OREGON MIST. 1SSIK0 CVEHK rHIBAT MOKItLIS ... - . -ST- ' BEEGLE DAVIS. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAFER. ftafcacrlpilwa) On eopv oaS year la aai um eoyy bhmiuis.. Stogie copy.,,... Adrertlsint; rates made known apon application COLOMBIA COCNTT DIRECTORY. CMalf Olf lean. Jodea..... ,...Dean Blaneherd. Rainier t;lerk .......Judasa f1, venwuil Sheriff , Chae, P. Dow, Rainier Treasurer s. M. v. Barton loiumbu vttv SupL&t Senools.. J. a. Wslts, HesBiMcee Aannr , Mart I a Whtla, Quince antrr.. w. H. Maawre, uetena .......P. A. FrikM, Sfeppooae ...8.0 fcaooaorer, Veiaoaia T. HELBilti OBEIiOH, JCHSJ S. MOD DATS UtCTlOr, The result of Monday' election pro8 conclusively that s republican nomination doe not aJarays mean an election in Oregon. Th retail above that in all part of the stale partjr linea have been broken and in many coontiea thai gave one party a major ity two yean ago gsvs tbe other party majority tbia year. This condition baa not resulted from a change of sen timent upon any of the heretofore well established party principles, but large ly apon local issues and factional dif ferences. ' Tbe great republican majority of two , rears ago led largely to the belief that this year a nomination meant an election. This, bowsver, is a too com ason error, as was pointed oat by The Mist just prior to the convention. In deed many times hare parties gone down to defeat through overconfidence, and this year is no exception. Con ventions may apparently ahape public sentiment for the time being, but tbe voters pat the finishing touches to it oa election day. In Hallnomah coanty in particular party lines are in shreds, and a reorganuation will be al most imperative. Other coo a ties of the state are in like condition. The people have declared that they have something to say, and that their wishes are to receive at least some consideration, and if they do not re ceive it before they bave leaned to demand it at the ballet box. In this coanty (fie vote on congress man assumed a peculiar phsss, and as predicted before election, the votes for Korthup only assisted toward the election of Qoinn, taking votes from Ellis. Northup, howsver, is third man in the race. The prohibition vote for congressman was over three times as large as ever before, not per haps becaase there are any more pro hibitionists in the county than for merly, bat apparently becaase of a general dissatisfaction with tbe nom ineecof the other parties. Tbe votes for Korthnp wsre probably not all be caase of a personal antagonism or dis like for Kr. Ellis so much ss a disap ' provslof the sUsged manner in which bis nomination wss made. This is mors clearly shown by ths vote for Korman Merrill for representative and George W. Patterson for joint senator, both pledged to support Senator Mitchell, whose views on the money question are identical with those of Mr. Ellis. Mr. Merrill and Mr. Fatter son are each elected to tbe legislature and a vote for either was a vote for Mitchell, yet by the result Mitchell was supported and Ellis was opposed. In Clackamas coanty where the re publicans two years a?o elected every man on the ticket has gone the re Terse this year and tbe populists have made a clean sweep, again demon strating that a nomination, unless ju diciously made, does not mean an election. Tbe effect of last Monday's battle of the ballots ought, and no doubt will, be followed two years hence by inch a degree of discretion thst tbe decision of June 1, 1896 will be re versed in June, 1898. The defeat of Tongue in tbe first congressional district by Vsnderberg presents a more surprising condition than in the second district. Tbe re sult there shows the superior strength of the cause of silvsr over Tongue's "sound'' money candidacy. Hsd Mr. Tongue stood by his position upon ths financial question as outlined by him during the last session of the legisla ture there could have been no doubt as to his succsss in the contest. And again had he not been so unfortunate as to bave received the support of the Oregonisn his chances would bave been much better. Mr. Tongue's ability goes unquestioned, but bis "sound'' money views have been re pudiated by the people of his congres aienal district The Mist asserted before election thst North op wss put op, not in tbe hope that be would be elected, but for the sole purpose of defeating Ellis. The correctness of this ansertion is at tested by the result, and tbe schems seems to have accomplished tbe object for which it was intended. Kortbup's candidacy resulted in giving Quinn, populist, a plurality, while the vote of tbe former was less than either the populist or republican. It need not be reiterated that a republican ' vole for Korthup wss indirectly a vote for' THE VOTE OF COLUMBIA CANDIDATES. CONliHEsa- A S Bennett, dm W B Ellis, rap P MrKerctaer, pro H U Norttaop, Ind. sound atone? . Martin julno, peo .. (4L FRKMK Jl'DGB Rob't S Beta. rep , Joan Burnett, dent... ............. Joeena UJttOO.MN . DISTRICT ATTORNEY T J Cleeton, rep. ........... ....... J B Heilires, dem Site. B Smith, pen JOIST SENATOR W B Dlllerd, dem Joho Hansen, peo 0 W Patterson, rep. RKPRBSKSTAflVK- B.8 Halloa, pea S Merrill, rep Geo r Moeck.dem.. COCNTT JLUil- J B Doan, rap James Dart, deal R Seeseemen. peo SHERIFF C W Blakealev, Sep Edwin Merrill, deia J N Rice, peo COtNTTCLERK- W K Hen rid, pea Jadsoa Weed, rep ABOrahsm. peo ........ COMMISSIONER Thai 8 CoiTta, rep D W rreemaa. dea N P Fetenwn. peo TREASURER Wra H Dolman. deal.. 1 H Swacer, rep Ooe W Grant, dees Iran Merrill, pea Martin Wait, ren. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT I B shoemaker, lad. rep.. ....... L W VanDTko. sao J o Watts, rep SURVEYOR T J ETermaa. pea.. ....... ....... w N xieeerve. rep....... J S Clonlnrer. den A r netarea, tea Q W Richardson, peo TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES Qninn. Tbe result speaks for itself, and those who voted for North up have the satisfaction of knowing they as sisted towsrd ths slection of a populist congressman. What better argument does Oregon need in its favor than the fact that cyclones are unknown here. For years ths Mississippi valley states have been visited annnaTI by the destruct ive cyclone leaving death and destruc tion in its wske. A nomber of states have already been visited this year, and only last week the greatest catas trophe known in the history of this country wss the cyclone which struck St. Louis, Ma, which sent nearly 1000 souls to the great beyond and left thousands homeless and penniless, de stroying millions of dollars worth of property and presenting the most ap- paliog scene of distress imsginable. These death-dealing freaks of nature have been common in the middle states lor several years, bat never be fore hss so large a city as St. Louis been deveetated from such a cause. Is it any wondsr that people in tbe East are looking westward for homes, and is it not reasonable thst since Oregon offers a climste free from the deadly cyclone, that immigration may be expected to our borders if an effort shall be made to get it? Tbe mildness and even temperature of the climate of Oregon commends this stale to homeseeksra. The Mibt hss earnestly supported Mr. Ellis for congress because it be lieved him to be a good man in the right place, but at the same time it spprecistes the honesty of purpose of those republicans ss well ss democrats who expressed their sentiments and exercised their rights ss American citixens in voting for Mr. North up. If all men voted and acted their senti ments in the selection of public serv ants snd upon public questions this government would be much better. resulting in our laws being more fully executed. A republican form of gov ernment grants to every citizen tbe in dividual liberty of casting his ballot according to his own judgment, and the citizen who fails to do this has neither done his duty to himself or to his country. KLKCTIOtf RETURNS. At the hour of going . to press the contest in both the Oregon eongres- sionsi districts wss still in doubt. In the second district, with four counties yet to bear from and five others in complete, Ellis hss 10,365; Quinn. 10. 257; Northop, 7793; Bennett, 5362. Tbe counties in this district from which no returns bave yet been re ceived are Grant, Harney, Malhenr snd Wallowa, but in the last named it is known that Quinn has a plurality of 200. It is not unlikely that part or all of the other three counties are populist, in which case Ellis' defeat would result. The returns from Uma tilla, Crook, Union, Clatsop and Was co, howsver, are incomplete at this writing, so that the result may yet be considered in doubt. The first district is also in doubt. The returns are still incomplete, with Vsnderberg, popolist, leading Tongu, republican, by about 300 votes. It is improbable that the counties to hear from will be in Tongue's favor. The vote between the populist and repub lican in each district is very close and will probably require the official count to determine who is elected. Cleeton for district attorney, hss a plurality of about 800 in the district, after losing Clackamas by 242. Patterson, for joint senstor, hss a plurality in the district of several hundred. J adze Bean for the snpreme bench. is elected by a considerable plurality. J ne entire ticket put up by the Union Bi-metalio League in Yamhill county haa been elected by majorities ranging from 300 to 500. Clatsop coanty elects a populist and a democrat to ths legislsture. The next legislature will be repub lican by a safe majority. COUNTY LAST MONDAY. S J id H 44 d i! J 4 13 lfl 17 St S U SI SSj M 44 IS 471 M 4si04 1ollliO0i 4 S8j SJ t& M 11 SSI 10 li 12 Sl SW S U B li u a Si T K k si R BMlHISllllIW)tt 111 lit 14 all S4 It Ml is 1U as ssi w ss mm ssjftjsi si ssi su ss H4 w s? iss! eg m k ss so ws 1 0 13 M SJI ) 1(1 S' IT 4 Ilk I 8 4S ITj SS SI 11 i S Tj 101 f Ki 607 1 IN SS 19 Ml S3 S 11 11 It l Ml SI M S4I M SS 10; X IV Ml JMMHi7U SSltll)Mli 41 k ss ss sil 47 4S 11 km st 7 em SIWUE!MMijllMUm 4j U S7J 111 Si 1 4 i, 14S loo) 9 io tsJ rr si n so m! M4 tn a S-S li s nil 77 w 1st 59 IS: Mi Stj m 471 10J ij Si II so, u; lJ rJ S7 lMl S7 45, 17 44 S9j Sv! MS i is) so so ti s i as ss it; isi SSj TM 44 SI Stj St 43 S 104 Si 79j S.S IS) el it; 14 s i s s o e i v i S i 1 S S7 M4 S4 S4 S&l SS 17 78' 17 817 a A a til si sis stw SS SSl 4 Sri St! SS 41 tS MB is, so cn si it it 2i i s n Sl)j SV Si 87 8j 14 43 UU0jS Jtj 7ll SS tf Ml M S7 117 SS ST SSl lORl t! 7! 710 171 Ul k?j 43 m 111 48 40 !Uj 39, S& 1 s' 71 11 S9 7 SUISIS ' 223 SI SS, 40 Si 73 7 30 17 KM S4: S67 SO, BBj t 741 1U S7 ii SI ill V 4j SU 96 jo! r 17 IS S 3 St 1 111 lis 41 4V 3S 61 SS. IS 11 941 Stj && SOS SS Ml 47 St Ul S4 M S9 SSj SS 67j 7M tW 33 ! M 42 4. 30 M 11 i 77) 57: KO SSt US. 71 SSj 141 SI SO S3 70j 7j Si. 7!e SS I IS) IS M S7 S3 10 7 171 H is! ISS IS Ml; SO SI S M 43 Sij ill 52: 620 104 Sli 48 111 M b 11 n St S7' 6sV ul CAST IN THE COUNTY, 1612. The Tote by Precincts. The following is tbe total vote of ths sev eral precincts in Columbia county for 1SB6 compared wtlh the Tote in 1M: 1898 18M Nefaslem 130 142 Union... 171 JS0 Rainier 18T 15S Apiary - 0 Scappoosa 119 120 Sherman ( SO 76 Deer Island 122 85 ClaUkania lflt 144 Oak Point 104 110 Beaver Falls 74 78 Auburn 132 225 Marshland 68 37 Total... ,...1513 1480 School Report. Beport of school in district 'o. 12, for the month ending sfsy 29, 1896: Number of days taught " pupils enrolled Papils enrolled during last week.. Number of days attendance....... Average dally attendance ..... Tardiness Deportment good. The visitors during the last two months, were: Boss Sesseman, JL Peck, Louis Fitzgerald snd Oeorge Adams. Those pres ent every dsy were Lena Tucker, John Peck. Clifton Tocker. Perry Mellinger, Le Boy Tocker, Clave Mellinger, Ben Hosford, Bert Mills. R. H. Bsilst. Teacher. VALLEY ITEMS. School commenced last Tnesday with Miss Til lie Sheldelin, ss teacher, for s three month's term. Mr. Meeker, of Houlton, paid a visit to Mr. Bonnell, of this place, last 8unday. Crops are looking fine considering the late, cold spring we had. Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is s medicine suited for sny season, but perhaps more generally needed when the languid, exhausted feel ing prevails, when tbe liver is torpid snd sluggish and the need of a tonic and alter ative is felt A prompt use of this medi- ciaa hss often sverted long, snd perhsps fatal billions fevers. No medicine will set more surely im counteracting aad freeing the system from ths malarial poison. Head ache, indigestion, constipation, dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. 60 cents sad $1 per bottle st Dr. Edwin Boas' drng store. DIED. CAMPBELL. At Ksinier. Oregon. OB Friday, May 29, 1896, B. C. Campbell. Deceased was an old resident of Colum bia county. The remainj, accompanied by snout thirty friends, wss brought to HI Helens last Saturday where it was taken in charge by the Mssonie brethren snd con veyed to Masonic ball where, in tbe pres ence of a large concourse of friends, ths funeral sermon wss preached by Bev. C. S. Phil brook, sfter which interment took place st ths Germaay Hill cemetery. BUBDAHL At Bachelor Flat, on Sun day. May 21, Mrs. Jobo Burdahl. TEE GREATEST SPECIALISTS 01 TEE 1MEBICAI COITUEIT. Most Successful Catarrh Doctors In the City. Thev treat SCIENTIFICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY, enre Quickly and PEKMANENTLY. PRIVATE, B1.UUU ana SK.IN UISKASJK3, NER VOUS DEBILITY and SEXUAL DIS ORDERS, SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA and GLEET, Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood, Night Emis sions, Unseen Loaaes.Decaying Faculties. HYDROCELE, VARICOCELE snd STRICTURES radically snd safely cured without psia or detention from business. All deformities snd imoediments to marriage quickly removed. A CKKTAIM snd POSITIVE CURB for the awful effects of early vice and numerous evils thst follow in its train. Consult personsilv the most EX. PEKIENCED SPECIALISTS for DISEASES OF WOMEN, or write, aendine stamp. Consultation free snd confidential. National fledical Institute PRINCIPAL OFFICE, , 132 THIRD BT., POETLAND, OE. is SHERIFF'S SALE. IV v VTBTfi nt sn ri vrlTIOM AND OR i ui i,ui nut nl iha circuit Court ol the state ol Or ion, lor voiamina v""y.' L" l II. rv V anil arainll Nathan NICH- ola, upB a Jndirment rendered therein ou the ltth day ot May, IMS, lor the aura af Sips.7, with tulerail thereon at the rata ot elshtpar cant wr annim alora aaa aay. wo iw w and diabunenienta taied at sift aim iw awvru , ........ .lu tiuuuu. iMrtala ter- onal property ol aaltl Nichols was sold I op the ant .laV of June, Iss. lor the sunt ol . ajxl aid sun harinjr been applied towards Iha pay ment of aald lodgment. . Now. therefore, will, an IheSth day ot July, 1M. at the east door ot Iha eounhouae, in . Uvlrns, said eouoty and state, at the hour ol 10 o cloos A. at., ol tain aay, sen at puoiir subject to redemption, ewordliti to law, all l said Nathan Nichols" rlsht title and Interest pi rn and le the loUawlaf-deacribea real aetata to- "beelnnlnf at a point whera the eounty road Intersects a lot ot land now owned by . W. Blood, which borders on tbe ClaUkania river, thence rnnnlns: In a southerly oourM on the Uneoi aald lot a dUtance ol 100 feel. Iheuoe In an easterly direction 10 feet, to the county road, thence running along; said county load 11.- I m ,n ,ka a! hl nnl IIV AIrO that certain knot land beginning at a atase marked H". running thenoe due aouth 100 leet. thence due east JO leel. thence due north MM leet. Ibeoc Art t.t m I hImw n beainnina: all ol aald land being a part ol the donation land claim ol K. O. Bryant, In section a, township north, range 4 west at the 'lluuaetss meridian, together with the lenemeula, aeridllamenla and appurtenances thereunto belonging. In Co lumbia county. Oregon, to satisfy the balance of aald execution. wtiuass my hand this n day ot June. was. C. F. DOAN. Hi Sheriff ol Columbia County, Oregon. TatEASUatEet'S NOTICE. Codktt Trsasurer's Opnci, ) St. HfLSMS. Or.. May 15. 1806. ( NOTICK Is hereby given that Columbia county warrants Nos. SStO, 83H1, 8SH0 and 3379 hereto-ore presented and endorsed -Not Paid for Wsnt et Funds," will be paid upon presentation at this office. In terest will not be allowed after this date. mlSjl2 K. M. WHAKTU. Treasurer of Columbia County. Or. PlCTPpiI corns AND CMOS MOUSt luUafilUl D. H. BROWN, Prop. Best Meal in the Citj for ik AND CPWARDS. 167 First St, POSTLANO, ORCOON, Bet Morrison and Yamhill Formerly 110 Third, COLUMBIA BANKING COMPANY r. hclcns. ontooN Makes investments, receives deposits and does a general Musing bnaloeaa. Capital stock. 20,ooo. All kinds of rood securities bought snd sold. Exchange, good everywhere la ths world, sold. INCORPORATCO JAN. , iSee. I. R. Nclll. nreaident: K. W. Allen, trlcs-nresi- ant secretary; v, u. neweu. carnier. In Advance- THB flilStand Oregon ian ONE YEAR $2.00! This offer holds good only for new yearly subscribers who psy in sdvsoce and old onea who pay up to date and one year in advance. Oos year will extend the time over the state) cam paign in the spring and the presiden tial election in November. One Dollar Saved by taking the two paper together, the price of each, separ ately, being $1.50. The Mist Has been designated the official paper of Columbia coanty by the Coonty Court, and conseqntnlly will furnish all the news pertain to public matters in which the people are interested. The Indestructible "Maywood" BICYCLE. Usst (.Usbta. , ;.. sW -- . AI PATBXTS 1 rb- it91 s-AXSflTS j Hsr l 18J Tbe "afsrwood" ts ths sSro7t and itrnpU btepet erermade.' Idanted fne alt Hak f toada and rldera. Made of material UmSiT tSShSirysVtS la iJS.trutTon srUI hold tocether seea la an aeotdeat: no hollow tablna to crash In at seerr mtset-a irataa that eannotle broken; aoslmple (bat Ita adoatln nans serve aa It.nirtlo, a! Viwm '? vmoIi ,w, r o aire reliable and rapid raSporliMort T.KA!,Er,',;pOTed dooll diamond, ruruu.1 for three soars. Ifads ofllnon eold rolled steel rods (toturbest and atronceat metal for lta w.lat known); teufed Utbe7 with alaminna bronsj Sitings In snoh a manner that It la Imposelbls to break er anT Dart work loqae; a marrel of noveltr. simpllelte and dorabllltT: the areateat JZZ.V.J, RTfl.. In bloyole meohlnlara known to balld a frame without braaen Joints snd tnblnc aa Von know that f rameaoontlnoally break and fracture at brazen Joints, snd tnbeswhen th an hoIkiJ In cannot be repaired sWIf EICLS-os-inoh; warranted w ood ms ptaoora tiJSt kw and brass nipples. HOBS Lwri barrel nattern. TIRES "Ariin..' Kb a rrrigns vioica nepair. or some other Drst-elaaa pneumatic tire. BKAkf S-Til arlnaa ta eeerv navt. Inetndinv afhla wukt.1. . . i . . 71 .i,aJ1 right Quick Bepalr, or some other CONSLS-Beat qnailtv tool steel, earefuUv tempered and hardeVedT cUai hardened can ten, rear adjustment. CRANKOnr Mabrated one-olln. teoted brpatenu; no cotter pina. RSiACH-hortes lncbesVlon.t St S o vi f aa. st isyvn ft at UAA nafHnnimiriiii' rner B AB-Rereralblc and tuaUbieVeaallV Bi.9 rubber: fll b Blckel plated. Each Btevele complete with tool bstumpT slraiih ind cdtsl WShfil! aordlurto tlraa. padala, aaddlea, ate, 97 to SO pranda. M 0Un- Wslghs, ae- SADULB-P. P., Gilliam, Ss nr Spawlal Wbolaaale Prleav Kerer before sold for less. To quioUr Introduce the "Haywood" Bicycle, wa have decided to make a a pedal coupon offer, civlnc every reader of this paper a chanoe to set a Srat-olaa. wheel at tbs lowest ; prtoe aver offered. On receipt of SW 00 and eotmm we will chip to anyone tbe above Bicycle, securely crated, and araarantee safe dnltrery. Money refunded If not aa repreaented after arrltal and examination. Wa will ahln C. O. D. with pri Tilers of examination, for SSAOS aod eonpon provided Ss.oo Is sent with order sa a jraarantee of good faith. A written blading warranty with each Bicycle. This Is chance of a lifetime and von cannot aord to let tbs oddot Wjity paaa. Addrsas all orders to AUrcst all Orders to THE OREGON MIST, STP. I-IE3I.EllSrS, PROFESSIONAL. jQR. BDWIN RODS, rilYSlCIAN AND BURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon T.J.Ctssyeit. B.Aitss. ALLEN A CLEETON, Attorneys and Counselors at Law ST. HKLINS, . ORIOON. jqs. a. a. ours, MYSICXAN AND BURGEON. BU Helens, Oregon. JPR. 1. B. HALL, . PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Clatakaitl. Columbia county. Or. Vy N. MKoBRVK, Snrreyor and Civil Engineer DELENA, OREGON, o,. .... I fttirmvlne. Town Plattlnw and Kiiaiusaruie work promptly executed. IBMLVTION NOTIVB. VOTICB is hereby (riven thst the part il nership heretofore esislins between M. Collins and William Hoof, dome busi ness under me nrm nsmeoi uui at Hcappoose, Oregon, Is this day dissolved he mutual pnnaant. tlalad at HoaDnDOSS this i d day of May, lfUM. miojiz ea. vuua NEWELL & WATKIHS -DKALKRa IN- Groceries, Haj, Flour and Feed WOOD AND ll!4il.E. Country Produce Bought and Bold, snd Ex changed for uoods. uitdertsking oooas furnished on Buort Notice. Store on Strand 8treet, BT. HELENS, OR. ORIENTAL HOTEL A. B. BLAKESLEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT SEASONABLE BATES. The table la enrolled with the beat ths market affords. Everything clean. A there ol your pat- ST. HELENS UYERY STABLES THOa COOPER, Proprietor. Horses Boarded and Cared For, TURNOUT ON SHORT NOTtOt, ST. HELENS, I : OREOON Jilo E. McNEILL, Kecelver. TO THE BA-ST OrVB8 THB CHOICE 01 Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAY OF Sookane, Minneapolis &SL Pan UNION PACIFIC RY BT WAY OF DENVER, OMAHA, & KANSAS CITI LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY S DATS For San Francisco. For full Details Call on or Address W. H. HURLBURT, General Freight and Pass. Agt, Portland. THIS 78.00 COM PLITI BIOYOLI o. t, im Jaa 1, ISM J'aa. st, tSM Others Pandlaa; ftrat-elaaa pneumatic tire. BKAkf55-Ii.Vi CDFS AMU celebrated one-piece crank, foil InsV Vr r ritYiam ai. r.n . - . . . . . or some other SraCiaZi X?"Zr;?.'S1 CsBBM H. 2034 OOO SON $5s22 I" SSHT WITH onosn son No. s Maywood t ..Dicycis... wti OiRHSQ-OKT ,i 1-- i , grr" '"ITTaia r-ai a aai law O YOU NEED GROCERIES? D If vou do snd desire ths best quslltv f..r the lt uionsy M 70 your wsnts csn slssys be supplied by DART Who have a Dress Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, liats, Boots and Shoes. FURNISHING GOODS St. Helens, Oregon. ST. HELENS HI! Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams JlcgLallig!L MMU by Wholers At PWCISJ KSICS. , MAIN BTRFKT. I Glatskanie Drugstore PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS Patent Medicines, Prescription Drugs, Toilet Articles, Fancy Motions, ate. T ....ST. HELENS I IoVeL.?.? T Our Ubles will st sll times be tound supplied with tbs best edibles snd delicscies the market sflurds. TERMS REASONABLE" FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The botel hsvlng been newly rclurnished ws sre orepsred to give sstis fsctioo is sll our pslrons, sud solicit your pstronsgs. J. George, Proprietor, St. Helens, Or. sATTMCS- New Drug Store Patent Medicines DRUGS Ee CHEMICALS BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS Perfumery, Stationery and School Books DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES PRrJWBIPTTOlW COstrOUNDEO DAY OB NIGHT. ST. HCLCNS, ate. A A A aaaVA.SA, ST. HELENS EXCHANGE, Mr. Cooper's new snd elersnt bar room la tbs Isvorlts re sort o tli. elty, wlur. st sli Utuet can be found tbe famous PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WHISKY EST AMDS MflBITIC Mr Cooper la always slsd to welernn. bis eld friends to Lis popular place ol business ST. HELENS EXCHANGE PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE .'"N'tiiiaa- sSWJtatawarTaawf g STEAMER Q. W. SHAVER. Dell Shftvor. Matnr rflmramrlne Anrlt IK lav hIII ti TKj..7.7u.r r ' T '"'.V""1!. i rvsanington street, Ttieeoaj. n.TS?yiu,i. iJ'T"",M tAlc0ck- RturnliiK-Iaes Clatslt.nl., (lid. Pr- ask... . Us.li. t J ,, V . ' About 7: otelift 7:16: MiTtnr 1-JAt kr.inu THE MIST AND OREGON IAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TW DOLLARS THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & ..a a. ... .1 1 n n in ti 1 1 il..,.aaWevbUi i .lAt'i . al -,.. . STR JOSEPH KBLLOaO ; FOR PORTLAND Lesves Kelso Mondavi. Wednesrla wa. an1 VwlAwm mt K siVlsvIr a. m. Lesvw Portlsnd Tueedsy, Thorsds- and Ssturdsv st 6 o'clock . m. MDCKLE, complete line. MEAT MARKET M cu.tA.-K afUIIICa lie 9IICIUUn, BT. HKI-KNU. OBKOOW. Iha Plata I. Secure Veue Prwsh SSedlelnes DR. J. B. HALL, PraavsHar aa.fUI.kaa Is. Ore af?1 There Is a Complete Stock :Of: r 1 Dr. Edwin Ross, Prop. ... ORCGON AH lXFwSlTEaS CIO ASS . i . . . . . ... . . . --HiKs U CHMJi, TT 111 PH v"" n.i. t tr.i r a comptny reserret th riglt lo ohinge time without notte HAVER TMAKtsrOBTATION COnPANY. COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER