The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 08, 1893, Image 2

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Uaitel States anl County Official Paper.
Advertising rate, mail, known upon applica
tion. A.ldrew all commiiuicatlau to "iiliior
fOreson M it," HI. Heluua, Oregon. ,
PAVI8 BRO S., i i t f Editor.
St. Helen., September S, 1803
. Poor, bleeding Kansas, ho it he
puffers I Swept by cyclones, devastated
by chinch bugs, she ii never free from
e.flliotion of a more or lets disastrous
' pature and both the elements and men
Seem to be in collusion in an infernal
conspiracy to waste her fields, dissipate
lier Resources and forovor exclude
peace, prosperity and happiness from
Iter borders, No sooner js she freed
from one scourge or pestilence than
another more terrible in aspect and
, deadly in effect looms up dark and
. ghastly ou the horiion and perches
like an ominous spectre upon the dome
of her capital, there to sit with forbid
lag mein in terrible njlence to terrify
veoDle and destroy their peace of
. rnind . , Last year she was shaken from
center to circumference with political
convulsions and now she is again
honeycombed with political couapira
Ciesand menaced by dangers moro
terrible to contemplate and fearful in
effect than any catastrophe which has
vet threatened her sunflower-orna
mented domain. Having nothiug else
with which to ocupy themselves until
the next campaign comes on, Anna
L. Digej, Mrs. Lease, Helen Gouger
and Susan B. Anthony, have pitched
their camp within her borders, hoisted
the banner of universal woman suffer
age over it, raised the wail of down
trodden womanhood and declared that
they will bold the fort and keep Kan
sas in an internal convulsion compared
with which a "twister" or Dakota bliz
lard will be as a gentle evening zephyr
. stirred by the downy wing of a passing
fairy, until women shall be permitted
to take their place in politics and come
. out of the political thralldom in which
they have suffered so long ; until their
voices are heard at the polls as well as
the sewing circle and until they shall
have a hand in making the laws and
enforcing them, as well as making
butter and paddling obstreperous kids.
'This unconditional nltimatium has
been received by the people of Kansas
-With great fear and trembling and un
doubtedly the very near future will see
the women of that state exalted to the
high estate of law makers, in which
capacity they will very likely exercise
as much judgment and make as cred
itable records as most of the alleged
men who have been entrusted with
that responsible duty up to the present
time. These developments though
startling are not surprising since Kan
sag has loner ago resolved itself into
a common lunatic asylum, out of
which nothing sensible could be ex
pected to come.
tion's pension policy and advocated the
wildest sort of financial inflation, go-
.ng further in some particulars than
the populists, and advocating the over
throw of the National banking system
and the putting of wild cat state banks
in its place. Ha also advocates an in
come tax. If that Bpeoch was intended
to be friendly to the administration
Mr. Cleveland may well bo excused for
exclaiming "save me from my friends.'
It is said that Senator Yorhees pur
posely made his speech radical, in or
der to influence certain southern sen
ators to vole for the unconditional re
peal, of the purchasing clause of the
Sherman silver law, and it is said fur
ther that several of them have agreed
to vote for the repeal bill upon the
promise of Senator Vorhees that their
view should be met iu a financial bill
to be reported from the Senate Finance
Committee at an early day.
, Vs note a paragraph in an exchange
which states that llunry Villard has
retired from active connection with
railroads. This will bo welcome news
to some peoplo in the neighborhood of
Portland, who will wish that ho had
retired about thirteen years ago,
Ik addition to the investigation pro
posed by Senator Qullinger's resolution
of the pension suspensions now being
made by the administration, Col,
Chas. P. Lincoln, whp was deputy pen
sion commissioner under the Hasrison
administration, proposes to carry th
matter to the courts. Col. Lincoln is
lawver of ability, and he believes
that the law is being violated by the
administration and that the court will
Upon proper presentation of the que
tion grant an injunction restraining
Searetnry Hoke Smith from making
further suspensions, except in cases
where fraud is proven. No fraud
even alleged in the suspensions now
being made. Soon after the present
administration came into power a nil
ng was made by Hoke Smith that re
vers.d the construction put upon the
act of 18D0 by the republican admin
istration, and under that ruling the
suspensions are being made, a proce-
u re which it is believed the courts
will declare illegal.
Secretary Carlisle has brought
sorrow to the hearts of the silver men
by his order of last week te man the
mints to their full capacity for the pur
pose of coining f 85,000,000 of gold
: bullion into coins of the denoaiina
tions of $2, $5 and $10. It had been
hoped by the friends of silver that this
bullion would not be minted for circu
lation at all and especially in smaller
coins than lOJollar pieces, in which
event there, would naturally be a
greater demand . for fractional silver
coins with which to make change. It
is closely estimated that two-thirds of
all the business transactions of the
country are made in sums less than
f 10, and if silver could be nsed for all
Slims to that amount it would nepees-
itate the circulation of a vast amount
of the white metal, this arrangement
would be almost as good as free coin
age since there would be as much sil
ver as gold in circulation and silver
would then represent one half the me
talic circulating medium of the coun
try. It is understood, however, that
comparatively little of the gold bullion
will be coined into pieces smaller than
f 10,. the $5 coins not being in very,
great favor and the $2 J pieces having
altogether lost cast with the business
fraternity and being much too small
and easily lost for convenience. A
very large per cent of the business of
the country must necessarily be done
with silver, it being the most durable,
most convenient and altogether the
money with which to make all the
smaller business transactions. This
country can have a single or gold
Btandard' in theory only, and the
friends of silver are reassured that
their favorite metal will always occupy
a very large place in our monetary sys
tom. ft has gained too great a pres
tige to ever be substituted, and we will
never be able to do business without
St however much adverse legislation
maybe enacted '
Speaker Crisp has sealed the na
ture of the tariff bill that will be re
ported from the House Committee on
ays and Means by the appointment
of Wilson, of W. Va., clnirman of
that committee. Mr. Wilson's free
trade sentiments are well known and
he says the committee wjll at once be
gin work on a tariff bill. It does not,
however, necessarily follow that the
free trade bill to be prepared by the
house committee will become a law.
It may get throueh the house, as the
democratic majority in that body is so
large that a few dissenters cannot ma
terially affect the final result, but in
the senate things are different. The
democratic, majority is small, and
some of thfl democratic senators have
privately informed republicans that
they will not support a bill making
radical cuts in the tariff.
Gladstone's house rule bill has at
last been passed through the English
house of commons by a majority of
34 It now goes to the house of lords
and that body will not withold its con
currence. The effect will be to give
Ireland a free local government and is
a long stride toward the dissolution of
monarchy in Great Brittain. With
such political freedom as this measure
brings, Ireland ought soon to recover
her former prosperity, and enact such
laws as will free her people from the
indignities from which they have so
long suffered as a result of the un
righteous system of English landlord'
Charles Meserve and wife of Oreson City,
wore visitors oere una ween.
The public schools began Monday with
snout seventy pupu m aiumuam-e,
Mia Nora Cnnrers Is at home aenin af
ter an absence of several week in Oregon
Arty Halns ha loft (its situation as ty
pographer ou tue (-lien to alleud ecliool
this winter.
Mis Mildred Boyle returned Saturday
evening to take charge ui tlia primary
acliool Monday morning.
Charles Davis, of Tub Mist. spent Tusi-
dny in otir town forming the acquaintance
i tne ctuzeiia anu vimiing our puuiio insti
tutions. "
A scow load of lumber from Bryant's
mill went down the Cltkaiiie Tuesday
veiling destined to rebuild the l.auriu
J itlmu house that was reeeully destroyed
by tire.
Miss Ida Boxarth, of Woodland, Wash
ington, is visiting her sifter, Mrs. N. Mer
rill, fctie brougut Mia. Crcsaa Merrill with
her, who has been spending soma time at
grandma's, in Woodland.
Tom Laws' friends on, I nelsthori turned
out Tuesday of this week to give him their
assistance at a log rolling at his ranch on
Lower iteaver. "Many hands make light
work." and Tom extends hi thanks tor
their help,
A few enterprising young people of the
town jrare the school building a thorough
scrubbing last Friday so that no dust or
cobwebs hanging around might dull the
brains of the pupils during this term, The
school treasury being exhausted the clean
iiur was t voluntary matter and Ihe thanks
of the patrons are due those who did the
work so well. Mrs. Kuglish, Miss Fauoie
l;rvant and Miss t'ora il.acklork may take
front seats white the buys who earned the
water and assisted in swinging the broms
may stand close behind and look over their
shoulders, while the Professor makes hh
little speech of thanks.
rrof. Cleeton, In a very neatly worded
and elegant impromptu address of welcome
to the minister at the social last Saturday
evening, made the (for him I surprising
statement that a man is only half a man
without a wife, aud yet without a wife,
himself, asks the Clatskunia school board
to pay him a Full man's (Hilary for teaching,
while he employs only hall a man to do the
work. The school board think of taking
some action, in his case, but have been ad
vised to wait awhile as thore are some in
dications pointing to the possibility of a
rounding out process which may complete
ad that is at present lacking to lill his own
ideal of manhood.
The community about Fishhawk, as well
at this place, were thrown Into consterna
tion Thursday, of la-t week, by the report
sf the death that day f two men who were
both well and favorably known from a resi
dence of several years in the Kehalem val
ley. About noon Erie L. .lepsen was doing
some burning of lugs on hi place when the
top of a dead and burning tree fell, part of
which struck rum on the head knocking
him insensible and causing his death two
hours latrr. He leaves a wife and three
children and a host of sympathizing friends
who feel that they nave sustain! a great
l,.js in his being so suddenly removed irotu
earth. A resting place was found for his
remains beneath the tod of his own far n
where he wan tenderly laid away on Fi idav.
Accross the river, old Mr- Vuiivalkioburg,
eighty years of age. last January, was do
ing some work ina Held to prevent a tire
from burning his fi nee. When his so came
np to where lie was, uie nan gone out of
his lather, his hut was burned a..d his hair
was scorching, it is not Known what
caused the death, whether he had been
struck by a burning ember or overcome by
heat, lie ns oneot the oldest settlers in
the valley and respected by every one. He
leaves a widow aim family o grown up
niuiren, some oi wnoin were near
him. His remains were taken to a burring
ground near we cuuscu, on "the hurt
hove Jiiai.
A democratic exchange remarks
that the calamity howler's occupation
is gone. It is to be hoped that it is,
and if so we see nothing more for the
democratic party to accomplish as the
conditions which the latter party has
worked and voted for for the past thir
ty-five years are now being experienced
in all their glory. If the democrats
are as liberal as they claim to be they
aught to be satisfied, since they are
now getting what their party has advo
cated ever since it lost control of the
government in I860.
Rev. Faxon preached here last Sun
uay morning and evening.
Remember the Sunday school oc.
cert, next Sunday evening at 7 :30.
The first of the monthly covonan
meetings of iho Daptist church, bore.
will be Held Saturday at V. M,
i lie farmers' Alliuiice will hold mi
open meeting in the school house here
at 8 o'clock Saturday evening, Thore
will be a discussion of the question
what is the most profitable crop for
tanners ol this vicinity to raise? Ami
a lecture by E. S. Faxon, upon the
subject of "rural life," besides readings
r 0 tiitioni, and music.
Miss Alice Itrigcs came home from
Pittsburg, last Friday.
There was an agent throueh hen
Saturday who had juat come from the
.Melmlem, and lie mud that funnels
here ought to be happy, tliry are so
much bolter off this hard .war than
those iu other parts of the country,
ltKl UK..
Some heavy winds this we k.
getting out
A party of men are
boat knees at Reuben.
Mrs. Martha Fowlur is visiliug will
friend on the Clatskanio.
Mrs. Earl, of Portland, came down
last week to visit her duiightnr who is
very ill at her home on the Ckit.k i
Mr. Bates has removed Ins cattle to
Deer Island from Mooresville.
II. C. Brown paid St. Helens a vieit
last week.
J. M. Fowler, Charley Link, O. E.
Fuwler , Ralph and Uou Xeer, left for
the Nehuletn, whete thoy intend to
lay in a supply of bear meat,
The forest fires have somewhat died
out around here, altbough there i.
plenty of smoke left .
Mr. Lowinan's sawmill on Little
Ulafekaiiie, was Uestroyeu by lire on
Thursday, together with all the lum
ber on hand. This makes the second
time hU mill tins btirucd
R. R. Foster has bought a new curl
and is now rcudr to accommodate the
ladies to a ride.
Jsy thinks he will have to adds
link to his chain.
Bonnie says if he don't have better
luck catcliiu; deer ou the Neliulem
than at Xeer City, he will not be in it.
We understand that It. W. Foster,
formerly of this place, who is making
a tour of the ensiorn eUtee, was a re
cent visitor at tho Joliut Mate pmuu
of Illinois. ,
The New jliKiinent.
Following is a summary of the assess
ment for 18W3, just completed:
Acres of land 33S,?8, valve $1,193,361,
ay eraire value 83 25: miles of railroad track
22, value S110.0OU, average value I5.0Q0:
town lot (jfi.oll: iiiiDrovements S13J.713:
52 mile telezrap poles and 234 miles of wire
valne S7 .640. average value $145: mercban.
cise and implements $124, Ob); money $10.
S8:S; notes and accounts $128,(170; shares of
sioea iz.euu; Household luruitare, carriages
watches etc . 8W.SS3: horses and mules 1..
423, value $58,013, averarge value $40 70:
cattle 5,441. value !I7329, average value
817 88; sheep and goats 1.138, value f 1,852,
averaee value 81 A3: swine 1.182. value
$3,305. average value $2 71 : gross value $1,
010,820; exemptions $156 330; total taxable
property $1 .7113 481 ! polls 819.
Appended is a summary of the assess
ment for 1092.
Acres of land 330.606. value 81.004.513.
average valne $3 50; town lots 68,152; im
provements $13,409; merchandise and im
provements $116,400; money, notes and ac
counts $275,104; household furniture $38,729
No. horses and mules 1,340-, value 856.828
average talue $42 00; cattle 6,028, value
$103,201. average value $17 25. sheep 1.380,
value $2,103, average value $1 50; swine
1,135, value $2,705. overage value $2 50; in
dehtedness $475,331; exemptions 8136,339;
total taxable property $l,29,ei4; number
of polls 057. ,
Oor people were very much gratified to
learn that Rev. F. L. Mnore and oi e were
ppomted to tins place for another year.
and a recep'ion in shaie of a pound ocii
was arranged to be held in Merrill s hail on
Saturday evening last. A number of er
sons gathered that evening to extend a cor
dial welcome to the pastor and his wife who
have made so many friends during the pat
year, and in addition to bring a pound or
more ot something tnai wouiu assist insup-
lying ineir material wants lor me coming
year. The evening was spent plesntly in
conversation, or in listening to vocal and in-
trumental music, the latter supplied by
Mrs. K. C. Blackford, at the organ , and later
y Messrs. lila'ktoru, Jabrique and
bonrds. with cornet, violin and organ.
Atone time during the evening Dr. Hull
took occasion to mention the pleasure of the
iidience at being ante w greet Key. anil
Mrs. Moore again, and called upon Prof.
Cleeton for a few remarks, expressive of
the community. The professor responded
at once and very appropriately gaveexpres-
felt of the earnest and affective labors of
the Dastor and wife during the nast vear.
and the esteem in which they were held
for their many excellent traits of character.
The sentiments cf the address founds ready
response, while the language was admired
d anolauded. Key. Alnore. in reolv.
thanked the people fur this cordial greeting
and rejoiced with them that some measure
of success bad attended the laliors of the
year and hoped that they might work to
gether, accomplishing more for the master
in tne year income, rouowing these ex
pressions of good will, some lemonade and
cake were furnished to add to the good
cheer and complete the enjoyment of the
In t'hlldhsod's Happy Days.
Among the incidents of childhood that
stand out in bold relief, as our memory re
verts to the days when were young; none
are more prominent than severe sickness
The young mother vividly remembers that
it was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that
cured her of croup, and in turn adminis
ters is to her offspring and always wiUi the
best results. For sale by Ed win Boss.
Executrix Notice.
In the County court for the state of Ore
gon . for Columbia county.
In tke matter of the estate of Thomas
Hodgltms, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed executrix
of said estate by the above entitled court.
and all persons having claims against the
said estate are nereny required to present
them with the proper vouches, to the un
dersigned within six months from the date
of this notice, at her residence. nearQulnn's
postornce, in said county and state.
Executrix of the last will of Thomas Ilodg-
kins, deceased.
Dated this 25tb day of August, 1803.
C. C. Mover sjient Sunday on his
plantation with Ins family.
It is reported Mr?. W. M. Tibils whs
rusticating in this vicinity Sund r ,
Mrs. Anna- Bi inn anil Miss Yny
Webber, of the Yankee Flats, vere
callers at Mrs, J. Hendricks, Wed cs-
Mrs. Apjichcs who Mine to this place
fioniii time ngofor ht' lu,pruv
ing rapidly . i
Mr. O. C. Rtwrclville, Ore
gon, was i:unvRin;j this rt utitry last
week for tho Muluuiiali Nursery t'o.
Mr. Aloiuo A Smith has a job of
slashing almost completed for R. Cox.
R. MeGraw, of Columbia C'ty, is
making preparations to move ou his
Alonzo A. srryth and wifo w-nt to
Columbia City, Saturday, returning
The small papers located near large
timber, pre-emption end homestead
takings are now encaged in changing
their politics in order to hold the pat
ronage of the bind office. Parasites of
this orderare a curse to the commiiuitv
in which they live. Salem Democrat.
Try It.
For a lame hack or for a pain in the side
or chest, try fatnrating a piece of llannel
with Chamberlain's Pain IJabn and binding
it on to the affected parts. This treatment
will cure any ordinary case in two or three
days. Pain llsl.'ii also cures rheumatism.
Fifty cent bottles for sale by Edwin Koss.
Far Hale.
Complete list of tax-payers in Co
lumbia county Oregon together with
postothce address, occupation and
amount of each individuals taxable
property, at seven ty-tive cents per hun
dred names. Address
W. J. Eastabrook, St. Helens, Or.
Notice to Water Consumers,
Patrons of tho St. Helens Water
Company are notified that the use of
hose is strictly prohibited except be
tween the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock
P. M . OncHAiiD & Jones.
Jabea Thought Mi Falls "Its try line,"
Hut Mad Mors Vau on th Way,
Under strwa of groat oxcitomon tor
dnnger persons often do things of
which thoy nro quit unoonncious
and which would bo entirely boyouil
thoir power under ordinary ciroum
stances. Probably this fact accounts
for the story which Jabos Flagp, a
resident of Ilucklobury, Vfc, tolls
about his elder brother Abijah. The
two mon, middle Aired, well to do
bachelors, wont to Niagara Foils for
a week's "noutin" oue September,
when their sunuuer'B work was over
and before the cold weather had
"tdmt in."
"I toll ye," Jabez says, relating
their adventure; "Btje aint sum
iz he iwod t' be, an ho hed th' black
feller th't hod th' sleepin car iu
charge th't we took fr'm Boston
fetch aout a flight o' stops, on hold
'em Ann wliilat he maountod t' th'
upper berth. .
"Then th' fellor took off th' stops,
in Bije handed me doown his boot
lie r minded me thet I sh d hev t
hand 'em tip t' him tn th' mornin
'fore ho got aoufn th' berth, b'causo
he hetlni nover ben ablo t boar sot
tin hie stockin foot t' th' floor fr'm a
"So I pnt 'em in a handy place on
ns we'd give th' block fuller orders t'
fetch th' stPtwt acort'n time nex'
mornin I turned in, f oolin real peaee-
tul an easy minded.
"Well, th' nojt' thing I know, I
woke up w'th a kind of ajaoimco
like. I was sort o dazed at first, but
I heard folks runnirt raound an talk
in, an th train was stock still. Then
I heard somebody say sometbin
'baout th' train's bein on firo. I was
pooty woll waked up b' tliot time, an
I riz right up an begun t' clap on my
"Somehow or nother I got a part
of 'em ou, an then I picked up Bijo's
boots, an started t bond em t htm
a-wonderin all th' time haow in Tun-
kott I was goin' to get him daown
aout o' thet berth when I see ho
wu'nt up there I
I hasted along thet car pooty
lively, an aout onter th' track, an 1
foouud aout th acc dent waVt of no
gre't 'caount We'd c'llidod wth
"nother train, but thero hedn't ben no
gro't speed on, they said, an nolxxly
was killed or hurt much, an th' fire
hed ben put aout
"But whilst I stood thore, who sh'd
come along but Blje, all 'xcited up,
tallun t another man. Ho was in
his stockin foot, an his clothes was
pulled ev'ry which wny. When ho
see mo ho looked ridio'lous.
" TIaow'd yo got aout'n y'r berth.
BijoJ' I ns ed him.
I dumb aout, sanies anybody
would,' Bije said, lookin pooty red.
" 'An hnow baout steppin mound
s' lively 'thaout y'r shoes)' said L
"11a diiln t make me no answer.
but jeat stum pod inter thet car, on
fetched the door shut niter him.
'I toll yo," Jabez always eonclndofl.
with evident relwh, "Niagnry Sails
waa fino extry fine, but I didn't gt-t
no more mal vuj'yment omit o' any
thin on aour tripnot the whole
durin time than 1 did aout'n seeiu
Bije stoppin raound thet jo1 night
ou them iron trucks 'thnout a sign of
shoe on! Folks say, 'Years t
habira, but I collate a good, fur.t
class stro"ll onset 'em 'thaout much
fuKein ("Youth's Companion.
Not Many Grasshoppers Either.
its pretty nuru to outlie our
friend who has been out weet Once
in awhilo we find him in a Lmbon
street hat store and again in the cor
ner grocery.
lie got talking about grasshoppers
tho other day in the latter place and
be referred to the time when grass
hoppers were thick "out west "
"Didn't you have any fowlf' asked
a bystander.
"Yes, had forty turkeys and a hun
dred hens, but Lord love ye, friend,
they couldn't take care o'no ten aero
lot o' grasshoppers. Why, more
hoppers would hop on tho doomtone
than they could eat in any one day."
Lewiston Journal
Rough and Dressed Lumber.
-PKAl.KltS IK-
Dry Goods, Groceries
Hay, Flour and Feed.
St. Helens,
Model Saloon.
I. TANWOOn, Frwp'r.
Choice Wines.
Licuors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts.
Billsrd and Pool ?abla
for thi PaaommorJation of Patron
In all its Branches.
frioon are erjr rrsionnMo and all mnjk
(IiiiimIv nf ( u iimlilnj
nV ' vlfiT UK OI AN KXr.CUTtON,
I ) linl out of tho (Jlr.'ult Court of th
Htntn ot (truKoii Tor tlin County of Ooliini
IiIh, InfnvorotW U MoyirmlHi(liiiit John
Miivimril for llium ot tm wltli Intercut
ihcrwimliios ilit dy' March, lsifl.
at thn rati- of 8 r i-i-nt pr Mtutuiii. ul
for tho wont iiiul Pxi'iniNim "f "ti writ ami
of milil mlii. iil wilt wa illri til an.l
tlrllViTi'il to m Hlirlir ' !lutiiU
County O itu' coiiiiiiuiiiIIiik ma to nmlio
tho aluivp-iiaini-rl nitina out ol Ilia
proiirrtv of tlia talil ili'li'inlnnt John May.
iiurtl. i"l lor want of iiamuiiiil iirotmrty t
.11,1 tin Iho ii of July, IWW. U'VV upon all
ol the luti rtwt of tha mild ilulnmlant, .Tolin
Miivnanl, in anil to tha following rim
orllii'il nml propiTtv lo-wlt: l."t i ami 4
(two anil four) nw'tlon altvn tnwimhlp Mx
north, raiie Hv wont, ami I.SW 6, , T, H
ami tha noutln-iwt of aoutlivaat W of
Hfotlon aevantarn, tnwimlilp nix ninth.
raiiKollva wmI , of anil In the County ot
Columbia, Hints of OrcRon. Now, tlirrv
fore by virtue ami In purauanre of aalil
excinitiiiii, I will, on Hiiturilay, the Hltli ilay
of Niipti'tiilier, IM3, at the hour of 10
n'l'loi k In 'the forenoon of eald day at tha
iloor of the Court llotms InHt. Helena, In
milil roiuity ami aUito, Hell for rah at
pulillii niti'llnn to tha lilKheot oiihler, there
for all of ihe right, lllla and Inuirant of
snld delendiinl .lohu Miivnanl, In anil tit
n, lu,ve iliMerllmd real eital, t aallofy
aid exemit!on and tha coat ami txpenees
of Hale. Hnlil .ale la made auhject to ra
dainptloii aa per atatute of ()reon.
' ' O. A. M AH.SIB,
Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon.
Coiintv nf C.iiumhla 1
an order limilnil out of tha Circuit
Court of the tilate of UreKon.for tha County
of Multnomah, to nie direr led, Upon
juitpment In favor of riuiullitu, wherein
!. Keller ami U. Ilnm. uo purtner. a 11.
Zull.-r its Co., were I'lalntttta, and Mavula
Ciimimma and II W. t inoiiioiii were lie-n-mlniiie,
for the urn of M i.'i, ilh inter
est at the rale of H prr rentuut per anniiui
from the Ilrt day of .lime. ltr, and for
the further umii of :w.l.1, and acoru
ln cilw, (HiiumundinR lue to make aal ot
the following di-nrrllwd real prorty, to
wit: lUoi k- l.'.1iainl 4'.', In tlieUn'oiiil Ad
diilon to Vernoiila, lota I and IK. In blin k
1,1, Nieoml Adilllloo to Vernoiila, Iota I ami
I'.', In block 8, Heiiiiid Ad.lillon to Verno
iila. lot 7 and H, iu bli k Ift, Klrat Addition
to Vernouia, lot 7. hlurk 14, Klrat Addliloii
to Yernunln. and lota 7,1. 1'. 10, Hand 1'.', iu
blin k lit, in tha Kirnt Addition to Vernoiila.
In Columbia county , atate ol Oregon, t
Kudier with the tenement, hereditament
ami upptiiti'uam'ett thereunto hrlonilnit or
in anvwle HprrialuiiiK, nil bi lnit iliiut.d
in Columbbi eounty, atuln ut dr. on. I
liei-ehv certify Hint I levied illMin tke al)' Ti
ileaerlWd real prupt'riy on the llrat day of
Juua, IWU, in tbelolli.wintr mannvr, to-wit:
l!y potlii(( iu aconpi O"iu idnce upon Ilia
properly alovo dem tibed, a eopy of the
wrli of F.xrcuil.'n i-ei-tilled to by m oa
Nlitrilt', Now In piiraioiui'e. and by author
ity of aid execution I will, ou the Siday of
Hepleiuhrr, imiiii, at the Imnr of 10 o'clock
uf oni.l iUv, at Ihe I'oiirt llme dieir in Ci
luiubl.'i County and Slate aforeaald, tell at
piililii: auction all tlia ri(ht. till, claim In
lercat ami eatnie of the eaid MiiKnle Cum
moo d II W. I'liiiniiiiin In and to tha
aliow di'Mirllied real pnerty, to the biith
et bidder therefore, (,.r cah, to nalUty
said eniHiitlim, iulereat anal ii.i.
aiiK-'oi-.1 Sheriff of Columbia timnly, Or.
Stuteof Urion, for Columbia Comity.
Lima oiiAiny, plalnilff,)
wii.Uam oraiiam dcfriidiint)
To William Graham, tha above-named
In liic name of tlia Mat of Otmon.
you Hr hereby requirwl In ipprar ami ana
wer to ilierompluliit tiled a.-.-uinU you in llm
aluive t iilitli'd ami ill lliu nhove iiameit
IT I" I "U'i. mi or before t'lr llnd dnv of tlielerm
I 1 Ii 1 1 ! of wild Court, nr. it f.dlow lii(r llic piralloi
I A V All I I til 11 T id wc.k pul.Jii(')..n of Ihl niimimu
HI I I I S I I 8 i I 1 1 1 wl'l.b nltt he Tue b.v i,el (,ilotiK iho
ill i lill I Sl III I D 2i'i Monday in OotolM-r, im, tn-ivlt-.thn
Jl I till E I 111 I a I I'Hh dnv of iMnUrr. WCI. Aridifyoofnll
v . 11 JLf iimDiMi'iraiiil tfiLti'ir aitl.l Conntltittit !.,
A few full blood Nliromixhlre sheep, ranu
and awes. W. W. WEoT, Scapxwe.
Thb ilyar ipeech of Senator Vor-
Jieea baa been much talked aboutaiooe
it waa delivered. It waa in aome res
pect, one of the most remarkable
heard n cpngres for some time, a
well one ot the moat dangeroua.
Whil profeaeing the greatest admira
tion for tbe administration the Indiana
ffqator deuouueed the adwinistra,-
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Ued in MiHious of Jloines 40 Years the Standard
A Good Thing to Keep at Hand.
Some vears aird ke were very much aub
feet to severe afiell of cholera morbus, and
now 'when we feel any of the symptoms
inai tuuatiy preceea inai aiimeni, aucu aa
aicknesa at the atomacii, diarrhea, etc., we
become scary. We have found Cbanibor-
laln'a Cholera, Colic and Diarrhea licinedv
the very thine tn straighten one out in auch
eaaes. and alwaya keep it aliotit. We are
not writing till for a pay testimonial, but
to let onr readere know what la a good
thlriK to keep bendy in the house. Troy,
avan.jciiiei. for naie uy cuwin lion.
o.w.a Mra cpoiTLAria 0
for Sal. by Edwin Row, St. Helena, Or,
Tlia Eog-llal. rtieaaant.
'It is claimed that tho pheasant of
the English prewrven can trace ita
rxxli(rree directly to the brilliant bird
of tho samo Bpecics in Japan. About
fifty years ago a few live pheasants
were brought from Japan and crotwed
with the common Bpeciea The re
sult of this was, it is said, that a new
race of birds was introduced, and the
beautiful pheasant, with its irides
cent plumage, was produced and nat
uralized as an Engliuh bird. Phila
delphia Ledger.
A Mlaanitomtandrn;.
Did you say I couldn't toll the
"No, I said you were a liar."
"Oh, well, that's a different mat
ter. I admit I'm a littlo lax in that
respect, but I don't allow any one to
question my ability to tell the truth
if I want to. Good day." Kate
Field's Washington.
Wew Zealand Bo Bygona rraamnrt.
If gooloffiata bo correct New Zea
land is a fragment of a continent
which sank beneath the waters as
the new world rose. It is a relic of
a bygone ago. London Truth.
A Conparlooa.
Who can prove that a boy fent
happier in his first new boots than
Columbus was when be discovered
America? Barn's Horn.
TTCH TtEtNU THE CASE, It hehnove.
O yu to tind the moat desirable place lo
purcliaie vour' liiviifurutor.''
Keep coiMtuntly on hand th famou
Cuban Blossom Cigars.
The finest line of Win l.l'iuor. and
Cigars to b found thin aide of l'ort
loml. And If you vlu to
nKiifte In a mine of
They ean aura you that they have the
bent table ill town. Everything new and
neat, and your patronage la reapectfully
Bt. Helena, Oregon.
t'lth dnv ot Oi'Mwr. WCI. Arid if you full
to appear and auawer aetd Coniplaiut. fur
tviint tliri-,.( tdnltiiili will take a deerea
t'E:'in-l you ill lut the bomU uf luatri
motiy no eMatimc beitrren you and plain
till, nnardini; plniniiit the rare and rulndy
of the minor child, Mary KHaHrahem, anil
l.criiilii.iiu pbiinliir I., resume tier iimidr
mime, l.iiln Mi lionatd.
Thii Kutuotn I pul,l..bed pimuant to an
order of the lion. T. A. Mrllride. Ju. of
aiild Court, mudu the li'th dav of Augut.
IW1. AiiKust l-'ttl s!.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Success Sure.
Addrea J. C. SRYMOKHKK, Oreimuliin Blilg.
AGENTS WANTED on alaryandcomml
By !. If Am LOTH, hla literary exenn
tor, wltb the co-nperntlon 11 hi. (anillv, nud for
Mr. lllaue'a Coniplelo Worka, 'TW.ilTY
YKAHHOV 4:Oi4nN. un. I hla Inter
book, iMMTI:AI, liinrt;N.aiorM.
One prnieelua lurtbeaeS HKMT NKl.l.llt
hooka in the market. A. K. I'. Jordan ol M..,
look 112 orrlora from llrat 110 calla; aerent'a prel't
iwi.'hj. wra. iiiiiiam ot n, took IS onion, IS
leal Rnala, In 1 ilay: prof.!, tM.M. K. ?:. Kleeof
Maaa. took 27 order. In '2 rtaya; profit 17.25, J.
I'artrlie of Me- took lonlera from IMIeulla; pro
At7&.2&. K. A. Palmir sf N. Dak. took Ml In a
(lai; profit '.W,26. DUtLlaltll TF.IIHl.
lea write tmineillately for Usmi. to
Yich Connecticut.
New York Restaurant.
Arpersov a Brakbt, Proprietor!.
No. 131 riret Street,
J, George, Proprietor,
Table alway aitpplled with Hie boat edible.
and dellcaciea the market aVord.
Having been newly refurnished, w
are prepared to. give aatiafuetion to all
our patron, and aollcit a aliar of your
. 0
Tonsorial Artist.
The old and reliable barbnr ha his
razor just aa aliarp a can .be found,
and will ahsve you comfortably and
quickly foi only fifteen cent.
sen nuns.
In tna JwTira CotiiTor ITmiom Pamacr,
Stats or Orkoon, Colcmbia Cociitt.
I.. 0. llii, I'lttr. I
UllA. KuT. Peft. )
I'o I ha. HtiMTiR, Defendaat.
OreKon , you are herel.y required lo ap
pear in the iuslire court of Colon precinct,
for Columbia County, "tale nf OreKon, on
Samrday, )etobi-r 7lh, A, I). 1H!, at 10
o'clock A. M. lo anawer the complaint tiled
BKalnat you in Ibe above raiue, or ele the
pliilnliir will take jiidirmeut againat you as
prayed fir in the eoiiiididnt, via: fur the
auiii of $,2..'ll, with luterrat thereon from
tlia day of January, IWS, until paid, at
tb rate of M per cent per annum, and tbe
coat of thi action.
. , , " Jnaliee nf th Peace.
W. J. Rice, attornej for plaintiff. auSVoctO
Summons by Publication.
1 State of Oregon, for the County of Uo
P. B. Caoaav,AiT, rialntliT,
OacAa Asm,
Wilms 1. Asm,
J. M. Cms, Defendant.
JOHM HaKI!, J. ,
To ocas Axis amd Wim-is I. Asm,
Defendant. '
In the imiiiu of the State of Oregon, yon
are hereby required to appear and an.w.r
the complaint lil.-.l ng tlnat you In th above
eiitttleU suit, by the llrat day of th term
of lb above court, commencing on the
first I uenlay after the aecond Monday in
October, 1(111,1, and if you fall to ao appear
or ; encwer, for want therenf, the plaintiO
will apply to tha court for the relief de
tnnndiMl in eald complaint, namely: That
he have judgment ai(ainat Ihe def.nidanta.
Oaesr Akin and Willie I. Akin, for the aum
of till OU with ten per ceat. intereat from
the 4th duy of January, ImiiJ. due on a
promlaory note made by them to the plaint.
Ill-, and liw attorney' fee, and hla coat
and diaburaementa, Including taxea paid by
him on th soutliweat of aeetion 28,
townaliiri fi north, rnnn. H w.t nf h uriu'
emette meridian, In ld Columbia rouaty .
tat of Oregon, ami praying the foreclosure
of s mortgage exw iild anil Hrllv.r..! i.
him hv said Oaiar Akin nn.l wiin. r i li-
on aaid land, to eseure the payment of taiii
,i-,,.w.i umer anu auutiionai relief
a may tn tbe court am ...i ,k.
nature of thla can may require. Thi aer
v ca pf this summon by publication In In
obedience to an order therefor by Hon.
ItoH. A. Miillrldc, Jnd;of the eald Circuit
court above named, dated Jul Kith. iao
riir.t.r. 4-en a D'e
auglaepl Atloruev for PlalnllfT.
Give Him a Call at the Old Stand.
Admliirtr Holla. .
NOTICE la herebv iU.n h th.
Mgned aduiiniatrator 61 th eatate of Char
lea rhegoda, deeeaacd, to the creditor, of
and all pernor, having claim asain.t tha
aaid deceased, to exhibit them with the
neceasary voucher within six month after
the llrat publication of tlila notice, to the
aaid adm Inlatrntor, at tho Bt.Charle Hotal,
In the city ol Portland, atate of Oregon.'
Admlnlatrator of tbe eatate of Charles
Tbegods, decoaaeit, . "a.
Dated Jule tl