The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, November 24, 1893, Image 1

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Tbo Official and Other News
' " . ' or-
Columbia : County.
Official Paper
Columbia : County.
iki i:vi:ii titiUA v ffioimsju
DAVI3 I3H03., Manasoru
ttiibrlll lluto.
One H!"ft mil) your In HiltHina., , II M
On iHipy al.x niuiitliii , 56
klUKlv 6
Ad vrllMi( Itule.
I'mfoliiuiil card mis year IJ
(luci'iibliiill uiui yum., , I'M
Hill cliium "ii" car , ;
tpim-ivr column une our Kuii 40
Ono Imli iimo inoiit li ;. a
I nt-li Unco muni Ii. 0
IIIHJ llll'll U lillilllll ,
Loral untlie, Iftrunl. per Hup tor Hint 1 11 -tr-tlim;
lutoni. im lino tor um-li tiljiniioul Ill
ton inn.
I.dkiiI iuli'rll.iiiiili., l Ml per liii'li tor lirm
lu-oriloti, Mii'l 7l eonl. Hir liiuii fur eiicli kiiIm
ruilul Olfirrra,
Jinlui' , Ili mi IIIriii'Iir'iI, Haliilur
( I. r. - K K "ilea, M . Il.'ku., . A. to.. , Hi, II. I-
Troanr r K. M. Whauon, riilinin In I'lty
B 1,1. I ik llool. I. J. I'li'l'h li, Vatlioln
A..... II. K)n. r, llalin.r
Surveyor. A it. l.iiilc. It uli'r
CiiiiiiH l mi r.
ii. n no .iiuycr, vmiiiiiiii
il. V, llitriif . Maysvr.
Nui'M'lf fIlll'.
M luiNii ,-Hl Itulvu l-ott, Nn. M-ltnKHlnr
roitiottlllliMlioil. tirl lill-l illlnl Hntilolay III
vrti'll mm hi I II hi 7 '1KI c. M. HI M uiMiiiIti IihII. Vl.ll
llU iiiuiiiImm. III g.anl IHlillhn liltllail to Hi
tilll'l. M i Nil!. - lUllllor l.i.'luu. fin 4I-Hlnti
ltlt'lll(. ftflllinllt) IMI lr I'Wli'lU IMU'll lull IIIOOll
at i'H iv H ill Ma-tilc liull, oivr Miitiii'htir'r.
I.iic. l.itiu tuvHilicr In goml lniitlliif lii-
VIK'tl tUtllttmtl,
(lull K 11,1. iw - Wl Illlll'tH IfVlfU Nn. 117
Meeu murv Malnlilut' lliulil ill 7 0 I inii.U'iil
brotinoit lit yn-ai iiiiilliitf 1'iinlUH) lutlitullti
'Ilt Mull.
iiirn ilvnr (Ihmi) rime, hi iio a, M.
t i I ii.,m i ii . hi ii' n.
1 In-i,ill nn I criMii.l Mini I'liulmm iv
hi. Il. ioii. i.ii'lii, M vdiivadar mii, I Friday ni
A M.
Tliu mull lor Miir-'iilililit. rliiUltHliiti Hll'l Mlt
Ittiive 1(1111111 M'iikIii), Ualiilny mid fililuy
I i.' u
l.ilUinilliviiy) hiirlh I'lux ft III A. M.i lur
1'i.ri l,iu, .i ii r.
IVuviilrra' litil)-lllrr lllr.
i"i.i".r i .1 v:,r-i.: ",..r;.i;.-.
H.uni.iit) i viiic i. itvieii. Ir i ini.kiniiK '
M...I.M,-. W,.,l..) mi.l ' '' '
Mikmi(Ii liiI.H -l eite. M. Iloleii. fur I url-
Imiil T:.ft . . uluriiiiiK i:ir. m.
Hrn.nKi, ;,.i ii Km.i,, Ilotmi.
fir I'.. ill, in, I luilt ni)rt Hiiiiiluy. nil. M., nr
rlv Ilium I'.iiil.iii-l m I "': riiiiriilim. Imie
I'linlnuv m I r u,. mrlrliiii nl Ht. IIvIdikhI I.
jyt. it it. ci.ti'K,
HI. Helen, Oregon.
Clat-kiinle, CiiIiiiiiIiIii rmuiity. Or.
n. t.irri.K,
Ht. Hi li'im. OreKini.
V .nnty mnvevnr. I.niiii .iirvi',viii(fttwn
plnitiiM, ami liiKlmeriiiK wmk pruniitly
ih, Hi'.
For Informttlmi n4 friw llandbooj wnw to
(IMnmbunuu Kir iKicurliiu patanU In Amiirlo.
Kran iwtniil a!in out by m Is brnyslii Mnn
tbo puulia tif a uotloa givuo Iran ot otir lu Ui
UnrMt drr nl.umi of uny Mlontlllo Pftpm In the
i.T.r V,,i.ii,iir luatnuiu. No iiit.lliit.iit
una srtouiu u. t.h . .
nr. a:t.iin k
I'uuLmuxiu, Ulil Uronlw.r.M.w
The Overland Route.
Two train dallv, leav
Inu Klnli and I inrarit,
(iiaiiil Cviilrnl Depul.
Ko. a, "The t.lnillfd
Punt Mali," IchvIiik at
1-! i. u . i..rrlu. Vtiall-
i.uiv I'liliniaii ramea
liiuil! Vlr. ihriuigh
irmii rnrtiniiil iii Chi-
OOJij" engii.vliiCiiiiiifilllliiifi,
lUl HMll 11. I HI" ivumii.i
Smi'lni I'TiHVeUoo. VoV Jjayt'rom:
cmy, Mimi'iiiviiiiilCii'iirirAU'ii". . I
No a " (iierinnil Klyor," learlng t :
cur, i... I'iiIIiiiiii. j;'1'" "l"' 'lZlu ,fiZZ"
Uavmwiian;.. '';'SAV,ur "U'i.
J"1,';' "Wi'l,: &"bta:" V'.$
OrxwViVr:....".lV . ......W W.M
Tho 'oiiiiaiiy ioatvm Hi rit eliii
'e'.m'n an!) anu A'toitlA nol'TK-Morn-
In U I Mint U'lU't'S rnniBiiu urMi.i , --".
torhi i In' inoniliw iiim ku mini i "'t1" l"
C.M-C.ibli nnlii K-t.cave Ajh itreot at 0 a h.
dally, vxi-uiii HiimiHy t reiii" '".". 'V'"
villeiil l'.':""!''. " iV..;!-? I- i . vniviiKni,iw
hv, WciliioHlny, Friday, 7 A. " m . . . .
Ocean ateanicis K'uvo trotn Ulcam.lilp wliart
fl n u
at Br,
A'. I. OTIIKIl Btcamora m -..-....
. i . Al...ln.A.
4 8olontlflo American
at 7 a m : roiiir iM.H, :. ,i,,r.. , to tne wora mat, iney mriunn. ai incv
p rp,R,,,e' r; ftre nr
tni itlavwA.ti'ria dallv, except Hiuulay. t not onlv in wntres hut are Riven a rank
u. 'Tho nu.rii1niT t.ont tmiii J""'''""" which insures their speedy employment
Iffii'ruiVi'.daW.' " hV .hi'iii";..' ."to on other vessels. Generally sneakinp.
w ! Xv. and Kriday. Kmni A.- Bnairs have run smoothly, but there are
0CJr- T.cvot oltlce-Wl, W. h Ing on itraet, ,
wruar Third. jaVaj raiiiiiwr Agent.
V. fofUn4,0r.
Strengthening a Levee Too
Hard Work for Tramps.
California Justice Lay Aside III
Dignity and Threshes, a Bab
ligcrcnt Prisoner.
flucmmptito oflldali are driving out
Hi" lilMinilw.
Armor jilti fur the Mnnnilnork lire
wrivuig Hi mo Mart? Jnlitml nnvy yard.
The firfnt Nurllii-rn nillroail In wiMir
hir gitiuiid (ur a depot and yard at Tu-
The Conros mine near rrcmxitt. A.
T., whli'li linn Inin idle for two vi-nrii. ia
li-ii'K ininped out, and work will t0un
be rucniiMMl.
Frank Lnttrvll, on of the late Hon.
John K. I.imri-11, United Mutm rpcciul
airmil (or Alak, haa been ajipuinted to
Hirwrd hi" fullicr.
At IVatt'lln, MrIio, an pdict Iim pone
forth llmt luMiiTfiii lli nomnrrieil wmiimi
or nmnnrrii'd itinn nlmll lw employed in
tho puhlin cliuuli a a ti-ai lii'r.
The rrfiirnntion of Ilomre W, Hying
ton, Collector of Internal ItfveniiH (or
the. Haeramento dintriitt ol Ciilifnmia,
liHD lut-n attvpted liy Serrelury Carlile. IC. Hill of Od n. Utnh. lias
Iwen nenleni'iil to ten veHre' iiiiprlwin
inent for cnihexxlintr f r(1.0"K of the (iiniln
of I ho Conunurviul Nalional Bdnk of
Tho AMnnn nre ffVrg wy to
FHiiop ilmtn iiHin th Or'von Hoard of
Kiimlirnlion. Iheeinlier 20 In the dute
Ktirllnu of Doiiulaj toiinly ml for the
at tuck.
A lonunnd iitnriny wintpr I. predicted
hv the K. la inn 1 1 1 Iiiiinnn of Ori'irnn.
Tliev liao their pmiihi'i'v on the more
liientH of the wild fowl and other Iiko
Ixinin Mahler, n prisoner nt Panta
Cinx. attsivkwl JtiHtieo "(Hirliill on the
lK'tirli in hid loni t. The Jnntire then
tlnvw iviile liix dimiity and auvvruly
uinmeliil i i h iimiiilnnt.
Tliomnn Criine, the IMrnn millionaire
lianler. i ft veiv pii'k limn. Hi. nhvui-
rlumi have advinl lii irniit roninval
to c, m r. o,,... u,. diH..ov-
ever of the fimioiiB Dniiiiltiinnion mine.
pontine cl.titnfi to tho an.onnt o(
. f , , . . , Viclorin H
tw.tiw line iiecn iiiin ai wcioria, .
"d fnrwnnUil to tho Dominion ftiiv
einment at Oiwwa fr mniiH-nfiitkin for
c xc:qhi'xi trom Uelirtug bra iturnig arlji
trati'JO. Er.nerU datm to htT drond a rhorV
raw at otrr H.OKi,(Xi0 in the raloe of the
water p'.Mit reeectjy pun-limud bv the
eiti of Taeoiua ii'e C. H. Wriebt o(
J'h'lliidi'lphiii for fl,7ft(,tK)0. V.rjt
plare tliti value of the jdnnt at f;0,(XK)
Fii Utu devntatel nlxmt 8.000 aere
of pasture and timber land on the Fante
Maiv'"t 'ta ranch near Cur int intio. Or
aniro eonntv. Cat. The raneh ie owneil
by K. O'Neill and the. Nevada Bank ol
fan D. Uaivia'a lure bee
ranrh wan dentroyed.
A Iin Anirele. dispatch eay the South
ern California Railniid Coinpniiy ollered
a niinilirro( trainpo work (nr a week or
ten day at nl remit heniiiK a levee to pro
ti't lia tr.iek, pniinininn f 1 75 a imv.
S tne of tlietn worked a few hour:
oilier, a day, but ail quit at the end of
the second day.
Three Indietmpnt. have been found nt
rrewiitt, A. T.. Kai"t K. W. French,
the deposed Pnibatc .Indiro and County
KrhiHil Superintendent one for emle-H-flemciit,
one for fonrery and one (or
nii'liiiiir a warrant knowlnit it to lie
f i- hi-I ti Ifii r . French Im Iwen in J.iil
eim e hi arret in SeptemlHT.
The New York ller.ild ay: Major
If. A. ltiirllettMind Cnptnin" Coehrane,
murine oflhi r who have been Itavinar a
itiinikev and a parrot time at Mn ImI
and. Cat., over a rpiealion f nulhoritv,
will prohablv both lie iletaebeil on a ro
eult of an invetitatiin made mime time
npo by a naval roitrt ot Inoniry.
I lie sioneiumne Kiver nianinacinrinir
Company haa petitioned, the Board of
Biin,i!ttii. fit. m,ii(ii.ainn In fldnt Imp.
h,w" t,ie Mokcsl.iuiiip river, thecompany
j to clean out, mat river n mac lonifinn
j mav be made po.nilile. The upper forks
' of the Mokrlitmne river pn tlirouirhan
j extenive n-iiion of lino timber land rich
in ii(tnr pine.
Secretary of the Navy Herbert hns or-dei-ed
I lie removal of the following offl
cinln of Vatlejn for o(Tenive partian
abip: A. !. If atheway. chief clerk ateain
en(fineerinr dep'irtment, $1,400 a year;
' A. Iliirnnp, chief chemNt, $1,400 a vearj
C. FoKter. dork. n.OflO a vear. The.e
placp will tie tilled i follow.: A. 0.
ltradv. Oakland, chief clerk: D. MeUin-
lev. Oakland, clicmiat; D. Murphy, VaU
leio, clerk.
.1. I.e Carroll, on of ex-Governor
Carroll of Maryland, i a noted hunter,
lie i at Tacoma on hi way to India to
linn! litriir. Ami elfn1innt.. IMundiiv Mr.
limit tiuer ami elepliant.
rured jnides anil etnrled for the Ca-cade
Monnt.iin.on n foat-hnntinir nxnedition.
Tne.dav the trnldea nnarreled between
v" riurn. vnt vw, nin- mr- i nun
imiiHPfl to the hftrliarnua pppiu'H onnctert
bv the Buidc, determined to return to
1,,''!im2; , rt ,,- ,a
The Ship Owners' Association of San
Francisco haa commenced a new deal in
' "IPP'" ' '",', f,,r
po., nn,l from present, appearance it is
likely that confi.lorahle benefit will re-
Wilt not. alone to sailors, but to owners
of ves.els. Briefly reviewed, the plan
plf jn operation ii to secure for coasting
esels the very best sailors that can be
tmirmivu. i " u"-n f w
a few captains who desire to tie free from
all places and whenever they see lit.
q.(.v grP ju (B ijnuritv, however, and
i i. evident that thev will have to loin
ah. .;,, rilv l.forB Inn. From the. roc.
I .
or,! book it is learned that there are np
lilicBlioiis from over 1.000 sailor, all of
...l...,., filiiv.iwl limll.!. I 111. llMllll I 111.. Ol
.inm ii.irr.,,
vct'v coon ana pooo. jucu inw ov no
ftd ,,, BMOcialiou hM
made remarkable headway.
Tlie Presitlent baa appointed D. M.
Kl)mtrick of Ixnimlana as Assistant
I reaaurer of the United States at New
Orleans In place of Andrew Hero, Jr.
Tho Commissioner of the general land
office has ordered Inspector Carmichaul
to investigate tho appraisemonut of lots
In the townsite of Port Angeles, Wash.
Many occupants have protected that the
appraisement Is unequal. -
Commissioner Lamoreaux of the gen
eral land office has decided in favor of
the Great Falls Water Power and Town
site Company the case which involved
the whole town of Great Falls, Mont.
The deui-ion Is that tho townsite com
pany is an innocent purchaser and under
the act of March 3, 18111, could not be
diottirbed in its ponsession of the prop
Lietilenant-Colonel Charles It. Groon
leaf. Deputy Hurgcon of the United
Slates army, haa been relieved from duly
ill the War Department and ordered to
assume charge of the medical supply de
partment in San Francisco, relieving
Lieiitennnt-Colonol Joseph P. Wright,
Deputy Surgeon-General, who will as
sume charge of the medical supply de
partment iu St. Louis.
The annual reportof Tillman, Register
of the Treasury, shows that in October,
ltitii, the value of regt-itered bonds which
were supposed to be held by persons of
foreign nationality amounted to about
$18 800.000, of which onlv $4.8'10,3iK) ap.
peared upon the foreign ledgers. " It is
evident," says the report, " that a largo
proportion of tho registered bond-i owned
nhroa,) are controlled by agents residing
In this country."
There is much complaint among ex
hibitors over the delay in awarding
World's Fair medals. As many of tho
exhibitors expect to make the most of
their medals in nn advertising w.iy. tliev
complain that the great delay will rob
t hem of much ot the comm Trial advan
tage which they expected to ran in re
turn for the heavv exp'iiso involved ia
making t;ie World's Fair exhibit. The
il. sign hv St. Gandens for ndi iul moduls
is here, but tln com nets for m inu'u 't
uritig the medals has not yet lieen aw ir I
p.l.and it is still even uiiceriain whmher
the work may not be done bv the United
States mint. The plan of the Treasury
ofllcials contemplates medals of elegant
workmanship that would require fo iror
five m inllis. as it would necessitate
stamping some of them 400 or 500 times.
and it d ies not a win protubbi the mi' k
will be completed before next smmnT
The blame islaid to the Committee of
Awards or to Designer K. Gauilens for
not furnishing the designs earlier.
Secretary Carlislo has received from
the Commissioner of Immigration at
San Franciacoa report, accompanied by
sworn testimony, about the landing in
San Francisco of twelve Uimian con
victs, who escaped from conlinenieut mi I
were picked up bv passina vessels an I
brought to this country. The men are
now under arrest in Sin FranciBco, and
the question that complicates the eim-i-tion
is what to do with them. While the
greatest secrecy is maintained at the de
partment about the contents of the offi
cial report, it is believed five Russians
were nolitical prisoners, in which cine it
is saiil our immigration laws do not in
terfere to debar them from landing. At
the aame time the Russian Minister,
Prince Cantacuzeue, haa interested him.
S 'lf in having them turned over to the
Russian authorities. The matter has
assumed such an important phase tint
Secretary Carlisle has taken It into his
own lunula and will confer with Secre
tary Greshaiu on the fate of the Rus
sians. Stunner I. Kimball, general superin
tendent of the life-saving service, in his
annual report to Secretary Carlisle states
that at the close of the last li-cal year
the ostablialiment embraced 214 stations.
The number of disasters to documented
vessels within the Held of the operations
of the service during the year was 427.
There were on board these "vessels 3.S03
njrsons, of whom twenty-three were lot.
I'he estimated valni of the vessels in
cluded in the disasters was $0 414,075,
and that ot their iwi ,08HK;. Of
this amount $6,4 12 605 was s.ived and
$1,055,570 lost. The number of vessels
totally lost was eight. The cost of the
maintenance of the servii-e during the
year was $1 2 ll,8;):).45. The general su
per in ten, lent states that the1 fvars ex
pre"ed in former reports of a threatened
decadence of the service, excited bv the
frequent resignations of many of the
liest sin fmen on account of the" meager
nes of their pay, have been dispelled
by the recent increase granted by Con
gress. ITiram Hitchcock, President of the
Maritime Canal Coin pan v of Nirar.wua,
has submitted to the Secretary of the
Interior tho annual reportof tho com-
fiany, which was not due until Decern
i t I, hut sent it nt the request of the
So'Tetary, who desire 1' to nsi some of
the data in his annual report. President
Hitchcock save that since the nppiint
immt of a receiver for the Canal Con
struction Company littlo work has been
done. The Secretary was referred to the
last report as to the present condition of
work. Since organization $l,0V8ll has
been paid into the treasure, nil fur stock
".'scribed for at par except (4-871,
which came from other sources. There
was pii'l out forcoiisiriictinnandadiiiin
is'rarion expenses 8 10,788 in cash and
31.009 shares of stock, par value, which
are worth $'t,10HO0. The company is
obligated for $0.355.0 )0 of its tlrst.-mort-gige
bon is. It has issued 181 OWshareS'
of stock, par value $18,000,000. in pay
ment of concessionary riahts, privileges,
franchises and other property.
The vindication of Captain John
B I'irke of the Thir l Cavalry, author and
soldier, on the charge preferred against
him for his conduct in the Gansa cam
paign on the Mexican border has been
completed by an order just issuud by the
War Department, directing Captain
B mrke to Join his regiment in Tex ts.
C iptain Bmrke Is now on duty at the
World's Fair, and the department has
lost no time since the exposition rlofl.d
In showing its appreciation of his valua
ble services by sending him back where
he can do the most gran I. It was charged
against Captain Botirke that he had
acted in a high-handed and arbitrary
manner in throwing innocent citizens in
j ii! during the triuhle with Uar.a. The
mvtterwNS d scnssd In Congress and
considered bv the War DepirtniHtit. No
action wan taken on the charges, but the
United Stat-s Court at S.m Antonio
gave practical exoneration to the Cap
tain bv its judgment in the cuses of
prisiners brought before it for violation
of the neutrality. Captain Uonrke has
a splendid record as an Indian lighter,
and was recently awardud a modal of
honor for gallant ondiMt.
A White Man Lynched for
Assaulting a Negress.
Services In Commemoration of tho
Anniversary of the Death of
Chicago's Anarchists.
Ohio natural-gas companies have
formed a combine.
The associated banks of New York
have $90,000,000 in gold..
A short cotton crop and dry weather
re reported from Texas.
The Republicans of St. Louis carried
the School Bjard election.
Baltimore trolley cars must be pro
vided with a life-saving fender.
Over 300 Ivnchings have taken place
in the South during the present year.
Big chunks of quarts full of gold have
been struck on a claim at Cripple Creek,
Terrible drought hns dried np wpIIs
anil springs in Georgia s mountain dis
Philadelphia has got the liberty bell
back from Chicago, and business lias
been resumed.
A movement has been started to es
tablish a st "am ih ip line between Gal
veston and Tampico.
tailure to answer a New York Jury
notice or explain bis delinquencies may
cost Carl Si liurz 1100.
The Chicago Presbytery has deposed
and suspended Rev. Totheroh from the
ministry of the church.
Tbelntiiiana taxpayers are requested
to n iy tiieir taxes at once and save the
public schools irom closing.
There is a eeneral movement throntrh
ont. the country toward hiuher insurance
rates on larm-pmperty risks.
The flrBt application of a woman to lie
a notary public in New Hampshire has
been refused by the Governor.
It is claimed that the new cruiser Co
lumbia, now at 1J iston. is the swiftest
war vessel owned by the United States.
Many Indiana pensioners learn they
have been dropped from the lit on pre
senting their vouchers at Indianapolis.
It is said that the attorneys for Pren
dergast, the asaassin of Mayor Harrison,
will try for a change of venue from Chi
cairo. Four hundred persons have been ar
rested in West Virginia wit'dn ten days
for inoonsliing and illicit retailing of
A Baltimore and Ohio train recently
made the run from Akron to Chicago, a
distance of :!"i2 miles, in eight hours aud
twenty minutes.
The Georgia House of Delegates has
voted down a proposition to increase the
pnv of the Judge, of tiie Superior Court
from f,2,('00 to $2,500.
From January to Octobr of this year
78.4'U aliens arrived as cabin passengers
in ttiis country, making an increase of
S2.740 over last year's arrivals.
A Denver dispatch says that "the
union miners an- standing out for their
old wanes and refine to accept an offer
of 12 2'i for eight bourn' work."
The United Slates District Court fined
the Sr.. Imis and Mississippi River
Packet Company $1,000 for carrying gas
oline on a passenger steamboat.
The great viaduct of the Wilkesbarre
and Eastern railroad over Panther creek
ha" b en comple'ed. It is more than
1,'WO feet long and 1Q1 feet high.
Thev lynched a white mat down in
Virginia the other Uv for assaulting a
negro girl. The color lino is fast giving
wnv Mute one with a nooBe in the end
of it.
Over 51.000 Ruian .Tews have landed
at the pott of New York in the ten
ni'iiithoif this vear accord ine to the of
ficial r port of the Commissioner of Iin-
Bridgeport's (Conn.) coffee house, es-tnliliaht-d
as a result of temperance agi
tation, earned 2 per rent dividend its
tii at year. In that time 180,000 meals
bavo been furnished.
The Javanese people, who formed such
n center of interest in the World's Fair,
have d 'parted for their native land and
riV'-h man takes with him a trunk, a
sowing machine and a gun.
Colorado d eel ire 1 for female suffrage
by a majority of about 4 000. The min
O'n are said to have voted for it to en
courage iiiinii 'r.tti'.n of strong-minded
women from New England.
A railroad is to bo built to the summit
of WhileiVe Mountain in the Adiron
dack", the hivgat of which is 5,000 teet.
The road will to thirteen miles long, and
will begin wurk next spring.
At the chil ben's building in the
World's Fair, whero babies were cared
for nn I n'n ck uiven to tiieir pirents to
itmire safe re.lelive.ry. only one baby out
of 10,000 rem lined uncalled for.
But, very little monoy is being loaned
in Kansas, and farmers are finding it
Im'. I to secure renewals of their loans,
which nre becoming duo. The cause as
signed by the loan companies is the fear
of hostile Populist legislation.
An epidemic of influenza is raging in
Chicago. Two-thirds of the people are
Directed. Phvsicians ay it is the regu
lar o'd-hvdiioned cold in the head, but
that it prevails to a greater extent than
usual at this season of the year.
Services in commemoration of the an
niversary of the death of the Anarchists
were held at Chicago the other clay. The
occasion was made notable by the fact
that Samuel Fielden, Michael Scwab
nud Oscar .VoMw, comrades of the exe
cuted Annrchisl8, who were sentenced to
Juliet, but pardoned recently by Gov
ernor Altgold, were present. Fielden and
Schwab being the orators of the day. 1
Mavor Swift of Chicago has ordered
tho Comniiasioner of Buildings to dis
charge all the building inspectors who
were appointed without having received
c 'rtitlcates from the examination board.
There were sixteen of them. The others
were notified to show cause for remain
ing in tho city's employ. The Mavor
further passed word aloni the line that
anv city employ who had paid or col
lected a political assessment would be
promptly dismissed.
' Artificial teeth are made of paper.
Cooking by electricity grows in favor.
The world's hop crop is over 0,000,000
r Four thousand English clergymen want
' The wealth of England is estimated at
10,000,000,000. , -
There are about 40,000 shoe and leather
firms in this country. ,
South Africa has lots of sheep, but
only one woolen mill.
American grain elevators are being in
troduced in Germany.
One-third of the telegraph operators
in England sre women.
Half the ocean ships of the world are
owned by Great Britain.
The cotton mills of Japan give employ
ment to 22,000 operatives.
The entire stock of gold in the world
is lees than 48.000,000,000.
The length of all the canals of the
world is nearly 20,000 miles.
In Paris, Berlin and Vienna there are
butchers who sell horseflesh..
There is a tunnel 32 800 feet long on
one of the Mexican railroads.
Three thousand locomotives are owned
by the Pennsylvania railroad.
The first cotton mill in this country is
said to have been at Beverly, Moss.
There are $500,000,000 of English cap
ital invested in American railroads.
Boston has built 17,920 new tmtldings
In t he past decade at a cost of $116,603,
459. On an aversg" a locomotive engineer
travels 20,000 miles in the course of a
The mint of Philadelphia has a collec
tion of over 8,000 coins of different na
tions. The cost of nn ironclad is about $400 a
(on. This Includes guns and all equip
ments. The net private indebfednes" of the
American people amounts to $19,700,-
The first rocking chair was made on
the Brewster farm. Kingston, Mass., by
a farm hand in 1780.
Ficttres show that (he total railway
milese-e or the country on June 30, 1893,
was 171 503.52 miles.
The bitfgest qnill toothpick mill is in
Paris. Norway leads in the manufact
ure of wooden toothpicks.
Nickel of the best quality is now sell
ing at 60 rent and fine silver at about
$11 per avoirdupois pound.
The prospect now is that more than
1,000.000 tons of sngarwill be made in
Cuba during the season of 1894.
I-ondoners drink 9,800,000 gallons of
milk yearly, or little more than two gal
lons for each man, woman and child.
In the matter of well-kept country
roads it is stated that New Jersey leads,
and that Southern New England follows.
The making of lucifer matches is a
State monopoly in France. Spain, Portu
gal, Italy, Greece, Ronmania and Servia.
Last year New York citv paid for its
school bill $4,000,000, for its amnsement
bill $7,000,000 and for its drink bill $00,-
A check for 5.333.050 on the Bank of
England in payment for the Kimberly
diamond mines is said to be the largest
ever drawn.
I In every mile of railroad there are
seven feet and four inches not covered
j by the rails the space left between them
I for expansion.
On the Mexican pension roll there are
, names of 15.215 survivors and 7.282 wid
ows, and something over 3,000 cases were
pending at latest reports.
Pennsylvania furnished 00,000,000 of
'the 170,000,000 tons of coal mined in
this country this rear. Illinois was sec
ond, wiih 18,000,000 tons.
In Brazil it is not customary for ser
vants to reside in theiremnlover'a honse.
i They come to work early in the morning
ami return nonie in tne evening.
Russian women and Japanese men are
pronounced by those competent to judge
the best of the world's workers with the
needle, as shown In the embroidery ex
hibits in Chicago.
Tho Prince of Wales is very fond of
wearing old clothes, probably because
he doesn't have to.
Mrs. Levi P. Morton has leased the
house formerly occupied by Senator
Jones of Nevada in order to supervise
the complete education of her daughters.
Everett Channcey Bum pus of Quincy,
Mass., a memlier of the present freshman
class of Harvard, is completely blind,
but intends to take the full course for
the degree of bachelor of arts.
Now that Marshal McMahon is dead,
Fiance has only one living citizen who
has been President, and that is Carnot,
the present occupant of that high office.
Thiers died in 1877 and Grevy two years
Gardening was Gounod's pet hobby,
and almost to the last day of his life he
was able to busy himself among his
roses and geraniums. But mentally the
composer was a wreck long before death
Miss Sallie Matthews, who died in
Louisville recently, was for a time in
command of an Ohio river steamboat,
with fully 100 men subject to her orders.
She was 33 years old at the time of her
Caleb Davis of Polk county. Ark., or
ganized a Sunday-school in 1839, and
has been its superintendent ever since,
except while away serving in the Con
federate army during the late war. He
is now 84 years of age, and his youngest
child is 44 years old. Fifteen preachers
have been sent out of the Sunday-school
during its history.
Grand Duke George of Russia, whose
sojourn in Algeria and the Riviera failed
appreciably to benefit his health, now
lives in the Caucasus, where the climate
suite him so well that he is advised not
to leave his present place of residence.
He will receive a visit from his mother
Ix'fore Christinas, and it is possible that
the Czar may accompany her.
Count P. P. Schouvaloff is the fortu
nate possessor of the only diamond fields
in Russia. On his estates, comprising
300,000 hectares, five gems were acci
dentally found last year. The first dia
mond was picked np on the place in
1830, and in the years since then about
150 have been discovered. The Count
lias decided to carry on diamond-hunting
with vigor in the future. . Ho is among
the wealthiest landed proprietors in
Russia and related to the Russian Am
bassador to BerUsu
The Brazilian Insurrectionists
Favor a Monarchy.
Two Americans Languishing in the
Royal Prison at Havana
Cortina Imprisoned.
Evictions are agitating Ireland again.
The French government wants M.
uerz extradited.
There is a " craze " in France for am
ateur theatricals.
Russian statesmen plan a State mo
nopoly of tobacco.
The Manchester (England) ship canal
is practically complete.
The mind of M. Herz, the Panama ca
nal intriguer, Is failing.
The leading scientists in Germany are
puzzled over a blue man.
English miners refuse to agree to pro
posals to settle the strike.
An English syndicate wants to start a
big bank at Havana, Cuba.
A new Ministry has been formed in
Greece with Tricoupis as Premier.
President Carnot of France has began
a ':rusade against the sulphur match.
Levi P. Morton has placed his two
daughters in a convent at Tours, France.
The Bank of Spain has subscribed
$50,000 to carry on the fight against the
French scientists have devised an arti
ficial larvnx, which is claimed to enable
the dumb to speak.
Germany means to raise increased rev
enue from tobacco and bourse transac
tions. It is becoming mora erw'ly to main
tain the peace of E'tr.pj man to carry
on a destructive war.
A British syndicate is reported to be
ready to advance money to gain control
of the Nicaragua canal.
The famous Chinese giant, Chang, died
at Bournemouth, England, November 5.
He stood eight feet high.
Milan police recently nabbed sixty
Ihree Anarchists at one meeting and
great quantities of documents.
Miss Rye, the English philanthropist,
has introduced 4,001. English pauper
children into Canadian homes.
The citizens of Sebastopol have placed
wreaths upon the tombs of the French
soldiers who fell in the Crimean war.
The Brazilian government has pur
chased nine torpedo boats in Europe
four in England and five in Germany..
The roval opera house of Munich has
offered a'prize of 8.000 marks for a new
German opera by a German or an Aus
trian. There is talk that European powers
will view with displeasure the effort of
Spain to extend her territory in North
ern Africa.
Empress Eugenie has declared her in
tention to s;end the whole winter at her
villa of the Cap, near Mentone, on the
Mediterra' ean shore.
Lord Colin Campbell has turned np in
Bombay as a counselor employed to de
fend twenty-nine Mohammedans impli
cated in the great riots.
Honduras has apologized for firing on
the American mail steamer Costa Rica.
The apology is entirely satisfactory to
the United States government.
Having partly abolished gambling
among army officers, Kaiser William
now plans legislation against betting on
horses and public card-playing.
The navigation of the Dead Sea is the
latest step in Oriental progress. The
Sultan has sent two sailing boats there,
one for freight and one for passengers.
Paris advices assert with great posi
tiveness that an assured result of the
visit of the Russian fleet will be the re
election of President Carnot next year.
Prof. Tyndall has recently returned to
his English home from sevetal months'
sojourn in Switzerland, by which his
health is said to have been greatly bene
fited. Letters from Acra on the West African
gold coast say that the King of Ashantee
was stoned to death recently by insur
gents in the streets of Cyomassie, his
The New York Times' London special
says : The European backers of Brazil
ian insurgents are pouring out gold by
the millions in the hope tbat Admiral de
Mello may overthrow the Republic.
The London Tin:?8 learns through a
private channel that the leaders of the
Brazilian insurrection held a conference,
at which it was decided to hoist the im
perial flag and direct their efforts toward
a restoration of the monarchy.
The smock frock, which from time im
memorial down to twenty years aw was
universal in the costume of the British
workingman, has almost entirely disap
peared, and in France a similar fate has
overtaken the traditional blue blouse.
The London Countv Council has bought
forty-one acres of Hilly Fields, Brock
ley, as a park for Southeast London.
The Council wishes to buy four acres
more, but must raise $14,000 more before
it can do so. The whole cost of the land
will be $215,000.
P. C. Oglesby and Harry Howard,
Americans, are in the royal prison at
Havana. Both are charged with as
saulting the military. Howard is a na
tive of Boston. He has been in the
prison five months. Oglesby is a native
of Georgia, and claims to be a nephew
of ex-Governor Oglesby of Illinois.
General Joan G. Cortina, one of the
Jrreatest revolutionary leaders in Mexico,
ins been arrested anil imprisoned by or
der of President Diaz for attempting to
incite another revolutionary uprising
against the government. Twenty-five
years ago Cortina was the most desper
ate and greatly feared man in Mexico.
His arrest has caused a great sensation.
The Pope wiil hold a consistory in
February, when several Cardinals will
be created. The question of conferring
the purple on Archbishop Ireland has
been raised, but the Pope Beems to have
abandoned that idea, being afraid of of
fending .the Jesuits, who are still very
powerful, and who, it is known, have op
posed Archbishop Ireland. Consequently
no American Cardinal will be designated
at the next eongi story.
Wbiat Valley, 92(395c Walla
Walla, 83sC per cental.
Hops '92b, nominally at 10 10c per
pound, there being none in the market;
new crop, '93s, 1016)c for strictly
choice, and nominally at 8c for medium.
Wool, Prices nominal.
Hides Dry selected prime, 5c; green,
salted, 60 pounds and over, 3c; under
60 pounds, 2(33e; sheep pelts, yearlings,
10(el6c; medium, 20(s36c; long wool,
3060c; tallow, good to choice, 3030
per pound.
lod, rsso, rrc.
Fvova Portland, 2.90; Salem, $2 90;
Cascadia, 12.90; Dayton,- $2.00; Walla
Walla, $3.16; Graham, $2.50; superfine,
$2.25 per barrel.
Oars New white, 3430c per bushel ;
new gray, 33 34c; rolled, in bags, $0.25
(if 6.60; barrels, $6.75&7.00; cases, $3.75.
Mifcurrorrs Bran, $16.00; shorts,
$17.00; ground barley, $18 00; chop
feed, $18 per ton ; whole feed, barley, 7to
percental; middlings, $2328 per ton;
chicken wheat, $1.10(1.15 per cental.
Hat Good, $1012 per ton.
' daiht fbodocs.
Burns: Oregon fancy creamery, SO.
S2'4c; fancy dairy, 2527jc; (air to
good, 20g22)c; common, 18(g20c per
Cubsse Oregon, 1012c; Califor
nia, 13 14c; oung America, 15($luc;
Swiss, imported, 3032c; domestic, 18
20c per pound.
Eons Oregon, 30c per dozen; East
ern, 25 27$c.
Podltby Nominal ; chickens, mixed, -$2.00(33.50;
ducks, $3.003.5O; geese.
$8.009.00 per dozen ; turkeys, live, 10
10ac per pound; dressed, 12c.
Vegetables Cabbage, Is per ponnd;
potatoes, Oregon, 75c per sack; onions,
fl.50 per sack; sweet potatoes, ltglo
per pound ; Oregon celery, 3550c.
Faorrs Sicily lemons, $5.005.50 per
box; California new crop, $1.00(g4.50
per box ; bananas, $1.50(3,3.00 per hunch ;
oranges, $3.50 per box; grapes, 50(g !M)c
per box; New York Concords, 1 5c per
basket; apples, green, 90c per box; red,
$1.001.25; cranberries, $8.008.&0 per
Bexf Top steers, 2lc per pound ; fair
to good steers, 2c; No. 1 cows, lic;
dressed beef, $3.50(35.00 per 100 pounds.
Mutton Best sheep, $2.00; choice
mutton, $.1752.00; lambs, $2.00(32.25.
Hoos Choice heavy, $5.005.50; me
dium, $4.60(36.00 ; light and feeders,
$4.5005.00; dresd, $6.60.
Veal $3.005.00.
staple ohocebies.
Cojtkb Costa Rica, 23c; Rio, 22c;
Salvador, 23c; Mocha, 26ki28c; Ar
buckle's, Columbia and Lion, 100-pound
cases, 25.80c per pound.
iioNEY Choice comb, 18c per pound;
new Oregon, 1620c; extract, 9 (a 10c.
Dbied Fruits 1893 pack, Petite
prunes, 8 10c; silver, 10 12c; Italian,
910c; German, 8 10c; plums, 610c:
evaporated apples, 8 10c; evaporated
apricots, 1516c; peaches, 1012Jjc;
pears, 7llc per pound.
Salt Liverpool, 200s, $15.50; 100s,
$16.00; 60s. $16.60; stock, $8.509.50.
Beans Small whites. 33)c; pinks,
3c; bayos, 333.ic; butter, 4c; lima,
3ia'c per pound.
Bice Island,$5.766.00; Japan, none
in market; New Orleans, $5.50I3.25 per
Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 4055c;
in half-barrels, 42 57c; in cases, 35
80c per gallon; $2.25 per keg; California,
in barrels, 2040c per gallon; $1.76 per
fuoAB D,4J(c; Golden C,6c; extra
C, 6Jic; confectioners' A, 6c ; dry gran
ulated, 8c; cube, crushed and pow
dered, 6o per pound; Jc per pound
discount on all grades for prompt cash;
maple sugar, 15 10c per pound.
Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted,
$1.752.00; peaches, $1.852.00; Bart
lett pears, $1.76 2.00; plums, $1.37(3
1.60; strawberries. $2.25 2.45; cherries,
$2.252.40; blackberries, $1.85(i2.00;
aspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25
2.80; apricots, , $1.65. Pie fruits,
assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums,
$1.001.20; blackberries, $1.25 1.40 per
dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted,
$3.153.60; peaches, $3.50 4.00; apri
cots, $3.60 4.00; plums, $2.75 3.00;
blackberries, $4-25 4.50; tomatoes. $1.10.
Meats Cornet! eef, Is, $1.40; 2s,
$2.10; chipped, $2.36; lunch tongue. Is,
$3.50; 2s, $6.75; deviled ham, $1.60(3
2.75 per dozen.
Fish Sardines, Js, 75c(3$2.25; s,
$2.15 4.60; lobsters, $2.30 3.50; sal
mon, tin 1-lb tails, $1.25(31.50; flats,
$1.75;2-lbs, $2.252.60; X-barrel. 5-H.
Eastern Suoked Meats and Lard
Hams, medium, HffllSc per pound;
breakfast bacon, 18i9Jc; short clear
sides, 15 16c; dry salt sides, 13 14c;
lard, compound, in tins, 1034 c P61" pound ;
pure, in tins, 13, 15c.
Burlaps, 8-onnce, 40-inch, net cash,
6c; burlaps, 103-onnce, 40-inch, net
cash, 6t$c; burlaps, ll-ounce, 45-inch,
74c; burlaps, 16-ounce, 60-inch, 11c;
burlaps, 19-ounce, 76-inch, 14c; wheat
bags, Calcutta, 22x36, spot, 8c; 2-bushei
oat bags, 7c; No. 1 selected second
hand bags, 7c; Calcutta hop cloth, 24
ounce, 10c.
Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual
ity, $8.50 9.00 per box ; for crosses, $2
extra per box; 1. C. coke plates, 14x20,
prime quality, $7.508.00 per box ; terne
plate, I. C, prime quality, $0.507.00.
Nails Base quotations: Iron, $2.25;
steel, $2.35; wire, $2.50 per keg.
Steel Per pound, 10'c. '
Lead Per pound, 4c; bar, 6!c.
N aval Storks Oakum, $4-60 6.00 per
bale; resin, $4.80(35.00 per 480 pounds;
tar, Stockholm, $13; Carolina, $9 per bar
rel ; pitch, $6 per barrel ; turpentine, 65o
per gallon in car lots.
Ibon Bar, 2a per pound; pig-iron,
$23(526 per ton.
Bishop Anser, the head of one ot the
German Roman Lathollj missions, has
been honored by the Kmperor of China
with the light-blue Mandarin's button
of the third class. In the entire history
of China missions there are only two
other similar instances where clergyman
were veBted with the rank of a Man
darin. In the case of Bishop Anser the
distinction was conferred for mer to -ions
services as a peacemaker between Cnrist
ians and anti-Christians.
An attempt was mnda to assassinate
Georgievitch, Servian Minister to France,
by a poorly d raised man, who fired a
snot at him while he was in a Paris ee-