i.'lt '! ''I- 'LiiJlt,'IX'iM',,'Jf'1fi.'i)''-'l''l--)-i('''' THE POWER OF LOVE. I BEAR HUNTINCI IN THE ROCKIES. T1HP IT flnvprnmpnt Chemists V-X I a a M w vr -- - have reported, after an exami nation of scores of different brands, that the Royal Baking Powder is ab solutely pure, of highest leavening capacity, and superior to all others. as m m m Tb world I an chaogwi alow I kamm bert Tb akr t a tenderer Wi TUa al thrash Miutu ud truer Vaa, all tin wide rtd i uuuie ow. Tft. Wiwn thai buw frni (tw clove And k 'a ail te Ihinra on Ui war. Ar Ihh.ti(ik over and over A oauKi that la awmter Uiaa tliajr Oh. lova. uhmi (uuit fettmad and bound m 1 ue'er iluui u bean ln ewuo, Y.t Uf Boa lias niulr araoud oi Acd dor'ra ere tjtc link of my ebafn. Jwa BuctUaoi to UatroU t'raa Two Maw Syaaa, Th latest outbreak of the eonvenir spoon mania M a "lore spoon." Tbe bowl m heart shaped and of bright gold, or cynical uggeuoa. of srilt Tbe handle la a silver arrow, its barbed point piercing the eeuter or the heart and ita haft entwined with forgetuieaota. The spoon ia intended pnuianiy for an en gagement token, but It can tie inflicted. to oua doaen lota, on a bride, or used a a pledge ef affection on any suitable provocation A nut tier new souvenir freak ta the "old oaken bucket" spoon, a 'sou vemr of childhood. Toe bowl depicts tba bottom ol ttie well, with tbe bucket floating oo tba water. The chain ram up through the nioatb of tbe well.t toe shoulder of tbe spoon, and op tbe handle to an oak tree at tbe top. iew lurk 8un. . hated While AakMp. Tbe Bath (ile.i Time aays a young: man visiting that city takes the price fur tbe queerest aouinainbuliatic feat on record. He went to bed with tbe idea of arising early aud having. In tbe night be found himself on tbe floor. Tbe Beat morning he went to tbe looking glass and prepared to (have, when be diaoevered that bia beard bad been re moved aa clean and nice as barber would bave done it. Thought Thar Wan Friaada. A big leopard aeal came up in the midst of a lot of bather at Santa Bar bara, Jai.. eau&iug a good deal of alarm at first, aa tome thought the creature a bark or sea serpent. Some of tbe boy barked like a aeal and tbe visitor seemed for a time to think it was among friend of ita own kind and kept coming closer until finally, taking in tbe situation, ii turned kill and fled out to sea again. - iltubarg DiEpaVh How m t uMui Hu Started. When Fox, the first of Quakers, was sit ting in church, and the prv4cher aaid any thiug be duliked, be moved aukmnly, put on uta bat aud kept it on until the disa greeable remark ttere couciuded. Heuue araae tbe (Quaker cust .jiu of wearing bate b church. Iouliti Tit-liiU. AW ri-FKKM t.VIl K A IX at Ktaara Falla. Not long aioce a very exciting adventnrt took place at Niagara. Aa ae eral touriau were walking along tbe ah ore of Luna is land above tba cataaact, they saw a iarue Newfoundland dog leaning front a rock and engaged ia lapping water front tba nuh ing current. Tbe rock waa alippery and tbe dear waa not very nimble, aud pit eutly bia feel slipped, and be fell headlong into the water. In a morueot tbe dog waa drawn out Into the current and well on bis way toward tbe cataract. Kveo so good a swimmer a tbe average Newfoundland could make do headway against such a at ream. Tbe byatandeni, borrined, preaaed toward the fall to see what should become of thf unfortunate dog. To their great aurpri1 tbey aaw hint landed by tb current, anc with great force, upon a rock near tbe Cave of tbe Winds. From thia position be was rescued with much courage by four tourtxta. lie a found to be blmliog heavily, as tbe result of bia collisions with tbe rocka. aud prob ably be would bave died aoou if be bad not been earned to a veterinary surgeon, who stopped tbe bleeding aud bound up hi wounds. Several hours biter be returned to the shore, limping, but wagging bis tail very cheerfully. His tall was about tbe only part of hi body which had entirely eacnpnl injury, and be appeared to be detenu iueu to use it to tbe beat advantage. Since this adventure the Newfoundland has been quite a hero at Niagara. He alii I haunts the neighborhood of tbe precipiue. but be is no longer seen trying to unujt out of tbe river. Youth a Companion. Muw Cloth la Taslwt. When tbe clotb arrives, it ia slowly passed over a double roller which mean ores the yards, and carefully examined for tbe purpose of discovering any de fects in tbe manotacture. If there are any broken thread or loosely woven sjwts they ore indicated by sewing a string in tbe margin, aud tbe cutter is thus able to avoid the defective portion Then we cut off a small piece of tba goods and put it outside on window sill, where, for ten days. It is exposed to the sun and tbe rain. If it fadea.lt ia rejected. Then we test by chemicals to see if the dye stuff is iudigo, which la the surest dye that cau be made. If tba color produced by tiie use of this teat is bright orange, it indica.es that tba dye bas an indigo basis After that a piece of the gotnla is put in aolntion of caustio potash, which bas the effect of eating np tbe animal fiber and leaving the vegetable fiber bume clotb manufacturers nowadays, instead of making their goods of separate threads of cotton and of wool, take cot ton aud wool and mix them in such a way that no one, by merely feeling, can tell whether or sot there ia cotton in the piece. Ilia only way we can know is by boiling a piece of tbe goods in this solution, which baa the effect of eating np tbe wool and leaving the cotton. Interview in JJew York Krocb. Ia a h a kmi.ew preparation in tablet form lor preserving au, Ktsxm of f hvit without rooKiso. One pack age preserves titty pi tits of fruit or a barrel of cider, and only costs 60 oente. Fruitg preserved with Anti fermentine retun their natural tacte and appearance. Ask your druggint or grocer lor Anti-feraen-tine. A C ariaua Fiddle. One of tbe queerest musical instrument ever known, and perhaps the only oue of ii kind, bas reached here fsom Oreenrilie. east Tennessee. The queer instrument h a violin made fron a gourd, and it is dU yean old. Tbe strangest, weirdest music that ever waa beard conies from it. Tbe tones are fine and soft and fioat on the air aa from tbe land of spirits. Jamnt Anderson Tay lor, governor of Tennessee, and nncle of tbe fatuous Taylor boys who fiddled their way through leunefeaee during a recent gubernatorial campaign, uud to play on it. He made music from the gourd licidlr at the reception to Andrew Johnson by Un people of Greenville, bis native town, just after be was nuule president of tbe Unitd elates, lie played the "Old Virginia Beel." tbe "Fibbers' Hornpipe" and many other thing, and the president "howl it down" with everybody present aud enjoyed it more than be could telh The gourd grew at Johnarille in tbe said state, and it. with the neck, which is of poplar, is 16 inches long. Tbe keys are com uou violin keys, the strings catgut and the sounding board of leather rrutu a stm.-n down shoe, while the bridge is of poplar. The bow is of a dark wood, aod tbe bairs black, being plucked from a bone's tail. Tbe older the fiddle (crows the better it is, so H. C. Atkinaon says, who owns it. ban Francisco Examiner. Ancv Htuhand Angry Wilts aeu, I'm nure to. (HUfttand ia tpeecliieft.) ry I tnarrvd I never asked yon. you I I aa KOTHIKSLIZE IT. W TEARS OF PAIN CURED. THE CASE. X, Albawv St., Ithaca, N, Y., Dec. to, i88i. ' For over 40 years I have been victim of rheu matism. I wa persuaded to try St. Jacobs OH, nave usea two Dottles, ana a man more free from rheumatism never walked our streets. My limbs that were once stiff and lame are now as light and limber as in my youth. JOS. EDSELL. AFTER FIVE YEARS. Ithaca, N. Y., July 5, 1S87. bunerea many years injury to hip resulting in rheumatism, muscu lar weakness and contracted cords. Two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil re Iieved me so that I now walk abou and attend to daily duties at 2, I heartily endorse it. JOS. EDSELL. ULCERS. CANCER8. vSt SCROFULA, I V 8ALT RHEUM, V RHEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON. these and every kindred disease arising from Impure blood aoocesafully treated by that never-tailing and best of all tonics and Sect SSS Books on Blood and Skin Pines me free. Printed testimonial aent on application. Address n8wift Specific Co ATLANTA. OA. Bill EMail. Ul Ulii, Choice Hlra. tt,? Iki-im. u.Iimiiii k- a..AT. 0u; Kef liyruu, II- Arbiu-.kleCoCee.ira: Kui. f?,'; T"K1,l'l b,:: 'fib lk" KJ' buckwheat; Wu; briee Feachwi, lie; FIk,;; Hrun, la;; iraled, UK. KKNt) yiR THK 1 Rtf i(;llg KkKU, WITH VVAJ. this paper. Addreu Jones1 Cash Store. 10 r-at Mret, Portland. r. i A pules, evaporated. r'K HVrt. gi-'OTAilON'o. Meutlun this paper. aba Wasted "Louie Can's" Shoes. A large, fashionably d reused woman with a rather too profuse diaplay of diamonds sailed majestically into aciixtb avenue shoe store the other afternoon, followed by a meek looking little man. After the clerk bad taken down several pairs of shoes, which tbe woman tossed aside contemp tously, she said: "Haven't you something better than these? Can't you give me something with Louie-Can's beelar" When tbe clerk was out of bearing, tbe little man asked: "What kind of heels did yon eayf "Louie Can's " aid tbe woman. "Can C-A-X?" persisted tbe little man. "Yes, yes. Louie C-A-N," replied the woman impatiently. "He's a Frenchman." J ust then tbe clerk returned with a pair of shoes baviug tbe high red beels first worn at court during the reign of a famous French monarch. As tbe little man trotted out of the store behind tbe womao after paying for tbe shoes an amused twinkle in hia eye The Caar's RnsuaMosw The following episode is said to have been related by the czar himself to in timate frieutla: His elder brother, who died at Nice, was, as is generally known, first betrothed to Princess Daguiar of Denmark. On his deathbed be left his brother, tbe present czar, a letter in which he begged hi in to take bia place in the heart of the princess. The Urand Duke Alexander, however, was a very bashful lover, and had nut the courage to carry ont his dying brothers last wish, till one day the (irand Duke Vladimir said to him. "If yon will not fulfill tbe wish of our dead Nicholas, 1 shall pro pose for the baud of tbe pnncesa my self." A short time after the Grand Dnke Alexander set off to Copenhagen, and one day, being alone with tbe Princess Dagmar. be handed her, tremblingly tbe letter of his brother. When the princess bad TneA it sue blushed and said, "I also received a letter from Nich olas in which be begged me to become your wife." Alexander asked to be al lowed to read the letter. Tbe princess fetched it and together they.read it The sequel was a marriage. Cor. London News Faj of hwl. t'wbroiderwra. The common old embroidering band machine of 127, with few improve ments, ia the one that is used today for tbe millions of fine embroideries that are sold to all quarters of the globe. There ago. -rriiir.n..- f 4kttM, i a aw ia eastern Switzerland, the number of the needles averaging about ZM to tbe ma chine, and the number of stitches not exceeding S.OOO to the needle daily. As embroiderers are paid on tbe stitch basis only, and sometimes as low as 4 cents a hundred, they have very small earnings left after paying their threaders and other expenses. At the present time fifty cents, sometimes lass, is a fair aver age of the daily earnings of a hard work ing embroiderer, who most toil a long day with bead, hands and feet working bia machine. Cor. bt. Louis tilo be-Democrat. Is Itatli.r Slow Murk Nuw tlMaus tba AaliaeL Are So Cautlwua. Bear bunting aa a rule, 1 do not think would appeal to unwl sportsmen, tt is rather alow work, aud one Is often very Inadequately rewarded for the amount of time and trouble speut In hauling up bruin. Then.- Is aanlly a portiou of tile mountains wuent there are not evidence of bear, bnt I do not believe that In any locality tbey am especially abuudant They have been hunted aud trapped au long that those whosurvive are extreme ly cantiomv In tuy experience there is aoauimal gifted with a greater amount or intelligence, and. in this region, tbe hnnters chief virtue, patience to wait and stay in on spot, ia aura to be ra warded sooner or later with a good (hot Let me any now that tba danger and ferocity of tbe bear ia, I think, very much overstated, yet there is Just enough ele ment of danger to make tbe pursuit of this animal exciting Naturalists do not now apparently recognize more thau two varieties of bear to tbe Kocky mountains. That ia, they class the cluuamon, silver tip and grizzly, as grizzly bear. The other variety, of course, ia tba black bear 1 am by no means sure that tba grizzly bear will not be further subdi vided after careful comparisons of col lections of ekulla Much has been said and written about the size and weight of tbe grizzly bear, and in most instances this bas been mere guess work. Lewis and Clark made fre quent mention of this auiiual and yet their estimate of the weight falls far below that of other writers Only a few install e have come to my knowledge where tbe weight baa been ascertained absolutely A good sized grizzly killed in Yellow stone park by WUson, the government scout, weighed COO pouuda Colouel Pickett, who bas a neighboring ranch to mine and who bas killed mure bear than any man I know of, weighed his largest, which, if I remember rightly, weighed S00 pounds. Archibald Kogers in bcrib oera. Lowell aa a Puau As a poet, wbatever comparisons may be made with bis predecessors or con temporaries, at borne or abroad, what ever just criticisms may be recorded, we believe it will be found at the end that a Urge part of Lowell's verse has passed into literature, there to remain. The originality, vitality. Intensity and bounty of the best of it are self evident. Al though a true, spontaneous poet, his life bad other strong .interests aud eugroas iug occupations, and the volume of his verse does not equal that of others whose careers bave extended beside his own, his impression as a poet upon bis time has not equaled that of others. it may. indeed, be said that if aa strongly poetic in nature aa they, be would have been dominated as exclu sively as were tby by the poetic mood. However this may be, the quality of his genius, as shown in bus best work, was, we believe, quite as fine as that of any poet writing Ktiglish in his day. No one can read bis lust volume of versa without being impressed anew by the vigor, variety and spontaneous charac ter of Lowell's poetic gift Even hi literary faults are of such a nature as to testify to the keenness of his thought and tbe abundance of his intellectual equipment. Century, tUe rrutaamunal I u.awlur. The protj-N.ii urn I inventor tins a pe- taiuur calling tils stock 111 trade Is his utahis. aud uo one inn uhmji out his work forhlni llu iiiunt study the uved of mit 11 kind, mid try U) antlutimte their wuui. '1 tlio ouljuder It would seoui that nil the piitenta ami invention need ed were ui;ul'. nnil Hint there was no longer anv need of pi 'Jfiuuioiml In wulor. lint so long as machinery is Used there will some improvements possible, and rwry new invention opeu tip a Held fur a iloseu uioru. Ueorge L. WsUh In New ork Lpoclt. Ctavar Met.Mtllle.l llKr- Between II and l .'oolock in the even ing It la iiiiixiHKibli) to walk half a bluest anywhere 011 llnmiluuy between Union eqtutra and Thmy tliird street without being stopd by a pitiful apmil (or alma The less deserving the applicant the more pitiful tin' iipioal. An old but still a fitvoriro trick Willi tbe professional beggars is to hind np an aria or a leg and pretend to be crippled. 8oiue of them are extremely ch-vw in milking op and a careful examination would be necessary to detect the deception.- tub Hata-r or masons. The reason hy Auoock's Foaovt I'ta. tsss are popular is that tbey may be railed on to cure 1 1. Ume back, enlatloa, slitliiass or twitch tug of I hi- niuselra. II. Uhast troubles, auoh as pleurisy, pneu monia, consumption. 8. IndiKeatiiiii, dyspepsia, biliousness kiihtt-v iHiiiinlaint. The alloc, however, will depend upon the nt-iiiiliieiiaaa of th plaster used. Th popularity ol A turns' niaou ri.r has been so (treat that multitude of Imita tion have snrtiiiK up oil every hand. The only sun ours I to get the gaiiulue Atb vix k'a ('nanus I'lastsss. lias nam' 1'itu Improve the diges tion. Illiol -l'sia wouldn't lei tn msrry lllm ilKii.l Wh unit kiliol ksuw I ealltd him ui'li s tltaaKre-wl'l Pt Hams. Maud What aanltt hili.-l-Hill, too HtwiKii, aioo. r.rj Miih tu III Trade. Jiuks (at a vuni-ly eutertulumeiit That fellow ia (rout ol us was about the ouly one who didn't applaud that good old song. "Don't Uvxpiae a Man lievuuae He Wear a (tugged CojiI." He must be a regular artMtix-rul. 111 1 lief iiliuks Weil. I duuuo. Maybe he's a tailor. (iood News The rsaiten of thia tr will Uo tileMsd lo learn llial ili.ra I at lautou drM-Uil UlwaM that M?l-uti. ha. Inwii able Ut vur. lu a.l tt uw.miI Dial Ucaiarrh. Hall'. Calarrli I n w lliv only iMMltivseiira tnti kuowu loth. aiKl l al Iraiorulty. Catarrh, bain a trtiiuitllutloiial oimmim-, rpilr a t-oimllluliiMial IroHliu.iit. Hall'. Catarrh I lire I takau luleriiallr. aplins uirvrlly iimiu th bliion sml niuvon. .nrnicM 01 III. ft)nlt-in, th.relo liaalrorlllK lh loiiiiilalloll 01 111. OlMiiMe and Km'! tin- iMiintii .tiviisi liv biillillus iim 111. eoiiNtltiitloo and aailiillii iiatuiv In iloltiK It work. 'ill. proprletora liav. m iitiit-11 built 111 ii. curative Mw.r mat nir oflor On. Iluinlrvil Utillan fur any nuw that II fnliM tu ure. amid lor ll.t ol tiMfinniilaui. Ad' dr. f. J.( IIK.NKY 4 I l.,Tolinlo, U sold by litusKlilo, 7( vvu u. AlMive tba tt.a.b ttt llanya. Tenor It is siiignlar. whnu I have a cold It destroy my low notes and not at all my blgh ones which would eaem more eeuMtiva Lady Perhaps, bnt then they are the most difficult to attark. Hartajr'a Uaxar BOW VI tlttOW ULJO. The ihreail that biudu tin In life U tun.! fre quently M-vrml are tb uiernlian of lilt- I r-ctivl in tbe ti immiiui who n(leii nb rio. ait-aii. to n-iu-w falluis alnrilKtli. Visor. no the wunt ol ba-iiiitMi ihan Ilia eonUi. lion ut lone lift , ran bo virau-ti and ueriaeiuati-ti rbert- It J.- not vilat. Thouwnaii wlm havr esTliio-u r are t-osiiisaut lueluiliiis many l.k lu o) vmllKiu-e-ol th. flM-u ol ilo.-u-llrrV f.ioiii. li lllttert bear lollmoiiy to 11, w..ujr.iut t1n.. T a. a ctvaior ol .tmuKlli In feeblv t-oitltulmn anil Oi-blllllrl aud nhal-len-d alvu. A .toad? rterniaiHi- of lb. UhIIIt luiit-uouo. rvueaud aix-tlt, He.lt and niKiiiiy ri-itw- atteiui tb iw ol llu. thomucli aud atamlaril renovalit. Vm no looal Uailon-p-rvM-ntril Ui to- akm to or nmunhle it in eflwu in lt )l . iK-iuaiol th.- siiuiue. wtii-b I. an ackiiorlvd)l rviinly lor iiiiliKlioti, malaria, nrvoiisu-.H, i-oii.tliwlioii, liver and Itliiney vomplauiu and rhvutuaiUut. Dr. Itsrca's Pats antlVUsta. TUeyVa a compound of r mied and oonoaa- tratad botanical sz- tracts. Tbese tiny, ugar-eosted )allts tba HtiallMt anil 'i tb aasHtst to take sbaolutuly and permanently cur ConstlpaUon. Indl- testiim. Hick and Bllioua Besdacbss, Disxt imss, Ililious Attacks, and all darangamants of tba llvar, stouiach, aud bowels. Tbny ours permatienffi. bscauss tbay act naturally. Tbey doat shuck and weaksn Uw system. Ilk tb hug, old - f aahiuuad ihus. Ana Uhitt httl pallet for a r thra fur a ostbartia Thay'r tb thmpd pills yon can boy, for they're ruaraa(an to giva satisfaction, or your munoy si munai. L i: J izi? y mora ff active. Una uttai paiWt for a eorracuv or laxattT "ht' Hi. name of your new boatf ' n.iiKd It llridjt.i aitnr the cook, booanae niae. iuch bvavy ruliit." Cm CnasMuns Dtov foUsli: as oast, as sataU. SOCIETY BADGES. A. PtSI.DRNURIH Ell, loaillus J.w lr of the Paolfie nortliwsat. keep, s I.rtje nutek of all hkckkt BiK'irry HAlaiKd on hand. 10.1 sood at low- sat DKurm. Ha US1 Bud u order. Tst Gxsmka far break fsst. My Kealih L h IS A Touthlul CoDDoiaaeur. Bessie is an original little thing, and her comments are often very amusing. Having been brought up in a family of bric-a-brac hunters, her knowledge of ceramics is quite remarkable for a child One day tier mother noticed her gazing fixedly at her great-grandmother, a very old woman, whose kind old face was lit erally a network of 6ne wrinkles. "What are you looking at, Bessier she asked tbe child. "J was only thinking. " she answered promptly, "what a re- showed that 4 bad dawned upon him for I tnarkably fine specimen of old 'crackle . Keep York'. Army of ttepeadeBla. Did you ever atop to think bow large is JNew orts standing army of depend ents, aud what persons, under the com missioners of chanties and correction constitute it? According to the last re port by .the commissioners tbe total number of disabled, infirm, demented minor or delinquent persons under pub lic charge in the workhouse, city bos pi tals, almshouses, jails, insane asylums and on BlackwelJ's island amounted when the last census of them was taken to lc.343. Of the number included in the last report 6,804 were at the time in nbhc asylums under city care, 8,184 in city hospitals, 1.630 in the workhouse 1.M7 in tbe almshouse and 1.875 tn jails and prisons This takes into account merely those under the care of tbe city authorities and maintained wholly at public ex pease. This item of municipal disburse inent amonuts to about $2,000,000 a year or $6,000 a day Six hundred thousand dollars a year are paid for salaries and wages, tl.8UO.000 for supplies, and tor rest for transportation, buildings, rentals and repairs. New Vork Sun. - A. -In. W a font In the mil'). Inauk. 10 Hooti' ra.anlla. I ai lonitcr'y 111 a arnMrlutl i- it.litto't. with 4irvl -hi liiUlirilloa, I ouMii'ti-at alllh-xUiat a o ii id .lay on try .lo-na.-li. 1 b.NO to lak. Ho ft. HarsaiMirltla nlid b-tltld 11 did mo K oil. ho I kit 011 till 1 ImVt tlkt't- foi.l-.-tl initio-, and 1 rim lMrfilr eor.it." f ubiik. f.AaftrsKO, 61 en. laruuuiar Strw:t, rtilrruto, 111. MM Ml TH18 M TB TIME TO order your HUatMKa KtiLi.riUi. vnn want th. sawr; that' toe ouly kind w Oval In. Tli.n odyotir order for tb lujrr auu.kKK and INKS to t-ALMKH a roarujin, oa. Hood'a Pills mir Jmui-m c, liidmvatlou, alok bead.isbe. all liver 111- billouau. lough TOO NO ME MI Th ftp-M-Hle A No. U Om without tmll, mil emmm of tlnf rr mm Hid 4t, txu nuttwr uf Imw kiif baiiilliic. frrvetiaai fttiVtur. H bmtttg mn liv lertjiU r-mawty. tirssa w ttco mvryihti mkm ; XteA.rtuiihsj4 MaMIUlaMTtomiaV J LA-S POieOK-IVV PlLLa A.orurh.r polHinlns from vy-vin or Oak. tf Dot 1m prnvwl m t 0v, return tb laitll aud got - -- wj mi 1 Afrus.1... OBBAT CotTOH Where ail otliers foii. C Throat, lloar.co.Ml, W Aathms. Fia Con.umm has cured tbouaaoda, and will cisa Too promptly cures IS. Crouo. B nr. hooping Cough and It Jf tfjp ITCHTWCI Tn.SS kaowa b. amflaia flH f sw.pmKiQp. aaom laiau. luttoi. taken in time, bold uj JiruKgist on a ruar. antes. rsr a Lame Itaok or liC taw aulLOH BELLADONNA PLASTaRAa). HILOHS1 CATARRH iiave Vou Ctm rtj V 'J 'bia 9mmMv iat anisian. S YOU GOT PILES if ssrplraan. wm.u-m iniauaM lUtxun n . 1,1. t,,mmn ai.rl HI ial-1 TtKl.r AT fWTO M. BOAN-KOI FIU 6lm( whi'-h sVrM -dmotir on prt an. p rrtasaTinl. mtrsx. Prima ikftr). JmiwtMiia HsVi. AW. PaniisyTllt.ylssVfc ts7REMEDY, mn Jzot, aa.oo. the first time that Louis Cuiuze was a shoe maker. Aew Xork Herald. A Canning Ios ' I have a uumtiB that is such a big fellow, yet such a baby. Can you guess his name? Well, do not laugh when I tell vou it is Country Circus, as he keeps us marching around pretty lively at times, and then suddenly jump out from under tb table and looks as happy as a clown. Then I will say, "Stand up there, air, and salute me.' This ha will certainly do, but not before he is sure J bave something for him, aa he loves "sweets" as well as any little bur or girl I know. Only he is a thief and has a place In which be keeps all be steals. Oue day a little cousin of mine was crying and granny was." This whs much to the old lady's delight, she being a bit of a collector herself. New York Tribune. A freblatoric riod. A mound containing the skeletons of several prehistoric people baa been dis covered on a farm near Carthage. Ills The skeletons lay in all conceivable posi tions, and are supposed to be those of warriors who fell in battle. It is be lieved that the farm is the site of an an cient battlefield, Tbe skeletons are of unusual size aod tbe teeth in tbe skulls are larger than those of ordinary human beings, 'l be authorities of Carthage col when i inquired, "What has become of le'e tutv received permission to explore me cave, ana a noted antiquarian has been sent for to aid in the investigation Hii ladel phla Ledger tiew Knrlmid Piety. There are coram unities of sturdv New England people where the general rule that religious services languish in the absence of a pastor does not hold, lu North Warreu weekly prayer meetings nave been held for over seventy year uninterruptedly, aud this without the help of a minister, except for au occa sional lecture. At first the meetings were held at private dwellings, but for orer thirty years the people have met at a Bchoolhouse Eockland (Me.) Tribune a?, f. S. U, Ho. 604-tt. JF, if. V. Xo. 6W your doll, Kamie?" she said. "Circus growled her up." And so it was. He bad taken it to bis tent, as my suiter and I call it, a big box which be bad, and stood look iug so mean and ashamed when we com menced to scold him that he buna bis bead aud walked away. New York Kecorder. Johm Brown, Who Carrie Wood. John Brown, the senate wood carrier, has remained undisturbed for rears in bia place, no oue having tried to oust him ex cept once, riergeaut-at-ai-ms .Bright once found tbe pressure upon bitn for places so great that in desperation be decided to dis charge John. He sent for him, and the old wood carrier came shuilhiig in. Yo want me, Miatah bright?" asked he. Yes, John, J wanted to tell you J in tco Ing to discharge you." W'ba's dat, Mistab BniJit Lux.'liaria- uef Oh, go 'long, Mia tab iiright. J ain't got time talk wid you. Go 'iong." Aud hn Brown put on hi can. shouldered his hod and shuttled out, still muttering that he had no time to talk of "sich trilling non sense." Mr. Bright was surnrised. but that waa the butt attempt ever made to oust John, who is now considered iudisoensable.- o-ate s uuu s eeuingtou. HI On Architect. 'PI I . , L . , v. u lavs ur. i- orvin tureen waa a verv 1 good specimen of a self made man. As a : boy as paid the uiortioute on hia railir. tanu aowo in Kentucky and edm-aix! him. self by chopping wood. He did not become j mtereaied in the teleia-anu business until 1.1. t 1.- 1 1 x- - J 1. . "i" "au uraciaceu meaiclua lor ' i 11 0 . . . . several years, but when be turned bis at- ' Z"'1 rK"'' w 1JT J0--n tention to this business ha mastered it. and I "P"18' o'"-"ed X'reacher of Charlotte. th Western Union TelearaDh comnanv " (i laches long aud 71 inches probably owe as larice a share of its sue The owner of this monstrous cess to Dr. Omen as to any oue man who .' foot U 8 feet 10 Inches high and weighs fea jjver beau eonnerted with - 1 410 poojuia, . A Big aalaaoa Crop, This ts a great year for big crops Now it is tbe salmon crop that exceeds anything in the history of tbe country Huget bound Is reported to be so filled with salmon, making their annual run to the sound snores and the fresh water streams for feeding and spawning, that the steamboats seem to be floating on a solid masa of fi.-di. The paddles kill hundreds of them and are choked with tueir bodies The sound steamer cap tains describe the run as an unbroken string of salmon thirty miles long, the water for that distance being fairly alive with them. Neither the oldtxt inhabitants nor the aged Indians remeru her such a big salmon run. Tbe result of the enormous run is a big reduction In prices. Usually good salmon sell for ten to twenty live cents apiece, but now at oue cent each the market hi glutted with the finest quality of fish. At Port Williams a few days ago two cants of a seine netted over 8,000 flue salmon. Everybody is fishing -Chicago Herald. Bc-ud for CaialOfue. r. A. SCHBOCK FIbi Btddlvt lair Mittniut, Flsst littrmis, fin litlrBmi, tnd Pillows. NswMoaTooaasTBT Bau Frsaaloa tab g PRINTERS 8 -A Nil- PUBLISHERS -will rim) a rvu ut or- TYPE, Presses, Prinlinj: fisted and Cachintrj For asl at lowaat prkw and sat dauUou batata at Paloer & Rey Tj pe FGnodry, Cor. Front tnd Aider Streets, sQltTUtan. OW. Writ for pnos and tana bstost buytug ala wbara. Irooklyn Hotel 201 212 Busk tU tu Francises. Till, favorite hotel la andrr th manas.tn.nt of t IIAKlli XUMUlia tKV,aud In a. (oud It nut 111. Mt-i rainii alia puaiuaa. mou uoHH iu Ban rram-iauo. Home Comforts! Cuisine Unexcelled! rtrat-elaai axrviot and th. hlrlit Klaudara ot mimiiaidliiy au.r.ulavd. (W nmm mmi be iurnwti II. MrafMrM un-t rnwJwi Uisrtl snd room lr imr. (1.1IA, fl.Ml. SI .76 and t!M; board and room par Mk,7 toll; itiiri. rooias sus to II. fnm ooauk to and fcula boul. . DR. GUN MS lsiraovaB LIVER PILLS mild panic ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. iMMaJtai. Thaw uul wUtwly wUM Um WTm ImtAm m naVMa II T9t,im. TUm ottrv UaMMlavhsa. sMiluiaMB im KirsM fadd takavr tit tStsnulsuticMi baHisr ttuM ajasl asaartlsm Tfc smH istiS4lr, rtlarr gripm Mt isrr MtMHr pill ln. Tt cbtavti.t. wam of tbvtr tmmm mm wiu swui Mvpiasa rrtatj, or rual tn rnr . maim rwNSH. mmmumm mmL. wit rmv.ni..m. , Fishing Tackle. 4k Stansrd Vila, par dos...'.... I'minn Trout ril... par dot,..., K.IIH'. rile., tanr do. Htilll Hani boo Moil., eaoh mui by tuall on neelpi of prlea. tee i. t. mm im ci, Fortland, Oragon. CaUilasiMaon applieaUun. lercules Gas Ennino ISA OK OABOUKK) Maaa for Peassr a Pumavms; Sirms. Tfe fTiml lUllaM. Oa Kaaiu DROPSY , , THKATKD VRKK foalllv lr Gored with Taatebl lUrasaais lln. ourad Uiotuaod. of aaa. Umawm wuiuwl IuiMm tif Iwatplir.lelaii. Krum IraSi mirt..m. dinPIMr: B s(r,stiMHt two-unm - 77iipuini nmio.wi aeoa Ii -r rr boot tsatlaio l.l nf nilrsimliia. miraa. Tin ar.' Wa.lm.nl !" "I man. ir run nraar trial. MO llle. In Manila oar p-Miur. I)h it h.uhcik Aaoaain-uu 1.. If rnu ordartrlal return tun adrarUMiuaol to a waHia. Out c-mmttm For SlMallcltr II BwU tk ItaHA It alto Itself from a Koaarroir, Culmrasar sa gt mml t ardaaw Mattaries r Klaetrle Spark. It ma wltk s fear Orad or Oaaoaa Uiaa an oOmr Knalna. sob carauwra o PALMER It REV, MANuracruaaaft 40! Immn Straai. la fraoatai. Cat POBTxawn, oaawoit. The English opinion Is that tbe far ther south you go for oyster brood the poorer you get. A certain rock .oyster from Scotland "has a firmness, richness and smack of the sea," according to an English authority, "that is greatly pre ferred by many to even the best Thames native. A r-lagu of llutt.rfllea. Munich has been invaded by an enor mous army of butterflies. Millions of the species known as "nonnenschmetter linge" attacked tbe city a few night ago, attracted, a is supposed, by the brilliancy of the electric lights. The wails of tbe houses before which electric lamps were fixed were literally covered with the butterflies. In several places tbey forced their way through the doors and windows and fluttered around the lights. In the Cafe Kaiserbof and the Loewenbrau-Keller the Intensity of the light fascinated such swarms of the but terfly "nuns" that the devotees of Kina Oamhnuu found their hats and clothes Baking PoiVder Purity and Leavening VoWer UNEQUAIXD QASH PRISES ro Introduca our fvwdet. we bv d. jwmluwl to dl.trit.ata anion tn carnura er a nuinoer of OAHhTJ-HlZaa To tiiepwaoiiorclnbreturiilns tilth lanjwt tTit'.T Tl" aca.ll r-rtMl of SIO0. .r,i t" ll. 11.it UrK.t, nnniorou otb.r orlua CWSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, Or. BEATS STEM POWER HERCULES !GAS E2TGINE. Boa With Cia ar CiaMllMe. Tour Wife can ran It. Bsqulres no lloentnd or' ttTric "para? tt'meU " "' PAA.HIEB A RET, BAH Fsacico, Cau Poetlakb, Oa. Charles H. Towusend, in his report nnotl t.h ra-uel ftuhA.ei4i rjt ?ultrr.p..ia I says that a pearl shell company of Lower thickly coated with the iutruders that bottle of German Syrup on his per- "German Syrup" RegisXeblanc is a French Cana dian store keeper at Notre Dame de Stanbridge, Quebec, Can., who was cured of a severe attack of Congest ion of the Lungs by Boschee's Ger man BVrUO. lie has sold manv a RIAZEH AXLE GREASE Best ii the World!, set tin Genome! SoIdEverrwhere!1! rBA WOOLSaT.Aaat.rrtlad, Or. MRS. WINSLOWS - fOK CHILDRIN TIITHINO -"'-y an i-inssuta. UiiuuiMua Sooth no $3 maa 01VKN AWAY M tliiM tmoMIno UUU J'.""""! th ntinihar u vi.luir. a" and onr traitl on Prevention -Lr" KSr2Hi ""'.'FREE Agent wanted. Standard RemMtv i!o.. h...i- THE BEST HARNESS EVER MANUFACTURED ON THE COAST is sold by DOLE-PEARSON HARNESS CO., at prices that will astonish you. Only the best Oak-Tanned Leather fined , and all work una., 180 Union Avenue fKastsidei p.j - .'ana, Kir California has an invested capital of 110,000 From 400 to 600 men are em ployed. The season begins In May in the vicinity of Cape tit. Lucas. An iron last, made by Spence, Bogg & they hurried out and left the invaders in possession. In souie places the lamp were darkened by the mass of butterflies clinging around them. St. James Uu zette, A Good led Mother (severelyi-Johnnv. where la that piece of cake I left here when I went out? Johnny I gave It to a hungry little boy, mamma, and, oh, be was so glad to get itl Mother Come to my arm you dear. atar angel, who was tbe bttla boyf Johnny Ms. -Evchanga TOimituiuiuicDuauQii. nyo drop Wra a line he'll give you th . full facts of tbe case direct, as he did us, and that Boschee's German Syrup Drought him through nicely. It always will. It is a good medicine tad thorough in iu work, "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO PUo' Kerned)- for Catarrh I tb Kaalrat toTTiw, and t'licapent. Sold by brogiclit orient br tnalL Uc. K. T. Uau.Ua, Wama, RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF moore's Revealed Remedy. KHKUMATWMandravyonTKoVtbov " "" MATUM whan th. bI ioom,7o n V. SiAS IVVK DKOOOUX. A