:r.5r...w tONOlNOS. I nd clutched at her daugntef's sum ' - I... I mill I HI IMIIMH ' hi-. llll. I.. I i N all receipts for cooking requiring a leavening agent the ROYAL BAKING POWDER, because it is an absolutely pure cream of tartar powder and of 33 per cent greater leavening strength than other powders, will give the best results. It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor and more wholesome. 2? ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER " Nluntcea Dave la th Woods. V7. 1L" Boiler recently turned np at bis borne in Mercer county. W. Va., after liavin? been lost for 19 days in the New Pino motuitmns. For the first four da) he traveled constantly in the endeavor to hud bis way out of the wilderness ir which he was lost. When be found that he bad but two matches loft, and fear ing that he tuiht use them up and be unable to kmdlo a fire, he picked ont permanent camping place, started a fire a;tinst a pine tree and made ready to live as best he could until aid came. lit tree burned nntil it fell and then be piled brush asaiDst the fallen trunk iu . Order to keep the fire going. He re mained ut that place 13 days, moving e few foet each day aa the fire traveled aiong the prostrate tree. He slept as best he conld by night, and by day never lost sight of his fire. Once an nntlered back came within rifle shot. but Ecllcr had the chagrin to see his riGe leaning cgaicst a tree, with the beck be tween him end the weapon. He hallooed at intervals, ezvb day, and the noise at last brought a hunt r to his aid. Bellcr wes then u baward wretch, bis clothir burned 1a many places and bis fingers botli burned and frozen. He believes that he could not have held ont two days longer. Iew York Sun. j " Safety oa the RIs cu Linen. The Strange, eventful history of the OTcrdne Cttnarcct troves two things for. say. the r.CGth lime. One is that the cn gincers know their business. The other is the rtill more wtcnt fact that then are uot a few persons in and ont of news paper offices who dearly love an excuse for making a commotion, tt is disagree able to be delayed for four days on the north Atlantic, just eonth of Newfound land t'-nd in a stormy Dtx-t-mber. It is til;e Ijeing I;cpt for an hour outside Can non Street statiou in n freezing fo. Dnt. after all. when you ore ia a Cunardr which drifts as steady as a church with three tea anchors out. when there ere ; throe weeds' pro-iaons on board with out,, having recourse to short rations, when you are in tie track of the trade aud steamers ure passing us quick after one another cs they Co in the channel, when yon have from 1C3 to S00 fathoms of water under you and there U co It ehore nearer than the Azores, it is quite unnecessary to play at shipwrecis and disasters. London Saturday Eeviow. A Ll.'e Job. ', The solitary nan who peeks at a stone stro 13 front of tae capitol with bis mal let and chisel do;s just enough pecking to Keep warm. ; tie uoes not csxe to hur ry his Job, and nobody cares to hurry Lim. The longer he U ct it the longer it will be before anybody has to provide him with another job. The man himself is not interesting, but as a typo ho is worth observing. His method is the uni versal cae ia government service. The disposition to do the least possible work ia return for psy to manifest in all the clerks de& - a all the bureaus, and something very much like it rcems to take hold upon congress itself now and then. Washington Cor. New York World. " ' " Wholesale Perjury. A foreign steamship lately arrived at New York brought COO steerage pas sengers, each one duly provided with a sworn cernlicate that he or she was an American citizen or the relative of an American citizen or a tourist. The whole crowd was promptly landed. And yet or all the ViOO American citizens, rela tives of American citizens and tourists, singularly enough, not one could speak the American language. The ways of some immigration agents are ways that are dsili and vain. Boston Journal. Th New Slall Flag. The pennant to be borne at tho mast head of the United States mail subsidy ships i.t CO feet long, 8 feet Cinches at the ni.Uit npd .I feet fit the end of the swallow tail, .iu Held Is red. bordered by 0 inches of bine. In the upper left hand corner is an eagle in blue, with arrows and a branch in its talons, and bearing on the breast a shield with stars and stripes is red and white. Charleston News and t'unrier." " Flesh 'means ; strength to with stand .chronic ailments, coughs, colda and disease. Sound flesh la essential to health. :.. r . ; Scotts Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, enriches the blood, builds up - flesh and fortifies the system against sickness and chronlo cilments." Physicians, the world over, ondorso it, Csa'f 5;ite!?cilf tzitz ii CO., 1M WALL 8T- NEW-YORK. AlW.TRniT TITTTT.TWT? VLaLSWJLL DUIMUEjK. HE TELLS A REMARKABLE STORY OF HIS LIFE. . Cam to Dotrotl Aboat fort? Taara Ago Lot! XlMjr'e Kaporloao Worthy Sorloaa Attontloa. From th Dotrolt Erentug Newt Awav ont Gratiot avenne. far from the din and turmoil of tne business center. mere are many attractive homes. Ihe intersecting streets are wide, clean and shaded by large leaf-covered trees, and ine people yon meet are typical of in dustry, economy and honest toil. There are many pretty residences, but none more invuiug in its neatness ana nome- ue com lor t than that ol Mr. JLevi 1' sey, the well-known bonder and con tractor, at 74 Moran street, just off Gra tiot, nr. meey is an old resident ol uetroit, naving moved Here about fortv years ago. 11 has erected hundreds of house in different parts of the city, and points witn pride to such bmldiuirs as the Newberry A, McMullan and Cam paw blocks, in which he displayed bis ability as a superintendent. X have seen Detroit stow from a vil lage to a city." he observed yesterday in conversation with the writer, "and I don't think there are many towns in America to-day equal to it in point ol iieauty. i know almost everybody in the city, and an incident which" recentlv happened in my life has interested all my friends. it is now about eisht veara airo since I was stricken down with mr tint case of illness. One cold, blustering dav 1 was down town, and through my natural carelessness at that time 1 permitted my- elf to get chilled right through. When i arrived Home that evening 1 felt a nous pain in my left leg. X bathed it that night, but by morning I found it had grown worse. In fact, it was so se rious that 1 sent lor my family pbyst cian, and he lnlormed me that 1 waa suffering from varicose veins. My leg swelled np to double its natural size, and ine pain mcreasea in volume, ine ae- ony was simply awfuL I was laid np, and never leit my bed for eight weeks. At times I felt as though I wonld grow irantic Wlin Dam. jut lev was bandaired. and was nroDoed on in the bed at an angle of SO degrees in order to keep the uiwu iroui uuwiug uj hit ezuvmtuea. " 1 had several doctors attending me, but I believe mv own iudement heloed me better than theirs. After a siege of iwo monius i could move around; sun was on the sick list and had to doctor myself for years. I was never really corea, and sunered any amonnt ol an guish. - . - ''About two years ago I noticed an ar ticle in the huning N vt about my friend, Mr. Northrop, the Woodward- avenue merchant. In an interview with him be stated that he bad used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and that they cored him. I knew htm very a-eIl,bavingbuilthisbouBeont Woodward avenne, and 1 thought I would follow bis suggestion. I must confess I did so with marvelous t access. From the time I be gan to take the Pink Pills I felt myself growing to be a new man. They acted on me like a magical stimulant. The pain departed, and I soon was as strong and healthy as ever. Before trying the Pink Pills I had need any amount of other medicine without any noticeable Deneni. nut tne nut cured me, and 1 was myself again. " When a person finds himself relieved and enjoying health he is apt to expose nimseu again to anotner attack ot ill ness. Some three months ago I stopped taking the Pink Pills, and from the day 1 did so I noticed a change in my condi tion. A short time since I renewed my habit of taking them with the same ben- enciai results which met me formerly. am again nearly as stromr as ever, al though I am a man about 66 years of age. I tell you, sir. the Pink Pills are a most wonderful medicine and it they do as well in other cases as they did in mine they are the best in the world, ' I freely recommenu mem to any snnerer." ut. Williams' rink fills contain. In a condensed form, all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the mood snd restore shattered nerves. Tbev are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, nenraleia. rheumatism, nervous headache, the after enect ot la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either in male or female. Pink Fills are sold bv all deal era, or will be sent post paid on receipt ot price too cents a box, or six boxes lor 12.60 they are never sold in bulk or by the 100: by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Onyx la Washington. A vein of onyx was discovered in Oar field county, Wash., recently, which the report of an expert mineralogist who vis ited and examined the find a week or so since shows to be cf considerable extent and probable value. The possible ex tent of the mines is 1,000 acres, and open ings for a mile show a 10-foot vein.. The people of the vicinity claim that their county is possessed of the only 'onyx mines in the United States. Some Comfort from a Hew Raablon. "1 hear that crinoline is going to be worn again," remarked Buffers. "Ah," sighed Goggins, "that means a box ot the theater instead of a seat; bnt, thuni heaven, there won't be room in the h)x fur a chaperon too." Harper's Ba rrr. : I bwra tired ot whlar-r end too for tint toll vote tnatead. ) Thafall volo to etrenfthea sad (old Mai, Been and head; . I era tired of ahadow that fir but promise ol llcbti Th purple irlonmlng atrewoe lu finger far doera tli night 1 am ured or MariigM. niuns un air with a myatlral hajte. And I km for th nooottd (lara, th light, the brat, the blase; I am an tired of groping In the valley of unreal And my bran's blood alaiul atagnanl between tb raw and tb oreet. I am tlrad of all th Tain dcpUon ot practi cal lira. I Tb mleanderatandinga, th worry, tb tur moil-are, and tb atrirt Mar than all. I am alck of wlf.wlth all lu weak desire. That bnrna la my heart Ilka tb name of a fu neral pyre. Speak. O rote divine, and bid thla carton heart be Mill: Teach It to trir Do mora, to be eatlafled with lliy will. For how vain l human longing whn measured by tny power) Lt contentment gild my Up and All with peace wn lowly hourl Mary Ing Uoekln In New York Bun. i oTTTTT,itfi -nr 1 vnn A OUUllVi O ItUJlAiX UXi. Hop pickiug waa always a gala time at Fendextcr farm. Far away the golden hase hung over the hills like a quivering veil; the bland air was full of soft, subtle fragrance of wild grapes npeuing in the woods, and wherever a dead tree or rude stone wall ffor,letl ' vantage ground, the silvery tangle8 of clematis wove lovely gar- land, and the masses of goldenrod and purple fringed asters held up their clus ters of dazzling bloom. And in the hop Geld merry voices echoed from morning until night. Will Peudezter. walking up and down the aisles of silver green leafage with his bands behind his back, might havo reminded one of Boas in the ancient Scripture story princely Boas standing in bis harvest fields and giving a kind glanco and pleasant word to every one. Isd t he handsomer said little Fanny Oix to Miss Morgan, the rector's daugh ter. Fanny was a pale little dress maker, with an incipient cough, who bad been recommended by her doctor to spend a fortnight in the hopfields, and Miss Morgan, whose mother had died of consumption, picked bops every year on principle, just as Judge Marier s dangh ters visited Long Branch. "And all the handsomer since he has turned gray! I do wonder why be never married." 'Don t yqu know" said Miss Morgan sagely. No." 'I can tell yon, then," said the rector's daughter, who dearly loved a morsel of genuine romance. "Because his first love jilted bun. 'As if any one wonld jilt Will Pen- dezterr said incredulous Fanny. Oh. bnt he wasn t Squire Pendexter then and all this happened SO years ago, averred Alias Morgan, her flyin; fingers never leaving off among the clus ters of pale green hops. "That was be fore be inherited Pendexter farm. Hi was only a poor young farmer then, with his own living to make, and this was a beautiful girl who was spending the sum. mer here. And they were engaged and all and the very night before the wed ding she ran way with an Italian, one Count Caprivi, who was singing on the New York stage. Fanny drew a long breath. "And what became of them?" said she. "Oh, they went to Italy, where the count expected to succeed to large es tates, and 1 suppose they are there now.' Fanny looked with secret awe at the ruddy face and magnificent height of Will Pendexter as he sauntered down the green aisles of waving tendrils and tremulous leaves, and almost wondered to bear him ask Mahala Bently about her baby in the offhand, ordinary lan gnage of everyday life, and give lame Billy Bartlett "Good day," just as if there bad been no Countess Caprivi In the world. But Fanny Dix was but a girl yet. She did not know how 20 years will bridge over the darkest gulf in a human life. There is no scar that will not heal in 20 years. There is not a grave on which grass will not grow aye, and daisies bloom in 20 years. "1 do not know that we can take an other band, Simpson," said Squire Pen dexter meditatively. "The field is crowd ed already." "What I thought, exactly, sir," said the overseer respectfully. "But this 'ere is pretty young slip of a girl, with a feeble mother dragging along on her arm. And a man don t like to say tio' to snchl So I thought I'd just speak to yon before" Where are theyr said the squire. rubbing the gold knob of his walking cane against his nose, and Simpson knew that the case of the forlorn strangers was safe enough. ' "Mother, don't fret Here comes the gentleman now," said a clear, soft toned voice, and Squire Pendexter found him self looking into a pair of wistful, deep blue orbs orbs that belonged to a slight, beautiful girl dressed in faded fabric and worn shoes, who was leaning against the well curb. For while Simpson had been gone on bis errand of inquiry she had drawn a bucket of clear, cold water ont of the sparkling depths of the well and given her mother a drink out of the J silver bound gourd which always hung there. . .,, . . ,; . "Sir." without a moment's hesitation. might I have a job of work in your hop- fields? We have come from the city mother and I there's nothing to be I picked np there, and my mother is ail-1 ing, ana we tnougnt tue smeu ot tne bops might do her good.' Please, sir, ' we a work cneap. 11 only we might sleep in the barn and have a bit of something to eat between whilesr ; "1 don't want yon to work cheap, said the squire, assuming an aspect of unwonted gruffness to cover the sympa- tnetio thrill in bis voice. "X never grudged money's worth for good, honest work. r Am for the barn, my housekeeper can pnt yon np in one of the vacant back chambers over the kitchen, and there's alwnysenough to eat at Pendexter farm." "Pendorter farmr The woman, who had been sitting on the mossy cattle trough, slowly lifted her bead here and pushed back ber worn snnbonnei. - "Where are we, Isora? Whither have we come? I knew a man named Pendex ter once, who" ' "Yes," said the squire, who bad given a little start at the first sound of that low contralto voice. "It was I, Clara Caprlvil To think that fate should have brought us together again after all these yearsl" The pale woman trugg:le4 to tier test ad clutched ' strong arm. "Let us go. Mora," said " " ws haw made a mistake. Give, tna my shawl. Quick! Letusgor But, mother, why?' soothed the girl. who scarcely as yet comprehended all this bypluy. "Dou't you hour what the gentleman snys? We can have work here and food and shelter, Mother, sit down gain) You are trembling all overt' J - I If . 1.11.... -It -t I tell you, child, you don't knowr aid Impatient Clara, possessed with a sort of wild, unreasoning terror. "We we must got" 'Clara, said the squire, he himself as suming the direction of affairs, "the child is right Let bygonos be bygones. You don t suppose I would turn you from mydoort" Clara looked into his face. "Have you forgiven me, theur said she, "Forgiven your Yes, years and years ago. Let us be friends again, Clara." For his heart ached to see how pale and wan she was how haggard were her cheeks, and how like smouldering fires the light burned in the sunken eyes. She told him all that afternoon, while nrettv Isom was strinnimr the clustered f ...... . ii. nul" ' , luo r, r " preixy anu lis utuoiuing as uvnwti, uuw her life had been an aimless wreck; how Carlo Caprivi had been no count after all, but a nameless pretender, with nei ther honesty nor money; how he had left her with the baby Isora on her hands to shift as best she might for borself, ana was killed in a gambling brawl; how she had struggled on for years constantly feeling herself less able to wage unequal warfare with the world. warfare with the world. "Clara," said the squire, when she had finished, "why didn't yon come to mer "Because I had wronged yon so deep ly," she faltered. "You might have known I would have been kind, even to Caprivi's child. Well. it doesn't matter now. Yon are here, and yon must stay here. Do yon hear me, Clura? Must! Bless my heart! on II grow strong in these country breezes, and that pale girl of yours will get color in her lace." So they staid at the Pendexter farm. and beautiful Isora Caprivi grew fairer to look npon with every passing day. "Clara, said the blunt squire one day. 'that girl of yours is prettier than ever yon were. "I know it." said Mine. Caprivi. And as she spoke the words a pang of jealousy struck sharply through her heart. Yet was It not natural enough that Squire Pendexter should take note of Isora's opening loveliness? And in her room that night Clara wrestled with her own heart and con quered it. "He will marry Isora," she told her self. "Isora is beautiful, and he is in the prime of life it is as it should be while I I am only a wreck, waiting on the shore of time for the usual billow to come and sweep me away. God bless bis noble heart! Uod bless my sweet souled girl! And God grant that they may be happy together for many, many long and happy years!" The squire came to Mine. Caprivi the next day witbratheranembarrassed face. "It is coming." thought Clara; "I know it would." 'Clara," said he, "I've a question tt ask yon." bhe held ont ber hand with a smile. "Ask it, then, freely," she said gra ciously. "Should I be making a fool of myself if, at my age, 1 were to marry?" Yon would be doing the most proper and natural thing in the world," Clara answered, still smiling, although ber heart seemed to stand still within her. "Then, by Jove. Ill risk it." said the squire jubilantly. "Clara, will you have me? Shall we begin our disjointed lives over again, my girlT Mme. Capnvl grew pale, then red. Ualloo! said Squire Pendexter, "have I spoken too abruptly? Have you" No." said Clara faintly. "But but I thought it was Isora that you loved." "Then you thonght wrong," said the squire briskly. "I have never loved any woman but yon, Clara, and I never shall." So tbey were married quietly, and the autumn of life shines softly over them as the veiled sunlight hangs its golden haze over the picked bopfaelds of Pen dexter farm. And poor Clara is content at last. True Flag. Jay Gould In Iceland. Marie Jonrean writes me that when she was traveling in Iceland she found that of all onr great countrymen the only one who seemed to be familiar to the Icelanders was Jay Gould. One of j the first questions her native guide asked her on learning that she was from Amer ica was: "You come from America. Per haps, then, yon know Jay Gould? And has he really more money than he can ever count?" Even far in the interior of the island, where the people could speak no English, they begged the guide to ask her if she really knew or had ever seen the wonderful Croesus, who to them was like some prince from the "Arabian Nights." Boston Globe. A Surprlaed Han. A Lewiston laundry clerk carried ter ror to the heart of one customer the other day a big man to whom be sent a small man's linen. When the customer tried to get into that linen he thought that he had swelled np and sent for a doctor. It crave him a good scare, bnt. litf, how be talked when he came back with it for his own! Bangcir Commer cial. Wooden Pavement In Canada. Wooden block paving is proving a con spicnous failure in Montreal. The wood. en block paving in front of the Langevin mock in uttawa baa stood well, bnt it was a most exceptionally expensive pav ing of the kind. The Montreal experi ence confirms previous indications that eur climate has little nse for ordinary wooaen paving. Uttawa Journal. Porcine Longevity In Georgia. We heard yesterday of a hog being captured In the river swamp n few days j ago mat was marked by old Uncle .lack Uurst in 1870. This would make the hog 23 years old, which is most re markable age for bog to attain. Cor Atlanta umstitution. If prayer and womanly influence are doing so much for Ood by indirect meth ods, how shall it be when that electric force is brought to bear through the but tery of the ballot box? Frances & Wil lard. The Interstate Corn Palace and Fair association has been organized at Sionx City, la., with tlOO.OOQ capital, to suc ceed the Corn Palace association. Two rdd forti-ell. Iv..r of tha mysterious will be in ir,f..l in this authentic story. Two rears airo the iMirtriiitH of President liar rlson, Mrs, Harrison and Dr, 8oott were rerirodnced in A group on gins, soveiat copies were mutle. Em-h portrait wits colored ami trmrhi'd rip lv the artist who took the group, One of those pictures .... tvtn to a near relative of the prt I . " . r. I . . MM... lint. wild VOS I I nam more, nw 'i traits were hII good llkemiwes, and she nriied them very highly. Uere Is where the mysterious part ooutes la. About three months Mow Mrs. HitninotiV denlh the colors In her picture ou tin glass comuiuucetl to fade. When sin died, only the hend was visible, nml that fulntly. Then the mime phenomenon wtwon nerved In Ur. Kcoti's portrait. U begitii to grow diuimor ttnd iliuiutcr until onl the heml remained. Dr 8cott tlietl with lu few weeks of his daughter Tilt curious rt of the mutter is Unit Prtwl dent HurrlKon's lurtniit stands out ii clear Btitl strong as It did ou the tiny It was finished. The wtlue colors were iihimI ,, n ,ulM, ,M,rtii,itH. ami there Is no ni -' --v -, " as lung Hh the oilier. -Hew l or i rowt TBI LAND tr mOMIM Ii th mlMT Wnl, th lncl that " llckie.1 with a hiw latiKh a hrveti" tha Kl Dotwln il th mluw: ih ol o( tho nsrlcultural mlnntiil While It twitsu wdh nil lint tlrmoiiu t wonlili anil nnip.rit, torn ol lit llrt unit mit t ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 poriiuni ol it Imr Iwrvo.l ol inturiii reaiwit In tin Ittllintiu by IIiom untmitoot tl by mwlli liinl ufFKitara. N" one noeitliis or dwell Inn in a nmlMriM inmllly la Ml (torn tin rourtr without lloul tier's Btoiinicli Hlllrn 1'mnfr.iili. Immci, IhU In nitlld. IHtmiliaK'UI trvUra BiJoMrttlim In malrliu rf Ion hotilij mrrv a twill ol the Hltr In III tr.lttlonl griuck. Asxlnit tho tlf rttol xHnn, mm tl or bodily ovoiwurt, iluiup mid niiwhiiUiotn food or WKtor. II In nn lnllllla ilelonw. t'on llmilun, ruumitlm, blHoii.ncj-, dyapl, t ervouiiim mid In-aoi troniiia r till ratnt- dlU by tut gauUl nitoialiva. " You're tweet noKh to eat," he cried. At wtib'h hnr hixirt lumpil raid; Pur ihe wm mlailoinirr lair. And h wm cannibal bold. Til BY SOOT II tt -MKVKIl 1HKITATK. Some people have a prejudice against plasters, because, as they think, they burn and blister. That is true of many, but not of Allcock's Poaova PiAirsa. They never irritate the akin, but always hare a aoothlnir elfoct. They are useful In case of any local pain, and aa a rut wilt oritur iitiiiietiiai rritei. If they do not, it is because th trouble bat been allowed to beoom so aerioit that no external remedy will reach it, and tha ebanoe are that any treatment will fail. tor stitches in the slda, weaknemi or lameness of Hie hack, atltfnesi of the Julnta iwwi'i Pomui fLAMTaa hare been I proved axaln and again to tie not only a ra irf. but a cure, KitiitDarrn'a Pills are safe to take at any timo. Beirr Will yon (he mo a dime lam lrr inx Uilkltia (hurrlti po.t hlui)-Soetn I, ami I'm going to be late lor dluuer ll I dou't look harp, MOWS THIS I W odor On Hundred Dollan' reward for any caaeol o.tarrb that cannot be cured by Mall i Catarrh Cure. . J. UlBNaV A CO., Tol-dn, O. We, the nnde 'sued, hara known r. 1. Clio ney for ihe laat nl een yrara, and b-llm him p.-rftet'y hnnombU hi all bumne-a traii-aeiloua and Hnani tally able toe rr out an ohlUaltou made by their Arm. WKsr A TKt: AX. Wn.iaiVe t'ruBll, Toledo, O. WALIHN'li, KlN.NA.N A MAHVI.H, Wholesale Urntats. Toledo, O. Ilall'i Catarrh cure la taken liilern-llr. aWInt; directly upou the blood and miteou aurficee ol Ihe ayntem. lellnicnlata tent Ire. I'rlos 7 ocnia per buttle. Bold by a.l drug tlala. a coiii'Lr.Tis Ktcovrnr. D. E. Comrhanour writ from Ouarli burgb, Idaho, of tha complete recovery of jira. vaiignanoiir iruni rneunistiain. one bad been troubled fur years, and had suf fered great pain, often not being aide to walk, ilapny orer his wife's relief, he tells about it aa follows: QVABrzsuaoH, Idaho,) August 20, lhUI. S. J. Stone A Co. (Calderwood's Rheumatism Cure): Gentlemen: My wife took three buttles of your Cure, winch almost cured ber. I sent for three more for ber. Hhe took one of these, and then was perfectly well. The remaining two bottles the gar to a woman woo couiu not waia, anu tney oureti nor. My wife had suffered lur four years with rbeumalbiu suuietimes so badly that she coum not walk. Yonm, 1). K. CormuHona. The price of the medicine i IS per pack age of thro bottles. For further partieu lars apply to N. J. Htobs A Co., Flood Building. San Francisco, C'al. DOCTOR'S BILLS SAVED. Mineral Pmnt.Tu'tarcncatCo-Qhio, Da. PntacB, iiuHaJo, N. v.! inar flfr-i am g14 to any that tho uan of your "(lolih-n Mtilh oal Dlaoovery " has envod inu munr dno. tors' bill, a I have for the puM eleven year, wheni-ver needed, la-eo ualng it fur the eryalp. elas and alao fortlirou. lo diarrhea, and an glad to any that It has never fulled. I have alao reoommonded It to many of my neigh bore, a It I a medicine worth rewimmenfllng. J.Sn-,Esc JOaBPH SMITH. PIERCE ss . CURE OR MONET RBTVRNCD, The " Discovery " purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood, thereby iiivliroratiiio- tha system and building up wholawme flesh when reduced by waiting diouoa a 4 r K BISHOP SCOn ACADEMY. ,, rwu-BEU 1870. bM"p,?rd For CataloKU and Full Pnrri...i... w' HILL M- D- Principal, P. DON'T BORROW TROUBLE." BUY SAPOLIO MALARIA I Trr rtnufm fnl Trv (, JJO YOU ache? lines Mnnneia ...wVn, 3Lra CLOTHING 4TllSfiTPBlCES.K- Men'g Suits at $8.50, $10.00. $12 50 150n t,9i)tv fa,"Or.rta$ldoailiTO Young : Men'g Suits, $3.00, $4.50 $5.00, $8.00, $i0 00 White Lanndned Shirts Kd nni. .-vwa wv OCIIVO ii E- A Iffifll IQ ii you can't eeo ub, write for goods. K?w7ryihli.f watWi war CMrupWttwoqa"'-.,.,,,,,, , Th aeiiMii iiwnaa mi ""-',,--,:. 'unrvliawrt dainty Iflayurins aatraii.. MimntlL lNSTITl'TH Ha been maxManr lororer Iw.W V""!1 havered aiivlal.l rvptiiat .J' Snipped w.l'l. .u SiiaaeM library and we mi t Ufitud l'l", (Mind lor olroalar. n. n v ri.maa nuHi Catarrh, Maee Of Ihe '1'htont .Kt I.uiim, ! """i and MH.nil ttaiee. f'""'" 'f,, Ibolta t'h ronle bhwenw and all 'rlvate kim. Meillolnebxniallorexpreaa. lltlidaua Mi.rtlion, Portland, Or. Kiilriliial.Ulieral.Moe.! and .lillwl ''" rr' lliMikai eud hr eatlncu. W. l"" M Alder Hreet. roriianoi "r. Vat IiumiuiMtov KollaBi ooduat. no all. Tsv OasMsa for breakfast. Both the method and result whoa Syrup of Figs It taken; it It pleasant and rereabiug to the taste, and sett pcnJjr jet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the irt tem edeetually, dispel colds, head aches and fevert and cum habitual coiiatipation. Byrup of Figt ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tne taste ana ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt ia its action mid truly beneficial in Its cflbcts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to ail and have made it the most popular remedy known. fcyrop or igs is ror tale in D0o and 1 bottle by ail leading drug gists. Any reliable drtiggut who r , Wf m . may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wish w uy it. uo not accept any euosuiuie. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. touanut. r. ttw nan, r. Uoor -aatreeable I-nttra and M RK V B TON IU, cum ij I'niiYwiiweni py aiall, aDC,U0 and 11.00 per paekaga. Bamplaa free. JJLW ilwforllieXeU4JiiiMfet. LIEU nit iiCRin c. rrt a.ibuiai aj vq Special Oactei far Qimk, Pihitt w luting tea nretne tha araaieat rami Mfv minai v aaaneaa, uaior atael.oixl an Prlvala I iaecomaa rrematuraneaa and praparaa Ihllltiea: fl trial a 4ila fiven or aent free In any on ile rlblna a, niptomt: eall ot addna ewtleary b'i i,ir marnaae nra'a nul im hi.uiim. inri ..w.k. ,r,.a,,,iaiM;a M ataana ainaa rraneiaia IciysfcAM 6AIM cures f PRICE 50CENT3, ALL 0RUCQI3T6L XXJxl J.IO U JLa33fil Gas or Gasoline A Poaltly fower. Rennln No l.leanaad tngt nr. Your Wil can Rua It. marl i in, la mula, cai. ul ftrtlui, It are uaifrm r tlttrit Spark. THE GREATEST ASTHMA MEDICAL DISCOVERT OF THE CENTUM. UK. HA K IS & HAY FEVER as SF a . WhV NUffer .h.n I I will ehar? J. .i.. -I"".'" ?." Ur. H.Vir.11 Al aas W.ltai Ml. 'lawlitUU.U. W. P. V. V. No. M2-8. F. N. TJ. No. 630 0. Drawer 17. Portland, Or. ! wry I Inrr"! . ....... - Jir , W'; " cast IT ai. wotl'iiyt 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. FKKt, BAD? iOK8 Vl IT IJ ll . tr flvervatm. euom l .1 1. , I fcW.'i- - 1' .""!" ' 1 on n'ai 9 n c iealed Rtr REMEDY. 99 "TNO MANUFAOTURHt POHTLAMO, Slocplooo Nights Make yon weak and weary, unfit for work, mcll.pnead to exertion. They show thai your nerve siiistu Is gjine and that youa.. usrvous lystesa Hood's Sarw parUl alyavesV-VtV' uret remedy I Hood's Hanwl. . rll. nintrtnei . B WffJt t tha blood. teengthana th uervua, rraale 1avVIM an aiipetlta, ami gtvea aouud, ralrealilug iMu, tletilouil a and only ll""l . Hood'aPllleo'i-illi"'"i. Wo, Portland SIXTH YEAR Will anon SeDtember 14, rreoarea for Milan tile advanced Knsllah eour. Now orenareil Iiureoeiv uoar tar as wall S For catalogue a-ldmae day aeuoiara, I'IIKTUMJ Al.'Allgiir. Ut Xleventh si real, fvrtlaad, Or. WMfJJW, rail term eonmmia m-eiemher I. last, t'.im. mernlal tourae.KhnrthandeouraeandkWo yeair' Ktigtlab ooura. Sud lor ealalogua. SCKOQL'.'OF'SKQRTHIKO asd TtritwttiTiNo orrit tt. Thornushayetemend tnalnieilnni (ood leaeh. n: low tmmei ahml lime: p-alll"ii tn eom petenw. Mall order earelnllv end nrompily aiiemled to. For farther uartieNl aeail on or Idrea Kflllll A, IIK'iW.x, 1 Hanlllnn Hullulug, I'ortlaiid, Or, Portland Susliiooi Collogt, Oaea (II th ra. Rlndant aa, sallied at any Ilea. In.u actio i Ha aa I aad aiMH., ,!.! biaaebe. aharihaad. tyMwiitla. ale. Ch,l favaaat, aad lai af pan maaahlp Mai ret. rOITUlO WISE IID 1801 WORKS, Ui Atdar treei, rortland, Or. 1 luaiHii-iiioit ft ' , , 1 1 11 . Oaa and Ofllo Raillnga, -niiiileiler, emit D'MUlil llaatela and all kludt ol Wire aud Iron Work. Mend tot ratal a. m WORKS, S. F. MlalBg Maekilaa , Wrf aa Mllla, Jtoka. ta Cmaoalrattira, Hellara. raiasi aa4 Uaaeral Maablaerg, Kallmataa alvea all alaaaea of Iraa work. Addrea R. It. MIIUKI, M. K Hatel fartiaad, rrtlaad. Or, "EJT T2 ' M.ntilaaturad by CLOoUtT A HkVkK, rurl tud, uraaoa. If E ' BE1D ,Mi-.rwiJ I La ULftU. DIAMONU aUTTKR. All kind of iewelrr mad to order end r palre.l at raaaonabl rale, konma I aud J. tt. i Waahluslon atreat. I'orllan.l. tir. GOOD OPENING for a fRT OO 1D AJ fflXmitNO HOUtR at Oawego. Oregon, Addrea N, Ik K kU-OHU, Oa. wrgu, Or. CCONO-HAND MACHINCRY. W deal aaelu.iveiy ia eona-Uii M tcwiw. a.anil hare larva aaaortramt of gpgina. Holler. KlitnH and tian a,al lluihln.f, IV. I. for iateat dnaerlntlva ..i.iimm. iiaIa at hvm A WALgKU,K.WalcrHi.or.T)lor,rH)rilaud,Or. roR LAOIKSI 100 Ilf Ottl.l wm be aald by th Kh t'hemlnal ,'o. lor any e. ot Ivma that will not vlalrf in II K J a tin ll'l in tai waaanrai JKHTIt'SANAtiVKK foaDKR. rrie!.W pr boa. For aale by all draggut. THREE PAIRS 3:5 , ... ritaaj ior aa e ni , In atampa, mailed tree together with nor Itfau lllnatral d Hon ( Irele with deaerlpilD, let. are nd tirloa ot m,n ,, ih.hu.n.1 ...iu IM. in. door and ootdnor (live your na and ! ra aomwi y , neutloa thia paper, write to SMITH'S CASH STORK, I4-41S rroal . FfaiKlrfO.Cal. Si D.r.1URAT'S?.c VmM' n trta--. kasaeiail. A r-lf ttaafcu. MimlMM TMUuat.au. Xssua. J PV ?fV freak. W.L.Dcuclag 93 SHOEno"J.hoc:. 5. CORDOVAN, VAVFlrCCeUfAIOMiyta a.upoLicr.jsout. 2.LyBoYS;cHOJiSnoEX . LADiea WL.DOUaLAS nOCKTON. MASS. Tee en a save aasaer kr wearing ike W. L. Daa.l.a a.l. OA Hkj... ..wmmwm, ere taa laereai ataaaraetareni 14 la grade of hoea la Ilia world, awl a-uaranl Uw r ralu by atamnfof th aania and arte oa tl o"M?!,J,.w.hl'' vraUttt yon aaatnet blah nr lew ai d "'"W"""'" profile, our aha enwl euiui.n "wit la etyle, eaay Sttiag and wearing aualilte. WahavetKam inu ..a, - . ?,!J?,u,.J,,"l,',,M''n,h,"n'1 Tahaaoeub. wtttla, uyourOaalaraasautauiiiilr vou. nnu. TRAVEL 7 IF SO, YOU WILL. FIND THE BIG FOUR ROUTE THE BEST LINE VESTIBULK TRAINS. KLIOANT OININO OARS. QUICK TIME. ' All for Tick! via Big Four Route. I. 0. MsCSIMICK. D. I. MARTIN. Peel, Traffle Marnier. Oen. TtM. A Tkl AU CINOIKNATf. Academy r ih you I I mi in ttfiifc tVilrl try gruaviMA. f mmaoM,