;" ''""'""'"'""-''''""'''M'"M"'' IN mukht otit nuininu, v5053-5?'v IP A Marvellous Showing. ft Si it In :1 The U. S. Government, through the Agri cultural Department, has been investigating the baking powders for the purpose of in forming the public which was the purest, " most economical and wholesome. The published report shows the Royal Baking - Powder to be a pure, healthful preparation, absolutely free from alum or any adulterant, and that it is greatly stronger in leavening power than any other brand. , Consumers should not let this valuable information, official and unprejudiced, go unheeded. ROYAL BAKINO POWOER CO., 101 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. 2 Mads Clgarettee With the Bible, Tho snl lora anil firemen on board th British stcainor City of Kdibburgh are all Molinuimcdans shipped at Bombay and . Calcutta, and tlicj seemed to greatly enjoy the religious services at the Mariner' bethel, where they were taken on a rooent Euudnv morning In Philadelphia. They did not, however, seem to fully appreciate tho neatly bound little Testaments that were presented to each one of the party as they left the sacred edifice. Late in the evening Captain Frame, commander of tho steamer, went into the forecastle to find out why tho men were so unusually quiet. Ho was horrified to see that they had torn tho little books apart and used each leaf to roll a cigarette in. His re monstrance was met with the cool asser tion that aa the work had been done with thoir loft, or unclean, bauds no sacrilege, according to their belief, bad been com mitted. An Effective Warning. " Tho train was just ready to start for Boston when a detective from Superin tendent Byrnes' office got on one of the smokiug cars and said, "Be careful, gentlemen; I believe there are a couple of sharpers iuside. ., . "Good gracious!" exolaimed a very stylish looking gentleman, preparing to get out "I'd no idea there were such people here. I'm sure I shall get out " ! Another, who was sitting in a seat opposite, exclaimed: , "I have a large sum of money with me, and I have no wish to lose it," whereupon he, too, got put ?;. "AH right, gentlemen," the officer calmly remarked; "they are both gone now." Millard J. Bloomer in Harlem Lite. ; , Superior to Tim. It ia strange, said a jeweler on Twen- ty-tliird street, but women seldom ever consult the official timepiece in the Window. A man involuntarily pulls ont bis watch to set it by the standard time from the United States observatory, and if he passes ten timekeepers in a day would be apt to compare with half of them, but a woman, unless she ia very businesslike, wouldn't pull ont her watch to regulate it, not if she passed 100 standard timepieces. She is superior to time. New York Recorder. " - A Sara Remedy. Passenger Captain, can't yon recom mend any cure for seasickness? Captain Certainly, my good sir, and ono that never fails. AU yon have got to do is to lie down in the shade of a tree in fall leaf, and away it goes. Schalk. . . - - "THE LEAST OF THESE." She had little of narthly beauty; She had lets of earthly lore; Bhe cliiubed by a path so narrow, , Surh wuarisoroe burdens bore I And she earn with faeart a-trnblll To the warden at heaven 'a dooi c And said, "There were hearts of herc." She said: "There were hands of mittlit. I had only my little children, That call to me day and night I could only soothe their Borrows, Their childish hearta make lisht" And she bowed her head in silence, And she hid her faoe in ahame. When, oat from a bias of glory, A form majestic came. And sweeter than all heaven's music Lo, some one called her name! v , , Christian Herald. LET THE HUNTER DON GAY COLORS. Dr. PIERCE'S PLEASANT . , PELLETS CURB- ' SICK HEADACHE, - , BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION,: DYSPEPSIA, 7 POOR APPETITE, and all derangeinents of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Of all druggists.' .i' ONCE USED -n ...... ALWAYS IS FAVOR. af HUflMUM r?y YOUNG 5PIRITS, T-"VJ a. Tt Km av robust strength fol low Rood health. But all fail when the vital powers are weakened. Nervous debility and lrwa of manly power mutt frotu bad haliiKcon tracted by the yomie; lltroiwrh " ienmance of their ruinous con seqtieneea. Low irblr It, melancholia. impaired memory, . i t morose "br' irritable " temper, fear of impending: calamity and a thousand and one derangements of body ami mind, result from snch pernicious prac tices. All these ore permanently cured by imnroved methods of treatment without the patient leaving home. A medical treatise written in plain but chaste lanjjiiatre, treating of the nature, symptoms and cnrability of snch disease, sent securely sealed in a plain envelope, on receipt ofthis notice, with locentsin stamps, for postage. Address, World's Dispen sary Medical Association. Buffalo. N. Y. It Lessens tlx Chances of Born body Tak ing a Shot at Him. "Yon would naturally think that the banter ont for game wonld wear clothe of soft, unobtrusive colors harmonizing with the landscape, " said the veteran sportsman. "Yet, stalking moose and deer in the Maine woods, I select ap parel pronounced in hue and often wear a red necktie or hatband. This I do to lessen the danger of being shot through mistake. ...... , "Of the great army of hunters that each fall range the woods of the Pine Tree State there are few that will not sometimes venture a shot into moving bushes on the chances that the invisible object that rustles them may be a deer. The fool sportsman, who is largely in evidence in the shootiug season, will do so every time. If it be a man in the bashes, any striking colors of his cos- tame are apt to catch the eye of the one preparing to ore and prevent the snot being fired. . "The danger of alarming game by such costume? That is not enongb to be taken into account Everything strik ing in color is more likely than not to excite their curiosity and draw them toward the hunter if be work with prop er slowness and caution. Besides that all the an tiered game' trust almost wholly to their senses of bearing and smelling to warn them of the approach of danger, and if yon can baffle those faculties yon need have little fear of their taking alarm from the sight of you.. "But, speaking , of costume, don't wear black, else every ninny, and even some experienced sportsman, seeing yon among the trees, would let drive at you, believing be was going to bag a bear." New York Sun. Ely's Cream Balm QUICKLY CUBES COLDjnHEAC Apply Bilm into each noetrll Ku 6aoii.,OSVvn St., X- - Turn ins; Up the. Trooaen. '"rI doubt not through the ages one in creasing purpose runs, and that is why I have always felt sure that there must be some reason for the astrornary and ascentrio" behavior of people who turn np the bottoms of their trousers in dry weather. The New York exquisites who copied the fashion from London will be disgusted at the Vulgar origin of the practice, for I understand that it had its rise in the inventive brains of some bank clerks, who used to go down to the city on those) bad old "razor back" buses. Tbey found that their nether garments got frayed by rubbing against the woodwork under the seats until one day one of them exclaimed, "Go to, and let us turn up our trousers." And they did so. And having turned them np it didn't seem worth while to turn them down again, so the custom became crys tallized. ' If only somebody would now inform us why we wear silk hats and have pockets in our coattails which we never use, we might even yet be moder ately happy. London Figaro. " " -"T Wobmb In Baaelaa Jenrnallsan. A ,., JMt.M In PhhIdh IniiiKiBllem GASOLINE has been initiated at Hclsingforg with the ' " ' lCX3r - estauiisnineni in mat ouy oi a nowspaper P?rrn ELJa iwm.W. u. mui. or.' "nd nducted DtlttiI b" ,taff IMPROVE YOURSldHT. ' KTKB fitted by mail, ' Write for our home sys tem ol fitting the eyes-FREB. REED A MALCOLM BiUWUhed 18SI. - Ortgoilin Bid's, Partitas, Or. HOll V JJ POWER I GAS and HERCULES Scotch Terms and Customs. Everybody knows that the word mao (pronounced in uaelio macbk) means son, so that, for example, MacDonald literally means the boo of Donald. But it is not generally known that when a woman is spoken of the higblanders substitute for mao the feminine men, which means daughter; that the voca tive of mao is viehk (we spell phonet ically), which always replaces mao when a person is addressed, and that the nominative plural is micbk (sons) or clann (children). Sir Walter Scott's isnorance of Gaelio frequently led him into error upon these points, both in bis poetry and in his novels. The meaning of the Uaelio word clan, as just stated, is children, and the obe dience which clansmen owed to their chief was considered by them rather as the. affectionate obedience due by chil dren to a father than as that dne by sub jects to a ruler. They believed them selves to be all blood relations descend ed from a common ancestor, of which their chief was the Jiving representa tive. The clansman who hesitated to save his chief's life at the expense of his own was regarded as a coward who fled from bis father's side in the hour of periL On the other hand, the chief was expected at all times to acknowl edge the meanest of bis clan as bis re lation and to shake bands with him wherever they might happen -to meet Subordinate to the chief and generally related to him were the chieftains and tacksmen. London Spectator.. WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE PROMINENT PERSONAGES FROM FAR AND NEAR. People Who Have. Gained Dlstlnetloi : In Ih.lr Particular Sonar In Life, Both In This Country and Abroad Robert Shervlntou. At the head of the Malagasy army in Madagascar is Charles Kobert btiervin ton. whose official rank ia Lieutenant General conimandinir. Malagasy is areneral term for the Inhabitants of the western and ntitliern Darts of the isl and, who are Africans and heathens ol the lowest sort General Shervinton an Englishman, the son of Lieutenant- Uolonel bbervinton, ana is z years oiu, In 1877 be failed to pass the examina tion necessary to securing a commission in the British Army, after which he sailed for South Africa and joined the native cont ntrent He continued in this service until 1884, rising to the position of Commander of the Cape Mounted Kioes, to which be was pro moted bv Lord Wolseley. In 1884 he retired tn accent the aDDointinent Military Secretary to. the Queen of Madagascar and chief ot the army. He has hwn several times wounded, and on three occasions his horse was shot under him. i Af . Klbot. M. Ribot has succeeded in the task assigned him of forming a new Cabinet for the new rrestaeni oi r ranee, ne was born at St. Omer, February 7, 1842. He was carefnllv educated, studied law 1 few. . "jiffcXr and attained the doctor's degree in 1863. He has been very prominent in his pro fession and in 1878 made his first ap pearance in Parliament, being elected from Bouiozne-snr-Mer. in the depart ment of Pas de Balias. He was offered the nortfolio of Justice in the Ministry of M. Carnot, bnt refused to accept any but that of the Interior which could not be eiven him. Though not popular in the ordinary sense, he is said to have few enemies, and is pre-eminently a safe man. His wife is an American lady, and was formerly Miss Minnie Burch of Chicago. President Dias. With the trouble between Mexico and Guatemala, much attention is directed to the rulers of tbe respective countries President. Diaz is about 60 years ot age. His earlv display of talents led his ml jim father to send him to the great law school at Puebla. which he left to join tbe army, OKi'ting against our American (jenerai ocoit. xie ia a great liguicr. havinir eon a throuali several wars and coiiiinn out at last in full command of the rationai Army oi tne oouin. in 1867 he was elected to the Mexican Con gress. Me ran jor me rresiaency inree times Deiore ne was eiecteo, eacu tune became rebellious and fled to New Or leans. He was elected in 1878. He has 20.000 troops ready for action. He promises, if pushed in to a fight, to settle this dispute once and forever. ' .... President Crespo. Exiled to the Island of Cracoa, ' ex Dictator Roias Paul watches with ieal- on evfs every political movement in the Republic of Venezuela, ready at any time to give tne signal lor a Diootiy rev olution there. Thorougly aware of the impending daneer is the learned Presi dent of the country. General Joaquin Crespo, who is himself tireless in his vig ilance. He is steadily preparing to meet the revolutionists who are urged on by tbe exiles in this country. Tbe re vol u lntion it is thought will only- be poet- noned until the Eatherins of the coffee crop, whote tale will supply some of the necessary funds.: .. . , 4 Straus Mania That FtawH Many As parently Ban- Cltliana. New York is full ot men who want to be first when there Is nothing In It for them. Two chaps will scramble for an empty ele vated train, and although they are ths only chaps on ths platform they will push and shove each other in order to be the drat In tht train. Even when then is only one man on ths platform be will have a sort of strug gle to get aboard, as If he were competing with some imaginary traveler. Aa soon as a train begins to slow up at a station the people linlug the platforms commence to eye each other with suapl ciou, trying to devise what plan tht rest have for getting aboard llrst, so that they oau circumvent It It doesn't seem to be that tbey are afraid they will low thoir eats, but some imaginary triumph seems to be connected with being the drat on board. It's the same way on the big railroads. In a train bound from New York to Phila delphia when it reaches Trenton the oocu panta beuin to edge toward the door aud to make arrangements to be tho 11 rat to leave the oar. Tbey writhe In their seat un easily and glare at their companions, whom tbey suspect of an intention to circumvent them if possible. When a ferryboat lands at a slip, there are always three or four meu and boys who make a wild run for the street, looking back at every yard to make sure they are the first After gaining the street they full into a snail's pace and don't do anything more the whole day that costs them any ef fort. They had been coached for a spring on the boat and in that spring they seem to have exhausted all the energy set aside by nature for that day's work. Commuters on the railroads practice this thing until it becomes a sort of mania with them. At a theatrical performance there are people who are mode miserable throughout the evening by the fear that they won't be the first to leave the building when it's over. They take very little interest in the show. Any one who watched them fidget ing toward tbe close of the play would sup pose that the management gave a chromo or something to tho fellow who made tbe best time into the street The whole thing is due to dense ignorance about tbe proper value and use of time. The chap who struggles and fights his way to a car in which t!:ere is plenty of room for all hands has an insane impression that it he gets tn the car tint he ll reach Harlem before the other people, but of course that' all nonsense. It isn't so much that he want to reach Harlem in a hurry, but once in ths race he wishes to get there before some one else. He will loiter 10 minutes from Broad way to the Park place station, but as soon as he reaches the elevated railroad steps be Decomes a comet, pushing, righting and climbing over people to save a second. On tbe platform he dives for the car, treading on corns and leaving a trail or blasphemy behind him. And having reached Harlem he stops for tnree-quarters or an hour in One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street and watches a man sticking posters on a fence. If he had any appreciation of the proper use of time, he would have taken five mora minutes to come up town and done it like a gentleman instead of a savage. Then he would have appropriated only 40 minutes to watching the man daubing paste on the advertising fence. A little more thought- fulnesa and evenness in the use of time would save a lot of unpleasantness I don't mean to t he wild eyed savage in a hurry, for I have no sympathy for him or his kind, but to bis victims. New York Herald. i Thara la a aanaral hope and belief throughout the country that Congress wUl do something nsally for the distress and uft'arlne-of aomany hapless people. It Is to be hoped business will atari up and gW amnlovment to thousands. But thers are certain kinds of sutlerlng whloh Congress oan do nothing to miUvs. There s pain and misery always which no legWailon oaiioure. Just think of men orlppled hir Ills with ths tortures or soiatloa. And suoh should know that St. Jacob s Oil I- a ofrtain oure, whioh can bt brought about promptly without any aid from Congress. They VTtakea oa the Gallows, George Mnlcdnn, who has hanged B8 inch t the Fort Smith (Ark. ) Jnll, was oiked by oorresponduut the other day, "What was the one thing In common among these 88 men that you hungod which struck you at poeullarP" "They all weakened at the end." "All of tuom Indians as well as Whites!" "All of them Indians, negroes, all. Some were worse than others. I can tell, because thoy tremble when I put my hand on them. 1 don't keep them waiting long. As toon as I get thorn right on tht trap I push tho lover. They don't know it's oom ing so quickly, for I whisper to them, keeping one hand on thorn all tho time aud jerk ths lover with the other." W hat other peculiarity have you no ticCTlr" Tho old Bavarian studied a moment and siild: "Nearly every one of them snyahels In nocent; keeps denying It to the end too. There Is nothing," be continued, "In these stories about follows dnnolng a Jig on tho scaffold, tuklngoff their boots and cursing and swearing and carrying on. I was there and saw It all, and I know. Tbey all weaken, every one, when It oomes to the time." What a Thorouch Scrubbing Does. 'To take a thorough scrubbing would seem like a curious prescription to give to a respectable adult," said an eminent phy sician to one of his confidential friends. "but I assure yon that in some smoothly worded and sugar coated fashion I have been obliged to recommend a good washing to more than one of my wealthy patients. It is really dreadful, to call it by no more dis agreeable term, the discoveries that a phy sician sometimes makes. "I often feel like dumping some of the persons who need my services Into a stream of running water or a bis tank, with orders to put themselves to soak until many of the layers of tbe accumulated untidinggs nave naa time to oecome loosened, tor, as a matter of fact, a single washing would by no means answer the purpose, and it ia not only tbe eyes that tell me this. There is an odor of uncleanllness that others than the physician cannot fail to recognize. A dash of cold water every mornina would do more to keep tbe system in good condition than almost anything else that could be done, even where the health is good this is an excellent practice, as it pre vents weariness and keeps tbe circulation in proper order. Those who have tried the experiment for health's sake have found that, even after tbe conditions were re stored, it was worth while to continue it as a luxury." Brooklyn Citizen. Mo UlToroa Allowed. South Carolina Is the only state In tb Cnlon that refuses to dissolve the marl to relation for any causn whatever. CVH y u ' O G CvH Cough I Cough 1 1 It's the hacking cough that often ends in the most serious trouble. am Wilier stops the cough at once by removing the cause and thus prevents the trouble. Put two teaspoonfuls of this good old remedy in a small cup of molasses, take teaspoonful often, and your cough will quickly cease. -; Sold every where. You now get double the quantity of Pain-Killer for the same old price. Perry Davl U Son, Providence, R.L 25ctS.,"L. a-L y-t 50cu. andXfc I Cm)fZt $1M Bottle.SJ (XI III IflX One cent a dote. Smif It ia sold on guarantee by all drue aoA U tias keat Gouh aad Group dure. . A Moral Powor, Queen Victoria is laid to have become somewhat fractions, and nge is telling on her at last Irritable as tbe queen may be under the pangs of rheumatism whioh now afflict her, no one duslrea to see her place filled by another. She has kept the balance of moral power in her share of Europe as no crowned head has done before her or will be likely to do after her. Boston Herald. The barefoot cure receives unqualified indorsement in the Scottish highlands, where it is said dwoll the healthiest children in the world Thoy seldom wear shoes before they are 13 years of age. The most splendid pair of shoes on reoord were those worn by Sir Walter Raleigh on great court occasions. They were of buff leather, ooverod with pre. eioos t tones and valued at $35,000. HOPE CRUSHKD TO EARTH Will rlae aealn In the brnom of a dyniWDt'o wlie enough toMibtlltnie for the paeuilo lon'o, w h lob nave iambooiid him out ol mi be nei in tne poujjIMIUyo! cure, the teal tnvlirorant and ato- macnio. Hoateuera tttomarn Htiiere. ine nu lorn, the nerroiin. the dmoentle. the rheumatic alike derive apeedy benefit Imm th e at'liiltil bo urn to nteuicine. reraona tunerine, irom mm- f euttnn will sain no ponlttve permanent sood rora the fiery, uaniedieated atlmulaul of eoin meree, too ollen used rerkleakly. The Itinera li Immeaaurablrto be preferred to them aa a tonic. mice its pure baaiala modlHed by thsconiiuie- iiun wun li oi veireiama uigreuieiiii ni me blgheat remedial vieellence. Malaria la iire vrnied and remedied br It, and II Inlunes visor Into the weak and sickly. A wiDeslawlul three umea a aay u me average aoae. l.mm I ...... .4 .A .... MB ,-,,.. . 11.1. , 11 I'lBUU HID .... I,., hn.fr TciT" 'Yt, to dam, but now Icio t Bad RHEUMATIC FAINS Itetnrn when the colder weather oomea They are caused by lactlo acid in tbe blood, which frennentlv settles in the toinla. TM poisonous taint must be removed. Hood's Hood's Sara. parilte Cures Sarsaparllla conquers rheu. matism be. eanA it rfrfvM outof tbe blood rww4www every form of imparity. It makes pure, rich nlood. "I sutlered with rheumatism In my left foot. I took Hood's Barsanarilla and the pain Is all gone." Miss K. R. Blaks, Hills nouae, tnaneon,B.tJ. BET ONLY HOOD . Hood's Pills prevent ronutlpation. Everywhere.k ' I Sold Everywhere. . Grown Everywhere. '. 1 fPEimYs Seeds t Rk your 4aler for tham. Hmu1-for Pf l Ferry1 Heed Aujaaal for J l Invaluable to all planteraand lovm M X of Flna Veseianlis and itmallhll f I VFIo-ors. Writ lor II free. r g D. X. FFKRV - CO., T V elraH MUfc. IS y World'. Tribute to Dr. Price'8 Cream Baking Powder Highest Honors Award. by tho World' Colum bias Exposition, Chicago 89J World's Fair HIGHEST MEDAL awarded to Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder The highest award wai given on every claim, comprising superiority in leavening power, keeping properties, purity and excellence. This verdict has been given by the best jury ever assembled for such a purpose, backed by the recommend ation of the Chief Chemist of the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, who made an elabor ate examination and test of all the baking powders. This is pre-eminently the highest authority on such matters in America. This verdict conclusively settles the question and proves that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is superior in every way to any other brand. Not. The Chief Chemist rejected the Alum baking powders, stating to the World's Fair jury thM he considered thtm unwholesome. A Hiiwira anil a llf. A wooden W and a Hog nearly changed the conrso of Enropeau history. In 1S03, just prior to the war between Prussia and Di'iitniirk, Bismarck was staying at Biarritz, One morning, accompanied by a huge dog, he was walking along a road which to us along a cliff, protected by a low wall, when he met an old French naval captain with a wooden leg, but powerfully built, and of a quick temper. The dog bec&ino unduly atten tive to the captain's log, and the French man struck at the animal with the butt of bis fishing rod. Bismarck used a round Oernmn oath, and the tailor fol lowed with nautical emphasis. : From words the two came to blows, and in a few minutes Bismarck found that, strong as he was, the Frenchman was lifting him bodily upon the top of the sea wall, Anothor moinont and he would have been in tbe sea below, and the whole course of history would have been changed. At the critical moment came help by tho irony of fate in the shape of an equerry of Napoleon, who rescued the German from his terrible opponent If that equerry could only have known for what he had saved him! San Fra ciaco Argonaut , HOW'S Tllllir Ws offer Ons Hundred Pollers Reward for any eaae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure I K. J. CUE.NKY A 1X.. Props., ToIimIu, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for tbe laal 15 years, and bvlteve him perieotly honorable in all business transactions and financially able lo carry out any obligations made by their Unit, WT Tsiiax, Wholesale DrOKKiaU, Toledo, 0. Walhimu, Kimnas . Moavm, Wholesale IrtiKKlt, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direotiy upon the blood and inuoous surfaces of tbe ayaUmi. Price, 7oo. par boU tie. Hold by all Druggists. Teatliuunlals free. Ths dd sol beat lor alderman. And aaltf In ebrwrlul way, Ashe nal hlaeoneton, "I'm out Ol pullllce lo alar." KXPKKIICNIB. When They Meet and iart. An Englishman salutes bis friend with: "How do yon doT Oootlby. Fare well." (Similarly the Dutchman, "Year wel," and the Swede, "ForveL" A j-Freuohmau sys:"Bonjonrl An plnisirl" i. e., "do vons rovoir." An Italian, "Bnon gioruol Addiol A tivedurcll" A Spaniard, "Buenos dins I Adiosl Hasta la vista!" (French "Anrevoirl") The Turk folds bis arms and bows bis head toward tho ponton whom he salutes. Tbe common A rub says, "8lem alei- kum" ("Poaco bo with yon"). He then lays his hands ou his breast in order to show that the wish proceeds from bis heart. Experience teaches not only weakness, but strength and the value of good reme dies such as Alu-ock's Pobous Plaits. Thitiswbat 0. I). Fredericks, ths well known photographer of Nsw York, ssysi "I have been using Ai.tcocc's l'osnos Pla'tim for W years, and found them one of the bast ol family medioiiiM. Mrieliy summing np my eiperienoe, 1 sav that when placed on the small ol the baok All ows'! Plastsm llll ths body with nervous enerrrv, and thus ours fatigue, brain ei hauatlon, debll'ty and kidney dlinaultlea. For women and children I have found them Invaluable, They never Irrlu e tbe skin nr oauae ths slightest pain, but oure sore throat, eourxhs, colds, pains In siile, oaok or chest, indigestion and bowel com plaint." llRtnDarra's Pill are safe and sure. Hare rljr Hnw did ynu manaite to stop that catil eart Auitaa Tlie aduman and I are brother Masona, PIANOS II ardman Chlrkerins riaehar, in-F lehr GHlGKEfl RAISING PAYS if you uk the PrtalHM Incatwurt A Brooder. Malt money white others are waiting 1 1 tn e br ol d nrocrruies. Catalog telU-,.1 about It, and or acrtbea every arucie ncTflra lor lot poultry Duaioeea, The "ERIE mechanically the heat .wheel, frrulral model. We ar radlic Coaat lerate. Blcvrl raia- kMrue.Btsiied free.aivca niiiMcrlntlon. jirlrfe. etc., aoknts wawtso. PETAL0MA niCUBATOB C0.,retsItms,Csl. BuAwi.il Hrwaa, ni B Main Bt., Loa AriKdra. -X Ja v - . 4S i I tzi;nii R. HALL'S PULMONARY BALSAM The Best M'HB for Jtths, Colds and uaatssiniaB, Hold Mr an uruit. rnce, w oenu. J. K. GATES CO., Proprietors, 417 Isanaome SI., B. F. FRAZER AXLE CREASE BUT IN THI WORLD, Itawearlncaualltlei are unsuroaated.actnallv onllaatlng two boxea ol any other braml. Krec irom Animal una. k r thk uknuihk. FOB BALK BY ORKOON AND WA8H1 NOTOIf MKKCMANTS-SJ; and Dealers senerally. Sooth ma SYRUP VOIt OMILDNtN TtlTHINO a Wat? ni kr dl Dnctba. Sa Oaalaakf, iiaattvaa and naoDla who have weak lonsaor Aath aia, Uwmld aie PUWa Oars for OoaaampUoa. It has ear tkraaaaa. fthaa nntlnjnr. ad one. It U not bad tola, atlatta buoooh arm p. Bole averrwlteie. aHe f3 Manhood riored, J Night ltmiiona, Waak memory, Atrop'ty, Kaxual W.aknt, etc., Surely cured hy POLLEN ACME OILEI ACME Tha mom won lerfiilachitveinenl In Medical .Science. permanent cure guaranteed. New York addreia m-117 Fulton Si. The III sera and vital fore el planH and Saweni ll five vigor, power and ! to the vital ergaai ei man. WM Eir to carry in treit Bockei, Frlce Si. Sit tor , Sent in pi a I s ,'PPar, or at Ml Druggiita. STaaaaaa aia. ea, aaaTTUt, waaa ao, asaarawaeii low nrlrwo: eaav lerma, Cor WILKV a. ALLKM CO. dhaold-atand Largest maalo alorr), ill f.rel Hu, forUsuil. Tst Ossmba for breakfast. (JseEnamellnaSlovsFollahi no duel, no email VL.DpUCLAS $ 3S HO E rl pom ak'ni. .CORDOVAN-, rstKN a acuo auj. .3 m h hi Calt iioutiABoa ..WPOUCE.330llS. 'LADIES' r.Wf!ATLflCIJe Over One MHUea Peed waa iha' W. L Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AN our shoe, art equally satisfactory bit mm vaiew nr tn aseawy. eqaalcuatoaaiK-nlaalytaandrit. Tha Brtea ar anlforae, etaaipad on so " ,va ,T,f 0," saaka. rvw m uwihji auppi rou we can. 3 "". s ? i rw WEW WAV EAST Porlland, Walla Wall. Spokane, via l. K. AN, Hallway n, ira Nnrthera Hallway in Notiii,a poli.ia. Hi. Fatil, Uinneanolla, Omaha, Hi. !,, ttht "miiintui. AildrvM liiaareal atrrnt. (J. i. jJonavan. lien. At., l'orliaiKl.Ur.i It.C rTu-' Waeh.i C.U UIwm.Oan. All..8pokn" ,Wm " No rtueti roek-ballMt Ira. k; m,,' .o,.i,rVi ilac leaping anrl dining earn buffet llbfary rsi (amily loBrietalatpare; new rqalnmtnl, If. P. N. U. No. 583 -B. K. N. U. No. 00 E.t.b. isoo CORDITT Sc MACLEAY CO. m0. ism. IMPORTERH, BHIPI'INO and COMMIHftlON MRHC'HANTH, l iberal advance mad. a. .nnrovwd oonl,mt.iiU inl Wheat. Floor, Oal., Wl nd Hoi. Hprelal ln7tK,rli fjm "fti J.MnVndnS dla: Tea, CoBoe, Ktee, batting enrt Hue., ttuic, Ugo. "Taploea, thin NhI o'S ite 1 fmm I iv. r'.' "h iiiihii. hiiii nrima'uiis. jaa aim. i j hi !, un.. usi. tnti atm Iriih Wbinky, Brain null Ih Ir.d. PORTLAND, OR, WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS PROM THE USE OP ' YOIT Jf'JiKL BAU? VUKH YOUK BACK I Three fl niton only. Trr it. MALARIA I H i -. l'. verL" teP ,eem bnrden? Yon need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. HOW TO SAVE BoffpY rtit DnAllfUlA.a a . ... M-rRJ2?t money. wiZiZ then any oih.r lirm in the eountrJ ftelid a i.Tr r..m"l'ii5r 'J?' -".'"l "U sood. eheaper , new prle Hit, whloh will b? om ac. W ZJSStir?1"'"11 mW yo ou Dry granulated auirar in 10lb. sacki or a! n i S,? f'' P1" ,ono, ont pr pound, Btorand, of flour pe? bwrel..',. "i l .ffi'S" Jro-'-- s ' ' and at a list of what jos need md-..!1 PH , ronwiiv Bflaaiar e -uem uiai prior, auuivaa you. MARK U OOHM a oou ua front atroot, Portland, Or.