The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 21, 1893, Image 1

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The Official and Oilier News
"' or-
Columbia : County.
in Tim
Official Paper
Columliiu : County.
VOL. 10.
NO. 30.
ini i:u i vi. it utiiMtnoinnu
DAVIS BROS., Manager.
Mubarrlptlon llama.
(hia fir one year In advauco,.., ...........11 Ml
f inn em, in ii i, nn. ......" iu ) '
Adrcrtlaiiill llMlo.
'Mifi.iliiiiiil rarda one year
itiiaculiiuiu oua year,..,,,-.
Ilulf I'uliitiiu out, year
ijtuirii'r column uiki yuar...
. r.
. 7i
wilt, nii'ii mil. iMiMiui,
Ihtu llli'll litre" Imiilllli,,,....., '
UlIU llli'll IX IIHUIIIlB,., , . 1
brutal imilm x, irnimn wr lliif lur tlrat lnr
tliiiii HHniiK par Unit d.r each tibt'imiiil lu
aorntm, . ... ... .
IHiil.i eriliiii!hl, ll.fiti H'r lnrli for llr.t
IIIMtrilUII. H.l'l .11 Will. I'V. II.VH .... Vn. .. .....w
qilutil iii.erllnii.
l auniy Olllrvr.
Hm-rllf ......
Tr.a.iir f
Ht,f.l, i.l hvIiim.Ii,
Iii,iii. Ill..,a,.,t. tlalnliir
',.S, K. Unlrk. Ml. Ilflen.
II, A., HI. Ilviaua
U M IVIi.rl,,!, . 1'nl.linLlii t'ltV
...... ,...,.T. J. rii-r-ioti, Varnimia
, W. II. Kvwr, Italiilur
A II. I.IUli-, llaoilnr
i M. It. Ivlii, mu.rr, Vorllulll
" jil. W. iann;', Mayifar.
Norteir rllrra.
MauKtr.M. IMr-ns ttc, No. M-Hrgnlar
rainiiitiulrnUm.a nr.l I tlilcl Kattmlay in
t,h in. in ill m 7 in) r. . t Mamml ball. llt
lux niaiiilwr In ik! mwiilliiil liivlltiil lu at-
"Uimiii',-ilaliiir IhIkk. No. 2lr!latet
lllliVllMIti ltIUMt ' W'TOW'll I'""1'
,t i u r a m M.i.oiilr hull, r Mlani-hanla
Mir. Vlilium uiamlMra Ill guud aiawllu( In-
(Dili r(i,L-rit Malviia t."'ir Nil 117
Movta ai.ryhaiiiii.ajriii.lil t 7 ; 1ra.iliit
bruilirvn In ul kiikiIiik cordially tuvHvJ lo
Mi. Illall.
IVwii river (Wl) pirn. t iW 1, M.
l u rtmr (iKinrliM!i r. a.
- .. . - .. ....I llllBl.rff Immi-I.
1 1, a imii ' idiii'mh" ' ' . 5 i . I.
Ml. Union. Mbiulay. ttodiiewlny ami Krlilay al
.... I....... f, r
Th!' Mall U M.r.l.l.., 1.l..ak. at Ml
laatMiiumiiMuinlay, .liiiwJy ana Friday
at ID a. , , , . ...
u.n.irUitwMi.i iwirth nil.., a 10
l,rllaii. al r. M.
Trf lill !" Mm.
HrruaaaH. W, KHivaa- lava Hi. Ilitloiij
f,,r I'.iriUii.l al II , . Tmily, lluirwtayaml l -i, M. 1 1 Imi r I laukanla
Mumlay. IVXiiwIiiy an.l IrWay al : . M.
MrMK lHui-lv W Helen, for Turt
laiil 7 44 . M, ivliriilii at r. M.
HTKaMKn JuaarH KklLimi'I-I mimHI. Union.
fr l, dally io.t Wninlny. a!7 a. . ar
rli lnv al l-ntlUml at lu : rvtiirnlim. loave
ivnlaii at I r. H.. airlvlna at 01. Ilflcun aU.
It. II. tt. Cl.ll r.
81. Helena, OreRoii.
)tt J. K. 11AI.L,
ClaUxkaule. Colmiilila county, Or.
b. i.K,
St. Helms, Oregon.
Co tint V surveyor. Land surveying, town
pliilliug,' and ciiKlniwring work promptly
Sclentmo Amerioan
Agenoy tor
3 ypyiv
I III'-V Ttini aaank.
I lfl':yL'Jr ntaiDM lATCMT.
noav.iflHTI. atoJ
tar Information ami frw H wiw'"
MliNS 'o lull ItuoAl'H a V. Nrw ""
VV.'rr iNili.iit lnao out . nn l rmirl.l I;"'"
th JiuUia "ut '"lioo ,imi friaiot obai In tua
Vmwt elr,lai Ion of anyiioiMitlflflpapw.rn tbf
llffir "eV.V." lilS No 1,M.,II .ni
Tnarl I.N'I Pieailia, A'llK"" M,ii:Jll?.,V
Klauauaaa. Ubl UtoaUaay, w Vota tit
The Ovorland Route
,i.n iP..i,.u hIIv. laav
litallll Central Ihsimi
v.. iii'l.M Limited
I Kimt Miill," luavlna at
7:i r. M., earrin.
1,..,.. I'alane
JHw.lnS and 1J " "II
r Cnrn nun ireo rtm-iiim-a
'('Hair Can t iroi'K 1
i..riiuttil tii (Hit-
nmo,vlCiH'il HluffB,
,mv'"'i",'k...:.",.i mi , hi, u.t.i
. I.. ii tram cmv
1 . 1 ....In.. 11 ..a , 1 1 111 VhuI : oarrli-a throus 1
i'nllii.aii Hlenwr aniU'-halr Car '' 5
C..ll, Farm ltiBi. " ' "j(ou, ,.,:
ry. Mihum.w ami I'.wir 1 . 45 .,
No. H. " livurlami nywr, Hli,airi
carrU-; IMillnuui I'ala.-a .V,"' , w ilcha ie
friii,, l-oriland . Mtayajrl r h rH,
C 1 .1 'i 11 I a . . . M a y 1 , 1 :i . a 'J
HiiiIh ..May f'i l'i J
t aa 1 11a I,.fl 1 Nil
. ., j.u k'.ial'IKO
)r.-K.,ii May . . 'rli'lii' ' to Vha.ige
Tho 1.1111 i.Hiir reaervm the nuiiv
aloamora ur .allliigdaya.
fllini.ANII A Nil A"i . , h,iv
lK Imat leavo. l-..rilaiiu ? ",,, r 1h1v .
at 7 . M.l roliirnlim. I A li ' l !(r(.
c.t Siin.liiy, at 11 '-,.,N.l1"1',1 rtmirn-
land dally, excai.t '.m" ' , Sniidav, at rt A.
big, leaveaAatorU dally, exijpl
M. "ha iniiriilns al ,,r '; (iB.., Tluira"
lnmlliiK. en tha Om ' ' '.u ,de
Ihv. and HHtnrdyl " V'K.u..." . A-
Mnmlaya, WeUiiidaya a m r " j )e
oat maam .'""". ", ,,.,.,.
andoli tlio Wa-liHiKio" "' 1 u0a
dav and Hiitorilava, t , g A, M,
CAHOA UK. Iioll "?"t 7 1 k,avo llonne-
d",T' !:.r.KLavy'frL tea.n.hlp whrf
A IX OTHER Sleamora lev. from A.lwW.1
Ooruuf Hilrd. " '. uuiuiiar Asent,
Aaaiaiaiiivi'"- - ; torUaud,ur
Comment Upon Oregon Fruit
and Wood Exhibit.
Another National Bank Canhler Gone
Wrong Habea Corpua In
Chincae Caaca.
Peals are getting tliii'k in tho ColuiiiWa
Not a m blitin limine is being run in
Fiirrniiientu. , -
Wi'lmir, Mulio, eliiltim tliti lurgiwt Hour
tnilln in tho HtuUi.
(!oniilerfeitera urn reporliil to ln'opi-r-aliiiKin
tlie milnirliiui Uintrkta ot 1'urt-
Omar V.. Hill
cnHliUir of tlie Coin-
tiicri'inl Nutionui liuiik of Ogiluii, in
ui'iuiiiut lor i)ii,nnj.
A limmli of tlio Tliixianpliii'iil 8fM:ii-ty
nf tlie I'lu-illi; CmtHt I ma l:cn formeil at
I'ort Townaenii, W'aali.
It'l... .1.. 11 1 - f tt I
iiium?YHiiu nuuij imurii oi rnnioiia
lina refumnl to Kraut any of lliu umiiy
uiliiuliiHB iri-aeiiteJ to it.
Ten tliiiiiHiuiil ucrti) of lmiil have lieen
IiurcluiHi'd alaitit ten milea mut of Jfiv-t-rciili',
Cnl., wlilrh will hi put under
a utrr ami colli (or kultleineul.
Tliere ia ijikhI nioiiey in toliaero-trrow-liiK
in WaaliiiiKlun aoeonliiig to 1'.
r'ulliin of Mi'Millin. Mr. i'uttuti Iibh
three Hcrea of tnlwcco tiii year, 10.UIXI
Jilunta to the m re.
puny of Mirli'pn ia iiiiruiitc'il 2S,0(M)
Ikiiu'Ih in hiniiti and money if it will
erect a iiiRiiiifuetorv in Wliutcom,
WilnIi.. and emiilov 1 1)0 mi'n.
Tlie ownem of tlie Kant Wellinctwn
(It. '.) collierioa huve telegraphed tlieir
uuwillinK'ieiMi to aureo to termi) with
their einployea on tlie eoiuproiniaeofl'er
ed hy the latter; bo tho milieu have nhut
i. .. ... ..... ,.r . r...
AIIV iajii-uiv vi m ni.iiiHii iiniii..
Pnwtt at Itiiiiner'a Kerry, Idaho, who
waaenuHiteil in tininm;lirif( opium from
Uritlrlt C'luinhia, ia rciiorled. Jt wua
I I. I !.. 1 I... ..I I 1 ..II
lUUIHI 111 llt.r IA.Ibll, UIIU UlllVlllltVU 111 mi
to itixty raim.
80I111IU, the Helf-roiifemicd ahooter of
liuirirn A liniiinMin. a wavaidi autoon
kiH'r nrar Stockton, waa confronUxl
by hia late employer, I. V. McCarty,
who ili'HcriU'd him an being an emy liar
1 10 liki-M 10 (HMie aa a nero.
r..-:. .'........ ..llnu I. .
ifiurinno ii'ui iiiii, miiwB m.i vim v.-
ciii, waa arrealeil at Tuwon, A. T., anil
. .i. .1 i. .f i...i
Olian;! Willi lliu iiiunii'r 01 rviira
lilies in Trea Tinoa, San Itenltn county,
Cal., on SeiitemU'r 'A', 187H. For over
twelve yearn (iearman linn IivimI 111
Tniuviii aiiH vicinity, workimr in the
mime and freight iiir. He ha been
known aa 15artola tiarcia, and Iioru the
retiulation of a peaceable and indua-
....1 ... 1 .....11 ... i,i ,. if..
trioua man .mi liv w--n iui ..
and little daiiKhUir.
Hurry Bentley, once convicted at Um
Anuelei for poiaonlng hia wife by araenic
..lil.,iU oaiiMinir ln.r dentil, nan been
diachiiraed by Judge Smith. The Din-
. . ... ' ... I .1 II... . lu. 1U-
tncl Attorney aaatni vuni. nn w
charged, aaving that the Nordholdt
heiraof Mm'. IUmtley and Bentley had
compromiHcl their troubles over the
promrty and it would be imposmblo to
convict Ilentley, the heiw lieing in hia
favor, me Jtnige iniiiiiatBii mi nu.
looked queer all aromiil.
A patter waa read at a meeting
... ,..u...ry I'n.imn Suhinliiv. Dlir-
porting to an agreement between the
growers, pai Kcra aim niu """im"
tflcit an follows: Tho growers are to
pay the packers W eeiuaper 00
uvura anil I7.n0 per ton for loone raiMina,
5 iwr cent coniniiHHion and 2'g per cent
brokerage and 25 cenUi per ton to the
HHooi'ilition to lie couecicri ny inu I'm ,
the packer to be liable to the asrwiatmn
at tho rate of $1.50 a car for all raisim
pucked. Judge Bellinger In tlio, uniiou nuiie
I)intrict COiirt at Portland refuses Ui
lialu-aa coi ntis In dhmese
ciises until the customs olllcers bavi
dccidinl on their rigtiis enter me
country. He added: "The govern
ment has appointed qualilled olllcers to
take care ot iiunaiucii, uu n .....
presumed the courta are to take tlie
mutter out of their bands. Chinamen
aro not imprisoned in the usual sense o
tho word. Tliev voluntarily placed
themselves in tins position aim am
f . ..I.. .....II ll,.,i. ....II I, I llH Bllll CCt to
examination on reaching United btaKs
Thoso who are skeptical as to inc
worth of Oregon's exhibit - M i'H
World's Fair will find in the followinij
clippings abundant evidence mat nei
1) g fruit ami one wmi i..
11 nf favorable comment :
Chicago Kvening Journal : "A repre
sentative collection ui iiiii. ";
the growers i-regon in iv.....
on the east side of the
hall in a glittorlug array 01 K'"n
Oregon prides herself on her prunes.
vliK.ii 1 .!,! nil-
ler sou prouncvB im :-
mrtialitv Italian, tierman, French,
ilnmrarian and her own 'silver primes.'
When it comes to a matter of sitr inc
State s also wen u mo ,","
a pear in her exhibit which measure
9 Eos ard weighs 4'i , ponnd. n
r... , ,:. ...i w uh nir 2 ikihiiiIh.
. Zr W in'liameter, and
.1.1 .,ll.lln. Oreeon. which was the
fl-tHtatelniplercaduiess am
:s.ra . ""bv;ii: it is
nf iimli s that make tne mouu
immense Ja in so n-
tin. There are - - "'t ttlul
plums, peaces and other ts Lh
cago Inter- e,,. . .
of the Wean of y "'"J,,.
r0lrhtah andVv Be iarhave ex
afln. exhibit, mady for in
The appralsnmcnt of lots and parcels
of land in the townsile of Port Angeles,
Wash., by the ctimiiiiHHion appointed by
Secretary Noble has Ixinn approved by
tlie Interior Hepartuieut. The commis
sion of the general land olllco is now
preparing instructions to tlie proper Keg
laliir and Receiver for tlie salo of raid
lots and parcels of land. Tho settlers
under the law aro entitled to purchase at
the appraised value the town lot on
which they live ami any other on which
Ihey may have madn vuluable improve
ments. The remaining lands are to be
sold to the highest bidder above the ap
praised value. The whole towimite ag
gregates alsiut 8,001) acres.
The pension Imrcait has notified a
great many pensioners throughout the
entire country, wiio are drawing pen
sions under the act of June 27, WM,
known its tlie independent pensions act,
Unit payment of their pensions will bo
Hispcwluil for sixty days, during which
time they are required to show cause
why thev should continue to draw pen
sions. 1 Ins tuition is pursuant lo me re
cent ruling of Secretary Smith that a
pensioner under the act of June Zi, lHiw,
drawing a pension for total disability,
must be shown to be physically Incapa
ble of manual hilior. It'is estimated at
(lie pension office, although tho work
has recently lici'im. that something over
1,01)0 suspensions have already been
Enlisted men in the imvv will now
have the nrivileire of purchasing their
discharge. Secretary Herbert has issued
an order establishing rules anu regula
tions for the purchase of dim-barges au
thorized by tlie last naval appropriation
bill. No man is to be allowed to pur-
clmse liis discharge while in debt to tho
government, nor until he lias serveu
three months. The price of dischargo
during the fourth month of enlistment
will lie ii" per cent 01 the yearly pay 01
tlio aiiplicant: during the fifth month
30 per cent, and so on, increasing 6 per
cent Hir month until tlie fourteenth
month, when tho maximum price is
reached. I'liring tlio fifteenth month
tho price will be 05 per cent of the max
imum price; in tlie sixteenth month 00
per cent, and so on, decreasing 5 percent
i,i.r month until the thirty-fourth mouth.
when thn annlicant muv anlilr for his
discharge without payment. o man is
allowed to purchase his discharge a sec
ond time, and those procuring discharges
by purchase lorteit an ooneuis nue 10
continuous service or honorable uis
chargo. A diWiargo by purchase is not
an inherent right, but a privilege which
may be granted by tho Navy Department.
Tlie atmosphere alxnit the weather
Imri-mi has cleared off very perceptibly
since the recent investigation, and affairs
are running along very smoothly, with
very little probability of any farther
changes being made iu the near future
in tho bureau. Bccreutry atonon m
that he wished to make it popular; in
short, he will insist nion a useful fore
casting, so the farmer, miner, shipper
and commercial man can uenve troui it
the greatest possible good. In addition
to cutting off a number of what be culls
"useless scientist" Secretary Morton
proposes to save money in the matter of
i..l,.,rriin)i tolfa. He also decided to dis
continue tlie river and flood-room work
and at an early date place the river fore
cast in charge of observers located on
the principal rivers. As s result Carl
rSarns, t, II. isigclow aim iiiom.m 1..
Russell, professors of meteirul.y, will
bo dropped from the rolls Ibis moii'l
along with a number of clerks mid othei
employes. In his forthcoming repor,
secretary .Morion w in maae two iiiiij.
taill recolllllicilliauoiis. vim: renin: n
tlie indiscrimiiialedistrilmtionof garden
seed, and tlio oilier to the dnplicaijon ol
experiments by stations, now beiny done
by the department.
September 30 has been decided upon
as Ireland's day.
Tlie feature of the Literary Congress
was a paper ny unaries uuuiey arner
on the function of literary criticism in
tlie United Stutcs.
It has been decided bv the council of
administration to maintain the depart
ment of promotion and publicity until
the close of fhe fair, with Major Moses
P. Handy as chief.
Chief Allison of the manufactures
building of the World's Fair expelled
R. H. Ingersoll & Bra., a New York
novelty firm, for persistently violating
the rules against selling goods.
Tho imnind has been broken at the
southend of the anthropological build
ing for a building known as Kmnlora
Inn ns a part of tho Massachusetts
exhibit. In it Miss Maria Darnell of
Bo-it on will show scientific methods 01
cooking tho cheapor classes of food so
as to be palatable and nourishing and
In tho sanitary branch tlio best means
of cooking for tho sick and convalescent.
If the army bill passes, as now seems
probable, it is bclievod that Emperor
William of Germany will visit the
World's Fair. An attache of the Ger
man commission is authority for this
statement. Tho Gorman Department of
State in reply to tho question as to how
the Emperor would be received here has
been informed by the Consuls in the
United States that he would meet with
a hearty greeting.
The special committee appointed by
the World's Fair National Commission
to report upon tlie facilities for saving
life in case of a fire in any of the expo
sition buildings reported to that body
recently. It recommended the estab
lishment of a corps of men, to be known
as a life-saving crew, to be furnished
with all modern appliances for saving
life, this corps to be stationed at some
central point within the park. The
report was adopted.
Oregon is one of the States that will
receive daily shipments of ripe fruit and
fresh vegetables in season to renew her
oTblbita at tho World's Fair. She is
now receiving cherries and strawberries,
and the hi pments have all come through
In lino condition, establishing the truth
of tho statement that Oregon fruits nre
good shippers. In that State's exhibit
111 the fisheries building one of the. most
attractive displays of the whole fair has
been holding the crowds about the Ore
gon booth during the past few days.
This consisted of fresh royal Chinook
pinion from -the Columbia river. The
iniimar. fish weiirhod einhtv-two pounds,
and was tlie largest salmon ever caught
in tho West. These flsh were frozen in
side of solid cakes of ice before they left
the Coast, and thev came through nicely
in that shape. They looked beauties
through the crystal ice.
Orders for Imported Drugs
Must be Paid in Gold.
Destructive Prairie Fire in Kansas
Caused by a Lightning Bolt
Female Notaries.
The big Catholic. Congress will as
semble at Chicago September 4.
There are 7,817,434.!J in the Penn
sylvania State Treasury.
Five women were qualilled ns notaries
public in Philadelphia last week.
New York city hag spent $12,000 in
entertaining the Infanta Kulalia.
Tlie Treasury Department has decided
ttiat the tomato is a vegetable and not a
Kentucky farmers are talking about
feeding wheat to hogs because of the
low price.
The assesed valuation of property in
New York city is approaching the $2,000,
000,000 mark.
Oklahoma lias quarantined against
Texas rattle, owing to Texas fever
among tlie herds.
Many Eastern towns are now making
use of the electric cats for keeping tlie
streets sprinkled.
Tli Grand Army people of St. Louis
propose to raise a fund lor t monument
to General Sherman.
Tho silver bought by tha government
nnder the Sherman law is worth t,G5,
01)0,000 less than was paid for it.
Hinckley, the crop expert "f the St.
Paul road, says the spring wheat crop
will be Die tutorcst in twelve years.
It is said that neither Cleveland nor
Hill will take any especial interest in
tlie campaign in New York this year.
The now vacant position of Chaplain
of the House is going a-begging,
but one candidate having appeared so
A decision of a Baltimore Judge that
"no kissing" be allowed in the parks of
that city has been sustained by a higher
The syndicate which bought South
Carolina's bonds has completed the
(5,260,000 payment, and tne State leels
The ravaees of the chinch bug in Kan
sas this year have aroused the farmers
to a moro general trial of the infection
The Mexico Land and Improvement
Company of Kansas City will experi
ment with cotl'ee-raising on a large
scale In Mexico.
Mrs. Rodney, who is walking from
Galveston to Chicago on $2,000 wager,
is ahead of time. She sells her photo
graphs en route.
A nhvsician In Brewsters, N. Y has
Invented an electric disinfectant that
vroniises to be of great importance in
killing disease germs.
Jerry Simpson denies that a deal am
been made by which he is to run for
Governor of Kansas and Governor
1 swelling is to become Senator.
Of the thirtv-four counties of South
Carolina only seven have complied with
tlie regulations of the new liquor law of
the State, which weat into enect juiy i.
Sncpessfiil experiment have been
made in several States in stimulating
the growth of such plants as wheat
corn and tobacco by means of eleeune
Panama has hod a water famine.
The aguadores, or water carriers, were
compelled to pay about 20 cents each to
have their pipotes, or Darreis, waeiieu
and disinfected.
It is estimated that there are 50,000
men idle in Pitteburg and its immediate
vicinity, awaiting agreements as to a
new scalo of wages for the coming year
in the iron mills.
The New York Central will furnish
transportation and sleeping-car privi
leges to all its employes who wish to
visit the fair. Each employe can take
one member of his family.
A Harvard law student, who acted as
his own attorney in the case against
him, was sentenced to five days in the
Boston House of Correction lor causing
a disturbance in a horse car.
An Indianapolis dispatch says that
"as a result of the continued stringency
In the monev market" nearly 6,000 men
employed in the various manufacturing
industries ot the city are out 01 worn.
Tho destructive prairie fire reported
In Kansas week before last, devastating
an area of territory five miles wide and
ten miles in lenutb, was caused by a
bolt of lightning setting fire to the dry
prairie grass
Prof. A. J. Bigney, an instructor at
Johns Hopkins University, has analyzed
the "black rain" that fell in the vicinity
of Mooro'B Hill, Ind., recently. He has
found traces of carbon and also timese of
hydrogen sulphate.
Out of 874.741 alien steerage ptssen
trers landed at New York in U0C only
4,110 gave their destination aa the
Southern States, So far this year the
proportion of southward-bouna immi
grants is no greater.
Secretary Horbort has appointed Miss
Letitia C. Tyler of Alabama, grand
daughter of ex-President Tyler, to a
minor clerkship, below the classified
grade, in the bureau of supplies and
account, .navy department.
Circulars have been received by all
the wholesale and Tetail druggists in
Pittsburg from W. H. Shiefflin dt Co. of
New York, the largest drug importers in
this country, announcing that in future
all orders for imported drugs must be
paid in gold.
In New York the Health Board has
appointed what is designated a "sum
mer corps of physicians," fifty in num
ber, whose dutv H is to visit tenement
houses during July and August and give
medical attention to sick children and
poor people who are unable to pay for it.
A significant feature of the Treasury
statement is not a cent of the receipts
for last June were paid in gold certifi
cates, and the May statement was little
better in this respect. In June of 1892
8 ner cent of the receipts were paid in
gold certificates and 2 per cent in gold
Florida's orange crop 6,000,000 boxes.
Spanish laborers average 40 cents a
Kat-catching Is a paying London occu
pation. Scotland uses American spinning
The principal food export of Sweden
is butter. '
World's annual coffee consumption
650,000 tons.
Over 2,000 printers are employed by
one concern in Paris.
Black tea and green tea are the prod
uct of the same plant.
There are nearly 1,700,000 seamen em
ployed on the high seas.
Hartford (Conn.) electric linemen use
bicycles on their rounds.
Many large bells are now being made
of steel inutead of bell metal.
Paper-making ranks fifth among the
Industries of the United States.
Russia has the greatest amount of live
stock of any country in Europe.
The aluminium buggy, pneumatic
tired, is the latest record breaker.
Some rich men sleep well on silver
plated bedsteads costing 500 each.
One-fourth of the world's silver is sup
plied by the mines of this country.
It is said that 127,000 working women
hi New York support their husbands.
Great Britain has but one medical
Journal, while this country has over 200.
Over 10,035 persons are employed by
the telephone companies of this country.
There are nearly COO laundries in Phil
adelphia, 307 being operated by Chinese.
Cuniv, particularly of the higher class,
nre chiefly made in' the East End, Lon
Tha viilne of farming lands in this
country is said to be greatest in New
Two-thinls of the cold now in nse in
the world was discovered during the last
Cfty years.
In 1880 there were 4,005,000 farms in
the United States, having an area of
6.'U,000,000 acres.
The largest stationary engine in the
world is used to pump out the zinc mines
at Friedenville, Pa. .
In the Nebraska State building at Chi
cago the entire process of manufacturing
beet sugar is shown.
Tn 1749 Sonth Carolina exported 700
bushels of potatoes, and was proud of
her import industry.
The total production of silver in the
world during the last year was placed at
145,000,000 ounces troy.
Mexico has free coinage of silver, with
f-ireulation of about 50.000.000. of
which not moro than $5,000,000 is gold.
A fortune of mammoth proportions
awaits the discoverer of a process for
curing leather without the nse of bark.
There were mining schools in Saxony
as early as the year 1500. Mines have
been worked in that country for 2,000
The fastest mile by rail is claimed for
a New York Central engine, which cov
ered the distance in thirty-five seconds
on May 7 last.
A steel Bailinz ship has iust been built
at Cardiff, Wales, the first at that point.
All her standing rigging, as well as the
hall, is ot steel.
trllllnm Tll, n ... f ,1 nf V.llOTwf.
1 , 1,1 , ,.a. i., , . . ... - - ,
Ind., is only 22 years old and probably
nnMB. ...... in t Ii A ffinntW.
T,u . t lv.l.n r" 1 ; nf Vnxp
1 1 lo who ui i anvc V , wl . . . v
York, who died recently, was the eldest
dauKiitcr oi tne poet, v uuaui tuucu
irvaut. piio teuvtfa wui mumicw -"
sons, Harold and Bryant, and two
James Pavn, the English novelist,
writes: " Which of all the heroines of
it - . I. .. .1 ...... v ..1. ,,.po urnnld
in.MUll, ii juii wma v.."., "
you prefer to take to dinner?" For him
self lie thinks tnat tsccay onarp woutu
be his choice.
Thnrlow Weed's granddaughter, Miss
Catherine Weed Barnes, tlie best-known
woman amateur photographer in this
country, will wed Harry Snowden Ward,
editor of the London Practical Photog
rapher, and live in that city.
No woman fears a mouse more than
Lonl Roberts, whom Queen Victoria re
cently decorated, dislikes a cat. His
nervous sensibilities are such that he
can detect a cat's presence when unable
to see it, and he is ill at easo until the
animal is removed.
Mrs. Lewis Rice of Frederick, Md.,
has collected enough money to place a
more imposing monument upon the
grave of Francis Scott Key, author of
"The Star-Spangled Banner," than the
flat marble slab which now marks it in
Mount Olivet cemetery, Georgetown.
Attorney-General Olney, who was at
first supposed to be frozen up in a ciust
of Massachusetts dignity six inches
thick, turns out to be a very genial gen
tleman. He attends all the base'-wll
games in Washington, and whoops and
yells for the home team ns vigorously as
the humblest occupant of the " bleach
ers." When President Dwight of Yale eon
ducts services in the college chapel he
usually prefaces his prayer by saying:
" Let us unite in prayer." At the close
of the last term, however, he rose in his
dignified manner and observed. " Gen
tlemen, this is the last time we shall
meet for devotional exercises. Let U9
,i.nh,rwi nnitn in nravAr And thanksgiv
ing." The Yale men are wondering if
he really meant it.
tn Father Damien has
arieen in the person of Pere Sauton, a
Uenetliciino moiia, who una irjch uum
:..:nnJ Kr tlio ITi-onch cmvernment to
llliewt.wiw w..w - . .... . , ,
study up as to leprosy. He will visit
leprous districts in Norway, Lapland,
ri.,Un,l Ttirlrnv lreoen And Kevnt. aft
erward returning to France to report the
results of his investigations to M. Pas
teur. Subsequently he is to set out for
Molokai in the Sandwich Islands, where
be will remain wr a time.
The originator of the Concord grape js
atlll liiriil.T In nnnnnrd. Mass. H is
Ephraim W. Bull, now 87 years old and
one oi mo prominent uicu vt ww mo
toric town. Ho was a friend of Emerson
.. 1 Al.w.4. a .l Kan Kann ( Vinn-
ored by distinguished visitors to Concord
n n,l U V.nt.r.iiltni-iiita at. hnma and
.tu. In Vila rl s 1 in In nnnmni VlA
rimuehi, ...a ,,.1 ...... . .. ...-...
still bIiows the old mother vine of the
Concord grape, which he tteveiopea irom
the seeds of a native wild grape planted
' 1 A HflM
Largest Rough Diamond Ever
Found in Africa.
Fairly Pure Type of the Dwarf Race
of Morocco and the Atlaa in
a Spanish Province.
Italy Is adopting co-operative farming.
The unvaccinated cannot vote in Nor
way. The Salvation Army has invaded
thirty-live eountries.
The Pope is to beatify Columbus, and
America will then have its patron saint.
A 23 per cent cut in wages is an
nounced lor 400,000 coal miners in Eng
land. The Sultan of Morocco has been suc
cessful in his expedition to suppress re
bellious tribes.
Senator Santa Maria has-been ap
pointed Minister of Justice of Italy to
succeed Signor Bonacci.
Tlio TJ ..uoln n anvrnr,ipn t. hltfl fsRtled
orders that smoking compartments for
ladies De proviaeu on an trauia
Seven hundred live larks constituted
tY,a nnaor lntelvRent 1V the Kins
of Italy to the German Emperor.
All the members of the Italian Uham
bers implicated in the bank Bcandals at
Rome aro to be proceeded against.
There is threatened dissolution of the
French Cabinet, owing to differences re
gioling the treatment of the Freaeh ri
oters. Atvpcof firearm has been invented
in England by which compressed gas is
utilized instead of powder as a propell
ing force.
A meteorological station has been es
tablished at Siberia, Palestine, a place
582 feet below the level of the Mediter
ranean Sea.
Madame de Valsavre, a foreign cham
nf wnman'. ricrlttjt. lias started a
crusade for the admission of feminine
writers to the French Academy.
Tt. . n nf P.inAo (ionrtre And
XIIO lit., 1 1 ' ........ vw-nv
the Princess May is the fifteenth mar
riage of a direct descendant ot yueen
Victoria which has occurred during her
During excavation in the river Dea at
Carrog, Llangollen, the remains were
jiunwaHj nf'.n ancient church de
stroyed by floods in the sixteenth
century. "
tv. nAAo nf Voir Snnt.Vi Wales.
1,1,11,1 U.l. J V. ' ........ .. . 1
Australia, is negotiating with the Ger
man army authorities for the use on
trial of frozen beet ana matron irom
rin.inn tha rarant. ficTit.ino on the
Kashmir frontier, when the British
troops defeated the rebellious Hunzas,
the natives nsea Dunets oi garneuj e
rased in lead.
DesDite the rumor that the late
"Squire Abingdon "(George Ablngdo
T.. : 1 1 ..n.nJ.K all hia ffirt H nn.
1 1111 1 , 1 j 11 HO quauuvivu ' - ' ' ,
his English executors say his estate is
woron nearly fo,uw,uw.
French women have evinced a new
Jodi'h Ka ctrnnn all Vpll ftfl twAIlt.flll
uunuo ia w civiiK "--- -
1 1 1 1 It
anu nanasomeiy aressea, una uavc mwu
np me purauib oi uuixiuur es-etuiDo
tne most exaoung cnaracter.
that the yellow fever is decimating the
. . .-. . -f'l. . . lnotli rata avararovl M 1 0 a,
i, i 11 . 1 1 iu ....... . . ..v . . . , -
dr.v, and hundreds of corpses were afloat
in "the water at all stages of decay.
The German army bill wut be passea
V. a lan irKiM.pifv TTprr
i'n t" t i; l 1 -.1
giu ana nr. von jaaazewL'-ti, icut-in ui
the roles, have pieagea to tne govern
fc thn Bftlid vote of their party.
T.r.nnr.lirtl wi-itora aav thai, thn ffnlii
contained in the modais, vessels, chains
mid other objects preservea in tne
can would make more gold coin than
tho wno:o oi tne present (.uniuoui tar
t. tlict triA nTipzirnli
Palace, situated on tha banks of the
lie, is to be converted into a uotei;
that a line of steam ferries is to ply
across from Cairo, and that the Nile is
to be tunneled. ,
Paris has a nniqne exhibition only
less attractive than the two salons
themselves. This is a collection ol
pOlt-niltS Will BUIIUI-UC3 Ji -.lie rVm
French writers and journalists of the
JS .1.I...IU., nf .I.a mw.l
last loo years.
In Zanzibar, owing to the abolition ol
alAvnrv. there is ereftt difficulty in
obtaining laborers. This, it is feared.
will be lelt very mnen wnnin tne nexi
few weeks, when tho Catherine of the
elove erou commences.
rri.rt A I ,,1 . ..' M.rMaruin,lant nf tlip T nn
X IIU 1,1.1,. Villi .l..'1'...v -w v..w
dou Graphic reports that the Captainp
ot several oi tne vesseiw wmcu iuoi
.. ..4 an maniinvaN rtt I rinn 1 Wll!
UiVlb tli Wit IV mwHvmviB va - -
rvn-t.niff .tilt., for not havintf obevetl
A.lin.i.i1 1 'rvrtn 'a fura! aicrnH...
-.111 a j '' -
It ia said that the largest rough am
mnml avur in Afril'A hftfl lUSt RP
rived in London. It is a blnitfU-white
etnno w-uhtIih 170 riirAta. and was found
in the Jairersfontain mine. The Kohi-
noor wenrhs only lvm carats.
Tlie physical exercise craze has reached
St.. PHtersburu. where the ladies are be
coming ardent athletes and expert
bicycle riders, trae oi tneir iaas is to
carrv Louis XIV canes, some six or
seven feet long and stout in proportion.
An interesting piece of information
brought out during the Brussels Con
fn,m,na ia tha fact that, there are at
present no less than $100,000,000 of
counterfeit silver money m circulation
in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy,
Snnin and Portugal.
. j .
In the Spanish province of Gerona a
fairly pure type oi tne uwan race oi
Morocco and Atlas has been traced.
These people average about 3L3 feet in
1..;..l..l. u.i.1 at-a ntlinruriaa il i a raet ar.
l ii. i U 1 1 . 1 1 , 1 v. . . . . .. ...
ized bv a yellow skin, broad, square
faces, Mongolian eyes and red hair of a
woolly texture.
All the principal actors in the Panama
scandal are connnea to tneir oeas.
"I J ..... ld , 1 ii at lii.rnnmrt,, 1 1, in V n n-
I1DIIA 3 ".ft "v "-I"-"'". " -)
land, I erdinand de Lesseps is mentally
1 1 : 1 1 .. - I"'l. .. Aa
ailtt jJlUBlumiy n .in.) v.iiiiis vw
lesseps is In the Hospital of St. Louis,
r T t - : ta 1 V. n nf tlia
111. .1I11.IIUO U. IU I...W 1UU1IUMJ V. .111.
Melun prison, and ex-Minister Baihut
is in uie nospiuu wi ui iirwiu ui
Whbat Nominal. Quote: Valley,
$1.051.07J; Walla Walla, 8697io
per cental.
Floub Standard. $3.40: Walla Walla,
$3.40; graham, $3.00; superfine, $2.60
per barrel.
Oats White. 45c per bushel; gray,
4243c; rolled, in bags, $.256.50; bar
rels, $0.606.75; cases, $3.75.
Hat Best, $1517 per ton; common, .
MiIiLstofm Bran, $17.00; shorts,
$21.00; ground barley, 26(?24; chop
feed, $18 per ton ; whole leed, oariey, ou
85c per cental; middlings, 23(i28;
ner ton: brewins barley. 90(3 85c per
cental; chicken wheat, $1.22J1.25 per
Bottkr Orecon fancy creamery, 22'4
25c: fancv dairy. 17ft20c: lair to
gcxxl, 15 10c ; common, 12!c per pound;
l '..lifi-tmio .tt.AXf nar rnll.
Cheesb Uregon, vt'Ac; uaniorma,
11C 12c; Young America, llMc per
Jiaos uregon, zziayac per nozen.
Poultry Chickens, old, I4.50(a,5.00;
broilers, large, $2,0013.00; small, not
quoteil; ducks, old, $4.504.00 ; young,
2.50(a3.50 ; geese, $7.50 per dozen ; tur
keys, live, He ; dressed, 16c per pound.
Vegetables Cabbage, l!4c per
pound; new California potatoes, $1.25
percental; new taiiiorma onions, ivu
Kc per pound ; green Uregon onions, iu
(i,17-i!c per dozen; cucumbers, 4(ic per
dozen; Oregon cucumlters, $1.2oa.2j
per box ; string beans, 9 10c per pound ;
Oregon peas, l!S2c per pound; toma
toes, lFl.00(cl.Zd per box.
r hdith Sicily lemons, o.ouf:o.uo per
box; California new crop, $4.6tK?5.60
per box ; bananas, $1 .60(83.00 per bunch ;
oranges, seedlings Ziia.,o per nox; na-
veut, $a.rsj.w; pineappieu, o.uu per
dozen : cherries.75c(t$1.0U per box ; KOose-
lierries, 3c per pound; new California
apples. $1.60(82.00 per bushel; peaches.
90c(&$1.00 per box; blackberries, $1.50
per iS-pound crate; peach plums, $1.60
(g 1.70 per oox ; new pears, i.uu per uox ,
apricots, $1.2a per box; currants.
per pound; rsaraeit pears, tA.uu per
hoi : raspberries, 67c per pound ; black
raspberries, 79c; California figs, 75c
$1.00 per box.
Dried Fboits Petite prunes, 10(311c;
silver, ll12c; Italian, 13c; German,
10(ffllc; plums, 89c; evaporated ap
ples, lOdjt llc; evaporated apricots, 12i
16c; peaches, 1012c; pears, 7lle
per pound. .
Honey Choice comb, 18c per ponnd ;
new Oregon, 1620c; extract, 9gl0c.
SALT Jjiverpooi, iiM, fiu.w, uvo,
$16.50; stock, $8.509.o0.
Coffbb Costa Rica, 22c; Rio, 21c;
Salvador, 21 c ; Mocha, 263 30c ; Java,
24Vft30c; Arbnckle's and Lion, 100-
SS - at he inn. 1 .
pound cases, a oo-ww iroi yuuuu,
umbia, same, 24 Sft-touc
Rien laland.4.75(tt;5.00 ; Japan,$4.75 ;
New Orleans, $4.50 per cental.
Rbans Small whites. 3c: pinks,
8J,c; bayos, 3c; butter, 4c; lima, 4o
per pound.
Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 4055c;
in half-barrels, 4257c; in cases, 36(3
80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg ; California,
in barrels, S040c per gallon; $1.75 per
Cmjo.vr .et prices: i;,o4c; uoiaenv,
5bc; extra C, 5J8'c; confectioners' A,
6'iiC; dry granulated, 6c; cube,
crushed and powdered, 7,c per pound ;
J4c per pound discount on all grades lor
prompt cash ; maple sugar, 15g 16c per
pound. r
Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted.
$1.752.00; peaches, $1.852.10; Bart-
lett pears, $1.; piums, i.34(gi
1.50; strawlterries, $2.25(82.45; cherries,
$2.252.40; blackberries, $l.5i?2.00;
raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25(9
2.80; apricots, $1.652.00. Pie fruita,
assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums,
$1.00(81.20; blackberries, $1.2581.40 per
dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted,
$3.15? 3.50; peaches, $3.504.00; apri
cots, $3.50(5.4.00; plums, $2.753.00;
blackberries, $4.25(34.50.
Meats -Corned beef, is, $1.00; zs,
$2.40; chipped, $2.554.00; lunch,
tongue, Is, $4; 2s, $6.75; deviled ham,
$1.75(22.15 per dozen.
risii Sardines, Ms, vocratz.zo; is,
$2.1534.50; lobsters, $2.303.50; sal
mon, tin 1-lb tails, $1.25$1.50; flats,
$1.75;2-lbs, $2.25 2.50; -barrel, $5.60.
T? . t it, i. v. CuA..n A V u - ivn T. 1 II IV nnmrAMfl 1 Ulr 1 7 1; o npl
1 1 HI 11',, 111 V . ,1 11 , .I"."' " ' , V I'
pound; covered, 1517c; hams, large,
r , . - w. . l mia
uncovered, ioip itync; i-uvoreu, iur4!
Jlo..c; Dreaxiast Dacon, unrovereu,
jsiaL'n'iviuiiMil lfitfrtilrtUe? ahortclenr
sides, 13?4'144c; dry salt sides, 12
(Mloc; lard, compouna, in tins, itys
1-2n ner nonnd : pure, in tins. 14(ccl5c:
Oregon lard, 11 12ic.
Hcav Prima Btpera. 2 fi.ll tt 2.75 ! fair
tn il at aora 9 (Midll'i M) (mod to choicG
cows, $2.00(t2.25; common to medium
cows, $1.0U(ga.uo; aressea oeei, to.uw;
Mutton Choice mutton. K.ib;
dressod, $6.00; lambs, $2.00(s2.50;
dressed, $0.w; snearungs, c, uvo
weight. -
P . . . nn2.e en. .
tloos unoice neaw, o.uuysu.oui iur
A,. ia RiifflS no, and feeders.
$4.50(35.00; dressed, $7.00.
V KAL $4.U0(S0.W.
Hops 10il7!.aC per pound, according
to quality. '
Wool Umpqna valley, 1415c; fall
clip, 13 14c; Willamette valley, 10(4
12c, according to quality ; .eastern, ure
gon, 6(d) 14c per pound, accoruing to
condition. .....
Hides Dry hides, selected prime,
68c; green, selected, over 55 pounds,
a.. . .......- art nnnnrla 3e: sheen nel Is.
IX. , UHllGl w , r r- .
short wool, 3060c; medium, 60(80o;
long, 90c$l.Zo; shearlings, tuiszuc; uu
Iow, good to choice, 35c per pound.
T 1 o m.n.w. AAin..Vi nat. iiauh
UU, 1 ii I 111, U-V1I11V.V, IV , u vmu,
6c; burlaps, 10 -ounce, 40-inch, net
cash, 7c; DuriapB, 12-ounce, wmcu,
7c; burlaps, 15-ounce, 60-inch, 12e;
burlaps, 20-ounce, 76-inch, 14c; wheat
bags, Calcutta, 23x36, spot, 6c;
2-bushel oat bags, 7c
Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual
ity, $8.60 9. 00 per box; for crosses, $2
extra per box; I. C. coke plates, 14x20,
prime quality, $7.50(tc.8.00perbox; terne
plate, I. C, prime quality, $6.607.00.
Nails Base quotations: Iron, $2.26;
steel, $2.35; wire, $2.76 per keg.
I bon Bar, 20 per pound; pig-irou,
$23(25 per ton.
Stbbl Per pound, 10Vo.
Lbad Per pound, 4c; bar, 60.