The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 19, 1894, Image 3

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rnnracMu meetings will be commenced
Houlion neat Sunday by lbs Kran
felloal denomination, .
A8MoTBsMtii,-. Thecounly court
- HHion isai many lor the
purpose of granting a Itcen.. ia T n
McKay and F. II. Swsgsr, ol Soap-
adjourned court last Saturday over
ntll Tuesday. In tbe interim the
wur wnt mi Astoria to bold an ad
journed term there on Monday.
Vrni Nova-nut 1st. Tm Mista
reduction of 25 par cent on subsorlp.
lion acoounta will not hold good aftar
Jjovember 1, 1894. Patroui wishing
tha benefit of tha discount abould call
andaaitla before that data. County
warrant! of mall danominationi taken
at tbalr markat value oo all aoneunta.
Th ICxoo Sons. Tha steamer
Kellogg, while loading in tha OowliU
fast Friday, by tha falling tide allowing
her to aattla oo a anag, making a large
hole la her bottom. Bargee and other
appliances, ware, at aoon aa possible,
secured, and the steamer will be
raised. The ei tent of tba damage ia
not eiaotly known.
aAD BiLL. The ball which will
be given by Avon lodge No. 62, K. of
P., ia the opera house at thie place,
nest Friday night, promisee to lie the
great event of the aeaaon. The mueie
will be furnished by Brice'e orchestra,
and a first-class director haa been ae
curad to conduct the dancing. Tickeu
aa be attained fr.-ra mem ben ef Avon
lodge. ,
Gom to thb Ranch. Profeaaor W.
A. Young, accompanied by lira.
Young, left Monday with their home
hold effect! far Clatskatiie, where they
will take up their abode on the home
atead. Mr. Young ia one of Colum
bia county'a moat cuoceaaful school
teachers, and carriei the good wiihee
of those with whom be baa come in
Nrw Pommel. The town of
Ooble. tea milee below here on the
.Northern Pacific, it to have a poet
office. The neceiaary papers have ar
rived from the department at Well
ington, and Mrs. Flora A. Fowler will
aoon be inatalled aa pot tm lit rue. Thie
new oftce makea three o (licet within a
radiua of two miles Reuben, Ooble
and Near end at would teem the peo
ple will be well (applied.
Moat Orroemoa. The hande of the
indicator point to the possibility of a
boat being placed on the river in p
potilion to tha Iralda. It ia reported
In aome of our river eichangee that
Captain Newaurn bu been running a
free back between Caplea and Wood
land to connect with the Iralda, in op
position to the Maecot, and Jacob
Katiim proposes to aee whit be can
do about it. Kamm ia a fighter and
eiayer from away back.
Tub Niw Daily. The Morning
Sun, a new daily which made ita ap
pearance In Portland Monday morn
ing, it before us. It it aa eigbt-page
paper with ita columne filled with
ritp local and telegradhia newi mai
mer freah from tbe wirea. It claims
to be independent in politlce. Thie
rumainsto be aeen in the future.
Capuin John O'Brien, iu editor, it
not mocb en the "independent" order.
However tbe Bua'a flrat rayt are vary
BaroBUCAJia, ATTaamow. Presi
dent J. B. Godfrey haa called a meet
ing of the Tbotnaa B. Bead republican
club to meet at Hoalton tomorrow
ailght. Tha club proposes to reorga
niae, and during the long winter even
lure will hold regular meeting!, at
which will be dieeuteed the important
political questions of the day. The
-club te taking tba right step at thie
time and iM meetings should be at
tended by all who are interested In
good government.
Mamiid. The perlore of the Ori
ental hotel at thie place, were the tcene
of a quiet but gay wedding on Tuea
day afternoon of thii week. The con
tracting parties were A. T. Tiller, of
Troutdale, and Martha I. Moore. The
couple waa driven in from Joseph H.
Bennett, the bride'a father's puce,
sear Oillton, late in tbe afternoon,
and the ceremony Immediately took
place. Judge T. A. McBride tied the
nuptial knot ia a neat and becoming
manner, whereupon the party took
immediate departure for the home of
tbe bride'e father.
PsocutUKO Lost Samoa. When
the O. B. is N. Co'i. warehouse and
wharf ware burned at Albine three
weeks ago, some 8,000 or 10,000 oases
of eelmnn went into the river. It was
alt insured, and the Insurance men
knowing that tha 8h could not twiro
awayoa account of the cans, have
teen trying to recover them. Men
have bean wading out aa far as poa
aible and gathering up the cases, and
dredging rakee bave aleo been brought
into UN, and some 3000 oases have
been got out. About WOO of them are
as good as ever, aad when revarni'hed
and relafaled, will be turned over to
the owner and their value deducted
from tha amount of ineuranoe to be
paid. . - ' "" '
PtTtaj Bioovbebo Ta Go An
authenUu lUtement comae to ui i from
Sherman preciat that oa Monday of
this week three trampa were making
a tour of some of tba rural settlements,
and Peter Bmith'a bouse, about fmr
milea back from Deer Wand, became
the scene of action for their depreda
tions. The trampa gained admit
tanca to tha bouse, and seeing a better
bat than one of them hed on, it was
taken and the old one left in iu place ;
alto was a highly prised Winchester
rifle taken, but tbe fellows proceeded
.. tha next nouae.
where it was left Wning egalost the
door. There was nommg
. t .. .;kKnvlww1. and Peter
miaeing iu , . .
is rejoicing over tba recovery 1 bu
tiAND Lomb or OacouM. The Or
goo Orand ledge Kaigbta of Pythias,
held Ma annual session in Portland
last week. The SHsaiim was largely at
tended by representatives from all
parts of the state, and the meeting
eras in every way a profitable one. The
lection of officers for the ensuing
year resulted as futlows : Grand chan
cellor, J. L. Hill, of Alh.oy; grand
vioe-ohanoellor, Dr. E. W, Geary, of
Medford ; grand prelate, Turner Oliver,
of La Grande; grand keeper of records
and seal, U. F. McConnall, of Portland ;
grand nit iter of emhequer, E. M. Sar
gent, of Portland; grand mater-at-arms,
Otis Patternon, of Heppner;
grand Inside guard, B. II. Greer, of
Hlll.boroj grand ouiaide guard, Chas.
Fellows, of Portland; trustees, F. A.
Golden, one year ; E. E. Sharon, two
years; J, A. Waddle, three years. Sa
lem was chosen as the place for hold
ing the annual meeting one year
heace. On Tnetday evening a grand
baM was given at Hotel Portland, which
waa verv largely attended, and on
Wednesday evening the parade took
place with about 1000 Knights in line.
FtovB fob thb Oribht. The iteam
ahip Empress of India, leaving Van
couver last Monday for Oriental points,
carried 2500 tons of Oregon flour con
signed to Yokohama, Nagasaki, Shang
hai and Hong Kong, says the Orego
nian. Portland shippers are receiving
cable orders almost daily for flour,
and tha business this year shows an
advance over previous seasons. The
neat steamship of the Emprea line
also takeout aoother full cargo, in fact,
there are cargoes ahead for. several
steamships. Tbe steamship Tacoma,
of the Tacoma line, leaving Septem
ber 30th, went out light lu flour owing
to a big lot of overland freight for
which apaoe had been engaged. A
large supply of canned meals ia now
being forwarded from the Eaat, and
sent over this lino to meet tbe in
creased trade demands. Eastern Or
egon flour ia shown a preference in
China and Japan, and a number of
mills are kept busy Ailing orders eent
out from Portland.
Death or Mas. Bum. The peo
ple of Neer City and vicinity were
shocked Wednesday morning when
the news of the death of Mra. Mary
Blake waa spread over the community
Mrs. Blake had, up the time of ber
death, enjoyed good health for an
old person so much so that on Tues
day she performed ber usual house
hold duties, but on the following day
she lay cold in death, the victim of
heart failure. The news of her sudden
death waa a severe blow to her neigh
bors. Deceased came to Oregon in
I860, and has lived since that time,
continually, in thia. county, having
raised a large family, all of whom are
well aad favorably known. Her first
husband's name was Fowler, whose
death occurred several years sgo. Tbe
burial will Uke place today (Friday)
at Neer City.
Thb Fbdit Crop. Fruitgrowers in
Columbia county, as a rule, are vory
highly pleased over the fruit crop this
fall Each owner of an orchard has
something encouraging to say in re-
Jrard to it. One thing is certain, that
or many years the fruit haa not pre
sented such an even, round, and per
fect appearance aa does it this season.
Tbe yield of apples Is great, and th
quality unsurpassed. Applee, too, are
holding the standard in price, if not
somewhat advanced on former years,
which, probably, ia tbe cause of such
manifestations on the part of the pro
ducer. The season has been espec
ially adapted to the growth and ma
turity of apples, and the resnlt is,
where orchards have received proper
care, the fruitgrower has ao abund
ance of delicious and highly-developed
A PeaxwiKABT Bubvby Sidney
Smith, of Oregon City, and A. B Lit
tle, of Houltoo, surveyors, run a pre
liminary line from St. Helens to
Vernonm last week, for the purpose of
determining the best route for the pro
nosed new railroad to Nebalem. The
surveyors followed up Milton creek to
the divide and then descended to the
Nehalem river following Oak Bench
creek and from ita mouth up to Ver-
nonia. The gentlemen say they
found an easv trade all the way with
out any material difficulty. Tbe next
thing to be done is to secure mesns
with which to build the road, and we
are informed that task will be under
taken soon.
Located Haaa. Harrison Allen, an
attornev-at-law. recently from Denver,
Colorado, has rented quarters, and lo-
oated in this place. Mr. Allen comet
highly recommended by the supreme
bench of Colorado, and will, no doubt,
establish a good practice here for him
self. Mr. Allen's wife acoompaniea
him just such two persons aa will be
a valuable acquisition to St. Helena'
society circle, and Thb Mit joins
others in extending a weloome, first to
Mr. Allen, as an attorney, and sec
ondly to he and his wife as additions
to our population.
Raao Ripaibiho. The supervisor
of this road district is doing some good
work on tbe Hcappoose road, in tue
way of repairing bridges, etc. Some
time aeo THB Mist called the atten
tion of the supervisor to the bridges
along the Bcappoose route, wntcn were
left In such a dilapidated and danger
ous condition by the high water. We
are pleased to state now that the new
supervisor, Mr. J. B. Godfrey, has the
wurK oi oriaee repairing iwui wm-
tileted. and tha bridges bear evidence
from their appearance, in their own
behalf aa to their safety. .
W. A. Perry and wife spent last Sun
day In Rainier.
Justice Brown, of Goble, wss in
town Monday.
Don't fail to attend the Knights of
Pythias ball next Friday night.
District Attorney Barrett went to
Hillsboro Saturday and spent Sunday
with his family.
George Brirrn made a business trip
to Portland arid Vancouver the fore
part of the week.
Al Johnson, the well-known Port
land caterer, took tbe Lurline Tuee
day for home with a string of seventy
ive ducks of all kind.
Wild haying ia about finished.
Apples and potatoes are aa avorage
crop. .
Lyman Merrill is. serving on, the
grand jury.
This floe weather surprises the old-
et inhabitant.
Tbnnus Balndan hat put a new roof
on bia blacksmith shop.
Bev. C. M. Stroun will preach here
on hia regular appointment, Sunday,
z;su p. m.
Rev. II. 8chuknecbt. presiding elder
of the Evangelical Association, bold
divine services here last Sunday even
ing. His was an appreciative audi
Horgren Bros, haye built a tempor
ary building here. They have con
siderable cedar lumber hauled in from
their mill on the ClaUkauie, and is
now shipping to Portland.
Columbia county baa mnch reason
to feel proud of their delegate to tbe
Oregon preis association, and ahould
congratulate the convention upon its
di liberation in choosing J. B. Beegle,
jr., for president May your energy
never falter In tbe right cause.
Subscription is coming In easily lo
the creamery project, but still there is
not enough yet. Those who are inter
eeted should come and aubtcribe, for
without their help it may not succeed.
All bonaflde residents and farmers are
interested, and each should do bis
An .iranl nf thai W. RU.Lill
(in., nt Portland, waa Taikina after
logs here last Monday. Tbe demand
lor logs is somewnst oeiier, inongn
tbe price is still the same. The prob
lem which confronts the logger ia
Will the price ever advance beyond $3
and 93.60 a thousand?
Miss Guild left for her home at Mo-
Minn ville last Wednesday.
Bev. F. Launer is conducting a pro
tracted meeting at tbe "burn."
oererai pvraoua from tuia uiwv arv
doing business at St. Helens this week.
Deputy Sheriff W. Blakesley was
doing business in Vernouia Tuesday.
A t - i .Lt. r. Au
B. Sesseman ia patting up a neat
building on the water front for F. A.
Zillgett ,
A labor exchange baa been orga
nised at this place with a large mem
Miss Hosford and Miss Gillihan go
this week for an extended visit at
Frank Tracy is building a spacious
barn on tbe corner of Weed avenue
and Umatilla streeta.
Dorr Keosey leaves this week for
Portland, where be expects to Uke part
in the great society circus.
Miss Elwooid left for ber home in
Portland this week, after a six week'e
visit with Mrs. T. J. Brink.
E. N. Ordway baa moved his family
and household goods into tbe old 8tar
hotel building, and will winter with us.
Any person who would complain of
the weather for tbe week peat, or any
thing elae(in Oregon, ought to be sent
io Kansas.
School commenced in this place last
Monday with an attendance of twen
ty-two pupils. Miss Essie Ordway
will conduct the school.
flavaral avaffnnlnaria nf alrancrara haVA
passed through town thia week, bring
ing oaca recollections ,oi times past.
The future looks very bright.
Tha QrAirnniiLn now fAwnra atmnffta'.
a railroad through this country. If
me suoiuy committees are auccessiui
Vernonia will get a railroad in the
near future.
Tbe social given by the Young Peo
ples' Cbrislain Alliance last Friday
night at tbe Evangelical church, Waa
a very enjoyable affair. The lite-ary
programme was a treat to everyone
present. The attendance waa large,
and good order prevailed. Thirty
baskets were sold, and the entertain
ment netted over $10. This sum goes
toward buying an organ for the church,
something that is very much needed,
Last Saturday, shortly after noon,
the house of K. J. Tyacke, on Pebble
creek, was totally destroyed by fire,
The house waa occupied by E. Roberts
and family, and everything of value in
the house was destroyed except aome
stamps and part ol the fixtures belong-ins-
to the Pebble nosUiffioe. Mra,
Johnson, a sitter of Mra. Roberts,
jumped from a window in the upper
story of tbe burning building, sustain
ing severe injuries. Th loss i a bard
blow to Mr. Roberts, as he had hia
winter aupply Of flour and groceries in
the house, and they all went up in the
amoke. A liberal contribution waa
made op by tbe people.
There are a gre atmany flih being csnght
nera at me present nnie.
It It renorteri that Fred Ball, an old res!
dent of thia place, was recently drowned on
im car.
O. P. Youna is to build a new store In the
aesr future, and tbat will lielp tblngs out
very muca.
Hcnrv H. Yonnc. oar wood merchant, it
doing a rniblng buiiness, selliua; about 100
ooras oi wooct usiiy.
The Welae Brat, are doing a big logging
hualnesi now, more than they have at any
lima inrougn we lumruer monus.
. ..- Gave it up In Disgust.
Louis Batek, a farmhand on the Kewa-
kem prairie, became tired of life one night
latt week, and determined to commit tul-
olde. He placed a revolver to his fore
head and pulled the trigger. He was very
much surprlwd a moment later to find
hlraxlf on this aide the river Jordan. He
tried again and had no better luck. This
diagusted him, and he decided to live. He
took a rotor and cut cut tba two balls
which had flattened out between the skin
and the bones of the forthsad, went out
and fed the cattle, and then tent for a dot
tor. Thit ttory It veuobed for by the Elina
Chronicle exactly at thin rotated by it.
A. H. Blaketley'a building in the
. . I . ! - : I i.
tipper pan oi lunn ia nmi'iuK irvsn
coat of paint which will add very
much to its appear noe. -
(Edits aj Miarl-Iwbli ta say fa defense
ef the people of Peris aad vicinity that they
are not all of tbe same opinion as yoar
Palis correspondent in regard to the rail
road, becaoas most of us are willing to do
what it rieht to help art a railroad through
our place, knowing that onr land will ralt
grratly in valua, and that toch an enter
prise would bring In settlsrs to build up
school! and Improvs our toclety, and invite
capital which will give ns employment and
a market for our produce.
8. Rack anil O. C. Movtr hs the new
road opened out runt the potior?)' e no that
It curt be traveled by boraea ami fo.iuncn
and it la a bi-tter grade and tcvrn rod
nearer by niraiurtment, than tbe county
road. If wt had a lew mure men auvh ar
Bock, in thin place we would have better
road, hut wt hare a few moiabacka hrrr
who will not male road thi-maelvm and
do all they can to keep otben from niakinx
improvement in that line.
B RH-k hu the larerat muds we ever
aeen. Most of the Friitet are rrjoicin
over their crops, aud Intend to put in mere
acres next year.
Everything looke fresh snd green since
tbe recent rain storm.
Perls now has a dally mall service.
I mm. Hendrleka Sr.. It recovering from
hit recent runaway accident, but will not
be altogether recover.) foraouie time yet.
8. G. Cuttis, who formerly resided
in thia valley, but now of Bay City.
Or., spent several days this week look
ing after bis place here ana visiting
J. W. Bnales haa been attending
court in St. Helens as a juror.
Miss Susan Hudson and Mr. Tbos.
Everman were united in matrimony
on Sunday the 7th inst, at the rei
dence of the bride'a father. Mr. 8. K
Hndson, Justice Doan officiating. We
wish them a long and happy wedded
life., ,
Mra. J. Buesch returned last Mon
day from Portland, where she has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. lwis.
Lumber is being hauled from Mes-
erve Bros', mill for a bridge acroea
Lost creek, near W. H. Kyser's place ;
also one across the same stream at Mr.
Washburn's. This ia a mnch needed
improvement, as the road at those
placea has been In an unsafe condition
for teams to travel for a long time.
Circuit Coart Notes.
The grand jury ia composed of tbe
following: B. Cox, Geo. H. Lemont,
R. P. Burns, John H. Adams, Lyman
Merrill, Lawrence Archibald, Sardine
F.P.Hall vi W. M. Biggs; judg
ment by default.
Olaf Malmsten admitted to citiaen
ahip; witnesses, Judson Weed and
Israel 8pencer.
Matilda Quttafson admitted to citi-
senship; witnesses, Judsou Weed and
Joseph Vanblaricom.
State of Oregon va John Ureenba-
gen and Martha O. Fleming; defend
ants pleaded guilty, and the court
sentenced each to pay a fine of S0,
in default nf which they were remand
ed to tbe Multnomah county jail for
twenty-five days.
James D-trt vs Thomas Dawson ; de
murrer overruled and judgment by de
State of Oregon vs E. O. Bummer;
set for trial October 22nd.
Frank Johnson Admitted tunitiaen-
ship; witnesses, W. Crisaey and Joe.
G. C. Jaquish vs B. W. Plummer;
order for confirmation.
M. E. McLaughlin vs John B. Ortei ;
decree allowed.
C. A. Freeman va Albert Freeman;
order of publication.
C. W. Catber va 8. U. Davis ; aecree
Una II. Dynon vs a. a. nose; judg
ment for defendant.
A. Emmons vsS B. Bose ; dismissed.
Grand Jury reported a true - bill
against W. J. Bice for assault with a
deadly weapon.
Mary J. Schmidt vs. W. J. nice;
order to enter judgment. '
State vs. Abe Beeves; grand jury re
oort not a true bill.
State vs. Henry Potter; grand jury
renort not a true bill.
8. 8. Markham vs. 8. 3. Browu et
ux : decree f-r nlaintiu.
Portland Savinga Bank vs. Joseph
Smith et al : dismissed.
Geo, Kane vs. A. J. Alley ; trial fee
The Columbia Biver Packing Co. va.
L. O. Baxter; decree for plaiuliff.
Miaa Mary Burke baa gone to Rain
ier to reside permanently.
Tbe butldina- occupied by Dr. H. B.
Cliff and Attorney Allen ia receiving
a freah coat of paint.
F. D. Chamberlain, attorney, of
Portland, was in the city last Satur
day on legal business.
W. H. Dolman has lust received
a large and complete invoice of boots
and ahoea for fall and winter wear,
which he will sell at prioes lower than
the aame good a can be bought at
wholesale in Portland.
Eleven Billed Iter tbe Fen.
Pbhdlstob, Or. , Oct 15. Eleven go from
Umatilla county to the penitentiary, the
majority tor toe It atcaling. Tha following
were sentenced today: John Thorp, four
years; W. E. White, two years; Julius
8mlth, ons year; Alvin KUlnger.lumontns;
Oay Clark, one year. Clark was forced to
marry before leaving for tba penitentiary.
Tbe ceremony was performed by a justice
in the Jail.
Klgtwat Honor Wadd Pair.
A purs Crape Cresm of Tartar Powder. Prss
fora Ammonia, Arum or any ouwr auuiiaisn,
ajo TKAKS inn sianuama
The Way aftne Wlekedl. .
Paau. K.. Oct. 13-Colonel W. 1. T.
Breckinridge bas beta soepended from
communion by the Mount Horrb church,
In Lafayette county. The pastor. Bev.
Charles T. Thompson, says thst Colonel
Breckinridge made eenletsien of bis gnllt,
and aaked the prayers and love of bit
brethren In lead ing a thrietlan life. It waa
the unanimoua detUlon of the officers that
while accenting bit repentance aa sincere
and heartfelt, tbe great publicity of hia tin
demanded tome DOblie action, so be wat
appended from the sacrament until Febru
ary 1, 1M.
SCOTT. Al Oillton, Orexon, October 16th.
1MM, to the wile ol M. a.. BCOW.moangiir.
QUIOLEY. At Clatokanie, Oregon, Ocu
oer am. inm, in tue we ui m. . umiji
a ten-pound eon.
Notice it hereby given that tbe Beaver
ir-il. Uai.nhlinan Oliih will meet at Delena
hall on fiundiiy October 28ib, 1894, at 1
o'clock All member are requested lo be
nresrnt, aa there it important butlneee to
be traniacted. By order of -
A. J. QUIOLKY, hVcreiary.
Wbea Baby waa tick, we gars her Caaterls,
Wbea iterai CbUd, aha cried (or Oaatorta.
When aha became tflaa, sbe dung to Oaatoria.
Wteoabe bad CMMraB,aksgae them Oeatorla
In the Circuit Court of the Mate ef Oregon, for
tbe County ol Columbia.
Martha B. McLaughlin, plaintiff, VI. John B
unai, ft&ry Amanae una ana auwira .
Panoni, defendanti:
ment. order end decree dulf leaned out Of
and under the eea) ot the above entitled court la
tha abore entitled eanie, to me duly directed,
deled tbe 1Mb day ol October, MSi, upon a Judg
ment end decreet rendered ai.d entered in eeld
court on the lith day ol October, 1SS4, In favor
ol Marina e aciaugnnn ai piainnn ana egunn
John B. Ortet, Mir? Amanda Ortel and Edward
.. raraoni ae oeienaanie. lor me enm oi i wo
Hundred 8entr-two and 11-100 (272.1tt dollire
with Inter thereon from the 12it dar of
October, 1NM at the rate ol S per rent, per aa
aum, and tbe further turn of Thirty iWO 00) dol
lar! a attorney'! fee: alio the ium of FIKr-Ave
end U-M0 (ISS.SS) dollar!, eoeta of anlta and ac
cruing coate, aleo the ewta oa thie writ, com
manding me to make lele of tbe following dee
eribed reel property, to-wit:
Tbe northwest quarter (nw?0 of lection thirty
one (Si) In towtuhip ive (6) north, range three
IS) wet of Willamette Meridian, iltuated la Co
lumbia county, HUM of Orewm.
Now, therefore, by virtue ef eaia axeennoa,
tudf ment. order end decree, and In comollanoe
with the command! of laid writ, I will, on Sat
urday the 17th day of November, ISM. at tbe
hour of 10 o'clock la the forenoon, at the front
door of the county court boaw, in St. Helena,
aid county and Mate, eell, lubject te redemp
tion, to the highest bidder foreeih, all the rieht,
title and interest of the above named defendant!,
toiatlify aaid execution, Judgment, order and
decree, fntereetaand eoeta and all accruing com.
Dated October 16th. IBM. C. T. DOAN,
olnl 8herig of Columbia County, Or.
Fruit Trees
Northern 8dv. Buitsenborg. Ben Davis.
Baldwin, Oravcnstein, Etc.
Italian, Petite and Sliver.
Plum, Cherry and Pear Trees.
Onr Annie and Prone Trees are grafted
from our own yonng bearing orchard, aud
ars true to name and free from pestt.
A nice lot of Currant, Oooieberry, Wine-
berry and JMU-bearl ttaapoerry.
Bcappoose, Or.
For Sales
Address W. W. WEST,
jyt. A. r. McLAKXN,
Bainier. Oregon.
gyt. B. B, CUFF,
Bt. Helens, Oregon
Clatskauie, Columbia county, Or.
St. Helens, Orefoa.
St. Helena. Oregon,
Surveyor and Civil Engineer
County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town
Platting and Engineering work promptly
executed. .
I will pay the hlgheM cash prlc for Colum
mm cuuutjr wsviwiw,
a j a
ocnu tuv ma uruvr iur vvur wuiiwj mmr
rant, and receiva tha cash for it by ratum
mail. 8. C. DAVIS,
LU WW -I. n
J. N"; Slusser,
Having; recently located In tha city and
wleliina to establish myself. I InTitstha
puNio to favor me with at least a share ef
youriraao. nnarp, aeen rasora.
iarC Assortment of Pure and Fiesh
Drugs and Patent Medicines
St. Helens
- - - TOILET
Dr. Edwin Ross, Proprietor
ST1. I-IEjIiI3j3MS
Corntr Front and Horrlioa Btrst.
This is tbs moat popular hotel in Portland, and ha been for
saany years. If jriu want to meet a friend you will surely
find him at the St. Charles. It aleo enjova the patronage of
tbe business man of tbe northwest. Courteous attendants.
yTorite Hotel of
O. W. KNOWLBS, grasprUtow-
Main 8tret. Bt. XXwlwna, Oregon,
Chs aMbettss Uatnha'M tfeaw" ilewt ana VtanahU
A Good Billiard and Pool Table is provided
lo spend a pleasant nour snouia
0nl0 th Puvmi stk st
Card Tablet are at tbe dlnnoaal of patrons who wiah to Indulge in a social game of cards
and wt ean aware tliem tit tbey will be well treated at "THE BAKQUET."
"W. JL. MEREEB, Fropristor
Rough and Dressed Lumber:
Of Every Style,
Where yon will And the largest 'stock of Patent
Vedicines, Prescription Drngt, Tnilat Articles, etc.,
ever found in Columbia County.
DR. J. E. HLA.IjIj, Proprietor
The tables art alwaya supplied with the Beat Edibles and Delica
cies the market affords.
Hsvinjc been newly refurnished we are prepared to give satisfac
tion to all our patrons, and solicit a share of your patronage.
J. GEORGE Proprietor, St Helens, Oregon
Vernonia and
. . J. H.
The old and reliable barber baa his rasora just as
sharp aa can be found, and will shave you com
fortably and quickly for only fifteen cente. ,
The table will be supplied with tbe beat, tbe market affords.
Board by the Day, Week, cr Month at Reasonabls rstss
Everything Clean. A Share of Your Patronage is Solicited.
All kinds of Fresh and Salted Meats, Sausage and Fisb. Meata
by Wholesalj at 8peoil ratea. Express wagon run to all parte
of the the city, and charges reasonable.
Drug Store
the) City of Portlavnd. -' '
for the nse of Patrons, snd parties woo wish
rememner " hi Biscuit . '
of ftejusnr 9p n Can.
or axd ccauss or
Grade and Variety
Cornelius, Ogn.
DECKER . . .
valuable wtnenesr.