DECISIVE Baking Powder Tests The United States Official . Investigation of Baking Powders, made by authority of Congress, in the Department of Agriculture, Washing ton, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative informa tion as to which powder is die best. The Official Report . Shows the ROYAL to be a cream of tartar baking pow der, superior to all others in leavening power (u-$ft2j. Mm; Leader In Europe. The continental monts de plot had their origin in the Italian monti dl pieta, large numbers of which were founded in Italy throughout the Sixteenth century, and the object of which were, iu I he first instance, auwntially charitable, the avowed purpose OC the institution being to counteract the injurious effect of usury by lending mouey oo deposit at an almost iuliuitesimal rate of interest. The Franciscan monks were the first to lend money on goods, and in 151 j (hey were allowed by the pope to receive a moderate amount of interest; but in pro oeas of time the Italian monti di pleta be came extensive banking corporations. which were occasionally plundered or half ruined by forced loans exacted bv tyran nical princes, and sometimes brought to otire collapse by injudicious huauciol peculations Iindon Teleeranh. It's Just as Easy Ti trow C.aici Flowsn u It Is to nw cobdoi mbs If joi JTIBT IIGBT. RUwromnT the following contestant tea names In ItMlf. and jour gardea fti sot complete without them. They an all brautlful and fashionable tow ers and the plants are all siron. healthy and po grown, and teat, poalaf Urea, tor the pctee aajnaa. THE IISIOTBT I3P.IB COIJiCIiOl OF SWEET W OmpHtim If DittiaH VarteHt. 4 Imrg ftcM mj .?ttiMrmxk for $U4, r a faeM Saaai a Ou tarn eenxiss ntrndftr el eeala. i a Rom I.OO Vi"""" 12 Carnations tl.OO w aararrae ia Pelargoniums BI.OO 12 Chrysanthemums tl.OO JHower or Ctrnflt Choice Varieties ElUiar Vagatabl OLLUO (mar mm or roar astasttaa) l og OKE DOILAB. SHERWOOD HALL NURSEIT CO. 1 1, sr. limt 4 Cat Site - - Sa fmdaa, CiL -,-:iifyi?yf!?v!' sBataslaSasaaVi KISSING GOODBY. A Mat he took and a backward look. And her heart grew suddenly tighten A trifle, yon say, to color a day. Vet the dnll gray morn aeeuied brighter. For heart are such thai a tender touch May banish a look of sadness: A small, slight thing can wake us sing. Dot a rrowa will cberk uur gUtdoeaa. The cheeriest ray along our way Is the little act of kindness, . And the keenest sting some careless thine That was done In a moment of blindness. We can bravely face life la a home when strife No foothold can discover. And be lovers still If we only will, . Though youth's bright days are over, Ah, sharp as swords cut the unkind words That are far beyond recalling. When a face Ilea hid neath a coffin lid. And bitter tears are falllne-. We fain would give half the lives we Live To undo oar idle scorning: Then let as not miss the smile and kiss When we part in the Ihrht of mornin. Ulltaa Plnnkett in San Francisco Call. UNITED AT THE LAST. PITIFUL TALE OF FAMILY THAT AN EMIGRANT PERISHED. "TsC ERADICATES BLOOD POI SON AND BLOOD TAINT. Ce-vbhal bottles of Swift's Specific (S. S. Si - entirely cleansed my system of contagious blood poison of the very worst type. Uk. S. Looatia, Shreveport, La. I CURES SCROFULA EVEN IN ITS WORST FORMS. T bad scaorcLA b 1884, and cleansed my system entirely from it by taking seven bottles of S. S. S. 1 have not had any symp- U W. WILCOX, Spartanburg, S. C. ?f HAS CURED HUNDREDS Of CASES OF SKIN CANCER. Treatise on Blood and 6ldn Diseases mailed tea. Swift Specific Co, Atlanta. Ga. 99 Secretary rosier sag the Monument. When Secretary Foster first came to con gress ine aauington monument was literally the national langbiug stock, look lug, as It stood there, like the trunk of a storm severed mast apparently the tower which the parable speaks of which the bnildercould not finish because be hud not counted the cost. It was the sneer of the tourist and the shame of the resident. It perfectly evident that it was not eolaz to ne nnisnea witn toe contents of the little collection boxes labeled "For the Washington monument," which stared at you as yon entered any public building. any more than with the "memorial" or votive stones sent by countries, cities and societies. It was equally evident that no other private means would suffice, it would have to be completed by the govern ment 11 completed at alL Samuel J. Randall was chairman of the committee "on appropriations, of which Foster had been mnde a member by Speaker Kerr. Randall, who liked Foster. Jokingly created him a sub committee on monuments, and turned over to him as such a lot of bills for monuments to this man and that memory. One day there came. over from the senate a bill which John Sherman had gotten through there. providing for the completion of "the Wash ington monument by the government, and appropriating cvoo.uuo for that numoee. Foster was watching, and just aa Ran dIL scowling at it, was about to pigeon hole It, he spoke up and said: "No, no, Mr. Vnairman. I m me sun-committee on monuments; that bill belongs to me," with that persuasive smile which has moved more obdurate hearts than Randall's. "Take It, then," said Randall, throwing it over the table. Foster did take It, and went to work at once collecting the data for a report on the subject, which was so mil and so strong that it convinced a ma Jorityof the committee then, and after ward a majority of the house passed the bilL The work then begun never ceased till the aluminnm cap was put on the anex of the pyramidal top. No wonder Foster finds satisfaction every time he looks at nl handiwork. Washington Cor. Phila delpbia itocord. A City Destroyed by Silence. AmyclsB, if the old legend of its fate is to be relied npon, actually perished through silence. The legend concerning the unique ena or tots ancient city is as follows: Amy else was a town of Laconia, founded by the Lacedemonian king "German Syrup William McKeekan, Drup-Hst t iSIOOmino-dale. Mirh. " T haw harl nuseuemonian king Amyclas. It was an th Asthma badly ever since I came tndePendent citr toT many years, but was mined to push on, and we jest had to out Of the armv and thoiiP-h T have J. f0??" ' the. Sp18"9- The pick her up and carry her back. It was , , , ? "j urn uwu bv uibeu aiurraeu y mise been in the drug business for fifteen rumors of a projected Spartan invasion years, and have tried nearly every- that at last, weary of living in a state of thing; On the market, nothing has ' """-to terror, It was decreed that it riven me the slightest relief until a 1 ,honld 08 made Pnbllc ofr?nM 10 reP" ' t, i T .. j the approach or an enemy. So, when few months ago, When I OSed Bo- Spartan, at last actually Appeared I The Terrible Itlissard of IM1 Had for Some of Its Victims a Whole Family Which Prose in Death la Dead Man's Cove Herolo Efforts of a Mother. "That's Dead Man's cove right before jtrar eyes, said the old man aa lie point ed to a recess of half an acre in extent in the southern face of the Little Rocky mountain. "Thats Dead Mangrove, nd you kin see the iron work of tho wagon lyin about when ye git closer. When I first looked in here thnr was five human bouies lying dead in that wagon. Me an my purd we Ana a bix grave and buried em all together back agin that cliff, thar whar tho rocks is. We piled the rocks that way so the wolves could'it git at the dead." "But there is no headboard no names," I protested aa I rode closer to the spot pointed out. "uonwn t De no names, cause we couldn't find any," he replied, "and thorn rocks is a gravestun aa Will last forever, We'll git oft and sit down fnr a smoke, and I'll gin ye the full particklera. I've passed here a hundred times in the last three years, and it alius gives me the heartache. Poor husband poor wife- poor cmmreni "It was this way, he continued after his pipe was nhgat "Me and pard had our snanty uown tuo vauey about a mile. Plenty of emigrants in tlioV kiv. ered wagons used to come by this trail and tnrn south into Wyomin, or keep west into Idaho. They'd come five or six families at a time, and they'd come singly, borne of 'em would take sich chances of Injuns, sickness, landslides, ttarraehun and death as would make your ha'r stand on end to think of. No man kin begin to guess how many graves thar be or men, women and children be tween the Dakota line and the west branch of the Missouri river. I've counted a hundred in a day's ride. "Waal, one December mornin me and pard woke np to feel that thar was a blizzard matin ready to bust on us. It had been coolish bnt pleasant up to that time. We could tell by the feel of things what was comin, and began to git ready fur it. It was jest arter noon when a woman walked into onr shanty. She was an emigrant Right here in this cove she had left her husband and four children to try and find some help. He had bin sick tar three weeks and was little better than a dead man, and she had bin drivinthe team an takin keer of things gener'ly. She orter to hev turned back lodg before, but some fool of doctor bad told the man he'd get well if they kept on. I hey had got separated from the party they started with, and had made the last hundred miles alone. They war out o grub, hadn't a match left to build a fire, and the woman knowed a change fur the wuss was blowin np. She was a frail, lectle woman, and she had gone through with nufifto down a man, bnt she hadn't lost all her pluck yit. As soon as she told us the story we got ready to go back with her an bring in the outht. We made a start, bnt we never got thar. "The buzzard prevented, ehT "She did. She came swoopin down all of a sudden, like some great bird droppin from the sky. A line snow begun to fall, the wind started nght in to blow a livin gale, and I believe the thermom eter went from 45 degs. above to lOdegs. below inside of half an hour. We hadn't any with us, but the change was sudden an amazin. i ou couldn t face that gale to save your life. It jest stopped us and turned us around before we had got fif teen rods from the house. As to the cold, it jest paralyzed you. We had to go back, and arter takin a big drink o' whisky all around and pnttin on more clothes we tried it agin. "Me and Sam was as tough as b'ars them days and could hev laid down in a pond of water and let it freeze up with us, but we couldn't buck agin that bliz sard. When we made the second start we got about half way up here, the little woman leadin the way all the time. Then we had to stop. Yon couldn't see three foot from your nose, and all of us was freezin to death by inches." "And yon went backr "We did. The woman was deter- Wliat Was the Matter with tha Cakef A soclnbly Inclined young couple who are comfortably quartered in one of the large apart nieut bouses up town Invited A few friends to a card party one evening last week. Owing to a iiituiidertitatiiiing regarding the dale not one of the expected guests appeared on the evening In ques tion, 'l lie young wife was greatly vexed. She had prepared a tempting little supper, and hei economical soul revolted at the Idea of its being wasted. One of the fea tures of her table wns a large ornamental cake, which she had purchased at a neigh boring confectioner's. She cut the cake and endeavored to induce her husband to eat a portion of It, but he did not like cuke. She wns determined, however, that some body should eat it, and she offered it to the hall and elevator boys, of which there were four. They accepted It with outuusiaam and quickly disposed of It. The following day every boy wns sick very sick. A doctor was called, and Ids investigations led to the suspicion that something wns the matter with that cuke. He said that the hoys had undoubtedly been poisoned. The confectioner's shop was visited, aud the story of the mtsetiief breeding cake was told to htm. He hml evidently heard a similar story before, for be hastily exclaimed: "Oh, it wns part of that varnih batch of rake, I urn so sorry. lou must excuse mo. My cook put in acup of varnish. That Is all. You sea I have been having the woodwork in my store Tarnished. Yes, that was lu He put in some varnish. That Is all." The boys got well, and the story of the "varnish cake" has been reCRted all over the neighborhood. When the bidden guests who staid away from the card party heard of it they were glad that they had misun derstood the date, New York Time. "Ha5 WAS IN IT.' Judge Munrne H lieeliled la Favor of Kelly-Kally vs. Fanlow. John J. Kelly vs. People's Bank t al. Plslnt 18 began this suit by selslug s lottery ticket, on-twentluih of a whole ticket, whleh had won 1 16,(100 and had been forwarded to the I'eople's Hank (r collection, and In whleh he claimed fKBVlNTlNO rtlTHW MISCBT. II there la. In this vala of tears, a more nroltflo source of misery than the rhauniaUa iwlnse. we have yet to hear of It, People are bora with a lenuvuoy to rneumaiiam, just a in' y an wuo one to consumption or lo wnolula. HUnht causes may d. velon this. As anou aa the animisms (Kiniplalnl aiil'eats Itself, renowns should lie had to HuatctmrattMiniaih 'inters. whitman ens Its runner inroads an banUhes tli t eumatio tmta n iiom the avaisHi. ThU atatemant tallies fleetly with the teatlmnny of physicians who one-fourth Interest as owner. By consent the have employed this Jlne blood drpurant In their ticket ws. cashed, and th. unclaimed IhreJ RK".OT quarters wars withdrawn, toavlnit the computed one-uuarter, which was also claimed by John W. Fenlow, under conlrol of the conn. The parties live In St. Louis, ami have been quite unforiuuate. in IKbl F nlow, Kelly, Norle- man, O'Keefe and Connors formed a quasi club, and on three or four occasions purchased five fraettonsof lottery tickets, said fractious cost-hia-fl vaeh, and each member, contributing his proportion of the price, was equally Interested In Die winnings. Fenlow generally was charged with purchasing tho tickets, and held them until the drawing. The members usually paid their contributions before the drawings, and Feulow paid the lot. tvry ticket vendor. of th Hitlers tor malaria, liver onmnlallU, eou stlpitlou, Indlitistlon. kidney trouble, uvrvous- neas and l of appetite aud mh. After a wet- (.. U.k.,11..., l.U - " - ... lit. tors is utaful as a proveutlve oi the Initial ttaek q rneumeutni. A man feels proud when he Is working his way up lo the top. hut he (eels dlftorenl U his necktie utidurlakos to do the same thing. KUFTUttfs- ANU FILM CUIIBU. We positively rare minora, nllea and all i tal diseases wlthontpatu or detention from busb nesa. No euro, no nav. Also all PrtvaU dis uses. Address for pamphlet lira. PotterOaid A lanwy, are naraeiaireei, ean rrauoisao. In April. 1st'.' ed out). All paid except Kelly, who had ' his dollar on the day preceding ., in..)- iiivuiii'ti tvouuora nan d replied out). aitreou to pay the draw litis. The tickets had been selected by Norleman. There was no funher intercourse between the members of I tin club until after Ihedrauhiu ,n Tuesday, April U, when it was learned that one oi tne tour tietcu tisil won The tickets " niches may have wings," said Hie light- nsted man, " but there are no tllos on my UIUIIVJ',' Tby Osbsisa for breakfast. THREE TROUBLES. Three thine whish all worklngmon know pv the most trouble in their ) hard-strain work ore I Sprains, -Druiei and Soreness. THREE AFFLICTIONS. Three supreme afflic tions, which nil the world knows afflict mankind the ! most with Aches and Tains are: ..Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Lumbago. THREE THINGS. to do are simply these CseKniimelluo Stove Polish) no dust, no smell. have licou paid for by Fenlow, and the amotion PSneJeter'S) reeTeti II anal lurlflrr It for the court lo decide Is whethor Fenlow imld 1 lor the court lo decide Is whethor Fenlow paid for account of Kelly II, or hether It was lor tit: w ii arriniiii. The day aflcr the drawing Kelly tendered his dollar, hul was hiid (hat he was "too late" and thai he whs "not In It." The court concludes that Fenlow gave Kelly to iimtcriiiand that he (Fenlow) would see that Kelly's Interest In the tick. 'I would be paid for. It Is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed thst there lie Jiulitment In favur of John J. Kelly and against John V. Fenlow, decreeing Kelly lo have twen the owner of au undivided oue-(ourth interest in the loliory ticket, and that plaintiff receive and collect H,7!, repre senting ih one-fourth of the proceeds ol the lottery ticket now on deposit. Sew Orleans (La.) City Item, February 7. I remedy for cleansing your system. V V Buy it, "Vtry it QJnnd be prompt-) ly nd perma nently cured by tho use of iW lllobhs-I drink a cheap California claret which 1 know to he reliable. Wlgwan-Yea' 1 know the kind poor but holiest. HKADAVHK Ain DVSrgl'glA. Indian Chess. Indian chess, or "chnturanga," la played with a rajab, an elephant, a horse and a ship, and four foot soldiers, corresponding to a king, a castle, a knight, and a biahop and four pawns, and there are four play ers, bach player faces bis partner, and places his pieces lu the order of ship, horse, elephant and rajah, beginning at the left baud corner the four foot soldiers being of course in front. Partners are thusou the opposite diagonal. The players move In the order of the sun. The tactics of the game, apparently from the "Bhaviahya Purann," are not to attack your opponcut who bos just played, as would be done In double chess, but to obstruct the opponent who has to play next. The game is dis tinguished from double chess by marked variations. There is no queen, and the ship or bishop Is "lame" can only move two squares at a time, tnougn necan nop over au intervcn- Ule-nrit fc , " J lng piece if he likes. Moreover, a plnyer th.n nr.. ,n f.,, .i.m. -i' i..:. i .t! Jrh..1! ean take bis partner's rajab if things are 1 1 gained three pounds in weight, and never not going well, and so assume command of I have bad an ache or a pain s uce." both armies, and if bol h sides have lost a I Disease in one nart of tie ruutv arlll rajah they can be restored by mutual con-1 vvuttially till the whole body with disease. sent. I "-"fry yar or iwo some part oi the system The game Is thus pervaded by a military fl"?.??! ?nu. "K'l's w uy. . Hucb anlrlt. th..o-h ..nt n atifT lint. tlf. H,i ."." re noveu al OUCe aillt new -- . -.- mutter ue allowed to take Ha William K. Rockwell, No. 512 West 87th street, N'ew York, says: " I have been a martyr to bilious head ache and dyspepsia. Any Indiscretion in diet, overfatigue or cold brings on a lit of uidlgeation, lollowed by a headache lasting lng than the TO BRACK VP the system after "l Grippe," rmeumonia. fevers, and s other prostrating acuta dis eases; to Duiia up neeueu tkih and strength, and to restore health and vigor when you feel "run-down" and used-up. the bast thing In the world is Dr. Ileroe's Uolilen Medical Discovery. It promotes all the bodily functions, rouses every or gan into healthful action, uuriflea and enriches tlie blood, and through il cleanses, repairs, and invig orates the entire system. For the most stubborn Scrofulous, rutin or Boalp Diseases, Dyspep sia, Bllioiisiivss, and kindred aihnentk. the w Discovery" Is the only remedy that's puaranrsea. u aoesn I Denuni or cure, FISHING TACKLE you have your money back. -FOK- Rode, Reels, Lines, Hooks, Loadora mtcH of tho 'Inest Quality. , SKKD TO- THE I T. HUDSOH ARMS CO., OS First St., Portland, Or. send for e Ulosue, Can you think of anything more convlno- romise mat is made by the r I In. than tlia nmniiu lhafc la mad h fh. two or three duva at a tims. I tM..k I ... I sS, m... i'.il i,... ih i have tried over twenty ditlerent remedies, it Is this: "If we can't cure your Catarrh, wiiico were reconinieniiei aa eertui,, eur mm'u m. vnu aval in ra.h n . "ivnua, out it was no use. At last I tllOtlKll 1 would take a shunt,, emir. of purgation with HBAsoakrH's Filu. For opening moves are made by the aid of dice. In this early game the rajab could be taken, but he can always, if all the other pieces are taken, retire with the honors of war and draw. London Spectator. Punishments in Morocco. The notion of suiting the punishment to the crime, however it may have found fa vor with the great medieval sultans of Cordova, does not occur to the Maroqulne officials of totlny. A Moorish law coort Is a parody of all that Europeans mean by justice Extor tion is the main object of the judges, and the contempt for suffering is absolute. ts nlace. Thtti-M'a I no need of cuttina" it out with a ailivmin'a I avaipei. rurge away tue old, diseased and worn out parts with iibamdskth's Pills. , Kentucky gentleman has been confirmed as .'iiiiisicr n rem. nere is the good old combi nation oi wnitiay auu quinine over again. As a cure for sore throat and coughs "ifrewn's BrmicMnl Troche " have been thoroughly tested, and maintain a good reputation. She What's the most animated spectacle you i-ersawr lie-A iiustou girl chasing a street -w i. m w -a I ea; j "VwT. -Has Sots- CUcta-and Sl.OVper UottltC Oue coot a dusa. Trtti Omit Cotrnn where all others faU. C Throat. HoaraeeeaaTw Asthma. For Coasunptica It nas cured thousands, end will rn.-tia vu taken in time. Bold by I tntgglata on a guar. snieo. for a Lame n k or Chst, use nntbUll'S bslladonna PkAsTaRao. i;ns nromiitly carts oucha. Croon. Aora hooping Cough and i is nas no nvui: fill ti ns vim if ever car. Onr readers will ft IT as t h Am su trwa le The rich may escape wit h whole skins, but noticing th, remarkable offerings advertised those without "palm oil" have scant mercy. . , , veruHea For instance, the mere accusation of a 1? n0th"r coIumn b7 th Sherwood Ball paltry theft, if made from some favored Iiu"7 Co. of Menlo Park and 8an Fran- quarter, will bring on the accused the or- Cisco, who are leaders on the coast in far. SHU.0 HXkCATA R R H iinvevoucalHrrnr Thla ninnlrh dinary punishment for such conduct. This consists in breaking the ankle bones and pitching the sufferer into the nearest lane or ditch, whence bis relatives may or may not remove htm. As there are no surgeons and no medical appliances, the bones can not be set, and reunite so as to leave the toes turned inward directly facing each other. At Tangier I have several times seen one of poor creatures possibly quite innocent of the offense attributed to him hobbling over the cobbled alleys, while the passers by nudged each other and muttered "Thief." In the prisons men and women, chaiued together night and day under every cir- ennutanceof indescribable filth and hor ror, wait until their friends, who bring them all the food tbey get, are able or willing to offer a bribe sufficient for their release. ineteentn Century. tushing everything for the farm and garden. A Oermantnwn poet Is writing s poem enti tled "The Lay of the Custer Eng." schee's German Syrup. I am now glad to acknowledge the great good it has done me. I am greatly reliev ed during the day and at night go to Sleep witnout tne least trouble." m We make a special of fer in this space each week. This time it is of an Ori ental col ored fringed CHENll.l.E Table Covbr (Bize S0x5D inches, not measuring fringe), which we will mall to you for 9S cents sunt us, with 2 cents for postage. It's a suiriteatton from our house-furnishing line for making your home attractive. Our special offers are not to get your money for the article mentioned, but to eet vour attention to our prices and qualities. We know they'll convince you that you are assured of honest goods and honest values from us every time. Oi Catalogue Is sent free for the asking. Olds & King, Portland, Op. Jur Spring Goantry OfteJ WB KNOW VERY well that few country people know that we can lit them pebkectly at a hundred or two miles away; but we can. Send for rules for self-measurement, and we snail fit you. our thr before the city, no one dared to warn the officiali- of their approach, and thus they were abb to take the town with scarce an effort. There Is, it must be admitted, anothei silence" myth concerning Amyclte. Ser rlna says that the city was founded by rytmtgoreans, forbidden by laws of theii order to speak of or to harm serpents. The result was that the snakes from the hillf soagbt the precincts of the city, and, no one oaring to speak of It to bis neighbor or to barm the slimy creatures, one by one we innaoitant lert, until finally the city was completely turned into a snake den. Bt. Louis Republic. Experimenting In a Tank. One of the most interesting and valuable features in the shipbuilding yard of the Dennys, on the Clyde, is what is known as the experiment, which Is 300 feet long and 10 feet deep. In this tank are experiment ally aetermiuea the speed, resistance and other similar qualities of all vessels to be ouut before the desisns are comnlefxl This tank and the models which are n twi are by no means toys, but are of valuable assistance as mathematical methods of scientifically determining facts of the ut most importance. ine models employed are made from paratline wax, and by an ingenious ma chine are cut from this material to the ex an 112 and flS Suits have no equul. You save money uy tniyuiK irom us. iry us upuis. A. B STEimCH S CO., StricVy"." One-Pries " Clothiers, poRitsun, or. vsst stock of Clothing- Sr'oT0, ?fZ.SJ h'".hta " Injun and wolf, only by the Lord's hand pintin the way mat we ever reached onr cabin agin. we naa our ears, noses and fingers friz. and an hour arter we got back water friz solid in onr cabin within five foot of a roarin fire. The woman prayed to God and appealed to ns, but we knowed it was no nse. That was the blizzard of 1881, and I've heard men sav it was 42 degs. below zero in this valley that night The woman got nipped wuss than we did, bnt her mind was on the family oacjt nere. sue was bound to come back alone, but we stood her off till abont dark. Then she made a bolt fur it and got away." "And went to her deatW "Jest a sartinasif she had intoned off that cliff. The blizzard shot ns in fnr three days. When we got ont we found ber within twenty rods of the cabin. She bad friz to death goin that inr. ur course we knowed how it would be up here. The horses had been on hitched and turned oat, Thev lav over by that tree. The folks in the wagon had crowded together and kivered np wim ail ine oianneu, but all war stun dead and as hard as rocks. Thev never saw maiy luoi mgat come uown. "Me and pard overhauled the wacron. but we couldn't find anythin givin the name or the family, and so. like hun dreds of others out in this kentry of any aesired scale. This mechanism is largely automatic and self registering, and works with remarkable accuracy. It Is oue to tne experiments which are carried i" mia Mui ana oiner methods of a similar character that sncb successful re sults are obtained in the construction of we kivered 'em in to sleep till the Lord gits ready to call 'em fur judgment. Seems awf nl that a hull fam'ly should be wiped out that way, but they ar eleepin thar together, and I guess the i-ord'll know the spot even if thar is no Society Badges. MASONS, ODD FEL lows, Kuiahtsof Pyth- uts auu ail oiner SOC1' vessels with excellent speed and sea going gravestun to mark it." New York Her-qualities.-New Vork Telegram. aid. jn Plao's Brmedy mt Catarrh Is the ssrs I J tl' -t. r at hi to Tne. arid "hoape. K? Mum! rtr arutUts or avut by mull. L i llaMW'Ky Warrou, P A Big Game Bag. The total amount of bis frame hrnnuh, eties should write to to bagduring the Maharajah's shikar party rior hirtio. il ,.. 1 r '"""n t-'Kera. inree panthers, two medal. "and watch" tr!r r"lnocen' eleven buffaloes, forty pharmanf their i-m.n. nine deer and tweutv-one boara. Tha fl lowing were tne weight and lengths of the nve mggeat tigers: Length, 10 feet i'A inches; weight, 4U3 pounds; 10 feet, 445 pouuus; reel o incnes, 47 pounds; 9 feet 0 inches, 450 pounds; 9 feet 6 Inches, 456 pounua. i ne six largest swamp deer (Ru cervus duvacelli) were 570 ixjunds, 605 pounds, 500 pounds. 400 nounds. 40 nonn.Ia and 480 pounds. The two largest sambhur tive societies. Our siiecialty. t. fttKIHfJitl, First and Morrison streets, Portland, Or. Do Not Bleep on Tour Left Bide. When a patient complains of a bad taste in his mouth every morning on waking up, the first question I ask him is as to the po sition he assumes when going to sleep. An immense number of people sleep on the left side, and this is the most common cause of the unpleasant tuste which is gen erally attributed to dyspepsia. If a meal has been taken within two or three hours of going to bed, to sleep on the left side is to give the stomach a task which it Is dif ficult in the extreme to perform. The student of anatomy knows that all food en ters and leaves the stomach on the right side, and hence sleeping on the left side soon after eating involves a sort of pump ing operation which is anything but con ducive to sound repose. The action of the heart is also Interfered with considerably, and the lungs are un duly compressed. It Is probable that lying on the back is the most natural position, but few men can rent easily so, and hence it is best to cultivate the habit of sleeninir on the right side. It Is very largely a matter of habit, and the sooner it Is acquired the better for the sleeper and the worse for the physician. Interview in Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat. At Quaker Wedding. ho clergyman Is needed at a Quaker wedding because toe nappy principals per form the ceremony themselves. This is the iormuia repeated oy the bridegroom at recent wedding: ' Friends, here, in the presence df the Lord and in the divine presence, I take this, my friend, Edith Mary Hanbury Aggs, to be my wife, prom ising, In the fear of the Lord and with divine assistance, to be her faithful and loving husband." The bride repeated a similar declaration, the certldaite of mar riage was signed by witnesses, short ad dresses from Scriptural texts were made, prayers were offered, and the ceremony was enueo.. juicnange. inins. sueu tuvurvyou. sncciwcte. aigectorinaa, Old tlmef Methods of treating Colds ana Coughs were based on the a idea ol sup pression. VV e now know that ''feeding a cold" is good doctrine. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with hypo- pnaspnites, a rich iat-foocj, .iifnc I nA ' MApl r-i..t Suited P. ivuivj lilt, tuusi aiUUUUlU A servant who had Just been engaged by COU jh When Ordinary mcdi- Madison avenue mistress was told by her r.npe lias. fWI Dlo-.n mistress that evervth no- waa tn Iw. rt... U , o-asuiii the house with great punctuality. "I shall tO take; C3Sy tO difjeSt. BStVAKK OF OINTMK.NTS FOR OA. TAKUUTH41 CUTAI MCltCVKV, As mercury will sunly destroy ihe sense of -oneil and complcb-iy dt-rai -e ine whole system f heu ei.liiiliis it ibrouan tho uiiuous surfaces, -nich articles houid nevet be used except on prescripilons fr m repuiah e physicians, as tht tames;- they will oo is teuf.ld m the koo I you u HJSSlb y derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, maiiufaclurini by F J, Cheney A Co , To .edo, u cutali s no mercury, aim is takin In ternal y, a tiux dlreetly upou Iietilw daud nn- otissrulae s. f ti e sy.tein. Iu buying tiails i,!airh t u e be sure yim I the genuluo. il I. uitvu interna ly sud mane lu Tidedo, O., by F. J. Ci.eney x Co. I wlimoulai. fiee. aw Bold by dmijilais; price, 75 cents per Off. GUNtTS JatFAOTIO UVER PILLS MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. A nfrrMMi of Ut bemte eh 49 I nifwwrr IW Tu pitlm uupplf what ib tm Uuiki u , BskJa It tti.r, Thav vir HtestaWha, tuuiriua hm MtMa. Thtiv mnnf. niUiwr friMntrr stiststti m Mhsrt tMiia Ho. Ttt onvin. voa nl fhir nvmw mm Will sMskll SAmr.U lasi. n a ftill Ham fnr UA (WtilaL eastalA rrvxivlMra. ii3wu Matt. Co VbiUAalviu fl INVALID GOODS. mu nas kalr lUrUala . -airs 1 Bath Kaaas . Cessawdiia. I Henri fnr Catalog ua. i W. i. SCBROCK. ?1 e Mantincr St. S.F FRAZER AXLE BestiathiWoridinnrJinr I Get tho fiBDnioBllfllhllXh SotdEvsrywtiBrtlMllB-IIUI. rftnaHuiiisr, Agent, rarllaad.Or. Hercules Gas Enginu Made) for Power or Pumping; Purpose The Cbeaittst tuilahl Oas Knalae oa Um alaiaat. 1 vaO . -ef e tNoiHs mm Puau. expect you to get np at "o'clock, dine at VI ana go to bed at 10. "That's all right," was the response. "If I bare nothing else to do this place will suit me exactly. " New York Evening Sun. Sicilian women, two or three hundred years ago, excelled in the art of the drawn wort embroideries now so popular. They traced their patterns on linen, then drew the threads from the parts that were to be transparent, and Oiled In the openings witn lancy stitches to give them a lacy ap pearance. iai.Thtra''il. wiLXaaatH?Tr ..yinl'1 -P1' TAKE PrUlNsDER'S. Oreqon Blood PuriherJ IkKIDNCY tf LIVER DISCASCS. DVBHCPSIA. . KlaiHltS.oLUTCntS AMD SKIS DlSf SCS . tMLAUCMt. HETIVTfCSS IFXM 0 OWT ' as oorrrmxTADi Ibtv mot ntoaM tm mismt Ptse roe, evs (itosws-Ttu4 vow au asovt t 1 . e a . M nVit . . . y N0RtHPAciricnrcLB(;a ssiv ukava ur HLS t UC9UV1PTIOH I feVsevsai BvitWM -PpsmAND Oaira; UA 1C ttCttTX' PILES knows by motion lift W mm ii pomuiraiiivi, oaitM mwmse iiuui For Slmpllelty It Beats th World. It oils Itaeirfrom a ReMrvoIr, Me Carburetor to get out feeder. Vo HatUrles er Kleetrle Spark. It runs with a Cheaper rirade or Oaeoune lhan say skno roa utsimiii to PALMER 8l REY. Manufaoturim. 4Ci timoi Jlmt, lu frnknt, CiL sac POBTLAMO. OKBOOM. YOUNQ MENI Tho Sooelfia A Mm. I. Osraa, ylttiou! fall, all oases of Sranawr. .", no mnll.r bt ie.w luna siaiidln. rrevenia strt,-tiirn, It t-li, an In" has fnil.-o. a, id by all iironlsta ' ' llaiiulaeturerai Tlw A.lsi-hi.niihal. Mnllnlna Cu., Hun Juaa, Cat. whru w.r-u. This fi-rm .ii'l UMMlX lUJiJEUiNii or I'UO'i'iUIiiMB Kluii vi'iinaromsTo ns s-ii r ncurnv whl.-li a.!i dlnoily e pirla tntdlM, YOU GOT Dig 7 prtrmftiiffiuoum, Ikri" fo, Imiiff( 5 Iff Uth trlriimivisM4 iMidtfiar ramivl fciv aa: I. nnntariU 4ianbftrxtM a wUa Bt OPIUM Moruhlna- Tlahlt Cored In 10 tosodnya. Nojiay till eared. Qg.J.tTkFHINLelMiseavOkiel 1 I VrlvatadlaaaaMnf mm fertalaeuralor thseskllk tailnf wsakaaes gesalia to Wnmaa. V "'i7 a. 1 Meeorl ba It and feel asi"e 1 Twtvsi6stsi"lfti) la NNmrnssalsi uie sl I'JtXCB 10. No Show with That Jury. One of the old settlers of St. Pant, wearv ing oi caning ana dunning for a bill brought suit to enforce Its collection. Ur. JL U. Churchill lib Vernon, Wash. An Honest Medicine When the day of the trial came on the old t Rheumatism Cured Health Cutis TTn. settler was a little late, and the lurv had Mr. rhnmhin . ..... Impaneled and sworn. He entered, surveyors civil enslnners. ML Vernon hlnrl the nrtnrnev and ..ul,ll ... I Vaililliilton, Writes: "Hiiiithsi-n rullf...,. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR CAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES A POLIO There Is one peculiar kind of crab, railed the king or horseshoe crab, which chews Its food with its legs. The little animal grinds Its morsels between Its thighs before it passes them over to its mouth. Earrings have been worn from time Im memorial When excavating t.ha ,,. ancient Thebes archteoloiiMta of medium stature and his head la Iml, I iKui, acuiuiureu remaros ueanns Knna.n. tations of these Jewels. been sat behind the attorney, and rapidly ran nis eyes over trie jury. When he reached the last man he sprnnic to his feet and. r gardless of court etiquette and decorum. called out: "J udge, every man on that Jury owes me s bill. Dismiss the case quick or I'll turn op in that fellow's debt" St. Paul Globe. Herbert Spencer Is now a man of aevenr.v tnougn be looks ten years younger. He Is i"rS fj i (Boss aristotilis) weighed 68 pound each. Steel tape measures that coil nn Inald. circular shaped silver case, and are marked by a thumb slide, are numbered with .1 gaas UtUs conveniences enjoyed by both except for a thin fringe of hair. IT hasac aquiune nose, a ruddy skin and an Intel lectual face, -JUm and Wate. One of the choicest relics In the fine col lection of George W. Child, of Phlladel- bla. Is a little green barp that once be inged to Tom Moore, and which the poet carried Into hundreds oi Irish V-mw. EIVS? """"V"1; nwny, years. When I cam here 1 began to be atHlcted all over with Rheumatism And also pains In my back and a general feeling M being used up. rfy business tikes me out In the element all ihe time, and I found my ?"?',?'" TV- It,f""' " advertise L2n ',.I,'i"od " JarsaparllUt, and lenrnlng S 1 J2 i' b. '? "I";1,1""'" w' comhoiinrted In g,y ' 8tiil of Massachusetts, t concluded It and am so much Improved that f a'n out Bars- PlIHAA parllla UUI In all weathers and travel nil day with no fatigue and tiled feeling. To one that iuin.Hunciui.i HOOD'S Pills eure Liver Ills, Jaundice. I1UI011SW.SS, Blcg Headache and Constluatioa. N. P. H. 0. o. 4906. If. H, V. ho. 67 Hood's . A ZXUs iiioore's Revealed Remedy. JVjr HK',MATIHM.ndmyynvsth " esse of F LOOK RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF OUT FOR TRAVELING SELI.INO "OIIEKRE FRAMK" FAKIRS" And representing them to oe lust .a "Vlotors," "Ramblr," "Clevolartds" " Bai.ioi.. "Rudgos," sylphs," We.frrTwhV.! vS Bend for catalogues, olub and agents' discounts. FRED T. MERRILL, 320 Washington trt, Portland, Or. 1