The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 10, 1896, Image 3

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Woman. Club. Th, latest venture
la ioolal olroUi in Bt. Helen it the
proposed organisation of woman's
club, which, we are informed, will be
done in the near future. No men are
to be permitted to Uke part in the at
tar, and yet thone Interested In the
prospective organisation stoutly main
tain that it ia not a movement of the
"new woman."
Why? Thli oflloe It Informed that
certain ubiorlbera of Tm Mist do
not receive their paper regularly from
the Walton postoftloe. The pa pert
re mailed regularly from tliia office
each week and there teems no good
reason why thoy thould not reach
those for whom they are Intended,
especially since the distance it let than
five miles.
New Txlboraph Line The Pa
olflo Postal Telegraph Company's new
line down the Columbia river to As
toria is now completed and ia greatly
appreciated by the people of llatuler
end Olatakanie. an offlee being estab
lished at each place. The new line,
with offices located at various points,
cannot fall to be of great convenience.
There are at present five telegraph
offloet in the county, namely, Heap
pooee, Bt. Helens, Qoble, Bainier aud
Clatakanie, so that communication be
tween the different points Is greatly
Bmuy Fob Bad Temp. Starve
It. Give it nothing to feed on. When
some thing tempts you to grow angry
do but yield to the temptation. It may
for a minute or two be tiiSflcult to con
trol yourself; but try It. Torce your
self to do nothing, to say rtotuing, and
the riling temper will be obliged to go
down because there Is nothing to keep
It up. The person who can and does
control the tongue, hands and heart
in the faoe of a great provocation ia a
hero. The world may not own him or
her at such, bat the creator does. The
bible says that "he that ruleth his
spirit Is belter than be that taketb a
city." -
A CbAiy Max Suicides.--Esop Fox,
an Inmate of the state insane asylum,
at Salem, oommitted suicide one day
last week by jumping from the third
etory of the main building of the asy
lum farm and breaking his neck. Fox
was aged about 95 years, and was oom
mitted from Jackson county in 1894.
He was one of the early settlers of Fox
prairie, near Mehama, the location
having derived lu name from bim.
No eauae caa be assigned for the man's
rash deed, only that which Stems to
bo prevalent as a rule among Insane
imtieoU a general desire to destroy
themselves when an opportunity pre
sents iteeii.
iMPoaTArr. Don't you dare to re
late a silver coin, uo matter how badly
it it worn bv lout circulation. If yon
do yon may get iuto trouble. The
United States supreme court, by a de
cision banded down last week, settled
esse that has been contested through'
all the courts by deciding that a man
who wtt pot off a train because a con
ductor refuted a tilver dime that was
very much worn was entitled to f 315
end costs, which had been awarded
to him by the Now Jersey courts.
Chief Justice Fuller, in disposing of
the case, said that silver coins were a
legal tender as long as they bore the
semblance of the Coin. Paste that in
your bat. .
A CVkveb CoMPOKmoH Tha fol
lowing composition is clipped from the
Milton Eagle, and it credited by that
n.r ia n vmith in the Milton nublie
schools: "A echoolmarm lea verb,
because she denotes action wnen yon
throw paper wads at tne gins, tswiion
is conjunction, and is used to con
nect the verb schoolmarm and the
noun boy. This is a compound sen
tence of which the boy is subject and
the switch object. First person, plural
number, an awful case. A school-
la ilfTurant fmm a boviabov
UIHUI - - .
wears pants and a schoolmarm wears
her hair banged on her loreneaa mi
aays a schoolmarm never gets more
than eighteen years old before she gets
Burolaby at SoAppoosi. The safe
In the depot of the Northern Paciflo
Bailroad Company's office at Bcap
poose was burglarised btt Friday
nikt. Th kiinrlara effected an en
trance to the office by prying open a
aide window, wnion gave mem ir
cess to the safe. A hole three eighths
of an inch in diameter was drilled into
the door of the safe, near the lock,
end a powerful explosive Inserted. The
hrnk-a the door into frag
ment, and scattered the contents of
the safe all about uie room, ine
gent. Mr. Leonard, fortunately had
sent away an casn on nauu was uay.
nd the cracktmen got nothing of
value for their nlght't work, whioh
was evidently doee by experts. There
is said to be no clew to the perpetra
tnrm of the dead. This la the second
attempt at safe robbing here, as the
safe in waits at rnee-s store was
drilled into, bat not cracked, about a
year ago.
Columbia Baukwo Comi-any. The
Columbia Bankiug Company was in
oorporated and the articles filed in the
office of the secretary of state last
Monday. The incorporators are
W Allen. Charles N. Soott, Peter H.
Ward and J. B. Neill, all of Portland,
With a capital StOCK OlSW.uw, aivigea
Into 500 shares of 1100 each. The ob-
Jeot of the company is to carry on a
general banking nusinwa m
The officers of the company are, J. B.
Neill, president; E. W. Allen, vice
president; Charles N. Scott, secretary.
C. H. Newell of this city will bo cash
ier and hae entered into a contract to
perform that duty for one year. It
... . . 1 . I .L... . L
Will SO Ouservvu wm inn union uoeu
U the same as that attached to the de
funct institution started here three
years ago, but tue men wnoee names
appear a incorporators of the new
company had no connection with the
former "banking" conoern. It ia ex
pected that all arrangements for ex
change will be completed and the
bank ready for business by the zOth of
the present month.
Many Coses on Trial Before
Judge McGinn.
The Case of A. H. Blakesley Against
Maokle Bros, was Taken Up
Olronlt court convened last Monday
with Judge H. K. MoGlnn, of Portland, pre
siding. Vsry little was aoeoronllsbsd on
Monday and Tnssday, owing to Inc portent
eases wliloh bad been previously set not
being ready te go to trial. Only some
minor matters were disposed of the orst
two days, but on Wednesday the case of
A. H. Blakesley against Muekls Bros, was
oallsd op, when It was found that there
were not a ouflloient number of Jurymen of
the regular panel present from wliloh to
seleot twelve men. A special venire bad
been previously Issusd and Thomas Colvin
of Marshland, and Benton Smith of Bain
ier, were summoned. The ease went to
trial Wednesday morning and occupied the
entire time of the court until last night.
This it a suit for damages alleged to
have been done to property of plaintiff by
the defendants operating a dam In lUlton
oreek for the purpose of running sawlogs,
whereby, the complaint alleges, certain
parts or parcels of land was washed away.
The Jury before whom this ease was tried
was composed of the following gentlemen :
A. F. Adams, Walter Shearer, Samuel
Oraham, John Downing, U. M. Beeghley,
Dan Berg, 0. W. Emerson, Henry Lsrsen,
W. A. Bdgerton, Jesse Bay, B. F. Smith
and T. B. Colvtn. Yesterday afternoon the
Jury was taken out to inspect the premises
after which theeonnsal on either side were
allowed an hour to present argument. At
press boar the Jury were still out.
Other ease were disposed of as follows:
Dedmao vs. Qulgley, Judgment for plain
Sallie Blee vs. John O. Henricl. et al, J.
H. Horst recovers Judgnieut against plain
tiff for cost.
Merrill VS. Gaaderson, dismissed.
Breek vs. Jones, dismissed.
Kliidsr vs. Buell, default as to Busll.
Olds A King vs. W. A. Edgerton, Judg
ment for plaintiff.
Watts 4 Price vs. Gove, Judgment for
plaintiff and attached property ordered
In tht dispatch of business before the
circuit eoort and In decisions on points of
law Judge McGinn shows conclusively that
be It a thorough master et bis profession,
and receives many eompllmentafrom mem
bers of tht legal fraternity.
8now all gone and weather warm and
TbeY. P. A. held a very Interesting
special service at the church last Sunday
Clarence Adams, teaching In the Solomon
district, Is taking a vacation while nursing
a sore throat.
Mr. Hess, oar shoemaker, has Just passed
the ninetieth milestone of bis Ufa and Is
still bale and hearty.
U W. VanDyke filled Professor DoWs
position In the Vsrnonia school Monday
afternoon, on aocount oi neuralgia.
Miss herding, after finishing a very suc
cessful term of so boil in the Solomon dis
trict, returned to her home over the mount
ains In Washington county.
Another Inventor expects toon to have a
machine perfected with which, by the aid
of electricity and Rock creek, we can light
our city, warm our houses and do our cook
ing, etc
Vernoola will soon have a debating so
ciety. TbefirstquesttonwiUbe'Besolved,
that Vernoala, Portland and San Francisco
need more fortifications, to keep off the
A bunting party, consisting of Charley
Solomon and George and Albert Parker,
lost a valuable cargo of guns, ammunition,
traps, etc., by npsetUng their boat at the
Pittsburg mill dam last week.
8. B Boat is expecting to take a contract
on the railroad In the early spring, mean'
while practicing with a shovel, ditching
and otherwise improving bit farm. He
says absolutely he is not a candidate for
D. F. Baker, Inventor and patentee of
the farmers' automatic gate, is erecting one
of these gates on bis ranch for the purpose
of demonstrating the practioal utility of tne
invention. It la by long oddt the most
practical self-acting gate for a muddy
country, in exlstenoe.
There are several vacant pieces of land In
thli vicinity subject to homeatead entry
which would make some men good homes.
There is no plaee under the tun where a
man can come nearer raiting all the neces
saries, yes and luxuries, of life, than right
here in this Nehalem valley. Nowhere can
finer fruit and vegetables be raised.
City Coaacll Meeting-. '"
The regular monthly meeting of the
out oounoil was held last Monday
night, and the contract for the survey
... . . . - :.L a t
OI tne Bk Helena miwubiio wiui a., u,
Little was submitted and approved,
It reads in substance as follows: "For
the survey of Strand street, Columbia
street, Casenao. street and tbe east
line of Oak street, said survey to be
made forlthe fall length of each of said
streets, both the east and west lines of
same to be run from tbe north to the
sooth line (or vloe versa) oi tne origi
nal townsite of the city aforesaid, and
each and every lot fronting or abut
ting on eaoh of said streets to be
staked as to its frontage line, provided,
however, that the party of the first
part or the owner or tne owners oi
each or any of said lots lurnitn stages.
"It is hereby expressly understood
and agreed that the sum of money
above referred to as tbe consideration
of this oontraol, shall be an amount
equal to tbe number of lots faoiog or
abutting the streets surveyed, multi
plied by 25 oents for each lot so front
ing or abutting."
Tne contract it signea oy nra.n,
Dolman as preside ut of the oounoil.
and A. B. Little, and attested by Har
rison Allen at recorder, and witnessed
by W. U. Conyers and Geo. E. Davis.
Johh Gilmore, services at watch
man for three months. . .... fio w
John Qilmore, lighting etreet
lamns and oil. three montns.. WW
W. Miles, Street work 6 20
Water, same.......... ....... o
John Hnntt. same 0 ZU
Chas. Cooper, tame. , 60
Little Alfred George is seriously
slok this week.
Hlllsboro citizens have organized a
speed association. "
Mr. C. F. Blytb.of Oregon City, wat
in tins city yesterday,
Dr. II. R. Cliff and C. H. Newell
were in Portland Wednesday on busi
Mrs. James Good has been seriously
ill at her home in this city for some
County warrants or orders for war
rants taken on subscription at this
Wanted Girl to do general house
work in private family. Apply at thit
Thomas H. Woodruff, of Bainier,
was atteuding to business in this city
Harrison Allen spent several days
last week in Salem attending to legal
Distriot Attorney W. N. Barrett, of
Hillsboro, came over Monday to at
tend court. -
A three month's term of school was
begun here last Monday with M. 0.
Case in charge.
The little daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Chalmers is suffering from an attack
of scarlet fever.
B. F. Gillner, of 8alem, was in this
city the first of the week, having ar
rived Monday evening.
Miss Dora Copeland, of Walla Walla,
Wash., ia spending a short time visit
ing relatives at Warren.
Martin Manning, one of Washing
ton county's old citizens, died in So
nora, Cel., a few days sgo.
Mr. E. E. Quick has been consider
ably under the weather of late from
tbe direct effect of a sever cold.
Attorney W. H. Conyers, of Clata
kanie, came up Tuesday to attend to
business before the circuit court.
Mrs. Jacob George, whose illness
was mentioned in these columns a few
weeks ago, is somewhat improved.
Judge J. B. Doan and wife, of Bain
ier, came up Wednesday and spent a
day witn tbe family of sheriff loan.
Bear in mind that we will furnish
yon the Weekly Oregonien and Thi
Mist together one year for only 12.
Mr. G. W. Barnes, who has been as
sisting Assessor White at this place
for a week or more, is quite sick at
the St. Helens hotel.
Houlton Is now a full-fledged ticket
and express office, the arrangements
having been completed a short time
ago. N. A. Perry is agent.
J. B. Woods and wife, of San Jose,
CaL, arrived here Wednesday night
for a short visit at tbe home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Dolman.
Judge Stolt, George E. Davis and S.
T. Jeffreys, attorneys of Portland, were
in attendance on circuit court this
week. They came down Wednetday.
County court adjourned yesterday
to meet again on January 21. Thit
wat deemed necessary account of a
crowded court house in consequence
of circuit court.
The Mibt wants a correspondent
in every neighborhood. If anything
of interest happens in your locality let
the World know it through the col
umns of The Mist.
John Lousienont wat sentenced to
four vears in the penitentiary from
Hillsboro last Saturday, being charged
ill. MHA..tinM k.l I. hi.
session stolen goods.
County court met Wednesday, but
owing to probate business whioh occu
pied Judge Blanchard's time very lit
tle was done tbe first day. There it
considerable business to be done this
session, tbe appointment of judges
and clerkt of election being tbe most
A telegram from Goble was received
by the oounty court yesterday slating
that a tramp had fallen from a train
at that place and broken or fractured
bit leg, and aeking whatahould be done
with him. Tbe court replied, direct
ing him to be tent to thit city by boat
but be has not yet arrived.
No wonder Salem wants to rebuild
her woolen mills if the following figures
taken from an exchange are correct
During five years the Salem Woolen
Mill Co. expended money as follows:
Wages, 1161,221.90; wood, 115,300.32;
wool, 2Z4,7V1.92 ; other expenses,,-
913.38; total outlay ia five years,
Tbe two opposition steamers on the
slough had quite an interesting day of
it Wednesday. Hotly contested races
took plaoe at various times on the up
trip, and while the Young America
was last to reach Portland by a lew
minutes, the bad the satisfaction of
doing most of the business. In point
of speed the smaller craft seems too
much for tbe larger one.
Dbstkoybd by Fihi. We were in
formed yesterday that the Bining resi
dence, near the 81a vena place, at War
ren was destroyed by fire last Tuesday.
All the contents of the house, includ
ing clothing, winter's provisions and
some money were destroyed, and the
family, Including five small chil
dren, are left destitute. Tbe neighbors
will certainly have to render assistance
to the unfortunate family.
Too Mahy ScpxRiNTiNDXirrs. It
teemt to ut the county ought to re
voke the order heretofore made con
stituting the commissioners superin
tendents of roads and bridges. There
is no law authorising suoh action nor
is it necessary that there should be.
Boad supervisors are appointed and
paid for tbe express purpose of looking
after tbe roads and bridges in their re
spective distrusts, and if they fall to do
so the county court has authority to
remove them. It is all folly to appoint
one man to superintend a certain work
and then appoint another to superin
tend the superintendent.
BAL8ER. At tbe Quick farm, near this
city, on Wednesday, January e, iw, to
the wife of S. Salser, a 10-pound boy.
Lieu Land Purchasers Lose
Their Money
Tbonxands of Dollars Invested tn
Script Proves a Loss to
tbe Holders.
Mr. T. W, Davenport, state land agent at
Salem, writes the Oregonien under date ol
January 2. that "for seversl months past
tlit federsl laud officers in this state bare
been transmitting to Governor Lord notices
from the commissioner of tbe genersl land
office at Washington that csrtain lists of
lieu-land selections, made during tbe last
four or five years, are held for cancellation,
and giving tbe state from 80 to 60 days In
which to show cause why they should not
be cancelled. Tbe reason given for so hold
ing them Is that the said selections were
made upon false or illegal bases. These
lists, which are numerous, include scores
of tracts of lands, sold by the state to as
msny individuals, citizens of the state,
whose addresses are unknown to the state
officers, and who, therefore, cannot be ap
prised of tbe critical condition of tbeirhold'
lugs by publication.
"That such a condition of affairs should
arise, by which so many persons holding
state deeds or certificates of sale are to be
dispossessed of their purchase!, cannot be
referred to mere clerical errors, and on tbs
face seems to Imply that there has been
dense Ignorance or extensiTS rascality on
the part of those officers charged with tbe
management of land matters.
"And tills is an additional reason why it
Is detmed necessary to publish, along with
tbs list of names, a brief account of the
methods adopted by the state to list and
sell the Ilea lands to whieb it ia entitled,
and Incidentally to give some explanation
of the present rathsr troublesome results.
Not a few people believe that the state Is, or
ought to be, held responsible for everything
done in Its name, and by Its officers, and
that when It executes a deed for a piece of
land is legally and morally bound to make
tbe title good. It is almost needless to say
tbsse are errors which a moment's reflec
tion mnst dispel.
"How would it do In Individual transac
tions to depsrt from tbe present safe and
just rule, that an agent cannot bind bis
principal as to business outside of the
agency, or In matters between tbe state
and its citlsens to insist that, whatever an
officer might do, the state would be bound
byttr Tbe fact is, and must be, that the
extent to which tbe state may be bound by
Its officers Is set forth in the laws ; and if a
deed be given In the name of the state, but
in derogation of law, it ia s nullity. Anil'
legal act, though done by an officer, and in
the name of the state ia still illegal and
binds nobody. The Oregon state law said
the lieu land selections shall be made 'in
tbe manner prescribed by the laws of the
United States,' but where a tract is selected
in lieu of a so called mineral base, without
such proof as tbe United States law required
to establish its mineral character, both tbe
state and federal laws were ignored by tbe
state officers.
"There Is nothing unreasonable or capra-
clous, therefore, in the holding for esucel
latlon of all such selections. It is Just what
should have been expected by tbe state
land officers and the registers and receivers
of all the federal land offices in the state.
The truly strange aspect of the case is that
the state land office should make selections
In known conflict with United States laws,
and that the federal land officers should
ever permit one of them to pass to Wash
"The laws governing the selections of lien
lands have been long iu operation; every
land office In the state is in possession of
them, and of the Judicial decisions made
under them. The rule that 'lieu land selec
tions, based upon calculated deficiencies in
unturveyed townships, are invalid,' has
been declared over and over again, and yet
It haa been habitually violated by tbe Ore
gon state land office.
"The rule, thatwhere selections are made
to compensate for school sections alleged
to be mineral, 'the proof must be that tbe
mineral exists In paying quantities,' It old
and well established by judicial decisions,
sud yet a violation of it has been tbe prin
cipal stock in trade of some Oregon lien
land attorneys.
"It goes without saying that one base
should not be used for two or more selec
tions, and so the courts have been called
upon to declare against such robbery; but
there Is plenty of evidence in the Oregon
land office, and the federal land offices, too,
that it haa been done repeatedly in the
name of the state of Oregon. I am in
formed by an ex-reglstsr of tbe United
States land office that one base served for
five selections." '
It will be remembered that lien land script
was Issued by the state which would be re
ceived as part payment for land, and land
could not be purchased without such script
This law was hardly upon the statute books
until a combination of designing men was
formed to monopolise the lieu land busi
ness, and they proceeded to bay up all the
script, and once having a "corner" on tht
supply thsy proceeded to sell it at an ad
vance over the state price, some being told
at three times the amount paid the state
for it. Not oontent with the immense profit
at this rate, they proceeded to sell numer
ous tracts of land to which the state had
not a shadow of a title, and consequently
when the matter came before the general
land office at Washington, and it appeared
that several persons held a receipt for tbe
same land the claims were all cancelled, and
as a result hundreds of Innocent people
have lost their money. There are several
viotims of the steal in this county.
Highest Honor World Pair,
aold Medal, Midwinter Pair.
' - 'DR;
Jioat Perfect Made.
49 Years the Standard.
Oounty Conrt Proceedings.
Tbe regular January term of county
court convened on tbe 8th inal., with
all the offloers present, when the fol
lowing proceedings were had :
In the of rebate of tax of L. V. Bice.
It appearing that the property of L.
V. Bice had been erroneously assessed
it is hereby ordored that a warrant in
the sum of 2.31 be drawn in favor of
the party.
In the matter of the petition of Joel
Bate for liquor license. Petition was
granted, .
In tbe matter of the petition of 0.
E. Hunter for liquor license. Petition
Petition of Geo. Sierkt and others
for county road, granted, and Ole Bob
man, John Downing and I. Engleharl
appointed viewers, and W. N. Meserve
surveyor, to meet at the residence of
Harry West on February 24, 1896.
In the matter of the petition for
credit of tax of B. F. Williams, tor the
year 1892. Petition granted.
The accounts of the clerk, sheriff
and treasurer were examined found
correct and approved.
In the matter of the appointment
of justice of the peace for Nehalem
precinct; ordered by the court that C.
F. Knowles be, and he is, hereby ap
pointed. Thereupon court adjourned until
January 21. 1896.
3. M. Archibald wat In the city the first
of the week.
George Archibald killed two deer Just be
fore the close season.
Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton made a busi
ness trip to Portland Monday.
R. B. Foster went to St. Helens Monday,
0. C. J squish was in St. Helens and Port
land the first of the week.
Mr. Alex McDonald was taken with la
grippe last week, and Dr. Sims broke It up,
then typhoid fever set in and he was
taken to Portland Tueaday, where be was
met by Dr. Moore, who pronounced it a
critical case, and the patient waa taken to
8L Vincent's hospital.
Wbsa Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
Whan She was a Child, She cried f br Caatoria,
When site became Was, she clung to Castoria.
WbanahehadChfldreo, she gavs them Castorlfc
The three inches of snow which fell here
a short time ago haa about all disappeared.
Joseph Deliskl has gone to Suets reserva
tion. Mr. Dupont bastuilt a large cattle stable
43 feet long.
The dance at Mr, Dupont's was a great
success. All bad a good time.
Joseph Dnpont has gone bsck to his work
down the river after a short Christmas visit
with hit friends.
The Dtacavery Bared Hta Life.
Mr. O. Caillouette, druggist, Beaverville,
111., saya: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I
owe my life. Waa taken with LaOrippe
and tried all the physicians for miles about,
but of no avail and waa given up and told I
could not lire. Having Dr. King's New
Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle
and began its use and from the first dose
began to get better, and after using three
bottles was np and about again. It is worth
its weight in gold. We won't keep store or
house without it." Get a free trial at Dr.
Boss' drug store. "
His Neck Broken.
Bakes Cm, Jan. 6. Walter B. Cranston
last night fell from the 470-foot level In the
Virtue mine down the shaft, a distance of
112 feet. The unfortunate young man was
in charge of the pnmp and dropped to
sleep. When awakened by the carman the
pump had stopped. In a dated condition
the deceased raised the crossbar and stepped
into the shaft, doubtlessly believing be was
entering the cage. His neck was broken
by the fall, and when assistance arrived the
body was lifeless. Cranston waa raised in
this county, and was an exemplary young
Care tor Hsatachs.
As a remedy for all forms of headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be tbe very
best. It effects a permanent cure and tbe
most dreaded habitual sick headache yield
to its Influence. We urge all who are af
flicted to procure a bottle, and give this
remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual
constipation Klectrio Bitters cures by giving
the needed tone to the bowels, and few
cases long resist the nse of this medicine.
Try it once. Fifty cents and 11.00 at Boss'
drug store.
County Treasurer's Office, J
ST. Helens, Or., Dee. 13. 1895.1
NOTICE is hereby given that all Colum
bia county warrants heretofore pre
sented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want
of Funds." np to July 29. 1893, will be paid
upon presentation at this offioe. Interest
on the same will not be allowed after this
date. a-MOi K. M. WH4RT0N,
Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
W. I. Bweetlsnd and J. H. ttbeldon. doin
business under the firm name of Sweetland
A Sheldon, is this day dissolved by mutual
oonsent. The business will be continued
by J. H. Bheldon, to whom all firm ac
counts are due and payable.
J amis H. Sbsldor.
Dated at 8t. Helena. Oreeon. this 1st dav
of January, 1896.
N'OTICE is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed assirnee of
the estate of The Mayger Company, a cor
poration, an insolvent debtor. All persons
having claims against said insolvent debtor
are hereby notified and required to present
the same, properly verified, to the under
signed, at Mayger nostoffice. Columbia
county, Oregon, within three months Irom
me date nereoi.
Dated January 3, 1896. 1
3f7 - Assignee.
Groceries,' Hay, Floor and Feed
Country Produce Boaght and Sold, and Ex-
uuangeu n,r uooas. unaercsKing booas
furnished on Short Motion.
Store on Strand Street, BT. HELENS, OR.
' a. Sj. ..aa.ei A. a. a.u a. a. a. A.
81 and 83 THIRD
Men's All
Single and Double Breasted Sacks, all sizes, in Twenty-four Patterns,
M j $9.65
WOOLEN MILLS CASSIMERE, and manufactured on OUR
J. M. MOYER & CO.,
Wholesale and Retail Clothiers.
Western Star Washing Machines H 00
Clothes Wringers 1 75
Heating Stoves, $3.50 and Up.
lanre assortment of Heating and Cookina- Stores, Steel Ranges, Tinware, Granite Wai
luminum. Axes Sledges. Cross-Cut Saws, wedges, Eto., at prices to suit Everybody.
212 First Street, Near Salmon,
for Infanta and Children.
PnOTHERS, Do You Know aat ftr,
fa ICaJ Bt'""u''s Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many ao-eaflnd Soothing Sjrnpa, and
saoat remedies far cbildraa are oomposed of ophua or morphine r
Ho Tens K-go-w Ual orinia and morphine are atnpefjina: nareoUo pofaoas 1
Do Ton Know that la moat aonntriM dnunriata are not permitted to sell aarootlos
yff uhnHnj thimi IHdlaa T
Pa Ton Knew that you ahoold not permit any medlctne te be grw tout ehM
smless yon oryoar phyaldan know of what It la oomposed t
Po Tarn Know that Castoria Is a pnrefcr tagetaMe prepsraUcn. sad that a Bat of
Mm incredfenU ia puhnshed with erary bottle t
Po Ton Know that Cagtorla is the preacrtptlon ot the famoos Dr. Samnal Pitcher.
That It has been m use for aearty thirty Tsars, and that more Pastor la Is soar sold than
ot all other remedtea for children ownrrnwd t
Po Ton Know that tbe Patent Offioe Department ot the United States, and of
other eonatriea, hare naoed ezchurn right to Dr. Pitcher and his aaatgns to use the word
" Gsurtsaia" and Its formula, and that to tmltste them Is a state prison oitanr
Po Ton Know that one of the reaoona for granting thai roremment protection was
Po Ton Know that 38 awea-ag. doasa of Castoria are foniansd for SO
sorts, or one coat a doss t
Po Ton Knew thM wtien rosatsael of this perfect prernin may
be kept wan, and that yon may havs unbroken rest ?
WnCl. theoo thfawga are worth knowing. Theyasefacta.
Tne fcc-afanile)
slgnntw of
Children Cry for
Has re-onened under the rnanarement
of GEOKGE A. BR1NN, corner of Strand
and Cowlila Streets, St. Helens. Oregon,
wnere can ne tonna tne choicest brands ot
Card tables, ncol table, billiard table and
other devices for the entertainment of pat
rons, where time can be pleasantly spent.
Besides other nonnlar brands, are kent
constantly on hand to supply the increased
trade at this very popular saloon.
Monte Yista Nursery
A choice lot of two-year-old Apple Trees,
Ben Dayis, Northern Spy, Spitseuberg.Oray
enstein, Melon, Red Astrochan and other
varieties. A choice lot of Italian Prune,
Plum, Pear and Cherry Trees, and small
fruits. Trees hare been Inspected and pro
nounoed the cleanest, thriftiest and nicest
lot in the district. They are grown on well
under-drained Cr timber sou, hare good
fibrous roots, which we dig with trees. Send
for list. Address
Patronize Home
ST, S. W, Cor. Oak
Wool Suits
and 83 Third Street, Cor. Oak
Wash Boners fl 00
No. S Cooking Stove 7 60
Pitcher's Castoria
Btrs. Telephone end Bailey Gattert
Alder St, Portland: Flarel doek, Astoria.
Telephone leaves Portland daily (except Sun
day) at 7 a. m., leaves Astoria dally at 7 p. m.,
(except Sunday). Runs direct to train for Clat
sop beach, and connects with steamer Ilwaoo
lor Ilwaoo trains, running to all points en North
Bailey Gatsert leaves Portland daily at 8 p at.,
(except Sunday), on Saturday at 11 p. m. Leaves
Astoria daily at 6:45 a. m. (except Sunday and
Monday), on Sunday at 7 p. m.; eonnectn with
all trains lor Clatsop beach and Ilwaoo beach.
This Una baa a boat connecting with both
beaches, returning from Astoria svery night In
tht week.
X. A. 8RKLKT, Agent V. B. SCOTT, Pres.
J. H. DECKER, Proprietor.
The old and reliable barber has his rasors Jnat
as sharp as can be found, and will ahavs jou
comfortably and quickly for only IS cents.
: nisoACTiissas or
Dimension Lumber, Flooring,
Rustle, Sheathing, Casings, and a
complete stock of eyeiy variety of
Rough and Dressed Lumber