The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 10, 1896, Image 1

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; VOL. 13.
NO. 3.
lutntu nvKitir rumAv imoiinihg
Subscription Hale.
On. oi)r on. year In advance.,,,,,
iiie copy NIK uiuiuiis.,....,
Blngls ioiy.....
... 7f
Adv.rtlalng rates mail, known upon application
County Officer.
Jtllttltt. . . r. . . ........
Treasurer . U
Bind, of Schools.,.,
Aasetsor. ...'.
...Dean Blanchard, Halnlur
...Jiidsnn Weed, Veruoiila
.....i ima. r., Kiilnier
M. niiarlnn Columbia City
.......i.w, huh. nc-anlKioa
Mnrlln while. Oulncv
Sun o) or t'" 'a V'.'i' Kn,k' r,i'l'"oae
I....8. O hVlioonov.r, VeriinnlM
n, n. .unserve, naieim
T. J. (.'I.BBTOM.
H. allis.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Notarlt. Public, Conveyancing and Collection
jpK. ii. b. curt,
8t. iluluns, Oregon
R. J. K. II ALU,
Clatakntile, Columbia county, Or.
Surveyor and Civil Engineer
County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town
Platting iul KngiiiixrliiK work iiruiniitly
A. II. BI.AKKHI.KV, Proprietor.
Board by Day, Week or Month
Th. table (ti.ilH with Ih beat Ilia market
SRorda. Kvar) thing dean. A altar, of your pat
Miiav Isanlh'lleil. hi'. IIKI.KNS. (HtKliilN.
TtlOS. COOl'KR, Proprietor.
Horses Boarded and Cared For.
E. MoNEILL, Heceiver.
Two Transcontinental Routes
Sookane, Minneapolis & St. Pua
nr way of , ,,
For San Francisco.
For Full Details Call on or AdilrM
General FreiKht and Pass, Agt Portland.
Clf IQXEfl RllSila PAYS
Ifyou na the Petahma
mcunmw a nreetlsra.
Mak money while
Ian. I! I
other are waiting
time by old processes,
Catalog tell. all .bout
It, and deecribes every
Hlu?trt I 1
Catalogue Ut
article neeoraior
poultry business,
The "ERIE"
mechanically th best
wheel. Prettiest model.
U'e era Pacific Coaat
Agent. Blcvcl cata-
logue, mailed free, give.
ftilldcserlntl, price, etc., AORirr WAWTitn.
Bbahcs llouan, jjt 8 Main St., Lob Angelea.
Caveats, and Trade-Mark, obtained, and all Pat
ent buiinaai conducted for modcrati ret.
Ooa Orncr i Oepoarrt u. a. patcnt orrter.
wmot.froni ssnington.
Send model, drawing or photo,, with defin
ition. We advise, if patentable or not, Ire. of
i charge. Our le. not uu. 5111 la .cured.
I . 1 "How to Obtain l' a,lth
com of MDia In th U. 8. and foreign eouatrlea
aant free. Adtreu,
... ......n.,ci UfaaHiHOTOM. D. C.
Events of the Day in a Con'
densed Form.
OF INTEREST TO ALL READERS of Impurtauo From Dome.tle
ud Foreign Source
of th Dl.patehe..
Reoout ootiaui flgurri ghow that In
ten yean MaiisaoUoaetU bni loit in
The aale ha been announced of nine
LbhiIvIHo, Colo., mluea to an Enlgiah
.yudioate for $1,000,000.
A severe shook of earthquake was re-
Gentry fult in New westmingter and
most portions of the Fraser valley.
The Amerioan bark Arotorui parted
her oable and went to pieoes on the
looks at Santa Rosalia, Cal. One man
was drowned.
Fire in the Chicago Forge & Bolt
Company plant did 176,000 damage,
The plant is owned by the Amerioan
Bridge Company.
It tranapiros that the Boiphorns is
rikely to be the destination of the
North Atlantic squadron of American
battleships, instead of the Carribean
The mombori of the Venezuela oom-
miaslon met in Washington and re-
oeivpd ibeir commissions from Boore-
tary Olney, and were administered the
oath of oflioe, and elected their offloers.
The Cheyenne north-bound passenger
train was wrecked at Chugwater,
Wyu, by running into a bunch of cat
tle in a out. Fireman Parker was
killed and Engineer ONeill hurt
Four ooaohes were derailed.
Warships flying the star and stripes,
and manned by Amerioan bluejaokets,
may force the passage of the Dardan
elles and Bosphorous, anchor at Con
stantinople and show the sultan tnat
Unole Sam is not to be trifled with.
The National Associatiiation of Man
ufacturers of the United States will
shortly hold their annual meeting in
Chicago. Particular attention will be
given to the Nioaraagua oanal, the con
vention favoring the government own
ership of the great waterway.
Mrs. Nichols, station agent at Farm-
iugton, Utah, and who lives alone in
the upper room of the station house,
discovered burglars in the aot of rob
bing the money drawer. She plucikly
pursued thorn and compelled them to
return every oont they had taken.
The iuvasion of the Transvaal by Dr.
Jamieson and the forces of the British
South Africa Company has brought up
all the latent feeling of hostility to
England. The Britons are wrathy bO'
oause of the character of the kaisers'
messuge to Kruger and denounce the
telegram as a dooidedly unfriendly act.
The United States bureau of eth
oology expedition to Tiburon island
has returned to New York. The Zori
Indians abandoned their ranohes on the
approach of the party and hid in the
mountains. The expedition embraoed
tho first white people who have visited
the island in fifteen years and returned
The recent massacre at Ornish is
stated to have been terrible. Official
dispatahea admit 000 Christians were
killed, but aooording to private ac
counts about 8,000 Christians were
killed. A niaasaore is said to have
oooarred at Blrejlk, an important town
on the Euphrates. This outrage is be
lieved to have been committed by Kurds
and Hamedios in the colony. The am
bassadors have received word that the
bloodshed there was exceptionally seri
ous. A large meeting of the Allegheny
County Bar Association was reoently
held in Philadelphia to decide the ques
tion whether women should be ad
mitted to praotioe. The women were
victorious by a vote of more than 10 to
1, consequently they will be aooorded
the same privileges as their male col
leagues. The question was decided
after a lively disoussionof a resolution,
which called on the judges to prohibit
women from becoming members of the
bar in Allegheny county.
Another uprising has ooourred in
At a hotel fire in Altoona, Pa., three
people were killed by a falling wall.
Meetings are being held in Chicago
to devise means to aid the suffering
In a railroad wreck in South Africa
twenty-eight persons were killed and
twenty-three seriously injured.
Nearlv 1.000 chests of tea of the
oargo of the- big tramp steamer Afrida
were damaged on the voyage irom
Yokomhama to San Francisco, and
some of the stuff will be a total loss.
An open switch, caused by the oare-
lussness of a oonductor, resluted in a
collision ol a freight and passenger
train near Chiloothe, O. Six people
were killed and many more wore in
A Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul
train ornslied into a funeral procession
at Plina street, Chicago, injuring five
persdns. One of the carriage drivers
was thrown fifty feet, but none of the
injured will die.
Two children, aged 7 and 8 years,
were captured by the police in San
Franoisoo in the aot of robbing a store.
They had been assisted by larger boys
in seouring an entranoe, and confessed
to having had previously entered an
other store in the same manner.
Monsignore Satolli, apostolic dele
gate to the United States, Has been
raised to the rank of cardinal of the
oburoh. The ceremony, whioh took
place at the venerable cathedral in Bal
timore, oonsisted of conferring the red
berretta, significant of the high station,
At Albany, N. Y., the climax of one
of the most sensational and dramatio
oriminal inoidents of the state's history
was made publio when, just forty
eight hours prior to the execution of
the death suntenoe of Bartholomew
Shea, another man oonfessed to the
murder, and Shea stepped from beneath
the shadow of death thrown by tne
elootrio chair. Preparations for the
execution had been made, the state
eleotrloian was already upon the
A special from Washinirton says:
more Important issue than that over the
Venezuela boundary mav be raised be
tween the United States and Great
Britain if recent reports from Nicara
gua shall be confirmed by later develop
monts. The substance of these re'
ports, sustained by important evidence,
is that British interests are reaching
out lor the ooutrol of the Nicaragua
oanal, and that the government is be
ing urged to annul the charter to the
existing corporation.
The whole Cuban island outside of
the city of Havana is now in the hands
of the insurgents. They have not an
nihilated the Spanish foroes, nor have
they routed the whole army In any
single pitched battle; yet the situation
is praotioally in their bands, and so
completely have they outgeneraled the
Hpaniah that, to all appearances, Mar
tines Campos army might as well be
in Spain for any check it has upon the
movements of Gomez's army.
Secretary Carlisle has made publio a
circular on the subject of the new bond
issue. The loan will be a "popular'
one, and the oiroular, which is dated
January 6, gives notice that the gov
eminent will sell $100,000,000 80-year
4 per oont coupon or reigstered bondB,
dated February 1, 189S, for whioh pur
chasers will be required to pay in gold
ooin or . gold oertifloates. This will be
the first issue by the present adminis
tration of such a large amonut of
bonds at one time. The oiroular also
contains an intimation of a possible
further issue of bonds should the issue
or sale of an additional or different
form of bond for the maintenance of
the gold reserve be authorised by law
before January 6.
Th Mormon
Trrltory I Admitted to
Washington, Jan. 6. The president,
at 10 oolook this morning, signed a
proclamation admitting Utah to state'
hood. The proclamation is as follows:
"Whereas, The congress of the
United States passed an aot whioh
was approvved on the 16th day of July,
eighteen hundred and ninety-four, en
titled 'An aot to enable the people of
Utah to form a constitution and state
government, and to be admitted into
the Union on an equal footing with the
original states', whioh act provides for
the election of delegates to a constitu
tional convention, to meet at the seat
of government of the territory of Utah,
on the first Monday of Maroh, eighteen
hundred and ninety-five, for the pur
pose of declaring the adotpion of the
constitution of the United States by
the people of the proposed state, and of
forming a constitution and state gov
ernment for such state; and
"Whereas, Delegates were accord
ingly elected, who met, organized and
declared on behalf of the people of said
proposed state the adoption of the con
stitution of the United States, all as
provided in said aot; and,
"Whereas, Said convention, so organ
ized, did by ordinance irrevocably,
with the consent of the United States,
and the people of said state, as required
by said aot, provide that perfect tolera
tion of religious sentiment shall be sc
oured, and that no inhabitants shall
ever be molested in person or property,
on aocount of his or her mode of re
ligious worship, but that polygamous
or plural marriages are forever pro
hibited, and did also by said ordinanoe
make various other stipulations reoited
in section three of said aot; and,
" Whereas, said oonvention thereupon
formed a oontitution and state govern
ment for said proposed state, whioh
constitution, inolnding said ordinanoe,
was duly submitted to the people there
of, at an election, held on the Tuesday
next after the first Monday of Novem
ber, eighteen hundred and ninety-five.
as directed by said aot; and,
Whereas, The return of said eleotion
has been made and canvassed, and the
result thereof certified to by me, to
gether with a statement of the votes
oast and a oopy of the said constitution
and ordinanoe, all as provided in said
aot, showing that a majority of the
votes lawfully oast at such eleotion
was for the ratification and adoption j
of said constitution and ordinanoe; and,
"Whereas, The constitution and gov
ernment of said proposed state are Ro
publioan In form, said constitution is
not repugnant to the constitution of
the United States and the Declaration
of Independence, and alt provisions of
said aot have been complied with in
the formation of said constitution and
"Now, Threfore, I, Grover Clevland,
president of the United States of
America, in accordance with the aot of
oongress aforesaid, and by authority
thereof, do announoe the result of said
eleotion to be as so certified, and do
hereby declare and proclaim that the
terms and conditions pits rited by the
oongress of tho United States to entitle
the state of Utah to admission into the
Union have been duly oomplied with,
and that the creation of said state, and
its admission into the Union on an
equal footing with the original states
is now accomplished. In testiomnv
whereof, I have hereto set my hand
and oaused the seal of the United States
to be affixed," etc., ,
The president has also signed the aot
transferring to the state of Utah the
offloes and properties of the territorial
offioes and of the Utah commission.
Kdltorlal VUws on th Praaldant'a AS.
vie and th Country' Needt.
IN. T. Commercial and Financial Chronicle.)
If Mr. Cleveland had made it his
study to bring out in strongest relief
the financial weakness of the United
States he could not have bit upon a
better device for doing It than his
earlier message to congress on the
Venezuela question. We have the men
needed and a few ships; but as to
money, we have not even credit That
is a humiliating admission but is it
not the exact truth?
Whater.r Iteed Want.
(Philadelphia Time..
The Republican majority in the
house have promptly realized the ne
cessity of doing something in response
to the president's appeal for financial
action. This will probably be a com
posite measure upon the lines suggested
by Mr. Reed, providing for low rate
bonds for the purchase of gold, for
oertifloates of indebtedness to meet de
ficiencies and for additional revenue
through ouBtoms duties, upon wool and
some other articles. Whatever the
oommittee may report and that will
doubtless be whatever the speaker
thinks it ought to report will be
promptly passed in the house and the
party record thus made clear.
A Reaaaurloc Me.aaje.
New Voik Timea.J
Mr. Cleveland has issued a message
that is distinotly reassuring, inasmuch
as it aims to take advantage of a united
national sentiment to make one for
ward move In the effort to put the
country's finances on a sounder basis.
It is a demonstration of the radical
unsoundness of our financial system
that the declaration, by the executive,
of a foreign polioy whioh the oongress,
representing in this case truly the
sentiment of the nation, promptly rati
fies should oause so sudden and con
siderable of a disturbance.
In a Nutshell.
Button Herald.
nere is tne financial situation in a
nutshell. The government can reduce
tne supply of currency which is now
forcing our sold abroad bv absorbing
fl, u v - ' .,. nm..
a uuuu Bvaiu. imi i s. Klrea: S75.000 at Springfield, Ohio: 1105,
would unlock the inner reservoir of the I poo at Coffeyvlll. Kan.: 1180,000 at Clev-
. , l . , .
UCTBury umauue uuu jura tne KOia. or
tne greenbacks tnat might be presented
In ernhanaa fn, W eh. e..
e --e ' -t
vaults, wnere they would remain
permanently locked up, unless and
until they found release through the
aenciency of tne revenue.
It Might Have Been."
PitUburs Dispatch.)
If Secretary Carlisle had early in
the history of the presentation of the
legal tenders for redemption ordered
every legal tender bo redeemed to be
kept in the reserve, for re-issue in its
operation that is, when gold was of
fered in exchange for it $100,000,000
of the subsequent inoiease of debt
would have been unnecessary, and
there would not have been the slightest
question of the maintenance of the re
serve under such an administration.
The Duty of Congress.
Kansas City Star.
There is just one thing which oon
gress can do speedily in response to the
president's urgent request for measures
of relief of the treasury in its present
emergency. That is to authorize the
secretary of the treasury to obtain gold
from Amerioan citizens upon terms
which will leave no doubt as to the
purpose of the United States govern
ment to return gold in the future to
those who furnish it to the govern
ment now.
The Wicked Greenback.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
From the presidential standpoint the
greenback is a mean, wicked old thing,
that has done a'l the mischief and
made him give $11,000,000 in good
money to the goldbugs of London to
watch the treasury while he went
a-fishing and Carlisle was skylarking
arouna Kentucky.
He Thinks Anything; Goes.
INew York Recorder.)
It looks as though the president was
fairly carried away himself by the
demonstration of patriotism whioh his
Venezuela message inspired, and sud
denly jumped to the conclusion that
anything he might say at the present
time would be received with aoquies-
cenoe and support, if not with equal
enthusiasm. .
Cause of Gold Exports.
(Philadelphia Press.)
Gold exports oan be looked for this
week because they generally take place
when there ia a crash of credits in Eu
rope, The destruction of oredits on a
large scale creates a demand for gold
after all panics, and the past week has
wiped out credit values on a tremendous
scale in Europe. The result is that a
large amount of gold will go to Europe.
Cleveland Hysterical. '
New York Evening Post,
Mr. Cleveland's hysterical message
on the financial situation is a fitting
sequel to the third-term pranks he has
been playing. By his own aot, deliber
ately planned months ago, he has pre
cipitated the worst panio this genera
tion baa seen, and now he calls on oon
gress to pull him out
-Demoorat Helpless.
ISt. Lou's Globe-Democrat.1 ;
The Democrats in oongress are help
less so far as legislation is oonoerned,
but there ia still left to them the
blessed privilege of confessing the sins
of their party in speeches suitable for
circulation as Bepublioan campaign
documents next year.
Greenbacks Are Innocent.
Atlanta Con.titutiou.l
The greenbacks have no more to do
with the exports of gold than they have
to do with the ohanges of the moon.
To retire thorn will simply place the
responsibility of furnishing gold on in
dividuals who are not strong enough to
stand the strain.
Chronological Record of Twelve
ir f
Months. J
An Epitome of All Events of
r Importance.
i. A.
Th TJana! Admlntnr of Dlar,
Crime, Political Chans; sa, Commer
cial AehUvamanSa, and Interna'
tlonal Complication-Ati-ocltle
Tnrk In Armenia the Moat Shock'
Inar Pas; la Madera Hlatorjr Pow
er of Europe Unite la Demanding:
Reform-Cuban Bevolntloa Next In
Public Interest,
With but two exception, the nature of
the events which go to make up the hla-
tory of the past rear 1 not startling,
The butchery of thousands of Armenian.
br Turks bss aroused the European
Powers, and at the close of th year actlr
preparations were in progress which sug
gested the probable dismemberment of
the Ottoman empire. The revolt of
Cubans against Spanish rule was the
next most important affair, and that, too,
was In full sway at the close of the year.
Bpaln seems to fruitlessly bend every
energy toward its suppression. Popular
sympathy is largely with the Cubans, and
their success seem not Improbable. In
American politics the year has been ex
citing, and one of the great parties has
suffered such reverses as to leave the
chief executive unsupported in political
faith by a majority In either house of
Congress. A chronological record of
events follow:
1. Michigan's first public Installation of
mat. ouK-era. .. .uot. Morton, or New York,
worn in. .. .Belgium oar American Deer..
Tom Blair lynched at Mount Sterling, Kr..
r ive nerisa in an incendiary nr. at Lancas
ter, Ity.
2. Death of Col. Edwsid M. Heyl, Inspec
Chicago Carnegie' Homestead men atrlke
g"lp.' "n-uctlon of wage..
tor general uepanmem or in Miaeouri,
i eow.wv a. tu. oumuem iiuuoi. in
.una A.vlnm at Ann. -Ul.n
Hl" ' cabinet dinner.
. .B"- !r11:" title unite In
I seuaing aid to aeatltute
seudlng aid to deatltute people In Nebraaka
. . . .eiou.vuv ore in Hiiwauaee.
S. Captain Dreyfua, of the French army,
yuuucij ut-grnaeu lor selling war aecrera.
6. $1,000,000 are at Toronto: two Uvea loaf.
T. Eiuloslon on steamer In Rio harbor kills
1VO. ...Hit water In Oh lo River towns.
8. Starving men pillage store at St. John's,
n. e .
9. W. W. Taylor. ex-Treasurer of South
Dakota, einbeulee srao.OOO; hla bank st Bed-
aeia cioee.
10. Two lives lost In a Toronto Are: oros-
11. Coldest day of the aeason In Chicago
tm uriow. .-. .oioruja id me e,as.
12. Train beld up near Uttnmwa, Iowa.
13. One hundred Bremen frost-bitten at
ltraaroru. ra.: 118U.000 damairea Severs
vesseia ion on rjnaland'a enaat: flrtMn anil.
wr 'in.wn.
14. Hundred miners tranned br rlalne w.
ter in North 8Ulf irtlshlre, ISnz.; 20 drowned.
tllant nowder horror at Hittte.
ov popie Kiiiea, iuu uurt
French Presl-
dent leslgn: Ituyallata awake.
11. iu. rem I'aure elected President of
r rnnce.
18. New. of rebellion In Rnarntl rtAath
of Mary, Vice President Bterensou's dangh-
7r. . . . lunula uruervu out CO protect IfroOK'
yii iront-ya.
ID. Rodv of Barrett Srntf th rvKoln
Neb., defaulter, found lu the river, with rope
around hi. ueck. .. .Hluklng of steamer
Binte or Allasouri in tne Ulilo: rortv Uvea
21. Chlcaa-u has a thunder and en I n atnim
breeze, followed by a hurricane blowing a
MILD I M ,! ! If I . 1 1 1 1 1, II I n Dfl.rnH nrt - artrlnCT
mile an hour, temperature falling to 10 de
greea above aero: nianv neonle hurt hv ru
Ing timbers, blown from new bulldlna-a.
23. Steamer Chloora and 2B neonle lost off
South Haven. Mich
financial loan ukaimvi
ueatb or i-ord
nanaoipn UburcblJI at
1S. Seven killed by Mendnta. III. hoii.
vxp.oaiou. .. .uitaieniaia conceaea Mexico a
uuunoary ciiiiiu. .. .rearrui wind aud anow
storm In the West.
26. Thirteen aal ora drowned nfr Ptn Tn.
dlth. Conn.
27. Mercury below aero all day In Chicago
ukiluiit. lu n ii j eaiern roaua.
28. One killed. 43 hurt. In Vandalla wmk
at I'oatavlll. Ind President Cleveland's
currency nieaaiige sent 10 uongresa.
4U. net-vi vera nnuiea lor ine wmakv r-mar
SO. Steamer Elbe sunk In coIHmI.,,. with ,k.
vrotoie, 111 norm eea; hi-i uvea lost.
31. Death of Ward McAllister. i r
new aura . .ocieiy. : . -r :
S. New of klduaplnc of officer, from rm.
ted State, irtiiiuoat Concord, bv Chlueae. for
accldeutal shooting of a uatlve. .. .Chlcaa-o
. rnree arownea oy Milwaukee afreet ear
running Into an open draw. ., .Thirty French
miners allien oy explosion. .. .Chicago tem
perature IT below Queen Lll abdicates
Hawaii's throne.
U. Bllxxnrd sweeDa over th. Nnrfhwaat
Alarm for tho overdue French liner La Uaa-
7. Whole country suffers extreme enid 00
below at Chlcniru. .Nine men Inal It, nn.n
boata at Milwaukee. .. .Report of annihila
tion or vnineae neet ai vtei-rial-wel. .. ,Ad
mlulstiatlon's currency measure and Reed
and Cox substitutes dfeated lu the House.
8. President aunouucea the aula of ins.
400.000 lu booda Coldest day of the year
In Chicago.
iu. Hcunnner Clara and 15 men loat .iff I.I v.
erpool, N. 8.
11. I.a GasCOCIte. eight riava nranlna
makes New Vork harbor with dlttahieri ma.
chlnery; great rejoicing.
12. ezw.tajo aireet ear onrn nr at Chicago.
IS. Five Bremen killed. It) hurt, at l.v,,
lll. Death or Isaac P. tirav. Mtnl..... ,n
Mexico. .. .New Orleans has teu inches of
20. Death of Fred Douglass, the colored
orator, at Washington. .. .Quick sale of late
bond Issue.
2u. It lot at Savannah. Ga.. because r -
Priest Sluttery's lecture: troops called.
27. $40(1,000 Dre at Chicago: $1.(100,000 at
Halifax. .. .Scores of miners killed In New
Mexl o. .. .Postmaster Geueral Ulaaeii ra.
1. Mexican train wreck costs 104 lives
Five killed, 10 hurt, by falling walla at New
York Rebellion gains ground In Cuba.
2. $1,000,000 Ore lu Toronto: tlviooo at
Sallna, Kan.
3. Ch enco Times Issues Its laat number
before consolidation with tbe Herald.... Ter
rific snowstorm in Northwest.
4. Fifty-third Congress adjourns.
ft. Mrs. W. K. Vauderbllt divorced at New
One robber killed, one enntttred. and
four cltlxens wo mded during raid ou the 1
Odell. Iowa. bank.
S. Harry Hayward convicted of murderlmr
Catherlue Glug nt Minneapolis. .. .Steamer
t.ongreiiow alnaa at Cincinnati: twelve
10. Spanish war vessel Reins Reirente
founders; 400 loat.
1. six men Killed In New orleana riots.
12. Seven Italians lynched bv miners for
murder In Colorado.
13. Western Newspaper Union n ant hums
at Kansas City . ..Two more Italians lynch
ed In Colorado.
18. Five killed In round-house fire at To.
ledo: Krlloitir readv-brlnt nlnut at Clnveln,l
burns: $200,000 Are at St. Loula. ... Report of
sniKing 01 American acnooner auu crew of
iu ny npaiuan gunuoat.
explosion In Wyoming kills SO
.$100,000 Are In Peoria. TU,
21. $400,000' Sr. at Bloux City; $300,000 at
Kw Orleans.
24. LI Bung Chang shot by fanatic Japan
ese; not fatally. .. .$1,000,000 Are at Kansas
Cltjr, Kan., packlng-boun.
2s. Furious dust storm ovtr Central and
Western States
24. $1,000,000 Are In Milwaukee.
27. Thr train robbers killed ea Quaes
and Cr.ecent rout.
29. Japan declare armistice. .. .Hott.rt
March day aver known in Chicago; tempera
ture 78 degree.
80. Death of A. 0. Heslng, editor of Illi
nois Btaata-Zeltung.
L Boiler explosion kill six st Wobnrn,
Maas. ... Five die In Kentucky forest nr..
Republicans aueceaaful In Ohio, Michi
gan, Wisconsin and Chicago,
8. Death of Mr. Pa ran Stevens, society
queen of New York. .. .Grand l'aclflo Hotel
of Chicago closed ... Fifteen killed by explo
slon In New Orleans.
6. Biipram Court make chaoses In In
come tag law.. ..Train wrecks In Ohio and
Illinois kill sight.
8. Discovery of counterfeiting of postage
tamo. 21 miners killed at New What
com, Wash, , . .Collapse of six-story brick at
Wheeling, W. Vaj 8 killed: loss $10,000..
UHssard of Band and anow In the Weat.
. 13. Crude ell sell, at $2 In Pittsburg. . , .Co
Dan rebel wblD Seamen, troon.
14, Death by apoplexy of James W. Scott,
01 iiuirago Times-Herald, in new xors,
il.0Ou.0U0 hotel Are at Pasadena, Cal.
.v. uumuumw HI lv-iLrn 111 I HO WIIVII,, ,
Cuban rebellion eruahed. .. .Cattle admitted
rree rrom Mexloo.
10. Three killed, slz hart, at Chicago ship
yards, 20. H. H. Kohlsaat buy Chicago Tlmes-
neraia . , . . stay wneat sen at ou cents.
All grain advances strongly. .Oil goes
Five neeroea Irnehed at Butler Horlnaa.
Aia. .. .id iiicuB. nr inn. in iMiurnuu.
23. Supreme Court decides In favor of Debs
n tne ramous eon tempt of court case.
I. Ten persons killed by a Kansn cv
....Bandit, kill an Alton engineer. .. .Big
unit) coal strike on.
8. Awful death roll In Iowa and Wlscon.
in storms. .. .Five killed by nowder mill ex
plosion at South Acton, Man. .. .Hottest 3d
of May on record In Chicago; temperature
bs negreeat on man unstruca.
8. South Chicago and Jollet steel workers
strike, .. .Oriental pence assured.
10. Steamers Cayuga and Hurd Bunk off
nacatnaw. Mien., dv colliding: one man lost
pecuniary loss, $400,000. ., .Temperature at
Chicago drops from 80 to is. .. .Twelve peo-
pie 1
le nurt Dy gas explosion at Chicago; tour
IS. Killing frosts from Nebraaka to th At
lantic Snow stops the Chicago-New York
bail game at Chicago. .. .Eighteen lives and
iweire veaaei loat in atorma on LK Mien
18. Great flnrrv In corn and wheat.
18. $1,000.000 Are at St Albans. Vt.... Ter
rible earthquake In ls. ., .Killing froet
In fifteen States.
20. Income tax declared Invalid.. ..Wheat
ens at 7.1a eenre.
21. Jose Marts. President Cuban Insur
gents, killed. ...14 killed In San Francisco
powaer nouse explosion.
23. Two men lynched for assenlt st Dan
vine, in. .. . wneat reacnea nj cents, .
27. Supreme Court against Deba.
28. Death of Grea-am. Secretary of State.
29. Remarkable military reunion at Chi
Funeral of Gresbam at Chlcaro. . . .Ded
Icatlon at Chlcaao of Confederate monument.
01. uiouaourats in Texas, na renins drousnta
in middle Western State.. 00 degrees In the
suatie in Dakota, e x Inches of anow In Col
orado, balmy weather on tbe Pacific coaat.
auu tm uegrees in f-ew lorx city,
1. 2. 8. rrnnrecedented heat In Chlcaaro.
r-ew xora. Detroit, r'nuauemnia ana Indian.
apoua; many ucatna rrom neat proatration.
4. Drop at unicago or 4U degrees tempera
5. Silver convention at Springfield. III.
7. Olney appointed Secretary of State.
Harmon Attorney General. s
8. $200,000 Are at Kalamazoo.
9. $750,000 Are at Milwaukee.
13. Whisky trust declared Illegal.
IA npaanvllln lthl. t. . . . .')')" , M.
17. H. J. Aldrlch Valla for Si.000.000 at
Denver. .. .ueauiy storms sween the Mis
souri Valley. .. .Opening of Harlem ahlp
20. Opening of Kiel shin canal,
21. Roaebery's ministry defeated. .. .Two
ratauy, ten uauiy nurt. ny explosion
whalehack excursion steamer Chrlatonher
oiumoii at i;uicago.
26. Six firemen killed at Minneapolis: 1100.
000 loss $2,000,000 fire at San Francisco.
ifu. Deatn 01 t'ror. Tnoa. Huxley at London.
8. Daughter born to the Cleveland.
7. Terriflc atoim at Chicago. .. .811 drown
ed at Lake Geneva, Wis. ., . Michigan swept
oy tureei urea.
10. ctiriatlan unaeavor assembles at Bos
14. Destructive storm In North Dakota
Three drown at South Haven, Mich. .Seven
accidental fatalities at Chicago. ... Nine
killed bv storm in aew Tort and New Jenrr
16. Beginning of Horr-Harvey debate at
17. First annearance of bloomera at a hall
In Chicago. .. .Three Cincinnati firemen
18. Nine miners Imprisoned br care-In at
Iron Mountain. Mich. .. .British ship Prince
uiKir a 1111 luiiuuwa tvwei ems id coiliaion
40 perlsn.
le. Rescue of Iron Mountain miners.
Cleveland baby named Marlon.
21. Drowning or 148 Italians, by sinking
la cumeiuu vi Bivstuicr jaaria r. ...rour
Mass SiOO.OUO fire lu National Linseed 01
Comnanv Chlcaro warehouse.
Kiiiea at graae cro:ng at n iuiamaton
22. Report of killing of aeventeen Indiana
near jaiasons uoie. Wyoming: erava trou
ble Imminent.
23. Furious storm in Pennsylvania coke
region....!., o. at. o. train neu un in
Ohio: 17.000 stolen.
2. Th rty-two mitten Killed Dv exn oaloa
In WeHtphalla.
si. sixteen pertsn in a ciouuonm In Col
orado ana Wyoming.. ..Menominee, Mich.
has a $600,000 Are.
4. False report of race war at Boring Val
ley, ill., oecween iiaiioo ana negro minera
Murder of British misslonaiiea In China.
$1,000,000 Are at Spraeue. Wash.
1. U'.ain or ucorgo r. uoot, tne ramous
8. Thirteen killed and many Injured by fall
ing building lu New York. .Death of Supreme
unge uoneu rj. uacason, or xennesaee.
10. 1200.00U nre at Loexport. ill. .
11. $500,000 Are at Newark, N. J . .Four
Kiiiea in a wreca at nainonage. unto, .
13. $300,000 nre at Philadelphia.
18. Holocaust In Denver hotel: 26 killed.
Seven drown at Ocean City, Md.
zt. 'I'rnina niu up on tne t;. ae w. m near
Fennvllle. Mich., and on the Union Pacific
near Nortn rnuie, ieo ejignt Killed and
eignt injurea oy explosion at itraauock. pa.
2. Milwaukee loses s& bv fire...
Gentry loaea stallion pacing championship
IO I nlH'CH.
28-T-8. Heavy ntlns in corn Delt! severe
storms accompanied by fatalities In Illinois
and Ohio.
2a. Fifteen miners drown at Central Cltv.
Col. ,
2. One hundred people hurt on the 8ea
Beach road. Long island.
a. buriouu storm in central Northern
4. $300,000 nre at Boston.
6. Triple minder Is Sullivan County, Ind.
7. f orty-two miner perish lu a burn ng
mine at Caluuiet, Mich. .. .Defender de
feats Valkyrie In Arat cup contest by nine
8. Five killed by dynamite near Dubuque,
9. Opening of u
A. R. encampment at
10. Valkyrie foula Defender at the start.
nd wins second heat of yacht race br 47
seconds; race given to Defender on protest
. . . icuiptfrcf line ti uegrees s uuicago.
11. 3eveu killed bv exnlodlnr caisson st
Louisville. .. .Six killed in collision on Great
12. America cup goea to Defender, Valky
rie refusing to sail. .. .Seventy-five hurt by
inn u a Krnuu stoiui hi iiuuiHvnie, ivy
News of death of 300 by earthannke In Hon
duras. .. .Kx-uueeu i.iiluokalaul pardoued by
Hawaiian Government.
18. Six killed In a wreck at Lynchburg, Va.
' 17. Atlanta Exposition opened. .. .Phenom
enal beat lu Kansas; 107 degrees.
ia Dedication of Chlcknmauga-Chatta-nooga
National Military Park.
11). Spanish cruiser and 40 men lost In col
lision off Cuba.. .Steamship Edam sunk In
collision; all saved. .. .Six die of beat In Chi
cago. .
123. Great losses on upper lakes by storm.
28. Death of Pasteur at Paris.
29. Twenty-four lake vessels meet disaster
In a storm. .. .Retirement of Gen. 8chotield.
80. Continued galea on the lukea; schooner
Klma and eight people loat ou Pictured
' Rock.. .. .Mammoth mass meeting at Chi
;go declared sympathy for Cuba. . . .Nation
al League season closed, Baltimore winning.
1, Destructive gales on British cost. .. J
i;uoa aeciar ner inaepenaenc.
2. Texas pclal Legislature prohibit pu
gilism. 8. Million dollar Sra at Warren, ft. I.
7. 8va killed by explosion In a Wilkes-!
barre, Pa., mlo.. ,. .Masked bandits success-'
f ullr hold no a Chlcaao electrle car.
B. Anniversary of big Chicago are. .. .Five)
die by fire In Cincinnati. .., Steamer Afrlcal
snd crew of eleven loat In Owen Sound.
Geotgla father kill his nln children....
children burned to death at Snider, Ont.
12. $100,000 Ara loaa at Duluth.
13. Four killed, twelv hurt, on a Pittsburg
trolley car. .. .Five burn to death In a Manl-,
tone prairie nrei immense property loss.
10. IloO.OOO saw-mill Are at Minneapolis.
40. nan-million aouar nre at pbw uriesuai
1,000 people boineleoa. .. .First .nowstorra of
season st Chicago; Erie, Pa., ho a fall of ten
Inches 1
22, President Cleveland welcomed to At
lanta. .. .$175,000 unseed oil mill Are at Chl-1
e'Jf?-. . . . .
xi. iwBxe boot train run rrom uuicago to
Buffalo, 010 miles. In T hour SO minute 20
seconds, running tint, beating world' rec-
28, Three killed by explosion of tug boiler
at Chicago. ...Sheriff and poM at Tiffin,
Ohio, kill two of a lynching mob.. ..Burning
of Virginia's Cltsr I'
20. Negro criminal burned at the stake In;
Texas. ,..$200,000 Are In Springfield, Ohio!
....Two killed, three fatally hurt. In a col-j
usion in nt, ivouis,
81. Earthquake throughout tbe central belt'
ot me united Btatesi no catautiea, mus oam
age. November.
1, Earthquake at Rome. ,, .Durrant fonnd
OMilltv nf murder st Rsji Francisco.
2. H. H. Holmes found guilty of murder of
uenjamin ruse at Philadelphia.
8. Four killed in B. k O. wreck near Wheel
ing, W, Va. .. .Four burned to death In New
York tenement house fire.
A. Death of Eugene Field at Chicago..,.'
$300,000 Ara at Decatur. III.
8. Republican landslide. .. .$1,600,000 Are'
In New York, I
6. Forty killed by boiler explosion In De-
trolt, Mleb., Journal building. ...Ryan fam-i
lly of six die in their burning house at
Brooklyn. I
1L Chlcaro dallies reduce to 1 cent.
10, Twenty killed in a atreet car accident
at Cleveland, Ohio, .. .Death of Dr. 8. F.
Smith, author of "America," at Boston....
New. of another massacre by Turka In Ar
menia; 800 slnln. .. .Consolidation of Chicago
Journal and Press.
19, Furious snow and wind storm In North
west. .. .Lowell, Mass. 1 Dallas, Texas; and.
Purcell, I. T., have big fire.
Jil. $600,0110 Are In Springer Building, Chl-1
CRgo. ., .Eugene V. Deb. released from;
Woodstock, III., Jail. .. .Snltaa of Turkey;
- -,,!! 1,- ,. nniK.f nftSP
he bad countenanced many Armenian masaa
crea. 22. Five firemen loaa life In a $500,000 Chi-'
cairn blaae. .Ilelesse from tall and enthusi
astic reception of E. V. Deb, labor leader, 1
at Chicago. ., .Foreign fieet reodaivous In.
tne Dardanelles.
2S. Tremendon damage st Chicago by
torm of now, leet and rain; all ear line
blocked, wire down Fire at Chicago doe
$200,000 damage. .. .Seventy killed by explo
sion In cartridge factory at Palma, Island of
28. Three vessel, ro ashore at Olencoe, III.:,':
crew of 20 men saved... .Riot lu Jackson,
Mich., prison.
27. Death of Alexandre Dumas, Jr., at
28. Dav of doom for the tnrkey Foot
ball games: Michigan beata Chicago; Boston
and Chicago, tie: Vonnaylranta defegta Cor
nell; purdti dereat Illinois; l.ouiavnie wins
from Da Pauw; Columbia Athletic down. Co
lumbia University: Brown defeats Dart
2. Assembling of Fifty-fourth CongTess;
Reed elected Speaker of the House. .. .Zero .
weather In Northwest. .. .Further massacre
In Armenia -
7. $SW.000 flro In San Francisco Europe
storm-swept; British boat and twenty-seven
Bailors lost off Scotland.
8. WOO, 000 fires In Chicago. .. .Death of Ge.o
A. Saia. London journalist. .. .Tug Campbell
and seven men lost In Lake Sttperlor..
9. cnuton. wis., rnsea iy nre.
10. Bt. Louis gets next National Republican
Convention. .. .Sultan permit, guard ahlpa
to pass Dardanelles. ...Harry Hayward
hanged at Minneapolis.
11. ifuriung or uatnonc urpnnn asyium at
Milwaukee: 200 children rescued. .. .Steamer
Germanic sinks the Cambrae, at Loudon; no
lives lost. ...Mob threatens Kansas Medical
College at Topeka, becanse of grave-robbing.
12. Deatn or Alien u. inurman at voium-
German ship Athena
with a cargo of
naphtha explodes off Cape Mny; 14 liven Inst.
17. cieveiana a venexueian message
arouses great enthusiasm at home and
astounds Great Britain. .. .Philadelphia In
the hands of a mob daring a strike.
18. EtDloslou on liner St. Paul killed slz
men and injured five. . . .House passes $100.-.
000 appropriation for Venesuela commission
.Hiotlug in pniiatieipnia entire street
railway service auspended... .Death of
Isaac Baasott, doorkeeper of the Senate.
19. Thirty-six Uvea lost In Newfoundland
fishing fieet by storm. . . .Forty-three killed
In a North Carolina mlue. ...Tremendous
rainfall at Chicago. .
panic on wan street. .. .senate onani-t
mously passes Houso bill for Venesuelant
commission. .. .Cleveland sends financial
mesaago to Congress Twenty-four miners
at Dayton, Teun.. killed. .. -Unprecedented
uooa at ciucngo.
'A New York Buccee" Abuae of
Free fourtear. : ",'.,!'..
The United States Is a broad and busyi
country, and It Is well supplied with ex-;
cellent Journals, says tue Forum. As is
natural and unavoidable, these genera
ally take their tone In treating drov
matte affairs from those of the metropo-
Us. What Is said and done in Newj
York about plays and actors Is publish-
ed all over the union as quickly as that
wires and press can spread the news.!
Consequently the theatrical business op
the entire country Is managed from
New York. That Is why actors, man
agers and the minor personages ofi
stage life flock to New York. That Is1
why for many years past It has been,
possible for the wily speculator In rot4
ten dramatio lumber lo net up a fllmsyi
stage structure, held together only byt
the atlhesive qualities of paint and!
printers' Ink, and by keeping a Newt
York theater open and empty for Its
exhibition for a stated term of week
at the expense of $3,000 or $4,000 ai
week, and by a continual pestering oft
tbe good-natured journalist to obtain'
sufficient amount of notice of his
great New York success!" to enable)
him to travel throughout the country,
with his "show," and gather a rich har-1
vest from those who are eager to sea
what sort of plays please the people of,
the great city. ;
Of course the "show" soon falls to-
pieces from the weight of Its own
worthlessness, and the seeds of general
contempt for New York's good tastet
theatrical matters are sown broad
cast But no matter. The enterprise"
speculator, now well In funds, return
to New York and Is soon upon the full)
tide of another like venture. Year af-i
ter year this sort of thing goes on. Bub
the people of the East, South and West!
are becoming wise and wary. Thai
business" Is not so good now as it
once was lo tnoee orten-ueiuued sec
tions. Due of the roofs of our thegtri-l
cal troubles uiwn which the ax shouldi
fall quickly aud sharply Is this abuse)
of the press courtesy first extended ln
good nature toward the struggling ar
tist, but now demanded as a right by
the brass-band "show boomer." ; ;
Our hardest battles are those we fight
1th ourselves.