OREGON MIST. tllDM BTBKT rRIDAT HOHltlfie -SV- - BEEGLE DAVIS. , OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. SttheerlBtioti BatMi Oee eop? om year la advance. .-II N 7t uh oopy m mouint. ingie copy..... Aiverttslnc nt made knows upon application COLOMBIA. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Coatitr Hleare, Sn&n.. Dean Blaaehard, Rainier ..Judton Weed, Y.raonia Clerk.. Sheriff. ..Chat. F. Dou, Rainier Treasurer K . H. Wnsrton Columbia City Bunt, o( School..., i. Q. Watte, Scappooet Am or..., , W. H. KtHrJCnw Barrerof..,'. W. N. Meetrve, Detent rw.ni.in,,... r- rraaes, ecanpooee Commissioners i..8-0 Bchoonover, Vernoula Ooeaair Jlotleeo. sf atonic St. Balm Lodge, No. tt Reenter eoteetunloatioaa Ant and third Saturday In aaeh month at 1 :M r. at. at Maaoule hall. V Ult- lac mam ban In good standing Invited to at- Tito mc Rainier Lodra. Ra M 8Utad aaeeunai SatnrdaT on or before each lull m atT;Mr. v. at Maaonie hall, over Blaaehard't Mora. VI il ting members la food standing tat vitea ts aoena, Onn rimii St Helena Lodea No. Meet every Saturday nlcat at 7 SO. Traneiant rath ran In food tumulus ootd tally invited to anono. Xatesm or PvrstAS. Aran Kxlre No. (A Meet erenr Tueedar aveninc at 7 ao o'clock, in Odd Fellows hall, St. Helena. Orecon. Trsa- tent brethren Invited to attend. Kinm or Prrsut. Balnler Lode no, 68, meets oven Saturday evening at T:W o'clock. in ineir nail, over iwu' store, transient Dreu ran oordlaUy Invited to attend. Jcmoa Onota Unnno Awtaicaw MtcaaK- lea. Columbia Council No. 10. Meet in Odd Fellows' hall, Ss Helena, every Thursday even ing at 7:10 o'clock. Visiting brsUirea a good manama;, mvuea to annua. Obabb or Kaaruit 8rts. Mttpeb. Chapter aaeeie every eaoorra ana louna aaiuniay at a P. at., la MaeonJe hall. St. Helens, Orecon. A vejoome giaan to rluuug members. BT. HELENS, BESOM, FEBU S. Good roads mean better marksts, Vatlar prices for produce sod land, Better schools sod better churches. Tbb bill introduce)! by Senator Mai well regarding bonuses, provides asfo! lows: "That it shall be unlawful for ay person, perrons, or corporatioa either for itaemsslvee, or as agent for another, to loan money to sny person in the slate of Oregon At a greater rate of interest thsa that now prescribed bylaw; and so contract either ex pressed or implied, shall b entered into whereby, through means of a pre mium, bonus, or commissioa, for loan fog or procuring a loan, there shall be eiacted, demanded, or received, sny sum in sicess of the principal, greater than tbs legal rate of interest" OauraoNiAxs will hail with delight the coming of renewed activity in the real estate business, and equally joy fully will they weloome the great tide of immigration bound for the land which his been pointed out to them by the 8 tax of Empire, for verily. Westward it takes its course. We are sorely in need of a revival and renewed activity along that line, and to learn of the coming of Eastern capital to our state carries with it an inspiration felt by alL Our land lies here, an in vitation to Eastern people to come and utilise it in the production of di versities, and is, indeed, a source of profitable investment. Tbb bill introduced into the legisla ture by Mr. Binesraon of Clackamas, providing for a constitutional conven tion in Oregon, should pass. The eou stitution of this state has, long ago, outlived its usefulness, and many are the amendments which could be made with profit to the state, and render better service to the people. The eon stitution of thirty years sgo does not fill the requirements of today, and the document under which we are working might well be consigned to oblivion, to give place to one which would more nearly conform to present conditions and emergencies. It is time Oregon east off the mask of old fogyism, snd get into line with the march of prog ress inaugurated by her younger sis tars of the Facifio coast. It is said "there is nothing new under the sun," and the quotation should be trans posed to read Hthre is nothing new in Oregon." Thbbs are trying times in the life of every msn, says an exchange. Times When one is apt to allow little things to get the best of bis better nature, and overcome bis more sublime prin ciples of manhood, which are deep rooted in his heart, in animosity snd ill feeling toward bis fellowman. There are times when one is liable to say re proachful things, and let eecspe from their lips Words that will cause the besrt strings of some dear friend to vibrate with feelings of intense sorrow and humiliation ; words for which the author wonld, in a minute after tbey are spoken, in feelings of (be deepest regret, gladly give a kingdom to recall. But too late) The fatal, darting sting of the poisonous adder bas been cast, and a true and loving heart made to bleed: and a noble nature to blend its sorrow sad grief in tears of mortal an gnish. And all becattte of a few wan ton words hastily snd thoughtlessly spoken. There are times when one becomes sentimental, Indulging the sensibilities for their own sake, snd verging on the romsntio, a vice of the imagination which is allowed to roam for the pleaaure of creating scenes of ideal enjoyment, and gasing with a rc- naatio snd sentimental pleasure on the erea lions which bs has pictured is his own mind. Mb. Clr iron's bill introduced in the house relating to the granting of cer tificates to teachers baa many good points in its favor. The measure is too voluminous to re print, but any one interested can, no doubt, obtain a copy of the measure by applying to its author. In defining the duties of the school superintendent, sub-division S of section 2590 rends ss follows : "He shall establish new districts, when not already laid off, on petition of three legal voters of each proposed new dia trict, but shall not make any changei in the district ol his county unless p tiiioned so to do by the majority of the legal voters of each district con cerned in the change." The dorumen touches almost every phase of the school question, and in the maiu ap- lears to us a wise measure. Tbb senatorial situation at Salem re mained the same as reported in Tbb Mist of last week until Tuesday, when Cooper of Benton left Dolph and voted for Hermann, leaving Dolph only 41 votes, or five less than a majority. Mr Cleeton is stilt voting for Dolph, much to the surprise of most people. The indications are very favorable for the deadlock to continue throughout the session. Congressman Hermann is now in the lead with the opposition, with George H. Williams a close sec ond. It has been stated by men well up in the aouncile of the republican party that Dolph is now willing to un iaa nis senatorial stock upon some one who has money enough to relieve him and who would be acceptable to the Portland machine, but so far auch person bas not been decided upon, and in the meantime the fight goes merrily on, a vote taking place each day at noon with both bonnes in joint session SHOULD BECOME A LAV. BIU to Provide for a Pablle Scaler of Saw Log-. A bill of great interest to. Columbia county Is one introduced by Senator Rrowaett tr the inspection and measurement of Iocs. It divides the state into twelve lumber dis trict, the first coaaprisina: the counties ot Multnomah, Clackamas nad Columbia. The governor is to appoint, upoa the pe tition of 10 master loggers, aa ins pec tor for any of the said lumber districts, who shall be styled "lumber inspector for district No. ." Such inspector shall, at the time of bis appointment, bo s citizen of this stale. and reside within the lumber district for which ha is appointed. His term of office shall be for two years and shall commence on the first Monday of April next following his appointment. A master logger is defined as me who works three or more yokes of oxen, foar or more horses, ot a donkey engine, and em ploys flve or snore men in the business of setting out sawtogs, spars and Kke timber. Each lumber inspector and tach deputy lumber inspector shall, before entering upon the eta ties of his office, tske an oath ami ex ecute to the state a bond, with three or more in-e'iee, to be approved by the Judge of the circuit court, in the sum of $3000. All logs bartered or sold in any of the districts aforesaid shall be scaled and measured at the place of delivery, unless elsewhere agreed upon between the buyer and seller; sad it is farther provided, that the inspector or his deputy shall scale all logs sold in his district snd collect bis fee hereinafter mentioned from the buyer and seller of said logs. On the rcalement and measarement of iwlogs, the inspector making the same shall make out a bill stating therein the number of logs, the number of feet, board measure, contained in such loss, and at whose request, snd by whom the same were scaled or measured, aad the end or stamp mark, bark or water mark ss tbey occur on the logs, one copy of which he shall enter opon the books of his office, and an other to be given to the owner. Each lumber inspector or his depnty shall receive for measuring or Scaling logs or similar timber tbs following fees: For one or more rafts or lots of less than 200 000 feet, 4 cents per 1000 feet ; for one or more rafts or lots of 200 AO feet or more, S cents per 10UO feet; fees to be collected from the buyer and seller of said logs. The scale and role bv which the quantity of logs is to be determined is the role laid down and prescribed in F. W. Rpanldiug's scale book. Prominent Soldier Dea4. Valentinb, Neb. Feb. 1. Angust Tbieman died here in destitute circum stances a few days ago. He came here a short time ago en route to Fort Meade, where be lias a eon-in-lavr wbo ie an officer in the United 8tu-a army. When his enVcte were examined, pa pers were found which disclose au ex inordinary career. He was the son, the papers show, of Dr. Daniel F. Thie man, ex-mayor of New York, and a celebrated manufacturer of surgical instruments. He was a major in the Uniou army during the war. He had been a aoldier for 43 years, held 13 commissions, from lieutenant to inspector-general, took part in 242 bat tles, had been wounded seven times, and besides the United 8tates, had srved Buypt, Mexico and other coun tries. He was appointed to West Point in 1843, and, according to bis papers, dismissed therefrom with ex Governor Buckner, of Kentucky, and two others, who offered their services to Jefferson Davis. Among hie effects were found personal letters from Ab raham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, and Stonewall Jackson. He was in charge of Fortress Monroe when Jeff Davis snd family were prisoners. Pebachib Bobs a Bank Rcv. J. C. Beed, an ex Baolist preacher bound and gauged the cashier of the East Portland National bank Wednesday, and proceeded to shovel the twenties into a valise which he took along for the occasion ; but the appearance of one of the bank tellers put an end to his game and he was promptly placed under arrest. Beed is the preacher who so suddenly disappeared from East Portland three years ago, and for whose body the river was dragged for several days, his friends thinking he had been drowned, but afterwards turned up in the East. It is thought hsisorasy. . CX.ATSKAN1U. Mr, Davison, of Vernonla, spent the Sab bath in our city. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hughes were visitors at Portland last week. Frank Merrill and sons Orvllls end Albert wart over from Mist Sunday and Monday, Captain Georgo Shaver, wile and child spent Sunday in and about our town, see lag the stable, Henry Dosrr shut up the blacksmith shop snd went to Portland to spend two or three days last week. Mist Mildred Boyle has finished her school in the Nehaleiu valley, and spent two or three days in our city oa her way to Port lnd. The City band came out last Sunday af ternoon and played tome selections on the streets that sounded well. The day was pleasant and the music seemed lu harmony with the suriountliiigs. John Sheldelin passed throught our city last Tuesday ou his way boms from British Columbia snd elsewhere, having been ab sent several months. He Is looking well snd thinks he has seen a good deal ot the world. We noticed Henry Ooerr moving his fence last Saturday, and learned that the church trustees had bought a strip ot Hen- ry's ground ten feet In width, to giv room to build a residence tor the preacher along side of the chu . h. 1. M. Payne and family bid good bye to their home in the Fall creek valley, and left on the steamer Monday morning for Deer Island, where J ok hat secured place for a home which be thinks will suit him better. Jack'a familiar face will be missed in our neighborhood , and the good wishes of our neighborhood go with thstu An elderly Swede maa, named Mattsoa living up the Clatskanie, lost the rnd of bis thumb one day last week by trying to lead a (risky colt that got the better of him in its playfulness. He had tbs rope wrapped around bis thumb, and the animal getting too fast for him got the rope so tight it took tbs end of the thumb with it when the coU got away. Our city fathers appointed a committee of two to Inspect the flues and stovepipe oonections of the various residences in the city. They were around last week climbing into garrets and looking both for dues and fl tws. It is reported they (oond both. The terra eotta chimneys uel by so many will bear watching, and this precau nonary move on the part of the council was a good one. It has recently ernne tn be believed that o:ir good friend Mrs. Jane Ramsey has agreed with neighbor Joel Hill that "It is not good for sua to be atone," and gossip bas gone so far as to announce that they were married so ns two or three weeks ago That announcement seems to have been Dremature.bat thinking they "Might well have the game as the name," no now it is very aulhoratively declared that they were united in the holy bonds last week at tbs residence of J. O. Campbell, by the Rev. Ira Overturf. and as this last an nouncement bas not been denied, and in fact, rather strongly confirmed, it is gener ally accepted as a fact, and congratulations are bring freely showered opon the young (f) couple. The bride is a well known per sonage in this region, also is the groom Tbst no calamity may ever visit them, but that all their troubles wil be but little ones is the wish of their many friends. DEER ISLAND. J. M. Pavne arrive) last Monday with his household effects, preparatory to begin lurming. Mrs. Kite Morton went tn Kelso. Wash.. last Sunday to visit her new grandson, a son of Mr. and Mrs. nr.. a. owager. The eounty roads in this district. No. 5. wits never In better condition lor winter time than they are at present. The super visor ass paid sspeclal attention to plowing and draining. Thomas 8aindan is adding fine stock to Ids tKHiltrv. Hs has latt-lv received a trio ol Silver Lace Wyandot, which i plesainx to the eye, profitable to tlm pocket and wnoiesome so me siomacn. Those wbo attended the firsmans' ball at St. Helens last week are highly pleased with the entertainment. Uke an other en tertainment at the eounty seat, it was crowned wita success. One evening last week the constant bark- nsof the doge aroused our curiosity and re sauntered forth to see the cause, but we could BntM! anrthinr no the tree. Still the doc kept a barking and It looked use thr would bark that tree to death. We gated at the stars tilt the cold chill of the fV-n-TiS "Vtrao VI crawl ap our wkb arm shoot op through the roof of our hat, till we oca an to or levc mat h was not very healthy out there, especially if there were coogartahout, we nad aaieiy retired ne voml harm's way, when a loud knock came upon the noor. wondering wno our in truder was we hurriedly dre-sed and found him to be a worthy neighbor almost flabber gasted, s ed with broken remarks explained that be ssw something up that tree, and was sure it was e wildcat or a young coo ear. Ever sines that roUs-ar was beard ut St. Helens, peowe here imagine that they see one lurking in every bush. On reach ing the tree he pM ted to the supposed feline on the limb, and holding our lantern tn lie could get s beed on theobjert between him snd the iiolar star, biassed away only to miss, and while the report of that gun, (which tilled awe with awe on the stillness of that nielitl sounded and nsoundi-d til all i he mountains Hood. Adm. and Hi . Helens had returned the answer of a hol low echo, the hunter wss prepared again for battle, and only a veteran of good re pute could handle the lever and trigger wttn such dexterity and tmor forth bot shot in uch a torrent as to exterminate the last one of the feline family. Still nnable to brine- his gams to anv camtulatinr terms. we relirfd leaving the tree to tbe dogs. The next morning when the sun arose and beamed forth on the mountains, rivers, and fields, where dewdraps sparkle like brilliant diamonds, we sneaked a last look tbe way of our nii'lnight terror and to our di-gnst snd aggravation there wat nothing but the twittered remains of a "last-years bird's nett." When politicians profess to be most anx ious to confiils In "my fellow citizens," as Mr. Cleveland pots it, they are la need of the closest watching Tbe New York woman who was eccident slly vsccinated on her nose furnishes an idea that m vht be utilised upon those troublesome folk who are always trying to poke their noses into the affairs of others. Perhaps meddlesomeness may yet be pre vented by inoculation. Mr. Cleveland says that Hawaii in its re lations to as is a foreign country, but be forgot to add that it was he wbe made It so. In defiance of the wishes of three-fourths of tbe citisens of the United Slates, by pre venting the annexation which was almost accomplished by the Harrison administra tion. Tbs republican programme of legislating upon the tariff so as to provide the govern ment with a revenue sufficient to meet its expenditures, if Mr. Cleveland calls a spec ial session of congress, doesn't seem to meet with democratic approval. But that will not prevent its being carried out, OREGON'S LEGISLATURE. BILLS PAS8BD BY THB SHUTS. Huston To Incorporate the town of Cor nelius, Washington oounty. Qowan-Inoorporattng the town of Burnt lu Harney county. Cogswell Amending section 1B9, relating to discharge of attachments. Cogswell Amending section 135, relating to writ ot attachments. The Judiciary committee reported Alley's hill amending and fixing age of lousent at Itt; rend third time and passed. Johnson Kelatinir to employ msnt of uoii' victa in the pemteutlary and providing for a Jute mill. Steiwer lnoorp iratlng the town ot Fos sil, Ullluui conn y. Johusuii Be aiing to redemption of prop erty sold for taxation, and extending th time for redemption to two years; failed to pass. Steiwer Preventing title to streets snd publio highways being lost. Cogswell. Relating to definition of crime. benny Defining qualification of Judges and Justices ot the peace; failed to pass. I'bis bill provi ld that oounty Judges end Justices in towns containing 10U0 or more legal voters should bo attorneys of record. Cogswell Requiring superintendents ol Insane asylums to notify oounty courts of death or Ui-charge of inmates. Alley Amending charier of Florence, Lens oounty. Bancroft To prevent sale, bai ter, or gift of firearms to minors uudst 15. Steiwer Memorial for reimbursement for purchases of unearned railroads lands in even sections; adopted. Huston To prevent the spread of con. tagious diseases Uenny Regulating marriages, and fixing penalty for neglect or refusal to file certif icates. McClung Providing for building of coun ty bridges; amended by changing "official" paper to any newspaper in county iu which bids are to be sdvurtised for Denny Relating to accounts of adminis trators and executors, and fixing the time tor them to report. Bancroft To provide for the Uauance of bauds for improving street' and lay tig sew. era. Brownell Relating to appeal of justice rates. J Daly Incorporating Corvalla. Price Salaries of assessors and commis sioners. Maxwell Terms of circuit court in Tilla mook county. BILLS PASSED THB HoUSB Paxton Repealing tbe jute mill act of ISO. Uillegas Amending section 808 of the eede; recommitted for amendment. Burleigh Protecting ash In Wallowa county. David Punishing disorderly conduct, ee- peniHllv charivaris: recommitted to ludi- dary commi.tre. Thompson Atueodins section 6 of the eoiia allowing pnvtte eiUiena to serve a summons. Neblbrede Punishing tbs sale of liquor witbia one mile of the Soldiers' Home. The Tote for Senator. 8alsm, Feb. 7. The vote for senator to day resulted as follows: Dolph 41, Lowell Lord 4. Weatherford 8, Hare 10. Wil liams 9. Paired, Seott and Carter. HAHKIKU. BOOOS-HICKS At the St. Helens hotel Tuesday. February 6, bv Ju-tii-e Hwager, Mr. A L. Bouge and Miss Alire Hires. DOAN-HALUDAY-At tbs bride's resi dence in Portland on Sunday, February 3, 1896, Mr. C. F. Do.in and Mr. Clara H illiday. Rev. George C. Wilding offici ating. Mr. Doan is too well and favorably known la Columbia county to necessitate any com ments at this time, aad Mrs. Dosn, to say the least, is a meet estimable lady. The newly-wedded couple have taken Hi- their residence at flolten where tbey will In tbe future reside, andt have bwMine actual bona fide householders in every sense of the word. Tas Mist Joins tbe peopleo' Colum bia county in extending congratulations to Mr. ano Mrs. C. r. Doan. St. Helens Livery Stables THOS. COOPER, Proprietor. Handy location, snd you csn (eel sure that your horses will receive as good attention as though you were earing for them yourself. HANDY TURNOUTS for Infant and Children. THTRTT yaws' ohsoewntlow af CajterU wnk the pefjosutge ef sntlUosM erf yarenwa, yeimait wa to ageA of It wikowS srnoeartotsj. It la MqtMetiosuiblT vJke bees rwntedy for Inflatrtt 4 CMMjww. the vswrld haul ore tatererw. It fa tu-mla.ee. CMldrem Itto it. It Ktvoe thoaa WeJtb. It will sow their Hv . In It KotWrw frarew nosavefhlna; whloh la absolatnlx sails and pTtvotioaJlr perfect as a eluM'otwocUolmo. Cnsiorln deartrers Wewntn. Cejterln sJUys Fsrreaplahnsse. Cnetorie. wrervearte T ltJsujt Bovar OwHL CsMstorla ewree PUrrbesei awe! Wind CoILs, Cauraasrto, reJIeree Teethtmn; Trembles. CsMitorfa, evaos Cowsttwevlsa etui rUtmlewer. Castorla mewtrsJln the enWta ef CsvttorlB deeje mot oesrtala stvsrahima. Centerle, avtwIssBlUtee the food, reartiUtee the etesnnen nnd towels. tMmm heeJthy and matnreJ el o. CewtwrU fa ert w fa ess-tits Vrttlee only. It te sut sagd 1st rnlk. Pent sJlsrtr anew erne to anil y saytMsMt else ess tfco les err promise fs It fa "inat Kood" tatd "wOl ,ewsr ovary poroses" loo tkn-t yen set O-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fcendsaflo) srnatwra of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorta. REAL) ESTATE TBANSFEBfi. T 0 Barnes et ux to Joseph Thur. dicb.oM acres known as Island t quitclaim. it 1 w James Coakley to Anna VsnveUeiu berg, It) acres In sees 8 and 17, II Stephen 0 Enyert to" Nancy Cove, swx sec . t n, r 8 w . ... .. . . 1.J00 00 D Uoodsall snd wtfs to Rosalia Mo- Oiilre, iiX or swx sun w sr tco .16, ton, r3 w; undivided X nw! eo 14,tn. tie.. ... ... Geo Kellev and wife to K K Hsien, lot 10 and cX of lot 11, blk 8, Georgetown . . ,. , ....... Sophia Mynster to Hattle Lsnioln, seV sec 14, 1 4n, r w 0 A Massle to W P Tucker, assign ment of bond tor deed . . W H Mnsgrove to Naomi A Mtis grove, scX of swM sec 3, tSn, r 1 w . ... 100 87 80 100 100 1 00 183 00 800 10 00 N 11 MrKuy to H 0 Lsmbersoii, lot l.hlkt, Seapponae .. St. Helens Lodge I 0 0 F Jo Al Johnson, adm, lot 2.S0, Odd fellows' emetery . . . W P Tucker to Naomi A Must rove, assignment of bond United States to Searcy B Peters, land on Deer Island: patent .... J K Vanvolkenberg and wife to Jal Coakley, ssX seo23. t7 n, r4 w.v J 8 White to Anions Ksrswtke, riKht-of way; quitclaim W A Wood to F A Damsls, sw see W I ft ii . i 4 e 700 00 60 00 1,200 00 W W West to H 0 Umbtrson, lot 3, blk S, Kcappoose. 850 00 I. W. Case, for many years engaged in the banking business in Asbiria, died last Monday evuning In that city, lie was hurried Wednesday, and ihv procession which followed bis remains to their last resting; place was the larg est seen in that city for many years. STRAYEIX A earrel mare, with white strip In fore head and white on ons hind foot. Any In formation will be rewarded by JOHN FRASTZ, Houlton, Columbia County, Oregon. 0.R.H.C0. E. McNEILL, Becalver. TO THE OIVBS THB CHOICB OP It o Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAY OP Spokane, Minneapolis i Si. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BT WAY OF DEI7EB, OMAHA, & KAXSAS CITY LOW BATBB TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCKAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND KVBKY 6 DAYS For San Francisco. For Full Details Call on or Address W. H. HURLHURT, General Freight end l'ass. Agt., Portland t Caveats, sad Trade-Marks obtained, and ill Pat ient snieioesseonaaaea tor Moecsare sees. tOun Omci ra oeeosivs U. a. farterr Ornct iad we can secure patent in aeseiuae inaaiauae aaote frost Weshlngtea. SmnA eiodel. flrawuie or shots., with Ilea. We advise, U patentable or not, free ef charge. Our tee not due till palvnl Is aectirad, A fasraMiiT, "How to Obtain Psiewa," wttk coat el aasMia the V. 8. aod forsaf a eouunae seat free. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO. aw. ATimtiriMI. WaVBHIWaiTslM. ft. 6. ON SHORT NOTICE. oswbowle noM gee J emtentt. are- artfca ...wi. i. faon aweary avnewr i i V Patronize Home Industry Our Second Sale since Removing to Our New Store, S. W. Cor. Third and Oak streets. ME2$995 All-WooI Suits. Frocks and Single and Double-Breastcd Sacks, 20 aid oo.sinnflA vAAiia airrrifiMn Tinffms. incitidinff liine ana i-VUUW BjWUOf vguvv" f Dln.b f'howi'vSa Fverv ault warranted made ol celebrated Albany Woolen Mills Caeelmere, and manufactured on our own premises. Wt employ 147 bands ana ssoasy paid (or labor remains hero at bonsa. w nt iviArnn rf ej, XTle 1 IV I -4lVevV VVf.t Wholesale and Retail Clothier Has. 81 and 83 Third Street, S. W. Cor. Oa. Portland, Ortgca CHOICE BKANDS OF Wines, Liquors, and Cigars CAN AT ALL TIMES BE FOUND AT THE MODEL SALOON, J 8. CLONINOER, PROPRIETOR, Famous Fire Laddie Cigars Kept Constantly on Hand. ONLY PLACE IN THE CITY WITH POOL AND BIUJIRD TABLES Weln hard's Deer 5 Cents. . FRUIT TREES Apple Trees $5 to-)? Per 100 Bea Davie. Bpltseaberg. North ern Hpy, Bslnwla, UravpDsteio, Meloo, and Red Atlracbsu. Italian Prnnss $2 to Per 100 Trees are grown ow Sr timber soil, are (res from pests, and are true to name, being prooeated from oar own young orchard. PLUM, CHERRY, PEACH, PEAR ABB , QUINCE TREES iierry, Ksspb-rr. snu mscsDsrry. svery. -Iilment delivered free on cart or boat. A. HOLADAY, 8CAPPOOHK. ORBOON For 8ale ENGLISH SHROPSHIRE RAMS. Address W. W. WEST, 8CAPPOOSK, . . OREOON ST. HELENS STRAND Mr. Thomas Cooper bsa Just opened op bis new and slesant barroom la St. BaleaeV where can constantly be found tbe famoae Also best Brands Domestic and Key West Cigars. MR. COOPER IS ALWAYS GLAD TO HIS PLACE ST. HELENS St. Helens, - THE JOSEPH KELLOGQ 6 FOR, PORTLAND Leaves Kelso Monrfava. Weiln.t.a ..4 v.:,i... a ,.i..t. . B .1 A ii i imi ' .-"-V - mj. a. w ,, VIUVB B. HI, SaVBVWS Portland Tuesdsy, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. ra. THE PORTLAND AND ft O a t to O. M. Shaver, Master. Leaves Portland, foot ef Washington street, for Astoria snd way landings Sand mornings, at 7:80 o'clock! Monday snd Wednesday aveslngt at 7:30 o'clock. Kstu "j .'.! Aetorla Monday morning at BO o'clnck: Tiiesdsv snd Thnvsrlay evenll at 8:00 o'clock. Connecting at Oak Point on ClStsksn If. and on lln trln Imn ri.lilr.nl. P. M. (or Oak Point, connecting vltjb stesmsr Ksturn lo Portlaad tarus night. , - - - - - a '. t t i t ST. HELENS, OBEQOK B.B.QUICX. erel L teslnsiin O. W. COU, Ceanes DaaeVttee Wi Cole & Quick, SU Kalsasv Oregeei t mmamu or "Thorn's Numerical System Title Abstracts" -row-Columbia - County, - Oregon TITLES B strained sad eattraets raratshea. Witt attend to ssatien before the Beard ef Equalisation: payment ot usee, ate. Bea Ketaie. Conveyancing, sad Istiiraees, sad liiHint eosotlslod. EXCHANGE STREET. TO WELCOME HIS OLD TRIEKPt Or BUSINESS. EXCHANGE, - Orecon COMPANY'8 RIVER STEAMER CLATSKAN IE ROUTE gondsy. iturar ntnae down trip with ttesmer MEsHKNOKR for" A trj... ..in I ti . .,J l.a'.Aal, MtfioEiiOEB (or sad trow CUteksitla, y. : -r . : :