The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 20, 1895, Image 3

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Tub Gholkiu flnm.ilin fnn
cliioo illspatclius rt io the effect that
II duo precautions ere being taken to
,1'ivTnuv tuo irvKu ui onuiera ina a
quarantine lias boon established at Ihe
California state line. The dread dis
ease la blatlnir lmvnn In f!Mna ami
Hawaii, and it is feared the germs will
no carried to tue i'souio coast.
Nkw Wood Saw. Mr. O.D. Gilaon
has purchased a tteatn wood law and
tlmi It in operation In thia city. A
aieam aaw.ii a new thing for St. Hel
ens and consequently attracted con
siderable attention when first- aet in
.motion, end, loo, it reduces theoat ol
fuel about 75 cenia a cord, which la
appreciated. ,
Odd Fkixowshif. From the grand
.aeoretary'a report made to the Bovsr
sign Grand 1' dge now in aeaalon at At
lantic City, N. J., It I learned that
the total membership of the ordor la
now 790,71)5, and that the Daughter!
of Kt bcikali number 825,189, making
totHl nieinberahip of 1,015,084. There
had been paid out during the year la
relief to members $3,323,811.
Eaitbkr Stab. Micpah Chapter,
0. E. 8., of thla place, hold an inter
esting meeting Saturday evening, at
which lime a number of new membera
were inatruoted In the myateriea of the
order. Viaitora preaent wore Grand
.Matron Mra. M. K. Kellogg, Grand
Marshal Mra. Emily McLean, Captain
Kellogg, Dr. McLean and Mr. Alex
fiwaok, of Portland, Mr. and Mri.
Buchrodt, of Alblna, and Mra. Miller,
of North Yakima, Waah. ttofreah
wente were served during the evening
and a general good time la reported.
If aw Circuit Judo. Senator II
E. McGinn, of Portland, waa laat Sat
urday appointed by Governor Lord to
ihe bench of the atate circuit oourt for
Multnomah county to fill the vacancy
euuaed by the death of the late Judge
JUrlwell Hurley. Judge MoUinn will
verve uutll next July, Hie eueceaeor
will be elected at the general election
neit June for a term of tour yeara to
complete the term of tit yeara to
which Judge Hurley waa elected in
18U4. The appointment waa made
upon Ihe recommendation of a Write
number of prominent membera of the
bar In Multnomah connty..
Back from thb Eabt. Dr. Edwin
Rose returned Tueeday from liia old
home In Wieconain where he haa apent
the paat aeven weeka with rolativea
and friends. The doctor thinka timea
are generally Improving in Wieconain,
Illinoia. Iowa, and aaya that In thoae
atutea there la an abundant crop thia
year, and in the former atate the oat
crop ia estimated at 75 buahela per
acre. He heard very littlo complaint
about herd timet, and no talk of west
ward emigration. The doctor will be
at St. Viocent'a hoapilal in Portland
for the next tlx wneka alter which he
will again take up hie realdeoce in St.
No Wood Fi-umb. For some time
the question of constructing a wood
flume from Milton creek lo St. Helena
liaa been under consideration by gen
tlemen who believed there would be a
profit in the enterprise. But once
attain an industry that would bring
thotimmla of dollars annually to thia
ulace haa been "nipped in the bud,
The right-of-way cannot be scoured on
termt which teem reasonable to the
gentlemen Interested In the proposi
tion, so the scheme haa been aban
doned. Thia ia to be regretted indeed,
but it la only a repetition of the fate
that haa befallen every attempt to es
tablish Industries here (or many yeara.
It la aaid, however, that the human
eyatem undergoea a complete change
every aeven yeara, hence It ia hoped
a current of publio aplrit may yet
etrika the town belore uabnel biowa
lilt horo.
Home Mahufacturkr. In another
column of thia issue will be found the
advertisement of J. M. Moyer A Co.,
Portland. There are many reasons
why thia Arm should receive a liberal
oatronee-e. Firat. because they sell
goods on a very email margin ; second,
because their goods are made oi tne
beat grade of Oregon wool ! and, third,
because it it a duty every man owea to
himself an I the country in wnion ne
livoa to patronise home industry. But
people, aa a rule, are not alow to graap
the spirit of home protection. Moyer
k Co. have been in buaineat in Port
land only a few year, but during that
time thor have enjoyed a steadily in
creasing trade which, about a year
ago made it necessary to move their
store to more commodious quartern,
which they found on the corner of
Third and Oak street. We do not
wish to imply that Moyer A Co. are
giving away goods, but insist that their
goods and prices will bear the light of
Delinquent Tax SALi.-The sheriffs
aale of property lor delinquent taxes
will take place tomorrow (Saturday) at
10 o'clock in the foreuoon, at the oourt
House in Nt. Helena, and will be con
tinued from day to day until such
time aa, in the judgment of Sheriff
Doan, the aale should be brought to a
close, excepting that the aale mutt
close within thirty days. A good
many people have already paid their
tax aluca the same became delinquent,
and it ia quite likely that the greater
portion of the property advertised will
be bid in by speculators on the day of
aale. Property eold for taxes may be
redeemed at any time within two
yeara. If redeemed within one year
tho person who bid it in ia entitled to
20 per cent, on hii money, and if not
redeemed until during the second
year another 10 per oent. ia added to
the coat of redemption. At the ex
piration of the aeoond yr-sr should the
property not have been redeemed, the
sheriff executes a deed to the purchaser
at which time tho property passes out
of the hands of the original owner.
During the past year a large amount
of the property sold in 1894 for delin
quent taxes haa been redeemed and
should tho two yeara elapse before the
remaining sums are paid the peraon
to whom the property waa assessed
w jll forfeit al) right lo the same, -
M. Davison, of Pittsburg, waa on our
atreeta Tuesday.
W. B. Dillard apent laat Sunday with
menus in Portland.
Justice Swager waa doing business
In I'ortlaud Monday.
Mra. W. J. Scott, of thia place, ii re
ported very tick with fever.
George Jaquish, of Reuben, was in
the oily Monday on business.
Mrs. N. E, Dolman went to Salem
Monday for a short visit with relatives.
Dr. Cliff waa summoned to Bache
lor Island Monday on professional bus
Mlaa Amy George hai gone to Port
land where she will attend school this
Mrs. W. D. Connell and Mra. Jat.
Strachan, of Deer Island, were visiting
in thia place Wednesday.
George E. Davis, the well-known at
torney of Portland, waa in thia oity
Tueeday on legal buaineaa.
W. H. Imua, of the Review, and A.
II. Imua, the well-known Kalame
lawyer, were in town Wednesday.
Bear In mind that wa will furnish
you the Weekly Oregonleu and The
mist together one year lor only sz.
Ei C. Giltnor. secretary and mana
ger of the State Insurance Company,
of Salem, waa ia town over Bunday.
Attorney Harrison Allen went to
Clatakanie Wednesday morning on
the Shaver to attend to legal buaineaa
Surveyor Meaerve went to Soeppotse
Wednesday to begin the aurvey tor a
road Iroui that Dlace to the Nehalem
valley. ...,..
The fall term of publio school at
thia place will open next Monday,
September 23d, with Mra. Belle Gad
dia, teacher. .- -
Edward Guild, Phineaa Peok, John
Beyer, John Piuelt and 8. D. Hheeley,
all Of Veruonia, were in town Wednes
day of thia week.
Mr. and Mra. Jaa. Sheldon and Mr.
and Mra. D. Davis apent laat Sunday
at Oak island, the guests of Mr. and
Mra. Frank Dow.
Rev. Chaa. E. Fhllbrook will preach
at Gillton next Sunday at 8 o'clock in
the afternoon and at Seappoote at 8
o'clock in the erening.
Mra. J. K. Beegle waa a paaeenger
np on the Galeert Wednesday on her
way to Hillaboro, where aha will viait
relalivea for a few daya.
Misa Tillie Muckle came down from
Portland Saturday evening to apend
Sunday with relalivea here. She re
turned Monday morning.
Letters were iasued by the county
clerk Tuesday to Bebekah Webster aa
executrix of the laat will and teatament
of Edward Webater, deceased.
Magnua Saxon, of Gillton, contracted
about 100 pounds of honey in thia
city thia week. The price received
waa 12 J centa in quantities.
The family of Mr. 8. 8. Way moved
to Ksinior thia week where Mra. Way
will have charge of the primaiy de
partment of the publio school.
Alexander La Bell, an Indian, waa
arraigued before Itecoider Allen Tuee
day on a charge of being drunk and
disorderly. He waa fined 910 and
J. A. Waddle, representing the firm
of W. J. VanSohuyver dc Co., of Port
land, waa in the city a short time
Monday on bia way to Astoria and
other down river pointe.
The following final proofs have been
made at the courthouse thia week:
Monday, John W. Nowlea; Tueaday,
Joe White, Dauiel Anderson and A. E.
Morgan; Wednesday, John Beyer.
H. O. Howard, the Milton creek
sawmill man, ia having erected a dry
ing house in connection with hia mill
for the purpose of drying lumber,
Steam will be uaed for the purpose.
Misa Mary Conyera, formerly of
Clatakanie, who ia now an attache of
the Oregon City Enterprise, was laat
week eleoted secretary of the MoLough-
iin uaiuwuqua circia id urrgoa viiy.
When you are in need of garden
hoae see Orchard & Switaer, who are
prepared to furnish thia commodity at
aa low a figure aa It can be secured in
Portland. They will furnish hose on
short notice.
Thia office ia in receipt of a eopy of
a aong entitled "Uregon," dedicated to
the publio acbola of tha atate. The
words and music are by Professor C.
II. Jones, formerly of the St. Helena
publio schools.
Harry West, of Bcappooee, proprie
tor of Sunny Banks Stock Farm, was
in town Saturday. Mr. West ia pre
paring to exhibit some ol his Jersey
cattle and Cheater White twine at the
state fair thit year.
Cbarlet Meterve, editor of the Ore
gon Cily. Enterprise, accompanied by
hia wife, were passengera on the sha
ver down to Clatakanie Monday, where
Mrs. Meaerve ia viaiting her parents,
Mr. and Mra. W. H. Conyera.
Mr. H. Orobard expeuts in a short
time to move witli hia family baok to
St. Johnt from wbenoe he oame only
a few months ago to personally super
intend the oonstruotion of the new
system of gravity water workt.
Little or nothing it beard of the
Goble railroad further than the filing
of a few right-of-way deeds. Mr Ham
mond Inlenda probably to betriu work
toon, but if tuoh ia the oaae be ia alow
lo give the matter any certainty in the
way of actual oonatruction. .
Congressman W, B. Ellis, "of thia
diatrict, ia in a Portland hospital un
dergoing treatment for hia leg which
waa broken in a runaway accident
about three yeart ago. The injured
member baa been troubling him for
tome time and it la thought an opera-
lion would be necessary.
The woman't auxiliary of the Ore
gon Industrial Exposition lire prepar
ing a aarii of speoinl entertainments
for the fair, including a baby carnival,
patriotic night, muaicale and a night
of fancy dances. They will also con
duct a cooking school twice a week in
tho aftornoon, presided over by Mra.
Miller, the lndy who gave audi popu
lar illustrated lectures on cooking at
the world's fair. The ladies will alto
make tho finest collection of woman's
work, brio-a-brao, art and cunout ever
collected on the Pacific coast.
The large safe which waa used by
tne one-time Columbia Bankine: Com
pany in thia place, started for Portland
Wednesday, but went only a few feet
until It was overhauled by law, and it
now atanda out afn the croaswalk wail
ing for orders. :
Two gentlemen from Astoria have
been in the oity for several davt en
gaged in getting out small piling to
be uaed in buildintr a fish trap near
the mouth of the Columbia. The tim
oers were found in tho grovea near
town. Several of our industriously
Inclined citizens have been assisting
"Pap" Sheffield, of Gillton, was in
town Wednesday delivering prunes
tor wnicn he had previously received
orders. "Pap" tells us that last week
there were shipped from his place 8000
pounds of the favorite Italian prunes
10 the Ulncago market, and there re
maina yet from 8000 pounds to 4000
pounds of prunes on the trees and on
the ground on their place.
Laat August while working in the
harveat field I became overheated, waa
suddenly attacked with cramps and
was nearly dead. Mr. Cummiiiars. the
druggist, gave me a dose of Chamber-
lain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy whfoh completely relieved
me. I now keep a bottle of the rem
edy handy. A. M. Bunnell, Centor-
ville, Wash. For sale by Dr. Edwin
Ross, Druggist.
Dr. Chalmers wat laat week appoint
ed by Judge Ulancherd to Investigate
tue diphtheria-infected place up on
Sauvies ialand, where the three deatha
occurred in one family two weeka
ago. Dr. Chalmers went up there last
Tueaday, taking with him a sufficient
quantity of disinfectants which were
scattered about the place for the pur
pose of killing the germ'of the disease.
or at least to prevent its spreading.
lira. 8. A. Kell.of Pomona, Cel.. bad
the bad luok to sprain her ankle. "I
tried several liniments," the aayt, "but
waa not cured nntil I used Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. That remedy cured
me, and I take pleasure in recom
mending it and testifying to ita effi
cacy." Thia medicine is also of great
value for rheumatism, lame back, paina
in the ohest, pleurisy and ail deep-
seated and muscular paina. For tale
by Dr. Edwin Roaa, druggiat.
One encouraging feature for the fu
ture ie that business men throughout
the entire Northwest report a marked
increaae in business this fall over a
corresponding period tor laat year. If
this increase ia not the result of the
natural fall inorease of business, but
something that will remain with ua,
then we may feol encouraged. Sep
tember has been a good business month
to far in all branchea of buaineaa, but
it may be only temporary.
Administrators of estates who over
looked the new law concerning semi
annual reports laat apring will do well
to be on their guard now for the next
report ie due in about a fortnight.
Sandwiched in between the special
laws paased by the last legislature waa
a general law in the shape of senate
bill No. 84, which amended the code
and providea that executora or admin
istrators ahall within the firat ten daye
of April and October of each year, ren
der an acoount and hie it with tne
clerk, ahowing the amount of money
received and expended by him, etc.,
during the aix montha last paaaed.
Mra. E. E. Davis, of Ban Miguel, Cel.,
lays : "I am trying in a measure to
repay the raanufacturee of Chamber
lain'a Cough Remedy for the great
good their remedy haa done me. For
yeara I waa a constant sufferer from
weak lungs and bronchial asthma. My
rest at night waa disturbed by a hack
ing cough so that I felt miserable the
greater part of the time. Many reme
dies recommended by friends were
tried, none of which proved suitable
to my oase. I did not experience any
beneficial results until I began taking
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After
two bolt lea of the large aise had been
used I am pleased to atate, my health
ia better than it haa been for yeara
The soreness haa left my lunga and
cheat and I can breathe eaaily. It baa
done me so much good that I want all
who are Buffering from lung troublea
aa I waa, to give it a trial. For aale by
Dr. Edwin Rosa, druggist.
E. E. Quiok did business in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. A. Davia went to Port
land yesterday to visit relative
W. J. Deits, of Rainier, waa a pas
senger np for Portland on the Shaver
Sheriff Charles Doan was in Clata
kanie Wednesday. lie returned home
Tburaday. ''
Circuit court is now in session in
Clatsop county, with Hon. T. A. Mo
Bride presiding.
Yeaterday's bail storm was charac
terised by the largest hail atones that
have fallen here for years.
ALf.EN-BONNKR.-At the parlors of the
Oriental hotel, in thia city, Wednesday,
Hepteinoer 18, 1805, Miss May Bonner to
Mr. Charles A. Allen, both of Scappoose.
Rev. Ghaa. K. Philbrook, officiated.
Highest Honors World. Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
.Most Perfect Made.
Years the Standard
Great Sacrifice
No. Cook fifoves I 7.80
No, H Copper Bottom Wash Boilers. 1.00
no. s copper Bottom Tee-Kettles..,
Move nine per ioint
Decorated Dinner Hets from $5.00 np.
Western Htur Wabing Machines....
IJust Clothes Wringers
First grade Stone-ware, per gal . . .
Mason's Fruit Jars, pUMJOo, qts 76o,
X (altl.UO perdoican.
Heating Stoves at Cost
When the above nricet are taken as mere
amnios of the many other bargains offered.
iney win impress upon an, ma tact tnai
mis is a saw none can atrora to miss.
Special attention given mall orders from
the country. -
STORE a . .
Cor 2d and Yamhill Bta, Portland, Or.
(Mention tliis paper. )
When Baby was sick, wa gas bar Gastorla.
Wheal aha waa a Child, aha cried for Oastoria.
When aba beoame Mlaa, abe clung to Oaatoria,
When she bad Children, aba gave them Oaatoria,
Andrew Doyle la trying bis band at driv
ing team, andseetns to know h ow it is done.
T. W. Freeman, of Kinhhawk took trln
to Portland Monday, returning on the boat
yt vunesuay.
Frank Merrill and wife wars nakaenmra
Monday evenina- on tha steamer, destined
for Portland.
Morris Franklin left an tha alaamer Vri.
day eveninc for Nehalem City to work for
niiupei a mo. mere.
C. Qorame has been havlne- aoma altera
tions and improvements made about hia
home, preparing for winter weather.
It was a little e-frl that earns to tha resi
dence of Ed Page and wife last Thursday
iigut. mi proa pec ls are wat it wm re
main mere.
'. A. Fabriane was bnsr Frldav naeklna
up some effects of K. H. Lane to go to Ne-
Iialetu. Clatskanla will hare ouite a talon
there before long.
Old Father Dye walks to town once in a
bile for supplies, and can still tnik politics
whrn he gets started front the standpoint of
a Kansas populist.
The new wareroom of the Shaver Trans-
Sortation U.impany is now ready for frrigbt.
Ir. fetewart hu finished lavinit a substan
tial floor of two-inch lumber.
Photographer Ross haa been siehtlnr
through bis camera at onr onblic bnildines
and will soon have pictures of them on ex-
nioition ana tor sale.
Tom FIlDDln rot hia mill-aaw bark from
Portland last week where it had been un
dergoing repairs. Tbe saw looks about aa
ood as new, and will soon be placed on
iu7 again.
H. U Warren and wife went to Portland
last Saturday to meet Mrs. Warren, sr., on
her way from Oakland. Cat., to visit her
son her. Tha party all returned on Mon
day erening.
An arrangement at the shingle mill car
ries the sawdust far enough away so tbat
it can be burned without It being nece&'ary
to use a cart. The wheel that grinds it out
is quite conspicuous to passers.
Harold Byverson and wife were over
from Beaver last week in their new con
veyanc. The horse and carruure make a
fine looking outfit, and somewhat notice
able in this section where baggies are not
yrry plenty,
Henry Doerr haa had some bay stored in
vacant blacksmith shop on the Jones estate
lot. Kecently Henry saw a notice of aale
for taxes posted on the bunding, and fear
ing his hay would be involved, got to work
lively to finish a barn and get bis hav away.
He is all right now, the house can be sold ;
bis hay is not in It.
A traveling music man repaired the pub
lic scnool organ recently and it la In good
snap again. It would be well for our peo
ple tq drop into tha schoolhoose occasion
ally during music hour and hear bow well
the organ can b played by two of onr
scholars. Cora Blackford and Carrie Tich-
...... A -.a-IUh, U nt
uui vnu .-.' u u v v .wi i Lit, u, m ma f" J
and with their lead the school makes good
The elty eonncil haa about determined to
at least supply tne lumoer to extend tne
bridge from the Riverview hotel to connect
with tbe one now standing, and repair tbat
on so mat travel win do a one at less nsc.
Applications for volunteer labor will be re
ceived and favorably considered. Those
who sonieume ago promised to do tbe work
if the city would furnish the lumber will
probably aeon have a chance to do it.
W. A. Edgerton la one man in town who
believes in improving, and it is rare tbat
either a carpenter, painter, or paper hanger
is not at work somewhere for him. His
latest venture ia a new barn which Torn
Carter is building, with tha asaistanc of
Bruce Haines, and with it he is dunring a
well in which Clinton Hainea la master
mechanic. The color of th mud that is
being drawn out snggeata a mine of liuuld
bluing somewhere in the vicinity, and might
prove an unexpected source ot revenue.
Wednesday afternoon the steamer Sha
ver brought In Sheriff Doan, Attorney Har
rison Allen and Editor Beetle. The visit
ors were watched suspiciously for a while
out tnvir genuemaniy manners soon cap
tured th hearts of our eitiaens and they
were given a cordial greeting. It waa Mr.
Allen a first visit to our dace and ha form
ed a number of new acquaintances. Mr.
Beegie, we unaersiana, expeeia to explore
the lower part of the county, and the other
gentlemen started tor Bt. Helena tbe same
W. K. Tichenor was working around 'the
shingle mill on Monday minus a shirt
sleeve on hia right arm, and aa that is not
bia usual style of dress ha explained that
he gave the sleev away to save his arm.
Workinc near a revoivlna shaft his sleeve
caught, and fortunately he had presence of
mind and tim enough to brace himself
and pull and let th sleev go from th
shoulder before bis arm got more than a
slight pincn. it was a oiose ran ror in
arm, but Will thinka that "all's well that
ends well."
The school board determined to supply
some seats for the upper school room.
Not desks exaotly, but something to sit on
during the special exercises held there 00
easaionally. Tbey concluded the easiest
wav to vet them that ia th least exnensiv
1 way was to get lumber and make them.
Ana tnat was wdh iney oia. in seat
oannoteactly be called stylish, but tbey
answer the purpose and are now doing duty.
It ia to be hoped tbat th school district
will soon feel able to get another coat of
paint n th school building and have the
Inside work completed.
Thomas Rutter, sr., of Lower Beaver,
died Sunday afternoon, th 15th lust., of
cancer, situated near the lower jaw. He
was in the 87th year of bis lite and has
been an uncomplaining sufferer for the
ast three months.- H died at the reai
enc of hia son-in-law, Harvey Tingle,
wber he has made his horn since tbe
death of his aged companion, nearly four
years ago. HebasbeenlnthecouQlyeeyeral
years and was an honored and respected
citlien In the community where he resided.
A large number of people gathered at the
house on Tuesday afternoon to accompany
the remains to the oeihetery, and after a
brief aervico conducted by Rev A. O. Child
the solemn procession went to the place of
burial, where the casket was opened for a
few minutes and a last look taken, then all
that was mortal was carefully laid away to
rest bes)de the remains of bia wife.
The Largest and Most Complete Display ever made of the Resonrces, Industrie, Com
merce, llusiness. Agricultural, Forests, Mines, Frnit, Fisheries, Manufactures
and Transportation Facilities of the Great Pacifie Northwest.
Fine music, Special Attraction Every Day. Bedaee4 Rate oat All '
Tranapartatlou Line.
Single Admission 25c
Children under 12 yeara. . ..... 10c
Season Tickets... 13.00
E. C. MASTEN, Secretary.
81 and 83 THIRD ST, S. W, Cor. Oak
Men's All
Single and Double Breasted Backs, all sizes. In Twenty-fonr Pattern,
n wrr.r trux uir r a rt i cotiipdw . i tt r
J. M. MOYER & CO.,
Wholesale and Retail Clothiers.
nyGXI' mills 8'
Uncle Myers
Bargains in all lines of Jewelry
Watch Repairing at Lowest Rates
165 First Street
AU kinds of fresh and salted meats, sansage and fish.
An express wagon runs dally to all parts of the city.
Meats by Wholesale
At Special Rates.
fiRT The OregOBian aad Misttogetlief for$2
for Infants and Children.
nnOTHERS, Do You Know ,,
jf f nslsnin'e Crop, Godfrey's Cordial, many ao-oauad Boothiac Kyrapa, and
saoa noodle tor ohOdraa are eompeaad ofopaus or marpbtasf
BsTsa Kaew that ophna and aaofpanisateieilMarontleaoaxaay
P Tom Know that aa aaoaeoounlilaa drnggfata as mot nenaUtod SB H aaroottca
tthou labeling them poisons
Pa Tew Know that too should pot permit any madkta to be ttrm TQn- child
aahisajrn nr i rriji 1 In ilnr itf nliattt laira-rrnnlT
Qo Tarn Know that Oaatoria ia a puratr vssjptabm prspsratloa, and that a Hat at
Its Ingredient I puhUshtd wttti arery bottle f
Pa Tea KaowthatCaetorlals th weauiloUoaof th nunona Dr. Bamnsl FMchar.
that tthaa bean mote for nearly thirty yeara, and that mora Oaatoria la sow sold tbaa
at an other remedies tor chUdraa eombtnrdt
PsTaaKaew that th PatsaS OnV Department of th United Rate, and of
ether ooantrlea, hare haned exohurf right to Dr. Pttoher and hia assigns to on th word
PeTea Know that on of. tha wjaaoni tor aranUaar thia torwnmant protection waa
because Oaatoria had been prorsa to be afcaolitaly ka saleaat .
Pa To Knnrr that SS avara- doasa of Oastoria era furnished tor SO
' esail. nt nns runt a lines f :
Po Ton Know that whaarnMBssal of thia perract iirtra may
be kopt well, and tht yoo may have unbrokori rest t "
. Walls tltaaa thtnaar worth taowmg. Thayer Casts.
Th tW-edaafla
rfaaatwra of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla
October -5th,
For Exhibit Space 'apply at tha Ex.
position Building to
C. H. HUNT, Spot.
Patronize Home
- 1895-1896
Wool Suits
an 83 Third Street. Cor. Oak
FOKTI.AN1. oHEfio.
11- F I la I Tr
1. .... .1 il
Sweetland & Sheldon,
9 mj-tV99
. Stock of Boots and Shoes.
Shoe Store
Bave Purchased $25,000.00 worth of Hoofs
and Blioes at 25 per cent less than Aotuai
Cost. We will Hell them Cheaper than you
ran bny anywhere Else.
$00h tti h Vvlce
Mens Boots. .......... .f 1.45
Mens Working 8 hoes.
Mens Dress Shoe from.
Ladies Shoes from ......
Beat School Shoes from .
Infant 8boes
1.25 to 3 50
1.00 to 350
.60 to 1.75
Ife ksra a, mar Amarf aa4
Sell at Leil Srie.
The Oregon Shoe Store
-f Q Tfclrel Street, POHTLtNV.
lOO Between Morrison and Yamhll '
Next door to Roberta Bros, ftr? floods Btorf.
(Mention thia paper.)
A targe and varied assortment of all nec
essary cookinv utensils, consistinp' of an ele
gant and weli-chosen assortment of
Onr line of stoves are lb best made, aa
we carry tbe celebtated "Majestic Uteel
Bangs," recognized to be tbe very beat:
Heating Stoves
Cor. Second and Yambili Streets,
Csassslsslsair at
, Notary Pabtlc
Deads tor Waaalaftaar
Cole & Quick,
St. Helens,' - - Oregoei
"Thorn's Numerical System
Title Abstracts''
Columbia - County, - Oregon
Examined and abstracts fnrnlsbed. Will
attend to matters before the Board of
Equalization; payment of taxes, ete. Real
Estate, Conveyancing, and Insurance, and
Loans negotiated.
Hair-Cutting ShaYing
Clean Towels and Quick Woik
Nstiea ta CreeUiera.
THS undersigned having been dclv ap
pointed administratrix of tbe estate)
of Erik L, Jepson, deceased, all persona
having claims against said estate, are rei
quested to present the same to me, prop
erly veriBed, at the law office of Allen at
Cleeton, at HL Helens, Columbia Connty,
Oregon, within aix montha from th date
hereof, Dated August 27, 1886. -
Administratrix of tbe estate of Erik L.
Jepson, deoeaaed. : e3Q27. -
Hill's New American Polygraph!
An- indiepensible companion to
every merchant, clergyman and lawyer
in the land. If you have copying t
do, write at once inclosing 4 centa rj
stamps for particulars. Agents wanted.
Liberal discount. Address,
Genl. Agt U. 8. A.
P. O. Box 67, Marissa, 111.
SrrLE 1 KSXsva .. j
Ben Davis. Spitsenberger, North
ern Spy. Baldwin, Oravanstein,
Melon and Red Aatracbaa.
Trees are grown on llr timber soil,
: ar free from peeta and are true
to nam, being propagated from
onr own young orchard.
A nice lot of Currant, Gooseber
ry. Wineberry, Raspberry and
Blackberry. Every shipment de
. llvered free on the car or boat.
A. HOLADAT, Bcappoose, Or.
Thb Mibt want a correspondent
in every neighborhood. If anything
of interest happens in your locality let
tneworia Know it tnrough the col
umns of Thb Mist.
School Report. '
BcArroosB, 8ep. 17, VMS,
The following: is a renort of th school in
district No. 1, Bcappoose, Oregon)
Number enrolled 22
Total days attendance ...J40
Total days absence 63
Tardy marks...., .. S
Those who were neither absent or tanlir
wrre Rov Price. Earl Turner, llvrlle W'mt
and Lelia West.
I kindlv call th attentiea of narant to
the number of absences.
Mildkip Boil, TMoberx .