.lie 0ram gttisst 4lnl(fd Ntutn on it Comity mtlfoyn All noniniiililMllnun .out to Tin Mi.t Inn Ant. ih iimu. unit not imm u titn al mm iv do at mint tli. ,. rr t.ul, I1T1" f ylasiic. f ,,,. ,u),,, Lff..,.ii , ilit 1 nut tli. wrfWn i,,,,,,, .wiiiiiiuyliii wlU .iiii.Ihii.i1 t u WH, uukUvI. " 1 C'IjATMK ANIK. BRIEF MENTION. CbII at Ru-V ihn itore for good wiKUiit Allmul tli .ncloblo at Hou.lou to morrow wveiuiiK Kmory MillM, ofVcitHinla.wtti seen 111 Cl. UUIMIIH 1J WCl'k, rreseni ititiieatlona point in a few Until your job printing (, (1,1, 0n(,e biiiuvh Mini uispulcu uiiaranleed Attorney Goo. 15. I)vl lias been in alli'tiiliinoo tit court here Vina wren, Tho river is raising pretty fast ami vory liiKh water in hadicd ur tl.i. sununer, Remember tho Ikix social at lluul toll tomorrow evening. A ploiun.nl time it anticipated. rit. Helena tun been unusually lively I lit- wt.fk owing m t'ircin'i court being in tcMiioii. j If lli present sunny weather con tinties, extietnidy iiKli water will n,r t. vi nly toiluw in rliiut time. Mi Familo Jltirnit, of (..lotskanip, Wit in Mtteiidancn at (tin ftaiiiinalioh iif teachers hero tit im wtck. A (JimhI TVtiiijI.ir IihIl'o ,. itiul tin. . m " iiiaiinu- H'U hi linn phicn Wi'ilinmlny evening wiiii u iiieiiincrsii'.p m lutirttoil. l It. Newell' new residence on the Jiiil is tdiialy Hearing completum, hut WIICII lllllxlii il win Mf t vrj. Ilt,)lt ,) .nuny .imciuio, it : 1 1 .ii.. .... i niirx? minim leriy mil accepted M position Kith W, II. tMiniui mid now lias cIimiko (if (ho millinery deiiait liifiit in the ftmo. I'mf. T. J. CJceioti came m from ' ('liilhkniiio Tuesday mid cnmiui'tid fli ixatiiliiiitn.il of tiu'licr w liu i W.IH Ill lJ hero tllU Ktt'll. Tint punipa were stared ut (he water won. veuiiray. i no mum. with lt m ! I Mini the iniik tts tilled ut the rate ! J.OilO gullutia nil hour. ltov. It. I). Htn yiri-llcr, who ha twit in uiti'ii.l.ni.'c nl 1I10 yi-mjy ICvti iift-li-' i't I'onfi ii'iiri', Wiiii rt'liii'tn il in noniM, wIktm he wm atitiiuiiftl hmi ji'Mr, Tint trruml i.M Colmnli In Ik lwitii llii mi i-vrry rpiiHK, lint Mr. DmIiiihii in fiillini; in liiifiv. iiinl hm liu nl. wy iuc uIk-ii hu litivn'tini tu hrlti r uilViiiitx;i. ('athifr ffiwill, of The Oi.liimliw liiiiik, Imik, in i-DciiBii i. I'uiiMtrmMiiin, H luiiiilM'iiitj r" f-iih'iii't on oiio of the imiiiy I'imiiiiIiiI liiiilihtig hitc-o jit,t ninth i f thu t'liiiii h. juM'pli .Smith A Jmi, of Itiiiok'r, liavi- ri'iili'tl ihi'ir mill m tluii l.uc, to l'l.ltluilll .lll!li' win. Bill li .1 ,i (f (hu J'lunt in Hm fin lire. The i-in:Mtli'iii-t u.ii ft:w per iiiuiiih, A miihIm r of invih il (.mii'ih Hpcnl ii very t leuriuii eu-inii Mumluv hi tin' l ull, iri nf Mr. n ml M i,.'. ('nl I. in ii. Whirl, luli-lf mid lunch well thu h-ntiiii.. ul the i-MMiinx. The In I'timp Hi ( 1 lit iviilcr wmkti hu iut ini I'tiiii kiiiiy HUtTiiuoti nun I mi iiniiiM weiti iiiii'ii Mini (Hen tiion thulHiik. In n few iliiyn thu fyxirni Hill ho voiupie unit in full tipttriilion. No April on rtconl lum hutl tlm Hinotiiii ot t.iDii.iy weiittit-r una pre Vtiil.ul ttiii'iiii tli iiuiiilli iiimI i)fkil ' W ' ..-w..... J... ..w. ... The r.iiul.ill tluting tilt) nl Hit) peiiml wn mIiu uti'utly in f-xoem of thu iioriinil. If tho crop of wilil wtrtiwherrioi thin vour i in proMirtioii in tno iiniouni ot IiloiiKoiiiM it will le H 1'iik'H one. The tew rei't'iit pIcMHeiit tlitya huvo hroiitthl the atruwhm'iy liloni.oiim to thu front in grt'iit prufuniiiti Tho Htcumnr Irnliiii in tho grey liouiid of tlx roiiml-irip uicanifrii to J'ortluiiil. Uy MuliHKer Nuwmiiii'ii tif folia Iiim Unit hint gniiicd the pHtron iig and hvnt witlre of tho traveling iuhlic. l'rof. J. V. WinPtt,a noted vocal imiHio li'iii hur, will vlwii ht. Helens in the near fuitiii', liopint to arrmiKt' for li riru.il ni ii I win nf ii nlmiiiiii ilti mm hni'A. .... w..... ... Tliu proleKMir u tboruugh inul ruutor in intifclu and wu cmi eiietrfully rut ommoiKl lum to fits puiilio Jhh. J. Corbfil, champion piiKiliHt of tho whim, will appear ai Ainrqnum iJH'?:Pn. u ttt""y over .ry mo Jinn o tho weok. Mra. W If - . .. !,. . ...i . ; roiurnea Mon "'"" irom a viait up tho rivac, ivcv, moors anent a nnrMnn i. Week at n.iiu...i .. . : .." ii-.,.. . Vi wriiM aHHoctiillnn at m.o.1, urove, rettirninR on Monday. L. Liiiiliirnt ,.r Mi.., , . ii"v, una nau 'rKe of the carpenter work of the lie- burn l.nill I.. iV. 01 ",B thu ' "n in J. Himbiill guva our citron, a capitl " -"'' iin;e longo, Itev. and Mr-. Mnoro, Mi.a Jennie Myetaand Corn Blackford are tloltt. jfutc. to lhe Upwoith J,cK0 convon- ion ul rortluod. - I Ki'liooli warn liaiiiuu,l r i ... , . .1 I , V , muiiuiiy lor .v ,.uiiii:ti ill v.iia ,,.,. ,. ..ii ... v,,v nv,-H (1 UIJOW mo u...-iier. to on pro-cnt at Iho examinif im ui ot. uetotia u,ia tvehk. C. V. Jiillnn i.l 'I..I..I !.. ' . U'.ii . ui , v""lB"iOi anu .,1,11 niii'Brur. in ram,.. ... . ..,,,,,1,,, nviu ni. nilluriH IIIHl WllllK til u I f... V aictoiiiinell who waa mukiiitf proof on nia land. The irfifulii l.nl,,i,.:.. , i , Uoiiiiim a aiore, rocenily pruuidud over 'y . r. HlmUi, huvo lattm t,,kon in thutKO by K. J. Pnnh.n, i. i..,. i. ...i ----- I !,! IIU1J iliein inovud to tho factory building ,, tntj (ll llg BVOI'U. A cum) beforo Jimlli-t T.n Vf,i.... uflern.mii and evening attracted con- -HMjriio.il attention. Ii wa a civil ac tion for collection of a mm. .,11 ,l..l.i l...i - H,u. Mil. Kv opnorlutmy for a trial of legal. V,' .. VP '" 1,I'I""'"'K :ouniol, Mr .1 . w. vunyera ami rrol. Ulcelon, Tho Dixon bniiightdown tnoro ma chiuurv for FiiiIiIk.i.m I. , . . - " ."n."" w.cii.njiii I.IM. MullllilV. Thil ur,nliiw. (.-.I.,. 1.... -'--"""nivi.iiw "i; K'MK rail IdhJ im nn. 11,1..;.,., (!..! .. ...1 - 1 -n- (. ,,v.. niiu l tliu pninciilrutoof iiroureita will bu lini.hi'd. C'oukidtirahio digging wan iieeeiHury to got a ohtite built under 1110 comity road at Uurouii'a mill but that waik ia llnirhud ready for placing ....j .mi 111.1 , Mini Miiudo Klninnulmn , . v.v.i employed to teach in wlut it culled iuier uimrcl tin tlm f'i.lr,,,,!,, Tho county uperintendent fenlimr inU-rent in thai dmtrlet kinillv' Itnur I'm wa. nor rciic hu.i hur km. tiimtion aufelv. ami L im r,it,.it.Mt inado Ida i flieiul vi-it tlm following niioi.iiin, not that Ho cxpccU'd to liud thu kchoul in KUtiHioii hut uUl ccrlain from the leitcher if the moat improved methoda wure tmed inachool. Ho cuiiio biuk Mjii.liiil tlt, it. iilnghl. A party of eleven Inilieu anil men utJirled fur the Cilumhiu river in il auinll hunt hint MiinI ill' Itltkfiiiiiir expel ling U) catch the Poller or Lut line for 1'ortlitud. They wern dele l!ilte to thu Konorih I -time friendn who wont along to the 1 iver 10 ee uieiii on. J hey got out to the river in limo l ate Iho Poller p ptMccfnlly iilong. ami learned to their i tiiiMteruiilion Unit thu I.11 rli no did not itn op on .Mnnday. Tlioaeileutinud for I'ortlaiid -petit llio thiy itiapeclinit l!iiiiio' eiiinu'iy waiting for the iokIh mini, wniiu tliu oilier of tho party mane ti uli'.'H.nil cull HI II.ivv'm relnm io to (.'littukauio Tetiumluy evening. A very eiiinviililo liiemrv and nni-i ch! eiileriitiiiineiit Wi.a held in Con vei'a hiiil Wiilut fdiiy evening of ltot neck. The literal V 001 lion .iiimiulnil ot rei'iltitioiiH liv ;M,Ms IStellu Amen, of "rtliiud. Mui'li tvaa exuectnd of Hit liidv Who it. CUI.1 to he tlenn i.f lh. .Sthiml of KxpiiMiinii and Literature in roitlaiiil. itlis J.uii Ji.irr opened uy an inrtiiini'iilnl tcleelioii i;n the organ after which .Mim Amua hi peiiivtl and fi t ited "Aunt roily' tieorite WuKhiitKtoti" in a very pleaa ing manner. Musiintl wlect'iona by Mra. Hiiilger, Mis. Kuglisli and Mi I. .. . : ... . t 1 . . mn 11'. i.iiiM iaeiiiiiii. AiiMM K..II..I-I mid othera followed, iutcraperaed by -election- ny ,it mh Ainea. In render ing 1110 , wia uiikcii uucket," Mra. I'.uglifh -ung the aong while Minn Amea "liawed it." that i -hn iroal !.. tilled it 11" I if ISO n thea In a deaf 11 nil dumb iiwtittitiou. Tho audience had the advantage over those in audi an iiiBiiiiiiiou, nowever, tor mra ngiiah a 1 1 a the aonif with anleiulid uilicnU. tion, ao that wo could all hoar tho worila. let it wn nice to-see Miss Amea maka hei graceful ceiitiirpa rimn. c - r?' w - loniline -he riilli.H L fn- mIim hm i.ipti.. anna and wore abort alcoves no thai tho auuience could aee them. examined and found to contain Alum, """" wntcu contain both Alum u Ammonia. Many of the Alum unu ammonia powdora aro latlod and UflVOrilfHMl nil ahan ntnlv . mialiiBd the pblio. The condmned uwuur trivon in t i l lint urn ai.l.l ruu 11.. .1 . BmiKiiiiiy iiirutiic ureizon nod w.iul,. iuglon 1 "Oulumal." "V,iai Mii uri Hon Hon." "Hotel ''nh.h. iip.l. "Puritan." "Hnow Hull" ki,.. llient." "I,ovh1" "f'nlii,,,!.;., . mr, ...... n Momircli," . "Unrivalod." "Chit a irn leant." "Kehn." l'i.f,.H iivii.:. Ko-e," "Hatchet," "Crown." In addition tn tlm ak,,ir llui .1.,... ... - -. P.VW.U nni iiiriv Hre niuilv lounilMHiil.l ui 01, a hI.. 1, :.. " ' - ...v. IIAI3, All I- "iifo to reject all baking powder aold now 11 ui.o,a uie totta allow tliey arn u.iiiwiieu iiirgejy 01 Alum and coat hut a few centa a pound. AUo refuco any baking powder aold fortwonty-fivo t-oiuB a pnunu, or lew; jt in uure to contain Alum. Surely nothing but tlioir cheapne-a wiuiu iiiutiee me public to experiment with tlie-o impure iiowden at tltn i-i-lr of health. Aaidofrom tiie queation of oeiiiin or wniiii'iriminaiiii r ii...u,. ...... . . v. ...uDobuir tleiiined powdera, and viewed from tlie ataildlioiut of Hlnnniiiv ul,.i,o cream of turtar baking powder, aueh it. iimgHwanger ami other high aiilhoritieH rennrt T)r PrU.'. in 1... 11111I from its greater known itrongtli anu umjuemionaiiio purity aliould prove more economical to the uier in every way. MONMOUTH. The bonnl 11 Tti,tr,.i. Vol, I il..'. ... . - - - v . . vv 111.11 ir' ular meeting on May 2. Tboy decided not to eiout tno teacher for next year until June. Thoy alao decided to re duce tlioir guliine in order to erect u building for the Model Hchool, They will uUo have a teacher for the Model Shool. There will bo an inler-collegiate nuiHMiii conicm neid hereon .June 10 anil 17, between tho Corvollia and Monmouth Athletic Au-ociatioiia. Tho oratorical ennteal hot ivmti tint nocicLit'M wilt LnVti tilui II nil fau lOt I. Tlm winner in thi contest will go to naieni to the lnLer-eolhM,il nmirai which will bo tuko place 011 Juno 2. 1 he ptil.lio at bool Kraduatinir exer cise Will tuko nliteo in thti O o. ru Houho on Friday evening, May 12. Hid Polk county HnnilAv n),,uA convention was he Ul in tlm ini.ri-n..,, cliiirt h Friday and Katutday, May 5 lit! O. . Prof. Cam nlu-ll will l,.l IliA. tl,a n,l. dres to tho pnblio aehoel graduates at McMinnville, on May 19, Ills five literary aaeixtiix .( il.t. college have utiiu-d into two locielie for tho remainder of the year. Mr. Mulk-ev ia lttlttint 111, A ,ttrn brick building beside the bulk. He wi.l use il a a grocery utoro. KC.il'I'lXIBK.- Lovely attmmcr weather at last, Everybody busy aoodingand olantine. ' Cliarlea Engliali, our worthy post- niuHiur, is utidur uie weather, ana has gone to AHtoria in the hopo of bene niling liia henllh. . Misa Adcllo Putrh. of Pnrt1nnr1 cnurgo 01 the Uunuan school district aa teacher. It is time some of thi- county' youth was qualifying as tettuher ho (hut we would not have to send abroad for ledagogues. Miss Piigh ia a strunger in this oeighbor- uoou oni come iiigtuy recommenped. (leo. Fcil'Ier. of lfilklinrn h.. rented Mr. Bevca' furm and will move over this week. Alonzo Patterson, of Hillsboro, spent Minday us a guest of A. A. Mer rill ami family. Teachers' Kxainlnatlon. All unusually larire elaaa of otn.li. c - ounis ia iHKing tno toactiers' examina- tnis wcck. rot owintr is l is lut of nn. lilieunts so lnr reoortxil U. u. Little, AUello Pugh, Mildred IIOVIU. Mrs. Kettle Kintr. Murv V. Atchison, Cleopatra I). Kay, Lueila Uoy, Maggie Traluir, Fannie Burns, Miss Col ins. Fannin Mi.u.rvn n,.ll CuIjIcS. Eva Widirer. Mrs. Ki-lln t; ,rl. I ilia, A. Marchion, Edgar Wilsou and iioocri jempsey. COLUMBIA BANKING CO. (Incorporated) ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. O.A. MASSIE, C. II. NEWELL, President, Cashier. Capital' S 20,000. TfiinSftr'r-l ft trnnnm lmnliln KiiuUiasnaf Kxf'hflTlf hnnirlir sii.il .M 1...... ..' lowed urt tune depositHt TOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. E. S. BRYAMT, Manufacturer of and Dealer in ' ROUGH MB DRESSED Fir and Cedar Lumber. Clear Flooring, Ceiling and Finishing Material Constantly on Hand, CJatskanie, - - - Oregon. If 1 1. C. L. Coltarn, ST. HELEX8, OEEGOJT, SEEDS ant ee and Poultry SUPPLIES. All exnenaivn aeeicletit loinrwtnarl I, ine treasure vaull or The Columbia Malik Saturday. Caahier Nwn11 at. lemtitod to chance the eomhiimtinn but beforo he completed tho change it was necessary to close the safe and go to lunch. Jfo turned tint holt In llio inner door and il is supposed that the jarot closing the largo doors faatened the combination. An expert came vn 1 ron 1 I'ortlaiHl and Willi tho use of a battering-ram, sledge-hummers, com cinaeis urni. etc.. sneeneiieii in opening the door in about eight hoars ...w ......u, ..... .r..... ... ...... - Grand opera house tomorrow and H1111 tluy nights in "(leullctiiuu Jack," a Jilay written from the lomance of Cu-- licit a own lile, o,V cnuries i. vinueni. Two niaiinecs will be given eaturduy , and Huiitluy. John li. Deegle, iho former ediior Of tins paper, started yesietaay even ine from Portland for Cliiciitio. Mr. llet'Klo, after spending a few weeks in 4Mi...tri. M.1II nt tn liia rild linmn in VII.VI.K1) "III fi," """ ... Missouri, whrre 1 e will visii relatives .1...- ,.t ...Afllra 'r.( Alln. Jtir H lllllltllT 11 TCDI.IVM, (. A.C wishes Mr. Uecglo a jdeitsiint journey J. II. Imhoir, of Astoria, a manu facturer of Headstones anu monu insnti mrna in town Monday nndTues day. Mr. imbofl'iaa master of his trade, and by the use of tho best mar ble and granite obtainable, bis work Is complete and ponociin every pur- tinnlv Mr Imluiff la driinir H irond liusinesa among Coiitmhia county peo- )lo and we clioeriuiiy recommend nun and his work to those who want any thing in his lino. Jonas Busholl, of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. 0. G, T , filled on gugonients to lecture here Friday and Haturduv evenings. An appreciative iitidience hcaid bis reniarkg Friday waning and at tho following engage ment enough members were enlisted to re-organize Evergreen Lodgo No.. 360 which was formerly a flourishing society. The new lodge has a small membership and little enthusinsm and considerable proselyting will bo noces v Vrtf(jr the society can Imp to bo- inairliliof .111111 Ii v the .Iiminr 1.111011 under the instruction of Mm. Moore was 0110 of the best thine of tho eve- THK Ml.NMCKOTA I.EGISI.ATL'RE. LooklnK After tlio Alum and Am- inoiila llaalnx I'owdera. rortlaud Oiti(nnliin.J A bill for an act in relation to the manufacture and sale of baking pow dera, to prevent fraud und pre.erve tho public health baa been introduced in tho Legishmiro at Si. Paul. The bill is intended to prevent the adulter ation of baking powdera with Alum or Ammonia, ininosinir nroner neiiul. tics to enforce tho law. Dr. U. iS. Bingawunger, Professor of Chcmiatry etc., medical department University of Oregon, made an exami nation some lime ago of tho baking oowdei-s fimnd in the Portland atnr. , . - - - - - , tho result of which appeared in tho Oregoniun : Dr. Uingswanger then expressed himself as follows: "I have just finished an analysis of the principal baking powdera sold in una niaiKiH, wiui 1110 loiiowing siuri liug results 1 "llcrcitlos." Una powder contains ammonia. Crystal." This powder contains alum. "Double Quick." This powder con tains alum. "Silver Star." This powder con tains ulnm, "While Lilly." This nowdor con tains alum. " Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder." This is a Hiiro cream of tartar pow der and contains neither alum nor ammonia. It will be nliBPrveil that ilr nine. BWiintr.!' f.iiiml I Pptnii'. l.v I, , 1..1U cream of tartar baking powder and tno only brand lice lioin alum, am monia or any impurity. . -. . Following ia a list of the 'more widely known branda that Dr. )tvw. chetniat for tho Minnesota State Dairy and rood Commission, aa well as oilier cboinista ot bJU staudtL'fi, buve The weather linn been Uir fr il... post few days. Jus. Snencer is net'oii iiinir for 1.. cation for blucksmiih simp in town. J. 11 r re niiuntities of eonl woml 'being coiilriicled for t.l this vicinity and the price paid is fairly good. Mis Jennie Lifsteadt died of ty phoid fever at the resideneo of (1 flowmaii on Monday lust and was in terred in the Odd Fellows coinoterv near Chilton. Mrs. J. O. piltf.Ki IHBn.li.irr u u.a.,1. vUitiug relative and friends at May-ger. Several of our frientla Imvn uonn f.. St. Helens a courting this week. Geo. Decker has moeeil In wilt haul cord wood for Schneetzer. JAPANESE toe iuh: GURE A nw fttid enmnlntA Iritatniant rnnsl.ilna a i PupfHJllUl iotpi, riul!IUIIi IU t..H)IIIOH, tt(M) ID w nun i iii: rtivuive .iire mr nxieruiti. in ten ml. liliti-1 hw liltwriHia. Itch i hit 1 'hrtihiti bnonl nr IlssratJ tiu rv 11. 1 dlspti'tf" mid ItineSe wcaknenws: it U alwaysft trrotti trencni vo ui toi.trni neallti. The Unt aicovery of a modiriT cure remWrlnir nn oir tion wiib tno knife uiiaresarv hrt'Bfter. ThU kamiailu haa iiueas lutr.ii L.... II all Un. ft fur $5; utiiit Uy mail. VMty nufTer from thli leiriuj .t-.t;fuo when n ntten funrantee l glvm with 6 btixisn, to tftiiii'l ttt monev If not eure i. HnJ HUmp for free Sanmle. Gtmrnntee l.aiiiAil l.v aVrotni on ri..s.p U'U.I 1. 1 l "'f viiaar,vu " UUIIWIIIV Dressmaker. PRICES LOW All Work Guaranteed. Hart & Sweetland, Proprietor St. Helens Meat Market Vr?sh And RAlLml Moitfa Ranaaoo Vial, I UIIU Vl'CIrUUIUS, MeaU by wholesale at special rates. ExnrCRfl WOPOn mn alii nairfa nf tonn PORTLAND SEED CO, Fertilizers Portland, Ur. TREES. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ST. HELENS HOTEL F. R. CHOWN, Hardware Stoves, DAIRY PANS, CHURNS, MILK STRAINERS, MILK CANS. ETC. 212 First Street. PORTLAND " BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER." J. George, Proprietor. This ia the reason why VANKKETOWJi. Mr. Durlintr. the enimlv nnrnni.a. for the farmer's alliance, was in this place liul week and established a lodge with a membership of seventeen. Of ficers were elected and AVeilnnnrlnv .. . : ' i' I mi men ior ine next meeting. J lie IvCCIlm. Which nrnvml .n cessuti tins spring, closet! week beforo last to bo started again next fall. It has proved a very harmonious one, as Iveeums do. there havinir henn nn fr iigurs anu oui lew rows. Miss Annie Britrea ia coiner ihi. aiAelr In visit her friends in Pitmhiiri. - Ml. contempluteastuyiiisr t here all summer. uer many irtetids will miss her. Fred Emorann ha hean annniniod iissisinni "cniickcr-out" at the alii anco lodge. PKKSOXAI, MICNTION. J. II. Inilioff. a marble cutter of Astnrin wan in town Monday on business. Joseph Vanblarieoin. a ntunear rrl lr.1,1 01 vcrnonta, is in town attending court. L. A. Ilowniaii, of Tortlanil. is the cupst of his cous n, Mrs. C. L. Colburn, of this place. Edwin Rast:ibronk, son of our ertlelent ueputy county clerk, nald hia imreni visit Monday. Mr. Eaitalirook Is on his way iroin l altlornia to Baker City where ne nas a position with a milling company John Seliinidtka. of Deer Ishinn. u-a. a caller at thinoMce Monday. Mr. Hclinildka las been eneased in the lonariim hmi inn a ill tliii oounty several seasons. nH i m moving bis camp to tho Uowcman, where tie will cnKaije in logging with every pros peel oi success. Tli8(jGlekatedFr6icHnr8, APHRODITINE" ZSZ Is Fold o. a POOITIVE r.iiA4NTr to euro snr form ofnervuu.tjtiiea. crauy tJiiorderuf thu ttciHTstiveor ganii u( eltlierar x. 11''?' jm&r . I"MI I uriUCr-Mlin aVU-T" " RFFTiDC .,... u.i 1 . airvs-M TobwcoorOr.l.iiii,orthrt)uphjci;:iitiilu."liwro. frt ii.7 1 !! , ' . .V ru?wa rsinsin tli tretlun, Noftnrnal Kralwlon I e'lorrha. HI. jIucm, Weak Memory, fwsof i'oneYlinv trai-ir. wlili h If iieulwtcil ntten loaii to i.remm'ur. for l .. Keut br moll on ron-lrt of nrirw A vi in rrK.v ;i;akmkk'i. ginn for evervlfl-iJOoMeriwelTfil. lorefuml the monev i a rarmaiifiiil rnis i not effocM. Ws lite,. . ." ' I''oiiiiuiai. iminoiii ana yonnir cf both exe, who Imvu tcn pfriiianotiT lUioaeoofAptiroilitlai). t.lrciiiarlrco. Addrtja THE APHRO MEDICIME no. Wontcru tiraac:. r.o 27. iMiirtANU. ). For sale by KDWIN ROSS, Dituaaisr M. Uelens. Ur. Tables always supplied with the bet edibles and delicacies the market alTerds. TERMS EEASONABLK FOR REGULAR BOARDERS. Having been newly refurnished, w. aro prepared to cive satisfaction t. all oar patrons, and solicit a share of your patronage. The St. Charles Hotel, C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor, Has such a large patronage by the business men of the Stata. ff yon want to meet a friend you will always find him at The St Charlea. ST. HELENS OREGOX. PORTLAND Marble Works. PORTLAND . CLATSKANIE ROUTE ! Charged -vteh Larceny. Phi. Harris, a limiliur character of Rainier, wag brought here last week and placed in charge of a deputy, on a cnarge 01 larceny preferred by A. Orr, who alleges that Harria burglar ised his cabin near Rainier, and stole valuable . effects, Wednesday the grand jury returned a true bill against Harris. Letter List. Lettera to the following aifdroa.. remain uncalled for at the St. Helena office. : -Nels Danielson, Johnathan Dodge, Mrs. R. O. Daltnn. -T.i. M Hnrr.l Nels Nelson, Wm. O'Rottrke, Charley emun, mis. Kate Beoley, Mr,, Spencer. Notice Crcdltara. ' Estate of f. N. Lawrence, decayed. To Whom It nay Conckrn: Tabu ., i in. ,1 -. 1 1. ti 1 .. 1 . , - ...' ..ut.v ...a, uavr lllt-u IUV nrrutllll in Inn ahnvi (.ntul.,,1 uialn .....l t. n........ Court of Columbia county, Oregon, has i- nuiHiiHy, mie aro auy ot juiv, isix. at tlm hnin ,,r I MnlLnl. .. ... .... .1... I 1 ..... ....... ... v ..i,, ., ,,,,, ,t,,- me uuAriiiir nf nliiurOimir, tr m.w I.PU k., n ikH .11. . . .... , .. w.j I.: niitiv, ance of tho earn and the riiauhare ( the aiimnnsi,raror. j y A. IKIWLHV, Administrator of the estuta of I. N Law rente, dectacd. - ' DO YOU SUFFEE? rUlfMinui. ifinv Vita rwr.Utinav SrrAf. , V" w inn. Liquor, Alcrthine or Tobacco If J hit. ftuii'Llv niwl iwirniiit-innllir niiruil by the wonderful BI CHLORIDE of uulu trcutinent. RHPISR.1ITIM (The nrie scltl entirely tx nfiLUiliMI ill H'Uo.l from Uie bloods t unjil ia from live to tinny day.. CITC eptlainyl I'ermaiiently cured: no ro ll I 0 turu 0 the disease from two to four U'cckk trwtuicnt. CPDnCII! nilthewornteasesoflnherlteil OUnUrUH hi 001I taint quickly and uer niHiici.lly euruil. wwHuiii.ygg or l ilUAt t a hiililt cured 10 to SO days. No restriction or publicity. Patients 'ii red nt lln.ir mvn l.n.i.M in ilni 0.,iT. era cured in 8 years. Full particulars without charge, address Dr. oQi Bi-Culoriie of M Institute 273 1'owell St., Ian Francisco. Cal. r i SARAH DIXON, O. 11. Shaver. Master, LeaYesPortland.itAiderRrruatTW.tr- f,1.... iir.i .... ...., . t r,i . i , r. 7. .....;, i? ciiiiwi-tiiiy mm niaay for Clatskanie, touching at Sativie'a island, 8t. Helens, Columbia City.Kalama Meer Cltv. Rainier. C.Anr T gnrlin.. Iif u n t..i, i. . . . and all intermedial points, returning Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. SCHANEN & NEU, Manufacturers of Monuments, Headstones, And all kinds of Marble, Granite, tsioneworfc, Tablets, Uurbinir. etc Special estimates for any desired work ; 1 luniisueti on appucuiion. 268 First St., bet. Madisou and Je&erson, Forilaud, Or.fn. J. MUCKLE. C. MUCKLE. R1UCKLE BROS., -MANUfACTCKEKS 0F- 5TOf THIT COUQH! Dr. Grant's CURES Incipient Cassumptloa, I iTl-iiaO Fever, Pneumonia, Ttjf tflWhoopinfl Cettoh, Bros 4T&T ohltia. Croup. Pains In the l. rtv. a. i a m s r m. ' a- w.ii.i. Breast, Tbroat sad Litnja. Purely Vecetabla, CANT BE BEAT FOR CHILDREN. TRY IT. 0.W.1 Manufacturing Co., rvniuinDi uniuun. ft) H. Yarwig & Sod, and Mmi WHOiasAta AXD BKTAIL V , General Merchandise. 231 FKONT STREET, . PORTLAND, - - OREGON. St. Helens, Oregon. For Salt by Ktlwln Hoas, St. Helens, Or. JAMES F. BRADDOCK, rfK OENi:ilAI. BLACKSMITH WORK In all its Branches. REPAIRING YOOD - WORK. Vt'vta are very reasonable and sll wotk guartiiuct'd. HOULTON. OREGON. Splendid, Yonng Norman Horse 1PEST Will Make the Season of 1893 as Follows: Monday and Tuesday at R. COX'S place, Warren. Wednesday and Thiiraihir l. DnKla Rest of the week at C. MUCKLE'S ranch, Deor Island. TEEMS: INSURANCE $15. TEMPEST Is a beautiful, dark iron jrrav, 18 hands hitch ; seven years old ; weighs KiOO pounds, with line style, quick movement, and second to mui. in iini.il..f .uin.,, .m.l durability. -. He was sired by Young Byron Kier; bv Old Kvrnn Kinr itimm'..rl m..l nH ...wl 1... Suittniaster, Keota. Iowa. 1'einuest's daiii was sired by Old Tomiwst, a Nornnm Korae owned by J. Downs, luwu. Clias. Mnckle, Owner. J oseph Kellojje & Co.'s River Steamers LEARN TELEGRAPHY! IV "y" Success Sure. Ailress J. C. BEYMOERKR. OroirouUn Ulig , TfllllST AND HIM HEIDQUAUTERS- New York Restaurant. Awibrsos Beakey, Proprielora. IX. 139 rtrst Street, PORTLAND, - - OREGON- Joseph ' Kellogg and Northwest FOB COWLITZ RIVER. NORTHWEST Leaves KELSO Monrlar. Vre.AnA and Friday at 6 am. Leave PORTLAND Tuedavr Thui-tw day, and Saturday at 6 a. m. JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves RAINIER at 6 a. m. duly, Sunday excepted, arriving at Pert land at 10:80 a ia Returning leaves Portland at 1 p. ra,, arriving at 6 p. m " ' Stop For your Medicines at the Glatslanie Drug Store, ' Where you wilt find tho largest stock of PATENT MEDICINES, PKESGEIPTION DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLED, ETC, In Columbia County " DR. J. Ba IIAI.L, Prorr'r