OMfiON MIST. mtJK KTBav raiui nostriina -- BEEQLE DAVIS. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Ititbeerlptleai Bun, One copy oAe rear lo artreoee........, Ono wry Ml mouthe...,u,.,.Mw...mM.. mugi epj...w.....,.....-,......,..,.. ..II M AdterUnni rat mad known upon application OOLCMBIA COtJMTY DIRECTORY. Ooawty Olfleere, 'ydT....,.,.,,.,,..,, BUncherd, Rainier Oter.. ,.,.,...,. Judeon Weed, Vernonl fcherllT....,, ChM. F. Don, Rainier '(reeeurer... K. M. Wharton OnliimhU i'itw Jiupt, of achooU i. O. Wall, Scanpooee j..-iipir..()(.,1t.jWn wurvejror Iffll White. Oulnnr W. N. Meaerve, Delene ST. HELKKIi KKOOM, JTONB la. lew tight rs tfo iu tbe year wimuui a u miner. f rest occurred very month in the year 1818. Ice lormed half in inch thick Id liny, Snow fell to the depth of three inches n nam tort, anC alto in Maesachir sella, in Juna. Ica was formed the thickness of a common window glass throughout New Voilt on the oih day ouuiy, aiiaiao corn wm o Irosen that the greater part of it was cut io August and dried for fodder, and the farmer aupplied themselves from the corn produced in 1815 for the seedine 01 me spring of 1817. Ths people believe in McKinley be cause ne Mtieve in the kind of leg is lalion that moves the wheels of domes tio industry, and favors home labor by enuuine; out unjust ana unfair com petition. Bikcb it is a foregone conclusion that the republican national conven tion will declare absolutely for the enld standard, excellent onnortunltv will be afforded to test the strength of vne money question. Tbi nominating speeches at the SL Louis convention will be made bv Sen a tor-elect Foraker for McKinley, Sena tor Lodge for Reed, Chaancy M. De pew for Morton, and J. H. Baldwin for Allison. This means that the oratory in tne case will be up to the highest mark 01 excellence. Fabmbbs complain that it la ss hard to hire labor in the citiea as it was be fore the electrio railways began to reach out into rural places. Inventive electricians will have to help out the tillers of the soil, for it is evident that ths "unemployed" will not count for ranch when there is a rash of work in the fields. Ths official returns from Umatilla coanty show that out of 3473 votes cast for congressman, North up : ceived 386. There are thirty-three precincts in that county, and in three ol those precincts be did get one vote. In six precincts he received only one vote in each, while the largest vote he received in any precinct was only 42. Turn timber wealth of the Uuited States gives a yearly product of over a oiuion dollars, or more than twice the value of the entire output of all the mines. Yet nowhere on earth is ths wealth of the forests wasted more wantonly than in this country. Trees and forest are slashed down not only without consideration, but with some thing akin to contempt. "Mwp your p's and q's. is an old time expression, but the following is well peppered wi h p's: Persons who pat ronise papers should tav oroniotlv. tor uie peocuniary prospects or the press have a peculiar Dower of push ing forward public prospects. If the printer is paid promptly and his purse aept plethoric by prompt paying pat rons, tie puts his wen to the paper in peace, his paragraphs are more point ed, he paints hie pictures of passiua eventa in more perfect colors, and the perusal of hie paper is more pleasing to the people. Paste this piece of proverbial philosophy in a prominent place where all can peruse it. Tub West is bound to witness a bis influx of immigration this falL Cy clones and floods are becoming entire ly too numerous and devastating in the Eastern and Middle states, and the people will seek a placo where their lives are not in hourlv ieonardv from pranks of the elements. This would not be an inappropriate time for Columbia county to advertise her resources with a view to inducinr peo ple who command the vast fortunes of Eastern lucre to step westward and invest. Columbia county hits induce ments for investment which are of bo small importance. We should have manufacturing established in our midst. The magnificent inducements which Our countv offera abould not much longer remain unnoticed, nor win incy u we only demand the rec ognition we merit ; but it takes energy on the part of our people to do this. The country is not developed by idle nanas, out it la brought about bv the outgrowth of enterprise and unrelax ing industry, . Ths Oregon Pioneer Association held its annual reunion in Portland this week, becinnioff Tuesdev. With these veterans of Pioneer days there is much of history of which the present feneration knows littU The hent. ships attending a trip across the great the church THt TEXT AND THE SITUATION, Te Pew Wean' Blf Kaaaak Veer trade twata aa the Ore Wldew. Two clergymen were riding on the elevated the other day. Bald one of them, "What ia the funniest experi ence yo ever had in . church!" ''Well, answered the other, twin kle owning into his eye, "if you mean with queer people, I think it was during the vacation I have just nmsnea. xnis year i spent my holi days In a quaint little town up north, t preached for them one Sunday. "The town is full of queer charac ters. Among others is an old man. Uncle Lemmie. When he was young fellow, he had been disappoint ed in love, ana rroin that time he has been sour. You should have seen him. His ears stuck out like those of Mother Hubbard's dog. Well down on them he wore a diareputa- cue Biix nau ills onin rested on the two prominent points of his col lar, and in bis hand he always ear ned a great, thick green cotton um brella, tied with a rusty shoestring. "Uncle Lemmie's particular thorn in the seen was a grass widow, ag gressive from her head to her feet Her nose stuck straight out threat eningly, her hair bristled up from her forehead, she walked like a steam engine, and when she walked every loop of her bonnet ribbon shook. The very first sight of her to Uncle Lenunie was like the wav ing of a red flag to a bull. It har pened that they went to the same church, but the ushers knew the sit uation well enongh to have a goodlv proportion of the sanctuary between uiem. "Unfortunately the Sunday I preached there was a new usher. The opening services were well un der way. Uncle Lemmiewaa there in a pew by himself . He was lean ing on the umbrella and was looking at me with complacence. I was just aDout to announce my text when aown the aisle came the new usher, and in his wake the grass widow, bo uncie xjemmies pew. "Uncle Lemmie gave one look as tne figure rustled into the pew. Both ered up his umbrella, his hat and his prayer book and cleared the back of the pew in front of him with the agility of a boy. I never had such difficulty in announcing a text, for when Uncle Lemmie landed in the front pew my words rang out across WHEN THE TEACHER CAM! TO BOARD. 'For be eome we wits a sappy as a family well could be. Oar talk of course wa'nt Limed, but twee Hearty, g i ana rr, And when we gathered round the board, our renin meal to est, The chatter and the laughter was aa averlsaUa treat. Dear mother weald befpardlnfer sverjr single dleh, And we'd all declare la chorus Hwas euotiy tooarwiehi The the hall of ooaveieatiaa would begin ta ctrale round. And eesh one would take a hand to keep Ilea , the bound. IVd sola the yarns he'd spun so oft he really thought m true, And we'd laugh and ohoks oar vtttlas Jvet as If they wus brma aewi we'd chat a long at table a dad thought ere oould afford. But everything la altered since the teacher eome to board. Whoa he come, the neighbor enrled us sad 'lowed we'd caught a nriaa. Bath hadn't aa aieal tors be began to ciitlolee. And U any ol a happened a word to snlapro nounoe ThatorlUolaln tencuer would be ea with a pounoa. . Be started In on poor old dad, who heist got no twos laraio. And he'd Interrupt his start with long too turtn oonsnrnlji The oorreet pronunoUtloa and th proper way to apell TiUXheerd dad any to mother, "Wlaht that teacher wus la" Well, The old man act so queer at tine 1 really at moat think This teacher's constant peetrrtn he d rare him clean to arina. Wedont have evenln prayers no more, sad dad atopped aayln grao. It h aheta hie eye, he eay he aeee a grammar lure us race. All our meals Is now use hnstalai all the laugntar'a died awayi W young una don't dare whisper test oar ts aoreno we betran Dad's appetite's forsook hint, and he's dumb a any ciam. Though he trtee to look defiant, like be dktat ear a continental. Poor mother, too, has ptned away beneath this rdgn of terron She doat dan aak enough to eat, tar faer shell make an error. Thai awful teacher Judgment hang above ua tun a sworo, w ouee th wretched day become to ort. wueena ooam. Tank Blade. PROFESSIONAL. QB. EDWIN ROSS, rilYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Si. Helens, Oregon rjR. H. R, CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURQEQN. Bl. Helens, Oregon. JR, J, K. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olatskanls, Columbia comity, Or. N. MIMKltVK, Surveyor and Civil Engineer PKt.ENA, OREGON. County 8nrvynr. tjind 8urvvliiff, Town Platting and Kngliicerliig work proiuptly VAIVUWUi In Advance- TME-ea, xaorn persons who are eoeaired in : fishing; at this point are proving con clusively mat mere is money in the tjusineas at 4 eeots a nound for salmon Many hundreds of dollars are paid oat nere eacrt month for fish, and had there been no interruption bv high water and other causes, local fisher men would have been the means of several hundred dollars yea, thous and or dollars. Having been put into circulation in this vicinity this season. Stlvbstm FcmtoTn, mayor elect of Portland, says he will accept but half of the salary, which is 95000 per year, oi mat omce. reoooyer is evi dently on the point of making another of bis famous "galley plays." . He is a sly old fox, and can give bis oppon nts cards and spades and beat them all getting votes. It's a nitty, though, that his present kindly feeling for the taxpayers' pocket books hadn't (truck him while be was governor of th state. Ths city of Johnstown, Pa., which was overwhelmed by the waters of a broken dam May 31, 1889, engulfing several thousand people, is now a handsome and thriving place of 40,000 innaoiianis, having added 10,000 to its population since that calamity. Johnstown lost 7 per cent of it eiti sens in the racing torent. and ret it now one of the most prosperouH cities oi its sue in tne state. American pluck has always been found equal lo every emergency. plains during the '40a can onlv be re alised by those left to testify from actual experience. Very few, compar atively, are now living who were the heads of families that came to Oregon prior to 1850, while most of those who take part in meetings of the pioneers were mere boys and girls when they were uaher ed into this once unknown wilderness, where the whiteman car ried his life in his hand every minute and hour of the day or night, not knowing at what moment he would be attacked by aavagea from ambush, fol lowed by the fatal effect of the toma hawk. Those dava are now reduced 10 the records of biltorv. and well mav I Soon a danm Kumn ts tt,a nil the few survivors of those trying times I weird and inharmonious music from uu mh wiid pnue upon ine present state of civilization made pos sible by their fearless westward march. All honor to the Oregon pioneer. There hath no evil ever befallen you but such as is common to man. but God will with the temptation also make a way of escape.' "New York Bun. Dancing For Hnabaada, 1 VI. .1 i oeverat renaxetonians went on Wednesday to the Indian celebration above the government school. They found a huge oblong wigwam, prob- amy 70 zeeun length, in the interi or was gathered a motlev thronsr. and around the center mats and skins were arranged for the spectators to I squat upon. Hist and Oregon ian ONE YEAR $2.00: This offer holds good only for new the Si wash "band." It seemed to be subscribers who pay in advance a sort of love dance. It was the nart and old ones who nav un in rlto nri 01 young squaws wno wanted hus one year in advance. One year will bands to go forward within the dr- L..-j .1.-: . . Ti p tv. . ,. cleand perform the various queer 1 . -?"Jr,V Pm'ncni I"""" movements which constitute Indian p.",gn ln th? BPnn nd the Piden- man and merchant of Goshen. V. ha this to say oh the subject of rbeoroa tism: "I take pleasure in recommend ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rbeu matism, aa I know from personal ex perience that it win do all that ia claimed for it. X year ago this soring my brother was laid no in bed with inflammatory rheumatism, and aiifTVr- ed intensely. The first application of Chamberlain's Pain. Balm eased the pain, ana we use ot one bottle com pletely cured him. For aula bv Tr Edwin Ross. dancing. If the appearance of any one of them struck a brave favora bly, he would Join her. thus indicat ing His desire to become her hue band. Several of the dusky maidens received no such advances and seemed much wounded in pride and leeungs. ronrueton East Oregonian. Thb national convention will de- V dare in emphatic language for ths gold standard. Tbey spoke of the free coinage of silver only on terms that could be agreed up by international agreement. Tariff ia the paramount issue, according to the platform, and it is onr opinion that tariff will urgeu mora particularly than any timer question, it tne campaign made strictly upon a gold standard and bieh protective nlatform. then and not until then, will we be able to ten just "wiere we are at." Thb "filled cheese" bill passed by me senate is analogous to the oleomar garine act of a few years ago in the respect mat its purpose is lo tax an objectionable manufacture out of ex istence. Filled cheese is made by using sKimmea mug and lard instead of cream. It is not unwholesome, but it competes with the better article to the injury of the termers, and there lore they want protection against it in the form of a tag high enough to take away tne pronts ot those who are en gaged in its production. It has come to our ears, but we can not vouch for it being whole cloth that a jug of applejack was taken to ns rxms ot one ot our rural precincts vn ejection any, sua a large number of, voter became quite hilarious before the day was ended. It is said that wnea the count wag made, twenty bal lot were found to. be a little out of jrwter. Une voter, who had imbibed Hdit freely, when he attempted to mark bis ballot found the job too dif ficult for nim so he turned the back of the ballot and wrote, "Straight Dem ocratic, be gob, and don't you forget it," and then efened hi name thereto. laftBfi No rarely left handed race has vet bean diaTOvered. althoturh it ia said that fully TO per cent of the inhab itants of Pendjabuse the left hand in preference to the right The next greatest per cent of left handediuwe is among the Hottentots of Africa ana the Bushmen of Australia about SS percent Dr. Karrosays that 23 per cent of all criminals are ten banded. Exchange. Cfcarewal FIMara, The English claim that filters of sponge, sand cr loose charcoal are only partial in their results. They prefer a porous block of pure (animal) cnarooal, combining the highest known chemical with the greatest possible mechanical or straining ca pacity. Every soldier in hot cli mates is provided with one at thu blocks as a part of bis outfit- la the Freeewew afatoyalty. A friend tells me rather an amus ing little incident of the levee. He noticed close behind him a tan, stout man gorgeously atored In a volun teer colonel's uniform, whose plainly discernible nervousness and heated countenance showed that he was new to such receptions. As my informant stepped forward to make his obeis ance to the prince his timid and weighty follower, from sheer anxiety to see "how it was done," gave a big lurch forward and sent him stagger ing heavily into the arms of the heir apparent A smile ran round the room, and the prince laughed audibly as he steadied himself from the shock of his unexpected burden. As for the unhappy cause of ths contretemps, he was h eared to murmur something about "begging his royal highness' lautiuu. tial election in November. One Dollar Saved by taking the two paper together, the price of each, separ ralely, being $1.60. The Mist Has been designated the official paper of Columbia county by the Coonty Court, and coosequtnlly will furnish all the new pertain to public matters in which the people are interested. COLUMBIA BANKING COMPANY St. hclcns, orsson Make luTeeimente, receive dennrtu and dne a gnrl banking buaiuee. CAPITAL STOCK, $20,000. All kind of good eniritln bought and tnld. Exchange, good everywhere In th world, told INCORPORATED JAN. 6, iRoe. J. R. Nelll, preatdenti K. W. Allen, vte-real-dent; 0. N. tkiott, neoretaryi l II. Ward, aaalat aiit aeoretary; C. H. New ft, oathler. j)Q YOU NEED GROCERIES? If you do ami dlr tli bntt quality for the least money your wants oan always b supplied by dart & mm, -WTi ' m a 1 ""'-'. 'ft'!' : V; who nave a complete line Dress Goods. Clothing. - Fancy Goods. Hats, Boots and Shoes. FURNISHING GOODS St. Helens, Oregon, All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and Lard NEWELL 1 WATKINS -DEALERS IN Groceries, Hay, Floor and Feed Meats by Wholesale At 5peclal Rates. MAIN BTTtlDWT. It James H. Sheldon, st. hei,knb, unv.aovt. Clatskanie Drugstore 1 the Plane t Seeur Veur Prh Meeielne WOOD AND MIIIJUI.E". Country Produce Bought and Bold, and Ex-1 onangea roruouas. unclertHklng ooods furninhed on Bliort Notice. Store on Strand Street, t)T. HELENS, OR PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS Patent Medicine, Preaorlptloa Prat, Toilet Article, Paney Notion, ta DR. J. I. MALL. PnsvMer CIa n I. Ore ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKK8LEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. The table ta lunulled writ the heat tfca n.ab.t I aiiorua. ATeryuuni clean. A anara ol your pat roue I solicited. ST. IIKLENH, OitaUON. ST. HELENS LJYERY STABLES THOS. COOPER, Proprietor. Horses Boarded and Cared For. TURNOUTS ON SHORT NOTI0E. ST. HELENS, : : OREGON 1 ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.., Our tables will al all time be found stipiUt1 with ths best edibles sod dvllcacies the market afl'ords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The hotel having been newly refurnir-hod we are prepared to give satis faction U all our patrons, and solicit your patronage. j J- Ceorge, Proprietor, 8t. Helens, Or. Iilo E. MoNEILL, Receiver. TO THE ID .A. T OIVIS THB CHOICS 0 Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAV OF Sookane, Minneapolis & Si. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY OP EN7ER, OMAHA, & KANSAS CITY LOW BATBB TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY S DAYS For San Francisco. For Full Details Call on or Address W. H. HURLBURT, General Freight and I'm. Agt., Portland. r AAAaVAaaVAAaVjsaVAM .... 1 .AT THE New Drug Store if There Is a Complete Stock r:, 7. Of! i Patent Medicines DRUGS ai CHEMICALS BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS Perfumery, Stationery and School Books DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Dr. Edwin Eoss, Prop. ST. HELENS, . - . OREGON PR Iter n t prtn va COMPOUHUBU BAY OK KI0HT. r The Indestructible "Maywood" BICYCLE. Is Itsat BMsss, THIS S78.00 COM PLSTS BIOYCLS SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VTBTTB Or AN EXECUTION AND OB aer ef aele fumd An r.1 tK., rvu. I ot the State of Oreeon, lor Colombia County, in I ISVOTOt Mar C. Hill ru) -MlnHt K'.lh.n if(-h. I pl, opoa a judgment rendered therein on the I "PL", 01 18S. 'or the na of 11778.74, 1 With interet thereon a the rata nl clht natr I cent per anuum since aald day, and for eoal I and diabnraement taxed at f U, and for aeeru-1 inff eoela. onnn erhfh aMnilAi, I aonat property of aald Kichoia wa eold on the I Srddar ol June, 18US, for the asm of tm. and aald aum harlne been applied toward the pay meat of said judgment. , "w. therefore. I will, on th th day of July, MM, aithe eut door of the eourthouM. in Bt. WMeataets, neualc WITH OOUFQH. "Miain. lywwia iiihwm' aipjMw,. aii i , ST. HELENS EXCHANGE PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WHISKY EST BRANDS UOMKSTIC AMD IMPOSVKD CISABtS Mr CooMr U always elsd to welcome his old friends to bl popular plsce o( business ST. HELENS EXCHANGE PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE ot. s. isas faa 1, ISM Jan. St, ISM Other Pending f&l GEEITEST SPECIALISTS 01 THS IMERidi rninien p-'J Uost Successful atarrhDoctontatlieCIty. SttlnlaiJIsV f-A Swla,HanAb. - - M . i m lyeiinn J5f7 'JWat SCIENTIFICALLY and SUCpESSPlJLLT, ears Qaleklr The "Maywood- la the atronowf end Hmt. ivasasa sssau ziusria. an avi-lal ar MSRelail that a. .uJ j-. . . 7 ava SUB Kinnej or eaailr taken apart and pat together: h few nrli.Trr?L . p'!,,n pntrotloa, bold together eren In an accident "o JtoKwtabinV t? er?ehTlSTi;"S'M " f" that eannot broken: o almple tbi iUMnm LLHiJ " STEAMER a. W. SHAVER, DeU Shaver, Master '".y ? d"'pHon) aoeording to law, all of aald Mathau Nicholt' right, tilTe and interact of. lt. 'ouowlngewribal real eMale to- Beginning at a nnnt wip ih mmi mmA ntemwtl m Int nf lanH nw . v.- u ur Blood, which border an the Clatskanle riVer! thence running in a southerly couree on the line of eaid lot a dljiUnr nf nio Ia. i l"teI')y direction 100 feet, the county road, thence running along aald coonty road iffi'i? tyP beginning. Alio that f.J!fi,, lot.' ,ll,n, hBlnning at a nuke marked l8.' .W '"t, thence due north 100 feet, thence West AO fAt tA th. nl.M 1 1 ii aid land being a part of th donation land claim ot B, o. Bryant, In section S, townahip? north, range 4 weetof the Willamette meridian, together with the tenement, heriditamenle , .I, rienancee tnereunto belonging, in Co lumbia eounty, Oregon, to aatUfy the balance ol Wltnea my hand thU 4th day of June, Mtat.' r w rj- a ai JSj Bheriff of Colambls CountT. Oreson. Com AMD CHOP HOI.C S. E. BROWN, Prop. and PEBMANEXTLT, PaUVATtf VOUS DEBILITY arJ Sttyrnr rVm 4-tv.n. . m.xt. j TJ?' Y t titlS, GONORRHOEA .Mu uKuni, epermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, LtVt Manhood, Night Bmla- uu,vuaEcn ioee,iMcaTinK faculties HYDROCELE. VARl60CELB snd STRICTURES radically and safely cured witbont pain or detention from business. All deformities and impedimenta to marriage quickly removed. A CERTAIN and POSITIVE CURE " wwi enecia of early rice and ""Snsolt eTiU foI,ow ta lt tr'in- formSKASES OF WOMEN, 5 write, sending: stamp. Consultation free and confidential. . m orana in him at a i . . . " wumniH nana: a one. i uamw roSeerfe-ht? ,u i mecnaniam Known, to bnild a f ram -ithi ... "'"" ingeaniw " '.. i ue com tuat xramea eontlnaally break and hectare at .brazen iolntT anffini... l.02, 'a "" I repaired. WHKGUt-itwh-miiiftwL :uEj;wh? hr ,r bnckled Ipple. HUI18-Large barrel pattern Tf REM "7i,Sii00,!'t,t nt POke gh Quick Benalr. oVaoZl iJZi fJt.. J'?- Ar "V"" Ppli OT Sor. In cannot be and brae nlnnl a Wright Onink Sanair V... -.r.":"!. --- anmgton" lloi-n rie ir iln,. tedbypnu-no JorTa. 1tONT -OHK-IndtrBcMble-fort oro S?? lotet. ST Inche. Olli WAItiu,T,ibl end adinpbl YeaiVadVet HMUI.B Dished if ordered. ADIl.B-V. r"oIllUm mJj?XK? '''!' "J""""! ram's horn far. B,'tt.,! or rubber! full ball bearlug. rihSSSiSt SfwC1!' BilAtS Sifi ."i.. E Blrele. com! "wi" tool b2?ZJ?7"bAa te1?" !. "" ixwaM. laaaiea, eto., ar to SO pound. M Is our Special Wholesale Prie. War-. l1?:0. ?: tatroduoe th mTtwJS' ffadVof WaWC,S5 tw"t..,.r'? erl On receipt ot&SSJZS1 el avKrtwai H(M.i. ... " r' Pny re.erre. th ,bi1,ta,i..uJK. IfsvnsB Mn,Kr- 'iiii wiuiuui nu (Uft AH AVER TRANftPOHTATIO COOirAIIVs THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ' ONE YEAR, ONLY TW DOLLARS Md"V;?.. K Bleyol., eoBr.i . aiouey rernaded li e rated, JL I not a CMpos Na. 2034 aoos . EASTERN Best Meal In the City for 15c NationaI nedicai institute PRINCIPAL OFFICE, o.'i?.. w. wiii .hi; hS.B w"hch BlSyel Thl. ta a tj'arr aaordlo IH topV Address mil Orelere le S5 l SSMT WITH osjosa ton Ne. I ... B Maywood Bicycle... AND UPWARDS, 67 First St Nf"' H.pioyd. Ill 1111 Ubl MITUaa naennu Formerly 170 Third, Bet. Morrison sod Yamhill THE OREGON MIST, I ' 1 "''eeaeeaaeMaeeaneaaawaaaaeMeaar- n 'aiiMiMe'iiminiinenwii 11 THE JOSEPH KELLOQO A. i i " ' vwi w iv i i r las u n i v p n mi i ji 11 k u ' jL-winwumiiiLjaasm''" I "' ' I E.,i 'ItSl laaM.4Sf-Vl ....i.'fetBSB5Aiii"V- - a I 1 . I 132 THIED ST, ZETLAND, 0E.IST7. THIEJLjTSIsJS. rTTr-, Leave. Kelso Mnrf. ' . ... ; ' 11 ' " Tl 1 I XI I n ., . . M wnciuan. inn H'rlrfava mt K aM.,1. M Taawa. ' - irumina nieniiv TV,.. j , r : v vna w, ui, wh wm,r ana osturday at 0 o'clock a. m.