The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 29, 1895, Image 3

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2 PES $1.75
Sheriff Voan receirea a a ran
for the amount of taxea due from tbt
Northern Feoiflo Railroad company,
mounting to 13,055.83. Thit In
clude! tht Ie on railroad track and
.i.kiv.l.a Ikmiivh thia county and
i.. I--... r.n.rr tut at Ooble. Tne
sheriff ilto received on tUe wi day
no .... iMm tha Waatern Union
Telegraph company on their line in
tun county.
Judicial Aroiroiw. Governor
Lord baa made the Knowing appoint
menu to fill Judicial potlliont created
by the formation ol new Judicial die
triolein Eastern Oregon by thelaat
legislature) Walter Eakln of Union to
be judge of the eitrbth district ; John
II. Lnwrey of Umatilla county to be
nroteouling attorney of the alilh die.
trial ; Cbarlet W. Parriih of Grant
county to be proteculing attorney of
tbe ninth dlatriot.
Stiamii Lttaxtira Liiilbd. Tue
day afternoon Jacob Kamm'i et earner
Lurlloe, wee libeled by the Shaver
Transportation Compaoy for 12000.
Tbe lebellanU allege that the Lurline
crashed Into the et earner Sarah Dixon,
and that the damage done, together
With the loae of time, ie reaeonably
worth the amount claimed. United
Statet Marehal Grady took poaeeeeion
of the steamer late in the afternoon,
but Mr. Kamra toon furnished the
neoeatary bonds, and regained potest
lion of hit boat.
Jtje-e) rKtjrjUity-County Treat
urer Wharton forwarded to Bute
Treasurer Metecban Monday the full
mount of ttate tazee due from Co
lumbia, nnnntv. We do not know the
eiaot amount, but It reached op into
tbe thousands. This it probably tbt
first county to pay its state uzee. Tbe
next outlay of county funds will be
4Um ammmiIahhuiiI rtt Miinlv aattnnt
funds, which will be mad toon, after
which tbe treasurer will begin to pay
off outstanding county warrants in tbe
regular order of tbeir Issue.
- s
Vbw Mbdioal Law Tbt late legis
uw .W,M W. W M J F "
lature patted law requiring; that all
Bbraleiana who btd not obtained
certificate to praoUoe under a former
kw, go before board of medical ex
mlnerc oontittiog of Ave members,
nd pats the required examination. In
consequence of tbe new law a number
of members of tbe protection have
found it neceesary to appear before tbe
board. Fhyaleiaue, at rule, are welt
pleased with tbe new law, and say it
(fords protection to the profession at
well ae to tbe people. If the law is
rigidly enforced a certificate from the
board of medical axaminera will be
rim facie evidence that the bolder
oom relent to administer to tbe
waola of the efflioted.
Tramp Kiixxd. An unknown man
0 feet 1 inch tall, weighing about 900
pounds, dreesed as a laborer, wat
jostled off a brakebeam and killed at
Kalama Monday night while the
northbound through freight train wat
pulling off the transfer boat. Nothing
wat found on him by which hit iden
tity oould be established. A young
nan, who waa on the same car, claimed
to have walked with bim from Port
land to Ooble. While he did not
know tbe name of the deceaaed, be
asserted that tbe unfortunate man in
foimed him that he lived about thirty
Mile north of Kalama and tlx miles
from the railroad station. The re
mains were turned over to the coroner,
who immediate! telephoned to Win'
lock, and, from the description given,
persons at Winloek thought it wat
one K raster, who ownt a ranch about
tix miles from Aintlie and bad seen
In Portland to And work at hit tradt
at a carpenter. If thlt it correct, Keee
lsr hat left a Urge family in destitute
Thi PoHBROYt AoAiM A dispatch
Ia ,k. OiumiUii from Hillaboro Mon
day anntaina the following: Sheriff
Ford's offloe had more the appearance
today of a dry goods, or teoond-band
clothing etort than that of a county
official The plunder ia there because
tbeeberlff and hie dtputlet made an
unexpected raid upon the barn of one
Calvin Pomeroy, living neer Green
ville, in Washington county. It wat
learned that the stolen goods from
Briggt Bros, store at Dilley, had patted
through Forest Grove and started to
ward Greenville. The Pomeroyt were
at once tutpecled, and tbe officer! ar
rived there about 10 o'olock Saturday
morning, and found Mr. Pomeroy, tr.,
In the cupola of the barn, evidently on
watch. When told that tbey wished
an unli tha ham PnmH resisted
with a tbotgun. Thlt caused delay,
and two of those wanted, John Hoi
comb and John Pomeroy, who were
Krobably asleep at the time, after
astily dressing, leaving their over
coate and bate behind, escaped from
tbe barn and took to the brush. On
searching tbe barn a wagon-load of
goods wat found, much of whiob wat
reoognited at having been taken from
tbe DiUey store. The horse of Wil
liam Lousignout wat also in the barn.
This gave a further due and two of
tbe Lousignout brothers were placed
under arrest. At the home of Wil
liam Loutlgnont more of the stolen
goods wtre recovered. The two Lout
Ignoutbrotbertand Dwight Pomeroy
are in jail, end the old man It out on
tliwi Pnmarnv. sr.. it the
father of the young man taken to Ta-
iy. ha triad for breaking
WW! "
Into a store and poatoffloe at La Camas,
Wath. Hit brother, Dwight, now in
I. II waa alaa avraatarl On the MmC
chart but waa released for lack of
awManaa Jnhn IfnlAnmh and Johll
Pomeroy, who escaped while Pomeroy,
ar., held up the offloert with a gun,
ara alan aantut Inllltlv with Dnnk
Pomeroy for the La Camas and other
Hanraiiallnna. Loiiaiiraout was nut
through the "sweat' box, and made
a full confession, saying that Pomeroy
and ttoioomDt did we stealing.
Blauok, one of the murderera who
brokt all at Seattle ten dayt ago wat
killed by two deputy sheriffs several
miles out from that city on Thursday
of last week. Tbe other prisoners that
scaped with Blanck bad all been re
captured previously. 1 ne two deputy
sheriffs were walking up the railroad
track, each armed with a Winchester
rifle, and on meeting Blanck, com'
maoded him to throw up bit hands,
which he declined to do. The com
mand was again given, and wat quick
ly answered by a pltlol shot from the
desperado, Tbe ore wat returned by
tbe deputies and when the smoke bad
oleared away after about ilxteen shots
bad been exchanged, Blanck lay dead
riddled with bullets, and out of the
deputlee waa stretched upon tbe
ground bleeding from two violous
though not fatal wounds. Thut end
etb the career of one of the blackest
criniinalt thlt ooaat bat had to deal
with for many years.
Dibo bt thb Bottle. Says the
Pendleton Tribune of latt week : Last
Monday evening at about -M o'clock
the newt wat brought In that an In
dian bad fallen from his horse on the
agency road and waa probably badly
iniured. Coroner Kimery and Dr.
Vinoeut Immediately started out, and
at a point eaatof St. Jotepb'i academy
and opposite the Fisher home they
found the dead body of Two-Slept.
He btd started from Pendleton in
company with two other Indiana to
return to lb atency, evidently Intoxi
cated, and be wat teen to fall from the
horse. . Tbe fall broke a bottle which
he waa carrying in hit breecboleut
and a fragment of tbe glass pierced
bis groin, severing the femoral artery.
From thlt wound ha bled to death in
a few minutes.
A Tin Cast. Secretary ol Bute
Klncaid baa refused to honor the bills
of the elate food, game and railroad
commissioners, claiming there ie
question as to whether or not those
officials bavt any claim against the
state, since tbe legislature failed either
to elect them or their successors, Suit
will now be brought before the supreme
court to decide whether or not tbeet
gentlemen are in or out of office.
OuiuurNea i Mottda i .The public
boot of St. Helena will begin next
Monday with Mrs. Bell Gaddia at
teaober. Provision bat only been
made so far for a three montbt school,
which would bring it to close tbe
first of July. Mrs. Gaddia ia spoken
of very highly at teacher where the
baa been engaged la school wort.
the caueut
held at the courthouse Wednesday
evening the following city ticket was
nominated to be voted for next Mon
day : President of the ceunoil, W. H.
Dolman; oounciimen, w. a. viuara,
A. H. Blakeeley, a A. Miles, James
Dart; treasurer, . . Quick ; recorder,
Harrison Allen; marshal. . Weaver.
AntBrriA ait Maims. Ths two
most absent-minded men on record are
the fellow who thought he had left hie
waloh at home and then took It out to
if be had time to go back and get
it, and tbe man who put on his offloe
door a card eaying: "Out; will be back
toon," tnd on bit return tat down on
the itair tlep to wait for blmsetf.
FitHHAWK, Or., March 21, 1896.
Eorroas Mist: Seeing an article In your
issue of the I6tb Inst., pertaining to high
taxation, calls to mind the eld Joke, '-Be It
ever to little, there Is some consolation."
The actual settlers are the class wboihould,
if any, protest afeinst high taxaUon; upon
tton; upon them the land speculator de -
psnds for the enhsoeemsat of valuation on
their uooocupled lands, and If Justice was
nested out In an equitable meaner eeca
actual settler would be exempt from taxa
tion on at least 160 acres of land, for at least
ten or twenty rears fro at time ot securing
title by homestead, end tbe tame should
have been embodied la the homestead law.
Tbe pioneers of all times and all countries
are the overworked, overtaxed ana long-
suffering cltssee of mankind,
It la not the non-resident ownership of
land In Inland that has created high taxa
tion ; eausss to be enacted and enforced the
eviction laws of that pitiable, poverty
stricken people I I believe that all law-
abiding dtlsene will bear me out In the as
sertion that "non-resident land speculation
Is a serious drawback to any country, nsw
or old, where It is tolerated."
Now 1st us Investigate this mature uttie.
For Instance, we will say A and B each se
cured 100 acres of lend in Columbia county
twenty years ago, the land at that time be-
i a , a ullU. .Iam,,, tltwlft
his land and nrooesds to improve it, ana inriUluokle Broe. are erecting
a few years bs has doubled or even quad-
rapled the value of his claim and in the
meantime be has paid a yearly poll lax, a
road tax. and as bis Improvements were
Inereassd bit property ttxes Inoreased in
proportion, wbils B's land has been laying
Idle all this time and tbe taxes derived from
It are merely nominal. The question Is,
which of these two Individuals bars borne
the burdsa of taxation, and wbloh ot them
has the best right, U either, to kick about
bearing their part In the support of a gov-
rament that makes and tolerates laws that
afford an opportunity for monled men to
row richer and richer by system ei isnu
speculation which, ere long, will become a
landed aristocracy, such as thsy have In
Ireland and other parts of Europe.
I shall insist, without fear of serious con.
troversy er snecessrul contradiction, tnai
tbe non-resident land-bolder expects .to
hanaRtatthe exnense ot the actual
settler. Is it not quits probable that it Mr.
Moore's land that ha so laments tbe owner-
ahlo of. was yet vsoaet.that Columbia
county's population would Increase by at
least two aotual settlers, to help us in ths
way of publlo roads, schools, etc, and ths
likelihood of, at some Urns In ths near fu
ture, of the 810 acres which Is now
valued at less than 11000. being valued st
16000 Instead. It Is plain enough to see In
which ease the community, the county and
the stste at large, would receive the most
Now, fellow pioneers of this much abused
and once wilderness county, let us unite,
one and all, and heave our old tattered hats
high in the air and give three lusty cheers
for the oounty board of our county and
step promptly forwsrd and pay our taxes
ilk loval American oitlsens should do and
we will realise a grain of consolation, as the
(allow did when be was told what the mw
dlaman alluded to in the outset, was doing
to ths other fellow. D. W. Fbibmab.
Bottom-rock prices at Dolman's.
In summer dress goods Dolman lends
tne county,
Note and receipt books for tale at
tbla offloe.
Abe Neer, of Goble, wat In the city
A large arrival ot new eooda at Dol
man'! this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hoyt, of Gillton.
were in the city Monday.
City election next Monday evenint
between 7 and 8 o'clock. ,
James Muckle made a business trip
to tht metropolis Monday.
Hotilton It now spoken of as tht
residence suburb of St. Htltnt.
Israel Spencer and A. F. Adams, ol
Vtrnonia, were in this city Monday.
E. 0. Darling, editor of the Vernonia
Sentinel, was on our ttreett Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davit went to
Portland Monday returning Tuesday
Harry West, of Boappooee, breeder
of imported stock, wat in St. Helens
There will be ao meeting of the
Oregon Breeding k Speed Association
thia year.
We are pleased to tee D. J. Switier
out tgain after a ttvtrt attack ol
Dr. H. B. Cliff hat been in Portland
most of the week attending to profes
sional business.
Thomas Saindan, the Deer Island
blacksmith, was doing business in tbe
county seat Monday.
A. H. Imu's, one of ICalama't prom
inent legal lights, waa doing business
In thlt oily on Saturday last.
Tbe Portland Sun ia tbt most pop
ular pa per in the state. Thi Mist
and Sun together, per year 11.76.
W. H. Imut, tbe genial poetical ed
itor of tbe Bainier Review, waa in St.
Helens Saturday and made thia office
a pleatant cell.
Hon. and Mrs. T. J. Cleeton went to
Rainier Monday and shipped tbeir
boueehold goods to Houlton, where
tbey will in future reside.
We have completed arrangements
with the Portland Weekly Sun where
by we can furnish tbe Weekly Bun
and Thb Mist, both one year for 11.75
X T. Hayne, an A. P. A. editor, bat
been elected school cltrk in Portland.
Mr. Hayue ia well qualified for the
place, a position in which neither poli
tic! nor religion should figure.
Tbe Longshore printing office in
Portland was destroyed by fire Sunday
night. Tbe loet ie estimated at tai,-
000, which inoludee damage to com
mission house in tbe same building.
Lieutenant-Colonel O. 8ummers, of
Portland, bat been eleoted colonel of
the Oregon National Guard to succeed
C. F. Beebe, who has been promoted
to tbe rank of brigadier general.
Dr. Cau thorn, of Portland, waa called
in consultation with Dr. Cliff at the
bedvide of W. W. West at Boappooee
laat Sunday. Mr. West's condition it
said to be very critical, and requires
the oloeett attention all the lime.
Tbe Eaat-Orcgonian tayt : "The
people are busy these dayt making two
blades of grate grow where none grew
before. Tbey have dropped specula
tion and taken up production. The
result ie a rood time coming. Do
your than towards hastening it'
ff - There ia considerable discussion
among nshermeu at to wnemertne
late run of sturgeon came up or oown
tbe river. Borne contend they came
in the river and traveled np stream
with the emelt, while othere declare
they came down stream to meet the
little fishes.
Dr. E. T. Carna, dentist, of Portland,
will Tint Rainier April 10th and
main nntil April 80th. Dr. Cams ia
prepared to do all kinds of work per
talninc to dentistry. Teeth on gold,
tilver, aluminum, and rubber plates.
Gold crown and bridga work. Teeth
extracted without pain.
Mr. Dillard requettt ui to express
hit tbanks for the kindness wbioh
prompted hit nomination for council
man at the citiiens' meeting Wednet
day evening, but statet that he it dis
inclined to accept tbe position, if
elected, and therefore suggests that
the ticket be filled by substitution.
a ware-
bouse on their wharf to Uke the place
of tbe one destroyed by the high water
of last ipring. The new building win
not be nearly to large at the former
one but will antwtr tht purpose quit
at well tinoa there ie not the amount
of buiinett now there wat in years
gone by.
Mr. Dolman never teemt to halt in
hit efforts to make St. Helena the cen
ter of Columbia oounty trade. There
ie quite a difference between talking
butinest tnd doing business. A well
selected, closely bought stock of goods
ie Mr. Dolman's best effort, oi count
when good! are well bought they can
be sold cheap.
The Lebanon Express tayt : "Im
migration it coming Oregon't way thia
year, and it will continue to come, till
Oregon It populated to its greatest ca
pacity. She wants immigration, and
at a state she will offer every induce
ment to homeseekers. All that is
atked in return of newcomert it will
inirnesa aed ambition to work and
help themselves. Oregon will help
those who help themselves."
In the fall of 1893 a ten of Mr. T. A.
McFarland, a prominent merchant of
Live Oak, Sutter, Co., Cel., wat taken
with a very heavy cold. The paint
in his chest were so severe that he had
naama and waa threatened with pneu
monia. Hit father gave him several
large doses of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy which broke up the cough
and cured him. Mr. MoFarUnd sayt
whenever hit ohildren have croup he
invariably gives them Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and it alwayt ouret
them. He considers it the best couch
remedy in the market. For tale by Dr.
I lwin Roti.
Astorla-Goble People Hare a Hitch
In Plane.
Mr. John 0. Stanton, who Is prominently
Identified with the construction of the As-toris-Oobls
railroad, arrived in Portland
Tuesday, accompanied by his wife, and left
ths sams svenlng for Astoria, expecting to
remain there several dsys. Mr. A. B. Ham
mond ths Montana capitalist, one of ths
purchasers of the Oregon Pacific road, left
New York city Isst Thursday, the sams
day, with Mr. Utanton; but owing to busi
ness strain that required prompt attention,
he went direct to Miasoula. and is sxpected
la Portland within a few days.
At the hotel Portland Tuesday morning
Mr. Stanton was found by an Uregonlan
representative, to whom he said:
"So far as the building of the Astoria
road Is concerned, It may be comriYered as
an assnrsd fact. Mr. Hammond has been
an Id lefatlgable worker in the enterprise,
and It Is bis courage tnd indomitable, will
that will make tbe scheme a success. Ths
present has been a most Inauspicious time
to negotiate any new securities on the mar
ket, and what has been done Is due entirely
to the effort of Mr. Hammond."
A petty of engineers also accompanied
Mr. Stanton to Astoria, tor ths purposs of
going ovsr ths proposed line of road, pre
paratory to Its permanent location. Until
Mr. Hammond arrives no definite informa
tion concerning ths future plans of those
Interested in constructing tbe road will bs
obtainable. In a (entral way It Is known
that ths promoters of the road will apply
to have soma extension of time granted,
and It Is also probabls that some chsnges
In tbe existing contracts will be aaked.
It Is sxpected tbst s meeting will be held
In Astoria on Mr. Hammond's arrival there
when some arrangements will be made to
meet the new sipect of affain, In order to
allow the construction of the rosd to be un
hampered by conditions that were not an
tlcipated when the contract was entered
Into several months sge. ,
A Brighter Oatlook.
Astoria, March 27. J. O. Stanton, ac
companied by his wife, arrived here this
morning. In an Interview the gentleman
said: ''I am here to go on with the work
of the construction of th Astoria A Goble
railroad. Mr. Hammond will arrive bare
tomorrow or Friday and work will bs com
menced Saturday morning at a point near
Tongue Point"
The whole town Is feeling quite jubilant
over the fact that work is so soon to be
commenced and before a week is ended As
toria will no doubt be filled with real estate
boomsn and speculators.
William Ransom Isburnlngooel for John
Boles at present.
William Roberts has J. Hnffln employed
clearing land for him.
Conrad Schnider, of Delena, has been In
town for a few days doing some work for
William Roberts.
School commences here the Bret of the
month with K. 8. Hatton as teacher, and
we may expect a good school.
George Baker and wife, of Beaverton, are
visiting Mn. Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. K. Trsylor, for a week or two.
On Sunday laat H. Henderson passed
through our berg leading a cow, or more
properly speaking, the oow was doing the
O. B. Wonderly, our road supervisor,
passed through ben looking over the roads
the other day, and now we may expect to
be called out to work on the publio high.
way almost any time. But we always like
to work for a boss that takes a band him
self at whatever there is to be done.
There is nothing that pleases me so much
as to see a person who can foretell the fu
ture. The worthy correspondent of Uie Re
view says there Is to be a church built on
Mount Zlon. Now that mountain looks
about as much like Mount Zion as a hog
looks like a horse. I live myself on that
knob and it has alwaye been called Hoe
Town , and I never knew of Its being called
anything else.
The weather has been very bed here for
the pest few days.
Walter Black is cutting logt for Tbe
Mayger Company this year.
John Boals Is hauling out coal tor tbe As
toria Packing Company.
Wa ara earrv to learn that Mn. Bee had
go to St. Helens for medical aid last week.
She found relief in treatment by Dr. Cliff.
Wa mw in last week's Review that the
anrraanondant aavs "The Sanborn School
Hnnaa L terarv Society is like a lading
owsr: there wui ne noming ten nut tne
school house alter while." xnisis inenrai
tima wa erer heard that a "fading flower'
left a school house. However, I think we
can run the Literary without that corres
pondent to dictate to us. Ths Literary has
changed its hour of meeting from T:S0
o'clock Saturday evening to S o'clock P. M.
8unday. The following officers were elected
In, tha ansnloa month: President W. R.
Uotson, vice-president S. M. Boats, secre
tary Robert Boals, treasurer j. jscAaams,
a iltnr Charles Bee. committee on pro
gramme, 8. M. Boals and Miss Eva Calk
Ins. All are cordially Invited to aitena.
Want an Extra Beeelon.
N Yok. March 28. President Cleve
land was asked today by the Monroe Doc
trine League to call an extra session of eon
aaaa in Haal with the action of Orcat Brit
ain in gobbling up nearly one-third ot Ven
rsuels on the question of boundary, and at
tempting to gain possession oi a portion 01
Nicaragua. The league is largely maueup
of Irish-Americans, who hate Great Britain
aanaral Drinoioles. and who wish It un
derstood that they are ready to go forward
with arms in hand to do battle for these
oppressed American repupiios.
HlfltMt Honor World Fair.
A purs Crept Cream of Ttrtsr Powder. Fret
torn Ammonis, Alum or tny other adulterant
Mr. Barvine went to the city Monday.
D. H. Pope Is still nnrslng e sore band.
Mrs. B. F. Pope's health Is improving
very slowly.
Tbe roads across Milton creek bottom are
In en almost impassable condition.
The ground was covered with the "beau
tiful" to the depth of 4 or S inches hut
We ere Informed that 8. Rock has rented
his ranch and it going down tbe river to
8. Vosberg and Jesee Hendricks went to
tbe oounty seaton Saturday returning home
on Monday.
C. C. Moyer met with quite an accident
last week by cutting bis band with a saw
while at work for H. O. Howard.
Some of tbe rancben here an planting
early potatoes. We are of tbe opinion they
had better wait until spring comes.
Real Eetace Transfers.
Charles Conklin and wife to James Wal
lace and W. 1. Graham, and), of of
of sec OR. t g n. r 6 w: Iftno.
Charles S. Davis to C. W. Catber, n ot
new and nii ol amW, see U, t 6 a, t t
Johnson Freeman and wife to James
Wallace and W. L. Graham, lots 2. 3. 4. 6
and 6, aeo 1, t7 n. r6 w; gl.
uaorm w. Farr and wire to Joanna v.
Fair. wU of mV. and sU of nw'X. sec 85, t
7n,r2w, andnXof nwi. sec 2, t6n, r2
Jobnatnn Fraaman and wife to James
Wallace and W. I.. Hreham, anA otot
iK.aan HH. t a n. t ft w: BUUU.
John H. Freeman et al to James Wallace
and W. L. Graham, same as above.
M. E. Graham and husband to James
Wallace and W. L Graham, ondof Xof
U. aee m lilt ill' tU2.
Marquis F. Moore and wue to james
Mucklejr., sw. see 25, t 5 n . r 2 w; $440.
C. F. Dosn, sheriff, to Archibald Camp
bell . of new and nW of saW and aw W
$1104' eC U' 1 7 n'w sheriffs deed;
Bute of Uregon to John a. mmesen, tots
l anil H aca XX. t 8 n. r A mi Vfl.
John H. Siniesen to Joseph tiimesen, lots
5 sod 6, ec 33, 1 8 n. r 4 w: $67.
Ht. Helens Lodge. I. O. O. F. to Llndler
Meeker for Levi trench, deceased, lot 148,
uad J euows cemetery ; vm.
Beer te Can atkasiaaaitlaaa.
Araoo, Cooe Co.. Or.. Nov. 10, 1893
I wish to inform you of tbe great
good Chamberlain's Fain Balm baa
done my wife. She bat been troubled
with rheumatiam of the armt and
hands for six months, and hat tried
many remrdiea prescribed for that com
plaint, but found no relief until the
ueed thit Pain Balm ; one bottle of
which hat completely cured ber.
take pleasure in recommending it for
tnat trouble, x ours truly, u. A. uuii
ord. 60 cent and 91.00 bottles for tale
by Dr. E. Rose, druggist.
3. S. Cronk, of Goble, wat in the
city Wednesday.
County Clerk Weed wat doing bnti-
neee in Portland Wednesday.
A. P. Anrya, of Bainier, waa doing
business at tbe courthouse Wednesday.
The Houlton school begins next
Monday with Professor ' M. C. Caee at
The Bailey Gatxert made tbe run
from Portland to St. Helena yesterday
morning in one bour and twenty-nine
minutes. Tbe distance it 30 miles.
Sheriff Doan has collected to far on
the 1894 tax roll 912,000. This is
nearly three timet the amount collec
ted by Sheriff Watts dunng a corres
ponding period last year.
C. W. Fruth, of Goble, wat in the
city Wednesday. Mr. Frush ie an old
pioneer and baa held many positions
of publio trust on this coast. He is
now residing on his farm down in the
Bishop neighborhood back of Uoble,
Dr. Bote desires us to publish the
following extract from a letter of Chat.
M. Gotfeld. of Reedley, Fresno Uo.
Cel., at he bandlee tbe remedy referred
to and wan It hit customers to know
what a splendid medicine it ie: "It it
with pleasure I tell you that by one
day't use ol Chamberlain e wougn
Remedy I waa relieved of a very severe
cold. My bead waa completely stopped
ud and I could not tleeo at oighta.
can recommend thit remedy." A cold
nearly always starts in tbe head and
afterwards extends to the throat and
lunga. By using thit remedy freely at
toon at the cold bae been contracted
it will cure tbe cold at once and pre
vent it from extending to tbe Inn ge
WEST. At his home in Scappoooe, Or., at
11 o'clock P. M. March 27. Ib6, W. W.
west, agea uo years.
The burial will take place at Fairview
cemetery at S o'clock P. M. today, March
sun, urae.
mm Baby waa atok, we gav her Castorla.
Whan she waa a Child, aha cried f or Oaetoria.
What she became Was, aba ohing to Cestorls,
T. J. CLsa-roM.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Notarial PakUe, Ceavayaawtag sad Csnsrtlaaw
jje. x. p. McLaren,
Rainier, Oregon.
pjK. H. R. CLIFF.
8t. Helens, Oregon.
jQB. J. B. HALL,
Cletskaaie, Columbia oounty. Or.
8t Helens, Oregon,
vyr H. ME8SRVE,
Surveyor and Civil Engineer
County Surveyor, tend Surveying, Town
Platting and Engineering work promptly
There has Just been received e large assortment of pun and freh drags, patent
medicines, etc. Also numerous other article! which are found In all fini-clase
drug stores. Remember that the place to buy your drugs is at a drug store.
This bouse also carries a very large assortment of fancy notions, consisting of
toilet articles such as perfumery, soaps, tooth-brushes, tooth-powders, ami In
fact all articles included in that line. Also writing paper and school supplies.
A competent phsrmaclet Is always on hand ready to compound prescriptions on
short order. Mr. Ross is ever watchful of ths public's demands, and you will
always find what you want at bis establishment
It you want to meet a friend you
Corner Front and Morrison Stt.
Portland, Oregon,
Are once more doing business at the old stand formerly oc
cupied by Muckle Bros., where can be found a complete stock of
Fresh Staple
Just from the best markets of tbe world. They also bays a
new and complete line of .......
Ladies' Dress Goods, Latest Patterns.
Realising that their
eenuemen auo carry
Ladies' and Gents' Fine Footwear
PT af ""
Rough and Dressed Lumber of
Clatsfcfflie Drugstore u-
Patent Medicines, Prescription Drugs.
Toilet Articles, Faaej Notions, ete.
The tablet are alwayt supplied with the Beet Ediblet and Delica
cies the market affords.
Havins; been newly refurnished we are prepared to give satisfac
tion to all our patrons, and solicit a thnre of your patronage.
J. GEORGE, Proprietor, St Helens, Oregon
Rheumatic Remedy a Permanent toe
This Remedy Properly Taken will Cure any Rheumatic Case.
Is a Bitters specially manufactured to aid those afflicted with Rheumatism.
It gives tone to the stomach and purifies tha blood better
than any other bitters known.
For Sale by all Leading Drnggka or Address "Q. R." P. O. box 663, Astoria, Oregon
or PETER BRACH, General Agent,
marl-6m 437 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. TelephoneVo. Si.
St. Helens MEAT - MARKET
V ...
All Kinds of fresh and salted meats, sausage, and fish.
An express wagon runs dauy to all parts ot the city.
Meats by Wholesale
at Special Rates.
. . J. H.
The old and reliable barber bat hit raxors just at
sharp at can be found, and will eliave you com
fortably and quickly for only fifteen cents.
The table will be supplied with the beat the market affords.
Board fay the Day, Week, or Month at Reasonable rates
Everything Clean. A Share ot Your Patronage ia Solicited.
Hilt wavy. Soip ftuijct
kotk mw if not swUtfttcforr. KrmyihtDa ww
ruia. tv ay pay u Afftmt vrv o are? wo
you! Writt your own enter. Boxlnc
Snrtnai Wamni.
ia. a. Mil tar aia
No. L Farm Harness.
W.eona. t)urrya with loac Madan, aeo,
auDaaiaalltorSlitoSUS. Top BuMaa at tow
HIM. flteetonaakwa.aea.
Wrtrtia, Strata, Deabk, aaS Fmna.
BrfcOaa and fly In Bend caul
us paa
Ko.41 wagon.Mow W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Okhttrt, fade
ROSS, Prop.
will surely find bim at this hotel.
C. W. KN0WLE5,
Proprietor aad Magef
stock would be incomplete without, these J
a large invoice 01 ... .
Wafcr SSaWal WtTWaT SaTWal atrV WaTWat SaVWai Wa aWWSC WavIV StTWal SaVWJ -t
Eieiy Style, Grade and Variety
tha Place so Bacure
Your Fraah Madlclna
D5. J. B. HALL, Proprietor
Sweetland & Sheldon,
Mam St.. at. HiIim, Qragaav
DECKER . . .
ttaeuiuravrturrsi tM jUMrte Milicur
lo approval, W pay WtaAtf
to to ordtr for
r Mil w
tSo. Eti Boad Wacom.
eaotaaea. em
an aaa. M 1 I ml B)Mad
aTl AsAaaS
e" m J--'