The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 16, 1894, Image 4

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    - Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
i i t'J
The Kind or a Hint He Vf
Eight little negro boy 8H Niagara
street car. Tliey had ln out to 8t.
Mary's to rehearse something or other
(they were choir boys), and they were then
on their way to St. laur. The women
In the car talked to them and asked them
all aorta of qutwtious. They all talked
willingly, except one little fellow, who
was as black as coal, and who seemed to
be the butt of the other seven. .
'So you all singr" asked one of the
"Yep," answered three of the boys at
the same time.
"Then you are regular little black
birds." "Oh, no, ma'am. Blackbirds don t do
nothln but chirp. I'm a canary-"
"An I'm a morklu bird," said another,
and each boy told what kind of a bird he
was, until the eighth oiw, the butt before
mentioned, was the only one who had said
nothing. '
"And what kind of a bird are you, my
little fellow?" asked the woman.
" "Deed, ma 'am, " he answered,"" I spec s
I nms' be a chicken. I gels it in the neck
to offun." Huffalo Express, v " .
KrvMl flml and Man.
The late Bishop Selwyn of Xew Zealand
and Melanesia was well known during his
university davs as a devotee of the noble
art of se'lf defense. He incurred a great
deal of animosity from a certain section
in New Zealand, owing to his sympathy
with the Maoris during the war. - One
day be was asked by a rough in one of the
back streets of Auckland if he was "the
bishop who backed up the Maoris." He
oeiving a reply in the affirmative, the
rough, with a "Take that, then," struck
his lordship in the face.
"Mv friend," said the bishop! "my Bi
ble teils me that if a man smitethee on one
cheek turn to him the other," and he
turned his head slightly the other way.
His assailant, slightly bewildered and
wondering what was coming next, struck
him- again. "Now," said his lordship,
'having done my duty to God, I will do
my duty to man," and taking off his coat
and hat he gave the anti-Maori cham
pion a most scientific thrashing. Home
Is more to be dreaded than an open and visible
one. That mbttle and lurking foe, which under
the generic name of malaria manifests Itself,
when it clatcnea as in iu tenacious rap. Id the
various forma of chill and fever, bilioss remit
tent, dumb acne or Sfrae eske.ean only be effect
oallv (TSarded against by fortlvlnr the system
against iu insidious attacks wi h ilosietter-i
siouiaoh Bitten, thorough antidote to the
poifon atf mi a in a la the system and a aafeirnard
against It thoroughly to be relied upon. In the
event of s malarious attack avoid poison!' c
your system with quinine, aud use Instead this
wholesome remedy, ui objectionable in taste
and far more emcartons than any drug. - I'se
the Bitten for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipa
tion, Kidney complaints ana roeumaium. ,
Though neither beautiful nor young.
The swaius on her wbo rail
Worship the groend she wa'ks apon, '
Because she owns it all. '
Fnr eiuu-hs. colds and throat disorders
"Btokh'i l,nmcliw4 Trothti" have prortd
their etiicacy b a test of many years. Hold
ttty ia fare.
A n v ntn who ever owned a balkv horse wi 1
tell vou that he found the animal exceedingly
kard to get along witn.
The man or woman who is proll :ably employed
is generally happy, it you are noi nappy, may
waWue vou have not found vour proper work.
We earnestly urge all such persons to write to
B . Johnson & Co. of Kicbmond, Vs., and
ihev can show you a work in which you can be
happily and proutaDiy empioyeu.
St- Mr. Balcleau has a very clear head, has
he uotT He t ery Clear on top.
Rise 38x48 inside bearers: table distribu
tion- hi1 anrinaw: will nrint nine-column
folio or six-column quarto; a splendid all
round cress for country office : for sale
cheap; guaranteed in order. Address
Paimb & Rsr,
Portland, Or.
CM Enamellne Stove Polish; no dust, no smell.
Tbt Geikca for breakfast.
Only Cheap
1 A
I . . .-. . .... i ... CinA HlMhlllM A 7. '11 t.
wanted In every town, Oood chance for live
men. Wrfe for particulars and catalogue -f
Typewriter Suppliea. PACIFIC TYPEWRITER
EXCHANGE, Port and, Or.
, Cround Squirrel and Cophera.
f. a. cook a CO.,
Hole-Agents, - - - Portland, Or,
Belting, Packing and Hose, Boots and
Shoes, Rubber and Oil Uotning,
Druggists' Rubber Goods,
Goodyear Rubber Co.
13 aud 75 First St., Portland, Or.
Write for catalogue rass. '
II you are
going to have
a parly, be
sure to make
the cake with
Baking Powder.
Collections uf
WE ,-
(Sherwood Hall Nursery Co.) .
: 4 7-p Sanaoint) 5t., San Francisco 'r . , V ;
11 w
And the Lawyer Who Made It Reaped
Ills steward.
A good story about a lawyer W goiug the
found. The occurrence took place so loug
ago that it Is not within the recollection of
any but the older disciples of Blackstone,
so it will pass muster even though it Is a
chestnut. ,','' 1
It seems that a tramp was Indicted for
stealing a watch, lie was arraigned and
pleaded not guilty. Having no counsel
and being without funds and a total
stranger, the court assigned his defense to
the attorney tu questiou. The tramp was
as guilty as a mau ever was, but as the at
torney was young iu practice aud desirous
of grinding off some uf bis wire edges
against the district attorney be accepted
the task and entered tipou its discharge
with all the seal at his command. He had
absolutely no defense. His client practl
eallv admitted the theft aud sat through
the "trial in an attitude of dejection and de
spair. Nothiug daunted, the young attorney rose
before t he jury to sum up his case. Provi
dence bad endowed him with a tongue cap t
ble of almost anytning. He had his ad
dress at his UiiiKiie's end, and the manner
in which he reeled it off established his
name in the community in characters as in
effaceable as the roc-k ril on old Gibraltar,
lie held the "13 uieu, tried and true," spell
bound. They gazed at htm In opeu mouthed
wonder. - Alternately they laughed and
cried, and people in the audteuce followed
their example. He pleaded the hopeless
cause of the guilty tramp me elo
quence of a Burke, and when ne naa. nn
ished the euthusiasni of the spectators
seemed to know no bouuds. It is said that
it took the jury just eight minutes to white
wash the tramp and provide him with
wings and a halo. The verdict was for ac
quittal. ,
The tramp so thorouguiy surpriseu sou
overcome with emotion that he could hard
ly sneak rose from his seat, the tears
streaming down his cheeks. There was
stillness in the courtroom. "Mister law
he exclaimed bnkeuly,jVTOU don't
r me and 1 don't know yoorl I want
to thank you. I I ain't got no money, but
but here's that watch." Utica Observer.
With the Dear Glrta.
Maud AYe must confess that Mabel Is a
very pretty girl.
Gladvs tea, very, uut ner compieiion
might be better.
Maud And her nose is just a lime too
Gladys Of course it is. Dou't you think
her hair's kind of streaky?
Maud A litt le. But I object more to her
mouth. It's a bit too wide.
Gladys Like her ears.
Maud And her eyes are such a funny
Gladys Green mixed with amber 1
Maud It's a pity she dresses like a
Gladvs-Yes. It maKes ner too so
Maud (with a sij(h)But she's a very
nrettv trirl.
lilauvs lea, a very pretty giri. muagu
A Critical Period.
Young Editor (reflectively) If I don't
publish this poem Grace has written, she
will have nothing more to ao witn me, ana
if I do publish it I shall probably lose my
position. Life.
A Sat Sign.
Wife Who was that who called
Husband One of my tenants wbo came
to pay bis rent.
"Did be pay it f"
Yes." - - - -
'Then whv do Tou look so gloomy"
"He didn't say a word about wanting $300
or IH00 worth of repairs.
"What of it?"
"That Bhows he's going to leave." Har-
risburg Patriot.
fcnbatantially the Csual Thing,
Police Magistrate What's the charge
asainst this man?
Officer Beating his wife, your honor, but
here's an affidavit from bis wife that be
didn't hurt her any,
Police Magistrate Why isn't she here to
test if V in Dersonf
Officer She doesn't like to come into
court with two black eyes and a broken
nose, your honor. Chicago Tribune.
Made to Order.
Customer (to landlady of the Lion)
I trust the eggs used for this om
let were perfectly fresh?
Landlady-Oh, yes, sir, the egg?
mate laid especially for you. Buntris
Temperance women of Norway asked the
public authorities a short time ago to make
it uniawtul fur women or gins to serve in
nuhlic houses. The request ba been granted.
and at present an alehouse keeper cannot
employ any other woman than nts wire,
- 15 Packets
Choice Flower Seeds
Either Collection
' for 50 cents '
15 Packet
.. . . Desirable Vegetable Seeds
Any Two . , ;
for 75 cents ;' , , ;;
15 Flowering Bulbs
Begonias, Tuberoses, etc.
Throngh Santa ClaraWheat
The rapidity of motion which kept
them both with heads bent forward, and
seemed to force back any utterance that
rose to their Hps, spared Rose tha obli
gation of conversation, and her compan
ion was equally reticent. But it wa
evident to her that he half suspected she
was running away from the Randolphs,
and that she wished to avoid the eui
barrassment of being overtaken even in
persuasive pursuit. It was not possible
that he knew the cause of her flight, and
yet she oould not account for his evident
desire to befriend her, nor above all for
his apparently humorous enjoyment of
the situation. t , , .
Had he taken it gravely she might
have been tempted to partly eonfide iu
him and ask his advice. Was she doing
right, after all? Ought site not to have
gUved long enough to speak her mind
to Mrs. Randolph and demand to be
sent home? No! She had not only
shrunk from repeatiug the infamous
Blander Bhe had overheard, hut she had
a terrible fear that if she had done so
Mrs. Randolph was capable of denying
it. or even charging her with being still
nnderthe influence of the earthquake
shock and of walking in her sleep. No!
She could not trust her she could trust
no one there. Had not even the major
listened to those infamous lies?, Had
she not seen that he was helpless in the
hands of this cabal in his own house
holda cabal that she herself had
thoughtlessly joined against hint.'
They -had reached the nrst siigut
ascent ' Her companion drew out ins
watch, looked at it with satisfaction and
changed the position of his hands on the
reins. Without Demg aoie to ueiect mo
difference she felt they were slackening
stieed. She tnrned inquiringly toward
him. Ho nodded his head with a half
smile aud a gesture to her to look ahead.
The spire of San Jose were already
faintly uplifting from the distant fringe
of oaks.
So soon! In half an hour she would he
there, and then! She remembered rod
deuly she had not yet determined what
to do. Should she go on at once to San
Francisco, or telegraph to her father and
await him at San Jose. In either case a
new fear of the precipitancy of her ac
tion and the inadequacy' of her reasons
had srirnnir ud in her mind. Would her
father understand her? Would he un
derrate the cause and be mortified at the
insult she had given the family of his
old friend, or, more dreadful still, wonia
he exntrsrerate her wrongs and seek a
personal quarrel with the major. He
was a man of quick temper anu naa tne
western ideas of redress, remaps even
now she was precipitating a duel be
tween them! Her cheeks grew wan
again, her bream came quicauy; teara
irathpnl in her eves. un. sne was a
dreadful irirl, she knew it! She was an
ntterlv miserable one, aud she knew
that too!
The reins were tightened, the pace
lessened aud at last fell to a walk. Con
scious of her telltale eyes and troubled
face she dared not turn to her compan
ion to ask him why, but glanced across
the fields.
'When yon first came I didn't get to
know your name, Miss Mallory, but I
reckon I know your father."
Her father! W hat made him say that?
She wanted to speak but she felt she
could not. In another moment, if he went
on, she must do something she would
crv! : ,
I reckon you u be wanting to go to
the hotel first anyway"
There! she knew it! He would keep
i! And now she had hurst into tears.
The mare was still walking slowly
the man was lazily bending over the
shafts as if nothing had occurred. Then
suddenly, illogically, and without a mo
ment's warning, the pride that had sus
tained her crumbled, and became as the
dust in the road. - She hurst out and told
him this stranger! this man she had
disliked! all and everything. How she
had felt, how she had been deceived, and
what she had overheard.
I thoneht as much," said her com
panion quietly, "anu mat s wny a sent
for your father."
You sent for my father wnen-
wbere?" said Rose in astonishment.
Vastorda.v. Ha was to come today.
and if we don't find him at the hotel it
will be because he has already started to
come here by the upper and longer road.
But you leave it to me, and don t yon
say anvthins to him of this now. If he's
at the hotel 111 say 1 drove you down w
show off the mare. Babe? If he lsn I
til leave yon there and come back here
to find him. rve got something w ten
him that will set yon all right." He
smiled erimly. lifted the reins, the mar?
started forward again, and the vehicle
and its occupants disappeared in a van
ishing dust cloud. v
"lit couldn't change your blood."
It was nearly noon when Mr. Dawson
finished rubbing down his sweating mare
in the little stable shed among the wheat
He had left Rose at the hotel, for they
fonnd that Mr. Mallory had previously
started by a circuitous route for the
wheat ranch. Ha had resumed not only
his worlcintr clothes but his working ex
pression. He was now superintending
the unloading of a wain of stores and
implements when the light carryall of
the Randolphs rolled into the field. It
contained only Mrs. Randolph and the
driver. A slight look of intelligence
passed between the latter and the near
est one VI inawii, uuiuuauiuua, iuv
ceeded, however by adnll look of stupid
vacancy on the face of all the others, in -
eluding Dawson. Mrs. Randolph noticed
it and was forewarned. Bhe reflected
that no human beings ever looked natur
ally as stupid as that and were able to
work, sue smiled sarcastically and then
began with dry distinctness and narrow-
nK lips. . .
"Miss Mitllory, a young lady visiting
us, went out for an early walk this
morning and has not returned. It is
possible she may have lost her way
among your wheat. Have you seen
anything of her?" ; .
Dawson raised his eyes from his Work
and glanced Blowly around at his com
panions as if takkig the heavy scene of
the assembly. One or two shook their
heads mechanically, and returned to
their suspended labor. He said coollyt
"Nobody here seems to."
Sho felt that they were lying. She
was only a woman against five men! she
was only a twtty .domestic tyrant. She
might have been a larger one, but she
had all the courage of that possibility.
"Maj. Randolph and my son are
away," she went on, drawing herself
erect, "But I know that tne major win
pay liberally if these men will search
the field, besides making it all right
with your employers for the loss of
time." ...
Dawson uttered a singlo word in a low
voice to the man nearest huu, who ap
parently communicated it to the others,
for the "four men stopped nnlouding and
moved away one ufter the other, even
the driver loiniua m the exodus.
Mrs. I
Rundolim smiled aartiistically; it
plain that these people with all their
wSeiKMHu'ic-oNvere quite amen-
able to pecuniary considerations. Never-
theless, as Dawson remained looking
quietly at her, she said:
"Alien 1 suppose turv n
concluded to
go and set'?. '
'o, 1 ve sent them away so tuui iiiey
couldn't hear."
"Hear what'
"What I've irot to say to yon."
She looked at him suddenly. Then
she 6aid with a disdainful glance around
her: "I see 1 am helpless here; and,
thanks to your trickery, alone. Have a
care. sir. I warn yon that you will have
to answer to Maj. Randolph for any in
I reckon vou won't tell Mnj. Ran
dolph what I have to s;iy to you, ho re
turned coolly.
Her lips . ere nearly a grayish hue,
but she said scornfully: "And why not?
Do vou know who you are talking to.'
The man came lazily rorwaru to me
rarrvall. carelessly brushed aside the
Rlnck reins, and restuw ins eioows on
the horse's hack laid his chin on his
hands as he looked up iu the woman's
9 iU-A
Yes, I know who l m talking to, ne
said coollv. "But as the major don't. I
reckon vou wou"t tell him
Stand awnv from that norse," sne
said, her whole face takiug the grayish
idnr nf her line, but her black eyes
growing smaller and brighter. "Hand
me those reins and let me pass. What
canaille are you to stop me!"
I thought to,' returned the mar.
without altering his position, "iou
don't know me. Yon never saw me be
fore. Well, I'm Jim Dawson, the nephew
sf L'Honimadieit. your old master!"
She gripped thu iron ruil of the seat as
If tu lean from it. but checked herself
anddenlv and leaned back with a set
smile on her mouth that seemed stamped
there. It was remarkable that with that
smile she fluuir awav her old affectation
of superciliousness for an older aud
ruder audacity, and that not only the
expiession bnt the typ of her face ap
peared to have changed.
I don t say, continued me man
nuietlv. "that he didn't marry you before
he died. But vou Know as wen as 1 uo
that the laws of his state didn't recog
nize the marriage of a master with his
octoroon slave. And you know as well
I do that even if he had freed you he
couldn't change yonr blood. Why, if
rd been willing to stay at Avoyelles to
be a nigger driver tike him the planta
tion of "Da Fott&geg," whose naino
ya have iaketa, would hare been left U
. If yon liad staid tliore you might
have been my property instead of yonr
owning a square man like Randolph.
You didn't think of that when you camo
here, did you'r" he added composedly.
fro n onwmnaDl
Elevated Railroad Slshta.
interesting things, a mother spanitiug
her bovi any number of people making
np beds; room after room of cheap
lodging bomses in wnicn men were
reading. 'talking, chewing to
bacco; a woman scraping tne scuiea
from a fish ; a young man kissing a
yonng woman, and presumably a young
woman kissing a yonng man; a squir
rel turning his wheel with tremendons
rapidity ; a spitz dog, a bulldog, a skye
terrier ana a parrot witn a greeu aim
yellow tail ; any number of men sitting
in their shirt sleeves and smoking at
the windows; boys blowing "spit balls
nnon the pawners lielow ; young women
waving ham .tenliiets to me engineers
and lirakemeu ; any number of unmade
beds; a little boy taking a bath; girls
and men working sewing machines; a
little chap blowing ap bubbles and
tho editor of a well known evening pa-
takinir a drink. Joe Howard in
New York Eecordor.
Italian Etiquette.
If the woman who visits Rome wishes
to follow tradition and "do ns the Ro
mans do," she will be careful never to
take on escort s arm in a Catholic
church. Indeed, the guides instruct
thoso who stroll innocently arm in arm
! iKmt f5t. Peter's looking at thepictnrcs,
-rescues and altars of that wonderful
cathedral that they are committing an
1 immmidetv.
Italians are very particular about the
etiquette of kissing the hand. A man
kisses the right hand of his mother, annt
or elderly friend and the left band of
his sweetheart. It Is not permitted him
to kiss the palm of tho hand . except in
M-eat mid ufTectumatG intimacy. It is
regarded as a token that he is very
much in love. Upon arriving at a
formal dinner n gentleman takes the
hand of his hostt and bends low over
it art if 'about to kiss it, Imt does not
do so. After dinner etiquette demands
that ho tuko lit r hand aginu and kiss It.
French dandies are now going about
with a novel scarfpin nnder their chins.
The ornament consists of a gaVly plu-
maged singing bird connected by means
of a tinv rubber pipe with a bulb in the
, ...
and wa" hi. head" a
1 "11 1
firm tne duio, ami tne
The assayer who examined the aero
lite that fell on the farm of Lawrence
FTeeman near Bath, 8. D., on the after
noon of Ana. 29. 1S92, reports that the
principal minerals it contains are gold,
ailvi-r, nickel and coUult.
I saw while riding iu a Third avenue locomotor aiasia, urimi ,. ..;.,
I saw wuiie r uii, iu dance, sciatica, nenralgia, rheu-
rievated car from he tty b"l , ta on heatladie, ttle after ef-
to Twenty-third street, among other . .,' . DaiDitation of the heart.
( allf.mila -Hi Heiuarkabie peri.
uf a Maltmad Man-Huw He Was
rruin the Kan FrniiKsvo ClmmlpUf.l
Awavup on the California coast, nu
miles north of fan rramtsco, in tne
beautllul little seaside town of Canpar,
lives a man upon whom a modern mir
acle has been wtoimlit, iiie man is
Charles L. Hubbard, well known all over
the coast for his faithfulness and integ
rity. His word iu a donen towns along
rulifnrnia'a enaHt is as itoud as a bond,
according to what leading citiiens say.
Mr. Hubbard has worked lor tne aiuimo-
no Lumber Company lor tno last inir-
teen years, lie is working ior me com
pany now as a locomotive tmfiuirn,
a more conscientious aim
man in a more trying ana eximusuve
occupat ion could hardly be loumi.
Mr. liiiimaru was iouuu.miivi mhwh.
luestioiiing, ill the caliol his locomotive.
Ilia liniwla ami face were covered Willi
mMM and nnrsnlrntion. betoken
iug his naru laoor, out ins civr, m
eves were those of a happy, honest man.
The Clonic onjan J " UjJ mtjo . thecab
.. ' Mr. '!' "
all the way from San Kranciaro to hear
the story of your sutlering anu now you
were cured.'' ....
Well, I'm alad to see you," said ai r.
Hubbard. " I've half been expecting to
see some newspaper man irom mere
about it, for my case has attracted wide
spread attention. I've naa rneumatism
that's what 111 v trouble has been for
years. I get it in this hot cab when the
cold wind and fog from the ocean blow
in here. . . '
But. to begin at the beginning, 1 must
tell vou that I have been working here
for this company for thirteen years. J
have had rheumatism all the time, and
I think I tlrst contracted it atthe Chiek
ahoininv swamp in the war of the rebell
ion. 1 ." suffered terribly with it, espe
cially of late years. hy, some nights
I went liollie a 11 doubled over and hardly
able to walk. I don't know how I kept
at work, but suppose it was because 1
had to. I sintered a great tei m
bed. Some nights I have waked up and
outside of the covers. At
such tinies I could not put it hack in
lied, but had to lilt it with the otner
hand and set it under the clothes very
slowly. Of course, I was trying every-
tnimr. 1 snent monev ior an buivo
patent meuicinos. pa.u " -" J
in Man trancisro ior treatment,
Immrlit a lot of electric belts. I paid
over ,70 for electric belts, got the moet
powerful 1 could tinu, nut tney urn nu
good, tven, sir, my wiiu s eimcr m f.
John, New Brunswick, sent us a lot of
nuruira from time to time, and nearly all
of them had remarkable stories of cures
by a medicine railed Dr. Williams' I'ink
1'ills lor rale t'eopie. rinanv my '
got at me to try some of the pills. 1 got
some, and mere was sum an improve
ment in me alter ISKing two or win
boxes that now I wouldn't think of try
ing to get along without them in the
house. My wife, too, has had much
nervous trouble, and she began to take
the pills with wonderful effect. They
proved the best ining in me worm ior
me, and my wife thinks there is nothing
like them for nervous trouble. Our faith
in them is so great that we recommend
1I1..111 In everv one. I'eoole InilKhed at
me at first anil I laughed myself, but they
turned out to bethe thing, and I wouldn't
take lots of money for the good tney
have done me. As for the neighbors, I
have purchased $15 worth of the pills
lor them, ami tney are uoing mem giw
for all sorts of ailment. I can give the
pills the stronirest recommendation, as I
tried evervthin's before without any good
effect, and these have done wonders for
Mrs. Hubbard, the wife of the engi
neer, was found in her pretty little home,
l.i. l, i f,.irlv iiiilmwtred in HowerH.
rihe was most cordial, and corroborated
all life linahnnd haul said.
The neighbors and fellow-workmen 01
Mr. Hubbard were most warm in ineir
praises of the engineer, and also con
firmed the Btory of the improvement 111
liia health.
Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills for Pale Peo-
nle contain all the elements necessary to
irive new life aud richness to tha blood
and restore shattered nerves. They are
an unfailing seeitic for such diseases as
pale and sallow complexions, and all
forms of weakness either in male or fe
male. I'ink Pills are sold by all dealers,
or will be sent post-paid on receipt of
Drice (60 cents a box or six boxes lor
$2.50) by addressing Dr. Williams' Med
icine (Jo., Bchenectatiy, i. r.
id"r..T.C. Jones, of Fulton, Ark., says of
V Auout tot years ago 1 con-
aStaaaSafO tractod a severe case of blood
poison. Leading phyMcians prescribed
medicine after medicine, which I took
without any relief. I also tried mercu
rial and potash remedies, with unsuo-
oessf al results, but which brought on an
attack of mercuri 1 rheumatism that
made my life one of agony. After suf
erinir four Tears I crave ud all remedies
lnri mmmmw,l nuinir ft B. fi. After
taking several bottles, I was entirely
nirprland able to resume work.
is the greatewt medicine for
blood poisoning to-day on
the market."
Treatiaa on Wood and flkin TMacaaM malted
baa. Bwirr Bravcifiu Co., Atlanta, tia.
creat'saving results from the use op
Smoke the Admiral Cigar
ettes and be happy.
Arte. yiui'K and KrriscTtvic.
The valuabU ourativ properties of All
coca's Poaotm Piastsm are dus to the sm-
ployment of the highest msdlosl and
chemical skill. They are purely vegetable,
and In Ingredients and method have never
been equaled! sare, quick and '',.tn
their aotloni they do not burn or blister
but soothe nd revive while tmrlng, and
oan b" worn without oaueln. Inoonvent-
"a1 other so-called porous planters are
liiiitatlone, made to sell on the reputation
aiaJ''s Pitw. the safest purgallvi
known... - '
n- lronul"wld too mr oh tm n'lfK."
.... i',,..i.. Mimt. " l tlat you wama w tiu
1 an' die I'hrUtlaiis.
8TATK or tMi. "tv or ToLsiiH,
Frank J, i:hsmkt makus oalh thai h
la Hie
ior 01 111a nrm r-...
Hour 11 to before mn and ,ibitrllK' inmy
unweiiee Ihlsolh day ol liewmuur. A. l. ie.
aKAli.1 A, . Ol.r.Asttw,
l"'"1 Vi,l,ii-u ISihlf.
,..i- u lakon Internally, and
hoik .llrwtly 011 th blood aud nmiiius surlai'O"
. ... l..m .ual I llai'lVltaalat. frttH.
, tu..,.,,.... Hiivlw.
Toll-do, 0,
fSfr- Sold by driisirlaUi 7oeeiila.
.. r....h. v.t Mitiir. new. that will
develop from 10 to 16-hore power! oan ne
. . m.v. ... , - , -
had at a laonuoe oj a'a ,
Portland, Or.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoynieut when
rightly used. 1 he many, who live wv
Ur than others anu enjoy uiv mmv mju
'wi expenditure, by more promptly
idiipting the world's brat pro uct to
the needs of phyaical being, will attest
1, vnlnfl tu health of the pure liquid
,iuiiv nrineiiileN embraced in tlie
Iv Kvrun of Kins.
Ita excellence is due to lis prtwntliig
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant t tha (jute, the ref resiling and truly
beneficial proertics ol a wriect ia-
ative ; effectunlly cleansing tne syniem,
diHia-lling cold headache and fevers
and iicrmanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to million and
with tin. atinrovul of tin- mt'dit-ai
profession, because it acU on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without wenk
eiiing them and It U perfectly f ree from
avurv iiliiiwtlnnnbln stibntanre.
Syrup of Fie is for sale by all drug
gists in OOc and $1 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
al the mime. Hyrup of r ig,
and himr well informed, you wilt Uot
it any substitute It ollcreil
means strength to with
stand chronic iillments,
coughs, colds and disoaso.
Sound flesh Is essential to
the Cream of Cod-llvor Oil,
enriches the blood, builds
up flesh and fortifies the
system against sickness and
chronic ailments. J'tiysieians,
the world over, endorss It,
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
Frapaiad lr Scull t Hewm, K, V. All nniwitla,
Free by Mai
uu receipt of O Dolus
A Whole Garden
Lt us ail T" lllustr twl C.ta'umir m Irli
willirll vouallalaHitlt. onwl s1 and flan
(Jo. iHhrwoMl nail .Iu j ('.,; 'an am
sir. fit, Haa rraucmo. Mia tea ntwis a siwciaiix.
ITCmirO ntvm known tf moittH
Ilk pr v 1 rmll ail . muso mmm 1 "
whn warm. BU Mrn n u
iaJUinnti or kxornvviv fu
i3 (J whlt-ft matm dinetlr en part affMrud,
' - aiiiaTrainiaun.iiiiniMmu.inmnti
ptmaairQt axir. frit MM. ZraMlftg
r ml. aur. jbwo, riioMiaiie rm
mitt's 11111M1.U11 u ctTnwp
VataaUavaliavanrlata. S Caate a tlMIS.
send fnr our ( atalomia of
Bust makes, Uiw brltwi. toury pay
mrnim. auareas w v, ssiiaicil
Hlpon, Calllornla.
No. 6311-W. F. N, TJ. No. 613
OIL Perfect Cure of
Cblckcni are eaalljr and mcetsMfull)
rahwd braatiK tht Petaluma In
Cuba tore and Brooders. Our 11
ustraUid cataliriniu ti:li all shout It
aoitlur iitirLi
t o., dolus l.uHia lu Ihe c ty el To mio, , eou
tv and Stilv loitwuhl, and that unlit .ll"""1"
p. f IbJ "!im ul O.VK I'lllNI.KKU 1'Ol.l.AUH l'-r
eat'h and t'vi-ry e el oalntrli thai eannot
d"bylhe.ot UsLL'jOAtsijaH mjs.
, N. O
Don't buy any bnt tha Pvtaluma If yon want strati, vlKnrous ehlrtks
We are Pacific t:oaat Heanmiartera for Bone and clnrariiiitiAra. Hub
era, ilooloi, CaponlsiiiR Tools, Funiitaliia, KkHHl'i Houp Cure, Morris
Poultry Cure, 0,-eoaoaone the great chli-keii-llc killer Slid evorr other
article reqiilrea by poultry raisers. See the msnhlnna In operation al
oureihlbll with the Norwalk Ostrich Kajin. Midwinter Fair, batching
ostrlchoa and all kinds nf enra. Catalogue free; If ynu want It. writ
toua. petaIuma imoubatqr 00..
7fii-7t-754-?M MaTn strMt, FMlunuV'cal. .
The Admiral Cigarettes ar
tha best. '
Heart Palpitation,
Indigestion, Impure mooa
euro ci Dy nwu .
I. Hood A t'o., l.owoll, Maa.i ,,
1 ...... n,. Hiiiliia Mm winter nlld aiirlllg I
have nso 1 a dmeii I mtli sof Ibaid's Karsaiiaillls
11 n family, ana 1 au iiiou- ;
iH'i'ti imsily ornemted hy II. , Kor yvars I li 11
Ikiu " nmliUd with, aevuiiifaultd
by synnth.lH' he rl trouble, and Hood's H"-
hate also K V.MI It to the t'hllilrvii for "V.ur?f
bliHtl and rliigwiirins Willi vary simmi resiins.
1), W. HHHK'aa, I II asail 11 nu v." n-....
W? . If you ili Lie to lake HikkI's Harsafa-
rl la do not be InUiicnl to take aurollii r.
" Hood's) Pnia'enro
jBllllil.r. I llil'lliisiiiiii, Q" " "
fta fUai Ml akasM t easifll (Ml mhmMI m mHi
Wtlll Mif UM (aMaal tllHra M W WWW raw.
rhl RtMhsMit wf M tWlC
n tfiM
af AgrWtt ! WtlMt U Hi
hWltwBtol tkt WW BkbeMt,
tMit4 4wm to -'Miw
Matrvtlk ftrwM ItV Mlley(
hMk tt Mt f
tUa HvnasM llMMbr, lh
IfVMif MWatMI.Uljs) Ml list
"St. It WM, 4 W
IM, ll fa4 rwttrlttt
H'mk ttfl MlilMaW rai4
aM aM arttws fw iur ms
k,t W Cm 't ! tl
twwlt lrialilaH
trm M4 a. ! tMtlbtt
ad rr WI nf IMtr
a l mM'
Iw mm nel4 t4 H w iti
att ftiael tffxiMltsI tej
,wh Ma an-l i"at
ImWIsI r.'t4
a iMMlHfl stM kat.
A f'aM Many
tat If M1 P-
IMs M, IM Witt
aaasaiBM- ea.
mt aflaf 4aii,W.
y, " t. h tf.4
. a ..17 tmmmm h,
ULL m wa. M.
1 1 ld) M lfM
skaM Mill
t4 im a R wit t4 m
Listen? ( Iktf i k. 1itH,
awin-4 U'Ati fwt lb krit
kk. IU Ut.a
Ieakr4 tttataM lW A4
I tanker U 4 mt lb .
IktaMtfh Ikraw MM l4
iMkayf !( I Pa 1
Itsruvfk Ik rosf m4
ara4 4w In lis
kwkn to "taw . M
fcw ywWfi Ik I1' t
law) Aet Hsut-sf Cm Ji4 1
pj italstM. mt -
tbal war ! 4
il MkilHiura wusjhl
tti tali
al h w4 to ftiniw
rk fa4 4 h tt I
kaf Ikay wt bbcn
ty fcWt-4 to It t
tkaw IM eW4wt W k
to iMwrf IM (.
IHWIMi trw ivt mu
art Ik rts-af U tka .-,
aalkv MMI wrtfkt
f Ik luWelf iM.
lot IU raCtevl WW. B
thMlbey W.'Ulhal4
lu ll fejaw Ha lb
aaawl ara4 MiImwUsM
Wrtl4 IkfuHMfk Ik
to Um -s . Tfc-a
bw kteh Mini
titan Arsut.f ntt g
hi Halbas Mat eateirt
Wevttlal n4 rt sa well
h k f m m l ht
kMall III. lk II n
AlaVtu Wojj4 4
aa kannra, in iia,
U wkl lr
twuSRi W k Iu,i4.
I ft wtN
U M . Ih MtU
IM ftsti teM mill
Ma to mm avaareWJ ty
MM vit iwt uff.
rwnw smh4W IK
TkaaKafi in tin- Tt-arr
ii ! ff fmhm
Mat, aU4 U IMT U
I euit"'( hf to
la 4.1.4 '
ITA.sWa at
ItlkltMl MHhlxUr
Ns-w Mik
tku(a iwfal4 hf
rt Ar
wtmmf wmttm p-
ptmm yiffinl
Ik third ftrltvrtiewwatfil Hi tklstwrtoi Will kwllaH fir
nla Vw Mt4 Yftm, 1 far n4 torren' ll I
rtpmi r4 .llb r4VH ItoeVty UtwAm, mm nma Willi
y mi tot iwarr thin wllitary Imibi tit to bnir
ww. rrMMWMI k five rWU a-4t
topto f Ikh a1rlkwfiU ikkrk I im. t U Ik tMto i if
aut lmnw4ttt 1t f k ttHf in hta maf mt Ik tow
mil , ll Utiiunlf mmm wtt taftarniakaal Mny ntt p
ton. Tot (kaawlr t -l t aw iMtghlMeiiig WriUrfl
tolht W!-f , "t Ili4it i4haMtoHlirik,toi W lll 4
B4 'ft lit ayirafi ittm vnife tapt rwi f
m Mieii maH4 1
MtiUraatoa?fttortkn HUM rt4 sl4ra
mm Wal to ,i
W-titar wuh lhadat Ih wt trm tKh Itof
Our rnratiA ruua fef to utoti(tU4 1 tin, feitt
K, n. i.HWaato),
WWr can, w ahilt nU Hi hr vpl wmpm
C ttMH 4vaHlMrwtHM in tMlt f'T'natil f -f WtwIwtlU. If
kava anr tbmttU mt unj wito-mll VUto wrt f-
mw, alatifif wtial ytnwi n-wt, wtoihar fnnittlf UrM,
M4 i( pmiUm.M nk .m lttotl wtf-
Th arfi.oi'f (. fi"'lWM, IM-''-'- eJiVw. rH. 1
rtHZM tr Ut toal mmtrt f ifciwih, r
t m farwr wr mr l wti. t,.ll, ...iift l. (
MMOI IJI 1 1 B 49 mTt1H I" f .4Hiw
mhiwmii.41 m I sm'ttnla aiwl imn t privr Mtid ! l-r
iMtifartUlli Aarm.rfwr (V, (tlr mt its ,rmU KM
rMla, Kinw lilt, UtiM-ln. " , rm Citj, lw.
n,4.a, B.H .(., r U lfli H"W Tk rut. Wm-';-
Cmmmimtum. 4liVat4 f i'N ri J I -hi l4 tiBtw4t1
Mf He, anrteW, M irw I'awwoiiini.
8-f. 2B, 2-ft..od.
-ft. Biae
a movanaat ef tha bowala each day la aa.isa.arr far
kaaltb. TIms pill, supply H die ajratam laeka
Bake It regular. Tnay oura Haadadha, bnaHtaa ina
raa and ilw lha (JompUiloa Mlat m'ZZ
mpum. Th.. aot mliaiy, .Hh grlpa Bjs "J
other Bills do. To aonla.e o ' 'hJ'r'Vl
will mail aaatplra frae, or a full boa for ". SW1
wvwlure, auaaaM Med. da. fbUaoalpiua.
w v.. nminr.Aa a.1 HIIOB
equals ruhtoin woik, coonir fwa
.mo inr it" ,"-".-7
N.iiiia and po
a Ixiiiom. Hvfry
d, 'I'uUe ao uhi
aal papL-ra fur
iiaof our enmplai
ir ludirt ai.jl gr;
rn or wnd sir
llrntid Camlet
ejlving 10
howloor., I'iMiarra free. Y"U f un Kt the b.
bargains of dealers who push our ahocu.
wa- a a nieureat tiuret-j
f.OatiTh,Dmfnia,()ilrla,Horr.Thrriar,,.. Ihruliuhu. l-t-llil. lilfki'UlllK ff nRUi
i,i.iina,norn i nnim, a aF- '.a
Ilrrall, Ui..Mr,a tlia Vol.-. SaaM or K'SIATUf
amen, eio. ri u ui oriika," '.' I
nail t. KKVUII V A l'lIil..!
U4 17ia at., liriwaiyu. n. a.
Alf. O. If. Bridal
(( Heart.
W Ihl" r. ami aiaka iip for hi lmPl
V,rt' aalturlMltt
V lv res nialiy vaiuaiile liliita S I
alajiii whalMifaaw anil Hewtey .
rauwii, iirotitainaittloriiia-
k.tki lW til rnim !! Xv6t M
kXenar. Krea mto.Jf
. 0. M. Ftrrv Cayy
kPatrelt, .,.
a t a
-f I A
A 1 l
I 1 A
-a a. a awi rwwa
im mt V 1 11 r
i l aslii-jwjJL
' 4 Io0ir0ftll OUTHI at world's rin. WT
"-aam .
frnEIX .Uniied on I
Viaaaki 'tj'SMOul' 1 " il''
Zi Bast Uunicb Syrun. Tau.s Uund. U f 1
I tl Iri tima. Hoiu hr i1nuirlrn Kr