strunieut has been found.
A man In Milwaukee has Inaugurated
what may become a genera! custom
all over the country. He has converted
the basement of a large offloe building
Into a storage-room for bicycles, with
attendants to clean the wheels and care
for them and to make repairs when nee-
essary. No charge Is made for checking
or caring for the bicycles when they
are left by tenants of the building. The
storage-room Is maintained as an at
traction for tenants.
An Incendiary with a mania for burn
ing saw-mills has broken loose In the
neighborhood of Farmerslmrg. south of
Terre Haute. Within the past month
four mills' have been burned, entailing
a total loss. The fires have left the en
tire "country to the south, for a radius
of twenty miles, without a mill, and tin
the country Is heavily wooded the de
ficiency Is keenly felt. No insurance
was carried upon the majority of the
mills, and their owners find themselves
unable to rebuild.
A queer custom was observed for the
two hundred aud fiftieth time at Lelgb-
ton Buzzard, England, this year In ac
cordance with the will of a London
merchant, who founded ten almshouses
In the town. The trustees, accompanied
by the town crier and a band of loys
carrying green boughs, beat the boun
darlos of the parish, , stopping at the
properties from whose incomes the
charities are supported. At all these
places one boy stood on his head while
the will was read. After the procession
plum rolls were given to the boys. Un
til recently half a pint of beer was
given, but this has been suppressed,
rolls being distributed to all tbe school
children Instead. In the evening the
trustees, the town crier and the in
matesof the almshouses dined together.
A Small Fortune for Medicine
Mrs. Leek Spends $4,000 In the
Effort to Regain Health.
precious life is given up, the pnblTc is
assured that death would have resulted
in spite of the operation, and who ia
ever the wiser ?
The folly of resorting to the knife in
cases of cancer, is demonstrated everr
time it is undertaken. The disease is
ia the blood and the caacer or sore is
but the outward manifestation of a
terrible condition of the entire circula
tion. To cut out this sore, therefore,
does not in anyway effect the disease,
and it can easily be seen that the only
correct treatment is to get at the seat of
the disease, and purify the blood; the
sore will then heal up naturally. S.S.S.
is themost powerful blood remedymade,
and is the only cars for cancer.
To submit to an operation, is to volun
tarily endanger one's life, without tha
. slightest hope of being benefitted.
Mr. William Walpole, is a wealthy
planter residing at Walshtown, South
Dakota, and is well known all over the
state. '-Under date of January 20th, 1896,
he writes; "About three years ago, there
, came under my left eye a little blotch
about the size of a small pea. It grew
rapidly, and for the past year, shooting
pains ran in every direction. I became
alarmed and consulted a good doctor,
who pronounced it cancer, and said that
it must be cat out This I would not
, consent to, having little faith in the in-
; discriminate use of the knife, though I
was alarmed at my condition. Reading
- of the many cures made by S.S.S., I
determined to give that medicine a trial,
and after I bad taken it a few days, the
t. : 3 , . J ' . .
- causer ucuime imiaicu ana Degan lo ais-
The steamer Joseph L. Colby, has
been chartered to tow three coal-laden
barges from Philadelphia to Montreal.
This Is thought to be one of the largest
runs on record for a steamer to tow two
j barges, the distance being about 1,600
Baltimore, the new estate of George
vanaerbllt, In North Carolina, has 05.
000 acres, and the system of roadways
Is so perfect that Mr. Vanderbllt, who
Is a wheelman, can go 100 miles over
the macadamized road without going
off his estate.
Westminster Hall has been closed to
the public, except when nnder surveil
lance, since the dynamite explosion
eleven years ago. The St. James Ga
xette suggests that it is time to take
away the policemen and to let visitors
enter the hall freely. .
A league for the elimination of for
eign words from the French language
has been formed In Paris. It is not
likely to be more successful than the
German association to turn the French
element out of German has been in
translating the bill of fare.
It ia a curious coincidence that while
the hundredth anniversary of Edward
Jennets first successful vaccination in
the little Gloucestershire village where
he practiced was being celebrate
throughout Europe the town of Glou
cester was suffering from an epidemic
01 smallpox.
, A method of mummifying the dead
by absorption of humidity and grasses
after the body Is placed In the coffin
has been devised by an Italian named
Vercellonl. The body seems to be pre
served as If in life, except that the color
is the yellowish copper tint peculiar to
Egyptian mummies. ; ,
A German Inventor has hit upon
method of putting stone soles on boots
ana snoes. tie mixes a waterproof
glue with a suitable quantity of clean
quartz sand and spreads It over the
leather sole used as a foundation. These
quartz soles are said to be very flexible
and practically Indestructible,
A sensational mining discovery has
been made in the Black Jack mine In
A Frightened Cadet.
Last winter. In a time of sudden
thaws and wide extremes of tempera
ture, the authorities at West Point
Issued a dally order defining the limits
on the river within which the cadets
were allowed to skate. So says tbe
Illustrated American, which goes on
to relate an adventure of a second-clam
man, who found himself one afternoon
far outside the limits. '
He first became aware of bis trans
gression when he saw an officer on
skates bearing down upon him. Anx
ious to conceal his Identity, and to savo
himself punishment and demerits, be
turned and skated for the shore.
A glance over his shoulder shcwe-l
the officer striking out after him in real
earnest Never did cadet skate faster,
bnt the officer drew steadily nearer.
Happily, as the cadet thought, an out
stretching point of land was jrst ahead.
Straight np on the rocky shore dashed
the cadet behind tbe little lighthouse,
and ran up through the woods, with his
skates still on his feet Breathless,
be reached cadet limits, and a quick
glance around told him that he bad
eluded his pursuer.
Then he took off bis skates and has
tened to the barracks, to be ready for
the roll-call that would most likely be
ordered for the purpose of detecting
the guilty skater. No such roll-call
was ordered, however, and at parade
that night an order was read extending
the skating limits, and during tbe even
ing the pursuing officer called at the
cadet's door to say:
"Yon are a very good skater, Mr. A.
If I could have overtaken you, I would
have told yon that tbe limits were ex
tended, and that you might skate even
farther than you did. Bnt then, I dare :
say you found tbe exercise yon had
quite sufficient"
Mr. Bhulty's Kxperlonoe With Matrons
frustration anil Its A Handing-
From the Examiner, Ban Francisco, Cut.
"Why everybody knows the good
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did me.
was the cheerful generality with which
Mrs. Franois Leek, of room 80, 1806
Market street, Ban Frauolsao, CaL,
answered the question whether she had
taken Dr. Williams' Pink PUIS lor
Pale People, As she looks Die picture
of health hor story was the more sur
You would bardly believe it," she
continued, "but I waa an invalid for
ten years, I spent $4,000 being treated
in hospitals iu Chicago for rneuma
tism, neuralgia, nervous prostration
and fibrous tumors, and then to think
that 1 spent only $0 in Pink Pills and
am a well woman. It makes mo mad
to think I spent so much and then gut'
well for to, still I am glad I did get
welL No one oonld ever guess how I
came to take the pills. I have a little
granddaughter, at least she calls me
grandma,' though I am not really her
grandmother. One day wa weie rid
ing iu the cars in Chicago and she be
gau to read, 'Pink Fills for Pale Peo
ple.' It seemed to tiokle hor aud she
wonld rattle it off just as if she had
learned a line of poetry, and sometimes
he would get it turned about and say,
'grandma, what is Pale Pills for Fink
People fori
"Well, you see I got familiarised
with the name of Pink Pills and one
day when 1 got a little book abont
them I sat down and read it all
tbrongh. I was not good for much
els but sitting down or lying down,
and I thought I'd give them a trial. I
guess there is not much more to say.
Look at me. I don't look much like
an invalid today, do IT" j
It waa perfectly true that Mrs. Leek
did not look much like an invalid, and
it is no secret that she was married only
abont six mouths ago. She said that
(he always keeps the pills by her bed
side, and produced a handful of the
little round boxes as evidenoe of her
faith in tbem. "I have had it on my
mind to write to Dr. Williams direct
and thank him for all the good they
have done me: but one thina and then
another oanie np and I have not writ- j to PrePare fop tne nejtt-
Bain's Born Bouud a Warning Not
to tha Unredeemed.
VU liberality
does not consist
lu what we give,
bnt lu what we
have left.
The matt who Is
trying to get to
heaven alone Is
not fit to go.
Every step tak
en with Christ Is
a tost of both
faith aud courage.
Religious bate Is the most reloutlens
of all bate. i
An honest man can never be a friend I
to the thief.
Crushing a rose makes It bigger thnu
It was before.
Don't lose any sleep worrying about
God's part of your work.
The character of love Is the same lu
every country and climate.
Christ never sent anyone to anybody
else who came to him tor help.
Pome shepherds seem to tuiike a spe
cialty of feedlug the hi ml goats' milk.
There Is much of the devil's work
that can only ba doue by tbe hypocrite.
The emphasis Is put In the wrong '
place, when a Christian talks louder!
than he Uvea. j
The trouble about sowing wild oats
Is that the same baud that sows must
do the reaping.
Many a boy has turned out bad, be- j
cause bis father bore down too bard
on the grindstone. J
The less peoplo know of tbe Bible's j
spirit the more hairsplitting they will j
do over lu letter. . I
The devil spikes a gun when the Im- i ,
presslon prevails that the preacher Is
proud of his head.'
There are people who doubt the Bi
ble, who believe everything they see:
iu the newspapers.
The devil will soon be on very good
terms with the man who has begun to
admire his own piety.
When a skeptic tells yon that so and
so Is in the Bible, always ask him for
a chapter and Terse.
It takes the devil a long time to find
ont that be never makes anything by
opposing a Christian.
The greatest waste of time ws can
be guilty of In this world Is to neglect
"aftafif WAS" sYtUlT I A 0At
Itlhr srs tht otMtlnst l1tn. to th it
mnvtl ol wlilott thsdMtearrsftlys.HMlslter's
StouiMh Billon, it ouishlsln u br.
To miiIii In th at ol mil MMitUnl rdr u
no mors thin )nat. BUIoumhmo, m.iutiimllon,
naurta, rhoumatltm, kldny oomimlnU i
rron.nww t nuaf th oompllult wkloh it
ISlllMl, .
Of tbs 40,000 speoiss of beetles
widely diffused over tha earth's sur
faoa not one Is known to be vsnomons
or armed with a sting.
Dooly it tha most prosperous oounty
in tha state of Ueorgla. It bat as
sessed no oounty taxes (or two years
and has jnst completed an f 8,000 JuiL
W ...A,-
lr C U M pmm adiVS
. W. .. 4 Mar IU lw TarS
4 M M M M II M ISIS dl
It of hit atMolat euro, frs to saVs3r.
Wo 1vl nv on
a tiiaiioi
I ft Os-W
1 sz
. ji wmr see?
Too will nm mm
losld Mck two nut swat
ood two ooopoo teoMe oaoai
fear eonoo bog of BHoek
wtll't Dorks ai. Bay hog
mt this oolokoolod)
and m4 th opo wklefc
gives a llot of valaaMi at
oats mm how so got tkoa.
enr ThS r far trom
a small scab, which finally dropped off, j Preston- I coal mine It was found
snd only a healthy looking little I 0161:6 were ricl1 depoaita of silver, and
scar remained to mark the place where i the discovery has created the greatest
the destroyer had held full sway .Words excitement The country for miles
are inaaeonaie 10 express my gratltnde to around has been located.
of leading other sufferers to a cure, " i P,c games at Athens every four years.
Cancer is not incurable, but the only i Tn stadium Is to be completed In
means of curing it is to rid the blood of Pentellc marble, M. Averoff, of Alex-
the disease. S.S.3. never fails to do
thiB, but it is the only remedy to be re
lied upon. It- is guaranteed purely
vegetable, and cures Cancer, Scrofula,
Eczema, Catarrh, Rheumatism and anr
other disease of the blood. Other blood Japan has now 175,000,000 on deposit
diseases often develop into such alarm. ( in the Bank of England to her credit
d'Ure.thtf- W0.000.000 to the Bank of Ger-
tknCe. often th, 7t . . many-this being the amount of tbe
andrla, who gave 1,000,000 drachmae
1 to have the race course put In order,
I having promised to give 500,000 dracn-
mae ($100,000) a year for the purpose.
neck to such an extent that an operation
is looked upon aa absolutely the only
relief. This is also a grave error, aa the
disease is in the blood and a real blo.-l
remedy is the only cure.
An operation never did cure a blood
disease. Beware of the knife I
Srnd for our books on cancer and
blood diseases, mailed free. Swift Spa
cifio Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
A-KM'S Pli-a RCMEOV. sww luk
ltira. Apauifl'. oar.. Circuur, Mot tnm. fvtm
1 (..tat .otf
pa. eo-a
SO, ImumJm
installment recently paid by China on
war indemnity account Most of this
money will stay In Europe, and will be
spent there by Japan for ships and
1 munitions of war.
I ; The managers of the Cnnard line of
transatlantic steamers make tbe claim
that during the entire history of their
I company, extending back, as It does,
to the day when steam was unknown
as a motive power, they have never lost
a passenger, and tha worst accident to
any of their vessels was going aground.
How "The Bell" Waa Written.
John Sartaln, well known as tbe first
great American engraver, and, more
over, as a man of letters, tbe half -owner
and managing editor, In tbe forties, of
Bartain's Magazine, the friend of all
the great literary men of his time, still
lives quietly in Philadelphia. Mr. Sar
taln was a firm friend of Poe. In bis
wild moods, frequently, it was Mr.
Sartaln only who could control tbe put
burst Mr. Sartaln used to buy Poe's
hasty lines and thus furnish tbe poet
with a dinner sometimes sadly need
ed. It was in this way that he bought
"The Bells." One day Poe, very ragged,
rnshed into the office of the magazine,
with a bit of verse that be wished to
sell. Out of compassion for bis ap
parent suffering, the editor bought the
poem. After tbe writer had rushed
ont be read It without much admira
tion; and filed it away. This Is th
poem: .
Th bells, hear the bells,
The merry wedding bells,
The little silver bells,
How fairy-like a monody there swells
From the silver-tinkling cells of th bells.
The belli, ah, b belll
The heavy Iron bells,
Hear the tolling of tbe bells;
Hear the knells;
How horrible a monody there floats
From their throats!
From their deep-toned throats;
How I ahndder at the notes
From the melancholy throats
Of the belli, of the bells I
Presently Poe, very wroth,' asked
why the poem had not been published.
Being Informed, be wrote a second,
more elaborate version, and when that
too had been refused be wrote a third.
This wss tbe form In which tbe poem
at last . appeared. Boston Common
Heatem bored.
Missionary Surely you remember,
Mr. Twaddles, who preached to your
tribe ten years ago?
Savage Chief Oh, yes; I remember
him well; be was delicious tPlck-Me-
Nothlnz distrusts a sober man mora
than to have a lot of drunken men come '
In looking for him.
ten yet 1 have recommended them to
scores of people aud probably that did
more good than writing. Ohl yon can
put me down for the Pink Pills every
time. I believe in them and I can tell
the genuine pills, too, right off. There
is nothing that is 'just aa good' for me
I want the real pills every time."
Mr. Francis Shulty, of 719 Taylor
street, said: "Yes, the Pink Pills did
for me all that was claimedTor them.
I used them for abont fire month.
They were recommended to me by a
druggist on the corner of Oak and
Gongh streets, tbe Eagle drug store is
the name, I think I waa run down,
very nervous, and suffered from indi
gestion. The doctor said my blood
waa thin and that I needed change of
air and all that kind of thing. Well,
I couldn't do that, and this frienj of
mine just told me kind of off hsnd to
try the Pink Pills. 1 have tried pills
before that were supposed to oure ev
erything and I did not have mooh con
fidence, but when a man is sick be
don't care what he tries if there is a
onanoe to get well. I got the pills
one box, thst is. It did me good, I
began to feel better right away and I
kept on with them. I have got over
all my nervousness and I must say they
did me a world of good. "
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in
a condensed form, all the elments nec
essary to give new life and richness to
the blood and restore shattered nerves.
Tbey are an unfailing spociflo for such
diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial
paralysis, St Titus' danoe, sciatica,
neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous head
ache, the after effect of la grippe, pal
pitation of the heart, pale and sallow ,
complexions, all forma of weakness
either in male or female. Pink Pills
are sold by all dealers, or will be sent
post paid on receipt of price, 60 cents
a box, or six boxes for $3.50 (they are
never sold in bulk or by tbe 100), by
addressing Dr. Williams' Medioine
Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
We best please men when we ask
for the least, but we best please God
when we ask for tbe most
Shouting In church Is sometimes one
kind of religion, while paying tha
preacher's back salary Is another.
Prof. Babcock,
"I fin. tkat Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast'Crxoa is
absolutely cure. It contains no trace of any substance
foreign to the pure roasted cocoa-bean. The color is that
of pure cocoa ; the flavor is natural, and not artificial j and
the product is in every particular such as must have been
produced from the pure cocoa-bean without the addition
of any chemical alkali, acid, or artificial flavoring sub
stance, which are to be detected in cocoas prepared by I
the so-called 'Dutch process.'' I
WmltaAlwScU4lt&aUTflJ I
French wheelmen have adopted a
oode of signals by whistle. The whistle
is much used in Paris in preference to
thebelL . -
By local applications, u thoy rannot rrli the
diaeawd porlt n of tnr. There l milTono
wajr Ncurecfc?ifn"M, am! that la cjreimtltitfoii.
al n-moile. Deafnera ia r nu-ed b an Inflamed
condition ol tb mncona lining- ol Kuitas-hian
Tube. When ih Is lube pen inflamed yon bare
rumbling aound of lmr-rfect hearing and
when ii la entirely elowd deafu.i ia the remit,
and nnleaa the inflammation can re Ukcn out
and thia tube reerored lo it- normal coi dition,
betrli gwlll b deatroyed forever; nine eaaea
out of ten are canamf by ca'arrh, which la
nothing hut an Inflamed lion ol the
We will gie One Hnndred Dollars lor any
tnai can
Send lor
eaaeof 0eafne foamed bynatHrrh) that can
nui ne caret dt uau a latarrn uure.
circular free
. . . ' CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
SoM by Druggist. 76c.
HaU'i family JMlla ara the beat.
Piso's Cure for Consumption bss ssved
me Urge doctor hills. C. L. Bker, 4228
Begeot Hq., Philsdelpbia, Pa., Deo. 8, '95.
Will commence it sixth year August 4th.
It is a first-class Home School and pre
pares boys for admiseton to any Univer
Uy. or Technical Fcbool. or lor active
business. Full information and catalogue
can be had bv addressing
IRA 0. 110 ITT, Ph.D.,
.-. . Boat.isoaMS, Cai.
riTS All fits etopred fre by Dr. Kllno
Oreat Narvo Krstorer. Ko lltaafwrtl eflr.t
riar's me. Marv-lnna cures. TreHtUe ami $oo
trial bottle free to Fit caea. rttud to Dt, Kline
M Arch St., I-nlladelphia, Ps, '
Tat Gua ior breakfast.
Their Use Not Xet Increased by tbe I
Prcaent Trouble lo Cube. i
There Is a growing ltlea among smolt- j
ers that, owing to the trobulea In Cubs,
there will be a scarcity of Cuban leaf '
tobacco, which will soou affect both the '
quality and quantity of domestic clear
Havana cigars, and a rumor Is preval
ent that already many of tbe so-called
clear Havana are covered with Mexl- :
can tobacco, and that It cannot be do-'
teoted by experts. The best-Informed :
persons In the trade deny this minor, !
and state that most of the large Ameri- j
can firms have enough Cuban tobacco
to last them for a year or more, and j
that there Is little or no tobacco In
Mexico suitable for the fastltdlous !
smoker. They say, also, that Mexican
tobacco Is detected easily at sight, mid
while It may be possible in future year
to produce totmcco for wrappers which :
will compete with the Cuban article. It '
will be a long time comlug, as up to ;
date no effort has been made by the
Mexican growers to cater to this mar-1
ket The Mexican leaf la thicker and j
duller In appearance, without the rich j
gloss of the Cuban variety so attrao i
tlve to American smokers. What Is
still more to the point, It rapidly de
teriorates In appearance after being j
worked up Into cigars. 8(111 another
reason Is that all the available Mexl- j
can wrappers worth anything are !
called for by the Mexican trade, one
firm of which Is said to be under con
tract with Englishmen for bOO.OUO
cigars every two weeks. .
The government statistics also give
an Important hint In this matter. Tha
total export of filler tobacco from
Mexico for 1S03 was only 48,451 pounds,
of a value of 111,450; In 1804, 57,840
pounds, valued at $18,507, while tbe
total amount of wrapper tobacco for
1HH5 was but thirteen pounds, valued
at $7. This country Imported from
Cuba In 1893 21,004,61)1 pounds, valued
at $8,940,058; In 181)1, some 14,578,000
pounds, valued at $5.838,0tS4, and In
1805 some 20,147,000 pounds, valued at
$7,233,474. The total amount of Im
ported wrapper tobacco .from Cuba
paying duty Into the United States
treasury during 1805 was 28,130
pounds, valued at $38,320. These are
the facts In tbe matter, and as soon as
Mexican tobacco begins to come In for
use on domestic-made clear Havana
cigars Its arrival will be shown In the
weekly tables of Imports published In
trade and shipping organs. What Is
very likely is that the consumer of Ha v.
ana cigars will soon have to face a
darker tobacco on bis cigars than bd
has been wishing for lately. New York
Sun. .--
S i
I (l "Titefa Cakt'' . I
Lone star Optimism.
Well, the sun is out again, and the
peach blossoms ore yet able to blush a
little when be kisBcs them. So, until it
is definitely known that the cold weather
has played the mischief with the fruit
Early Paper Making.
For the art of paper making, the
world I Indebted to tbe Chinese, who,
with their usual liberality when deal
ing with their own historical dates, as
sign Its Invention to a Chinese king
about 12,000 years ago. As a matter
of fact, It was probably made In China
before the Christian era. The Inven
tion was taken to Bnmaroand, whence
It was Introduced Into Europe In the
seventh century. In 712 the Saracens
were making paper In Spain from cot-
tnn Wo ,.. t
" woa a in unt UUl'II 1110 gOIKTIU ft
little later, and most of the bull of the
pope In the eighth and ninth centuries
were written on cotton paper. Linen
and cotton rags Instead of raw cotton
were nrur. usoa ry the Saracens, and
mn n x
You may have "money to
burn," but even so, you needn't
throw it away For JO cents you
get almost twice as much "Battle
Ax" as you do of other high grades
for the same money.
XV YTVT A. "IVT 'Hf .,.rJr wmarkabie and "certain
wmmmmmm mmmmmm .
a al . .
i- i "Oman Friend. It la
tt haadache
Wch i burden and shorten m woman's
nauir lor 11,
10 It- T4 ill I i . .
'-."".ai Acenn.
relief given woman by JuOOKE'fl
unitormiy iticceu
andwaaknss Jiie, Thousands ol
irr,1?nd0'""", ,h bM llln srtlelf
v . VJ woman ana ohl tl.
rrsdorlek Oonltar Tooth Mru.h with
. ! Clanfn Attachment.
Endorsed Ey n ,u, iwrtin- phi,.ilt .nd
J,n'"!J Bend lo. lor samp.?,,Jfot"i3;
S1W30 Market Street, Ban rroolsoj, 01.
imiivs iiiiiuluii a Kvaust
- rwH vnikBHlf TSITHINO
"?' r " SO Us Wills,
at r
cron. we will risk a faint bnt hnnofnl
'Grand old Texas." Galveston News. ,tne ear"t dated document on linen
paper is a treaty between tbe kings of
' Aa Odd AntedllnTlon.
Teacher Noun sailed 40 days and 40
Dick Hicks And did it all without s
yachting cap. Minneapolis Tribune,
Aragon and Castile, In 1177,
Tbe Boy' Brigade.
The total membership of the Bovs'
Brigade fortho United Kingdom Is 3..
000 lads, with 2,800 officers '
Eighteen American women bear the
.title of princess in Italy, and Knssla
and other continental oonntries.
fufMoviilLlVEii PILLS
. .n. wum inins louse.
.pn'vOne (or B doso.
a "r"'"e at ESo. boz
...lira frM AddrM
Br. Sosanko Had. C. Phil. .
is fro mtmmii
Rav aa Mllaf
f wtlikl la the '
StMack atMllas
m 'iwr v.K,ny n.K S-lSMWInS-Vl.
lSf mo Watao-"
krask Hnrtkara J
Had Taste hi the'
Maate ia Iks Mara. J
lafPslsltattsa H
SI Stoaiark
-Caebsnd Maetk I
aa la ths Ssotls
iis si rink
'ickls Aaaetlts ,
DasraMsd, IrrlUbla '
loauitl.s el tk ,
H led Dluiaaaa '
llsadscfca CsMtle. I
.lm , sr viafraoar
Ufa VJHl . " I
iviHm w
flcKcr'i Dy$pcp$la tmm,
bf tasll, snpald, s fanlat af j Mats
' HASr.VS K k M . . ttiJd ,. i -1 r A.
I a
I 'UL r-nwf I
nu ' ' 1,11 J
N. U. Ko. 6vt-S. t, K tT; toSii