OREGON MIST dulled Klutn and County Official fiintr Hi. Helena, July 11, IMtlll. PUOUHMER'S NOTIOK, All etimiiiuiilcallniu iwiit In Tint Mint for nuh- lll'ltliilll lllllitl l HtIIMIII.lll-d if the ailtlllir'a rt'Hl iiuiiia mill ""I a mini ill' iiluiiid ul'iiiu. Wa i1 mil want (lit name fnr 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 -11 1 1 1 1 1 1 , lint Blll, OVtltfiire l Kllilli fllllll, riirilM'llll'lfMI'(l tvltl. nut Hi wrller'a iiiiuin i'rnniiiiiyiiu will in toiiftlumit to tliuwiutle lniLi.. brief mention! Tho iinw llglitlimio lender Ooliim , inn pimacd 141 thu liver ejily Monday morning. Circuit court convened Monthly illuming wlili a long docket unit lmgo Ulll'lllltlllt'O, Huntley persons have, mmlii flnnl proof before Olork Quick during llio past li'ii days. ltumt'Milirr Hint tho entertainment, ili uinii, ntnl luill k'ivi'H by llio Odd ! c-1-lows, In ken i,ico uu iliu 23th instant, Hoiticnihor 1 lut t tint Shaver Trans jioiiitiiuii Company's Ihiuim ro making daily trips) lu Mini from Portend. Those wlio want rusiio furniture will have to got It soon, na Mr Liver iimru in goiuK nwuy to be guno several Illlllltlll. Dr. Win. firiswold, dentist, will visit Clatekuuiu tint flint of next week Ui remain u futv days. 'I'll k Mi. si' iuc imicmla liini to) i) 11 r pntruiiiigo , I'M Watts inliirni'il lint evening from Curvdllis, wln-ro he hat been at tending sclitml. Hit w.i 11 greeted with a hearty wtili'uiiio by hi many friends j Order your liill bends, Idler heads, stiitcincuie, f iivcli'H' 11 ml nil tillii'i piloting Hi I UK Mist t.illii'o. We iiiiiHiitt'e satisfaction iu ji teen mid work. Landlord George, ef the St. Helens Hotel, liii recently been weatherboard mg, piiiiiling nil othurWHO impruv i 11 ft lliv tti'iiraiuo of his popular llOllHU. Aii ft usual thing Ht. Helens in very lively during court week, but f. r mini) U'hmmi llui town bun been very iiicl luring tliu present turui of Circuit court. M. C. Cae hat been employed to truth the Odium school the remain ing poil'.tui of lliu lcrur-in the place id Win. II. Powell, who some lime ago letiguod. Patron nf llio river steamers are 1'lt'Htt'tl to seethe fimt mid commodious Menmer I'ottur again on llio Astoria 1 1 ui to. Her presence among uu daily is built'd with much gratitude. TI10 good Hiid stock for making rut tic wirk are fur sate cheap in about I we weeks. Furniture not sold will Im shipped cad Ht Unit time. The tilJ cliuiniwikur goes with them. On n.l alter July 17, tho tlosmer Hrfrxh lixou will leave Portland lily rxcet Huudnyi, ut 2 . 111 ., (or Chun It no iu mid way luiidiugi. returning ltiily xet'jt Jfondiiyn, 11 1 10 . m . J. II. Derkor, the barber, lm recent ly 1 Ueeil in Ilia itiilxr ltop one of lliu Intent liiiii(ived liarlier elmlrt lleeker will uliuvtj you ctiinfiulnbly and quickly lit the regular price of lllloeu fentt, 0U on D. J. 8wl!ir, th obi and r liitblu reul enluiec'euler, of lliin county, vtben you are looking for ft piece o( farm land or rceidmuce property. He h ome uplendid properly lilotl vl.icli lie will diipono of ut reaonble figurei. An item in lnl wck'a Miht mude it appear that properly btOouiting to John Mynrd,of ClHtrkmiie, wa mild ut lienli hhIii hiKt J-iiuuy. iror. Tb property iu now under execution but Thla ia an queition it will not be old until July 29. Coiinlv Court met on the regular Any, nd'w in Mwion two Any, when nil ddjomnieut tu taken to nieetagmn on th 19ih of Ibii month. A large Amount ol Important buninem win inioMClod nd coniderblt is dock eted for the d joined moctlng of tbnt body. In nolherolumn will be wen the pnortlonmenttoeaeh couniy in tlili ..I ....nm.nt lllll (uild.ftCOOrd- inff to urea. The money U to be nwd for county rood purioici. of winch a ilia oniintle niilV be lurfly bonflfltcd. The upporlionmant for thi county 1401.70. The attention of intending crimper nml fUhermon in directeil to w " .....i ,.i l,.'nlt Urtti.. in n liviiuvnii"i"v. . Tl.nv rurrv a (till Hliu completo mock of lulling tackle and ero prnimred to uu an ortter.n., j... .... .......11 .hurt notice. When . ii...ii innr In the Nehalem cull mid iee them at Voriioiiin it .i. ci.r!(T'u miln of renl eslnlo rtt, XtlV WII'Mlil w I XT. 1 11 !.... . . t..u Wi irht ami ft el' 1H' IIIIKIIIK W ""' ..--r,- . iir ,f Hflaiiiooe, batnrday 1(10 acre, of hind an.l imiirovemonU 1 i hv Niehobia lioruen , ftt a-JOO!). the amoiilit of JtnlB on 1 "... n. ..rniutitv was mild on mm ciia. i -- - s ., ,.,,1,1-. n.n,iff,ion held bV F. M. lliopkine, mid U ft valuable piece of realty mi n n TboniPion. which w,,Vr..centlyBunk tCo.IlnH.Kl wm raiw d by meana of bnrgea and ll tho bona.d at Portland where -' .. .1 ....i.i..,.uiiinii ed mid repaired iwiinHuiiBii'j""' , .r.,.,iiTn The machinery .uttitinad no da age andn.aoon ua tho docka were out wuIit ilia entt inea were ini r,kedoonUnuou.lyonthe,;;.- tho river. TheTl.ompHon w.llbe ea y to take her old lh o e Aston route in ubout four weeks. . m.".Powon,whoha.be "'"'-"dllloave nnu reiaiivea in no . for Chicago, whore no great ex ponition. He will rot 1 h '' ever.lnnn.plo lime to onoof tho roomi of one of t o jiublio anhoola f Orcgo t C V re very much ? men one of Columbia county . ut g J me Miouldearn for him.olf a r PU'") , that enable, him to leach 7 Uie publis chcjola cf tlu . CIATHK ANNO. ..W'. ; Wood, of Italnlcr, was on cur treolH Huturiliiy, I'Vimk Merrill loft for Nelmlmn Ynllriv luiiiiiliiy iiioriilnir it, look after noiiit lnter exti In dial liKiillly. The fumlllen of K. K. Oaten and W. H. rtiuti.tif Mint, have been "iioiiiIIiij: a ftiw iliiyn vt llh (rliMnIi In thin dly, . A niiiiilmrof l.iily mmiennor gutefT tlia lioat Muutlny evtinu , mihiiu of i-m utiii lliiK 'or tin) Nt'lnili iu vulley tlio next morning. dipt. , ln. Hliavnr and wife lire apctirlhiK ioiue lima In our oily this wiiok, limkiii iifttir Htititiiiur iiiatlera and stooping with frit)iul, (!in. lliilsviTt ami Nilaa Hlironnla iincnt a few iJayn luit wmik epnrlin tlm limit ereek ii!Kion and looking ufter InterenU tlioro, The llttln alcamer John West camo Into our town 1'iit'Hility to iiiiiku nrriiii iniiiiniii lo luivti dome )ill ilrlviiij tlone tor tlm Hlia Vur 'l'ruunii)rliilion Co. Wntioti Kllloli, nn old time renldnnt of Mfimlilunil, wliiiru he lim n cuuiuirlitlilii liuine, wlilcli tu an ntf rui'tiuii to many a fi ll il l, w imjii oumlreulH Tui-mluy. Anotlier Marrililitinl man, Tom C'olvln, win In town a few diiyii ao, for Ilia Unit liniti In ui.tny IUI1111I14. Uu icoiik lo uhvu nlnoil hi 1 Ktiridi nl I'xpnrinueiK pretly well, 11. ill Inn many frlumlit wlnh him yi-ura of litnllh nml vuiiifiirt. I.unili 'r linulliiK fruin Mitt linn been milng on for the pant (eorduya. We noticed Joint on, Jonen nml JrwU anioiiK nllii rii m-nU'it on mi oci'ni unit wiiKonloa I of eedar him Ur hrotiKlit here for aliliuiient. A very pretty cllinbliiK roae bimli ail iiriin I'lti li n( tho reniilem i'ii of MeHHH Tl ll i iior ami Mint, cardl for by the kok! luiliea of 1 1 11 ro liuimon, Their profiioioii of white iijuuti prenent a vorv attractive appearunce lo ptTauuii panning. It ntifdit lie well to mention that we have Komi cooper In town now, who haa teen ki'i tinny tut -ly iiiakhii harrela, kex etc., w hich lire at once aunt olf to customer. I). 0. Alilrklgaia propeletor and l doing aitiliifut'lor) work. One nf the pullera In the alilnirle depart nieutof ilrlii'iinr uilll wunt to pivi ea IhhI WD"k, and nfnt oniH of the fruK'tii'iit" quite a ilimain e away wltliont htirttiiK anybody. It w replaced nftniii thla week and IilnglO' iiiakhiKgovaon an before. The Manilla) la looklnj; out for dojta that ur not wearing the required collar, 11 the city ordinance require dug licenaea to be renewed by Julr lit lu each year. The anlm da arn now pretty generally running tin' etreei uy auiuuruy. Dr. Hi'iuleraon, recently of Man. , and a l'e Kmiiuaio 01 ji'iii-raon ne.iii.ai t oiicice, I'liilielihilila, I'a., int an nfu-ruoeii witti lr. lUlllio-t week. Aa both were gradu- atia Irinii tint name eollcgn, they apont a pleasant afternoon together. OUtakanle ettcndi lt aympathy to the ciiit'iia of the county neat tiH.n the rainy weather which ait decidedly dampened Ih.lr Kntirth nf July celebration. It waa a mlatake nut In have held the celebration in till city where the weather waa all that could be tfcilred. and It waa generoua but unforumite that our peonla did not cele lir.ueut home bat went elaewhere. The K.uirih can be railed upon for weather at Clatakanle. MUfortnne attend tome young fellowa In aplUi of their good looka. A roitng man of our town recently thrown from a biifttty and crpi'ling around with a aprameJ ankle, hud tlm III luck to huve bin hone run away again Monday, with hia bent girl in the buyiiy wtih him. The vehicle upset, tlie ncciipanU were landed on the earth unhurt and walked home Inttand of visiting at they Imeuded. The horse came to town In a hurry without them, and the blackmiiiih will probably hav an opportunity to repair tlaiuiige.i. A lecture on ' Hard times" waa bdleJ for lait Muii'tny eveninx, wlw-re the buldio mlRlil b arn, for twentv-llve centa apleci-, the came and the reuii'dy." Un that cvciiiiiK an atuimiit uift'le to gut out a crowd by Rvltinit out the bund far some alrei-t iiiiikiu. It waa Meat ly at hard to get the b ind loya together at to get out a crowd, but thev finally presented thcniael ai'lvei, or at Ivtwt enotigh of them to make a blow, aoitie In uniform, s.nne wlthoul, and atmt p. in. lh y b. g in t give the town aome itiuaic. The crowd they ex ppcted to gather did not materiallxe exeet a crowd of boya, and after playing two or three piecee oullde. the band mart bed I.. tu the hall to be (ollnwed by the crowd which did not follow, l'eople aeeined to be aati'lii d that hard limes were npou ua, and preferred to hold to the twenty-nve cerna and await tho a.'iiil)llnt of congreaa tlie reinedy. Aliout nine tickets, however, were aold, and thee nine, with the b.in I and their (rl-mla and aomeof the boya who were Hilling to hold tlie mtiaic, ntaue up nontelliing of a crowd to 11-ten if not tor revenue. The apeaker needed no better vulence of the fuel mai "nara itmea wero Urn ilmn 1.1 look at the recelnU or lite evening while he figured up bow much he wnttl.l have lo add to .ay expensoi. ine epceker waa fair, howevr, and offered to nv me money iii y "o nu .it the loetura wna not worth the money, We were not advised tluil any had to be re turned. A man who whiiei to gie a lee- Inrn fur nne nil a lltmiltlT'l llilfhl in Clatt- ante, hail oeiior iinna mra uem no and then nostnnne it unleaa l f ' . - , t. --.I'.. I.- he haa aonictbing practical to ay, Portland Industrial Bxpoaltlon I.iieniiiiro ia out announcing the fifth anoii.il Lir of tho Portland 111 uatriiil Exuoaiilon to be new in me .mxroiilennt, exnoaition building in that city, commencing veuneauy, fleptomlier 27, and doting October 28, ISM Aahefarn. the exDOtilion Will be open from one to ten o'clock p. m., except Saturday, when it will remain nnmi mil 1 11 O C10CK. XJU CttUll ouir dav afternoon from 9 to 6 o'clock, there will tie a tacrea couuurt uy jiu " .... 1 t l... il. aruii'a ecbtbratod band, in the mtmio hull of the exposition buiiaing. j ne grout transoontinental transporting linos centering in Portland, as well as n.u f a more local nature win 011 tho liberal thing in nmSiingspeoiul rates not only to exhibitors in transport onu. fur llthlblt. tiul 10 inoso iiv inn iii tho inter or who shall want 10 visii UK H"." , . ... vt. : ...Ml Ivat nnurun tho expcMiiuon. no ini y hv tlie nmnapoment i uppiymg l.a.ilrTaa tlllll VUlll.ltlH nnu v J " ' ....! , for their comfort. Ihere ru.v.,i" --- i.tuu. WUl Od liv v..!..- 1 , .iti I.. ..a Mlt..pn inr antics VJ ciuim- 1 ua nnwer. sieniii mm water in reasonable quantities will be supplied without cost. Thooe wno ae aire 10 i.n.,i"r dllP1rlment of Lull lllCiav vmw-. - : .. ..: ...M,w!,,tr for snace. Tho su hiiio iu -i-vB --- .,1 .... 1 .,,1,1 aecretarV Will periiiveuuBu - - 11,., 1.. wad to furt.ieh H necessary blanks and desired information. Tho many fds of Mr. Thomas Conner will regret to hear ot ft soriou. anci lent which happened tnat gentle- man at Bcappoose, muuii .... " 1 ninound fracture of tho ratlin . . ... ...... nv long aor and ulnar umi niii'ir iiwid " ions injuries which will conniiH nun v 1. 1.... . for .iinio time. 111 cumpiu.j wHhW A Mocker and othors be was new iug Iiacimua " 0 race mo when a Kickm g . trap grouno. commenced to V Coorwas knocked from vVis soal bv lhohoolsof his borso, and his soai 1 y io . , fuw nuuulos when aBsiatani.o err v' )e , lllt()r no vvn. -,, t (Hrertrm bro the cround with bis rifcu k"io. three P."1' e o( Mr(. .iated h m to v.. cuff wll0 ShattucK auo skillfully llanded 1,1 aatm' CUMM1HH1UNKHN 1) 10I I D 10 It AT II. Illtf Hutch of Ilualiiaaa Ulapoacd of by Judge Illanoliartl and HI AaMoclaicH. In the matter of road petition W. Wolf and others for a county road known at the W. Wolf road, begiuing at a point twnuty-live feet south of the gate in front of K. J. V. Johnaon's pluco in section 16, Township three north, range two west, W. M.f where is sot a coilur post two feet high above tlio ground and marked "13," said road is to have a uniform width of forty feet mid to end ut a point where a private roatl intersects with the Hoiilh Heap loose roud nil of which propound roud is in Columbia county, Oregon, A good and stifllcimit bond having been lilod with W. Wolf, Thus. Cooper and A. II. filakcslcy as securities thereon, unit everything being and appearing regular, ll is now ordered Unit II. West, II. Lmuhcrson ami P. M. Thoiiipkins be apiioiuted viewers, and A. I) Little surveyor, to meet at the residence ol K, J. V. Johnson, July 14, lH'J.'i, at 8 o'clock a. 111., failing to meet on that day, then within five days therefrom and that they qualify according to law utid procucd to view, survey and work out suid line of proposed county road. In the matter of rebate of county taxes of 1). Hess, it appearing to the Court that the lux of I). Heat amount ing to f 18.00 bad been paid twice for the year 181)2, and the Court being now sullicieiitly advised in the matter, it it ordered that a rebate of f 18.00 be allowed said 1). Hess, and the clerk of this court draw a warrant on the Treas urer for that amount in favor of laid plaintiff. In the matter of letting contract to build a bridge accroit the Nehalem river near Vcrnonia, this being the time fixed by the Court at which to consider bids for the construction of suid bridge, the Court proceeded to open, examine and cons dor the follow ing bida: I'itUburgMill Co f 2,600 Oregon Bridge Co 2,400 IIofTmaii & Bates 2,4&0 J. T. Miller 2,400 I'aciflo Bridge Co 2,275 It appearing lo the Court that the bid of the Pacific Bridge Co. wo the lowest and best bid, and that the nec essary dejiosit at regarded by notice accompanied taid bid, and everything being regular, ilia now ordered by the Court that taid contract be and the same it hereby awarded to the Pacific Bridge Co. and that upon the tiling nn approval ot a good and tutncient contract that they proceed lo immed iately construct said bridge. In the matter of resignation and npointnient of road supervisor for road district No. 22, the resignation of II. A. Corliss at supervisor of Said dis trict was accepted, and it appearing to the Court that V. u. Corliss wat a suit able person to act at such supervisor it was ordered that suid JJ. M. Uorlits be appoiuted to fill such vacancy and that he qualify according to law and enter upon thu discharge of hit duties aa such. The matter of resignation of C. C. Lee, Justice of the Peace for Clalskanie precinct came on to be heard and the Court being millioieully advised in the premises, said resignation was duly ae copied, and it appearing to the Court that Dr. J. iS. Hull is a amiable person to fill such vacancy it is therefore or tiered that Dr. J. E. Hall bo appointed ustice of the Peace for said precinct and that be qualify according to law and outer Uon the discharge of bis dutios as such. Order made appointing Judge Ulan hard lo examine all railroad crossings on the ftortnorn memo riinroia in Columbia county, and whero such crossings tire unsafe notify llio railroad company an! if in hia judgment it be neewssarv to go to 1 acoiua ana cooler with the said railroad company. Also, at the same time if possible 111 ike ar rangementt Willi railroad company to make a wagon road within the railroad limit near the A. F. McDonald farm .Su itl Judge Bluncbard shall autoreport 11 writing to the County uourt ol Co lumbia county on Sept. , le'JJ. In the mutter of viewers report on the II. West road, it appearing that O W. Hamsev and Grant Evans hud each lilod petitions for damages and the Court being sufficiently advsied in the ni iv tier, it is now ordered that Jag, Muokle. D. Meeker, and Jos. Copula nd ha nnoointcd to apnraise damages if any herein and mat lliey meet ai me residence ot H. West, on July 20, 1893, at 8 o'clock a. m.. and that they report their doings to this court on or before the next regular term thereof. In the matter of petition 01 uarry West and others praying for change in County road, it appearing to the Court that upon the remonstrance nieu mere the names 01 divert persons wuoso sig' nitures also appear upon the said pen lion, it is therefore odered by the Court that all those names upon the remon strance which also appear upon the said petition be stricken from the said remonstranoe, ana 11 is aiso mruier or dered by the court that the following names be stricken out upon ine grouna that said persons are not householders residing in the vicinity of the said road, to-wit: J. W. Campbell W. T. While W. Fieeman, S. F. Shattuck, 1. A. Frakea and T. A. Cloninger. In the matter of the establishment of the Chas. Wikstrom road, survey No. 87. Tina matter being heard upon aocnnd reading pf report of viowera and it appeonng to tho Court tUat the vinwurs and surveyor had met at. the time ami pluoe appointed and after be ing duly sworn liad marked and lo cated a County road forty feet wide be ginning nt the one-mile post on the Goblo road with the old Pope road, and there being no remonstranoe or bill of damage bilod and the Court be ing fully advised in the matter, it it therefore ordered that taid report of viewers be reoorded and said route so viewed, surveyed, marked and located shall be a County road and public hiuhwav and the supervisor of the road district in which said road it establioh- ed is hereby ordered to open the tame, KILLS ALLOWED. F. A. Zillgitt, supplies furn ishod to M. C. Humphrey, tiaupor ............ 1 -t F. A. Zillgitt, supplies furn ished road district No. 16,. i.. The Hall & O'Donald Litho graphing Co., stationery, 1. W. Detriok, supplies furn ished C. Boles, pauper Pittsburg Mill Co., supplies furnished road district No. 18. 9 00 16 85 6 00 4 50 26 89 Casper Libel, supplies furn ished road district No. 13. ... . 8 82 W.J. Webber, supplies furn ished road district No. 10 10 00 T. J. Cleeton, tchool super intendent, 9 00 N. E. Dolman, assistant at Teachers' examination 9 00 A, 11. Liltlo, assistant at Teachers' examination 9 00 J. A. Vauvolkingberg, sup plies furnished road diotrict No. 12 26 00 D. W. Freeman, lumber furnished road district No. 12 8 00 U. (J. Adams, hauling pow der elo - 32 16 C, A. Him pie, lumber fur nished road district No. 10. . . 19 37 Meserve Bros., lumber fur nished road distiict No. 17. . . 33 78 8. Hheeley, lumber furnish ed roatl district No. 16 7 83 W. A. Edgerton, shoea fur nished Joeephson, pauper. ... 5 00 E. W. Couyers, merchan dise furnished Mrt. Warruna, pauper 46 10 McNultBrot., merchandise flushed M. C. Humphrey and C. Boles, paupers 28 32 Jloncyiiian, Deuarl & Co., It. & B. powder etc 165 15 C. Beauro, lumber furnished road district No. 10 73 75 O. K. Lindgrcn, supplies furnished C. Boles, pauper... 12 80 Peter Wulters, tuppleis fur nished road district No. 16. . . 67 94 T. J. Cleeton. school superin tendent, visiting schools 85 00 O. F. Lindgren, supplies fur nished road district No. 12... 4 00 Claim of jurors in attendance on Oounty Court July 5, 1893: g. Kinder.. 2 20 A. Widger 2 20 N. Livermore 2 'M JohnStott 2 20 N. J. Parker 2 20 N. J. Sweethuid 2 20 A.King... 2 20 II. Corlise 2 20 J. P. Wilnierding 2 20 E. Rosa 2 20 F. Emerson 2 20 D. Corliss 2 20 J. A. J. Campbell 2 20 W. M. Griswold 2 20 A. J. Hubert 2 20 W. P. Tucker 2 20 M. E. Weaver 2 20 The following are claims allowed for jurors' feet in May, 1893 terra of Cir cuit Court EliloltE. B , 1100 Fisher C. B 13 00 Anderson Andrew 11 00 Player Adolpta 11 00 Lawrence Jot 4 40 Reddick J. M 13 00 Elliott O. E 13 00 Peterson Frank 9 80 Johnson Amos 2 20 Orwie A. J 15 00 Merrill Edwin z Walts T. C . 2 20 George Jacob 2 20 Kennedy James uw Peck Pbineas 10 u Graham CM 19 00 Rosier Peter 14 60 Croker Arthur 16 00 Keasy Caroll 16 00 Henderson 8. C. . 14 20 Kintr John 8 80 McVeyE 12 60 Stump A 2Z 2" Severn Jre zo w RycknianT :. 24 00 Solomon Teot 25 60 Richardson Danl 10 20 Gove E. T 10 20 Weaver M. E 10 20 Robinson A. A 10 20 Simpson F. E 10 20 Miles 8. A 10 20 Peucher Jackson 10 20 Watts T. C 12 20 Meserve W. L 2 20 Witness claims for May 1893 term of Circuit Court: (criminal) Woodruff T. H 6 80 Harmer W. L 6 J Wood O. A 3 20 Murr W. T 8 00 Miles F. M 2 20 McAdams Sanborn L. J . . . Enyart Ed Brown Lafe Lyude Grant Grindle B. E Mo Donald A. F.. Bumeardner W. O 7 40 2 20 20 00 00 60 40 90 Lamberson II. C 4 00 Price D. W 4 00 Fawler F. M . Doan J. B... HallJ. E. . . . 7 40 6 40 11 00 Enyart Ed. . . 3 80 Little Frank 3 80 Meserve L. T Nelson J. W Sanborn R, B.... Li'.tlo Frank Cliff Dr. II. R 2 80 7 60 8 00 2 20 2 20 7 20 2 20 Henderson Gertie McCarron John . . . Whit Henry 00 Brown Lafe 4 Lamberson C. J. BarnetteE. H... McKay R. M... Gove O. D Armstrong J. L. White W.T Lamberson Ed. . KonkteC k'ermdv Jas 3 80 3 2 4 80 20 00 00 4 3 80 3 80 3 80 4 40 WooodruffT. II 6 80 Harmer W. L ? w Muckle W. J 6 60 5 70 Moeck Geo. F Trow Fred 5 60 Orr A Orr A 6 20 2 20 2 60 MoVey E McGraw Nancy A 2 50 MISCELLANEOUS BILLS. E E. Quick 5 50 356 54 82 50 E. E. Quick Glass & Prudhomme station ery II. O. Hreward, road district No. 22 121 12 54 00 4 00 22 45 1 00 17 00 C. Nelson, road district No. 22 II. A. Corliss powder furnslied road distnotNo. 22 Orchard & Jones plumbing. . . U. O. Howaod, lumber lur nislied road dirtrict No. 22. Meston & Dygert, deed reooad Moston & Dygert, Pro. fee book A. B. Little, surveyor G. A. Massie, sheriff's fees. . . . J. George, boarding jurors. . . . A. B. Little, surveyor. ..... . Orchard & Jonot water rent. . A. Kelly, boarding prisoner. 18 27" 694 6 82 3 65 S. G. Bchoonover, commiss ioner and road supervisor. . 101 40 1 25 26 12 R. Sessemnn, guideboards fur nished road district fto. 10. . Vernouia Mill Co., lumber furnished road district No. 16 C. C. Lee. viewer on road sur vey No. 90 2 20 1. Henderson, viewer, same. . . 2 SO 60 A. T. Laws, same 2 W. J. Webber, chainniau same. . C. II, Owens, ssmo 2 20 J. A. Barr, marker, same 2 20 Martin White, assistant on road survey No. 90 2 20 W. O. Powell, bounty 16 00 D. White, same 4 60 W. g.Hparks, same.. 2 00 D. P. Fowler, same 2 00 W, II. Bumgardner, same. ... 2 00 Wm. Johnson, same 6 00 M. P. Holmes, tame 10 00 John Frantz, viewer on roud turvey No, 87 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 00 37 50 L. Meeker, tame C. Garrison, same , . Chas Wikstrom marker G. W. Barnes, commissioner. . C. C. Lee, viewer on road sur vey No. 89 2 20 L. B. Jones, tame 2 20 M. White, tame. ... 2 20 W. J. Webber, same 2 20 C. II. Owens, same, chainman 2 20 Q. A. Barr, same 2 20 Oregon Mist Co. printing 18 00 A. stump, assistant on road districts No. 89 and 46 2 40 A. Stnmp, viewer on road dist rict No. 88 3 w John Downing, viewer on road district No. 88 2 60 O. W. Grant, viewer, same. ... 3 00 Thos Cloninger, chainman, same 2 20 L. Bailey, marker, tame. , . 2 20 West, same 2 20 C. Irwin, stationery 23 00 C. Irwin.tame 24 40 C. Irwin, same 10 00 U. Irwin, same 46 20 JULY 7th. IT Wriodham. state VS. Kitt- wier J. P. fees 4 05 G. W. Rig SB, constable fees same 3 65 W. H. Dolman, witness, same 3 90 O. Woods, same 2 50 P. Huehes. same 2 50 J- Duncan, coroner s juror. . . . C. F. Griener, tame J. Spencer, tame P. Robeneky, tame J. G. Walts, tame A. Turner, same A. D. Holaday, J. P. fees act ing coroner J. B. Duncan, intendment of body J. B. Doan, J. P. fees Bute vs. J. C. Dunton J. J. Braim, eonttable fees same W. N Barrett, District Attor ney fees, same 1 00 5 00 20 00 5 40 4 75 10 00 W. M. Perry, witness fees same 1 N. D. Johnson, same. 1 Donis Greener, same 1 H. Brown, same 1 D. T. M. Bierce. inror 1 T. H. Kistner, same 1 00 J. M. Coolidge, tame 1 00 B. F. Smith, same 1 w C. M. Brooks, same A w J. B. Doan, J. P. fees Stale vs. P. Ha-iris W. L. Harmer. constable fees 6 50 same 10 85 P. Brons, witness feet, same. . 1 70 Fred Trow, same 1 70 Thos. Woodruff, same 170 W. M. Perry, same : . . 1 70 Bills not allowed and rejected Balance claimed bv J. B. Bee- gle county printing 36 00 B. C. Iwin. deunauent lax rec ord 24 25 Adjourned until July 19, a! 10 o'clock a. ra. GOVERNMENT IiAND FUND. DtatrbnttOD of the Amount Among the) Counties. The secretary ot state ha computed the area of several counties of the state, as re ;H hv the e.t f 1893. and apportioned the money in the 5 per cent fund arising from t he sale of go vernmen t lana 1 n ine si aie, in,nn the coonties. as directed by law. The balance in the fund, at that date waa S,300, which Is divided among an me coun ties of the state according to area. Eaoh county's amount is as follows: Apportion rvinntv. ment. Apportion' Countv. ment. Baker I 1.5K2 S3 Lincoln a arc w Benton. ai Linn... 82 6,724 63 753 81 Clackamas. ... Clatsop Columbia Coos Crook Curry Dauglaa Gilliam Grant Harney Jaekaon Josephine..... Kalsraath..... Laks Lane l.lSt 07 S60 SI Malheur Marian. 461 76! Morrow. 1.S90 72 1.976 04 Multnomah . 302 00 6,476 431 1.1(16 78 t,4t)5 83 1.072 27 Polk 454 89 Sherman Tillamook.... 64S 86 806 67 1013 68 2,022 49 1,900 46 2.0HS 99 479 23 482 66 Umatilla Union Wallowa...... Waaoo Washington., S.61S 16 7,263 16 tH 17 .177 85 4,13 OS 8,491 70 8,789 67 Yamhill 11 Total 166,303 21 Tba aecretarv aava h D promptly sends warrants to tuosa j . - , counties mat uvc A 1883, and will not Us ten to make the state pay money to eer rnnntiM that withhold what tl the state. Some counties make a practice of deferring payment of overdue taxes, .... n.ins tha atate to nav interest on warrants for lack of funds, this Is unjust to other counties which pay up promptly, and the state autiioriues propose mi ren"" the pavment ol interest on unpmu wiw . nir,ut th IrmaAa caused tbe state bv such enn.navmrnt. Under tbe law of 1893. di viding the United States 5 per centum fund ih. h a distribution next March and th.mfMr In the month of March every year. The money due the state ou the ac count of the re-payment ol tn direct war tax has not yet been renawj ny im J"!J States. Concerning tk division of this fund, the point has been raised that it is really pan of the general fund and, there .... ha iokiI fnr county road imr- .J. a.. !.... Char ! nn mnnev ill the fund ' the question is not important, but wliecner ine u iiiiuovw;o it to the state tue matter win w iiumiiwu to the attorney-general lor nw opinion, J. T. Apperson Succeeded. Ool. Robert Miller, who was appoin ted by Cleveland to succeed J. T. Ap person, as Register of the Oregon City Land office, will occupy his offioe about Aueust 1. Mr. Apperson wat ap pointed to his office May zi, ioov. the beginning 01 me presem numuiia tration Col. Miller went up to Wash ington with the Oregon delegstion in quest of a remembrance at the hands cf his patty. He t.pired to the office of minister to Turkey, but wat torceu to be content with the appointment I10 haa received. Col. Miller is an old time democrat and with the exception of a little factional jealously, hit ap pointment to the office of Register for thit district meets with the hearty ap proval ol bis parly. 00 40 05 5C 40 00 73 BOOTS, BOOTS! General Eleicliandise. fEW ftTOCK! M EWnOODS I ATEftTYLSI JUST FROM DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. G. F. MOECK, RAINIER, - - F. R, CHOWN, ardware, Stoves, DAIRY PANS, CHURNS, MILK STRAINERS, MILK CANS, ETC. 2 1 2 First Street, PORTLAND - CLATSKANIE ROUTE I SARAH DIXON, Leaves Portland, at Alder Street for Clatskanie, touching at Saovie't island, St. Helena, Columbia City, Kalama Neer City, Rainier, Cedar Landing, Mt. Coffin, Bradbury, Stella, Oak Point and all intermediate points, returning Tuesday, Thursday and (Saturday, Stop Fcr your Where you mil find PATENT MEDICINES. PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, STO, In Columbia County DR. J. E. HALL, ProprietcS. GASH STORE- W. J. MUCKLE & CO., Merchandise- Crockery, Glassware, Ladies' Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goc&2. LUMBER, SHINGLES, ETC. Produoe Taken in Escnange. It Will Pay you to cenuii: wur triw HAINIER. - - - OREGON. 8w an ail - p Joseph Kellers & Joseph Kellogg and Northwest- FOR COWLITZ RIVER. NORTHWEST Leavei KELSO Monday, WJni7, and Friday at 5 am. Leaves PORTLAND Tueeday, Tkmi day, and Saturday at 6 a. m. JOSEPH KELLOGG daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at forUana . Returning leaves jfortlana at ai BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHEE." This is the reason why The St. Charles Hotel, " C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor, Has such a large patronage by the business men of the Stat. If you want to meet a friend you will always find him. at Tha 8t. Cliarle. SHOES, SHOES! THE FACTORY. OREGON. PORTLAND O. M. Shaver. Master. Dock, Monday, Wednesday and Friday Medicines at the Clatskanie Drug Store, the largest frtock of -puLMi nr- Qneensware, Co.' L&iver StwCS&. Lme rainibr t s . i p. m., arriving at v p. n