The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 22, 1895, Image 1

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NO. 0.
Various Bills Which Have Not
v. '..'as Yet Become Laws.
Oil, Provide, for One Hundr,d Million
Dollar. In Certificate, of ludebted
' noil fo Iieneleueles-Seifenty Thou-
: amid Duller, fo Uuildlor. -'
WAtfiHNOTON, February 20. The lull
Bormiu vouimittoe on ftpproprlatloni de-
..1 .1 ...1 i.t .i.tutt-p r a tvisarwl mitnf irk ilia
V1UDU W V JNl St'.. W
i innJry civil appropriation bill (or $100,- !
' (XK),000 In ceititlcatesol indebtedness of
denomination of (20 to run for two years
and draw S per cent interest, and be
good only for the purpose of supplying
the treasury deficiency. The propel
'i tlon in the bill repealing the law for the
Issuance of gold certificates la stricken j
out and the following added as proviso
to the appropriation for printing and
engraving: , ,- " I
"That hereafter no portion of this
sum shall be expended for printing4
. United States notes or treasury notes of
larger denomination than those that
may be canceled or retired."
The wording of the house proviso ap
propriating 1184,000 to carry into effect
the interstate commerce law is changed
so as to prohibit the use of more than
20,000 in the employ of counsel. A .
general enactment in lieu of the act of
lHtKt is made concerning the survey of
railroad land grants. One fund of $25,
" 000 is appropriated for this purpose and
made a continuing appropriation. The
house provision making the appropri
ation for rivers and harbors immediately
available is stricken out. The entire ap-,
propriatlon made by the bill, as re
K.rUMl, is 4l,rm,l-4r, an increase of $2.
521,424 over the total ol the house bill.
This Increase does not include the $u
000,0110 estimate for paying the sugar
bounty claims. i
In the absence of Senator Cullom the
committee divided on the proposition to
nav half of the I on nt v on sugar for the
year 1804, as authorized by the Mi-Kin-ley
law. The snm to be appropriated
for this purpose is about (0,000,000.
Seventy thousand dollars is appropri
ated (or proposed buildings at Cheyenne,
Wyoming, noise uuy, iduno, ana iiei-
ena, Mont.
Fal.a Kvlrtanr, ( Agalaet
a Itela-
Baker Citv, February 20. A pecnliai
case was entered In the circuit court to
day. It was one In which a man by tin
name of James Chamberlain, who livet
on upper Burnt river, in this .county,
was accussed of the larceny of a calf.
The witnesses for the state, five In num
ber, were all relatives of the accused,
and It was shown bv the defense that
their testimony was false beyond ques
tion and given for the purpose of send
ing Chamberlain to the penitentiary to
get rid of him. The case was submitted
to the Jury without argument and they
promptly rendered a verdict of not
Jnilty. It now turns out that Harvey
-ancaater and M. Yeager killed the calf
and in the endeavor to mix Chamber
lain up in the matter convicted them
selves. Lancaster pleaded guilty, and
was sentenced to serve eighteen months
in Salem. It is expected that the grand
jury will find a bill against Yeager be
fore It adjourns. Yeagnrand Lancaster
are brothers-in-law to Chamberlain.
of Man.lanfhier A gain. t
HI m
rur Killing Dorrlty.
Hkleka, Mont., February 20. Thomas
Cleary was to-day convicted In the dis
trict court of manslaughter for killing
Frank Dorrlty, gambler, few months
ago In this city. Cleary was at one
time a prominent mmuie-weignt prise-
fighter, and had go with Jack Deinp-
sey belore a clun in ban rrancisco. lie these steamers, but tne news comes foreigners within it were allowed to de
had rnn down at the heel until he bad from Scotland, via Hong Kong, that part unmolested aboard the Severn. It
liemiiie a rounder, and while hanging thev will be larger and better equipped i, einei-tml that the Jananesa will not
around gambling houses he fell in with
Dorrltv. who was a bad man wltli
reputation for killing people. They had
been out oil night and wound up with a
quarrel. While norriiy was running
from Cleary tne latter drew beau on
him ond sent ball through the back of
his neck. It seems that Dorrity was
running for his gun to kill Cleary so the
case was made manslaughter. He will
be sentenced Saturday. .
The Kaport Confirmed.
Tanoikhh, February 20. The report
that the heads of a number of rebels
have been sent to the sultan as trophies
proves to be true, confirmation having
been received from Morocco city. From
the scene of the first prolonged struggle
between the tribes supporting the sul
tan's brother in his claim to the throne
and the government troops, the heads of
thirty-seven of the leading rebels were
sent to Sultan Abdul Axlz at Fes. These
beads were transported on the backs of
lour mules snu one donkey. After be-
ing exhibited to the sultan, it is said the
heads will be placed on the city walls as
pruoi, oi vnuuipu aim as warning to
Queen Victoria's MovemanU.
London, February 20. The Queen ar
rived in London this afternoon, . The
strictest privacy was observed In her re- 1
ception, and at Victoria station empty
trains were alignod along the depot
ilatform so thitt persons on othr plat
orms could not see her alight. The
roaton for this extraordinary privacy
was that rheumatism had Incapaciated
the queen from walking. A detach
ment of life guards surrounded her car-
r'sge as it was driven to Buckingham
palace. in (ptte of all this the queen
was heartily cheered.
Bo"da Ordered Printed.
Wasiiinqton, February 20. The gov
ernment has ordered the printing of the
o per win uuuu, caued for by tbe Bel
mont-Morgan syndicate. It U ,.1,1 that
the Issue of bonds wonld be enjoined,
hilt nn to nnon no lnhlnnflnr. i
Ings had been begun iu any of the courts
A 'Captain Who Committed Suicide
Hatb,r Than Go to Prison,
Ban Fbamciu'o, February 20.-Th
German bark Paul Isenberg has arrived
(rom Honolulu with the first mate In
command. The bark left Ban Francisco
about year ago with Captain Blet in
command bound (or Hamburg. , On the
voyage one of the sailors was so mal
treated by the captain and mate that he
died... Both men were arrested In tier
many and charged with manslaughter.
The captain, alter bis preliminary ex
amination, was allowed his liberty on
bonds and permitted to make a voyage
to Honolulu with his ship on condition
that be wonld take the same punish-
, ment given the mate, who" would re-
I main an
convict. Rather tlmn serve a sentence
on his return to Germany he committed
suicide, and the first mate took com
mand of the bark on her voyage to Ban
rive Miner, Killed and
HI, Seriously
Ashland, Pa., February 20.-An ex-
plosion of gas which will probably re -
nit in ii.. .loath n( at Wat 4.tavn mln.
ers, occurred at 11 :80 this morning in
the West Berridge mine at the Mahoney
plant. Five men have been taken out
dead and some so seriously Injured that
their lives are despaired of. Following
Is a list of the dead and seriously in
jured: Dead Peter Kline, Joseph Pitts,
Thomas Purlin, Bernard lteed, Peter
Seriously Injured Wlllium Minnlcb,
William Golf, Anthony Meyers, Edward
Davis, John Laney, William Davis.
. Besides these several other miners
were badly burned, but it is hoped they
will recover, A gang of men were en
gaged In driving an aircourse when they
broke through into a breast containing
large volume of gas. This was im
mediately limited by their lamps and an
explosion followed. Borne of the dead
were burned beyond recognition. The
mine is siill on tire.
aeMeld-Uavl, Ca.a Ordered to Be lie-
elared. ,
IIclsna, Mont., February 20. The
supreme court decided to-day that Har-
t T .n.l I'.wtn Itawia L.
'.nd brother o, Andrew J. Davis,
thm Rntte millionaire. m contist the
the Butte millionaire, may contest the
will on the ground that it was a forgery
nd revoked by other wills.
11. A. Hoot and Maria Cummlngs
contested the will in 1HU1, and after a
six weeks' trial at Butte the jury disa
greed. The Boot contest was set for
hearing July 24, 1HICI. However, the
case was continued by agreement and
the Sheffield-Davis rase callel. These
contests were not ready for trial and the
case was dismissed. A motion to set
aside the default was overruled and an
anneal was taken to the supreme mnrt.
Tbe case was remanded wit i instruc
tions to restore tbe contest. This again
opens the question as to the validity of
the will nnder which John A. Davis,
brother, claimed tiie whole estate of
how an Additional Steaniar to
long Kolif.
Tacoma, February 20. The summer
schedules of the Northern Pacific Steam-
ship Company, which arrived to-day
f-... Tl 1' -1. il.4 . m.i.
iviu iiuug xw,.K, iuv. ... -
steamship will be put on the line this
summer, arriving here on her first trip
July 21. This will give a steamer each
way every three weeks after May 19 be
tween Tacoma, China and Japan. The
new steamer is not named in the sched-
1 J I . 1 l. . . f
uie, aim is suppose! (o uo .no urn. ui .
the new modern liners which are said
to 1 bnilding at the Fairfield shlpbnild-1
ing works in Scotland for the XNortliern
Paci tic line. Tbe agent here will Rive
out no dell ni to information regarding
steamers than any that now cross the
Th, Jury In the Caae of Banker Ediul
ton Disagreed.
Nobth Yakima, Wash., February 20.
Th, Jury , th, Edmiston case was
, . , , ...
brought into court this morning and dia-
cuarxeu, Iiaviug ueeil uimuio w u
verdict. Robert Dunn, foreman, andj
seven others were for acquittal and four
for conviction, until the last ballot
when the vote stood 6 to 0. The case
will come up at the next term of court,
1 I 1 . ..!... .n M.... A
remain in Yakima until the next term,
which convenes in April,
Th. Banioan Question.
London, February 20. In the house
to-day Under Foreign Secretary Gray
said there had been no special agree
ment made in regard to the ownership
of land in Samoa by foreign nations,
The United States government claimed
tne exclusive right to tne coal station in
the harbor of Pago Pngo. There was no
truth, he said, In the statement that
Germany was about to annex the Sa-
moan islands. - F.ngland certainly de
sired to consult the interests of Auatra-
in regard to Samoa.
' Fro.eoutlon of Olnllttl. '
London, February 20. The Central
News' correspondent in Koine says that
ex-Premier Giollttl is to be prosecuted
not only for libeling Crispi, but also for
appropriating for his private uses official
documents bearing upon the affairs of
thn Hanna Rnm.n.. Klinnlil Via Ka rvtrt.
victed lie will be deprived of his civil
rights, and will lose the rank of privy
councilor. -
' Had Only Declared HI, Intention.
Paeis, February 20. The United
States has refused to Interfere in the
case of a man named LeCompte, who
was forced to do military duty in Franee
.l nnimufl Am.rWn nitlxnn.Mn
It is learned he had only declared his
Intention to become citizen.
ill Mtilnfl trliil. YY lion IIIH !) r j . uv; ceii.i.jfain. vuv ia mi iiviiik ui caiuicBi . o- j - -t i t- n t I i I
Honolulu i better was handed following dispatch from Admiral Car- Passed both houses and .wait th has recently been asked many questions rfJS0? " f5!t!fr,ij- i iT-i !
by the German consul informing penter, commanding the Asiatic squad- governors signature: as to the attitude of the court in the this nnkiiatiMi in tim interest of mm.
tliat his partner to the crime ha3 L,. Hete.1 Ch. F, Fabrnarv 18: Scobey-To prevent the practice ol . nialimBnt .nifj, .ain. " PBwtod ta rel oI "
.r..hJtllSS! "The Chinese fleet .nd the OhinTZXS "Cl100" celver. of "the Atchison & Topek .nd . aegkntin, and bhazil.
rhe Japanese Victory at Wei
Hal Wei Made Complete.
Admiral Carpenter Says the KI..I and
Forts Have Surrendered, and the
China,, Admiral and Chinas, Gen
eral, Have Killed Thenuelve,.
Washington, February 19. The sec-
island forts at Wei Hal Wei, China,
h...nrF.,.,iarn.l ThaChlnmuiailiniral
l..i m.i... ....! n,,ltt.,l
suicide. Have sent the United States
steamship Charleston to watch the
Yokohama, February 10. An official
. , . ,7 .rr 7.
dlspateb .rom wet Hal wei, nearing
I date of r eoruary nas been receive!
here. It states that in response to tn.
jolfer made bv Admiral Tina, the Chi
nese naval commander, to surrender his
vessel, on condition of amnesty being
'A SMS"fcr ' S
Japanese forces, demanded tne naval
stores be turned over that (Wednesday)
morning. The Chinese messenger who
conveyed this demand returned to Ad
miral J to and. informed bitn that Ad
miral Ting had committed suicide th
nigntoi reuruary aim mw ...a ro-
i . t i i in I .L.. 1. :
sponeibility tiau Deen transierrea is
of a British merchant vessel, who bad
been appointed Dy ineuninese govern-
nT. r&iS wi
received was conferring with Captain
McClure. . .
A li.noti-h (latal Fnbriiarv 14. frora
Field Marshal Uyama, who is in com
mand of the Japanese military forces al
Wei Hal Wei. announces that Captaic
McClure surrendered the Chinese oa
land and sea. He also announces thai
Admiral Ting and two other.
itted suicide alter addressing a let-
ter from the flagship accepting the Jap
anese demands. The Chinese soldien
KarrisoninK the forts on the island oi
Lin Kong Tao, the last of the defense!
0 yei Hl Wei to hold out against tht
Tdn.n.M mnA tli. a.ilnra nf th. PhtniM.
J jbj Ukenyond the Ja,
nMe U n1 ,!' w?lle tne earn
tured officers and other foreigners woulc
be conveyed away by ship before the;
are given their liberty.
A dispatch from General Noiu, com
mander of the First Japanese army it
Manchuria, dated February 16, says thai
16,000 Chinese with twelve guns at
tacked Hal Cheng from the Tao Yang '
New Chwang and Jin Koa roads. The.
were repulsed, leaving over 100 dead
The Japanese loss was five killed oi,
London. February 19. The Centra)'
Mews agency's correspondent in loxio
teieKrapha under yesterday's date: "Gen-1
sral Nodsu reports that to-day the Chi
nese forces under Generals Tsu Chang
and Yeh were concentrated at llai
Cheng from the Liau Yang, New Chwang
and Jin Koa roads. They attacked the
city, but after suffering" heavy losses
were repulsed. The Japanese losses
, were small,
From Port Arthur the agency has this
dispatch : "A detachment of Japanese j
cavalrv ocenmed Ninir Hat (Jbn ttiSi
morning of.tlle 12th without encounter-
Intf rrnnnaltinr. N.Mvm aav that. thA (Hh
" -xr - Ax T " ..
V- iT j . . , tiZ T
divided into two parts. The larger one
nea toward u nan csuen ana tne
Shan Shen and
smaller one to Yen Tai. All the
habitants of Ning II ai Chu are snbmiB
sive, and many welcome the Japanese to
the town."
Japanese at l,iu iono tao,
London, February 19. The Che
correspondent of the - Central
ammcv aavs the Jananese occupied Liu
Kung Tao Friday. The garrison and the
touch Che Foo, but will re-embark to
attach Than Hal Kwan.
Iondon, February 19. A dispatch to
the Times from Tien Tsin says that Li
Huns Chang, who has been appointed a
peace envoy to Japan, will go to Peking
He will return to Tien Tsin in two
weeKS, gn(1 wii then proceed to Kobe.
LoNO0(,( February 19. The Standard's
correspondent in Berlin says that the
mikaIo and Premier Conntlto approve
o( China's choice of Li Hung Chang at
peace enrov.
I Text of the Work That 11a. Been
IcoinplUhed by That Body.
Olyiipia, February 10. With Satur
day ended the fifth week of the present
legislative session, and while more than
half tbe time is now past very little
work has been accomplished. Three
" "an remain mm nijr win
t8 maae tne most oi. ic is saia ana
generally believed that Washington Hat
never hsen in such dire need of proper
legislation as at this time. This ol
course is caused by tbe unusual bard
times which have prevailed during the
past two years. Up to this time there
have been Hi bins presented (or conBid
eratlon In the two legislative bodies. Of
these 478 were introduced in the house
and 244 in the senate. Only about - ten
days remain for the introduction of new
bills, for February 28 has been agreed
upon by joint resolution as the last day
for this kind of business. That will be
fifteen days previous to adjournment,
and it is generally conceded that any
member having any measure of import-
j ance to present can easily do so by that
time. Out of the flood of bills already
- presented comparitively small num
ber have passed either house and still
smaller number both houses. The house
has passed twenty-nine bills which have
not been acted nnon bv the senate.
while that body has passed eighteen
bills which have not passed the house.
Seven bills have passed both houses and
" 1 -I al. . AM,1.U V O V . . Oi.i in: It T J - 11 1 1 II til (nninm alfniH Mmiosfs mo n Dun Ihof !
of these the governor has approved five.
The other two are still awaiting his
ignature. The appended list of bills
which have passed either bouse or both
at tills time will be found in teres tine as
howing the work already accomplished:
Passed both bouses and received the
expenses of the presentlegislature.
Range Authorizing county commis
sioners to condemn property for right-of-way
for Lake Washington ship canal.
Memorial committee Declaring Feb
ruary 12, anniversary of Abraham Lin
coln birth, a legal holiday.
Hush Appropriating 20,000 (or fish
hatcheries on the Columbia river.
Bcobey Requiring that not less than
ten minutes each week be devoted in
the public schools to systematic teach
ing of kindness to not only our domes-
I Shively Fixing title to certain school
lands in Chehalis county for the rebel
of John Brady. )
Passed the house and await the actios
of the senate :
Bush Providing for the sale and pur
chase of tide lauds of the third class foi
oyster planting.
Bush Protecting planters of oysters
Prohibiting certain methods of gather
ing oysters.
Ham To abolish the office of lieuten
ant; indefinitely postponed in senate
To provide for a verdict by ten juiors it
civil cases.
1 1?
tor.mto rnTclerkr .
Kittinger Providing for the transfei
manner of drawing and certifying listi
of grand and petit jurors. To goverr
the method of allowance to witnessei
and jurors of fees for their attendant
and mileage.
Temple fixing tne maximum sum u
. . . - . .
r- --; -."ii.-
Rogers Amending the present law
relative to the proper ventilation of coal
- fm.. hm. ,.w
i jgKg? tbe -diem 'nd mi,fr
gMcA,rdle-For the protection of knol
in .K!ni.
, J " " f. . .
i inner amenaing me coae relative ta
the government of municipal corpora
tions. Fixine the pay of superior court
baliiis at $2 per day. Providing for twe
ballots only for each elector at election.
Ii, " v
Johnston Extending the time of pay
ment on contracts for the sale of school
Nelson For the protection of motor
men and drivers of street cars.
Mllaa Amendina the code in i
Albertson In relation to the descent
' 1 lw
If 1 1 a 1 : . L 1 ti!
Bush In relation to beds of natural
ysters. To prevent dredging for oys
ters. Han ford To prevent tbe destruction
t singing birds.
Heath To provide for organisation ol
tompanies for clearing out and improv
ing rivers, and fixing maximum tolli
lor delivering logs.
Biggs Amen
tbe code in relation
to quarantine.
Mm s Granting to school districts tin
right to purchase school house sites ol
itate school land of not less tnan one
Kr-nhnv Ttolatino to vital statistics.
Fish burn To regulate tbe sale of
jommereial fertilizers.
Passed the senate and now await ac
tion of the house:
Dorr Granting to judgment debtors
the right of possession, rents, issues and
profits of real estate and premises sold
under execntion during the period of re-
rr. t ;: ;i j
r . . . . .
ureet cars, in relation to me granting,
l new trials; indefinitely postponed by
h Amending therein rela-
.,, ,-,..., oh.ll.nopa to lurors
in .;,,,,.,nl MOAa. inrl.flnir.lw tWUtnnnAtl
iu wiowuiu.u.; I 1
bv the house,
Gilbert Providing for township or
ganization. Kellog Amending present law pro
viding the manner of drawing and certi-
lying list of grand and petit jurors.
McManns In relation to corporations
and amending the code. Validating cer
tain articles of incorporations.
Taylor Prescribing manner in which
judges of superior courts shall direct
judgment in cases tried before the court
witn jury.
Van Honten Making an appropri
ation for deficiency of the state agri
cultural college.
Nelson Renealing an act allowing
second appeal to the supreme court in
certain criminal cases. Amending the
code of procedure in criminal actions,
relating to sneedv trial of defendant.
Judiciary committee Amending elec
tion laws in relation to registration ol
voters in towns and precincts with a
population of 260 or more.
Kange Amending the code of civil
Easterdav Defining duties of sheriffs,
constables and coroners npon the expira
tion of their term of office, prescribing
the duties of their successors and vali
dating the acts of each.
Belknap To prohibit prixeflghting
and boxing matches in clubs.
Judiciary committee Relating to the
settlement of community estates held in
common, and amending the code.
Ide Appropriating money to aeiray
the expenses of public printing.
Numerous bills in both houses have
been indefinitely postponed, and many
will probably never leave the commit
tee rooms. It is difficult to estimate
the number of bills that will be enacted
into laws, bnt of tbe number already
introduced It is safe to say that not one
fourth of them will pass both houses.
A Croe, Clearly Defined.
East Liverpool, 0., February 16.
Between 8 and 9 o'clock yesterday morn
ing a clearly defined cross-with the sun
in the center and composed of rainbow
colors was seen here clearly defined in
the heavens. Successful revival services
are being held in the church, and many
people acocpt this spectacle as an omen
tor good.
The Olympian Game, Revival.
Athens, February 19. The committee
on the revival of the Olympian games
Intends to invite the principal corporate
bodies of Europe and tbe United States
to attend or take prt in the Olympian
games of 1800.
. , . r- ,
Opinion by United States Cir
'cult Judge Caldwell.
Government Employe, May Bo Gar
nlahed. but the Payment of the jfudg
nnt Cannot Bo Knforced, Nor Can
Property Bo Attached.
Bt. Louis, February 18. United
the Bt. Louis & San Francisco roads to
secure payments of debts owed by em
ployes. To-day he placed on file in tbe
clerk's office a letter, which is intended
to be an answer to cover all such ques
tions. Tbe letter is as follows:
"Yon will not be in ' contempt ' of any
court over which I preside by suing out
a writ of garnishment to garnishee the
wages of an employe of the receivers of
the Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe Kail
way Company; but if you get judgment
against the receivers, you cannot levy
upon tbe property in their possession as
receivers or otherwise compel them to
pay it by any process issued from the
court rendering the garnishee judgment.
The receivers and the men employed by
them, and employes of every department
oi tne government, jurors and witnesses,
.n kailin-a anH .r..mi..i
court including its receivers anS their
employes are entitled by law to have
... J. l.i... j L "i. :
hem ZZZZlTZ to such rntP"7w
shall appoint. Neither the government
rr . ... - .
nor any oi its departments including tbe
judiciary can be garnished for salaries.
wages or fees of its officers, agents or
employes. - By an order of the court this
rule is applied to the employes of the
court from the service of its receivers,
and I must decline to vary it to meet
your case.
" The court will not pay the wazes of
n employe to anyone bnt the employe
himself, nor will it sentence him to dls -
missal from the service as you suggest
nd recommend, because he does not
pay his debts. The court bas not au
thority to punish men for not paying
their debts."
Death or Fred
Well, Near
Ashland, Or., - February 18. Fred
Wells, tbe 13-year-old eon of James
Wells, living three miles north of Ash
land, was killed in an unusual and
shocking manner last evening. Early
in the afternoon he left his farm home
on horseback to herd his father's sheep
off neighbor's pasture, as he had been
in th-s habit of doing. Not returning at
the naupl time his folks became anxious,
and his father, brother and the neigh
bor's boy started out after supper in tbe
evening to look for him. About two
miles from home they found his horse's
trail and with lantern followed it to
where it crossed a gulch, the neighing of
the boy's horse being heard in the mean
time. The animal was found fast in the
mud and half dead. Directly nnder the
horse and almost buried was the lifeless
body of the poor boy, his body lying
lengthwise with the horse, the feet to
the horse's head, one leg only being ex
posed to view. How the accident hap
pened, of course, can only be surmised,
but it is supposed that tbe animal stum
bled, and the boy not looking for it was
thrown suddenly out of the saddle and
the struggles of the heavy 1,200-pound
horse in the miry clay crushed the life
out of him almost instantly, as he was
buried in the mnd.
Seattle Not Idle.
Seattle, February 18. The chamber
of commerce has for some time been at
work on the provision of suitable site
for the military post to be established
on Pnget Sound and has secured 600
acres on Magnolia bluffs, the site rec
ommended by General Otis in his re
port, inis Hiie couiuiauuo iuo,.
to Seattle harbor and the whole ap
proach to the Upper Sound and to the
government drydock on Port Orchard,
directly across the Sound. Fortifica
tions near Port Madison on the west side
of the Sound would, with the Magnolia
bluffs forts, enable artillery to command
both approaches to Port Orchard and
the entrances to tbe proposed canal to
Lake Washington. Tbe site will be of
fered to the commission of five military
officers, which will decide on the loca
tion. Society Women In Tlsht.
Otsego, Mich., February 18. The
Women's Literary Club created great
sensation last night by donning tights
and performing longfellow's " Spanish
Student." There were three preachers
present, who in spite of perfunctory dis
approval admitted that the play was
well put on. A novel feature was the
appearance of a score of prominent citi-
sena dressed in brondcioth, wearing
bald-headed wigs. They marched in
with dignity and quietly seated them
selves in the orchestra circle amid loud
applause. Tbe women were indignant
at the gentlemen who appeared in the
front row witn baid-neaaea wigs.
A Referee to Be Appointed.
New Yoek, February 18. An applica
tion for referee in the suit of the heirs
of Jay Gould to obtain exemption from
taxation of certain personal property,
inherited nnder the will of the late mil
lionaire, was granted to-day by Justice
Barrett in the supreme court, who will
appoint a referee in the matter in a few
days. The hearing; will perhaps be of
five months' duration.
To Go on the Reservation,.
Spokane, February 18, Enoch and
Louie, chiefs of the Upper and Middle
Spokane Indians, have at last signed an
agreement to go on the reservations
specified in the treaty of 1887. For years
t ny have stubbornly refused to accept
comfortable homes and government aid,
preferring to hang around the outskirts
of Spokane, where they have picked up
a ktso rioua living.
Promised Settlement Ha Mot Tet Beea
Mexico Citt, February 18. Don Ig
oacio Mariscal, minister of foreign re
lations in the Mexican cabinet, states
lespite reports to the contrary the end
f the Guatemalan question is not yet in
light. The secretary indicated that the
neighboring republic is still evading the
real question in her dispute with Mex
ico and endeavoring to gain all the time
Colombia's rebellion oveb.
Washington, February 18. The state
department to-day received the follow
ing telegram from Minister McKinuey
at Bogota. Colombia: "The minister
Washington, February 18. The Ar
gentine government has formally ex
pressed to the president its complete
satisfaction with his decision in the
Brazilian boundary dispute. The rela
tions between the two governments are
at present extremely cordial.
Flea of a
'Gold" Brick Man In
. Supreme Court.
Seattle, Wash., February J.8. The
attorney for the defense in the case oi
the Stete vs. W. H. Knowlton, the "gold
brick swindler," bas set np a somewhat
novel defense before the supreme court.
Knowlton is nnder sentence for swin
dling Banker Woodinsr. of Aberdeen
out of several thousand dollars by means
oi a - gold ' Dries. Mr. Jones naa one
ot ?owlton'8 ''d" bncka wit! fim
which he showea the supreme judges
and asked if a man was not indeed fool-
.who allowed himself to be robbed by
. ?.ray fv,ce- Mr:. Jaea b ?
vhll. K nmvlrr.n wna mnrallv f i a
while Knowlton was guilty morally, he
was not euiltv legally, because man
must use ordinary precaution in order
to protect himself, and ii he does not
the law is not bound to protect him
Therefore, Knowlton, in trading off his
"gold" brick for Banker Wooding's gold
dollars, had committed no crime of
which the court could take cognizance
nd that the prisoner should be dis-
J.J: vj.
, c,1",6ea-
Tacomana Will Try to Locate the Army
a Fo.t Near That City.
Tacoma, February 18. Tacoma
working to secure a site of 1,000 acres of
land to be offered to the government
I commission of five military officers,
1 which is to locate an army post on Pn
get Sound this year. The chamber of
commerce has appointed a committee of
of leading citizens, which has opened
headquarters and is doing energetic
work. The site will be on tbe gravel
prairie, south of the city, where the
state militia encampments nave always
been neld, and which nas been pro
nounced by General Bradley of the
United States army, retired, and other
ariry officers, to constitute an ideal site,
comb'muz n brd bottom, with protec
tion by groves of pine trees, ana an
abundance of fuel and pure water. The
chief ooint to be nreed is the transpor
tation facilities available here, where
the troops were concentrated during last
year's strike, and the city's strategic lo
cation at the head of navigation on Pa
get Sound. '
The Prince.. Paellna Dead.
New Yobk, February 18. Princess
Paulina, who arrived in New York De
cember 22 last, and who has since that
time been the object of great interest to
thousands, died in this city to-day.
Princess Paulina was born in Holland in
1876, and during the past nine years has
been seen and fondled by nearly all the
kings and queens of Europe. She was
brought to this country nnder a two
years' contract by Manager F. P. Proc
tor. The pricess was exactly 17 inches
high and weighel but 8 pounds. Two
weeks before her arrival she had an at
tack of the crip, and was laid np for
few dava. She soon recovered, and Jan
uary 29 gave a special reception, attend
ed by nearly hundred well-known
nhvaicians and snnreons. She was taken
ill a week ago, and was pronounced to
be suffering from bronchitis, but it was
not nnttl Thursday that her life was de
spaired of. Tbe remains will be taken
to Holland for burial.
The Burvey of Fort Orford.
Washington, February 18. The chief
engineers submitted to the house to-day
a report of the preliminary survey of
Port Orford with a view to improving it
as a harbor of reluge. rne report says
that Port Orford could not be made
harbor of refuge. Two seawalls could be
built at a minimum cost of $304,254, bnt
it is not plain that the harbor wonld be
improved to any great extent, for the
proposed seawalls would not, by reason
of the topography, be well suited for
commercial operations.
Protecting Mlaalonarlea.
Washington, February 18. The navy
department baa heard from Admiral
Carpenter at Che Foo to the effect that
the Charleston has arrived there after
having rescued fourteen missionaries.
and that he had directed the Yorktown
to go to the south coast of Shan Tung,
China, to the assistance of the mis
sionaries in that locality. He also stated
that Chinese still held the island points
at Wei Hai Wei.
To Save an American', l.lfe.
London, February 18. The Shanghai
correspondent of the Central News says
that the Japanese have made great ef
forts to save the life of the American,
Harvie, who was arrested by the Chi
nese recently on board the passenger
steamer Sydney, hailing from Sydney,
and was held by them on Lin Kung Isl
and in Wei Hal Wei harbor. It is not
known whether they have succeeded.
For Ahuelng Publlo Official.
City of Mexico, February 18. A sen
sation has been created in newspaper
oircles by the arrest and solitary con
finement in Belam prison of Jose Can
dera de Velasco, managing editor of La
Raza Latina. The warrant was issued
by Jndge Velasques and the charge is
ihuse of public officials through the
columns of his newspaper. Velasco is
jne of the most prominent newspaper
men in Mexico.
Condensed Telegraphic Re
ports of Late Events.
Bud get of New, For Kn.y Digestion Prom
Different l art. or the titale, of Wnah
Ington, Oregon and Idaho Item, of
Intereat to Pacific Coe.t People. -
Plans have been prepared for a new
Episcopal church at Aberdeen, Wash.
A carload of salmon is being shipped
Last from Gray's harbor, Wash., daily.
The expert examining the penitentiary
books makes the shortage of the late
Warden Coblentz $12,407.64
The second week of the Farmers'
rchool at Pullman, Wash., opened with
more than 200 names on the roll.
The stockmen of Klickitat county,
Wash., are considering the desirability
of organizing a registry association.
The Pierce county commissioners are
considering the question of setting the
prisoners in tbe county jail at work.
A twenty-stamp mill will be erected
on tbe Champion mine in the Bohemia
district as soon as tbe roads are open.
The establishment of a creamery and
sugar-beet factory are the questions now
interesting the cit izens of Palouse, Wash.
Waila Walla, Wash., will make an ef
fort to secure the tournament of the
Oregon and Washington Firemen's As
sociation next June.
The capacity of the wool-sconring mill
at Pendleton, Or., is to be donbled. It
is expected to handle 6,000,000 pounds
of wool the coming season.
Two thousand cattle are being fed for
market in the vicinity of North Yakima,
and ex-Governor Moody is having 3,000
sheep fed in Cowychee Valley.
The estate of Mrs. Maria Bern hardy
Jasous, the Tacoma woman who was
killed by falling off a train near Ash
land, Or., has been inventoried at f 59,
942.30. W. M. Adams, father of John Adams,
the young man sent to the penitentiary
recently from Pendleton, Or., for per-
i'ury, has commenced an effort to secure
lis pardon.
W. W. Saunders, who was pardoned
from the Salem penitentiary by Gov
ernor Pennoyer, has been admitted to
the bar at Spokane, Wash., npon the'
recommendation of George VV. Belt and
J. E. Fenton.
The La Grande. Or.. Athletic Club has
elected the following trustees: J. K.
iiobbins, J. u. uulling, Dr. . v. Mem-
camp, William Ericson, F. S. Stanley,
A. v. Andrews, lbomaa tl. (Jox, Ur. K.
L. Lincoln and A. C. Miller.
M. F. Backus has resigned as receiver
of the Rainier Power & Railway Com
pany at Seattle, and Frederick Bansman
has been appointed. The road has
passed into the bands - of the Third
Street & Suburban Railway Company,
The Washington senate phased Sena
tor Van Houten's bill appropriating 13,-
024 to pay Architect Pruace for fumi h-
msr D ana and SDecihrations lor tbe asm-
i-nitnrnl building and also Senator Lie's
:,5,U00 deficiency bill for public printing.
J. J. Hohman, proprietor of the Ha
vana cigar factory of Seattle, was stand
ing at the window of his store Saturday
morning when he beard the glass break,
and a bullet whistled by his ear. He
jumped to the door and opened it, but
naw no one.
The Pendleton, Or. Commercial As
sociation bas negotiations pending for
the establishment of a vinegar factory.
The plant wilt cost $1,150, and will turn
out 100 to 300 gallons of high grade
vinegar per day. It is thought that
grapes raised in the Milten, Or., neigh
borhood will supply suitable raw ma
terial. , .
A petition is in circulation in the ex
treme northwsstern portion of Lane
county asking that small portion of
Lane and Lincoln counties. Or., laying
along Five Rivers and Lobster creek tie
annexed to Benton county. This would
take from Lane county two townships of
land that pays no taxes. The county
authorities seem to favor the move
ment. In the United States circuit court the
New York Guaranty & Indemnity Com- .
pany, as trustees, brought suit in equity
against the Tacoma Railway & Motor
Company and Edna L. Mitchell. The
complaint alleges that in July, 1892, the
defendant road, for the purpose oi secur
ing the payment of the series of first
mortgage bonds for $1,500,000, executed
and delivered to plaintiff first mort
gage on its property and equipment in
Tacoma. January 1, 1894, default was
made in the payment of the interest.
The plaintiff asks that the first mortgage
held by it, as trustee, be foreclosed and
the company's property and franchises
be sold by " master in chancery nnder
the direction of the court as an entirety,
and absolutely without any right of re
demption, subject only to the lien of
prior mortgage or deed of trust made to
the Farmers' Loan dc Trust Company,
amount to $85,000 principal with inter
est thereon. Edna Mitchell is named
as defendant, having received judgment
tor (ou.uuu against tne company a
damage suit.
A bill to revolutionize the present
military laws of Washington was intro
duced in the house by Captain Coon,
member irom enohomisn. it is adapted
after the new military code adopted two
years ago in New York state, and is a
voluminous document containing 185
sections. It provides that all able
bodied men between the ages of 18 and
45 years are subject to military duty,
except certain persona described who
are exempt. Whenever the commander-
in-chief deems it necessary ne la em
powered to order an enrollment of all
persons, other than members of the Na
tional Guard, liable to military duty, to
be made by the county assessor or other
persons designated by the commander-in-chief.
One copy of snch enrollment
shall be filed with the county auditor,
one with the adjutant-general and one
to be retained Dy tne enrolling omcer.
Notice of enrollment is then served, and
fifteen days is allowed for each person to
show exemption. The commanding of
ficer highest in rank in the National
Guard, and also the head of the fir
and police departments in each town or
city shall whenever an enrollment is or
dered file with the enrolling officer a
certified list of the persons in Ilia com
mand or department,