OREGON MIST. SUBSCRIPTION. 1100 PER YEAR. BEEQLB & DAVIS, Publishers.' Mt, ttELKKB, OHKCiON, Al'G IS. , Ir Harrison, MrKinlAy, Morton,' Al lison or Reed don't (ret, the nomination lor president, who wilt it bet From information obiiiinaMe it it Me to My, we think, tint the salmon ytck for the year 1895 on the Colum bia will compare quite favorably with the paet two or three years. Complete statistics have not yet been compiled in regard to the pack. . Columbia coiintv alone has suffered many thousands of dollars I'e by fire in the lait m weeks. All due precau tion should be exercised by hiintrrfl, rampers and Woodsmen while the weather is so hot and everything so dry, that fires do not get out. The large place filled by resump tions of work and advances of wages these days and the small puce filled by strikes tells a (ratifying story of business improvement throughout the East. The extent of the change in ftoth particulars from lust year at this time Has seldom it ever been equaled in twelve months. THE fishing season closed last Satur day, and there was shut off a channel through which many thousands of dot lars drifted into circulation along the Columbia river. What to do else than' remain in idleness is a question which Is perplexing our local lishermen. It will be some time before the fall fishing season opens, and until then there will be many idle men. It might be a paying investment for the proprietor of Wilhoit Springs to have a "setting" with the fellow who doesj the holding-up of the stage on that route, any pay him liberally to remain away. It has become such a frequent occurrence that it seems the fellow must want to injure the busi ness and reputation of the resort, and takes this means of doing it. While it may not appear as just the right spirit to manifest, the people are some times tempted to Say that it is about the proper thing for desperadoes and thugs to be treated as were those at Elleneburg on Tuesday night. Tbo country is relieved of two persons, whom, if alfowed a trial, may have es caped the punishment they rightly de served, besides the state of Washing ton is relieved of their support, foi pel baps many years. That fellow who uninterruptedly Serpetrates those little holdups of the ooa bar stage may meet with a sur prise party some of these days in the abape of a well loaded and aimed shot gun. He may continue such practices time after tame but the gfand "finale" is snre to overtake him. Some fellow with a "craw full of sand" will join the cast and play a deadly part in that little drama, and then Oregon' peni tentiary will be relieved, too, of one who is rapidly traversing the pathway to luat naen ot rest. The press of Oregon is unanimous in denouncing the action of people in starling forest, fires, but in spile of the law and all that is being said in re gard to the matter, there are people who persist in the open violation of the statutes. And, We are sorry to Bay Columbia county is inflicted with a few of these persons, who seem utterly do void of any sense of fear or reason. It Would be a blessing if some one could be caught in the act of starting a fire ia the forest, arid made an example of. The law is stringent in this respect nd if some miscreant conld be brought to the bar of justice and have a right heavy fine imposed upon him it might have a tendeucy to stop so much law lessness in this respect. The question of right and wrong as far as human action is concerned, needs but an unselfieh consideration to establish. As a recent writer says: Betribative justice reduces the conduct of mankind to this one statement that the people have no right to be wrong. It would seem to txt one of the great mistakes of the day that children lire not, from their earliest years, taught just what are the pains and penalties of violated law, and how useless it is to try to shrink the con sequences of our own acts. Very few people of intelligence are wrong from downright ignorance. And on the other hand the individual who avoi-ls the pathway of wrong doing Simply to evade the penalties attached to the deed, loses the cream of the rewards of right fictions under all circumstances. The man who laments that the pace of our business life is a killing one, bas oniy himself to blame if he figures among the slain. The race is not Always to the swift, snd time given once a year to aid exhausted nature is money earned and saved. While it is true that more Americans wear nut in a abort space of time than do the people of any other nation, it is also true that this is because Americans lead the world in industry and enter prise, while they are still behind the old World in their recreations. , The greater the mental and physical labor the more arbitrary should' he the re laxation. Neither can be successful withodt due regard for the other, and the lypioal American will rust out al most as quickly as he will weir out. Let no man persuade you that a vaca tion means time wasted or opportuni I ties lost. Take your summer outing, leaving business cares and thoughts behind you. Become a boy again for : a month, for a week, or even for a day, nd you will return to quickly over take and pass the man who has re mained at his desk to watch the op portunities at the sacrifice of his health and strength. It is not necessary that von occupy a commanding position to accept this view; it is quite as good philosophy for the subordinate as for ' the chief. The leaders of the husineas j f any community are found among those who never decline an outing! when it is time for one, and who never " growled that the pace waa too rapid for human rmtnre. ' . SCANDAL The EaslOVfgonian'.inoomhientlng oil the habit of "goasiplug" on scan dal monitor, says:- "Of ouurso,' no decent person will fail to despise a scandal monger. He is beneath notice and deserves electro cution. But on the other hand tlifr scandal monger is impotent when at' tempting to tear down the reputitti'Mi ofi.hewlioe t 'huravier is founded 01 real virtue aud voided by principle. This ia correct as a general i ule, and lliere is no more despicable person than he or she who attempts to pry into the affairs of others. Still there are such people in every community, and they delight in every species of tilth and nastiness that may float to social gutters anil sewers. They will read with the greatest avidity the col uiiins of disreputahln newspaper-, and spend hour after hour in glutting over the iiaty details of social wiecbs, and never pav the least attention to solid articles that have a tendency to devel op and expand I he mind and make the menial faculties more competent to place themselves' in touch aud syoi pathy with the advancement of the ago. Further on in the same an id our contemporary haa the following: "A good man of woman should be sufficiently in the confidence of the community in which he or shv lives so that this confidence will repel insin uationa against character. Unless this be trite there is a radical defect, and one that should be remedied. Study to discover that defect rather tliao to find means to contradict the false as sertions." These remarks are true in a general wav, but there have been some very notable exception. Of course, every man or womau who have been careful in their character-building exist in a different atmosphere from the com mon hfnflerer or gossip vender, and should be far above them; but the in siduous) poison instilled by the whis pered report or the sly innuemiu often has its effect in communities uiain those who are the least susciplible to criticism. Like jealousy, scandal not infrequently makes the meat Uon which it feeds, and always loves a shining mark. In a venerable book We are intormed that John the Bap tist came neither eating or drinking and people said h had a devil; but Christ ate and drauk with tiublicaos and sinners, and they said he was a glutton and a wine-bibber. So, h now seems that the same status of society existed two thousand years ago as does now. There has not been much improvement or retrogression in this regard, and in the future it will con tinne in the same groove. The East Oregoman may be correct in its deductions that there must be some radical defect in characters who become victims of gossip; but we can not imagine what wad the matter in the two cased men ironed, except that their pare lives created envy in the hearts of the vicions. There is little perfec tion in human nature, and if the in junction of the Savior Were followed to pick out the mote in our own eyes before we attempted to discover the beam in our neighbor's, the world would be purer and better. POINTED AND PEKTIXE.fT. Accidents in yachting are about what hard lack is in baseball. Corey bas got another nomination, bat that's about all he will get. Washington has a Monkey club, and, strange to say. Comptroller Bowler isn't a member of it. Finding the woods of Illinois not dense enough for his purpose, Adlia Stereuaon lias gone to Alaska. When hot-blooded South Carolinians go out to fight a duel now-a-days, they notify tbe sheriff beforehand. Joe Blackburn baa reached a low stage Of despondency ; he is charging that a con spiracy exists against iris return to tbe sen ate. Ambastador Bayard appears to think that Mr. Cleveland ought to have a third term, aud thai it ought to be for life. Poor Bayard. Killing every volunteer singer whose voice is unsatisfactory, as an Italian did the other day, would reduce the population at an alarming rate. In Mexico they muzzle their editors by having tiieui assassinated. There are men who would like to see that practice intro duced in tbe United Sfates. A populist senator says that the thing known as "populist harmony" ia worse than a tripple distillation of the chief troub le-making concoction of hades. Ei-Contresstnan "Bill" Bryan has lost another handful of his tail-feathers. Gov. Holcomb has them. If "Bill" doesn't have better luck he will soon be liable to arrest for indecent exposure. If we are soon to be telegraphing without wires, as certain scientists claim, may we alo soon not tx eating without food, swim ing without water, and doing other seem, iugly impossible things? Keeping Tomatoes After Frost. Aa unknown writer says: "I have for years been trying various ways to prolong the season in which fresh tomatoes may be had after frost, and hate settled on the following ai the be-t way. The plan may also be made a matter of profit for shi ping, for I have had the fruit in good con dition at Christmas, when the price was 25 cents a pound: About the first of July I make cuttings about a foot long, from vig orous vines that have made smooth fruit only. After a good irrigation tbee are set in well-prepared soil nearly their entire length. At this season the soil Is to warm that they root witli great certainty, and I seldom find that one fails to grow if the Soil is niolst and well packed about the ba-e of ihe cuttihg. They are set at the same distance as plants and are culttVHted in -ame manner. inese plants will tv-inn to ilperi early in the fall, and will be full of well-grown trait when frot arrives. When the first light frost nips the foliaire the whole crop is fathered. I hey are wrapped in paper, placed In crates a i stored In a place where they will keep cool, but will not be frozen Any tight outhouse where tbe crates can be rovered with straw in cold weather will answer. For family use a few are taken out at a time am) put in a warm room to ripen for the table We have, them In this way until the mid lie of January nearly every year, in nice condi tion for slicing. If grown in a quantity for shipping they should be overhauled from time to time and the ripening ones re wrapped and shipped no to Christina, when Ihe whole lot can he shipped, as tliev will sell, even if hot colored, as they wiil soon redden in a. wsrm temperature, or it may he better to take them into a warmer place to redden tfefore shipping. NORTHWEST NEWS, Wllhotr Stafte Robbery Repeated-! A Charge or Mardei In Pen-dieton-rnlawfnl Doings. Woodburh, Or.. Aug. 12. The Oregon City VVtlhoit Springs stags was held up again this afternoon, near Miilino, by two masked robbers. Words pa-sed between the driver and robber's, and one of the hit ter fired, Just missing the driver's head, They secured about J 10, and swore they would kill the driver if they did not get more next time. There were three pas ssngers oh hoard Alisky and Towne.-twn we!l-knnwn Portland men, and a lady, who offered her watch, which was refused by the rubbers. Orcoo City, Aug. I1! Oeorge Moore the cattle-driver f,ir Charles Albrecht. cams in from the Wilhoit Springs country this evening witli a drove of rattle and reorted that the outgoing 0 etmn City stage, bound for Wilhoit, was held up near Wright's bridge, in a strip of limbo. 12 miles from this city, about II o'clock this morning. Moore bad Just passed the stage with his cattle, and upon looking back, heard fhe women at Mnlvy's farmhouse shouting. A boy raa out am overtook him and told Mm that two men had stopped the stage aud re lieved the passengers, a lady and two gen tlemen. Of their valuables. Moore did not think he could do any good by turning back, but caiue on flt Oregon City with his csttle and reported the robbery. The boy said one Of the men held the lead horses, while the other went through the passen gers. The stage le t here at 9 o'clock this morning, with three passengers oris lady and two gentlemen. Sheriff Haddocks and Deputy Moody have gone to Mul no to investigate the rob bery. The same stage and driver, ITahk Maitonn, was held up' about four weeks ago. and a pawnger, Mr Levy, of Port land, rubbed, not far front the same locality. (It is supposed that the two Portlknd men w6q were passengers in the stage at the time it ' held up are Bert C. TWne, the photographer, i.nd Charles W. AlUky, a son of C. A. Alisky.) Murder fs Charged' PiKDtiTOS. Or., Aug. li Sensational developments were promised in the Trans far Houe Bre case, and they have come. Hints have been given that the authorities suspected that murder and rubbery were features of rhe travedy. Today a charge of murder was laid at tbe door of two young men. Frank Whet-tone and C. Moore, known as "Kid" Moore were arrested the day following' trie fire, arid held for the lar ceny of a chunk of melted gold from tbe debris of the hotel, obtained white raking the ashes. The stats caused a continuance from day to day, until today, when the lar ceny charge was dismissed and the prison ers were Immediately rearrested on a com plaint charging them with robbing George H. Clacking, in the Transfer House, aud, hile committing this crime, murdered the victim, flacking. Tbe evidence was care fully gathered by District Attorney Lawrey and Sheriff Houser. The examination will take place tomorrow. The announcement of the arrests created Intense excitement. Tbe trial will be one of the most important ever conducted in the state. Clacking, who was a guest at the hotel and was burned in the fire, came from Cascade Locks, and was a member of tbe Knig'its of Pythias lodge, and secretary of the Elks lodge at tbe Locks. United States District Attorney D. It. Murphy appeared before United States Commissioner Bean, in Pendleton, thir af ternoon, in the first of a dozen or so' of cass against settlers for timber depredations. Deputy United States Marshal Beatley has been working np the cases for several weeks. John Luke and S. It. Thorns were held to the United States grand jury at Portland. The defendants had no counsel. but said tbey were attempting to establish squatters' rights, thinking the laud nhtopen to homestead entry or for sale. To Be Settled by the Court. Salim, Or. , A ug 12 Senator J. H. Raley and Attorney-General Idleman have staked off tbe ground for a legal battle over who shall be custodian of the tlg.OOO Weston normal school appropriation. It bas been decided to have the question settled by the courts. The attorney-general maintains that tbe state treasurer is enstodian of all moneys appropriated by the legislature. and that the secretary of state should issue warrants only upon itemized accounts kept in bis office. Mr. Raley takes the ground that legislative appropriations should be turned over in a lump sum to the intitu lido for which it was appropriated. Tbis question bas recently perplexed many of the stale institutions. Mr. Raley received word today that the regents of the agricul tural college at Corrallia were considering the advisability of instituting similar pro. ceedlng" agaiht tbe Secretary Of state. Suits will be tiled this week. Fishing lit Baker's Bay Astoria. Aug. 12. Fish Commissioner H. D. McOuire. who patrolled the river af ter midnight Satnrduy and arrested seven men, is still hi this city Today fish Com missioner Crawford, of Washington, pa trolled the river, and went among the traps in Baker's bay. A great many Of them were fishing, but Mr. Crawford claims that several of them are simply catching fish on his orders for hatchery purposes. Mr. Mc Ouire is investigating this matter, and is determined to allow the traps no privilege that the glll-het mert cannot also enjoy. Tbe seven men arrested by hith Tuesday morning acre released today, oh bis sug gestion, as he thinks that a few hours should have been allowed tbe prisoners in which to ha'il up their nets. Fruit Damped In tbe Bay. 8a!C Pbancisco, Aug. 13. Five hundred crates of musk-melons were dumped into the bay today by dealers, who rather than sell the trait at a low price destroyed it. Heavy shipments from along the Sacra mento river during the past few days have caused the price of fruits, particularly mel ons, to fall. Today, melons at 10 cents a crate went begging for purchasers. fcoal Neat- Kelso. Kelso, Wash., Aug. 13. A five-foot Vein of coal is being developed near this place by Fleming & Bolton, two old and exper ienced coal miners, who recently discovered It on land belonging to Mrs. Henry Allen, of tills place. The vein ia located on the Coweetnan river, about three miles east of here, and the qutilitv of the coal appears to bs superior to any vet found in this county. Baker City's Fire. Bakes Citt, Or., Aug. 12 A fire that started at 2:30 p. m. today totally destroyed the Oregon Railway & Navigation Com pany's freight and passenger office, largs warehouse and rine freight cars, five of wbicb were loaded with merchandise and wool. The large wool and freight ware house of S. A'. Helltivr was also destroyed, together with lis contents. The Are was caused by the explosion of a can of coal oil that was being used by painters at Work on the Oregon Railway A Navigation buildings. The loss is estimated t 170,000, partially covered by insurance. The fire was the most destructive the city has experienced since 18$i. Lynched My a Mob. Etlensburg, Wash., Was the scene of nluch excitement during this week. Ham and Charles Vinson, father' and son, were lynched by a mob Tuesday night for the murder of Mike Kohlopp and John Berg man, committed in Mike Kolilopp'a saloon Sunday, The Vinsons were desperate characters. Protect the' dame and Fish. Shoot or flsh only In the proper season and e-cape Ihe game warden by observing the laws. Many stat-a b-ive new game and tisli laws this year, and if von don't know them send flve!!-Cent slums for a copy of ihe Itame Law issue of I lia Amssican Fm it, 2-15 state street. Chicago. MAKKIKO. ZELLKRSt HEVIE. At the Oriental ho. lei parlors, in St, Helens, Wednesday, August 14, Miss Kva Sell-vie to Mr. Fred Zeller, both of this county, Rev. t'harles K. 1'hilhrnok ofuViating. ItOKX. Htii-si I-.1N. On Upper Milton creek, W-dWdnv, August U W. to ihe wife of Tin mas Hols em, a daughter. Reader, did you ever take Simmons Uver Rboulatoh, the "Kin of L,ivs Medicines?" Everybody needs -ake a liver remedy. It is a siiiEfcish or ii8card liver that impairs digestion ind cntisoe const ipation, when the waste ;hat should be carried off remains in h body and poisons the whole system. ITiat dull, heavy feeling ia due to a 'orpwl liver. Biliousness, Headafche, talaria Ond Indigestion are all liver lispases. Keep the liver active by an jccasional dose of Simmons Liver Keg ilator and you'll Ret rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver iegulutor is better than Pills. It Jooa not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly .cfreahes and Rtrc-nR-thens. Kvery package has the lied Z t.iiiip on tne wrapper, o. u IHItii & Co., riiihtUeliiliia. EQUALIZATION NOTICE. VOTICB Is herebv given that the board ll of equalization will meet at tt. Hel ens, in the court huu-e, on Mondny, August 26. 1893. for the purpose ot equalizing the assessment of 139V All clniins for correc tion tuusl be made before ths Imsrd. MARTIN WHITE, County A-sessor. Naitlce T Creditors. ATOTICE Is herebv given that ths under Xs signed has been appointed adminis trator of the esdtteof Cetersnilth.ueeesserl by he Hon. County Judge of Columbia Uounty, ureu'on. All persons Having claims against said estate are required to present the same, properlv Viriticd, to me, st the office of Dillanl A Cole, in tit Helens. Ort gon, within sit months frnru the dale of tins notice. Aisled Aumist in, I". SAMUEL KfNDER. aIG-13 Adininistr.itor of said estate. Nat ice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Ortcon, Ausll.il 5. 1S1.5. N'OTtCE is hereby given that the follnwlng nsnied settler has filed notice of his Inteu- uon to make final proof In sttnuort of bis c aim and that said proof wilt b made belnrs County Clerk of Columbia County,- at St. Helens, Ore gon, on eepiemoer if. ma, vis: , FRANK L. JOHNSON, Homesteaa entry No. 7870. for theneli, so it, la 6 n, r 4 w. He nsme-i tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous reslnence uiMm and cuitirsifGn of, ssid landfviz: John Hchedvin, of .Mist, Oregon: Lars Msr-nhssen. ol Allst, Oregon; Clsus E. Gronberg, of Mist, Oregon; Nets A. Sell, oi mist, uregun. bui;e,ki a. siu.i.r.K, ai3 c.egnier. Notice fr Publlcatlan. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Au?ut s, i;. N'OTICE Is herebv given that the following named settler ass filed notice of his f men tloo to make Dual Drool In suuoort ol his claim and thst said proof will be mnde before the county ciera of coiiimbiacounty, at St. Helens, uregon, on oeptemoer aim, law, viz: KDWARD SCHMIDT. v.. w VT- anmt i... it.. . art i"i!ircu'(wi ri'tiv oi' 1 mr urn ftrk, wc at, tp 6 n, r 3 w. He names the following wuneSAef to prove bit continuous rati'fenre upon, and fjnlti -atticm of, said Ian'), viz: Danle! V. Dlllard, of Mfst. Oregon; Samuel Munn, of Goble, Ore ffon; Walter 8 Campbell, of Mist, Oregon; inline jnurei, 01 xkiic, urcpon. tifeia KOBE ft T A. MILLER, Retfitef. COLUMBIA SALOON O. E. HCKTEBf Prop. NEVINS OLD STAND Re-opened and Re-furnished. The W. H. McBrayef Whiskey i Weinhard's Beer Kepi oh tee. GOBLE, t : OREGON C. WEAVER. Hair-Cutting Shaving NEATLY DONE. Clean Towels and Quick Woik YOUR PATRONAGE SOUOITEb ST. HELENS, : s : 0BE00N MUCKLE BROS. MAHrrACTUREKS or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustic. Sheathfnrr. !aslnrs, and a complete stock of eveiy variety of Rough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS ON HAND. AT THIS OCV STAND. ST. Hit LENS, OREOON 's l sV5?JWS ' gBfSIMMONC ll.R E G U IAT0R7 4kf--jlisu-l-l-fcr -wrtdir-J FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -TRAMER- 1 Youn America WILLAMETTE SLOOQH Leave M. Helens.... fl:R0 A M Arrive at Portland.,.' v. 10:09 A M Leave Portland 8:0,1 M Arrive at St. Helens 0:01) P M fahk ta i'i:m. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers and Fast Freight, During the summer season, or aa long as the water remains high enough, this boat will oiake two trips each week up ScappoOse bay on Tuesdays sun r riuays. JAMES GOOD,-Master. s1-JrViVrVswatMseWsiAV & E. QUICK, Commissioner of Q. W. COI.B, , . Notary Public Deeds for Washington Cole & Quick, St. Helens, Oregon PROPRIETORS OP 'Thorn's Numerical System -OP- Title Abstracts' FOR Columbia County, "Oregon TITLES Sxsmtned and abstracts furnished. Wilt attend to nintlors before tbe Himrd of Eipisliisllon: payment of laies. etc. Knal huie. Convs.vtiieliiK, snd Iuuraui!e, aud o. neftl ice, aud t Loans negotiaioa. tsiwywwwssi1.1. i,wso,sp)wwweyywv STEAMER KEHANI For Purtland, Daily, Leaves 8K. Helens for Portland via the Willamette -longh. dully, at (1:30 a. h., ex cept TnesilaV and Friday, lipun which days will leave at 6 o'cltick A. M , loin hlng at Oillton and Scappoose hay pntnt, arriving at P.irtlanf at U:!tO a. X. Hemming, leave Portland at 3 o'clock r. at. James Cox, Master FARE 2$ CENTS EACH WAY Willametts Slough Trans. Co. WHITE COLLAR LINE gtrs. Telephone and Italley Qatrert COLUMBIA RIVERA PliGET SOUND KAV. CO Alder St., Portland: Flavel dock, Astoria. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Telephone leaves Portland dallv (except Sun day) at 7 a. m., leaves Afltorln dally at 7 p. m.. (except Sunday). Runs direct to irnln fur Clat sop beach, ani con noc l with steamer Ilwaco lor Ilwaco trains, running to all points on North bench. Bailey Gatxert leaves Portland dally at 8 p m,, (except Sunday), on Saturday at 11 p. m. Leaves Aslorla dally at S l' a m. (except Sunday and Monday), on Sunday st 7 p. m.; enniiecis with all trains for Clataui beuch and Ilwaco bench. This line haabnat cniiuectlUK with both beaches, returuiuiiatrom Anuria every ills In In the week. E A. 8EELEY, Agent. V. B. SCOTT, Pres. JUSTOTJT, Hill's New American Polygraph I An indiepensible companion to every merchant, clergyman and lasryei in the land. If you have copying to do, write at once inclosinic 4 cents in stamps for particulars. Agents wanted Liberal discount. Address, W. II. BAUMANN, Gcn'l. Agt. U. 8. A. P. 0. Box 67, Marissa, 111. THE BANQUET SALOON Has re-nneneil under tbs niafiasement of GEO KG K A. BlilKN, corner of Htrand and Cuwliis Streets, ht. Helens, Oregon. where can be found the choicest brands of WINE AND LIQUOR Card tables, nool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of st runs, wuere nine can ue pleasantly spent. ) FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Be'ides other popular brands, are kent l uii-ioimT on nana io suppiv tne incres'ed trade at this very popular saloon. THB FAMOUS- CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT TUB BANQUET. Steamer Mascot FASTEST And Most Comfortable Dally Steamer Between St, Helens and Portland tVAvrts 8t, Helens 6:30 AM LtAVKS Portland at 8 P M ABHIVES At Portland 10 A M ARRIVES At Bt Helens 8 PM DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Right Reserved to Change Time with out Notioe. LEWIS RIVER TRANSPORTATION CO. Portland Landing Koot ot Alder etreot. mATRN,ZE iW HOME 1 INDUSTRY SPECIAL SALE Since Removing to Our New ; Store Mi jtV sfla jtVafkarV AAA jfW Wars i 17 tUvsVy tiait muted mad Celebrated Woolen mills ; FOR A alinere, and Nairn factnred on onr Wat I'reuilaea. J SUIT THE J. m. riOYER& CO., O Wholesale and Retail Clothiers Apt. Albany Woolen Hills-8-- 81-83 Third St., Cor- Oak, f FOFRrri,A.3srrD, Oregon I ST. HELENS Mr. Thomas Cooper lias Just opened up lit new and eleuant harroom In Bt, Helens, wlierecan constantly he found tlie famous PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WHISKEY Also best Brands Domestic and Key West Cigars. MR. COOPER IS ALWAYS GLAD TO WELCOME 1113 OLD FRIENDS TO 1118 PLACE OF liUSINESS. ST. HELENS Helens, St THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & STIR JDSBPH KBLLOQQ -FOR POETLA.N1- Kelso Momlays, Weiliipsiiiiys, and Fridays at 6 o'clock . m. Leaves Portlaml Tuesday,- Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock . in, PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE P3 4, A CO I STEAMER O. W. SHAVER. Deil Shftrcr, Maetwv Toanaa Dn.lnii t.t nl W . . 1. 1 . ... a I I- i . I .. II M dnV, WednfHilfiV niKI Flidav niurninf tfl Tiiursdays and HttturJuyi. klfAVMC LEONARD HUFF & CO., Commission Merchants 8 W AO ER '8 OLD STAND. A general nrtinent of feed kept on hand, anu aoiu at mo lowest prices FOR CASH. Undertaking Goods FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICI. St. Helens, ; : . Oregon. E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE E3 A. S T 0IVS8 TUB CHOICE 0 Two Transcontinental Rontes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAY OF Sookane, Minneapolis & St. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY OF DEMR, OMAHA, & KANSAS CITY LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES 0CKAN 8TEAMER8 LEAVE PORTLAND EVEltY K DAYH For San Francisco, For Kiill Details (Jail on or Address W. H. HURLBVRT, General Freidbt and l'asa. Agt., Portland. (nl IS si ..ilataHs ilk laVifti alV iftr Qa.sf SPRING AND SUMMER 1895 01TB THIRD do MENS' All-Wool Suits TWKI.VK Patterns, Inclu ding lllua and Itlark Choviota. ARE EXCHANGE EXCHANGE, Oregon COMPANY'S RIVEN STEAMER" ft' e Un it, utitk return In PuritA .d iuiMiiivi TH APOIITATI01 (OCANTi Decker's BARBER SHOP . If. DECKER, Proprietor. The old and reliable barber has his rators Just as sharp a can be tmuul, anil will shass you oumlortatil aud qukkly lorouljf l&oanta. ST. HKl,E!s-3. OIIK00H ORIENTAL HOTEL A. II, BLAKESLEY, rroprtelnr. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. Tbs table Is snpplleil with the beat ths market aflor.ts. Kvfrihln clean. A ahars of your pat ruuaite Is ollclial. HT. KKI.KNM, OKKOON. ST, HELENS LIYERY STABLES TIIOS. COOPER, rroprlslor. Horses Boarded and Cared For. TURNOUT ON SHORT NOTIOE. ST. HELENS, ! s OREGON GlliGKEH RAISINOPAYS Ifyrm use tbe PttaluaiS locflbatars S llraoderk Muka money while Others are wasting time bvoMoroctssf a. CataloHtellsallalMiit it, and ilescrlbra every arucie neeiiea lor ui poultry business. The "ERIE Bieehanleatly ths beat wiiecl, I'rcttlestmodet. , ara I'aclflo Coast Aaenta. Illcvrla eaia. loiucoiallcU frte.aieas full desrrlntlofl . prices, ete.. aoaWTa wastkd. FKTALUMA IMCCB AT OH CO., f etaluma,Cal. Baawcii lloosa, su B Main St., Los Angeles. Csrests.and Trada-Markiobtalned, and all I'at ant busiuest conducted for Modehsti rets. Oua Orriet is Oesoairr U.S. pun mt omit wnuimin secure nsisnt iu Mas tluis taauwuM ficinots frum Washington. sans moaei, arawiiig or pnoto,, wita oaaorip- r o scmio, 11 paieniaDie or not. irs m Our f as not due till nsisnt la secured. "How to Obtain Patents, " wits tha U. 8. and furauiaaouatriaa (ssnt free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. I OPP. I ATE NT OrriOK, WtM,NftTOP, 0 -C. iS3aJI,C' a. jj viiiiiu swf SSSS4SS( aatisi i s iiiiiinsisaT-iiii issja wiiiuii o I