The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 27, 1893, Image 4

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    At Chicago
Royal Leads All.
As the result of my tests, I find the
ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER superior to all
the others in every respect It is entirely
free from all adulteration and unwhole
some impurity, and in baking it gives o;T
a greater volume of leavening gas than
' any other powder. ft is iitcrcfore not only
the purest, but also the strongest favder
with which I am acquainted.
Prcf. cf Chemistry, Rush IJJUal CclUe, ' '
Consulting C!icml3t, Chicago Board of Health.
All other baking powders are shown
M by analysis to contain alum,
lime or ammonia.
No Accident.
There hud been a row In Bam Huller,
and Mr. William Smlfh bad been delivered
Id person to the undertaker. Ci t Pete had
been arrested on general principles, and an
attorney volunteered to defend him. He
took the ground that the shooting had
been an accident and was arguing away at
the jury at a great rate when Peter rose to
his feet.
"Excuse me, yonr honor, and gentleman
of the Jury," be said, "bat I can't stand
this any longer. My friend here says it
was an accident that Bill Smith was shot
Yonr honor, my reputation is dearer to me
than my life. It would have been an acci
dent if I'd missed him. I've been shootin
around thin territory for 30 yean aud never
had an accident like that yet. That's all
I've got to say, your honor," and Peter sat
down amid great applause, and the jury
didn't leave the box except to congratulate
him on his acquittal. Detroit Free Press.
Blessing of Freedom.
Bilkin My! Myl What an unspeakable
blessing it is to live in a free country!
Williins Of course.
Bilkins Yes indeed. The paper saya that
the full name of the Hawaiian princess is
Victoria Kawekin Kainlani Lunalilo a
laninuiahilapalapa C leghorn.
Wilkins Wellt
Bilkins Well, in this free republic it
will be perfectly proper to address her as
llias Cleghorn. New York Weekly.
They All Try.
Night Editor (of New England paper
Bas the editorial correspondencs from Chi
cago got in yet
Telegraph Editor It's oa the wire now.
How does it begin.-
'The glories of the great Columbian ex
position aro simply indescribable.' "
Shouting to foreman through speaking
tube "Save about three columns (or de
scription of Chicago fair!" Chicago Trib
une. -
A Great Inrentor
Mrs. Hogan And f wy Isn't the old moo
avworkin now?
Mrs. Grogan It's a inventor he is. He
has got up a road schraper thotdoes the
work of foive min.
Mrs. Hogan An how mlnny mln do it
take tor-run it?
Mrs. Grogan Six. ' It wilt be a great
thing for givin imployroint to the laboria
man -Indianapolis Journal.
Poetry and Fact.
He had Just eaten a piece of the first pie
she bad ever baked.
"What is the matter, dear?" she asked.
"Is it that feeling of sadness and longing
that is not akin to painf"
"No." he answered; "it isn't a feeling of
sadness and longing. It is a. feeling of Bad
ness and shortening." Washington Star.
He Fixed It.
Clara Dick, fix my mallet.
Dick What's the matter with itf
Clara The handle comes out every time
thnt I piny with Ella.
Dick Then play with some one else.
Truth.' "
Bf any of Them.
Cynieus I should think it would give
yon a turn to take care of that baby.
Domesticus I sbonldn't mind one torn.
Itusunlly takes about 40 a night to keep
him quiet. Detroit Tribune.
First Actor (in a tragic whisper) Are we
quite alonef
Second Actor (glancing grimly at -the
small audience) Almost. New York
Belling PoiVder
When in Cortland he sure to take in
the greau-st novelty at the Exposition.'
We eliall lke bi.-cuits and cake every
afternoon, and evening on our pretty
Jewel lias Stove. Everybody cordially
invited t" have a biscuit with us and see
the wonderful merits of Golden West
Baking Powder proved by actual work.
IIMIfC rroatiro rtx t
II A VL pa plraOqn.1
1coni try moistiif
mum tntariM itollil-t
Fbi form and BX-LKli.
Bu-Bsuia or FumauDiua jnutf
wiicti motm dinetir on p-rta fTtoetetL,
poaoroi tumor, suun item -CgMlWUliri
pr-rmn-atrrur. fric 00a Drr-nrlsrts
pru,U lit, goaaako. vnnxlalyhl-, 3m,
miimnw'v soothino
Far aala or all ! OaaU a aaHle,
N. P. N. U. No. 610-8, F. N. TJ, Na 693
Oh. my lovej. my queen oCtl.-iy,
The light of youth hi gone.
Thy bal my t resees gat her gray.
Thy rosy lips are wan.
Will thy true eye alter vet
And their nuptial amil foruetf
Oh. my love, will Time deceive.
Will be wither true lave sur
There is more in love, believe, r
. Than the slliy nations know;
More in love, when bloom Is dead.
Than the roe wraith round his bead.
Oh. my love, and It thon need ,
Harbor when the north winds blowi
If thy tender footprints bleed
On the flints among 1 he snow.
Love will raise a sheltered cot.
Where" the Ire blast entera not.
. Oh, my true love, we are wise;
When snow whitens on enr land
Underneath the cloudy skies
We will travel hand In hand,
Hlnee we hare not far to so
To aur rest beyond the annw.
-Lord de Tabley.
What is there in this Alberta, through
which the Canadian Pacific Railway
runs, that it should draw train loads o
settler- and settlers' efiet-ts from Idaho.
Washington and OregonT The moei
fertile soil in America, wood, water, coal
and climate; that is what they say.
This Valley of the Saskatchewan seeim
to have been rediscovered of late bv
j some Washington and Idaho men, who
sepb wings uara until mey anu Men
friends bad secured locations immediate
ly around the few depots already erected
when the line was opened. Then tbev
sent word of what they had found, and
their friends are going in by the score.
The country, they say, ia large and good
throughout, and new Btations are prom
ised as settlement requires them. Then
Maine. Michigan and Vermont caught
on, and sent np delegates to spy oat the
land and report, lhey gave a practical
answer. They wrotepaying they hail
examined the country, had selected lo
cations and were coming home to sell
the old place and go where it was' worth
while farming. The grain and vegetables
they saw cannot be excelled in North
America, and can be equaled in very few
parts. The rattle, horses and sheep
were rolling fat and standing np to their
knees in rich native grasses. Why was
this not all known before? Because for
generations only the Hudson Bay Com
pany knew it, and they wanted no set
tlers in their far country; and when
they lost hold of it there was no way oi
getting to it. Now two branches of the
Canadian Pacific Railway ran through
the richest parte of it.
experiment With Durable Woede.
In some tests made with small squares
of various woods buried one incjj in the
ground, the following results were ob
tained: Birch and aspen decayed in
three years; willow and horse chestnut
in four years; maple and red beech in five
years; elm, ash, hornbeam and Qrm
bardy poplar in seven years; oak. Scotch
fir, Weymouth pine and silver flr decay
ed to a depth or half an inch rn seven
years; larch, juniper and arbor vitce
were uninjured at the expiration ef the
seven years. Chicago Times.
The Political Chameleaa.
When the chameleon had to explain
his changes of color, it is recorded that
"Then first the creature found a tongue."
The political chameleon differs from the
natural one. He is all tongue, and he
oses It, while exhibiting in succession
all the hues of the rainbow, to prove
that he has never changed bis color at
alL London Saturday Review.
Wby the Duke Sold Hli Palate.
The Duke of Westminster, who has
scandalized the English aristocracy by
selling Cliveden, his ancestral estate in
Berks, to Mr. Astor, exenses himself by
saying that be baa a family of 10 children
to provide for. The sale adds (50.000 a
year to the duke's Income.
Times Have Changed
Mrs. Smythe Before we were married
yon didn't use to groan the moment I
sat on yonr knee.
Smyth I know it, my dear, bnt yon
didn't use to stick a millinery bill under
my nose then, either. Life.
The letters in the various alphabets of
the world vary from 13 to 202 in num
ber. The Sandwich Islander's alphabet
has the first named number, the Tar
tarian the last
While Eyraud was being prepared for
the guillotine he said: "Don't bother ma
about religion. Tell my wife and daugh
ter to do the beat they can. That ia all
I wish to say." - .
Remember that proper cultivation and
use of the voice not only add to Its beau
ty, bnt prevent It from becoming pre
maturely old, worn and cracked.
The largest cut stones in the world are
in the Temple of the Sun at Baalbec.
Many are more than 60 feet long, SO feel
bread and; of unknown depth.
3tv that ia mtrva 1 have to Keen.
Pnuitiut fur IrtUt the ulaaNuit l1
Tend tiitm toy i-rancid; one day thou atit
Id Joy thy rluei.nU ahaavaa.
Of If thin ha an nrrhard. aTaft and Drop
FoikI ueariuii traea. each walernl la lU plaoas
Or If a iiarden. Mt It V nr erou
Hwaat tiarba and barbs of (raoa.
Hut If inr lot ba aand. wbora nothing pfrowaj
ay, who hath aald it? Tuna a thankful
for ihoutih thy rieaert bloom not as the rasa,
it yet can rear thy twlm.
-4,'hrlatlna U. Hnaattl la Atalanta.
I The air wan thick with steam and 1m
pregnaten witn tuv anieit oi aunp, nun tuv
teniiierntitri was by no means low, more
eMpecinlly aa the sun w as HtrenmltiK In
throngb the uncurtained windows, but the
laundry girla were used to these I noon r en
tencea and thought uothing of them.
Ther chatted coutluuotiHly over their
work, not becauw they were happy or b
canxe they had anything particular to say.
but because they had no conception of the
dignity of aileuca. The conversation was
perhana not of the most edifying diwcrip
tlon. and the language employed was
forcible, garnished by slang, and not free
from Nitperflitouit expletivea, for these girls
Were not of the highettt type.
There was a curious tawdrinem, or rather
gandinem, about their, for the most part,
ragged drwwea; they had big, heavy fringes,
which the steam hail takeu out of curl, no
that Id nearly every Instance they strag
gled Into the Iwld eyea heueath them: their
faces, too. were in striking contrast tolbeir
bands in the matter of cleanliness, for It
whs not compulsory to put them to the
water to earn iWi velibood; but they were
better in this respect than they would he
Dearer the end of the week, for today was
only Tuesday.
The only exception to the universal un
tidiness was manifested in the person of
one whom the girls called T.bsa (the II be
ing prtnionnced as if It was the diphthong
ai). This 'Liza, the preliminary "e" of
whose name was invariably dropped by her
acqtinlntanceM, was a hunchback, ami her
face, though it possessed the merit of clean
liness, was almost repulsively ugly.
The complexion waa sallow, the mouth
badly shaped, the eyebrows obtrusively
dark ami heavy: very sad were the eyes
beneath them, hail t here been any one to
note their wistful look, but '1 Jut did not
encourage scrutiny, and indeed the brown
eyes were not remarkable In themselves,
and were moreover half hidileu by the
drooping lids, from which she glauceil in a
sideways, half sinister manner. 'Liza was
not very popular among her conipauions,
partly because she chose to be exclusive
anil partly because she could on occasion
say unpleasantly sharp things. Hut there
was one person whom she loved, and that
whs .Miss 'a I lender.
By and by tbe ringing of a bell created a
diversion among the workers. Almost
diniiltaneonsty eight pairs of red. soapy
arms were drum ont of the washtuhs,
eight pairs of red. criukleil hands were
wiped on some portion of convenient ap
parel, and eight pairs of ill shod feet
trampled into an adjoining room.
At a table in thhtroom suss I a young
lady, very sweet in appearance and pret
tily dreMsed. She nodded iu a friendly way
to tbe girls, and shook bauds with each
one as they passed. She hail their interest
at heart, and made it ber duty to come two
or three timea a week and provide them
with dinner. This dinner consisted usually,
as on this occasion, of a plate of soup and
a large slice of pudding, for which tbey
paid a penny: a second helping of either
could he hail fora farthing, so the payiueut
was merely nominal: but the girls were
exempt from tbe feeling that they were
tbe recipients of charity.
The coppers were "dabbed" down on the
table in a little pile, and Misa Callender
ladled ont tbe soup, which was quickly
aud noisily consumed. Tbe young lady
watched the other women, smiling. Per
fectly dainty herself, their roughness) did
not seem to repel ber.
"Girla," she said presently. In ber quiet,
clear voice, "f am going to give a party in
tbe Mission halL Will yon come?"
There was a chorus of delighted assent,
accompanied by a general clattering of
spoons on tbe almost empty plates.
"Lor', Misa: what sort of a party might
H be, now?"
"Oh. friendly." said Misa Callender.
"Music and plenty to eat, and you may
bring yonr sweethearts."
This caused a prolonged giggling.
"Might we bring more than one?" In
qnlred Polly Klainea, who enjoyed the dis
Unction of being tbe prettiest of tbe girls.
Miss Callender shook her bead disap
provingly. "You oughtn't to have more than one,"
she mid, smiling.
"Oh. as for that, miss, I don't want any,
I'm sure: but there, tbe more yon draws
off. the more tbey cornea on. That's how
it is with men. and that's wby tbem as
don't want 'em always has the most ad
mirers." And Polly, conscious of a fascinating re
tronwe nose and adimpled chin, tossed her
bead in tbe air.
Whereupon all the girls, not to be out
done, and by no means reticent on tbe sub
ject of their love affairs, fell to talking
alxmt them, finding tbe topic eminently
congenial, and treating It in a manner
which displayed no more vulgarity of
beart than is concealed by certain ladies.
Miss Callender rather encouraged than
checked tbem; she liked them to be per
fectly nntnral before ber, and waa glad of
anything which gave ber an insight into
their lives and character.
Two there were who kept silence one a
little newly married woman to whom love
was too sncreil for common speech, and
The pudding she had begun to attack
seemed to stick in 'Liza's throat, and she
tad great difficulty in gulping it down
for the other hunger of which she was
often conscious, the hunger of the heart,
now so asserted itself as to make ber ob
lirlous of bodily needs. Something there
was, loo, of bitterness in her mind as 'she
listened to tbe talk of these others. Per
haps Polly's won Is did more to cause it
than anything else, "Them as don't want
em always has the most admirers." Ixxk
ing up she suddenly met tbe eyea of this
girl. To her morliid Imagination tbey ex
pressed pity, perhaps scorn. She crim
soned. There was a momentary lull, so that
tbey all heard her when she said in a pe
culiarly loud, harsh, defiant voice:
"Mine Isn't living: mine Isn't."
"Yours? (lid you have a sweetheart
once?" asked tbe married woman, not un
gently, though there was the slightest per
ceptlble accent on the pronoun.
"And why no?" asked 'Liza, and her
voice was louder than before. "It Isn't
only pretty girls as has people caring for
'em. These's other things besides looks."
"Of course there are. dear," said Miss
Callender soothingly, for 'Liza's eyes
nashed ominously. "Goodness Is worth
much more to a good man."
"W'mt was bis name, Liza? asked
Polly Blalnes.
Polly waa conceited, and 'Liza byper-
ensltive, scented patronage.
"I alnt going to tell yer." she said.
Then, with swift contradiction, "his first
name was Charlie."
Was be handsome?" asked Polly, pinch
ing her neighbor under the table, so that
the latter, a high colored, coarse looking
girl, gave a little squeak.
I never see anylKxIy better looking." j
laid 'Liza with promptitude, "He wasn't
tny of your pink, dolly men." fPnlir'a
lavored suitor hap'paued to bs fair) rRe
was dark, aud his nose wan straight. Ilka a
ectitlfmatra. and his teeth was white, ami"
'Lisa warmed to ber subject "and he
used to wear a red all k tie with a pin in it.
And," she went on, "he always gave me
lots of preaetita lots and be loved me so
its lie couhiu t bear ms out or his sight.
Oh," ahe cried excitedly, "ha did love ma,
and w was so happy, keepln eotnpany, and
he waa a-golu to,uiarry me" She paused
abruptly. Indeed, her shrill voice had gut
almost heynnd her control.
"What did he die off" asked one of the
girls, with geuuine compassion in her
Indeed, from that day began new era
for Lisa. Whether It was that Miss Cal
lender singled ber out for special attention.
or iKvause they were really capable of a
lasting impression themselves. It Is impos
sible to say, but It Is certain that she waa
differently treated by the other women,
and equally certain that this treatment
had a salutary effect upon her. Kepellaut
at first, she grew dally more approachable.
less auspicious, mors gracious, and her
better qualitiea came Into play. Perhaps
the Influence of Miss Callender bail not a
little to do with this, for from the begin
ning 'Lisa hail loved her, and now ber
feeling wan little less than worship. And
to love another is so good for a woman's
soul that It works like magic on her whole
being. It made possible to I-l.s the com-
trehension of a love higher than Miss Cal
ender's: and the little London heathen.
being taught by her dear lady concerning
those things of which she hail been ignor
ant hitherto, became what the girls called
Toward the end of the summer, she con
sented to be confirmed, and went to classes,
aud this seemed to theotherstomake 'Una
more Important, especially when she ex
plained that "there waa ladies at tbe
Liza was nearer being happy now than
she had ever been Id her life, and yet ahe
seemed sadder too. Often she heaved great
sighs that miule her neighbor turn and look
at her, and frequently there were marks of
tears on her face; so that by aud by it grew
evident to t he others that there was some
thing weighing upou ber.
Que day the little married woman, who
had developed a sort of friendship for her,
ventured to ask if anything waa the mat
ter with her.
'I can't help seelu as yoa ain t quite
yourself, 'Uza,'' she said, "you aiu't In no
sort o' trouble, are yer?"
'Liza shook her heiuL
" 'Cos if t here's any way of helping yer.
'Liza, it aiu't much as I could do, but
what I can I will, yer know. Might it be
as yer've quarreled with some one, or is it
yer riut, now? or perhaM mayls)" color
ing, in don bt as to how 'Liza would take
It, "maylw you're caring for some one
agin, which we can't help our feelings."
'Liza shook her head.
"K ain't uotulnk o' that, Mrs. Jones."
she said.
'It wouldn't be religion. as Is depreasin
you. I hope?" said Mrs. Jones, with as much
severity as she waa capable of. "It do take
some people like that, which there waa a
young niau our way as came nigh goiu off
bis head, but that ain't nateruL It ought
to make us 'appy. My Jim, he's sort o' re
ligious hisself. which he pays great rispeck
to Sunday, and always washes hisself, and
I'm sure a brighter man you couldn t see."
"It isn t religion,' said 'Liza, "aud yet
it is. Everything gets sort o' turned up
side down when one looks at things that
way, and all wbat seamed natural once
seems wrong now. It's Intercstln seein
how things twist around, hut it's sad too:
it's distnrbin. There's past things I'd wish
different now."
'P'raps you could undo 'em," suggested
Mrs. Jones, who waa eminently practical.
Anyway, God knows, don't he, if you re
'Liza sighed.
"I s'pose," ahe said, with apparent ir
relevance, "one didn't ought to care If one
waa loved or not: and there ain't no doubt
as pride is my besettiul"
Mrs. Jones shook ber bead meditatively.
She was afraid "religion waa upsettin
Liza," she told her husband that night.
Aa the time for ber confirmation drew
Dear 'Liza looked graver than ever and
more worried. At last it came to tbe day
Itself. She bad obtained a holiday from the
laundry through tbe Influence of Miss Cal
lender. W bat was the surprise of that lady
and the others therefore when in the midst
of the midday meal in rushed 'Liza! She
bad on a clean print dress, made for the oc
casion, but her bnir waa disordered, ber
face pale from fatigne and excitement, ber
eyea shone brightly.
"Hullo,' exclaimed tbe girls In a breath.
My! aint she a swell." They thought she
had come to show off ber dress.
"Eliza," said Misa Callender, "what do
you want? You will be late for your con
"Oh, miss," gasped 'Liza, almost breath
less, as she was, "I bad to come. I've tried
and tried to say it. and I never could, and
at first It seemed a white one, but lately
it's come atwecn me and God; nnd I've
thought on It at night in bed, and when any
of you has been kind to me, it ha' cut me
like a knife: and, oh, miss, wben you've
spoken of bim, I've beena-nearfallln'down
and explaining to yer, but Homethin held
me back. And I told God, but be seemed
to say it wasn't any use my jnst tellln, un
less I undid it. Oh, please, all of yon I
don't care now wl nt you think of me, or if
you despise me I can t go to church until
I've told yer. Htm aa I talked of waa only
what I dreamed about when I was lonely,
evenings and times; and there wasn't no
Charlie, reully, and noone ain't never loved
me, nor wanted to marry me." Ludgate
Dreams and Position During fllaep.
It would be very interesting to get exact
observations as to the habits of all the
lower tribes of men with regard to sleep
ing, for it is a point upon which a good
deal would seem to depend, if, as Tylor and
most of our anthropologists beii.'ve, man's
first ideas of a spirit world arose from
dreams. We know that most of our do
mestic animals dream, as Is proved by their
movements while asleep, and the same
thing hits also been observed in monkeys.
The effect of the position of the body
during sleep upon the chnracter of our
dreams is too well known to require com
ment, for proliably every one has experi
enced the very disagreeable resultsof sleep
ing bn tbe back. - Nineteenth Century,
A Word For the Cat.
At this season, when the family de
parts from town, a word must be spoken
in behalf of the house cat, too often left
behind to lead a vagrant and precarious
existence. Already on the Back Bay,
where "early closing" is the rule, the
cats have become conspicuous by the ab
sence of their owners. A few less felines
in the world are not objected to, but
that suffering and slow starvation should
attend their taking off is a shame to hu
manity. Unless the devoted house cat
can be provided with a summer heme, It
should be mercifully put out of exist
ence in a way the animal society under
stands bow to do perfectly. Boston Her
A Clever Sparrow.
A tree sparrow on one occasion built
its nest in a tall elm just beneath the
more bulky erection of a crow. Not only
did the largo nest screen tbe smaller, but
it afforded a means of protection from
the vagaries of tbe weather. Some time
after tbe crow's nest was plundered of
its contents, while that of the tree spar
row escaped untouched. London Tit-
When we reoollaot that the stomsoh Is the
tnnd laboratory iu wnieu ukmi im iru n ,
iUIU tbe rlona whtoh rurnWh Tlr..r to the
ayatero after eniorlug and rurlvhlnii lbs blood;
.I... i l. l .h,.l llm fmiiilatii huutlut itranutb.
It ia eaaanttal to limp this Important supplying
inachtua lu order aud to raur It to activity
when 11 tsM'ouiea luaetlva. This Hoatattar'a
Stuiuach Bluer, doea moat em-etimlly, laaaou
.iv. nutulmiuir aud rolufuruliis dlavatloii, t ro-
tnolMa una aeiiuu i iuw mm w
sirxusih anil quietude 01 the nervea dapanii
. ............ ilinMiiah ill-MMllnn. Th
Ik un nervine Inula more hlnhly eateamed b
.k ......., Ihull It. niilMra. WivhI.
Ill,, mwuiHi ... " '7',,,- - ,
, f.,i, rtiillla ami
lever, rneiliuaiiam, aiuney-uii uwuw, iivuoiv
alck headache and want of apiwills aud slaws.
I.,,. i.iuufl..Klnl t,.r. ill,,, m S llaV.
Vehold the porter dreadful itghtl
Thla travel la no film
tn one hsud la a whlak broom llfht
The other holda a gun.
Bonis most xaruciatlng pain comes from
derangement of the kidneys. This is the
testimony Senator Henry C. Nelson of
New York as to the value of Aiacock's
Poaocs Plastrhs In such eaaes:
On the 27th of February. lDWt. I was
taken with a violent pain in the region of
the kiiinevs. I a idle red alioh aaony that t
oould hardly stand up. As soon aa possi
ble I applied two i i.i coca's I'oaotw I'l ab
txb.1, one over each kidney, and lay down.
In an hour, to my surprise and delight, the
lain had vanished and I was well. 1 wore
the nlaster for a dav or two as a precau
tion, and then removed them. I have been
using ali.cock's rosous ri.Ariwi in m
familv for the last ten Yearn, aud have a
wavs round them the nuiukest snd test
remedy for colds, strains and rheumatlo
alt'coiioiis. From my experience I believe
they are the nest plasters in tne wuru.
tiRASDHSTH s f ills lone up tne system
Mrs. Hmrthe I heller In making; th servant
keep nor place. Mrs. Illram Dally Ho do I;
but, dear iue,l can't make one stay over a week I
Uy local application, aa they cannot reach the
itneaaed Hrtlon of the esr. There la only one
way to cure ueaitte. ana tasi ia uy conaiiiu
tmnal remediaa. lleafiieMi la caused bv an 111-
Named cnudUlmi oi tbe mucuua Ilulnx nf the
ouKlai'hian lube, When thla tube Is Inllaiued
you have a ruutmluK sound or Imperfect hear
tHK, and when It la autirely elod deafne-a li
the reMilt, ami uulesa iha intlammatloii can bi
taken out and th a tuba restored to us no.mal
Mimlltlou, hvarlni wilt be I'eatrovtd lit ever;
uina rial out nt ten are rauwxi nrcaiarrn
which! nothing but an iullained eon iltlou oi
the miicoti surfaeea.
We wilt aive Una Hundred Italian tor ant
case of dvafneaa (cauad by catarrh) that annul
oerutvu iy tiajra iaiarrn i ure. eeuu tor cir
culate, ties, r. j.ciiKNKYa.,
I uivuo, u,
Sold by druRttata; 76 cents.
The outlook for the Florida oralis eronwa
never uotiucr.
Dae Euamelliie Store Polish ; do dust, no smell.
far Osrmsa for breakfast.
2 1 Years of Pain
I snfiorvd trlih ecuvins or salt rheum, lu such
terrible agony at times th t I could not walk
about tho house. I had
so many failures with
mrdtclnrs that when
fr end urgi d mo to bike
Hood's tinraars-llls.
beaita'ed, but finally
took It. The hoped fot
's benefit was noticeable
at the outset, and 1 have
A'V 'IhJ'- TSf 'eel I'1" no woman.
j. . ' ' ; I ran t thank or praise
wjj3orcn' Ilood'r BatsaparKla
enon-h for w' at It hits done for me. Ma.
Joasrms.t D'iY z, IS Davis m Street, Tceksklll,
N.Y. Be sure to get Hood's becsuse
Hood's!? Cures
. mil. , ...II. ,.l .M.ll. mnA
nguu m e-iii w-- i-.-."!
afnclimuy, on tue urcrana dowcis. ion.
Scoti's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil presents a
perfect food palatable,
easy of assimilation, and
an appetizer ; these are
everything; to those who
are losinsr flesh and
I strength. The combina
i tion of pure cod-liver oil,
the greatest of all iat pro
ducing foods, with llypo
phosphitcs, provides a re
markable agent for Quid
FUsh Building in all ail
ments that are associated
with loss of flesh.
TrpnA h flfttt A Bown, rrstnlt
Ttw k or, now uy u urutff
fURF.i.Y a vegetable compound,
I' made entirely of roots and herbs
I feathered from the forests of
Georgia, and has been used by millions
of people with the best results. It
All manner of Blood diseases, from the
pestiferous little boil on your t.os? to
the worst cases of inherited blooj
taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Catarrh and
Treatise on Blood snd Skin Diseases milled
Ins. bwirr btrxtnc Co, Atlanta, Cia.
William McKeekanTDrurrtdst at
Bloominedale. Mich. " I have had
the Asthma badly ever since I came
out of the army and though I have
been in the drug business for fifteen
years, and have tried nearly every
thing on the market, nothing hat
given me the slightest relief until a
few months ago, when I used Bo
schee's German Syrup. I am now
glad to acknowledge the great good
nas aone me. i am greatly reliev
ed during the day and at night go to
sleep without the least trouble'
Plao's Betnedy for CaUrrh 1 th
Beat, Easiest to T7m, and Cheapeat.
by Drugsists or sent by mall,
!. T. Hsaaltlsa, Warras, Pa.
KM. K.
U' J
Umt W tne oen piactj
to keep the huge.old
fashioned pill, Just
h soon as toil Rot It
n) f, It begins to
trouble you. what's
the use of suffering
with it, whsu you
can eel moi Imlu
from Doctor neros
ally, and Uierws no reaction afterward.
stipation, Indliraation. Uiltiais Attacks, and
all derangemsuts of the liver, stomach, and
bowels are prevented, raliavsd, snd ptrma
sntly surest.
Thay're the smallast, the easiest to take.
ins raaanasi ror tnay re iraansntMO
to five saUslacMon or your money is re
turned. You pay only for the (food you get
Nothing else unred by the dealer, though
they may be better for him to sail, eaa as)
"just as goea- tor yea w ssy,
iwcta., snd
ll.lWpar ItotOoT
Tuts OasAT Cocoh
una promiUy ciirm
There all others fad. Couth. Ctoup. Ser
hroat, Hoarsenaaa, whooping Coua and
Asthma, l-'or Consumption It bss no rival)
ha cured thouaanda, and will Clia TOO If
taken In time, (fold oy imianlate on guar
anteo. For a Iaime Itaok or C'h'ar, uas
teed to out you. rrlrAfiucU.
Thla Tim Sa Mark Is oath bast
In th World!
Th wise men of Washington, Idaho, Oragon
and the .t are
Securine: Free Land
in Aberta,
Vh best fnrmliis land In Anierle. See what
American farmers say of It: ropy of their testi
mony, wtih map, NKNT rltr.K. AdilreaaUA.
ItAMfl.TON. Iud CommlMilniier. Wlnnlnea: D.
McNK'dl.U O. I". A., Miinlraal, or any af out of
to lauaoian racinc nauway.
A aio mem of th bowsla aeh day la aauiaaarr far
haalUl. Tliaao pill aupply wlial laa aratam laoaa to
a aa rrauiax, i ooy oura uawniwi vria,, a
Bvaa anil Klaar tha Comnlarloa bat tar taaa a
autloa. Thar act miliar, Buh P" nor alokni aa
oiaar puia ao. - o oooviaia rtm wi 1 .
Mil mall aaiapl-a rra. or arull Ml fir aaaania. Sol
svarraaars, llosaaaa atsd. Go, fa sdalv a. t
Buyers Guide
Ths Hl-YRM' Utnns la puhllnhrd tha first ol
jacb month, li I laaueil In the Interest of all
oousnmers. It (t Ives th lowest cash notations
on everything In th snswry line, it will aarr
ftm money to consult It. Mailed free to any
iddres on annllnatlon. Don't be without It. fi
Mts yon nothing to gat It. It quotes wholesale
price. oireet to tn oonsumer. Mention inn
pnper. Address
ISO Front Street, - - Portland, Or
KR, Leading Jew
ler of the T'scISi
Northwest, keepa
larg stool of al
BALH1KH on hand
Beat goods st low
eat flgurea. Badge
mad to order.
Is aRneelal brand of Btirnlnf Oil. which wi
manufaetur (xnresaly for FAMILY L'MK.
We guarantee It to h the monssT rosnsLi
Iff! 4usTiiiH uiiitiiiioti
averythlng In th above Un, Coatumea, Wlgt
ireniua, r rifiair iiva, fism anu riaj ihh'M) viv.
fitruished ai greatly reduced ratea and In np
rlor qimlltv by the oldest, lnrgest, bent renowuei
and therefore only reltobU Theatrical Huppl
House on tht Pacific Const. Correspondence so
llclted. Ool.iwntls A Co.,, 2Sanil SOO'Farrol
trcet, aiao sti naraet aireet, Ban r raneiseo, wi
uipulr U Thmitrt m toe Voitl, to wbem w re
ipectfully rater.
TORS on Inst allvxhts. Best makes
Lowest prices, send for catalogue,
W.V. UHACH, Hlpon, Cat.
I La
I Wf Vr leasaut IVIlsta I
I 1 ' These tiny, sugar
LJ ' wt1 Tmuul" A1
' 'Brood. They aol
s. ilfJU ? r T ' s
V I C i U 1 1 tl w I
V V J I If I S
liavevuuiitauh' Thlarernrdviariiaran-
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
AsToau, 0S80". January 10.
KUKDMATlHaf aud my TODng
aiAJiJOat wtd uia oan oooxoxi
qu mt
Brooklyn Hotel
201-21! Bush St., in Francisco.
This Isvorlt hotel I under th management
of OIIAHLKH MON IXiOMKKY, and la as good If
not th heat ramlly and Busiuaa Mau s bolal
lu San rrauelaou.
Homo CorafortsI Cuisine Unexoelledl
riMt-fllaas servlo snd the hlghast standard pi
reanectalilllty guarantawl. Our nwma ousnol as
stiruwaril tor nnilsras nnd eiHserl Hoard and
.. - , a, . a a,, a, n. -.. a, itft. I.... ..I
nsim tsir dav. Il.'ili. II.D0. 11.76 snd fu.uni board
and room pur weak, 17 to U single rooms MM
to II. Kra ooaou to and from hotel.
Regulator of the Liver and Kidct ys
-A BPECiriO roR-
Serofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia
And 111 Other Blood ind Skin Dlsim.
It Is s po-ltlv enr for all thn-e painful, dell
eat eoiui'lslnu aud eoinplleatisl (rmiblea and
wakiieaa roinmmi aotoug our wives, mothers
and ilaiiuhu ra.
Theffsit Is Immailtat and laatt- g. Two or
thru disies of lis. pasnss's Ksasnv taken dally
kerps the blood c ol, th liver and kldueya avt
tve, and will entirely i-raillrnt from th svskm
all trace ol scrofula, Hall Hheum, or any othr
form of blmid dUwis.
No mdinvrtutmdtir9d tn thla eonutrt
has mat with such ready sale, nor stven uek
untveraal atlataiiloti heuvr used a thai ol
Da PaHDSK'S Hkmsiit.
Thla reinwly haa been need In the hoapitah)
throughout tha old world fur th sial twenty
Av vears aa a apeelfle for th alsiv dlsaaaea.
and It haa and will our wheli all othar o-ealli
remedies fall.
Send for pamphlet of leatlmnnlala from thoa
who hav tssiti cured by I la naa. Iirusslsis Mil
It al $1.00 par bulll. Try It and b ouuvlnrsHt
For sal by
9 and II Front St., San franoleoo.
Bladder, tlrfnary snd Liver Dlaaaass, Dropsy
O ratal sad Ula bales are cured by
Cures Bright' Dtseaae, Ratentlon or Non-retention
of L'rln. l'alus ln th Bauk, Lotus or
Hid. a
Cure Intemperane, Nervous D'seaaea, (leneral
Debility, Fetaals Weasuesa aud sixcaaaoa.
Cure Btllouanaaa, lleadarha, Jsnndlee, Sour
Stomach, bysisipaia, CooaUpatlon snd PQea.
it'T TONOKonthHlslisey, l lvar
and Howelsa raatorlng them to a healthy ao-.
Ion, and I t HKSvbin all othar medicines
fall. Hundreds hav bean aaved who hav ba
given up to dl by friend and physician.
old mt tL bivwiiiti.
Hercules Gas Engine
(OS ob OAionr)
tor Powaf or Pumplna Purposss.
Ta Osasspaat Ttarlabl Oa B H
Blsaplleity It Rsals) the Worlda ;
It alls lUairrrom s BsmswtoIv,
X Cwtranrto to gmt eat ef 4 '
Ke Battarla r BUsotrU rib
It ms i wttfa a Ouapar On- of Oaaoll -1 Hw a sar
. sura roa easa . uMrsa so
MJMKR A REY, ManufaotureMi
4H Umm ilwtlu Fm,M.
iet the Efinuics!
Sold Evirrwborol
loan Stat with plessnr that by th us of
say husband waa nllaved from an old oas of
t boy eared entirely of INFLAMMATORY RHgO-
oonaa gei am aus & gooa. goart m grannu
SLBA , f, ITaU B.
tovm BVn
n Tl ntvt n rl tt
I Out sp fbfm ajso
HO Pub
I nv