OREGON MIST uujiuJiiJLu-iajj',.,i, i, ,11 lu . SUBSCRIPTION, 11.60 PER YEAR. BICKliLK DA VIS, Publishers. mt. HKI.EK, OBEfiON, DEO. iallMBBlB-l' It. "AFTER TBE OTHER FELLER." "Ali : bee pardon I" said the Review man a few days seo when Sheriff Dosrt called st the office and demended ftroof of the accusations made in that aper during the past month, with speciat reference to the Upton case and the tax list. "It fa Becglo and the other 'fullers' we are punching and not you, Mr. Doan;" says the great apostle of populism, Herman, who beiraa this war of worda by an Unwarranted attack upon this paper a few Weeks ago. Herman now squeals, a is his true nature, and says it is "unprofeMionar for Th Mist to de fend itself. Well. really.it is unueces sary, and very few people do, pay any attention to what the Utile spasmodic has to v, but since Populist Herman made the accusations he has against the county officers and in the same paper acknowledges he knows nothing bout county atiaira, it is our just so those maliciously accused for this tiarjer to set the public aright in the premises. Further, if Herman knows nothing about county affairs he should post himself before making such state ments as he has lately; and still further, if it is "Beegle and the other fellers'" he is after why don't he come up and make his demands in person, since it is usually customary when a man wants any thing to ak for it T No doubt he could beacomniouatecL Again the Review mnn went into another spasm, and this is what he raid when be came to: "It any person commits a trifling offense a warrant is sworn out by the prosecuting attorney that cannot read his duty clear and the sheriff serves them, like in the Upton case, the county pays the bill, and ever member makes something out of the deal. Every little service is charged doubly for, and soon the county will be held up in daylight." Will the Review please slate what was charged doubly tort A failure to do so will be proof of falsehood. The Review's statement in regard to what it offered to print the tax list for is also untrue. It never offered to io the work for $75 or anr other sum. The editor of that paper asked Sheriff Doan for the tax list and when the sheriff asked him what be would charge, answered that he "would not cut prices." Sheriff Doan is able to speak for himself upon this poiut. The Mist simply mentions these things in order that people may not be misled by tbe willful prevaricator who runs the Review, and in order that those interested may look into tbe matter for themselves. Tbk Mist also nrges the closest investigation of any assertion made by it regarding public questions or the acts of'any public official. The court records are here sod are open to anyone who de sires to look them over ; so that there is no excuse for any one being deceived by misrepresentation. TBE LOT OF TBE FARMER. The report of the secretary of agri culture contaius some facts and tig' ures which present the lot of tbe farm er in a very encouraging light. So much has been said by the celamityites in receul years about the allege! bur deus and distresses if the crop-raising classes that it ie refreshing to read something of the opposite character, and to learn from the official statistics that tbe most of this wailing has been nothing but lying. This report shows, to begin with, that tbe farms of the United States have an average value, including implements, of 94UUU for a family averaging six persons. These farms have fed the owners and their families and 40,000,000 dwellers in towns and cities, besides supplying 1500,000,000 worth of products for for eign consumers, annuslly. Tbe mort gages on farm values aggregate only 16 per cent that is to ssy, there is an incumbrance of about flow on each 110,000 of rural real estate which is less than in any other line of industry or on any other form of prop ery ; and the value of farm lands is steadily increasing and must continue to do so as tbe population increases, which is not true of manufacturing plants and other kinds of mortgaged properly. "How can anyone dare to assert," the secretary says, in view of such facta, "that farming is generally unremunerative and unsatisfactory to those who intelligently follow it?" It is true that agriculture has suf fered in common with other kinds of business by reason of the prevailing - depression, and prices have gone down in some instances almost, if not quite, to the point of tbe cost of production ; but, all things considered, the farmers have probably fared better than any other element of the population. They have been sure of a living in any event, and their profits have not been lessened in an equal ratio, on the whole, with those of merchants, man ufacturers and general traders. The pessimistic orators and demagogic vote seekers have led them to believe that they are bearing all the misfor tunes of the country, while other classes were prosperous at their ex pense ; and they have gone off with that falacy in their heads and joined tbe populists. But they are learning how they have been deceived, an J what little reason they have, comparatively spesking, for complaint and lamenta tion. The report of the secretary of agriculture will help to confirm them in their present disposition to take a cheerful view of things, and to refrain from the folly of voting the populist ticket for the purpose of helping their condition. They can readily see from the statistics therein presented that they are by no means the leading debtor class in proportion to the value of their property, but that they have reason to be thankful that they are not so badly off in tbst respect as the bankers, for instance, and the owners of railroad stocks. Their lot, in short, is one of more than average comfort and happiness, snd their prospects for gaining a compentency are better than those of men engsged in any other form of industry. - -J uggMTlg For the year jut ended the amount of litigstion filt-d in the circuit court of this county has been nearly one-1 half in excess of what It was the pi ceding year. Tb'a will account in some degree for the additional circuit court expense. It is also a matter ,m record that the fees for recording for the year ending July 1. 1895, were Over 30 per cent in excess of what they were for the yesr ending July 1, 1894, and these fees tor the latter year have gone into the county treasury iustead of into Hie pocket of the clerk as here tofore. Dukino the first part of President Cleveland's term he nominated Rufus W. Peckham. of New York, to be asso ciate justice of the supreme court, but through the opposittouof Senator Hill (he senate refused to confirm tbe ap pointment. Recently, however, the president again named l'eclilmm to the vacancy caused by the death of Justice Jackson, which appointment waa confirmed by the senate Monday, Senator Hill concurring. Skxatob Lodqc says that during his recent visit to England he was told more than once that ths woolen man ufactures of Bradford had been saved by the Wilson bill. "I have no grudge against the people of Bradford," he adds, "but I prefer that those woolens should be made in the United States." This is the feeling of a decided major ity of the American people, which is to say that they want restoration of the republican tariff policy. The Sentinel still insists that the county paid back to Dibblee the amount of bis (ax paid to Meeker be sides giving him credit for tbe smouul on the roll. The man who will dis pute the records, and when shown his error will reassert the falsehood, does not possess one particle of that quality known as manhood. What manner of man is this the people of Fittsburg have in charge of their public school T .. "Would The Mist like a chapter on republican defalcations in Columbia county?" Sentinel. Thb Mist does not object. Place them side by side with populist defalcations ss soon as you like. In this connection we might ask : Would the editor of the Sentinel like a chapter ou his psst history? We are prepared to give it upon his re quest. Dcrbawt, the convicted murder of Blanche Lamont in San Francisco, has been denied a new trial by Judge Mur phy, and now the only hope left for tbe accused man is in the supreme court's disposition to reverse the de cision of the lower court. Confessed tbe Murder. 0gon Citt. Or., Dec 9. Charles Mont gomery surrendered himself to the sheriff this afternoon, saying he had shot and killed Hiram Hall, a mile from town on the west side of the river, in order to escape being robbed. Hall's body was found where designated by Montgomery and brought to town. Montgomery, appar ently, bad been under tbe influence of Hall for weeks, snd wss induced to mortgage land to get money for both to use on Bilets reservation lands. Three hundred dollars had disappeared and Montgomery thought Hall had stolen it, snd was trying to get 1300 more, which he bad Hall is rep resented to hare been a tough character. Both bad been drinking much together lately. The Stearns Case. Salim, Or.. Dec. 9. In the supreme com t today the ease of the State, respondent, vs. L. M. Stearns, appelant, Inm Columbia county, was reversed. Opinion by Bean, chief justice. The defendant, 8tearns, was convicted by the lower court and sentenced to a term in the penitentiary for the crime of embezzlement. The indictment upon which he was convicted set out that the de fendant, as solicitor snd agent of the Slate Insurance Company, collected premiums to the amount of (14.15, and failed to ac count for the same. The opinion says that ths allegation that the defendant received premiums that he failed to turn over to the company, according to the nature of the trust, is not sn allegation that such money was in fact the property of the company. The indictment failing to negative the own ership In the defendant or allege that the nviuey said tobsve been embezzled wss the property of otber than the defendant, it is held no crime is established and therefore the judgment is reversed. Should be Many Competitors. Salim, Or., Dec. 2, 1895. "That in order to instil in the minds of the rising generation a state pride that would result in s patriotic snpport of state institutions, and to bring the objects of the associations before the families of ths Northwest, snd thst a doe sense of the im portance of patronizing home industries may be firmly planted in ths minds of tbe boys and girls of the state, it was decided the association would offer three prizes. One of f 15, one of $10 and one of $5, to ths best three original compositions sent in by ttie school children of Oregon nnder fifteen years of age, the subject being 'The bene fits of Patronizing Home Manufacturers.' The compositions must be ia the hands of . C. liasten, secretary, room 7, Chamber of Commerce building. Portland, Oregon, on or before January 10, 1896, and the prizes will be awarded by the executive committee of the association, and published with tbe names of the authors." Ws have the honor to be yours very truly, MAaorAcmsKBs' Association or tux Noxthwist, by E. C. Mas ten, Secretary. TO TBS TKACBTSBS Of OaEOOX. Tbe above letter was received from the Manufacturers' Association of the North west, and firmly believing that the purpose is a noble one, and will be productive of mnch good in awakening an interest among the pupils of the schools throughout tbe stale, I very much desire that you make it known to the pupils in the various schools nnder your supervision. v Urge upon the pupils to make an effort for the prize, assuring them that though they may f nil for the prize, the benefit to be derived from the effort will mare than compensate them. O. M. Iswis, Stats Superintendent of Public Instruction. Electric Bitters, Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed, when ths languid exhausted feel ing prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and altera tive is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will set more surely in counteracting and freeing tbe system from the malarial poison. Ilead- ache, indigestion, constipation, dizziness yield to Klectric Bitters. 60c snd 11.00 per bottle at Pr. Edwin Ross' drug store. The Salmon Industry. Fish and Game Protector MoUutrs's an nual report concerning the fish industry In Oregon la full of Interest, as It shows this to bs on of the great souross of wealth to ths stats. The report shows th amount of each species of salmon packed in tins on the Oregon stria of tuu Columbia river in t to bare been t sthinu race Speiier. No, Canes. Vnhte. Strelbead. ttSftft t HA.SM Rluebick.,, II.M7 tW.IMi 7A Chinoo It.......... SN1.8SH ItM.UHOU l,tM,506 28 K,i!00 on Ml ,1)02 40 113,4)10 IX) Total U,0S I 417,902 00 At other points In the state Q2,tfc!u case were packed, valuel at ! l.W., making a gritnd total of 4'JS,7t)S cases packed Uu; lug ths season, Valued at i.!M2,'Jt0 05. As to the manner In which the fish wers eatijtht the rep.irt says: "About 64 per oent of tlis eatoh ou the Columbia river this year was taken with gill nets. 12 per cent with seins, 19 per cent with traps and I per cent with wheels." Another interesting feature of the report is that referring to tbe salmin-c.iii factory, which this year manufacture I 17,000,000 salmon cans, embrsciiig sixteen different varieties, employed 100 peop;e ( white labor.) paying out $1000 per month in wages for eight months in the year, consumed 41,000 boxes of tin plate, of which 10,000 boxes were of American manufacture; also ths saluiou-box manufactories, which employed 14S people, nllh an output of over 1,600,000 soluiou boxes. Bt. Low Is Successful. Wasiiisutos, Dec. 10. The republican national convention will be held at St. Louis June 16th, next. That was the de cieion reached by ths republican national committee after spirited balloting lasting two hours. The successive ballots are shown ss follows: 1 .1.1 .20 . . 8 .. 1 2 14 19 ft 8 0 St Louis ...... San Francisco. Pittsburg Chicago New York .... Senator McBrlde's Bills. AVasbinotoh, Dec. 10. Senator McRriile got into the harness quite early. He has introduced the follovrlng kills: To relieve settlers on railroad land grants; for ths relief of W. L. Adams ; to provide for a public building at Salem, costing $100,000; for the relief of the legal represen tatives of Cbsuncy H. Lockwood ; granting a pension to Benjamin Franklin Dowell, of Oregon; to grant a pension to Ida J. Schwatka, widow of the late Lieutenant Fred Schwatka. REUBEN. Henry Woodham and Chris Hansen were in Portland last Friday. M. C. Gray, of the Postal line, was in this place last Saturday. A. B. Little, of Beaver valley, Was in this place shaking hands with old friends last Saturday. Warren's piledriver has driven sud fin ished capping the piling for the whsrf at the cold storage. H. F. Nichols, of Hooresville, has bought tbe lot owned by Dr. Sims, snd he intends to build s bonse on it in ths spring. Tbe Mooresville mill is running fifteen hours a day, and if the demand for lumber keeps up Mr. Bortbwick expects to run it night and day. He does not belong to the lumber combine. Tbe following transfers In real estate were made before T. C. Watta during last week A. Neer and wife to Mary Tobolen, lots 8, 3 snd 4, block 11, snd low 2 and 7, block 22, $70; A. Neer and wife to Olie D. Hunter, lot 9, block 22, 815; A. Neer and wife to Ira- bell Shoemaker, lots 2, 3, 10 and 11. block 19. SW; O. C. Jaqoish to Sine Karen, lots 2, 5 and 6, block 6, $30; A. Neer to Laurinda A. Neer, the swsf of seJi of section 2, tp 6 n, r 2 west, and lots 5 and 6, block 11, and lota 4, 5 and 6, block 22, $5; A. Neer and wife to Catherine I. Neer, iota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. block 13, $i5; A. Neer and wife to Mary E. Neer, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, block 13, $25; A. Neer and wife to Hazel B. Neer, lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11 and 12, block 10, 9Xi; A. Neer and wife to Ethel L. Neer. lots 1. 2. 3. 9, 10, 11 and 12, block 21, consideration $2o. In Job Lots. The Mist furnishes the music. ''I have been a republican for 35 years," says the Iteview roan, "and have paid a large amount of taxes in Washington." This ' is strictly "professional. This is the editor of the Chief urging the Keview to "strike while the iron is hot," and guaranteeing that "tre ' (the populists) will win next year. "111 stand by you until 11 tbe hair falls on your head' 'Give me a chancel" etc. The Sentinel man looks with suspicion and alarm upon tbe Review and Chief, the Sen tinel's two competitors for populist support. They are in the field, however, and we presume they are looking for the highest bidder. Rainier's ex-school clerk "fleeing the wrath to come." Narrelaiiai Basalt. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunder- man, of Diniondale, Mich., we are permit ted to make this extract : "I have no hesi tation in recommending Dr. King's Mew Discovery, as tbe results were almost mar velous in the case ol my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Bives Junc tion she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last honrs with little In terruption aud it seemed salt she could not survive tbein. A friend recommended Dr. King's Kew Discovery; it was quick in Its work snd highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at Ross' drag store. Reg ular size 60c and $1.00. FStteklen'e Arnica Salve, The best Salve in tbe world for cots. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever tores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, snd positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. Total ..11?,UtH FALL PACK Steelhee.l S.fiOO Kllveraiilus.... 81..XI Chinook 81,500 GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse ine system and Keep me blood pure. Those who take alMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) ;et all the benefits of a mild and pleasant axatlve and tonic that purities the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LlVfcR REGU LATOR regulates ths Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is in good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. Th am all caused bv a sliicuish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the iiver work. If troubled with anv of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Meal tines, and Better than fills. sJf-EVEBV PACKAGE'S Baa the X Stamp la red on wrapper. ' J. H. Zoilln 4k Co Phils Fa. Petition lr l.lejwer Liceaae. rTHR HOW. COUNTY" COURT Or CO lumMa County. Oreeou: We, the umteraixned leital Voters reslilliiR IB Dm, l.lnl itiMiliM't. Columbia countr. state vl Orvfim, wounl respectfully petition your huii nralile bodv at its next regular turw, which will tw bslil on the 8th day ot January, A Ik. lnuS. la the Cnurt House, lu the City ol St Helens, Co lumbia county. Oregon, that a license begrauted U0. K. Hunter to sell spirituous, vinous aud iaH liquors tn qusnutiei leu ihau one gallon la Deer Island pntvlurt lu said County suit Mate, ami that said license b erenled (or s Period ot one year, for which we will ever pray, oalixi at uooie inia uinnay 01 novemner, inu O C JaquUh, J M Archibald, William Uornl, A Neer. I A Fowler, 1 ljmout, II Stehman, 11 M Fowler, Joe lwroc. Jay t AtvhllMlil. W J Kellle. 0 8 Foster. J A lnt. K It Vuater. K fk'hmlill, Fred Nuafthaumer, H F Donovan, B Heed. 8 C Hoaller. 1 K Cronk. C L Wilcox, Kit- ward Blark, John Oillem, J H Marketer, J A Houirn, lnumas Mxmiooi. r w Muaintier, a w liaison. W C Rohln.lt, Fred K obeli. T l l'rl nick. B Howard, Jownh Both, Wm Butdlrk, Jas Mt-Naughion. C J Farr, Frank Bl-taop, Jacob Lennarher. Jai'k D Spain, Vieior Turner, Jvk Nuiutiaunier, Oeo Kane, OC Fowler. A I Spautd liur, D L Bate. H Saner, David Belbnlr. Ueome Cross, Jacob Furrer, John Revts. P O ine. VY K NotUh, C K Leavens, M l'elerson, P H Burns, L H Bevls. d)S Petlltess tar tilsjusr License. rpo THR HONOR A BI.K COUNTY COl'KTOf X Columbia County, Oregon. ne, tbe undersigned lenl voters, residing In Peer Island precinct, Columbia County, ritate of Oreson. would resneetfullv Detlifon vour Hon orable body at Its next regular term, which will De nm on ine sin any ol Januarv, irjo, in lae Court House, In the City ol Hi. Helena. Colum bia County, Grairon. Ihut a licence be granted to Joel Hate to mI1 spirituous, vinous and malt lluuon tn quantities leas than one gallon, In Deer Inland precinct, Columbia county, Oreeon, and that said license be granted for a period ot one year, for which we will ever pray: Dated alUoble thiu'dtth day of November, ISSS. U C Jaqutsh, U S Foster, J II Smith, Victor Turner, Jacob Furrer, 8 K Maltisnn. Fred Nuw baiimer. A 1 Soauldlng, Joel Bate, K 11 llintnn, Fred Woodham, 8 A Fowier, J P AnrhitNtld, Thomas Lighifoot, Joseph Both, O E Hunter, It M Fowler. J J Joda, Fred Abies. R R Fo'ter, B Havanl, 8 Howe, Wllllim Dowd. (leoree I'mis, A F Ilauon. O Link, H Stehman. John W Bevls, C J Farr, F P Kaupai-h. J H lllarkeier. Bony Reed, O Shemlmke, L James. Mat Clark, HF Donsvan, E W Fowler, A Neer, Frank Bishop, James Uouldnn. J R Conboy. John Glltem, lieo Kane. C I. Wilcox, M Peterson, Chas Berry, Jas McNauKhton, Jakab Cwingli John Lamolt. dfiJS Master's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Diatrict of Oregon. Jobn F. F. Brewsur ) vs. I Joseph B E. Bourne, B. P. Morton, and The Astoria and Columbia River Kallroail I Compsny, a corporation.'' I VTOTICK IS HEREBV OIVKS THAT PUR. 1 suant to a decree made and entered In the above entitled Court and eaime ou the eighth day of November, iste, and to me directed, 1 will, an the SOtti Day ef December, tS05, at the door of tbe Counts Court house of Colum bia County, OreKon, at St. Helens, in said County and mate, and at tbe hour ol ten o 'clock A. M., offer for sale at public auction te ths highest bidder for cash, all of the right, title and Interest had on the 7th day of May, 1WM, by Joseph B. E. Bourne, together with all title which he has since the said date acquired in and to tbe followlne described real nronertv situate in Columbia County and the State of urcgon : The east halt of tbe donation land claim of the widow and heirs of James Dobbins, deceased, being Notification Number Ciaim Number 37, iu Sections Keren (7), Eight (), Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (is) In Township Seven North . Range Two west, and Hectious One 1 hip Banee Three ts) West of the Willamette Mart. dlan. more particularly described as follows: Beginning 8 76 chains north and 10 OS chains west from the southwest corner of rieotion Seven (7) In Township Hoven north and Range Two west; thence north 7S.10 chains: thence with the meanders of the river south 44 degrees east u cha;ns; thence south 7 degrees eaxt s chains SI) links; thence south 67 degrees HO minutes eastocbatnaSl links; thence south 62 degrees ou minutes east is chains VI Unas; tnence sontn .IS degrees east SHihaius 2D links: thence north H2 degrees east S chains 60 links; thsnce south 62 degrees east H9 chains: thence south 66 degrees 80 minutes east 12 chains 60 links; thence south 67 degress SO minutes east 4 chains; thence south 26 chains 19 links; thence west SS chains; thence north 40ohatna and thence west AS chains to the place of beginning, containing 6s.vl acres, according to tbe United states Govern ment surrey. Also, all the tide lands lying east and fronting and abutting on tbe east half of said above described donation laud claim, containing 2.1 acres more or less; containing In all 321.61 acres more or less, together wltb all the water rights, ditches, privileges, snd appur tenances upon, leading to. or eonnerted with said lands, aud every part and parcel thereof, Said sale will be made for the purpose of realizing the sum of Ave thousand eight hundred and eleven and 7-tt dollars (fftnu.79 m together with Interest thereon from the date of the said decree, and the further sum of 167.16 eosts. the accruing costs and expenses of sale, The sale will be made sulked to the confirm aUon of the above entitled Court, and suhlect to the redemption provided by law. SAUtACA HnjASA ST. Vaster In Chancery In the United States tjirnuii uoun tor tne uuinet oi Oregon. Dated November 21. 1M5. n2Ud27 final (tettlemeat. NOTICE is hereby given that I, the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Die Olson, deceased, have rendered and filed In tbe Uoiintv Court of the state of Oregon for Columbia Countv. mv final ac count and petition for final settlement, and mat Monday, the otn day of J on nary, i, at 2 o i lock P. M., and the court room of said Court in 81, Helens. Oregon, have been appointed by said Court as the time and place for settlement thereof, at which time and place anv person Interested in said estate may appear and file his excep tions, in writing to sain sccottnr, ami con test tbe same. KDWIN MEKI1IIX, Administrator of tbe estate of Ole Olson, deceased. nlodW Dated November 14, 1806. C ity Treaaarer'e Notice, St. Helens. Or.. Nov. 23, 1895. NOTICE is hereby given that all out. standing and nnnaid warrants of the city of Ht. Helens, Oregon, up to June IS, 15, also including warrant No. 181, are now payable npon presentation, and will bear no interest after November 23. 1805. . K. QUICK, City Treasurer. NEWELL & W ATKINS -DEALERS IN Groceries, Hay, Floor and Feed WOOD AND SIHI5ltI.E. Country Prodnce Bought and Sold, snd Ex changed fortJoods. Undertaking Uoods furnished on Hhort Notice. Store on Strand Street, ST. HELKN8, OR. $2000 Stock of Boots and Shoes. THE OREGON Shoe Store 168 THIRD STREET Have Purchased 125,000.00 worth of Hoots ami Wlxios at "fi per cent less than Actual ,'... w lil K.ill iham ('homier tban vou tan buy anywhere Kiss. $i0 tu enteoe vviks Mens Boots. 11.45 Mens Working Shoes.. . M Mens Dress Hlto-os from. 1.28 to f 3.r0 Kadies Shoes from. l.W to 360 llest School Shoes from. .M to 1.70 Infant Shoes .25 We have n His Assortment and Hell l.eai I'rlova. BS SURl TO FIND THS RIOHT PIAQI The Oregon Shoe Store I HQ Third SMrcet, rtlllTLAND, llelweeu Mortiaoit ami Yamhill. NeJI door to Roberts liros. Dry Goods Bloie, (Mention this paper.) THE HUNT HARDWARE COMPANY -DKAI.KK8 IN Stoves-Ranges CUTLERY AND TINWARE A Inreo and varied assortment of all nec essary cooking utensils, oonslsthif of an ele gant "and well-cuoseu asaorltneut of GKANITE-IRONWAKE Our Una ot stoves are tbe best made, as we carry the celcblateil "Majeallo Hteel Uangs," reoK'lsed to bs ths very best. 1N.U-KCT OUB Heating Stoves HUNT HARDWARE CO., Cor. Second and Yamhill Streets, PORTLAND, - 0KK00N JAMES SPENCE GKMItRAL BLACKSMITH . All kinds of wood ant Iron work done Snd all work guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Specialty ltoulton. Oregon. 8. B. QUICK. a. W. COL8, , Meteor Public Deeds fee Waehlatea Cole & Quick, St. Helens, Oregon PROPRIETORS OP "Thorn's Numerical System OP . . Title Abstracts" -FOR- Columbia - County, Oregon TITLES Examined and abstracts furnished. Will attend to matters before the Hoard of Eouallsatlon: payment of taxes, ete. Real Kslate, Conveyancltig. and losurauoe, aud Loans negotiated. Vwv E. WEAVER. Hair-Cutting Shaving Neatly Done Clean Towels and Quick Woik VOUR PATRONAOf SOLICITED ST. HELENS, s : : OREGON COLUMBIA SALOON 0. E. HUNTER, Prop. NEVIN'd OLD 8TAND Ite-opened and Re-furnlshed. Tbe W. H. McBrajer Whiskey Weinhard's Beer Kept on Ice. GOBLE, : : OREGON Hill's New American Polygraph I An indispensible companion to every merchant, clergyman and lawyer in the land. If you have copying to do, write at once inclosing 4 cents in stamps for particulars. Agenls wanted. Liberal discount. Address, W. H. BAUMANN, Genl. Agt. U. 8, A. P. 0. Box 67, Marissa, 111. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. TEAMfEfl Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens.. ... B:1W A M Arrive at Portland 10:1)0 A M Leave Portland . . 8:00 P M Arrive at bt. Helens,.,',..; 8:00 P M raise s cenra. Will Carry . Nothing bnt Passengers ana ast f reight. During ths summer season, or as Ions; as the water remains hlh enough, this boat wll( make two trips each week up Bcappooss bay on Tuesdays and Fridays. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. D O YOU NEED If you do and desire ths best quality for ths least money your wants csn always bs supplied by DART & 1UCKLE, Who have a complete line. Dress Goods. Clothing, Fancy Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes FURNISHING GOODS St. Helens, Oregon. ST. HELENS Alt kinds of fresh and salted meals, ssusairs and flsh. An express wagon runs dally to all parts of tits city. Meats by Wholesale - A. . - . .. At special Rata. - Swcetland & Sheldon, MAIN BTHFKT. I I ST. 1IKLKNB, URKOON, Clatskanie Drugstore PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS Patent Medicines, Prescription Dnifs, Tolls! Articles, Fancy Muttons, eta r i snn sfls sfti sfsr sfti sUS sfti stls. ....ST. HELENS HOTEL Our tables will at all times be found supplied with tbe best edibles and delicacies the market affords, TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS ' The hotel having been newly refurnished we are prepared to give satis faction U all our patrons, aud solicit your patronage. J. George. Proprietor. St. Helena, Or. aa a. as y as sys-sjsnsrsypTsjrsyfJsr.j'ay ay ay i ST. HELENS My Specialties: LU o 03 CD D CC Q CO CO o g!fl gtationcru - AMD DRUGGISTS SUNDIUES Are as low as first-class goods can be aold. Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night I KEEP IN STOCK Fresh Patent Medicines I am here for business, and want your trade. Yours verjr truly, , DR. EDWIN ROSS. Best Quality Drugs used r st. HELENS Mr. Cooper's new and element bar room la ths favorite re sort of the city, whereat all time can b. found the famous PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WHISKY ki band poacaTic aiso ituremTM ciCABa Mr Cooper Is always find to welcome his old friends to his popular place ot business ST. HELENS PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE WlsKH STEAMER O. W. SHAVER, Dell Shaver. Master. TjHAVAB Pfirtlanf fml nf Wasr.lHa.iAsa flflV. WftiinjtfailHV atlii VpisiBW fmst . si A Thuiadays au " sssavkbs THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS THE JOSEPH KELLOGG A STR aOSBPH KHLLOaO FOR PORTLAND Leaves Kelso Mondays. Weilnnsitava lr-i,! ..,. r i,.ir . . T.. Portland Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday at 0 o'clock a. m. GROCERIES? MEAT MARKET tbe SMace te assy Vour Presb Msdls IneS Mt. J. I. HALL, Preprieta S CMa a4. Ore SVstV atausWsfc a afc a, sfj 7T Xat... r DRUG STORE 33 O oo CO st o 30 c Q CO H O 30 m in Prescription Department EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE .s...t s-vt.i . . .. a .... s .. ....- s . Ws . a n.. aoruauu suesoays, TBAtsafrwRTATIOlV CAlKtMNT. COMPANY'8 RIVER STEAMER i