Safe Blown Opm. When Deputy curie uarrig opanad tbs cousty cieraa owes jesiertiar moraine lis wag very much surprised to And that ome one had bsea thsre ahead of , lilra. The window blind were all pulled down and he at flrat thought Sheriff Poan had been there the night colore at work, but on entering he discovered the doore to the big aafe tending alar with the combination blown off and the floor itrewn with papera. The oath box wae lying on the floor broken own, Upon examln atlon it wai found that powder had veen put In where the combination wae broken off and by tbli means the aafe blown open. The amount of money secured must have been very mall at but little money Is kept there over night. Clerk Weed tliinke the mount but a, few dollars, as he turns over hie- reoeipt to the treasurer each day, The burglars must have been green hands at the business. Among the papers riffled was an envelope con taining 100 in coin belonging to a pri vate -party which wae overlooked. There were also several hundred dol lars in county warrants already in dorsed, and soma poslofflce money orders, which were not taken. The afeoraokere gained an entrance to the olerk'a office by springing the front door so that the look would not bold, and taking their departure went through the back door, leaving it on locked. The aafe used by the sheriff tanas In the same room and wae un molested. At press hour no clue had been obtained to the guilty parties. Birthday Surprise. Last Friday evening a number of friends of the family gathered at the home of Rev. and Mrs. 0. K. Philbrook to enjoy the evening. The occasion wae the cele bration of the twenty-first anniversary of the birth of their son. Edward. The plan for the surprise was oarried out to the full satisfaction of all, and it goes without aaying that Ed was sur prised beyond measure. The evening was pleaeantly spent In the Indulgence of games until nearly midnight, when the guest were invited to partake of luncheon, which all thoroughly en joyed. Those present were Mr. and Mr. Philbrook, Capt and Mrs. Hpogh kirk, Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis, Mrs. J. B. Beegle, Mrs. G. II. Lemont, Mrs. E. E. Quick, Mrs. A. II. George, Mrs. James Dart and daughters, Mrs. J. H. Decker and daughter, Misaee Tillie Muokle, Maud Decker, Dell Butler, Franie Way, Messrs. Ed Philbrook, Watson Philbrook, H. 0. Baker, W. B. Dillard, Fred Csples and Dr. Boss. About midnight the guests took their leave for home, all pronouncing the evening a pleaeant one, and wishing Ed many happy returns of the event Islanders Moving. The rapid rise in the Columbia for the past few days has caused eonsk'srable stir among the dairymen on Sau vis's island and on the low main laud. Many from the Island have already moved their stock to the main land and it ia quite likely that by the end of the present week all the stock will be moved to higher ground, The water le raising at a rapid rate from 8 to 16 inches very twenty-four hours and in a few days longer will be in the streets of Bi. Helens. Borne predict that it will come up to the "9 mark this year, and offer in substantiation of their predio-tl.-n the fact that there it a greater amount of snow in the mountains now than usual at this season of the yoar, owing to the lateness of the seaaon and anticipated continued warm weather, it is liable to come down with a rush. Meantime people who would be most affected by such a flood are preparing themselves for such an emergency. Farewell Party. A most enjoy able gathering of young people was that at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, M. F. Hasen, of Warren, last Tuesday evening, the occasion being a farewell to Maude and Marion Cooper. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. M. , Hasan, Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Bennett, Missel Mollie Cooper, Kate Hasen, Edith Hesen, May Blavens, Maude 6lavena, Beatrice C route, Martha Turn Win, Myrtle Tumblin, Frona Wilkin son, Ettie Beaver, Lillie Beaver, and Messrs. George Decker, Mart Hasen, Wm. Cooper, J. F. Mynatt, Fred Hawkina, Marion Cooper, Wm. Mnlli can, Marion Blavens, Al Bwift, Wm. elevens, Wm. Wither, John Blavene, Wm. Clark and Frank Blavens. A very pleasant evening was spent in gamee and amussmente, aud at 12 o'clock the young folke wended their way homeward, unanimously declar ing that they had never had a better time. . Emotion or Officers. The semi annual eleotiou of officers took plaoe by the Knighte of Pythias Tuesday night, and the following were elected : C. H. Newell, CO.; Edwin Rois.V. C.J Frank Dow, prelate; Jamee Sheldon, M. of W. ; M. 0. Gray, K. of R. and 8. ; Jaoob George, M. at A. J E. E. Quick, M. of E.j J. K. Beegle, M. of F. ; Jamee Muckle, I.U.;T. J. Cieeton, O.G.; D.Davie, J. Sixty People Perish. One day laat week a etreet car broke through a bridge at Viotoria, B. 0., and aizty people killed. The ear plunged about 100 feet Into the water below, and it wae only a miracle that anyone es caped alive. Backless' Arnica Salve. The best Salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2S cents per box. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. Hww t Treat a Wife (From Pacific Health Journal.) , get a wife; second, be patient. You may have greet trials and perplexities In your business, but do net, therefore, carry to your borne a oloudy or contracted brow. Your wife .nay have trials, which though of leas magnitude, may be hard for her to bear. A kind word, a tender look will do wo nders In chasing (rem her brow all clouds of gloom. To this ws would add, always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Congo Beiu edy ia the bouse. It Is the best, and is sure to be needed sooner or later. Your wife will then know that you really care for ber and wish to protect her health. For eule by Dr. Edwin Rosa. CLATfsKANIE. . Bruce Halnel was In from Wallace Is land Sunday on a ylslt to his family. Miss Orphla Davey has returned to the oil j and ia assisting Mrs. Fisk at the hotel. Jess Nichols has knocked off work on the liver end la spending few dsys at boms. W. H. Conyers' faoa Is assuming natural proportions sgaln after causing him con siderable trouble. Lincoln Meserve was In town Tuesday evening on his return to his school work near Mist, He bad gone bonis to vote. R. 8. Ilatton was over from Merger In time to take his pises on the election boaid He has finished bis term of school at Mayger. A few railroad men spent Monday night In our town with their gasoline launch. They were on a tour of inspection and left nest day. W. 8. Stewart, sr., returned Monday morning and I looking after his gsrden. where be finds the weeds bsvs been getting a good start during bis absence. We need a United States flag for our school bouse, and ought by all means to have It before the Fourth of July. What patriotlo order will furnish oneT A gentleman from Qulncy was looking after ths voter hers who is supposed to be a prohibitionist and reported to have voted for McKercher end Bwager. He wanted to shake with him. Memorial day was observed last Saturday by our rltiaens pretty generally. A pro cession was formed at the church and marched to the cemetery where a brief programme of exercises was given and a distribution of floral tributes took place. Lester Laws, of Qulncy, wss unfortunate enough to get a pistol ball in his foot from tbs sccldental discharge of a pistol. It re quired the services of a surgeon to get the ball out and is another to the list of warnings against boys carrying Are arms. Ths steamer Shaver took a merry party of excursionists out on the Columbia river Monday, who enjoyed tbemselvea ira menselyfora few hours. Tbs bsnd was along and enlivened tbe party with its inuslo, and a general good time Is reported all 'round. On Monday morning George Badger was seen carrying a large nickel-plated N horn for the bead, which tbe boys have been able to add to their equipment. It is a splendid Instrument that tbe boys have a right to be proud of, and when George Conyers playa It as be has been doing, while It looks lage for the siss of tbe boy. It demonstrates its excellency of lone under his skillful manipulation. We tip our bat to the Review correspond' ant and offer congratulations oa the des cription of the yonng ladies' brass band that appeared last week. By tbe way, tbe ladles have been on the street recently practicing marching under direction of Oeorge Badger. To say they present a fine appearance would be e very common-place remark. They must be seen to be appre ciated, and like the small boy they "should be ecen, and aot heard," for a fewdaya yet, though they are making progress ia playing and will do well by practice. OBITUARY. TM-J i f AmII m lam at the residence of Mm. Lydia Barnes, of Deer Island. Columbia county, Oregon, of old age, Mrs. Susannah Merrill, aged 88 years i monu ana a nays. Susannah Siglsr was born on the 20th of March, 10, la Shenandoah county, Vlr glnla. Her parents wsre of German des cent In 1807 shs removed (wltb her par ental to Boas oounty, Ohio. On April 23, 1823, shs was msrried to Asbbel Merrill, in Boss county, Ohio. In 1828, with ber bus- band and two children, she emigrated to Peeaa county, Illinois. Here tbs family lived and labored hard for many years, and waa exposed to extreme danger on the frontier during the Blaekbawk war. In 1847 tbe family again emigrated to Oregon. Tbe trip was mads across ths plaina with ox teania. and they were six months in making tbe trip, and suffered a great deal of toil and privation and some slcknsss and loss of property, stolen by Indians and left by the way. On the 11th of August, 1847, her hasband, Asbbet Merrill, died, and waa buried la ths graveyard at Fort Hall. In 1848 she returned to Illinois, via Pan ama and New Orleans, taking with ber the two youngest children of the family. In 18S1 she sgaln.crossed tbs plaina to Oregon, bringing ber two youngest children with ber. and continued to be a resident of Ore gon up to the time of ber dsath. She wae the mother of nine children, (fire boys and four girls), only fdur of whom survivs ber, (so far as Is now known ), vis: Mrs, Kroerit Thorp, Mrs. Lydia Barnes, Mr. Lyman Merrill and Oeorge Merrill, all residents of Columbia county, Oregon. Deceaeed was a woman of great strength and sndursnce and alwaya a hard worker, up to within a few years of ber death. Shs walked hund reds of milea in both her trips serosa the plaina In 1847 and 1851. Bha leavea four children, and a large number of grand children and great grand-children to mourn ber loea. For ssveral years of the last part of har life she wss obliged to quit work al together on aoeount of tbs loss of ber eye sightshe wss for several years totally blind thus having to end bar Journey in darkness. We mourn, but not without hope "It wae sown in corraptlon, it shall be raised in Glory." . GlOaOB MSBBILb. Jones, He Paye the Freight. Seud for a copy of "The Buyers' Guide," with latest reductions and market reports. .Bent free to any ad dress. Freight on $20 order of goods paid to any point on the Columbia river, reached by Portland boats. Jones' Cash Store, 105 Front street, between Washington and Btark, Port land, Oregon. RIarvelems Kesults. From a letter written by Bev. J, Gunder msn, of Diamondate, Mloh., we are per mitted to make tbe following extract: "I have no hesitation in reoommending Dr. King's New Discovery, aa the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I waa pastor of tbe Baptist church at Rlyes Junction, shs was brought down with pneumonia snooeeding la grippe. Ter rible psroxysms of coughing would laat hours with little interruption and It seemed as if she could not survivs them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery! It was quick in its work snd highly satis factory in its results." Trial bottlea free at Dr. Edwin Boss' drug store. Begular else SO cents snd 11.00. For Balk.-A good soda fountain. Inquire of J. H. Bwager, St. Helens. PERSONAL AND LOCAL. Buy novels from Ross. Miss Mary Burke was a visitor to Portland Tuesday. The Mist and Oregonian one year for fz.uw in advance. Mr, and Mrs. James Muckle were in Portland Tuesday last. Blank note and receipt books can be had at this office. A. Holiday, of Scappoose, was In the county seat Wednesday, Robert Patrick brought the election returns from Vernonia Tuesday. , Harry West and Frank Bwager, of Scappoose, were in this city Tuesday. Mrs. J. R. Beegle went to Hillsboro Tuesday to visit relatives for a few days. It waa 3 o'clock Tuesday morning before the counting of the votes wae completed in this precinct. Lyman Jones, of Qmnoy, was in the city Tuesday, having brought the election returns from Oak Point pre cinct. : . T. J. Cieeton went over to Vernonia Wednesdsy, where he will Join Mrs. Cieeton, He will return during nest week. . Frank Miles came down from Salem last Saturday and remained over Bun- day and Monday to take part in tbe election. Major Hiram E. Mitchell, of the Oregon National Guard and eon of Senator Mitchell, waa in tbe city for a short time Tuesday. A. N. Clark, democrat, and James C. Cos, republican, were elected justice of the peace and constable, respect ively, lor Union precinct. Jacob Morgan, of Westoort. acted as messenger last Wednesday in eon- veylng tbe election returne to this city from Marshland precinct. Clerk Weed and Deputy Harris went borne to Vernonia last Saturday and returned Monday night after bar ing caat their ballots in Auburn pro duct. Jamee Sheldon celebrated his thirty- third birthday last Sunday. In tbe evening a lew friende were invited to bia home and partook of an elaborate luncheon. W. M. Vmm. rA the Rainiar Rsvlsw ... j i i looked in on us for a short time Wed nesday. He was In search of election news, and knew where to find the ob ject of bis search. Professor L. D. Inskeep, of the uni versity at Oakland, Gal., acoompanied by Mrs. Inskeep, daughter of W. H. Dolman, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dolman of this city. Edgar A. Keitbley, of tbe Crane- Jack Company, Portland, who has been on a three-months trip through Eastern Oregon, Washinartoa, Idaho and British Columbia, spent Sunday in Ibis city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Muckle. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Balch and Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Frakes, of Scappoose, were in town Wed neaday and com pleted the transfer of 60 acres of land from the former to the latter, the same being a part of the Clomnger donation claim, tbe purchase price be ing f UW. Mr. Jvrnkes, in this new purchase, is preparing for high water emergencies. For every quarter in a man's pocket there are a dosen uses : and to use escb one in such a way aa to derive the greatest benefit is a question every one must solve for himself. We be lieve, however, that no better nse could be made of one of these quarters than to esehange it for a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that every family should be provided with, for sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. Mr. D. P. Davie, a prominent livery man and merchant of Goshen, Va., hae this to say on the subject of rheuma tism : "I take pleasure in recommend ing Chamberlain'a Pain Balm for rheu matism. as I know from personal ex perience that it will do all that ia claimed for it. A year ago this spring my brother waa laid up in bed with inflammatory rheumatiam, and suffer ed inteusely. The first application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased the pain, and the use of one bottle com pletely cured him. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. Whan Baby ni sick, vre gars her Oastorla. When she was a Child, she eried fee Gastoria. When she became Vies, she clung to Oastorla. When she had Children, she gave them Oastorla For Sale. The cheapest, plaoe ia Columbia oounty. Inquire of R. O. HAZEN, Warren, Oregon. tf City Treaearer'a Nailoe, NOTICE Is hereby given tbat all City Warrants of the Cite of Bt. Helens. Oregon, bearing date from September 28, iHt, to uotouer, si. isuo, ana endorsed "Not paid for want of funds," will be paid upon presentation. Interest will not be al- lowea alter nay za, vsm. is. xs. uuita, Treasurer of the City of St. Helens, Or. Awarded Highest Honor World"! Pair, Oold Medal. Midwinter Fair. DRV CREAF.1 Myll! Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. TBEAaUBEH'a NOTICE. County Treasurer's Office, Bt. Helens, Or., May 29, 1806. Notice la hereby given that all unpaid County Warrants of said oounty, which hare been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds," op to Oct. 17th, 1893, and ths following, endorsed on Oct. 17th, im, to-wit: Warrants Nos. 8401, Sm, 831. 83U7, 8262, 8385. 8400. 83U2, 8391. 8408, 8404 and 8420, will be paid upon pre sentation at this office. Interest will not be allowed after this dure. E. M. WHARTON, m29)26 Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. THEAtCIIKK'l NOTICE. County Treasureb's Opfice, ( St. Helens, Or., May 8, 1896. i NOTICE ia hereby giren that ail Colum bia county warrants heretofore pre sented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds," np to September 27, 1893, and also warrant No. 8382, endorsed on Heptera- ber 27. 1893, will be paid upon presentation at this oflloe. Intereet on tbe same will not be allowed after this date. tu8jS B. it. WHARTON, Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. PETITION FOB LIQUOR LICENSE To the Honorable Count? Court of Columbia iwunty, otaieoi uregon; WI, THE UNDERSIGNED LEO AT, VOTERS Msidlnc ! Deer Island nreclnct. Co urn- ble County, Bute of Oregon, would respectfully petition your bonomble body at its next regular term of Court to he held In tbe Court House in i he City of St. Helens, Columbia County, Ore gun, on Wednesday, the Sth day of July. A. O. VMS. that a lloense be granted to Joel Bate to sell malt llquon In quantlUes lss than one gallon In Deer Island precinct, Columbia County State of Oregon; and such license be Issued for me period or one year, lor au ol wmch your pe titioners will ever pray. Frank Bishoo. Jas Kennadv. Wm H Rosa. W C Robinett, J H Blaeketer. Joel Bate, Michael Badly, Joe Klllam. M A Killduff. W F Brown, L R Shaw, Wm Miller, B Harard, Prang Berger. O (' Jaqolsb, R R Foster. Hinerv Bisk, John Beopls, C P Marlnarey, Isaac B white, John Le mont, C W Chapman, J M Fowler, O E Hunter, Pat O'Brien, C B Learens, John Mainland, C L vtiicox, n o Donawivi. jas Mcnauffnion, t Holden, John Olliem, A J Hoyt, Joseph Roth, Wm Hellstun. J Hlmes. J E Conbor. A C Zirae. J Kayes, H If Fowler, Jacob Lengeseher, o L Bate. J Conolly. Fred Nossbaumer, Frank De- ganaa, vnaries ubk, a jseuer. maija AsBlwlatratera Bale. XTOTICB ia hereby riren that In Dorsu Xi ance of an order of sele duly made and entered by tbe County Court of tbe County of Colombia, State of Oregon, on ine zaia amy or May, a. u. uwtt. in tne matter of the estate of Cbarlee Trim, de ceased, tbe undersigned administrator of said estate, will sell at pnblic auction sub ject ro connrmauon or eaia uoun, ine fol lowing described real property situate in Columbia County, fitate of Oregon, to-wit: Tbe northeast Quarter of Section Three in Township Fire north of Range Two west of ths Willamette Meridian, containing 160 acres, together witn ine tenemenie ana hereditaments thereunto beloOKinr: said sale will be made on Monday tbe 29tb day of Jane, A. I). 1896, at 10 o'clock A. M ., at tne iront door ot tne (Jourt House, in Bt. Helens, in said Count and State: terms of sale, cash in V. 8. gold coin, twenty per cent oi tne oia payeoie on tne a ay oi saie. and tbe balance of the bid navable on the aay oi connrmauon or sain saie. UMIKUS HUM. Administrator of the estate of Charles Trim, deceased. in28j26 SHERIFF'S SALE. In tbe Circuit ooort of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia. Hiram Griest, plaintiff, ) , TS. I L. M. Cox and Annie Cox, his wife, do-1 fendants. I TY VIRTCB OF AN EXECUTION. JL Judgment ordei and decree, dulr is sued out of the a bore-en titled Court, in the above-entitled cause, to me duly directed, aateii tne zatn day or May, isao. upon a judgment and decree rendered In said Court on me tutu aay 01 May, itejs, whicn udg ment waa enrolled and docketed on the 16lh day of May, 1896, In favor ef the above named plaintiff, and against tbe above named defendants, fur (he snrn of seven hundred ($700) dollars, with Interest there on at tbe rate of ten per cent per annum since September 6th. 1885. and one hundred ($100) dollars as attorney's fees, and twen- ty-inree ana 40.100 (.)) dollars costs of suit, snd all accruing costs, and the coets upon tnis writ, commanding ana requiring me to make sale of the defendants'. L. M. Cox and Annie Cox. hie wife, right, title and interest in and to ths foLlowing-de- scrioea real nronertv. 10-wn: Tbe mortgaged lands and appurtenances, vis: The east Vi of the northwest W and tbe west K of northeast i, and southeast ii of tbe northeast v. and lot number one. section 35, township 4 north, range 2 west of the Willamette meridian, in Columbia county, uregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of aaid execu tion, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of aaid writ, I will, on Saturday, the 27th day of Jane, 1896. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the oounty courthouse, in the city of St. Helens, said eounty and state, sell, subject to redemption, according to law, at public auction, to tbe highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and interest of the above-named defend ants, L. M. Cox and AnnleCox. bia wife, or either of them bad on the 8th day of March, 1895, or since bad in and to the above described real property, to satisfy aaid exe cution, judgment order and decree, inter ests and costs and all scorning costs. St. Helene, Columbia countv, Oregon, May 29th, 1896. C. F. tX)AN, ui29j38 Sheriff ot Columbia County, Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit conrt of tbe 8late of Oregon, for the Countv of Columbia. Mary Amsden and L. K. Amsden, ber husband, plaintiffs. vs. D. W. Zeller, Jane Adcox.S. W. John son, Maude Johnson, Bonnie John son, Archie Johnson, H. F. Allen and 0. H. Lewis, co-psrtoers as Al len Lewis, and E. E. Quick, as ad ministrator of tbe estate of E. J. V. Johnson, deceased, defenrianta. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, Judgment, order and decree, dnlv is sued out of the above-entitled Court, in tbe above-entitled cause, to me duly directed, aatea toe xotn aay 01 May, iatn, upon a judgment and decree rendered in said conrt on the 30th day of May, 1896, in favorof tbe above-named plaintiffs, and against the above-named defendants, for the sum of eighteen hundred and one and 16.100 ($1801.16) dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, from the 20tb day of May, 1896. also the costs upon this writ, commanding and requir ing me to make sale of ell of the aaid defendants' right, title and interest in and to tne louowing-aescribeci real property, to-wit: All that portion of the donation land claisa ot William Q. Poppleton and wife, in section numoer sixteen (10), in township number three (3), north of range number two (2), weet of tbe Willamette meridian, and seven and one-half (7K) acres from and out ot section number fifteen (15), in said tnwnshlp and range, and particularly described as follows : Commencing at tbs northwest corner of said section number fifteen (16). thence east on the section line thirty (30) rode, inence soutn rorty isu) roas, tnence weet thirty (30) rods to the section line, thence north on the section line forty (40) rods to the place of beginning, and containing in all one hundred and sixty-nine and one half (10RK) acree more or less, situated in Columbia oounty, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu tion, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with tbe oommanda of aaid writ, 1 win, on eaiuraay, tne ctm, aay 01 Jane, 1896, at the hour of II o'clock in the forenoon of satd day, at the front door of the eounty courthouse, in the city of St. Helens, Columbia county, state of Oregon, sell, subject to redemption, acoording to law, at public auction, to the highest bid der, for U. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, ail the right, title and Intereet of the above named defendants or either ot them had on date of mortgage, or since had in and to the above-described real property, to sat isfy aaid execution, judgment order and decree, interests and costa and all aocruing costs. St, Helens, Oregon, May 27th. 1896. C. F. DOAN. m20j26 Sheriff of Columbia County, Or. NOTICE. V. . Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, May S,UM. COMPLAINT haying been entered at this office by OttoB. MaluMton against Constant Brugiremsn lor abandoning his homestead entry No. mn, dated June Uth, 1W2, upon tbe ii, section il, townsmp nono, rang m ww. iu Columbia County, Oregon, with arlewtothe cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to apiar at the office 01 Israel Spencer, notary public, Vernonia, Oregon, on tbe 26th day of June, 1HM, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. mttJU WM. GALLOWAY, Receiver. PETITION rOU LIQCOH LICENSE To the Honorable County Court of Columbia County, Oregon: WK, THE UNDERSIGNED LEGAL VOTERS residing In Deer Island precinct, Colum bia eounty, State of Oregon, would respectfully petition your honorable body at Its next regular term which will be held on the Sth day of July, A. D. UM, In the Court House, in the City of St. Helens, Columbia eounty, State of Oregon, that a lloense be granted to O, E. Hunter to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors In quanti ties less than one gallon In Deer Island precinct in said County and State, and that said license be granted for a period of one year, for which we will ever oray. Dated at Ooble this Sth day of May, 1MM: r o Marks, c J Tnomson, A r jiawon, vr u Robinett, H Bager, William Dowd, P H Filer, Fred Muaibaumer. C Hoven. Jakob Zwinali. Joseph Roth, J H Blscketer, G Link, Charles una, t; w sicrariana, vf auraic, uuv uvnmr, H gtehman. a A Fowlar. John Glllem. M Peter son, J Holden, J Lemonte, Joe Lawrence, S B Splawn, R M Betts, G ft Foster, Jacob Len- Jascher, O 0 Jaqulsh, Frank Deganda, Christ ;eber, Victor Furrer, C E Leavens, A F Brlggs, J A King, R H Foster. Robert Wilson, Victor Slcote, C W Chapman, K W Fowler, J M Fowler, E Schmidt, G P Cross, H Bauer, F W Makinster, I r Dougherty, Jamee Kennedy, Jae Nuss baumer. m22jlv. SHERIFF'S SALE. In tbe Circuit Court of the State ef Oregon, for the County of Columbia. Russell W. Clark, plaintiff, X. W. Bingham, executor of the last will and testament of Elijah Wlngert, deceased; PeterS. Wineert. Andrew 8. W. Wlngert, Rudolph H. Wlngert, Susan A. Rice, Isa bella Henderson, O. Brandee. Baldcs Oild . ., , BY VIRTUE OF AH EXECUTION. JTJD0 ment order and decree duly Issued oat of and under tbe seal of the above entitled Court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed, dated the 1Mb day of May, ISM, upon a)udgmeni and deoree rendered in aaid Court on the 4th day of January, 1W6, and said Judgment waa en rolled and docketed In satd court on the Mh day of January, In favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above-named defendant, for the sum of Nine Hundred Five and 7S-100 (1905.78) Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per aunum from the 4th day of January, 1895, and tbe further sum of One Hundred (1100.00) Dollars as attorneys fees, and the further sum of Fifteen and S5-1O0 (f 15.06) Dollars costs and disbursements, less 1 109 HO paid March 7tn. D5, and 13.80 paid March 14th, IB, and the coets at and upon this writ; com manding and requiring me to make sale of the following-described real property, to-wit: The south half of southwest quarter of section 12, township S north of range 1 west of the Wil lamette Meridian, containing eighty acree, sit uated in Columbia eounty, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment order and deoree, aud In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Mon day, June Z2nd, IMS, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at tbe front door of the County Court House, in the City of St. Helens, in said County and State, sell, subject to re demption according to law, at public auction to tbe highest bidder Tor United States gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the above-named defendant or either of them hadon the date of mortgage or since had In and to the above-described real property to satisfy said execution, Judgment order and de cree, Intereet and oostsand ell accruing costs. m23jl c r. ikja.-., Sheriff of Colombia County, Oregon. Bt Helens, Oregon, May 20, 1896. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon, for tne twuniy ot latum oia. L L. White, plaintiff. JL W. McNutt, and J. N. Teal, administrator of the estate of Ivan R. Dawaon, defend ants. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, JUDG ment order and decree. Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed, dated the lath dav of Mav. 1896. noon a ludrment and decree rendered In said court on the 12th dav of May, 1894, in favor of the above named plaintiff ann against tne above nameo aeienaanta, lor tbe sum of Sixteen Hundred Thirty-two and 46-100 (11632.45) Dollars, with interest thsreon at tne rate Of e per cent per annum irom tne izia day of May, 1396, and tbe further sum of One Hundred and Fifty (S1M.00) Dol lam as attorneys fees, and the further sum of Fifteen end 60 100 (J1S 60) Dollars, costs and disbursements and the coats oi ana upon tnis wnt, commanaine; ana requiring me to make sale ot the lollowliig des cribed real property, to-wit: A certain part of sw of nwK of see 4, t 4 n, r 4 west Willamette Meridian, and bounded by oeginmngat stale a riven at a point im n, zin. north and 30 ft east of the ne corner of blk 2, original town of Vernonia. Columbia county. Oregon, and thence south 184 ft. 2 In. to a point where the center line of Second street Intersects the north boundary line of said town; thence east 160 feet to east side line ot an alley on the west side boundary of a tract known aa tbe "Reserve;" thence sooth 112 feet; thence east 1 12 feet to middle Rock creek: thence north erly up middle of Roek creek to a point due east tne piece oi beginning neretoiore mennonea; thence west 490 feet, more or less, to puce of be elnninr. eontalnine S acres of land: also three certain lots In the town of Vernonia, County if t;oiumoia, numoerea on tne piat oi saia town as lots one (1) and two (2) in block eight (8), and lot two (2) In block nine (9), which said plat is now on record In Columbia county, and refer ence la hereby made to said plat for a more per fect description; also that certain piece of land situate and being In said County of Columbia, State of Oreaon. and described aa a Dart of the east half of the eoutheast quarter of see S. town ship 4 north, range 4 west Willamette Meridian, bounded by beginning at the northeast corner of said southeast quarter of section eight and running thence south along the east boundary of said section eight SO rods; thence west 20 rods; thenos north 80 rods; thence east 20 rods to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres; also that other eertain piece or parcel of land in said County and Bute, being the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section nineteen, township four north, range four west, Willamette Meridian, and the south halt of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northwest Quarter of section twenty-four. township four north, range five west of the Willamette jsenaian, containing loo.oo acres, an In said Columblacounly, Oregon. Now. therefore, bv virtue of said exaention. Judgment erder and decree and In compliance with the oommanda of said writ, I will, on Sat unlay, the 20th day of June, 1896. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of tbe County Court House, In the City of Bt. Helens, In said County and State. : sell, subject to redemption according to law, at public auction to the highest bidder for United states gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and interest which the above-named de fendants or either of them had on date of mort gage of the above-described real property, to satisfy said execution, judgment order ana de cree, interest and coats and all accruing costs. m22lS ' C. F. DOAN, cnenn oi wmmoia iuniy, uregon. 8t Helens, Oregon, May 18, 1896. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for me inhibit 01 imimoia. A. N. Klag, plaintiff, E J. Jeffrey, Nentllla A. Jeffrey his wife.l . John Bars, Elisabeth Bays his wife, The I Bays Jeffrey Company a corporation, and f R 8. Allen, defendants. I BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, JUDO mentorder and decree, dulr Issued out of the shore entitled Court. In the above entitled eause, to me duly directed, dated the 20th day of May, 1896, upon a judgment and decree ren dered In said Court on the 12th day of May, lftse, which judgment was enrolled and docketed on the 12th day of May, 1896, In favor ot the above named plaintiff and axalnst the above named defendants, for the sum of Eighty-seven Hund- rea nineteen ana sx-iuo (ttnin si) uoiiars, witn Interest therein at the rate of ft per cent per an num since Mav 12. 1896. and Seven Hundred and Fifty (1760 09) Dollars attorneys fees, and One nunorea Biuv-rour ana 07-iuu isimoti vouars coets as taxes paid, witn Interest at S per cent on 1164 S7 from June S, 1911, also the coats of and upon tnis writ, commanaing ana requiring ne to make sale of the defendants', B. J. Jeffrey and wife and John Bays and wife, right, title and Interest In and to the (oUowing-deecrlbed real property, to wit: The donation land claim of Thomas H. Bmlth and Maria Smith bis wife, in township num bered four (4) north of range numbered one (1) west of the Willamette Meridian, situated in Columbia county, Oregon, and containing S3S.43 acres. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, and in eomplianoe with the commands of said writ, I will, on Mon day, the 22nd day of June, 1896, at the hour of front door ot the County Court House In the City of St, Helens, said County and Bute, sell, sub ject to redemption according to law, at publlo auction, to the hlnheet bidder for V. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest oi the above named defendants, 1 TgeTrey and wife and John Bays and wile, or a ,r of them naa on ins vtn nay oi Marcn, isw, 'ace naa in end to the ebeve-desorlbed rea. ..ronertv to satisfy said execution. Judgment order and de cree, Interests and eosts and all aocruing costs. St. Helens, Columbia County, Oreiron, May list. 188. C. F. DOAN, majjlt Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. OUR FIFTsT SPECIAL SALE SINCE BEMOVING fit eaweel CQ 'I'll I UTfc ua a.r s n Fifteen Patterns. Every Suit Warranted Made From Our Celebrated Albany Woolen Mills Cassimeres. pH $8.85 o SOLE AGENTS Albany Woolen Hills Samples with plain rales (or eelf-meaearement sent freo to any address. frvvvyvvvvvvvvTtvvvvvvvvvvvw OREGON SHOE STORE 1 68 THIRD ST., BETWEEN MORRISON AND YAMHILL. BPEOIHIa ,lLaJ2 OF SHOEO. Our Stock is Complete, Embracing all popular Lasta in Ladles,' Children's and Men's Shoes. Ladies' Ilongola Kid Shoes, in Narrow. Sqaare and Piccadilly Toe, and Common Sense Lasta. 11.25 to 13.50. New Oxford, in Tans and Blacks. Common Sense. Narrow Square and Piccadilly Lasts, from 90 cents np. Men's Bboes op to date, from S1.2S to $3.60. Children's Shote from 6 to 8, from 50 cents up; 9 to 12, from 99 cents cp; patent tip uztord ties to W, from eu cents op. WK SELL, HSLIABM GOODS ONLY OREGON SHOE STORE, 108 R-S3N.M,. mmm for Infants and Children. HIRTT yeoiV rtorsmtl erf Cmatajia with the) pettreaaeMf of aaOHesM ml asnsM, ywrwtlt a rmmJk ml H wtthowt sjwrina;. It ia mngmmMmuMr tte fct rrnmuAy tar Imfsuste mmdk CMMwna - tkm world hmm erwew haererav It la lansJaaa. Cklldrwa like, . It gftr h a tawJtfc. It arm saw ftrir Hrss. Im It Motfceara Istt o tfclmg; wUefc la rtasflmtolr malm mmi yrmcOxmllT pearf t sm g eUU'si Csurtorfat eTtrey Worms. Caetserta aJIayaTarrarlstessa C toH prsrrwta yeewlllng ttmw CherC Csatarto ewree PUrrheea mmi Wtoel CoHo. Castorim rwIiTe T thing TrowMew. Catrl ewrwa CaeasttamtlBM sued ITsttsJeater. OaatarU mesjtreiH. mm the egaote of om-shmIsi at a err potssowji uir. Caatertm d swt aotiwsOTTihi3ses wplm,wr othwr smrowttoyrpgai tj. CsMrtserU aaafastlmt ths) food. roernUt the etoecm easel WweJay - tWI fc Ithy eaad atenrej alacp. CaatrU is pert n faa sgse-ahsa Wttl emty. It la t Id ta VmJk. Pasmt sJlow sure- sas to aeJl ysm ejrthfaai eJae mm Hhm plesa mr pjeasUssa that H la "fart mm gooi " d will aanrar Twry ywrp. 8 tluat y , got O-A-g-T-O-R-I-A. Thm flao-adll adgamtsnrw of Children Cry for FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. STEAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave Bi. Helens...... 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland... .10:00 A M Leave Portland 2:80 P M Arrive at St. Helena 6:00 P M . riBE IS CENTS. Will Carry Nothing but Passenger and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. THE , BANQUET SALOON Has re-opened under the management ot GEORGE A. BRINN, corner of Strand and Oowlita Streets, St. Helens, Oregon, where can be found the choicest brands of VINE AND LIQUOR Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRELADDIE CIGARS ) Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on hand to supply the Increased trade at this very popular ssloon. y THE FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS EE AT THE BANQUET. Patronize Home INDUSTRY SPRING AND SUMMER 1896 TO OUR NEW STORE AT ft TIT r f19 a sra it e VVAI Wiela t All-fool Suits J.M.MOYER&CO.f 81 and 83 Third Street, rOBTLAlUD, OB. Pitcher's Castorla. WHITE COLLAR LINE Btra. Telephone and Bailey Oatxert COLUMBIA RIVER PUOET SOUND NAV. CO Alder St, Portland; Flavel dock, Astori PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Telephone leaves Portland daily (except Son day) at 7 a. m., leaves Astoria daily at 7 p. m., (except Sunday). Runs direct to train for Clat sop beach, and eonnacte with steamer Ilwsco for Ilwaco trains, running to allpoiuts en North beach. Bailey Oatsert leavee Portland dally at S p m., (except Sunday), on Saturday at 11 p. m. Leavee Astoria daily at 6:45 a. m. (except Sunday and Monday), on Sunday at 7 p. m.; connects with all trains for Clatsop beach and Ilwaco beach. This line has a boat connecting with both beaches, returning Irom Astoria every night in ths week. B. A. SEE LEY, Agent. U. B. SCOTT, Free. Decker's BARBER SHOP J. H. DECKER, Proprietor. The old and reliable barber has his mors Just as sharp as can be found, and will shave you comfortably and quickly for only 15 oeuts. 8T. HELENS, t S OREGON HUCKI.E BROS. aTAacracTuagsa or TtimAnaiYn T.nmKar lTliuivSnir luuuiioivu ajiuAftnvaj twiiugf Rnstlc. Sheathing. Casings, and a complete stock of eveiy variety ot Rough and Dressed Xcmbcr ALWAYS ON HAtfD. . AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELKK ORKQON r iV