The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 27, 1893, Image 3

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Halted Rtatei mil County Official Paper
t. Helen, October 2T. IHlHl,
Alt eoiaiaunloallons mnt ID Tas Mist for pub
lication auiat be auflumuanled by Ilia miiiir'i
rsal name mid not I Itoin lis plums alon, W
4 Kit wni ins asms utr piiuiiuatimi, but an an
A.lilaiu si (ixiii (ilh, I'urroiiiuiiKlaiuw iih.
out ths writer's nams i iworuiuylu will b
The rn) Jury will meet again on
December 10.
The Portland eipolilon close Sat
urday venlug,
Buy Pride of Japan tea. It has no
quai. Bweger keea It. (
W. A. HarrU ha been appointed
deputy county oiurk by K. K. tjulok.
Circuit court adjourned Wednesday
vvuing to meet again December 30.
E. Rlilgway, L. Vandyke and Dick
Besainan, o( Vernon la, attended oouit
bare Friday.
Tom Oooper'i new building le rap
idly nenring completion and will loon
be ready for occupancy.
Don't forget the masquerade tonight.
Everything li ready for a huge lime
Supper will be aurved at the St. Hel
ena lletol.
It li tald that the reason so many
women cliew gum ii bocauae they like
to keep tlmir Jawa working whether
they tay anything or not.
MucUU Uro'a.' mill itarted Wednea
any ior e shut run w awva mo yniu
(or the local market and prepare some
seasoned lumber lor building purpose'
next rear
next year.
The steamer City or Frankfort li a
late competitor for the Astoria Port
land trade, and in consequence of
cheap farei la receiving a fair ihare of
Judge Blakesley of the Oriental Ho
tel, ii building a fine new barn in bii
large garden property west of town.
The building will be one of ihe larg
est in the county. The foundation
rill be laid for main building 80x120
te which will be added large sheda for
elabling stock, storing grain and other
Belgium blocks for paving the streets
of Taooma are being delivered on
board the Northern Pacifin'a can at
Milton at the rate or 5,000 a day.
Thii number ia not sufficient to keep
the work going on in Tacoma and
complaint ia registered by the con
tractors there, who are pushing the
work while the dry weather lasts.
The dense fogs which prevailed on
the river a few mornings last week
m ide steamboat navigation both dif
unit and dangerous, and came near
causing several accidents to steamers.
The steamers Mascot and Dixon, per
haps had the closest call reported.
These steamers usually approach Ihe
Ht. Helens wharf at the tame hour in
the morning from opposite directions,
and last Friday moruing in the dense
fog they met in front of Muckle'a whaif
nd only avoided a disannul collision
by a mere cratch.- The ateamer
tfuck each oilier a few feel off Ihe
Jack-staff ami both recoived a heavy
glancing blow, but neither of them
iistained serious damage. Consterna
tion prevailed among the passenger!
fur a few minutes but none ol them
mat injured.
Sam iTcdford, of Clulekanie, was
brought here last week and lodged in
the county jail to serve a sentence of
ten day for Musing to pay a second
road lax ssesainenl. Alter repealed
warning to work out his tax Tedford
was arrested and taken before Justice
Hall, who wa forced to commit him
In accordance with the provisiona of
the new road law which make it a
finable offence to refuse compliance
with it. The Justice proceeded in
regularity In committing Tedford, but
it is a question whether the county
can afford to pay about 35 cost in
order to punish a man for refusing to
pay a 3 road tax. If the law U to
be enforced somebody must be made
an aiamula of. and the county can
probably establish a precedent now.
t .... a- I I A Inln AniMt
Iust wen Hum lurewu "" -"
t later.
The marriage of Alfred Harrison, of
Tannin Emerson. Of
Hilton, wsi soUmuxed t the borne of
C. 8. Emenon. in the latter place, on
Saturday evening last, In the presence
of the family and immediate friend
of the bride. The young couple left
I.- f.,11,.a,in mnrninff for a trip In
Washington atate, and upon their re-
turn will take op their residence at
Milton. Mr. Harriaou has, for the
past two yeara, been an employe of the
Postoffloe Store, at thie place, where,
by hi industry and attention to busi
ness, ha earned a valuable reputation.
Mrs. Harrison has always lived at Mil
ton where, by reason of her more than
ordinary beauty and many other per
oast charms, ihe enjoy the love and
admiration of a host of friends whom
we gladly Join in wishing herself and
husband a happy and prosperous mar
ried life.
The Oowliti River Transportation
rinnmav. aru fully organised Mon
day evening in Castle Rook sayi the
.n,Lmiii.niuuii. Cant. Lewis wu
elected president, and O. W. RoWman
vu elected secretary. Articles of in
corporation were adopted according to
. K. . ... 117. -U Tk. ..I..
tne laws oi me aiaio w .
nf tha eomnanv will be to build
two boats of light draft to ply on the
rnlii river. The larger boat of the
.-a .ill ,nn twtwean G istle Rock and
Portland, while the smaller will run he
thU nUce and Mossy Rock on
.u. ...,- r..a,lii.x The smaller boat
tllSI HI'I'CI vj v. " .. ...
i. in Ka hnilt at once and the larger
' -i...n Tt is claimed by dipt,
V .1.-1 ih small bout will only
draw nine inchei of water.' All of the
machinery will be in the forward part
of the boat. It will have two
forward, the other at the
These wheels will oe run oy -.....j
tshain. The forward wheel is intended
to run on the bottoni , of the river In
the shallow Ploes and will IvuM tha
mat steady so that she can be easily
handled, Suoce to th " 0'-
Will Hot Ue llemoved,
in reapouse to llie petition clrcula-
d ","u ,,nin,.ur(,uy l"df asking the
Pacitto Poital Telegrajih-Cabltt Co", to
ovuMsiimr us oraer to remove their of
fice from thla place to Wurren, the fol
lowing lut er Inii been received by 0
E. Andrews, the operator here !
m .tUM F"u"". Oct. 14, 1803.
0. E. Andukwh, Bi. Helens.
Dear 8ir: "Your letter of Oct. Is
at bund. In view of the circumstan
ces ai you Hale them, we will let the
loop renmin where it ii and keep the
olllue where it Is."
The ofnee has been fairly well pat
ronised, and it would be found very
inoenvenient to do business without
It. In fact any modern Improvement
becomes a necessity, when it is once
They Will Get Harried.
After readinir of the nam nrntia mat
moo iii 1 ventures of lust week and the
khiicibi wnuimoy 10 continue tne In-
teresllng pastime, perhaps one eught
iiot to be surprised if somebody tells
lilm that even his own best sirl had
"gone with a handsomer man" and
married some other fellow, but when
Joe Campbell came quietly into town
Wednesday evening with a handsome,
heavily-veilod lady on his arm, and
left her in the Oriental Hotel parlors
while he paid a hasty visit to the
court house, our little world received a
shock it was not prepared for. When
Joe produced a license and asked Jus
tide Blakesley to tie the knot, the
Judge was knocked clean off the per
simon bush, and it took a five-dollar
piece to restore him to consciousness.
Joe needs no iniroduciion to our read
ers and his wife ia the well known
landlady of the Occidental hotel, Port
Viand. May joy go with them.
Qeorge E, Andrews, the accomodate
Un " eflicient operator at this place,
" bren tendered the office at Fresno,
California, and will rosigti hia position
here to accept it. George is an indus
trious, gentlemanly, accomodating
young fellow, and whatever position
Lis employers may see fit to give him
they have the assurance of having
made a wise choice. George' many
friend here join in wishing him auo-
ess in bis new position.
The Masquerade.
Don't fail to attend the masquerade
at this place tonight. Kememoer
everything is ready for a groat time,
imisker's tickets, inoluding supper, $1
50; general admission ticket, inoluding
supper fiza; spectators zo cents.
Grand march at 8 o'clock.
Our genial friend Clarence White,
went down to the Chitskanie fishing
last Monday, and returned with two
bull heads and one poor, alck, afarved
sucker, that was not able to tand the
hard limes, and had drifted Out on a
riffle to die. Clarence spinned us the
regulation, large-nixed fish story, with
a few new and interesting variations.
He says thnt just before he got to the
river he saw a nun who had a large
creel over one shoulder, Handing on
the bank, stringing sixteen inch trout
on a stick, and wondered what he was
doing that for when he had a banket
10 Put Ih'-iii in. He approached tne
stranger and found that bis basket waa
chock full of fourteen inch trout, anu
that he was preparing to carry the
large ones homo on a pole over his
shoulder. Clarence offered tho fellow
four bits apiece for two dozen of thorn
but the man wna stubborn aud said
that he didn't have any more than he
wauled himself, besides, a four-bit
piece w.ik not worth as much aa a trout
since the house repealed tne ennrnian
b,ll. The next time Mr. White goes
trout nulling he will not carry his bait
in a lug. and hoiiea that he win oe
able to catch something better than
aluepy bullheads and consumptive
8. Baltaar la digging his apples.
That Is lbs worst mule I ever saw. 8. 8.
E. E. Quirk, accompanied by his dsugh-
ter, paid his ranch a visit Sunday.
hey say I got the lb ense the other day
I don't know anything about it. C. W.
J. 8. Millard is gel ting ready for Thanks
giving, ludging from the Hock of turkeys
on Ids ranch.
John Blrdsall has about Bnished his new
house and it will be quite ao addition to
the town.
Charles Wikstrom is thinking of turning
taxidermist, and has been practicing oo
lail birds for the past week or ten days.
Erick is threshing his potatoes and says
k. ..,.,1.1 I..- h.l nulla a multlDllCitV l
them If it had not been for tbe merits of
the little mice.
Cultivating Orchards.
Th Hivnraa treatment which or-
ndanta receive throughout the country
affords a lesson showing the great ben
oil I of giving them the best manage
ment, and the loss irom negicuvou
imitmsnt Meeleot IS too ooilllinm,
and poor crops and teabbv fruit is the
result. In contrast with these neglect-
...l nM.l.rHa. ant a lew to wnicn iu
narnara five the best attention, ana
who receive good prices iorineopiou
nf hanilanme fruit. One Of-
.u... r tki. laaa. aavs the Country
n..iinn.n hinh haa grown to tun
kuarimr aim. atTords the owner a hand
some profit every year, whilo his carc
i.u receive not more than
one-fourth of his returns. This well'
......t nmliurd ia kept in grass
which is grased short by sheep, the
grass affordea tnem oemn v..
half or two-thirds as much as would
give them full feed, the deficiency be
ii made up with grain or meal.
This ia fed to them regularly in long
board trougha. The sheep eat every
wormy apple as it fall, and the fruit
ia thu kept nearly clean from l",'
Tbe dmppinvs of ihe sheep enrich the
grourd, and a top dressing of barn ma
nure ia added yearly.
Ti,. ...Ia. nf the fruit from this or
chard for many years have been equal
to $100 from each acre it oooupies.
The shade of the apple treea prevents
a rank growth of the grass, and he
Brazing of the sheep gives it somewhat
tho appearance of a lawn. The own
A,a tt some other excellent orchards,
who cannot use sheep, apply yard or
barn manure more copiously, m u
of the flni'st visited, annual application
of manure hud gradually made it two
or throe inches deep; the result was a
superb crop of apples. Other orohiirde,
wilh less manure, are kept clean and
hibIIow with a gang plow or Acme har
row to keep the surface clean and in a
finely pulveried condition.
, P. W. Frseman,
town Tuesday.
of Fishhawk, was ia
Mlas Dora A Id ridge is down this wsek,
uttering from fever.
Kd Klllott't boose had a boy added to its
attractions I sat Week.
Potatoes are sbout all dug now, and in
niunt cases turn out wull.
A. M. Tinhenorand party, have reached
Ban licgo,Cul,, wiiere they find heat and
Two divorce canes last week shows that
wudded hlias msy sometimes ferment and
turn sour.
W, A. Rdgerton has had an inclined walk
built to his iitors, doing sway witb the steps,
that were not the most comfortable.
Files ef new luruber brought to thecliurcli
lot niuke it look as though something was
Eolng to be done tbera, and a new building
i expected in the near future.
We notice that W. K. Tlchenor Is having
some regard for the comfort of horses that
are hitched about the wsrerooui , and ba
had a shed built for tbelr protection. It will
bs snpreciatiid and pstronlssd when the
wsstlier requires it.
On Frldav cvsninc a lilerarr and musi
cal entertainment was given, mainly by the
school pupils, at the public school building.
It was In some measure, a tent for the new
organ taken into the building that day.
Mies Lou Barr rendered some selections
during the evening wliich were very pleaa
ina, and iruatlv enjoyed. The exercises,
generally, were good and highly appreci
ated, it was noted, however, tnat tne pu
pils. In a musical way, performed their
parts best. An admittance fee of ten cents
wss chawed to go towards paying the bal
ance due on tne organ.
The present road supervisor ef rosd dist
rict No. 10. Is making bin administration
somewhat memorable by sbowina parsons
wlist a road nuieivlor can do tinner tne
laws of Oregon. In opening the Marsh
land road . tlii summer, tne necesxlty was
aliened of calling for a second ssneasment
and persons liable for work were ordered
outs second time. Mot of such persons
nerforiued the labor themselves or by suu
stltute, but a few disputed the right of the
assessor to 'all for more than one assess
ment vearlr. and declined to work. Home
of those having no property to levy on were
treated to a copy oi complaint una sum
mons from the justice of the peace, made
by the sapervlaor. Here was a starting
point to test the matter and tbose interested
were at first determined to enter alenal
protest SKaiuit the supervisor's action, but
after figuring a little on the probable ex
pense and the little certainty as to the
result, all but two concluded that the eas
iest way out was to go to the Justice and set
tle the matter by paying for the two days
labor demanded and such coats as they were
compelled to pay before the eases come to
a bearing, i re two oinsrs iuwiiku iimii
selvea suddenly and not appearing for trial
udgment was entered against mem in tne
iMtiRM court. This iiidement according to
mm la ftollawtahle aa a line in a criminal ao-
lion and one of the delinquent, being in the
Vehalem valley was brought over one day
last week by a deputy shsritT. and refusing
to psy the claim was sent to tbe county
prison for ten days. The other absent one
Mtii.rn.Ml with a mad tax recelnt. He wan nr ui w smiiiiikluii biiu jii in. i
rather surprised to Hud he would have to
pay tne costs of the action In hia case, but
riitleil around and paid them. It l-i evi
dent to our people that the supervinor has a
good deal of anthoriiy in road matters.
O. W. Fsrr ii doing a rushing business
since the compromise.
Mr. Pulton, ot Peuben, has moved to
Neer City and Mr. Itoyer expects to follow
very s.on.
As court week la over and the excitement
incident ,1 tlirreio is dingaway, I will try
to inform Th Mist what is going on at
this place.
Messrs. Tut(a, Conard and Archlbsld will
gie a masquerade ball at Mooresvd e ball
7... ti. ..i.i, i ,.f tin. 2Htli of this month.
Ticket, including supper. 11.25. A good
time is anucipated.
Since the hut act of conjrress Link Ls
mont have reduced tbe price of wood
ting to acvcnty-Hve cents a cord, and peo
pie are glad to get it to do at that price as
there aecuia to be nothing tu do.
While in St. Helens, recently, we called
on the editors of Tne Mint and was; very
kindlv entertained. They showed us the
many intricacies of newspaper priming In
a verv interesting manner. The buys are
entertainers, all rixht, nnd an hour or two
ran be prolliably as well si pleasantly spent
in their office.
Itennie and Ralph Neer have taken a
conflict to cut a atrip of timber, thirty
feet in widlh. through to the Nehalem.
from this place. Benuie is a favorite among
the people hero ano we wain 10 see mm j
well. If he Is successful in this undertak-
Iiik we predict that thnugn the winas may
blow and the masu of bis frail bark ne
shattered, he will stand by the helm t nd
come gliding into port on an even keel.
Theneooleof this place, it Is said... are
very kind hearted, and the following, little
Incident verifies the statement: A lady
was returning from a call the other day,
.mH m ihe way she was startled by aery
of pain from ah animal near by and ijoini; in
the direction from which the sound came.
she wan astonished to see a small snase
struggling in the roils of a larucr one which
was) trviiia to swallow his little kinsman,
ri.i . , ...ttf
body ana soui. nna wu iriuuuuv
for the w.-ak. the lady found a sti. k nnd
proposed lo bi-lp the little sufferer out of
Its. trouble, but before she had time U do
anything th- large snake succeeded In
swallowing the smaller one. The large one
must have been one of the pump aliases
introduced in this csuntry from Dakota, by
.... , MntAinnnrlaa in this county.
1II.SJ W J , .. , --
for the little one no sooner atsapneareu j
one end of its eonquerer than it appeared
at the other and quickly escaped to the
i i - l i.. I .. H , .m hark Tn town and
..nnrt. tha affair to the authorities. His
snakeship waa captured and snualy plaoed
its species propogated for tbe purpose of
fighting forest Ores.
Jim McNsuithton msde a flying visit to
hebalem last wees.
We are informed that the Kalama Hotel
has changed hands.
Miss Grace Archibald has taken the place
of Miss Uessie nt tne myersiue irawi
to the severe iiinees oi w luncr.
H. B. Borthwick paid Mooresvllle a visit
last Saturday. He rewrts not havin
found the mill in a very satisfactory eond:
Miss Fannie My natt departed from here
i .....i. iAM.iiiimnrk tn Portland, as
th. .mres are Ukina back their old clerks
end business once more rolls on.
T.l. k.H a nnar Icill. rl hv the cars at
Reulien lat Haturday. H would be well
tor the company to fence the track as s
number of valuable cattle have been killed
here this fall by trains.
Little Daisy, daughter of 8. A. Fowler, of
thii nlace. met wiin i w raunirran. . .
two tinners of her right hand nearly entire
W severed from her hand, while at play
i u.i. .i.tnr. nnn day thU week.
The deed was done with a hatchet, and the
.,;.T. ..Ill nrobablv looe one tinner
IHUv rUllO's a --------- - .
s it was found to be hanging by but one
yery small piece of sutn.
treasukeh's notice.
County Treasurer's Offick,
Si Helena. Or.. Oct. 13, 1883
Notice ia hereby riven that all un
Daitl county warrants of said county
which have been presented and en
rifimnil "Not naid for want or luiine,
up to Nov. 5. 1891, and also warrants
numbered 1699. 1733, 1734, 1735 and
1736, will be paid on presentation at
thia nffloe. Interest on said warrants
will not be allowed after date of this
notice. E. M. Wharton,
Treasurer of Columbia Couty, Oregon.
Heal Estate Transfer.
Deeds aggregating &0.7 have been filed
for record with the county clerk since Bep
temlier 1. Appended is a llt :
Henry Johnson to A. McAyle,
land In sections 82, quiikcluim.
W. H. B-aden and wife to Vcrno-
1 00
nla 1'iililisliliiK Company lot xu
hlnelf H Vrtifinfii .
1,000 00
A. M. Berg administrator, to p.
Berg south section 4 township
6 north , range 5 west. ...........
United Htstes to Edward E. Par
1,800 00
sons northwest H section oi,
township 6 north, range 8 west,
patent. . ...
Eliy Oeary and wife to school dis
trict 8 one acre in section 7
township 8 north . range 8 west. .
Carl Btuerman and wife to Win.
Kislmlns, 10 acres in section 12
township 4 north, range 2 .......
Nathem W. Hackett to O. C. Han
sen 80 acres In sections 10 and 8
township 7 north, range 3 west. .
E. 8. Vrvant and wife to Catherine
Hausk'ins, 10 acres in township
0 north, tange 4 west....... ...
John Palm to Andrew Erlckson
northwest V, section 88 township
7 north . range 8 west. . . . . . -
Thna I'nlvin and wifs to H. L t 01-
800 00
800 00
200 00
60 00
vin 128 ai res In sections 4 and 9,
township 7 north, range 6 west . 4,000 00
Charlotte Higbam to L. M. Blms
1 acre in section 13 township 6
north, range 2 west .......... . . 200 TO
O. A. Massie. sheriff, to Meier and
Prank, 820 acres in sections 32
and 33 township 6 north, range 4
WCHt nit ZaOlW 4
0. O. K. E. to N. Weirnlmont 80
acres in section ia wwnnuiji
north . range 6 west . . ...
A. H. Emerson and wife to A. Har
rison M acres in sections 4 and 8
township 4 north, ra ge 1 west .
Htate of Oregon to Olof Heimela,
29.62 acres swamp land in section
82, township 8 north , range 4 west
patent. . .
M.C. Hlake to John Bteighmsn 78
acres in section 1 township 6
north, angeSwest ...
Naluey Leonard to T. A. Allm, 40
acres in section 80 township 7
north, range 2 west ... .
Rnth A. Hoyt and F. M. Hoyt to
Jonas Bohmsn 61.S2 seres In sec
tions 25 and 26 township 4 north
ranire 2 west
190 00
800 00
160 00
190 00
1280 00
Dulted States to N. A. Perry 181
ere in section 30, township 4
north, range 6 west patent.
United States to DeWdliems Price
east K of southwest a section ao.
township 4 north, range o we
DnTte "Btates to Elisabeth M Watts,
northeast X of section 82, town
ship 4 north, range 8 west, pat-
Ale"lander Houston and wife to Lbj
xie Turner, land in section 16,
township 6 north, rsnge 4 W'-st .
Laurits Jolma and wife to John
A Hendrickann, 85 acres In sec
tion 6, township 7 north, range
4 west
E Symons and Wm Symons to
Miles Kheerin, the north M of the
southeast W of section 2. town
ship 7 north, range 4 west ........
Washington Lum'ier Company to
225 00
800 00
50 00
James ixtan, mu acrea n, wwu.
Kin V nnpth nilHfi WeSt
4,000 00
United Htstes to Aaron Kinney,
southwest M of section 86. town
ship H north, ranee? we-t, patent
Aaron Kinney to C H Meussdorffer,
southwest ii of section 35, town
shin 8 north, range 8 w. St
United States to Geo Hayes, south
east of section 4, township 7
north, range 4 west, patent.
George Hayes to Laurits Jolma,
southeast of section 4, town
ship 7 north, ra ge4 west...
Emil 8. hraidt and wife to R Ever-
600 00
ding, 24 J acres in section to, town-
shin 7 north, range S west 8,500 CO
Mi, nie A Price and D W Price to
John R Watts, northwest of
section 81, township 4 north,
range 5 west 650 00
9 J bwitzer administrator, to N
Merrill HO acres in section 2,
town-hip 0 north, range 4 west. . 2,000 00
B F Dowi.tng to W H King, land
in the town of Rainier . . 800 00
John Gild er and wife to Robert
Owens, southwest hi of section
18. township 8 north, range 2
west ... 1,000 CO
Mary J Watts to W H Dolman, lot
9 block 10, St Helens ........
Cnited 8iate to W'ni McDonald,
100 acres In township 8 north,
range 4 west, patent.
Quaiave Langeund wife to Ed Run
gee. 40 acres in township 3 norih,
65 GO
range i west
t ........ .nH .if in A KlesrnJ
2000 acres on Sauvie's island 15.000 00
0 W Duw and wife to M M Waters,
100 acres in section 28, township
5 north, range 7 west ... 1.600 W
Laura Carey to Cbas Anderson, 160
acres in section 20, township 5
north, range 5 west . ..... 1.2U0W
n w Phin.inar and wife to Sarah 1
riiWnn v. nf an acre oi 'ana in
section 4, township 4 north, range
I w.t . .
SO 00
C R Hall and wife to FX Kreither,
2130 acres In townsmps o norm,
range 4 west, 6 north, range 8
..i and 7 north, ranae 4 west . 6,391 32
David Lining to Fannie Loring. 85
acres in sreuon w, lownsiup
tinrtll. railtfR I West
Harriet Ciie and K R Crie to Ella
Hunkersnn. lot 1. bloca V, town
of Green Point...
20 00
Harriet Crie and E R Crie to 2 L
Meeker, lot , oloc V, town oi
Green Point ... . .... ... ..
30 00
United SUtes to David Protbero,
160 acres in secUon 18 lownsnip
6 north, rsnge 3 wet, patent.
Rosannah Lancaster to Hannah
Tysskiewich, lot 3, bioca z, lots i
and 8, block 13. lots 7. 8. 9, 10, 12,
13. 14, 18 and 17, block 28, lots 5,
8 and 10, block 18, and all ot block
16, except lot 9. Lots 7. 8, ?, 10,
11, 12. 13, 14, 15 snd 16, block 17,
in the town of Ht. Helens, and
all other lots, blocks and fraction
al lota and blocks in same town,
and also all interest in the H M
Knighton donation land claim,
and lands in Columbia and Mult
nomah counties, purchased from
Arthur Davis and wife. Consid
eration, with other valuable eon
aidaratlnns 100
Geo A McDonald and wife to J F
Hundbloom, 50 acres in section
25. townshiD 4 north, range 2
1,000 00
8 K and A A Henderson to Walter
Smith, 3 acres in Aaron oroyies
dnnation laud claim
235 00
United Mates to Clarissa A Rosen
berg, 100 acres in section ao, town
ship 7 north, ranges west, patent.
I M Lewis to Arthur '
in section 7, towuship 4 north.
ranse4wes( .1,200 00
United States to A J Vanyalking-
berg, 160 acres in sacuon9n,iowu
hin A north, raiiasft weat.patent.
C Mayger to Wm Uevine, bond for
ueeil to t acres in aeoiion oo.
town.hip 8 north, range 3 west . 247 00
Nxncy A M. Graw to K K McGraw,
lot a, nioCK 24, uommoia vii.,v .. w
R R McGraw to Zillie A Kyle, lot 8,
blocks!. Columbia Oity .. 200 00
W H King to W J Deita, land in
tbe town of Rainier 250 00
radley Baker and wife to district
No 31, 1 acre in town of Milton. . 100
United States to Ksohael B J aquish,
northwest H of section 7, town
ship S north, range 3 west, pat
ant. ... ,
John Lainott and wife to G W and
K J Cross, southwest M of sec
tion 2, township 8 north, rane 2
west.! - 2!
Vernouia Improvement Company
:A u..IImw nt and MINI
property in town of Vernonia .. 3,800 TO
Miss Cora lawman returned from Bay
View last Sunday.
H. A. Corliss started for the mines In
&Y,utbern Oregon last .Friday.
. Loyd and Miss Bertha Detrick, of Pitts
burg, were nere iosi. ouuuny.
There has been quite a sociable time here
lately as there was a party at H. A. Corliss'
Friday evenina. a dance at J. M. Mums'
new house Saturday evening and a sing at
Grouse's Monday evening.
County of Columbia.! ' .
v v vi if I 1 1 H. I n An r.Anvu j . v.. m
l-i ......i ,.ni ,,f thfl Circuit court of the
state of Oregon, tor ra j
hia. to me directed, in tavor oi "ri.ii
and against wty livery mu
at ai. for the sum of seven hundred and
eighty dollars, with Interest thereon at the
rate nf eight per cent, from the 2tftli day of
Heptember. 1H3. ami me mrmer aum i
Ei3.90 costs and accruing coats, i nave.
this 6th day of October. 1893. duly levied
upon the following real property belonging
to the said City Livery and Carriage Co., to
wit: The northeast of the northwest
and the northwest of the northeast 'A,
sll In section number 23, township 3 north,
of range 2 west of the Willamette meridian
in Columbia county .state of Oregon, con
taining 80 acres, more or less. Now, there
fore, in pori-uance of said execution, 1 will
onthe4lhday of November, vm, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the
court bouse door in said county and state,
soil at public auction all the right, title,
claim and Interest in and to the above-described
real property of said City Uvery
and Carriage Co. e! al, to tbe highest bid
der for cash in hand at time of sale, or so
much thereof as will satisfy said execution,
costs and accruing cot. u. A. M AHH1E,
nov3 Sheriff of Columbia County, Or.
Petition for Llqnor License.
To the Honorable County Court of Co
lumbia County. Htate of Oregon.
We, the undersigned legal voters residing
in Deer Island precinct, Columbia county,
state of Oregon, would respectfully petition
your honorable body at its next regular
term of court to be held in the court bouse
in the city of St. Helens, Columbia county ,
Oregon, on Wednesday, November 8th, A.
D. 13, that a license be granted to Will
lam Miller and Louis Bradley, to sell spirit
nous, vinous and malt liquors in quantities
less than one gallon, in Deer Island pre
cinct. Columbia county, state, of Oregon,
and that such license be issued for the per
iod of one year. or all oi wnicn your pe
titioners will ever pray: G 0 Januish, Fred
Monaghan. Walter F Harol, W J Kelhe.
M W Rr.riUv. H Havard. G d Foster. Chas
Howe, Charles A Link. J W Lord, A F Bat
son, John Popcjoy, H M Fowler, E W Fow
ler. S Bowen, John Malliner, F Coaley, Joe
Stock. J O King, V H Piper. Joe Lawrence,
Joe Nu-sbannier. Jas W Naighton, John
m.n tt R l-'a.tor V H Hwazer. H C Brown.
J Severson, O A Wood, Wm Miller, Edward
Black. B Gildner. Fred Aples Tom Thomp
son, Jihn W Burrs, L T Vanover. William
v.nn..r J.cnh Lmnracher. Bwen Erikson .
J H Backeter. Geo Staler. G C Fowler, J R
Cronk. J Jones, Samuel Munn, C Roathke.
J M Fowler, Geo W Haney, H Hlake, F
Nussbaumer. H Stehmsn, F W Makinster.
Joseph Roth, 8 C Hodley. Ch Morel, E
Wasser, Jackson Need, Tbnmas Bander, W
C Belleny, LH Bevis. George Pitsenberger.
John La.nett William Dowd. J C farr, G
Cross. Thomas Kinney, G W Farr, J C fair,
C L Farr. M Spinger, C E Makinster, G
maker. A Neer, Geo Neuner. Victor Furrer.
Jacob Furrer, Adoiph Hansen. Bony Reed,
Rial Barnett, Jacob Cwingll. Frank Clark,
Wm K Clark. Rudolph Antlikcr. M J Canty
Charles Trim, Georpe Trim, Charles Spen
cer. J W Newels, H C Gore, J LGrav. Chas
Rnn,rHncr. K H Glrtv. C F Hoadl
riy, li r noauiey, i
Wasser. H Morel. John Bieri, Christian
Felber. F P Raunach. E M Collins, Gabriel
Jenny. Fred KoCel. Fred Woodham, A I Hiiniff irdner. J B Snlawn. C
VIUh R J Karnca. S B fiolawn. C H
Smith, Daniel Dillinger, Albert Michel, C L
Wileox. 8 E Butts. Jay Archibald, S A
Fowler. . novS
County of Columbia.)
XJ Issued out of tbe Circoit Court of tbe
Kij.inf Clrernn for the Courtv of Colum
bia, to me directed, in favor of the Californ
ia rowner woras, a private corporouua,
and against P. Louisnont and Mary Lous
ienont. for the sum of S2S3.80 dol.ars, with
interest thereon at tbe rate of 8 per cent
from the 21st day of September, 1K93, and
the further sum ot .os costs snn accru
thia sth (f&v of October.
I8si3. duly levied upon the following real
nmnertv helniirina: to the said Y. LOUSiR-
nontand Mary Ixiusignont. to-wit: The
nrthat u nf tliH north west M and tbe
t nnithwMt v. nf tha northeast M. all in sec.
'tion No. 23. township S north of range 2
west of the Willamette meriaiaii, in io
lumbia county, state of Oregon, contrining
80 acres, more or less. Now, therefore, in
pursuance of said execution, I will, on the
11th day of November, 1893, at tbe hour of
10 o'clock, A. M. of said day at the court
house door, in said county and state, sell
at public auction all the right, title, claim
and Interest in and to the above-described
real property of said P. Lousignont and
Mary Lousignont to the highest bidder for
ca-b in hand at time of sale or so much
thereof as will satisfy said execution, costs
anil amrnin? costs. G. A. MASSIE,
nov 10 Sheriff of Columbia uotuiiy, Oregon.
Ia the CiacuiT Couar or the btat orOaa-
ooh, roa Columbia. Couktt.
Milvis C. Cask, Plff., J
Mast E. Casx, Tleft. '
To Mast E. Cask.
Ik trs hash or thi stats or Obfooh Yoo
are hereby required to appear in the above
en titled court, at the court house in St. Hel
ens, in said county and state, on or before
the first day of tne nexi regular lerm w
said court, which convenes on Tuesday, the
10th day of May, 18.94, and answer the com
plaint of the plaintiff in the above-entitled
.aIim hIa afrauiNt vnu in said conrt.
and if you fail to so snswer the plaintiff
Will apply 10 IDO court ior lliv reiwi w-
manded in the complaint, vis: That tbe
bonds of matrimony heretofore and now
AvUirinv hjtwMn vnu and him be desolved
and he be restored to all the rights, priv
ileges and Immunities of on unmarried rann.
This summons ia published pursuant to an
th Unn T. A. McBride. iudae of
said court, made in open court October 19,
r T Oil"1!?
deel Attorney for Plaintiff.
Nallea ! Adnalnlatrotor'a Sale !
Beat Properly.
Kotlce is hereby given that in pursuance
of an order of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Multnomah county,
made on the 4th day of October. 1893, in
the matter ot the estate of W. J. D.iney,
Jmm..j tk, nnnWsiimpd. the administra
tis- with' tha will annexed, of the estate of
mmtA nmmmA mill aoll at tlllhliC auction
tn tha hivhest bidder, for cash, aold coin of
the United States of America, and subject
to confirmation by saw uonnty uonri, on
Saturday , the 18th day of November, 1893,
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
at the front door of the County court bouse.
a flA.nhia ralllfltv OrffffOll . in the CltV Ol
St. Helens, in said county and state, all tbe
riKht, title interest ana esww oi me
ur i nnwi.Aw at tha time of his death.
a)i Jii tha riht title and interest that the
said estate has by operation of law or oth
erwise, acquired other than or in addition tn,
that of the said W. J. Downey at the time
nt hia in and to all that certain lot,
aaa n. nnrAAl nf lml. situated, lvinaand
being in the county of Columbia, state of
Oregon, and particularly described as fol
lows to-wit: Tbe southeast of the north
east i of section seven (7), and the south
W of the nor'hwest and the northeast M
. . 1 a 1 J .aa:Aib Ainnt mi In
township six (6) north, range four (4) west
of the Willamette meridian, situated in the
ceunty of Columbia and state of Oregon.
J , ...... . 1 . r.Anl. tM
if in sifiiii.n wphi vi lit Btrijiiiuii vaiKUH iufi
T.,m, Ann pnniiiiifinH ui Blur. vaou. hu.u
coin of the United States, ten per cent of
tha nurchase money to be paid to the said
A,minitrator on the day of sale, balance
on confirmation of said sale by the County
1n..-t W. A. C.tiR (IE.'.Utriilnr with the will annexed.of
estate of W. J. Downey, deceased. novS
Admlnlatratrtlx'a Notice.
NOTICE is hereby gfven by the under
siKnerl administratrix of the estate of Emil
Siedelmann, oeceasea, to tne orcmiora oi,
and all persons having claims against the
said deceeased, to exhibit them with the
proper vouchers within six months after
the first publication of this notioe to the
administratrix at her home at Pebble post
office, Columbia county, Oreeon.
Administratrix of the estate of Emil
Siedelmann, deceaned,
Sated Bent. 22nd, 1803,
wrv i i a i n
Peoples yimitiing win y.,
244, 246, First Street, Portland. Oregon.
Still in Progress.
Entire tStock
Furniture, Carpets, Stoves
Peoples Outfitting Company,
244 First Street, : :
EDWIN BOSS, Proprietor.
Drugs and Palent Medicines,
v Perfumery and Toilet Articles.
This is the reason why
The St. Charles Hotel,
O. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor,
Has such a large patronage by the business men of the Btata.
II yon want to meet friend yon will always find him at Tbe St. Charles.
44. Ma.
T prtUnrl at Alder Street
o'clock, forr Clntekanie, touching at
Kalama, r eer uity, Jiainier, ituar
Bnd n intermediate points, returning
Stop For your
Clatskanie Drug Store,
Where you wUl find the largest stock of
In Columbia County
DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor.
PAID CAPITAL........ ....
For particulars apply at the office sf Dillard Cole, or Tbb Mist office.
Joseph Kellogg &
NORTHWEST leaves KELSO Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday at 5 am. Leaves PORTLAND Tuesday, Thurs
day, and Saturday at 6 a. ra.
daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at Pcrtland at 10:30 a. m.
Returning leaves rortland at 1 p. ni., arriving at 6 p. m
1 1
: : Portland. Oregon.
Shaver. Master.
G. M.
Dock, every day (except Sunday) a 3
Sauvie's island, St. Helena, Columbia City,
uauuiug, n. uu...,
every morning (except Monday.)
Medicines at th
CO., Albany, Or.
Co.'s River Steamers
Kellogg and Northwest