The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 22, 1896, Image 3

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    IfiHKiR Won Tin Bikh. The bl
cycle which wag rattled off at tha store)
of JJrl 6t Muokie last week wee won
by Llndley Meeker, of Iloulion, hit
being the litet number to be drawn
from the bos, The total coit of the
bicycle to Mr. Meeker wae about 13
one half for ticket! and the other half
for cigars.
New Fastoh. Rev. A. Weinert
formerly of Linn county, hat been ap
pointed by the Evangelical conference
to the Houlton onarge to succeed Jlev,
MoElroy. The new pastor, with hie
family, confuting of wife and one
child, arrived here Monday and are
now quartered at Houlton for the en-
eulug year.
Three Wiui Dhowmkd. On Wed
nenday of latt week three persona were
drowned in the Columbia river abreast
of Bkamokawa by the cepeiaing of
sailing boat. There were five parsons
to the boat, but two of them were
aaved more by aooldent than other
wlw. The occupants of the boat were
Frank retereon, Uharlee Hewell, Hu
ttoloh Kraft. Mre. A, R. Crosby and
Miss Itetta Kennedy. Peterson, New
ell and Mre. Croiby were drowned and
Mlia Kennedy wae only reiuicltated
after every effort had been epetit.
Mre. Crosby wae married on the 4th
' of April last and ber husband iein the
employ of the Hkamokawa eawmill.
A Pleasant Party. -The borne of
Mr. and Mre. James Muckle wae the
ecene of a very pleasant whist party
last Wednesday evening, where friend
to the number of fourteen aeeembled
to enjoy abundant hospitality. Tboae
resent were: Mr. and Mre. James
tickle, Mr. and Mre. O. 11. Johns,
Mr. ant) Mre. J. H. Sheldon, Mr. and
Mrs. II. Allen, Mr. and Mre. J. George,
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Beegie, Miss Mary
Burke, Miss Tillie Muokie. Judge T,
A. McUride and Mr. O. E. Kunyon.
The pleasure wae divided into three
parts: flrst, tlie names, which were loi
lowered by an excellent lunoheon. and
later, a general social chat, until, be
hold, it was 13 o'clock.
Three Months and Costs John
leenhart was, on Monday last sen
tenced to three months in the county
Jail and to pay the oosts in the case by
fudge MoBrkle after having been con
victed of adultery with Mary C. Hev-
rn. The ease was tried at the last
October term of court, and came up
this time on a motion for a new trial,
The - motion wae overruled by the
court and sentence passed as above
staled. An appeal to the supreme
court ha already been filed, and that
tribunal will be called upon to decide
whether or not a new hearing ahull be
liad. The eoats so far incurred iu the
case (mount to f 318. Isunliart wee
admitted to bail In the sum of $500
pending the appeal. When court was
called . Monday morning Judge Mo
Bride asked lsenhart if he had any
thing to say why sentence should not
be pronounced, and in response the
defendant took the floor and talked in
Ills own behalf for three quarters of an
hour, reviewing the case throughout.
His talk, however, did not seem to
swerve the court from the path of hie
official duty, but it did, to some extent,
furnish amnsenient for the spectators.
Juikje Bennett Here. Last Mon
day evening Judge A. 8. Bennett, of
The Dallva, detnorratio candidate for
congress, addressed the people of this
city upon the political issues of the
day, devoting moat of bis time to the
question of finance. W. B. Dillard,
slate central committeeman for Co
lumbia county, presided and In a short
speech introduced Judge Bennett.
The) speaker's logic in handling Uie
vexed question of money was, In most
part, clear and forcible; but even then
some democrats call in question the
truthfulness of certain statistics pre
sented by him. It has beeu said that
Judge Bennett wae advocating a tariff
on wool, but if such is the case he for
got to mention it here; but on the
contrary claimed that free silver wss
the only issue before the American
people today, and that the tariff bad
nothing: to do with the uatton's pres
ent condition. Such an argument
would not convert any number of
people in a St. llelens audience,
though the speaker presented his case
In a very dear and concise manner.
Judte Bennett ae a man stand high
in the estimation of the people of thia
county, he having at one lime been
judge of the circuit court here; but
Judge Bennett as a politician is quite
another person. -
Phizes tor Writing. Professor
M. Qarriaon, of Forest Qrove, closed
liis writing school here Wednesday
completing the twelve lessons. He
has been teaching two classes at the
same time one in St. Helens and one
in Houlton, the latter in the afternoon
and the former in the evening each
class containing 41 pupils, mostly
small children. Two prises were of'
fered the flrst for the beat specimen
of penmanship, which consisted of
silver napkin ring, and the second
prize for the greatest improvement
made during term, consisted of a five
dollar gold pieoe. Wednesday after
noon the two classes were brought to-
XBMiar in ilia scnooi nouso in una city
for the closing review and to witness
the awarding of prises, Mrs. W, II
Dolmen and Messrs. N. A. Perry and
J. K. JUeegle were appointed Judges,
and with great care wont over the ml
ferent specimens of writing, each slip
of paper containing on the back the
person's number to whom It belonged
and after careful comparison the flrst
prise was awarded to Mies Ore Meeker,
of Houlton. It was more difficult,
however, to decide which pupil had
made the greatest improvement. In
fact, all had improved very much
Two, however, were so nearly equal in
advancement that it wae almost
impossible for the judges to decide,
and finally they asked permission of
the class to divide the prise equally be
tween the two so near equal which was
agreed to by an unanimous vote, and
thus Miss Florence George, of Bl. Hel
ens, and Mies Uertte Weed, of Uoui
ton, were awarded the prise for having
made the greatest progress. The pu
pile all seemed satisfied with the re
sult, though some, of course, for the
moment, may have felt disappointed,
lint be that as it may, tbey are all de
serving of congratulation for the
marked improvement made during
these twelve lessons. Professor Garri'
son left yesterday for Castle Rock,
Wash., where he expects to organize
a class. ...
Speech bt an Orator. Protestor
William Rasmus addressed the Mo
Kinley republican club of this city
last Tuesday evening upon the polii
leal Issue of the day. Harrison Allen,
president of the club, introduced the
speaker, who at once began a forcible
dUa for the restoration of the republi
can party to power, setting forth bis
reasons as he proceeded. The demo
cracy since the time that party first
gained eontiol of the government, the
epeaker deolared, had shown Uselt In
oapablo of grappling with the great
questions of national Importance, and
especially had Ibis proven true during
the present administration of Presi
dent Cleveland and a democratic sen
ate and house. In unmistakable terms
the speaker retraced the instances of
poverty and want which had befallen
the people, and more especially the
laboring classes under operation of the
Wilson tariff law, showing conclusively
that the enforced idleness of the hund
reds of thousands of workingmen in
this oountry today is the direct result
of that measure of "perfidy and dis
honor." Statistics were road showing
that during the past three years our
foreign commerce has suffered a great Prior to 1803 the balance
of trade was In our favor by many
millions of dollar annually, but since
that time our imports have largely ex
ceeded our exports. This is the di
rect result of opening our ports to the
manufactured goods of Europe, made
by cheap labor with whom our work
men caunot compete; hence ourfnc
tories have been forced to close or
work on short time with greatly re
duced wages. The professor kept his
hearers in good humor- with an oc
casional story, and, by the way he
proved himself no mean artist in this
role.' ' " '
For Sale. A good milch cow with
young calf. Inquire at this office. -
C. W. Mayger was in the city ou
Xuesday last.
C. W. Frush and wife, of Tide creek
were in the city yesterday.
Thomas snd Emery Mills, of Ver-
nonia, were in this city Mouday and
Dr. Brown, representing the Nation-
al Medical Institute Is in the city for
a few day.
Adam Slump and Frank Tompkins.
ol Hoappoose, were tu town the urst
of the week.
The regatta which was talked of
to take place hers this summer has
been given up.
Dr. C. H. JSewth, of Vernonia, was
in attendance at court Monday and
Tuesday ol this week.
District Attoruey Barrolt epent last
Suuday with his family In Uillsboro,
returning here Mouday morning.
This office has been printing the
election tickets lor Uolurubia county
this week to the number of lz,UUU.
Miss Susie Godman, who is teach
og the Peris school, has been visiting
friends for the last few days In Wood
land, Wash.
Rev. C. E. Philbrook will preach at
Rcappoote next Sunday at 11 o clock
a. m., at Warren at 3 p. m., and al
Houlton at 7 :30 p. m.
Hon. A. 8. Dresser, of Oregon City,
will address the citizens of St. Helens
and vicinity this (Friday) evening on
political issues from a republican point
of view. -
Rev. W. L. Black well will preach at
Deer Island Sunday May 24th, at 11
o clock a. m, and at St. llelens at 3
p. m, and 8 p. m. Subject in the even
ing: "Faith in God."
Hon. C. J. McDougall will itddrass
the cilixens of Warren upon the po
litical issues at the Warren school
house this (Friday) evening at 8
o'clock. The public is cordially in
The third annual convention of the
Willamette Valley Chautauqua Asso
ciation will be held at Gladstone Park,
commencing July 7th and ending on
the 17th, 1800. This office acknowl
edges the receipt of season tickets to
the coming meeting.
En route, to arrive In a few days, an
invoice of pure California olive oil.
Persons with weak or disordered stom
achs are assured that this olive oil is a
puie aud unadulterated article from a
Placer county, California, olive orch
ard. Respectfully, Wx. H. Dolman.
Martin Quinn, the populist candi
date for congress, was to have deliv
ered a speech here Tuesday night, but
upon his arrival there was no popu
lists here to greet him, neither had
any arrangements been made for a
hall, so he did not make bis speech.
For evory quarter in a man's pocket
there are a dozen uses; and louse
oach one in suoh a way as to derive
the greatest benefit is a question every
one must solve for himself. We be
lieve, however, that no oetter use could
bo made of one of these quarters than
to exchange it for a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, a medicine that every family
should bo provided with. For sale by
Dr. Edwin Rose.
Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent livery
man and merchant of Goshen, Va., has
this to say on the subject of rheuma
tism : "1 take pleasure in recommend
ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm forrheu
matism, as I know from personal ex
perience that it will do all that is
claimed for it. A year ago this spring
my brother was laid np in .bed with
inflammatory rheumatism, and suffer
ed intensely.- The first application of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm- eased the
pain, and the use of one bottle com
pletely ouied hnn. For sale by Dr.
Edwin Ross. - .
Fubllo Speaking.
T. J. Clecton, whose intention it is
to stump Columbia county, in the in-
terpst of the republican party, will
speak at Mayger on the S5ih, at 8
slock p. m.; at iJeaver f alls on the
26th at 1 o'tlock p. m., and at Apiary
at 7 80 p. m. of same day; at Mist on
the 27th at 7 :30 p. m. ; al Fishhawk
on the 28ih at 1 o'clock p. m., and at
Vernonia on the 29th at 8 o'olock in
the evening. Committeemen will
please sect-re halls, male announce
ment, etC. , ,. ,
The drybouse Is now aboet ready for the
reception of shingles.
Mrs. Ous llynon Is vliltlng her sister,
M rs. J oe Ltwls, In our city.
Xd raxe is out of the store this week do
ing a little In the way of ranching.
Mrs. William Darr was In toan on Tu
day for th first thus In several weeks,
The sound of tha saw and steam whistle
nan again be heard at the shingle mill
The Jurors from Nebslem were In town
on Monday on their way book to court.
0, W. Barnes was over Monday with bis
daughter, Mrs. Qulgley, on a brlof business
Norman Merrill hss been laid np from
sors throat for a few days, but is better
0, P. Blatt has had Ills bench carried
home and is doing some work aboat lb
Jake Oedtlel is at tlie blook again slicing
uO steaks for the public at the Columbia
Meat Market.
0. A. Hlmpcl stoppsd off Wednesday
morning from Neualeut bay and spent ths
day in our city.
A. M. Tiolisnor returned from Portland
Monday morning not very well, satisfied
with the weather he found there.
A consultation of ths democratic an
populist candidates for sheriff was a matter
of some comment last Monday.
Charley tee had a short job as a juror
last week. Being plsced oo the grand Jury
the work was done In four or five days,
Miss Jennie Myers returned Wednesday
morning from a visit to Ilwaco and other
points, bhs has been absent several weeks,
Father Clark and Myers were out fishing
Monday and returned with several flih but
hungry and a trifle disgusted with the
August Lane of our neighboring stste of
Weebingtoo, spent s few days here on
visit to friends, leaving on the steamer
Monday evening,
Jim Van says he got the speaker to May'
ger Tuesday Just In time to catch the lost
steamer. " Bt. Helens came near losing their
address for that eveainr.
It Is not often one sees Charles Gomme
on horseback, but he ells grscefully la the
saddle and looks ss though be knew all
about It. The bone was not trotting, how
ever, when be rode through town.
The city brass bsnd gave us some excep
tionally Rood atueio on the street last Mon
day evening snd are certainly getting to
lb front In good (bap as s musical or
Mrs. Hall Is entertaining a few of our
elderly ladle this week to meet th doctor'
mother, who I visiting her snd expect to
leav for 8sn Plrgo In the nesr future to
visit a daughter living there.
Edwin Merrill, of Deer Island, was in
town last Monday visiting bis brother, N
Merrill, and it may be looking tbe field
over a little to spy out the prospect for
democratic success as Edwin is the candi
date of that party for sheriff.
W. II. Ounyers hss been a victim of mis
fortune the past few days owing to a swollen
face, which ha not only marred bis beauty
but bas been a severe tax oa his patience,
It Is nearly well now and he begins to as
sume bis expression of benevolence again,
A piano was taken from Conyers' hall
this week from which we Infer that the en
tertainment in preparation must have been
postponed. In fact it leaks out that there
was a alight lack of harmony among tbe
stars, which may, however, be restored in
the near future.
J. B. Metiler, of Portland, has been In
our city a few days trying to revive the
fraternal order of the Knights of the Msc-
oabees that onoa started In this place and
ha dwindled down to about two members,
Mr, tfstaler reports encouraging prospects
for putting tbe order on a good footing
William Rasmus, of Portland, gave ns
one ot tbe best speeches of the campaign
on Monday evening lost. He is a fine
speaker and had his subject well in hand,
Tbe address wss calculated to make his po
litical opponents "a little warm under th
collar.' but all took their medicine and be
lleved as much as suited them. He believes
in staying by the regular nominees.
The members of the Epworth Lesgue
celebrated the seventh anniversary of the
founding of that society last 8unday eve
ning at tbe church. Very elaborate and
tasty floral decoration gave tbe church a
handsome appearance, while a large at
tendance aad an interesting programme
of exercises made the evening quite enter
taining as well as profitable to those in at
Messrs. Hughes and Hays, of Portland,
after a few days spent here organised an
assembly ot United Artisans last Saturday
evening in Krsts' hall. They occupied the
church on Thursday and Friday evenings,
where Mr. Hughes talked temperance to an
audience for awhile, then urged the bene
fits ot a good fraternal insurance organisa
tion. Cash Is too scarce just now to make
these orders very popular notwithstanding
their great benefits.
A considerable number of our cltisens got
together Tuesday evening at tbe athletic
club room to Institute measure for cele
brating th Fourth of July. Mr. McG li
very, president of the club, stated the ob
ject of tbe meeting and oalled on H. L.
Warren to preside. John Myers was slee
ted secretary and tbe business of the even
ing proceeded. It wss resolved to celebrate
to the best of our ability and Invite all our
neighboring communities to unite with ns
In making the occasion one of enthusiasm
as well as patriotism. An executire com
mittee was appointed wltb an understand
ing that they should get together promptly
and appoint such sub-oommitiees as will
do th work necessary to make the celebra
tion a howling success.
Backlen'e Arntc Salve.
The best Salve In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, snd positively
cures piles, or no psy required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by Dr. Edwin Boas.
Jones, Be Pay the Freight.
Send for a copy of "The Buyers'
Guide," with latest reduction and
market reports. Sent free to any ad
dress. Freight on 20 order of goods
paid to any point on the Columbia
liver, reached by Portland boats.
Jones' Cash Store, 103 Front street,
between Washington aud Stark, Port
land, Oregon.
Soappoosb, Or., May 20, 1806.
Editors Mist : The political ques
tion is the all important topic of con'
sideration and discussion at the pres
ent time. Tlie people of this county
are interested and wish to select the
best and ablest men for the offices.
There is no reason why the teachers
should not feel an interest in tbe
choice of their county school superin
lendent. Since there are only about
a dozen male "school marnie" in this
countv. the teachers havu't much of s
chance to express their wishes as to
their future superintendent, ueing s
lady teacher I cannot express my
view by a vote, hence, lake the pen.
I know of no teacher who bas been
displeased with our present officer.
He has labored untiringly for the in
terests of the teachers and patrons,
lie never refuses to do a favor if it
will benefit anyone. He works for
our improvement and advancement.
In examinations he has been siriciiy
honest and shown no favoritism. He
visited more schools in the lest two
years than any other superintendent
ever did in the same length of tin e.
He went to the remotest parts of the
county snd visited schools that were
never visited prior to that time. i
talked with several Nehalem teachers
who say he visited schools in that
Dart of the county and it was sn en
couragement to both teacher and pu
pils. I hope our kind citizens will
consider how we have improved under
the Dresent administration, snd show
their appreciation of bit great zeal and
energy by giving him the election.
W. M. Perry, of the Balntcr Review, was
in town on Monday.
I O. Watt, our countv school snnerln-
tendent, was in town on Tuesday last.
J. H. Swerer. reoubllcan candidate for
county treasurer, was in town Monday.
R. 8. Hatton. the neonles party candi
date for representative, will speak at Ueu-
8. Erickson went to Oregon City Tues
day to make bla final proof. P. O. Marks
and J. Mctirath went as witnesses.
811a B. Smith, of Astoils. the populist
candidate for district attorney, spoke at
Mooresville Monday evening.
O. E. Hunter and Joel Bate are circulat
ing their petitions for license to sell liquor
in tuis precinct ior toe next year.
Hon. T. J. Cleeton spoke at Mooresville
last Friday evening, lie aareit at lentrtn
upon the tariifqueation, reviewing it from
all sides. He also enured into a very com
prehensive discussion of the money ques
tion, showlnr that neither tbe democratic
or populist party could be trusted to solve
it, ana mat tne republican party was reany
me only pariy mat cuuiu soive wis ques
tion to the satisfaction of all and in the
beat interest of all. In a most humorous
style the originators of populism and their
principles were expiaiuea so ine voters.
For Sale. A good soda fountain
Inquire of J. H. Swager, St. Helens.
From tbe appearance of Dr. Ross
and-Wash Muckle one would suppose
they bad come in contact with ritx
aimmons, but inquiry reveals two
eevere casee of sore eyes.
It Hay D as Mack lev Yew.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that he had a severe kidney trouble for
many years, with severe pains In bis back,
and also that his bladder was affected. He
tried many so-called kidney cures, but
without aoy good result. About a year
ago he began the use of Electric Bitters and
found relief at once. Electric Bitters Is es
pecially adapted to the cure of all kidney
and liver troubles and often gives almost
instant relief. One trial will prove our
statement. Price 50 cents and ft 00. For
sale at Dr. Edwin Ross' drug store.
' V. B. land oaee, Oregon City, Oregon,
Mar C ISM.
COMPLAINT bavins been entered at this
office by Otto B. Maltaston agaf nt Conetant
Bruffttuman frrr abandon I its hi homestead entry
No. WV7, dated June Uth, lttiii, upon the
section 11, townnhlp 4 north
uoiuinoia i;onuiy, ureaon.
rnir 4 went.
rlth a view u the
cancellation ol said entry, the eald Pardee are.
hereby mmmonwl to appear
lie, v
laraAl ftnanflAr. notftrv nubile. Vernonia. Oregon,
An ih 'JMh div nl Jiina. 1MM. At in o'clock A. M.,
to reapond and furnish testimony concerning
saia alleged abandonment,
. uauaiwai, neceiver.
To the Honorable County Court of Columbia
Countv. Oreiron
v re
reudlug In Deer Inland Precinct, Colum
bla county, etate of Oreiron, would mpectfully
A. O. Itm, In the Court lloiiw, In the City of Ht.
petition rour honorable body at lie next regular
term wnicn win be neio on tne sth nay oi jui
Helena, Columbia county, Mate of Oreicon, that
a ncenae be grautea to u. E. uunter to sen
iilrltuoiia. vlnoua and malt liuuora lu Quanti
ties leaa than one gallon to Deer ialand precinct
In aaid County and Htate, and that aald llcenae
be granted for a period of one year, for wnlcn
we will ever orav. Haled at Uobla tills Stb day
01 May, law:
r u Maras. v i inomaon. a f jiatami.
Robluelt, H Sager, William Dowd, H Flfer,
rea Miaabsumer, t; noven. Jason zwinau,
Joeph Roth, I U Blacketer, O Link, Charlea
uiii, u w Mcrariann, w uumics, uuy taier,
H Stehman. S A fowler. John Olllem. M Peter
eon, i liolden, J Lamonte, Joe Lawrence, H B
amawn. M netta. u router, jacoo ug,
gaacber, U C Jnoulah. Krauk jieganda, Chrlat
lie ber. Victor Kurrer. C K Leavena. A F BrigifB,
3 A King, K U Foater. Holiert Wilson, Victor
U J. u , hnn. nan V W , M Vnul..
Bcbmldt, 0 P Cross,' 11 Bauer, V W Maklnater!
I F Ouugherty, Jaiuea Kennedy, Jac tiuss-
baumer. uiifijlil.
The Ideal Patastceau '
Jama L. Francia, alderman, Chicago,
says: "1 regard ur. Jungs riew uiscovery
as an Ideal Panacea for coughs, Colds and
lung complaints, having used it In my fam
ily for the lent five years to the exclusion
of physician's prescriptions or other pre
parations." Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk
Iowa, writes: "I have been a minister of
the Methodist Episcopal church for fifty
yeara or more, and have never found any'
tiling so beneficial, or that gave me such
speedy relief ss Dr. King's New Discovery."
Try this Ideal cough remedy now. Trial
bottles free at Dr. Edwin Ross' drug store.
Wben Baby waa alck, we gave her Cutoria.
When ahe waa a Child, she cried for Caatoria.
When ahe became KUa, aha chlBg to CaatorU.
Whan she had Children, She gave them Cast oris
CLONINOER. In St. Helens, on Friday
stay lotn, to me wue ot jonn o. wionin
ger, a daughter.
County Treasurer's Office, i
St. Helkns, Or., Hay 8, 1U6. t
NOTICE is hereby given that all Colum
bia county warrants heretofore pre
sented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want
of Funds," op to Hentember 27, 1883, and
also warrant No. 3383, endorsed on (Septem
ber 27, 1893. will be paid upon presentation
at this office. Interest on the same will
not be allowed after this dale.
Treasurer ot ixiiumuta uounty, uregon.
For Sales
The cheapest phtce in Columbia
county. Inquire of K. O. HAZEN,
Warren, Uregon. tf
Awarded .
Highest Honors World's Pair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
. 40 Years the Standard.
Iu the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tot
uie county oi uoiumoia.
Buesell W. Clark, plaintiff,
I. W. Bingham, executor of the last will and
teatament of Elijah Wingert, deceaaed;
Peter 8. Wlnrerv. Andrew 8. W. Wlugert,
Rudolph H. Wingert, Susan A. Bice, laa
beUa Henderson, O. Brandea. Baldes Oild-
ner, ueienaants. i
merit order and decree dulv lsvoed out of
ana uuuer ine eeai oi tne aoore entitiea uwrt,
in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed,
dated the lath day of May, lew, upon ajudgment
aud decree rendered In said Court oa the 4th
dv of J anuarr. 1SV6. and aald iudrment was en
rolled and docketed In aald Court on the rHh
dav of January, ltfvo. In favor of the above.
named plaintiff and against the above-named
defendant for the mm of Nine Hundred Five
and 78-100 (IP0V7B) Dollar, with interest thereon
at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the
4th day of January, 1X95, and the further sum of
One Hundred ((100,00) iMllar aa attorney fees,
and the further sum of Fifteen and 65-100 (115 65)
Dollar eoata and dlaburement. leaa lltw.vo
natd Marca 7th. UWA. and S3.60 mid March 14lh
1H95. and the costs of and upon this writ: com.
mending and reauiring me to make Bale of the
Koliowing-aeecribea real property, to-wit:
The south half of southwest quarter of section
Vt. townahlD north of ranare t weat of the Wil
lamette Meridian, containing eighty acres, slt-
uatea in inumoia county, uregon.
Now. therefore, bv virtue of aald execution
Judgment order and decree, aud in compliance
with the command of said writ, I will, on Mon
day, June Ziud, 1W6, at the hour of 10 o'clock In
the forenoon of aaid day, at the frontdoor of the
iuaty uoun nouee. in tne city of et. neiena,
In aald County and Slate, sell, aubiect to re.
demptlon according: to law, at public auction to
ine nigneet uiauer rnr unneu mate aoui coin
eaah in hand, all the riabt. title and lntere-1
which the above-named defendants or either of
them had on the date of mortaaae or nnce had
In and to the above-described real property to
aatiafy aald execution. Judament order and de
cree, Interest and coats aud all accruing coats.
msetiu c r. ioAr,
Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon.
St Helens, Oregon, May 'JO, lens.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
tne uounty oi UMumoia.
I. U White, plaintiff.
B. W. McNutt, and J. K. Teal, administrator
of the eatate of Ivan B. Irawaon, defendant.
JL ment order and decree, laaued out of and
under theaeal of the above entitled court in the
above entitled eauae. to me duly directed, dated
the 16th day of May, 1896, upon a luditraent and
decree rendered In aaid court on the l'Jth dav of
Mav, 1S9S, In favor of the above named plaintiff
ann againat tne aoove namea oerenoanta, ior
the sum of Sixteen Hunored Thirty-two and
40-100 '11632 461 Dollars, with iutereut thereon at
the rate of S per cent per annum from the Uth
day ot May, 18D6, and the further sum of One
uunarea ana ruty (fiov.ouj vonara aa attorney
feea. and the further aum of Fifteen and 60 100
(116.60) Dollar, eoets and dlabnraementa and the
eoata ot ana upon tnia writ, commauaiug and
reauiring me to make sale of the following des
cribed real property, to-wlt:
A certain part of aw of nw! of sec 4, t 4 n. r
4 weat Willamette Meridiaa, and bounded by
neainninsai etaxe anven at a point tet it, z in.
north and al It east of the ne corner of blk 2,
original town of Vernonia. Columbia countv.
Oregon, and thence snath 1S4 ft. 2 In. to a point
where the center line of Second atreet lnteraecu
the north boundarv Una of said town: LhenCA
oaat iw leet to eaat eiae line oi an alley on tne
west side boundary ot a tract known as the
Keaerve: ' thence south 112 leet: thence eaat
S,2Ieet to middle Hock creek: thitnca north.
erly up middle of Kock creek to a point due east
the place of beginning heretofore mentioned
thence weat 490 feet, more or less, to place of be
ginning, containing 3 acres of land: also three
certain Iota In the town of Vernonia, County of
vonimoia, numoeren on tne siat oi aaia town
as lot one (I) aud two (2) in block eight (8), and
lot two (2) In block nine (9), which said plat is
now on recora in t;oiumuia county, ana refer
ence la hereby made to said plat for a more per
feet description; also that certain piece of land
situate and being in aald County of Columbia,
State of Oregon, and described aa a, Dart of the
east half of the southeast quarter of sec 8. town
ship 4 north, range 4 west Willamette Meridian,
bounded br beginning at the northeast corner
oi stuo soutneast quarter ol section eight and
running thence south along the eaat boundarv
of aald aeotioa eight 80 rod; thence weat 20
roda; thence north HO rode; thence eaat 20 rods
to me place oi beginning, containing 10 acres;
also that other certain piece or Mrcei of lnnd in
said County and Slate, being the southwest
quarter of the northwest quarter of section
nineteen. tnwnRiiln lour north, ranee lour west.
Willamette Meridian, and the south half of th
northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of
uie noriuweet quarter or section twenty-lour,
township four north, range, live west of the
Willamette Meridian, containing 1G5.S6 sores, all
in aaid Columbia county, Orepon.
Now. therefore, bv virtue of a&lrl arecntlon.
Judgment order and decree and in compliance
wllh the commands of said writ, I will, on Sat
nrday, the 20th day of Juue, 1896, at the hour of
10 o'clock la the forenoon of said day at the
front door of the Countv Court House. In the
City of 8t. Helens, In said County and State,
sell, subject to redemption according to law, at
lUblic auction to the highest bidder for United
tatea gold coin, cash in hand, all the rlrht.
title and interest which the above-named de
fendants or either of them had on date of mort
gage of the above-described real property, to
aatlafy said execution, Judgment order and de
cree, Interest and oosts and all accruing coats.
m22jl C. r. POAN, ,
onenn oi ueiumoia i;ouuty, uregon.
Bt Helena, Oregon, May IS, tsu.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
iae vouoiy oi t;oiumoisw
A. N. King, plalnUff.
VS.' : '
X.J. Jeffrey, Nantllla A. Jeffrey hi wife.l
John Bays. Elisabeth Bays his wife, The I
Bays Jeffrey Company a corporation, and (
H, S. Allen, defendants. I
mentorder and decree, dulv laaued nut of
the above entitled Court, In the above entitlsd
cause, to me amy airectea, oaten tne 'AXh day of
May, 1S9S, upon a Judgment and decree ren
dered in aald Court on the tilth day of May, 1890,
which Judgment waa enrolled aud docketed on
the 12th day of May, 18S, in favor of the above
named plaintiff and arainat the mhovn dudmI
defendants, for the sum of Eighty-seven Hund-
reu nineteen ana n-usi (bbiv.iuj uoiiars, Willi
interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num since May 12, 1898, and Seven Hundred and
Fifty (I750n Dollars attorneys feea, and One t
uunarea tnxty-rour ana 5,-iuu isiH4A7i Dollar
eoats as taxes paid, with Interest at 8 per cent
on 1164 67 from June 8, 1896, also th costs of and
upon tins writ, commanding and requiring me
to mfike sale of the defendants'. R. J. JpffVav
and wife and John Bays aud wife, right, title
and intereat In and lo ths following-described
real property, to wit:
The donation land claim of Thomas H. 8mith
and Maria Smith his wile, In townohlp num
bered four (4) north f range uumbered one (1)
west of the Willaimtto Meridian. altualMt In
Columbia county, Oiegon,nd containing 688.43
Now. therefor,. v vlrinM nff al,l .vutniUn
Judgment onler and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of aaid writ, I will, on Mon
day, the 92nd day of June, 1896, at tbe hour of
ii o ctoua in tne forenoon ot said day, at the
front door ot the Countv Court Hou In the rliv
of 8t. Helena, said County and State, sell, eub
Jeet to redemption according to law, at public
auction, to ine nigneat bidder for V. B. gold eoiu,
caah in hand, all the right, title and interest of
the above named defendant. E. J. Jeffrey and
wife and John Bays aud wife, or either of them
nan on tne mo day ot March, 1890, or since bed
Patronize Heme
81 and 83 THIRD ST, S. W, Cor. OakE
's All -Wool Suits
Fifteen Patterns. Every Suit Warranted
Made From Our Celebrated Albany
Woolen Mills Cassimeres.
cH $8.85
81 and 83 Third Street, l
arvaaa ajjanast vas ' .' hL
Samples with plain rules for self-measurement seat free to any address.?
Albany Woolen Hills
Our Slock is Complete, Embracing all popular Lasts in
Ladies Children's and Men's Shoes.
Ladies' JJoneola Xid Khoea. in Narrow. Ranare and Plroadillv Tne. and ("Wimnn
Sense Lasts, $1.25 to $3.50. New Oxford, in Tans and Black. Common Sense, Narrow
Square and Piccadilly Lwts. from 80 cents nn. Men's Hhnea im tn dale, from tl .211 to
13.50. Children's 8ho from 5 to 8. from 50 cents op; 9 to 12, from GO cents up: patent
tinllefnrJ liaaSln IV Muni... . .
- ,TI
for Infants and Children.
riOTHERS, Do You Know
BUlJ naraaiaan'a Crops, Oedfrey's Cordial, meaty aoealled Boothtas; Brrnya. aa
asms remedies tor ehfldrsa are oaiipnswf f optasa or umiaUuef :
Pa) Tost 1xUmtxammtiarvtdmtnmtmH!trlainMreaaei
pi Tern Know that h. mnut nrm.trVi. Hrmxrla r ot prmUtd 1. n
Pa Teat stiaow that yoai sbonid not permit aery assdkSM to ha grass) jroor UM
Sfflleaa yoa or yoar physlriaa snow ot what It la eompoaeo t
Pe Toss Knew that Oastorla Is a Mrahr vsa-etahle tnummlkm. aad that a Mat as
lUlngradientslsiailiUahsd vrithenarr bottler
PTow Know that Castoria t the rjrajplJom of the tmmtmm Dr. gamnal Pltetaar.
nattthastweatatwrorsaawr thirty rears, aad that mora Castoria Is bow said thaa
ot sH other remedies tor childraaoomlaDedf
Pa Tent Kstersr that the l?ateot ones TW mart must ot tha United Masaa, and ot
otlssr cxaantrles, lam assist
. OeutswU " end its isanla, aad tJkrt to Initiate dava Is a staU
. PwTsrst Kiaerw that osrnt of the reasons for rrantinr thia rovvirnmasa grotao
because Castoria bad beeat proven to be aVnlarteJy JMurlaaaT
yo Ton Knrw that 85 ciacsfs doaea of Castoria ara furnished
sots, or one cent a does f -
Pas Tow Know that whan iinssssssil of this nsrfaot rspsfatioLTO
be kept wen, and thai yea may have unbroken rest?
Wall, theme thing, t worth Jntwrsaa. They ara mesa.
The) fwe-fdsmtla
afsratntwre ef
Children Ciyfor Pitcher's Cestorla
Young America
Leave St, Helens........ 6:80 A M
Arrive at Portland... ... 10:00 A M
Leave Portland. 2:30 P H
rriveatSt. Helens 6:00 F X
Will Carry Nothing bat Passengers
and Fast Freight.
in and lo the above-deaortbed real property to
saiisiy aaia execution, iiifivment order and d
eree. Interests and eoets and all aooriifnar cost.
8t. Helens. Columbia Cnuntv. nntvim. tf
41t. 1896. C. F. POAN. .
tn22)H Sheriff of Columbia County. Oregon.
Has re-ODenet under the management
of GEORGE A. BKINN, corner of 8trand
and Cowlila Streets. St. Helens, Oreiron.
where can be found the choicest brands of
Card tables, pool table, billiard table and
other devices for tha entertainment of pat
rons, where time can be pleasantly spent.
Besides other popular brands, are kept
constantly on hand to supply tbe increased
trade at this very popular saloon. .
Stre. Telephone and Bailey Gattert
Alder SU, Portland; Flavel dock, Astoria.
Telephone leaves Portland daily (except Sun
day) at 7 a. m., leaves Astoria daily at 7 p. rs.,
(except Sunday). Bona direct to train for Clat
sop beach, and connects with steamer Ilwaeo
for Ilwaco trains, running to all points en North
Bailey Gataert leaves Portland dally at t p m..
(except Sunday), oa Saturday at U p. m. Leaves
Aatotia daily at 6:45 a. m. (except Sunday and
Monday), oo Sunday at 7 p. m. ; eonnecta with
all traina for Clatsop beach and Ilwaeo beach.
This line has a boat eounectlna; with both
beaches, returainc from Astoria every night In
V; ,-f,-- wr .J
th weei
Agent, U. B. SCOTT, Pres.
. Decker's
J. ft. DECKER, Proprietor,
The old snd reliable barber has his rsxorsjust
as sharp aa ean be found, aud will shave yaa,
comfortably and quickly for only 16 cents,
Dimension Lumber, Flooring,
Bustle. Sheathing, Casings, and a .
complete atoek of eYetjr variety of
Rough and Dressed Lumber