The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 03, 1896, Image 3

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Mr. Hammond Has Returned
From New York.
lUlla Purchased Cur the Kntlre
blue-lie Means liuslneaa and
Will Push Work.
: Mr, A. B. Hammond, proprietor of the
Aslorla-Ooljl railroad, returned mat even
Ing from two montha1 visit In New York,
and, with Mrs. Hammond, la registered at
the Portland, according to Sunday' Ore
Konlaa. Mr. Hammond announoe that
work on the propoaed road to connect As
torla by Mil with the outalJe world will
now be pushed with energy, and that car
will be running by November of next year.
While In New York, Hr. Hammond pur
chased the ateet rails for the entire road,
which will be ahlpped from England. Io
reply to Briticism paaaed on hla purchaae
of the raili In the English market, be a aid
that be let ed a targe amount of money by
doing ao.lwhlrh, he thought, ought to be
sufficient reaaon to a buainaaa man.
"I hear Uiat aomo doubw bare been ex
preeaed about my alncerlty In building the
road," (aid Mr. Hammond. "It mattera
little to roe what la aald, aa long aa I know
what la going to be done. I inran to finlth
the road, and have the momy to do It. To
tlx who are continually advancing
llieorlee aa to who la backing me, I can
only aay that I wouldn't be surprised to
bear that Ih Hothaohllda or Vanderbltta
are furnishing the money, Ily April 1
neat, 13(10,000 will have been expended on
work of conatrustlon by the company.
Than the remaining SO niilea will be finished
by contract.
"During my Kaatern vlalt I bare talked
With the gentlemen who control the princi
pal transcontinental road. Mr, Hill, of the
Great Northern, eaye the AatorlaOobi
propoaltton la a good one, but la Inclined to
believe that thia la not a good time to build
rallrwad anywhere. Mr. Huntington, of
the Southern Paclllo. thlnka we have a
good thing, and aay that all traffic by rail
la bound to follow the water oouraea here
after. Receiver Mink, of the Union Paclflo.
aay that bl company at on time made
Investigation! for the purpoae of building a
tin to Aalorla, and would have built auch
road bad not the panlo of 1803 atruck
them. All admit the feasibility of the line,
and, for myaelf, I'm entirely aaUtded wltb
the outlook."
Mr. UammO'id vlgeroualy denlod that
' the Southern Paclflo had any Interest In
the affaire ol the Oregon Central & Eoatern
railway, of which be la president. Ha aaya
the road la entirely Independent of any
' ether railroad corporation, and that he la
entirely aaltafled with the outlook. While
In few York he partly cloaed a deal for the
purchaae of a etaamehlp U run between
Y equina and Ban Pranciaoo. but delayed
matters owing to the fight now on between
the Southern Paclflo and Oregon Hallway
A Navigation company, which, be aaya,
complicate! the freight and passenger sit ua
tion. Mr. Ilammond, with bla family, ex
pect to rutuatn at the Portland for the reet
of the winter.
VaanoKiA, Dee. 80. -The mall carrier we
have tbl winter are good enough without
There wa a very pleasant gathering at
the borne of Mr. Hhannalian on Christmas
day. A lao at Mr, RtdgwayY.
fr"Tue""patche of graveled road In the
neighborhood are highly appreciated durv
Ing tuli weather. Let ua have more... -
The postmaster, ever mindful of the pat
rone of hla office, baa built a new aldewalk
from the and of the bridge to hla place of
Carol) M.Nuti, known otherwise aa Mr.
"8pud Murphy," together with bla band
eomewlfe, I (pending the holiday with
bt wlfa'a parenU, and visiting old friends.
H. Bessaman baa Jut flnlshed n"cesd
Ingly neat Job of re-ahelvlng the drng store
nd pnttlng In new fixture, finished In
natural eolor. He I now engaged with a
crew of helper In putting In a new atoglng
nd otherwise fitting up Webater'e hall.
Still the improvement go on in aplteof the
or of bard time.. -
" The nonulallon of V.rnonla la consider
ably Inereeaed Just now by the number of
young people Who nave movea in vo
themselves of th privilege of attending the
school under the efficient tntorehip ot rroi.
Dow, who ha Juat finished a very success
ful term, and ha been engaged oy me oi
rectors to Immediately commence another
term, ta the great aaUsfsotlon of both pu.
nils and parent. W hone to In the near
future have a echool building adequate to
the needs of the community.
idata for the various county office
are "looming op" In tltla viclulty aa In oth
er localities. At a public meeting a tew
days ago one of the apeakcra called for all
eandidatea for office to raise their right
hand. The speaker' hand went up
wltb auch force aa to nearly dislocate hla
houlder. and lift blm off hla feet. Al
though there were but about twenty other
banda raised, there was a suspicious Jerk
ing of right shoulder all over the room.
Indeed, a few hvlloa Jerked both shoulder,
nd on gentleman excused himself after
ward and " wlabed be bad raised me nana.
To St. Ham Lonaa, 1. 0. 0. F.: Gen
tlemen. I am at loa to know why you
feel youraelvea under any obligation to me.
If I have shown any favor In our dealings
It was no more than the Golden Bule re
quires: "Do unto other a you would
have others do unto you." I freely accept
a you freely give thia token of friendship.
I will further say that you could not have
selected anything that I prise more highly
than th ebony cane properly mounted,
bearing the following inscription: "Pre
.entri to Joseph Copeland by St. Helen,
lodge. I. O. 0. F., December 29. 18l.
Please accept lncr thanks and well wishes
for the ful ure. Joseph Comii.aiid.
The Dise.very mvA III Hie. "
Mr. 0. Calllouette, druggist. Benverville.
111., saya: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I
owe my life. Was taken with LaGrlppe
nd tried all the physician for miles about,
but of no avail and was given up and told I
could not live. Having Dr. King's New
Discovery In my store I sent for a bottlo
nd began its use and from the first dose
began to get better, and after using three
bottles waa up and about again. It is worth
its weight in gold. We won't keep store or
house without It." Get a free trial at Dr.
Boss' drug (tor.
New resolution ire now In order.
County court meet next Weduei-
Girls, tills ii leap year; don't all
peak at onoe.
3. B. E. Bourno, of Rainier, wai In
inn city Monday last.
Mother earth is now clothed with a
robe of "the beautiful."
Mr. and Mr. Harrison Allen were
In Portland over Now Year.
Deputy Olurlc Harris spent New
Yean with his family In Nelialem
Mr. 0. M. Murray came down from
Portland Saturday to vinit relative
A masquerade ball i announced to
take place in St. Helena on Feb. 14.
W. J. Dotliwoll, of Portland, was in
thi oity during the week visiting rel
Wanted Girl to do general house
work in private family. Apply at this
W. J. Dells, of Rainier, was a pas
senger for Portland on the Shaver
yesterday. -Assessor
White, ssiatod by O. W
Barnes, is here making a copy of the
assessment roll.
Quite a number of St. Helens peo
pie attended the ball at Scappoose on
Tuesday Olgnt wit,
Commissioner Frakes, of Scappooso.
was in Hie county seat Tuesday attend
Ing to buainoss matters. . .
A matrimonial bureau would have
done a thriving business in Columbia
county during the holiday.
Mr. and Mr. W. II. Dolman re
turned Tuesday from Salem, where
they spent several days visiting rela
Henry Henderson, of Mayger, the
assignee of The Mayger Company, was
In this oity a short time yesterday
J. It. and Miss May Willis, of Hills
boro, spent Sunday in this city, the
guests of their sister, Mrs. J. It. Bee-
gle. They returned Monday.
The state board of equalization has
made a reduction of 10 tier cent on
the valuation placed on land in Co
lumbia couuty by the county court.
Harry West, of Scappooso, was in
this city Monday, and shipped one of
his thoroughbred Cheater White pigs
to a man oyer on the Washington side.
Rev. rhilbrook will preach next Sun
day at Scappoose at 11 o'clock a. m
and at Warren at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon ; also at Houlton at 7 :30 p. ni.
License to wed have been issued
by the county clerk during the past
week to O. I). Bonny and Mrs. ISva
Orano, and to Ernest Krueger and
Wallace McCumant, master in chan
cery, of Portland, was in this city last
Monday, and sold at pubiio auction
the property of J. B. E. Bourne at
Rainier. It was bid in by the creditor
for $0,635.15, the amount of the judg
ment. The New Year's number of the Ore-
gonian contains a most complete and
comprehensive dorcription of Oregon
and her resources. It is, beyond
question, the greatest attempt ever
made toward a thorough description
of the growing Northwest.
Mr. Dolman has one arm that be
appears to think a great deal more of
than its mate, and consequently car
ries it in a silk handkerchief suspended
from his neck, the result of a sprain of
some weeks ago. However, the chief
clerk in the store assert that this
special care of the "injured" member
was not deemed necessary until tne
recent hostilities broke out between
this country and England.
A Bid Dial. Mr. E. A. Seeley, of
the Columbia Klvor A Puget Sound
Navigation Company, haa bonded the
property belonging to O. W. Bravely
iu Astoria for $100,000. This is done
in anticipation of the heavy growth
Astoria is expected to have next sum
mer, and no doubt Mr. Seeley will
make a large margin on his invest
ment. Astoria cannot fail to have a
healthy growth within the next twelve
months, and a permanent growth
Core tar Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of headache
Electric Bitter haa proved to be th very
beat. It effects a permanent cure and the
most dreaded habitual sick headache yield
to its influence. We urge all who are af
flicted to procure a bottle, and give thia
remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual
constipation Electric Bit tors cures by giving
the needed tone to the bowels, and few
cases long resist the use of this medicine.
Try it once. Fifty cent and $1.00 at Ross'
'Almost evervbodv takes some laxative
medicine to cleanse the system and keep the
blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS
Liver REGULATOR (llauld or powder)
get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant
laxative and tonic that purifies the blood
and strengthens the whole system. And
tnorethan this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active
and healthy, and when the Liver Is In
good condition you find yourself free from
Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick-
Headache and lonsupation, ana na or
that worn out and debilitated feeling;.
These are all caused by a sluggish Liver.
Good digestion and freedom from stomach
troubles will only be had when the liver
Is properly at work- If troubled with any
of ?he complaints, try SlMMdNS LIVER
REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi
cines, and Better than Pills.
Baa the Z Stamp In red on wrapper.
; J. H. Zeilln Co.. I'MUk, ra.
- -
Denies Having Murdered His
Father and Mother.
He Cheerfully Await the Day of
Execution Which Will Take
Plaoe January Slat.
Lloyd Montgomery, who is now In the
Albany, Or., jail awaiting execution for the
murder of his parents and Daniel Mo
Keroher, which will occur on January Slat,
waa visited by an Oregonlan reporter last
Saturday and told anew story of the crime,
a part of which Is glvsn below t
"I am going to bang on January 81," he
Said, "and there I nothing I can say to
you that will make me any friends or set
aside the death sentence. But I would like
very much to have the people know that
am not such a bad boy as I have been made
out by the lawyer and newspapers. I did
not kill my lather or mother) but I did kill
McKcroher. He shot my father and
mother, and would have killed me, had
not had a fight with him and shot blm be
fore he csuid do It.
"Of course," continued the boy, after a
moment's thought, "no one believe my
story now, for, I am told, I admitted killing
all of them, when my bead waa wrong.
Now I feel ail right, and my head is clear,
and I can say honestly that I only killed
M cKercher. But I am ready to die, and
the aoooer It Is over the better. I will have
mors peace in the next world than in this,
the way I'm situated. 'Everybody thinks I
killed my parents, and, even if I were free,
I would suffer more than death by knowing
that everybody thought I .ought to hang,
I don't see any way to establish my inno
cence, and have given up thinking about
It. Everything is against me, and I want
to die. I don't want to go to tbe peniten
tiary. What' th use?"
"You thought you were to hang Decern.
bar 81, didn't you?" asked the reporter.
"Yea; I made a mistake about the date,
You see, I took so little Interest In the exe
cution that I only noticed the date, '81st.
I supposed, of course, they wonld bang m
this month. Io fact, wben I left the court-
room after tbe judge sentenced me, al
though be didn't set the date at the time, I
supposed I was to be banged right away off
tbe earns day. I waa surprised wben
told that I bad some tin to prepare for
death, and, when informed that I waa to
die on tbe 81st of January, I thought they
meant December, and was spending my
time a comfortably as possible until next
Tuesday. But I am to see tbe beginning of
th next year, anyway, and I guess It 1
just well."
"What do you think will become of you
wben you dief" waa asked.
"I don't really know wbat you mean,
replied th condemned youth, with a puz
zled expression ou his face.
"Do you believe In future punishment!
was a more terse question, which the pris
oner readily understood.
Oh," he replied, carefully choslng his
words, "the Hiblessys that there is punish-
ment In store In the next world for those
who ooruiult crime iu this."
"Don't you have some fear about HT"
"No; why ahould IT I am innocent of
any serioua crime. I never murdered any
one, and I killed McKerchcr because he
killed my parents. I won't sudor for caus
ing his death. I don't know anything
about the next world, but I don't fear it in
th least If I ' bad killed my parents
though, I ahould."
Montgomery discussed tbe hereafter with
evident Interest, and If he fear to meet his
Ood he does not show it. He showed con-
aidcrabl intelligence, and for a yontb
whom no one believes Innocent of thecrime
for which be Is convicted, shows wonderful
nerve la talking about it.
Adjourned Term Begins Next Mon
day Cues Bet for Trial.
The followingcases which were continued
from the regular October term of circuit
court will come up for trial at the adjourn
ed term which will convene next Monday,
aa follows:
January 6th, Newell vs. Hayburn, and
State va. Iseuhart, the latter case coming
up on a motion for new trial which will be
argued at that time; January 7th, Blakes-
ley vs. Muckle Bros.; January 8th. Mc-
Uaulley vs. Mills; January 13th, Kelly vs.
Lamberson; January 14th, Burns vs. Cole;
January loth, Ollne vs. Cline.
Th following new cares have been filed
since the October term, but It I not known
whether they will be brought to trial now
or lay over until the regular May term :
J. H. Lee & Co. vs. George F. Moeck;
Emmons & Emmons and G. C. Moser for
J. H.Lee & Co. v. W. A. Edgerton;
Emmons oY Emmons for plaintiff.
Smith Wallace Shoe Co. vs. W. A. Ed
gerton and J. H. Lee & Co.; Emmons &
Em mons for plaintiff.
Gideon Sower vs. Barbara t). Sowers;
S. T. Jeffrey for plaintiff. .
Norman Merrill vs. Anton Gunderson;
W. H. Conyere for plaintiff.
H. Viereck vs. Emily M. Viereck; 8. T.
Jeffreys far plaintiff.
Feldraan Cole vs. W. A. Edgerton;
Aller A Cleeton for plaintiff.
Kenry Everdlng vs. Charles Erlckson;
H. 0. Wright for plaintiff.
Watts A Price vs. John 11. Gove; Allen
A Cleeton for plaintiff.
Olds 4 King vs. W. A. Edgerton; Allen
A Cleeton for plaintiff.
The American Fire Insurance Company
va. C. 0. LoYegren; George Senford Smith
for plaintiff.
B. L. Sabin Vs. Tbe Mayger Company;
A. L. Fraser for plaintiff.
Tbe Roscnfeld Smith Co. vs. The Mayger
Company ; A. King Wilson for plaintiff.
E. i. Colvln vs. Thomas 8. Colvin; Ful
ton Bros, for plaintiff.
W. U. Dedraan jr, v. John and B. A.
Qulgley ; George E. Davis for plaintiff.
Thk Bailey Estate. The Bailey
estate, of which mention waa made in
these oolumns a short time ago, is
still attracting attention. As was
stated then, W. J. Bice, guardian of
the minor heir, was cited to appear in
the county court and show cause why
he should not be removed. The guar
dian has now filed an appeal from the
mandates of the county court to the
circuit court. The matter, however,
will come up in the probate court
next Monday or Tuesday. In the
meantime W. J. Deits, one of Bice's
bondsmen, hns filed a petition with
the clerk of the county oourt asking
to be released from said bond.
Tbe pubiio schools will begin agsin
next Monday after a vacation of two
Miss Leota Merrill took advantage
of tbe vacation to Visit in Portland
this week.
Miss Fannie Burns and Vivian Tich
enor returned Monday from their visit
to Astoria.
Tbe Chief last week says one dealer
here sold 600 pounds of candy about
Christmas, Wbat a 1 lot of candy
that is.
Professor Whitten, after spending
Christmas here, left for a visit to his
mother at LaCamas, Wash., tbe last of
the week.
Bev. Bryan returned last Friday
and meeting are being held every
evening in the church with good at
tendance. Now we do put on city airs. A tele
graph message was received from Port
land last Sunday and handed to a lady
in church, jnst as they do it in New
York or Chicago.
Ed Wilcox, while walking outside of
his house lastSunday morning slipped
and fell, dislocating his wrist. Ed's
limping gait reminds him of a broken
leg some years ago, and this injury
makes him think be is doomed to
Miss Abbie Bryant and Misses Mary
and Nora Conyers left us last Friday.
one for her school and the others for
Oregon City, whore they are making
their borne. The ladies were com
pelled to go out to the Beaver in a
small boat as the steamer could not
get up to this place on account of the
high water and rapid current in tne
The departure of the old year and
advent of the new was celebrated by
the ringing of bells, shooting, and such
other noise a could be made by ma
terial at hand, including tbe triangle
suspended at tbe City hotel, all of
Inch wakened sleepers to the fact
that 1896 was coming on time. Vocal
music lent its assistance, and the
strains of "Good-by, Ladies, We're
Going to Leave You Now," were wafted
on tbe breezes in the intervals of tbe
more noisy demonstration.
Norman Merrill returned from a visit
to San Francisco laat Monday. He
was gone something over two weeks
and in going took passage by steamer
for an ocean voyage, being one out of
a very few of ZW passengers that did
report for meals wbila en route. He
took occasion while cruising about
tbe city to visit tbe fortifications for
coast defense, and was undoubtedly
impressed by tbe sight of tno big dyn
amite guns he found there ready for
action. lie feels that San Francisco
is pretty safe from foreign invasion by
water, and returna with the belief that
our country is getting well prepared
to take care of itself.
The office of city marshal is not
witbout its disappointments, as was
illustrated in the last pig capture by
that official, assisted by one ol our
good citizens. Two wandering and
careless pies were violating a city or
dinance last week, and in consequence
were driven into the pound to be cared
for until redeemed by their owner or
until sold for expenses of impounding
and feed during ten days. They
proved to be very peculiar pies. They
seemed satisfied with their quarters as
long as they got enough to eat, but
they were fooling the marshal and de
vising plans for escape, and one morn
ing when the marshal went to care for
them tbey were not there. One twelve
inch board, eight feet high, that had
made part of the fence, was not there
either, but an open space was left
where it had been. The marshal can
not settle in his mind which pig
knocked the board off, and as the pigs
oanuot be found, it is not likely that
he will find out soon. The desired in
formation will be thankfully received
by tbe marshal or recorder.
Election Contest. The election
contest case of W. T. Muir against W.
T. Hume, for the office of district at-
tosney in Portland, will be commenced
Thursday, before Judge McBride, who
will bold court in Judge McGinn s de
partment, says the Oregonian of
Wednesday. As the ballots are all to
be recounted, the trial will probably
consume about one week. There are
75 election precincts in the county,
and there were five election officers in
each of these. If all are examined as
witnesses at any length, tbe case can
not be tried in a week. It is not
probable, however, that it will be ne
cessary to examine more than one of
each election board, as to the custody
of the ballots and their delivery to the
county clerk.
GIBSON-FISHER. At Houlton. O regon,
on weanesaay, uecemoer a, oy iiev. u.
McElroy, Mr. Frank M. Gibson and Miss
Florence B. Fisher.
PRINGLE-DOW. At the residence ofE.
M. Dow, near Vernonla, on Wednesday,
December 25, Mr. John G. Pringle and
Miss Ethel B. Dow, Bev. W. H. Palmer,
BOTH WELL. At the home of Dr. Chal
mers, in this city, December 29, 1895, to
the wife of W. J. Botbwell, an 8 pound
TARBELL. At Yankton, on Wednesday
January 1, 1890, to the wife ol Mr. Tar
bell, a son.
DUNN. At Houlton. on (Sunday , Dec. 29,
1895, to the wife of Henry Dunn, a daugli
flishest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Pair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Great Sacrifice
No. 8 Cook Stoves .....$ 7.60
No. 8 Copper Bottom Wash Boilers. 1.00
No. 8 Copper Bottom Tea-Kettles ... .40c
Stove pipe per joint ,15c
Decorated Dinner Seta from 15.00 up.
Western Star Waiblng Machines.... 4.00
Best Clothes Wringer 1.75
First grade Stone-ware, per gal .... .16c
Mason's Fruit Jars, ptstJOc, qta 75c,
gal 1.00 per dozen.
Heating Stoves at Cost
When the above prices are taken as mere
samples of the many other bargains offered,
they will Impress upon all, iiie fact that
this is a sale none can afford to mis.
Special attention given mail order from
the country.
Cor 2d and Yamhill 8ta, Portland, Or.
(Mention this paper. J '
Doino A Good Business. The pop
ular steamer Young America went in
to Portland last Tuesday with thirty
passengers and a good cargo of freight.
The little boat make mnch better
time since given the overhauling
recently, and therefore is more desir
able to travel ou.
Prisoners Escape. Four prisoners
escaped from the Clackamas county
jail at Oregon City on Tuesday even
ing some time before 8 o'clock. Tbe
escape was effected through springing
one of the iron bars of the rear door.
The sheriff had gone to supper, and
when he returned at 8 o'clock to lock
bis prisoners in tboir cells he had but
one left.
When Baby waa atck, we gave her Castoria.
When ihs waa a ChUd, nhe crfed for Catorla.
When she became Ulsa, she clung to Castoria,
When ahe bd Children, ih gmre Lbem Caatoria.
Exchange PoLPiTS.-Judge McGinn
of Portland will be here next Monday
to bold the adjourned term of circuit
court for Judge McBride, the latter
taking Judge McGinn's place in Port
land, where matters are coming up in
wbich that official is interested, notably
tbe recount on tbe district attorney
ship of Multnomah county.
A Noisy Noise. Tuesday night
about 12 o'clock the inhabitants of St.
Helens were awakeued from their
slumbers, that is those who were slun
bering, by a tremendous noiae made
with bells, horns and steam whistles,
It was but a few minutes until people,
upon second thought, remembered
that the new year was dawning, and a
later thought was that there waa great
rejoicing that the year 1895, with all
its attendant trials and tribulations
was a thing of the past. The noise,
without question, was sufficient to
drive the evil spirit wbich baa seemed
to hover over the country during tbe
recent past into obscurity, and we
hope it will return again no more
Bncklen'. Arnica SalTe.
The best Salve in the world for cots
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively
cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by Dr. Edwin Ross.
TO'OTICR is hereby given that the nnder-
XV signed nas been appointed assignee of
the estate of The Mayger Company, a cor
poration, an insolvent debtor. All persons
having claims against said insolvent debtor
ere hereby notified and required to present
tne same, propeny verinea, to ine unaet
signed. at Maveer postoffice. Columbia
county, Oregon, within three montha from
tbe date nereoi.
Dated January S, 1898.
3f7 Assignee.
HHH ERE strayed from my place about a
jl montn ago tnree 3-year-olrt Hellers,
one red and tw black; also one 2-year-old
black heifer wi.h bell on. Any information
will be rewarded by JOSEPH DoPON f ,
Valley Postohice, Oregon.
Administrator' Notice.
IOTICE Is hereby ginm that the under-
signea, j. v. umitin, has been duly
appointed by the County Court ot Columbia
county. State of Orecoii, administrator of
tbe estate of the late John Keller, deceased.
and that he has duly qnalified as such, and
that letters of administration haTa been
duly issued to him aa such administrator.
All persons having claims agniuat the said
estate are requested to present them to me.
J. V. Lankin, No. 209. First street, Port
land. Multnomah county. Oregon, or at the
office of E. E. Quick, St. Helens, Columbia
county, Oregon, with proper vouchers,
witnin six months rrora ttus date.
Dated Dec S. 1895. J. V. LANKIN,
Administrator ol the es'ate of John
Keller, deceased. d6j3
Petition far I.lejaar I.icene.
X lumbla County. Oregon:
We, the undersigned legal voters residing in
Deer Island Draoinct. ColumfaiA countv. HtAta ot
Oregon, would respectfully petition your hon
orable body at Its next regular term, which will
be held on the 8th day ot January, A. D. 18U6, in
the Court House, in the City of St. Helens, Co
lumbia county, Oregon, that a license be granted
toO. E. Hunter to sell spirituous, vinous and
mslt liquors in quantities less than one gallon
In Deer Island precinct in said County and Ktate,
and that said license be granted tor a period of
one year, for which we will ever pray.
Hated at uoble this 11th day of November, 1899.
O C Jaauish. J M Archibald. William Dowd. A
Neer, J A Fowler, J Lamonl, H Stehman, H M
rowier, joe Lawrence, jay r ArcniDaia, w j
Kellie. G 8 Foster. J A Kinir. R R Foster. E
Schmidt. Fred Kussbaumer, K F Donovan, B
Reed, S 6 Hoadloy, J R Cronk. C L Wilcox, Ed
ward Black, John Ulllem, J H marketer, J A
Holden, Thomas Ligbtfoot, F W Unkinster, A F
Batson, W C Robinett, Fred Kobell, T D C rig
nick, B Howard, Joseph Roth, Win Burdlck,
Jas McNaughton, C J Farr, Frank Bishop, Jacob
Lengacher, Jack D'Spain, Victor Turner, Jak
Nussbaumer, Geo Kaue, QC Fowler, A I Snauld
ing, D L Bate, H Sager, David Belbuir, George
Cross, Jacob Furrer, John Bevle. P O Pne, W E
Notlsh, C Leavens, If Peterson, P H Burns,
LHBevls. d63
Groceries, Hay, Floor and Feed
Country Produce Bought and Sold, and Ex-
cnangea toroooas. undertaking booda
furnished on Bliort Notice.
Store on Strand 8treet, ST. HKLKNS, OB.
a 3r g r . - .a - -
81 and S3 THIRD ST, S. W. Cor. Oak
Men's All Wool 5uits
Single and Double Breasted Sacks, all sizes. In Twentv-four Patterns,
H $9.65 1
- - - WfcAWjeaWtjjkAVSjA
WOOLEN MILLS CASSIMERE, and manufactured on OUR
J. M. MOYER & CO.,
Wholesale and Ketail Clothiers.
Western Star Washing Machines..
Clothes Wringers
M 00
. 1 75
Heating Stoves, $3.50 and Up.
Also a large assortment of Heating and Cooking Stoves, Bteel Ranges, Tinware. Granite Ware, Al
lumintun, Axes 81edg, Cross-Cut Haws, wedges, Etc.. at prices to auit Everybody.
212 First Street, Near Salmon, PORTLAND, OREGON
for Infants and Children.
PnOTHERS, Do You Know thai Paregoric,
Blll Batsman's Drops, Godfrey'e Cardial, many so-called Soothing Syrup, and
most remedies for children are compoaed of optum or morphine t
Do Tost Kmrw that opium and morphine are aUipcfj lug narcotic polaonar
Po Ton Know that in moat ooontriea druggiata are not permitted to sell aarooUc.
wtthoot labeling them polaons t
Do Tea Know that you aboold not permit any medicine to ha gleet joar child
amies you or your physician know ot what It ia composed t
Pe Ton Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a Bat of
Its Ingredients is published with every bottle r
PeTtn Knrw that Caztoria la the presertptloti of the famous Dr. Banrael Pitcher, j
That It has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that mora Castoria la now oM th
, of an other remedies for chfldrea oomhmed f
Po Ton Know that the Patent Offloe Department of the United States, and ot
other ooontries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and hla assigns to naa the word
Castorin " and its formula, and that to imitate them ia a state prison offense r
becaiue Castoria had been proven to be aoaolntoly hmrmlaaaT
Po Ton Know that 35 avartgt dose, of Castoria are furnished for 25 i
Ciena ta,oronooentaame
Po Ton Know that when Buaansaad of this perfect pregswatlcsi, yenr ciulamn assy
be kept well, and that yoa may have unbroken rest t
WeMi vJiwoiaa are worm blowing. They are facta. -
Th. fno-stmflo
: sfjrnntnro of
Children Cry for
Has re-ODenecl nnder the management
of GEORGE A. BR1NN, corner of Strand
and Uowlita Streets, 8L Helens, Oregon.
where can be found the choicest brands of
Card tables, rjool table, billiard table and
other devices for tbe entertainment of pat
rons, where time can be pleasantly spent.
Besides other Domilar brands, are kent
constantly on band to supply the increased
trade at thia very popular saloon.
Monte Yista Nursery
A choice lot of two-year-old Apple Treea,
Ben Da via, Northern 8py, Spitxenbere.Grav
enstein, Melon, Bed Astrachan and other
varieties. A choice lot of Italian Prune,
Plum, Pear and Cherry Trees, and small
fruits. Trees have been inspected and pro
nounced the cleanest, thriftiest and nicest
lot in the district. They are grown on well
under-drained fir timber soil, have good
fibrous roots, which w dig with tree. Send
for list. Address
.ai. - .
Patronize Home
and 83 Third Street, Cor. Oak
Wash Boilers....
No. S Cooking Btove
.11 00
. 7M
Pitcher's Castoria
Btra. Telephone and Bailey Oatzert
Alder St., Portland; Flavel dock, Astoria.
Telephone leaves Portland dally (except Sun
day) at 7 a. m., leaves Astoria dully at 7 p. m.,
(except Sunday). Runs direct to train for Clat
sop beach, and connecta with ateamer Ilwaco
for Ilwaco trains, running to all points on North
Bailey Qatzert leaves Portland daily at 8 p m.,
(except Sunday), on Saturday at 11 p. m. Leaves
Astoria daily at 6:S a. m. (except Sunday and
Monday), on Sunday at 7 p. m. ; connecta with
ail trains for Clatsop beach and Ilwaco beach.
This line has a boat oonnectinn with both
beaches, returning from Astoria every night In
tlift week.
E. A. SEELEY, Agent U. B. SCOTT, Pre.
J. H. DECKER, Proprietor.
The old and reliable barber has his raaors Just
aa sharn aa can be found, and will ahave you
comfortably and quickly for only 1ft cents.
Dimension Lumber, Flooring,
Bustle. Sheathing, Casings, and a
complete stock of eveiy variety of
Rough and Dressed Lumber