The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 19, 1894, Image 4

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    A SIDE from the 'fact that the
JLJL cheap baking powders contain
' alum, which causes indigestion and
other serious "ailments, their use is
It . takes three pounds of the best
of them to go as far as one pound
of the Royal Baking Powder, be-"
cause they arc deficient in leavening
There is both health and econ
pmy in the use of the Royal Baking ,
The Error at aa Iatervlewar.
"I could writ. book." says M. Zofa,
-called Tb. Error of AlT Interviewer.
The funnies m intake ever mad by any of
them was perpetrated bj De Amlcls, the
well known Italian writer. In an adjoin
ing room when ha interviewed me were
two puppies, who were playing and bark
ing. De Amicis mistook the yelps of then
dog for children' erica, and ha Imparted
to the world in his interview that I waa the
nappy father of two bouncing babies."
jh I' Bound ta Sell Then.
Crusty Customer Yon ny those glasses
are three tinie aa valuable aa I wear. I
can't ee it.- ..,...,
Bright Salesman Certainly not, with
thine Imperfect old - gl e. Jewelers'
needed flesh, no mat
ter how you've lost
it, take Dr. Fierce
ilden Medical Dis
covery. It works
wonders. By restor
ing tne normal ac-
( Stion of the deranged
a onrans and functions.
it builds the flesh up
to a safe and health
standard promptly,
pleasantly and nat
urally. The weak,
emaciated, thin, pale
. ana puny arc made
plump, round and rosv. Noth-
so effective aa a atreueth restorer
flesh maker is known to medical sci
ence; this pats on keuUMv Jlcsk not the st
of cod liver oil and its filthy compounds.
It rouses every organ ofihe body to ac
tivity, purifies, enriches and vitalises
the blood so that the body feels refreshed
and strengthened. If you are too thin, too
weak, too nervous, it may be that the food
assimilation is at fault. A certain amount
of bile is necessary for the reception of the
fat foods in (he blood. Too often the liver
holds back this element which would help
digestion.' Dn Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery stimulates, tones up and invig
orates the liver, nourishes the blood, and
the muscles, stomach -and nerves get the
rich btood they require.
Spent Mandrels of Dollars with a Benefit.
If. f. COCK MAX of rr SarvaU St.. Rozbmrt.
Mast- writes: "After as""""-
suffering from dyspepsia
sod constipation with un
told agony for at least 18
mouths. I am more than
pleased to say that after
usmir Dr. Pierce's Golden
aJroical Discovery and
' Pleasant reikis ' for one
month. I was entirely
cared, and from that day
to this I do not know,
thank God. what even a
slight headache is. 1 paid
a doctor on Tremont St..
Boston, in "one day ( for
his advice only.) the mm
m ... U M fn.
medicine, .nd derived no - J Colemaw. Esq.
brae-fit. I -rot more relief in ame hour from roar
medicitief. as far ms my stomach wu concerned.
tiiaa from all toe otner medicine I naea.
If any person who read thi i sufTericsr from
dyppHia or coorUipation and will tuc your
meajoBc u J have done, he will aerer regret it."
Happy Ufa of tha Novelist a His Country
; Boaaa, IMtehiaghaaa Hoaaa.
R. Rider Haggard, tha novelist who
wrote "She" In six weeks and was re
warded by worldwide fame and a comfort
able fortune, has found mora tenon con
nected with the lion hunters of London
than the lion hunting of tha dark oontl
nent, and has permanently abandoned his
town boum in London for his country seat
In Norfolk, where he can, undisturbed, de-
TotOyhlmsclf to agriculture, stock raising,
good shooting and prontame novel writ
ing. Mr. Hajraard Is now a oauntry squire.
a gentleman farmer and an enthosiastlo
sportsman, and his talk savors more of
farming and live stock than It does of no
tion and literature. .
Ditchlngham House, his country place.
is about 150 years old and is surrounded
by as many acres as it has seen years.
is a quaint, picturesque place and Just tha
sort of home such an Imaginative and to-
Bath the Bride and Bridagraasa May Be
Over Thirty and Cads Fifty Wlta. Ad
vantage Hmt Korea! Has Dadaead
tmi Interesting Figures,
The mortality of young children la yearly
decreasing. The decrease is ascribed to
various causes. Some say that It is du to
progressiva Improvement in tha human
race. Others attribute it to an increase of
proper precaution in the care of the young.
8U11 others contend that tha causa of fewer
deaths among children is to be found in no
longer permitting them to eat unsuitable
food and to wear unsuitable clothing.
Few infer from the present rate of mor
tality that tha marriages of parents have
been mad at more proper ages. Vet in
vestigation by acientlfla men has proved
that if hereditary diseases be excepted
there Is nothing so dangerous to tha life of
a child as tha marriage of its father and
mother at certain ages.
It is only recently that any inquiry. Into
of disease feed on life, and
are only overcome by the
making of sound, healthy
: tissue.'
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
is an easy, palatable fat food
that makes new tissue quick
ly and gives strength, 'phy
sicioni, the world over, en
dorse It. " '
Don't ti decelred by SubstltuiesT
PnpanafaF asttaBswes.H. Y. AUDrasaista.
fill E
I tfim
A new portrait or h. rider haosard.
mantle writer as Haggard thoroughly en
Joys. -The Haggard household consists of
the novelist, his charming wife, their two
little daughters, half a dosen servants and
several big dogs of the mastiff breed. The
master of Ditchlngham House does very
tittle literary work in summer, and his
mornings are spent in looking after tha
affairs of his farm or imshootiog. He la
an excellent marksman and is quite a pic
turesque figure as he strolls through his
game preserves clad in a brown shooting
jacket and knickerbockers and with his
double barreled shotgun ready for use the
instant a grouse breaks cover. He has a
tall, athletic, sturdy figure, the flush of
health is on bis sunburned face, and he
hardly looks the 87 years Father Time has
credited him with.
Mr. Haggard does most of his writing
in the winter time, and when ha shuts
himself in bis study in tha afternoon or
evening it Is one of the ironclad rules of
the household that he must not be inter
rupted. His den Is a spacious apartment,
containing two tables, at which the novel
1st writes, and the library shelves are filled
with historical books. He has his plot
well formulated before he begins writing,
and when he takes up bis pen works with
great rapidity. Mr. Haggard is a reli
gious man and every morning before break
fast reads a chapter from the old family
Hit) lo to the assembled family and serv
ant. When his novel is to be of a his
torical character, he spends months in
study and usually makes a personal visit
to the country In which tbe scene of the
proposed romance is to be laid.
Earlier Beginning of Presbyopia.
' The opinion has recently been expressed
by some experienced opthalmologists that
presbyopia, or the long sightedness of old
age, in which near object cannot be dis
tinctly seen unless held at a considerable
distance from tbe eye, begins at tbe present
day earlier than waa f ormerly tbe case. No
precise statistics on tbe subject exist as yet.
One of the most reliable observers in this
line states that his experience of over a
quarter of a century leads him to believe
that both men and women now seek aid
from glasses at an earlier period of life than
did their ancestors. New York Tribune,
A Story af Two Families.
A singular occurrence was that of the
marriage of two young English ladies who
SDr. Williams Indian Pile " " "'" '"wr
Ointment will cure Blind, father' bondservants. They afterward re
Bleeding aid Itching Piles, turned and were forgiven. It is recorded
lit absorbs the tumors, sllays i , - i.j i
the itching st onoe, sets as a poul-
tice, gives instant relief. Dr. Will- descended from one of these bondservants
' Indian Pile Ointment Is prepared refused James Buchanan because he was
lor Piles and Itching of the private
parts. Bvery box is warranted. By dro
irixtx. bv mill on receipt of price, 60 cent
fropriatort, Cleveland, Ohio.
Ely's Cream Balm
PrM HO Cent!
Apply-Btlintuioea hnohtri
Elf l&l,M Irm Itto Tw..
rear. Nineteen teachers.
or luustraura ciiuiioKue sauress
KJtV. J1W. a. CHOKCU, A. at., PrinclpsL
1036 Vslencia street,
can Francisco.
fut Girls. Jightentb
tsaUayaHUraaaSMs. MOsassaasstla,
, Caasaiaiaavaa aa4 nsopla 1
wao amva was lung, or Astb
aa.siuMldas Piso'sCsra (or
OsnsaaiiMtnav It has
taasaa ft has aot Injur
ed one. It la sot bad to taka.
it is tbe bast eooaa srrap.
sou swrwaara, avsa.
; Si
only a "briefless barrister," and a descend
ant of the other sister scorned the proposal
of a struggling young lawyer who after
ward became chief justice of Pennsylvania.
Edward Egglestonlu Baltimore Sun..
Welcome Odors.
No odor of the year Is fuller of homely
Jileasnre than that of the preserving kettle,
t epitomizes and embodies "all the com
forts of home," the warmth of tbe hearth,
the shelter of the roof, the brightness of
the home lights through the lonely dusk,
the sweet of togetherness who does not re
alize them all, however unconsciously, and
grow warm about the heart aa the subli
mated, rich fruitiness of peach and plum
and grape salutes one at the opened doorf
Boston Commonwealth.
4a taaMaat la a Xaw Bsurlaad sHsdaWa "A million people out 01 WOK," 7
Ufa Halatad ay Tsaaysosu . . I newspaper, writing or lose nara umsa.
writer in Tha Tablet relates a curious Added to this misfortune are the physical
story which h heard from tha Up of lord1 InUrruitie with which thousand hsv to
Tennyson during a visit to Fsxringford bear. But thtra it ont thing that i nevar
some tour or ut, years ago. ineywaresif d; always at work, unceasingly In aroh
ting under the shadow of soma great mag- , trioe thug deterred, it seeks to cur suoh
noUas that cover on aid of th house, and and help them to grasp a ohanos whsu it
the conversation turned upon th super- come. This la the mission of Bt. Jacob
natural and tn possibility pi eommuolca- I wu. Among tne minion iner ar muu
Uon from the other world. land cuflerlng with neuralgia, tor th a
Twnysou then told of dissenting mln- " P .' ""J
later in one of th New England state M?JAV'"""u"'rT".ui"iiT
noted for his power, a preacher, who ter time, may oSn com. and there isnoth
one Sunday morning, Instead .of reading a ing like the great rsiusdy for pain to help
text and giving a discourse in th usual you out of painful trouble and Into plan
way, luuuuniy in a moat aramauo manner I again.
began to recite "Tbe Charge of th LJght
Brigade,". Th congregation listened I Training a Cat,
breathlessly to th end, but before thai Cats can betratmtl to almost anything
service had concluded elder and people If taught when thiy are young. Vi'bav
H -. I. i I T , i . , l I I. . i. ......
iw. uk .ucir .uHrr mv vu war au I a nuiuoer OI IrsilUls, WUKU sib WIVH viiwr
which tha chapel had been profaned. Their nituitj upon the top of our bird cagea watch
murmurs found th minister wholly un- Inn the canariea hotinltiv merrily about
prepared. irom perch to perch, making no attempt to
He had gone Into th pulpit intending to touch them, nor ever dreaming of Inserting
apeak about the need for charity and waa I a velvet paw through the narrow wire to
wnoiiy unconscious ol wnat ne bad done, th discomllture of the fluttering initiate.
Convinced at length by testimony which They ar left alone with th birds by tb
in i. nn T FMmT.ig inu .tit innnm mm .. . ......... -
" , T - -j t " ne coum not witnstana, ne was miea witn hour together, yet an overturned cage or
.u.uuj... uv. --- remorse, went sadly to his room that night, slaughtered canary la an uuheartl of oatas-
reaulu which hava thus far been obtained watched through all tha hour tUl uophe in our hmtwhold. Chicken, too,
't Ji JZ ornlng. seeking consolation and not find- our cats fully reallicare forbidden to flgur
must msrry at particular stages of their miI ut. at davbreak thev brouuht him h. thlrm..mi. Thev ramble about at their
word that a man looking ilk a tramp I own sweet will among numberless brood
wanted to ea him urgently. lot the tiniest bantam chicks, yet on of Lb
Tha minister, half from habit, decided to I latter i never in inking, and they quite seem
him. The stranger cam straight into to recounixe tbe tact that plump little
the room and simply said, "loom to thank I mouse or an unwary bluebottle caught
tha man who ha saved my soul" The bussing uiwu the window pane is their
minister stood in silence, wondering wheth- only Witlmate nrey. Sometime wa hear
er thia waa some new mockery of his senses. I f cats oreat Ing terrible havoc in th poul
The stranger went on: "I waa all through try yard, killing chickens by the dosen and
tne cnmwa, ana l waa in tn tnicg. oi tue making lire a perfect martyrdom to tneauv
fight at Gettysburg, but never till I heard I tracted mother.
you recite that poem in th chapel y eater- Th best way to cur pussy of thl fatal
day did I know what I had to thank Cod I habit i to take the dead chicken from her.
for. Sir, from that hour I determined to pepper it well, and then fasten it round th
cnange my me, ana i want to inane tn delinquent' neck, t'loc her in a room
man to wnom I owe my salvation." and leave her thus for an hour or two to
ruminate over her wrong doing. It t 10
A Dlaeasaloa About Puddings. I to I if poor pus will ever err again.
lives if their offspring Is to be mentally
and physically sound.
It is to Herr KoroaL th head of tb sta
tistical department at BudavPesth and al
ready well known for th importanos and
accuracy of the conclusion b has arrived
at from statistical Inquiries in other fields,
that w are indebted for tha discovery of
thl new factor in determining tha welfare
of the human race. The results which he ob
tained from a casual examination com 10
years ago of the relations existing between
the mortality of children and tb various
ages at which their parents were married
were so striking that they Induced him to
make a more exhaustive investigation.
For the past 10 years, therefore, Dr. Korosi
has been careful to ascertain, whenever tha
death of a child was registered, th ages of
its father and mother, as well as that of the
child and the cause of its death. He has
noted in all 29,813 separate cases, which, in
making his deductions, he divide into two
distinct classes, the deaths caused by heredi
tary diseases and the deaths caused by dis
eases which were contracted after birth.
Tha farmer class is manifestly of th great
est importance for his purpose.
Aa the condition of the mother is evident
ly more instrumental than that of tha fa
ther la its effect upon the child Herr Korosi
baa compiled his first table on the result
gained from observation of the mother's
age merely. t,
The statistics in this instance are:
Age of Mothers. Percentage of Death.
Under years. L1
to 80 years. Kil
90 to K rears..
Over years 18.16
Deaths resulting from tuberculosis were
eliminated from these calculations.
From this table it is evident that th
most desirable age, as far as tbe health of
her children is concerned, for a woman to
marry is between th ages of 80 and 85, tbe
mortality of children resulting from mar
riages at that age being but U.3S per cent.
It also appears that a woman should marry
when she is mora than 85 years old rather
than when she is between 30 and 90 years of
Mothers under 30 years of age are, accord
ing to statistics, more liable to bear sickly
children than at any subsequent period in
their lUe.
The mortality of children by women in
their teens is nearly double that of those
whose mothers were married between 80
and 35 years.
Concerning deaths due to tuberculosis
and atrophy, tha statistician finds that
twice as many deaths result from consump
tion and three times as many deaths from
atrophy when the mothers are under 80 aa
when they are over tbe age of 20.
Herr Korosi also recognizes that the
physical and mental condition of a father
leaves, to the same extent. Its impress on
his children. He has accordingly prepared a
table of greater length showing the results
of the "age combination" of both parents.
Men are slower in developing than women;
hence the relative differenc between their
age in th table: .
Percentage or
Age of Age of Deaths From I
Fathers. Mothers. Uterine Causes.
3D to 40. W to as. . 12.08
10 to 30... SO to 85.. .....12.80
Over 60 ..over 35, 12.68
80 to 49 over 86. J&el
30 to 40... JO to 3a.... .....13JM
OtoSO... over 35..... 13.38
S3 to 30. .20 to 30... ....... ......liJ
sOtofiO 80 to 35..... .....15.40
OverW .30 to 36. YIM
9 to so... to ao.. msi
20 to 30... over 85. 18.U0
Over SO JO to 30. 21.21
20 to JO. under 20. .21.71
80 to 40...... under 80..... 218
It will be seen from the table that the
best results are obtained from a marriage
when the father is from 80 to 40 years of age
and when the mother is from 80 to 85 year
old that Is to say, when both parties to tbe
marriage are in the prime of life. If, how
ever, the mother be of the prescribed age
and tbe father slightly under 80 years, the
result is nearly the same.
The most important deduction which can
be made from these statistics is that men
between the ages of 80 and 0 cannot with
safety to their offspring contract marriages
with women under 20, the rate of mortality
in this case being no less than 37.88 per
cent. Thisdeductionisof exceptional im
portance because of tbe marked decrease in
marriages of that nature at tbe present
Marriages when the man is between 40
and 50 years old and the woman between 20
and 80 years old, which are also of frequent
occurrence, are likewise shown to be detri
mental to the issue.
Lastly, it is proved that it is unwise for a
One runs onto many bits of nature in Once released from this somewhat severe,
down town retail store. With a little da if necessary, punishment she will make off,
observation in the busy throng you can with tears in her eye (whether from emo-
learn more in 10 minutes about human na- tlon or the pepper it Is Impossible to say),
ture than tn a decade in soma other places. I and for the future she will avoid tbe poul
Men and women are alike unconscious of try department with atrangs persistency
themselves and of tbe impression they niak I and regard with distrust th fluffy littl
on others when shopping. They hava been denizens of tbe chicken coop, London
doing a good deal of shopping lately. Worn- I uuiy.
en have thought nothing of squandering I '
two hours to save a nickel, nor of brinirlna- Appalling Depths of apae.
th wrath of tha salesman down on their In his lecture to juvenile at th Royal
defenseless hesds by their Indecisions and institution in London, Sir liobert Uall said
their blocking the way. 'h' telegraphic message would go seven
It was amusing to notice with what satis- times around the earth in a second, and it
faction one salesman took a sUght revenge telegraphic message could be sent to the
on on woman with whom he had been la- moon it would reach it destination In a in
hering. He had been telling her all about tie more than awecond. It would takome-
nlum nnddina -nlnm nuddinvaold In cans, (mug use eutui minutes to amv at in
" Jrji t He told her how by an hour' steaming ". but ow long did they think it would
..! . O . . , . . A I . II..
' rk.. famuli, I taks to ffet to Alliha Cuntauri. travallna
the same aa th original English plum pud I tnitner at i-u,uuu nine a seconur oeconas,
ding. He told her what an awful lot of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, would
trouble it saved her. She examined the dif- not long enough. It would not take leas
ferent sized cans. Sha read the directions than three years, traveling all th time at
on each. She listened to his talk, and she that tremendous pace, before it would reach
asked him manv Questions. Then she laid I It destination.
down th last can of pudding and walked " that W(u the case with respect to the
away. nearest of the stars, what must be said of
He looked after ber with disgust and the those which were farther off? There were
signs of a storm in his face. A woman who I "a remote mat u tne news ot tue vtc-
was waiting for one of the cans said: toryoi Wellington at n stcrioo naa been
She evidently had her doubts about the nuanea to mem in ioio on mat ceieattai lei
quality of your puddings." "Doubter Not Kraph system it would not have reached
sha I have been talking to ber and telling them yet, even if the message had aped at
her about them for an hour. Plum pudding toe pace wnicu ne nan intucaiea ana naa
la too onn.1 for her. She Is one of thosa nan. been traveling all the time.
pie that can liv all their lives on suet pud- NJ ". thegliul tidings of that first
ding." Chicago Tribune. 1 Christmas In Bethlehem 10 centuries ago
naa neen uisaeminatea tnrougn tbe unl-
A Dlsrasted Cab Driver. I verse, mere were yet stars of which astro n-
TTt,.t w h tn. fon. I omers could tell them plunged Into space
and got a little bit more weary looking n depths so appalling that even tbe year
very day - that have elapsed since that event would
"I can't stand it no longer," he said at not have bei-n long enough for the news to
last. "I ain't going to have any more worn- T"f " -. a spcev
an fln.lino- fuult and eUimini- tli.t lh UU,VV mile III every SrCOml.-
UIUU I U.TV wwiwua nwuiraii I V TBftv s . .
iuu. t m nuuiMi bmwuiuk a. HJV IIMI I
T. .... J U. ... ... I
""!"?"" It I. of vtl.l ImMiHinM th.l It K. (
ma am?" be stopped bis horse, dismounted I denmnii b. umu ah ti.ii,-.. . i.ri.
from his porch, and going toward th curb-1 that tbli comlition of thins Is llnaily Inductive
stone lifted his hat and inquired: "J ""'J " org.ns hereli( hsnirs In the
"I V, vmi mniwM Tmalrinip 11 tit .11. wa- I . ' . 1 "-""(w.i.iiiiiii.
hide today?" I th-lr mstura stsge, snd all hsvaa fatal tendency.
Sir" sha uM In tones of utrnilahmmt lineyolien name tbe most practiced medical
Do you wiah to ride in thia cabr If so. !,k"I ..i,h u.TOir!,.'!'
iwm giauiy eacors you to iu 1 aim to Is tossy, wneo to kidneys begin to dlsebsrg
please." their functions inscttvely with Hostetiera
Wk. r n. l,..l ., u. .1. m I -Ujmch Kilters, the dsngerous tendennv Is
" " . , " checked. Very uwfiil also is this houaahold
she stammered. I did intend riding in med clue lor thos slimenu of common occur,
your cab, but I shall certainly wait for tbe """ constipation, bllluusnaas, drspensla and
next one. And you may expect a complaint er.T?'.!rL J! 5.""f?u"d -Mt -aria,
from roe at the police station concerning I
your conduct, sir." "Do you hits men he fsltered. "This It so
He remounted his seat and pulled his hat !?" "'"J0- ,a oon,,ulon- Aaa
... - i uidi .era uirarecu.
aown over ms eye. I .
Tain't no use. Geddupl" was all be I SAFE, SUttls AMD aPKKMT.
said. London Tit-Bits.
No external rem ly ever yet devised has
Lost to Bight, . I so fully and unouestlonablv met these
Saw you at the theater last night, Jim." I throt prime common, M successfully a
"T.on't'n'jrSi.nUvr" Atu.ocg' Poaow Plastkks. They are
What nlavf" bca, theT contain no deleterious
drug and are manufactured noon sclen.
nn..... .v.. i.i. . i tine pnDQipies oi meuicine. inev are sure
" " "t" w"" heeansa nnthin. Into th.m ... 1
wasthereapuyr 5i.... iTiAs? r-T-w7i-TT,. " ."Tr' .V.
"Wastheref Well, I should ssy there purpose for which a plaster 1 reoulred.
was. Tlie biggest kind of a play best I've They are speedy In their action because
seen mis season.- tneir medicinal qualities go right to their
"Yes, I heard the people laughing." I work of relieving pain and restoring th
"Then you sat th play out? I thought natural and healthy performance of th
you didn't see itf I functions or muscles, nerve snd skin. Ask
Didn t." W -. v.b. , Bfu uu uv ua iuuuuvu vu
Jim, old man. come off! Were T.?:.rrC,.
1 ... I ii w ,mm mi v ioio auu IU,
"No. I sat behind a girl who wore a rose
in her hat. I was a victim of tha foliage
erase." Detroit Free Press.
i. i.i . in... uu ii. u,. nun. nruwn
Row's that T Jones I borrowed same monev
European and American Oysters.
The oysters of America and Europe differ
greatly. European oysters are smaller and
have a coppery taste. Our southern oyster
are larger than the northern. Thev are
man who ha passed the age of GO to marry dredged along the coast and transferred to
a young woman, or for a woman who is oyster beds in creeks close to shore, where
more than 85 year old to marry a man , they fatten.
under 80. I In London oyster salesmen sometime
in general it may De said tnas marriaaes ' keep oyster for a few dav in water tn
when the contracting parties are both ' which oatmeal has been added, for the pur
young, or when there is a difference of more pose of rendering them more delicate and
than 15 years between the contracting of better flavor. When on t of season dur-
parttes, are likely to prove dangerous to tha 0g spawning time the oyster is soft and
ForTircd Mothers
healthy propagation of the human race.
These statistics Herr Korosi has of
course calculated from local observations.
Inveatigation proves, however, that they
apply with equal force to other countries
milky and not fit to be eaten. Mew York
Mail and Express.
A Considerate Boy.
much stronger and
Little Johnny Pa. did von read in tha . " saining
k . ..' n' a,,. .Z ' wonia anvis sll over worked, tlrst)
"I feel very thsnk
fill for what Hood's
Darsaparllla ha don
for me. I have taken
three bottle and the
med:clu baa mad a
great change. I waa
All Run Down
from trouble and
overwork, ud bad
other eomplalntseom
mon to my sex at ray
are, 44 years. Now
since taking flood'
Borsapsrlll I sm
A World's Tribute.
al SB." . r- Bia4l .'Ti .. af
vt V lU
El- &!
America Leads the Nations in
the March of Progress.
Among: the wonders of tbe World's Columbian Fair the
grandest was the exhibit of American products. The Ex
hibition was, in this respect,' an object lesson of the grandeur
and glory- of the Republic. Among- the exhibits from th
United States no article of its class stood so high as
Dr. Price'sCream Baking Powder.
The Chief Chemist of the Agricultural Department at
Washington backed by an intelligent jury at the Exposition,
found it strongest in leavening power, peerless in its purity
and beyond comparison in uniform excellence, r
Received Highest Award
At the World's Fair.
,.; The award is a matter of official record.
Nothing; could settle so decisively the imraeasureable
superiority of Dr. Price's over all other powders as the
great honor bestowed at Chicago.
Whea t'urnemt for Lunrheua.
"If you 'ever get In a corner and stem t
have nothing available In the him for
luncheon. Just Investigate th resource of
th cracker box." aaid a careful house
keeper. "I remember on day w had a
guest com in Just before luncheon waa
served. It waa a sort of off day, and wa
had a spread made up of odd and ends,
Tb visitor wa on. whom 1 knew to be
somewhat dainty In her tastes, and aa there
waa no time to send to market for any
thing I Just didn't know what to do. Un
fortunately th bread wasn't fresh, which
was a great misfortune, for It slways seams
to Die that with good bread and butter on
can make oat a sort of a meal; but her w
were, when it all at one occurred to m
that we might get up a creditable dish out
of crackers, of which, as good luck would
navs It, there wa an abundance.
Bo I buttered a few dozen cracker and
at them tn the oven, there to iter nntll
they war. a light brown. A part of the
wsr piacea m a man on tb. back of th.
stove, and with tbe remainder I madeaom.
cracker sandwiches out of som bits at
roast fowl which wa ready sliced In th.
pantry. Tb. meat was mixed with a llttl.
mayonnaise and placed between two of the
buttered cracker. A Jar of canned fruit
waa oponeUfand with om. olive and
bit or cbeeaa rounded out a verv rellahabla
luncheon, and my guest aulta nthusd
over th new fashioned sandwiches." Nw
I org Ledger.
Worked a Problem Willis Aalaaa.
An Amsterdam banker one reoueated a
professor of mathematics to work out a
very intricate and puziling problem for
him. The professor, thinking th. matter
good exercise for th. Intellectual faculties
of bis pupils, mentioned It to them and ra-
Quested them to work out th enigma
On of th. students, who had nondared
deeply over the lntrlcat- subject during th.
day, retired to bed. tiorus time afterward
ha arose, dressed, and seating himself at
nut aeak worked out th. problem accu
rately, covering sheets of nnner with his
calculation. II. had no recollection In tu.
morning of having done so. Boston Glob
Krom Ksoe, Nsc end Arms in
liv minute, with NUOKNK,
without psln or Injury to th
kin. Bond .tamp fur clrculsr
lyH'sl struts wanUHt. NUkKihk
MfthCO., Koom It, Th. Veu
doro. Portland. Ot?
'ONT i
bread mad with
aiska a light. Mr, sweet loaf. Deslert sell
women 2S. 7; in Ireland for men 2V.9, for wo
men 25.2; in r ranee for men 80.2, for women
U.9-, in Italy for men 80.3, for women 25.4;
tn Prussia for men, for women 26, and
In Russia for men 25.2, and for women 21. 08.
A comparison of these ages shows Herr
Korosi' deductions to be reasonable. New
York Evening Sun.
to build them up."
vywrij, xieorasss.
Mk, O. W. Wssnock.
Remember, (
aait: if, .JZ??
elimates they apply indeed with greater his little boy hung on a street car on Thiid
iorce. l avenue? :
In reimfvt to tha average aira of marriaM ' f tlarlam XAm Trall M.ta.
in the different countries statistics show Little Johnny Oh, nu thin, except 1
that In England it is for men 27.7, for wo- j thought maybe you wanted to give tn
men 29.5 years; in Scotland for men 28.6, for some nickels to buy car tickets. When I
Hood's Pills sot es.lly, yet promptly snd
euicisnur, on inenvcrsna Bowels. J6o,
In sculpture did any one ever call the
Apollo a fancy piece, or say of th Xao-
oon bow it might be made dlfferentr A
A Faithful Servant,
Carlyle told me once of a lawsuit pending
in Scotland affecting the succession to a
great estate of which he bad known some
l,ln Tha asa .nailul m. a .( 1 . 1
secret known only to one old servant, who i miu'tP1 otwet has to the mind a fixed
refused to reveal it. A kirk minister waa ! P1? V " " mUCb " vhmt OT
sent to tell her sha most apeak on peril of j Ji--Enon- -
her soul "Peril of my saull" she said. t,
"And would y. put the honor of an auld 1 cJZ ,yOTf,pOT??tWhf PP ea
Scottish family in competition with the outdoor life and thostudy of natura. no
aul of a poor creature Uk mef-Froud' ' . . V L " m"n.
Oxford Lector.
Bpinoza' favorite amusement was to set
Inviting and promising Held than' applied
spider, to fighting, snd he would lauah 1 ..f " r. ."T "? "ormaity ansoep-
eratly rt beholding thel, ferocious tTu&ZlZ?t
have reached an ae to lov with diacretiua. , Lonlon Tmit,
have car ticket, I don't swing on the street
cars. Texas Bif tings. -
Catting Baady to Quit, ' '
Old Uncle Norman had lived with the
family for maDy years, bel ning about tha
house and yard at whatever there was to be
done He was a very talkative old man,
fond of using high sounding words, and
felt bis importance very much.
H. informed on of the young ladle of
tbe boos on. day that b would have to
taka a rest, that he could not stand such
"laborious labor" because he hsd "rheu
matic rheumatism." Youth's Companion.
Dropping Middl Mama.
' Various celebrities bar. dropped one or
more miouie names, ar, juimuna Uoss It Is sold on a auarante bv ail rii
Was christened Kdmrind William (inmm- rlsta. It auras Innlnlent Conmmnii
. . . . , . ' , - ,t. . n i. j r
mi. noDert Liouis rxevenson, rlomrrt Louis " " vuuo vma.
Balfour Stevenson; Mr. Robert Buchanan, OR LaDIESI
WUliaxn. Buchanan; Mr. Henry 'shoo IK oolb wlllb pnld by th.Koeh
Labouchera, Henry da Pro Laboucher.. Chemleal o.foriiyceol female weakness
in. i win noi yisin 10 un. j. . k(x:h'i ANTI
box. roraalsbyaUdriigglsta ,
mdSa. aTrr.rivrjl
visiiii:i i
wmi isw i rwiini ii riBS-g
BOcts. I
81.00 Bottle,
One cent a dose.
i ' i
This sxhatistlv review of th. marina In
duatry I naaring oouiplstlon; and. aa wo
do not wish to (light any matter of inter
est to matin, men, w. would Ilk. to brer
from you. All data or phoUtsranh sent
us will be rat u mad aa soon aa possible. Th.
work will contain accurate account of 2,6ug
steam and il craft that have muls ma.
rlns history In tb. Northwest, detailed ac
count of SAO wreck occurring here,
ketone and engraving of all prominent
old-Urn craft and tb. msn who ran them,
and hundred of pages or Interesting tua
rin mlseellsny.
Lawn A Darns Fsistim. Co.,
K.W.Wa,oat, Editor. yUMd'w
lis (hssltatlntlyr-l f usa I'd batter to sow
Sas (rsdlsatiy-on, how tnsrl yo ai.t
(ueawd It lb Srst lime.
Should b. In th band of .vary printer,
publisher, bookolnder and advartlaer who
consults hi best interest, Published by
Inland 1'rintar Do., Chicago, 1IL .
By th Urn a msn make, np with hi wife he.
rsua of th aprln hon-laulu( th fall
buuse-elaanlni sln,
Jy local atrrleatkHHk a ten "anno rears th
dlsesasd portion of Ihew, ihr is oolvoa
w7 incur asimHs. sn4 mat Is by Muslim.
Ilunal ranted las. UraluM Is aauaui a. a u. otioillllna of th muaniu iinlna f iha
uiw'kl.n tuba. Whea lb Is tub la fiiflsinsd
you have a ruasbllng sound or inMrfect bear.
Iu, and wbea II Is sntlrsly loasd, daluass Is
ths result, aad nl in Inflammation can b
taken oat and thia tub eoaionai i n.
eoiidlllon, harln will b destroyed;
inns ease out of lea are esuasii b. crarrn,
whleh Is nothlns tmlaa InSamaa MM,.ii,t..n Mf
Iks mnoous sarlscea.
Wwlll firs On Hundred Doll sr. for ny eass
ol dealnas. (csniMd by eaisrrh) Iksl eauant ba
cured by Hall's Catarrh t;nra a. ml I. r circa.
lars, waa. w. i, CIIKNKY A CO.,
loledo. 0.
Sold by drasgUlai cants. .
Cat laaaullntov roll ski nodust, naamsU.
Tsr GlsMiA for breakfast.
a ns. iw-rissi iviva-wxkavi w WM.r ,
. 2.lw BoYiScHomSHfltai
rui.i j. a
aaeimiN. msil .
"? sav ssoasy by waarlag tb
W. l Dalaa S3.00 Hks.
( r th krtest msanfselBTSTS ?
' . - r wwmi, anil esaraais taew
rLZT f"""f and prlca oa U .
'"uim Ton against blah nrlwa and
.rl". ." ' Ps. Oar sbnat iua eusban
wTf-Uri"' " ti,Bl w-aHn qu.llllKS.
Wshavathara sold vrjwkr lower prloM for '
r.,?h".Jh0,h",BM,w'naks. Taks no sua.
autass. If year aaslaroaaimt supply you, wsoaa.
as . u a.w ' " '"' ' " 1
. r, . v. no. 0678. F. N. U. No. 644
V 1
J A.
Buy your OROfJKRIKS n PROVIHI0N8 of us, snd w will ssv vos mn... wahaiai.. Thai,
goods ami deliver free to trains or hosts. We but 'sod tell i ZZ """"t' w bandl lb beat
thsn any other firm In the country. Bend ui ' utm lTi.M """if
new price Hat, whleh will be out soon W ol"r tnl is, d1"". "d we will mall yoa our
KrlS, :ot S I A?brkTi..''',;'." -I" , .
MARK i-OOHNaXOO., I4fl Front 8trat. PortlanH. o,.
Three dnaos only. Try It.
'iS-i YiiJ"aa' BADT 1)04:8 ou" ACK
MaVl!!.r6rL',,P e"m "nlnT Yon need